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Midterm Testing and Evaluation

Date Description and Result Success Rate Refinement Success Rate

09/04/2015 Line Following 100% on none
Using the line following code from hw4 we knew track
that it should work and it consisted of the same
thing; it straddled the black line from the right side
and also stopped on the green square when placed
on it.
10/09/2015 Object Navigation 0% The while (true) was changed to 0%
A new task was written that acted as an object while(SENSOR_1==1) in order to
detection and then would go to navigating around maybe do something, because with
the object. The new task consisted of a while(true) the previous could it would detect
and inside this while was an if(SENSOR_1 == 1) the object and then the robot would
which was supposed to act as object detection and just turn off.
then consisted of other else if’s that were supposed
to cause the robot to navigate around the object
using the ultrasonic sensor.
10/11/2015 Object Navigation 0% When we did this the object would 0%
So far the object navigation was not working keep repeating the few commands
because when the robot would bump into the paint that were written inside that else if
can it would just turn off. In order to change this and statement before the
maybe make it successful we put in the task StartTask(wallfollow) command. In
linefollow() an else if(SENSOR_1 ==1), and a order to try to fix this again we took
StartTask(wallfollow) inside of the else if. out the added else if inside the task
linefollow, and put the object
detection back into the wallfollow
task, but this time we used many
while() inside of the while(true).
10/16/2015 Object Navigation 20% The bot was keeping too close of a 100%
Because nothing has worked so far we figured to distance to the can and the turns
write the wallfollowing code in a new file to see how were at very high speeds causing the
high we had to set the turns and for how long in bot to continuously run into the
order to straddle the object using the ultrasonic obstacle and flipping over, so we kept
sensor. We created a new task solely for following fixing the turn speeds, and thresholds
the object and we called it wallfollow. We used a until we eventually got it perfectly.
while(true), and then two other while’s inside of the
while(true) that had different thresholds and
commands for when the bot was too close and too
10/23/2015 Object Navigation 100% Lastly we wrote another task called 100%
Lastly we had to combine the task bump() and task countimes() which created a variable
wallfollow() by adding some strategically placed and told the robot that when it
StartTask’s and StopTask’s. passed over the black line 5 times it
should restart task linefollow().
10/18/2015 Object Detection 100% none
So far object navigation has been a complete failure
so we figured to make a complete separate task for
solely detecting the object, turning the robot a little
bit so that the ultrasonic sensor is facing the paint
can, and then writing a StartTask(wallfollow) inside
of the if(SENSOR_1 ==1), which was inside of a
while(true) inside of this new task called bump().
10/23/2015 Refinding Line 0% We started messing with the wait 100%
Now that we had everything combined we wrote a times and after setting a pretty large
piece of code in the task countimes() that would turn wait time for how long the robot
the robot a certain amount to refind the line so that would turn it refound the line
the robot could do the task linefollow(). Originally successfully.
we had a lot of trouble refinding the line because it
would barely execute the turn that it was
programmed to do.

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