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Canada Presentation – Talk Show Format Comunidad Educativa del Sol

Our World Today

Host 1 Good morning! Welcome to our weekly program, Our World Today. This morning we
Barbara/ Dolly are honoring the country of Canada. I am sure that you will enjoy all the special
visitors we have invited. We will start by standing and singing the national anthem “O
Stand Up Oh Canada
Enter Tourist, Boy in Jacket, Annie
Host 2 ¡Esto fue maravilloso!
Nathan/Sebastian Primero hemos invitado a unos turistas que acaban de regresar de un viaje a Canadá.
Cedeño Escucharemos sus experiencias en ese hermoso país. Que pasen nuestros primeros
Tourist Tuvimos un viaje extraordinari. estuvimos en las Cataratas del Niágara.Las cataratas se
Ada/Morrison encuentran en la frontera de Estados Unidos y Canadá.
Tourist Paseamos en un barco que nos llevó muy cerca de las cascadas y vimos el arcoíris que
Ada/Morrison se forma cuando la luz se refleja.
Host 3 ¡Que interesante! Gracias por venir y platicarnos de su visita a Canadá.
Applause sign appears (tourist, boy in jacket and Annie leave)
Host 3 Now let’s talk to someone who went to Canada for another reason.
Enter Fisherman, Skier and Cowboy
Fisherman Yes, thanks for inviting me to your program. I also had a great time visiting Canada. I
Matias/Oscar went for the fishing, because Canada has many lakes and rivers. Did you know that
much of the salmon that you eat at Christmas comes from Canada? Our children also
learn traditional songs about fishing. Would you like to hear some?
Fisherman Did you know that much of the salmon that you eat comes from Canadá ? The children
Matias/Oscar of Canadá also learn traditional song about fishing. Would you like tosee a traditional
Host 4 sure, sounds great!
Stand Up Students form the circle and do their dance.
Going Over the Sea
Host 4 Thank you for sharing! What a fun dance!
Sebastian (Fisherman leaves)(Applause sing)
Abrajan/Marco Los canadienses disfrutan de muchos deportes. Ya vamos a platicar con unas personas
que practican deportes invernales.
Canada Presentation – Talk Show Format Comunidad Educativa del Sol

Enter Skier,
Host 1 ¡Wow, hay tantas formas para divertirse en Canadá !
Barbara/Dolly (cowboy comes running in-look at the cowboy)
¡No parece que hayas ido a un carnaval de invierno!
Cowboy ¡Arre! Calgary, Canadá es el lugar indicado para los que les gusta el rodeo. Es donde
Carlo/paulina O. realizan el Calgary Stampede. Es uno de los rodeos más grandes en el mundo.También
tienen carreras de vagones, espectáculos y desfiles.
Host 2 ¡Arre, arre cuaco! Me gustaria agradecerles a estos Canadienses por compartir sus
Nathan/Sebastian acividades favoritas.
Cedeño ¡Vamos a darles un fuerte aplauso!
Applause sign appears (Fisherman, Skier and Cowboy leave)
Host 2 Now, let’s move on to some different guests.
Enter Prime Minister, French speaker, Mountie and Farmer
Host 3 We are very lucky indeed to have the prime minister of Canada with us here today.
Taisiya/Federica Please welcome the Right Honorable Stephen Harper.
Applause sign appears
Prime Minister I am very pleased to be here with you because I am very proud of my country. It is the
Hugo/Jan second largest in the world. It has many resources such as good soil and great forests.
It has two official languages, English and French.
French speaker The street signs are in French and English. Would you like to hear some French songs?
Stand Up Alouette and Frere Jacques
Host 4 Like most countries, Canada has a well-trained police force. However, not all countries
Sebastian have such colorful ones.
Mountie Yes, our uniform consists of a bright red coat and a big hat. We used to ride horses but
Mateo/Gabriel now most of us drive cars. Our motto is “Maintain the right.”
Host 1 Yes, they say that the “Mounties always get their man.” Prime Minister Harper, can
Barbara/Dolly you tell us about your flag?
Prime Minister I am sure that you have noticed the maple leaf on our flag. We have many maple trees.
Hugo/Jan We are also one of the largest producers of maple syrup in the world.

Farmer I have a farm which produces maple syrup. We tap the trees in the winter and the sap
Fernanda/Mia is used for many things. We make maple syrup and maple candy. After the show is
over, we invite you to sample some foods produced with maple syrup.
Host 4 What a diverse harvest! i look forward to trying your maple syrup! I would like to
Sebastian thank you all for appearing on our show.
Canada Presentation – Talk Show Format Comunidad Educativa del Sol

Applause sign appears and Prime Minister, French speaker, Mountie and Farmer
Host 2 And now we have a really special guest for all of you, the Queen of England.
Stand Up Applause sign and everyone stands
Queen Yes, I am Queen Elizabeth. Canada was once part of the British Empire. In 1867
Constanza/Camila Canada became a nation. July 1st is Canada Day which celebrates Canada’s birth.
Host 3 I understand that Canada also celebrates your birthday?
Queen Yes, this happens on May 24th. It is called Victoria Day after Queen Victoria.
Host 4 I would like to thank you for being with us. Let’s stand and give our Queen a round of
Sebastian applause!
Stand Up Applause sign appears as the Queen leaves
Host 4 Vamos avanzando. Canadá tiene muchos bosques y parques nacionales; hay gente
Sebastian dedicado al cuidado de su flora y fauna.Vamos a conocer a algunos de ellos.
Enter Rangers and Camper
Ranger 1 Los bosques de Canadá están llenos de fauna. Me gustaría platicarles del castor que es
Nicolas/Diego uno de los animales más importantes de Canadá. Los castores viven en estanques;
construyen madrigueras y presas.Usan sus colas especiales para advertir a otros
castores del peligro.
Ranger 2 También está el oso polar que podemos encontrar en el norte de Canadá. Estos son los
Owen/Raimundo más grandes de Canadá. Ellos tienen un pelaje grasoso y una capa gruesa de grasa
debajo de la piel que les protege y les permite vivir sobre el hielo y nadar en aguas muy
Ranger 3 El alce es el tipo de venado más grande. Viven en áreas frías con bosque y lagos. El
Dario/Jan macho tiene una cornamenta muy grande y pesada, comen plantas acuáticas que se
encuentran en lagos poco profundos. Los puedes observar comiendo en el amanecer y
en el atardecer.
Ranger 1 Fui a acampar en el parque nacional de Prince Albert. Allá vi a unos de estos animales.
Nicolas/Diego Fui a pescar y caminar por los senderos en el bosque. ¡Canadá es un lugar maravilloso
para disfrutar de la naturaleza!
Host 1 ¡Los bosques de Canadá son increíbles!
Barbara/Dolly Les agradezco por venir a compartir esta información con nosotros.Vamos a darles un
gran aplauso.
Applause sign appears as Rangers and Camper leave.
Host 1 There are also some special people who live in Canada. Let’s hear their stories.
Canada Presentation – Talk Show Format Comunidad Educativa del Sol

Enter Inuit, Iroquois and Haidis
Inuit I am an Inuit. Some people call us Eskimos. We used to live in igloos but today most
Paulina Pech/Ara of us live in houses. In the past we were great hunters of seal, walrus and even whales
Host 1 Absolutely! Let´s see it!

Inuit Dance
Host 2 That was excellent! Thank you!
Inuit leave
Host 4 Seguimos con otra tribu de índegenas de Canadá.
Sebastian Abrajan/
Iroquois Soy un miembro de la tribu Iroquois. ¿Saben que la palabra Canadá proviene de nuestra
Hugo/Sofia lengua?
Chaviano “Kanata” significa gente o pueblo. ¿Les gustaría ver un baile Iroquois?
Host 3 ¡Si sería genial!
Iroquois Hoop Dance
Host 4 ¡Que baile más interesante! ¡Gracias!
Iroquois leave
Host 2 Now for our last visitors!
Nathan/sebas. C.

Haidi 1 My sister and I are Haidi Indians and we live in the province of British Columbia. We
Michelle/Maria are famous for our wooden sculptures known as totem poles. These poles tell stories or
Haidi 2 Our totem poles are carved out of wood. They are then painted. We brought one to
Sky/Sara show you. (point to the totem pole)
Host 1 Yes, we would love to hear it!
Whale in the Sky Story- Animals walk out
Haida 1 A long time ago,Thunderbird watched over the sea and land and all its creatures.
Haida 2 One day he saw Whale,small on the horizon of the sea. He did not see Frog, small on
Sky/Sara the bank of the river.
Canada Presentation – Talk Show Format Comunidad Educativa del Sol

Haida 1 Frog trembled because Whale was growing larger.

Michelle/Maria The salmon swam faster and faster as Whale chased them through the sea and into the
Haida 2 Whale chased the salmon up the river, and frong was afraid. He called to raven.
Haida 1 Raven flew into the sky after thunderbird. “Whale swallows the salmon and chases
Michelle/Maria them into the river,” he exclaimed.
Haida 2 Thunderbird stretched his great wings widw and flew like the wind.
Haida 1 He saw whale in the river.
Haida 2 He grabbed whale in his terrible talons and flew high into the sky. Whale struggled and
Sky/Sara screamed.
Haida 1 Thunderbird flew higher. Then he dropped whale on the highest mountain.
Haida 2 Frog was safe. He thanked his friend raven. Now there were salmon for the people who
Sky/Sara live beside the river.
Haida 1 Whale gasped and shivered on the mountain. He promised to stay out of the river if he
Michelle/Maria could return to the sea.
Haida 2 Thunderbird clapped his great wings, and whale slid down the mountain, back to the
Sky/Sara sea.
Haida 1 The chief of the people told this tale to the carver. The carver made the story into a
Michelle/Maria totem pole.
Applause sign appears and animals walk out.
Host 3 Thank you showing us the different kind of people who make up Canadá and for
Taisiya/Federica sharing your wonderful cultures!

Applause-Haida leave
Host 4 I see that our time is almost up. I want to thank all of my guests. I hope that everyone
Sebastian has enjoyed this small glimpse into the wonderful worl of Canadá!
Abrajan/Marco Have a wonderful day ! Please enjoy our final song.

Setting Up

1. Put syrup, stuffed animals, and flag on table

2. Get microphone
3. Make applause sign
4. Display art projects
5. Stereo
6. Maple tree
Canada Presentation – Talk Show Format Comunidad Educativa del Sol

7. Totem pole
8. Polar bear
9. Beaver
10. Moose
11. Our World Today sign
12. Ranger badges

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