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* * * * * * THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2017 ~ VOL. CCLXX NO. 111 HHHH $4.00
DJIA 23563.36 À 6.13 0.03% NASDAQ 6789.12 À 0.3% STOXX 600 394.45 g 0.1% 10-YR. TREAS. g 5/32 , yield 2.325% OIL $56.81 g $0.39 GOLD $1,281.60 À $7.90 EURO $1.1596 YEN 113.87

What’s U.S. Threatens to Derail AT&T Deal

News Antitrust regulators
are pressing AT&T to
gest media deals ever, people
familiar with the matter said.
The Justice Department has
same corporate roof as satel-
lite broadcaster DirecTV and
more than 100 million wireless
In a statement Wednesday,
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson
said, “Throughout this pro-
chief, Makan Delrahim, has
pledged that politics wouldn’t
play a role in enforcement de-
sell either DirecTV or raised the prospect that the users. cess, I have never offered to cisions.
Business & Finance telecom giant would have to AT&T and the Justice De- sell CNN and have no intention “The department is commit-
TV unit including CNN divest either the Turner televi- partment are far apart, and of doing so.” ted to carrying out its duties
sion unit, which includes CNN people involved in the discus- Rather than a major divest- in accordance with the laws
along with other cable chan- sions have differing views on ment, AT&T is preparing to and the facts,” a spokesman
T he Justice Department
is pressing for changes
to AT&T’s proposed deal for
By Keach Hagey,
Brent Kendall
nels, or the satellite DirecTV
business, the people said.
the exchange of proposals.
AT&T offered to sell the CNN
fight any potential legal chal-
lenge in court, arguing the op-
said, declining to comment
further on the investigation.
Time Warner, raising the and Drew FitzGerald The two sides have engaged business, but the agency re- position is politically moti- The agency is laying the
prospect AT&T would have in recent tense settlement dis- jected the idea, one person vated since there is no overlap Please see DEAL page A6
to sell either Turner, which U.S. antitrust regulators are cussions to address the close to the negotiations said. between the two companies’
includes CNN, or DirecTV. A1 pressing for major changes to agency’s concerns about the AT&T denied it offered to sell business lines, some of the  Behind Disney’s Fox play: the
AT&T Inc.’s proposed takeover transaction, which would put the news network, which Pres- people said. rise of Netflix............................. B4
 China’s Tencent is prov-
of Time Warner Inc., demands CNN, HBO and the Warner ident Donald Trump has criti- The Justice Department’s  Fox profit grows on cable-
ing a welcome source of cap-
that threaten one of the big- Bros. film studio under the cized as unfair to him. recently confirmed antitrust network fees.............................. B2
ital to fledgling American
companies, with Snap be-
ing the latest beneficiary. A1
 Federal prosecutors are
investigating Icahn’s former
role advising Trump and the
Republicans Take Stock After Election Losses
investor’s attempts to change BY JANET HOOK
an environmental rule. B1 AND KRISTINA PETERSON Democrats matched or exceeded Hillary Clinton’s 2016 margin And in Virginia legislative races, voters
 An alleged operative for
Republicans scrambled
in states electing governors Tuesday. shifted left compared with 2015.
Weinstein was identified as
Wednesday to prevent a poten- Virginia New Jersey Margin of victory, in percentage points*
the same woman who had
tial Democratic wave in next 2016 president 5 pts. 14
sought information from a 2017 2015
year’s midterm elections after
critic of insurer AmTrust. B1 2017 governor
a political shellacking Tuesday 9 14
 A former New York state fueled by opposition to Presi- Democrat win Republican win
pension fund executive ac- dent Donald Trump. 40 30 20 10 10 20 30
Gubernatorial races the year before midterm elections have foretold
cused of taking bribes from The results of elections from
Wall Street salespeople Virginia to Washington state
the last three times control of the U.S. House changed hands.
pleaded guilty to fraud. B1 produced Democratic victories Gubernatorial results and net change in Congressional seats the following year
up and down the ballot,
 Equifax’s interim CEO Year Virginia New Jersey U.S. House U.S. Senate
prompting both parties to take
told lawmakers he wasn’t
fresh looks at their plans for
sure if the firm was encrypt-
House and Senate campaigns 1989 D D 9 1
ing consumer data in the
next year.
wake of its data breach. B6
For Republicans in swing 1993 R R 52 8
 Outcome Health fired districts, the failed campaign of
back at investors suing the GOP gubernatorial candidate 1997 R R 5 unch.
firm, saying their accusations Ed Gillespie in Virginia was a
of fraud are baseless. B4 reminder of the complex land-
scape ahead of them. Mr. Gil-
2001 D D 8 1
 Apple became the first Races too
lespie tried to walk a line by close to
U.S. company to reach a mar-
embracing Mr. Trump’s agenda 2005 D D 31 6 call
ket value of $900 billion. B3
but not campaigning alongside
 U.S. stocks continued to
set records. The Dow rose
the GOP president. 2009 R R 63 6
He lost to Ralph Northam by
6.13 points to 23563.36. B12
Please see VOTE page A4 2013 D R 13 9
 Fox’s revenue rose as Circles indicate
higher cable fees helped off-  Gerald F. Seib: Anti-Trump party control
set weakness at local TV sta- coalition takes shape............ A4
2017 D D changed hands
tions and its film studio. B2  Efforts to flip statehouses
get a lift........................................ A4 *Only includes contests with both a Democrat and Republican running in each year.
 Dior’s CEO plans to step
 Results hearten backers of Sources: Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections; Associated Press; Virginia Dept. of Elections; Vital Statistics on Congress THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
aside after 20 years running
gun curbs..................................... A4
the LVMH fashion brand. B6


 Republicans scrambled to
Business Contracts
prevent a potential Demo-
cratic wave in next year’s mid-
term elections after a politi-
Kick Off China Visit
cal shellacking Tuesday fueled BY EVA DOU performance and a dinner.
by opposition to Trump. A1 AND JEREMY PAGE Mr. Trump arrived in Beijing
 Outcomes of some of from South Korea, where he
Tuesday’s votes heartened BEIJING—Xi Jinping wel- took direct aim at North Ko-
backers of gun curbs. A4 comed Donald Trump to China rean leader Kim Jong Un in a
 Xi welcomed Trump with a with a series of business deals speech that both opened a path
series of business deals, even and a private tour of the For- to negotiation and warned of
as the U.S. president pres- bidden City, seeking to im- the potential consequences of
sured China to curb finan- press the U.S. president even Pyongyang’s nuclear-weapons
cial ties with North Korea. A1 as he stepped up pressure on program.
Beijing to curb financial ties Mr. Trump also put Beijing
 House lawmakers pre- with North Korea. on notice ahead of his talks with
pared changes to the GOP The deals, valued at an esti- Mr. Xi, again calling on China to
tax bill to fill a revenue hole mated $9 billion, were de- do more to pressure Pyongyang
of at least $74 billion. A3 signed to set a positive tone to change course. China is by far

 Trump told Democratic for Mr. Trump’s 1½-day visit. North Korea’s top trading part-
senators that the Senate Hours before Mr. Trump ner, but is also the U.S.’s largest.
version of the tax bill will landed, China reported an al- “Why would China feel an
be more to their liking. A3 most $27 billion trade surplus obligation to help North Ko-
 Israel, moving to counter with the U.S. in October. rea?” Mr. Trump said in his 35-
Iran and its Lebanese ally On Wednesday afternoon, minute address to the South
the presidents and their wives Please see TRUMP page A9
Hezbollah, is aligning poli-
cies with Saudi Arabia. A8 toured the former imperial
palace off Beijing’s Tiananmen  Nations seek new Pacific
 Video of the Texas church Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump at a ceremony in Beijing on Thursday. Square before a Peking opera trade pact, minus the U.S....A9
attack is said to show the
gunman methodically exe-
cuting his victims. A3
T-Mobile’s CEO Has a Side Gig: Tencent
 The U.S. administration
tightened rules on travel to
Cuba and financial transac-
Hosting an Online Cooking Show
i i i
Invests in World’s First
tions with the island. A6
 A Mexican deportee who
sued the Trump administra-
John Legere’s ‘Slow Cooker Sunday’ Fledgling
tion was arrested for ille-
gally re-entering the U.S. A6
 Researchers reported a
videos draw millions of viewers U.S. Firms Database
BY DREW FITZGERALD tive, Twitter troll and, on Sun- BY STEVEN RUSSOLILLO
big advance in gene therapy,
days, celebrity chef. His AND WAYNE MA
creating new skin for a boy
with a severe disorder. A10 T-Mobile US Inc. boss John weekly “Slow Cooker Sunday”
Legere flew to Tokyo last videos on Facebook and Twit- Tencent Holdings Ltd., the
 China detained three weekend to salvage a merger ter Inc.’s Periscope attract a rapidly growing Chinese inter-
UCLA basketball players
for alleged shoplifting. A10
with Sprint Corp. but failed. cult following among T-Mobile
Then he hopped customers, employ-
net giant, is proving a wel-
come source of capital to
 The EU proposed extend- on one flight Sun-
day morning to
ees and some view-
ers who are there
America’s fledgling companies,
with Snap Inc. the latest bene- Autonomous
ing its natural-gas regula-
tion to offshore pipelines. A8 Los Angeles and just for the recipes, ficiary of its deep pockets.
another to Seattle, gathered from on- Tencent, one of the world’s
landing just in line cookbooks and most valuable technology com-
CONTENTS Middle Seat.......... A12 time to put on his employee sugges- panies and best known in
Business News B3,6-7 Opinion.............. A15-17
Crossword.............. A14 Sports....................... A14 cat apron and tions. Mr. Legere China for its WeChat messag-
Heard on Street.. B13 Technology............... B4 start cooking. usually gets more ing app, recently purchased a No Human Labor – Half the Cost
Life & Arts....... A11-13 U.S. News............. A2-7 “It’s the longest than a million view- 12% stake in Snap in the open
Management.......... B5 Weather................... A14
Sunday of my life, ers a week. market, becoming one of its No Human Error – 100x More Reliable
Markets............. B12-13 World News A8-10,18
but I made it!” he “Slow Cooker largest shareholders, Snap re-
said in a Facebook John Legere Sunday” is decid- vealed Wednesday.
> video, standing in edly low-fi. It’s usu- Meanwhile, in Hong Kong,
his kitchen with the ingredi- ally streamed from Mr. shares of a Tencent unit that
ents for Maine corn chowder. Legere’s apartment in Belle- operates an online library
“Holy shit, it’s Sunday! It’s vue, Wash., or New York with Please see STAKE page A10
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &
been Sunday for a long time.” no special lighting or cameras Human labor refers to tuning, patching, updating, and maintenance of database.
Company. All Rights Reserved Mr. Legere, 59 years old, while T-Mobile Executive Vice  Heard on the Street: Tencent Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
wears many hats: chief execu- Please see LEGERE page A10 finds surprise windfall........ B13
A2 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump Should Give Thanks for Solid Economy

In the year ulations and headwinds that happy coincidence that mar-
since Donald followed the U.S. financial cri- The U.S. Catches a Global Tailwind kets started to fully price the
Trump was sis in 2008 and Europe’s sov- Growth and stock prices in other major economies have outperformed the U.S. since last fall. strength of that macro data
elected presi- ereign-debt crisis in 2012. when Trump got elected.”
dent, the Central bankers responded Major stock indexes Dollar Purchasing managers indexes So Mr. Trump has been
economy and with bond buying and zero in- Change since Nov. 8, 2016 Performance since Jan. 1, 2015 (manufacturing and services) lucky. Still, successful presi-
markets have been on a roll. terest rates. Nikkei 225 MSCI EM CAC 40 Eurozone U.S. dents make their own luck,
Stocks have set one record af- That monetary medicine which is why Mr. Trump last
S&P 500 FTSE 100 Japan China
ter another, unemployment circulated slowly because week nominated Federal Re-
has dropped sharply and the banks were focused on work- 30% 105 60
serve governor Jerome Powell
U.S. enjoyed its strongest six ing through bad loans and to take over from Janet Yellen
months of growth since 2014. complying with new rules U.S. presidential election when her term as central
Mr. Trump thinks he rather than lending. The pro- 20 100 55
bank chairwoman ends in Feb-
knows why: “The reason our cess was over in the U.S. and ruary. Short of reappointing
stock market is so successful still under way in Europe Ms. Yellen, it was the closest
is because of me,” he declared when another shock hit in 10 95 50 he could come to maintaining
this week. 2015: an oil-price collapse and her strategy of raising interest
But Mr. Trump should be an abrupt slowing in China. rates gradually and cautiously.
giving thanks, not taking

0 90 45
credit. The entire global econ- y last year, most of r. Trump has prom-
omy is picking up steam, and those shocks had re- U.S. presidential U.S. presidential ised to return the U.S.
foreign stocks are outper- ceded. Oil recovered, election election to sustained 3%
–10 85 40
forming American ones. This especially after production growth through lighter regu-
suggests the U.S.’s good for- cuts by OPEC and Russia 2016 ’17 2015 ’16 ’17 2015 ’16 ’17 lation and lower taxes, and
tune is due less to Mr. shortly after Mr. Trump’s Sources: FactSet (stock indexes, dollar); Markit (PMI) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. renegotiated trade pacts. His
Trump’s presence than to a election. China reopened the officials were proud to note
broader, global trend. Years of credit taps. been linked, through trade each quarter this year. The paced the overall market for the economy hit that annual-
highly stimulative monetary Ethan Harris of Bank of and investor attitudes. Some- dollar rallied after the elec- the first month after the elec- ized rate in the second and
policies by central banks have America Merrill Lynch notes times that’s because the rest tion and then slid as investors tion and has since underper- third quarters this year.
finally overcome various post- that growth in China, the eu- of the world is hitching a ride upgraded prospects for the formed; it’s up 17% in the past But that growth isn’t sus-
crisis headwinds. rozone and Japan this year on a U.S. boom. rest of the world faster than year, less than the total mar- tainable. It required employ-
So Mr. Trump is a lucky has exceeded both econo- This time, though, there’s a for the U.S. and reallocated ket. Goldman says that’s be- ers to add so many workers
man. But can he make it last? mists’ expectations and those better case the reverse is capital accordingly. cause multinationals, which that the jobless rate dropped
That will require translating countries’ long-term potential happening. Japanese and Eu- The stock market initially tend to have the lowest tax 0.4 percentage point. Keep
what may be a short-lived up- growth rates. ropean growth this year has soared after Mr. Trump’s elec- rates, also benefit most from that up and the labor market
swing into permanently faster The markets mirror this. been driven heavily by con- tion as investors justifiably the lower dollar. is going to run out of people.
growth, and as the fight over Blue-chip shares are up 21% sumer spending and business anticipated looser regulation, So why is the market up so That would finally make
U.S. tax cuts demonstrates, in the U.S. since Election Day investment, not exports. especially of banks, and lower much? The economy “was the Fed nervous enough
that is no easy task. last year, 22% in France, 28% By contrast, U.S. exports taxes. Yet with time, the better than markets realized about inflationary pressure to
The disappointing pace of in Germany, 33% in Japan and have grown faster than im- “Trump trade” has faded. this time last year,” says pick up the pace of interest-
global growth over the past 26% in emerging markets. ports, with that gap contrib- A basket of stocks tracked Charles Himmelberg, Gold- rate increases, withdrawing
decade reflects both struc- Of course, global growth uting on average a quarter of by Goldman Sachs of the man’s co-chief markets econo- the medicine that got the cur-
tural drags such as aging pop- and markets have always a percentage point to growth highest-taxed companies out- mist. “It was a little bit of a rent global upswing started.

Soldier Killed in Afghanistan Is Mourned U.S. WATCH

Yellen Is Undecided Development Board
On Staying on Board Backs Foxconn Deal
Federal Reserve Chairwoman Wisconsin’s efforts to bring a
Janet Yellen hasn’t decided Foxconn Technology Group plant
whether to stay on the Fed to the state surmounted a cru-
board when her term as chair- cial hurdle Wednesday, overcom-
woman ends next year, accord- ing recent concerns the deal
ing to Treasury Secretary Steven may be in trouble.
Mnuchin. The board of the Wisconsin
President Donald Trump last Economic Development Corpora-
week said he was nominating tion approved a contract that
Fed governor Jerome Powell to would provide a $3 billion incen-
succeed Ms. Yellen at the end of tive package to the Taiwanese
her four-year term as Fed chief, firm if it invests $10 billion to
which ends Feb. 3. create a 20-million square foot
Ms. Yellen is also serving a campus in Racine County that
14-year term on the Fed’s board could ultimately employ up to
of governors that doesn’t expire 13,000 workers.

until January 2024. Wisconsin Republican Gov.

Mr. Mnuchin also said the ad- Scott Walker has argued that
ministration is moving ahead the deal would transform the
with plans to fill several other state’s economy and is worth
Fed vacancies. the hefty tax breaks.
A Fed spokeswoman declined But some of his Democratic
to comment. Ms. Yellen has pre- opponents in the state legisla-
viously declined to weigh in on ture have questioned if the price
whether she would stay at the tag is too high. An independent
Fed beyond her tenure as chair- state fiscal analysis found that
SOLEMN MOMENT: The remains of Sgt. First Class Stephen B. Cribben, of Simi Valley, Calif., arrived Wednesday at Dover Air Force woman, though she acknowl- taxpayers wouldn’t recoup their
Base in Delaware. The Pentagon said Sgt. Cribben died on Saturday from wounds sustained during an operation in Afghanistan. edged in December that she had investment until the 2042-43
the option to stay. fiscal year.
—Kate Davidson —Shayndi Raice

Democratic Wins Cloud ACA Repeal

BY STEPHANIE ARMOUR highlighted the prospect that outcome. “They’re going to elsewhere. House Speaker
AND KRISTINA PETERSON centrist Republicans would then suddenly try to jam in Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) said Re-
balk if the tax package in- health care...[when] the num- publicans remained commit-
Democratic wins in Tues- cluded such a measure. ber one issue of those sup- ted to fulfilling President
day’s elections make it less Inclusion of the mandate porting our candidate was Donald Trump’s agenda.
likely that Republicans, as repeal “would make it more health care?” said Sen. Mark “We already made that
part of their tax package, will difficult to pass a tax relief Warner (D., Va.). “Bring it choice—we’re with Trump,”
seek to repeal the Affordable bill,” Sen. Susan Collins (R., on!” Mr. Ryan said on a Fox News
Care Act’s requirement that Maine) said in a statement GOP leaders haven’t radio show. “That’s a choice
most people have health cov- Wednesday. wanted to bog down the tax we made at the beginning of
erage, according to congres- Democrats sought to press bill with controversial health- the year. We merged our agen-
sional aides. their advantage, arguing that care provisions, but still das. We ran on a joint agenda
Voters in Maine this week Republicans would regret could end up including the with Donald Trump.”
decisively backed a referen- pushing ahead with ACA re- repeal if it generates revenue —Michelle Hackman
dum to expand Medicaid un- peal efforts given the Virginia needed to pay for tax cuts contributed to this article.
der the ACA, and exit polls
showed health care was a cen-
tral issue for Virginians who
elected Democrat Ralph
(USPS 664-880)
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Northam as their state’s gov- (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935)
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pealing the ACA after tradicting claims in an investor Wednesday about Sunday’s Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal,
BALL Watch is thrilled to announce its partnership repeatedly failing to undo the lawsuit that Rishi Shah, co- Texas church shootings as well 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A3


Video Shows
Shooter Acted
Evidence supports Bob” Holcombe, the unborn
baby of Crystal Holcombe.
eyewitness accounts Vice President Mike Pence
of massacre in Texas; visited south Texas on Wednes-
day, where he attended a prayer
Pence attends vigil service and met with families of
victims and survivors.
BY TAWNELL D. HOBBS “I offer the condolences of
AND DEL QUENTIN WILBER the American people,” Mr.
Pence said at the vigil at a
SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, school football stadium in Flo-
Texas—Video from inside the resville.
Baptist church where a gun- The vice president, joined
man massacred 26 people on by his wife, Karen, told the au-
Sunday shows him methodi- dience that President Donald
cally executing his victims, in- Trump asked them to come to
cluding children, according to Texas “to tell all of you, we
a law-enforcement official. are with you.”
The video, which is being Texas Gov. Greg Abbott at-
reviewed by investigators, tended the prayer service

supports earlier eyewitness Wednesday night with the vice

accounts that the 26-year-old president.
gunman paced the aisles Mr. Pence also visited
shooting young and old con- wounded victims at Brooke
gregants at close range. Army Medical Center.
A law-enforcement official During his visit, Mr. Pence
on Wednesday described the met with law-enforcement of- South Texas pastors praying at the site of the First Baptist Church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Wednesday. People are
video as brutal to watch. The ficials, who have collected a dealing with the shock of what happened in their small town—and at a church considered a vital part of the community.
content of the video was re- substantial amount of evi-
ported earlier by the New York dence, including hundreds of dent when they can’t make the the small town—and at a
Times. shell casings from the church. trip. Mr. Trump is in Asia for a church considered a vital part
First Baptist Church, where A law-enforcement official tour through the region. He of the community.
the attack took place, rou- said Tuesday that they could tweeted earlier this week: “It’s a nice, quiet town,
tinely records videos of its finish processing the crime “May God be w/ the people of where everybody knows every-
services and posts them on scene as early as the following Sutherland Springs, Texas,” body,” said Margaret Vidal,
YouTube. night. adding that he was monitoring whose aunt was shot in the
Investigators also on Presidents typically visit the situation from Japan. church. “Nothing happens
Wednesday released the offi- communities affected by mass People in Sutherland here.”
cial list of the dead. Last on shootings and natural disas- Springs are still dealing with —Zusha Elinson
the list is Carlin Brite “Billy ters, or send their vice presi- the shock of what happened in contributed to this article.

House Tax Bill Faces Revenue Gap

BY RICHARD RUBIN where we have a different ap- tional corporations proposed talking about needed adjust-
AND SIOBHAN HUGHES proach,” said Sen. John Thune in the first version of the GOP ments. “They’ve got dials, and
(R., S.D.) bill. The change removed 95% they’re having to turn dials,”
WASHINGTON—House law- The simultaneous negotia- of that key revenue-raising he said.
makers on Wednesday pre- tions in the House and Senate provision, leaving the bill out- Republicans also haven’t
pared changes to the GOP tax left the GOP tax bills in flux. side its budget target, accord- said how they intend to ad-
bill to fill a revenue hole of at Republicans remain confident ing to an estimate provided dress concerns from life-insur-
least $74 billion, as Senate Re- they can deliver a sizable tax Tuesday by the Joint Commit- ance companies and pass-
publicans were set to release tee on Taxation, the nonparti- through businesses that pay
their own plan with significant san scorekeeper for tax legis- taxes through owners’ individ-
differences that the GOP will lation in Congress. ual tax returns.
eventually have to resolve to
Republicans plan to The bill’s author, Rep. Kevin “We’re always looking to
complete its tax overhaul. push the bill toward a Brady (R., Texas), said it was improve on the small-business
House Republicans plan to “not unusual” for amendments side of things,” said Mr. Brady,
make their changes Thursday
vote by the full House to push a bill outside its reve- chairman of the House Ways
and push the bill toward a as soon as next week. nue target. He said Republi- and Means Committee. “I’m
vote by the full House as soon cans are looking at options. optimistic we’ll continue to
as next week. Those include repealing the provide more relief.”
The Senate bill, expected to individual mandate to pur- The committee plans to fin-
be released Thursday, will cut, but they have slim mar- chase health insurance. ish work on the bill Thursday.
likely differ from the House gins in both chambers and are “We continue to weigh the Rep. Richard Neal (D.,
version by preserving the trying to squeeze their plans scores from the Joint Commit- Mass.) and other Democrats
medical-expense deduction, inside budgetary constraints. tee on Taxation and drive to- have pressed Mr. Brady to give
fully repealing individual de- The $74 billion gap in the ward that final amendment,” them time to review any major
ductions for state and local in- House bill stems from an Mr. Brady told reporters late changes in the works.
come and property taxes, and amendment Republicans made Wednesday, offering no detail. The problem, Mr. Neal said,
not repealing the estate tax. late Monday that would scale Rep. Vern Buchanan (R., is that Republicans’ tax-cut
“There are some areas back an excise tax on multina- Fla.) said Republicans were goals outpace their $1.5 tril-
lion budgetary limit, forcing
them to scramble when prob-
lems arise.
“The dilemma has been
clear. You can’t put a size 12
foot in a size 7 shoe,” he said.
“It appears to me as though
substantial change is coming
in their proposals.”
Democrats have been ham-
mering the GOP bill, arguing
that it benefits high-income
households and removes valu-
able deductions for items such
as medical expenses and stu-

dent loan interest.

The shape of a companion
Senate tax plan was in flux
Wednesday, and Republicans
on the tax-writing Finance
Committee held meetings late
into the day.

 Some munis’ tax-free status

is at risk...................................... B11
 Tax change unlikely to burden
The House Ways and Means Committee is hoping to finish work on the GOP tax bill Thursday. buyout companies................. B11

Trump Touts Senate Version of Proposal

BY ELI STOKOLS present a united front on both ate bill would be the plan fully the House bill,” Mr. Cohn said,
the Senate and House versions backed by the administration, according to people in the
WASHINGTON—President of the tax bill to keep it on Mr. Manchin said, “we haven’t room.
Donald Trump moved to as- track. Publicly, Mr. Trump has seen it yet” to know. Asked about Mr. Cohn’s re-
suage centrist Democratic sen- praised the House plan, but Senate Republicans plan to mark, a White House official
ators’ concerns about the Tuesday’s comments could release their own tax legisla- said that he was simply urging
House Republican tax overhaul fuel doubts among lawmakers tion Thursday and have said it senators who are concerned
by telling them the Senate about how wedded he is to would differ sharply from the about the House bill to focus
version will be more to their that version. House’s. on their own legislation. “It
liking, people familiar with the Many GOP lawmakers in During the meeting Tues- was like: ‘Your bill doesn’t ex-
matter said. competitive districts already day, National Economic Coun- ist yet. Don’t get hung up on
“You’re going to like it a have concerns about support- cil Director Gary Cohn echoed what you don’t like about their
whole lot more,” said Mr. ing the bill and could balk at Mr. Trump, these people said, bill and sink the entire pro-
Trump of the Senate version, being asked to cast a politi- leaving attendees with the im- cess,’ ” the official said.
according to people who at- cally risky vote on a plan that pression that the White House The official said the presi-
tended a Tuesday gathering of may never become law. isn’t as invested in the legisla- dent’s comment was “meant in
Democratic senators that the “I don’t think that’s the tion being considered this the same way” as Mr. Cohn’s
GOP president addressed by president’s bill,” said Sen. Joe week by the House Ways and comment and shouldn’t be
phone. Manchin (D., W.Va.) about the Means Committee as it may be seen as a sign he doesn’t sup-
The comments risk compli- House tax bill, speaking after in the Senate tax package. port the House version of the
cating Republican efforts to the meeting. Asked if the Sen- “Don’t get too hung up on bill.
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Anti-Trump Coalition Takes Shape in Virginia

That tide produced a stun- margins in blue parts of the mented aliens. In short, the without Trump.” That is, that centage points higher than
ning nine-point victory for state—the Washington sub- residual problem for Demo- Mr. Gillespie could embrace the vote they produced for
Mr. Northam—almost twice urbs, college towns and up- crats is that progressives Trump-like themes—the dan- Mrs. Clinton in 2016.
as large as the margin by per-scale coastal areas—but it wanted a different kind of gers from violent immigrants, There is little except the
which Mrs. Clinton carried wasn’t enough to break into candidate and a different kind the virtues of Confederate arrival of a President Trump
the state—and it’s hard to in- the swath of red territory in of campaign. monuments—without em- to explain the difference. In
terpret it as anything other central and southern Virginia. The good news for them, bracing Mr. Trump himself short, single women look an
than a reaction to President That part of the state contin- of course, is that all signs personally. awful lot like a constituency
CAPITAL JOURNAL Donald Trump. He is the big- ues to look and act a lot like suggest that liberal activists It didn’t work as hoped, that is newly energized.
By Gerald F. Seib gest actor on every political Trump country in the interior largely swallowed those mis- obviously. Why? For an an- Second, consider the per-
stage right now; almost ev- of America. givings and went to work, swer, look at how two partic- formance of millennials, a
erything happens in the Mrs. Clinton learned what ularly energized Democratic core Democratic constituency,
In their rousing election Trump context. happens in a presidential race groups performed Tuesday in on Tuesday. NextGen Amer-
victories in Virginia on Tues- In fact, the best news for when you run up victories, Virginia. ica, a liberal activist group,
day, Democrats learned two Democrats may have been the even big ones, in areas Demo-
Single women and Single women, inspired by chose nine precincts across
important things: They found signs that their wave of en- crats are strong but don’t millennials fueled Hillary Clinton and the Virginia where millennials
out what an anti-Trump coali- ergy carried beyond the top crack through in areas where chance to elect the nation’s make up a majority and mon-
tion looks like, and they dis- race and down the ballot to the party is weaker.
Ralph Northam’s first female president, were a itored them to determine en-
covered it can elections for the state House Moreover, Democratic suc- decisive victory. big part of the Clinton coali- thusiasm among young vot-
be a winning of Delegates. Many thought cess in Virginia probably will tion in 2016. But, one year af- ers.
one. Mr. Northam could win at the do more to paper over than ter Mr. Trump became presi- In each precinct—most
That coali- top of the ballot (though resolve the Democrats’ split dent, they turned out to be an around college campuses—
tion combines most concluded only barely), between establishment and to the polls, anyway. even more-potent part of the residents aged 18 to 40 made
upper-scale but nobody thought Demo- groups and the party’s pro- We’ll see which side of the Ralph Northam coalition. up at least 60% of voters. In
white voters, crats would be on the verge gressive wing. Liberals had coin—tensions at the begin- Exit polling by Edison Me- all of them, voter turnout was
millennials, minorities, subur- of turning the state legisla- backed former Rep. Tom Per- ning or unity at the end— dia Research for the Washing- up over the totals seen in the
ban women and single ture blue. riello in the primary, were un- proves to be the most impor- ton Post and other news or- governor’s election four years
women. Exit polling indicates Still, there also are multi- der-enthused by Mr. tant dynamic elsewhere. ganizations shows that ago. In the area around Vir-
that those groups not only ple, less-obvious cautionary Northam, and thought he The underlying proposition unmarried women went for ginia Commonwealth Univer-
went heavily for Democratic notes for Democrats in Vir- should have stressed eco- of the campaign of losing Re- the Democrat by a stunning sity in Richmond, turnout
victor Ralph Northam in the ginia, starting with the ten- nomic issues more. They were publican Ed Gillespie, mean- 77% to 22% margin. That is to more than doubled.
governor’s race, but per- dency to over-interpret such particularly unhappy when he while, was that he could win say, they went Democratic by Energy matters in politics.
formed better for him than an off-off-year election. hedged his position support- by having, in the words of more than 3-to-1. The Demo- And on Tuesday in Virginia,
they did for Hillary Clinton in Beyond that, this winning ing sanctuary cities that pro- populist political crusader cratic vote among single at least, Democrats seemed to
the 2016 presidential election. coalition brought decisive vide a haven for undocu- Stephen Bannon, “Trumpism women this time was 16 per- capture it.

Election Buoys Efforts to Flip Statehouses Results

BY JOSHUA JAMERSON to them what they did to us.”
Asked if Democrats would
WASHINGTON—The surpris-
ing ability of Democrats to pick
up Republican seats in the Vir-
draw up maps that over-
whelmingly favor their party,
Mr. Toscano replied: “I hope
Backers of
ginia statehouse Tuesday gave
new life to a long-held party
goal: Clinching the power to
not.” He said he favored form-
ing a nonpartisan committee
to handle redistricting, an idea
Gun Curbs
redraw state and U.S. legisla- Mr. Northam supported as a BY NATALIE ANDREWS
tive districts to be more favor- candidate.
able for Democratic candidates. John Whitbeck, the chair- WASHINGTON—Chris Hurst,
The state legislature and man of the Republican Party of the boyfriend of a reporter who
Virginia’s newly elected Demo- Virginia, declined a request for was shot dead on live televi-
cratic governor, Ralph comment. sion in 2015, beat a three-term
Northam, will redraw the Mr. Bandera-Duplantier said incumbent Virginia delegate
boundaries for those districts the Democratic enthusiasm backed by the National Rifle
after the 2020 Census. Demo- shown in Virginia meant the Association in a rural area.
crats have been hoping to gain party now had hopes of find- First-time candidate Eliza-

the power to control a process ing legislative majorities in beth Guzman defeated Scott
that Republicans used to favor Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, Lingamfelter, an eight-term
their own party after the 2010 Wisconsin, Florida and North Virginia delegate and chairman
Census. Carolina, which had seemed of the state assembly commit-
The outcome of Tuesday’s out of reach. “Those are kind tee that shapes gun policy.
elections has bolstered a party of in play now,” he said. In Washington state, Manka
that has spent the last year Meanwhile, slim GOP ma- Dhingra, a state Senate candi-
trying to regain its footing jorities in states such as Maine date who campaigned on enact-
since losing the White House and Colorado mean those ing gun-safety measures, won
to President Donald Trump. Virginia Democrats were energized by Ralph Northam’s gubernatorial win and results in other races. states seem even more in her race, helping Democrats
Progressive activists are now reach, he said. take control of the chamber.
targeting legislatures in states wouldn’t have been enough to majority of the vote last year. hand in redistricting after the Robby Mook, the campaign Those outcomes in this
such as Florida, Pennsylvania swing Pennsylvania or Michi- Democrats need to flip the 2020 census. With the state manager in 2013 for Demo- week’s elections represented
and Minnesota, where they see gan,” said Joseph Bandera-Du- same number—17 seats—to Senate likely remaining under cratic Virginia Gov. Terry victories for Everytown for
Republican state legislative plantier, a co-founder of Flip- win a majority. In Tuesday’s Republican control, a victory McAuliffe and for Mrs. Clinton Gun Safety, a gun-control ad-
seats as vulnerable to the anti- pable, a progressive group elections, they took 14 seats for Republican Ed Gillespie in in the 2016 presidential race, vocacy group that invested
Trump sentiment that helped dedicated to state and local from Republicans, according to the governor’s race could have said that Democrats should be $2.2 million in Virginia races,
energize voters in Virginia. races. “It’s more crucial now the Associated Press, with five given the GOP a virtual mo- wary of trying to replicate the matching the NRA’s spending,
Others in the party warn than ever that we continue to races too close to call as of nopoly over drawing new dis- results in Virginia. He credited said John Feinblatt, president
that a national wave will come do that work to roll back ag- Wednesday afternoon. trict lines. Mr. McAuliffe with helping to of Everytown for Gun Safety.
only by focusing on policies to gressive gerrymandering.” As few as a dozen votes “The races that we won last create the conditions for a so- The election was six weeks
boost jobs and the economy, In Virginia, Republicans separated the candidates in night were redrawn to benefit called wave election by build- after a mass shooting in Las
rather than by expecting to hold a 66-34 advantage in the some races, leaving open the Republican incumbents,” Vir- ing a case for Democratic lead- Vegas and days after another,
make electoral gains from Mr. state House of Delegates. But door for recounts that could ginia House Democratic Leader ership in the state. in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
Trump’s weak job approval the 2016 presidential election drag on into early December. David Toscano said. “Now, with “There was the rationale to A spokeswoman for the
rating, which is under 40% in gave Democrats hope of mak- But even if Democrats fail to us taking so many seats, [Re- say, ‘If you elect a Democratic NRA didn’t respond to a re-
many surveys. ing gains. In 17 districts repre- capture a majority, winning publicans] have to wonder legislature, you could continue quest for comment.
“What happened in Virginia sented by Republican lawmak- the Virginia gubernatorial race whether they can control the to do even more,’ ” Mr. Mook Gun policy has long been
last night was historic, but it ers, Hillary Clinton won a Tuesday strengthened their legislature, and if we might do said. considered a key issue driving
Republicans to the polls, and
defeating NRA-backed candi-

VOTE cess, but it’s a precondition for

Democrats were surprised
by the magnitude of their elec-
Deeper Divide
How Virginia's vote shifted by party from 2013 gubernatorial
election to gubernatorial election Tuesday, in margin of victory by
troubled by Trump is just red-
hot to do something.”
There is historical precedent
for the Virginia and New Jersey
dates in rural areas has proven
to be a high hurdle for support-
ers of new firearms restrictions.
“The data is now telling us
Continued from Page One toral wins, which overshad- percentage point. gubernatorial races serving as that there is just as much in-
9 percentage points, the larg- owed for now intraparty dis- a bellwether for the first mid- tensity on the anti-gun-vio-
More More
est victory margin for a Vir- agreements over how to Democratic Republican term election of a new presi- lence side” as there is for
ginia Democratic gubernatorial recover from their bitter loss Alexandria dency. In 1994, 2006 and those who vote for pro-gun-
candidate since 1985. Mr. to Mr. Trump last year. Their +10 +5 Same +5 +10 2010—the last three times con- rights Republicans, said Sen.
Northam notched even wider wins came in both marquee trol of the House changed par- Chris Murphy (D., Conn.).
margins among women and races and more-obscure cor- ties—the midterm result was Mr. Murphy has been an ad-
suburban voters who will be ners of the U.S. political map, Richmond
foretold by the party that won vocate of tougher gun-control
central to key House battle- which underscored for them Roanoke
Lynchburg the Virginia and New Jersey measures since the mass
ground districts. the importance of fielding can- Blacksburg News gubernatorial races the year shooting at Sandy Hook Ele-
“It was a referendum on the didates even in long-shot dis- Norfolk Va. Beach before. mentary School in his home
president for many of them,” tricts to catch whatever politi- Democrats need to flip 24 state in 2012.
said Rep. Ryan Costello, a Re- cal wave may form next year, seats to take control of the Republican lawmakers have
publican who heard that mes- strategists said. Shift in Virginia vote by House. Key targets are the 23 blocked measures that would
sage even in local races in his In Virginia, Democrats not party from 2016 presidential Arlington Republican-held districts where mandate universal background
swing district in suburban Phil- only swept the governor’s man- election to Tuesday's Alexandria Democratic presidential nomi- checks ahead of firearm pur-
adelphia. “You had a lot more sion and two other statewide gubernatorial election nee Hillary Clinton beat Mr. chases and limit the availabil-
people, a lot more people vote offices, they are tantalizingly Charlottesville Trump in 2016. But the Demo- ity of high-powered firearms.
Democrat than they ever had close to winning control of the cratic Congressional Campaign A bipartisan measure that
before.” House of Delegates. Democrats Lynchburg
Richmond Committee has said it aims to would ban “bump stocks,” which
Bryan Lanza, who worked flipped at least 15 seats; if they Roanoke Newport put 80 districts in play and has enable semiautomatic rifles to
for Mr. Trump’s presidential pick up one more of the yet-to- Blacksburg News managed to recruit candidates mimic fully automatic weapons,
campaign, said in an interview be-settled races, Republicans Norfolk Va. Beach in 75 of them so far. stalled in the House after the
that the vote should be a wake- would lose their majority. The “That strategy of building a NRA and GOP leaders advocated
up call for Republicans who last time Democrats ran the Source: Virginia Department of Elections THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. huge battlefield with great can- instead for potential new safe-
have not delivered on policy. chamber was 1999. didates, even in really tough guards instead of legislation.
“Last night showed the vot- In New Jersey, a Democratic tives from both parties caution in the bitterly fought Virginia districts, is going to be cru- Republicans in the Senate on
ers are frustrated with the sta- victory in the gubernatorial against over reading the impli- race. According to exit polls, cial,” said Tyler Law, the com- Tuesday, responding to Sunday’s
tus quo and inaction,” Mr. race means the party will con- cations of one election for an- 57% of Virginia voters said they mittee’s spokesman. mass shooting at a Texas
Lanza said. “Republicans were trol both chambers of the state other especially when the next disapproved of the job Mr. Jesse Hunt, a spokesman for church, pushed for legislation to
punished at the polls, and it’s Legislature and the governor’s one is a year away. Trump was doing. Of those vot- the National Republican Con- provide incentives for federal
painful.” mansion, beginning in January. Mr. Trump sought on Tues- ers, 87% voted for Mr. gressional Committee, said that agencies, including the military,
House Republicans have The election of one new day to pre-empt suggestions Northam. GOP leaders will do their best to submit criminal-conviction
long said that passing a tax Democratic state senator in that the Virginia loss was a re- Asked what message they to arm incumbents for battle in records to the Federal Bureau of
overhaul was necessary for Washington state flipped party flection on him, tweeting that were sending with their vote, the face of political winds they Investigation and require the
them to retain their House ma- control of the chamber from Mr. Gillespie “did not embrace 34% said they were voting to already knew were blowing military to report domestic-vio-
jority, but after Tuesday’s loss Republican to Democratic. me or what I stand for.” The express disapproval of the hard against them. lence misdemeanors to the na-
in Virginia some said that even In Georgia, Democrats won president’s associates contin- president—twice as many as “I don’t think we needed tional background-check system.
that might not be sufficient. three state legislative special ued the damage control said they were voting to ex- last night’s results to tell us The Air Force has acknowl-
“This really is a sort of do- elections, including two in dis- Wednesday, with one calling press support for him. next year was going to be ex- edged it failed to submit to the
or-die moment, in my view, in tricts that were considered reporters in for a briefing to “The level of intensity, the tremely competitive,” Mr. FBI the conviction record of the
terms of holding the majority,” safely GOP. That cost Republi- say the result was “not about level of antipathy to Trump is Hunt said. man who killed 26 people in
said Rep. Tom Cole (R., Okla.), cans their supermajority in the the president.” so palpable,” said Rep. Gerry —Peter Nicholas the church, a move that would
referring to the tax legislation. state Senate. But the impact of the presi- Connolly (D., Va.). “The desire and Joshua Jamerson likely have disqualified him
“It doesn’t guarantee you suc- Political analysts and opera- dent’s unpopularity was clear of our base and independents contributed to this article. from possessing a weapon.
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Mexican Deportee Arrested ‘Dreamers’

Targets, Nielsen Says
LOS ANGELES—A Mexican BY LAURA MECKLER on the course of action she fa-
man who sued the Trump ad- vors for the Dreamers. About
ministration this year, alleging WASHINGTON—President 690,000 of them are now pro-
he had been unlawfully de- Donald Trump’s nominee to tected by the Deferred Action
ported, was arrested this week lead the Department of for Childhood Arrivals pro-
and charged with a felony for Homeland Security offered a gram, or DACA. Mr. Trump has

illegally re-entering the U.S. degree of assurance to Senate ordered an end to the pro-
Juan Manuel Montes Bo- Democrats critical of the ad- gram, deeming it unconstitu-
jorquez, 23 years old, was ar- ministration’s tough immigra- tional and challenging Con-
rested near Calexico, Calif., tion enforcement agenda dur- gress to enact legislation in its
along the Mexican border on ing a confirmation hearing place. The Dreamers’ protec-
Monday, according to federal Wednesday. tions begin expiring in March.
court records. Kirstjen Nielsen told mem- Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Ca-
Mr. Montes, who dropped bers of the Senate Homeland lif.) asked Ms. Nielsen if she
his lawsuit in October, will Security and Governmental Af- agrees that legislation should
likely be deported, and he fairs Committee she would be passed by the end of the
could face as long as two prioritize the arrest of undoc- year to replace the administra-
years in prison if found to umented immigrants who have tive protections.
have illegally re-entered the committed crimes, and said Ms. Nielsen didn’t reply di-
U.S. after initially being de- contact information about so- rectly but said, more generally,
ported earlier this year. He called Dreamers—young peo- “We owe it to them to find a
could also be barred from ple brought to the U.S. ille- permanent solution.”
coming back to the U.S. for gally as children—whose She said the Dreamers
years. protections from deportation wouldn’t be targets for depor-
The U.S. Border Patrol said are set to expire won’t be tation and that their personal
Mr. Montes was found about a Juan Manuel Montes Bojorquez, 23, was arrested and charged with illegally re-entering the U.S. shared routinely with immi- information would only be
mile north of the U.S.-Mex- gration enforcement officers. used for enforcement in “ex-
ico border in a scrub-covered February arrest and subse- and later was amended to in- aren’t involved in the criminal Ms. Nielsen also said she traordinarily limited circum-
stretch of desert. quent deportation. clude a challenge to his depor- case and couldn’t comment. doesn’t favor the construction stances” that involve public
The arresting agent wrote Mr. Montes was thought to tation. His lawyers asked that According to court records, of a wall along the entire safety threats. A spokesman
that Mr. Montes told officials be the first DACA recipient de- he be allowed to return to the Mr. Montes is being detained southern border, echoing re- for Ms. Harris said she was
he was planning to go to Sac- ported by the Trump adminis- U.S. while the case was pend- in the Imperial County cent statements by adminis- somewhat reassured by Ms.
ramento. tration. President Donald ing, and a federal judge in San jail, southeast of Los Angeles. tration officials and by Mr. Nielsen’s remarks on the
Mr. Montes sued the Trump Trump has made cracking Diego seemed amenable to the Federal court records don’t Trump himself, whose call for Dreamers.
administration in April, alleg- down on illegal immigration a request. list an attorney for Mr. Mon- a border-length barrier had If confirmed, Ms. Nielsen, 45
ing that Border Patrol agents priority of his administration. But the case was dropped tes. been a staple of his presiden- years old, would be the sixth
in Calexico arrested and de- In September the Trump in October at Mr. Montes’s re- Arrests at the Mexican bor- tial campaign. secretary of Homeland Security
ported him in February even administration announced quest. The National Immigra- der have plummeted since Mr. “There is no need for a wall and would enter the job with
though he was protected from plans to end the DACA pro- tion Law Center, which helped Trump took office. from sea to shining sea,” she by far the lowest profile.
deportation under the Obama- gram, which has protected represent Mr. Montes during As of the end of August, said, responding to questions Members of the committee
era Deferred Action for Child- from deportation hundreds of his civil case, said the “litiga- about 287,000 people were ar- from two Democrats on the didn’t say how they would
hood Arrivals program. thousands of young immi- tion has been a taxing experi- rested at the Mexican border panel. “Technology, as you vote, but it didn’t appear that
U.S. Homeland Security of- grants brought to the U.S. as ence” for Mr. Montes and he during the 2017 budget year, know, plays a key part and we her nomination, which needs
ficials said Mr. Montes re- children. decided to end the case and which ended in September. can’t forget it. There’s a lot we 51 yes votes in the Senate,
turned to Mexico voluntarily, Mr. Montes’s lawsuit ini- remain in Mexico. During the 2016 budget year, can do with technology to se- was in any jeopardy. A com-
which caused him to lose his tially sought public records The National Immigration agents made about 408,000 cure our border.” mittee vote is scheduled for
DACA privileges and led to the about the February incident Law Center said its lawyers arrests. Ms. Nielsen wasn’t specific Thursday.

Trump Administration Further Unwinds Cuba Opening

BY FELICIA SCHWARTZ be allowed to go to Cuba un-
AND LOUISE RADNOFSKY der a category that allows for
travel in support of the Cuban
WASHINGTON—The Trump people, but officials said trav-
administration continued to elers in that category will be
pare back rules intended to subject to stricter regulation.
normalize ties with Cuba, an- The tightening comes amid
nouncing regulations tighten- heightened tensions between
ing travel and financial trans- Washington and Havana, as of-
actions by Americans. ficials investigate health prob-
President Donald Trump lems suffered by at least 24
had said in June he would re- American officials and family
verse steps taken by predeces- members at the U.S. Embassy
sor Barack Obama to relax a in Havana, with symptoms in-
decades-old U.S. embargo cluding dizziness, hearing loss,
against the Castro regime, as and mild traumatic brain injury.
Mr. Trump had pledged to do U.S. officials have blamed the
on the campaign trail. symptoms on an undefined at-
The regulatory changes un- tack, possibly one using a sonic
veiled by the Treasury, State device.
and Commerce departments Officials said Wednesday
are to take effect Thursday. that the rule changes weren’t
While they will have an impact connected to the continuing

on the ability of individuals to investigation into the illnesses

travel to Cuba and curtail in Havana. Mr. Trump an-
some business interactions, nounced the policy shift in
much of Mr. Obama’s program June, before his administra-
will remain in place. tion disclosed the illnesses in
“It wasn’t a full reversal, August.
but it’s not great news for “We have strengthened our
American travelers and, as a Cuba policies to channel eco-
resulting byproduct, this hurts nomic activity away from the
the Cuban private sector,” said Cuban military and to encour-
James Williams, president of age the government to move
pro-normalization group En- toward greater political and
gage Cuba. economic freedom for the Cu-
He added that the shift will The U.S. is steering American activity away from firms tied to the Cuban military. Above, a street in Havana on Wednesday. ban people,” Treasury Secre-
make it harder for American tary Steven Mnuchin said.
businesses to operate in Cuba. tion and be accompanied by a modation had been booked be- Similarly, commercial and posted a list of entities con- The U.S.-Cuban opening un-
“It doesn’t fully close the door, representative of a sponsoring fore June, because the Trump business transactions ar- nected with the Cuban mili- der Mr. Obama allowed several
but it’s a step backwards.” organization that is also sub- administration eliminated a ranged before the regulations tary, and Americans would be American companies to begin
Many Americans who want ject to U.S. jurisdiction. category of travel created un- are published on Thursday will forbidden from engaging in making inroads into travel,
to visit Cuba will have to do so Most individual travel will der the Obama administration be allowed to continue, admin- some financial transactions in telecommunications and other
by traveling through tour op- no longer be allowed, except in that essentially allowed for istration officials said. the future with them. sectors of the Cuban economy,
erators subject to U.S. jurisdic- cases where a flight or accom- tourist travel. But the administration Individual travelers still will including several hotel deals.

DEAL The review reached a new

level in recent weeks with the
involvement of Mr. Delrahim,
who received Senate confirma-
Growing Rift
Time Warner shares are starting to trade further below AT&T's offer
price, as investors grow more skittish about the deal closing.
more appealing to an acquirer.
Mr. Bewkes has argued that
uniting content and distribu-
tion will help meet viewers’
ket,” AT&T said last week. “We
see no reason in the law or the
facts why this transaction
should be an exception.”
Continued from Page One tion in late September. Mr. demands for more flexibility in Several competitors includ-
groundwork for a possible law- Trump nominated Mr. Delra- 0% the TV packages they buy and ing the Lions Gate Entertain-
suit to stop the deal while at him in April, but Senate delays where they view content, with ment Corp.’s premium pro-
the same time negotiating in his confirmation left him on Difference between Time Warner’s share price more video being watched on gramming service Starz, and
with company executives, The the sidelines while others in and AT&T’s offer price mobile devices. satellite broadcaster Dish Net-
Wall Street Journal reported the Justice Department scruti- As the media industry work Corp. have raised con-
last week. nized the transaction. evolves, even giant companies cerns about the deal, people
A top AT&T executive had Mr. Delrahim is a critic of are looking to adapt. Rival familiar with the matter said.
warned for the first time ear- so-called behavioral remedies –10 Walt Disney Co. recently held If the Justice Department
lier Wednesday that the com- to address concerns about a talks to buy studios and other were to sue to block the deal,
pany was unsure about the merger, preferring that compa- entertainment assets from 21st that wouldn’t be the end of the
timing of the takeover, which nies be required to sell off as- Wednesday Century Fox Inc., seeking to matter unless the companies
was valued at $85 billion when sets instead, a view he sig- –15 gain more leverage in negotia- abandoned their plans. The de-
Time Warner shares
it was struck last year. naled last month in a public closed 13.3% below tions with distributors or to partment would have to pres-
“The timing of the closing appearance at New York Uni- offer price have more content for its own ent its case to a federal judge
of the deal is now uncertain,” versity. Antitrust observers direct to consumer services. and prove that the deal would
John Stephens, AT&T’s chief took notice of the remarks and Wall Street Journal parent likely harm competition.
financial officer, said Wednes- have wondered whether his 2016 ’17 company News Corp and 21st Such court battles remain
day at a Wells Fargo confer- views would make it harder Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Century Fox share common rare, as the government and
ence in New York. Just a few for AT&T to offer concessions ownership. merging parties often find
weeks ago, he told investors that the companies and the licly about the transaction but gles with increased competi- AT&T argues the deal would ways to settle their differ-
the company still expected the Justice Department would frequently complained on tion in the mature wireless help consumers by making ences. There were, however,
transaction to close later this each find acceptable. Twitter about the way CNN business and shrinking pay-TV film and TV more affordable. several major merger trials
year. During his presidential cam- has reported on him. CNN market, especially in the Di- AT&T points to its current during the Obama era of anti-
Shares of Time Warner fell paign, Mr. Trump had attacked stood by its reporting. recTV satellite service it moves to lower prices for trust enforcement, including
6% to $88.50 on Wednesday, the proposed deal. “AT&T is AT&T executives previously bought in 2015. video content, such as offering two recent cases in which the
while AT&T shares rose 1% to buying Time Warner, and thus pledged not to sell CNN or in- For Time Warner, the deal discounts for DirecTV Now, an Justice Department won rul-
$33.44. AT&T shares have CNN, a deal we will not ap- terfere with its editorial oper- with AT&T is the culmination online pay-TV service. ings against a pair of major
fallen sharply in recent weeks prove in my administration be- ations. The Dallas-based tele- of years of moves by Chief Ex- “Vertical mergers like this proposed deals in the health
and Time Warner shares are cause it’s too much concentra- com giant is looking for the ecutive Jeff Bewkes, who spun one have always been ap- insurance industry.
trading at a wide discount to tion of power in the hands of deal to give it a bigger foray off underperforming assets, proved because they benefit —Joe Flint
the implied offer price, as in- too few,” he said. Mr. Trump into advertising and new leaving a media and entertain- consumers without removing and Thomas Gryta
vestors worry about the deal. has since avoided talking pub- growth markets, as it strug- ment-focused firm that was any competitors from the mar- contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A7


Many College Students Leave Puerto Rico

Young people finding it would take up to 58 students.
And the University of Flor-
spots at mainland ida is offering free online
universities add to a courses in the spring and sum-
mer to students who attended
growing exodus University of Puerto Rico or a
handful of private colleges on
BY MELISSA KORN Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. It says it can accom-
Hundreds of Puerto Rican modate 1,000 students and as
students have resettled on col- of Friday had received more
lege campuses across the than 200 applications.
mainland U.S. in recent Between 17,250 and 32,721
weeks—and many more are adults ages 18 to 24 are ex-
considering leaving the island pected to leave Puerto Rico in
territory in the spring—grate- the year after Maria, according
ful for the opportunity to re- to the Center for Puerto Rican
sume their studies in the wake Studies at City University of
of Hurricane Maria. New York’s Hunter College,
But some worry the stu- compared with the 9,726 an-
dents won’t return to an island nual average from the prior
that is already suffering an ex- three years. The island has
odus of young people and their been in economic distress for
talents. years, with the local govern-
The University of Puerto ment struggling to make pay-
Rico, like the commonwealth ments on a staggering debt
government that provides load and residents looking for
roughly two-thirds of its an- better financial futures else-
nual operating budget, was in where.


financial crisis when Hurricane “What Maria has done is ag-
Maria hit seven weeks ago. gravate a trend that was al-
Last spring, student-led budget ready in effect,” said Edwin
protests shut down some cam- Meléndez, the center’s director.
puses for months, and eight “Families are in need of em-
campuses were placed on pro- ployment, and the economy has
bation by the university’s ac- pretty much collapsed.”
creditor in part because of fi- The mainland universities
nancial concerns. say they intend to offer tempo-
The system is digesting an University of Puerto Rico students helped with the storm cleanup on a campus in San Juan last month. rary help, not poach talent. “We
18.8% cut to appropriations for are strongly discouraging any
the current school year. Enroll- 28 public colleges in Florida, of these students from transfer-
ment was down by about 4% to according to the Florida De- Hurricane Leaves million of which will be covered ent University of Puerto Rico” af- ring,” Tulane’s Mr. Fitts said.
59,450 this fall. Then the storm partment of Education, though by insurance. He said he is in ter the storm, said Deepak Brown Provost Richard
came. schools haven’t finished re- A Lasting Mark talks with Federal Emergency Lamba-Nieves, research director Locke agreed, but said his
The last of the system’s 11 viewing the prior enrollment Management Agency to cover at the Center for a New Econ- school can’t bar students from
campuses reopened on Mon- records of those students. the rest. omy, a nonpartisan think tank in applying to transfer.
day, despite damaged buildings “If I was a young person, I Though the University of Dr. Hillman said he is asking San Juan. Wilfredo García González,
and spotty electricity. can totally get wanting to go Puerto Rico is holding classes, the island’s central government Mr. Lamba-Nieves, who 30 years old, is in the final
Early tallies show that study abroad or do an ex- some buildings’ roofs were dam- and its fiscal oversight board to teaches a graduate course on lo- year of his undergraduate com-
about 95% of students returned change program,” said Cathe- aged and research equipment ru- be more flexible on a mandate cal economic development at the puter-science degree at Poly-
to class. But hundreds have rine Mazak, an English profes- ined. Generators power some fa- that the system cut $500 million University of Puerto technic University of Puerto
withdrawn from the largest sor at the University of Puerto cilities. The library collection from its budget over the next Rico Río Piedras, photocopied Rico in San Juan, and said if he
campuses and concern about Rico Mayagüez. “On the other at Mayagüez is closed because five years, given the circum- readings for students without wasn’t so close to finishing he
the loss of talent is growing as hand, so many people have of water damage to books. stances. The university has until computer access, but wondered would leave now.
more schools join the likes of left.” Interim President Darrel Hill- February to revise its fiscal plan if that was enough. “It is very difficult to study
Brown University, Tulane Uni- Brown now has about 30 man Barrera, a professor at the for the oversight board, in light “Can I expect my students to since almost the whole country
versity and the State Univer- University of Puerto Rico stu- dental school, said the damage of the storm. do their weekly reading with lan- is without electric service and
sity of New York in bringing dents on campus. Central Con- totaled $119 million, about $100 “It’s going to be a very differ- terns and candle light?” he asked. without connection to wireless
Puerto Rican students to their necticut State University has 21, internet,” he said. “My expec-
campuses free of charge or at paying in-state tuition and earn- tation is to be able to finish my
in-state tuition rates. ing nine credits in a condensed, Touro Law Center in New York. Tulane has received about dent Mike Fitts, and expects to degree and then move to the
More than 860 students dis- eight-week semester. More than More students are expected 500 applications so far for an enroll at least 50 once it reviews United States with my wife to
placed by the storm in Puerto a dozen law students are at to find spots at schools on the offer to host Puerto Rican stu- applicants for academic qualifi- find a good job and a better
Rico are now attending one of Florida State University and mainland next semester. dents in the spring, said Presi- cations. Cornell University said quality of life.”


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A8 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Israel, Saudi Arabia Share Common Foes
Policies align as they state of war with the kingdom.
Riyadh has said it now plans to
both strive to isolate isolate Lebanon, as it has
Iran and its Lebanese sought to do with its Gulf
neighbor, Qatar. Saudi Arabia,
ally Hezbollah the United Arab Emirates, Bah-
rain and Egypt in June cut dip-
BY RORY JONES lomatic ties with Qatar and
have since refused to trade with
TEL AVIV—Israel is moving the country, alleging it supports
to counter Iran and its Leba- Islamist and terror groups. Qa-
nese ally Hezbollah with as- tar denies the allegations.
sertive diplomacy, aligning its A Saudi-led coalition is also
policies with onetime foe fighting in neighboring Yemen
Saudi Arabia and signaling a against Houthi rebels that Ri-
shift in the region’s power pol- yadh sees as proxies of Iran.


itics as the war in neighboring Saudi Arabia said it had inter-
Syria winds down. cepted a missile fired by the
Israel’s foreign ministry told rebels on Saturday east of the
its envoys abroad in a cable on main Riyadh airport, and said
Sunday to stress to host gov- the missile attack could be con-
ernments that the resignation sidered an Iranian act of war.
of Lebanese Prime Minister Iran has long denied supply-
Saad Hariri shows that Iran and ing weapons to the Houthis, but
Hezbollah, the dominant politi- President Hassan Rouhani on
cal and military force in Leba- Wednesday defended the reb-
non, control the country and els’ missile attack. Saudi Arabia
threaten Middle East stability. was carrying out bombings in
“Hariri’s resignation proves Yemen regularly, he said, so it
that the international argument should expect a response.
that Hezbollah’s inclusion in The White House on
the government is a source for Israel says the resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri, right, shows Iran’s threat to stability. Wednesday backed Saudi Ara-
stability is basically wrong,” bia’s criticism of Iran.
the cable said, according to a Despite tension with Iran
report by Israel’s Channel 10 Riyadh Freezes solidate power. probe, according to people familiar risen to a position of unrivaled and Hezbollah, Israeli officials
broadcaster that Israeli offi- Dozens of royals, current and with the matter. Among them are power since his father as- have said that neither side
cials confirmed. “The events in Former Crown former officials, and prominent accounts linked to the former sumed the throne nearly three currently wants a war.
Lebanon…require increased Prince’s Accounts businessmen were detained over crown prince and to some of his years ago. Representatives for Israel has benefited from
pressure on Iran and Hezbollah the weekend when the govern- relatives, the people said. The the government didn’t respond more than a decade of relative
on a range of issues.” ment launched a corruption inves- prince was until recently one of to requests for comment. calm on its northern border
Mr. Hariri, who is also the RIYADH—Saudi authorities tigation. Those detained face alle- the most influential members of The government is hoping while Iran and Hezbollah lost
political leader of Lebanon’s have frozen the bank accounts gations that include money the ruling family. to confiscate assets worth as thousands of fighters in the
Sunni Muslim population, re- of the kingdom’s former crown laundering, bribery and procure- King Salman removed him much as $800 billion through Syrian war.
signed while in Sunni-led prince, Mohammed bin Nayef, ment fraud. from the position of crown the investigation, according to Both sides also understand
Saudi Arabia on Saturday. the latest royal targeted in a As of Wednesday, around prince in June and replaced him people familiar with the matter. the cost of a conflict. An Israeli
He criticized Iran and Hez- corruption crackdown carried out 1,800 bank accounts had been with his own son, Prince Mo- —Summer Said and invasion of Lebanon in 1982
bollah, which are both Shiite by a leadership seeking to con- frozen in connection with the hammed bin Salman, who has Margherita Stancati during the civil war there
powers, for fomenting violence. helped spawn Hezbollah, which
The cable illustrates Israel’s then fought against Israeli
desire to make common cause, Syria, where they have backed tablish a permanent military army and has built an arsenal what’s happening in the Middle forces until they withdrew in
unofficially, with Saudi Arabia Syrian President Bashar al- presence on Israel’s northern of weapons many times greater East,” Yoav Galant, construction 2000.
in its efforts to isolate their Assad’s forces in that country’s border and is ready to take ac- than when Israeli forces last minister and member of Israel’s Israel estimates Hezbollah
mutual enemies even though war and sought to fill a vacuum tion to avert that. fought the group, in 2006. security cabinet, said in an in- has more than 100,000 rockets
the two countries don’t have left by the crumbling of Islamic Hezbollah’s militia is already The U.S., Israel and Saudi terview. “Iran is the danger.” and missiles in Lebanon that
diplomatic relations. State’s self-declared caliphate. stronger than the Lebanese Arabia consider Hezbollah a Saudi Arabia this week said could heavily damage Israeli in-
Israel has warned for Prime Minister Benjamin army. Now, Israel and Saudi terrorist organization. Hezbollah’s dominance over the frastructure in a conflict.
months about the role that Iran Netanyahu has said he won’t Arabia both fear Hezbollah is “The Hariri resignation rep- Lebanese government effec- —Asa Fitch in Dubai
and Hezbollah are playing in allow Israel’s enemies to es- gaining influence over the resents in a very authentic way tively puts the country in a contributed to this article.

Political Upheaval Poses Risk to Lebanon’s Finances

Investors worried about an over the weekend of Prime Min- neighborhood of Ras al Nabehl, stability and further disrupt tackling high public debt.
escalating crisis between Ri- ister Saad Hariri has thrown a shopkeeper Wissam Abo-Abdo its economy, analysts say. Lebanon relies heavily on
Sluggish Growth yadh and Beirut are selling Leb- wrench into the country’s poli- shrugged off the economic fall- Lebanon’s unity govern- tourism revenue, portfolio in-
Lebanon's GDP, anese debt and equity, a flight tics and triggered worries out of a deepening crisis. ment—a volatile mix of Sunni vestments and deposits, the
change from previous year about it becoming another “They say this all the time, and Shia Muslims as well as bulk of which originate in the
3% By Nikhil Lohade in front in the proxy war between every time something happens Christians—was formed about neighboring Gulf countries,
Dubai and Nazih Sunni Riyadh and Shiite Tehran. they say the lira [Lebanese a year ago after a nearly three- mostly from the large number
Osseiran in Beirut In his resignation, Saudi-backed pound] will collapse but that year political stalemate that of Lebanese living abroad, an-
Mr. Hariri blamed Iran and its never happened,” Mr. Abo- had weighed on its economy. alysts say. These inflows have
2 of capital that threatens to up- Lebanese ally Hezbollah for de- Abdo said. “The foreigners al- Mr. Hariri was named prime helped boost the country’s for-
end the precarious finances of stabilizing the Middle East. ways worry and run away, but minister after a deal that saw eign exchange coffers, allow-
a country struggling with slow “People are afraid so there we’ve been through this before Hezbollah ally Michel Aoun, a ing it to service its debt obli-
growth and high debt. is a demand on the dollar, fi- and will go through this again.” Christian, elected as president. gations and maintain its
1 Lebanon built its economy nancial assets are being driven The economy has weath- His resignation has yet to be currency peg to the U.S. dollar.
on tourism and trade but those down,” said a senior executive ered a number of significant accepted by the president. If Saudi Arabia moves to
businesses have suffered from in one of Lebanon’s top invest- shocks over the years, includ- The International Monetary isolate Lebanon, those invest-
decades of political instability. ment banks. “With all of this ing the 1975-1990 civil war Fund has noted Lebanon’s po- ments and deposits will dry
0 The country in recent years has talk of sanctions and wars, that tore the country apart. litical progress in recent up, investors worry, forcing
pitched itself as a technology there is an environment of un- But a confrontation between months, but said there was an the government to dip into its
2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
and financial hub in its search certainty and investors don’t the two Middle East powers urgent need to boost growth, reserves to keep the Lebanese
Source: International Monetary Fund
for new engines of growth. like uncertainty.” via proxies on its soil will only in part by taking steps to im- economy running and, eventu-
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. But the sudden resignation In Beirut’s residential result in greater political in- prove the business climate and ally, drop its currency peg.

EU Floats Rules for Offshore Pipelines


BRUSSELS—The European
Union proposed to extend its
natural-gas regulations to off-
shore pipelines, marking the
latest effort to derail an energy
link between Russia and Ger-
many that is fueling tensions
within the bloc.
The European Commission,
the bloc’s executive, unveiled
an amendment Wednesday to

energy rules after a months-

long struggle to intervene in
the controversial Nord Stream
2 pipeline project.
The Baltic Sea link would en-
able Russia’s state-owned PAO
Gazprom to double its natural-
gas transit via Germany to Eu-
rope. That would strengthen Pipes are loaded for stacking at the Nord Stream 2 facility on Ruegen Island in Sassnitz, Germany.
Moscow’s hand to bypass tran-
sit routes through Ukraine House to impose measures Switzerland-based firm says it PLC, Uniper SE and Wintershall
without losing its dominant gas against Nord Stream 2. is operating in full compliance Holding GmbH. Nord Stream 2
market share in the EU, which “Such an important pipeline with EU laws and doesn’t need also has enjoyed strong support
stood at 42% last year. cannot be built in a legal void an additional pact to realize the from the German government,
While the effort to regulate or cannot be built just accord- project. with Chancellor Angela Merkel
the pipeline may enjoy support ing to Russian law,” European “This legislative proposal repeatedly saying the pipeline
in the European Parliament, it Commission Vice President Ma- seems to be a far-reaching is a commercial project.
is likely to face resistance from ros Sefcovic said. change to the scope of applica- Amid political backlash over
some EU governments such as The EU proposal patches tion of the EU’s energy laws,” the pipeline, the EU’s executive
Germany. The EU’s executive regulatory shortcomings by said Sebastian Sass, Nord initially sought legal arguments
wants to enact the amendment clarifying the framework appli- Stream 2’s representative to against Nord Stream 2. Faced
by the end of 2018, before Nord cable to all gas pipelines to and the EU. with competing opinions, the
Stream 2 is operational. from third parties, he added. The first Nord Stream pipe- commission asked the bloc’s
Some EU members, led by EU officials said external pipe- line, which has the capacity to governments for a mandate to
Poland, along with the U.S., ve- lines typically abide by the transit 55 billion cubic meters negotiate terms for the Russia-
hemently oppose the project, bloc’s core principles, mostly of gas annually, started opera- Germany pipeline.
arguing it poses security risks through international agree- tions without any international With the prospects of the re-
and undermines the West’s ef- ments. agreements in November 2011. quest to draw up a legal frame-
forts to support Kiev in its con- Nord Stream 2 AG is a Gazprom’s second project at- work through talks with Mos-
flict with Russia. In August, the wholly owned subsidiary of tracted more than $5 billion in cow looking unlikely, EU
U.S. adopted a Russia sanctions Gazprom that is also backed by long-term financing from Engie officials turned to a regulatory
law that empowers the White European energy firms. The SA, OMV AG, Royal Dutch Shell update.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A9


Nations TRUMP gional director of the U.S. Soy-

bean Export Council, said his
group was warned by China’s

Seek New Continued from Page One

Korean National Assembly.
agriculture and commerce
ministries in September.
“In both those meetings, the

Pacific A senior White House official

told reporters en route to Bei-
jing that Mr. Trump would raise
Chinese government officials
said it would be really unfortu-
nate if there was some kind of

Trade Pact those concerns directly with Mr.

Xi. There were still financial
links between the countries that
trade disruption,” he said. “Be-
cause soybeans, being so impor-
tant, would probably be a com-
BY BEN OTTO shouldn’t exist under United Na- modity that would be targeted.”
tions sanctions, the official said. Among the deals signed on
DANANG, Vietnam—Almost “We’re going to work Wednesday was a letter of in-

10 months after President closely with the Chinese to tent to ship what executives
Donald Trump pulled the U.S. identify that activity and end with the council said are “bil-
out of a sweeping Pacific it,” the official said. lions of dollars” of American-
trade pact, the 11 countries A Chinese Foreign Ministry grown soybeans to China. A
left behind are pushing for- official said Beijing is faith- separate deal on soybeans was
ward for an agreement with- fully abiding by U.N. sanctions expected to be signed on
out Washington on the side- and will put an end to any vio- Thursday by Archer Daniels
lines of the Pacific Rim’s lations it finds. President Xi Jinping, right, greeted the president and first lady at Beijing’s Forbidden City on Wednesday. Midland Co. and China’s state-
biggest annual economic sum- The White House official owned Cofco Corp.
mit. also said Mr. Trump would nies is a shared objective,” Mr. Executives in other sectors
Led by Japan, trade negoti- raise “severe imbalances in Ross said. ’00 ’05 ’10 ’15 also said they hoped the U.S.
ators are meeting in this sea- the U.S.-China economic rela- Mr. Xi, who last month was $0 administration wouldn’t esca-
side town ahead of the Asia- tionship,” including a “grossly granted political powers com- late the trade tensions.
Pacific Economic Cooperation unlevel playing field.” parable to those once held by “We would prefer to see the
summit, seeking a revised ver- Among the deals announced Chairman Mao, is unlikely to rhetoric be less strong,” said
sion of the Trans-Pacific Part- by U.S. Commerce Secretary make major concessions on –100 Tad Walker, chief executive of
nership by suspending clauses Wilbur Ross in Beijing were trade without securing greater Partner Reinsurance, on the
that the U.S. had backed for agreements by General Electric access to the U.S. market, sidelines of the Beijing event.
years in negotiations under Co., DowDuPont Inc. and some analysts and diplomats His company has been waiting
former President Barack Smithfield Foods Inc. with Chi- said. China appears focused on –200 since 2015 on a license to op-
Obama. nese counterparts. Mr. Ross trying to flatter Mr. Trump erate in China.
Paulina Nazal, Chile’s vice said more contracts between with hospitality and deals that Many of the deals were al-
minister of trade and TPP U.S. and Chinese companies could play well with his politi- ready in the pipeline. The U.S.
chief, said on Wednesday that would be unveiled on Thursday. cal base while doing little to Growing Gap –300 Embassy in Beijing in August
the remaining countries hoped “Today’s signings are good reduce trade tensions. U.S. trade balance with China, emailed American companies to
to have a deal enter into force examples of how we can pro- Economists said the deals in billions request submission of deals for
next year. A Japanese foreign ductively build up our bilateral signed in Beijing won’t notice- the trade mission, according to
ministry spokesman said on trade,” Mr. Ross said. ably reduce the trade gap be- Source: U.S. Census Bureau THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. a copy of the email reviewed by
Tuesday that the group hoped The skew toward export con- tween the two countries. While The Wall Street Journal.
to reach an “agreement in tracts in the deals reflects the China’s trade surplus with the Deals involving Qualcomm
principle” this week. Trump administration’s difficult U.S. narrowed somewhat in Oxford Economics, estimates trade delegation said they fear Inc., Boeing Co., Goldman Sachs
A new deal would bring to- progress on more fundamental October, to $26.62 billion from the two countries’ trade gap Chinese retaliation if the Trump Group Inc., Ford Motor Co.,
gether Japan, Canada, Austra- China trade issues, such as bar- $28.08 billion in September, will widen to nearly $370 bil- administration, which is inves- General Motors Co. and other
lia, Mexico and a host of riers to entry for U.S. compa- according to official figures, it lion this year, from the $347 tigating China trade, follows U.S. companies are scheduled
smaller nations with a com- nies to key Chinese sectors. was the fifth straight monthly billion difference in 2016, ac- through with threats to punish to be announced on Thursday,
bined GDP of more than $10 “Achieving fair and recipro- surplus over $25 billion. cording to U.S. figures. Beijing over its trade practices. according to an itinerary re-
trillion. cal treatment for the compa- Louis Kuijs, an economist at Some members of the U.S. Paul Burke, North Asia re- viewed by the Journal.
It is a far cry from what the
pact would have been with the
U.S., but negotiators and trade
experts say the deal would
still wield strategic signifi-
Philippines’ President to Ask China About Sea Access
cance and that by putting BY JAKE MAXWELL WATTS Since Mr. Duterte took of- Wednesday for a summit in a couple of months earlier Wednesday at a business con-
some clauses on hold, they are fice last year, the Philippines Vietnam, which will be fol- over the Philippines’ place- ference in Manila.
leaving the door open for the Philippine President Rodrigo has played down South China lowed by a gathering in Ma- ment of structures on a dis- Several Southeast Asian
U.S. to join later. Duterte said he would ask Sea territorial disputes while nila, where the region’s 10 puted island feature in the countries, including the Philip-
“We would like the U.S. to China about navigation in dis- building closer diplomatic and countries and China are ex- contested Spratly Islands. pines and Vietnam, have com-
join in the near future,” Ms. puted waters of the South economic ties with China. But pected to announce progress “We tried to put some peting claims with Beijing in
Nazal said. “The new adminis- China Sea during a trade sum- Mr. Duterte also has faced on negotiations for a long- structures on one of the sand- the South China Sea. China
tration has to know a little bit mit this week, hours after his pressure at home to raise the awaited code of conduct for bars near our island, and the claims almost the entire re-
more about the agreement, defense minister said the coun- issue in public forums. maritime behavior. Chinese reacted. And so the source-rich strategic waterway
has to make their own evalua- try had scrapped a construc- Mr. Duterte heads the Asso- Phililppine Defense Secre- president came to know about as its own territory and has
tion [and see] why 11 econo- tion project in the area follow- ciation of Southeast Asian Na- tary Delfin Lorenzana de- this and he said, ‘Let’s pull built and militarized several
mies are so engaged.” ing a complaint from Beijing. tions this year. He left scribed a face-off with Beijing out,’ ” Mr. Lorenzana said islands to assert its presence.

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A10 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


UCLA Athletes Are Held in China New Skin for Boy

Three UCLA basketball
players, including high-profile
freshman LiAngelo Ball, were
Marks Advance
detained in China for alleged
shoplifting, a person familiar
with the matter said. In Gene Therapy
By Andrew Beaton in BY AMY DOCKSER MARCUS patient’s skin cells and grew
New York, James T. sheets of new skin.
Areddy in Shanghai In a significant advance in In three separate opera-

and Liza Lin in Beijing organ regeneration and gene tions at the end of 2015 and
therapy, researchers have cre- the beginning of 2016, they
The Bruins, ranked No. 21, ated a new, healthy skin that transplanted the genetically
are in China to begin their col- covers almost the entire body modified skin onto the boy’s
lege basketball season Satur- of a 7-year-old boy with a life- limbs, flanks and back. Over
day in Shanghai against Geor- threatening genetic disorder time, the skin regenerated to
gia Tech. Mr. Ball is the From left, Jalen Hill, Cody Riley and LiAngelo Ball were detained in Hangzhou for alleged shoplifting. associated with skin blistering. cover approximately 80% of
younger brother of Lonzo Ball, Twenty-one months after the boy’s epidermis.
who played for UCLA last year news department of the local zens arrested in China. We LaVar Ball didn’t respond to the procedure, the new skin Other patients with the
and whose father, LaVar Ball, Public Security Bureau said. stand ready to provide con- messages left at his Shanghai remains functional and condition have been treated
has attracted attention for his She said the three aren’t for- sular assistance for U.S. citi- hotel room. doesn’t blister or require with genetically modified
attempts to market his sons. mally under arrest. “We didn’t zens. Due to privacy consider- UCLA and Georgia Tech are ointment or medication, ac- skin, but this case is unusual.
The other two players de- limit their personal freedom.” ations we have no further in China as part of an agree- cording to the team of scien- “We had never treated that
tained were Cody Riley and Three Georgia Tech players comments.” ment with Alibaba, which tists and doctors from Aus- amount of skin,” says Michele
Jalen Hill, this person said. were questioned by local au- A representative of the since 2015 has sponsored an tria, Germany and Italy who De Luca of the University of
“We are aware of a situa- thorities at their hotel, a Geor- Hyatt Regency Hangzhou hotel annual regular-season Pa- described the case in a paper Modena and Reggio Emilia in
tion involving UCLA student- gia Tech spokesman said, and said the UCLA team had cific-12 Conference basketball in the journal Nature. Modena, Italy, and senior au-
athletes in Hangzhou, China,” it was determined they “were stayed there and three players game in Shanghai. The child in the study has thor of the Nature paper.
UCLA said. “The university is not involved in the activities were detained by local police. Alibaba, which has been ex- junctional epidermolysis Paul Knoepfler, a professor
cooperating fully with local being investigated.” Those She said she had no further in- panding into entertainment bullosa (JEB), part of a family in the department of cell biol-
authorities on this matter, and players have resumed their ac- formation. and other content, is set to of rare, often lethal, skin-blis- ogy and human anatomy in
we have no further comment UCLA and Georgia Tech hold its biggest shopping day tering diseases. Epidermolysis the School of Medicine at the
at this time.” were guests of Hangzhou- of the year on Saturday, an bullosa affects around one in University of California, Da-
Speaking from a hotel room
that the three are sharing in
Among the three based Alibaba Group Holding
Ltd. and its billionaire co-
event that is widely known as
Singles’ Day. An event at Ali-
every 20,000 births in the
U.S.; JEB is a severe form of
vis, said doctors will need to
closely monitor the patient
Hangzhou, Mr. Riley said, “We basketball players is a founder, who recently bought baba’s headquarters in Hang- the disease, often leading to for years, particularly be-
are not taking questions right
younger brother of the into the Brooklyn Nets profes-
sional basketball team.
zhou this week that included
the basketball players coin-
death in early childhood.
Epidermolysis bullosa is
cause the virus used to de-
liver the correct gene to the
Details on the alleged shop- Lakers’ Lonzo Ball. The fact that the three cided with the company’s mar- caused by mutations in the cell could cause other health
lifting were unclear, though players appear to have stayed keting blitz for Singles’ Day. genes that produce proteins problems.
ESPN reported that the inci- behind in Hangzhou, even as During that event in Hang- essential to holding the skin’s Gene therapy is viewed as
dent occurred at a Louis Vuit- the rest of the group went on zhou, Alibaba co-founder Joe layers together. In patients a promising area for treating
ton store. A spokeswoman for tivities with the team. to Shanghai, raised the possi- Tsai, the new Brooklyn Nets with the condition, the slight- epidermolysis bullosa. Last
the luxury brand said by email: Speaking in Beijing, a Chi- bility that Chinese authorities investor, shot hoops with some est contact can cause blisters, year, scientists at Stanford
“There is an investigation going nese Foreign Ministry spokes- have limited their ability to of the visiting collegiate stars. excruciating pain and open University School of Medicine
on at the moment and we are woman, without confirming travel. Though if they were al- Alibaba referred questions wounds that don’t heal. There reported they grafted geneti-
not able to further comment.” details on the matter, said lowed to remain at their hotel, on the incident in Hangzhou to is no cure. cally modified skin on open
Hangzhou police have been “China will handle this case in that indicates they aren’t for- UCLA. In the Nature study, scien- wounds in four adult patients
involved in an investigation accordance with the law and mally under arrest. The two teams, who made a tists took a piece of tissue with a different form of the
that began on Monday and in- ensure the legitimate rights Chinese authorities often visit to Shanghai Disneyland about the size of a postage disease.
cluded the questioning of and interests of the people in- say little publicly about an in- on Wednesday as part of the stamp from an unaffected The grafts helped improve
three players at a station volved.” vestigation—especially when tour, will still go ahead with part of the boy’s skin and wound healing. Abeona Thera-
house, but they, along with a In response to questions, a foreigners are involved—while their game on Saturday, a grew cells in the lab. They peutics Inc. is collaborating
team staff member, are in their U.S. State Department official it is proceeding. Temporary Pac-12 spokesman said. then used a deactivated retro- with Stanford to open a new
hotel in the city as evidence is said by email: “We are aware detention without charges is —Kersten Zhang in Beijing virus to insert a correct copy trial next year that will include
being gathered, a person in the of reports of three U.S. citi- common. contributed to this article. of the defective gene into the patients ages 13 and older.


STAKE shares on Wednesday lost 15%

after several analysts cut their
price targets for the stock.
Founded almost two decades
Upward Mobility
Shares of Tencent, one of China’s internet giants, have more than doubled this year as revenue
and net income have swelled.
Francisco-based platform for
scientists and academics to
publish and review papers on-
line, and it disclosed a $3 mil-
Continued from Page One ago, Tencent stands with e-com- lion investment in Innovega
soared in an initial public of- merce titan Alibaba Group Hold- Revenue and net income, in billions Share price Inc., of Bellevue, Wash., which
fering Wednesday that gave ing Ltd. and search giant Baidu is building an augmented real-
$25 billion 400 Hong Kong dollars
the company, China Literature Inc. as three of China’s biggest ity device into a contact lens.
Ltd., a market value of around internet companies. They have Revenue Net income
People close to Tencent
$12 billion. And Thursday, So- diversified beyond their core 20 have said its investment strat-
gou, a search-engine company businesses in recent years, plac- 300 egy is driven by a desire to
in which Tencent owns a 44% ing big bets on online video- stay current on the latest ideas
stake, is expected to start trad- streaming services and other en- and products out of the U.S.
ing in New York, in a deal that tertainment plays. 200 tech sector.
could value it at as much as $5 Tencent is the largest video- 10 Snap’s relationship with Ten-
billion, or about 70 times its game publisher in the world by cent stretches back to 2013. Ten-
past earnings. revenue but is best known in 100 cent first invested in Snap when
“Companies like Tencent China for its WeChat and QQ it was still a small startup oper-
are seen as unstoppable,” said messaging and mobile-payment ating out of a house on the
Joshua Crabb, head of Asian apps, which are installed on al- 0 0 1 HK dollar = $0.1281 boardwalk of Venice Beach.
equities at Old Mutual Global most every PC and smartphone 2007 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 When the Snapchat app was
Investors. there. Tencent said in an Au- first shown to Tencent’s execu-
Tencent, an early pre-IPO gust filing that WeChat had Market capitalization tive team, Tencent’s founder,
backer of Snap, acquired combined monthly active users Pony Ma, was bewildered as to
roughly 146 million of its of 962.8 million as of June 30, why it was a hit, according to
shares in the public market, up 19% from a year ago. people who attended the meet-
Snap said in a filing Wednes- Tencent in a statement ing. Mr. Ma joked that he
day. The purchase adds to an Thursday said it and Snap could didn’t understand young peo-
investment Tencent made in work together in areas such as $726 $545.9 $521.8 $475.1 $469.8 ple, the people said. Nonethe-
Snap in 2013 during a fund- mobile games. billion $83.7 less, Tencent later purchased a
raising round before the com- Tencent’s shares have more small stake in Snapchat.
pany’s initial public offering of than doubled this year as reve- Alphabet Amazon Facebook Alibaba Tencent Baidu Snap Chief Executive Evan
stock. Tencent’s current total nue and profit have swelled. Sources: S&P Capital IQ; FactSet (shares, market cap) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Spiegel said at a conference in
position in Snap wasn’t clear. Tencent registered $122 billion 2013 that he looked to Tencent
Snap’s announcement of the in revenue through the first six nies in the world, with a mar- tional profile with several big an investor and advisor to Tesla.” as a “role model.”
investment came on the heels months of the year, up more ket capitalization of around deals, including acquisitions of Tencent has invested in Tencent executives began dis-
of its report of disappointing fi- than 60% from the first half of $475 billion. If it were listed in the game developer Epic Games more than 40 tech startups in cussing raising the company’s
nancial results for the third 2016. For the full year analysts the U.S., Tencent would be the Inc. and minority stakes in elec- the U.S. since 2011, joining stake in Snap in September, after
straight quarter, sending its expect $274 billion in revenue. sixth-largest company by mar- tric-vehicle maker Tesla Inc. fundraising rounds valued at Snap’s shares touched a series of
shares plunging. The revelation By 2020, that projection is ex- ket value, according to FactSet. and videogame company Activi- $3.5 billion, the Journal re- lows in August, the person famil-
of Tencent’s investment did lit- pected to more than double, But while its WeChat busi- sion Blizzard Inc. ported, excluding investments iar with the matter said.
tle to cushion investors’ disap- according to FactSet. ness remains largely limited to In a tweet March 28, Tesla in public companies. Recently, —Saumya Vaishampayan
pointment with the Los Angeles That has helped make Ten- China, Tencent over the past Chief Executive Elon Musk said it led a $10 million investment and Georgia Wells
social-media company. Snap’s cent one of the biggest compa- few years has lifted its interna- he was “glad to have Tencent as round in, a San contributed to this article.

LEGERE Mr. Legere recently told

CNBC that his cooking show
“is worth billions.” He has
more than 4.6 million follow-
helps companies ward off
shareholder lawsuits.
Mr. Legere’s videos usually
last about 15 minutes. Com-
the lawmaker says.
Jeremy Dilley’s internship
at T-Mobile hit a high note
when the company accepted
Continued from Page One ers on Twitter, another point ments pour in while he is his submission for a special
President David Carey or one of pride, and Mr. Legere cooking. Some critics suggest Friday edition of Mr. Legere’s
of the CEO’s daughters holds a streams some of his fitness their own recipes or poke cooking show. The North Caro-
smartphone to film the show. workouts, like his Peloton cy- holes in the ones Mr. Legere’s linian joined Mr. Legere in
“I know he’s using it as a cling class, also on Sundays. staff has chosen for him. front of a crowd of T-Mobile
marketing tool, but it’s also In the past five years, Mr. “It was traditionally a tech- interns and helped him cook
clear he likes to cook,” says Legere has turned T-Mobile nique that wasn’t considered Mr. Dilley’s own version of a
Susan Freeberg, 54, a Bellevue from an also-ran into the culinary,” says Andrew Southern-style brisket. The in-
homemaker who got hooked third-largest wireless provider Schloss, author of “The Art of gredients were measured and
on Mr. Legere’s videos in 2015 by subscribers, behind Verizon the Slow Cooker,” a cookbook ready when he got there.

after her son interned at T- and AT&T Inc. He is a telecom often doled out as a prize to “They had nicer quality
Mobile. “It’s a fun and helpful, veteran, though he portrays Mr. Legere’s fans. Mr. Schloss stuff than what I’m used to us-
quick show for me to watch himself as a long-haired, foul- T-Mobile’s John Legere rarely misses a Sunday in the kitchen. says his cookbook includes ing,” says Mr. Dilley. “The
over my Sunday coffee.” mouthed renegade, wearing only about 70 recipes to avoid brisket was a nice, big size.”
Mr. Legere says his culinary custom-made T-Mobile shirts, He kept cooking through have to here, in the auction for foods “ruined by overcooking.” They somehow forgot to eat
roots reach back to his up- pants, socks and sneakers. months of fruitless merger low-band spectrum,” he said While meeting with law- it. An assistant texted Mr. Dil-
bringing in Fitchburg, Mass., Mr. Legere joined T-Mobile talks with Sprint. while gesturing to his counter makers last year, Mr. Legere ley the next day “and said it’s
where his father once typed after two decades at AT&T and Anthony Doria, 30, a spe- and wearing gorilla slippers. mentioned his cooking hobby still down there. John said you
up a list of recipes that be- one decade leading scandal- cial-education teacher who His constant online pres- to Sen. Steve Daines (R., could have it.”
came known as “Pa’s Cook plagued fiber-optic network says he used to work at T-Mo- ence prompted T-Mobile law- Mont.), who had a mule deer Mr. Dilley went back to get
Book.” The CEO says his skills operator Global Crossing Ltd. bile, has watched “every sin- yers to tell investors long ago trophy decorating his office. the brisket and shared it with
have gotten much sharper out of bankruptcy court. gle” video by his old boss and that Mr. Legere uses his Face- Mr. Daines later shipped some some fellow T-Mobile interns.
since he first streamed his He rarely misses a Sunday “made probably every one of book, Twitter and Periscope deer sausage to the CEO. “It turned out great,” he says.
dinner preparations in 2015. in the kitchen, even though his meals.” Mr. Doria’s favor- accounts “as means for per- “We gave him a recipe,” Mr. Mr. Legere says future
“It was a total embarrass- leading T-Mobile, which had ite: jalapeño corn chowder. sonal communications and ob- Daines says. He hasn’t seen plans for “Slow Cooker Sun-
ment. The camera was side- nearly $30 billion in revenue A few of the CEO’s segues servations” and “for comply- Mr. Legere make something day” could even include a
ways, but it got a lot of inter- in the first nine months of to T-Mobile go over the heads ing with its disclosure out of it on “Slow Cooker Sun- cookbook. “I’ve got more than
est,” he says. “So I decided to 2017, takes Mr. Legere to of slow-cooking buffs. “T-Mo- obligations under Regulation day,” “but my understanding enough recipes to outdo Tom
do it consistently.” meetings on three continents. bile cleaned up, like I’m gonna FD.” Such boilerplate language is it’s kind of in the queue,” Brady for sure,” he says.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * NY Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A10A


City GOP Says It Needs a Reboot
BY MARA GAY cans nearly 7 to 1. ing in the primary. Ms. Crowley Mayor Michael Bloomberg,
AND ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS “I certainly don’t think it’s hasn’t conceded. came at times of crises. Mr. Giu-
time to write off the Republican Some Republicans say they liani was elected when crime
New York City Mayor Bill de Party in New York City,” former are tired of losing, and believe rates were high, while Mr.
Blasio had won a second term, Gov. George Pataki, a Republi- the city’s party needs a make- Bloomberg won in the uncertain
and the mood at Republican can who campaigned with Ms. over. “The Republican Party months after the Sept. 11,
challenger Nicole Malliotakis’s Malliotakis, said in an interview. needs to have a very long term 2001, terrorist attacks. He gov-
election headquarters quickly “But being a Republican in New plan,” said Adele Malpass, who erned as a moderate, and on
turned to despair. “Boo!” one York City is like being an ice- served until recently as chair- many issues, was socially lib-
man yelled when Mr. de Blasio berg in the Caribbean.” woman of the Manhattan GOP. eral. Mr. Bloomberg ran for his
was pronounced the winner on Mr. de Blasio won re-election third and final term in office as
NY1, a local news station. with more than 62% of the vote an independent.
“Whole world upside down,” to Ms. Malliotakis’s 24%, an al- The city also is more heavily
said Ed Mullins, president of the most 40-point advantage, ac-
To win, Republicans Democratic than it was two de-
Sergeants Benevolent Associa- cording to the city’s Board of say they need to do cades ago, and is now majority-
tion, a police union. Before long, Elections. The GOP lost the race minority. To win, Republicans
Ms. Malliotakis, an Assembly- for comptroller by about 55 per-
better with black and say they need to perform better
woman, took the stage to Tom centage points, and the election Hispanic voters. with blacks and Hispanics. But
Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down,” for public advocate by 53 per- some Republicans say GOP Pres-
before conceding. centage points. ident Donald Trump has made
While Republicans nation-
wide are taking stock after high-
profile wins by Democrats in
Virginia and New Jersey, the
The mayor said Wednes-
day he hoped the 2017 election
would mark “the beginning of
an era of progressive, Demo-
The party, she said, should form
campaign committees for may-
oral and council races. She said
that task far more difficult.
The president’s approval rat-
ing among likely Hispanic vot-
ers in New York City is 14%, ac-
Manhattan Retail
mood among New York City’s
GOP is especially grim.
After holding the mayoralty
cratic administrations in this
In a rare bright spot for Re-
it would take years for Republi-
cans to become competitive
again in the city.
cording to a Quinnipiac
University poll last month.
Among black voters in the city,
Landlords Sweeten
for the better part of two de-
cades, the party seems adrift,
many of its members said. Most
of its candidates are unable to
publicans, candidate Robert
Holden may have unseated
Councilwoman Elizabeth Crow-
ley, a Queens Democrat, in a
Republicans once performed
fairly well in New York City
races, with candidates such as
former Mayor Rudy Giuliani
it is 3%. “He puts a lot of people
in a horrible situation right
now,” William F.B. O’Reilly, a
GOP strategist in New York, said
Offers for Tenants
win major elections in an in- close race still being tallied. Mr. drawing at least some support of Mr. Trump. BY KEIKO MORRIS to CBRE.
creasingly diverse city where Holden is a Democrat who ran from Democrats. But the wins —Mike Vilensky “There’s a lot more negotia-
Democrats outnumber Republi- on the Republican line after los- by Mr. Giuliani and later, former contributed to this article. Commercial real-estate tion going on between land-
owners usually cut rents only lords and tenants,” said Nicole
after exhausting a menu of LaRusso, director of research
other options, from months of and analysis for CBRE.
free rent to ten- New York is no longer im-
PROPERTY ant allowances mune to the forces battering
for construction the U.S. retail sector. While re-
and remodeling. tail rents in Manhattan soared
Retail landlords in Manhat- after the last decade’s reces-
tan are trying all of the above. sion, the momentum petered
Average asking rents for out as online shopping took a
ground-floor retail space fell heavier toll on big national
more than 13% to $711 a merchants.
square foot in the third quar- The number of Manhattan
ter from the same quarter a retail deals being completed
year earlier, according to has fallen significantly from
CBRE Group Inc., and were levels three years ago and isn’t
down 30% from their peak of at a point that would be con-
$1,020 a square foot in the sidered healthy flow of trans-
fourth quarter of 2014. actions, said David LaPierre,
The gap between asking vice chairman at CBRE. In
rents and the actual rent in the some deals, tenants have been

final lease deal has been wid- able to negotiate more flexible
ening. During the market’s terms, including the ability to
highs, the average actual rent, terminate leases early if sales
or taking rent, ranged from aren’t meeting expectations.
96% to 98% of the asking price Short-term deals—those
and in some cases closed at or less than three years—also are
above it, according to a CBRE increasing. They made up
index. In the third quarter, the about 20% of all Manhattan
average taking rent was 82% of retail lease transactions in the
the asking price. third quarter, compared with
Landlords also offered more less than 5% in the same pe-
concessions and embraced riod last year, according to
Nicole Malliotakis’s staff removed signage at a Brooklyn venue after she lost to Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday. shorter-term deals, according CBRE.

Malliotakis Boosts Profile Democrats Ride Anti-Trump Wave to Victory

Despite Mayoral Defeat BY JOSEPH DE AVILA
York voters rejected the consti-
tutional convention ballot mea-
New York Republican Party,
pointed to GOP victories
BY MIKE VILENSKY the city’s property tax system sure. throughout central and upstate
and subways, could translate Turnout for Democratic can- In Long Island’s Nassau New York and said the party
Republican mayoral candi- into state legislation, she said. didates in New York City’s sub- County, Laura Curran, a Demo- was still in a good position for
date Nicole Malliotakis lost But she has an uphill climb urbs surged in Tuesday’s elec- cratic county legislator, de- 2018. He acknowledged there
handily to Mayor Bill de Blasio pushing for changes in Albany, tion as the party rode a swell feated her Republican oppo- may have been some national
in the race for mayor on Tues- where much of the 150-person of renewed enthusiasm by ac- nent, former state Sen. Jack sentiments at play in some
day. Assembly is allied with Mr. de tivists opposed to President Martins, in a tight race for races such as in Westchester.
But in the process the Blasio, and Democrats hold vast Donald Trump. county executive, winning by a “Westchester is very blue so
Staten Island state assembly- influence in her chamber. Democratic state Sen. 51% to 48% margin. Ms. Cur- I think there was a reaction by
woman has upped her name Republicans said Ms. Mall- George Latimer soundly denied ran drew a total of 147,000 frustrated Democrats coming
recognition at home and may iotakis ran a strong race under Republican Rob Astorino a votes, about 31% more than Democrats George Latimer and out and voting on the basis
have begun carving a path for difficult political circum- third term as Westchester the 2013 Democratic Nassau Laura Curran won their elections. that Clinton lost and Trump
higher office. stances in a city where the County Executive. Mr. Latimer county executive candidate, won,” Mr. Cox said.

“She has raised her profile GOP is outnumbered, and now won 57% of the vote to Mr. As- Thomas Suozzi. Hillary Clinton, a resident of
locally in a really big way,” said she should consider a run for torino’s 43% in what many had Ms. Curran, a former news- Chappaqua, N.Y., in
Assemblyman Matthew Titone, the House or U.S. Senate, or anticipated to be a close race. paper reporter, said her win Westchester County, endorsed
a Staten Island Democrat and borough president. Mr. Latimer garnered about a was driven by voters fed up Mr. Latimer on Friday.
friend of Ms. Malliotakis. “If “Everyone knew winning the total of 117,000 votes—or about with corruption on Long Is- Mr. Cox, however, played
she is looking for an exit strat- mayoralty in this environment 46% more than the 2013 Demo- land. The incumbent County down the results in Nassau
egy [from the state legislature], is virtually impossible, but she cratic county executive candi- Executive, Edward Mangano, County, saying voters were re-
she has written her ticket.” is instantly on the radar of ev- date Noam Bramson. has been indicted on federal sponding to local corruption
Ms. Malliotakis, 36 years old, eryone who was watching,” Mr. Latimer’s large margin corruption charges. He has scandals involving Mr. Man-
garnered 27% of the vote while said New York GOP strategist of victory caught many people pleaded not guilty to the gano and former Nassau
the mayor received 66%. William O’Reilly. “I hope and off guard, including the win- charges. County state Sen. Dean Skelos.
After eight months on the expect she gets up quickly and ning candidate. “We never This election “was about Nassau County Republican
campaign trail, she is heading takes a leadership role in the dreamed of being in double- who I can I trust,” Ms. Curran midterm elections. Chairman Joseph Mondello
back to a lower-profile job as a Republican Party.” digit country,” Mr. Latimer said. “The winds are clearly blow- said he expected the GOP to
rank-and-file legislator in a Ms. Malliotakis said she has said. Larry Levy, director of the ing for the Democrats in New bounce back.
small Assembly minority con- no immediate plans to run for He attributed the wide mar- National Center for Suburban York suburbs and across the “The Republican Party has
ference in Albany. another office but has “no idea gin to growing anti-Trump sen- Studies at Long Island’s country,” Mr. Levy said. That is weathered storms in the past
The session starts again in about the future.” While she timent in Westchester County Hofstra University, said Demo- a sign “of the kind of demo- and will certainly weather this
January, and Ms. Malliotakis fell short of becoming New and a big turnout by organized crats successfully capitalized graphic and political changes one also.” Mr. Mondello said.
said she is “ready to get back to York City’s first female mayor, labor, which came out to vote on national frustration with we’ve been seeing in suburban “Remember there was a Nassau
work.” Some of the issues she she said she hopes “my race against a ballot measure that the Trump administration in communities on Long Island County Republican Party yes-
highlighted during her cam- encourages other young women would have convened a state what they hope to be a sign of and beyond.” terday, there is one today and
paign, such as concerns about to get involved.” constitutional convention. New things to come for the 2018 Ed Cox, the chairman of the there will be one tomorrow.”



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After Losses, Left Lean

Shift in New Jersey vote by party

N.J. Republicans
in Tuesday's gubernatorial election
from 2016 presidential race
More More
Democratic Republican

Vow to Fight On +10 +5 Same +5 +10

BY KATE KING tered voters in New Jersey.

John Currie, chairman of Newark
Jersey City
After losing their eight-year New Jersey’s Democratic State
grip on New Jersey’s top office, Committee, said dissatisfaction New Brunswick
state Republicans were licking with Republican President Don-
their wounds Wednesday, while ald Trump mattered more than Trenton
vowing to push back against voter registration numbers.
Democratic Gov.-elect Phil The election gives Democrats Toms River
Murphy’s progressive agenda. control of the executive and leg-
“It was a rough night, but islative branches of state gov-

we’ve had rough nights before ernment, leaving Republicans Vineland

and come back, so I expect we with little leverage against Mr. Atlantic City
will do so again,” said Bill Murphy as he moves to carry
Palatucci, a GOP insider and out his agenda, which includes
longtime political adviser to increasing spending and imple-
outgoing Republican Gov. menting a millionaire’s tax. Source: New Jersey Division of Elections
Chris Christie. The state Assembly’s Re- Phil Murphy and his family celebrated after he was elected governor of New Jersey on Tuesday. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
publican leader, Jon Bramnick,
who was re-elected Tuesday by Matthew Hale, a political- national Republican Party. April census. He said redistricting tive elections alone had
a narrower margin than years science professor at Seton Hall Huggler, a resident of Eaton- was partly to blame for long- topped $21 million by early
‘The face I’m going past, said he would “govern University, said it would take town, said she didn’t like Mr. time Republican state Sen. Jen November, a 33% increase
to put forward is the from the middle” after Mr. some time for Republicans to Christie and is angered by ef- Beck losing her seat on Tuesday. from the 2013 elections, ac-
Christie leaves office in Janu- regain political strength in New forts in the Republican-con- In Ms. Beck’s district, which cording to the state Election
moderate face of the ary and will work with Demo- Jersey. He assigned some blame trolled Congress to repeal the includes parts of Monmouth Law Enforcement Commission.
Republican Party.’ crats when possible to advo- to Mr. Christie, who he said Affordable Care Act. “I really County, registered Democrats Spending from independent
cate for the GOP’s priorities. didn’t do enough during his two wasn’t happy with our situation outnumber Republicans by groups tends to favor Demo-
“It was a longer night than terms to campaign for down- so I wanted a change,” she said. more than 13,000 voters, more cratic candidates in New Jer-
normal,” he said. “The face I’m ballot candidates or promote Republicans leaders sought than double the margin that sey, he noted. “Democrats have
Mr. Murphy won about 56% going to put forward is the the state’s Republican brand. to minimize the effect Mr. existed in 2009, before the lat- a built-in base of support with
of the vote compared with Lt. moderate face of the Republi- “In the past there were Christie’s unpopularity—his est legislative map was drawn, the unions, and the unions raise
Gov. Kim Guadagno’s 42%, ac- can Party, but fiscally we’re people that you could easily job-approval rating is in the when the spread favored Dem- a lot of money and they make it
cording to unofficial results going to oppose making this identify or pick out that might teens—had on Tuesday’s ocrats by about 6,000 voters. readily available,” he said.
released Wednesday by state state unaffordable.” be next,” Mr. Hale said. “I losses. Mr. Palatucci said New “Redistricting is key and In an unusual turn of events
Division of Elections officials. In southern New Jersey, the don’t know who’s next in the Jersey is “too blue a state” for that’s clearly something where this year, New Jersey’s teach-
Mr. Palatucci attributed Republican mayor of Atlantic Republican Party right now. Mr. Christie’s electoral wins to Republicans have to be on ers union spent millions back-
Tuesday’s loss to what he and City was ousted by a Demo- Chris Christie did absolutely transfer to other candidates. their game,” Mr. Florio said. ing a Republican legislative
other Republicans in the state cratic councilman, and long- nothing to build the party.” Dale Florio, a Republican Election spending from in- candidate in an effort to un-
described as the natural swing time Republican Congressman Several voters interviewed at strategist and lobbyist, said the dependent groups, such as su- seat an incumbent Democrat,
of the political pendulum be- Frank LoBiondo said he the polls on Tuesday said they party will need to fight for bet- per PACs, also is an area Senate President Stephen
tween parties and the fact that wouldn’t seek re-election in voted for Mr. Murphy because ter representation when New where Republicans have been Sweeney. He prevailed, but
Democrats outnumber Repub- 2018, giving Democrats an op- they were unhappy with Mr. Jersey redraws its legislative outmatched, he said. Indepen- was forced to spend a signifi-
licans by nearly 900,000 regis- portunity to flip his seat. Christie and the direction of the districts after the 2020 U.S. dent expenditures for legisla- cant amount of money.


MANHATTAN spired to pay Mr. Seabrook kick-
Milk Bar Dessert Chain Plans Expansion
backs or bribes in return for his BY CHARLES PASSY resents a 15% year-over-year
Jury Weighs Fate delivery of millions of dollars of increase.
Of Ex-Union Head union funds for investments in Crack pie is going global. A Milk Bar spokesperson
Mr. Huberfeld’s hedge fund. Milk Bar, the New York- also said the company has fans
A jury has begun delibera- They say he was given based dessert chain behind the overseas, so “we are strategiz-
tions in the bribery trial of the $60,000 and was promised be- gooey treat, has received an ing how to reach them.”
former head of New York City’s tween $100,000 and $150,000 eight-figure investment from Milk Bar’s products go be-
correction officers’ union. annually. RSE Ventures, a venture-capi- yond crack pie. The company is
Jurors are deciding the fate Lawyers for the men say tal firm, Milk Bar officials said. also known for its cereal-milk
of 57-year-old Norman Seabrook their clients acted honestly and Milk Bar plans to use the ice cream and its “naked”

as well as hedge fund financier legally and that prosecutors re- funds to launch into other cakes: layer cakes with un-
Murray Huberfeld. lied on a dishonest star witness. markets. frosted sides.
Prosecutors say the men con- —Associated Press In its nine-year history, the Milk Bar joins a growing list
company has grown from a of New York food and restau-
CONNECTICUT single location in Manhattan’s rant companies looking to ex-
CORRECTIONS  City Sues Drugmaker
East Village neighborhood to a
dozen spots, spread through-
pand. Magnolia Bakery, whose
cupcakes were made famous
AMPLIFICATIONS Over Opioid Crisis out New York; Las Vegas; by the television series “Sex
Washington, D.C.; and Toronto. and the City,” has added loca-
New Haven is suing the com- But Milk Bar, which was cre- tions everywhere from Chicago
An executive from Ernst & pany that manufactures Oxy- ated in partnership with David to Dubai, and has plans to
Young LLP and one from Contin for alleged “deceptive Chang’s Momofuku group of open in Boston and Washing-
Brookfield Property Partners marketing” that is blamed for restaurants, is now looking at a ton, D.C., in 2018, according to
LP were shown in a photo with the city’s opioid crisis. more significant expansion. Milk Bar is planning to launch in more markets. Founder Christina company officials.
a story about EY’s plans to re- The city filed a lawsuit A Los Angeles location and Tosi doesn’t want its crack pie to seem exclusive to New York. Still, Milk Bar could face
locate its U.S. headquarters in against Purdue Pharma Tuesday two additional locations in challenges as it looks to grow,
Manhattan. The caption incor- seeking compensation for costs Washington, D.C., are set to Seattle, Miami, Chicago and Award winner, of the inspira- said John Zolidis, a restaurant
rectly said the photo showed faced by police, social services open in late 2017 and early Atlanta as some of her favorite tion to grow her company. Ms. analyst based in New York. He
two Ernst & Young executives. and first responders combating 2018. Plus, additional markets cities. Tosi also noted Milk Bar ships warns that its quirky desserts
the crisis. are being considered. “It felt exclusive to say you its signature dessert nationally. may not play well in every
Readers can alert The Wall Street The company has denied the Milk Bar’s founder and chief don’t get crack pie unless you In all, the company says it market. “Some people will say
Journal to any errors in news articles
by emailing or allegations. executive officer, Christina come to New York,” said Ms. has sold 250,000 slices of the this doesn’t make any sense,”
by calling 888-410-2667. —Associated Press Tosi, pointed to San Francisco, Tosi, a two-time James Beard pie to date in 2017, which rep- he said.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A11




On Hallmark,
In addition to a feel-good finale,
there’s an atmospheric checklist
‘SWITCHED FOR CHRISTMAS” for every movie. “Buying a Christ-
has all the ingredients for a Hall- mas tree. Wrapping gifts. Thinking
mark Channel holiday movie. A of gifts. Baking and cooking meals.
small-town Christmas festival. Family gatherings. All of the

It’s Always Christmas

Flirtation and decorating. Snowy things that you think of as tradi-
epiphanies about what really mat- tional,” says Randy Pope, senior
ters. And Candace Cameron Bure, vice president of programming.
a Hallmark audience favorite who Snow is a dealbreaker. “Every
has starred in six Christmas mov- year we get scripts with some-
ies for the network. This season thing like, ‘It’s the first year in the
the network doubled the actor’s country’s snowiest city that they
presence: Ms. Bure plays identical The channel’s sure-fire ingredients for a successful holiday show: quaint had no snow.’ Nope. Not on Hall-
twins who temporarily trade lives mark it’s not,” Ms. Vicary says.
and stumble into romance. small town, flirtatious tree decorating and, most importantly, snow Tradition extends to the stars
The commitment to Christmas who return annually to Hallmark
is total in the TV world of Hall- movies, especially actresses famed
mark, with wall-to-wall program- for TV roles in the 1980s and ’90s,
ming requiring year-round produc- including Ms. Bure and Lori Lough-
tion. Thirty-three new and original lin (“Full House”), Lacey Chabert
holiday films are premiering on (“Party of Five”) and Danica McK-
two Hallmark channels between ellar (“The Wonder Years”).
Oct. 27 and Jan. 1—up from 28 Hallmark’s formula has resulted
new movies last year. That’s a to- in a certain sameness in casting. All
tal of 136 Christmas films pro- the romantic leading roles in this
duced by Crown Media Family Net- year’s batch of 33 movies are played
works, which operates four by white actors, except for the His-
Hallmark-branded channels, since panic stars of “Enchanted Christ-
the company ramped up its output mas,” Alexa and Carlos PenaVega.
of original movies in 2008. “We’re working on it and doing
Hallmark’s go-to producers are everything we can to create the
tasked with finding ultra-quaint best cast for each movie and also
settings without recycling the look at diversity as part of our
same charming inns, barns and strategy,” Ms. Vicary says, noting
town halls in multiple films. Van- an expanding roster of stars, such
couver-based Front Street Pictures Snow and decorations abound in the Hallmark Channel’s holiday-movie lineup for this year, including, clockwise from as Holly Robinson Peete and Rod-
coordinated five Christmas movies top left, ‘Switched for Christmas,’ ‘Enchanted Christmas,’ ‘Christmas Homecoming’ and ‘A Song for Christmas.’ ney Peete, the African-American
for Hallmark this year, the last of couple whose family is at the cen-
which is shooting now. crews. So this year Mr. Lake mark Channel’s target audience— mas Encore.” A big-time star en- ter of Hallmark’s first unscripted
Front Street production man- pushed further east to Chilliwack, women ages 25 to 54—more than counters small-town romance in series, premiering in February.
ager Jamie Lake is accustomed to a farming community surrounded doubled the average of any previ- “Marry Me at Christmas,” “A Song Inducing yuletide déjà vu is part
shooting Christmas movies in by mountains. He zeroed in on a ous month. In the first two week- for Christmas” and “Rocky Moun- of the point for fans. Testimonials
summer when actors sweat in narrow block with a barbershop ends of this year’s Christmas blitz, tain Christmas.” In “The Perfect on Twitter include “I’ve done
their parkas. His crews create and toy store, which he says was Hallmark had the biggest audience Christmas Present,” the hero is a nothing but watch Hallmark
snowy landscapes with white drap- “perfect for the little parade” in of any cable network. The seasonal personal gift buyer known to his Christmas movies for the past 3
ery and truckloads of ice used to “Rocky Mountain Christmas,” set strategy has helped drive overall clients as Mr. Christmas—not un- days” and “i am so beyond ready
pack fish. In his office he has data- in a fictional hamlet in Colorado. growth for the network, which saw like the nickname for the title to binge hallmark christmas mov-
bases of potential locations and he An all-out approach to the holi- its ratings among adult viewers character in “Miss Christmas,” ies nonstop for the next two
spends days off driving around, day season is common in other in- under 50, the industry benchmark, whose job is finding the perfect months.” The recognizable
hunting for buildings that look like dustries such as retailing and ra- grow by 31% last year. tree for Chicago. rhythms also work for people who
they belong in a snow globe. dio, where more than 500 stations However, Hallmark faces a Executives say it’s the charac- enjoy them ironically. As one
“Every movie wants that small, around the U.S. are expected to unique challenge: producing three ters that make each movie unique. viewer tweeted, they “may be
cute town and there’s only so switch to an all-Christmas format dozen movies about the same holi- “Even if there’s a similar tradition cheesy and predictable, but that
many small, cute towns within this year, according to Nielsen. day while avoiding “Groundhog in one movie to the next, that sure as hell isn’t stopping me from
driving distance of the film zone,” Some cable TV networks—includ- Day” repetition. Often there’s a doesn’t mean the characters aren’t watching them.”
Mr. Lake says, referring to the ing Disney’s Freeform, Ion, Life- struggling family business that going on different journeys,” says Hallmark executives are now
Vancouver area in which produc- time and Up—roll out Christmas needs saving, like the cozy inn in Michelle Vicary, executive vice picking scripts for 2018’s Christmas
tions receive tax credits. countdowns, featuring familiar hits “Christmas at Holly Lodge,” the president of programming and net- lineup, and filling smaller orders
Fort Langley, a picturesque vil- and a handful of originals old-fashioned holiday shop in work publicity for Crown Media for other seasonal movie blocks
lage just east of Vancouver, is a During last year’s holiday take- “Sharing Christmas,” or the the- Family Networks. The company is such as “Very Valentine’s,” “Sum-
little too popular with camera over, the size of the flagship Hall- ater that loses its lease in “Christ- a division of the Kansas City, Mo.- mer Nights” and “Fall Harvest.”



Mr. Kondabolu’s documentary,
which debuts at the DOC NYC film
festival on Nov. 14 and airs on
HARI KONDABOLU never wanted truTV on Nov. 19, explores a ques-
to find fault with “The Simpsons.” tion at the heart of that comment:
Like most comedians, he grew up What happens when a TV character
worshiping the groundbreaking an- loved by millions just might deni-
imated sitcom. grate millions of others?
But as an adult, the Indian- But he didn’t want the film to be
American stand-up comic started a downer. “ ‘The Simpsons’ is an
having second thoughts about one institution. And I love that institu-
of the show’s characters, Apu Na- tion,” says the 35-year-old New
hasapeemapetilon, the hardwork- Yorker. “It had to be funny. If
ing, cheapskate owner of the Kwik- you’re gonna be a killjoy, you have
E Mart. to kill joy with joy.”
Apu made his debut during the In the film, Mr. Kondabolu talks
first “Simpsons” season. In an with actors of South Asian ances-
early 1990 episode, Apu warns Bart try including Kal Penn (“Harold
and his delinquent pals not to steal and Kumar Go to White Castle”),
anything in the aisles of his conve- Aziz Ansari (“Master of None”),
nience store. He’s been selling stale Aasif Mandvi (“The Daily Show”),
hot dogs and price-gouging the Hasan Minaj (“The Daily Show”)
residents of Springfield ever since. and Utkarsh Ambudkar (“Pitch Per-
Actor Hank Azaria voices Apu fect”), as well as comedians

with a mockingly heavy Indian ac- Aparna Nancherla and Russell Pe-
cent. Or, as Mr. Kondabolu calls it ters and former surgeon general
in his new documentary, “The Vivek Murthy. They all discuss
Problem with Apu”: “A white guy varying levels of unease with Apu.
doing an impression of a white guy Some note that the problem
Apu, left, pictured in a January 2016 episode of ‘The Simpsons,’ speaks with an exaggerated Indian accent in the show. making fun of my father.” Please see APU page A12
A12 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


THE MIDDLE SEAT | By Scott McCartney

How Should a Holiday Inn Smell?

Budget hotel chains, emulating luxury brands, are adopting signature scents to create memorable experiences
WHAT DOES a cheap hotel smell sometimes sprayed in corridors and
like? These days, it may be notes elevator areas by housekeeping.
of jasmine mixed with wood and A few people do turn up their
honeysuckle. noses at scented hotels. MGallery
Luxury hotels have scented lob- by Sofitel, a collection of high-end
bies, hallways and other public hotels that uses a different scent
spaces with carefully crafted per- for each property, conducted a
fumes for several years to create a survey of 3,000 guests over the
memorable brand image and summer and found 78% of women
stealthily calm guests as they ar- and 74% of men generally like
rive. Now budget chains are spritz- scented spaces. There were differ-
ing, too. Hotels have arguably ent levels of acceptance in differ-
never paid so much attention to ent countries, however. In the
how they smell, employing expert United Kingdom, one-third of men
“noses” from leading perfume mak- disliked scent.
ers to entice travelers with just the MGallery has advised its U.K.
right amount of sandalwood. properties to select fragrances
The description of the Holiday that are not too strong, says Agnès
Inn Express Signature Scent tries Roquefort, senior vice president of
for a level of elegance not nor- luxury brand management.
mally found with a free breakfast A side benefit for hotels: Just
buffet: “Crisp lemon top notes ac- about every brand now sells its
cent a heart of watery green flo- scent in candles and other products

rals, sweet grass, a dash of exotic for home use. Marriott says sales
herbs, spicy perilla and a base of of all its scents, such as a room
sheer woods and musk.” spritzer to add the lemony, seduc-
Marriott International and In- tive W smell to your own bathroom
terContinental Hotels Group use or bedroom, are up 35% compared
scent in most of their brands, from with a year earlier. The Carlyle in
Best Western on up. The hip W New York, a Rosewood hotel, sells
sprays a floral scent with notes of more than 2,500 bars of its scented
jasmine and sandalwood. The Wes- soap each year at $6 a bar.
tin chain promotes wellness, so it Scent marketing has been
employs a white tea aroma that is around for several years. Retailers,
calming, says Tina Edmundson, medical facilities and entertain-
global brand officer for Marriott. ment venues routinely mix scent
“If you put the W scent in a with heating and air-conditioning
Westin environment, it would feel air flow, or deliver it more directly
odd. It would feel out of place,” through strategically placed diffus-
Ms. Edmundson says. Moxy Hotels, ers or candles. Realtors and devel-
Marriott’s newest budget brand opers use scent to sell homes and
targeted at younger travelers, has condos. Airlines including Delta
a scent to enhance the notion of and United are using scent in air-
fun experiences. The most impor- port lounges and even on airplanes
tant corporate rule guiding Moxy’s during takeoff and landing.
olfactory profile: It can’t smell ex- “Hotels want clean, crisp notes.
pensive like a Ritz Carlton. They don’t want it to be a perfum-
ScentAir, a Charlotte, N.C., com- ery, but they don’t want it to smell
pany that develops and delivers like a tea shop,” says Edward
scents for hotels and other indus- Burke, vice president of customer
tries, says its highest area of strategy and communications for
growth right now is in value hotels. ScentAir.
Hotels say the scent has to fit Though each brand has a scent,
the brand, and mixing the right it’s ultimately up to local hotel op-
fragrance is crucial to marketing. erators whether to use it. ScentAir
Experts say what we smell and says it costs a small hotel about
hear can create lasting impres- The ‘Essence de Sofitel,’ used at all its hotels including Paris, below, includes lemon, lily of the valley and sandalwood. $100 a month to scent a lobby and
sions stronger than visual cues. other public areas. A large hotel
Just as favorite songs get attached a sense of famil- marker for the might spend $2,000 a month on a
to memories, so, too, can pleasing iarity. It really brand,” he says. scent program, depending on size
smells link a certain brand or helps get transi- Sofitel now and desired effects, Mr. Burke says.
place with happy thoughts. tion from the out- uses Essence de Hotels say they don’t use scent in
“You can see beautiful flowers. side,” Mr. Rocco Sofitel, a fra- individual rooms, but companies like
When you go to the next hotel, says. grance developed ScentAir are working on technology
will you really remember the flow- Westin was by famous that could give guests the ability to
ers?” says Joao Rocco, Paris-based one of the first French “nose” control scent in their rooms.
vice president for luxury brand with a chain-wide Lucien Ferrero. Some hotels already have in-
management at Sofitel hotels. white tea scent it It’s a mix of stalled tablet computers in rooms
“With smell, you will remember.” began testing in lemon leaf, ber- with controls for TV, temperature,
It’s not that consumers are go- 2005. Westin has gamot and basil, window curtains and lighting.
ing to book Sofitel hotels for the stuck with the supported by lily Scent could be added, but the cost
smell. Price, location and service same scent, but of the valley, to deliver individually controlled
are still bigger drivers of repeat many brands are white rose and fragrance into rooms remains the
business, Mr. Rocco says. But when updating and shifting. Sofitel The regional strategy, launched in cardamom, with a complex bottom stumbling block.
you get to a Sofitel hotel, you’ll shifted its strategy last year from 2009, had worked, Mr. Rocco says– note of precious woods like white “That’s one of our main proj-
feel more comfortable because the having off-the-shelf scents selected people bought candles. sandalwood. ects. Hotels say they’d love to have
smell is familiar, he says. by local staff to a unique Sofitel “But we were missing an oppor- The scent is diffused in the that ability if we can do it at the
“It gives you a sense of arrival, scent common to all properties. tunity to really build a very unified lobby of Sofitel’s 120 hotels and right cost,” says Mr. Burke.


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Continued from page A11
FRANCE with the character might
stem from his pioneering
role. In 1990, there weren’t
many South Asian charac-
ters on American TV or in
films. Early “Simpsons” epi-

 sodes reached as many as

30 million viewers, and Apu
became the most prominent
Indian-American presence

to many people.
“They didn’t mean for it

 to happen. The problem is
we didn’t have any other
representation in this coun-
try,” says Mr. Ambudkar in
the film. “This one character
created so many problems,

psychologically, emotionally,
for so many people.”
Dana Gould, a former
“Simpsons” writer and pro-
ducer, tells Mr. Kondabolu
that the bottom line for the
show is “funny,” and some
foreign accents simply
 sound funny to nonmultilin- In his film, comedian Hari Kondabolu, left, speaks with Whoopi Goldberg about racial stereotypes.
 gual Americans.
He suggests that “The public or taunted by a wasn’t able to preview the tion puts up with more than
Simpsons” stereotypes— stranger with an Apu refer- documentary and didn’t their American-born children
and often humanizes— ence, such as his catchphrase: want to comment on it. are willing to tolerate. She
pretty much everybody, so “Thank you, come again.” All But Mr. Kondabolu does also tells Hari that he has
Apu is no different from the the men raise their hands. meet with Whoopi Goldberg, “Apu hair.”
sitcom’s depiction of greedy Throughout the documen- who owns a collection of Mr. Kondabolu under-
billionaires, Mr. Burns. tary, Mr. Kondabolu tries to racist memorabilia, and the stands that not everyone will
But for Mr. Kondabolu wrangle an interview with two discuss how Apu com- appreciate his concern about
and others, this racial stere- Mr. Azaria, a master of over- pares with the portrayal of Apu. “I realize some of you
otype is different. In the the-top vocal caricature. His African-Americans in min- think I’m some annoying, PC,
film, he assembles a roomful other “Simpsons” characters strel shows. He also inter- social-justice warrior who’s
of young South Asian-Amer- include surly bartender Moe, views his immigrant parents, very sensitive and obsessed


ican entertainers whose donut-munching cop Clancy who are more accepting. with a 28-year-old cartoon
         faces are familiar from TV Wiggum, dweeby Professor “Hank Azaria is a talented character,” he says in the



     and movies. He asks how Frink and smug, overweight guy,” his mother says. “They film. “You’re probably think-
'      $ &   
 ! (  
# ) many of the men and Comic Book Guy. Mr. Azaria paid him, and he did it. And ing: ‘Come on, snowflake, let

    women have had to deal ultimately declined to partic- he did it great.” She ac- it go.’ Well, I have let it
with being called Apu in ipate in the documentary. He knowledges that her genera- go...for 28 years.”
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A13


Taylor Swift, left, in Houston in
February, has pushed CD sales of her
new album using incentives including
special-edition magazines, below.


music release of the season.
The chain’s biggest seller to
date is Adele’s “25,” which was
held from streaming for the better
part of the first year after it came
out in 2015, when streaming be-
came the biggest segment of the
U.S. music market.
Target is offering two different
72-page special-edition magazines
featuring portraits, personal pho-
tos as well as poetry and paintings
by Ms. Swift with each album pur-
chase. It expects many fans, who
call themselves “Swifties,” to pur-
chase two copies of the album to
have both magazines, said Lee
MUSIC Henderson, a company spokesman.
“We look for a way to give fans

Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’ on CDs

something they can’t get anywhere
else,” said Mr. Henderson.
Until the middle of this year,
none of Ms. Swift’s music was
available on Spotify, by far the
most popular streaming service,
The pop star’s new album, due Friday, is unlikely to be made available on streaming services with about twice as many users as
No. 2 Apple Music.
sales and streams in units, rather Last week, streaming accounted Ms. Swift wanted her music to
than in dollars, and treats 1,500 for 75% of total retail volume for be available only to paying sub-
streams as the equivalent of one “1989,” according to Nielsen. scribers; Spotify insisted that all
TAYLOR SWIFT APPEARS to be album sale. While the singles off of “Repu- its users—including those who use
staking her reputation on CD sales. All signs point to strong sales tation” so far haven’t had the its free, ad-supported option—be
While the music industry is momentum ahead of Friday’s re- same chart success as those on able to listen to it. In June, Ms.
watching to see if the pop star’s lease. “1989,” that doesn’t appear to have Swift put her entire catalog on
new album can match the sales of “Reputation” has already gener- diminished demand for the album, Spotify, including its free tier. By
her previous blockbuster, a bigger ated 400,000 preorders for digital said David Bakula, a Nielsen Enter- then, “1989” had sold 10 million
question for many concerns how and physical copies—more than tainment analyst. copies world-wide, according to
her sixth studio effort, “Reputa- double the figure for “1989,” ac- The first four singles on the al- her management team.
tion,” will be made available when cording to Big Machine. That al- bum indicate a more synth-heavy It’s too soon to say what keep-
it comes out Friday. bum was released when sales still —and, at times, bass-heavy—brand ing “Reputation” off streaming ser-
The album is unlikely to be generated more revenue than of pop, while the set list includes a vices would mean for its overall
heard on streaming services when streaming in the U.S., according to collaboration with singer-song- performance.
it’s released, according to people the Recording Industry Association writer Ed Sheeran and rapper Fu- “This was going to be heavily
familiar with the matter. Initial waited seven months before al- of America. ture. Three of the same pop mas- purchased album anyway,” said
discussions indicated such a lowing any streaming services to Sales remain a huge opportunity terminds who worked on “1989,” Nielsen’s Mr. Bakula.
streaming blackout could last as carry it. for Ms. Swift. A superstar artist Jack Antonoff, Max Martin and Since Ms. Swift’s fan base is
little as a week or two after the Three years later, however, can receive as much as 20% of the Shellback, are listed as producers. largely made up of younger con-
album’s release, according to one streaming has overtaken download proceeds from album sales. Ms. Swift is using various incen- sumers who listen to music via
of these people, who said the final sales and CDs as the most popular In the first weeks after the re- tives to encourage her loyal fan streaming, she could effectively
decision was up to Ms. Swift and way to listen to music, and it’s un- lease of a heavily promoted album base to buy the new album on CD. get paid twice for the same al-
her inner circle. So far, that group clear whether it will be feasible to like “Reputation,” that can make Ordering a copy from her website bum, as fans purchase a digital or
hasn’t shared its plans with many keep the new album off Spotify sales far more profitable than can boost a buyer’s chances of se- physical copy of “Reputation”
business partners. Ms. Swift’s la- AB, Apple Music and other ser- streaming, which generates royal- curing tickets to her coming con- then continue to listen to it on
bel, Big Machine Records, de- vices for as long. ties worth tiny fractions of a cert tour. the subscription services they
clined to comment on plans for So far this year streaming is re- penny per listen. Over the long Target Corp. says “Reputation” typically use.
the new album. sponsible for about 60% of music term, those micropayments can has generated more preorders With or without streaming, says
After releasing her previous al- consumption in the U.S., according add up to big money for hit songs than any album before it, and ex- Mr. Bakula, “it’s going to be a
bum, “1989,” in 2014, Ms. Swift to Nielsen Music, which measures and albums. pects the album to be its biggest blockbuster one way or another.”



BY MARY TOMPKINS LEWIS enduring synopses of his art that The elaborate stone frame and
the painter intended. They lay format of Murillo’s “Self-Portrait”
claim not only to his likeness but of c. 1870 suggest its strikingly dif-
New York to his pre-eminent place in the ferent intent. Though his sagging
IN THE LATE 17th century, the Spanish canon. face and neck are softened now by
city of Seville suffered pestilence, The Frick’s recently acces- a lacy Northern (or Walloon) col-
famine and the loss of its presti- sioned, half-length self-portrait de- lar, the painter has visibly aged;
gious position as the commercial picts Murillo in a three-quarters the tragic recent loss of his wife
hub of the expansive Spanish Em- pose, and dressed as a hidalgo, or and four of his nine children may
pire. Though its population was Spanish gentleman: A black jacket also have shaped his weary coun-
devastated by disease and starva- with fashionably slit sleeves re- tenance. The attributes of his pro-
tion, many reduced to living in veals his voluminous underlying fession are arrayed on a stone
squalor, and its economy and fu- white shirt. And, at the neck, the ledge before him: the tools of
ture lay in ruin, Seville miracu- stiffened, unembellished golilla drawing at left allude to Murillo’s
lously contributed some of the collar—an austere style favored by heralded skills as a draftsman,
most splendid late paintings of the Philip IV and delicately sketched in while the paintbrushes and palette
Spanish Golden Age. here with sheer, white strokes of at right establish him as a painter.
Chief among these late baroque paint—sets off his sensitively ren- But it is the ingenious gesture
works were the paintings of Barto- dered features. An inscription in he assumes, as his right hand
lomé Esteban Murillo (1617-1682), red at the base of the canvas, reaches through the painted frame
whose penchant for a graceful, which identifies the subject and into the viewer’s space, that an-
naturalist style made accessible his fame within his profession, was nounces Murillo’s brilliant origi-
the religious art he produced for added to the painted stone ledge nality. A marvel of trompe l’oeil
the city’s churches and charitable after Murillo’s death and appears painting that may have drawn
institutions. Murillo is likewise re- in subsequent graphic replicas that from countless works he knew
membered for enigmatic scenes of render such images encomiums. from prints (and Rembrandt in
the streetwise denizens of Like many of Murillo’s portraits, particular), it extends the inven-
Seville—smiling, scruffy waifs in his image is inset within an illu- tive pictorial conceits that made
threadbare clothing, veiled young sionistic stone frame, but one far Murillo’s genre paintings—several
flower girls in provocative poses, less decorative than those that en- of which are included in this
perhaps a courtesan and a duenna shrine his other sitters or even the show—so alluring. It would inspire
gazing out at the viewer or client. painter himself in the later self- countless later artists, notably the
Such paintings’ intriguing, cryptic portrait. Made up of a seemingly Englishman William Hogarth, to
content and their sophisticated ar- rough and chipped stone block use it as models for their own
tistic conceits made even these that appears to have been ravaged work. But it may have been

humble images prized by Murillo’s by time, it may recall, as the cura- painted as well to inspire his re-
legions of collectors. tors argue (and as do his paintings maining sons. The touching in-
Although they have received lit- of urchins in vacant landscapes scription Murillo added, “Barto-
tle critical attention, Murillo also strewn with ancient ruins), Mu- lomé Murillo portraying himself to
excelled at portrait paintings, and rillo’s interest in the remnants of fulfill the wishes and prayers of
at least two self-portraits figure classical antiquity that filled the his children,” suggests his in-
among the 15 or so surviving like- Bartolomé Esteban Murillo’s ‘Self-Portrait’ (c. 1650-55) Sevillian landscape. Built upon the tended audience was not just that
nesses that can be attributed to ancient Roman city of Hispalis, of posterity.
his hand. As beautifully argued in essential to his oeuvre. Frick family. When seen in the Seville enjoyed one of the closest
the small but significant “Murillo: The exhibition marks the quad- context of a handful of his related connections of any Spanish city Murillo: The Self-Portraits
The Self-Portraits,” organized by ricentennial of the painter’s birth portraits—including several newly with its antique past, and it is one The Frick Collection, through Feb. 4,
Xavier F. Salomon, the chief cura- and was occasioned by the New attributed here to the artist—and that Murillo knew well. An allusion 2018
tor of the Frick Collection, and by York museum’s recent acquisition amid graphic reproductions by to that legacy here may have “set
Letizia Treves of the National Gal- of Murillo’s “Self-Portrait” of later artists, Murillo’s self-por- in stone” his image and achieve- Ms. Lewis teaches art history at
lery, London, these works, too, are c.1650-55, a gift from heirs of the traits emerge as the cogent and ment for posterity. Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
A14 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The NBA’s Bizarro Start

The Cavs stink and the Knicks might be good. Right now, the league makes no sense.


most confusing
stretch of every NBA season.
Each team has played about
10 games—which is enough to
make impressions that might
be true and not enough to
Jerry Jones, left, with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in 2014. know with any confidence
whether they actually will be.
NFL But there is already so much
that has happened in less than
a month that it can be hard to
JONES TRIES TO BLOCK keep track. Take the Cleveland
Cavaliers as an example.

GOODELL’S CONTRACT The latest twist in their

daily soap opera came on
Monday night when LeBron
James posted on Instagram
the issue. a cryptic image of the chil-
In a previous Oct. 26 call dren’s-book character Arthur
with at least 15 owners who clenching his fist with the
owner aren’t members of the com- caption “Mood…” It was only
Jerry Jones is trying to pensation committee, some natural that the NBA world
block NFL commissioner of those agreed with Jones’s spent most of Tuesday at-
Roger Goodell’s pending con- concerns about extending tempting to decipher the
tract extension, sparking a Goodell’s contract, according message.
feud among the ownership to a person familiar with the Here are some questions
ranks and intensifying his matter. that are easier to answer.
battle with the league. The Oct. 26 call came Are the Cavaliers really
The blowup is the latest shortly after the NFL’s own- this bad?
enmity for the league in a ers meetings in New York, Cleveland’s defense last
season already filled with in- where a focal point of dis- season was not quite the
ternal and external strife, cussions was the contentious worst of any team’s. It was

most prominently around national anthem protests by only the worst of any playoff
the players’ national anthem players that have roiled the team’s. But now it’s the
protests and how to handle league and its sponsors. Dur- worst of any team’s in the
them. Jones has been critical ing those meetings, the last five years.
of the league’s handling of league decided not to change The question surrounding
the issue as well as Goodell’s a rule to mandate that play- the Cavaliers is how much
decision to suspend Cowboys ers must stand during the anyone should care about
star running back Ezekiel El- anthem. their statistical ineptitude.
liott for six games, a penalty Jones has been one of the November is not their priority.
that remains under appeal. most outspoken owners Cleveland has played in June
In a call last Thursday against the protests, which the last three seasons, and it’s LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers are off to a slow start this season.
with owners on the compen- have drawn ire from some even more important this year
sation committee, Jones ex- fans and President Donald for the league’s oldest team to game. It seemed like Bos- get another top draft pick to the Pistons that one of their
pressed concerns about ex- Trump, who have called the conserve its energy for when ton’s championship aspira- complement Kristaps Porzin- most important players
tending Goodell’s contract demonstrations unpatriotic. it counts. The team the Cavs tions would have to wait. gis. By that logic, what couldn’t stay on the court in
and the potential structure All the while, Jones has are now won’t be the team Except the Celtics have now they’re doing is extremely tight games because he
and compensation involved, assailed Goodell’s discipline the Cavs are six months from won nine straight on their way Knicks-y: This is a team that couldn’t be trusted to make
according to a person famil- for Elliott over violations of now, either, since they’re to the league’s best record. can’t even tank well. free throws. He was so des-
iar with the matter. Goodell the league’s personal con- waiting for Isaiah Thomas to Irving is a legitimate star. Why should I care about perate for solutions that
has reportedly made more duct policy related to alleged rehab an injury before making Al Horford is a reliable side- Andre Drummond’s free Drummond experimented
than $200 million since be- domestic violence. He and his Cleveland debut. kick. Boston’s defense is es- throws? with virtual reality before
coming commissioner in the NFL Players Association But the real reason it’s pecially feisty. Drummond came into this last season. When that didn’t
2006. have criticized the league’s not worth freaking about the Whether it’s sustainable season as the single worst work, he tried something
Jones declined to com- investigatory process and Cavaliers being 5-6 is pretty beyond the first month of free-throw shooter in the more conventional: He re-
ment through a team spokes- called the suspension unfair. obvious. They still have Le- the season is another issue history of the NBA. His ca- made his shooting mechanics
man. An NFL spokesman de- Elliott’s suspension has Bron James. altogether. But for now it’s a reer percentage from the line and rethought his free-throw
clined to comment, though become a protracted legal Are the Boston Celtics sight to behold. was 38.1%. Of all the players routine before this season.
in recent weeks the league battle, with a potential reso- really this good? Are the New York Knicks with at least 1,000 career The biggest increase in
has expressed confidence lution coming Thursday, The Celtics were the No. 1 really this competent? free-throw attempts, no one free-throw percentage from
that the owners would move when the Second U.S. Circuit seed in the East last season. Maybe! else was below 40%. one season to the next among
forward with a contract ex- Court of Appeals will hear They celebrated by overhaul- It’s time to acknowledge That’s what makes the De- players with enough attempts
tension for Goodell. the case. ing their roster before this that the circus in residence troit Pistons center’s improve- was Tim Duncan improving
The call, as first reported To press his argument season. They landed Gordon at Madison Square Garden ment the craziest story of this from 61.8% to 79.9% between
by the New York Times, re- against Goodell, Jones has Hayward in free agency, otherwise known as the New NBA season. Drummond is 2001 and 2002, according to
sulted in other members of hired high-profile litigator traded the No. 1 pick in the York Knicks finally resembles suddenly and improbably a Stats LLC. If he keeps shoot-
the committee revoking David Boies. A spokesman draft and dealt Thomas for a halfway decent profes- 75% shooter. And it doesn’t ing this way, Drummond
Jones’s status as an ad hoc for Boies’ law firm, Boies Kyrie Irving in a series of sional basketball team. appear to be a fluke that he’s would be in a class of his own.
member, a role that had Schiller Flexner, declined to moves that positioned Bos- Now let’s be clear: The made 30 of his 40 free Is there any reason to
given him a voice but no comment and referred ques- ton to compete for titles now Knicks are unlikely to make throws, either. He also made believe the Golden State
vote. The Times said Jones tions to the Cowboys. and in the future. And then the playoffs, and there’s still 16 of his 20 free throws in the Warriors aren’t winning
threatened to sue the league —Rebecca Davis O’Brien Hayward shattered his leg in an argument they should be pre-season. the championship?
and some of the owners over contributed to this article. the first quarter of the first losing as much as possible to It was a big problem for No.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
30s 20s d
Edmonton 20s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 70 Works with hides 29 Dance party
Vancouver Caalgar
C ga y
0s 14 15 16 71 Light course 30 Cargo unit
Seattle ip
Winnipeg 17 18 19 72 Broad players 34 Brittany, for one
10s 40s 20s
P d
Portland 20 21 22
Down 36 Brittany, for one
40s Montreal 30s
Bismarckk Ottawa 1 Emmy statuette
Helena Billings A g t
Augusta 40s 37 Playwright
23 24 25 26 27 part
Eugene Boise Ayckbourn
Mpls./St.. Paul
Pau T t
Toronto A b y
Albany t
Boston 50s
50s Pierre 28 29 30 31 2 Rock in motion 38 “It was beauty
20s ff l
Buffalo rtford
Hartford 60s
30s k
Milwaukee Detroit
50s oux FFalls
Sioux ll Clevel d
Cleveland ew Y
New Yorkk 70s 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 Works out killed” him
60s Salt Lake
Lake Cit
City es Moines
Reno Cheyenne
Ch Phhil d lph
Omaha Ch g
g 50s Philadelphia 80s
39 40 41 42 43 4 Alpha Canis 40 Small streams
Sacramento p gfi ld
Denver40s Topeka d p
Indianapolis h
hi g
Washington on D C
D.C. 90s Majoris 42 Coxcomb
San Francisco Kansas
Cityy Ch l t
Charleston 44 45 46 47 48
LLas C d
Colorado h
Richmond d 100+ 5 It loops the Loop
p g
Springs St.. Louis Lou
ill 45 None too smart
70s Vega
Vegas l i h
Raleigh 49 50 51 52
Wichita 6 Fluctuate
Los A
Ange l
Angeles h ill
Nashville C h l
Charlotte 47 The Brits call it
anta Fe
Santa 50s Memphis hi
C b
Columbia 53 54 55 56 57 a tipper
San Diego 80s PhPhoenix Albuquerque Oklahoma
klahoma City
City Warm Rain 7 With 8-Down,
Little Rock A
T c
Tucson Birmingh
Birmingham 58 59 60 61 62 63 “The Stars, Like 50 Satellite of
Worth D
Ft. Worth ll
Dallas Jack
Jackson 60s Dust” author
Cold T-storms Jupiter with an
El Paso 64 65 66
60s A ti
Austin 70s Jacksonville 8 See 7-Down ice crust
10s t
Houston Stationary Snow
ew Orleans
New l d
Orlando 67 68 69
9 Possible answer 52 Turn upside
20s 10s 80s an Antonio
San Tampa
80s down
l l Showers Flurries 70 71 72 to “Parlez-vous
A h g 30s anglais?”
70s 53 Uniformed
Ice 10 1964 Beatles student
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 25 Soft leather 49 Contemptible
11 Sienna or Sedona
54 Sotomayor’s
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers;
Omaha 37 18 s 41 33 c Frankfurt 48 37 sh 48 39 r 1 Saloon selection 28 Cut for yourself 51 Taking a break
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
Orlando 84 66 pc 78 66 pc Geneva 48 35 r 47 40 c and two friends 12 Cinnabon stand 55 “The State and
Today Tomorrow 5 Brand with three 53 Capital that’s come-on Revolution”
Philadelphia 57 38 c 39 25 s Havana 86 70 pc 84 70 pc
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 85 61 s 86 61 pc Hong Kong 83 73 pc 83 73 s peaks in its logo 31 Flying formations home to writer
Anchorage 28 22 sn 27 16 s Pittsburgh 50 25 s 32 18 pc Istanbul 63 51 s 60 50 pc Nationwide 13 Stroboscope gas
10 Company with 32 Holds 56 Galleria array
Atlanta 61 44 r 65 40 s Portland, Maine 47 34 s 36 20 s Jakarta 89 75 t 89 77 t 18 Salve targets
Austin 62 47 c 66 50 pc Portland, Ore. 55 44 r 52 45 r Jerusalem 67 48 s 66 50 s great projections 57 Fibbies
Baltimore 53 38 c 43 22 s Sacramento 66 51 sh 64 45 pc Johannesburg 80 55 pc 78 58 t 33 Fresh from the 60 Just
14 Leave the hangar, 24 Student driver?
Boise 54 40 c 54 37 c St. Louis 54 25 s 42 29 s London 56 44 pc 55 47 c farrier, say 58 Slain shepherd
e.g. 62 Soapy buildup
Boston 50 38 s 39 25 s Salt Lake City 64 42 pc 61 40 pc Madrid 56 34 pc 61 39 s 26 Sign of trouble
Burlington 49 24 pc 28 22 pc San Francisco 68 55 r 66 52 pc Manila 84 77 sh 86 78 t 35 “The Seven 59 P look-alike
15 Photo app tool 63 Squeezes (out)
Charlotte 55 39 r 59 29 s Santa Fe 60 34 s 63 37 s Melbourne 72 48 c 77 51 pc Spiritual Laws 27 River of
61 Behind the
Chicago 42 20 pc 34 26 pc Seattle 51 44 r 53 43 c Mexico City 74 47 pc 74 49 pc 16 Slushy earth of Success” Scotland 65 Name after
Cleveland 50 27 pc 33 22 sf Sioux Falls 27 15 pc 32 28 c Milan 54 40 pc 55 39 pc times
writer Chopra Fannie or Ginnie
Dallas 63 44 pc 65 48 pc Wash., D.C. 55 39 c 45 27 s Moscow 35 28 pc 37 35 c 17 Risk a 28 Bridge tally
64 Tennis’s Caroline heading 66 Salt source
Denver 49 27 s 60 31 pc Mumbai 94 73 pc 94 73 pc breakdown, in 39 At all times
Wozniacki, e.g.
48 21 pc 32 21 pc
87 74 pc 86 75 pc
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
43 c
71 pc
55 46 sh
85 71 t
a way 41 Switch type
Today Tomorrow 65 It won the Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 68 50 pc 71 52 s Riyadh 89 61 s 89 60 pc 19 By and by A T E
Indianapolis 50 23 s 35 23 s City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 63 50 t 62 45 t 43 Move, in real Best Original L E T
Kansas City 46 20 s 42 35 pc Amsterdam 53 46 c 53 44 sh San Juan 86 78 sh 86 77 sh 20 Pudgy plumber estate jargon Screenplay Oscar A N D
Las Vegas 78 54 pc 76 53 pc Athens 69 54 pc 67 56 pc Seoul 57 45 s 62 37 sh of console fame in 1988 I T S
Little Rock 62 36 pc 58 31 s Baghdad 85 62 s 81 58 s Shanghai 69 56 s 72 51 sh 44 Possible answer H O A X S C R E E D S
Los Angeles 71 59 pc 69 57 pc Bangkok 91 78 pc 92 78 t Singapore 88 77 c 88 77 t 21 Starchy veggie to “Parlez-vous 67 Put out N O R M A O R R E T N A
Miami 88 75 pc 86 75 pc Beijing 59 42 pc 56 26 s Sydney 71 57 s 72 61 pc anglais?” I N B L I P B A L M H O G
Milwaukee 39 20 c 33 29 pc Berlin 46 40 c 47 39 sh Taipei 78 73 c 87 70 pc 22 Star vehicle 68 Tell tale target N C I S D U O R V E R S
Minneapolis 24 12 pc 29 26 pc Brussels 48 43 c 52 42 sh Tokyo 63 51 s 62 59 pc 46 Cause of a rush T H U N D E R S H OWE R S
Nashville 60 35 s 51 29 s Buenos Aires 78 58 s 80 54 pc Toronto 47 16 sn 28 17 c
23 Contemptible 69 Game played H OM E I C E A L A N
fellows 48 Grams with weapons E S L I N E R T G A S
New Orleans 68 53 sh 70 54 pc Dubai 92 77 s 90 75 s Vancouver 48 41 r 49 40 pc J A Z Z H A N D S MU N C H
New York City 53 37 pc 38 26 s Dublin 53 45 pc 51 44 r Warsaw 48 39 c 47 39 sh A L O E R O L E T R U C E

Oklahoma City 56 38 pc 59 42 pc Edinburgh 51 39 pc 48 36 sh Zurich 48 34 c 45 41 c Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at I P O D E V E L H A S T A
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A15

Selfie Politics BOOKSHELF | By Andrew Stark

Ed Gillespie is
the canary in
the mine shaft
The Democrats’ not unrea-
sonable takeaway from Vir-
ginia will be that identity poli-
unseen operating system,
there is in fact a U.S. presi-
dency and a politics inhabited
don’t much care for being
someone’s identity group. You
don’t hear much about this
Awe in Search
for Republi-
can politics.
We’ll push
that further:
tics works, so do more of it.
The Republicans’ political
identity, if the media consen-
sus is to be believed, is almost
by serious people who are
conducting foreign policy,
such as North Korea’s ICBMs,
or domestic policy, such as a
swath of Trumpian voters any-
more. Media anthropologists
have stopped visiting their
tribal villages in Pennsylvania
Of Understanding
LAND Virginia is the
canary in the
wholly a function of some in-
choate white anger also di-
rewrite of the tax code. But
who has time for that?
and Michigan.
But a Wall Street Journal/
The Meaning of Belief
By Daniel
mine shaft for rected at “them.” Donald The only thing the Demo- NBC poll this week of “Trump By Tim Crane
all of Ameri- Trump won the presidency be- crats’ self-categorizers can see counties,” where collectively (Harvard, 207 pages, $24.95)

can politics. cause he mined white anger at staring back at them from Mr. Trump defeated Hillary
Years ago, coal miners who the margins against a different their screens is whatever aw- Clinton 57% to 37%, found his an atheists ever attain the kind of spiritual uplift that
worked down amid the dan- “them” of immigrants and ful thing Donald Trump has disapproval rating touching religion provides? Can this mundane world ever
gers of carbon monoxide globalization, meaning the tweeted about . . . Me! 50% this month. That is an- deliver the serenity offered by genuine belief in an
would keep a caged canary whole wide world is arrayed other sick canary. eternal world beyond?
nearby. If the canary looked against whatever it means to Meanwhile, the anti-Trump Yes, say many nonbelievers. The atheist thinker Sam
dead, the miners got out. be a “white male” in 21st-cen- Trump, in fact, tweets and Never-Trump factions re- Harris claims that he has attained (with intermittent boosts
The big difference for our tury America. main in a state of 24/7 parox- from psychotropics) a “beatific” and “egoless communion”
comparison is that while min- The Republicans’ logical as the Everyman ysm. Democrats may conclude with the “beauty of nature,” one that gives him a comfort
ers are smart enough to recog- takeaway from Virginia of America’s new that the path back to power is and joy akin to a certain kind of religious feeling. Perhaps
nize toxic gas, our two politi- should be that in competitive with a coalition of people in a many of us—in moments when we are confronted with
cal parties are not. The election venues—such as the politics: Embrace Me! lather over Mr. Trump, and profound beauty—experience an awe of the cosmos so
American people are the ca- suburban counties and con- they may be right. The selfie intense that we perceive ourselves merging into it, a part
naries. gressional districts of Florida, president’s angry tweets could of the whole. But it will probably be a fleeting moment;
For Democrats, political Ohio, North Carolina or Wis- Mr. Trump, meanwhile, be- create a tsunami of even an- most of us will find it difficult to achieve a steady sense of
identity is by now well-estab- consin—their political anger lieves that his tweets animate grier selfie voters, like those egoless communion in the
lished as a function of one’s has bigger numbers than your his base, or as he wrote re- in Virginia, that will wash over drabness and drudgery of
race, gender or sexual self-def- anger. Intensity is interesting cently when a Twitter facto- GOP candidates. everyday life.
inition. Refined further, a Dem- but irrelevant. In politics, tum shut down his account for The Democrats can self-de- In “The Meaning of Belief,”
ocrat is a “person of color” or smaller numbers still mean 11 minutes, “the word must fi- struct. The identity politics in the philosopher Tim Crane is
a “woman” or a “transgender” you lose. nally be getting out—and hav- which they’ve become mired is less eager to investigate the
person. Those who don’t qual- We are in the era of selfie ing an impact.” neurotically combustible, with religious-like feelings that
ify for a category keep mum. politics. In Donald Trump, we But in Virginia, the butter- the categories constantly de- atheists may experience than to
From these identities flow have a selfie president. After fly effect of Mr. Trump’s tiny nouncing nominal friends for challenge the assumption that
many streams of potential vio- the Virginia gubernatorial loss, tweets appears to be that it arcane offenses such as “cul- belief brings consolation, let
lations, slights and transgres- the first nine words of Mr. produced historically high tural appropriation.” Late in alone jubilation or rapture.
sions justifying political action Trump’s tweet from Asia were: turnout for the opposing can- the Virginia campaign, when What defines religious belief?
against “them.” “Ed Gillespie worked hard but didate. We’ll never know Mr. Northam waffled on em- For Mr. Crane, it’s the conviction
Democrats found validation did not embrace me . . .” whether Mr. Trump is right bracing sanctuary cities, a ma- that (in William James’s words) an
for the politics of identity in For all the antipathy di- that Ed Gillespie would have jor progressive group branded “unseen order” governs the universe—
the Virginia results. Some 77% rected at Mr. Trump, he in fact won had he fully embraced him a “racist.” The party’s iden- an order that is beyond cognition,
of unmarried women voted for speaks as the Everyman of “me,” or instead would have tity police never sleep. perception or any other human faculty to fully
Ralph Northam. Ed Gillespie America’s selfie politics: Em- lost by another 9 points. The Republicans have a grasp. This otherworldly aspect is one reason why belief
was standing in front of an brace Me! Self-interest, the old It is true that in 2016 Mr. Twitter problem, but the Dem- must be accepted in a leap of faith, however much reasoning
anti-Trump train. normal in politics, has been Trump tapped into a winning ocrats have a crazy-left prob- may be directed toward it afterward. An unseen order, Mr.
Voters in college towns, subsumed by a new normal of vein of identity politics, but lem. Voters will get more Crane says, is common to all religious traditions: It is
where the politics of identity insistent self-regard. one may wonder if that strat- chances to take their pick in something beyond “what is encountered in experience and
was born, also voted over- Running in the background egy is already losing its utility. this race to the bottom. science . . . beyond our finite human understanding.”
whelmingly for Mr. Northam. of selfieism, like a cellphone’s Even aggrieved white males Write The believer thus experiences belief not so much as
truth but as meaning: an ultimate meaning that he can’t
specify because it is, by definition, beyond his ken. But a

A Mass Extinction for Virginia Republicans belief in meaning, Mr. Crane says, “is not always something
that makes the world easier to understand,” though
atheists often attack religion for its anodyne simplicity and
By Karl Rove was way up from four years while letting his own base drift good news from Virginia for easy comforts. “In fact,” Mr. Crane writes, belief “can make

ago—by 23% in Fairfax County, away. His job approval in the the GOP. Mr. Northam is a Gulf the world harder to understand—this is one lesson we can
he Republican defeat in 26% in Alexandria and Arling- Real Clear Politics average is War veteran and pediatric neu- draw from the problem of inexplicable suffering and evil.”
New Jersey is unsurpris- ton County, and 31% in Loudoun 38%, 8 points below his share rologist who voted for George Or, one might add, death, another aspect of reality that
ing. The deep-blue state County. That tilted the state’s of the vote last November. In W. Bush twice and who once may confound the capacities of even the most ardent
went for Hillary Clinton by 14 electorate Democratic by 11 per- other words, 1 out of 6 people toyed with becoming a Republi- believer. Only the saintly, Mr. Crane implies, can manage
points, and on Tuesday the centage points, compared with who cast ballots for Mr. Trump can. He appealed to indepen- the religious struggle for comprehension successfully. For
next governor, Democrat Phil 7 last year and 5 in 2013. disapprove of his performance. dents in a way that Trump-hat- the ordinary believer, recurrent doubt will prevent “the
Murphy, won by 13. The Re- This showed up in Southwest ing left-wing Democrats can’t. kind of unproblematic solace in the face of death that many
publican nominee, Lt. Gov. Kim Virginia and the Shenandoah As the campaign progressed, atheists think is part of the point of religious belief.”
Guadagno, simply couldn’t es- Trump deflects blame, Valley—the commonwealth’s Mr. Northam put aside attacks
cape the gravitational pull of Trump Country. Mr. Gillespie on Mr. Trump and pledged to
her unpopular boss, Gov. Chris but the GOP lost carried these areas by impres- work with the president on be- Though nonbelievers fault religion for its
Christie, whose favorability in because voters wanted sive margins, but turnout was half of Virginia. He flip-flopped comforting simplicities, belief doesn’t always
exit polls was a sad 22%. either down or simply not up on sanctuary cities, abandoning
The GOP’s loss in purple to send him a message. as dramatically as in the anti- his support and coming out for make the world easier to understand.
Virginia is far more problem- Trump suburbs. cooperation with federal immi-
atic, with grave ramifications Consider, too, the GOP mass gration authorities.
for the 2018 midterms. Mrs. Exit polls showed that only extinction in the Virginia House When Democrats pick their Mr. Crane has other sharp observations to make about
Clinton carried the state by 5 22% of Virginia voters strongly of Delegates. Before Tuesday, candidates for the U.S. House religion. Not for him the fashionable idea that one can mix
points, but Democrat Ralph approved of Mr. Trump’s job Republicans held 66 of the and Senate in 2018, they are and match to taste—a pinch of Christianity with a dollop of
Northam won the governor- performance, versus 47% who chamber’s 100 seats. Now the unlikely to choose many Ralph Judaism topped off with a drizzle of Mahayana Buddhism.
ship Tuesday by almost 9. strongly disapproved. Just 17% most likely outcome is a 50-50 Northams. Most Democratic Religious belief, he says, requires the repeated performance
That’s hardly the worst said their vote was meant to tie. As of Wednesday, Demo- activists are insisting the party of rituals within an established communal setting. This
part. The Republican nominee, express support for Mr. Trump, crats had won 48 seats and Re- nominate only ideologically stricture and others—e.g., the need to stay loyal to one’s
Ed Gillespie, took about 11,000 versus 37% who wanted to sig- publicans 47, with five contests pure candidates in the mold of faith in the way “a faithful friend sticks with you in good
more votes than former Gov. nal opposition. being recounted. Among the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth times and bad”—seem to place religion out of the grasp of
Bob McDonnell did in 2009 Yet on the issues, Virginians GOP casualties were many in- Warren. many who, these days, think of themselves as believers.
when Mr. McDonnell won that don’t uniformly disagree with cumbents who toed the Trump Nevertheless, the results Taking Mr. Crane’s eat-your-spinach view of religion in
year’s race with 59%. In fact, the president. In the exit polls line. Fortunately for Republi- Tuesday from Virginia should the context of recent philosophical writing, you’d almost
Mr. Gillespie won more votes 57% said Confederate statues cans, the state Senate isn’t up set off alarm bells for Republi- think that the original question should be turned on its
than any Virginia GOP guber- should be left in place. Still, in- for election until 2019. The cans. Mr. Trump’s poor stand- head. Can believers, agonizingly wrestling with ultimate
natorial candidate in history, dependents are weary of Mr. GOP’s 21-19 majority there is ing threatens their congressio- meaning and the quest to understand it, ever achieve the
yet he netted only 45%. Trump’s tweets, divisiveness likely to be the party’s only nal majorities. He must try to kind of Age of Aquarius uplift that atheists like Mr. Harris
In 2013 the GOP’s nominee and unpresidential rhetoric. foothold in Richmond. improve his numbers, and the access simply through the awe they feel in the presence of
for governor took 45.2%, even Democrats just want to sock Mr. Gillespie did win inde- GOP must prepare itself for an natural beauty?
though he collected 100,000 him politically in the nose. pendents statewide, 50.5% to extraordinarily tough battle. The answer would seem to be “no” or “only rarely,” but
fewer votes than Mr. Gillespie Mr. Trump responded to the 48.9%. He also poached some For Republican officeholders, there’s a missing middle between these poles undiscussed
did. The difference is that turn- defeat by saying Mr. Gillespie Democratic voters in the Rich- this is life in the Trump presi- by Mr. Crane: wonder. It is here that incongruent world-
out this year was up 16% from “did not embrace me or what I mond area, across the state’s dency’s shadow. views may overlap. As a noun, a wonder is something
2013. Most of the additional stand for.” This is presidential Southside, and even in the worthy of awe. As a verb (“I wonder”) it signifies the quest
voters were white independents self-deception. Mr. Gillespie northern suburbs. But Mr. Mr. Rove helped organize to understand. Both may be elements of religious experi-
and Democrats in the suburbs won 95% of Republicans, 7 Northam pilfered Republican the political-action committee ence, of course. But it’s precisely in taking the awe of which
who wanted to send President points more than Mr. Trump votes in Tidewater areas that he American Crossroads and is Mr. Harris speaks, and marrying it to the quest to under-
Trump a message. last year. previously represented in the the author of “The Triumph of stand that Mr. Crane discusses, that many scientists say
Turnout in the Northern Vir- The president is spurring state Senate for six years. William McKinley” (Simon & they experience a kind of religious exhilaration. Awe, as the
ginia suburbs of Washington Democrats to the voting booth Therein may be the only Schuster, 2015). biologist Richard Dawkins tells us—whether provoked by
something beautiful like a rainbow or unnerving like a black
hole—is what instills in scientists their thirst to understand.

Victory Against ISIS—in the Philippines For scientists, Mr. Crane emphasizes, meaning follows
understanding, and not the other way around. They test
hypotheses and assumptions (whether empirically or
By Ian J. Storey immediately turned to the U.S. support “tilted the balance” close to the U.S. Most Filipi- through mathematical reasoning) before accepting whatever

for help—apparently without against the Islamic extremists. nos are wary of China because meaning they discover. And meaning, again, is the operative
resident Trump’s visit to seeking Mr. Duterte’s permis- Even Mr. Duterte reluctantly of its bullying in the South word. As Mr. Crane notes, scientists are never quite sure that
Asia is designed to reas- sion. Washington responded acknowledged America’s criti- China Sea, where the two they have hit on the truth. What they discover is, rather,
sure friends and allies immediately by delivering sev- cal role in the fight to retake countries have serious territo- formulations that make ever better sense of reality—until
that America’s commitment to eral hundred rifles, pistols and Marawi, which claimed more rial and maritime boundary new formulations prove to be better still. Religion and
regional security remains solid. grenade launchers. than 1,000 lives. disputes. Chinese forces have science, Mr. Crane argues, are fundamentally different
But the U.S. already demon- More important, the U.S. Assistance from China and obstructed the resupply of enterprises, so much so that, contrary to what some militant
strated that commitment in provided the Philippine army Russia was less than impres- Philippine outposts and built atheists hope, science will never replace religion. Even so,
the southern Philippines over with the eyes and ears re- sive. At the height of the con- military bases on reclaimed they need not be seen as utterly alien realms, without any
the past five months. The quired for victory. American flict, China donated 6,000 ri- land. chance of rapport or mutual sympathy.
Trump administration honored drones and aircraft flew over fles and nine million rounds of Since Mr. Duterte shelved a There’s another pertinent word that Mr. Crane neglects:
the terms of America’s 66-year ammunition worth $7.3 mil- July 2016 legal judgment on numinous. Rooted in the Latin “numen,” meaning divinity,
alliance with the Philippines lion. But the Philippine mili- the dispute that favored Ma- it refers to the halo of impenetrable meaning we sense
and helped defeat Islamic mili- America’s alliance tary prefers U.S.-manufac- nila, tensions have been in whenever we feel moved by nature, whether in its jaw-
tants occupying the city of with Manila is strong tured arms and immediately abeyance. But the conflict will droppingly awesome forms or in the quietly everyday.
Marawi. turned over half the Chinese inevitably flare up again. Einstein spoke of “something we cannot penetrate.” What
That is remarkable because despite Duterte. weapons to the police. The Marawi siege showed is that ineffable “something”? It’s the conviction of an
President Rodrigo Duterte In late October, Russia gave that the U.S.-Philippine alli- ultimate meaning of the sort Mr. Crane discusses but not
seems determined to down- the Philippine military 5,000 ance remains strong despite one that abides in an inaccessible world beyond. Instead it
grade that alliance. Last year the city, giving Filipino sol- Kalashnikov rifles, four trucks Mr. Duterte’s rhetoric. The emerges, as a whole does from the sum of its parts, out of
he called President Obama a diers a real-time picture of the and a few thousand steel hel- U.S. took a longer view of the the sun and stars and sea and sierra: the very things into
“son of a whore.” A month battlespace. The U.S. supplied mets. These were of little value relationship and honored its which Age of Aquarius types hope themselves to somehow
later, he visited Beijing and vital intelligence on the mili- because Mr. Duterte had de- commitments. Mr. Trump can merge.
declared his country would tant leaders. And U.S. forces clared an end to hostilities in point to that record to show Scientists, and not just philosophers, are helping bring
move closer to China. passed on hard-won lessons Marawi a few days earlier. his commitment to America’s nonbelievers closer to believers. And that’s a good thing.
But when Islamic State took from urban warfare in Iraq Although Manila has estab- security partners in Asia. After all, as Mr. Crane says, they’re going to be together for
over the city of Marawi and and Afghanistan. lished tentative defense ties a long time: perhaps an eternity.
encouraged jihadists from According to the Philip- with Beijing and Moscow, the Mr. Storey is a senior fel-
around the region to join the pine military’s chief of staff, Philippine security establish- low at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Mr. Stark is the author of “The Consolations of
fight, the Philippine military Gen. Eduardo Ano, American ment clearly prefers to stay Institute in Singapore. Mortality: Making Sense of Death.”
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A16 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Anti-Trump Wave Is GOP Tax Trying to Change Demographics?

epublicans took a thorough beating in the polls. A Trump majority coalition doesn’t Regarding your editorial “Half a gages over $500,000 means that
Tuesday’s elections, and no one should seem to be forming. Tax Reform” (Nov. 3): The state and homes over $625,000 can no longer
local tax deduction (SALT) is a great, be purchased with 20% down and a
sugar coat the results because the voting Mr. Trump’s media allies are blaming Mr.
great feature of this tax bill. Making fully deductible mortgage. Do you
was confined to a few states. Gillespie for not being Trum- SALT nondeductible raises the total think your house is worth more than
Democrats came out in droves Democrats come out in pian enough, but days before marginal rate (federal plus state) on $625,000? Not anymore.
to send a message of opposi- droves and the GOP is the election former White high earners. Say the top federal rate JAMES TALEVICH, CPA
tion to Donald Trump, and GOP House aide Steve Bannon was remains at 39.6%. In California, where Los Gatos, Calif.
candidates were swamped in caught in the undertow. saying Mr. Gillespie might win the top state rate is a ridiculous
the undertow. While the cliché because he had endorsed 13.3%, the total rate will jump from Can Americans ever hope the tax
is not to read too much into an Trumpian themes of crime 47.6% (for those itemizing) to an ex- code will focus on its primary pur-
off-year election, this defeat was broad and deep and immigration. orbitant 52.9%. States like New York, pose—funding government—instead
enough to signal that Republicans will struggle The truth is that Mr. Gillespie tried to span the New Jersey and California will face of income redistribution and social
to hold Congress next year. GOP coalition by campaigning on traditional political pressure to lower their state engineering, with everyone contribut-
income taxes. States that refuse risk ing something, instead of nearly half
The Democratic sweep in New Jersey and es- themes of tax cuts and education reform while
losing their wealthiest residents to the filers paying nothing? Probably
pecially Virginia is in that sense a mirror image running against illegal immigration and sanctu- other states. Either way, there will be not, as long as power-hungry politi-
of what Republicans did in 2009 in opposition ary cities. The media portrayed the latter as divi- a downsizing of state government in cians are addicted to campaign dona-
to Barack Obama. Chris Christie won in the Gar- sive and racist, but note that Mr. Northam came places where it is now most bloated. tions from lobbyists supporting spe-
den State that year and after two mostly failed out against sanctuary cities late in the campaign. GEOFFREY NUNN cial tax breaks.
terms Democrats are taking Trenton back under Mr. Gillespie did the best he could to bridge the Palm Harbor, Fla. DONNA ROOK
public-union control. Governor-elect Phil Mur- GOP divide in a Democrat-leaning state, but he Colorado Springs, Colo.
phy, a former Goldman Sachs millionaire, is a couldn’t overcome the anti-Trump wave. It appears that many senior citi-
360-degree progressive who wants to raise The message for Republicans going into 2018 zens will be hit with higher income I haven’t seen the Journal give the
taxes, increase spending and in the process will is that they are in trouble in the swing suburban taxes. In 1983 Congress started taxing real reason for the bill at this time.
Social Security benefits of retirees The GOP correctly understands well-
drive even more taxpayers from the state. districts where the House will be won or lost.
whose income plus one-half of their heeled Republicans on the liberal
The more consequential message came from Republicans hold seats in 23 districts where Social Security benefits exceeded coasts are of little value to the party.
Virginia, where Democrats swept the major Mrs. Clinton also won. One is the 10th Congres- $32,000. The purpose was to tax The solution? Create significant in-
statewide offices and may have picked up the sional District in North Virginia held by the esti- those with generous pensions or large centives to force migration to those
17 seats they needed to take over the House of mable Barbara Comstock that includes much of investment income, i.e., the rich. It states or districts where a Republican
Delegates. Ralph Northam, the lieutenant gover- Loudoun County. Democrats will run as a check was estimated that about one in 10 vote actually counts.
nor who beat a Bernie Sanders acolyte in the on Mr. Trump, and Republicans need a response retirees would be affected by this tax. For the record, I am a coastal Re-
primary, spent most of his time and money beyond a Nancy Pelosi fright mask. Since they didn’t index the income publican who is caught squarely in
wrapping Donald Trump around Republican Another message is that the GOP success threshold, now more than one in the crosshairs of this tax increase.
candidate Ed Gillespie. down-ballot during the Obama years can go rap- three retirees have their benefits JOHN LEIBEE
Republicans can take little comfort that Hil- idly in reverse. That’s clear from the GOP rout taxed. Rumson, N.J.
I did a quick calculation using the
lary Clinton defeated Mr. Trump by five points in the Virginia House of Delegates. But there’s
proposed tax tables and found that I This bill is akin to the GOP’s Brexit
in 2016. Mr. Gillespie lost by nine and he badly also evidence from Rob Astorino’s defeat as ex- would owe almost five times what I from every blue state in the country.
underperformed in Northern Virginia, home ecutive of Westchester County in New York, a estimate my 2107 taxes will be if this It’s mean-spirited and intended to
to federal employees and white, college-edu- state Senate seat in Washington that gives Dem- plan were in effect this year. punish those of us with the misfor-
cated suburbanites who dislike Mr. Trump’s ocrats a majority, and a GOP incumbent mayoral BOB MORTON tune of living in high-tax-and-spend
polarizing politics by insult. In his 2014 near- loss in Manchester, N.H. American politics is Urbandale, Iowa states that didn’t vote for the
miss Senate race, Mr. Gillespie won pivotal more national than ever, and if Mr. Trump’s ap- Tweeter in Chief. After today there is
Loudoun County by 456 votes. On Tuesday he proval rating stays at 38% next year, the GOP’s You ask, “Does anyone think that a no longer any overlap in my values
lost it by 23,432. state gains could wash away. mid-level manager at J.P. Morgan de- and the Republican leadership’s. Want
Mr. Trump tried to distance himself from the i i i serves a subsidy to raise children?” to “pay” for tax cuts? Here’s a novel
defeat by tweeting from Asia that “Ed Gillespie Mr. Trump won’t change, so the only GOP an- Absolutely, when he or she loses their idea: Cut spending. That was the Re-
SALT deduction. Why is the editorial publican Party I was attracted to.
worked hard but did not embrace me or what tidote to a Democratic wave is legislative ac-
board so intent on punishing middle- HUTCH PEGLER
I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out complishment. Democrats will be motivated to class salarymen (and women) who re- Darien, Conn.
of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing vote no matter what Congress does. But Repub- side in places such as Long Island
record numbers, we will continue to win, even licans will stay home unless the House and Sen- and the San Francisco Bay area, so A question for Congress: With the
bigger than before!” Sometimes Mr. Trump’s ate fulfill their campaign promises. This means that the uberrich can avoid paying es- elimination of the medical-expense
comments are so transparently false you won- passing a pro-growth tax reform that will accel- tate taxes (on amounts exceeding $22 deduction, must we mortgage our
der if he’s laughing as he writes. erate the expansion. Republicans should also re- million) and the AMT? home to see some tax relief for the
Earlier on Election Day he tweeted support alize how much damage they have done to them- Yes sir, we blue states sure are cost of uninsured medical/dental/ex-
for Mr. Gillespie, whom he endorsed. The victo- selves by failing to repeal even a part of sucking poor Alabama, West Virginia pense and long-term-care insurance?
ries in GOP-leaning House districts Mr. Trump ObamaCare. and other red states dry. Enjoy the The proposed tax plan penalizes
More broadly, the election shows that the schadenfreude as some of this coun- the ordinary family, not to mention
cites were also far closer than they should have
try’s most productive workers might those facing catastrophic medical
been. Mr. Trump is motivating Democrats to American system of democratic checks and bal- have to pay for this absolutely stupid issues.
vote while his divisive style and rhetoric are di- ances is working. All the media and academic piece of proposed legislation. This JOANNE YENDLE
viding Republicans. A Trumpian candidate panic about looming fascism has been nonsense. isn’t your father’s GOP. Woodway, Texas
nearly beat Mr. Gillespie in the primary and re- The tides of politics ebb and flow, and Tuesday’s JAY BUKOWSKI
fused to endorse him until the end of the cam- results show that the Trump years are likely to Mill Valley, Calif. The Trump tax proposal would
paign as Mr. Gillespie appeared to be gaining in be good for Democrats. eliminate the itemized deduction
If there were ever a credit to sup- for medical expenses now set at

The College Tax-Reform Tantrum

port, it would be the child tax credit. over 7.5% of adjusted gross income.
It helps raise children out of poverty I am 90 and can’t walk, and my
and provides a well-deserved break medical expenses (helpers and

to hardworking parents. The time equipment) are tremendous. Talk
olleges have been rocked by student pro- borrowers who become government and non-
and resources parents pour into about mean-spirited.
tests, but now they’re launching a dem- profit workers. Cancelled debt under other loan- their children should be encouraged, HERMAN MORRIS
onstration of their own in Washington forgiveness programs is typically taxable, but so Republicans should keep it in the Plano, Texas
against reductions to their tax not for this privileged class. tax bill.
subsidies. They’re throwing a Higher ed howls at the All of these subsidies have CHRIS JEUB
tantrum because they may, at modest cut in subsidies failed to make college more af- Monument, Colo.
long last, have to rationalize fordable. Colleges instead The 702 Program Really
their spending. in the House bill. pocket the subsidies and jack The big losers in the GOP tax plan
Amounts to Bulk Snooping
The IRS code contains up tuition, which they steer are homeowners with big mortgage
about a dozen individual tax into bloated administration and property tax payments, mostly Regarding David Medine and Patri-
subsidies for higher education, all with disparate and facilities. Over the last decade, tuition has Republicans, and the winners are cia M. Wald’s “Reform Surveillance,
renters—disproportionately Demo- Don’t End It” (op-ed, Oct. 30): The au-
rules that the IRS describes in a 95-page bro- risen at an annual inflation-adjusted 2.4% at pri-
crats. Betraying your base is an odd thors’ argument falls apart almost im-
chure that makes academic prose look lucid. Par- vate, and 3.5% at public, four-year colleges. Soar- strategy. Nondeductibility of mort- mediately when they state that the
ents and students can claim three different tax ing college costs are the main reason student 702 program only has 100,000 “tar-
credits, deduct loan interest, and receive an ex- debt has doubled since 2009 to $1.3 trillion. Stu- gets” and doesn’t, therefore, consti-
emption for some discharged loans and tuition dents are also taking longer to finish, perhaps tute indiscriminate bulk surveillance.
assistance. in part because taxpayers are footing much of Remember Broken Promises However, if the 100,000 targets com-
These dispensations are layered on top of the tab. To Our Friends the Kurds municate with 30 others, who in turn
low-interest federal loans (4.45% for under- Government grants, loans and tax credits also communicate with 30 others, then you
grads), grants and loan-forgiveness programs. give students less reason to work during school. Regarding Ruth Wisse’s “When have potentially 90 million people un-
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Alternatively, their parents can write off their Britain Renewed the Promise to the der surveillance. Face it, this is bulk
Jews” (op-ed, Nov. 2): Just as the surveillance.
the government will lose about 25 cents on every college costs. This may help explain why labor-
British started the process for the JAMES LOVELY
dollar of subsidized Stafford loans. force participation over the last decade has de- Jewish people to have their own Lakeland, Fla.
Colleges that have been riding this gravy clined by 5.4 percentage-points among Ameri- state with the Balfour Declaration,
train are howling that Republican House reforms cans age 16 to 24 compared to 1.6 percentage- the Kurdish people were also prom-
repealing and consolidating their tax carveouts points from 25 to 54. ised a home. The first was the Sykes- Sometimes Responsibility
will raise tuition. But stripping down the subsi- College leaders also complain that the House Picot Agreement in 1916. This prom-
dies might make students and parents more bill doubles the standard deduction, which ise was then confirmed with the
Belongs to the Afflicted
aware of costs and impel colleges to curb unnec- means fewer middle-income households will Treaty of Sevres in 1920. It didn’t In response to Dee Tezelli’s ques-
essary spending. itemize. They say this will reduce charitable giv- take long (1923 with the Treaty of tion: “Who will be deemed culpable if
Take the three tax credits, which the House ing and alumni donations. If that’s true, they re- Lucerne) for the western powers to the patient who is obese . . . ex-
bill proposes to combine into a partly refundable ally need to work on alumni enthusiasm. break their promise and place the pires?” (Letters, Nov. 1). That is easy:
Kurdish people in the hands of Tur- the patient. We shouldn’t live in a so-
$2,500 American Opportunity Tax Credit that Some public colleges have also groused that
key, Iraq and Syria. ciety where people do what seems
can be claimed for up to five years. This simplifi- the elimination of the state and local deduction The Kurdish people have been one right in their own eyes but point fin-
cation would yield about $17.5 billion in revenue could discourage tax increases in states like Con- of the mainstays in our fight against gers at others for the consequences
over 10 years and reduce the enticement for stu- necticut and New York. They’re worried that ISIS and all of its associated groups. of those choices.
dents to drag out their education. The Lifetime Democrats will instead cut funding for public The Kurds are one of the most orga- DAN MELSKI
Learning Credit, which is part of the consolida- colleges. nized and successful groups in the Princeton, N.J.
tion, can now be claimed indefinitely. They have a better point that the GOP’s 20% Middle Eastern world. Without the
Parents and students would also no longer be excise tax on compensation of nonprofit employ- Kurds we would have had to sacrifice
allowed to write off tuition (cost: $3.9 billion in ees that exceeds $1 million is arbitrary and med- many more men and would have had Pepper ...
2015) and interest on student loans ($13.6 bil- dles in wage-setting that Congress shouldn’t do. increased equipment costs. Instead of
support, we have barely provided
And Salt
lion), which receive singular treatment in the tax The House also slaps a 1.4% excise tax on invest-
them with proper weaponry for this THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
code. Interest on other non-mortgage personal ment income of private college endowments
current fight and have only rewarded
loans is subject to taxation. Individuals have also (which private foundations must also pay) that them with broken promises.
been able to claim these above-the-line deduc- exceed $250,000 a student. We’d prefer ending The future for the Kurdish people
tions even if they don’t itemize. the charitable deduction rather than taxing en- isn’t looking much better at present.
The GOP bill would also tax “tuition waivers” dowments, but as endowments grow so will po- If this is the way we treat our
that colleges often use to pay grad students in litical interest in taxing them. friends, is it any wonder we have so
kind. These effectively let colleges employ teach- i i i many enemies?
ing assistants as indentured servants and have If they’re really concerned about student wel- WILLIAM F. HINESER
contributed to a surfeit of graduate degrees in fare, colleges could make up for the decline in Arvada, Colo.
fields for which there are few jobs beyond aca- tax subsidies by scaling back spending and tu-
demia. Maybe colleges could try paying TAs a ition. Purdue University President Mitch Daniels Letters intended for publication should
better wage. has held tuition flat since 2012, so it can be done. be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
The reforms would continue to encourage College leaders howl that Republicans are or emailed to Please
thrift by letting parents sock up to $28,000 an- squeezing students to pay for corporate tax cuts. include your city and state. All letters
nually in 529 college savings accounts that grow But college graduates would benefit from a sim- are subject to editing, and unpublished
tax free. However, it’s unfortunate that the plan pler tax code with fewer distortions that pro- letters can be neither acknowledged nor “Thanks, but I’m trying to cut
retains a tax exemption for discharged debt of duces more growth and higher wages. back on personal crises.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | A17


Don’t Rebuild the Surveillance ‘Wall’

By Michael B. Mukasey “U.S. and allied military lives by pro- among the least intrusive inquiries

viding warning of impending at- possible, and is often made at the
hat may be the U.S. tacks, ambushes, and suicide bomb- outset of an investigation. A show-
government’s most ers.” I was one of the signers. ing of probable cause to believe that
valuable authority to Why the urge to limit Section 702? evidence will be found, which is
protect citizens from The law focuses on obtaining the what it takes to obtain a warrant, is
terrorism and other email and voice communications of nearly impossible at that stage—or
national-security threats is due to foreigners—“non-U.S. persons,” in the would require more-intrusive tech-
expire at the end of the year—Sec- legal parlance—to gather information niques to obtain facts, which would
tion 702 of the Foreign Intelligence relevant to foreign intelligence. But compromise privacy much more
Surveillance Act. The good news is those communications at times are than a mere database search.
that Congress is considering propos- with U.S. persons, whose messages To the extent that any tightening
als to renew that law. The bad news thus will be captured incidentally. The of procedures under Section 702 may
is that many of those proposals in- law bars the purposeful gathering of be useful, it would be to require per-
clude burdens that would radically information on U.S. persons in the missions not when a database is
diminish its effectiveness. Worse, guise of trying to gather foreign intel- searched, but when evidence from in-
some of these ill-considered propos- ligence, known as “reverse targeting.” tercepted communications is to be
als come from people who claim to Once in an intelligence agency’s data- used—for example, as part of a pre-
support the law. base, however, these incidentally sentation to a grand jury to secure an
gathered messages of U.S. persons indictment, or to a judge to get a
may be included in searches as part search warrant, or to a trial jury to
Proposals to amend FISA’s of another investigation. get an indictment. At that point, the
Some describe such a query of permission of a senior officer of the
Section 702 would tie the

the database as a “backdoor search” Justice Department could be secured.
hands of investigators, as and believe that because it does not Such a requirement would ensure that
require a warrant, it violates the neither privacy interests nor sensitive
in the days before 9/11. Fourth Amendment. Every court sources of intelligence-gathering are
that has examined the question has needlessly compromised.
disagreed. Returning to pre-9/11 procedures
Section 702 of FISA allows the Barring the use of these queries by limiting Section 702 authority is
government to monitor electronic in criminal investigations would thought mistakenly that they were oversight board have been able to likely also to take America back to the
communications overseas between bring back the pre-9/11 “wall” be- protecting civil liberties. corroborate that claim. post-9/11 anguish of investigations
foreigners. More than a dozen for- tween national-security and criminal Still others would require a war- These friends of the program over- into why available intelligence was
mer top-ranking members of the investigations, which the Clinton ad- rant from a FISA court before the look the history of investigations con- not used, why dots were never con-
U.S. intelligence community—direc- ministration put in place in the be- database is queried with the name of ducted since Section 702 went into nected. This time the fault would lie
tors of national intelligence and lief that FISA required it. It was that a U.S. person in a criminal investiga- effect and seem to misunderstand the not with the intelligence community
heads of the Central Intelligence wall that kept FBI agents from get- tion. Writing on these pages re- very nature of investigations. There is but with lawmakers who exploited
Agency, National Security Agency ting intelligence information that cently, David Medine and Patricia no evidence that there has ever been mistrust of government to frustrate
and other agencies, from adminis- would have helped them find Khalid Wald, who served on the Privacy and a purposeful violation of Section the collection and use of intelligence
trations of both parties—attest in an Al Mihdhar and Nawaf Al Hazmi, Civil Liberties Oversight Board, cite 702’s terms, or any review of the kind information—a function that only
October letter to Congress that Sec- two of the 9/11 hijackers, in August fears stemming from a newspaper of detailed information that newspa- government can perform, and that it
tion 702 “has helped save lives in 2001. It turned out, based on a report that the Section 702 database per reports suggested. must perform, if we are to survive.
the U.S. and abroad by providing in- post-9/11 ruling of the Foreign Intel- includes communications from which Further, an investigation is a search
formation to law enforcement that ligence Surveillance Court of Review, it is possible to draw a personal por- for information, not a search to con- Mr. Mukasey served as U.S. attor-
was used to interdict planned ter- that the statute didn’t require the trait of innocent Americans. But they firm information already in hand. A ney general (2007-09) and a U.S.
rorist operations” and helped save wall. The bureaucrats who erected it concede that neither they nor the search for a “hit” on a database is district judge (1988-2006).

The Middle-Class Tax Cut That’s Really a Hike

By Jason Furman model, economist Ernie Tedeschi esti- produced by the House bill could dis-
Not the Kindest Cut

mates the plan would result in more sipate over time, eventually becom-
ast week Speaker Paul Ryan than 20 million households sending ing small wage declines.
Tax change for a married couple with two children making $59,000
introduced the House GOP tax larger checks to the Internal Revenue More important, the debt financing
bill, claiming it would “deliver Service in 2018. By 2027 more than $600 will likely have to be paid for through
real relief for people in the middle.” 60 million households would be pay- 400 tax increases or benefit cuts on the
Specifically, he said a “typical fam- ing higher taxes. same middle-class families Mr. Ryan
ily of four would save $1,182 a year This isn’t surprising given that, in 200 surrounded himself with at last week’s
on their taxes.” Mr. Ryan reiterated the aggregate, the House bill raises 0 press conference. Unfortunately, the
the number four more times during taxes on individuals. Over 10 years cost of this ill-advised reform will
a three minute briefing. This is the plan cuts taxes by $1 trillion on eventually be paid by future genera-
true, but only for the first year of businesses, $230 billion on individu- –400 tions of American taxpayers.
the tax bill. After that the story gets als and $170 billion on estates, ac- Winners and losers are inevitable
grimmer. cording to the Joint Committee on in any serious overhaul of the tax
Taxation. While the business- and es- –800 code. The House plan contains some
tate-tax cuts grow after that, the in- –1,000 commendable elements—like limiting
Under the House plan, a dividual tax cuts shrink—disappear-
the mortgage-interest deduction—
ing entirely in 2024 and transforming that could be part of a sensible re-
family making $59,000 into a net tax increase of $28 billion ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 ’25 ’26 ’27 form and spur economic growth. But
would pay more in 2024 in 2027. Source: David Kamin, New York University Law School THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. by raising taxes on middle-class fam-
This is partly due to the neces- ilies and delivering so many of the
than they did last year. sity of holding down the bill’s head- middle-class households would also its argument. Every specific analysis long-run benefits to households mak-
line costs by sunsetting the family incorporate the economic impact by a right-leaning economist or think ing more than $1 million, the House
tax credit. This budget gimmick and incidence of two other elements tank that I am aware of has come in plan as currently constructed will
The cuts Mr. Ryan trumpeted means the ultimate cost of the of the House bill: a $1 trillion reduc- below the CEA’s lower bound. not deliver the broad-based relief Mr.
would phase out over time, as David House plan would exceed the tion in business taxes and the in- Beyond the wage claims, however, Ryan is promising.
Kamin, a law professor at New York claimed $1.4 trillion. But even if the crease in the debt needed to finance projections from conservative econo- Reforming the tax code to foster
University, has shown. By 2024 Mr. family tax credit were made perma- the plan, which will likely be even mists either ignore or don’t address economic growth benefiting all
Ryan’s hypothetical middle-class fam- nent, the net individual income tax larger. adequately the macroeconomic ef- Americans will require a plan that is
ily making $59,000 would actually increase would only be delayed by a Proponents of the tax bill argue fects of higher debt stemming from less tilted toward large cuts for high-
face a small tax increase. By 2027 that few years. The number of house- that it will lead to dramatic increases the loss of revenue to the federal income households, less likely to in-
increase would grow to more than holds facing a tax increase would in wages. Such claims are dubious. government due to the tax cuts. The crease the national debt, and less of
$450. Add in the effects of reducing fall only slightly. Mr. Trump’s Council of Economic Ad- costs of reduced capital accumulation a burden on middle-class households.
or eliminating tax benefits many mid- As a matter of straightforward ac- visers has claimed that a $4,000 per and increased foreign borrowing will Congress should go back to the
dle-class families now claim—for child counting, this bill will not provide household raise constituted the “very reduce national income over time. drawing board.
care, major medical costs and higher middle-class families with the indi- conservative . . . lower bound” of the The Penn Wharton Budget Model—
education—and the “real relief” vidual income tax cut President wage effects stemming from the bill’s run by Kent Smetters, who helped Mr. Furman, a professor of practice
promised by Mr. Ryan starts looking Trump and Speaker Ryan unambigu- corporate rate cut. This claim has build the dynamic scoring models at the Harvard Kennedy School, was
more like a burden. Using the Ameri- ously promised. A complete analysis since been rejected by six of the used by the George W. Bush Trea- chairman of the White House Council
can Enterprise Institute’s TaxBrain of the effect this bill would have on economists the council cited to make sury—finds the small wage boosts of Economic Advisers, 2013-17.

My Grandparents Saw Light, Even After the Dark of Kristallnacht

By David Stras It has never been easy to come to as I grew up, careful to say only as Four years ago, on the 75th anni- took the secret of my grandfather’s

grips with my family history. My much as they thought I could handle. versary of Kristallnacht, I spoke pub- involvement to their graves.
his week marks a cruel yet aunt recently completed a family One day, while riding around on my licly about my grandparents’ experi- Only after years researching their
hopeful anniversary. On Nov. tree going back centuries; many of grandfather’s lap in his electric ence for the first time. Standing in stories and reflecting on their lives
9-10, 1938, a two-day period its branches end abruptly in the late wheelchair, I asked him, “What is the rotunda of the Minnesota Capitol, do I understand the message my
now known as Kristallnacht, Nazis 1930s and early 1940s. These names, that number on your arm?” Trans- grandparents had tried to impart—
plundered Jewish homes, schools no more than entries on a piece of forming a physical characteristic de- one of hope and gratitude, not bitter-
and businesses across Germany. My paper to me, represent my heritage, signed to make him less human into ‘What is that number ness or pity. As my grandfather said
grandfather, only 14 at the time, re- my family—much of it lost in the a source of feigned pride, he told me in a memorial service speech in 1979,
called seeing Jewish stores looted, hollow corridors of concentration it was a number that made him on your arm?’ I asked we remember those who “lost their
books burned, and signs saying “kill camps. I can only imagine how my unique because he was the only per- one day, too young to lives while fighting for their freedom,
the Jews.” Two days later, he re- life would have been different had son in the world who had it. Only the freedom of us and the freedom of
ceived a letter from his family saying my grandparents, aunts, uncles and later, as I approached my teenage have heard of Auschwitz. mankind.” He emphasized that “we,
that his father, my great-grandfa- cousins never experienced the merci- years, did my grandfather tell me the survivors, have to let the world
ther, had been taken to Dachau, less brutality of the Holocaust. that a fellow prisoner tattooed the know that we will never again allow
which we now know was the equiva- My grandparents shared bits and number—117022—on his left forearm I read my grandfather’s account of another Holocaust” and told the audi-
lent of a death sentence. pieces of their experiences with me when he arrived at Auschwitz. being transported on a freight car to ence that “you, and you alone, have
Auschwitz, stripped of civilian clothes the responsibility to speak up for our
upon arrival, and forced to run naked fallen relatives and friends.”
Notable & Quotable through a cold April rain.
My grandfather had the uncom-
My grandparents always said they
were the lucky ones, and that they
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson From “Bergdahl Was on Trial, but mon gift of being able to see the were left on earth to speak for those
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp So Were His Commanders” by light of human generosity in the who had perished. Their guidepost
Gerard Baker William Lewis Thomas H. Lipscomb, RealClearPoli- midst of near-total darkness. He re- was humanity, not indulgence in
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher, Nov. 8: counted his experience at the camp their own sorrow and suffering.
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: hospital, sick and malnourished: They spoke for their friends and
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; [Bowe] Bergdahl’s defense coun- German nurses reported to their family members who were not
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
sel, Eugene R. Fidell, noted the prej- superiors that they had discharged “lucky” enough to make it, and to en-
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President udicial remarks of President Trump, my grandfather when they in fact sure that the stories of those who
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: the commander-in-chief at the time transferred him to another room perished did not become footnotes in
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; of the Army sergeant’s trial for de- until he was able to recover. Their a dusty history book in the library.
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; serting his post in Afghanistan in kindness, he said—which they un- Theirs was a message of optimism,
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; 2009. But President Obama’s Rose dertook at great risk to their own intended to ensure that their chil-
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; Garden ceremony with Bergdahl and lives—saved him from the gas dren and grandchildren were able to
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International his parents after the soldier’s 2014 chamber. lead a life free from the atrocities
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: release by the Taliban—which fol- My grandfather again saw the that they had witnessed. I get it now,
Almar Latour, Publisher; lowed a prefatory statement by Na- best and worst in humanity after he grandma and grandpa, and I hope the
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: tional Security Adviser Susan Rice agreed to participate in an escape world gets it now too.
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; lauding Bergdahl for serving his plot. The guards captured three co-
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head country “with honor and distinc- conspirators, who were hanged in Justice Stras serves on the Minne-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: tion”—can be seen as just as prejudi- the middle of the camp as a prisoner sota Supreme Court and is a nomi-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 cial in exoneration as Trump’s was in orchestra played German songs to nee for the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
condemnation. accompany the spectacle. The men of Appeals.
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A18 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.K. Minister Quits Over Israel Meetings

Priti Patel's departure est in a quick succession of ing Corp. tracked the course of British woman detained in Iran
challenges for Mrs. May, who the plane bringing Ms. Patel to was training journalists, which
adds to cabinet woes has struggled to contain politi- London from Nairobi. U.K. me- critics say could lengthen her
facing Prime Minister cal fires and rein in ministers dia converged on Heathrow sentence. Mr. Johnson, who
since losing her party’s major- Airport to await the plane’s undercut Mrs. May in Septem-
Theresa May ity in a June election gamble. touchdown, and waited outside ber when he outlined his own


The British leader is also Mrs. May’s Downing Street vision for Brexit in a newspa-
BY JENNY GROSS grappling with stalled talks on residence afterward as she met per piece, said later that he
Brexit, the country’s greatest with Ms. Patel. could have been clearer when
LONDON—The second min- foreign-policy shift in decades, Opposition politicians ar- he was discussing the case.
ister in just over a week re- and a wave of sexual-miscon- gued that the prime minister The British leader’s No. 2,
signed from Prime Minister duct allegations in Parliament. had lost control of her party as Damian Green, is under parlia-
Theresa May’s government, as Defense Secretary Michael the U.K. navigates Brexit. “The- mentary investigation for al-
the British leader tried to re- Fallon resigned last week fol- resa May must get control of legedly groping a journalist in
gain command after a series of lowing allegations of inappro- her chaotic cabinet and decay- 2014. Mr. Green denies the ac-
blunders by members of her priate conduct toward women, ing government or step aside cusations.
cabinet. saying that his past behavior for Labour to govern,” said La- Mrs. May is navigating
Mrs. May summoned Priti was below the “high standard” bour lawmaker Kate Osamor. tricky terrain as British and
Patel, the international devel- of the armed forces. Andrew Rosindell, a Conser- European officials prepare for
opment secretary, back to Lon- Ms. Patel, a rising star who Priti Patel after meeting with Theresa May on Wednesday. vative lawmaker who voted for negotiations this week on the
don from an official trip to was largely known for her Brexit, countered that he thorniest issue so far: The bill
Uganda after details emerged strong Brexit support, apolo- mation had surfaced that Ms. openness that I have promoted thought the incident wasn’t a the U.K. must settle with the
about unauthorized meetings gized this week for not inform- Patel had also met Israeli offi- and advanced,” Ms. Patel wrote big issue for the prime minis- EU over outstanding commit-
Ms. Patel had in August and ing the prime minister and for- cials in September in London in her resignation letter. The ter. “I think it’s all a storm in a ments to the bloc before it
September with Israeli offi- eign secretary about her and New York. “Now that fur- international development de- teacup,” he said. “We just have leaves. The two sides, meeting
cials, including Prime Minister meetings in Israel, which she ther details have come to light, partment said the foreign of- to get on with bigger issues, in Brussels on Thursday and
Benjamin Netanyahu. Mrs. May said occurred during an Au- it is right that you have de- fice was aware of the Israel really.” Friday, must find a way to
said in a letter to Ms. Patel gust family vacation. cided to resign,” she said. meetings while they were un- It has been a rough two move past the stalemate be-
that work with Israel should be Mrs. May wrote in a letter “While my actions were der way, but not in advance. weeks for Mrs. May and her fore negotiations can move to
done “formally and through of- to Ms. Patel that she had been meant with the best intentions, The political drama played cabinet. Foreign Secretary Bo- discussions on the future trad-
ficial channels.” satisfied with the apology, but my actions also fell below the out before Britons on televi- ris Johnson has come under ing relationship between the
The development is the lat- had to take action after infor- standards of transparency and sion, as the British Broadcast- fire for incorrectly saying a U.K. and the EU.

GERMANY helped to balance the country’s merson Mnangagwa said he
budget, which has seen sur- had left the country after “in-
Economic Council pluses since 2014. cessant threats” to him and his
Sees Faster Growth With Germany’s upturn ex- family.
pected to last, the next govern- The demonization of the de-
Germany is enjoying a robust ment is in a good position to im- posed vice president is the clear-
economic upswing that could plement an overhaul, the report est sign yet that President Rob-
last for some time and which of- said. The council called for ert Mugabe, who at 93 years old
fers good conditions for growth- growth-friendly changes, such as is the world’s oldest head of
friendly changes, the govern- tax cuts that would address the state, is preparing his wife,
ment’s Council of Economic issue of bracket creep, whereby Grace, to succeed him.
Advisers said Wednesday, raising workers whose pay barely tracks Mr. Mnangagwa said he was
its growth forecast. the rate of inflation can slip into safe but didn’t mention his loca-
In their annual report, the ad- higher tax brackets and end up tion. “I will be communicating
visers known as the “wise men” worse off. with you soon and shall return
predicted Germany’s gross do- —Andrea Thomas to Zimbabwe to lead you,” he
mestic product to accelerate by said.
2.0% this year and by 2.2% in ZIMBABWE Mr. Mugabe spoke publicly for
2018. In March, the government the first time since dismissing
advisers predicted growth of Mugabe Says Deputy Mr. Mnangagwa, who had been

1.4% for this year and 1.6% for Plotted Takeover seen as the president’s potential
next. successor. Mr. Mugabe told
Germany’s economy has been Zimbabwe’s president said thousands of cheering support-
enjoying years of steady growth, that he fired his deputy and ers that Mr. Mnangagwa had
making it one of the eurozone’s longtime ally for scheming to plotted to take over since be-
most robust economies. The take power, including by con- coming a vice president in 2014. Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe, at left with his wife, Grace, at a rally in the capital of Harare
strong labor market has also sulting witch doctors, while Em- —Associated Press on Wednesday. ‘No one will remove the president except God,’ the first lady said.

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Weinstein Operative Played Another Role

Woman said to have woman that The Wall Street The Journal, in its August erative, who was posing as a vestigate a former Italian busi- business and litigation chal-
Journal reported over the article, published surveillance sympathetic London-based ness partner, but it has denied lenges.”
worked undercover for summer had used a different photos of the mystery woman, women’s rights activist and hiring the firm or any private A spokeswoman for Mr.
film mogul also dogged alias to wring information out captured during a July dinner who secretly recorded the ac- investigators to probe its U.S. Weinstein, who authorities say
of a critic of a large U.S. in- near Philadelphia with an ana- tress. critics. is the focus of criminal investi-
an insurer’s critic surer. lyst for a research firm critical Ms. McGowan made the In a statement, Black Cube gations into his conduct, said
The woman in the Journal of the New York-based insurer, identification after seeing pho- said it is company policy “to he “unequivocally” denies “al-
BY MARK MAREMONT article had given her name as AmTrust Financial Services tos of “Diana Ilic” obtained by never discuss its clients with legations of nonconsensual
“Diana Ilic.” The New Yorker, Inc. the Journal. any third party,” adding that it sex.” As for the private investi-
“Diana Filip,” Israeli under- in an article published Mon- It’s “the same woman,” said An AmTrust spokeswoman “applies high moral standards gators, the spokeswoman said:
cover operative, meet “Diana day about Mr. Weinstein’s use actress Rose McGowan, didn’t respond to questions to its work” and operates “It is a fiction to suggest that
Ilic.” of private investigators to through her publicist. Ms. sent Tuesday about Ms. within the law. Launched in any individuals were targeted
A private investigator re- counter probes into his alleged McGowan has said Mr. Wein- McGowan’s identifying “Diana 2011, the firm describes itself or suppressed at any time.”
ported to be working under- sexual abuse, named “Diana stein raped her. According to Ilic” as the same woman the as “a select group of veterans A spokesman for Weinstein
cover on behalf of film mogul Filip” as a pseudonym used by the New Yorker, Ms. McGowan New Yorker said was operating from the Israeli elite intelli- Co. didn’t immediately re-
Harvey Weinstein was identi- an operative for Black Cube, an met multiple times with “Di- for Black Cube. AmTrust has gence units that specializes in spond to a request for com-
fied by two people as the same Israeli investigative firm. ana Filip,” the Black Cube op- said it hired Black Cube to in- tailored solutions to complex Please see DIANA page B2

Icahn Probed on Role

As Trump Adviser
BY DAVID BENOIT aligned itself too closely with
AND TED MANN business interests, especially
on matters of regulation.
Federal prosecutors are in- Mr. Icahn’s company, Icahn
vestigating Carl Icahn’s former Enterprises LP, said it re-
role advising President Donald ceived a subpoena from the
Trump and the activist inves- U.S. Attorney’s Office for the
tor’s attempts to change an Southern District of New York
environmental rule that he op- seeking information about ac-
posed. tivities related to his role as
Mr. Icahn, an early backer adviser to Mr. Trump and to
of Mr. Trump’s White House the Renewable Fuels Standard,
bid, was named special adviser the rule he opposed.
to the president on overhaul- Echoing Icahn Enterprises,
ing federal regulations in De- CVR said in a separate filing
cember 2016. Mr. Icahn didn’t that the U.S. attorney “has not
have an official government made any claims or allegations
role, both he and the White against us or Mr. Icahn” and

House have said, but the ap- the company doesn’t believe
pointment cemented his unof- the inquiry will have a mate-
ficial status as a sounding rial impact.
board for Mr. Trump. Mr. Icahn wasn’t available
The role had sparked criti- for further comment late
cism from Democrats and oth- Wednesday.
ers who alleged Mr. Icahn, a “I never had access to non-
billionaire investor, was con- public information or profited
flicted given his ownership in from my position, nor do I be-
Arkansas farmer John Weiss in July in a soybean field he claims was damaged by dicamba that had drifted from neighboring fields. various business entities that lieve that my role presented
are heavily regulated, includ- conflicts of interest,” Mr.
ing an oil refiner called CVR

Monsanto Argues for Its Herbicide

Icahn wrote in his resignation
Energy Inc. Mr. Icahn resigned letter to Mr. Trump. “I never
from the role in August. sought any special benefit for
The inquiry into Mr. Icahn, any company with which I
BY JACOB BUNGE Scott Partridge, Monsanto’s disclosed by his holding com- have been involved, and have
Weedkiller Worries head of strategy, spoke at the pany and CVR Friday but only only expressed views that I
A fight over one of the most Farmers in 25 states have claimed damage to their fields due to hearing, as did proponents of reported on Wednesday, could believed would benefit the re-
powerful new weapons against neighbors spraying the herbicide dicamba. tighter restrictions. Monsanto provide more fodder for critics fining industry as a whole.”
hard-to-kill weeds, developed has criticized some Arkansas of the Trump administration The White House wasn’t
by agricultural giant Monsanto Dicamba-damaged acreage based on complaints state agricultural officials and who contend that it has Please see ICAHN page B6
Co., is spilling into the courts. academics involved in re-
Monsanto’s new version of 10 20 40 80 searching and regulating di-
the herbicide called dicamba is
part of a more than $1 billion
investment that pairs it with
thousand acres

N.D. Minn.
camba, accusing them of bias
and overstepping their author-
new genetically engineered “What the plant board did is
S.D. Wis.
seeds that are resistant to the Mich. very unfortunate for growers in
spray. But some farmers say Iowa Pa. Arkansas,” Mr. Partridge said.
their nonresistant crops suf- Ill. Ind. Ohio An Arkansas State Plant
fered after neighbors’ dicamba W.Va. Board spokeswoman declined
Kan. Mo. Va.
drifted onto their land. N.C. to comment.
The agricultural giant in Oc- Okla. Ark. S.C.
Farmers in 25 states submit-
tober sued the Arkansas State ted more than 2,700 claims to
Miss. Ala. Ga.
Plant Board following the state agricultural agencies that
board’s decision to bar Mon- La. neighbors’ dicamba spraying
santo’s new herbicide and pro- Source: University of Missouri via Most complaints: shriveled 3.6 million acres of
pose tougher restrictions on Environmental Protection Agency Arkansas soybeans, according to the U.S.
similar weed killers ahead of
the 2018 growing season. Mon-
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. 900,000 acres Environmental Protection
Agency. The herbicide is also
santo says its herbicide is be- than in any other state. camba controls, which Mon- blamed for damaging other HITS HISTORIC TAX-FREE
ing held to an unfair standard.
Arkansas has been a flash-
About 300 farmers, crop sci-
entists and other attendees
santo and some farmers are
fighting. The proposed restric-
crops, such as cantaloupe and
point in the dispute: About gathered in Little Rock on tions are subject to the ap- The complaints have farm-
900,000 acres of crops were re- Wednesday for a hearing on proval of a subcommittee of ers and agricultural research- TECH, B3 BONDS, B11
ported damaged there, more Arkansas’s proposed stiffer di- state legislators. Please see WEEDS page B2


Pension Fund Executive Pleads Guilty
Isaac Newton Learned BY JUSTIN BAER including a ski trip to Utah,
and a luxury watch in return

About Markets’ Gravity Navnoor Kang, a former

New York state pension fund
executive accused of taking
for Mr. Kang directing trades
their way. Mr. Kang pleaded
not guilty to those charges at
Was one of nias, has just released a re- bribes from Wall Street sales- the time. Two salespeople—
the most im- search paper that closely an- people, pleaded guilty on Deborah Kelley and Gregg

mortal scien- alyzes Newton’s track record Wednesday to two counts of Schonhorn—also were
tists in his- as an investor. fraud. charged in the alleged scheme
tory also one It turns out that Newton Mr. Kang, who served as and ultimately pleaded guilty.
of the world’s had invested prudently and head of fixed income at the Mr. Schonhorn’s lawyer de-
most mortal investors? successfully for many years, New York State Common Re- clined to comment. Ms. Kel-
In a recent column on the diversifying his portfolio tirement Fund until early ley’s lawyer didn’t respond to
effort to predict stock-mar- across stocks and govern- 2016, appeared in federal requests for comment.
ket behavior with principles ment bonds worth a total of court and pleaded guilty to Mr. Kang has denied taking
from geophysics, I cited the about £32,000 by the start of conspiracy to commit securi- money for drugs and prosti-
losses—reputed to exceed 1720 (roughly £4.4 million, ties fraud and honest-services tutes, according to a person
$3.6 million in today’s or $5.7 million, today.) wires fraud, under a law that familiar with the matter.
money—that Sir Isaac New- Newton was among the makes it a crime to deprive In court, Mr. Kang admitted
ton incurred speculating on earliest to spot the potential someone of “the intangible Navnoor Kang, center, outside court on Wednesday he received some of the perks
London’s South Sea bubble in the South Sea Co., the right of honest services.” including the Utah ski trip,
in 1720. I also cited the re- global trading firm that was Prosecutors agreed not to cations, jewelry, cash and State Common Retirement the watch, dinners and con-
mark, often attributed to seeking to restructure the pursue criminal charges stem- even drugs,” Joon Kim, the Fund and its members.” cert tickets. But he left out
Newton, that he “could cal- growing debts of the British ming from their allegations acting U.S. attorney in down- She added, “He has ac- other bribery allegations from
culate the motions of the government. Newton began that he accepted bribes in ex- town Manhattan, said. “He has cepted responsibility for his his statement, and the omis-
heavenly bodies, but not the buying no later than June change for steering trading now admitted to his crimes failure to disclose gifts during sions weren’t challenged by
madness of the people.” 1712, less than a year after business to certain brokers, and is a convicted felon.” his employment at the fund.” prosecutors in court.
Andrew Odlyzko, a profes- the company was set up, ac- and later sought to obstruct Tina Glandian, Mr. Kang’s Late last year, U.S. prosecu- The charges against Mr.
sor of mathematics at the cording to Prof. Odlyzko. federal investigations. attorney, said: “Mr. Kang pled tors alleged that salespeople Kang exposed a practice many
University of Minnesota who That was almost eight “Kang sold himself and his guilty even though Mr. Kang’s lavished Mr. Kang with every- believed had been rooted out
has extensively studied the years before speculating in duty to safeguard public re- investments proved to be very thing from prostitutes and co- of the securities industry
history of stock-market ma- Please see ZWEIG page B2 tirement money for luxury va- profitable for the New York caine to getaway weekends, Please see KANG page B7
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B2 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A FedEx...........................B3 O
Airbus..........................B3 Ford Motor..................A9 Old Mutual Global
Alphabet......................B4 G Investors.................A10
Apple.........A2,B3,B4,B12 Gazprom......................A8 Oracle .......................... B5
Archers Daniel Midland General Electric..........A9 P
.....................................A9 General Motors...........A9 Petróleos de Venezuela
AT&T....................A1,A10 Goldman Sachs Group ...................................B12
B ........................A9,B4,B11
Guggenheim Partners.B7 Q
Baidu ......................... B13
Bank of America.......B11 H Qualcomm...................A9
Boeing....................A9,B3 Humana.......................B7 S
C I Sears Holdings............B7
CBS..............................B3 Smithfield Foods........A9
Icahn Enterprises........B1
China Literature A10,B13 Snap..............A1,B12,B13
Cofco ........................... A9 Sogou ........................ B13
J Sprint..........................A1
Comerica....................B11 Juniper Networks.....B13 Symantec .................. B13
Creative Artists Agency K T
.....................................B3 Koch Industries...........B5 Tencent Holdings A1,B13
CVR Energy.................B1 L Time Warner...............A1
D LendingClub...............B13 T-Mobile US................A1
DirecTV........................A1 Leonardo......................B3 Twenty-First Century
DowDuPont.................A9 LVMH Moët Hennessy Fox ....................... B2,B4
E Louis Vuitton............B6 Twitter........................A1


Equifax ........................ B6
F Monsanto....................B1 UBS............................B11
N Under Armour...........B13
Facebook ..................... A1
Federated Investors Nasdaq ...................... B12 W
...................................B13 Netflix.............B3,B4,B13 Walt Disney................B4

Higher costs for sports programming, including additional NFL games, weighed on results from 21st Century Fox’s television segment.
A Duterte, Rodrigo.........A9 Milstein, Larry..........B12

Cable Helps Fox Return to Growth

Agarwal, Shradha..A2,B4 E-F Nieding, Klaus.............B7
Arnault, Bernard.........B6 Northam, Ralph..........A4
Ellenberger, Donald .. B13
B Friedlander, George .. B11 O
Bannon, Stephen........A4 G Odlyzko, Andrew ........ B1
Oficialdegui, Javier...B11
Barros Jr, Paulino do Gardner, Cory..............B1
S-T BY MARIA ARMENTAL Lachlan Murdoch, executive segment was an 11% increase in The television segment,
Rego..........................B1 Gillespie, Ed................A4
Beccari, Pietro ............ B6 Sanborn, Scott..........B13 AND SARAH RABIL co-chairman of Fox, kicked off domestic affiliate fee revenue— which includes the Fox broad-
H Wednesday’s earnings call by the money collected from pay- cast network and local TV sta-
Bryan, Jeremy...........B12 Santini, Mike ............ B11
Heppenstall, Mark....B12
C-D Shah, Rishi............A2,B4 21st Century Fox Inc. said saying executives wouldn’t TV distributors to carry Fox’s tions, posted a 36% decline in
K-L Sieg, Andy.................B11
profit and revenue rose in the comment on the reports. channels. Advertising revenue operating profit. Higher costs
Carr, Muneera...........B11 Simmer, Sarah Jones.B5
Chin, David................B11 Kang, Navnoor............B1 most recent quarter, as higher “Let me be very clear up- rose 3% in the U.S. and 10% for for sports programming, includ-
Koch, David.................B5 Smith, Richard............B1
Clayton, Jay .............. B12 Solca, Luca..................B6 fees for its cable networks front that we have a long- international channels. ing added college football and
Cohen, Natalie .......... B11 Legere, John...............A1
LeRoy, Greg...............B11 Sosa, Juan I..............B12 helped offset continued weak- standing policy of not com- Fox said it maintained its do- National Football League
Culverhouse, Stuart . B12 Stephens, John...........A6
Daingerfield, Brian ... B13 M-N Stephenson, Randall..A1
ness at local TV stations and its menting around corporate mestic television subscriber lev- games, more than offset higher
Delrahim, Makan........A1 Maduro, Nicolás........B12 Swell, Mike...............B13 film studio. activity or transactions. We els, as growth from new revenue.
Dorsey, Jack................B4 Miller, John...............B11 Toledano, Sidney.........B6 The results posted Wednes- will continue to adhere to the streaming services and newer Fox News, which wasn’t in-
day follow the news that Fox re- policy, meaning that we will channels offset declines in the cluded in the talks with Disney,
cently held talks about selling a not be responding, at all, to traditional pay-TV universe. had another strong quarter,

ZWEIG £26,000 into South Sea

shares on June 14, 1720, at a
price of about 700 per
share—twice what he had
large part of its entertainment
business to Walt Disney Co.
Those assets included the
Twentieth Century Fox studio,
questions or comments re-
garding recent press specula-
tion,” he said.
Wall Street Journal parent
Overall, Fox’s fiscal first-
quarter profit rose 4% to $855
million, or 46 cents a share.
Revenue rose 7.6% to $7 billion,
contributing to the revenue
and profit expansion at the ca-
ble unit despite turmoil over
accusations of sexual harass-
Continued from the prior page sold them for only a few international distribution oper- company News Corp and 21st topping analysts’ average esti- ment and racial and gender
the company’s shares be- weeks earlier. ations and some cable net- Century Fox share common mate of $6.81 billion. Excluding discrimination that led to sev-
came a mania that swept up Even worse, in late Au- works, The Wall Street Journal ownership. restructuring costs and other eral high-level departures. Fox
everyday investors and high gust, with the shares priced reported earlier this week. Fox’s cable networks unit, items, per-share profit was in has said it is cooperating with
society alike. about 750, Newton put an- The remaining Fox business, home to Fox News and the FS1 line with the projection from a federal probe related to the
The shares (quoted as a other £1,000 into a South as discussed, would have been sports network, drove results analysts surveyed by Thomson allegations.
percentage of their par, or Sea security that appears to focused on broadcast television for the company’s September- Reuters. Fox’s Class A shares closed
nominal, value) shot up from have been comparable to a as well as news and sports ca- ended fiscal first quarter with a Operating profit at the Wednesday at $28.09 and were
about 200 in March 1720 to call option giving him the ble channels such as Fox News. 9% rise in operating income be- filmed entertainment division, up 1.3% in after-hours trading.
nearly 1,000 in June and right to buy shares at a price The talks hit an impasse over fore depreciation and amortiza- which includes the Twentieth Before gaining this week on
July, then crashed back be- of 1,000 each. price and other key terms, tion, helping Fox post its first Century Fox studio, fell 18% the reports about discussions
low 200 in a few disastrous At this point, Newton had though they could be restarted, profit increase in three quar- from a year earlier, as last with Disney, the stock had de-
weeks later in 1720. shifted from a prudent inves- according to people familiar ters. year’s results were boosted by clined about 25% over the past
Prof. Odlyzko estimates tor with his money spread with the matter. Driving results in the cable licensing deals. three years.
that if Newton had bought across several securities to a
and held his South Sea speculator who had plunged
shares continuously from
early 1712 through 1723,
when the stock stabilized af-
ter the bursting of the bub-
essentially all of his capital
into a single stock.
The great scientist was
chasing hot performance as
ble, he would have earned a desperately as a day trader Continued from the prior page
cumulative total return of in 1999 or many bitcoin buy- ment.
approximately 116%. That is ers in 2017. Separately, a writer for New
about 6.5% annually, not Newton appears to have York magazine viewed photos
counting dividends—a gener- lost as much as 77% on his and video footage of the
ous return at a time when worst purchases, or at least woman in the Journal’s
long-term government bonds £22,600, estimates Prof. Od- AmTrust piece and said “it
carried interest rates of 4% lyzko. That is the equivalent looks like the same woman”
to 5%. of £3.1 million, or nearly $4.1 who he said pumped him for
However, Newton didn’t million, in today’s purchas- information in late 2016 about
buy and hold continuously. ing power. Overall, he lost at Mr. Weinstein when he was
Instead, Newton—who held least a third of his account working on an article about
10,000 shares of South Sea value. Mr. Weinstein’s accusers. The
stock in early 1720—sold Prof. Odlyzko finds that woman had used the name,
8,000 shares in April and the words often attributed to “Anna,” according to the New
May at prices around 350, Newton were ascribed to York writer, Ben Wallace.
realizing profits of at least him years after his death, so The New Yorker published a

£20,000, Prof. Odlyzko finds. the great man might or copy of a contract between
That was equivalent to might not ever have said Black Cube and one of Mr.
nearly $4 million today. that he “could calculate the Weinstein’s lawyers, naming
But the price of the shares motions of the heavenly bod- an “Anna” as one of its opera-
went almost straight up im- ies, but not the madness of tives for the assignment.
mediately after Newton sold the people.” In an interview Tuesday, The mystery woman identifying herself here as Diana Ilic arrives for a meeting with an analyst.
them, brushing 800 in late But surely the author of Mr. Wallace said “Anna” pre-
May and early June of 1720. the law of universal gravita- tended to be a disgruntled for- with “an accent that was hard him with drinks during a July also reported mysterious con-
“As the bubble continued tion must have learned the mer mistress of Mr. Wein- to place, possibly German.” On dinner meeting. He also de- tacts, the Journal reported in
inflating, it appears that he First Law of Financial Grav- stein’s who heard he was a second meeting, he said she tected an accent; she claimed August.
panicked,” Prof. Odlyzko ity: What goes up must come working on an article. Claim- suggested a place that was to be from Zagreb, Croatia. The email address “Diana
writes of Newton. The great down, and what goes up the ing to be worried about her “mood lit,” already had a glass After the dinner, Mr. Irons Ilic” used with Mr. Irons linked
scientist, throwing his ratio- most will come down the career if she spoke out, she of wine, and motioned for him discovered his boss also had a to a domain name established
nality to the winds, plunked hardest. pushed for information about to sit next to her. mysterious meeting, with a a few days before the meeting.
other women he was talking That was a similar experi- man claiming to be French, The London address for her
with, he said. ence to that of Chris Irons, the who similarly pumped him for consulting firm turned out to
Mr. Wallace described the analyst with GeoInvesting LLC, information about AmTrust. be a mailbox drop. Calls and
woman as blonde, mid-30s, who said “Diana Ilic” had plied Two other critics of AmTrust emails to her weren’t returned.

WEEDS as $350 million in annual prof-

its for Monsanto. “It’s their big
moneymaker,” he said.
German chemical maker
Arkansas’s Plant Board has
proposed going further, possi-
bly by prohibiting dicamba use
from mid-April through the end
thanks to good weather over
the latter half of the growing
season. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture is projecting a re-
Continued from the prior page BASF SA is also marketing a of October to safeguard grow- cord U.S. soybean crop. The
ers racing to figure out how to new version of dicamba to pair ing plants. The state has also outcome could have been
avoid more collateral damage with the Monsanto-developed refused to approve Monsanto’s worse with drier weather, re-
ahead of next summer, when crops. dicamba product for use in Ar- searchers said.
Monsanto projects the herbi- While dicamba has proven kansas, saying it needs further Farmers are exploring their
cide will be used on twice the able to knock down tough own legal options. Some have
U.S. farm acreage as this year. weeds, past versions of the joined class-action lawsuits
Other states besides Arkan- herbicide have been known for against Monsanto and BASF,
sas, including Minnesota, South evaporating from plants after
Some farmers have seeking compensation for dam-
Dakota, North Dakota, Tennes- application, which can create a joined class-action aged crops. The companies are
see and Indiana, are discussing mist prone to floating into contesting those lawsuits.
additional limits and training nearby fields.
lawsuits against For farmers, “it’s highly
requirements for farmers Monsanto and BASF’s new Monsanto and BASF. emotional,” said Doug Goeh-
spraying dicamba. formulations are designed to ring, North Dakota’s agriculture
Monsanto had pitched di- minimize that effect, the com- commissioner.

camba, along with soybean and panies have said. Tom Burnham, who farms
cotton seeds engineered to sur- U.S. farmers planted about analysis by University of Ar- 11,000 acres near Blytheville,
vive it, to farmers struggling to 25 million acres of dicamba-tol- kansas researchers. Monsanto Ark., said he hired a lawyer to
kill weeds such as palmer ama- erant crops this year. Following argues that other herbicides advise him on how to handle a
ranth that can grow so fast and the damage complaints, the haven’t been subjected to the neighbor whose errant di-
so big—developing stalks as companies in October agreed sort of further analysis the camba spraying, Mr. Burnham
thick as baseball bats—that with the EPA on tighter con- state wants to apply to Mon- said, reduced some fields’ har-
they choke out crops. trols for those products, in- santo’s dicamba product. vest by 5% to 20%.
Jonas Oxgaard, an analyst cluding training farmers on Even with the reports of Mr. Burnham said he didn’t
with Bernstein, estimated that how to manage the chemical widespread damage, farmers expect to make money on any
the chemical and related seed and barring application on and crop researchers say many lawsuit he may file. “I’m doing
Artist’s impression of Isaac Newton thinking about gravity sales could generate as much windy days. affected fields recovered, it just to make a point.”
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | B3


Apple to Bankroll
News-Show Drama
BY JOE FLINT plans to distribute its content.
In October, it struck a deal
Apple Inc. has struck a deal with director Steven Spiel-
for a new drama starring berg’s Amblin Television and
Reese Witherspoon and Jenni- Comcast Corp.’s Universal
fer Aniston and set in the Television for a new version of
world of television morning- “Amazing Stories,” a science-
news shows. fiction anthology series that
Terms of the deal weren’t ran on NBC in the 1980s. The
disclosed, but people familiar budget for that show is over
with the matter said the cost $5 million an episode, a per-
could reach beyond $10 mil- son familiar with the project
lion an episode. Ms. Aniston’s has said.
and Ms. Witherspoon’s sala- The deal for the morning-


ries are expected to be over $1 news show is an indicator that
million an episode, according Apple is prepared to spend
to a person who was pursuing heavily on its television ven-
the show. Ms. Aniston and Ms. ture and get into bidding wars
Witherspoon are also execu- with more established play-
tive producers of the show. ers—which is good news for
Both Ms. Aniston and Ms. producers.
Witherspoon are represented Apple’s programming ef-
by Creative Artists Agency. A forts are being overseen by
spokeswoman for the agency Zack Van Amburg and Jamie A turboprop flies over a neighborhood in Mumbai. These planes are slower and burn less fuel than their jet counterparts.
declined to comment on their Erlicht, who joined the com-

FedEx Orders Turboprops

deals. pany from Sony Corp. in June.
Other parties interested in Apple is committing as much
the as-yet-untitled, highly as $1 billion on its program-
sought-after show included ming strategy.
Netflix Inc. and CBS Corp.’s The Witherspoon-Aniston
Showtime. series is being produced Delivery giant to buy ages between smaller cities tive David L. Cunningham said are the world’s leading pro-
For Apple, the deal for the through Media Res, a produc- and larger airports where its Wednesday that the company ducers of turboprop planes.
Witherspoon-Aniston project tion company founded by for- as many as 50 planes big Boeing and Airbus jets op- “worked with ATR to develop Brazilian plane maker Embraer
is the second big programming mer HBO programming execu- from Europe’s ATR as erate. this new aircraft, which in- SA in September said it had
bet it has made in the past tive Michael Ellenberg, who is The prospects for the air- clude special features to help opened talks with potential
several weeks—even though it an executive producer on the airfreight sector revives freight market have improved us grow our business, espe- airline customers to gauge
has yet to disclose how it series. in recent months after a pro- cially in the airfreight market whether to re-enter the mar-
BY ROBERT WALL longed slump. WorldACD, where shipments are larger ket for such planes, after exit-
which tracks the sector, said and heavier.” ing it years ago to focus on
Apple Market Value trillion. Based on Apple’s share FedEx Corp. is modernizing air-cargo growth in Septem- FedEx is expected to get the jet-powered regional planes
count as of Oct. 20, that would part of its fleet of smaller ber, the latest month for which first planes in 2020. The air- and private jets.
Tops $900 Billion mean a share price of $194.77. cargo planes in a deal valued figures are available, grew craft typically can carry The FedEx deal also is an
The milestone comes at $1.3 billion at list price, above 5% year over year for around 8.3 tons of cargo, important vote of confidence
shortly after Apple’s latest amid an improved outlook for the 13th consecutive month. though delivery companies are for ATR in the U.S., which it
The world’s most valuable iPhone model hit stores last the global airfreight market. FedEx said in its latest usually more focused on vol- has coveted for years. Passen-
public company just made week. Shares also got a boost FedEx will buy up to 50 tur- quarterly earnings that sales ume than weight. ger-carrying turboprops fell
more history. after the tech giant delivered boprop planes from European at its air-shipping Express di- “Our bet is that the out of favor in the U.S. be-
Apple Inc. shares rose 0.8% its best quarterly growth in aircraft maker ATR—a joint vision benefited from higher freighter market is going to cause passengers generally
Wednesday to close at a new two years, fueled by strong venture between Airbus SE, rates to ship U.S. domestic become much more active preferred jets they viewed as
high of $176.24, giving the sales in all of its key products the world’s No. 2 plane maker packages and strong interna- than it has been,” ATR Chief more comfortable and modern.
iPhone maker a market value and a rebound in the China behind Boeing Co., and Italy’s tional package growth. Executive Christian Scherer But ATR is starting to see
of $904.9 billion. market. Leonardo SpA. The deal com- Though turboprop freight said in an interview. Though demand rebound in the U.S. In
That makes Apple the first Positive reviews of the prises a firm order for 30 planes are typically modified much of the global demand addition to the FedEx deal, the
U.S. company to reach the company’s 10th-anniversary line planes and options for 20 passenger models, FedEx in will likely remain for con- plane maker has said it had
$900 billion threshold, having of iPhones have generally more, and represents a boost this case opted for a new de- verted planes, he said FedEx’s won a preliminary 20-passen-
already become the first to hit boosted Apple shares recently. for ATR in the U.S., the world’s sign. The plane is based on the endorsement could generate ger-aircraft deal with Fort
$800 billion when it accom- For the year, they are up more largest single aviation market. European plane maker’s 78- greater appetite for new Lauderdale, Fla.-based Silver
plished the feat in May. It than 50%, part of this year’s The delivery giant typically seat ATR 72-600 model, which planes as well as spur a gen- Airways Corp.
would need to increase its mar- torrid rally for the biggest tech- uses such turboprop planes— features a new cockpit and eral increase in demand for “We have been absent in
ket capitalization by 11% to be- nology firms. which are slower and burn more powerful engines than freight planes. the U.S. for many, many years
come the first to be worth $1 —Amrith Ramkumar less fuel than their jet coun- earlier versions. Toulouse, France-based ATR and this marks our return,”
terparts—to transport pack- FedEx Express Chief Execu- and Canada’s Bombardier Inc. Mr. Scherer said.

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B4 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Size vs. Growth

Walt Disney’s biggest cable channels have lost subscribers in the past
few years, while Netflix’s subscribers have grown from a smaller base.
Domestic subscribers
100 million 2016 93



Disney Channel ESPN Netflix*

2011 ’16 2011 ’16 2011 ’16
Buying 30% of Hulu, whose shows include ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ would give Disney majority control of that streaming service. *Streaming subscribers only Source: the companies THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Behind Disney’s Talks With Fox: Netflix

BY BEN FRITZ compete in the streaming, a-la- of its fiscal year, Disney’s televi- News Corp share common own- television platform.” That same television shows and movies, in-
carte world that Netflix domi- sion revenue was flat at $18 bil- ership. logic applies to its pursuit of cluding recent theatrical re-
Walt Disney Co.’s market nates has become Disney’s pri- lion and its operating income In an interview before the Fox’s assets, analysts and peo- leases that currently stream on
capitalization is almost twice ority. declined 11% to $6 billion. Fox talks were reported this ple close to Disney said. Netflix under a deal that ends
that of Netflix Inc. It operates Disney’s TV operation alone Recent talks for Disney to ac- week, Disney Chief Strategy Of- The company is already in next year and Mr. Iger intends
the most successful movie stu- is substantially larger than Net- quire Fox’s entertainment cable ficer Kevin Mayer said Disney the midst of a multibillion-dol- to not renew.
dio in Hollywood, one of the flix, but its growth has stalled networks and film and TV stu- has in the past decade spent $15 lar effort to launch direct-to- Next year, Disney aims to un-
most profitable channels on ca- while its digital competitor is dio, and stakes in European sat- billion buying “high quality” in- consumer online video offer- veil an ESPN streaming service
ble television and the biggest booming. Netflix’s revenue in- ellite broadcaster Sky and tellectual property from Pixar ings, an effort that could be the featuring sports not currently
theme-park business in the creased 32% in the first nine streaming TV company Hulu, Animation Studios, Marvel En- final legacy of Chief Executive available on television.
world. months of its current fiscal year have stalled, and it is unclear tertainment and “Star Wars” Robert Iger, who is scheduled to Both will use technology
Yet its pursuit of 21st Cen- to $8.4 billion, compared with a whether they will restart, let producer Lucasfilm. “Now we’ve retire in 2019. from the streaming company
tury Fox Inc.’s entertainment year earlier, and its operating alone result in a deal, said peo- turned our attention to the one That same year, Disney has BamTech, on which Disney this
assets indicates that reposition- income rose 163% to $593.4 mil- ple close to the discussions. Fox platform seeing growth chal- said, it plans to launch a family- year spent $1.58 billion for ma-
ing its television business to lion. For the first nine months and Wall Street Journal parent lenges,” he said. “That’s the entertainment service featuring jority control.

Outcome Health Returns Fire in Investors Dispute

BY ROLFE WINKLER entitled to get their money LLP, called investors “irrespon- ward to our chance to present and declined to comment on legal filing says Mr. Shah and
back, citing an October Wall sible” for filing suit days after it to the court.” A spokesman his departure. Ms. Agarwal “have considered”
Outcome Health on Street Journal article that re- they were briefed by an inde- for Alphabet’s CapitalG didn’t The investors have asked the injecting the money allocated
Wednesday fired back at inves- ported how some Outcome em- pendent counsel hired by Out- immediately respond to re- court to freeze $225 million of for their distribution back into
tors suing the prominent Chi- ployees had allegedly misled come last month to investigate quests for comment. the total that had been placed Outcome. “Such an infusion of
cago advertising startup, saying customers about its advertising the claims that some employees Outcome’s filing says Mr. in a separate account to pay the cash could avoid a potential
that their accusations of fraud services. Outcome, which said misled advertising customers. Webb interviewed “approxi- founders a distribution. They debt default and give the com-
are baseless and that their ef- it was valued at $5.5 billion by According to Outcome’s legal mately 17 Outcome Health em- allege Mr. Shah took steps to pany breathing room to regain
fort to freeze $225 million in investors, puts video screens in filing, the independent counsel, ployees” as part of his investi- take money out of the account its footing amid the recent tur-
funds controlled by the found- doctors’ offices and streams former U.S. attorney Dan Webb, gation. It does not state and can’t verify the total funds moil,” the filing said.
ers was unfair and could finan- pharmaceutical ads to them. told investors during the brief- whether he interviewed any are there. Mr. Carlinsky, Outcome’s at-
cially damage the company. In New York Supreme Court ing that while his investigation former employees, including The Outcome filing states torney, added in an interview
On Tuesday, investors sued in New York County on remains ongoing, he had “’not Sameer Kazi, a former chief op- that while the founders have that this was a “general” state-
Outcome and its founders, Ri- Wednesday, the judge said she come across any evidence that erating officer who the Journal the right to take this money out ment about a debt default. “We
shi Shah and Shradha Agarwal, would review both sides’ claims senior management was in- reported in October confronted per an agreement with inves- don’t want to give the lenders
claiming the founders know- and plans to hear further argu- volved’ in any misconduct or Mr. Shah with concerns about tors, the funds remain in the reason to seek to declare a po-
ingly provided false data and ments on Monday. even possesses ‘relevant infor- business practices earlier this account for company use. “We tential default” and that an in-
financial reports before a Outcome and its founders mation’ regarding the miscon- year, people briefed on the dis- have been completely transpar- fusion of cash back into the
funding round earlier this denied wrongdoing in Wednes- duct that may have occurred at cussion said. ent with employees, customers company would mollify them.
year. The investors, which in- day’s filing and said there is no Outcome Health.” Mr. Webb and Mr. Kazi and investors, and always oper- A lawyer representing Out-
clude funds managed by a unit evidence that Mr. Shah or Ms. In response to Wednesday’s didn’t respond to requests for ated with complete integrity,” come’s creditors, Michael
of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Agarwal engaged in any mis- comments from Outcome, a comment on Wednesday. Mr. the founders said in a state- Stamer of Akin Gump, didn’t
and Google parent Alphabet conduct. Goldman Sachs spokesman Kazi in a brief phone conversa- ment. respond to a re-
Inc., invested $487.5 million Outcome’s attorney, Michael said, “We believe there is more tion this summer said he was O u tc o m e ’s quest for com-
beginning in March. Carlinsky of law firm Quinn than enough evidence to sup- at the company “two weeks ment.
The investors say they are Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan port our case and we look for- and three days” early this year


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | B5


Maneuvering Through Career Changes WORKAROUND

Former Marine Charles Phillips positions business-software provider Infor as a challenger to Oracle
Sets Up App
For Mentors
BY VANESSA FUHRMANS ing to buy something they
view as risky. They don’t re-
Charles Phillips is no ally understand technology. I
stranger to reinvention. A write it down on the back of Will a generation accus-
captain in the Marine Corps my card, say ‘Call me if you tomed to swiping right to
in his 20s, he went on to be- get nervous, anytime—24/7.’ find dates do the same to ex-
come one of the dot-com That goes a long way with pand its professional net-
boom’s most in- people. work?
BOSS fluential sages as That is the hope of the
TALK a technology an- WSJ: What lessons did you makers of Bumble, a dating
alyst for Morgan take from working with Larry app known for allowing
Stanley. In 2003, Ellison at Oracle? women to initiate contact
Larry Ellison plucked him to MR. PHILLIPS: The best with men. Bumble last
be Oracle Corp.’s president thing I learned at Oracle was month began allowing its
and lead a seven-year, $35- speed. Speed is better than more than 22 million regis-
billion acquisition spree. perfection. If you’re sitting tered users to search for
Mr. Phillips’s latest trans- around for six months debat- prospective mentors and col-
formation has him turning ing something, usually the leagues, in addition to ro-
the privately held business- thing you’re debating has mantic interests, using dif-


software provider he joined changed over that time. ferent profiles.
as chief executive in 2010, In- You’re never going to get a It isn’t the first dating
for Inc., into a formidable, al- consensus, so let’s make a de- service to do so. Matchmak-
beit smaller, rival to Oracle, in cision and go and we’ll, of ing website eHarmony Inc.
part by designing products course, correct it if we have last year launched a job-
with a more intuitive feel and to. search tool called Elevated
building applications for in- Careers that connected users
dustry-specific processes. WSJ: What did you decide to with prospective employers.
Infor, for instance, created do differently at Infor? It sold the business in Au-
a software tool for brewers MR. PHILLIPS: I’m a bit gust to Candidate Guru, a
that measures the quality of more hands on, engaging with small recruiting startup. Tin-
hops and ensures vats are full people at all levels of the der designed a networking
to maximize productivity. To company, making people feel app for members of pub-
recruit more software-engi- a sense of purpose. The best lisher Forbes Media’s “30
neering and design talent, he
relocated the company to
‘We move a lot faster than a normal company.’ leaders in the Marine Corps
were the guys who created a
Under 30” lists in 2015.
Yet Bumble says its prod-
New York City from Al- relationship with the people uct, dubbed Bumble Bizz, is
pharetta, Ga., in 2012. Infor Chief Executive Charles Phillips in their unit so that those different. The company sees
Infor is now taking the ap- people didn’t want to disap- a market opportunity in let-
proach to businesses at Koch point them. That is hard to ting women steer their ca-
Industries Inc. Early this Wall Street Journal in New team have an unusual office some point, they are going to get in business, but the mili- reers in a safe, casual set-
year, the conglomerate— York. Here are edited ex- arrangement. How does that demand that. Your personal tary has that and I try to ting, said Chief Operating
widely known for the conser- cerpts: work? computing devices are better draw from that more. Officer Sarah Jones Simmer,
vative political agenda of the MR. PHILLIPS: None of us than what businesses build who declined to say how
brothers who control it, THE WALL STREET JOUR- have offices. We have basi- and use, at least from the WSJ: You’ve switched careers much the company has spent
Charles and David Koch—in- NAL: Did the investment cally an oversize square table, user standpoint. It’s a differ- several times. Take us into on its new business-focused
vested more than $2 billion in from Koch spur questions and the entire executive staff ent type of person who un- your mind-set as you’ve made platform.
Infor, a stake that values the from employees? sits around it. There are no derstands how to build appli- those big transitions. Bumble’s users can now
software company at roughly MR. PHILLIPS: Initially a secrets, if you’re sitting cations that are beautiful and MR. PHILLIPS: One of the create separate professional
$10.5 billion. Infor is design- couple customers and em- around each other every day. exciting. That’s one of the things my father taught me profiles and browse photos
ing and developing software ployees asked about that, but We move a lot faster than a reasons we moved to New is: Do things that can be mea- and work samples of poten-
for the shareholder. far less than I thought. I’ve normal company. We don’t York—because a lot of people sured, because you can’t rely tial business connections on
Mr. Phillips, who is active been active politically for so have to wait three weeks to come to New York to study on people liking you. You their smartphones. When
in Democratic politics and many years and supporting call a meeting for an hour. and work in design. won’t have the same access as two users of opposite gen-
planning to start a nonparti- many Democratic candidates We’re just doing it on the fly. maybe some other people, but ders swipe right on each
san political-action commit- and other causes, I already WSJ: As a technology ana- if you can perform and dem- other’s profiles, it enables
tee with other African-Ameri- had a known view that people WSJ: You created an in-house lyst, you used a toll-free num- onstrate that you can per- the woman to strike up a
can executives, says the knew wasn’t going to change. design firm to make business ber to network with industry form, people will always take text chat. Either party can
partnership doesn’t change [The questions] went away software more elegant and in- executives. Does 1-800-MR- the next step with you. That’s initiate a conversation if the
Infor’s strategy. “It just gives after the first couple of tuitive. What’s driving that? CHUCK still work? been instrumental for me be- users are the same gender.
us a lot more ways to get weeks. MR. PHILLIPS: The users MR. PHILLIPS: I give it to cause I could always demon- Users swipe left on a profile
there,” says Mr. Phillips, who who grew up using Apple de- clients. A lot of these custom- strate numbers-wise or some- if they aren’t interested.
recently sat down with The WSJ: You and your executive vices and smartphones—at ers, they’re CEOs or CFOs try- thing technical that worked. —Kelsey Gee

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B6 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Christian Dior’s Chief to Depart Equifax CEO Unsure

BY MATTHEW DALTON sively under Mr. Arnault’s
If Data Is Encrypted
PARIS—Sidney Toledano When Mr. Toledano took
plans to step aside after 20 over at the brand in 1998, an- BY ROBERT MCMILLAN is now encrypting the con-
years as chief executive of nual sales were around €200 AND ANNAMARIA ANDRIOTIS sumer data it stored on its
Christian Dior Couture as cor- million. He embarked on a computers—a basic step in hid-
porate parent LVMH Moët store-building spree and ex- Two months after Equifax ing sensitive information from
Hennessy Louis Vuitton seeks panded the business dramati- Inc. reported one of the worst hackers, and one the company
to inject new blood into its se- cally in Asia. He also anchored data breaches in history, its in- previously admitted it didn’t
nior ranks. the company as designers terim chief executive told a take before the breach.
Wednesday’s announcement came and went. He clashed congressional hearing Wednes- “I don’t know at this stage,”
marks the end of an era at with Hedi Slimane and fired day he wasn’t sure whether Mr. Barros said.
Dior, during which Mr. Tole- John Galliano after the de- the company was encrypting The answer was disappoint-

dano, 66 years old, turned the signer was recorded shouting consumer data. ing, said Avivah Litan, an ana-
elite brand into a global fash- anti-Semitic insults at a bar in Equifax announced Sept. 7 lyst with research firm Gartner
ion powerhouse with annual Paris. Mr. Galliano apologized it was breached and that hack- Inc. “He should have asked his
sales of more than €2 billion and said he was seeking help. ers accessed data including staff that the day he took
($2.3 billion). The move elevates Mr. Bec- names, dates of birth and So- over,” she said.
Pietro Beccari, the current Sidney Toledano, exiting chief executive of Christian Dior Couture, cari to one of the top spots in cial Security numbers for 145.5 Mr. Barros has been Equifax’s
chief executive of Fendi, also is seen at the luxury retailer’s Tokyo flagship store in April. the fashion world. Dior’s sales million U.S. consumers. Several chief executive since Sept. 26,
part of LVMH, was named to have surged in recent years, executives, including the CEO, when the company announced
succeed Mr. Toledano. Mr. dano a new job as head of want a new challenge.” propelled by strong demand in stepped aside in the wake of Richard Smith was retiring. Be-
Beccari is highly regarded LVMH Fashion Group, which Wednesday’s move is the Asia. The brand, however, is the disclosure. fore that, Mr. Barros was head
within LVMH for having engi- manages some of the brand’s first major shake-up at Dior significantly smaller than Equifax has quadrupled of the company’s Asia-Pacific
neered a turnaround at Fendi. smaller fashion labels includ- since Mr. Arnault this year French rival Chanel and should spending on security, updated business.
Under his tenure, sales grew ing Celine, Givenchy and Marc spent €12 billion to unite the have room to grow, said Luca its security tools and changed Equifax is in the process of
from an estimated €600 mil- Jacobs. Mr. Arnault suggested fashion house with LVMH. Solca, analyst at Exane BNP its corporate structure since “either encrypting or deleting”
lion to €1 billion. the move to Mr. Toledano, and Previously, the Arnault family Paribas. the breach, Paulino do Rego data stored on its computer
“Pietro has an excellent he agreed, Mr. Toledano said. owned part of Dior through a “The benchmark for Dior is Barros Jr., the interim chief, storage systems, an Equifax
track record,” said Bernard Ar- He will start the new role early holding company that also Chanel,” Mr. Solca said. “It has said during a hearing by the spokeswoman said in an email.
nault, the French billionaire next year. owned part of LVMH. But Dior a similar allure and sophistica- Senate Commerce Committee. Since the breach, “Equifax has
who is chief executive and con- “He never imposed some- the brand was independent tion and it’s coming from the But Mr. Barros stumbled deployed multiple methodolo-
trolling shareholder of LVMH. thing on me,” Mr. Toledano from LVMH, even though the same background, which is when asked by Sen. Cory Gard- gies to strengthen security and
Mr. Arnault gave Mr. Tole- said in an interview. “I said I companies cooperated exten- couture.” ner (R., Colo.) whether Equifax protect data,” she said.

ICAHN tent of the law and costing his

company millions.
His relationship was seen
as so close to the new admin-
the EPA would move quickly.
CVR, meanwhile, slowed its
purchases of the credits, build-
ing up sizable obligations, a
Lipinski railed against the de-
cision on a conference call last
“I am also surprised that
tion installed a longtime advo-
cate of offshore oil, Scott An-
gelle, as industry’s chief safety
dozens of leaders of smaller
businesses as well. The White
House has described its out-
reach to business as a course
Continued from Page One istration that other investors bet that the prices of the cred- the Trump administration The administration has correction from the Obama ad-
immediately available for com- piled into CVR stock upon Mr. its would plunge before the caved and failed to drain the boasted about its achieve- ministration, which Republi-
ment. Trump’s election, sending its swamp as promised,” he said. ments in reversing rules and cans blame for imposing ex-
The activist investor had stock and others soaring on CVR now expects to spend regulations opposed by busi- cessive regulations on
long been publicly campaign- the belief the rule would be $235 million to $265 million nesses. Mr. Trump’s budget of- business.
ing to change the environmen- changed.
The inquiry into Mr. on the credits this year, com- fice said this spring that it had But business leaders have
tal rule, which governs how CVR stock is up 145% since Icahn provides fodder pared with an earlier estimate cut by 20% the amount of reg- sometimes recoiled, as they
renewable fuels can be added the election, boosting Mr. of $170 million. ulatory activity across the en- did this summer. Then, two
to gasoline. Refiners either Icahn’s 82% stake by $1.3 bil-
for critics of the Mr. Icahn isn’t the only tire federal government, in- councils of chief executives
have to add the renewable fuel lion. Trump White House. business ally of Mr. Trump to cluding proposed rules from formed to advise the president
or buy credits from those who Mr. Icahn played a role in draw criticism to the White the past administration that on business and economic pol-
do. Mr. Icahn argued the rule helping Mr. Trump chose Scott House. Mr. Pruitt has drawn the White House halted. icy imploded after the presi-
put the burden on smaller re- Pruitt as head of the Environ- the ire of environmentalists Mr. Trump embraced corpo- dent defended some of the
finers, like CVR, instead of big mental Protection Agency, company needed them. and some congressional Demo- rate chieftains early on in his participants in a white su-
oil companies. And he argued which was responsible for the Last month, Mr. Pruitt an- crats for his efforts to halt or first year in office, convening premacist demonstration in
the credits had become a sub- rule. Mr. Icahn has previously nounced the rule wouldn’t roll back regulations on every- a series of task forces and Charlottesville, Va.
ject of Wall Street speculation, said he discussed his concerns change. thing from methane emissions public discussions at the —Austen Hufford
out of sync with the initial in- with Mr. Pruitt and had hoped CVR Chief Executive Jack to pesticides. The administra- White House that included contributed to this article.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Thursday, November 9, 2017 | B7


EU Calls for Cutting
Emissions by 30%
KANG Korn Ferry officials have
declined to comment.
Mr. Kang’s arrival was
hailed by his new boss as ul-
Continued from page B1 tralow interest rates crimped
The European Union proposed years earlier. This article is returns across the industry.
Wednesday a 30% cut in carbon- drawn from dozens of inter- The New York pension fund’s
dioxide emissions from cars and views, legal proceedings, investment chief and other
vans in the decade through emails and government docu- pension officials had a plan to
2030, seeking to prod auto mak- ments. become a more active trader
ers toward cleaner technologies Mr. Kang’s path to running to squeeze out a better return,
led by electric vehicles. bond investments for one of which meant getting more
Brussels’s move comes as ef- the largest pension funds in brokers to find buyers or sell-
forts to accelerate development the country passed through ers.
of electric cars and hybrid vehi- some of the best-known firms In October 2014, Mr. Kang
cles to replace conventional in- on Wall Street. Mr. Kang was wrote a memo to his boss rec-
ternal-combustion engines 26 years old when in March ommending the fund add
gather pace world-wide. 2007 he joined one of the eight firms to its list of ap-
With their revamped emis- world’s biggest bond manag- proved brokers, including
sions regime, EU officials sig- ers, Pacific Investment Man- Sterne Agee, then Ms. Kelley’s
naled their intention to force Eu- agement Co., where he got to firm, and FTN Financial,
ropean motor companies to step know many of the senior bond where Mr. Schonhorn worked.
on the gas, launch electric vehi- salespeople, including Ms. Following the recommenda-
cles and compete with China, Kelley and Mr. Schonhorn. tions, the pension’s bond-trad-
the world’s biggest car market Salespeople found Mr. Kang ing business with each of

by sales and largest market for an affable client. “It’s no se- these firms soon surged.
electric vehicles. cret Nav had a reputation as Not long after Mr. Kang
Erik Jonnaert, secretary-gen- someone who enjoyed being settled in his new job, prose-
eral of European Automobile entertained,” said Michael cutors alleged, Mr. Schonhorn,
Manufacturers’ Association, reit- Lauterbach, a former bond Ms. Kelley and others began
erated auto makers’ call for 20% salesman who has known Mr. to lavish him with gifts in ex-
emission cuts by 2030. Kang since his days at Pimco change for more trading busi-
Sales of electric vehicles and Sears said sales at its existing namesake domestic stores plunged 17% in the third quarter. and remains a friend. ness—and the commissions
hybrids rose 44% to 152,694 in Mr. Kang left Pimco in they stood to gain for making
the first nine months of the ing locations continue to decline. pening. The reason cuts to the improve by at least $100 million. summer 2010 for a higher- those deals happen, according
year, making up only 1.3% of to- On Wednesday, Sears said heart of some of Sears’ prob- But Sears is likely to shrink paying job at the asset-man- to court documents.
tal sales, according to ACEA. sales at its existing namesake lems. Its stores are rundown, its even further. It said it reached agement arm of Guggenheim A spokesman for Stifel Fi-
—Emre Peker domestic stores plunged 17% in merchandise selection is limited an agreement with the Pension Partners. nancial Corp., which acquired
and William Boston the third quarter, following a and sales associates are scarce, Benefit Guaranty Corp. to re- However, a December 2012
string of negative comparable- according to shoppers and ana- lease 140 Sears properties that trip to New York—where he
SEARS HOLDINGS store sales dating back to the lysts. had been held as a backstop to attended a Rolling Stones con-
third quarter of 2014. Sales at Sears said the closure of un- the company’s pension obliga- cert with a salesman—set off
The charges expose a
Store Sales Decline existing Kmart stores dropped profitable stores helped to im- tions in return for pumping $407 alarm bells at Guggenheim’s practice many
Despite Closings 13% in the third quarter. prove its bottom line. It expects a million into its pension plan. compliance department, ac-
Sears has said it is closing its third-quarter loss between $525 —Suzanne Kapner cording to people familiar
believed had been
Sears Holdings Corp. has weakest locations, which should million and $595 million, less with the matter. Guggenheim’s rooted out years ago.
closed hundreds of stores in re- boost overall productivity. Yet than the $748 million it lost a HUMANA compliance executives con-
cent years, but sales at remain- the opposite appears to be hap- year ago. It expects cash flow to fronted Mr. Kang with nearly
View for 2018 a dozen instances where the
Is Downbeat firm believed that he had Sterne Agee, has said the firm
ADVERTISEMENT failed to report entertainment inherited the problem. A
Humana Inc.’s third-quarter salespeople paid for him, the spokeswoman for FTN, a unit
results beat analysts’ expecta- people said. The firm fired of First Horizon National
Legal Notices
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
tions, but the company gave a
downbeat initial view of its
him in January 2013, accord-
ing to the people.
Corp., has said the charges to
which Mr. Schonhorn pleaded
earnings for 2018, saying its for- Mr. Kang was out of work guilty “reflect a betrayal of
mal guidance would likely fall for about a year before land- FTN and its values.”
INTERNATIONAL NOTICES CLASS ACTIONS below its target range despite ing a senior role at the New A person familiar with Mr.
projected enrollment growth. York state pension fund, Kang’s thinking said he had
For the most recent quarter, which was eager to overhaul cleared the vacations with
      net income rose to $499 million, the way it managed its portfo- salespeople with at least one
   !"# or $3.44 a share, compared with lio of bonds. pension official. That official

  "$% &'($$'

 $450 million, or $2.98 a share, a The fund hired Korn/Ferry said the trips were fine be-


 year ago. Excluding one-time International to search for a cause Mr. Kang had known the
) &
*+  + *))* , 
+ & * + ) *+, * &- +*

+) 0+
) // )!  ) * *, 1+! )! *2 &0*  +0 ) * items, including costs related to new fixed-income boss, with salespeople as friends before
*+ .+/ "& &+1 3 43 ) + 0 /&+ 5 4  6* ) * 7& 8# recent job cuts, Humana earned the recruiting firm helping se- he joined the pension fund,
# $%&'          
     $3.39 a share, up from $3.20 a lect five applicants for a the person said.
( 1 &+* *+* 1 ).* 99   ' :  $'  ;9<% 9 share. Analysts had expected phone interview. One was Mr. A spokesman for the pen-
:  $$< : = ><;  5? :  ' (  '<$' (
   !" :9% = ' $ 
  7 (8# :  < : : <$( @' % 
9( adjusted earnings per share of Kang, who met in person with sion fund said officials have
 )* )* )+  ), '
$@ $
$ .9'  <9$' ' $$:: 7'
$$::8# $ $3.27. Revenue slid 3% from a pension officials in December never heard this claim, and
  '$A < <$ $'   
# )   -  63B0 , 1#  7 <9$$ $$A$8# ) ( =$ C  <$( year ago to $13.3 billion. 2013. He said he had lost his that its policies are clear.
 C   <9'  ' A$  C<$' '  78#
' $  $  <9$$ $$A$  7 ' $(8# :  %( : D3 For 2018, Humana said it ex- job at Guggenheim because By February 2016, pension


($$ $ < '  ''$$ 54E   F<' D3 ($$# :  9 : &<$  pected growth in its Medicare the firm had no position for officials had learned the Secu-

<' $: % <$C' %  +A$G'  9A <$ $$A$ 9H9 
    <@($ :      

      !  Advantage business. Enrollment him in New York, where he in- rities and Exchange Commis-
 ><;  5?  (%  (''  7
8#  F<A   =$ in its individual Medicare plans tended to live, according to a sion was looking into Ms. Kel-
  ! "   <$C   '$<A ' $I9<$ $ $ :C =$ <   ' $(
"      " ) ( $ <'$$' 9 C %  ;9<% 9 ' <@($ :  will likely rise in the range of report by the New York pen- ley’s expenses on Mr. Kang,
"  #$   $%#&  !
 & $A =$  '  <( 4 4  444 ( * )$(# : 
 !C$ " %   $'  ;9<% 9 :  $$< : = 150,000 to 180,000, said Brian sion fund. people familiar with the mat-
 "   ' ! !   
J5 /;  ,$($A = BJ4 .$: . 9( K3 #  '($ A. Kane, chief financial officer. In a Dec. 18 email to the ter said. The retirement fund
=  ' (   ( ' <'$$ C$'' : $  $9$
"    "    ' '
 $ :$  ' 'H9 ' 9'  C' %  9L #  '($ Pressure on drug plans was pension fund’s investment didn’t wait for a resolution.
   )  "*
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=  (  9'  <$@' =$ <   
: : $( :
( 9 %L <#  '($ =   %  (  : 
one factor in the company’s chief, a pension employee On Feb. 26, New York state
.'!  )  #$ /     : $  $9$ '
 9'  ''L '#  <$' <@($ warning that its earnings guid- wrote that a Korn/Ferry team Common Retirement Fund in-
$%#&  #%0%% (( ! "   : 
L ' #  9 9 9<  (   9 (% '( $
! ! "  ( $< '
$$::M '$C$'9 ' 
: : $(   % $( @' A$ ance for 2018 will come in be- leader had said Mr. Kang’s de- vestment chief Vicki Fuller
/" 1 *  $%#&   $ 
0    $CC$A  ' $( %9 =$  <9''
:( $$A % <C% $'$C$'9% A$   $      
low its usual target range of 11% parture from Guggenheim “all called Mr. Kang to her office,
2  ) 3 to 15% growth, and its guidance checked out.” When asked people familiar with the mat-
9A  <' :  ( =$< <' =$  <' $  :99 99
    2   ' :  $$< 9 =  <9$$ $$A$ $ '$A   ;9<%
9 ) '$A <$( $  <9$$ $$A$ A$ <$  $'$C$'9 for margin on its individual later by the New York Comp- ter said. “Hey, this isn’t work-
':'  9::<' % $ ( Medicare Advantage plans will troller’s Office, the team ing out,” she told him. “We’re
  C  ( $ C' ' 
 $ <@(' %  ;9<% 9
%9 =$ $;% C  ('% A$   $: %9 I<   H9 F<9$ :(  also likely be lower than its typi- leader couldn’t remember who letting you go.” She didn’t
( 9  ' <@($A 
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 ( ' 
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M ::<$C 
cal goal of 4.5% to 5%. she had spoken to at Guggen- mention there was a continu-
% 9< I<$ (%  '' ( '  ('% =$  C$ $ <<$ =$  —Anna Wilde Mathews heim, according to the state’s ing SEC probe, people familiar
 : % ' C$A  (
. 1 &+* & /*/ *+ . ) * *))*/*) & * + * & 6* 1 + +0 ) , and Cara Lombardo April report. with the matter said.
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$A =$ $<9$%  $ ' 9 : % I<$ =$< (9  @' A DevMktY NA ... NA SmCapAdml 68.54 +0.14 12.0
=$ : : C$< =$  ;9<% 9 ' C'   $ $ <$C'    Explanatory Notes Data provided by
IntGrowY 43.25 +0.03 24.7 STBondAdml 10.43 -0.01 1.4

<(  4  544 ( *)#  7 ( I<$ '$8# %  9'$A' Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes with net assets of Parnassus Fds STIGradeAdml 10.68 ... 2.3
' 9 '  :=$A ''$$ $ $# <<9    #
9 ,$ at least $500 million each. NAV is net asset value. Percentage performance figures ParnEqFd 44.32 +0.13 13.7 TotBdAdml 10.79 -0.01 3.5
+$:;$' , N 0$ 
 J3 &C9 :  &($< = 1; = 1; 44B are total returns, assuming reinvestment of all distributions and after subtracting
& !% & $ ' &$< $ *# ' # 19A =% A N )% 
 PIMCO Fds Instl TotIntBdIdxAdm 22.00 -0.01 2.4
annual expenses. Figures don’t reflect sales charges (“loads”) or redemption fees. AllAsset NA ... NA TotIntlAdmIdx r 30.17 +0.11 24.9
+'% H9 444  !$A  ,$($A = BJ4 &
9$ ! /A
 ) 0< ' "9$  +9<;$#L $$# <9   *H9$% (($ # = +9'$<; NET CHG is change in NAV from previous trading day. YTD%RET is year-to-date TotRt 10.30 -0.01 5.1 TotStAdml 64.76 +0.09 17.0

 C )$( H9 = 1; = 1; 44 & + " ; ' &'= / return. 3-YR%RET is trailing three-year return annualized. PIMCO Funds A TxMIn r 14.28 +0.05 24.0
NA ... NA ValAdml 39.79 -0.01 11.9
%# # = +9'$<; 
  .$<$   /& 4 & C  C$# e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e IncomeFd
' # /A(% /<<; ,; N +' 
 43  /;  3 . and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, PIMCO Funds D WdsrllAdml 69.22 +0.03 12.1
,$($A = BJ4 & /; & .$;#L $$$# <9   '$M (($ # 12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r IncomeFd NA ... NA WellsIAdml 65.48 -0.02 8.4
; +( 
 4 /;  9$ J44 ,$($A = BJ4 & %  PIMCO Funds Instl WelltnAdml 74.01 +0.01 11.8
) ' ": , /$G# ' # ; +( 
 ) % 9$'$A 543 F$A &C9
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; IncomeFd NA ... NA WndsrAdml 79.39 +0.10 15.6
= 1; = 1; 45 & /$<  <'#L $C#  :@< :  $'  PIMCO Funds P VANGUARD FDS
)9 J55 !$A  9$ 4 ,$($A = BJ4 & /;  !%#L C# data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period.
IncomeP NA ... NA DivdGro 26.45 +0.13 14.6
<9   /$ ) 09 .$$A 
 44 ,$A  , 9$ 44
) $ /3! ! & + ) ' +< A$#L ' C$# ;9<% Price Funds HlthCare r 210.73 +0.24 17.2
<9  '
$$:: ' 
9$C  =$ ' 
  =$ $C Wednesday, November 8, 2017 BlChip 97.62 +0.09 34.4 INSTTRF2020 22.61 +0.02 12.3
+' = "% 44J & /$<  *;$ ' &'= (# Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD CapApp 29.75 +0.01 13.6 INSTTRF2025 22.88 +0.02 13.8

*& *  ) )&) ) *  +) + ) * *+!M ..* +*0&+0 )  )* Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret EqInc 34.80 +0.02 12.1 INSTTRF2030 23.08 +0.03 15.1
H9$$ (%  ('  ' 9 American Century Inv TotRetBdI NA ... NA IncomeAdv 2.34 -0.01 7.2 EqIndex 69.74 +0.10 17.6 INSTTRF2035 23.28 +0.04 16.4
 6 0$'  9A 9<  * / )* **+ N )
 Ultra 45.25 +0.09 29.7 Edgewood Growth Instituti FrankTemp/Franklin A Growth 70.45 +0.08 32.3 INSTTRF2040 23.48 +0.05 17.8
B4 9    9$ 43 $<A  44 # 344 American Funds Cl A EdgewoodGrInst NA ... NA CA TF A p 7.51 ... 6.1 HelSci 74.18 -0.48 25.6 INSTTRF2045 23.62 +0.04 18.3
% ' :  9 AmcpA p 31.99 +0.02 19.2 Federated Instl Fed TF A p 12.02 +0.01 3.6 InstlCapG 39.66 +0.01 35.6 IntlVal 39.60 +0.12 24.7
(800) 366-3975 


   AMutlA p 41.29 +0.07
BalA p 27.56 ...
StraValDivIS 6.41 +0.02 11.6 IncomeA p 2.36 -0.01 7.0 IntlStk
19.31 +0.03
15.30 +0.01
26.3 LifeGro
19.4 LifeMod
33.28 +0.05
27.03 +0.03
           ! " #$%$    
! "& #'()&*   ! " Fidelity RisDv A p 61.09 +0.17 17.0
sales.legalnotices #$%$   %+ ! "& #(,-)&*  . ! " #$%$ .
 $  ! "& #/01,&* BondA p 12.96 -0.01 3.5 500IdxInst 90.83 +0.13 17.8 FrankTemp/Franklin C MCapGro
91.95 +0.08
31.26 +0.06
22.0 PrmcpCor
7.6 SelValu r
26.92 +0.03
33.30 +0.01
  2 ! " #$%$   %+ 2  ! "& #000(&*   ! " #$%$      CapIBA p 63.10 +0.08 12.2 500IdxInstPrem 90.83 +0.13 17.8 Income C t 2.39 -0.01 6.9 3 
! "& #,-/&*  45 ! " #$%$     4 

 5 3 ! "& #)6,,&* CapWGrA 52.59 +0.10 21.8 500IdxPrem 90.83 +0.14 17.8 FrankTemp/Temp A N Horiz 55.25 -0.25
9.51 -0.01
27.6 STAR
3.8 STIGrade
27.28 +0.01 16.0
 7! ! " #$%$     3 
! "& #/-,-&*  5! ! " #$%$ 5 ! 8  EupacA p 57.38 +0.02 29.9 ExtMktIdxPrem r 62.39 +0.09 13.7 GlBond A p 12.19 +0.01 3.9
N Inc 10.68 ... 2.2
! "& #-),'&*   2 9 : 7 3" #$%$   %+ 2  7 3"& #'--&*  . FdInvA p 63.97 +0.02 19.7 IntlIdxPrem r 43.45 +0.10 23.1 Growth A p 26.82 ... 13.8
OverS SF r 11.44 +0.03 26.1 TgtRe2015 15.97 ... 10.1
9 : 7 3" #$%$ .
 $  7 3"& #),0'&*  5! 9 : 7 3" GwthA p 51.83 +0.05 23.3 SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 13.92 +0.02 17.7 R2020 23.27 +0.01 14.0 TgtRe2020 31.72 +0.03 12.2
#$%$ 5 ! 8  7 3"& #60/&*   9 : 7 3" #$%$     3 
FrankTemp/Temp Adv
HI TrA p 10.41 -0.04 6.2 TMktIdxF r 75.21 +0.11 17.1 R2025 17.95 +0.01 15.8 TgtRe2025 18.60 +0.02 13.8
7 3"& #',)-&*   9 : 7 3" #$%$      3 
7 3"& GlBondAdv p 12.15 +0.02 4.2
ICAA p 41.39 +0.07 15.6 TMktIdxPrem 75.20 +0.12 17.0 R2030 26.46 +0.02 17.4 TgtRe2030 33.60 +0.04 15.1
#66,(&*  45 9 : 7 3" #$%$     4 

 5 3 7 3"& #6)-&*    Harbor Funds

IncoA p 23.51 +0.02 10.9 USBdIdxInstPrem 11.62 -0.01 3.4 R2035 19.35 +0.02 18.8 TgtRe2035 20.64 +0.03 16.3
5 9 : 4" #$%$     3 
5 3 4"   

CapApInst 76.53 +0.23 35.1
N PerA p 45.23 +0.05 28.0 Fidelity Advisor I R2040 27.81 +0.03 19.8 TgtRe2040 35.56 +0.06 17.7
  + %  
7  ! "   %+ 7 3"    IntlInst r 70.13 +0.15 20.1
NEcoA p 47.81 +0.08 33.0 NwInsghtI 33.50 +0.02 25.4 Value 38.89 +0.02 15.6 TgtRe2045 22.34 +0.04 18.3
7  !    7 3" 
3  8+& #/)&"  

000    Harding Loevner
    1,, = 8   
 7  7  =07 6>'" NwWrldA 66.83 +0.12 29.9 Fidelity Freedom PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds TgtRe2050 35.94 +0.07 18.3
IntlEq NA ... NA

$ : 
 '  '<9( :<' $ $ $<  C$  $%&& SmCpA p 56.44 -0.10 22.7 FF2020 16.76 ... 13.6 Growth r 36.03 +0.12 25.8 TgtRetInc 13.62 +0.01 7.6
Invesco Funds A
& $
. :( $$G' ( 9' 9  '@' $ $ $< Principal Investors TotIntBdIxInv 11.00 -0.01 2.3
For more information C  ($A A$C  $ 

TxExA p
WshA p
13.08 +0.01
45.58 +0.01
14.51 +0.01 14.6
18.18 +0.01 17.1
EqIncA 11.29 -0.02
John Hancock Class 1
DivIntlInst 14.05 +0.06 27.7 WellsI 27.03 -0.01 8.4

visit Baird Funds

AggBdInst 10.92 -0.01 4.2
Freedom2020 K 16.77 +0.01 NS
Freedom2025 K 14.51 +0.01 NS
LSBalncd 16.00 +0.01 13.3
Prudential Cl Z & I
TRBdZ 14.56 -0.03
6.0 WndsrII
42.85 ...
39.00 +0.01
LSGwth 17.19 +0.02 16.9 Schwab Funds
CorBdInst 11.27 -0.02 4.5 Freedom2030 K 18.18 ... NS VANGUARD INDEX FDS
NOTICE OF SALE BlackRock Funds A Freedom2035 K 15.25 +0.01 NS
John Hancock Instl
S&P Sel 40.54 +0.06 17.8 500 239.80 +0.35 17.7
DispValMCI 24.07 +0.06 12.1
GlblAlloc p 20.37 +0.01 12.0 Freedom2040 K 10.72 +0.01 NS TIAA/CREF Funds ExtndIstPl 202.24 +0.31 13.7
JPMorgan Funds
BlackRock Funds Inst Fidelity Invest EqIdxInst 19.42 +0.03 17.1 SmValAdml 55.00 +0.05 7.1
%   ' MdCpVal L 39.67 +0.03 9.0 IntlEqIdxInst 20.41 +0.08 23.3 TotBd2 10.75 -0.01 3.4
 EqtyDivd 23.06 -0.04 13.0 Balanc 23.73 ... 14.4 JPMorgan R Class

 !" #$%& '( )*+ , *"** $ -.,&! ,$/ GlblAlloc 20.50 +0.01 12.3 BluCh 88.19 +0.32 33.6 Tweedy Browne Fds TotIntl 18.03 +0.06 24.7
CoreBond 11.66 -0.01 3.8 28.52 +0.05 13.9 TotSt
0  1 23&,4 .2&5,! & ! 2 $3!,( 6 HiYldBd 7.82 -0.03 7.4 Contra 127.41 +0.26 30.3 GblValue 64.74 +0.10 17.0
 44J3+54B &*
& )0*) 6& *  44 B344 StratIncOpptyIns 9.95 -0.01 4.2 ContraK 127.41 +0.26 30.4 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
 44*  . &*
& / * +, *.& ) 44444444 EmgMktEq 19.79 +0.13 24.6 500Adml 239.83 +0.35 17.8 BalInst 34.17 +0.01 11.4
Bridge Builder Trust CpInc r 10.30 -0.01 10.7
 B5J54 ,*+) ) +
. .) 44444 Loomis Sayles Fds 34.17 +0.02 11.5 DevMktsIndInst 14.30 +0.06
CoreBond NA ... NA DivIntl 41.57 +0.05 24.8 BalAdml 24.1
= ' (%  7=8#  : : ) ; : = 1; / )9 (% $ LSBondI 14.18 ... 7.0 CAITAdml 11.86 ... 5.2 DevMktsInxInst 22.34 +0.08 24.0
Dimensional Fds GroCo 182.88 +0.27 33.7
&<$$ $ $ <<$%  9  7)98# =$  <'9<$A  : <$ < Lord Abbett A CapOpAdml r155.31 +0.18 25.0 ExtndInst
5GlbFxdInc 11.04 ... 2.4 GrowCoK 182.84 +0.27 33.8 81.95 +0.13 13.7
'A'   )9 )   '@' $# =$  ::' ' ' %  )9 =$9 ShtDurIncmA p 4.27 ... 2.2 EMAdmr 37.37 +0.12 28.0 GrwthInst 71.11 +0.24 25.2
<9 $  <C F  $($' $A (' %  )9 =$ <  EmgMktVa 30.45 +0.03 28.9 InvGB 7.94 -0.01 3.7
Lord Abbett F EqIncAdml 76.55 +0.08 14.2 InPrSeIn 10.54 -0.01 2.5
  F<   $   #  =$ <  %  $:($  $  EmMktCorEq 22.60 +0.10 32.1 InvGrBd 11.31 -0.01 4.2
IntlCoreEq 14.31 +0.04 24.9 LowP r 52.75 -0.02 15.1
ShtDurIncm 4.27 ... 2.5 ExtndAdml 81.95 +0.12 13.6 InstIdx 236.62 +0.35 17.8
)9M $ $<9'$A =$9 $($$ % ::$A <$<9   @<$ $:($ Metropolitan West
2,! 7  )  =$  '  3BB F$A &C9  . = 1; = 1; 44 IntlVal 20.14 +0.06 23.0 LowPriStkK r 52.71 -0.03 15.2 GNMAAdml 10.52 -0.02 2.1 InstPlus 236.64 +0.35 17.8
,! !7&$,!
  'C$'    :  <9$$ $' C (%  (' 21.57 +0.03 26.1 TotRetBd 10.68 -0.01 3.0 GrwthAdml 71.10 +0.24 25.2 InstTStPlus 58.09 +0.08 17.0
IntSmCo MagIn 106.44 +0.08 23.3
%    $'' = $   H9$@' $'' ' =$  9I<   C C . ''$$ IntSmVa 23.53 +0.04 24.4 OTC 109.38 +0.87 37.3 TotRetBdI 10.68 -0.01 3.3 HlthCareAdml r 88.90 +0.10 17.3 MidCpInst 40.90 +0.09 14.8
$:($ $<9'$A =$ <  H9$@' $'' 9 '  $ <$ :  C US CoreEq1 22.06 +0.04 15.8 Puritn 23.25 ... 16.5 TRBdPlan 10.05 -0.01 3.3 HYCorAdml r 5.93 -0.02 6.5 MidCpIstPl 201.70 +0.44 14.8
+$ ' @'$$% &A( << "( 9; %   # 45J MFS Funds Class I InfProAd 25.88 -0.01 2.5 SmCapInst 68.54 +0.14
 % ($  I$(9;P<=<(  19$ 0$( %   # J45  % ($  US CoreEq2 20.90 +0.03 13.6 SrsEmrgMkt 21.63 +0.07 37.8 12.0
US Small 35.87 +0.07 6.7 SrsGroCoRetail 17.97 +0.03 34.5 ValueI 40.51 +0.02 13.0 IntlGrAdml 95.26 +0.02 41.5 STIGradeInst 10.68 ... 2.3
%9$A$(P<=<(  % :<$($  # J53BB4  % ($ '''  3BB F$A
&C9  . = 1; = 1; 44 .2$& ) )9 $ 9$G'  9<  $: US SmCpVal 38.27 -0.06 2.8 SrsIntlGrw 16.29 +0.02 27.3 MFS Funds Instl ITBondAdml 11.43 -0.02 4.0 TotBdInst 10.79 -0.01 3.5
 )9 '( $ 'C$  $ H9$' % $< =  '  $#  $<  <$C US TgdVal 24.81 +0.02 4.2 SrsIntlVal 10.87 +0.02 18.7 IntlEq 25.49 +0.02 25.8 ITIGradeAdml 9.82 -0.01 4.4 TotBdInst2 10.75 -0.01 3.5
$''   9< :  C $'$@' <9$%  78#   '   = =$ USLgVa 38.93 -0.05 12.5 TotalBond 10.69 -0.01 4.1 Mutual Series LTGradeAdml 10.67 -0.02 9.9 TotBdInstPl 10.79 -0.01 3.5
 ' A  %  9<$A : $ = <<9 : $C( '  =$  C$= Dodge & Cox Fidelity Selects GlbDiscA 32.34 -0.09 7.5 MidCpAdml 185.14 +0.41 14.8 TotIntBdIdxInst 33.01 -0.01 2.4
  '$$9$   : % : 9<  $$#  C$:%  < <$@< :  <9$%  Oakmark Funds Invest MuHYAdml 11.47 +0.01 7.6 TotIntlInstIdx r120.63 +0.41
 '   A' 9$%   ::<  9< <9$%    A$' 9'  Balanced 108.93 -0.15 8.9 Biotech r 216.38 -1.71 24.3 24.9
GblStock 13.93 ... 17.0 First Eagle Funds EqtyInc r NA ... NA MuIntAdml 14.23 ... 4.9 TotItlInstPlId r120.66 +0.42 24.9
© 2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. <9$$ &< : B  ('' ' (%   '$' : $ C$$ :  C$$ : $' &<
$$$#  '$<$( '  :9  A$C % =%     $# ' $C#  $( 9<  Income 13.84 -0.01 4.1 GlbA 60.90 +0.16 12.2 Oakmark NA ... NA MuLTAdml 11.75 +0.01 6.4 TotStInst 64.77 +0.09 17.0
All Rights Reserved. $($$  <'$$ $ <<$ =$ % 9<    )9 '( <%  'C$ Intl Stk 46.63 +0.09 22.4 FPA Funds OakmrkInt NA ... NA MuLtdAdml 10.97 ... 2.6 ValueInst 39.79 -0.01 11.9
Stock 201.23 -0.34 12.3 FPACres 35.17 -0.03 9.1 Old Westbury Fds MuShtAdml 15.78 ... 1.4 Western Asset
DoubleLine Funds FrankTemp/Frank Adv LrgCpStr 14.96 +0.02 16.6 PrmcpAdml r135.99 +0.17 25.0 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
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B8 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
23563.36 s 6.13, or 0.03% Trailing P/E ratio 21.30 20.33 2594.38 s 3.74, or 0.14% Trailing P/E ratio 24.33 23.02 6789.12 s 21.34, or 0.32% Trailing P/E ratio * 16.10 23.75
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.35 16.91 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.39 17.78 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 21.55 18.79
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.16 2.57 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.92 2.20 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.05 1.25
All-time high 23563.36, 11/08/17 All-time high: 2594.38, 11/08/17 All-time high: 6789.12, 11/08/17

Current divisor 0.14523396877348

23500 2580 6750
Session high
DOWN UP 23000 2550 6650

Session open Close

Close Open

22500 2520 6550

Session low

22000 2490 6450

21500 2460 6350

65-day moving average 65-day moving average 65-day moving average

21000 2430 6250

Bars measure the point change from session's open

20500 2400 6150
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.
Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 879,271,538 14,021,016
Industrial Average 23575.00 23510.56 23563.36 6.13 0.03 23563.36 18589.69 26.8 19.2 10.3 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 5,000 shares. Adv. volume* 439,093,212 10,007,555
Transportation Avg 9652.94 9596.23 9630.77 -41.02 -0.42 10038.13 8397.31 14.7 6.5 2.5 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 423,215,508 3,855,195
Utility Average 761.54 754.42 759.59 0.67 0.09 759.59 625.44 17.6 15.2 8.0 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,061 331
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low Advances 1,495 146
Total Stock Market 26838.61 26725.07 26825.65 38.82 0.14 26830.60 22353.71 20.0 15.2 8.3
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 9,630.6 259.10 -0.01 unch. 259.15 258.74 Declines 1,439 171
Barron's 400 683.32 678.33 682.73 1.64 0.24 691.56 549.08 24.3 13.5 8.2
Verizon Communications VZ 5,428.2 45.49 0.03 0.07 45.49 45.33 Unchanged 127 14
Nasdaq Stock Market JPMorgan Chase JPM 4,603.5 97.70 0.06 0.06 97.85 97.45 New highs 123 6
Nasdaq Composite 6791.65 6753.34 6789.12 21.34 0.32 6789.12 5208.80 29.3 26.1 13.6 Otonomy OTIC 3,588.8 5.40 2.60 92.86 7.50 2.80 New lows 85 5
6346.98 6308.62 25.03 6345.81 4702.04 30.5 Closing tick 44 28
Nasdaq 100 6345.81 0.40 31.5 15.1 Wells Fargo WFC 3,567.2 54.26 ... unch. 54.42 54.17
Closing Arms† 1.12 0.21
VanEck Vectors Gold Miner GDX 3,351.7 22.88 -0.01 -0.04 22.91 22.85
Standard & Poor's Block trades* 7,048 152
General Electric GE 2,739.1 20.12 ... unch. 20.20 20.08
500 Index 2595.47 2585.02 2594.38 3.74 2594.38 2163.26 19.9 15.9 8.5 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Comcast Cl A CMCSA 2,513.3 36.21 ... unch. 36.50 36.18
MidCap 400 1837.20 1824.87 1836.09 5.47 0.30 1843.36 1540.63 19.2 10.6 8.7 Total volume*2,072,201,865 201,129,198
SmallCap 600 898.08 888.23 896.98 3.91 0.44 918.72 748.27 19.9 7.0 9.7 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*1,095,686,332 128,470,489
Decl. volume* 944,147,262 70,895,703
Other Indexes Otonomy OTIC 3,588.8 5.40 2.60 92.86 7.50 2.80
Issues traded 3,058 1,313
Russell 2000 1482.86 1469.34 1481.73 2.64 0.18 1512.09 1232.16 20.3 9.2 8.1 Roku Cl A ROKU 2,276.1 23.80 4.96 26.33 24.40 18.42
Advances 1,420 830
NYSE Composite 12390.53 12344.15 12384.72 13.47 0.11 12430.52 10643.41 16.4 12.0 4.5 SolarEdge Technologies SEDG 89.6 37.00 4.50 13.85 37.25 32.42 Declines 1,489 454
Value Line 539.78 536.03 539.39 1.18 0.22 545.98 476.17 13.3 6.6 2.8 OSTK 502.4 44.00 3.90 9.73 46.50 40.00 Unchanged 149 29
NYSE Arca Biotech 4186.39 4136.32 4144.74 0.36 0.01 4304.77 3075.02 24.8 34.8 8.1
Viking Therapeutics VKTX 5.6 2.30 0.15 6.98 2.49 2.17 New highs 124 149
New lows 95 24
NYSE Arca Pharma 539.92 533.80 538.95 4.78 0.90 560.52 463.78 8.4 11.9 0.6 ...And losers
Closing tick 30 84
KBW Bank 99.37 98.47 98.78 -0.91 -0.91 102.31 78.83 25.3 7.6 10.5 OPKO Health OPK 625.9 5.84 -0.61 -9.46 6.52 5.69 Closing Arms† 0.82 1.14
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 82.95 82.27 82.41 0.54 0.66 96.72 73.03 -8.3 4.5 6.1 Babcock Wilcox Ents BW 52.5 3.55 -0.36 -9.21 4.21 3.50 Block trades* 7,966 1,178
PHLX§ Oil Service 142.64 139.50 141.12 0.54 0.38 192.66 117.79 -9.5 -23.2 -17.2 Pegasystems PEGA 80.9 50.70 -4.45 -8.07 55.68 50.70 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 1321.90 1310.36 1321.13 4.58 0.35 1321.13 806.09 60.4 45.7 27.5 Stericycle SRCL 42.1 61.70 -5.40 -8.05 67.11 60.25 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
10.27 9.50 -0.11 -1.11 16.04 9.14 -32.0 -30.3 issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
CBOE Volatility 9.78 -9.3 SRC Energy SRCI 106.5 8.40 -0.67 -7.39 9.10 8.25 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World The Global Dow 2984.71 2.91 0.10 17.9 KBS Fashion Group KBSF 8.22 5.56 208.64 18.00 1.41 52.2 TOP Ships TOPS 0.90 -1.42 -61.21 151200.00 0.32 -99.9
DJ Global Index 386.89 0.65 0.17 18.7 Kingtone Wirelessinfo ADR KONE 5.59 2.33 71.47 8.00 2.63 21.5 Ceco Environmental CECE 5.70 -2.92 -33.87 14.88 5.66 -44.1
DJ Global ex U.S. 260.93 0.48 0.18 22.0 Forterra FRTA 7.67 2.61 51.58 22.76 3.02 -56.7 RedHill Biopharma ADR RDHL 5.28 -2.22 -29.60 12.65 5.17 -56.7
Americas DJ Americas 623.60 1.28 0.21 15.4 Container Store Group TCS 5.20 1.37 35.77 8.34 3.53 4.2 Myomo MYO 6.25 -2.60 -29.38 23.20 2.53 ...
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 74363.13 1948.26 2.69 23.5 American Public Education APEI 25.15 5.60 28.64 27.20 15.50 39.0 Contango Oil Gas MCF 3.24 -1.21 -27.19 10.39 3.24 -61.8
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 16105.35 –26.44 –0.16 5.3 MBIA Inc MBI 8.89 1.96 28.28 11.65 6.04 7.1 Vitamin Shoppe VSI 3.45 -0.85 -19.77 26.60 2.95 -85.5
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 48835.69 –168.83 –0.34 7.0 Cheetah Mobile ADR CMCM 11.40 2.38 26.39 13.79 7.54 13.4 Electromed ELMD 6.00 -1.34 -18.26 7.96 3.38 74.9
Chile Santiago IPSA 4160.57 –5.94 –0.14 29.1 IZEA IZEA 4.10 0.83 25.38 7.85 1.37 -18.0 Diana Containerships DCIX 11.71 -2.56 -17.94 1131015.06 1.56 -99.9
DepoMed DEPO 5.70 1.14 25.00 21.56 4.31 -71.2 Xenon Pharmaceuticals XENE 2.60 -0.55 -17.46 9.95 2.25 -68.1
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 394.45 –0.20 –0.05 9.1
Borqs Technologies BRQS 5.05 0.91 21.98 13.00 4.00 -51.0 Fossil Group FOSL 5.67 -1.18 -17.23 36.87 5.50 -79.8
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 396.99 –0.30 –0.08 13.3
Belgium Bel-20 4085.49 –12.15 –0.30 13.3 Invacare Corp IVC 16.90 2.95 21.15 16.95 9.90 57.2 Liberty Tax TAX 11.00 -2.25 -16.98 16.20 10.80 -7.6
France CAC 40 5471.43 –9.21 –0.17 12.5 GenMark Diagnostics GNMK 4.93 0.83 20.24 13.67 3.63 -61.2 ITUS ITUS 2.35 -0.47 -16.67 6.25 0.60 -59.1
Germany DAX 13382.42 3.15 0.02 16.6 Fuwei Films FFHL 2.85 0.45 18.75 5.20 1.48 62.7 Flotek Industries FTK 4.28 -0.82 -16.08 14.51 4.14 -62.3
Israel Tel Aviv 1419.14 –4.22 –0.30 –3.5 Synaptics SYNA 42.95 6.73 18.58 64.54 33.73 -19.9 Endologix ELGX 4.84 -0.93 -16.06 10.36 4.08 -49.5
22831.30 –0.57 18.7 Five Prime Therapeutics FPRX 30.44 4.58 17.71 60.98 21.41 -44.0 LendingClub LC 4.59 -0.87 -15.93 6.79 4.20 -18.2
Italy FTSE MIB –131.29
Netherlands AEX 554.77 0.97 0.18 14.8
Russia RTS Index 1150.36 3.38 0.29 –0.2 Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Spain IBEX 35 10228.70 –2.00 –0.02 9.4
Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Sweden SX All Share 592.44 –3.16 –0.53 10.8 Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Switzerland Swiss Market 9265.83 45.67 0.50 12.7
Snap SNAP 161,925 483.4 12.91 -14.62 29.44 11.28 First Tr Tech AlphaDEX FXL 3,233 3796 52.22 1.30 52.31 35.68
U.K. FTSE 100 7529.72 16.61 0.22 5.4
AT&T T 87,043 197.0 33.44 1.12 43.03 32.55 First Tr Util AlphaDEX FXU 8,318 3269 27.18 -0.33 28.59 24.89
Asia-Pacific Bank of America BAC 81,242 27.0 26.79 -1.43 27.98 17.40 RedHill Biopharma ADR RDHL 2,256 2336 5.28 -29.60 12.65 5.17
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6016.30 2.00 0.03 6.2 Camber Energy CEI 68,680 2922.2 0.28 71.61 1.94 0.14 JPMorgan Div Return US MC JPME 180 1736 62.18 0.31 65.29 52.04
China Shanghai Composite 3415.46 1.89 0.06 10.0 Advanced Micro Devices AMD 58,609 0.5 11.71 -2.82 15.65 6.22 WisTree EM Qlty Div Grwth DGRE 199 1146 26.14 1.31 26.76 20.47
Hong Kong Hang Seng 28907.60 –86.74 –0.30 31.4 Time Warner TWX 55,728 1028.3 88.50 -6.51 103.90 85.22 SPDR Portfolio EM SPEM 1,353 1113 37.45 0.54 37.68 27.91
India S&P BSE Sensex 33218.81 –151.95 –0.46 24.8 SeaDrill SDRL 55,397 411.9 0.36 -11.85 4.59 0.15 iSh iBonds Mar 2020 Corp IBDC 127 1078 26.17 -0.02 26.40 25.90
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 22913.82 –23.78 –0.10 19.9 Finl Select Sector SPDR XLF 54,853 6.9 26.25 -0.49 26.93 20.11 Voyager Therapeutics VYGR 4,728 1078 12.85 -3.96 25.99 8.10
Singapore Straits Times 3421.25 8.15 0.24 18.8 Ambev ADR ABEV 53,583 175.1 6.18 0.98 7.03 4.70 Time Warner TWX 55,728 1028 88.50 -6.51 103.90 85.22
South Korea Kospi 2552.40 6.96 0.27 26.0 OncoSec Medical ONCS 51,198 5944.4 2.00 60.00 2.55 0.88 Ceco Environmental CECE 1,587 1002 5.70 -33.87 14.88 5.66
Taiwan Weighted 10818.99 –21.35 –0.20 16.9 * Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $5 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days


U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race US$vs, US$vs,
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Country/currency
Wed YTDchg
in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency
Wed YTDchg
in US$ per US$ (%)
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners
Americas Thailand baht .03020 33.110 –7.5
A consumer rate against its Five-year ARM, Rate Vietnam dong .00004403 22710 –0.3
3.75% Argentina peso .0571 17.5195 10.4
benchmark over the past year 10% Brazil real .3073 3.2545 –0.02 Europe avg†: 3.45% WSJ Dollar index
3.00 s Canada dollar .7856 1.2729 –5.3 Czech Rep. koruna .04532 22.066 –14.1
5-year adjustable- ThirdFederalSavingsandLoanAssociationofCleveland 2.69% 5
s Chile peso .001583 631.70 –5.7 Denmark krone .1558 6.4187 –9.2
rate mortgage 4.00% Cleveland, OH 866-627-1785 Euro
t (ARM) 2.25 0 Colombia peso .0003316 3015.70 0.5 Euro area euro 1.1596 .8624 –9.3
Foxboro Federal Savings 2.88% Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Hungary forint .003719 268.87 –8.6

3.00 1.50 Mexico peso .0524 19.0898 –7.9 Iceland krona .009567 104.53 –7.5
Foxboro, MA 877-369-3331 –5
Peru new sol .3080 3.246 –3.2 Norway krone .1225 8.1658 –5.5
2.00 Rosedale FS&LA 2.88% 0.75 –10 Uruguay peso .03423 29.2100 –0.5 Poland zloty .2738 3.6521 –12.8
t s
Baltimore, MD 410-668-4400 One year ago

Yen Venezuela b. fuerte .092407 10.8217 8.3 Russia ruble .01688 59.235 –3.3
5-year Treasury 1.00 0.00 –15
Your Equity Services 2.88% Asia-Pacific Sweden krona .1193 8.3807 –8.0
note yield 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30 2017 Switzerland franc .9998 1.0002 –1.8
Sammamish, WA 425-392-2295 Australian dollar .7678 1.3024 –6.2
0.00 month(s) years Turkey lira .2586 3.8671 9.8
Langley Federal Credit Union 3.00% China yuan .1509 6.6286 –4.6
D J FMAM J J A S O N maturity Ukraine hryvnia .0375 26.6690 –1.5
Hong Kong dollar .1282 7.7979 0.5
2017 Newport News, VA 800-826-7490 UK pound 1.3117 .7624 –5.9
India rupee .01541 64.905 –4.5
Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; WSJ Market Data Group Middle East/Africa
Indonesia rupiah .0000740 13512 –0.1
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Japan yen .008782 113.87 –2.7 Bahrain dinar 2.6452 .3781 0.2
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Kazakhstan tenge .003000 333.32 –0.1 Egypt pound .0567 17.6445 –2.7
Federal-funds rate target 1.00-1.25 1.00-1.25 0.25 l 1.25 1.00 Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Macau pataca .1246 8.0275 1.4 Israel shekel .2848 3.5113 –8.8
Malaysia ringgit .2365 4.2290 –5.7 Kuwait dinar 3.3036 .3027 –1.0
Prime rate* 4.25 4.25 3.50 l 4.25 1.00 Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%)
Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr New Zealand dollar .6966 1.4355 –0.6 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 0.01
Libor, 3-month 1.41 1.38 0.89 l 1.41 1.18 Pakistan rupee .00951 105.200 0.8 Qatar rial .2608 3.835 5.3
Money market, annual yield 0.33 0.32 0.26 l 0.36 -0.09 Treasury, Ryan ALM 1464.303 2.117 2.143 2.237 1.710 –0.602 2.066 Philippines peso .0195 51.226 3.3 Saudi Arabia riyal .2667 3.7502 –0.01
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.48 1.47 1.19 l 1.48 -0.07 10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 1738.261 2.325 2.378 2.609 2.058 –0.071 1.900 Singapore dollar .7343 1.3618 –5.9 South Africa rand .0707 14.1531 3.4
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.86 3.93 3.63 l 4.33 -0.16 South Korea won .0008974 1114.31 –7.8
DJ Corporate 379.136 3.095 3.059 3.390 2.879 4.215 3.899 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Sri Lanka rupee .0065202 153.37 3.3
15-year mortgage, fixed† 3.22 3.23 2.86 l 3.50 0.02 Aggregate, Barclays Capital 1944.200 2.600 2.620 2.790 2.300 1.256 2.449 Taiwan dollar .03313 30.183 –7.0 WSJ Dollar Index 87.83 –0.10–0.11 –5.49
Jumbo mortgages, $424,100-plus† 4.22 4.28 4.22 l 4.88 -0.08 High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 2850.079 5.370 5.205 6.448 4.948 8.181 3.936 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.45 3.46 3.16 l 4.03 -0.16
Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 1989.290 2.820 2.870 3.120 2.490 0.760 2.120
New-car loan, 48-month 3.02 3.01 2.85 l 3.36 -0.22
HELOC, $30,000 5.06 5.18 4.57 l 5.30 0.70
Muni Master, Merrill 524.049 1.926 1.999 2.516 1.736 2.865 2.897 COMMODITIES rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 796.369 5.632 5.457 6.290 5.279 5.476 5.532 Commodities Wednesday 52-Week YTD
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Ryan ALM; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Barclays Capital; Merrill Lynch Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg

DJ Commodity 615.74 1.86 0.30 616.46 532.01 14.57 8.55

Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and track most-active Track the Markets 191.89 0.02 195.14 4.29 -0.32

TR/CC CRB Index 0.04 166.50
stocks, new highs/lows and mutual funds. Plus, Compare the performance of selected global stock Crude oil, $ per barrel 56.81 -0.39 -0.68 57.35 42.53 25.49 5.75
deeper money-flows data and email delivery of key indexes, bond ETFs, currencies and commodities at Natural gas, $/MMBtu 3.175 0.023 0.73 3.93 2.56 18.03 -14.74
stock-market data. Available free at Gold, $ per troy oz. 1281.60 7.90 0.62 1346.00 1127.80 0.71 11.44
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | B9


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
Cash Prices Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Metal & Petroleum Futures Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
Contract Open
Dec 125.05 125.90 124.20 125.75 1.05 97,890 separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
March'18 128.50 129.40 127.65 129.20 1.00 78,426
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. months.
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. March 14.70 14.86 14.62 14.84 .12 407,379 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Nov 3.0925 3.0985 3.0925 3.0930 0.0105 741 May 14.76 14.93 14.69 14.91 .15 137,397 (U.S.$ equivalent) 16.9950 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 311.20
Dec 3.0875 3.1115 3.0665 3.0995 0.0105 143,514 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Energy Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 12401 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 9.4900
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March 27.22 27.22 27.22 27.22 .22 2,801 Propane,tet,Mont Belvieu-g 0.9325 Other metals Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 7.8100
Nov 1275.90 1284.90 1274.70 1281.60 7.90 84 May 27.10 27.10 27.10 27.10 –.05 1,808
Butane,normal,Mont Belvieu-g 0.9850 LBMA Platinum Price PM *926.0 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-bp,u 4.3850
Dec 1276.40 1288.10 1276.10 1283.70 7.90 345,546 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Dec 68.07 69.15 68.06 68.63 .56 84,588 NaturalGas,HenryHub-i 3.150 Platinum,Engelhard industrial 931.0 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 3.7750
Feb'18 1281.40 1292.20 1281.00 1288.00 7.90 125,397
April 1287.00 1296.30 1287.00 1292.20 8.00 18,347 March'18 68.46 69.32 68.36 68.86 .40 104,326 NaturalGas,TranscoZone3-i 3.130 Platinum,Engelhard fabricated 1031.0 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 5.2838
June 1290.00 1300.40 1289.50 1296.40 8.10 15,879 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. NaturalGas,TranscoZone6NY-i 3.190 Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1011.0 Food
Dec 1307.40 1313.00 1306.20 1309.00 8.40 11,076 Nov 162.00 162.00 162.00 161.30 1.25 40 NaturalGas,PanhandleEast-i 2.840 Palladium,Engelhard fabricated 1111.0
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan'18 159.45 161.10 159.00 160.75 .65 5,985 NaturalGas,Opal-i 2.960 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2131.0 Beef,carcass equiv. index
Dec 993.00 1017.35 s 992.10 1015.80 21.70 29,340 NaturalGas,MarcellusNE PA-i 2.360 Copper,Comex spot 3.0930 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 193.06
March'18 989.00 1009.25 s 986.85 1008.15 21.60 6,014 Interest Rate Futures NaturalGas,HaynesvilleN.LA-i 3.020 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 62.5 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 179.70
June 982.00 999.75 s 982.00 998.65 18.20 211 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 57.850 Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,w n.a.
Broilers, National comp wghtd-u,w 0.8635
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 154-170 154-260 154-040 154-110 –11.0 751,740 Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 11.750 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 615
Butter,AA Chicago 2.1800
Nov 928.30 928.70 928.30 934.60 12.50 12 March'18 153-160 153-210 153-000 153-060 –11.0 12,567 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 170.00
Jan'18 925.20 939.30 925.20 937.90 12.60 70,865 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Metals Fibers and Textiles Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 160.25
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 125-120 125-150 125-050 125-080 –5.5 3,152,465 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 71.50
Nov 16.925 16.925 16.925 17.106 0.201 3 March'18 125-055 125-065 124-290 124-310 –5.5 38,633 Gold, per troy oz Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.6150 Cocoa,Ivory Coast-w n.a.
Dec 16.950 17.265 16.950 17.138 0.198 131,204 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Engelhard industrial 1286.33 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6788 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.2373
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Dec 117-080 117-095 117-045 117-062 –2.7 3,094,822 Engelhard fabricated 1382.80 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *79.70 Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.4404
Dec 56.96 57.92 56.41 56.81 –0.39 473,708 March'18 117-017 117-020 116-305 116-315 –2.7 55,748 Handy & Harman base 1284.00 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 68.500 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 1.0150
Jan'18 57.22 58.14 56.65 57.05 –0.38 423,202 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% Handy & Harman fabricated 1425.24 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a.
Feb 57.33 58.27 s 56.83 57.22 –0.37 166,767 Dec 107-197 107-205 107-190 107-195 –.7 1,743,218
Flour,hard winter KC 15.80
LBMA Gold Price AM *1276.35 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.79
March 57.43 58.34 s 56.98 57.32 –0.31 249,168 March'18 107-157 107-160 107-150 107-152 –.2 59,983 LBMA Gold Price PM *1275.60
Grains and Feeds
June 57.10 57.94 s 56.73 57.05 –0.16 226,759 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 65.85
Nov 98.843 98.843 98.843 98.843 … 210,813
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1334.63 Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
Dec 54.96 55.80 54.79 55.18 0.06 267,416
Jan'18 98.615 98.615 t 98.610 98.615 –.005 348,014 Maple Leaf-e 1347.47 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 75 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.9155
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
Dec 1.9215 1.9438 1.9041 1.9216 –.0003 114,836 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% American Eagle-e 1347.47 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.1700 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 124.00
Jan'18 1.9279 1.9481 1.9093 1.9251 –.0022 95,229 Dec 101.500 101.531 101.297 101.391 –.125 29,219 Mexican peso-e 1555.27 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 91.0 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 172.13
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 1 Month Libor (CME)-$3,000,000; pts of 100% Austria crown-e 1260.89 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 492.9
Dec 1.8060 1.8402 s 1.7963 1.8213 .0060 139,092 Nov ... ... ... 98.7475 –.0025 928 Austria phil-e 1347.47 Cottonseed meal-u,w 225 Fats and Oils
Jan'18 1.7838 1.8151 s 1.7749 1.7968 .0035 107,933 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% Silver, troy oz. Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 88
Nov 98.5800 98.5825 98.5775 98.5775 –.0025 96,175
Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill-u,w 34.5000
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Engelhard industrial 17.1000 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 220 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.2500
Dec 98.4650 98.4700 98.4600 98.4600 –.0050 1,696,177
Dec 3.151 3.190 3.114 3.175 .023 228,571 Engelhard fabricated 20.5200 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 2.9950 Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
March'18 98.3200 98.3250 98.3150 98.3200 … 1,286,038
Jan'18 3.250 3.285 3.213 3.272 .021 243,683 17.1900 370.00
Dec 98.0550 98.0700 98.0500 98.0600 –.0050 1,614,229 Handy & Harman base Rice, 5% Broken White, Thailand-l,w Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.3450
Feb 3.250 3.284 3.216 3.275 .023 90,123
Handy & Harman fabricated 21.4880 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 24.00 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.2650
March 3.211 3.240 3.178 3.231 .019 172,331
April 2.959 2.984 2.946 2.975 .010 122,645
Currency Futures LBMA spot price £12.9600 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 7.6913 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
May 2.934 2.956 2.921 2.949 .011 80,829 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Nov .8785 .8820 .8784 .8791 .0006 2,488 KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brooks; G=ICE; H=Hurley Brokerage; I=Natural Gas Intelligence;
Agriculture Futures Dec .8799 .8833 .8792 .8803 .0006 278,105; M=midday; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly, Z=not quoted. *Data
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD as of 11/7
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Nov .7855 .7856 .7853 .7859 .0036 1,255 Source: WSJ Market Data Group
Dec 347.50 349.00 345.75 348.25 .50 696,704 Dec .7833 .7867 .7830 .7861 .0036 141,573
March'18 360.75 361.75 359.00 361.25 .25 414,347 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Dec 269.75 270.75 264.50 269.50 –1.00 4,418
1.3114 –.0055 769
1.3126 –.0055 171,506 Bonds |
March'18 272.50 276.00 270.75 275.75 3.00 2,928 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Nov 985.25 988.75 984.25 988.00 2.00 3,163
1.0023 –.0005
1.0093 –.0005
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Jan'18 996.00 999.50 994.75 998.50 2.50 323,172 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Nov .7643 .7683 .7643 .7676 .0035 1,358
Dec .7646 .7682 .7641 .7674 .0035 121,426
highs and lows for different types of bonds
Dec 315.70 316.50 314.20 315.20 –.30 105,922
Jan'18 .7648 .7679 .7648 .7672 .0035 744 Total Total
Jan'18 317.90 318.60 316.30 317.40 –.30 101,406
Feb .7647 .7678 .7647 .7671 .0035 453 return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March .7647 .7677 .7646 .7670 .0035 907 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Dec 34.97 35.40 34.92 35.37 .35 132,055
Jan'18 35.13 35.57 35.07 35.53 .35 115,939 June .7667 .7667 .7667 .7667 .0035 244
Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt.
... ... ... 1114.00 –10.00 22 Dec .05183 .05214 .05183 .05196 .00025 176,815 1989.29 2.4 Mortgage-Backed 2.820 2.490 3.120
March'18 .05109 .05135 .05107 .05118 .00024 561 1944.20 3.4 U.S. Aggregate 2.600 2.300 2.790
Jan'18 1153.50 1156.00 1137.00 1141.00 –10.50 9,355
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays 1955.04 1.9 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 2.770 2.420 3.090
Nov 1.1599 1.1611 1.1583 1.1598 .0007 5,257
Dec 427.25 427.50 419.00 426.75 –.50 250,981 2.6
Dec 1.1616 1.1636 1.1603 1.1620 .0008 429,096 2783.29 5.7 U.S. Corporate 3.180 3.030 3.520 1167.01 Fannie mae (FNMA) 2.830 2.520 3.120
March'18 445.25 445.25 436.75 443.75 –1.00 157,491
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Index Futures 2621.64 3.9 Intermediate 2.740 2.530 3.010 1797.28 2.7 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 2.840 2.530 3.130
Dec 426.75 428.00 419.00 427.50 1.00 140,784
March'18 443.75 445.25 436.50 445.00 1.25 110,968 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index 3862.90 9.9 Long term 4.110 4.100 4.710 524.05 5.0 Muni Master 1.926 1.736 2.516
Wheat (MPLS)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 23461 23507 s 23434 23491 3 154,485
Dec 633.50 649.00 632.00 643.50 8.75 34,145 March'18 23462 23497 s 23428 23484 3 1,724 568.04 4.3 Double-A-rated 2.660 2.470 2.870 366.75 5.6 7-12 year 1.928 1.744 2.618
March'18 644.00 658.25 642.75 654.50 8.50 27,235 S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index 412.31 6.9 12-22 year 2.337 2.213 3.047
2582.20 2592.20 s 2580.00 2590.90 4.10 62,200
718.79 6.4 Triple-B-rated 3.460 3.340 3.870
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec
Nov 159.575 159.775 157.125 157.325 –2.550 6,884 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index High Yield Bonds Merrill Lynch 398.56 7.4 22-plus year 2.770 2.742 3.622
Jan'18 160.025 160.575 156.650 156.900 –3.625 30,129 Dec 2584.00 2592.50 s 2579.75 2591.00 4.25 3,167,322
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'18 2584.75 2593.00 s 2580.25 2591.50 4.25 73,873 415.76 7.0 High Yield Constrained 5.697 5.373 6.858 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Dec 124.550 124.575 122.150 122.925 –1.700 116,496 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Dec 1828.20 1836.60 1823.30 1835.30 5.40 92,869 416.52 8.3 Triple-C-rated 10.685 9.584 13.189 545.76 1.6 Global Government 1.390 1.170 1.560
Feb'18 130.300 130.300 127.975 128.575 –1.800 116,448
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index 6.2 758.60 0.7 Canada 1.970 1.560 2.190
Dec 6310.5 6345.5 s 6301.5 6341.5 25.5 273,642
2850.08 High Yield 100 5.370 4.948 6.448
Dec 64.125 64.250 63.350 63.550 –.375 86,981
Feb'18 70.850 70.975 69.550 69.750 –1.125 74,321
March'18 6320.3 6360.3 s 6316.3 6356.3 25.3 1,939 377.94 7.3 Global High Yield Constrained 5.156 4.934 6.450 373.65 1.3 EMU§ 1.008 0.869 1.363
Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Mini Russell 2000 (ICE-US)-$100 x index
Dec 1474.90 1483.10 1466.90 1482.40 4.80 67,805 308.19 7.4 Europe High Yield Constrained 1.982 1.897 3.814 715.67 1.3 France 0.760 0.590 1.210
Nov 464.00 467.00 459.40 461.80 –3.00 422
March'18 1470.00 1477.80 1470.00 1483.30 4.20 84
Jan'18 455.70 459.00 451.60 455.80 –1.30 5,430 U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 511.37 -0.6 Germany 0.400 0.210 0.620
Mini Russell 1000 (ICE-US)-$100 x index
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Dec 1432.20 1436.20 1430.60 1435.70 2.70 278
Nov 16.46 16.63 16.46 16.50 .03 4,458 1641.07 2.2 U.S Agency 2.000 1.470 2.010 288.78 0.2 Japan 0.380 0.170 0.460
U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Dec 15.44 15.44 t 15.21 15.28 –.14 4,338 94.77 94.87 94.68 94.77 –.03 48,818
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton.
Dec 1466.52 1.4 10-20 years 1.840 1.270 1.840 564.45 -0.3 Netherlands 0.520 0.340 0.760
March'18 94.45 94.53 94.39 94.46 –.04 2,460
Dec 2,179 2,228 2,164 2,216 53 44,293 8.0
3375.79 20-plus years 2.900 2.730 3.460 926.82 1.5 U.K. 1.530 1.340 1.790
March'18 2,154 2,197 2,144 2,188 49 129,115 Source: SIX Financial Information
2460.87 4.9 Yankee 2.830 2.610 3.090 796.37 7.8 Emerging Markets ** 5.632 5.279 6.290

Macro & Market Economics *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds
** EMBI Global Index
† In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Sources: Merrill Lynch; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan
Watching the Gauges: U.S. Supply and Demand
Inventories, imports and demand for the week ended November 3. Current figures are in thousands of barrels Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
or thousands of gallons per day, except natural-gas figures, which are in billions of cubic feet. Natural-gas
import Natural-gas import and demand data are available monthly only. Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Inventories, 000s barrels Imports, 000s barrels per day Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year
Current change week ago avg avg Current change week ago avg avg 1.500 U.S. 2 1.645 s l 1.645 1.520 0.858
2.250 10 2.325 s l 2.317 2.361 1.857
Crude oil and
petroleum prod 1,257,009 ... 1,266 1,334 1,270 1,192 9,550 ... 9,629 9,232 9,679 9,575 2.750 Australia 2 1.803 s l 1.794 1.931 1.669 15.8 14.9 81.1
Crude oil 2.750 10 2.581 t l 2.592 2.824 2.365 25.7 27.6 50.8
excluding SPR 457,143 -2,100 455 485 456 424 7,377 ... 7,571 7,442 7,639 7,732 0.000 France 2 -0.612 s l -0.621 -0.494 -0.602 -225.7 -226.6 -146.0
Gasoline 209,537 ... 213 221 215 210 405 ... 540 500 467 541
2.750 10 0.559 s l 0.554 0.735 0.495 -176.5 -176.3 -136.2
Finished gasoline 22,198 -1,800 22 26 22 34 6 ... 12 7 36 67
Reformulated 51 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0.000 Germany 2 -0.758 s l -0.764 -0.691 -0.627 -240.3 -240.9 -148.5
Conventional 22,147 ... 22 26 22 34 6 ... 12 7 36 67 0.500 10 0.329 s l 0.328 0.461 0.190 -199.6 -198.9 -166.7
Blend. components 187,339 ... 191 195 193 175 399 ... 528 493 431 474
0.050 Italy 2 -0.253 t l -0.251 -0.117 -0.024 -189.8 -189.6 -88.2
Natural gas (bcf) 3,775 ... 4 4 4 4 ... ... ... ... ... ...
2.050 10 1.737 s l 1.702 2.148 1.649 -58.8 -61.5 -20.8
0.100 Japan 2 -0.206 t l -0.190 -0.139 -0.259 -185.1 -183.5 -111.7
jet fuel 40,063 ... 41 42 41 39 213 ... 248 222 215 72
Distillates 125,562 -1,200 129 149 130 126 86 ... 137 107 116 130 0.100 10 0.024 t l 0.031 0.055 -0.064 -230.1 -228.6 -192.0
Heating oil 10,294 ... 11 14 11 19 0 ... 41 24 12 37 2.750 Spain 2 -0.354 s l -0.394 -0.260 -0.217 -200.0 -203.9 -107.5
Diesel 115,268 ... 118 134 119 107 86 ... 96 83 104 92 1.450 10 1.471 s l 1.413 1.661 1.248 -90.4 -60.9
Residual fuel oil 32,663 ... 33 39 33 39 102 ... 155 136 160 226
Other oils 293,496 ... 296 279 295 253 ... 863 604 947 754 1.750 U.K. 2 0.459 s l 0.437 0.435 0.221 -118.6 -120.8 -63.7
Net crude, petroleum 4.250 10 1.228 t l 1.234 1.369 1.133 -109.7 -108.3 -72.4
products, incl. SPR 1,926,915 ... 1,937 2,029 1,941 1,887 3,696 ... 1,951 4,342 2,668 5,644 Source: Tullett Prebon

Corporate Debt
Weekly Demand, 000s barrels per day Natural gas storage in that same company’s share price.
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Billions of cubic feet; weekly totals Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Current change week ago avg avg
Spread*, in basis points Stock Performance
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Total petroleum
product 21,301 ... 19,184 20,191 19,909 19,678 CBL & Associates CBL 5.950 Dec. 15, ’26 442 –18 368 5.50 –2.31
Natural gas, AT&T T 5.300 Aug. 14, ’58 252 –9 247 33.44 1.12
Finished lower 48 states 3250 Marathon Oil MRO 2.800 Nov. 1, ’22 100 –8 n.a. 15.75 –2.54
motor gasoline 9,496 ... 9,461 9,213 9,352 9,086 Verizon Communications VZ 4.812 March 15, ’39 177 –8 171 45.46 –0.24
Kerosene-type 2250 8.000 Jan. 30, ’49 –7 –63 26.79
Bank of America BAC –61 –1.43
jet fuel 1,835 ... 1,628 1,794 1,741 1,464 t Caterpillar Financial Services CAT 2.500 Nov. 13, ’20 36 –7 n.a. … …
Distillates 4,486 ... 3,534 4,043 3,900 4,086 Five-year average 1250 Walt Disney DIS 4.125 June 1, ’44 94 –7 n.a. 101.18 –0.42
Residual fuel oil 331 ... 130 580 399 252 for each week Discovery Communications DISCA 3.950 March 20, ’28 183 –7 169 17.10 –1.33
Propane/propylene 1,322 ... 779 1,302 1,053 ... 250
Other oils 3,832 ... 3,651 3,259 3,465 ... N D J F M A M J J A S O …And spreads that widened the most
2017 Pitney Bowes PBI 4.625 March 15, ’24 425 43 359 10.80 1.31
Note: Expected changes are provided by Dow Jones Newswires' survey of analysts. Previous and average inventory data are in millions. VMware VMW 2.300 Aug. 21, ’20 68 26 64 120.55 0.10
Sources: SIX Financial Information via WSJ Market Data Group; U.S. Energy Information Administration; Dow Jones Newswires Teva Pharmaceutical Finance IV TEVA 2.250 March 18, ’20 250 21 140 … …
Royal Bank of Scotland RBS 8.625 Aug. 15, ’49 216 20 174 7.31 0.14
Exchange-Traded Portfolios | Arrow Electronics
Sept. 8, ’24
Feb. 28, ’57
Closing Chg YTD Nordstrom JWN 5.000 Jan. 15, ’44 264 12 250 38.30 –0.03
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
Morgan Stanley MS 5.450 July 15, ’49 50 11 33 49.04 –0.71
SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 235.46 0.02 19.2
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Closing Chg YTD
Closing Chg YTD ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&PMdCpTr
SPDR S&P 500
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShMSCIEAFESC SCZ 63.11 0.11 26.6 SPDR S&P Div SDY 92.42 0.21 8.0 Bond Price as % of face value Stock Performance
AlerianMLPETF AMLP 10.84 –1.45 –14.0 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 46.78 0.47 33.6 TechSelectSector XLK 64.01 0.55 32.4 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 91.92 0.11 12.9 iShMSCIEurozoneETF EZU 43.51 0.18 25.8 UtilitiesSelSector XLU 55.70 0.07 14.7
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 53.74 1.09 3.9 iShMSCIJapanETF EWJ 60.02 0.62 22.8 VanEckGoldMiner GDX 22.89 0.70 9.4 CSI Compressco CCLP 7.250 Aug. 15, ’22 92.500 1.13 91.125 5.22 7.63
iShNasdaqBiotech IBB 312.80 –0.39 17.9 VangdInfoTech VGT 166.22 0.58 36.8
DBGoldDoubleLgETN DGP 24.42 1.58 21.4
iShNatlMuniBdETF MUB 111.16 0.03 2.8 VangdSC Val VBR 128.04 0.09 5.8
Monitronics International MONINT 9.125 April 1, ’20 84.490 0.99 85.500 ... ...
DBGoldDoubleShrt DZZ 5.54 –1.00 –19.2
EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 69.82 –0.48 –7.3
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 131.42 0.36 25.3 VangdDivApp VIG 97.48 0.42 14.4 Genon Americas Generation GENONE 9.125 May 1, ’31 94.500 0.75 92.750 ... ...
iShRussell1000ETF IWB 144.18 0.19 15.8 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 44.45 0.43 21.6 Kronos Acquisition Holdings KIKCN 9.000 Aug. 15, ’23 91.125 0.63 96.000 ... ...
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 26.25 –0.49 12.9
iShRussell1000Val IWD 119.80 –0.03 6.9 VangdFTSE EM VWO 44.93 0.36 25.6
GuggS&P500EW RSP 97.10 0.12 12.1
HealthCareSelSect XLV 81.72 0.23 18.5
iShRussell2000Gwth IWO 179.69 0.48 16.7 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 58.20 0.05 21.4 NGL Energy Partners NGL 7.500 Nov. 1, ’23 101.000 0.63 99.750 12.35 –1.98
iShRussell2000ETF IWM 147.20 0.14 9.2 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 54.10 0.35 22.5
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 71.86 –0.17 15.5
iShRussell2000Val IWN 122.02 –0.15 2.6 VangdGrowth VUG 138.18 0.36 24.0
Hughes Satellite Systems SATS 6.625 Aug. 1, ’26 106.000 0.63 n.a. … …
iShIntermCredBd CIU 109.66 –0.13 1.4 TPC TPCG 8.750 Dec. 15, ’20 100.000 0.60 98.125 ... ...
iShRussell3000ETF IWV 153.35 0.18 15.3 VangdHlthCr VHT 152.02 0.20 19.9
iSh1-3YCreditBond CSJ 104.96 –0.05 0.0
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 201.30 0.17 12.5 VangdHiDiv VYM 82.90 0.22 9.4 L Brands LB 5.625 Oct. 15, ’23 107.750 0.50 107.250 47.38 0.94
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI 123.07 –0.07 0.5 86.02 7.0
iShRussellMCValue IWS 0.07 VangdIntermBd BIV 84.46 –0.12 1.7
iShCoreMSCIEAFEETF IEFA 65.51 0.34 22.2 210.19 0.48 15.4
iShS&PMC400Growth IJK VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 87.71 –0.15 2.3
iShCoreMSCIEmgMk IEMG 56.39 0.50 32.8 iShS&P500Growth IVW 150.11 0.29 23.3 VangdLC VV 118.96 0.15 16.2 …And with the biggest price decreases
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 62.59 0.35 24.0 iShS&P500ValueETF IVE 109.24 –0.03 7.8 VangdMC VO 149.51 0.24 13.6
iShCoreS&P500ETF IVV 260.94 0.17 16.0 iShUSPfdStk PFF 38.33 0.18 3.0 VangdMC Val VOE 106.50 0.09 9.6 Endo Dac ENDP 6.000 July 15, ’23 72.250 –4.75 79.250 … …
iShCoreS&PMdCp IJH 183.16 0.27 10.8 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 114.23 –0.06 0.9 VangdREIT VNQ 84.75 0.50 2.7 Jones Energy Holdings JONE 6.750 April 1, ’22 78.250 –4.00 78.000 1.25 –24.24
iShCoreS&PSmCpETF IJR 73.63 0.45 7.1 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 84.18 –0.01 –0.3 VangdS&P500 VOO 238.04 0.15 15.9
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 59.29 0.15 15.6 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 106.41 –0.12 1.5 VangdST Bond BSV 79.48 –0.06 0.0
MEG Energy MEGCN 6.375 Jan. 30, ’23 91.469 –3.78 92.250 ... ...
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 109.51 –0.06 1.3 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 126.36 –0.22 6.1 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 79.76 –0.08 0.5 Consolidated Communications CNSL 6.500 Oct. 1, ’22 93.500 –2.80 98.250 14.90 –0.47
iShSelectDividend DVY 95.00 0.22 7.3 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 116.84 0.39 20.0 VangdSC VB 143.09 0.21 11.0
iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 71.91 0.25 17.5 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 101.75 ... 0.4 VangdTotalBd BND 81.83 –0.07 1.3 Iheartcommunications IHRT 10.625 March 15, ’23 68.625 –2.63 n.a. ... ...
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 51.73 0.29 14.4 PwrShQQQ 1 QQQ 154.50 0.40 30.4 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 55.09 –0.07 1.5 Windstream Services WIN 7.750 Oct. 1, ’21 71.920 –2.58 75.750 1.92 ...
iShGoldTr IAU 12.31 0.41 11.1 PwrShS&P500LoVol SPLV 47.06 0.28 13.2 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 56.22 0.37 22.5
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 120.90 –0.13 3.2 PwrShSrLoanPtf BKLN 23.06 –0.22 –1.3 VangdTotalStk VTI 133.06 0.17 15.4
Mallinckrodt International Finance MNK 5.500 April 15, ’25 82.250 –2.50 90.000 … …
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 87.35 –0.44 0.9 SPDRBloomBarcHYBd JNK 36.75 –0.49 0.8 VangdTotlWrld VT 72.71 0.22 19.2 Hexion HXN 6.625 April 15, ’20 89.188 –2.31 89.375 ... ...
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 114.60 –0.04 4.0 SPDR Gold GLD 121.63 0.35 11.0 VangdValue VTV 102.02 0.01 9.7
iShMBSETF MBB 106.83 –0.09 0.5 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 34.29 0.35 23.9 WisdTrEuropeHdg HEDJ 66.00 –0.06 15.0 *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
iShMSCIACWIETF ACWI 70.84 0.20 19.7 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 62.55 0.11 15.4 WisdTrJapanHdg DXJ 59.43 0.56 20.0 Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 69.87 0.33 21.0 SchwabUS LC SCHX 61.91 0.18 16.2 XtrkrsMSCIEAFE DBEF 32.27 0.31 15.0 Sources: MarketAxess Corporate BondTicker; WSJ Market Data Group
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B10 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, s-New 52-week high.
CreditSuisse CS 16.15 0.08 GGP GGP 21.76 -0.44 KinderMorgan KMI 18.00 -0.04 Pentair PNR 69.17 0.23 TeckRscsB TECK 21.84 0.37 AlnylamPharm ALNY 132.33 2.83 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 28.83 -0.85
NYSE Arca, NYSE MKT and Nasdaq Stock t-New 52-week low. CrestwoodEquity CEQP 24.00 -0.35 Knight-Swift KNX 38.91 0.33 PEP 112.00 1.53 TelecomArgentina TEO 34.16 1.51 Alphabet C GOOG 1039.85 6.52 LibertyLiLAC A LILA 22.16 0.29
Gallagher AJG 63.53 -0.18 PepsiCo
Market listed securities. Prices are composite dd-Indicates loss in the most recent s CrownCastle CCI 114.03 2.27 Gap GPS 25.67 -0.04 Kohl's KSS 40.79 0.10 PerkinElmer PKI 71.48 0.35 TelecomItalia TI 8.47 -0.14 Alphabet A GOOGL 1058.29 5.90 LibertyLiLAC C LILAK 21.96 0.20
quotations that include primary market trades four quarters. CrownHoldings CCK 59.68 -0.11 Gartner IT 118.81 1.06 KoninklijkePhil PHG 40.22 -0.66 Perrigo PRGO 81.20 0.50 TelecomItalia A TI.A 6.88 -0.17 Altaba AABA 71.16 -1.06 LibertyQVC B QVCB 21.47 -0.72
as well as trades reported by Nasdaq OMX FD-First day of trading. Cullen/Frost CFR 93.96 -1.20 Gazit-Globe GZT 9.37 -0.09 KoreaElcPwr KEP 17.27 -0.05 PetroChina PTR 71.00 -0.79 s TeledyneTech TDY 185.50 1.25 s AMZN 1132.88 9.71 LibertyQVC A QVCA 21.54 -0.01
BXSM (formerly Boston), Chicago Stock h-Does not meet continued listing Cummins CMI 171.38 -0.48 GeneralDynamics GD 202.62 -1.14 Kroger KR 21.85 0.54 PetroleoBrasil PBR 10.91 0.30 Teleflex TFX 259.59 -0.72 Amdocs DOX 63.27 0.32 LibertyVenturesA LVNTA 56.36 -1.08
Exchange, CBOE, National Stock Exchange, ISE standards DTE Energy DTE 113.19 0.38 GeneralElec GE 20.12 -0.09 s Kyocera KYO 71.72 0.64 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 10.42 0.27 TelefonicaBras VIV 15.25 0.30 Amerco UHAL 380.02 -0.13 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 37.55 -0.46
and BATS. lf-Late filing s DXC Tech DXC 96.75 4.22 GeneralMills GIS 52.24 1.27 LATAMAirlines LTM 13.46 0.21 Pfizer PFE 35.34 -0.02 Telefonica TEF 10.06 -0.05 AmericanAirlines AAL 46.37 -0.09 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 35.87 -0.52
The list comprises the 1,000 largest q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq s Danaher DHR 93.24 0.04 GeneralMotors GM 42.11 0.41 L Brands LB 47.38 0.44 PhilipMorris PM 103.09 0.07 TelekmIndonesia TLK 30.03 -0.40 Amgen AMGN 173.58 0.10 LibertyBraves A BATRA 22.71 0.15
companies based on market capitalization. requirements. Darden DRI 82.12 0.47 Genpact G 31.20 1.00 LG Display LPL 13.07 -0.02 Phillips66 PSX 94.55 -0.02 Tenaris TS 29.89 -0.37 AnalogDevices ADI 92.00 0.10 LibertyBraves C BATRK 22.84 0.12
Underlined quotations are those stocks with t-NYSE bankruptcy t DaVita DVA 54.34 -4.62 GenuineParts GPC 86.02 -0.41 s LINE LN 43.86 1.24 PinnacleFoods PF 54.24 0.58 s Teradyne TER 43.89 0.36 s Apple AAPL 176.24 1.43 LibertySirius C LSXMK 40.82 -0.35
large changes in volume compared with the v-Trading halted on primary market. Deere DE 134.64 -1.07 Gildan GIL 29.71 0.10 L3 Tech LLL 187.05 0.95 PinnacleWest PNW 89.79 0.07 TevaPharm TEVA 11.83 0.14 AppliedMaterials AMAT 56.92 0.45 LibertySirius A LSXMA 40.89 -0.25
issue’s average trading volume. vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or DellTechnologies DVMT 82.31 -0.17 GlaxoSmithKline GSK 36.48 0.66 LabCpAm LH 151.79 -0.60 PioneerNatRscs PXD 159.57 -2.10 Textron TXT 54.85 0.57 ArchCapital ACGL 95.45 -0.15 LincolnElectric LECO 87.22 -1.03
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues being reorganized under the DelphiAutomotive DLPH 96.35 -0.91 GlobalPayments GPN 101.65 -2.25 LambWeston LW 52.39 0.73 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 21.27 -0.20 ThermoFisherSci TMO 193.86 0.65 s Atlassian TEAM 52.94 1.13 LogitechIntl LOGI 36.17 -0.20
whose price changed by 5% or more if their Bankruptcy Code, or securities DeltaAir DAL 50.06 0.15 GoDaddy GDDY 48.02 -0.59 LasVegasSands LVS 67.90 0.56 PlainsGP PAGP 21.73 -0.30 ThomsonReuters TRI 44.27 -0.24 Autodesk ADSK 123.84 0.44 LogMeIn LOGM 118.50 -3.20
previous closing price was $2 or higher. assumed by such companies. DeutscheBank DB 17.04 0.36 Goldcorp GG 13.27 0.07 Lazard LAZ 47.44 1.05 PolarisIndustries PII 116.68 2.12 ThorIndustries THO 130.24 2.20 ADP ADP 112.59 -0.16 lululemon LULU 61.64 1.40
DevonEnergy DVN 40.26 -1.00 GoldmanSachs GS 241.25 1.44 Lear LEA 174.90 0.46 Potash POT 19.14 -0.03 3M MMM 229.83 -0.22 Baidu BIDU 241.18 -2.29 MKS Instrum MKSI 107.85 1.30
Diageo DEO 135.03 -0.04 Graco GGG 132.40 0.54 Leggett&Platt LEG 45.72 -0.22 s Praxair PX 149.97 1.02 Tiffany TIF 90.87 -1.48 BankofOzarks OZRK 44.00 -0.73 MarketAxess MKTX 178.75 0.74
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and DigitalRealty DLR 123.50 1.49 Grainger GWW 208.13 2.95 Leidos LDOS 62.22 -0.36 PrincipalFin PFG 68.49 -0.62 TimeWarner TWX 88.50 -6.16 Biogen BIIB 312.58 -0.99 s Marriott MAR119.98 -0.91
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 66.09 -0.35 GreatPlainsEner GXP 33.66 -0.05 Lennar A LEN 58.56 2.08 Procter&Gamble PG 87.58 0.60 Toll Bros TOL 46.03 0.68 BioMarinPharm BMRN 82.81 -0.96 MarvellTech MRVL 20.15 0.02
Disney DIS 101.18 -0.43 GpoAvalAcciones AVAL 8.39 0.07 s Lennar B LEN.B 49.91 1.25 Progressive PGR 50.55 0.06 Torchmark TMK 85.24 0.06 Bioverativ BIVV 54.14 0.73 s MatchGroup MTCH 29.59 2.69
Net Net DolbyLab DLB 59.36 0.33 GpFinSantandMex BSMX 8.23 0.07 LennoxIntl LII 193.20 1.55 Prologis PLD 66.72 0.19 Toro TTC 62.92 0.21 bluebirdbio BLUE 146.70 ... s MaximIntProducts MXIM 55.33 0.62
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 TorontoDomBk TD 57.60 0.12 BrighthouseFin BHF 56.29 -0.66 MelcoResorts MLCO 25.22 0.21
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg DollarGeneral DG 80.70 0.04 GrupoTelevisa TV 20.51 -0.18 LeucadiaNatl LUK 26.03 0.15 PrudentialFin PRU 112.44 0.50
Net DominionEner D 80.88 -0.51 GuidewireSoftware GWRE 80.82 0.74 s LibertyProperty LPT 44.75 0.33 Prudential PUK 48.23 -0.17 Total TOT 56.71 -0.13 Broadcom AVGO 272.40 1.08 MercadoLibre MELI 260.10 -5.53
Stock Sym Close Chg Aramark ARMK 43.33 0.08 CBRE Group CBG 41.00 0.12 Domino's DPZ 168.71 -1.39 HCA Healthcare HCA 78.86 0.94 EliLilly LLY 84.01 0.73 PublicServiceEnt PEG 50.20 0.25 TotalSystem TSS 71.99 -0.01 CA CA 32.62 0.32 MicrochipTech MCHP 92.81 1.37
ArcelorMittal MT 29.00 -0.28 CBS A CBS.A 57.29 -0.63 Donaldson DCI 47.24 -0.33 HCP HCP 26.99 -0.01 LincolnNational LNC 75.33 -0.07 PublicStorage PSA 213.19 1.70 s ToyotaMotor TM 127.98 0.52 CDK Global CDK 63.61 0.35 MicronTech MU 44.09 0.14
NYSE ArcherDaniels ADM 39.80 0.26 CBS B CBS 57.25 -0.36 DouglasEmmett DEI 39.98 -0.43 HDFC Bank HDB 95.59 0.96 LionsGate A LGF.A 29.09 -0.07 s PulteGroup PHM 30.91 0.47 TransCanada TRP 48.62 -0.34 CDW CDW 67.85 -0.50 Microsemi MSCC 54.03 0.08
Arconic ARNC 24.78 -0.30 CF Industries CF 37.78 0.89 Dover DOV 96.05 -0.11 HP HPQ 21.42 0.04 LionsGate B LGF.B 28.40 0.02 QuestDiag DGX 93.15 0.49 TransDigm TDG 284.97 1.64 CH Robinson CHRW 80.63 0.13 Microsoft MSFT 84.56 0.29
ABB ABB 26.22 -0.04 s AristaNetworks ANET 214.19 4.63 CGI Group GIB 52.13 -1.18 DowDuPont DWDP 70.81 -0.33 HSBC HSBC 48.35 0.30 s LiveNationEnt LYV 45.45 ... QuintilesIMS Q 104.72 -3.47 TransUnion TRU 53.60 0.47 CME Group CME 137.60 0.05 t Middleby MIDD 111.79 -7.26
AECOM ACM 35.80 -0.29 ArrowElec ARW 78.66 0.22 CIT Group CIT 45.44 0.27 DrPepperSnap DPS 85.61 1.13 Halliburton HAL 45.12 -0.15 LloydsBanking LYG 3.58 -0.01 RELX RENX 22.34 0.07 Travelers TRV 133.52 -0.20 CSX CSX 51.49 -0.33 Mondelez MDLZ 41.60 0.39
AES AES 10.51 ... AstraZeneca AZN 33.33 -0.28 s CMS Energy CMS 49.13 0.22 DrReddy'sLab RDY 36.24 0.33 Hanesbrands HBI 19.69 0.61 LockheedMartin LMT 315.64 2.35 RELX RELX 23.09 0.03 TurkcellIletism TKC 9.16 -0.24 CadenceDesign CDNS 44.07 -0.23 MonsterBeverage MNST 58.00 0.08
Aflac AFL 83.99 0.18 Athene ATH 49.00 -0.53 CNA Fin CNA 54.09 -0.68 s DukeEnergy DUK 89.23 -0.13 t HarleyDavidson HOG 45.51 0.73 Loews L 49.58 0.09 RPM RPM 52.03 -0.17 TurquoiseHill TRQ 3.16 -0.01 CaesarsEnt CZR 13.05 0.10 Mylan MYL 37.24 0.57
AT&T T 33.44 0.37 s AtmosEnergy ATO 89.24 0.67 CNOOC CEO 141.50 -1.76 DukeRealty DRE 29.03 0.05 Harris HRS 141.29 1.92 Lowe's LOW 78.09 0.46 RSP Permian RSPP 36.53 -0.29 Twitter TWTR 19.59 -0.07 Carlyle CG 21.50 -0.50 NXP Semi NXPI116.34 -0.32
AbbottLabs ABT 55.25 0.09 Autohome ATHM 64.60 -0.28 CPFLEnergia CPL 16.90 0.15 ENI E 34.01 -0.08 HartfordFinl HIG 55.20 -0.14 LyondellBasell LYB 105.86 -0.06 RalphLauren RL 85.43 0.43 TylerTech TYL 172.68 0.02 CboeGlobalMkts CBOE 113.42 ... Nasdaq NDAQ 72.74 0.72
AbbVie ABBV 95.71 1.75 Autoliv ALV 125.07 -0.39 CRH CRH 36.24 0.82 EOG Rscs EOG 104.33 -1.76 HealthcareAmer HTA 30.59 0.16 M&T Bank MTB 161.21 -1.67 RaymondJames RJF 84.17 0.14 s TysonFoods TSN 74.00 0.91 Celgene CELG 101.65 -0.68 NatlInstruments NATI 45.10 -0.12
s Accenture ACN 144.89 1.39 AutoZone AZO 596.03 -7.53 CVS Health CVS 68.99 0.04 EQT EQT 64.45 1.21 Heico HEI 90.82 -0.54 MGM Resorts MGM 33.06 1.60 Raytheon RTN 187.83 1.03 UBS Group UBS 16.95 0.05 CentennialRsc CDEV 20.03 -0.99 s NetApp NTAP 45.33 0.68
AcuityBrands AYI 158.27 -1.76 Avalonbay AVB 186.69 2.93 CabotOil COG 27.82 -0.02 EQT Midstream EQM 71.80 -1.19 Heico A HEI.A 77.25 -0.40 MPLX MPLX 35.17 ... RealtyIncome O 56.17 -0.05 UDR UDR 40.05 0.76 Cerner CERN 66.28 0.36 Netease NTES 314.18 7.59
Adient ADNT 77.42 -0.67 Avangrid AGR 51.15 -0.17 CamdenProperty CPT 94.22 0.13 EastmanChem EMN 90.59 -0.02 Helmerich&Payne HP 59.10 0.64 MSCI MSCI 127.10 1.12 s RedHat RHT 123.92 2.00 UGI UGI 48.03 ... CharterComms CHTR 337.90 -5.11 Netflix NFLX 196.44 0.55
t AdvanceAuto AAP 79.41 0.03 AveryDennison AVY 107.75 0.71 CampbellSoup CPB 47.16 0.93 Eaton ETN 79.05 0.38 Herbalife HLF 65.76 -0.50 Macerich MAC 58.84 0.08 RegencyCtrs REG 65.76 0.50 US Foods USFD 26.67 0.63 CheckPointSftw CHKP 105.36 0.37 s Neurocrine NBIX 74.05 -0.48
AdvSemiEngg ASX 6.20 0.06 AxaltaCoating AXTA 32.80 -0.26 CIBC CM 90.03 0.27 EatonVance EV 51.11 0.41 Hershey HSY 107.75 1.78 MacquarieInfr MIC 67.98 -0.47 RegionsFin RF 15.36 -0.11 UltraparPart UGP 23.72 0.32 ChinaLodging HTHT 127.80 -1.81 NewsCorp B NWS 14.45 0.05
Aegon AEG 5.85 -0.04 BB&T BBT 47.75 -0.48 CanNtlRlwy CNI 80.40 0.26 Ecolab ECL 130.39 -0.56 Hess HES 47.08 -0.87 MagellanMid MMP 68.60 -0.75 ReinsuranceGrp RGA 150.70 -0.34 Unilever UN 57.47 0.62 CincinnatiFin CINF 72.70 -0.17 NewsCorp A NWSA 14.14 -0.01
AerCap AER 51.98 -0.21 BCE BCE 47.67 -0.07 CanNaturalRes CNQ 36.55 0.37 s Ecopetrol EC 11.61 -0.38 HewlettPackard HPE 13.54 -0.03 MagnaIntl MGA 53.40 -0.89 RelianceSteel RS 77.19 0.31 Unilever UL 56.21 0.60 Cintas CTAS 149.61 1.74 Nordson NDSN 126.00 -0.94
Aetna AET 175.44 -1.39 BHPBilliton BHP 43.78 0.55 CanPacRlwy CP 174.37 1.99 EdisonInt EIX 80.20 0.80 Hilton HLT 72.90 0.29 Manpower MAN 125.54 0.44 RepublicServices RSG 63.88 -0.26 UnionPacific UNP 117.80 0.76 CiscoSystems CSCO 34.50 0.10 NorthernTrust NTRS 92.87 0.46
AffiliatedMgrs AMG 185.95 0.61 BHPBilliton BBL 38.85 0.48 s Canon CAJ 38.76 0.57 EdwardsLife EW 105.24 0.83 s HollyFrontier HFC 42.32 -0.01 ManulifeFin MFC 20.67 -0.09 ResMed RMD 82.19 0.05 UnitedContinental UAL 58.92 0.21 CitrixSystems CTXS 85.91 1.43 NorwegianCruise NCLH 55.56 0.20
AgilentTechs A 68.11 -0.14 BP BP 41.40 -0.08 CapitalOne COF 88.97 -1.15 EmersonElectric EMR 62.52 -0.56 HomeDepot HD 164.05 0.39 MarathonOil MRO 15.75 -0.41 RestaurantBrands QSR 65.51 -0.02 UnitedMicro UMC 2.55 0.02 s Cognex CGNX 135.39 -0.62 NVIDIA NVDA 209.16 -2.87
AgnicoEagle AEM 45.59 0.55 BRF BRFS 13.25 0.41 CardinalHealth CAH 60.99 0.72 EnbridgeEnPtrs EEP 14.51 -0.19 s HondaMotor HMC 33.64 0.11 s MarathonPetrol MPC 63.22 0.11 RiceEnergy RICE 29.13 0.48 UPS B UPS 113.13 -0.82 CognizantTech CTSH 74.38 -0.27 OReillyAuto ORLY 209.65 1.54
Agrium AGU 107.02 -0.20 BT Group BT 16.68 0.18 Carlisle CSL 110.14 0.01 Enbridge ENB 36.79 0.08 s Honeywell HON 146.86 -0.11 Markel MKL 1073.60 -8.88 RioTinto RIO 50.50 0.61 UnitedRentals URI 148.74 1.19 s Coherent COHR 297.24 31.77 OldDomFreight ODFL 120.95 -0.27
AirProducts APD 160.94 1.17 BWX Tech BWXT 60.53 0.49 CarMax KMX 73.44 0.02 Encana ECA 12.60 -0.15 HormelFoods HRL 32.15 0.65 Marsh&McLennan MMC 82.43 -0.03 RobertHalf RHI 52.74 0.31 US Bancorp USB 52.68 -0.77 Comcast A CMCSA 36.21 -0.18 ON Semi ON 21.85 0.24
t AlaskaAir ALK 62.08 -0.12 BakerHughes BHGE 32.84 -0.56 Carnival CCL 65.93 -0.45 EnelAmericas ENIA 10.70 0.09 s DR Horton DHI 45.41 0.46 MartinMarietta MLM 213.20 3.16 Rockwell ROK 193.78 -7.05 US Steel X 27.27 0.32 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 55.46 -0.64 OpenText OTEX 33.40 -0.33
s Albemarle ALB 144.58 1.45 Ball BLL 40.74 -0.31 Carnival CUK 65.74 -0.72 EnelChile ENIC 5.72 ... HostHotels HST 20.19 0.40 Masco MAS 39.13 0.05 RockwellCollins COL 134.55 -0.43 UnitedTech UTX 120.28 -0.47 CommScope COMM 33.85 -0.06 PTC PTC 65.04 -0.09
Alcoa AA 45.89 -1.08 BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 8.36 0.04 Caterpillar CAT 137.29 -1.52 EnelGenChile EOCC 26.03 0.16 HuanengPower HNP 27.68 0.57 Mastercard MA 149.97 ... RogersComm B RCI 52.34 0.09 UnitedHealth UNH 210.77 -1.93 Copart CPRT 35.90 0.15 Paccar PCAR 70.52 0.04
s AlexandriaRealEst ARE 126.23 0.17 BancodeChile BCH 91.15 -0.13 Celanese A CE 106.28 -0.58 EnergyTrfrEquity ETE 17.79 -0.91 Hubbell HUBB 123.58 -1.03 McCormick MKC 96.43 1.25 Rollins ROL 45.24 -0.13 t UniversalHealthB UHS 100.74 -0.31 s CoStarGroup CSGP 300.70 1.34 PacWestBancorp PACW 45.44 -0.03
Alibaba BABA 185.90 -2.61 BancoMacro BMA 124.36 5.14 Cemex CX 8.18 0.10 EnergyTransfer ETP 16.77 -0.57 Humana HUM 243.48-12.83 s McDonalds MCD 170.10 -0.67 RoperTech ROP 259.26 -1.09 UnumGroup UNM 52.64 -0.06 Costco COST 169.05 2.77 Paychex PAYX 64.55 0.28
Alleghany Y 580.41 -2.35 BcoSantChile BSAC 31.07 0.31 CenovusEnergy CVE 11.37 0.16 EnLinkMidPtrs ENLK 15.90 -0.21 s HuntingtonIngalls HII 251.96 18.61 McKesson MCK 140.36 3.43 RoyalBkCanada RY 79.42 0.11 VEREIT VER 8.11 0.08 CTRP 45.95 0.05 PayPal PYPL 74.77 0.36
Allegion ALLE 83.43 -0.10 BancoSantander SAN 6.48 0.02 Centene CNC 93.15 -1.66 Entergy ETR 86.24 0.28 Huntsman HUN 31.55 -0.12 Medtronic MDT 77.81 -0.20 RoyalBkScotland RBS 7.31 0.01 VF VFC 69.49 0.81 CyrusOne CONE 63.23 0.83 People'sUtdFin PBCT 17.95 -0.10
Allergan AGN 175.01 2.04 BanColombia CIB 38.16 0.63 CenterPointEner CNP 29.95 ... EnterpriseProd EPD 24.90 -0.12 s HyattHotels H MRK 56.58 0.99 RoyalCaribbean RCL 128.92 -0.31 s Visa V 112.47 0.38 DISH Network DISH 48.73 -1.34 s PilgrimPride PPC 33.13 2.67
69.79 0.26 Merck
AllianceData ADS 229.61 -0.11 BankofAmerica BAC 26.79 -0.39 CentraisElBras EBR 6.55 0.12 Equifax EFX 107.20 -0.22 ICICI Bank IBN 9.34 -0.04 MetLife MET 53.02 -0.38 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 64.35 -0.19 VailResorts MTN 234.89 -0.85 DentsplySirona XRAY 64.51 0.13 Priceline PCLN1661.11 15.39
AllianceBernstein AB 24.90 -0.10 BankofMontreal BMO 77.87 0.26 CenturyLink CTL 16.26 0.04 EquityLife ELS 89.70 0.34 ING Groep ING 18.29 0.14 MettlerToledo MTD623.72 -0.86 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 66.06 -0.41 Vale VALE 10.39 0.07 DiamondbackEner FANG 110.04 -1.76 Qiagen QGEN 31.74 1.06
AlliantEnergy LNT 44.07 -0.10 BankNY Mellon BK 51.22 0.15 Chemours CC 51.01 0.01 s EquityResdntl EQR 70.37 0.81 Invesco IVZ 35.69 0.08 MichaelKors KORS 53.95 -0.69 SAP SAP 114.60 0.38 ValeroEnergy VLO 81.67 -0.16 DiscoveryComm A DISCA 17.10 -0.23 s Qorvo QRVO 80.82 2.36
AllisonTransm ALSN 43.68 -0.14 s BkNovaScotia BNS 65.80 0.27 Chevron CVX 116.67 -0.57 EssexProp ESS 258.79 3.79 IDEX IEX 128.03 0.55 MicroFocus MFGP 34.97 0.39 S&P Global SPGI 160.06 0.99 Vantiv VNTV 68.44 0.23 DiscoveryComm C DISCK 15.99 -0.22 Qualcomm QCOM 65.49 1.39
Allstate ALL 99.09 -0.09 Barclays BCS 9.44 -0.04 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 25.11 -0.36 EsteeLauder EL 123.08 0.86 IllinoisToolWks ITW 157.65 -0.18 MidAmApt MAA 105.61 0.58 SINOPECShanghai SHI 59.88 0.94 VarianMed VAR 107.60 1.13 DollarTree DLTR 93.90 0.28 RandgoldRscs GOLD 91.42 0.27
AllyFinancial ALLY 25.72 -0.74 Bard CR BCR 334.08 0.51 ChinaLifeIns LFC 17.41 0.08 EverestRe RE 228.36 1.33 Infosys INFY 14.92 0.07 MitsubishiUFJ MTU 6.68 -0.02 SK Telecom SKM 25.59 0.09 Vedanta VEDL 20.17 -0.45 E*TRADE ETFC 43.48 -0.14 RegenPharm REGN 415.17 10.78
AlticeUSA ATUS 22.80 -0.26 BarrickGold ABX 13.99 ... ChinaMobile CHL 51.08 0.33 s EversourceEner ES 64.63 0.11 Ingersoll-Rand IR 85.68 0.12 MizuhoFin MFG 3.62 ... SLGreenRealty SLG 97.04 0.58 VeevaSystems VEEV 61.88 0.61 s EXACT Sci EXAS 60.51 0.01 RossStores ROST 63.87 -0.92
Altria MO 64.59 0.28 BaxterIntl BAX 65.01 0.69 ChinaPetrol SNP 74.84 -1.82 Exelon EXC 41.32 0.05 s Ingredion INGR 131.96 1.53 MobileTeleSys MBT 11.08 -0.22 s CRM 105.03 2.31 Ventas VTR 64.65 0.32 EastWestBancorp EWBC 57.33 -0.31 RoyalGold RGLD 89.21 0.16
AlumofChina ACH 19.27 -0.21 BectonDickinson BDX 221.43 0.16 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 37.22 -0.96 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 86.01 0.33 ICE ICE 65.99 0.41 MohawkIndustries MHK 263.48 2.56 Sanofi SNY 45.88 0.30 Verizon VZ 45.46 -0.11 eBay EBAY 37.01 -0.40 Ryanair RYAAY 111.65 -0.15
Ambev ABEV 6.18 0.06 WRB 68.71 -0.32 ChinaTelecom CHA 50.23 -0.24 MolsonCoors A TAP.A 83.20 -2.65 SantanderConUSA SC 16.42 -0.20 VistraEnergy VST 18.88 -0.07 ElbitSystems ESLT 148.00 0.20 s SBA Comm SBAC 169.50 3.85
Berkley ExxonMobil XOM 83.47 -0.11 InterContinentl IHG 56.95 0.36
s Ameren AEE 62.66 -0.21 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 276676-2684.98 ChinaUnicom CHU 15.14 -0.08 MolsonCoors B TAP 79.63 0.75 Sasol SSL 30.48 0.04 s VMware VMW 120.55 0.12 ElectronicArts EA 114.15 2.45 SEI Investments SEIC 65.11 -0.02
FMC FMC 93.24 -0.27 IBM IBM 151.57 0.22
AmericaMovil AMX 17.39 -0.05 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 184.60 -1.70 Chipotle CMG 273.90 -0.60 s FactSet FDS 195.30 3.96 IntlFlavors IFF 147.53 -2.46 Monsanto MON117.38 -2.16 Scana SCG 43.23 -1.30 VornadoRealty VNO 74.24 0.27 s Equinix EQIX 492.98 4.92 Sina SINA107.61 4.61
AmericaMovil A AMOV 17.22 -0.08 BerryGlobal BERY 58.48 0.50 Chubb CB 150.10 0.30 FederalRealty FRT 128.87 0.26 IntlPaper IP 55.28 0.03 Moody's MCO 144.93 1.16 Schlumberger SLB 67.06 0.63 VoyaFinancial VOYA 41.56 -0.49 Ericsson ERIC 6.28 -0.20 SS&C Tech SSNC 40.73 0.13
AmCampus ACC 42.60 0.41 BestBuy BBY 56.55 1.42 ChunghwaTelecom CHT 34.04 0.21 FedEx FDX 220.50 -0.66 t Interpublic IPG 18.62 0.08 MorganStanley MS 49.04 -0.35 SchwabC SCHW 44.28 0.13 VulcanMaterials VMC 123.90 1.24 ErieIndemnity A ERIE 122.04 -0.41 SVB Fin SIVB 209.56 -5.50
s AEP AEP 75.52 0.33 s Bio-RadLab A BIO 266.31 4.09 Church&Dwight CHD 44.45 0.69 Ferrari RACE 112.80 -2.09 InvitationHomes INVH 23.16 -0.04 Mosaic MOS 22.64 0.08 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 98.87 -3.55 WABCO WBC 148.15 -0.92 Exelixis EXEL 26.40 -0.19 ScrippsNetworks SNI 78.85 -1.54
AmericanExpress AXP 95.13 -0.24 BlackKnight BKI 46.50 0.40 Cigna CI 200.50 -4.99 FiatChrysler FCAU 17.49 -0.38 IronMountain IRM 40.77 0.17 MotorolaSolutions MSI 92.66 0.55 SealedAir SEE 44.80 1.19 WEC Energy WEC 68.17 -0.07 Expedia EXPE 118.56 -1.05 Seagate STX 37.71 0.59
AmericanFin AFG 104.51 -0.43 SemicondctrMfg SMI 8.47 -0.17 s W.P.Carey WPC 71.32 0.10 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 60.49 -1.55 SeattleGenetics SGEN 57.87 -0.58
BlackBerry BB 10.82 -0.01 CimarexEnergy XEC 125.34 -0.63 FibriaCelulose FBR 15.14 -0.02 IsraelChemicals ICL 4.23 0.07 NRG Energy NRG 28.02 -0.40
AmerHomes4Rent AMH 21.90 -0.01 BlackRock BLK 472.20 -1.17 72.34 -0.37 NTTDoCoMo DCM 24.79 0.12 s SempraEnergy SRE 121.03 0.51 Wabtec WAB 77.04 0.84 ExpressScripts ESRX 61.30 0.70 Shire SHPG 141.31 -3.38
Citigroup C FidelityNatlFin FNF 37.65 -0.17 ItauUnibanco ITUB 13.05 0.48 s Wal-Mart WMT 90.26
AIG AIG 61.67 -0.46 BlackstoneGroup BX 32.65 -0.39 CitizensFin CFG 37.31 -0.36 NVR 3295.47 51.28 SensataTech ST 48.56 0.46 1.31 F5Networks FFIV 121.34 1.21 SignatureBank SBNY 124.41 -2.39
FNFV Group FNFV 17.45 ... JPMorganChase JPM 97.64 -1.11 NVR
s AmerTowerREIT AMT 152.72 2.06 BoardwalkPipe BWP 14.52 -0.06 CLX 131.05 NationalGrid NGG 61.85 0.36 ServiceCorp SCI 35.55 -0.59 WasteConnections WCN 68.97 -0.17 Facebook FB 179.56 -0.69 SiriusXM SIRI 5.36 0.03
Clorox 1.35 FidelityNtlInfo FIS 91.65 1.18 JacobsEngineering JEC 61.12 0.19
s AmerWaterWorks AWK 90.24 0.24 s Boeing BA 265.57 -0.56 NatlOilwell NOV 35.02 -0.08 ServiceMaster SERV 46.82 -0.44 WasteMgt WM 81.84 0.21 Fastenal FAST 48.47 0.43 Skyworks SWKS 113.15 1.96
Coca-Cola KO 46.18 0.24 WUBA 67.40 -0.04 JamesHardie JHX 14.65 -0.10 s Splunk
Amerigas APU 46.12 0.02 ServiceNow NOW 127.62 2.09 Waters WAT 196.18 -0.17 FifthThirdBncp FITB 28.30 -0.15 SPLK 71.16 3.16
BorgWarner BWA 52.19 -0.21 Coca-Cola Euro CCE 39.53 1.64 FirstAmerFin FAF 54.75 -0.62 JanusHenderson JHG 34.65 0.06 NatlRetailProp NNN 41.70 0.10 s Watsco
Ameriprise AMP 159.99 0.76 ShawComm B SJR 22.50 -0.12 WSO 165.52 -2.09 FirstSolar FSLR 61.79 0.83 Starbucks SBUX 57.91 0.69
BostonProperties BXP 124.74 0.55 Coca-Cola Femsa KOF 67.91 0.40 FirstData FDC 16.84 ... J&J JNJ 141.32 1.55 NewOrientalEduc EDU 87.14 -0.37
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 75.01 0.10 SherwinWilliams SHW 395.51 1.50 WellCareHealth WCG 202.85 0.45 Fiserv FISV 128.82 1.85 SteelDynamics STLD 37.77 0.38
BostonScientific BSX 28.10 0.14 Colgate-Palmolive CL 73.27 2.37 FirstRepBank FRC 91.97 -1.73 JohnsonControls JCI 41.00 0.01 NY CmntyBcp NYCB 12.05 -0.14
WellsFargo WFC 54.26 -0.79 Stericycle SRCL 67.10 -0.06
Ametek AME 68.05 -0.51 Braskem BAK 31.32 0.72 ColonyNorthStar CLNS 12.35 -0.01 FirstEnergy FE 33.73 0.59 s JonesLangLaSalle JLL 144.49 1.99 NewellBrands NWL 31.41 0.76 ShinhanFin SHG 43.95 -0.83 Flex FLEX 18.36 0.13
SHOP 99.40 -0.31 Welltower HCN 68.75 0.16 FlirSystems FLIR 46.99 -0.28 Symantec SYMC 29.03 0.35
Amphenol APH 87.74 0.37 Bristol-Myers BMY 62.58 0.67 Comerica CMA 76.14 -1.02 FleetCorTech FLT 175.95 -1.05 JuniperNetworks JNPR 24.79 0.29 NewfieldExpln NFX 32.28 -0.58 Shopify
SimonProperty SPG 157.03 -2.02 WestPharmSvcs WST 101.24 0.20 FTNT 39.91 0.82 Synopsys SNPS 87.07 0.16
AnadarkoPetrol APC 51.16 0.08 BritishAmTob BTI 65.11 0.22 SABESP SBS 8.95 0.22 Fluor FLR 47.62 -0.46 KAR Auction KAR 49.18 0.16 NewmontMining NEM 36.31 0.27 Fortinet
WestarEnergy WR 54.68 0.09 TD Ameritrade AMTD 48.63 0.14
Andeavor ANDV 111.14 -0.14 s BroadridgeFinl BR 90.48 3.11 ConagraBrands CAG 34.31 0.55 FomentoEconMex FMX 86.64 -0.09 KB Fin KB 51.83 0.23 NextEraEnergy NEE 154.92 -0.57 SmithAO AOS 59.57 0.07 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 37.20 0.24
Smith&Nephew SNN 36.73 -0.35
WestAllianceBcp WAL 54.62 0.06 Garmin GRMN 59.65 0.44 TSRO 98.44-13.64
AB InBev BUD 118.15 -0.51 BrookfieldMgt BAM 42.30 0.52 ConchoRscs CXO 145.06 -1.65 FordMotor F 12.06 -0.10 KKR KKR 19.76 -0.23 NielsenHoldings NLSN 37.54 -0.46 t WesternGasEquity WGP 37.49 -0.59 T-MobileUS TMUS 56.22 0.86
AnnalyCap NLY 11.32 0.08 BrookfieldInfr BIP 43.59 0.30 s ConocoPhillips COP 53.52 0.04 ForestCIty A FCE.A 25.06 0.07 KT KT 14.17 0.07 Nike NKE 55.76 0.61 Smucker SJM 103.38 1.61 GileadSciences GILD 73.10 -0.11
WesternGasPtrs WES 46.56 -0.66 TRowePrice TROW 93.49 -0.27
AnteroResources AR 19.49 -0.21 Brown&Brown BRO 49.70 -0.53 s ConEd ED 87.86 0.17 s Fortis FTS 37.75 0.02 KSCitySouthern KSU 105.74 -0.32 NiSource NI 27.52 0.05 Snap SNAP 12.91 -2.21 Goodyear GT 29.24 -0.35
s TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 117.65 11.26
SNA 157.33 WesternUnion WU 19.75 0.59 GRFS 23.01 -0.27
Anthem ANTM 216.87 -0.60 Brown-Forman A BF.A 56.49 0.68 ConstBrands A STZ 217.63 2.15 Fortive FTV 72.77 -0.70 Kellogg K 62.82 1.98 NobleEnergy NBL 28.43 -0.48 SnapOn -1.22 Grifols
s WestlakeChem WLK 93.95 2.33 Tesla TSLA 304.39 -1.66
Aon AON 140.87 0.66 Brown-Forman B BF.B 56.46 0.72 ContinentalRscs CLR 44.89 1.30 FortBrandsHome FBHS 64.12 -0.34 KeyCorp KEY 17.93 -0.17 Nokia NOK 5.05 ... SOQUIMICH SQM 59.82 -0.01 GpoFinGalicia GGAL 53.71 0.77
s Sony WestpacBanking WBK 25.04 0.25
HD Supply HDS 36.12 -0.22 TexasInstruments TXN 98.44 0.04
Apache APA 44.51 -0.68 BuckeyePtrs BPL 52.40 -0.72 Cooper COO 230.48 1.15 Franco-Nevada FNV 84.06 0.57 KeysightTechs KEYS 45.39 -0.02 NomuraHoldings NMR 5.97 0.13 SNE 47.47 1.46
WestRock WRK 59.34 0.39 TractorSupply TSCO 60.64 1.50
ApartmtInv AIV 45.36 0.46 Bunge BG 67.89 0.46 s Corning GLW 32.22 -0.03 FranklinRscs BEN 41.89 0.11 KilroyRealty KRC 74.19 0.17 t Nordstrom JWN 38.30 -0.01 Southern SO 51.77 0.05
s Weyerhaeuser WY 36.41
Hasbro HAS 89.01 -0.88
0.42 t HenrySchein HSIC 70.00 -1.01 Trimble TRMB 40.42 -0.06
ApolloGlobalMgmt APO 31.14 -0.26 BurlingtonStores BURL 97.51 0.23 Coty COTY 14.76 0.31 Freeport-McMoRan FCX 14.86 0.31 KimberlyClark KMB 113.23 1.30 NorfolkSouthern NSC 129.33 -0.12 SoCopper SCCO 44.39 0.37
WheatonPrecMetals WPM 21.16 ...
HOLX 39.54 0.04 21stCenturyFoxA FOXA 28.09 0.34
s AquaAmerica WTR 36.56 0.28 CBD Pao CBD 23.00 0.45 Credicorp BAP 206.43 -1.02 FreseniusMed FMS 48.68 0.09 KimcoRealty KIM 18.93 0.11 NorthropGrumman NOC 303.30 -0.01 SouthwestAirlines LUV 54.01 0.14
Whirlpool WHR 162.77 0.21
21stCenturyFoxB FOX 27.35 0.31
Novartis NVS 82.94 0.55 SpectraEnerPtrs SEP 41.64 -1.05 JBHunt JBHT 104.36 -2.29
Williams WMB 28.38 -0.39 UltaBeauty ULTA 195.90 -2.11
NovoNordisk NVO 50.27 0.56 SpectrumBrands SPB 104.20 0.35 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 13.29 -0.11
WilliamsPartners WPZ 36.52 -0.74 s IAC/InterActive IAC 130.84 2.20 UltimateSoftware ULTI 199.00 2.87
Nucor NUE 57.70 0.01 SpiritAeroSys SPR 82.38 -0.12
WIT 5.09 s UniversalDisplay OLED 168.70 1.13
Wipro 0.04
Borrowing Benchmarks | t NuSTAREnergy NS 31.52 -0.54
OGE Energy OGE 35.73 -0.11
t Sprint
S 5.99
SQ 36.71
WooriBank WF 41.69
Wyndham WYN 109.09
IdexxLab IDXX 150.07 -0.01
IHSMarkit INFO 43.93 0.50
VEON 3.81 0.03
VRSN 109.97 0.87
ONEOK OKE 53.10 -0.07 StanleyBlackDck SWK 165.72 0.52 INC Research INCR 57.50 -1.10 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 92.57 0.28
XPO Logistics XPO 73.55 -0.03
s IPG Photonics IPGP 221.79 0.36
OccidentalPetrol OXY 68.17 -0.58 StateStreet STT 91.13 0.85
XcelEnergy XEL 50.25 0.22 VertxPharm VRTX 147.40 -3.91
s Statoil IRSA Prop IRCP 58.00 1.65
Money Rates November 8, 2017 Och-Ziff
OZM 3.12 -0.10
OLN 36.77 0.83 Steris
STO 20.85
STE 87.69
XRX 29.37
XYL 66.55
IcahnEnterprises IEP 58.12 -0.38
Viacom B VIAB 24.30 -0.48
Viacom A VIA 29.70 -0.55
t Omnicom OMC 65.60 0.08 STMicroelec STM 24.68 0.27 YPF YPF 24.81 0.09 Icon ICLR 120.70 -0.69 Vodafone VOD 28.81 -0.13
Oracle ORCL 50.54 0.05 Stryker SYK 156.46 0.24 Illumina ILMN 211.20 -0.54
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a Orange ORAN 16.59 0.05 SumitomoMits SMFG 8.00 0.06
s YumBrands YUM 81.13 0.12
Incyte INCY 104.98 -3.16
WPP WPPGY 85.35 -0.17
YumChina YUMC 41.05 -0.15 WalgreensBoots WBA 68.90 0.98
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. OrbitalATK OA 132.93 -0.02 SunCommunities SUI 93.16 0.21 s ZTO Express ZTO 17.39 0.28 Intel INTC 46.70 -0.08 s Weibo WB 108.97 9.69
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— Orix IX 87.37 0.12 SunLifeFinancial SLF 38.83 -0.32 ZayoGroup ZAYO 34.38 -0.08 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 53.99 -0.10 WesternDigital WDC 87.12 1.03
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low Oshkosh OSK 85.05 -2.24 s SuncorEnergy SU 36.07 0.02 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 109.17 0.45 Intuit INTU 152.96 0.45 WillisTwrsWatson WLTW 160.99 -0.61
OwensCorning OC 82.45 0.23 SunTrustBanks STI 57.61 -0.47 Zoetis ZTS 69.51 1.17
s IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 392.34 1.30 Workday WDAY 110.88 2.35
Sept. index Chg From (%) PG&E PCG 55.83 -0.47 SynchronyFin SYF 32.07 -0.29 IonisPharma IONS 54.76 2.46
Treasury bill auction Six month 1.60162 1.57979 1.60162 1.24267 WynnResorts WYNN 152.79 0.60
level Aug. '17 Sept. '16
One year 1.87317 1.85594 1.87317 1.55622
PHI 32.88 -0.06
PNC 133.29 -0.80
Syngenta SYT 92.29
Sysco SYY 53.98
NASDAQ JD 40.33 0.54
s JackHenry JKHY 113.86 1.30
Xilinx XLNX 73.62 -0.29
4 weeks 1.035 1.020 1.300 0.270 Yandex YNDX 32.72 0.14
U.S. consumer price index POSCO PKX 71.84 -0.26 TAL Education TAL 30.36 ... AGNC Invt AGNC 19.73 0.16 JazzPharma JAZZ136.40 3.58 ZebraTech ZBRA106.61 -2.70
13 weeks 1.185 1.130 1.185 0.420 Euro Libor PPG Ind PPG 116.12 -0.22 s TE Connectivity TEL 93.70 0.47 Ansys ANSS 151.48 -0.45 JetBlue JBLU 18.80 -0.12 Zillow A ZG 41.15 0.93
All items 246.819 0.53 2.2 26 weeks 1.300 1.260 1.300 0.535 PPL PPL 36.92 -0.29 Telus TU 37.09 0.32 ASML ASML 181.51 -2.01 JunoTherap JUNO 54.96 -1.02 Zillow C 41.04 1.07
One month -0.400 -0.399 -0.376 -0.405 PVH PVH 123.57 0.83 TIM Part TSU 18.30 0.78 Abiomed ABMD 196.97 -0.24 KLA Tencor KLAC 107.08 -0.42
Core 252.941 0.19 1.7 ZionsBancorp ZION 44.54 -0.34
Three month -0.378 -0.378 -0.325 -0.381 PackagingCpAm PKG 111.41 0.06 TJX TJX 67.98 -0.01 ActivisionBliz ATVI 64.55 3.59 KraftHeinz KHC 79.58 1.40
Secondary market Six month -0.314 -0.322 -0.214 -0.322 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 148.46 1.77 TaiwanSemi TSM 42.43 -0.08 s AdobeSystems ADBE 184.06 3.18 LKQ LKQ 36.91 -0.06 NYSE AMER
International rates ParkHotels PK 29.29 0.04 Tapestry TPR 40.08 -1.85 AdvMicroDevices AMD 11.71 -0.34 s LamResearch LRCX 211.24 2.05
Fannie Mae One year -0.236 -0.233 -0.075 -0.238 ParkerHannifin PH 184.87 -0.60 TargaResources TRGP 43.67 -0.62 AkamaiTech AKAM 53.76 ... LamarAdvertising LAMR 76.95 -0.26 CheniereEnergy LNG 50.43 0.24
Week 52-Week ParsleyEnergy PE 27.10 -1.30 Target TGT 58.37 0.48 AlexionPharm ALXN 115.39 -2.03 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 87.73 -1.78 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 28.25 -0.45
Latest High Low
30-year mortgage yields Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor) Pearson PSO 9.10 -0.02 TataMotors TTM 33.69 0.27 s AlignTech ALGN 252.74 6.28 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 87.09 -1.63 CheniereEnHldgs CQH 26.98 -0.16
s PembinaPipeline PBA 36.27 0.44 TechnipFMC FTI 29.14 -0.15 Alkermes ALKS 48.03 0.33 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 29.80 -0.74 ImperialOil IMO 31.56 0.22
30 days 3.428 3.490 3.865 3.132 One month -0.372 -0.371 -0.366 -0.375
Prime rates 60 days 3.448 3.517 3.899 3.163 Three month -0.329 -0.329 -0.311 -0.332
U.S. 4.25 4.25 4.25 3.50 Six month -0.276 -0.276 -0.210 -0.276
Other short-term rates -0.191 -0.187 -0.069 -0.191
3.20 3.20 3.20 2.70
1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
One year
Value 52-Week
Dividend Changes Company Symbol
Yld % New/Old Frq
Payable /
Week 52-Week Latest Traded High Low
Dividend announcements from November 8. Harvest Capital Credit HCAP 11.1 .1125 M Dec29 /Dec22
Policy Rates Latest ago high low
Harvest Capital Credit HCAP 11.1 .1125 M Jan26 /Jan19
DTCC GCF Repo Index Amount Payable / IQ Enh Core Plus Bd US AGGP 1.9 .03241 M Nov13 /Nov09
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Call money Treasury 1.159 25.302 1.366 0.244 Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record IQ Enhanced Core Bd US AGGE 1.9 .03189 M Nov13 /Nov09
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
3.00 3.00 3.00 2.25 MBS 1.180 116.070 1.506 0.257 MS Income Secs ICB 2.8 .0425 M Nov24 /Nov17
Britain 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 Increased TCG BDC CGBD 8.1 .37 Q Jan17 /Dec29
Australia 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Commercial paper (AA financial) Open Implied Automatic Data ADP 2.2 .63 /.57 Q Jan01 /Dec08 TPG Specialty Lending TSLX 7.5 .06 Dec29 /Nov30
Settle Change Interest Rate Core-Mark Holding CORE 1.4 .10 /.09 Q Dec22 /Nov28 TPG Specialty Lending TSLX 7.5 .39 Q Jan12 /Dec15
Overnight repurchase 90 days 1.32 1.14 1.32 0.62 Emerson Electric EMR 3.1 .485 /.48 Q Dec11 /Nov17
1.19 1.38 0.15
DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures Stocks
U.S. 1.15 Huntington Ingalls Inds HII 1.1 .72 /.60 Q Dec08 /Nov24
Libor Treasury Nov 98.840 unch. 8568 1.160 Ladder Capital Cl A LADR 9.2 .315 /.30 Q Jan03 /Dec11 SPI Energy SPI 1:10 /Nov08
U.S. government rates One month 1.24606 1.24333 1.24606 0.53644 Treasury Dec 98.690 -0.005 2019 1.310 Lexington Realty Trust LXP 6.8 .1775 /.175 Q Jan16 /Dec29
Three month 1.40981 1.38483 1.40981 0.88650 Treasury Jan 98.595 -0.005 450 1.405 MainSource Fincl Group MSFG 2.0 .18 /.17 Q Dec15 /Dec05 CS X-Links Crude Oil ETN USOI 8.2 .1735 M Nov27 /Nov21
Discount NACCO Industries Cl A NC 1.5 .165 /.06225 Q Dec15 /Dec01 CS X-Links Silver ETN SLVO 9.8 .0663 M Nov27 /Nov21
Nelnet A NNI 1.2 .16 /.14 Q Dec15 /Dec01 Innospec 1.1 .39 SA Nov27 /Nov16
1.75 1.75 1.75 1.00 Sanchez Midstream Ptrs SNMP 14.2 .4508 /.4441 Q Nov30 /Nov20
Notes on data: Tenaris ADR TS 1.7 .26 SA /Nov21
Universal Corp UVV 4.0 .55 /.54 Q Feb05 /Jan08
Federal funds U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks, Special
and is effective June 15, 2017. Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary Reduced Bassett Furniture Inds BSET 1.2 .35 Dec15 /Dec01
Effective rate 1.1700 1.1700 1.2000 0.3500 widely by location; Discount rate is effective June 15, 2017. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Alcentra Capital ABDC 13.1 .25 /.34 Q Jan04 /Dec29
High 1.3125 1.3125 1.3125 0.5625 Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in Chesapeake Granite Wash CHKR 12.1 .0657 /.1003 Q Nov30 /Nov20 Suspended
billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET. Futures on the Evertec EVTC Q Dec08 /
Low 1.0500 1.0300 1.1600 0.2500 DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on NYSE Liffe US. Funds and investment companies
Bid 1.1600 1.1600 1.1700 0.3000 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information; CS X-Links Gold GLDI 6.7 .0501 M Nov27 /Nov21 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual;
Offer 1.1700 1.1700 1.1900 0.3200 General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Harvest Capital Credit HCAP 11.1 .1125 M Nov30 /Nov24 S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off.

New Highs and Lows | Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
ColumbiaSustGlb ESGW 30.62 0.3 PwrShS&PIntlDev IDHQ 24.23 1.2 ProShrUSRlEst SRS 28.75 -1.3 iShMSCIACWIETF ACWI 70.87 0.2 TowerSemi TSEM 34.20 5.2 GreatElmCap GECC 8.76 -3.1
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE MKT and CS FI LC Grwth FLGE 216.28 0.8 PwrShRussMCGrw PXMG 40.79 1.1 ProShrUSTech REW 16.40 -1.0 iShMSCIACWIexUSETF ACWX 49.67 0.3 UniversalDisplay OLED 170.00 0.7 Gulf Resources GURE 1.35 -6.0
Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low in the latest session. DirexJapanBl3 JPNL 77.61 1.6 PwrShRussTop200 EQWL 51.26 0.1 ProShrUSUtil SDP 23.26 0.3 iShMSCIACxJpn AAXJ 76.59 0.5 UroGenPharma URGN 38.56 2.8 HabitRestaurants HABT 8.85 0.6
% CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. DirexSemiBl3 SOXL 164.55 1.0 PwrShRussTop200G PXLG 44.86 0.7 UBSProSh3xInvCrd WTID 17.58 2.0 iShMSCIEAFEESGOpt ESGD 67.77 0.3 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 134.83 0.3 HarvestCapCredit HCAP 11.70 -4.0
DirexTechBull3 TECL 113.04 1.6 PwrShS&P500Down PHDG 27.19 1.4 USAA USA SC Val USVM 49.17 0.4 iShMSCIEMESGOpt ESGE 72.51 0.7 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 55.18 -0.1 HenrySchein HSIC 68.35 -1.4
DirexUtilBl3X UTSL 32.12 2.1 PwrShS&P500LoVol SPLV 47.08 0.3 US ShortOilFd DNO 59.21 0.8 iShMSCIEmMkAsia EEMA 74.89 0.5 VicShIntlVolWtd CIL 40.16 0.4 HostessBrands TWNK 11.00 0.6
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 EmgMktInternetEcom EMQQ 38.18 0.4 PwrShS&P500xRate XRLV 32.81 0.2 Velocity3xInvCrude DWT 16.04 2.2 iShMSCIUSAESGOpt ESGU 56.87 0.3 VidentIntlEquityFd VIDI 28.00 0.4 HostessBrandsWt TWNKW 1.23 6.2
ETFMG VideoGame GAMR 47.36 2.3 ProShS&P500xEner SPXE 54.21 0.5 iShPHLXSemicond SOXX 179.05 0.3 Virtusa VRTU 44.76 16.8 Immersion IMMR 6.20 0.5
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
FidelityLowVol FDLO
97.17 1.9 ProShS&P500xFin SPXN
29.62 0.3 ProShrUltraJapan EZJ
52.77 0.4
130.50 2.0
NYSE American highs - 6 JackHenry JKHY
KellyServices A KELYA
114.25 1.2 Weibo
29.17 7.5 WisdTrJapanHdgSC DXJS
WB 109.07 9.8 Innodata
45.37 0.5 InovioPharma
1.05 -12.5
5.22 0.4
FidelityMSCIIT FTEC 50.46 0.5 ProShrUltraQQQ QLD 72.25 0.8 ArconicPfd ARNCp 91.25 1.7 KingtoneWrls KONE 8.00 71.5 WisdTrUSQltyDiv DGRW 39.66 0.4 iShMSCIQatarCapped QAT 14.40 -1.1
Invacare IVC 16.95 21.1 DeanFoods DF 9.01 6.2 URE 67.75 1.3 CentralSecs CET 27.23 0.7 Kulicke&Soffa KLIC 24.56 4.2 Zynga
FidelityRealEst FREL 25.16 0.3 ProShrUltraRE ZNGA 4.09 4.4 JAKKS Pacific JAKK 2.40 -5.8
NYSE highs - 123 JapanSmlCap JOF
JonesLangLaSalle JLL
FidelityMSCIUtils FUTY 36.28 ... ProShrUlSemi USD 134.39 0.5 CloughGlblDiv GLV 14.39 0.6 LGI Homes LGIH 66.13 -3.4 JaguarHealth JAGX 0.11 13.9
AT&T Nts 2066 TBB
AberdeenGrChinaFd GCH
KenonHoldings KEN 19.55 3.9 EastmanKodakWt KODK.WS 0.02 -47.9
52.31 1.3 ProShrUlTech
29.70 1.0 ProShrUltraUtil
90.46 0.9 CloughGlbEqFd GLQ
52.25 0.1 NE Realty NEN
13.96 0.7 LamResearch
75.25 1.7 LigandPharm
211.41 1.0
148.25 0.2
Nasdaq lows - 95 LexiconPharm
8.07 -9.2
10.80 -17.0
Kyocera KYO 71.72 0.9 EtnVncFR2022 EFL 9.64 -1.4 33.88 0.7 StoneEnergyWt SGY.WS 6.84 0.6 LimelightNetworks LLNW
AberdeenJapanEqu JEQ 9.35 0.8 FlexShMDevMktxUS TLTD 68.53 0.5 RealEstSectorSPDR XLRE 5.73 1.6 ANGI Homesvcs ANGI 11.26 -3.9 LibertyTripAdvA LTRPA 7.95 2.1
LINE LN 44.16 2.9 EldoradoGold EGO 1.19 -0.8 77.72 0.5
FrankFTSECanada FLCA 25.18 0.3 SPDRMSCIACWIIMI ACIM MGPIngredients MGPI 75.72 1.4 AcaciaComms ACIA 36.41 0.3 LombardMedical EVAR 0.22 -15.9
AberdeenSingapore SGF
Accenture ACN
Lennar B LEN.B
LibertyProperty LPT
FrankFTSEJapanHdg FLJH
26.43 1.0 SPDRMSCIJapanStrat QJPN
26.39 0.8 SPDRMSCIWorldStrat QWLD
79.16 1.7
74.46 0.5
NYSE American lows - 5 MMACapitalMgmt MMAC 25.91 0.4 AcadiaHealthcare ACHC
Marriott MAR 124.34 -0.8 AethlonMedical AEMD
28.82 -0.7 magicJackVocal CALL
0.79 -6.0 MartinMidstream MMLP
5.55 -1.7
14.97 -2.3
Albemarle ALB 144.99 1.0 LiveNationEnt LYV 45.72 ... EntercomCommsWi ETMw 10.45 -0.4 1.44 -2.6 MatchGroup
FrankFTSEMexico FLMX 25.27 0.4 SPDR NYSE Tech XNTK 84.85 0.7 CanFiteBiopharm CANF MTCH 32.87 10.0 Airgain AIRG 7.31 1.2 Middleby MIDD 111.50 -6.1
AlexandriaRealEst ARE 126.88 0.1 LomaNegra LOMA 22.33 4.8 EnvisionHlthcr EVHC 24.77 -3.6 MCF 3.24 -27.2 MaximIntProducts MXIM
FrankIntlOpps FLIO 29.67 0.5 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 32.45 0.3 ContangoO&G 55.43 1.1 AkersBiosciences AKER 0.68 -5.9 MinervaNeurosci NERV 5.05 -5.6
AllianzGIDivIncm ACV 22.57 -0.7 MarathonPetrol MPC 63.41 0.2 EthanAllen ETH 26.45 -0.2 DXR 4.05 -1.4 MeridianBank
FrankUSLowVol FLLV 29.48 0.4 SPDRSSgAGlbAll GAL 37.69 0.3 Daxor MRBK 18.48 -1.9 AkoustisTechs AKTS 5.00 2.8 NetSolTech NTWK 3.15 -3.1
Ameren AEE 63.15 -0.3 Marcus&Millichap MMI 30.98 5.4 Evertec EVTC 13.55 1.1 12.02 -5.8 NICE
FranklinGlbEquity FLQG 30.08 0.4 SchwabFundIntLrgCo FNDF 30.57 0.3 IMPAC Mortgage IMH NICE 85.61 1.1 AlcentraCapital ABDC 7.45 -7.7 NovelionTherap NVLN 4.53 -2.3
AEP AEP 75.84 0.4 McDonalds MCD 170.92 -0.4 FT SrFR2022 FIV 9.18 -1.4 PCGpB 26.76 -1.0 NVE
GlbXLithium&Batt LIT 40.79 1.7 SchwabFundIntlSmCo FNDC 35.78 0.4 PacGE pfB NVEC 88.95 -0.4 Andersons ANDE 30.65 -9.5 NumereX NMRX 3.43 2.0
AmerTowerPfdB AMTpB 135.99 1.3 Medifast MED 71.73 14.8 FlotekIndustries FTK 4.14 -16.1 34.32 0.4
GlbXSciBetaAsiaXJ SCIX 26.47 0.6 SchwabIntEquity SCHF Nathan's NATH 93.20 0.4 AndinaAcqnIIWt ANDAW 0.04 ... ObalonTherap OBLN 7.77 -3.5
AmerWaterWorks AWK
NewRelic NEWR
PembinaPipeline PBA
GNC Holdings
GlbXSciBetaJapan SCIJ 32.66 0.6 SchwabUS Div SCHD 48.90 0.3
68.82 0.3
Nasdaq highs - 124 NektarTherap NKTR 31.74 12.9 Astrotech ASTC 2.35 -8.8 OcularTherapeutix OCUL 4.70 -8.2
ApolloGlMgmtPfdA APOpA 26.45 -0.2 GSActiveBetaIntlEq GSIE 29.56 0.4 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 184.44 1.8
NetApp NTAP 45.50 1.5 AxonEnterprise AAXN 20.57 -6.2 OxbridgeReWt OXBRW 0.15 3.8
Penumbra PEN 114.60 9.4 GabelliGlbSmRt GGZr 0.26 -8.6
GSActiveBetaJapan GSJY 33.64 0.8 SPDR MSCI exUS CWI 38.88 0.4 AdobeSystems ADBE Neurocrine NBIX 75.98 -0.6 BlackRidgeAcqnWt BRACW 0.29 -9.4 PCM PCMI 9.70 -1.5
AquaAmerica WTR 36.60 0.8 PlanetFitness PLNT 30.20 17.4 GameStop GME 16.98 0.5 GWX 36.07 0.5 Aegion AEGN 27.19 3.2
Aquantia AQ 12.75 -4.4 GSActiveBetaUSLC GSLC 51.54 0.3 SPDR IntlSC ALGN 253.65 2.5
NuvNasd100Dyn QQQX 23.94 ... CHF Solutions CHFS 4.61 -12.7 PacBiosciCA PACB 2.66 7.3
PortlandGenElec POR 48.67 -0.1 GenesisHealthcare GEN 0.87 -10.6
GuggChinaTech CQQQ 63.28 1.2 SPDR S&P Semi XSD 73.65 1.3 AlignTech OncoSecMedical ONCS 2.55 60.0 CMSevenStarAcqn CMSS 9.60 0.2 PapaJohn's PZZA 57.32 -0.3
AristaNetworks ANET 216.00 2.2 Praxair PX 150.05 0.7 GranitePointMtg GPMT 17.02 -0.7 9.09 1.8 AltairEngg ALTR 20.38 4.4
AtmosEnergy ATO 89.25 0.8 GuggDefEqty DEF 45.59 0.4 SprottPhysPlatinum SPPP AMZN 1135.54 0.9
Otelco OTEL 11.75 3.7 CapitolFedFin CFFN 13.15 -0.2 Patterson PDCO 33.96 -2.4
Primerica PRI 99.95 12.5 HarleyDavidson HOG 44.52 1.6
GuggS&P500EWTech RYT 144.06 0.6 TechSelectSector XLK 64.02 0.5 PAM Transport PTSI 33.79 14.3 Cardtronics CATM 16.11 5.2 PerionNetwork PERI 0.95 -5.0
BkNovaScotia BNS 65.86 0.4 PulteGroup PHM 30.99 1.5 HighlandFROpps HFRO 15.36 -1.6 215.57 1.0 Apple AAPL 176.24 0.8
Bio-RadLab A BIO 267.80 1.6 GuggS&P500PureGr RPG 104.26 0.3 UBS FIEnhLCGrw FBGX TEAM 53.21 2.2
PennNational PENN 27.13 1.0 CarrolsRestr TAST 9.90 -2.9 ProQR Therap PRQR 3.60 -2.0
QTS Realty QTS 60.54 1.2 Interpublic IPG 18.46 0.4
GuggInsider NFO 60.95 0.4 USBrentOilFd BNO 17.34 -0.4 Atlassian Perceptron PRCP 9.95 4.2 CECO Env CECE 5.66 -33.9 ProShUltraProShQQQ SQQQ 22.26 -1.3
BlkRkCB Tr BHK 14.26 0.1 Rayonier RYN 31.47 0.2 Intrexon XON 15.40 1.5 20.35 0.2 BldrsAsia50ADS ADRA 34.69 0.5
Boeing BA 267.62 -0.2 GuggS&P500EWRlEst EWRE 28.41 0.9 VanEckAMTFrLgMun MLN CCMP 98.95 1.7
PilgrimPride PPC 33.40 8.8 Ceragon CRNT 1.76 -4.3 Radisys RSYS 0.81 -32.0
RedHat RHT 124.45 1.6 LSC Comm LKSD 13.74 -2.3
GuggS&P500Top50 XLG 184.37 0.1 VanEckGaming BJK 44.15 1.3 CabotMicro PwrShFTSEIntlLow IDLB 29.64 0.5 CleanDiesel CDTI 1.42 -10.4 RedHillBio RDHL 5.17 -29.6
BroadridgeFinl BR 91.75 3.6 StoreCapital STOR 26.35 ... LendingClub LC 4.20 -15.9 28.36 3.2 ChinaInternet CIFS 48.50 1.6
CMS Energy CMS 49.17 0.4 GuggS&PGlblWtr CGW 35.43 0.3 VanEckRareEarth REMX CDXC 5.34 -3.6
PwrShGlbWater PIO 25.48 0.6 ClearOne CLRO 6.75 -3.9 ReShapeLifesci RSLS 1.51 -8.4 CRM 105.25 2.2 Mack-Cali CLI 21.18 -6.4
HullTacticalUS HTUS 28.35 0.3 VanEckSemiconduc SMH 104.40 0.2 ChromaDex PwrShIntlBuyBack IPKW 36.00 0.5 ConsldComm CNSL 14.21 -0.5 RestorationRob HAIR 6.25 -2.0
CVR Refining CVRR 13.21 1.2 SempraEnergy SRE 121.38 0.4 MedEquitiesRlty MRT 10.06 -11.7 54.00 ... CitiusPharmWt CTXRW 1.05 42.2
CalAtlantic CAA 51.52 3.4 SolarisOilfield SOI 18.42 -3.3 MedleyMgmt MDLY 5.50 4.5 IQ HedMacrTrac MCRO 26.57 0.1 VanEckUranium NLR ClearBr AC Grw CACG 26.95 0.2
PwrShQQQ 1 QQQ 154.54 0.4 Criteo CRTO 35.38 1.0 RevolutionLight RVLT 4.38 -1.7
IQHedgeMktNeut QMN 25.63 ... VangdInfoTech VGT 166.24 0.6 ProfireEnergy PFIE 2.09 1.0 CytoriTherapWt CYTXW 0.02 -39.5 RosettaGenmcs ROSG 0.61 -7.6
Canon CAJ 39.15 1.5 Sony SNE 47.59 3.2 Netshoes NETS 9.02 -4.1 44.48 0.4 Cognex CGNX 137.76 -0.5
ChimeraInvPfdA CIMpA 26.37 1.8 iPathGEMSAsia8ETN AYT 43.74 4.3 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA COHR 309.30 12.0
ProShEquRising EQRR 43.83 ... CytRx CYTR 1.71 -3.1 SabraHealthcare SBRA 19.10 -1.0
Statoil STO 20.92 0.4 NewIrelandFundRt IRLr 0.24 3.7
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 33.47 0.2 VangdFTSE Pac VPL 72.83 0.8 Coherent ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 136.05 1.3 DelMarPharm DMPI 0.79 -0.7 SearsHoldings SHLD 4.65 -6.0
ChinaFund CHN 21.76 1.4 SuncorEnergy SU 36.32 0.1 NewYorkREIT NYRT 7.25 0.3 54.15 0.4 CommVehicle CVGI 10.43 -3.3
ColonyNorthPfdJ CLNSpJ 25.61 -0.1 iShMSCIIntlDev IDEV 57.68 0.3 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU CSGP 302.12 0.4
ProvidenceService PRSC 58.01 6.4 DifferentialBrds DFBG 0.81 5.3 SelectaBiosci SELB 9.32 -9.0
TE Connectivity TEL 93.75 0.5 Nordstrom JWN 37.79 ... VangdGrowth VUG 138.22 0.4 CoStarGroup PumaBiotech PBYI 136.90 2.0 ElPolloLoco LOCO 9.55 1.6 SteinMart SMRT 0.89 -6.9
CLSelPrTechGrFd STK 24.35 1.0 iShCoreMSCIPacific IPAC 59.94 0.6 CY 16.96 1.3
TaiwanFund TWN 21.93 0.4 NuSTAREnergy NS 31.23 -1.7 VangdMegaGrwth MGK 109.35 0.3 CypressSemi Qorvo QRVO 80.94 3.0 Energous WATT 7.02 0.3 TESARO TSRO 94.36 -12.2
ConocoPhillips COP 54.22 0.1 iShCurrHdgNikk400 HJPX 30.79 1.7 DSGX 29.70 1.0
TaroPharm TARO 128.46 14.6 OFGBancorp OFG 7.85 -1.3 VangdMCGrowth VOT 125.12 0.3 Descartes Rapid7 RPD 19.71 9.4 ENGlobal ENG 0.80 6.2 TearLab TEAR 0.59 -45.7
ConEd ED 88.08 0.2 iShCurHdgMSCIUS HAWX 27.21 0.4 EXAS 63.60 ...
TeledyneTech TDY 185.66 0.7 Omnicom OMC 65.32 0.1 VangdS&P500 Grw VOOG 134.71 0.3 EXACT Sci RedRockResorts RRR 27.31 7.0 Essendant ESND 8.79 1.0 TherapixBiosci TRPX 5.00 -1.8
Corning GLW 32.33 -0.1 iShCurHdgMSCIEAFE HSCZ 30.95 0.2 EBIX 74.55 7.3
Teradyne TER 44.04 0.8 Owens&Minor OMI 18.59 -1.0 WBITacticalLCGD WBIE 25.11 0.7 Ebix SBA Comm SBAC 170.53 2.3 FAT Brands FAT 8.00 -1.5 Travelzoo TZOO 6.48 -1.9
CostamarePfdD CMREpD 26.89 0.5 iShCurrHdMSCIJapan HEWJ 33.69 0.5 EQIX 495.35 1.0
ToyotaMotor TM 128.11 0.4 PHH PHH 11.13 -2.9 WisdTrAPxJp AXJL 69.60 0.6 Equinix ShotSpotter SSTI 19.82 13.6 FTD FTD 9.39 -5.8 TripAdvisor TRIP 29.79 4.3
CrownCastlePfdA CCIpA 1151.02 1.4 TysonFoods TSN 74.04 1.2 PQ Group PQG 15.35 2.6 iShU.S.RealEstate IYR 82.59 0.7 EsquireFinancial ESQ 16.98 2.6
WisdTrGlbXMexico XMX 28.95 0.9 Splunk SPLK 71.31 4.6 Finisar FNSR 18.18 0.9 USAutoPartsNtwk PRTS 2.25 -3.4
CCI 114.97 2.0 iShU.S.Technology IYW 164.72 0.5 49.56 -0.1
CrownCastle Visa V 112.91 0.3 PandoraMedia P 4.83 -1.8 WisdTrIntDivxFin DOO 43.61 0.4 FT CapStrength FTCS SpringBkPharm SBPH 18.70 6.7 FT SMID CapRising SDVY 19.80 -0.5 UltragenyxPharm RARE 44.45 -0.4
CubeSmart CUBE 29.37 1.5 iShEdgeMSCIIntVal IVLU 26.20 0.6 SKYY 44.38 0.9
VersumMaterials VSM 42.74 1.0 PitneyBowes PBI 10.57 1.3 WisdTrJpnCapGds DXJC 29.29 0.5 FT CloudComp SprottFocus FUND 7.96 1.0 FogodeChao FOGO 10.30 -4.9 VandaPharm VNDA 12.60 -12.4
DCT 60.74 0.5 iShEdgeMSCIMinJapn JPMV 68.14 0.4 43.18 0.9
DCT Industrial VMware VMW 121.49 0.1 PitneyBowesNt43 PBIpB 24.73 0.2 WisdTrJpnHdgQuDiv JHDG 29.60 0.9 FT DevMktsXUS FDTS StarsGroup TSG 21.20 0.2 ForwardPharma FWP 4.60 -8.9 VeecoInstr VECO 15.85 1.2
DXC 99.00 4.6 iShEdgeMSCIMultif ACWF 30.21 0.5 34.89 0.4
DXC Tech Vonage VG 9.04 1.5 PrestigeBrands PBH 41.45 -2.3 WisdTrJapanHdg DXJ 59.55 0.6 FT NasdTechDiv TDIV TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 120.62 10.6 Fossil FOSL 5.50 -17.2 Versartis VSAR 1.60 -4.3
DHR 93.36 ... iShEdgeMSCIMultUSA LRGF 31.15 0.3 59.47 1.0
Danaher W.P.Carey WPC 71.73 0.1 QwestNts2054 CTV 23.76 -3.0 WisdTrJpnHlthCare DXJH 36.38 0.4 FT JapanAlpha FJP Talend TLND 45.23 2.0 GlobalEagle ENT 1.82 -2.1 ZealandPharma ZEAL 14.52 -1.3
DukeEnergy DUK 89.68 -0.1 Wal-Mart WMT 90.42 1.5 Qwest7%Nts2056 CTAA 23.79 -3.2 iShGlobal100 IOO 91.99 0.5 78.76 0.6 FT NasdCleanEdge QCLN 20.76 ...
WisdTrJapanSC DFJ
EPAM Systems EPAM 103.44 2.2 Watsco WSO 167.94 -1.2 QwestNts2055 CTZ 22.76 -4.3 iShJPX-Nikkei400 JPXN 65.33 0.7 WisdTrUSExport 31.10 1.0 FT Nasd100Tech QTEC 73.92 0.6
WestlakeChem WLK
Weyerhaeuser WY
QwestNts2052 CTX
QwestNts2057 CTDD
115.58 0.3 XtrkrsFTSEDevXus DEEF
44.97 0.9 XtrkrsJpnJPXNik400 JPN
29.54 0.4 FT NasdSmartphone FONE
29.53 0.8 FT NasdSemicon FTXL
52.92 1.4
31.98 0.6 IPO Scorecard
EversourceEner ES 65.01 0.2 WK 23.70 1.1 RRD 7.49 2.1 iShMSCICanadaETF EWC 29.39 0.3 XtrkrsMSCIAllChina CN 37.75 0.1 FT RiverFrDynAP RFAP 61.78 1.0
FactSet FDS 195.77 2.1
WW Ent WWE 27.41 0.6
RR Donnelley
RiteAid RAD 1.51 -0.7 iShMSCIJapanETF EWJ 60.15 0.6 XtrkrsMSCIAWxUS DBAW 28.30 0.3 FiveBelow FIVE 58.34 1.3 Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
FairIsaac FICO 154.84 1.4 YumBrands YUM 81.65 0.1 RubiconProject RUBI 1.81 4.2 iShMSCIJapanSC SCJ 78.12 0.7 XtrkrsMSCIEAFE DBEF 32.33 0.3 FullHouse FLL 3.14 1.0 % Chg From % Chg From
FangHoldings SFUN 5.03 1.8 iShMSCIPacificxJp EPP 47.69 1.0 XtrkrsMSCIEM DBEM 24.41 0.3 GDSHoldings GDS 18.37 0.7
31.91 0.1
ZTO Express ZTO 17.51 1.6 SallyBeauty SBH 14.22 -6.7
iShMSCISingapore EWS 25.82 0.7 XtrkrsMSCIJapan DBJP
Company SYMBOL Wed3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Wed3s Offer 1st-day
FirstIndRlty FR Zendesk ZEN 35.89 4.1 Sprint S 5.62 4.2 44.34 0.5 GRAVITY GRVY 77.00 12.2
FlahertyPfdIncm PFD 16.34 0.8 StandardMotor SMP 40.81 -0.9 iShMSCIWorldETF URTH 86.48 0.3 GSV Capital GSVC 6.15 3.7 IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
Fortis FTS
FourCornersProp FCPT
NYSE lows - 85 Telephone&Data TDS
TimeInc. TIME
iShMorningstarLC JKD
iShMornLCGrowth JKE
155.88 0.2
153.31 0.3 NYSE Arca lows - 24 GladstoneCommPfA GOODP
GladstoneInvt GAIN
27.01 0.8
11.11 2.5
CBTX 28.71 10.4 ... ACM Research 5.60 ... –7.4
GlbNetLeasePfdA GNLpA 25.29 0.1 AZZ AZZ 44.70 -0.9 TownsquareMedia TSQ 7.93 -11.3 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 131.48 0.4 AIPoweredEquity AIEQ 24.32 0.4 GlbX Robotics&AI BOTZ 24.36 0.8 CBTX Nov. 8/$26.00 ACMR Nov. 3/$5.60
GreenDot GDOT 64.88 15.7 AdvanceAuto AAP 78.81 ... US Cellular USM 32.59 -6.2 iShRussellTop200Gr IWY 71.65 0.3 AGFiQ US Neutral SIZ 19.57 -0.7 HailiangEduc HLG 36.58 14.9
GuggStratOpps GOF 21.59 0.3 AegeanMarine ANW 3.26 -7.2 Universal UVV 52.35 -7.6 iShS&P500Growth IVW 150.16 0.3 DBCrudeOilDblShrt DTO 95.23 1.1 HalozymeTherap HALO 19.23 13.4 Four Seasons Edu 9.50 –5.0 ... Aquantia 11.43 27.0 20.2
HFF HF 44.90 1.4 AlaskaAir ALK 61.36 -0.2 UniversalHealthB UHS 99.56 -0.3 iShGlobalTechETF IXN 156.23 0.5 DirexEMBdBull3X EMBU 25.23 -0.4 HamiltonLane HLNE 31.21 7.2 FEDU Nov. 8/$10.00 AQ Nov. 3/$9.00
Haemonetic HAE 55.03 5.3 AmericanRenal ARA 10.32 -5.6 Veritiv VRTV 20.35 -9.7 iShNorthAmerTech IGM 169.41 0.5 DirexSemiBear3 SOXS 14.54 -1.1 HorizNasd100 QYLD 24.50 0.1
HanoverIns THG 107.13 -0.3 AmplifySnack BETR 4.78 -15.1 VistaOutdoor VSTO 17.86 -1.1 HancockLC JHML 33.82 0.1 DirexTechBear3 TECS 7.00 -1.3 IAC/InterActive IAC 137.86 1.7 InflaRx 14.99 –0.1 ... Spero Thera 12.61 –9.9 9.7
HercHoldings HRI 57.64 15.2 AnixterIntl AXE 64.35 -2.3 VitaminShoppe VSI 2.95 -19.8 HancockUtils JHMU 29.19 1.4 FrankFTSEEurope FLEE 24.88 -0.4 IPG Photonics IPGP 224.47 0.2 IFRX Nov. 8/$15.00 SPRO Nov. 2/$14.00
HollyFrontier HFC 42.49 ... Barnes&NobleEduc BNED 4.99 0.4 VoyaPrimeRate PPR 5.06 -0.4 JPM DivRetGlEq JPGE 61.89 0.4 FrankFTSE UK FLGB 24.91 -0.3 Immucell ICCC 8.83 -3.5
HondaMotor HMC 33.75 0.3 BlkRk2022GlbIncm BGIO 9.85 -0.6 WesternGasEquity WGP 37.41 -1.5 JPM DivRetIntl JPIH 30.54 0.4 GSAccessHYCorpBd GHYB 49.83 -0.2 InfinityPropCas IPCC 104.29 -0.1 Metropolitan Bank 37.21 6.3 ... Allena Pharmaceuticals 11.58 –17.3 16.0
Honeywell HON 147.51 -0.1 Build-A-Bear BBW 7.25 -1.3 WideOpenWest WOW 12.12 -0.7 JPM DivRetIntlEq JPIN 59.93 0.3 GuggBS2025HYCpBd BSJP 24.79 -0.3 Inogen INGN 124.90 15.5
DR Horton DHI 45.78 1.0 CBL Assoc CBL 5.46 -2.3 KnowldgLdrDevWrld KLDW 32.95 0.4 ProShShortQQQ PSQ 35.90 -0.4 IntegratedDevice IDTI 33.64 1.0
MCB Nov. 8/$35.00 ALNA Nov. 2/$14.00
WorldFuelSvcs INT 26.80 -2.3
HuntingtonIngalls HII 253.44 8.0 CBL AssocPfdE CBLpE 22.15 -2.8 XeriumTech XRM 3.95 -2.7 OShFTSEAsiaPacQlty OASI 32.18 1.4 ProShShtRE REK 15.72 -0.6 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 393.51 0.3
HyattHotels H 70.59 0.4 CNX Coal CNXC 13.25 -2.5 PwrShUsRealEst PSR 83.17 0.8 ProShUltTelecom LTL 38.40 -1.8 iSectorsPostMPT PMPT 27.23 ... Meridian Bank 17.90 5.3 –1.9 Funko 8.10 –32.5 14.6
NYSE Arca highs - 149 PwrShDBEnergy DBE
PwrShDynLC Grwth PWB
14.47 -0.3 ProShUlt3xShCrude OILD
40.59 0.1 ProShUltBloomCrd SCO
12.30 2.1 iShAsia50ETF AIA
26.70 1.5 iShCommodSelStrat COMT
66.18 0.6
37.11 ...
MRBK Nov. 7/$17.00 FNKO Nov. 2/$12.00
Insperity NSP 106.95 3.4 CustomersBancorp CUBI 25.39 -2.4 ALPS EqSecWgh EQL 67.89 0.2 PwrShFTSERAFIDevMk PDN 33.90 0.3 ProShrUS MSCI Jpn EWV 26.78 -1.5 iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 62.63 0.4
InterXion INXN 56.58 0.7 DaVita DVA 52.51 -7.8 AGFiQ US NeutrMom MOM 24.93 1.2 PwrShS&PEM Mom EEMO 21.43 0.4 ProShUltShtQQQ QID 13.67 -0.9 iShCoreS&PUSGrowth IUSG 52.81 0.3 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet Research Systems
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | B11


Merrill Lynch Revamps Pay for Brokers

New compensation unveiled the changes to its tomers to other parts of Bank Merrill brokers who fail to recommendations. In prior stagnant across the industry.
2018 compensation plan, intro- of America, including its on- meet minimum growth tar- years, Merrill Lynch had an Competition from robo advis-
structure rewards ducing a bonus system that al- line brokerage platform Merrill gets—at least 2.5% growth in award program that was ers, discount brokerages and
those who refer more lows a broker to earn up to an Edge and its retail bank. That net new assets and liabilities hitched to the sales of particu- registered investment advisers
additional 2% in pay if certain means brokers who hit growth and three affluent household lar products. The 2018 formula is also heating up as firms
clients to parent bank growth targets are achieved. targets without making two clients or one ultrahigh-net- doesn’t incentivize one type of across the wealth-management
Those thresholds include 5% client referrals would forfeit a worth household—will see product, from credit cards to industry vie for new clients.
BY LISA BEILFUSS growth from a year earlier in 2% pay increase. their pay fall by up to 2%. Mer- securities-backed loans, over “The market opportunity is
the amount of net new assets The referral quota itself is rill defines affluent households another, said people familiar huge,” head of Merrill Lynch
Merrill Lynch is adjusting and liabilities like securities- unchanged from 2017. What as those with at least with the matter. Wealth Management Andy
the way it rewards its brokers backed loans brought in, and changes is that instead of levy- $250,000 in investible assets “The market is moving to a Sieg said in a memorandum
as it looks to juice more from at least five new affluent ing a 1% pay penalty on bro- at Merrill Lynch; ultrahigh- fiduciary standard,” one per- announcing the 2018 pay
its current ranks while ensur- households or two ultrahigh- kers who didn’t meet the re- net-worth households have $10 son familiar with the matter changes to the firm’s force of
ing wealth-management cli- net-worth household clients, ferral quota this year, the bank million or more in investible said, “so ensuring potential about 15,000 brokers.
ents are referred to the parent people familiar with the mat- incentivizes the referrals. assets with the firm. conflicts are minimized is part A person familiar with the
bank. ter said. “The focus on referrals is Some of the compensation and parcel.” matter said the firm expects
Bank of America Corp.’s But to have access to the strengthening over time,” said changes are designed to ad- The compensation changes growth-award costs to be
wealth-management arm in a new award program—in addi- a person familiar with the dress conflicts of interest that at Merrill also come at a time “greatly offset” by the growth
memo to advisers that was tion to other perks—brokers matter. can crop up when a broker has when brokerage ranks are they are designed to encour-
previewed earlier Wednesday must refer at least two cus- Still, regardless of referrals, an incentive to make certain shrinking and recruiting is age.

Tax-Plan Change
Unlikely to Burden
Buyout Companies
BY MIRIAM GOTTFRIED The American Investment
Council, the private-equity in-
An amendment late Monday dustry’s main trade group in
to the tax bill winding its way Washington, is still publicly
through the House of Repre- opposed to any changes to the
sentatives appears to fulfill treatment of carried interest,
President Donald Trump’s arguing such a move “discour-
promise to close the carried- ages investment and jeopar-

interest loophole private-eq- dizes economic growth.”

uity firms enjoy while also Privately, however, many
preserving many of the bene- industry participants are
fits they derive from it. breathing a sigh of relief, as
Since his days on the cam- they doubt that the proposed
paign trail, Mr. Trump has extension of the holding re-
made repeated pledges to tax quirement, from one year to
investment gains known as
carried interest as ordinary in-
come, which would do away
with a rule allowing invest-
Proposal tightens
Republicans last week proposed ending the tax exemption on private-activity bonds. Workers on Interstate 66 in Virginia in 2015. ment managers to pay a lower loophole on carried
rate on a substantial portion
interest but leaves
Some Munis’ Tax-Free Status at Risk
of their compensation. Pri-
vate-equity firms have pushed some wiggle room.
back, arguing that paying the
lower long-term capital-gains
BY HEATHER GILLERS and low-income housing. In rate affords them an incentive
Borrowing Boom the 1980s, Congress added to take investment risks that three, would have much of an
A team of private and pub- Private-activity bond issuance new types of private-activity benefit the economy. effect on firms’ willingness to
lic officials prepared a routine bonds and capped how much Monday’s changes to the do deals.
offer for investors last week: $150 billion nonprofits could issue, but the bill by House Ways and Means Those deals have proved
Buy tax-exempt bonds to pay cap was lifted in the 1990s. Committee Chairman Kevin enormously lucrative, with
for the widening of an inter- 125 The use of private-activity Brady (R., Texas) would ex- private-equity firms consis-
state outside Washington. bonds has attracted criticism tend the period over which tently notching double-digit-
But demand for the debt 100 from some who argue that firms must hold an asset be- percentage annual investment
swelled after Republicans un- certain borrowers shouldn’t be fore it is eligible for the long- gains.
veiled a proposal to end the 75 able to benefit from the ex- term capital-gains rate to Venture-capital firms,
tax-free benefits of these so- emption. A Congressional Bud- three years from one. While which also tend to have a lon-
called private-activity bonds, 50
get Office report in December that may hurt some hedge ger investment period, are
says an investor who partici- found that some projects fi- funds, private-equity firms, also unlikely to be affected,
pated in the offering. Prices on nanced with private-activity which tend to hold assets for law firm Akin Gump Strauss
the Interstate 66 bonds have bonds “probably would take longer, would be largely unaf- Hauer & Feld LLP said in a
jumped 3% since the $353 mil- place without a subsidy” and fected. note to clients Tuesday.
lion offering closed last Friday 0 others likely wouldn’t be The top rate on long-term The bigger concern for the
morning, according to Munici- 1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 worth the cost. capital gains held more than a private-equity industry re-
pal Securities Rulemaking Note: Data not available for 2005 “We should question year is 20%, an amount that mains the tax bill’s proposal to
Board data. Source: Internal Revenue Service THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. whether large hospitals and wouldn’t change under the limit businesses’ ability to de-
It didn’t take long for the universities that take in hun- House bill. A 3.8% tax on net duct interest, with a cap of
House Republican tax plan to lion a year over the past de- emption is gone and it will be dreds of millions of dollars in investment income also typi- 30% of earnings before inter-
roil a roughly $750 billion cor- cade—help pay for everything more difficult to attract private revenues should able to bor- cally applies. est, taxes, depreciation and
ner of the muni-debt market. from hospitals, nursing homes investment to infrastructure. row at tax-exempt rates,” said “I don’t see this stopping amortization.
“Over the last three trading and college dorms to charter Analysts also expect a surge Greg LeRoy, executive director private equity,” said Andrew But other aspects of the
days, the types of bonds that schools, housing and highways. of tax-exempt borrowing by of Good Jobs First, a research Kreisberg, a tax attorney with House effort would benefit
are scheduled for potential Elected officials have been private companies and non- group on economic-develop- White & Case LLP. Republican buyout shops, particularly a
elimination are being gobbled contemplating ending this tax profits rushing to use the ex- ment incentives. lawmakers are “clearly stick- move to lower corporate tax
up,” said John Miller, co-head exemption on private-activity emption before it is gone. Others say smaller nonprof- ing to their line of wanting to rates.
of Global Fixed Income at Nu- bonds for several years. The “The whole thing is quite its such as museums or char- incentivize long-term invest- —Richard Rubin
veen Asset Management. “Peo- current proposal states that shocking,” said George Fried- ter schools might have trouble ment.” contributed to this article.
ple are paying higher prices $40 billion in additional tax lander, managing partner at accessing the corporate-bond

with some nervousness that revenue would be made avail- Court Street Group Research market and have to rely on
these bonds will be very able over the next decade if and a municipal-market vet- bank loans. “Or just let the
scarce going forward.” the exemption were removed. eran who has tracked tax pol- roof leak,” said Natalie Cohen,
For decades, nonprofits and It is possible private-activity icy since the 1980s. a senior analyst with Wells
certain for-profit firms have bonds could remain tax free if There was a time when pri- Fargo Securities. GOLDMAN SACHS commercial banking operations.
been able to raise money the changes are made to the Re- vate-activity bonds could be A letter to the House Ways Goldman names managing direc-
same way that state and local publican House plan as it used to fund any project as and Means Committee on Mon- Firm Chooses New tors and partners in alternate
governments do: by issuing makes its way through Con- long as a local-government of- day, signed by trade associa- Managing Directors years.
tax-exempt bonds for projects gress. But now that an actual ficial approved. Congress first tions of hospitals, universities, —Liz Hoffman
perceived to have a public ben- proposal is on the table, those established rules for private- engineers, airports, bond law- Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
efit. The proceeds from these who follow the municipal-bond activity bonds in 1968, offer- yers and public officials, said named 509 managing directors, COMERICA
private-activity bonds—which market are predicting that ing a specific list of approved ending the tax exemption would the last steppingstone to a spot
have averaged about $110 bil- market will shrink if the ex- projects, including airports “undermine vital projects.” in its elite partnership. Chief Accountant
It is a bigger class than the To Take CFO Reins
425 promoted two years ago,

UBS Shifts Investment-Bank Leaders according to an announcement

by the firm on Wednesday.
Women make up 24%, about
even with the 2015 class, as
Comerica Inc.’s chief financial
officer is retiring and the bank
will promote a high-ranking ac-
counting officer to the position,
BY DANA CIMILLUCA as CCS, will each become ex- Goldman works on evening out the Dallas-based company said.
ecutive vice chairs of the in- a gender imbalance within the Muneera Carr, an executive

UBS AG is shuffling the top vestment bank, according to firm’s upper ranks. vice president and Comerica’s
ranks of its investment bank the memo. Only about 15% of Goldman’s chief accounting officer, will take
as the Swiss firm seeks to be- The moves are designed to roughly 450 partners are over as chief financial officer on
come more nimble and im- give the firm flexibility to tai- women. Jan. 23. Ms. Carr, 49 years old,
prove its performance in the lor its approach to each re- Newly minted managing di- will succeed David Duprey. Mr.
critical U.S. market. gion while maintaining global rectors gain access to leadership Duprey became CFO in May
As part of the restructur- cohesion. “Each of our re- training and Goldman invest- 2016 after nine years as an ex-
ing, UBS named Joe Reece, gional CCS businesses, their ment funds that have been huge ecutive vice president and gen-
Javier Oficialdegui and David clients and cultures, are at moneymakers for the firm and eral auditor.
Chin to manage its corporate- different stages of develop- its top employees. They also can Mr. Duprey, 60, said he has
client services business in the ment, presenting very differ- take advantage of Goldman’s pri- always planned to retire by age
Americas, Europe and Asia, ent priorities, opportunities vate-wealth advisory network. 60. When he took the position,
respectively, according to an and challenges,” Andrea Orcel, This year’s crop of managing he committed to Chief Executive
internal memo seen by The head of UBS’s investment directors includes citizens of Ralph Babb that he would re-
Wall Street Journal. bank, wrote in the memo to The Swiss bank has sharpened its focus on managing money. nearly 50 countries. One in five main with the company until its
It also named Mike Santini, staff. started as a Goldman summer overhaul plan was well under
who joined UBS a year ago After suffering devastating 14% from a year earlier on the top tier. intern, and they have spent on way, he said. The program
from Deutsche Bank AG, and losses during the financial cri- back of gains in wealth man- UBS isn’t currently in the average 10 years at the firm. launched last year.
firm veteran Piero Novelli as sis, UBS has returned to agement and investment top 10 in the M&A league ta- Forty-four percent are millenni- Ms. Carr has helped imple-
co-executive chairmen of the health by sharpening its focus banking. CCS revenue has ble in the U.S., the biggest fee als. ment various aspects of the
global unit, which comprises on managing money for well- risen four quarters in a row. pool, according to Dealogic. The largest chunk, 130, are in cost-cutting program in her cur-
deal advisory and stock and heeled clients around the But UBS is still a laggard in Officials hope that the Goldman’s trading arm, where rent role, the company said. She
bond underwriting. world and streamlining its in- some areas within investment moves, coupled with a new revenue has fallen. Fifty-two will be paid a base salary of
Ros Stephenson and Wil- vestment-banking unit. banking, particularly in the push to selectively hire top work in technology as coders $500,000, according to a com-
liam Vereker, currently co- UBS last month said its U.S., where for years it has talent, will inject new energy and engineers. Eight come from pany filing.
heads of the business, known third-quarter net profit rose struggled to break into the into the business. the firm’s nascent consumer and —Cara Lombardo
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B12 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Edging Higher
The yield on the 10-year
U.S. Treasury note crept up
Wednesday after several
Venezuela Debt Battle Heats Up
sessions of declines. Bond default insurance to tap outside sources of capi-
tal, or even engage in restruc-
2.33% holders ask to be paid, turing talks with U.S. investors
saying PdVSA didn’t who might be violating those
sanctions by negotiating with
pay $1.1 billion in time the government.
2.32 Venezuelan President Nico-
BY JULIE WERNAU lás Maduro pledged last week
to make the principal payment
Holders of Venezuelan-bond of $1.1 billion to PdVSA bond-
default insurance are trying to holders that was due Nov. 2.
collect, contending that the But some investors and an-
state-owned oil company alysts said there is no evi-


failed to make a recent pay- dence that the oil company
ment. has made that payment, and
9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 Investors with this insur- Mr. Maduro has said he is
Source: Thomson Reuters ance, known as a credit-de- seeking to restructure the
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. fault swap, are making a case country’s remaining debt.
that there has been a “failure PdVSA and Venezuela’s gov-

Treasury to pay credit event,” accord-

ing to a Wednesday filing to
the International Swaps and
ernment didn’t respond to re-
quests for comment.
In another sign that inves-

Auction Derivatives Association.

ISDA, an organization of par-
ticipants in the derivatives
tors are worried that Venezu-
ela is edging closer to de-
fault, the cost to insure

Helps Push market, determines if these

insurance payments should
be made.
against a debt default in Ven-
ezuela rose to an all-time
high Wednesday.

Up Yields Firms that sold the CDS con-

tracts could be on the hook for
about $250 million if ISDA rules
The credit-default-swap
market was indicating a 91.3%
probability of default in Vene-
The cost to insure against a Venezuelan default hit a record. Long lines form at a Caracas bus stop.

talks. Even if there were a

BY SAM GOLDFARB that oil company Petróleos de zuela by the end of 2018, com- payout in the CDS market, he Off the Charts
Venezuela SA missed the Nov. pared with a 75% probability said he thought bondholders Surging premiums on credit default swaps on Venezuelan bonds show
U.S. government bond 2 payment and the grace period last week, according to invest- who could push for a wide- investors expect a default soon.
prices edged lower Wednesday that ended Tuesday. ment bank Bulltick Capital. spread default were unlikely to
as an auction of That would mark the first “Spikes of this type happen do so if the funds that were The cost to insure against a default in the next year as percentage
CREDIT 10-year notes time during the country’s cur- when the market expects a de- due last week arrive in bank of notional value:
MARKETS showed there rent economic crisis that in- fault,” said Juan I. Sosa, co- accounts Wednesday.
are limits to in- vestors holding this insurance chairman of Portfolio Re- If it is determined that Pd- 150%
vestors’ recent would get paid because Vene- sources Group Inc. in Miami. VSA failed to make its recent
appetite for Treasurys. zuela missed a debt payment. “People using this insurance bond payment, holders of at 125
The yield on the benchmark While bondholders have are now so certain that it’s go- least a quarter of those bonds PdVSA bonds
10-year Treasury note settled been bracing for a Venezuelan ing to happen that they are can declare a default and ac-
at 2.325%, compared with default for months, there are willing to pay twice as much celerate the bonds, which
2.309% Tuesday. signs that the cash-strapped as they were a week ago.” would trigger cross-default
Yields, which rise when government is running out of On Tuesday, more than 200 provisions in $28 billion of 75
bond prices fall, were stable options. The country has investors, including large hold- PdVSA bonds, said Stuart Cul-
for much of the morning but about $142 billion in debt out- ers of Venezuelan debt, took verhouse, head of macro and Venezuelan bonds
ticked higher about an hour standing, according to part in a phone call arranged fixed-income research at the
before the 1 p.m. auction, sug- Moody’s Investors Service. by Bank of America Merrill specialist frontier and emerg-
gesting traders needed higher The government has only Lynch with attorneys to dis- ing markets investment bank, 25
yields to get involved. about $10 billion in reserves, cuss their options, according Exotix Capital.
analysts say. to a person on the call. “It is up to holders to de- 0
Recent U.S. sanctions One bondholder said the cide what to do. It is possible
against Venezuela have made presence of U.S. sanctions is they don’t choose to acceler- J F M A M J J A S O N
Volatility in the bond it harder for the government an obstacle to restructuring ate,” Mr. Culverhouse said. Source: Bloomberg data via Bulltick Capital Markets THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
market could be
limited by a dearth
of economic data.

After the earlier selling, the

$23 billion auction drew
strong demand, but the 10-
year yield held on to its gains.
That ended a four-day
streak of yield declines
spurred by several factors,
including signs that as the
Federal Reserve starts to
scale back bond purchases,
the Treasury Department
won’t sell as much long-term
debt as some investors had
Investors have also grown
more skeptical about the
chances of Congress passing

tax cuts. That has helped boost

Treasurys, as tax cuts could
prompt more bond issuance
and inflation—both negatives
for long-term Treasury debt.
Investors are “waiting on
the tax proposals to see what
the details” are, said Larry
Milstein, head of government
and agency trading at R.W. Apple is now the first U.S. company to reach a market value of $900 billion after its stock rose 0.8% Wednesday. Customers line up ahead of the iPhone X launch.
Pressprich & Co.

Earnings Continue to Drive Stocks to Records

Wednesday’s sale of 10-year
notes followed a $24 billion
sale of three-year notes Tues-
day. A $15 billion auction of
30-year bonds is on tap Thurs- BY AMRITH RAMKUMAR looking beyond any of the po- them beating earnings expec- last week. gap between short- and long-
day. Yields frequently creep AND RIVA GOLD tential bumps in the road at tations, according to FactSet. Shares rose $1.43, or 0.8%, dated bond yields. The S&P
higher heading into auctions this point.” Per share earnings at the to a record high of $176.24 500 financial sector fell 0.6%.
but were late to do so this Major U.S. stock indexes The S&P 500 rose 3.74 firms have grown by about Wednesday. Banks earn money on the dif-
week. posted another trifecta of re- points, or 0.1%, to 2594.38 af- 6.4% in the third quarter from Shares of Snap fell 2.21, or ference between what they
Volatility in the bond mar- cords. ter snapping a five-session a year earlier. 15%, to 12.91 after its latest re- pay on deposits and what they
ket could be limited this week Many investors say solid winning streak Tuesday. The “That’s a deceleration from sults fell short of expectations charge to lend money.
by a dearth of economic data. profit growth and a U.S. econ- Dow Jones Industrial Average what we’ve had, but for 2018, late Tuesday. Its loss more Earlier, the Stoxx Europe
Jobs numbers released Nov. omy that is advanced 6.13 points, or less I don’t think people are back- than tripled, as quarter-over- 600 declined less than 0.1%.
3 continued to show muted in- WEDNESDAY’S picking up than 0.1%, to 23563.36 in a ing off what we project,” said quarter growth in daily active At midday Thursday,
flation pressures, as average MARKETS s t e a m seventh straight session of Jeremy Bryan, a portfolio users of social-media app Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average
hourly earnings for workers s h o u l d gains, and the Nasdaq Com- manager at Gradient Invest- Snapchat was the slowest was up almost 2% and topped
slipped from the previous continue posite climbed 21.34 points, or ments. since the company started re- 23000 for the first time in de-
month. supporting major indexes. 0.3%, to 6789.12. Apple hit another mile- porting the metric. Snap dis- cades amid continued strong
The consumer-price index “The fundamental backdrop Roughly 87% of S&P 500 stone, becoming the first U.S. closed Wednesday that Chi- corporate results and a weak-
and retail-sales data are sched- is pretty good,” said Mark companies have reported company ever to reach a mar- nese tech giant Tencent ening yen. At the same time,
uled to be released Nov. 15, Heppenstall, chief investment third-quarter results as of ket value of $900 billion after Holdings bought a 12% stake. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index
marking the next major events officer at Penn Mutual Asset Wednesday’s market close, the company reported its best Bank shares continued to was up 1% and Australia’s S&P
on the economic calendar. Management. “Investors are with about three-quarters of quarterly growth in two years lag behind, hit by a shrinking ASX 200 was up` 0.4%.
Despite persistently soft in-
flation, Federal Reserve offi-
cials have strongly signaled
that they plan to raise interest
rates in December in what Proxy-Process Review Urged Bitcoin Dodges Split That
would be the third increase of
the year. That has softened de- BY DAVE MICHAELS who took over the commission investor base.
Threatened Surging Price
mand for short-term securi- in May, said he would seek pub- “Shareholder proposals can BY PAUL VIGNA backed off their plans to re-
ties, which are especially sen- NEW YORK—The country’s lic input on how to overhaul gain traction and lead to corpo- lease it. This software would
sitive to changes in interest top securities regulator urged the proxy-voting system. rate governance changes that Backers of bitcoin appear to have roughly doubled the net-
rates. a review of how shareholders Mr. Clayton, a political in- better track the long-term inter- have avoided a brewing civil work’s processing capacity, or
weigh in on public companies’ dependent, called out one par- ests of Main Street investors,” war that could have led to a the number of bitcoin transac-
executive pay proposals, ticular weapon in the proxy Mr. Clayton said at the annual major split of the digital cur- tions it can handle. It also
AUCTION RESULTS board nominees and conten- tool kit: shareholder propos- Institute on Securities Regula- rency and endangered its would have led to the creation
Here are the results of Wednesday's Treasury
auction. All bids are awarded at a single price at the tious issues raised by activist als. Under SEC rules, share- tion event. “They also create heady gains so far this year. of a new kind of bitcoin.
market-clearing yield. Rates are determined by the
difference between that price and the face value. investors. holders who own at least costs, including out-of-pocket The detente pushed bitcoin The move, meant to increase
10-YEAR NOTES Securities and Exchange $2,000 worth of company costs and the use of board and prices to a record Wednesday bitcoin’s attractiveness as a
Applications $59,734,467,000 Commission Chairman Jay stock can submit corporate- management time that other- of $7,879. Although the price payment system, was opposed
Accepted bids $25,796,784,000
" noncompetitively $31,145,600
Clayton told a New York legal governance proposals for a wise could be devoted to opera- fell back somewhat in trading by a group of bitcoin’s main
" foreign noncompetitively $0 conference Wednesday that re- vote. Stock-exchange operator tion of the company itself.” later in the day, bitcoin is up software developers. While
Auction price (rate) 99.431569
tail-investor participation in Nasdaq Inc. and many public Votes on shareholder pro- 656% since the start of this their opposition began over
Interest rate 2.250% such elections is so low that it companies say that low posals are only advisory, yet year. technical issues, it centered on
Bids at clearing yield accepted 94.01%
Cusip number 9128283F5
“may be a signal that our proxy threshold allows dissident companies have long resented On Wednesday, a group of who would control bitcoin,
The notes, dated Nov. 15, 2017, mature on Nov. 15, process is too cumbersome and shareholders and critics to im- small shareholders’ ability to businesses proposing a new which was created as a decen-
2027. needs updating.” Mr. Clayton, pose proposals on the entire draw attention to pet issues. version of bitcoin’s software tralized, autonomous network.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 9, 2017 | B13

Treasurys Feel Pull of German Gravity
Aggressive stimulus wound that trade in recent
Rare Terrain weeks and would consider bet-
efforts in Europe push The spread between 10-year U.S. and German government bond yields has widened recently... ting on a narrower spread if
overseas investors to Yield on 10-year U.S. Treasury note German bond the gap gets any wider.
Driving the fund’s original
U.S., helping cap yields 2.5% trade was the idea that the
U.S. was further along in its
BY SAM GOLDFARB 2.0 economic recovery than Eu-
AND DANIEL KRUGER rope, while the Continent re-
mained committed to mone-
The yield on 10-year Trea- tary stimulus, he said. At this
sury notes is falling again, and point, though, there are signs
some analysts are pointing to 0.5
that the eurozone economy is
a familiar nemesis: German catching up with the U.S.
debt. 0 The eurozone economy,
For years now, German gov- which has had a rockier recov-
ernment bond yields, along –0.5 ery from the financial crisis
with European sovereign than the U.S., is expected to
2016 ’17
yields in general, have exerted expand 2.1% this year, accord-
Yield differential between 10-year Treasury note and 10-year German bond
a gravitational pull on the ing to the latest report from
2.4 percentage points
Treasury market. Slow post- the International Monetary
crisis growth and aggressive Fund, just a shade below the
monetary stimulus have led to projected U.S. growth rate of
ultralow yields in Europe. ...reflecting bets that the Federal Reserve will tighten monetary ...and that Congress could pass tax cuts that would boost U.S. 2.2%.
That, in turn, has pushed over- policy at a faster pace than the European Central Bank... growth and inflation. Overall, there is “much
seas investors to buy U.S. gov- more convergence versus di-
ernment bonds for the rela- Effective federal-funds rate ECB deposit rate Core euro area inflation rate Core U.S. inflation rate vergence” among economies,
tively substantial income they 1.25% 2.00% making it risky to hold Ger-
offer compared with European man government bonds at cur-
1.00 1.75
sovereign debt, helping cap rent prices, Mr. Swell said.
Treasury yields. 0.75 Bets on government bonds
This month’s decline in 1.50 are hardly free from risk.
Treasury yields serves as a re- 1.25
While inflation has remained
minder that it could be diffi- 0.25 persistently below targets set
cult to escape that dynamic, 1.00 by the ECB and Federal Re-
investors and analysts say. 0 serve, both central banks have
Low Treasury yields have –0.25 0.75 expressed confidence that
ripple effects across the U.S. prices will rise. The U.S.’s bud-
economy. They help bring –0.50 0.50 get deficit could push up rates
down borrowing costs for in- 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 faster than in Germany, which
dividuals and businesses, tend has a surplus. The Fed could
to weigh on the dollar and At the same time, there have 3% also raise interest rates more
help bolster stocks by making been signs that the eurozone 2 aggressively than investors
them look more attractive to economy is catching up to the U.S. forecast. Rising inflation eats
yield-seeking investors. Real GDP growth away at the purchasing power
The yield on the 10-year 0 U.S. Euro area of bonds’ fixed returns.
Treasury note settled Wednes- 2013 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17* Still, NatWest Securities
day at 2.325%, down from a Note: Euro area inflation excludes food, energy, alcohol and tobacco. U.S. inflation from the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index, excluding food and energy strategists recommend inves-
recent high of 2.452% on Oct. Sources: Ryan ALM (U.S. Treasury yield); Thomson Reuters (German bond); Federal Reserve Bank of New York (policy rates); European Central tors sell five-year German
26. Yields fall when bond Bank (policy rates); Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (U.S. inflation); Eurostat (eurozone inflation); IMF World Economic Outlook (growth) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. debt and buy five-year Trea-
prices rise. surys because they say the
When the European Central creases at home. President Donald Trump’s 2.05 points on Oct. 27. strategies at Federated Inves- rise in U.S. yields may have
Bank signaled at the end of That pushed the gap be- election last November. Even A widening spread between tors Inc. been overdone.
October that it would continue tween the 10-year Treasury then, its stay above that Treasury yields and German Mike Swell, co-manager of Combining a bet on falling
its bond-buying program deep yield and 10-year German threshold lasted just several bond yields is always going to the Goldman Sachs Strategic Treasury yields with one on
into next year, German bond bond yield above 2 percentage months. be difficult to sustain because Income Fund, said his portfo- rising German yields offers in-
yields fell sharply. Treasury points, rare territory that On Wednesday, the gap, or “the more the spread widens, lio profited in recent months vestors a hedge should global
yields, however, rose initially some see as unsustainable. spread, between the 10-year the more buying you see com- from a bet that the gap be- bond yields take a collective
as U.S. investors remained fo- The spread between the two Treasury yield and 10-year ing into our market” from tween Treasury yields and move higher, said Brian
cused on the potential for tax bonds stayed below 2 percent- German bond was down to overseas, said Donald Ellen- German yields would expand. Daingerfield, a NatWest strat-
cuts and interest-rate in- age points for 27 years until 1.99 percentage points from berger, head of multisector The fund, however, has un- egist.


Tencent Finds Surprise Windfall OVERHEARD A Setback

For Online
Chinese tech giant Ten- sense. The price was the highest
Sound of Music
cent Holdings has just found
a company worth billions of
dollars in its bottom drawer.
Number of paid subscribers
Similarly, Tencent’s video
service could be worth float-
ing. Just like Netflix, Ten-
ever paid for a commercial
building, but did the Chinese
Communist Party-backed firm
The hope for investors is 60 million cent has poured billions into that paid $5 billion for the Lenders should be judged
there are more where that this business to make its Hong Kong skyscraper known not on how rapidly they
came from. own original programming. as The Center get ripped off? grow during good times, but
Shares of China Litera- 40 Having a separate listing for The iconic office tower fa- how they perform in periods
ture, an online books com- the video unit would create a mous for a certain super- like today when consumer
pany controlled by Tencent, new funding source for this hero’s high altitude acrobatics defaults are ticking up. On
as much as doubled on their cash-draining operation. in “The Dark Knight,” is 80 that basis, LendingClub
first day of trading Wednes- 20 For sure, it seems unlikely stories tall according to the looks unprepared and inves-
day, valuing the company at Tencent would ever do that Hong Kong Tourism Board. tors are right to be skeptical
more than $12 billion. The for a core business like its But in reality, it is only 73 of the online lender.
IPO has drawn a crowd at- phenomenally successful so- stories high. Following a sales-prac-
tracted by a relatively rare cial-media app WeChat. The gap isn’t the result of tices scandal that felled its
tech-sector float in Hong Tidal Napster Deezer Tencent Apple Spotify What the China Literature any dastardly supervillain founder and chief executive
Kong and the Tencent brand Music IPO has shown is that Ten- heist, but is actually related last year, LendingClub took a
name. The retail portion of Source: Bernstein THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cent can create billions of to a quirk of the Chinese lan- full year to restore trust
the deal was about 625 times dollars of value for itself and guage: The number “four” with investors and return to
oversubscribed. search-engine company in Entertainment, its Spotify- other investors simply by sounds uncomfortably like a growth path. Now, worries
After the pop, China Liter- which Tencent owns a 44% like music service, which has floating peripheral busi- “death,” leading to skyscrap- about the quality of its loans
ature is valued at about 200 stake, starts trading in New more than a 75% share of nesses—even if they have yet ers across China mysteriously are sinking the stock again.
times its expected earnings York on Thursday, hoping to China’s digital-music market to generate much in terms of missing their fourth, 14th, and Shares plunged 16% Wednes-
this year, much higher than raise up to $670 million, in- according to Bernstein, could earnings. especially 44th floors. Unsur- day after the company low-
Tencent’s already punchy 51 cluding an overallotment op- be the next to come to mar- Tencent is betting its prisingly, renters aren’t eager ered its full-year earnings
times. tion. At the high end of the ket. magic will work on Snap, to pay for a spot on the forecast slightly.
That also means Tencent’s price range, Sogou would be Tencent doesn’t break out whose slowing growth disap- “death-death” floor. LendingClub said loans to
53% stake in the company, to valued at about $5 billion, or separate financials for the pointed investors on Tues- Presumably any party cad- certain borrowers at the low
which most analysts hadn’t about 70 times its historic business, which faces chal- day. Hours later, Tencent res—even accounting for the end of the prime credit spec-
previously ascribed any earnings, higher than 32 lenges in China, where music said it bought 12% of the so- bracing effect of their newly trum “are not currently
value, is now worth about times for China’s market piracy is rampant. Still, an cial-media company. No luck fortified Red Boat Spirit— meeting our expectations.” It
$6.5 billion. leader Baidu. IPO to raise funds for more so far: Snap’s shares fell won’t be eager to lodge there will limit these loans, which
Another bonus could be What else is in Tencent’s original content such as live nearly 15% on Wednesday. either. account for around 3% of to-
coming soon: Sogou, a sock drawer? Tencent Music music shows could make —Jacky Wong tal loans, and temporarily
halt their sale to investors
while tightening criteria for

Investors’ Obsession With Growth Leads Only to Tech these borrowers.

LendingClub itself is on
the hook for only a small
Investors are demanding That leaves tech as the and Symantec falling 9.1% spending among companies part of the credit losses—it
growth from companies, and Fading gravity-defying standout. after earnings. Onetime IPO this year, as investors originates credit-card refi-
those that don’t deliver are Change in S&P 500 earnings Earnings for technology com- darling Snap Inc. was down changed their preference nancing and other loans and
getting hammered. But from a year earlier panies in the S&P 500 were more than 14% on Wednes- from the safety of stock buy- then sells them on to inves-
growth is an increasingly an estimated 23% above their day following its disappoint- backs and dividends to earn- tors. But if losses are higher
hard achievement these days, year-earlier level, and over ing results. Nontech stocks ings growth. than expected, loan buyers
so investors are rushing into 90% of the companies that such as Under Armour, There are pluses to that. won’t be happy.
the one sector that is deliv- have reported so far beat ex- down 24% after it reported The economy will probably Chief Executive Scott San-
ering big numbers: tech. 0
pectations. Tech shares shot last week, were hit harder. benefit from companies be- born cited a new environ-
The third quarter was higher as a result. S&P 500 What is surprising is the ing a bit less tightfisted, and ment in which rising con-
good for U.S. companies, –10 tech stocks are up 9.3% this shift is hardly visible in the businesses that sell capital sumer indebtedness is
though not as good as the quarter versus a gain of 2.8% overall market. The S&P 500 equipment and the like do leading to credit losses de-
2014 ’15 ’16 ’17
first half of the year. Earn- for the overall index. barely shook during earnings better when the focus turns spite a strong economy.
ings for companies in the Source: Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S The demand for earnings season. Through Wednesday, to growth. But with interest The past two years have
S&P 500 were up 8% from a growth and the rush into the index went 46 consecu- rates rising, valuations high been a series of disappoint-
year earlier, according to prise. The easy comparisons tech stocks, which defies the tive days without a decline of and an increasingly narrow ments for online players that
the latest Thomson Reuters with the beginning of 2016 belief that all investors are 0.50% or greater, the longest group of companies able to were supposed to disrupt the
I/B/E/S estimate. That com- are over. Rising labor costs, indexing, has left a trail of streak since 1968, according satisfy investor demands for lending landscape. Investors
pared with a gain of 12.3% against a backdrop of low in- destruction in its wake. Tech to the Dow Jones Market growth, the concern is what are now saying they fear
in the second quarter and of flation that has made it diffi- stocks that didn’t deliver Data Group. will happen to the overall more disappointments to
15.3% in the first. cult to raise prices, are put- were hit, with shares of Ju- The need for growth ex- market when growth really come.
The slowdown was no sur- ting pressure on margins. niper Networks down 6.1% plains the rise in capital slows. —Justin Lahart —Aaron Back
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B14 | Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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