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Reed selection Process

100 𝑋 80
Construction of fabric X 57”
60 𝑋 40

Solution: Total no. of warp ends = 57 X 100 = 5700

Grey EPI = 5700/ 61 = 93.44 (Grey width normally 4” more than finished width)
Reed Count = 93.44 – 4 = 89.44 = 90
(After getting the fabric relaxed from loom it will contract and EPI will increase. That’s why 4 is
subtracted as if low grey EPI will be increased to the demand after getting relaxed i.e. when
Reed count will be 2/90sstockport (2 yarn per dent of 90 reedcount)
Calculation of reed space (RS) = Total ends/ Reed count
= 5700/ 90 = 63.33”
Selvedge is normally around 10 mm (Selvedge yarns are doubled to yarns of area of the fabric).
Reed space = 63.33 – 0.79 = 62.54” (20 mm = 0.79 inch)

Reed Specification

100s ST, 18 G., 44"x 5" blue

- Stockport reed of
- 100 count
- using dents of 18s wire gauge
- Reed is 44" long
- 5" deep
- there will be blue paper on baulk of the reed.

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