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* * * * * MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2017 ~ VOL. CCLXX NO. 114 WSJ.com HHHH $4.00
Last week: DJIA 23422.21 g 116.98 0.5% NASDAQ 6750.94 g 0.2% STOXX 600 388.69 g 1.9% 10-YR. TREASURY yield 2.397% OIL $56.74 À $1.10 EURO $1.1665 YEN 113.54

On the Seventh Day, a Small-Town Church Became a Monument GE Sets

Focus on
Key Units
Business & Finance

E’s new CEO plans to

G unveil a road map for
the conglomerate that will
New CEO’s plans
focus on three of its big- stick to health care,
gest business lines, but power and aviation,
stops short of a more radi-
cal restructuring. A1 stop short of breakup
 Uber cleared the way
for a multibillion-dollar in-
vestment led by SoftBank,
General Electric Co.’s new
giving the company a pow-
leader plans to unveil a road
erful ally in its battle
map Monday for the conglom-
against global rivals. A1
erate that will focus on three
 The ride-hailing com-
of its biggest business lines,

pany has no way to raise

but stops short of a breakup
drivers’ hourly wages, de-
or more radical restructuring
spite fluctuating fare
of the 125-year-old giant.
prices, a study found. B3
Chief Executive John Flan-
 Brookfield made a $14.8 nery, who has been conducting
billion offer to acquire the a strategic review since he
shares of GGP that it took over on Aug. 1, is ex-
doesn’t already own. B1 REMEMBRANCE: A week after a gunman slaughtered worshipers at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, flowers were pected to focus on GE’s avia-
placed in a fence outside the church, which reopened Sunday as a memorial to the 26 victims. A3 tion, power and health-care di-
 Wal-Mart wants to
visions, one person familiar
charge more for some of
with the matter said. The CEO
its products online than
will look to exit most of the
they cost in stores. B1

GOP Bets on a Simpler Tax Code

rest of its operations.
 A rally that has sent GE would be pulling back
stock indexes around the from its transportation unit,
world to records showed one of the oldest and biggest
signs of stalling, with the BY RICHARD RUBIN The GOP plans would repeal moving costs would vanish un- GOP’s promise to voters, but makers of diesel locomotives,
Dow posting its worst the alternative minimum tax, a der the House plan, removing for many filers, a simpler tax as well as GE Lighting, which
week since September. B1 WASHINGTON—As Republi- parallel tax system affecting lines from tax forms and pages code without the breaks they traces its roots to Thomas Edi-
cans move forward on their more than four million house- from Internal Revenue Service use the most could leave them son and makes LED bulbs and
 Orbital launched a ci-
tax bills this week, part of holds. The House bill publications. paying more. energy management sensors.
vilian cargo capsule into
their pitch is that 9 in 10 would consolidate a tangle of The full House and a Sen- Still, “on simplification, it’s While the three divisions
orbit, the second success-
Americans would ultimately be tax breaks for higher education. ate committee are each ex- Please see TAXES page A4 will be the core of GE, Mr. Flan-
ful flight of the redesigned
able to file returns the size of Both plans would remove—tem- pected to vote this week on the nery is expected to stress at a
Antares rocket. B3
postcards. While the plans porarily—thorny depreciation competing plans, as Republi-  White House holds back on meeting Monday with investors
 Trump’s financial regula- don’t make tax filing quite that rules. Narrow deductions for cans push to have a tax bill Senate candidate Moore..... A4 and analysts that he will regu-
tory team is sounding a easy, they do mark a step to- tax-preparation fees, teachers’ signed into law by year-end.  The Daily Shot: Tax plans larly evaluate all of the com-
friendlier tone for banks ward a simpler system. out-of-pocket expenses and Simplification is part of the tweak American dream...... B11 Please see GE page A2
than its predecessor, which
restricted the industry fol-
lowing the 2008 bailouts. B6
A Mall Owner Goes Shopping
World-Wide Brookfield Property has made a $14.8 billion offer to buy the
shares of mall owner GGP, formerly General Growth Properties,
China-Made Security Cameras
 Trump said he had full
confidence in the U.S. intelli-
that it doesn’t already own, say people familiar with the matter. B1

52-week share performance

Are Hanging All Over the U.S.
gence agencies and indicated
he believed their report that 20% Brookfield Property Partners
concluded Russia meddled in Company with ties to government sparks cybersecurity concerns
the 2016 election. A4
 After the Texas church The Memphis police use the surveillance nurtured by Beijing to help keep watch on its
shooting, some congrega- cameras to scan the streets for crime. The 1.4 billion citizens, part of a vast expansion of
tions are considering 0
U.S. Army uses them to monitor a base in its domestic-surveillance apparatus. In the
whether to protect them- Missouri. Consumer models hang in homes process, the little-known company has become
selves by bringing firearms and businesses across the country. At one the world’s largest maker of surveillance cam-
into houses of worship. A3 –10
eras. It has sold equipment used to track
By Dan Strumpf, French airports, an Irish port and sites in Bra-
 Lebanon’s Hariri said he Natasha Khan zil and Iran.
will return to Beirut within and Charles Rollet Hikvision’s rapid rise, its ties to the Chinese
days, after his de-facto exile –20
government and a cybersecurity lapse flagged
in Saudi Arabia amid tensions point, the cameras kept watch on the U.S. em- by the Department of Homeland Security have
between Riyadh and Iran. A6 GGP bassy in Kabul. fanned concerns among officials in the U.S.
 White House officials All the devices were manufactured by a sin- and Italy about the security of Hikvision’s de-
2016 ’17 gle company, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital vices.
said they didn’t have
enough information to Source: WSJ Market Data Group THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Technology. It is 42%-owned by the Chinese “The fact that it’s at a U.S. military installa-
judge whether Moore government. tion and was in a very sensitive U.S. embassy
should withdraw from the Hikvision (pronounced “hike-vision”) was Please see CHINA page A10
Senate race over allegations
of sexual misconduct. A4
 Iraqi forces wasted no
time erasing the legacy of Uber Ends Board Spat, INSIDE B’ful Bride Seeks H’som Groom:
three years of Kurdish rule Matchmaking in 125 Characters
in Zumar, replacing pictures
and defacing murals. A6 Sets Up Softbank Deal i i i

 A 7.2 magnitude earth- BY GREG BENSINGER the people said. It also brings India’s parents use abbreviation-stuffed
quake jolted the region be- Uber needed stability after a
tween Iraq and Iran, kill- Uber Technologies Inc. year of turbulence: The San newspaper ads to arrange marriages
ing at least 140. A6 cleared the way for a multibil- Francisco-based company is
lion-dollar investment led by still grappling with the fallout
 China’s Xi is exhorting
state media to do more to
SoftBank Group Corp. that
will transform the corporate
from a former software engi-
neer’s charges of sexual ha-
MAP OUT BY ERIC BELLMAN roughly 125-character newspa-
per ads, which traditionalists
portray the nation as a structure of the world’s most rassment, among other scan- RETIREMENT To find marriage partners insist are the best way to meet
builder of global peace. A8 valuable startup and give the
ride-hailing company a pow-
dals that led a group of
investors to push out Mr. Ka-
LOCATIONS for their sons and daughters, serious candidates, as opposed
parents across India are hoping to the ads on countless internet
 An election at the U.S.
Catholic bishops conference erful ally in its battle against lanick in June. for an I’less PQ T’tot, preferably marriage sites.
is seen as a test of support global rivals. An investment by SoftBank JOURNAL REPORT, R1 W’stld at a PSU. The websites “are all full of
for Pope Francis. A3 The deal, confirmed Sun- also represents an early win They’re speak- mischievous peo-
day by Uber, took shape after for new CEO Dara Khosrow- ing the language ple,” said R.K.
former Chief Executive Travis shahi. He is working to over- of “matrimo- Agarwal, who
CONTENTS Markets Digest..... B8 Kalanick and a major investor, haul Uber’s workplace culture nials,” the abbre- spent years cir-
Business & Fin... B2-3 Opinion.............. A15-17
Crossword.............. A14 Sports....................... A14 Benchmark, reached agree- while also battling regulators viation-stuffed cling newspaper
Heard on Street... B11 Technology............... B4 ment over control of board from Brazil to the United marriage ads that ads with a pen
Journal Report.. R1-12 U.S. News............. A2-4 seats, including putting on Kingdom over proposed rules are still a Sunday every Sunday to
Life & Arts....... A11-13 Weather Watch.. A14
Markets............. B10-11 World News..... A6,8-9
hold a lawsuit against the for- that would curtail the com- staple in papers find matches for
mer chief, according to people pany’s ability to operate. read by hundreds his son and

familiar with the matter. The
two sides appeared to be at
“It’s a pretty great reset
for the company,” said Brad-
RIYADH IS of millions in In-
dia, where family
Matrimonial ads daughter. He said
website ads,
an impasse just days ago. ley Tusk, a political strategist DELIVERING elders commonly take the lead which allow for longer descrip-
Once completed, the deal
will add six directors and in-
and investor in Uber. “Every-
Please see UBER page A9
ON VISION 2030 in the search for suitable tions and include photos, can
spouses. easily be faked, and don’t re-
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &
troduce voting changes that The codes are necessary to quire enough effort to weed out
Company. All Rights Reserved will effectively limit Mr. Ka-  Uber fare changes found to have OPINION, A17 cram as much enticing informa- insincere people. “Newspapers
lanick’s power on the board, no effect on drivers’ pay............. B3 tion as possible into the Please see ADS page A10
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A2 | Monday, November 13, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Global Trade Faces Long-Term Risks CALENDAR

TUESDAY: Germany and It-
aly release gross domestic
Hong Kong at a Pacific Rim summit Fri- tries, it is slow compared have been trying to become product figures for the third

synchronous upturn day, when President Donald Bouncing Back with the 1980s and 1990s, less reliant on trade. South quarter, rounding out a European
across major econo- Trump repudiated decades of Change from a year earlier in when South Korea and Singa- Korean President Moon Jae- picture that points to a slight
mies is reviving hopes U.S. support for multilateral exports for 2017* pore regularly grew well in announced a 16% hike in slowdown from a robust first
that a multiyear lull in global trade liberalization in the re- above 10%. Even during the the minimum wage for the half of the year. As with the eu-
trade is finally reversing and gion. Debt levels are growing 2000s, both countries consis- start of 2018, along with big rozone as a whole, the German
will lift emerging markets across the world, including Vietnam 20.1% tently notched 5% growth. increases in government economy is estimated by econo-
that built their economies in China, which could con- South Korea 18.5 And while the World spending, a bid to drive up mists to have decelerated mod-
around exports. strain consumption and in- Trade Organization estimates wages and consumption. estly during the period. The Ital-
In Asia, the world’s fac- vestment. Indonesia 17.5 global trade will rise 3.6% in Many economists support ian economy is estimated to
tory floor, exports are up Demographic trends may 2017, that pales compared the push for more spending have sustained its recent pickup
Malaysia 14.1
sharply, including gains of also make it harder for goods with the two decades leading in principle but worry about for a fourth straight quarter.
18.5% from a year ago in trade to accelerate, as aging Taiwan 13.9 up to the financial crisis, whether government is a The U.K.’s statistic agency
South Korea, nearly 11% in populations in the developed when trade grew on average sustainable answer. releases October consumer-
Singapore and 20% in Viet- world spend more on ser- India 13.6 at about 6% a year. price inflation, following the

nam. Chinese exports are up vices like health care. Some “We’re in the sweet spot n China, despite recover- Bank of England’s decision to
Singapore 10.7
5.5%, a rebound from the Asian exporters have demo- of the global economy; this is ing exports, analysts raise interest rates for the first
past two years, when exports graphic challenges of their Thailand 9.3 the time when trade growth worry about risks of a time in a decade this month. In-
contracted. own, including shrinking should be shooting up,” said prolonged economic slow- flation in the U.K. has acceler-
But it may be too early to pools of low-cost labor. China 5.5 Michael O’Sullivan, chief in- down, mainly because of ated after the Brexit vote last
celebrate. Much of the export “We think it’s not going to *Through September vestment officer of the inter- high debt levels, struggles year, squeezing consumer spend-
growth in Asia comes from last,” Trinh Nguyen, senior Source: CEIC national wealth management with industrial overcapacity ing and damping growth in the
demand for semiconductors, economist at Natixis, said of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. division at Credit Suisse, and and likely unsustainable real- largely domestic-driven economy.
partly to power smartphone the recent strong export co-author of a report titled estate booms. In Singapore, WEDNESDAY: Japan re-
launches like Apple Inc.’s numbers for some countries. depressed consumption has “Getting Over Globalization.” the government has stepped leases GDP figures for the July-
iPhone X. That chip demand “I don’t think trade is going risen steadily. U.S. growth Because some of the in- up public spending even as it September period (release time
is expected to fade next year. to contract, but I think the has picked up in the nation’s dustries driving today’s continues promoting indus- is Tuesday evening in the U.S.).
Economists warn that some growth rate is going to slow.” eighth year of expansion. growth in Asia are so cycli- tries such as financial ser- The numbers are expected to
of the recent gains look Of course, any new de- Buoyed by global growth, cal, the risk of a sharp swing vices and tourism. Those in- show the country’s seventh
strong when compared with mand for exports is welcome South Korea’s gross domestic looms. dustries have indeed grown, straight quarter of growth.
2016, a weak year for global in Asian countries that built product expanded at the fast- The semiconductor market though not so much that The U.S. Labor Department
trade, but that year-over- their economic models est pace in seven years last grew 17% this year but is ex- Singapore can expect to see releases October U.S. consumer-
year comparisons will be- around selling to the rest of quarter and is expected to pected to expand 4% next much faster overall growth, price index figures, after prices
come less favorable in 2018. the world. grow 3% this year. Singa- year and even more slowly in economists say. rose 0.5% in September because
Headwinds facing global Europe, a key trading pore’s economy grew at its 2019, as supply catches up “Once the cyclical recov- of higher gasoline costs. Underly-
trade are still blowing. Wash- partner for Asian economies, fastest pace in more than with demand, according to ery of trade slows down, it’s ing inflation appeared tame, po-
ington is pressing ahead with is finally emerging from its three years last quarter, and the World Semiconductor going to be very difficult to tentially raising questions for Fed-
challenges to its trading post-financial crisis hang- the government expects Trade Statistics. East Asia grow if [Singapore] doesn’t eral Reserve policy makers who
partners, including Korea over, fueling demand for ev- growth to approach 3%, too. makes roughly 70% of the have domestic demand to have been waiting for signs of ris-
and China. Indeed, rising erything from sneakers to Yet while 3% is considered world’s semiconductors. generate this,” said Ms. ing inflation before lifting interest
trade tensions were evident electronics. In Japan, long- solid growth for both coun- Policy makers across Asia Nguyen of Natixis. rates for a third time this year.

Racketeering Trial
To Air Soccer Deals
BY REBECCA DAVIS O’BRIEN Brazil’s soccer federation
from 2012 through early
NEW YORK—The wide- 2015. Mr. Marin—the only de-
ranging allegations of corrup- fendant remaining of the
tion in soccer’s governing seven arrested in Zurich two
body are set to arrive in a years ago—faces seven
Brooklyn courtroom this counts, including money-
week, claims that center on laundering and wire-fraud
decades of alleged bribery conspiracy.
and kickbacks involving inter- Juan Ángel Napout, a for-
national soccer tournaments. mer FIFA vice president who
The racketeering trial of led the Paraguayan soccer
three former heads of Latin federation and Conmebol, the
American soccer federations, South American soccer feder-
including a former vice presi- ation, is charged in five of
dent of FIFA, is scheduled to the counts. Manuel Burga, the
begin Monday in federal former president of Peru’s
court. Jurors will consider
U.S. prosecutors’ argument

that the sport’s governing

body was, in essence, a
Allegations of bribery
sprawling criminal enter- center on media and
The trial represents a cap-
marketing rights for
stone of a yearslong investi- FIFA tournaments
gation by U.S. law enforce-
GE Power, which supplies turbines for power plants, will be a major focus at Monday’s meeting with investors and analysts. ment, which alleged schemes
involving two generations of

GE than $20 billion worth of as-

sets, the person said. People
close to the process say GE
Transportation, which makes
which makes MRI machines
and other hospital equipment.
Aviation, power and health
care accounted for about 58%
Former CEO Jeff Immelt re-
vamped GE over his 16 years,
getting out of media, plastics,
appliances and most of financial
soccer officials across the
globe and more than $200
million in bribes in connec-
tion with media and market-
soccer federation, faces a sin-
gle count of racketeering con-
spiracy, in which all three
men were charged.
Continued from Page One locomotives, is part of that of the company’s revenue at services, but also made some ill- ing rights for soccer tourna- Lawyers for the men
pany’s portfolio of businesses plan. The exit from Baker the end of 2016 and 156,000 timed deals on the oil patch and ments. couldn’t be reached for com-
as part of how he leads the Hughes isn’t considered part of employees. The company has power markets. Prosecutors are expected ment. A spokesman for the
conglomerate, the person said. the $20 billion plan, said the already made some changes to Mr. Flannery hasn’t been to reveal new details about Brooklyn U.S. attorney’s of-
The Boston-based company person familiar with the matter. the divisions this year, such as waiting for the investor meet- the complicated ways the de- fice declined to comment on
also plans to eventually shed its Mr. Flannery and the GE merging the energy connec- ing to make high-profile fendants allegedly moved the trial.
majority stake in Baker Hughes, board have been reviewing the tions division into GE Power moves. He has delayed parts cash to avoid detection and In June, prosecutors con-
which became a separate public company’s dividend, though it for a projected $1 billion in an- of a new Boston headquarters information about how the solidated the charges against
company in July after merging is unclear what has been de- nual cost savings. project, grounded the corpo- money was spent, according the three men into a single
with GE’s oil and gas opera- cided. GE has struggled to GE Aviation is one of the rate jets, moved to shut down to a person familiar with the racketeering case, outlining
tions, this person said. generate enough cash flow top manufacturers of jet en- research centers, and started matter. alleged schemes to receive
GE owns 63% of Baker from its industrial operations gines and enjoyed healthy or- thousands of layoffs. Evidence and witness tes- bribes and kickbacks from
Hughes, which had a market ders in recent years as it After lowering profit targets timony could also disclose sports marketing executives
value of $40 billion based on rolled out a new generation of in October, the new CEO additional schemes involving in connection with marketing
Friday’s close. While it intends products. GE Healthcare was pledged to cut an additional $1 foreign governments and and media rights for regional
to exercise its option to exit
Mr. Flannery is run by Mr. Flannery until the billion in annual spending. Un- multinational companies en- soccer tournaments, includ-
Baker Hughes, the process expected to summer; he led a turnaround der pressure from activist Trian tangled in alleged wrongdo- ing the Copa America and
hasn’t started and would be of the unit driven by cost re- Fund Management, Mr. Immelt ing, the person said. World Cup qualifying games.
subject to some discussion be-
streamline GE’s ductions and expanding its had planned to cut $2 billion in Since prosecutors first un- In one alleged scheme, Mr.
tween the companies’ boards, corporate functions. services to drugmakers. costs by the end of 2018. veiled charges in May 2015, Marin is accused of accepting
the person said. Under the cur- GE Power, however, which Mr. Flannery, who has spent after the predawn raid on Zu- bribes from a sports market-
rent arrangement, GE is re- supplies turbines for gas and his entire 30-year career at GE, rich’s luxury Baur au Lac ho- ing company seeking com-
stricted from selling its stake coal-fired power plants, has has made management changes tel, the case has ensnared in- mercial rights to the Copa do
for several years. to cover the $8 billion payout struggled with its former man- to many divisions and replaced ternational banks, apparel Brasil tournaments from 2015
Mr. Flannery is expected to in recent years, especially as it agement misjudging market chief financial officer Jeff businesses and media organi- through 2022. Mr. Marin is
streamline GE’s corporate has pared down its GE Capital demand and carrying excess Bornstein with Jamie Miller, zations and led to indict- also accused of soliciting and
functions, this person said. unit. It cut the dividend by inventory, the company has who will be in the spotlight ments against more than 40 accepting bribes to secure
The company has about half in 2009 during the finan- said. The business will be a Monday. Mr. Flannery is also people and entities, 23 of sponsorship rights to the
24,000 people outside of its cial crisis. major focus at the Monday looking at the makeup of the whom have pleaded guilty in Copa Libertadores.
major divisions, in research, GE shares are down 35% meeting as division head Rus- company’s board, suggesting the matter. —Nicole Hong
digital and headquarters func- this year, hitting levels not sell Stokes is one of four pre- he will shrink it, and recently Among those on trial is and Sara Germano
tions. More research work will seen since 2012, compared senting executives. gave Trian a seat. José Maria Marin, who led contributed to this article.
be moved into specific busi- with a gain of 15% for the S&P
ness units, and software devel- 500. The company has lost
opment will be limited to the
company’s core industries,
$50 billion in market value
since mid-July, when investors
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, November 13, 2017 | A3


Texas Church Reopens as a Memorial

Chairs at First Baptist Most of the congregation
was either killed or wounded,
now mark where each and there have been few first-
of the 26 victims fell hand accounts of the events
inside the church. But survi-
in the massacre vors said the gunman, identi-
fied as a 26-year-old Air Force
BY TAWNELL D. HOBBS veteran, sprayed bullets into
the congregants, shot those
SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, who tried to flee, and paced
Texas—The white chairs are the pews, shooting victims at
arranged in odd clusters, each close range.
one with a single red rose: two Noah Holcombe, 17 months,
together off to the side; died next to her father, Marc
around 10 in the back corner; a Daniel Holcombe. Megan Hill,
single chair on the altar of this 9, died next to her sister Emily,
little church where a gunman 11, and their mother Crystal,
shot much of the congregation 36, as well their brother, Greg
a week ago. Hill, 13.
The chairs mark where each A chair for Karla Holcombe,
of the 26 victims fell. The un- the Holcombe grandmother, is
born child of Crystal Holcombe by itself at the front of the
is represented by a separate church near the altar.
chair with a pink rose, next to Church leaders said they
the mother’s. hope that the memorial, which
One week after the murders, will be open weekdays from 10
the First Baptist Church of a.m. to 10 p.m., can help the
Sutherland Springs reopened community recover.
its doors. The floors and walls The First Baptist Church on
were painted white. It is re- Sunday held its first service
born as a stark, but powerful since the murders. It was in a
memorial. tent in a field a few blocks

The memorial also provides from the church, and included
a horrific map to the killings; remarks from the church’s pas-
it encompasses the entire tor, Frank Pomeroy.
sanctuary. White chairs are “We can’t allow the act that
scattered throughout the happened last weekend to keep
room, some in clusters and us from church,” Mr. Pomeroy
some alone. said. “God is not dead.” Chairs and roses show where people were found dead a week ago at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

Faithful Balance Security, Openness

©T&CO. 2017

BY IAN LOVETT now considering whether they Church. But, she said, he open carry of firearms for the
AND ERIN AILWORTH should bring firearms to their planned to have it with him on same reason. He suspects some
houses of worship as well. Sunday. congregants with concealed-
As he does every Sunday, Sutherland Springs, Texas, Ms. Barker, 60, thinks other carry permits do bring their
the Rt. Rev. Council Nedd II, an where last week’s shooting worshipers will feel the same, firearms.
Anglican rector, put on his col- took place, is a town full of gun and said she told her pastor “Frankly, it brings some
lar and robes to offer Mass at owners. One man who lived the church should probably comfort,” Dr. Graham said of
his central Pennsylvania near the church engaged in a make note of who is armed in the armed church members. “If
church. Now, he is considering firefight with the attacker, 26- case another emergency arises. there had been someone with a
wearing something else with year-old Devin Patrick Kelley, Houses of worship are weapon in that little church, IT’S TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT
his religious vestments: his after hearing the gunshots and among the softest of soft tar- maybe that could have been THE PERFECT PRESENT
handgun. pursued Kelley as he exited the gets, with missions and tradi- prevented.”
As a Pennsylvania state church, hitting him twice. tions emphasizing welcoming. But not every house of wor-
constable, Dr. Nedd can bring Since 2012, there have been at ship can afford private secu-
his gun just about every- least a dozen deadly shootings rity. Smaller churches are now
where—to the grocery store, to at houses of worship. considering arming the congre-
the park and to synagogues
Since 2012, there After the mass shooting, gation or clergy.
and other houses of worship, have been at least 12 Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney Tambria Read, a school-
where he often acts as security. general, said churches needed teacher and chairwoman of the
His church was the one place
deadly shootings at armed protection. Sutherland Springs Historical
where he went unarmed. houses of worship. Prestonwood Baptist Museum, owns a gun and sup-
“Weapons do not belong in Church, a megachurch in Plano, ports people being able to
church,” he said. But, as a Texas, announced last week carry them, but had always
bishop, he has “a responsibility that it would be holding a free preferred to keep firearms out
to protect the flock,” he added. But many locals said they seminar on church security. of religious spaces.
Dr. Nedd said he didn’t bring didn’t bring weapons into their Representatives from more “I’m not too crazy about
his weapon to church this Sun- house of worship. than 300 churches signed up guns in church—somebody
day, but plans to in the future. Tomie Barker, who attends within three days. could take the gun and do
A week after a shooting at a Christ Lutheran Church of Elm With roughly 12,000 attend- something,” said Ms. Read, 59,
Texas church left 26 dead and Creek in Seguin, Texas, about ees at its services every Sun- who sometimes worshiped at
20 more wounded, congrega- 15 miles north of Sutherland day, Prestonwood has armed the First Baptist Church but
tions gathering for worship Springs, said her husband security guards. Jack Graham, wasn’t there last week. “Maybe
around the country Sunday didn’t have the firearm he is li- the church’s pastor, said the somebody in a church needs a
once again faced the question censed to carry on him when church had resisted putting in gun, someone strategic, but
of security. Long the last fron- their church was locked down metal detectors so that the not everybody in a pew.”
tier where many gun owners following the shooting at the church would continue to feel —Tawnell D. Hobbs
went unarmed, the faithful are nearby First Baptist welcoming, and didn’t allow contributed to this article.

Vote to Test Pope’s Sway Over Bishops 800 843 3269 | TIFFANY.COM

BY IAN LOVETT That position has prevailed

AND FRANCIS X. ROCCA among bishops in recent
years, and has frequently put
Nearly five years into Pope them at odds with Democratic
Francis’ reign as leader of the politicians.

Catholic Church, theologically In an interview, Archbishop

conservative Catholics around Naumann played down compe-
the world are growing more tition with Cardinal Cu-
outspoken in opposition to his pich, and said he would keep
agenda. The U.S. has been a the pro-life committee’s focus
major hub of resistance. on abortion and euthanasia.
Now, with the U.S. Confer- “The vast majority of bish-
ence of Catholic Bishops set to ops see this as the moral crisis
gather for their annual meet- of our time,” he said, referring
ing starting on Monday, an to abortion. “The church’s
election for a relatively ob- leadership in this area is ex-
scure post—chairman of the tremely important.”
committee on Pro-Life Activi- He said he wanted to “build
ties—is emerging as a barome- upon” the church’s leadership
ter of support for Pope Francis Cardinal Blase Cupich, left, is vying to head the committee on Pro- on abortion, adding, “Abso-
among the American hierar- Life Activities. The liberal is seen as a close ally of Pope Francis. lutely, we have to be out there
chy. advocating for immigrants, for
The vote is down to two direction he intends. It will response to his teaching that migrants, for the care of the
candidates—Cardinal Blase also suggest what role the suggested divorced and remar- poor. But that would be a real
Cupich, of Chicago, and Arch- church might play in coming ried Catholics may, in at least shift to put that all under the
bishop Joseph Naumann, of political battles in the U.S. some cases, receive Commu- pro-life secretariat.”
Kansas City—who represent The committee has tradi- nion. That is exactly the shift
the ideological poles of the tionally been led by a cardinal, One bishop said the confer- Cardinal Cupich has advo-
U.S. church and have articu- an indication of its importance ence was roughly split into cated—a move that would put
lated different visions of what to the bishops. If Archbishop thirds: one third who sup- the bishops more in line with
being pro-life should mean. Naumann wins, it will be seen ported Pope Francis, one third Pope Francis.
Archbishop Naumann, a as a rejection of Pope Francis’ more in line with Pope Bene- In a 2015 op-ed for the Chi-
prominent conservative within agenda—and a sign of contin- dict, and one third in the mid- cago Tribune, the cardinal
the church, is more ideologi- ued resistance to him in the dle. pushed for a “consistent ethic
cally aligned with Popes John American church. The pro-life committee of life.”
Paul II and Benedict XVI, Pope “The election does kind of election, the bishop said, will People were right to be ap-
Francis’ immediate predeces- encapsulate a battle going on provide a measure of whether palled by abortion practices,
sors, than with the current in the church,” said Patti the group in the middle is he wrote, but added, “we
pope. Miller, author of “Good Catho- moving toward Pope Francis’ should be no less appalled by CLASSIMA Starting at
Cardinal Cupich, a promi- lics: The Battle Over Abortion approach. the indifference toward the Collection $990
nent liberal who was elevated in the Catholic Church.” “It’s a Like all the bishops, both thousands of people who die
to cardinal by Pope Francis perfect read on this current candidates are clear on their daily for lack of decent medi-
last year, is seen as a close ally moment in the church—if peo- opposition to abortion, but cal care…or who are executed
of the pontiff. ple are going to go the John they offer different views of by the state in the name of CHONG HING / Rowland Heights, CA / 626.810.8883
The outcome, church offi- Paul II way or the Pope Fran- what being pro-life entails—a justice.” GOVBERG / Ardmore, PA / 610.664.1715
cials and observers said, will cis way.” question with major implica- A spokeswoman for Cardi-
TIVOL / Kansas City, MO / 816.531.5800
be an indication of the pope’s Over the past year, Pope tions for the church’s political nal Cupich said he was un-
ability to point the Francis has faced increasingly alliances. available to respond to re-
U.S. church—one of the largest open criticism, both in the U.S. Archbishop Naumann em- quests for comment at any www.baume-et-mercier.com
and wealthiest communities of and elsewhere, from theologi- phasizes abortion as the para- time during the two weeks
Catholics in the world—in the cal conservatives, largely in mount issue. prior to the annual meeting.
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Trump Tempers Skepticism on Meddling

After calling former Russians interfered in the elec-
tion and it’s still puzzling as to
intelligence chiefs why Mr. Trump does not ac-
‘hacks,’ president says knowledge that, embrace it and
also push back hard against Mr.
he accepted their report Putin,” Mr. Brennan said.
Treasury Secretary Steven
BY MICHAEL C. BENDER Mnuchin, speaking Sunday on
CNN, responded to the com-
HANOI, Vietnam—A day af- ments by Messrs. Brennan and
ter he called three former heads Clapper by saying, “President
of U.S. intelligence agencies Trump is not getting played by
“political hacks,” President anybody.”
Donald Trump said he had full The CIA declined to com-
confidence in the agencies and ment.
indicated he believed their re- At the press conference with
port that concluded Russia Mr. Quang, Mr. Trump hailed
meddled in the 2016 presiden- Vietnam’s growing middle class


tial election. as “a key market for American
But the president’s shift in goods and services,” listing U.S.
tone failed to mollify the tar- energy, agriculture, financial
gets of his remarks, with for- services, aviation, digital com-
mer Central Intelligence Agency merce and defense products as
Director John Brennan saying industries where Americans “are
he believed Mr. Trump was try- able to meet all of your many
ing to “delegitimize” the intelli- commercial needs.” The U.S.
gence community’s conclusion trade deficit with Vietnam has
that Russia had interfered. widened over the past decade,
“Considering the source of exceeding $30 billion last year.
the criticism, I consider that Mr. Trump has focused many
criticism a badge of honor,” Mr. of his public comments on urg-
Brennan said Sunday on CNN. ing China to put more pressure
James Clapper, former direc- on North Korea to dismantle its
tor of national intelligence, ap- nuclear program, and to point
pearing on the same program, President Trump says President Putin is annoyed by repeated questions about Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. out the trade imbalances be-
said Russia poses a continuing tween the U.S. and Asia’s eco-
threat and yet Mr. Trump in- Standing outside the presiden- initially assembled the report. they’re political hacks,” Mr. January that concluded Russia nomic powers.
sisted on “rolling out the red tial palace in Hanoi on Sunday “I am with our agencies, es- Trump said Saturday. “You have successfully interfered in the Asked about North Korea on
carpet” for Russian President with Vietnam President Tran pecially as currently consti- Brennan, you have Clapper, and 2016 U.S. presidential election. Sunday, Mr. Trump said it was a
Vladimir Putin. Đai Quang, Mr. Trump be- tuted,” Mr. Trump said. “I be- you have [former Federal Bureau Mr. Trump has struggled to “possibility” that he could have
“The Russians do not harbor grudgingly acknowledged his lieve very much in our of Investigation Director James] put to rest questions about the a friendly relationship with Kim
good intentions toward the acceptance of the intelligence intelligence agencies.” Comey. Comey’s proven now to report—and Russian’s role in Jong Un. The two leaders have
United States, and there report on the election issued On Saturday, flying from Da be a liar, and he’s proven to be a the election. “As far as the engaged in a war of words, with
shouldn’t be any illusions or earlier this year. He declined, Nang, Vietnam, Mr. Trump told leaker, so you look at that. And hacking, I think it was Russia,” each disparaging the other’s
any ambiguity about that,” Mr. however, when asked to answer reporters that Mr. Putin was ir- you have President Putin very he said at the time. ”But I think looks and mental capacity.
Clapper said. “And our presi- with a yes or no about whether ritated by repeated questions strongly, vehemently says he we also get hacked by other —Natasha Khan
dent fosters that ambiguity.” he believed the report was true. about his country’s involvement had nothing to do with that.” countries and other people.” contributed to this article.
Both Mr. Brennan and Mr. Instead, he expressed confu- in the election, and he criticized Messrs. Brennan, Clapper Sunday on CNN, Mr. Brennan
Clapper served under President sion that there was any ques- the former heads of the U.S. in- and Comey were in charge of also said Mr. Trump was “na-  Andrew Browne: Smiles mask
Barack Obama. tion about his confidence in the telligence agencies that put to- their respective intelligence ive” to believe that Russia trade tensions........................... A8
Mr. Trump is in the midst of agencies and cast doubt on the gether the report. agencies when those agencies would be helpful toward U.S. in-  U.S.-Philippines talks set for
a 10-day swing through Asia. previous administration, which “I mean, give me a break— released a declassified report in terests. “It’s very clear that the warmer tone.............................. A9

White House Holds Back on Moore Foreign-Student Surge

Starts to Ease Off
BY MELISSA KORN student enrollments rose by
WASHINGTON—Top White 3.4%, to 1.08 million, a record
House officials said Sun- The surge in foreign student high but the smallest year-over-
day they didn’t have enough in- enrollment that has bolstered year gain since 2009.
formation to judge whether Re- diversity and finances at U.S. The data, released Mon-
publican Senate candidate Roy colleges for the past decade is day by the nonprofit Institute of
Moore should withdraw from starting to slow—and concern International Education, por-
his race over allegations that he that the Trump administration tends challenges for U.S.
pursued teenage girls, including is tightening its borders is only schools that have benefited
one 14-year-old, while he was in one factor in the turning tide. from the influx of international
his 30s. Saudi Arabia and Brazil, students. Many institu-
Mr. Moore, who is running which have been big players in tions have grown reliant on a
for a U.S. Senate seat from Ala- sending students to the U.S., steady stream of students from

bama, has denied sexual mis- recently pulled back on govern- other countries to counter tight
conduct. The claims against him ment scholarships. Meantime, state funding and high tuition
have split the GOP and thrown competition is heating up from discounts that are now the
into question the balance of shorter degree programs in Eu- norm for local students.
power in the Senate, where Re- rope and improving options “When you lose 100-some in-
publicans hold a narrow major- closer to home. ternational students and multi-
ity of 52. Nationwide, new-student en- ply that by tuition, that’s obvi-
Kellyanne Conway, a senior GOP Senate hopeful Roy Moore appeared Saturday at a Veterans Day event in Vestavia Hills, Ala. rollments by foreign students at ously a hit on the budget,” said
White House counselor, and U.S. colleges and universities Jim Baker, vice president for re-
Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury cusations have more credibility report in the Washington Post tha Raddatz about whether she fell 3.3% in fall 2016 from the search and economic develop-
secretary seeking a tax overhaul than the denial. I think it would just one month before Alabama believed the allegation first re- year before, the first decline in ment and international pro-
that could hinge on the size of be best if Roy would just step voters are set to hold the spe- ported in the Washington Post a decade. Overall international- grams at Missouri State
Republicans’ Senate majority, aside,” Mr. Toomey said on cial Senate election to choose from Leigh Corfman that Mr. University.
both said Sunday they con- NBC. “I think a write-in is between Mr. Moore—an evan- Moore sexually touched her That school counted 1,526 in-
demned the actions of which something we should certainly gelical conservative who is a when she was 14 years old. Thinning Out ternational students this fall,
Mr. Moore was accused but explore. I think Luther Strange hero of the religious right—and “I don’t know Leigh Corf- First-time enrollments by the lowest number in five years.
didn’t know enough to judge would be a strong candidate for Democratic candidate Doug man,” Ms. Conway said. international students at U.S. A survey of some 500 col-
the veracity of the claims. a write-in.” Jones, a former U.S. attorney. A family member of Ms. Cor- colleges fell in the 2016-17 academic leges and universities con-
“I only know what I read,” Prominent GOP senators in- Democratic Sen. Chris Van fman’s reached by phone by The year, the first decline in a decade. ducted in September and Octo-
Ms. Conway said on ABC. “I cluding Bill Cassidy of Louisi- Hollen of Maryland said Sunday Wall Street Journal after the ber by IIE and nine other
take this seriously…. I also want ana, Mike Lee of Utah and Steve on Fox that the decision on the Post article was published said, 300,000 students higher-education organizations
to make sure that we as a na- Daines of Montana withdrew accusations would ultimately “The story as we know it is found that international new-
tion are not always prosecuting their support for Mr. Moore fall to Alabama voters, but that completely accurate.” He said student numbers fell by 7% this
people through the press.” over the weekend. they had “a great alternative” he had heard the account from 200,000 fall, with the largest drops
Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsyl- On Friday, the National Re- candidate in Mr. Jones. Ms. Corfman and added “this among less selective colleges
vania on Sunday joined a group publican Senatorial Committee A handful of Republicans happened, this is not fake and those in the Midwest.
of GOP senators calling on Mr. withdrew from a joint fundrais- have openly spoken in Mr. news.” “This has really served as a
Moore to drop out of a special ing committee with Mr. Moore, Moore’s defense, questioning Ms. Conway and Mr. 100,000 wake-up call” for colleges
election next month in what is a the Republican National Com- the motivation of his accusers, Mnuchin were echoing the to rethink their international
deep-red state. Mr. Moore de- mittee and the Alabama Repub- the accuracy of the Post report president, who said through recruiting strategies, said Allan
feated Sen. Luther Strange, who lican Party, according to a Fed- or, in some cases, saying that spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee 0 Goodman, president and CEO of
had been filling the seat va- eral Election Commission filing. the actions of which he is ac- Sanders that he believed that 2005 ’10 ’15 IIE. For example, he said, some
cated by Attorney General Jeff The RNC and the state party de- cused don’t disqualify him from Mr. Moore should step aside if Note: Dates are for academic years beginning
schools are focusing more on
Sessions, in a September runoff clined to comment on whether office. the allegations were true, but in the year shown. appealing to international stu-
to become the GOP candidate. they would follow the NRSC. On Sunday, Ms. Conway was that he didn’t know whether Source: Institute of International Education dents already in the U.S. for
“I have to say, I think the ac- The allegations surfaced in a pressed by ABC co-anchor Mar- that was the case. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. high school.

TAXES duction of at least $24,000

while limiting or repealing de-
ductions. The House and Sen-
ate would repeal the deduction
return,” said Rep. Tom Rice (R.,
S.C.), a tax lawyer and member
of the House Ways and Means
Still, the promise of post-
card-style filings was never
wholly realistic, because even
represent would rather have
their loan interest deduction, if
they have substantial student
debt, than being able to file on
would pay higher taxes in 2019
under the House plan than un-
der current law, according to
the Joint Committee on Taxa-
Continued from Page One for state and local income and The House’s combination of behind simple filings are calcu- a postcard,” said Rep. Lloyd tion. By 2027, that rises
actually pretty good,” said sales taxes; the House would policies means 6% of house- lations, work sheets and defi- Doggett (D., Texas). to nearly 20%.
Lawrence Zelenak, a Duke Uni- retain a partial property-tax holds would itemize deductions, nitions that add complexity, The tax code is complicated The Senate plan retains the
versity law professor. “It gets deduction. down from about 30%. That time and work. in part because the U.S. deliv- medical-expense and student-
rid of several things which add Despite the larger standard means less time tracking chari- For many households, sim- ers social and economic policy loan interest deductions. In
a lot of complexity for a lot of deduction, the repeal of the table contributions and other pler isn’t necessarily better. through taxes. Some complex- 2019, 9% of households would
ordinary taxpayers.” personal exemptions means the A married couple with ity is designed to stop busi- pay more, according to JCT. In
The National Taxpayer Ad- amount of income that is tax $30,000 in deductible medical nesses and high-in- 2027, 12% would pay more.
vocate, an internal IRS watch- free wouldn’t be close to dou- expenses for nursing-home care come households from In other cases, Republican
dog, estimates tax filing costs bled. Instead, fewer people
The promise of generally fares worse under the cheating. And interest groups— plans add new complexity.
about $195 billion a year and would itemize deductions be- postcard-style filings House bill than today. The from colleges to financial-ser- They retain today’s tax brack-
six billion hours in annual com- cause fewer would exceed the House plan would repeal the vices firms—get lawmakers to ets for capital gains and divi-
pliance costs. standard deduction.
was never wholly medical expense deduction, insert and protect their favor- dends while changing ordinary
The plans’ biggest simplifi- That is a backdoor way of realistic. pushing that family to the ite breaks. income brackets, so anyone
cation affects itemized deduc- limiting tax breaks for mort- $24,400 standard deduction “Until our society gets more with investment income has
tions. Republicans want to re- gage interest and charitable and taxing more of their in- simplified, you’re not really go- two different rate structures.
peal the personal exemption, contributions, and it’s why come. ing to have a way you mail in a They would add new rules for
which would let taxpayers in many home builders, real-es- expenses and is what’s behind The same is true for house- 10-line tax return,” said Mark pass-through businesses such
2018 subtract $4,150 from tax- tate agents and charities op- the postcard vow. holds taking the student loan Steber, chief tax officer at Jack- as partnerships and S corpora-
able income for them- pose the GOP plans. “Ninety four percent of the interest deduction, now avail- son Hewitt Tax Service Inc. tions. For top-bracket house-
selves, their spouses and each “The guy who’s getting a people would not itemize based able to households that use the For some people, the status holds, the House creates a
of their dependents. salary and a W-2, his life’s go- on this new tax bill,” said Rep. standard deduction; it would quo is preferable, even within a “bubble rate” that claws back
They would replace it with a ing to be a whole lot easier Jim Renacci (R., Ohio), an ac- disappear in the House plan. $1.5 trillion tax cut over a de- the benefits of the bottom
nearly doubled standard de- when he goes to fill out his tax countant and committee mem- “Many of the people that I cade. About 8% of households bracket.
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Hariri Says He Will Return to Lebanon
Prime minister says bollah to cease its involvement
in conflicts like the war in
he can move freely, Syria, where it is fighting
denies Saudi officials along with Iran on behalf of
Syrian President Bashar al-
pressed him to resign Assad. Saudi Arabia is a sup-
porter of the Syrian opposi-
Lebanese Prime Minister tion fighting against him.
Saad Hariri said he would re- Mr. Hariri’s resignation an-
turn to Beirut within days nouncement almost immedi-
from his de-facto exile in Ri- ately sparked rumors that
yadh, after his sudden resigna- Saudi Arabia was restricting
tion more than a week ago his movements, which per-
thrust Lebanon back to the sisted even as he met foreign
forefront of a regional strug- diplomats in Riyadh and trav-
gle between Saudi Arabia and eled to the United Arab Emir-
Iran. ates on a day trip.
According to an account de-
By Nazih Osseiran in scribed by people familiar


Beirut and Margherita with the matter, Saudi offi-
Stancati in Riyadh cials, frustrated that Mr. Hariri
had been unable to contain the
Mr. Hariri, who leads Leba- influence of Hezbollah, sum-
non’s main Sunni Muslim po- moned him to Riyadh on Nov.
litical bloc, has remained out- 3.
side the country since he quit The Saudis pressured him
his job from the Saudi capital into resigning after he de-
on Nov. 4, citing what he clined to embrace a more
called the destructive role of hard-line stand against the
Iran and its Lebanese proxy militant group, those people
Hezbollah in the Middle East said.
and saying he feared for his “He was ordered to resign.
life. He was ordered to stay,” said a
In an emotional interview Customers at a Beirut coffee shop watched a television interview with Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Sunday. person briefed on the events
from Riyadh aired live on his by a member of the Hariri
family’s television channel on days” to formally tender his on him contacting his family,” try’s acting ambassador to the U.S., which considers both family.
Sunday, Future TV, Mr. Hariri resignation. Mr. Aoun said on Sunday af- Lebanon on Saturday said Mr. to be key partners in the re- Saudi Arabia is now seeking
sought to dispel rumors that Mr. Hariri’s departure has ternoon. As a result, the “posi- Hariri was in Saudi Arabia by gion. “The United States cau- to elevate as head of the Sunni
the Saudi government—his triggered a political crisis in tions and statements” of Mr. his own will and was free to tions against any party, within bloc Mr. Hariri’s older brother,
chief foreign patron—had Lebanon that threatens the Hariri “cannot be relied on or move. or outside Lebanon, using Leb- Bahaa Hariri, who they hope
pressured him into resigning country’s delicate balance considered as statements com- Lebanon finds itself at the anon as a venue for proxy con- will be more aggressive in
and restricted his movements. among the predominantly ing willingly from the prime heart of a rivalry between flicts,” Secretary of State Rex countering Hezbollah and Iran,
“I wrote the resignation let- Christian, Sunni Muslim and minister.” Saudi Arabia and Iran for re- Tillerson said on Friday, a the person said.
ter because I wanted to create Shiite Muslim populations. On Friday, Hezbollah Secre- gional dominance. For years, clear reference to Riyadh and Saudi officials asked mem-
a positive shock to show the Lebanon’s Christian presi- tary-General Hassan Nasrallah wars in Syria and elsewhere, Tehran, both of which have bers of the Hariri family to
severity of the situation,” Mr. dent, Michel Aoun, an ally of accused Riyadh of holding Mr. and the territorial expansion seen the country as a battle- come to Riyadh in order to
Hariri said in his first public Shiite Hezbollah, has accused Hariri under house arrest. "It of Islamic State, meant that ground for influence. persuade the family members
comments since he stepped Saudi Arabia of holding Mr. is obvious that Saudi Arabia Lebanon was low on their list Mr. Hariri on Sunday ruled to pledge allegiance to Bahaa
down. “I can leave the king- Hariri against his will, an alle- has declared war on Lebanon of priorities. Now, as those out the possibility of an armed Hariri, a request they are re-
dom at any moment, but I am gation he reiterated on Sunday and Hezbollah,” he said dur- conflicts are drawing to a conflict in Lebanon: “We will sisting.
reviewing security arrange- ahead of the televised inter- ing a televised statement on close, the country is gaining not allow a regional war in “They are lost. They can’t
ments to make sure that I can view. Friday. renewed focus from Riyadh Lebanon for the benefit of re- say no and they don’t want to
return safely to a safe Leba- "Hariri’s freedom of move- Spokespersons for the and Tehran. gional calculations.” say yes,” the person said. “But
non.” ment is being limited and Saudi government didn’t im- The troubles between Leba- He said he wants Lebanon they don’t have a choice.”
He said he plans to go back there are conditions imposed mediately respond to a re- non and Saudi Arabia also to stay neutral in regional ri- —Summer Said in Dubai
to Lebanon in “two or three on his stay [in Saudi] and even quest for comment. The coun- have aroused the concern of valries, and appealed to Hez- contributed to this article.

In Iraq, a New Cycle of Retribution Poland Condemns

same areas by former dictator
Saddam Hussein as he sought
to consolidate government con-
Nationalist March
ZUMAR, Iraq—The victors trol over oil resources and ara-
in the latest reversal of for- ble land in the north through a BY DREW HINSHAW seeks an ethnically pure Po-
tunes in this part of northern campaign of “Arabization.” land, and has focused rhetoric
Iraq have wasted no time eras- After driving Islamic State Polish government leaders against Jews and Muslims,
ing the legacy of three years out of some of those areas, the condemned two self-described both groups representing less
of Kurdish rule. Kurds destroyed Arab homes, radical nationalist groups than 1% of the country’s popu-
Since routing the Kurds in banishing many they accused seeking an ethnically and reli- lation.
October, Iraqi forces have of supporting the militants. giously pure country that or- The National Radical Camp
scrubbed out their sun-embla- Arabs banished from Zumar ganized an Independence Day has said it wants an authori-
zoned flag and replaced pictures under Kurdish rule are now re- event attracting tens of thou- tarian, Catholic Poland, and its
commemorating Kurdish Pesh- turning to the area, and pitching sands of people. members have burned Jews in
merga fighters killed in the war tents among the ruins of their “We do not approve of sup- effigy.

against Islamic State with por- villages. Some human-rights port in the public sphere for The size of the march
traits of their own “martyrs.” groups said the villages were at an ethnic national community, raised questions in the Polish
A mural depicting the fa- least partly destroyed by Kurd- we support the idea of a na- press over the degree to which
ther of the Kurdish nationalist ish forces in an effort to change tion rooted in culture,” Piotr the marchers subscribed to
struggle, Mala Mustafa Bar- demographics in their favor. Glinski, the country’s deputy the two groups’ beliefs, or
zani, has been defaced. Iraqi pro-government forces are shown in Zumar in October. Since Iraqi forces moved in prime minister said on Sun- whether they were simply
Scrawled over it are the on Oct. 13, more than 180,000 day, a day after the country’s willing to overlook them as
words: “Long live Iraq!” fighters out a few weeks ago. ritories the Kurds had seized people, mainly Kurds, have largest national independence they joined the biggest event
The shift in power has fa- The offensive came just as outside their semiautonomous fled the disputed areas, ac- celebration attracted far-right in the capita on Saturday.
vored local Arabs over Kurds Iraqi forces, who were allied region in the north. cording to the United Nations. movements from at least six Although the two groups
here, setting off a new round with the Kurds in the war With that land, stretching Some Kurds who fled said other European states. organized the march, some
of score-settling that under- against Islamic State, drove from Iran in the east to Syria they fear retribution by Iraqi The National Radical Camp government leaders described
mines hopes for stability in the militants out of their last in the west, the Kurds had en- forces and local residents from and the All Polish Youth—two them as a fringe within the
the country just as it triumphs strongholds in the country. larged the territory under other ethnic groups, primarily nativist political movements crowd. Interior Minister Mari-
over Islamic State. As their common enemy their control by about 40%. Arabs, who resented Kurdish both named after Polish anti- usz Blaszczak said on Sunday
“Arab politicians claim the nears defeat, the factions that Baghdad continues to de- dominance and have been Semitic fascist leagues from he didn’t see any racist signs
Kurds Kurdicized the area came together against Islamic mand the Kurds surrender the newly empowered by the res- the 1920s and 1930s—orga- or symbols at the march.
[and] Kurdish politicians claim State are once again prioritiz- rest of the territory they con- toration of federal authority. nized Saturday’s march to The largely young crowd on
the Arabs Arabized the area,” ing their own agendas. trol outside the formal bound- In some areas, Kurdish prop- mark the 99th anniversary of Saturday shot off Roman can-
said the head of Zumar district, The shift came soon after ary of their region, as well as erty has been ransacked and the country’s independence. dles and many chanted “fa-
Ahmed Jaafar. “Things are not the Kurds moved to break international border crossings torched. In Zumar district, the Many of the attendees—esti- therland,” behind banners
stable at all—not only in Zumar away from the rest of the they hold. The central govern- chief of police and head of in- mated at 60,000 by the po- such as “Clean Blood” or “Eu-
but all over Iraq. We are wor- country with a Sept. 25 refer- ment has massed troops near telligence—both Kurds—have lice—said they were not mem- rope Will Be White or De-
ried about the coming stage.” endum on independence. Zumar to pressure Kurds. been replaced with Arabs. bers of those organizations, serted.” Some marchers said
Kurdish fighters routed Is- In a startling turn, Iraqi The Kurds called on Nov. 6 “We have been liberated but saw nothing wrong with they had flown in from Hun-
lamic State from this oil-rich Prime Minister Haider al- for dialogue to ease tensions from the Peshmerga,” said a celebrating their country’s gary, Slovakia and Spain.
district of 90,000 people in Abadi mobilized troops against with the central government. 60-year-old resident, who re- 1918 statehood marching “There are, of course, na-
2014. But for much of the his former Kurdish allies. The erasing of symbols re- turned to the Zumar area less alongside them. tionalists and fascists at this
area’s Arab population, the Within days, he reasserted minded Kurds of a dark chapter than three weeks ago to find The march underscores how march,” said Mateusz, a 27-
real liberation came when Baghdad’s authority across in the past, when they were dis- his house in the Arab village a growing section of Polish year-old wrapped in a Polish
Iraqi forces pushed Kurdish disputed, ethnically mixed ter- placed en masse from those of Barzan destroyed. youth are turning rightward. flag, “I’m fine with it. I’m just
The National Radical Camp happy to be here.”

Shaken Region
A powerful earthquake struck along the Iran-Iraq border on Sunday.
Quake Kills Scores
Intensity of Sunday’s quake

Light Moderate Strong Very strong

Near Iran-Iraq Border
Associated Press nian province of Kermanshah.
50 miles The state-run IRNA news
50 km TEHRAN, Iran—A powerful agency reported the increase
earthquake shook the Iran-Iraq in casualties early Monday and
border late Sunday, killing said rescue work was continu-
Erbil more than 140 people and in- ing overnight and would accel-
Mosul IRAN
juring 860 in Iran alone, state erate during the daytime.
T ig ris
River Kirkuk
media there reported. The semiofficial ILNA news
Sanandaj The Baghdad government agency said at least 14 prov-
didn’t immediately disclose inces in Iran had been affected

damage or casualties in Iraq. by the earthquake.

Epicenter Hamedan The magnitude-7.3 quake Officials said schools in
Tikrit was centered 19 miles outside Kermanshah and Ilam prov-
Kermanshah the eastern Iraqi city of Hal- inces would be closed on Mon-
abja, according to the most re- day because of the tremor.
cent measurements from the Iranian state TV also said
Baghdad U.S. Geological Survey. Iraqi officials reported at least
Iranian social media and six people dead inside Iraq.
news agencies showed images Iran sits on many major
and videos of people fleeing fault lines and is prone to
Source: U.S. Geological Survey THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. their homes in the western Ira- near-daily quakes. Marchers marked Polish independence in Warsaw on Saturday.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | A7

Export Food,
Not Jobs

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Pratt Industries is one of the largest corrugated box manufacturers in the United States.
Our boxes save money and save the environment.

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A8 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Smiles Mask Trade Tensions China Massages

Its Global Message
BY TE-PING CHEN Mr. Xi and his policies.
The documentary mentions
BEIJING—Xi Jinping wants some of China’s challenges,
the media to tell China’s sto- such as pollution. But there is
ries better. These days, he is no mention of more controver-
CHINA’S WORLD increasingly finding willing sial aspects of Mr. Xi’s tenure,
By Andrew Browne partners abroad. such as his crackdowns on
The Chinese leader has ex- speech and dissidents or his
horted state media to do more moves toward one-man rule.
HANOI—On its face, Don- to “enable the world to see a “It’s not our place to sort of
ald Trump’s deference to Xi multidimensional and colorful comment on or provide the
Jinping at their summit was China,” present his nation as a good and the bad. We don’t
a victory for China, although builder of global peace and look at it that way,” Discovery
not nearly the surrendering help strengthen China’s influ- representative Karun Arya
of U.S. leadership in Asia to ence abroad. said. “We’re in the business of

the Chinese strongman that China has for years placed infotainment.”
some critics allege. paid English-language state- Many of these projects re-
Mr. Xi’s China, Mr. Trump media supplements in foreign ceive support from state arms
said, paying fulsome tribute newspapers, including The linked to government propa-
to the omnip- Wall Street Journal. ganda departments. Such part-
otence of the Under Mr. Xi, Beijing, which nerships give China more say
newly often calls Western depictions in how its story is told—with
crowned su- of its society unfair, has also the imprimatur of a respected
preme leader stepped up support for co-pro- media outlet or producer.
standing next Presidents Xi Jinping, left, and Donald Trump smiled during a meeting in Beijing on Thursday. ductions with foreign part- Discovery said the “Time of
to him, could ners, including documentary Xi” project was conceived by
fix the North Korean nuclear and aluminum dumping. The takeaways and the White tive: “The world has many tie-ups spotlighting the coun- its team and received help
crisis “easily and quickly,” action reflects an acknowl- House appears to have used places, many dreams and try’s culture, technological ad- with research and access from
On Chinese trade abuses, edgment that Mr. Xi has no the summit to signal it is no many roads,” he said to scat- vancements and infrastructure China Intercontinental Com-
he appeared to absolve Mr. intention of abandoning longer playing the old game tered applause. His America projects. munication Center, a company
Xi of all responsibility, pro- predatory industrial policies of pretend. Is this why, after First stridency, though—“but One such feature is “China: belonging to the Communist
vocatively suggesting there to bring China, in his words, Mr. Trump had left Beijing, in all of the world there’s no Time of Xi,” a documentary Party Propaganda Department,
is honor in the way Chinese “closer to the center” of the his hosts offered improved place like home”—was re- produced by Discovery Chan- whose role isn’t listed in the
leaders game the global world, and that conventional market access for U.S. secu- ceived in silence. nel’s Asia arm that was first credits.
trading system to win advan- counters to Chinese abuses, rities firms and banks? There’s his problem: The broadcast in China in Octo- CICC, which bought the dis-
tage for their people. “I give like World Trade Organiza- White House aides suggest marketing of nationalism— ber—during a Communist tribution rights for China and
China great credit,” he said. tion complaints, don’t work. this concession was granted, each country for itself—cre- Party congress that gave the other Asia-Pacific regions out-
Look beyond the flattery, All this suggests that a not demanded. ates fissures in Asia. leader a level of authority side Discovery’s footprint,
however, and a harder-edged largely vacuous meeting in In this more nuanced read- Whether Mr. Trump is con- comparable to Chairman Mao. didn’t respond to a request for
strategy comes into focus. Beijing may go down in his- ing from Washington’s per- fronting North Korea or Chi- Interspersed in the produc- comment on its foreign pro-
tory as the prelude to a face- spective, Mr. Trump’s role nese territorial assertive- tion are admiring words for duction partnerships.

s Mr. Trump lavished off on trade and other conten- was to enhance a rapport with ness, he needs an Asian
praise on the Chinese tious issues that Mr. Trump Mr. Xi that will help anchor coalition behind him, which
president, three U.S. repeatedly threatened during the relationship in advance of means promoting common
aircraft-carrier strike groups his campaign but has conspic- expected turbulence ahead. values in a region of traders.
prowled the Western Pacific. uously failed to bring on. Mr. Xi understands this, at


They are a reminder of the Indeed, empty summitry here was nothing sub- least rhetorically.
military options the Penta- may have been part of the tle, though, about Mr. Mr. Xi’s attempts to pose
gon is weighing against White House game plan. Trump’s address to as the savior of open mar-
Pyongyang, knowing that Both sides normally strain Asian leaders gathered in the kets and globalization draw
while China could do more for agreements to show Vietnamese coastal resort of as much skepticism today as
to pressure Kim Jong Un to progress toward all-around Da Nang. In front of a group when he first pitched himself
slow his nuclear buildup, Mr. engagement. This time was dedicated to multilateral in that role at Davos this
Xi’s leverage is limited. different. Nobody was fooled trade, he thundered his insis- year. But what he offers is
Meanwhile, back in Wash- by the $250 billion in com- tence on one-on-one deals. inclusion, not retreat.
ington lower-level aides are mercial deals signed. Borrowing a line from Dor- Having forged the region
dusting off a rarely used Focus exclusively on his othy in “The Wizard of Oz,” in its own image—a free-
Cold War-era trade weapon gushing personal diplomacy Mr. Trump took a dig at the trading and substantially
that invokes national-secu- and the view might be that ethno-nationalism that im- democratic dynamo—the U.S.
rity considerations to push Mr. Trump was played like a bues Mr. Xi’s dream, as well now risks bequeathing the
back against Chinese steel fiddle. Dwell on the modest as his “Belt and Road” initia- fruits to a rising China. A poster of Xi Jinping looks down at Beijing pedestrians.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, November 13, 2017 | A9


U.S.-Philippine Talks Set for Warmer Tone

Trump-Duterte pleased to have finally met” separation from the U.S.—
very briefly at the Asia-Pacific made during a visit last year
meeting follows Economic Cooperation summit to China, increasingly Amer-
American support for in Vietnam. Mr. Duterte said he ica’s strategic competitor in
and the American leader the region—hasn’t panned out
fight against militants “share so many ideas.” in policy.
The U.S. ruled the Philip- Still, Mr. Duterte also has
BY JAKE MAXWELL WATTS pines between 1898 and 1946 sought closer ties with China
and the country was home to and Russia in what he calls a
MANILA, Philippines—Pres- some of the largest overseas new “independent foreign pol-
ident Rodrigo Duterte meets U.S. military bases before they icy.”
Monday with President Donald were closed amid rising oppo- There are still issues on
Trump, with the Philippine sition in the early 1990s. Many which the Philippines and the
leader’s longstanding animos- Filipino elites are educated in U.S. don’t agree, such as the
ity toward the U.S. tempered the U.S., and large numbers violent crackdown on drug use

by Mr. Trump’s implicit sup- have family in both countries. by Mr. Duterte that activists
port of his war on drugs and The meeting is a chance for say has led to the deaths of
by American help in crushing two men viewed at home as more than 13,000 people, in-
Islamic State-backed fighters antiestablishment populists to cluding many allegedly exe-
who occupied a southern city. find common ground, analysts cuted by police. Mr. Duterte
Mr. Duterte lobbed repeated say. The Philippine leader “is denies that police have been
verbal attacks at the U.S. when street smart,” said Clarita Car- involved in extrajudicial kill-
he took office in June 2016, los, professor of political sci- ings and his government dis-
swiftly clashing with then- ence at the University of the putes the body count.
President Barack Obama on Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte spoke at the Asean dinner in Manila on Sunday. Philippines. “Trump and Du- U.S. officials say Mr. Trump,
human-rights issues. Relations terte are both straight talk- who hasn’t openly criticized
have improved under Mr. Trump with a handshake at a ministration official said in a retake the city of Marawi from ers,” she said. “They should the drug war, intends to bring
Trump, who will be meeting gala dinner Sunday for summit briefing. hundreds of militants linked to get along well.” it up and discuss “ways in
Mr. Duterte at a summit of participants in Manila. When The relationship was helped Islamic State. The Philippine While Mr. Duterte has been which that war could be pros-
Asia-Pacific leaders under the they meet on Monday, “there by a state-of-the-art U.S. military called the U.S. sup- open about his ambivalence ecuted that conform with Phil-
umbrella of the Association of will be a lot of discussion drone and other aircraft that port a game-changer. toward the U.S. relationship, ippine law and international
Southeast Asian Nations. about renewal of the U.S.-Phil- provided surveillance for the A spokesman for Mr. Du- which he says has been unfair norms for human rights.”
Mr. Duterte, the summit ippines alliance and re-ener- Philippine armed forces as terte said that he and Mr. to the Philippines, his declara- Another thorny issue is se-
host this year, greeted Mr. gizing that alliance,” a U.S. ad- they battled for five months to Trump “were genuinely tion that he would establish a curity in the South China Sea.

Allies Drill With American Carriers

BY ALASTAIR GALE three-carrier operation in the yang, but said the drills would that might target the U.S. and


western Pacific region since enable them to prepare fully its allies.
ABOARD THE USS RONALD 2007, has been highlighted by for conflict. “It is important for the U.S.
REAGAN—Three U.S. aircraft President Donald Trump as a “The message is that we are to have the ability to conduct
carriers with around 200 jet warning to North Korea as that ready to defend our national multiple coordinated strikes si-
fighters in total sailed in close country continues to ramp up interest and our allies,” said multaneously with as many as-
formation with several other its nuclear program. In com- Rear Adm. Marc Dalton, com- sets it can muster,” said Ridz-
warships in the Sea of Japan ments last week in Seoul, Mr. mander of the combined exer- wan Rahmat, senior defense
on Sunday, the largest display Trump said the carriers were cises. and security analyst at Jane’s.
of U.S. naval firepower in the among major military assets Overwhelming air power The mood on the ship ap-
region for a decade as nearby “we hope to God we never have would be central to winning peared relaxed on Saturday
North Korea trades war threats to use.” any conflict with North Korea evening, pizza-and-chicken-
with Washington. In the latest exchange, quickly, defense analysts say. wings night for the kitchens,
In exercises due to run North Korea’s state media over Most jet fighters on the three which produce around 18,000
through Tuesday, the U.S. the weekend called Mr. Trump U.S. carriers are F-18s, which meals a day for the almost The three U.S. aircraft carriers, shown in an image from the Navy.
forces, joined by Japanese and a “warmonger,” while the pres- could be launched and reach 6,000 crew, pilots and others
South Korean military vessels, ident on Twitter criticized North Korea within minutes of on board. nelly, who took part in the last erations continuously for about
are training for combined oper- Pyongyang’s personal insults such a command being given. After dinner, some crew three-carrier exercise in the a month, an additional carrier
ations that would enable them against him. In a war with North Korea, took part in touch rugby train- western Pacific, near Guam, removes the limit.
to stage indefinite large-scale Officials coordinating the initial strikes would likely be ing. Others watched screenings said the latest drills were in Asked if the latest exercise
round-the-clock offensives, of- exercises a few hundred miles made to destroy ground-to-air of horror movie “Child’s Play” the Sea of Japan because of the sends a message to countries
ficials on board lead carrier the southeast of North Korea’s missile units which could or Vietnam War movie “Apoca- importance of the area. While that challenge the U.S., Capt.
USS Ronald Reagan said. coast were careful not to single threaten U.S. bombers, as well lypse Now”. two carriers and their support Donnelly said: “I would expect
The combined drill, the first out the standoff with Pyong- as ballistic-missile launch sites Capt. Michael “Buzz” Don- groups could sustain joint op- it certainly has to.”

Softbank has been trying to gain a 14% stake in Uber, according to people familiar with the matter.

UBER the Japanese investor could

scuttle the deal, people famil-
iar with the matter have said.
Benchmark agreed to put a
Benchmark has said it be-
lieves Uber could be valued at
$100 billion, though talks on
the tender offer have centered
Continued from Page One hold on its lawsuit against Mr. on a valuation of around $50
one staying in is focused on Kalanick, while the former billion, according to the peo-
the possibilities of the future CEO will allow directors to ple.
and everyone mired in the vote on any future appointees Upon completion of a deal,
past and present can move he makes to the board for the a set of governance reforms
on.” three seats he oversees, these would kick in, including elimi-
Directors have used the people said. nating the outsize voting
proposed SoftBank deal to The investor, with a board power of early investors and
push through a sweeping set seat and a stake valued at adding six seats to Uber’s 11-
of board reforms sought by more than $8 billion, had person board, two slated for
investors. The reforms only sued Mr. Kalanick to turn con- SoftBank, the people said.
kick in if the investment deal trol of his seats back to the The voting provision effec-
is consummated. board, a move that divided di- tively would limit Mr. Kalan-
“We believe this agreement rectors. Mr. Kalanick was ick’s power by creating equal
is a strong vote of confidence granted control of three board voting power among share-
in Uber’s long-term poten- seats as part of a $3.5 billion holders. Still, with oversight
tial,” an Uber spokesman said investment from a Saudi of three board seats, he would
in an emailed statement. wealth fund in 2016. remain an influential force at
“Upon closing, it will help fuel Once the deal is complete, the company he co-founded
our investments in technology Benchmark will drop its suit, eight years ago, and he re-
and our continued expansion said the people familiar with mains in close contact with
at home and abroad, while the matter. Mr. Khosrowshahi and other
strengthening our corporate For SoftBank, the deal executives.
governance.” would give it a stake in all of Mr. Kalanick in September
SoftBank, leading a consor- the world’s largest ride-hail- unilaterally filled two board
tium of investors, has been ing firms. It also already has seats, which surprised fellow
trying gain at least a 14% directors on the boards of ANI directors and the new CEO.
stake in Uber, according to Technologies Pvt.’s Ola and He named two well-known ex-
the people familiar. A two- GrabTaxi Holdings Pte., which ecutives in former Xerox
pronged investment could to- compete with Uber directly in Corp. CEO Ursula Burns and
tal $10 billion, with SoftBank India, and Singapore and former CIT Group Inc. CEO
directly contributing at least Southeast Asia, respectively. John Thain.
$1 billion, buying shares that SoftBank still faces hurdles Uber’s board has set a
reflect the company’s valua- in its goal of taking a com- deadline to hold an initial
tion at $68 billion, and buying manding stake in Uber. Bench- public offering sometime in
the rest of the stake from in- mark, which controls about 2019. That gives the company
vestors at a lower price, the 13% of Uber, privately has wa- and its new CEO some time to
people said. vered on whether it will sell repair its damaged reputation,
Details of the tender offer based on the valuation of the fill a number of top executive
are still to come—pricing re- tender offer, and Mr. Kalanick roles, resolve a series of
mains an issue—and could fail has indicated he plans to re- prominent lawsuits and im-
to entice enough investors to tain all of his roughly 10% prove financial losses that to-
sell their stakes. If SoftBank stake, according to the peo- taled more than $3 billion last
doesn’t garner at least 14%, ple. year.
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A10 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


CHINA public security.”

A spokesman for Italy’s gov-
ernment procurement agency
said the supplier “guaranteed a
Continued from Page One level of security appropriate to
is stunning,” says Carolyn Bar- the risk,” but that “no one can
tholomew, chairwoman of the be absolutely sure that a partic-
U.S.-China Economic and Secu- ipating firm has not surrepti-
rity Review Commission, which tiously inserted backdoor de-
was created by Congress to vices and security
monitor the national-security vulnerabilities for malicious
implications of trade with purposes.”
China. “We shouldn’t presume Hikvision says the Italian
that there are benign intentions legislator’s concerns about se-
in the use of information-gath- curity risk are “totally un-
ering technology that is funded founded and absurd.”
directly or indirectly by the Nathan Brubaker, an analyst
Chinese government.” at U.S. cybersecurity firm Fire-
Some security vendors in the Eye Inc., says the software vul-
U.S. refuse to carry Hikvision nerabilities identified by the

cameras or place restrictions Department of Homeland Secu-
on their purchase, concerned rity could make those Hikvision
they could be used by Beijing to cameras prone to a hacking at-
spy on Americans. The General tack similar to the “Mirai” de-
Services Administration, which nial-of-service attack on the in-
oversees $66 billion of procure- Surveillance gear on display, above, at Hikvision’s Hangzhou office. Heat-mapping technology, below, can be used for crowd counting. ternet last year.
ment for the U.S. government, Security experts say back-
has removed Hikvision from a help found Hikvision in 2001, in doors that allow outsiders to
list of automatically approved an arrangement that gave the bypass security protections are
suppliers. In May, the Depart- government-backed lab a 51% often difficult to identify. Such
ment of Homeland Security is- stake. Although the size of that vulnerabilities can be acciden-
sued a cybersecurity warning stake has since declined, the tal—the result of flaws in the
saying some of Hikvision’s cam- government only began to more software’s original design or in
eras contained a loophole mak- actively aid the company in the updates.
ing them easily exploitable by past few years. The Hikvision flaws identi-
hackers. The department as- CETC didn’t respond to a re- fied by the Department of
signed its worst security rating quest for comment. Homeland Security affected
to that vulnerability. Contracts from Chinese gov- more than 200 camera models
The concerns about Hikvi- ernment agencies propelled the and potentially tens of millions
sion are reminiscent of the con- company’s rise. It helped with of shipped devices, estimates
troversy surrounding Chinese security at the 2008 Beijing John Honovich, editor of IPVM.
technology giant Huawei Tech- Olympics. In 2011, the company They made it possible for out-
nologies Corp., whose telecom said the value of contracts for siders to hack into internet-
gear was effectively banned in its “safe city” camera project in connected Hikvision cameras in

the U.S. after a 2012 congres- Chongqing, a large city in just a few steps, according to
sional report raised fearsits China’s southwest, reached $1.2 Mr. Honovich and FireEye, the
networking equipment could be billion. Its cameras are now cybersecurity firm. Hikvision
used to spy on Americans. The ubiquitous on the city’s streets. era-equipped drones and cam- cameras were installed “to eral Services Administration re- acknowledged the flaws af-
company has repeatedly dis- China’s President Xi Jinping, eras programmed to alert monitor nonsensitive electrical moved Hikvision from a list of fected some cameras, but dis-
missed such concerns. who has made high-tech secu- authorities to large gatherings. closets for theft prevention,” automatically approved suppli- misses Mr. Honovich’s asser-
Hikvision says its equipment rity a priority, visited the firm’s The company’s consumer says a State Department ers, companies that make their tions as “unfounded
is safe and secure, that it fol- headquarters in 2015. Since camera line, called “EZVIZ,” can spokesperson, referring to clos- products in countries that have insinuations and hearsay.”
lows the law wherever it does that year, Hikvision has re- sync with a smartphone app. ets housing electronics equip- certain trade agreements with Hikvision says it cooperated
business and that it worked ceived major loans from two of One softball-sized device can ment. the U.S. The agency says it with the DHS to fix the problem
with Homeland Security to China’s three policy banks, detect noises—a dog barking Last year, the security-indus- nixed the firm after it was and directed customers to a
patch the flaws the agency which finance state develop- loudly or the sound of a door try trade publication IPVM pub- alerted the products were man- software fix. “This issue did not
cited. It says it “cannot in any ment goals. opening—and automatically di- lished a procurement order for ufactured and assembled in cause a noticeable impact on
way access and control the con- Zheng Yibo, a Hikvision vice rect its lens at the source of the several dozen Hikvision cam- China, which isn’t on the list. Hikvision’s overseas business,”
tent of the video cameras.” It president, says CETC has no disturbance, sending an alert to eras, revealing their presence in U.S. government agencies that a company spokeswoman says.
says the vast majority of its role in Hikvision’s day-to-day the phone. the Kabul embassy. The govern- want to buy Hikvision gear Genetec, a Canadian security
products are sold through operations. Global sales of surveillance ment canceled the order in Sep- can’t go through the GSA sys- company with a U.S. presence,
third-party vendors, meaning it Hikvision’s head of research, equipment has increased 55% in tember 2016 and removed the tem, but have to take extra requires customers who want
often doesn’t even know where Pu Shiliang, holds a leadership the five years through 2016, ac- Hikvision cameras already in steps such as showing the to buy Hikvision cameras to
they wind up. position at a Hangzhou labora- cording to consulting firm IHS- the embassy. items are fairly priced. sign a waiver disclaiming
“Hikvision is a business,” tory run by the Ministry of Markit. By pricing cameras be- A State Department official Hikvision says its gear was Genetec of liability in the event
said Chief Executive Officer Hu Public Security, China’s police low those made by Western says that was because security listed on the GSA by two resell- of a security breach. Pierre
Yangzhong. “It would be impos- force. The lab explores ways au- competitors, Hikvision has be- officials at the department, who ers, which it says it hadn’t au- Racz, the Montreal-based com-
sible for us to add a backdoor thorities can leverage data come the top seller of surveil- are supposed to be notified of thorized. Hikvision says it pany’s chief executive, says
to our cameras, as that would gathered by the company’s lance equipment in Europe and new security-related installa- asked the resellers to remove concern over cameras made by
damage our business.” cameras and other sources to No. 2 in the U.S., according to tions, weren’t given a heads up the products from the GSA list. “companies owned or con-
Vulnerabilities in surveil- improve policing, according to IHS-Markit and other industry about the purchase. In January, Italy’s govern- trolled by the Chinese govern-
lance cameras have become the lab’s website. analysts. Its cameras frequently In a written statement, ment awarded a $49 million ment” and “Beijing’s reputation
more of a concern as internet- China has been rolling out are sold without the Hikvision Hikvision said it had no knowl- contract to a supplier in a deal for aggressive cyberespionage”
connected devices become new technologies to monitor its name and are rebranded by U.S. edge of the Kabul project’s par- that included the installation of led him to require the waiver.
more prevalent. Cameras can be people in ways that would un- distributors—a frequent prac- ticulars “on the end-user level,” Hikvision cameras at some Hikvision says “linking
a weak link in an organization’s settle many in the U.S. and the tice in the industry. and that “accepting or remov- state buildings. The deal was Hikvision with espionage is
information-technology net- West. Unfettered by privacy This year, Hikvision opened ing particular products is al- publicly questioned in June by simply outrageous and com-
work, potentially opening concerns or public debate, Bei- research-and-development of- ways at the discretion of the Italian legislator Arianna Spes- pletely unfounded.”
“backdoors”—ways to gain ac- jing’s leaders have introduced fices in Silicon Valley and Mon- end-user.” sotto, who said the cameras Hikvision has been selling
cess by bypassing security facial-recognition technology treal. It plans to employ 350 Shortly thereafter, the Gen- “could pose a risk to national cameras to the Memphis police
mechanisms—for hackers, in- people in North America by department since 2007. Officers
cluding state-backed ones. year’s end and 800 by 2022, can observe streets from a cen-
Last year, hackers took con-
Contracts from the company says. Party Ties State-
tral command center. Some de-
trol of hundreds of thousands Fort Leonard Wood, an Army Hikvision is owned Assets Government body vices use advanced lighting
of cameras, including many Chinese government base in Missouri’s Ozarks, uses part-owned by the Supervision and that oversees state- technology to produce clear im-
made by a Chinese rival of Hikvision cameras in its secu- ages even in the middle of the
Hikvision, to launch a huge “de-
agencies propelled the rity system, according to the
Chinese government Administration owned companies
through a series of Commission
nial of service” attack that se- company’s rise. Chinese company and NexGen entities that report “We probably make up to
curity experts said made sites Integration, a U.S. company up to the body that SASAC owns 100 arrests every year” because
run by Amazon.com Inc., PayPal that handled the installations. regulates 100% of CETC of the cameras, including for
Inc. and Twitter Inc. unavail- The base offers basic combat state-owned car theft, robbery and murder,
able for hours. and other surveillance mea- training and includes a school enterprises. China says Lieutenant Joseph Patty II,
Hikvision grew out of a gov- sures in a vast experiment in for chemical, biological and nu- State-owned who manages the system.
Electronics manufacturer of military
ernment laboratory started a social engineering. Their goal is clear-defense drills. Technology electronics equipment He says the city started us-
half-century ago. Its largest to influence behavior and iden- Chris Nickelson, NexGen’s Group ing the cameras long before
shareholder is China Electron- tify lawbreakers. owner, says none of his custom- 100% 100% concerns about hacking came
ics Technology Group Corp., or At Hikvision’s Hangzhou ers have raised any issues into play. The department uses
CETC, a state-owned defense showroom, walls are lined with about Hikvision gear. The army a decentralized network where
and military electronics manu- monitors and video cameras base referred questions to the China Industrial and cameras aren’t connected to the
Electronics 52nd Electronics
facturer. Its biggest individual that employ artificial intelli- U.S. Army’s installation man- Research electronics police mainframe computer, he
shareholder is Gong Hongjia, a gence to recognize objects and agement command public af- research Technology says.
Institute research and
laboratory HIK Group
Hong Kong billionaire and uni- sounds from afar and to pro- fairs office, which said it development “At the end of the day, they
versity classmate of top Hikvi- duce visible images despite pol- doesn’t discuss equipment or are the No. 1 camera manufac-
sion executives. Some execu- lution or darkness. Hikvision’s capabilities, but added that 2% 40% turer in the world,” says Lt.
tives are Communist Party “Darkfighter” thermal camera “any equipment or software Patty. “They make a lot of cam-
members also employed by enables it to record under ul- that goes on a military network Hangzhou eras and many people use
subsidiaries of CETC, according tralow light conditions, the is thoroughly tested for secu- Hikvision them, even if they don’t say
to securities filings in China. company says. Its “Blazer Pro” rity vulnerabilities.” Digital Hikvision on the product.”
Mr. Gong said in an inter- server, it says, allows license- At the U.S. Embassy in Ka- Technology —Liza Lin and Wenxin Fan
view that he provided capital to plate recognition. It offers cam- bul, Afghanistan, Hikvision Sources: Hikvision; staff reports THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. contributed to this article.

ADS well settled, meaning well paid.

Wkg is working. PQ means pro-
fessionally qualified, T’tot is a
teetotaler, and a PSU is a public
sert in New Delhi costs around
The number of print ads has
fallen from peaks about 15
responses a month for the
ads—he filled two diaries keep-
ing notes on the process—but it
still took close to two years to
lies because the father asked
about the size of his home.
“Are you marrying your daugh-
ter to the house or to my son?”
Continued from Page One sector unit—where jobs im- years ago. The Times of India find the right match. he asked him.
are the best way. There is no press. used to have 12 pages of ads in The biggest barrier was usu- He also turned down a
chance of mischief.” The ads also often list the some of its regional editions. ally astrological incompatibility. woman because she wanted to
The newspaper ads use no father’s job—fthr sr bnk offcr, Today it usually has around He diligently plugged the birth meet his son directly, a normal

names or photos and convey or father senior bank officer, half that, people at the paper dates of all potential mates into demand on marriage websites
limited personal information. for example. said. an online calculator that would but rare with the traditionalists
Once respondents reveal they The personals also have Mr. Agarwal, the matchmak- score compatibility on a 36- who use newspapers. “On the
are strong candidates, more de- their own unique vocabulary. If ing father, stuck to the basics in point scale. Anyone scoring be- websites, the girls are too ad-
tails are shared. A majority of a woman is listed as “homely” the ad for his son, Mohit: caste, low 20 would be emailed a vanced,” he said. “They would
marriages in India are still ar- it means she doesn’t work. If a age, educational degrees and form rejection letter: “Thanks try to approach the boys them-
ranged, often with parents man is issueless (abbreviated height. The ad also mentions for the proposal. We discussed selves and bypass me, which I
meeting before the potential as i’less) after a divorce, it Mohit works for an interna- the matter. But the result is not do not like.”
bride and groom get a chance means he doesn’t have children. tional company for an impres- positive. Sorry.” In January, he got a re-
to see each other. Potential mates listed as having sive salary. He also looked for someone sponse to his ad that looked
“The newspaper is a more a “wheatish” complexion have Over time, Mr. Agarwal tin- from his own caste, who was promising. The youngsters’
sincere way of groom hunting R.K. Agarwal, with ads. light-brown skin. kered with the wording. He educated and working, and who horoscopes were compatible,
because it’s mostly read by el- The space in the ad around switched out his phone number was good looking—and not as the woman was the right age
derly, senior and serious citi- important basics for match- the text—up to a full page—can for his email address because tall as his son. and height, and even Mr. Agar-
zens,” said K.P. Chakraborthy, a makers: caste, birth date, edu- imply wealth. Some of India’s he was getting too many re- Only about five proposals wal’s spiritual adviser liked the
retiree who has spent hundreds cation level, height, complexion most affluent will spend thou- sponses. He added that his son each month were promising match.
of dollars on ads to find a new and salary. Most are an alpha- sands of dollars for prominent was handsome. Then the re- enough to follow up with a Mr. Agarwal met with the
match for his daughter, who is bet soup of acronyms and ab- ads. tired state power company face-to-face meeting. He would parents, and they felt the
divorced. “Marriage is an alli- breviations. The Times of India, an Eng- manager tossed in a bit of his meet with the prospective match would work. Then Mohit
ance between two families, and Potential brides are B’ful and lish-language paper read by own credentials, mentioning bride’s parents at a nearby mall met the young woman, and
it is only through newspapers grooms H’som. SM4 is suitable those considered upper crust, the potential groom’s father over tea and watch how they they closed a deal. Their wed-
that you come across decent match for, and Send BHP means is prime hunting ground. A ba- was a high-ranking government carried themselves and how ding is scheduled for Dec. 10.
families.” send biodata (or a résumé), sic ad for one week in its officer. they talked. —Vibhuti Agarwal
The short postings list the horoscope and photo. W’stld is “Times Soulmate” weekly in- He said he got 150 or more He rejected one of the fami- contributed to this article.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Monday, November 13, 2017 | A10A


Gateway Struggles to Fill CEO Job
BY PAUL BERGER If a decision can’t be president of U.S. advisory ser- the program.
reached soon on a permanent vices. He said he had expected Eventually, the Gateway


Wanted: Chief executive CEO, a person familiar with to step down from Gateway by program will require the ex-
for one of the nation’s larg- the hiring process said an in- now. pansion of New York Penn Sta-
est infrastructure programs. terim leader may be hired to “The trustees have inter- tion—plagued by delays, in
Must be willing to work for replace the current interim viewed a broad slate of candi- part because it has been oper-
two governors and alongside chief, who has held the job dates for CEO and we hope to ating over capacity for years—
three public agencies. Just 10% since July 2016. make an appointment before to cover an additional block on
of $30 billion in neces- the end of the year,” Gateway’s Midtown Manhattan’s west
sary funding secured. Pay cut Chairman, Richard Bagger, side.

may be required. said in a statement. The Gateway project is ex-
The Gateway Program De- Gateway encompasses a se- pected to take more than a de-
velopment Corp., whose mis- ries of multibillion-dollar proj- cade to complete.
sion is nothing less than to im- ects to upgrade the rail net- Given the size and scope of
prove and expand Approximate minimum salary for work between Newark and the program, and some of the
transportation for hundreds of the CEO of the Gateway Program New York City, while doubling unique institutional issues, the
thousands of daily passengers capacity from two tracks to pool of executives capable of
on Amtrak and NJ Transit be- four. It includes digging a new overseeing such an enterprise
tween Newark and New York tunnel under the Hudson River is small. The ideal candidate
City, is struggling to find a “The project is not suffering so the current century-old tun- must have the diplomatic skills Ben Walsh, who isn’t registered with any political party, spoke to
leader. for this,” said the person fa- nel, which was damaged in to liaise between state and supporters last week after being elected mayor of Syracuse.
The corporation’s trustees miliar with the process, noting 2012 by superstorm Sandy, can federal agencies, and the proj-
had hoped to appoint a chief
executive by the end of this
summer. But they are still
searching, and now say they
that environmental and finan-
cial planning for key stages of
the work continue to advance.
Gateway’s interim executive
be repaired.
Replacing a temperamental
swing bridge over the Hacken-
sack River that single-hand-
ect-management skills to steer
multibillion-dollar projects.
The salary range, said to be
upward of $400,000 by the
Independent’s Win
aim to name a new leader by
the end of the year, according
to those involved in the
director, John Porcari, divides
his time between Gateway and
WSP USA, the engineering and
edly stalls train traffic on Am-
trak’s Northeast
Corridor connecting Washing-
person familiar with hiring, is
high for the public sector, but
low for private-sector manage-
In Syracuse Spurs
search. consulting firm where he is ton and Boston, also is part of ment of a program this size.
Hopes of Others
BY MIKE VILENSKY “I’ve never been affiliated
with a political party, so I
The outcome of last week’s thought to enroll in one for
mayoral race in Syracuse is the sake of running for mayor,
being hailed by independents I wouldn’t be staying true to
as a possible precursor to myself,” he said.
more candidates carving paths Mr. Walsh appeared to be a
outside of the traditional po- long shot in the seat of Onon-
litical parties. daga County—which Hillary
Ben Walsh, a 38-year-old Clinton won by more than 10
independent who has never points in the 2016 presidential
held public office, handily de- election—until he won a write-
feated his Republican and in campaign in the Indepen-
Democratic rivals, a victory dence Party primary, defeating
that has earned comparisons the party’s preferred candi-
to figures such as Emmanuel date and securing the

Macron, a political neophyte party’s line for the general

who won the French presi- election.
dency earlier this year by cre-
ating his own party.
“What happened to Macron
in France happened in Syra-
‘What happened to
cuse on a local level,” said Macron in France
Ryan Clancy, an independent
and strategist for No Labels, a
happened in Syracuse
national group that advocates on a local level.’
for political consensus. “We
would like to think this is in-
Maureen Rover with a group of kindergartners. She founded a literacy program in New York City for poor children at high risk of failure. dicative of a trend and it will
be reinforcing,” he added. Mr. Walsh then worked to

Program Gives Children a Leg Up on Literacy Syracuse’s new mayor-elect

isn’t registered with a party
but appeared on ballots on the
win endorsements from Demo-
crats and framed himself as a
break from political brawl-
BY LESLIE BRODY Reform, Independence, and ing in a polarized era and city
Reading Team Gets the sample size was small and Other nonprofits also are Upstate Jobs lines. He will be- with the slogan “Rise Above.”
Maureen Rover was having many children left the group he trying to tackle the literacy cri- come the only mayor of a “People here, like a lot of
her usual coffee and muffin Results, Study Finds was tracking for a variety of rea- sis in high-poverty neighbor- large city in New York not people around the country, are
for breakfast one morning in sons. Of the 302 students as- hoods. One called Teaching elected as a Democrat or Re- a little fed up with constant
the late 1990s when a newspa- Sheldon Shuch, a former sessed in preschool, 79 remained Matters is helping 31 public ele- publican. fighting,” said Ed Riley, a 62-
per story about New York City city Department of Education in the study 4½ years later. mentary schools in the Bronx Mr. Walsh, who served as year-old Syracuse developer
state test scores caught her administrator in charge of liter- “One could argue the kids develop its staff. an aide to Democratic Mayor and registered Republican who
attention. She was dismayed acy in Harlem, found in his who dropped out were the New York City Mayor Bill de Stephanie Miner and had backed Mr. Walsh.
to see that a third of the city’s 2009 study that the Reading worst readers, or the best read- Blasio has dispatched literacy backed Gary Johnson on the The city also is grappling
public-school children were far Team had positive effects, with ers, who knows?” Mr. Shuch coaches to high-need districts in Independence line in the 2016 with a poverty crisis, a focus
behind in reading at the cru- students who joined its pre- said. “But Maureen [Rover] is an effort to get all second-grad- presidential election, initially of Mr. Walsh’s campaign that
cial gateway of third grade. school program going on to very sincere, she is really doing ers to read on level by 2026, had discussions with both ma- helped him win over Demo-
Out went her plan to relax read on grade level in third important stuff, and she stuck but skeptics say students won’t jor parties, but wouldn’t agree crats.
in retirement after a career in grade and outperforming the with the program, which is very make real strides until city pub- to register with either. Ms. “I believe wholeheartedly
banking and educational pub- city overall on state tests. unusual. What she was doing is lic-school class sizes are smaller. Miner will leave office in Jan- Ben is committed to the eco-
lishing. Instead, Ms. Rover, He cautioned, however, that very commendable.” —Leslie Brody uary after reaching her term nomic growth of the city,” said
now 74 years old, founded the limit. Sharon Owens, a Democratic
Reading Team, a nonprofit During his campaign, Mr. activist in Syracuse who broke
that brings free literacy les- had a significant impact. support the Reading Team, and 4, they still believe they Walsh vowed to put together a with her party and endorsed
sons and books to poor chil- Ms. Rover, a New Yorker whose $1 million annual bud- can do anything,” she said. In diverse coalition focused on Mr. Walsh.
dren at high risk of failure. who volunteers as president of get is funded by a range of the nonprofit’s after-school improving quality of life as It helped that Mr. Walsh
Launched in 2001, it has the nonprofit, recently re- foundations and donors. program for later elementary part of his mayoral platform, had local name recognition as
grown to reach more than 800 ceived an award from World of What is key, Ms. Rover said, grades, the work is more diffi- which ranged from weighty is- the son of James Walsh, who
children in Harlem, from pre- Children, a California group is that the Reading Team cult: “By the time they’re re- sues such as combating opioid represented the Syracuse area
school through eighth grade, that honors five people around starts working with children ferred to us, they’re already addiction and HIV/AIDS to as a Republican congressman
at P.S. 36 and a separate site the globe each year who make early, through partnerships feeling they’re not very smart quirkier ideas like repealing a for 20 years.
nearby. An independent study a difference in children’s lives. with a range of Harlem child- or they’re not good kids be- ban against sledding on Syra- Ben Walsh’s success Tues-
in 2009 found the program The $50,000 prize will go to care centers. “When they’re 3 Please see TEACH page A10B cuse city property. Please see RACE page A10B

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A10B | Monday, November 13, 2017 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


N.J. Project Scraps Mall in Reboot


Plans for one of New Jer-

sey’s largest mixed-use devel-

opments once called for a mas-

sive “fortress mall,” a 2.2
PROPERTY foot building
clad with giant
digital screens
rivaling Las Vegas and Times
Square, according to a 2012
marketing video.
Fast-forward five years: The
venture behind the $2.5 billion
Sayreville development has
Literacy mentor Vanessa Maldonado from the Reading Team brought in a new partner,
helped student Sindou Diomande with his homework. slashed the amount of retail
space and jettisoned the mall

TEACH Betty Kouassi, said the small

group lessons helped build con-
concept in favor of a down-
town-like retail village that


fidence. “They’re not fearful of mixes shops, restaurants, of-
using the tools,” she said, “and fices and apartments.
Continued from page A10A have a sense of ‘I can do it.’ ” “Retail used to stand alone,
cause they feel lost or limited At P.S. 36, every K-2 class but now in many cases, it’s not
in their abilities.” comes to the Reading Team’s able to stand alone,” said
By its tally, the Reading room twice a week. Older stu- Mark Toro, a managing part-
Team said 79% of its students dents are referred by teachers ner at North American Proper-
in grades three through five for after-school enrichment. ties, which recently joined the
passed state tests in English The project’s other venue is development venture. “Here
last spring, almost double the located in a former hotel on you will have, as on a city Rendering of a Sayreville, N.J., development that was reworked to create a downtown-like retail village.
rate for the city as a whole. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boule- street, storefronts one after
By another measure, the vard in Harlem. Children from another and a pedestrian ex- porated apartments and office 2,000 residential units of both amount. North American Prop-
Test of Early Reading Ability, some nearby child-care centers perience that has much more space near or on their proper- apartment and single-family erties was tapped as a new
its preschoolers jumped from a go twice a week for 90 min- appeal than the sidewalk of a ties as a way to build in regular homes—the same amount in- partner because of its record
mean score in the 22nd per- utes. Its after-school program shopping center or the inte- customer traffic. cluded in prior plans. developing suburban mixed-use
centile nationwide in fall 2016 also attracts students who rior of a mall.” “The enclosed mall is still The site, located on the Rar- communities with an urban
to the 88th percentile by June. need extra help from 18 local viable, however the United itan River and along several vibe and pedestrian-friendly
That test looks at knowledge of elementary schools for more States has been over-stored highways, will include a marina streetscape, Mr. Toro said.
the alphabet and the ability to than three hours every week- and over-malled for years with and two hotels. The Sayreville develop-
construct meaning from print. day. Middle schoolers come on
The new plans and almost four times the [retail] While apartments, single- ment’s previous plan received
The Reading Team uses a Saturdays. new partner reflect density of other developed family housing and office space approvals, as well as a $223
combination of small group David McNeal said his son countries,” said Michael Brown, have made up a significant por- million Environmental Redevel-
lessons, songs, puppets, story- started attending the Reading
the upheaval in the a partner in the retail practice tion of the development’s plans opment & Growth Grant from
telling and computer-based Team daily in kindergarten retail industry. of A.T. Kearney, a strategy and since its early stages, these ele- the New Jersey Economic De-
lessons from Waterford Early when he was behind in skill management-consulting firm. ments had been separate, sur- velopment Authority. The new
Learning, a software program level, and now he is on target “We don’t need more of them.” rounding a traditional mall and venture, due to be completed in
that adapts to each student’s in third grade, despite his Nationally, new retail con- big-box stores and accompa- 2021, will have to get approvals
skills and pace. Students get challenges with attention defi- The new plans and new struction has fallen over the nied by a sea of parking. from local and state agencies
one-on-one help if they need it. cit hyperactivity disorder. partner of this 418-acre project years, dropping to 92 million PGIM Real Estate, the real- for the amended plan and, af-
On a recent morning at P.S. “Not only are the children re- in central New Jersey, now square feet of stores and shop- estate business of Prudential terward, will begin the process
36, 11 prekindergartners sat in laxed but they’re engaged,” called “Riverton,” reflect the ping-center construction starts Financial Inc., has been an in- of securing financing. It al-
three different circles, deter- Mr. McNeal said. upheaval in the retail industry expected this year from 118 vestor in the site since 2008 ready has the support of Sayre-
mined by their needs. Their The Reading Team’s literacy across the country, as both million square feet in 2014, ac- and had formed the previous ville Mayor Kennedy O’Brien.
playful exercises were steeped mentors often are graduate stu- merchants and landlords adjust cording to Dodge Data & Ana- joint venture with O’Neill Prop- Mr. O’Brien, now in his fifth
in the traditional approach of dents in education. They get 50 to changing shopping habits lytics, a construction industry erties Group. term, began working toward
phonics, or decoding words by hours of training before start- and growing e-commerce. research and software firm. It won support from local redeveloping the former indus-
sounding them out. In one clus- ing, according to the program. As many large traditional The updated Sayreville proj- and state officials and invested trial property almost two de-
ter, literacy mentor Mary Escal- Ms. Rover didn’t expect to mall chains cut store locations, ect calls for about 1 million millions of dollars to clean up cades ago with county officials.
ante held up a picture of a yo- be working so hard at the non- mall owners have been adding square feet of retail space, the site, once owned by a paint “All things go in a circle,”
yo. “Can you make the sound of profit at this point. “I accepted dining and entertainment ven- roughly half the amount of re- manufacturer. Mr. O’Brien said. “For me, Main
a Y for me?” she asked, it would take a while to raise ues, fitness centers, medical of- tail space anticipated in a prior In March, PGIM reached an Street is something that is very
prompting a chorus of “ya ya money,” she said, “but I’m a lit- fices and in some cases super- version. The development also agreement to acquire O’Neill comfortable and familiar to me,
ya” from her young charges. tle bit surprised that I’m still markets to boost customer will include 1 million square Properties’ stake in the devel- but for some of my kids it’s go-
Their homeroom teacher, doing heavy lifting, 17 years in.” visits. Owners also have incor- feet of office space and about opment for an undisclosed ing to be a new experience.”

YORK WATCH RACE York political scientist Gerald
Benjamin said New York vil-
lages and school boards often
elect nonpartisan leaders, but
Continued from page A10A there is little precedent for an


CONNECTICUT day stands in contrast to oth- unaffiliated mayor in a major

$ 99 * ers independents around New jurisdiction.
Budget Details Lure York. Located between Albany
RE Legislators to Capitol In the New York City may- and Rochester, Syracuse is one

G . $ 94. oral election, no candidate of upstate New York’s largest
Connecticut lawmakers aren’t outside of the two parties cities, with some 150,000 peo-
done yet with the state budget. scored more than 3% of the ple. In the early 1900s, the city
There are tentative plans for vote. Bo Dietl, an independent elected a mayor on the Pro-
members of the Senate and who appeared in two televised gressive line, which was affili-
House to return to Hartford, the debates, scored just 1%. ated with President Theodore
state capital, this week—the Former New York City Roosevelt.
Senate on Tuesday and the Mayor Michael Bloomberg ran Nick Troiano, an indepen-
House on Wednesday—to make his first race as a Republican dent and director of the Cen-
several changes to the recently and then became unaffiliated, trist Project, a group that
passed, two-year, $41.3 billion bi- but he maintained the GOP backs independent candidates,
partisan budget. ballot line in his elections. was in contact with Mr. Walsh
Lawmakers are expected to Rachel Honig, who lost a and cheered the outcome. Mr.
weigh compromise language being New York City Council race Troiano said the environment
crafted by Democratic Gov. Dannel while running without a major is “primed” for independents
Malloy and the Connecticut Hospi- party, said Mr. Walsh’s win is to succeed because both par-
tal Association that is supposed “absolutely hopeful, but…just ties poll poorly.
to ensure the state receives as the start,” adding that candi- “But it takes a credible indi-
much as $1 billion in federal reve- dates without a party still of- vidual to be competitive be-
nue. The money is tied to a tax ten lack endorsements and do- cause voters want to know
on hospitals as part of a federal nations. they’re not wasting their
reimbursement formula. State University of New votes,” he said.
Legislators also are expected
to fix language that held up
$26.4 million in elderly rental as-
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smokable forms of the drug. running back Doug Martin on a play Sunday, but New York still
—Associated Press lost the away game 15-10. Next week is a bye week for the Jets.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | A11


On ‘The Good Doctor,’ Freddie Highmore plays a gifted doctor with autism. Antonia Thomas and Nicholas Gonzalez, below center and right, also star in the medical drama.


A Show Redefines the TV Hero

The recipe for the surprise ABC hit about a doctor with autism that has outperformed ‘This Is Us’ and ‘NCIS’
sodes, Shaun has adapted to un-
derstand sarcasm on the job, and a
‘The Good Doctor’ brief interaction with a female
FEW TV LOVERS would associate ABC, Mondays at 10 p.m. ET neighbor suggests the show will
broadcast networks with innova- explore his understanding of ro-
tion in 2017. But ABC’s “The Good THE PLOT: A surgical resident with mantic relationships.
Doctor” is the latest proof that the autism balances medical brilliance with Shaun’s unvarnished manner
old networks still can conjure a interpersonal challenges. disarms or stirs up characters he
new drama that resonates with encounters, and perhaps gets audi-
viewers, just like HBO and Netflix THE AUDIENCE: 17.5 million total ences to pay closer attention to his
do, every so often. viewers an episode. silences and body language.
“The Good Doctor” is the only “Scenes with Shaun shouldn’t be
runaway hit among the 13 dramas like scenes with any other charac-
the big over-air broadcasters have WHY IT’S WORKING: A very different ter on TV. If they are, we’re get-
unveiled this fall. Now the indus- kind of doctor changes up the familiar ting lazy,” Mr. Hoselton says.
try is analyzing what made it click rhythms of a medical drama. “The Good Doctor” borrows a
when so many others have failed visual device from the original Ko-
ABC (2)
to take off. rean series: animated anatomical
The show revolves around a Surgical resident Dr. Shaun sons on Fox, starring Hugh Laurie ducer David Hoselton, who has images that swirl around Shaun’s
young physician in San Jose, Calif., Murphy, played by Freddie High- in the title role of a doctor who is written for three of Mr. Shore’s se- head as he analyzes the case be-
with autism spectrum disorder. It more, has autism and savant syn- as brilliant as he is bristly. House ries, including “House.” fore him. “When you’re working
made its debut Sept. 25 on ABC and drome, which allows the character uses cutting wit and insults to get The “Good Doctor” writing staff with a character who doesn’t wear
is averaging 17.5 million total view- to zero in on medical details that a reaction out of patients and col- routinely consults Melissa Reiner, his heart on his sleeve, it’s nice to
ers an episode—more than estab- aren’t apparent to other people. leagues. In the “The Good Doctor,” a therapist who works with chil- be able to see what he’s thinking,”
lished chart-toppers like NBC’s “This He also starts out with zero bed- Shaun’s statements are just as dren with autism spectrum disor- Mr. Shore says.
Is Us,” the breakout hit from last side manner and difficulties in blunt—“You are very arrogant,” he der, to make sure their story ideas Producers say they wanted to
season, and CBS warhorse “NCIS.” navigating hospital protocol and observes of a lead surgeon—but he are relatively realistic to the world avoid portraying Shaun’s disorder
Since so many other shows delivering sensitive diagnoses. has no ulterior motives. of ASD. Co-executive producer Wil- as a sort of medical superpower.
struggle to get noticed, people in Within seconds of meeting one In character, Mr. Highmore liam Rotko recalls asking Ms. In the first episode, as hospital
the industry can only speculate why patient and looking at her scans, speaks in a neutral tone with sing- Reiner about how Shaun might in- leaders argue about whether a
one turns into an apparent smash. Shaun announces, “She has a sar- song fluctuations. Shaun’s dialogue teract with people outside the doctor with autism should be al-
One take: Like “This Is Us,” a drama coma, a malignant tumor.” is “basic,” Mr. Shore says. “There structured environment of the hos- lowed to join the staff, one of
offering a warm weather system of The concept for “The Good Doc- are no metaphors or flourishes. pital. In the episode Mr. Rotko them makes a remark about “Rain
family emotions, “The Good Doctor” tor” originated with a hit series of It’s either short sentences or long wrote, a fellow doctor, played by Man.” The Oscar-winning movie,
is an uncynical alternative to the the same name in South Korea. Ex- run-on ones.” Antonia Thomas, discovers that in- about a savant and his long-lost
grim happenings in many other TV ecutive producer Daniel Dae Kim, a For the show’s writers, it’s been stead of asking Shaun direct ques- brother, is almost 30 years old, but
series and on the news. star of “Lost” and “Hawaii Five-O,” challenging to become fluent with tions, she can better communicate remains a defining portrayal of au-
A more important factor in the brought the show to Hollywood, Shaun’s voice. “Typical TV writing with him using statements. tism in popular culture.
success of “The Good Doctor” may where it was developed by Sony is witty banter. It’s people being Because autism manifests itself “It’s viewed now as a cliché,”
be the way it switches up the fa- Pictures Television and adapted by super smart and funny and not so differently among people on the Mr. Shore says, who scripted the
miliar formula of a medical drama, showrunner David Shore, the cre- saying what they really believe, spectrum, “that gives us a certain reference to “Rain Man” as “a con-
using a character who doesn’t ator of “House.” because they’re always hiding amount of license” with the char- scious desire to separate ourselves
speak or act like a hero. That hit series ran for eight sea- their cards,” says co-executive pro- acter, Mr. Shore says. In early epi- from it.”



confident despite a shaky sale in Last Suppers.” The 1986 wall-size
London last month where a Fran- silkscreen pays homage to another
cis Bacon portrait estimated at da Vinci masterpiece; the house
THE WORLD’S MAJOR auction $80 million didn’t sell. estimates the Warhol will sell for
houses hope the global art market Christie’s said the Bacon’s stum- $50 million.
is ready to hit the gas this week af- ble didn’t stall the market’s mo- Christie’s marketed the da Vinci
ter several seasons of riding the mentum. Simon Shaw, Sotheby’s around the world, from San Fran-
brakes. co-head of impressionist and mod- cisco to Hong Kong, emphasizing
From a red Ferrari racecar at ern art world-wide, agreed, saying its rediscovery in 2005. The auc-
Sotheby’s to a long-lost Leonardo other factors matter more. “The tion house labeled the work the
da Vinci at Christie’s, the houses Asians are maturing as collectors last “doubt free” da Vinci in pri-
are trying to ride the market run- and feeling liquid, and the Ameri- vate hands, a nod to the fact that
up by packing all sorts of unusual cans are all-in,” he said, with new museums like London’s National
pieces into their traditional sales and seasoned bidders who will Gallery have vouched for its au-
of impressionist, modern and con- likely spur competition. thenticity.
temporary art in New York. The That’s why sellers of various Old Master dealer Richard Feigen
resulting mix feels trophy-laden kinds of art—or cars—are shoe- said he believes the work is genuine
but also something of a grab bag, horning them into these high-pro- but its canvas has undergone such
dealers say. file sales. Da Vinci’s estimated extensive restoration that “there’s
Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Phil- $100 million portrait of Jesus only a skeleton of da Vinci left on
lips aim to sell at least $1.6 billion Christ as the world’s savior, or the canvas.” Mr. Feigen added,
worth of art combined, up from $1 “Salvator Mundi,” would typically “There’s not enough of his original

billion last fall but still down from anchor an old masters sale at brushstrokes to convince me to ever
the last market peak two years ago Christie’s. But its owner, Russian recommend anyone buy it.” Chris-
when similar fall sales topped $2.3 billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, tie’s said the painting hasn’t been
billion. Christie’s said its $885 mil- agreed to let the house drop the Please turn to page A13
lion in expected sales for the week painting into its contemporary sale
represents a 74% bump over last Wednesday so it could be offered Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’
fall—a sign that sellers are feeling alongside Andy Warhol’s “Sixty right, has a $100 million estimate.
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A12 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



At 61, Skiing to
the South Pole
Robert Swan, the first to walk to both poles, is
training for another journey
SIR ROBERT SWAN is the first to and knowledge, you’re bloody just
admit that, at 61, he probably getting warmed up at 61,” Mr.
shouldn’t be attempting to walk to Swan says.
the South Pole.
“I feel like Rocky coming out of The Workout
retirement,” says the English-born Mr. Swan took up yoga under his
polar explorer. In 1986, Mr. Swan, son’s direction. “I have few regrets
and his team of two other men, in my life, but one is not having
completed a 70-day, 900-mile jour- tried yoga sooner,” he says. “I was
ney to the South Pole, the longest an incredibly stiff human being.
unaided march in history. Three I’m more flexible now than I’ve
years later, he walked with a team ever been in my life.” Mr. Swan
of seven people 700 miles to the needed a hip replacement, but
North Pole, becoming what he says doctors worried how a prosthetic
is “the first person stupid enough would hold up in polar conditions
to walk to both poles.” even as he says they signed off on
He’s returning to Antarctica to the trip. Instead, he’s used a com-
raise awareness around renewable bination of stem-cell therapy and
energy. “Walking to both poles in gentle vinyasa yoga to help negate
many ways was selfish and point- his hip pain.
less,” says Mr. Swan, founder of The South Pole is about 9,300
2041, an organization dedicated to feet above sea level. Mr. Swan has
preserving Antarctica. “But it been training for the altitude with
opened my eyes to the effects of road cycling. He and his son log
climate change, and this time I’m about 200 miles a week, climbing
walking to prove a point.” to elevations between 8,000 and
Mr. Swan and his 23-year-old 9,000 feet in the Sierra Mountains.
son, Barney Swan, will embark on “I go very, very slow,” he says.
Nov. 15 on the South Pole Energy “Barney is miles ahead of me. He
Challenge. Once on the continent, jokes that I’m an old Terminator
the 600-mile, eight-week journey just grinding away.” To prepare his trek. His diet is centered around
on skis will be powered only by body to pull a 250-pound sled fish, eggs and vegetables. Thirty
clean-energy technologies. “So across the South Pole, he wears a days out, he and his son transi-
much of this undertaking is psy- harness and pulls tires up a trail tioned to a diet high in healthy fats,
chological,” he says. “Being able to near his home. “I’ve frightened such as avocados and fish rich in
share our experience with others quite a few hikers,” he says. omega-3 fatty acids. “I have a slug
will motivate me through the Mr. Swan says recovery will be of fish oil and eat a quarter-pound
tough times.” crucial to his success. “Barney can of butter every day,” he says.
Mr. Swan was in his late 20s and have a dreadful sleep and at 23, On the expedition, the men will
early 30s when he undertook his wake up and be fine,” he says. “At eat about 8,000 calories a day, fu-
previous expeditions. “I was in my age, if I make a mistake with eling constantly on vacuum-sealed
shape, but I didn’t strategically my recovery, I’m going to get salmon, soups and protein-packed
train,” he says. “I relied on youth.” weak. I need to do whatever it grains like kamut.
His expeditions, however, took a toll takes to get eight solid hours of
on his body. Pulling a 350-pound sleep a night on this journey.” The Gear
sled nine hours a day for 70 days in Mr. Swan will only use clean-energy
extreme, subzero temperatures The Diet technologies throughout the expedi-
messed up my knees and lower “I’m an Englishman, so I’d be happy tion. He’ll use a NASA-developed
back and damaged my hip, he says. on a diet of salami and biscuits,” ice-melting system that runs off so-
Walking to the poles may have Mr. Swan says. “But my son told me lar power and biofuels made from
taken a few years off his life, but I had to get with the program, so wood chips and algae created by
he jokes his upcoming expedition for the first time in my life I’ve had Shell, one of his sponsors. Portable
has probably added a few back. to think about my diet.” Mr. Swan solar technology lithium batteries

The Swans live in Auburn, Calif., lost 60 pounds during his first from sponsor Goal Zero will charge
known as an endurance hub, and South Pole expedition and 25 devices like a virtual reality camera.
Barney convinced his father to pounds walking to the North Pole. Patagonia, another sponsor, has
train with him this time. “I’m He’s added 15 pounds to his 195- provided the father and son with
proof that with today’s technology pound frame ahead of his upcoming apparel and dehydrated foods.

Prepare you start to sweat as soon as you

get moving,” he says. “If you’re layer-
the cold because they don’t feel
thirsty,” he cautions. “Add extra water
To Be Cold ing correctly, you will be cold the
first 10 minutes, but you’ll be com-
to your morning porridge, and try to
drink warm liquids like soup or hot
Whether you’re traveling to see fortable the rest of the day as long chocolate throughout the day.” Physi-
the Northern Lights or planning a as you keep moving.” cal cold-weather endeavors require
backcountry ski adventure, it helps Mr. Thorsen suggests a base physical and mental preparation.
to know how to prepare for cold layer of thin wool or synthetic mesh “Pulling tires will build your stamina,
weather. Petter Thorsen, founder of to wick away sweat. A 100% wind- strengthen specific muscles and liga-
Arctic Training and Expeditions in proof shell jacket and pants are ments and prepare you mentally for
Norway, says people usually make musts, and he suggests packing a the monotonous hard work ahead,” he
the mistake of dressing too warm, down jacket to keep the body warm says. He also says it helps to spend
especially when skiing. when not in motion. time training with experts in cold con- From the top, Robert Swan and the tires he uses in his training regime; Mr.
“You don’t want to be so warm “Most people get dehydrated in ditions if possible. Swan on the trails near his Auburn, Calif., home; Mr. Swan is founder of 2041,
an organization dedicated to preserving Antarctica.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | A13



Tracing the Education of Michelangelo

The Met’s exhibition shows how the master used drawing to experiment, refine and expand his work—both on and off the page
Michelangelo’s ‘Three Labours of
Hercules’ (1530–33), left, and ‘Young
Archer’ (1490), attributed to him,
New York below
IT’S RARE THAT a major museum
gives drawings top billing. They are is drawing as a form of meditation
not seen as alluring enough to en- and as an act of private devotion.
gage the public. But one thing they Ms. Bambach is to be com-
can do is lift the veil on the artistic mended for not being stingy with
process, even for such a secretive the architectural drawings—
artist as Michelangelo (1475-1564). among the most ravishing ever
And the Met’s new exhibition does made, but sometimes excluded be-
this beautifully. cause they are deemed less acces-
“Michelangelo: Divine Drafts- sible or appealing. Michelangelo’s
man and Designer,” organized by fortification drawings, repre-
Carmen Bambach, a drawings cu- sented here by one stunning ex-
rator at the Met, contains 133 ample, read as a cross between a
drawings by the master as well as biomorphic creature, a crusta-
works in other media. She has cean, and a terrifying robot. They
transformed an encyclopedic sur- take us into a world in which de-
vey into a page turner. sign was considered central to de-
The show is organized chrono- fense—as if the Pentagon kept
logically and thematically, with the Frank Gehry on retainer. Another
objects providing a generous sense exceptional sheet in this room is
of context. Michelangelo is pre- the drawing of the monumental
sented not in the familiar way as a stairs of the Laurentian Library,
lone genius, but as an apprentice, combining ink wash with red
collaborator and teacher, an artist chalk, profiles and perspective in
learning from his elders and work- strange juxtaposition.
ing alongside his contemporaries If there is a missed opportunity
and students. here, it is about attribution. A
Some of the most revealing sec- dented in the history of drawing. tremendous efficiency at Art historians still puzzle over sculpture known as “Young Ar-
tions of this exhibition are the The modeling is so subtle that art recycling them. These the ceiling’s meaning, but anyone cher” and “The Torment of St. An-
suites of drawings of the same historians initially speculated that transformations were looking at the drawings will rec- thony,” a small painting, are said
theme, each showing subtle correc- Michelangelo had not used chalk not about content; the ognize that it is among other to be by Michelangelo but the is-
tions or modifications. To see draw- to shade but to make dots, a tech- only principle was things a celebration of the sue is still far from settled. This
ings side by side that were made at nique known as stippling. This never let a good beauty of man. As Michel- would have been an occasion to in-
the same time but have been dis- theory has since been discredited, idea go to waste. angelo’s contemporaries vite the public into the discussion,
persed geographically for hundreds but that it came up at all is a tes- The most spec- noted, he fashioned a new but the labels fail to address these
of years is to feel like a bystander tament to how unusual Michelan- tacular revelation kind of male body: not the matters.
in Michelangelo’s workshop. gelo’s drawings were. Rather than of context comes in slender young figures of Still, for the Met, these days in
Among the most stunning exam- doing something differently, he the room devoted to the studio apprentices, but hot pursuit of the new, this exhibi-
ples are the three versions (four was doing the same thing as ev- the Sistine Chapel. bodies that had known work. tion demonstrates how the old can
including a copy in rock crystal) of erybody else, only better. Accompanying each They may make us think of the be new again, and that there may
“Fall of Phaeton,” an exceptional In these drawings, subject mat- drawing is a photo- gym, but to Renaissance eyes be few things sexier than the rip-
composition showing, in the cen- ter was almost secondary, just a graph of the rele- they evoked labor. His critics pled muscles of Michelangelo’s
ter, four horses hurtling toward pretext for showing what he could vant portion of the complained that he showed ruffi- nudes, ever so supplely rendered
earth in various contortions. We do with the figure. On the reverse fresco, and a digital ans rather than refined men. in soft black chalk.
see Michelangelo’s process of revi- of “Punishment of Tityos,” he ro- reproduction of the Emotion is one of the elusive el-
sion, as well as his humility— tated the sheet 90 degrees, traced entire ceiling has ements of Michelangelo’s art, it Ms. Brothers is a professor at
scrawled on the pages are notes the outline of Tityos, and arrived been installed over- comes and goes. Among his most Northeastern University and the
seeking the approval of his be- at the figure of “Risen Christ” (not head. Viewers can see emotional works were also his author of “Michelangelo, Drawing,
loved friend, Tommaso dei Cava- visible in the exhibition but in the the fragmentary limbs most private, the series of Cruci- and the Invention of Architecture”
lieri, a young Roman nobleman. catalog), which he used in several and torsos Michel- fixion drawings he did toward (Yale).
In their subject matter and exe- more drawings. This illustrates a angelo drew on the end of his life. The out-
cution, “Fall of Phaeton” and sev- paradox of Michelangelo’s work, multiple sheets in lines have been traced and re- Michelangelo: Divine
eral other sheets—including “The one amply on view: His originality precise relation traced with an obsessive Draftsman and Designer
Dream,” “The Archers” and “Pun- was not built on an infinite capac- to where they hand, so that the contours The Met Fifth Avenue,
ishment of Tityos”—were unprece- ity to invent new ideas but on a ended up. can barely be found. This through Feb. 12, 2018

Among the offerings coming up for auction at Sotheby’s in New York are driver Michael
Schumacher’s Ferrari racecar and a Jean-Michel Basquiat painting, below, owned by Yoko Ono.

Continued from page A11
altered since it was shown at the National
Gallery a few years ago.
Sotheby’s is displaying Monaco Grand
Prix-winning driver Michael Schumacher’s
race car in the lobby of its Manhattan head-
quarters. They plan to ask at least $4 million
for the cherry-red Ferrari during Sotheby’s
Thursday sale of contemporary art rather
than have its partner RM Sotheby’s offer it in
a typical luxury-car auction. “Why not?” said
Grégoire Billault, head of contemporary art.
The anything-goes exuberance continues
all week. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen
has asked Sotheby’s to put his Georgia
O’Keeffe pastel from 1925, “Yellow Sweet
Peas,” in its contemporary sale rather than a Lee Bass’s collection, including Vincent van Silver Lining
sale of American art where O’Keeffes typi- Gogh’s “Farmer in a Field, Saint Rémy,”
cally are included. Sotheby’s also has made which Christie’s estimates will sell for at Tahitian Silver Pearls
room in its impressionist and modern sale least $50 million. The Bass estate also in-
for Dutch artist Vilhelm Hammershøi’s “In- cludes Mark Rothko’s untitled red-and-yel-
Exquisite silver hue. Brilliant luster. Incomparable beauty.
terior with Woman at Piano, Strandgade low rectangle abstract work on paper from Thirty-one captivating silver Tahitian pearls are perfectly
30,” a 1901 scene of a woman playing music 1969 for at least $10 million. The estate of matched in this sumptuous necklace. Rare among Tahitian
that in past seasons would have been fun- Anna-Maria Kellen will ask at least $65 mil- pearls for their light, silvery hue, these enchanting gems
neled into the house’s sale of 19th-century lion for Fernand Léger’s red abstract from
paintings. Even boutique house Phillips, 1913, “Contrast of Forms,” also at Christie’s.
range in size from 12mm to a remarkable 14.9mm. Those
known for selling edgy, young art, has shuf- Among Sotheby’s high-profile clients is that display such beauty, as well as such extraordinary size,
fled its offerings to include mainly blue-chip artist Yoko Ono, who asked the house to sell are truly treasures of the sea. 171/2” length. #30-5054
mainstays like Peter Doig and Franz Kline. a Jean-Michel Basquiat she has owned since
“That’s part of our strategy now,” said Phil- 1993, titled “Cabra,” for at least $9 million.
lips deputy chairman Jean-Paul Engelen. Historic-preservation advocate Barbaralee
A surplus of estates has flushed out ma- Diamonstein-Spielvogel has enlisted the
terial that has been tucked away for de- house to sell a group of 24 works on paper
cades. That is catnip for bidders seeking including seven by Jasper Johns, setting up
pedigreed art that they haven’t already seen a rare test of this area of the artist’s market.
or sought. Christie’s said 90% of its impres- Another artist who may be tested is Mr.
sionist and modern art sale on Monday Kline, the abstract painter of black slashes 630 Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana • 888-867-9583 • ws@rauantiques.com • rauantiques.com
hasn’t been seen at auction in the past 20 who has prime examples up for bid at Chris-
years. At Sotheby’s, only 20 of its 74 con- tie’s and Phillips. Several houses have works Since 1912, M.S. Rau Antiques has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
temporary artworks on Thursday have ever by women artists who have been overlooked Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
been to auction at all. in recent seasons like Suzanne Duchamp,
Among the estate goods, bidders are Lee Krasner and Marlene Dumas. The sales
likely to chase after Texas oil heiress Nancy run through Friday.
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A14 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Stanton The Season Just Got Really Weird
Blowout losses by two of the nation’s top three teams expands the list of contenders for the playoff

IT ALMOST WAS the craziest day

in recent college football history.
No. 1 Georgia had already lost
to Auburn and No. 3 Notre Dame
was getting routed in Miami. And
perhaps most shocking of all on
MLB Saturday night, No. 2 Alabama was
trailing in the fourth quarter to a
Mississippi State team that hadn’t
STANTON beaten a Nick Saban-led squad
since 2007. The last time the na-
IS A BIG CATCH tion’s top three teams all lost on
the same day, Lyndon B. Johnson
was president.
But then Crimson Tide quarter-
back Jalen Hurts converted a 4th-
and-4, and with two late touch-
BASEBALL’S ANNUAL general downs, Alabama (10-0) emerged
managers meetings start Monday with a 31-24 comeback victory.
with one big prize available to Nonetheless, the College Foot-
jumpstart the offseason: Miami ball Playoff picture has been


Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton. shaken up, with the chaos at the
The meeting at the Waldorf As- top of the standings opening the
toria Orlando brings the top deci- door for an unprecedented situa-
sion-makers from all 30 organiza- tion: a two-loss team in the final
tions together. Though the four. Since the implementation of
majority of major transactions the four-team College Football
likely won’t be finalized this Playoff in 2014, a two-loss team
week—this gathering will allow has never been selected.
teams to start laying the ground- In most seasons, the debate for
work for the winter ahead. one of the final playoff spots
No player will receive more at- comes down to a handful of teams,
tention than Stanton, who blasted but with three weeks to go before
59 home runs in 2017. Following the four-team College Football
the recent sale of the Marlins to a Playoff bracket is set, almost noth-
group led by businessman Bruce ing has been resolved.
Sherman and future Hall-of-Famer No. 10 Auburn (8-2) seemed to
Derek Jeter, the Marlins will likely be out of the national title picture
look to shed payroll and embark after dropping two games before Auburn’s Jarrett
on a full-blown rebuild. Halloween. But Tigers head coach Stidham celebrates
That doesn’t bode well for Stan- Gus Malzahn kept reminding any- during a win
ton’s future in South Florida, con- body who would listen last week against Georgia.
sidering his massive contract: that his team still had a chance.
Stanton will earn a guaranteed $77 “We control our own destiny,”
million over the next three sea- Malzahn said, citing his team’s up- With a 38-20 win over No. 6 Buckeyes, who suffered their worst rently hold the nation’s longest
sons, and if he doesn’t opt out of coming matchups against No. 1 TCU (8-2), No. 5 Oklahoma (9-1) defeat in the Urban Meyer era, a winning streak—14 games—and
the deal at that point, would make Georgia and an Iron Bowl date all but assured itself a spot in the 55-24 loss to Iowa on Nov. 4, re- get a crack at defending champion
at least another $218 million with No. 2 Alabama. Big 12 title game. The irony is that bounded by pounding Michigan No. 4 Clemson (9-1) in the ACC ti-
through 2027. Jeter, the Marlins’ After a 40-17 rout of Georgia, the Sooners will have to play the State 48-3 on Saturday. If they tle game in Charlotte, with a play-
CEO, has been mostly quiet about Malzahn’s proclamation is closer second-place Big 12 team in Dallas were to close out the season by off spot on the line.
his plans so far, but it is widely to reality. “Here we are, Nov. 11, on Dec. 2—likely either TCU or demolishing Illinois, Michigan and The Fighting Irish, meanwhile,
believed in the industry that Stan- and we’re right in the middle of Oklahoma State (8-2)—to secure a an undefeated Badgers team, Ohio close out the season with games
ton will be available. it,” Malzahn said after Saturday’s playoff spot it probably would’ve State will be back in the postsea- against Navy and at Stanford but
The St. Louis Cardinals, who win. “And all the dreams we have son conversation. don’t have the advantage of a con-
missed the playoffs for the second are still alive.” The Pac-12 had been considered ference championship game to fur-
straight year in 2017, have Although the Tigers will be un- the Power-5 conference most likely ther boost their résumé.
emerged as a top candidate for derdogs at home against Alabama
A two-loss team has to be left out of the playoff this Of course, if Alabama, Okla-
Stanton, in large part thanks to on Nov. 25, if they were to upset never been selected for season, as every team in the con- homa, Wisconsin and the winner
their impressive crop of pitching the Crimson Tide and then beat ference has at least two losses. The of the ACC championship (Miami
prospects. The San Francisco Gi- Georgia (9-1) again (in the SEC ti-
the four-team College conference’s top team, No. 9 Wash- or Clemson) all win out, then the
ants and Philadelphia Phillies also tle game on Dec. 2), it will be hard Football Playoff. ington (8-2) was an early season playoff committee will have an
look like potential landing spots. for the selection committee to contender before losses to Arizona easy time setting the bracket. But
Beyond Stanton, there are sev- leave them out of the bracket. State and Stanford. But both the after a crazy weekend in which
eral notable free agents that are The Big 12 Conference has Huskies and Southern California four of the top-10 teams in the na-
sure to be the subject of discus- missed out on a spot in two of the had without a conference title (9-2), which clinched a spot in the tion lost, that is a big if.
sion this week. On the pitching first three years of the College game. If Oklahoma stumbles in the Pac-12 conference title game with a As Alabama’s struggles against
side, Jake Arrieta and Yu Darvish Football Playoff, but added a Big 12 title game, after previously 38-24 win over Colorado on Satur- Mississippi State proved, even the
lead the charge. As for hitters, out- championship game this season to beating both the Horned Frogs and day, have an outside chance of one team that looked like a sure
fielder J.D. Martinez will be the improve its chances. The decision Cowboys in the regular season, the climbing back into the mix. thing this season can be beaten.
most coveted. Martinez, 30, com- was made in part, because Ohio Big 12 will be left with a two-loss The only conference where “Sometimes you need hard,” Al-
piled 45 homers and 104 RBIs for State in 2014 made the playoff conference champion. things appear to be settled is the abama coach Nick Saban said on
the Detroit Tigers and Arizona Di- over two 11-1 Big 12 teams, TCU No. 8 Wisconsin (10-0) remains ACC, where No. 7 Miami (9-0) ef- Saturday. “You learn a lot in
amondbacks last season. His agent, and Baylor, who didn’t have a title undefeated, and is headed to the fectively knocked out Notre Dame games like this that you don’t
Scott Boras, will be seeking a deal game. That decision could now po- Big Ten title game, where Ohio (8-2) from playoff contention with when you win 49-0. There are still
in the range of $200 million. tentially backfire. State (8-2) likely awaits. The a 41-8 win. The Hurricanes cur- really big games to come.”

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
d t
Edmonton 10s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Down 27 Maureen of
0s 1 Beverage cart “The Quiet Man”
Vancouver Calgary 20s 14 15 16
containers 28 Source of spirits
30s 10s
Winnipeg 17 18 19
Seattle 20s 2 Lotion additive 30 Fresh
Portla d
Portland 30s 40s Montreal 30s 20 21 22 3 City with a 31 Board, as an
50s Ottawa
Helena Bismarckk 40s famous bell airplane
g A g t
Augusta 23 24 25
Eugene 40s i
Billings tower
p / . Paul
pls Pa T t
Toronto A b y
Albany Boston 50s 32 Visionaries
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4 Cassoulet
30s rtford
Hartford 60s 37 Workers who are
50s oux FFalls
Pierre Sioux ll
Milwaukee k Detroit
t l
Buffalo cookers
Cl l d
Cleveland New
ew York
Y k 70s 33 34 35 shirkers
Reno Ch
Salt LLake
ake City es Moines
Des 40s 5 Lurk in the
Cheyenne Omaha h P hil d lph
Philadelphia 80s
Sacramento Indianapolis Pittsburgh g 36 37 38 39
shadows 38 Gene messenger
50s Denver p
h g on D.C.
Washington DC 90s
an Francisco 60s 50s Topeka Kansas Ch
l t
Charleston 40 41 42 6 Shortly, 39 Neighbor of
l d
Colorado City h
Richmond d 100+
L Springs
p g hit
Wichita St.. Louis
LLou LLouisville
Lou ill informally Nigeria
Ve i h
Raleigh 43 44 45 46
anta Fe
Santa 50s Nashville
h ill 41 “Go away!”
Los A
Angel 60s Chh
Charlotte 7 Mal de ___
70s Memphis hi 60s 47 48 49
80s Phoenix
Ph A b q q
Albuquerque Oklahoma
ma C
City C b
Warm Rain (passenger’s 42 “Be prepared” or
San Diego Little Rock Atlanta
Atl t
Tucson i
Birminghamh 50 51 52 53 54 55 queasy feeling) “Live free or die”
El P
Paso Dallas
D ll Jack
Ft. Worth Cold
70s T-storms 8 Misbehaving 44 Landlords’
bil Jacksonville
k 56 57 58 59
A ti
Austin 9 “Just do it” or documents
70s Houston
t Stationary Snow
20s ew Orleans
New d
Orlando 60 61 62 “Got milk?” 45 Was inclined
10s 80s n Antonio
San A t i Tampa 80s
A h g Honolulu
l l 80s Miami
Showers Flurries 63 64 65 10 Subway option 49 Tennis great
70s 11 Like most Agassi
40s Ice
PLANE-SPOKEN | By Daniel Hamm commercial 50 Do some
airplanes rubbernecking
U.S. Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 25 Words from 46 Sinister signs
12 “I smell ___!” 51 Lake port of
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Bottle someone 47 Canada flag
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice
Omaha 52 42 pc 59 38 c Frankfurt 47 30 sh 44 34 pc picking up the 13 Novice Pennsylvania
Orlando 82 65 pc 77 60 pc Geneva 44 31 c 42 29 pc toppers feature
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 50 34 r 52 34 s Havana 83 68 pc 81 68 pc tab 18 Flyer in a V 53 Not doing
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 5 “The Lion King” 48 Make ecstatic anything
Phoenix 87 62 pc 87 60 pc Hong Kong 79 73 pc 80 73 s 26 Carbonated formation
Anchorage 26 19 s 27 14 s Pittsburgh 45 34 c 46 29 pc Istanbul 66 56 c 68 55 s hero
quaffs 50 Frozen treat 54 Star of TV’s
Atlanta 66 44 s 63 41 s Portland, Maine 41 30 c 43 27 c Jakarta 90 76 t 89 77 t 10 Without delay, 22 Terminal parts
Austin 78 58 pc 79 58 pc Portland, Ore. 53 45 r 54 45 r Jerusalem 74 53 pc 72 52 pc 29 Small dents in 52 Facing charges “M*A*S*H”
Baltimore 50 35 r 53 31 pc Sacramento 63 47 r 63 45 pc Johannesburg 82 61 pc 82 60 t in the hospital 24 Clever comeback
the airplane? 56 Athena’s warring 55 For fear that
Boise 59 36 r 51 37 pc St. Louis 50 34 pc 59 45 pc London 46 39 pc 52 47 pc 14 Stepped down 26 March 17
Boston 44 36 c 44 35 c Salt Lake City 64 41 pc 57 36 pc Madrid 57 33 pc 62 34 s 33 Belonging to brother 58 Gloss target
Burlington 40 28 c 42 27 c San Francisco 66 53 sh 64 51 pc Manila 89 78 pc 89 78 pc 15 Do a bread- honoree, for
thee 57 Rough drawing short 59 In the style of
Charlotte 63 39 s 59 35 s Santa Fe 64 39 pc 67 37 s Melbourne 88 64 s 89 70 s making chore
Chicago 43 32 s 50 43 pc Seattle 52 45 r 51 43 r Mexico City 71 47 pc 72 47 pc 34 Pod veggies on part of an
Cleveland 45 35 c 47 35 pc Sioux Falls 53 37 pc 55 31 c Milan 54 36 c 52 34 pc 16 Wrong airplane? Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Dallas 70 58 r 78 60 pc Wash., D.C. 51 39 r 54 36 pc Moscow 37 32 pc 42 30 r 35 “Golly!” MA D AM S P A T H G T V
Denver 68 36 s 66 29 pc Mumbai 91 75 pc 90 76 pc 17 Sentries in 60 One might be O P E R A T I D E A R I A
36 Go by worn in a sting
front of the
International Paris 49 35 pc 49 38 pc B R I C K H O U S E R A S P
Detroit 43 31 pc 45 35 pc E E L S N A D I N E
Honolulu 86 73 pc 84 73 sh Rio de Janeiro 82 64 s 81 66 s airplane? 37 No longer little operation MA L A I S E B A R E N T S
Houston 80 58 s 80 58 pc Today Tomorrow Riyadh 82 54 s 86 56 s A D U L T S R E G R E W
Indianapolis 45 32 pc 49 35 pc City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 59 42 t 61 49 t 19 Deceptive one 39 Refer to 61 1040 mailer H OM E S S A G E S H A H
Kansas City 52 44 pc 56 47 c Amsterdam 50 42 sh 51 46 c San Juan 86 77 sh 87 77 sh E B B O R E C A R T I P O
Las Vegas 77 55 pc 75 54 pc Athens 66 56 t 69 59 t Seoul 58 39 c 52 32 s
20 U.S. Navy nuclear 40 Gallery display 62 Pioneering R E E L E V E N W I S P S
sub class 41 Male deliveries carmaker R E E V E S P I C K L E
Little Rock 61 39 pc 60 47 pc Baghdad 79 52 pc 81 57 s Shanghai 67 54 c 65 52 c S L Y G R I N MO N E Y E D
Los Angeles 75 57 pc 74 57 pc Bangkok 91 76 sh 90 79 pc Singapore 87 77 pc 87 76 t Ransom C O A R S E T A N K
Sydney 71 59 pc 72 59 s
21 Simple adjoining 42 Estate home R A R E W O O L G L O V E S
Miami 84 74 sh 84 70 pc Beijing 55 28 s 45 22 s 63 Piano’s 88
Milwaukee 43 33 s 46 43 pc Berlin 45 32 pc 43 42 pc Taipei 78 72 c 78 70 r shelter 43 Paint jobs at A D D S E L L E E X I L E
Minneapolis 44 35 pc 47 31 c Brussels 48 37 c 47 44 c Tokyo 62 57 pc 67 55 r 23 Hand-to-hand the back of the 64 Digger’s tool
Nashville 54 36 pc 58 41 s Buenos Aires 86 63 s 89 68 s Toronto 41 32 c 42 31 pc The contest answer is SETTLERS OF CATAN. The
New Orleans 74 57 s 71 55 s Dubai 89 73 s 90 71 s Vancouver 50 44 r 49 41 r combat? airplane? 65 Orderly first words of the five theme answers (BRICK,
New York City 49 36 r 48 37 pc Dublin 46 44 c 53 44 sh Warsaw 39 32 sh 41 34 pc ORE, WOOL, GRAIN and LUMBER) are five
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at WSJ.com/Puzzles.

Oklahoma City 59 52 c 70 54 pc Edinburgh 45 41 pc 51 37 sh Zurich 42 26 c 41 26 pc resources in the board game.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | A15

A Soviet Cleansing in Cuba BOOKSHELF | By John Steele Gordon

Most Ameri-
cans have
never heard of
ans, journalists, lawyers, aca-
demics and politicians
throughout the Americas to ex-
was born. The young family
lived in a small house Mr. Ri-
vera had built himself.
compound near the city of
Trinidad. That compound be-
came a “KGB redoubt,” Mr.
The Heat
the anti-Cas-
tro uprising in
Cuba’s Escam-
pose the atrocities committed
in the 1960s against the gua-
jiros and other dissidents.
Many peasants opposed Ba-
tista. When he fled, they cele-
brated. But they quickly recog-
Carbonell explains. “From
there, the Soviets secretly di-
rected a major offensive to
Of the Moment
AMERICAS bray Moun- Castro understood the im- nized Castro’s ambitious plan quash the insurgency.”
By Mary
tains, which
began in 1959
portance of controlling the
press, foreign as well as do-
to betray the revolution. Ironi-
cally it was the takeover of a
The operation mobilized
70,000 Cuban soldiers and
The Burning Time
and took Fidel mestic. He used that control large sugar plantation called 110,000 militia. They “uprooted By Virginia Rounding
and the Soviet to popularize his version of Sierrita that confirmed their most of the peasant families liv- (St. Martin’s, 459 pages, $29.99)

Union six events. He framed the resis- worst suspicions. Sierrita had ing in the area, and dragged
years to put down. At the tance—those who rejected his been an excellent employer. them into concentration camps” n the West today we take it for granted that one is free
100th anniversary of the Bol- communist takeover—as a The owners paid well and in the far western part of the to hold whatever religious beliefs one thinks are true
shevik Revolution, the episode treated workers with dignity. country. More than 1,800 pris- and that it’s no one else’s business, especially not the
is worth revisiting. If not for Yet it was the first property oners were executed, according state’s. But in the early 16th century, religion was very
400 Soviets sent to Cuba un- The Russians used seized in the area. to Mr. Carbonell. “The obsessive much the business of the state, and the punishment for
der the command of the Red I wondered why Mr. Rivera goal was total extermination,” heresy could be the most agonizing imaginable: being
Army and the KGB in 1961, it is their experience at had objected, since Castro so the government forces “de- burned at the stake.
unlikely that Castro would home to annihilate was promising “social justice” stroyed crops, burned huts and As the Protestant Reformation began in 1517 and as
have prevailed. for the poor. “I looked at contaminated springs as they Henry VIII, about a decade later, sought to shed Catherine
What happened in the Es- dissident peasants. that,” he said, referring to the systematically combed the re- of Aragon in order to marry Anne Boleyn, the definition of
cambray pokes a giant hole in confiscation of Sierrita, “and gion for rebels or suspects.” heresy began to shift in often unpredictable ways. What
Castro’s narrative that his rev- I said to myself, if he can do The U.S. made secretive at- was heresy one week might be orthodoxy the next and vice
olution was a justified power white, urban aristocracy un- that to them, what future do tempts to get supplies to the versa. Both ordinary citizens and powerful officials were at
grab supported by working- happy because it was losing I have?” resistance, but poor coordina- risk. Many trimmed their sails as the religious winds
class and rural Cubans. The its privilege under his new Mr. Rivera went into com- tion hampered operations. shifted. Others did not and accepted their fates.
fact is that when Cubans be- justice. Meanwhile, he wiped bat with other guajiros and When President John F. Ken- Virginia Rounding, the
gan to understand that Fidel out whole farming communi- alongside former Castro guer- nedy withdrew support for author of several books on
planned to replace Fulgencio ties with Stalinesque ruth- rillas who had fought in the Si- the Bay of Pigs Invasion in European history, takes us
Batista as the next dictator lessness, and he did it with erra Maestra to restore the April 1961, the U.S. also aban- through this treacherous epoch
and to impose communism, guidance from the Kremlin, constitutional democracy. doned the Escambray. The in “The Burning Time.” Some of
many rebelled. None fought which exported its experience In his 1989 book, “And the rebels were outnumbered and the material she presents may
harder than central Cuba’s in intelligence gathering and Russians Stayed: The Soviet- outgunned but they did not be familiar in its broad outlines,
guajiros—small land owners repression. ization of Cuba,” Cuban-born give up easily. It wasn’t until not least from historical novels
and tenant farmers. Agapito Rivera was born in Nestor Carbonell uses the tes- 1965 that they were entirely and plays, famous movies, and
Forty years after Castro 1937 in central Cuba, one of timony of a former Castro in- defeated. popular television shows. But it
took power, a protégé named seven children in a poor family telligence officer to describe Mr. Rivera was captured in is certainly worth our learning
Hugo Chávez was elected pres- that cut sugar cane on a large how the Soviets crushed the 1963, spent 25 years in prison, more about the broader context
ident of Venezuela and allowed estate. He told me in an inter- Escambray rebellion, which at and was exiled in 1988. And and grasping in detail the fraught
to consolidate power. Today view in Miami earlier this year one point numbered 8,000 in- the story of the Soviet cam- conditions under which
that once-rich country is an that when he first started cut- surgents. Castro had sent paign in Cuba to annihilate individuals were forced to make
authoritarian hellhole where ting cane he was so small that 12,000 soldiers and 80,000 mi- farmers and peasants—who horrific moral choices.
toilet paper is a luxury and his older brother had to throw litia to the region in late 1960, rejected the collectivization of Henry VIII, Ms. Rounding reminds us, had
malnutrition is widespread. the shoots onto the cart for but they’d made no headway. agriculture just as they had in been a thoroughly orthodox Roman Catholic. But Catherine of
Venezuelans did not see him. By the time Castro took So in January 1961 the Kremlin Russia—never made it into Aragon could give him no more children, and only a daughter
what was coming in part be- power, Mr. Rivera was 22 and stepped in. It sent a contingent popular culture. survived to adulthood. Henry wanted a son. When the pope,
cause of the failure of histori- married. That year a daughter of Soviet coaches to a military Write to O’Grady@wsj.com. under pressure from Catherine’s nephew, Charles V, the Holy
Roman Emperor, refused an annulment, Henry declared
himself the sole head of the Church in England.

Algorithms With Minds of Their Own Henry’s lord chancellor, Thomas More, had once
interrogated and condemned men and women suspected of
defying Roman Catholic doctrine by denying the miracle of
By Curt Levey and others worry that such certainty that a given decision worked so well that FICO transubstantiation (the belief that the bread and wine at
And Ryan Hagemann models disproportionately hurt is accurate. Procedural regu- bought the company. communion turns into the body and blood of Christ). But

racial minorities. Many of these larity means the artificial-in- This patented technology he could not accept the deposition of the pope and the
veryone wants to know: critics believe the solution is telligence system’s decision- also provides accountability in installation of the king as the head of a breakaway church.
Will artificial intelligence mandated transparency, up to making process is applied in FICO’s Falcon Platform, a neu- On July 6, 1535, Henry had him beheaded for treason. John
doom mankind—or save and including public disclosure the same manner every time. ral-network system that de- Fisher, the bishop of Rochester and one of the most learned
the world? But this is the of these systems’ weights or And responsibility ensures in- tects payment-card fraud. Fi- men in England (and once young Henry’s tutor), had been
wrong question. In the near fu- computer code. dividuals have easily accessi- nancial institutions and their beheaded several days earlier for the same reason.
ture, the biggest challenge to But such disclosure will not ble avenues for disputing deci- customers need to understand
human control and acceptance tell you much, because the ma- sions that adversely affect why an incident of fraud is sus-
of artificial intelligence is the chine’s “thought process” is them. pected, and the technology met What was heresy one week might be orthodoxy
technology’s complexity and not explicitly described in the that challenge, opening the the next, and vice versa. And the punishment
opacity, not its potential to weights, computer code or door for Falcon’s widespread
turn against us like HAL in anywhere else. Instead, it is How do we ensure adoption by the financial in- could be the most agonizing imaginable.
“2001: A Space Odyssey.” This subtly encoded in the interplay dustry. FICO estimates that to-
“black box” problem arises between the weights and the that artificial day Falcon protects approxi-
from the trait that makes arti- neural network’s architecture. intelligence is mately 65% of all credit card As the “new learning” and Protestantism began to creep
ficial intelligence so powerful: Transparency sounds nice, but transactions world-wide. into the English realm in the 1520s, Henry tried hard to
its ability to learn and improve it’s not necessarily helpful and accountable? Falcon’s ability to detect thwart it. The Church of England, under Henry, had
from experience without ex- may be harmful. suspicious patterns of behav- separated from Rome but had not embraced the
plicit instructions. Requiring disclosure of the ior has also found use in coun- Reformation’s principal tenets—it retained a strong
Machines learn through ar- inner workings of artificial-in- Requiring accountability terterrorism efforts. Following Catholic cast. But books in English advancing the cause of
tificial neural networks that telligence models could allow would reassure those affected the Sept. 11 attacks, the same “reform,” including English translations of the Bible, were
work like the human brain. As people to rig the system. It by decisions derived from arti- neural network technology was smuggled in anyway. Henry eventually permitted the
these networks are presented could also reveal trade secrets ficial intelligence while avoid- used by airlines to identify distribution of the Bible in English and even ordered a copy
with numerous examples of and otherwise harm the com- ing the potential harms associ- high-risk passengers. That’s a to be made available in each parish church. But otherwise
their desired behavior, they petitive advantage of a sys- ated with transparency. It also far cry from Elon Musk’s asser- his opposition remained firm, and a steady stream of
learn through the modification tem’s developers. The situation decreases the need for compli- tion that artificial intelligence Protestants, judged heretical by ecclesiastical courts, were
of connection strengths, or becomes even more compli- cated regulations spelling out will cause World War III. marched to Smithfield, London’s notorious execution site
“weights,” between the artifi- cated when sensitive or confi- precisely what details need to Until recently the success of for heretics, where they were burned.
cial neurons in the network. dential data is involved. be disclosed. systems like Falcon went Among them was Anne Askew, who made a point of
Imagine trying to figure out A better solution is to make There already are real- underreported. Artificial-intel- reading the new English Bible aloud and holding Protestant
why a person made a particu- artificial intelligence account- world examples of successfully ligence pioneer John McCarthy views. She was a clever and agile debater and seemed to
lar decision by examining the able. The concepts of account- implemented accountability noted decades ago, “As soon as delight in sparring with the bishops who questioned her.
connections in his brain. Ex- ability and transparency are measures. One of us, Curt it works, no one calls it AI any- She was even put on the rack to make her abjure her
amining the weights of a neu- sometimes conflated, but the Levey, had experience with more.” Further advances in ar- beliefs. When she wouldn’t, she was carried to Smithfield in
ral network is only slightly former does not involve dis- this two decades ago as a sci- tificial intelligence promise a chair, since she could no longer walk. There she burned
more illuminating. closure of a system’s inner entist at HNC Software. Recog- many more benefits for man- alongside a lawyer, a tailor and a former Franciscan friar.
Concerns about why a ma- workings. Instead, account- nizing the need for better kind, but only if society avoids According to one witness, Anne was “smiling throughout
chine-learning system reaches ability should include explain- means to assess reliability, he strangling this burgeoning her torment and looking like an angel.”
a particular decision are great- ability, confidence measures, developed a patented technol- technology with burdensome With the death of Henry in 1547 and the accession of his
est when the stakes are high- procedural regularity, and ogy providing reasons and and unnecessary transparency 9-year-old son, Edward VI, power passed to the new king’s
est. For example, risk-assess- responsibility. confidence measures for the regulations. uncle, the Duke of Somerset, a Protestant. Anne Askew’s
ment models relying on Explainability ensures that decisions made by neural net- beliefs suddenly became orthodoxy. Indeed, one woman
artificial intelligence are being nontechnical reasons can be works. The technology was Mr. Levey is president of the condemned for heresy in this period said to those who sent
used in criminal sentencing and given for why an artificial-in- used to explain decisions made Committee for Justice. Mr. her to the stake: “It is a goodly matter to consider your
bail determinations in Wiscon- telligence model reached a by the company’s neural net- Hagemann is director of tech- ignorance. It was not long ago since you burned Anne
sin and other states. Former particular decision. Confidence work-based product for evalu- nology policy at the Niskanen Askew for a piece of bread, and yet came yourselves soon
Attorney General Eric Holder measures communicate the ating credit applications. It Center. after to believe and profess the same things for which you
burned her.”
Catherine of Aragon’s daughter, Mary, an ardent

My Kingdom for a Renewable Energy Source Catholic, came to the throne in 1553, and once again the
tide turned. The Catholic bishops who had been deprived
of their sees and sent to the Tower of London were
By Lee E. Ohanian cleaner and more efficient Suppose governments in the Africa, lack electricity, making released and reinstated. A Catholic was appointed
And Ted Temzelides source of energy led to re- 1890s, desperate to replace the it incredibly difficult to purify archbishop of Canterbury, and Protestants were, once

markable innovations in the horse, had jumped on the first water or preserve food and again, sent to the stake, in larger numbers than before
n 50 years, every street internal combustion engine. By available alternative, the steam medications. World-wide subsi- (almost 300 during Mary’s five-year reign). The slaughter
in London will be buried 1920 horses in cities had been engine. Heavy subsidies would dies for renewables total more earned the queen the soubriquet of “Bloody Mary” and all
under 9 feet of manure.” almost entirely replaced by af- have produced more steam en- than $100 billion a year, ac- but guaranteed that England, recoiling from such horror,
With this 1894 prediction, the fordable autos and trucks. gines and more research on cording to the International would be a Protestant nation once her half-sister,
London Times warned that the steam technology. This would Energy Agency. But scientists Elizabeth I, came to the throne.
era’s primary source of trans- only have waylaid the develop- still haven’t solved their core Running throughout Ms. Rounding’s account is the
portation energy—the horse— What 19th-century ment of the far superior inter- problem: Peak electricity de- fascinating tale of Richard Rich, a now-obscure figure but
would soon create an environ- British horses teach nal combustion engine. mand comes early in the morn- in his time a man to be reckoned with. Tudor politics was a
mental crisis. The lesson is that govern- ing and at night, when the sun game often played for mortal stakes. Rich was so adept at
In New York City, about us about free markets. ments are in no position to isn’t shining and the wind may it that he rose from a minor merchant family to become
100,000 working horses pro- predict technological break- not be blowing. lord chancellor, not to mention an immensely wealthy man.
duced roughly 2.5 million throughs, and their attempts Nearly a half-century of Unlike many others, he died in bed of old age. To get that
pounds of manure a day. Resi- The revolution was not to do so can delay innova- subsidies has not delivered the far, he had to betray more than one person who had helped
dents were exposed not only to driven by government. In fact, tions by entrenching inferior next energy revolution. The him up the ladder. His perjury would put the heads of both
the stench but to biohazards the transition away from technologies. great manure crisis of 1894 Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell, Henry’s chief minister
like anthrax. One commentator horses would have taken lon- Diesel cars are another ex- suggests a far better way to in the 1530s, on the block.
estimated in 1908 that roughly ger if states had followed to- ample. European states have advance clean, affordable and The contrast between Rich’s self-serving strategies and
20,000 New Yorkers died each day’s policy of subsidizing spe- been subsidizing them for de- safe energy: open competition the quiet courage of those who died horrible deaths for
year from diseases related to cific energy sources. cades, but diesel engines cre- on a level playing field. their beliefs adds greatly to the power of Ms. Rounding’s
horse waste. Since the 1970s, politicians ate considerably more noxious disturbing and often painful story. The sheer number of
But the deluge of dung pre- have artificially pushed re- gases and particulates. Now Mr. Ohanian is a senior fel- victims in “The Burning Time” can make it difficult at
dicted by the Times never ar- sources into renewable en- Britain and Germany are re- low at Stanford’s Hoover Insti- times to follow the broader dramatic arc. Still, Ms.
rived. Instead the free market ergy. Today the solar industry versing their policies and try- tution and a professor of Rounding vividly conveys how the blood of the martyred
solved the problem in roughly employs nearly 400,000 ing to phase out diesel. economics at UCLA. Mr. Tem- dead became the predicate for the religious liberty we
25 years, while creating new workers. That sounds impres- Or take the attempts to push zelides is a scholar at the now enjoy.
goods and industries that sive, but it accounts for only renewable energy into poor Baker Institute for Public Pol-
transformed society. 1% of America’s electricity countries. About 1.3 billion icy and a professor of econom- Mr. Gordon is the author of “An Empire of Wealth:
The enormous demand for a production. people, many in sub-Saharan ics at Rice University. The Epic History of American Economic Power.”
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A16 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


ObamaCare Tax Relief Small Businesses Deserve Fair Share of Cuts

epublicans in Congress are plowing it, you don’t have to pay a penalty. There “In Tax Bill, How You Get Rich ate a lot of jobs in America beyond
ahead on tax reform, and one obstacle would be no changes to benefits or coverage Matters” (page one, Nov. 4) quotes their own paycheck), but I would like
Rep. Chris Collins (R., N.Y.) stating to see our government’s new tax plan
is the complexity of Senate budget for pre-existing conditions, and not a dollar
that the tax bill is intended to lower be as generous to small businesses as
rules that limit how much taken out of Medicaid, a the rate for companies making wid- they plan to be with large multina-
taxes can be cut. The good Killing the individual word that would appear no- gets and employing other people, not tional corporations.
news is that for once Wash- where in the bill. for doctors, lawyers or architects. MARK W. BALLES, M.D.
ington’s fiscal fictions could
mandate can serve Note that the mandate is a As a retina surgeon, I don’t make Portland, Maine
be deployed to improve pol- the cause of tax and tax on the poor. More than widgets, but I do employ other peo-
icy by repealing ObamaCare’s one in three households that ple—lots of other people. In fact, In “House GOP Readies for Tax
individual mandate as part of
health-care reform. paid the “individual shared most doctors do. Over 60% of doctors Battle” (page one, Nov. 3), I note with
tax reform. responsibility payment” in are entrepreneurs in private practice. personal interest that the proposed
The Senate Finance Com- 2015 earned less than $25,000 The income doctors receive mainly plan eliminates the medical deduc-
mittee on Thursday released the details of its and more than 90% made less than $75,000, ac- goes to pay their staff and other ex- tion. Loss of that deduction will be
penses. I provide jobs for 10 full- more than a political land mine for
tax proposal, which includes a permanent 20% cording to IRS data. For instance: More than
time-equivalent nurses, technicians, the elderly in nursing care; it will be
corporate rate and more. Senators Pat Toomey 34,000 families in Maine paid $15 million to personal managers, billers, coders, re- a financial disaster. I prepare tax re-
and Bob Corker cut a budget deal to allow for the government for the high privilege of not ceptionists, bookkeepers, IT special- turns for some very elderly individu-
$1.5 trillion in net tax cuts over 10 years with- buying ObamaCare. Repeal would be tax relief ists, accountants and attorneys. With- als, many of whom are widows in
out accounting for faster economic growth (and for low-income families. out this army of trained assistants, it full-time nursing care. Their medical
more revenues) as a result of reform. Republicans can use the money or lose it. would be impossible to care for pa- costs are greater than their incomes,
The trick is Senate procedure. The GOP is We’re told the Trump Administration has tients or deal with the burgeoning and every year their savings take a
invoking a budget process that allows the drafted language that would expand the man- bureaucracy of insurance and govern- hit to pay for their care. Under the
party to pass the bill with 51 votes. But Repub- date’s “hardship exemption” that frees more mental regulations governing the pro- proposed plan, these people will end
licans have to comply with the Senate’s Byrd people from the penalty. CBO may also revise vision of health-care services. up on Medicaid sooner.
I can’t speak for the attorneys or DALE TATUM
Rule, which says the legislation can’t add to its methods and thus its cost estimate in the
architects (who I imagine also gener- Palo Alto, Calif.
the deficit beyond the 10-year budget window coming months. In other words, why would
starting in 2028. The Senate draft doesn’t Congress pass up this one-time-only offer of
meet this standard, so some parts of the bill free money for tax reform?
may have to expire after a decade unless Re- Another dividend is that health-care reform The NFL Faces Many Issues, Some Systemic
publicans can fill the hole. It’s a shame this may be easier in the future when CBO can’t ter- The answer to Jason Whitlock’s the Ray Rice debacle, deflategate or
process pummels good policy. rify the public with fanciful estimates of how question, “Is Roger Goodell Deliber- now the disrespect players have
Enter the idea of repealing ObamaCare’s in- many Americans would lose coverage without ately Pushing the NFL Leftward?” shown for our national anthem and
dividual mandate. The Congressional Budget the mandate. CBO has a lousy record of predic- (op-ed, Nov. 6),k is yes. Whether Mr. the American flag, Mr. Goodell has
Office predicts that dumping the mandate tions—ObamaCare enrollment is 60% below its Goodell has an overarching liberal shown exceedingly poor judgment.
would “save” $338 billion over 10 years—and estimate—but the media treat the place as if agenda is debatable, but there is no The league is suffering at the hands
doubt that many in the media who of 32 owners who keep him in office.
the savings continue in the following decades. it were run by oracles.
suddenly are huge fans of NFL play- They seem to be unaware that at
The budget gnomes assume that if people are Democrats will call repeal a budget gimmick, ers exercising their free-speech least 100 competent CEOs would rel-
not forced to buy health insurance, fewer peo- and they would know: The Affordable Care Act rights have ideological skin in a ish the job at a fraction of the cur-
ple will sign up for subsidies or Medicaid. The included a long-term care program that was game that they otherwise detest. rent salary and do it much better.
idea that millions of people will dump free written to collect premiums and then go bank- The secular trends of cable cord- JAY LEHR
health care is one oddity of CBO methods, but rupt to game the 10-year budget window, and cutting and less television viewing, Ostrander, Ohio
that’s an editorial for another day. it counted a federal student-loan takeover as combined with NFL overexposure, ex-
Some Republicans are traumatized from a money-maker for Treasury. All of this was fic- plain the drop in ratings with any I was at the bar at a rural country
the GOP’s health-care failure and don’t want tion. But repealing the individual mandate is short-term negative reaction to club in western Pennsylvania. The at-
to complicate tax reform with fights over in- not a ploy; it’s a GOP priority. player protests being an insignificant titude there is that if the NFL
surance coverage. But remember that Chief Senate Finance this week will mark up its factor. doesn’t understand and respect the
TOM GARDNER founding principles of our country,
Justice John Roberts called the mandate pen- bill, and the best move for tax and health-care
Richmond, Va. then who needs it? The NFL is free
alty a tax. This is a political fight the GOP can reform is to include the mandate repeal. This to do and say whatever it wishes.
win: If you like your ObamaCare plan, you can is a case where budget scoring can serve the No doubt I am not alone in won- But don’t expect us to follow or sup-
keep it. If you don’t want it or can’t afford cause of good policy. dering why the NFL owners would port it.
want to continue to pay their com- R.I.P. NFL.

A Nafta Recession? missioner, Roger Goodell, in excess

of $30 million a year. Whether it’s

resident Trump keeps touting the 3% damage that would ensue to North American
U.S. GDP growth of the last two quarters and even global supply chains.
and “record” stock prices, and the econ- Only one in four of the economists antici- U.S. Must Be Realistic About Mideast Power
omy is his best talking point. pates a U.S. withdrawal, but Suzanne Maloney and Michael ment. The U.S. and its allies, they
But he might want to take a The biggest threat to that also may be optimistic. O’Hanlon’s “A Strategy for the Post- say, should now “work around”
look at the latest Journal sur- the Trump economy Mr. Trump almost pulled out ISIS Middle East” (op-ed, Nov. 8) Syria’s Assad government on a strat-
vey of economists about the once, and he seems to believe seems naive. They write as if the U.S. egy of “regionalism,” as if Russia and
impact of a U.S. withdrawal is his trade agenda. that Mexico and Canada have were still the central strategic player Iran would cooperate. They suggest
from the North American Free no choice but to bend to U.S. in the region, which it is not. Their “a new, multilateral Marshall Plan”
Trade Agreement. wishes. But those two coun- recommendations assume, wrongly, for the Middle East (anchored in Jor-
Not a single economist said that the with- tries are already moving to diversify their trad- that Washington has wide latitude dan), estimating the cost to U.S. tax-
drawal Mr. Trump has threatened would help ing options, and they have their own domestic and independent options. Iran is payers as “perhaps as much as a few
the economy. Some 82% said the economy political pressures not to cave to the U.S. mentioned only as a power to be de- billion dollars annually.” This under-
terred or limited rather than a per- estimate is mind-boggling. Rebuild-
would grow more slowly for the next two years Mr. Trump is doing well overall on economic
manent force to be reckoned with ing Syria, let alone the Middle East,
than it would otherwise, and 7% predicted a re- policy, with deregulation and support for tax re- across the Arab world. will cost tens of billions of dollars
cession. That underestimates the risks of reces- form. But his Achilles’ heel is his protectionist Worst is that Russia isn’t men- over an extended period.
sion in our view, given the political shock from trade agenda and his lack of knowledge about tioned at all, even with regard to The one saving grace is that Mos-
such a reckless act by a U.S. President and the the international economy. Syria’s future. Yet it was Russian cow and Tehran will have to pony up
military intervention along with for their military success.

Putin’s Syria Play

Iran’s that saved the Assad govern- EM. PROF. RONALD TIERSKY
Amherst College
Queens, N.Y.

he press corps spent the weekend ob- area has been significantly reduced, and thou- What Were Their Survival
sessing about what Donald Trump sands of Syrian families have returned to Odds? I’m Here Anyway Science Can Raise Moral
thinks about what Vladimir Putin be- their homes.” The U.S., Russia and Jordan
David Stras’s “My Grandparents
lieves about Russian meddling have now signed a Memoran- Saw Light, Even After the Dark of
Issues but Not Answer Them
in the U.S. election. #ever- Trump and Tillerson dum of Principles that calls Kristallnacht” (op-ed, Nov. 9) seems While I cannot disagree with the
greentweets. The real news is are ceding the advantage for the “reduction and ulti- very familiar to me as my father was statement that “good science should
Mr. Trump’s deal announced mate elimination of foreign deported to Auschwitz, too. The rule U.S. climate policy” (Letters,
in Vietnam with the Russian to Russia and Iran. forces” in Syria, especially in number tattooed on his arm was Nov. 8), that is not necessarily the is-
strongman for the “deconflic- the south. But there’s no evi- 115172, only 1,850 prisoners before sue we need to address. You can ac-
tion” of Syria. This is ceding dence that Iran or Hezbollah Mr. Stras’s number. I figure that puts cept 100% of the “scientific consen-
the regional advantage to Russia and Iran. are leaving the area. Mr. Stras’s grandfather in the fourth sus” on global warming and still
That’s the take-away of the joint statement The Trump Administration is also hoping transport that arrived in Auschwitz disagree on what actions to take.
after my father’s (on April 13, 1943), Does science require that we subsi-
issued Saturday by the U.S. and Russia that Mr. Putin will help broker a United Nations-su-
or just before April 22, 1943. The Na- dize wind and solar power? Does sci-
“builds on months of fairly intense discussions” pervised peace process pursuant to U.N. Secu- zis were selecting only about 250 to ence require that we restrict develop-
and “behind-the-scenes diplomacy,” according rity Council Resolution 2254 that passed in De- 500 men, from each 3,000 person ment in flood-prone coastal areas?
to State Department officials. The three-part cember 2015. The Russians have since transport, to work in Auschwitz and Does science require that we should
strategy aims to achieve an “enduring defeat” convened separate meetings with the Iranians the various satellite camps. My fa- pursue carbon sequestration?
of Islamic State, “de-escalate the civil war” and and Turks to carve up the country as they see ther, an electrician, was sent to Buna We have to recognize that science
hold “U.N.-supervised and organized parlia- fit, which the Trump Administration has legiti- (i.e., IG Farben’s Monowitz Buna- is essentially amoral. Science didn’t
mentary and presidential elections.” mized by sending an official observer to wit- Werke factory), where Elie Wiesel determine whether the atomic bomb
ISIS is nearly ousted from its caliphate, not ness the talks. worked. My mother was also de- was a good or bad idea. Science says
that the Russians helped much. The dirty work State officials explained Saturday that they ported to Auschwitz (actually Birke- nothing about whether we should
was done by Arab and Kurdish fighters backed “started to see signs that the Russians and the nau). Her number was 76864. My pursue genetic engineering of human
parents never explained their num- embryos. All of these are political and
by U.S. air power and special forces on the regime wanted to draw the political process
bers to me, but I noticed that most moral questions about which people
ground. As Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis told away from Geneva,” and so “Secretary Tillerson of their friends in my Brooklyn can honestly disagree.
NATO in Brussels last week, 95% of the territory felt it was quite important to get President Pu- neighborhood also had numbers on JAMES B. WADDELL
that Islamic State held in Iraq and Syria has tin on the record” to support the U.N.-led pro- their arms, and that they spoke a va- Columbus, Ohio
now been reclaimed. cess. As if the Russian’s words are his bond. If riety of languages.
The question is what comes next. In July six years of fighting in Syria have taught any- My father was one of 68,000 Se-
President Trump agreed with the Russians to thing, it’s that military facts on the ground will phardic Jews who were deported to Pepper ...
enforce a deconfliction zone in southwestern determine the parameters of any peace. Auschwitz from Thessaloniki, Greece.
Syria near the Israeli and Jordanian borders. President Trump, meanwhile, tweeted that Only about 1,500 survived, so his
And Salt
The point was to stop the fighting, address the the United States needs “a good relationship chance of survival was about 2.2%. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

humanitarian crisis, and allow U.S.-backed with Russia” to solve crises like Syria, despite My mother was one of 1,000 deport-
ees from Kastoria, Greece. Only 35
forces to crush the Islamic State in the north zero evidence Mr. Putin shares America’s stra-
survived. Her chance of survival was
and eastern parts of Syria. tegic interests. The Russians, like the Iranians, 3.5%. The probability that both of
Instead, the cease-fire solidified the gains want to prop up the Assad regime and establish these two people would survive, ulti-
that Bashar Assad’s Syrian government forces military bases in Syria to threaten NATO and mately to have a child, is 0.08%. This
had already made in western Syria. And it freed Israel. Their immediate near-term goal is to re- is equivalent to surviving four rounds
up the Russians and Iranian-backed fighters to take the energy-rich eastern regions of Syria of Russian roulette, each played with
divert resources eastward, where the Syrian from the Syrian Democratic Forces because five bullets in the revolver.
Democratic Forces allied with the U.S. had made they realize that “seizing the oil,” to borrow a SAM MIRANDA
progress against Islamic State. The Institute for phrase, is in their interests. Silver Spring, Md.
the Study of War’s Christopher Kozak noted Sat- The big picture is that Mr. Trump and Secre-
urday that the compact also “has preserved— tary of State Rex Tillerson seem to be using the Letters intended for publication should
rather than limited—the freedom of movement diplomacy of deconfliction to justify a retreat be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
of Iran and Hezbollah along the Golan Heights from post-ISIS Syria. Where that leaves Amer- or emailed to wsj.ltrs@wsj.com. Please
and Syrian-Jordanian border.” ica’s Kurdish and Syrian allies isn’t clear, include your city and state. All letters
Yet the U.S. State Department claims the though perhaps they’re on their own. Mr. Putin are subject to editing, and unpublished
deconfliction experiment, “while not perfect,” is winning in Syria no matter his deceptions letters can be neither acknowledged nor “In time you will come to see that
returned. football is ballet with taco chips.”
has been a success because “violence in the about election meddling.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | A17


Hillary Clinton, the DNC and the Law Riyadh Is

By Cleta Mitchell could not legally be withheld by the
Delivering on
And Hans von Spakovsky Clinton-designated treasurer. Nor
Vision 2030
does the law allow a single candi-
onna Brazile has con- date to control a political party’s op-
firmed Bernie Sanders’s erations and expenditures.
worst suspicions. Ms. Bra- National party committees have By Majid Al Qasabi
zile, who served as interim higher contribution limits than can-

chairman of the Demo- didates do—$334,000 a year vs. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
cratic National Committee during the $2,700 for each election. The memo- hen Crown Prince Moham-
fall 2016 campaign, says in a new randum raises the possibility that med bin Salman launched
book that during the primaries, the Clinton campaign took advantage of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia’s
DNC was controlled by Hillary Clin- the DNC’s higher limits, then availed progressive reform program, last
ton’s campaign. Ms. Brazile claims itself of all the resources the DNC year, the international community
the arrangement was “not illegal,” could buy—without having any of responded with cautious encourage-
but that is far from clear. the attendant costs or expenditures ment. Few disputed the necessity
Ms. Brazile reports that when she assessed against the campaign. for reform or thought it failed the


arrived on the job in July 2016, Gary There are strict statutory limits test of ambition. But there were
Gensler, the campaign’s chief finan- on what a party committee can con- doubts about Saudi Arabia’s ability
cial officer, told her the DNC was tribute to any candidate and what a to deliver.
fully under the control of the cam- party can spend in coordination Some openly said Saudi Arabia
paign. In September 2015, 10 months with its candidates. We don’t like would not be able to take the pain-
before Mrs. Clinton’s nomination, limits on the ability of parties to ful decisions and implement the dif-
the party had moved its bank ac- support their candidates. But cam- ficult trade-offs needed to push
count to the same bank in New York paign-finance zealots, egged on by through such dramatic change and
used by the Clinton campaign and Hillary Clinton speaks to the DNC summer meeting, Aug. 28, 2015. media outlets (which are not sub- transformation. The implication was
created a joint fundraising commit- ject to any limits), made certain that the old system and traditions
tee, the Hillary Victory Fund, whose was controlled by the Clinton cam- product and tools” paid for by the that the McCain-Feingold law of would stymie any attempt to mod-
treasurer, bank account, and control paign, with a campaign employee as DNC, despite Federal Election Com- 2002 stringently limited coordina- ernize our economy and society to
were vested in the campaign. treasurer and the fund’s bank ac- mission regulations that prohibit tion between candidates and politi- the level we ourselves set.
count established at the Clinton cam- privately sharing such research with cal parties. Although the Supreme
paign’s bank. According to Federal a candidate without either reporting Court struck down parts of McCain-
Did their arrangement Election Commission reports, the Hil- the costs as an in-kind contribution Feingold in the 2010 Citizens United The anticorruption
lary Victory Fund has raised more or allocating them against the case, the coordination limits still
violate legal limits on than $526 million. party’s coordinated spending limits apply. The FEC and the Justice De- actions will help make
coordination between The DNC asserted its “neutrality” for that candidate. partment should investigate the Saudi Arabia a vibrant
by also entering into a joint fund- The memo also tied transfers of Clinton-DNC arrangement.
a candidate and a party? raising committee with the Sanders funds raised for the DNC by the Hil- Candidate Clinton railed against 21st-century economy.
campaign. It raised a total of lary Victory Fund to operational Citizens United—a case that involved
$1,000. And the Bernie Victory control of the DNC’s expenditures: a documentary film critical of her—
Then, in an August 2015 memo- Committee treasurer was the DNC’s “The release of the Base Amounts arguing that “big money” and “se- While we knew differently, we
randum of understanding, the DNC designee. each month are conditioned on the cret spending” are ruining our poli- understood the doubters. Saudi Ara-
essentially handed over its opera- “Money in the battleground following: . . . hiring of DNC Com- tics. Is it too much to ask that those bia is a rich nation, blessed by the
tions to the Clinton campaign for states usually stayed in that state,” munications Director . . . DNC senior who loudly demand greater regula- discovery of oil more than 80 years
the next 15 months. Ms. Brazile writes, “but all the other staff . . . joint authority over strate- tion of political speech and spending ago. Yet our wealth has not trans-
The purpose of joint fundraising states funneled that money directly gic decisions . . . alerting HFA”—Hil- themselves abide by the laws al- ferred into opportunity for all.
committees is to allow more than to the DNC, which quickly trans- lary for America, the campaign—“in ready on the books? Those seeking to do business in our
one entity to collaborate in raising ferred the money to Brooklyn”—i.e., advance of . . . any direct mail com- country have not faced a predict-
money and share in the costs. Each Clinton headquarters. She says state munications that features a particu- Ms. Mitchell is a partner at Foley able business environment, a famil-
participant is subject to federal con- parties raised $82 million, of which lar Democratic primary candidate or & Lardner LLP who practices federal iar commercial legal framework, or
tribution limits. When the party itself they kept less than 0.5%. his or her signature.” campaign finance law. Mr. von Spa- a dynamic, entrepreneurial culture.
is a participant, its committee (in The memorandum of understand- Contributions to the DNC, even kovsky is a senior legal fellow at the Corrupt practices complicated mat-
this case the DNC) normally handles ing promised the Clinton campaign, though made through the Hillary Heritage Foundation and a former ters further.
accounting and financial controls. among other things, “complete and Victory Fund, were required by law commissioner on the Federal Elec- The Supreme Anti-Corruption
Not here. The Hillary Victory Fund seamless access to all research work to be transferred to the party and tion Commission. Committee’s recent enforcement ac-
tions should encourage those who
doubted Saudi Arabia’s commitment

The Individual Mandate Is The Worst Tax Ever and ability to deliver the goals of
Vision 2030 at the pace our eco-
nomic and demographic realities
By Chris Pope The individual mandate was in- conditions is due entirely to the he said, “we could try that to solve demand. Yet we have also seen

tended to prevent the bulk of indi- law’s subsidy provisions. These ex- homelessness by mandating every- some misguided theories about
f you were deliberately trying to viduals from fleeing this unappeal- pand automatically to whatever body buy a house.” what motivated our country to take
design the most arbitrary, pain- ing arrangement. Its advocates have level insurers need in order to Without the mandate, the cost of these steps, which the overwhelm-
ful and pointless tax possible, argued that the mandate reduces bring a plan to market, which limits supporting those with pre-existing ing majority of Saudi citizens have
how would you go about it? premiums on the exchanges, but this premiums and out-of-pocket costs conditions would be spread more embraced.
First, you would structure it to in- is only true to the extent that it as a share of income. This principle broadly, including the bulk of upper- The investigations, which have
flate the cost of an essential product. pushes more cost-effective alterna- holds regardless of the ratio of income individuals who receive em- been in progress for three years,
Then, you’d create exemptions so tives out of reach. healthy to sick enrollees in the ex- ployer-sponsored coverage. have shown that more than $100
vast that only 5% of taxpayers were change. Of the 18 million people enrolled billion has been misappropriated
subject to it. You might even ensure For all the rhetoric about “shared in the individual market, only two through systematic corruption and
that it hit people only when they It doesn’t even further the responsibility,” the ACA deliberately million are estimated to have major embezzlement over several decades.
were particularly vulnerable—like carved the healthiest upper-middle- pre-existing conditions. Repeal of That may prove to be a conservative
when they’d lost a job. Finally, you ACA’s core goal of helping class individuals out of the exchange the mandate would allow the bulk of estimate. Moreover, the decision to
would use it to drive enrollment in people with pre-existing risk pools by giving adults under 26 them to choose soon-to-be deregu- undertake this investigation and to
entitlements, so that it increased the the right to claim health-care bene- lated insurance at half the cost of act on its findings, regardless of
federal deficit by $338 billion. conditions get coverage. fits through their parents’ insurance ACA-compliant plans. As 70% of in- who was found to be corrupt, was
In short, you would design some- coverage. dividual-market enrollees would re- taken at the start of the investiga-
thing that looks very much like the The main effect of the mandate main eligible for subsidies, they tion, not at its conclusion.
Affordable Care Act’s individual As a newly released Manhattan has been to concentrate the burden would not be adversely affected. As outlined in the statement by
mandate. Institute Issue Brief demonstrates, of subsidizing the chronically ill on Only a tiny subset of Americans Attorney General Saud Al Mojeb, so
Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) has the mandate is superfluous to the those who lack employer-sponsored would be likely to see any increase far 208 individuals have been ar-
made headlines by suggesting that ACA’s core guarantee of affordable health insurance or eligibility for in premiums from the repeal of the rested, with seven subsequently re-
tax reform should include a repeal of coverage for individuals with pre-ex- public entitlements. This is a very individual mandate—and CBO has leased without charge. All those de-
the mandate—an annual tax of be- isting conditions. In fact, it is sub- low-income group: 79% of house- estimated this increase would only tained have had their rights
tween $695 and $13,380 imposed on ject to so many exemptions that re- holds that had to pay the mandate amount to 10%. respected and will be afforded due
6.5 million American households. In cent studies have failed to discern tax (which starts at $695 per year The individual mandate is not es- process. They are being handled
defense of the mandate, ObamaCare’s any impact of the mandate on the for individuals earning more than sential to the ACA’s coverage expan- sensitively and responsibly.
defenders have resorted to hyperbole proportion of Americans who are $10,350) had annual incomes of less sions. It serves only to accentuate Given the magnitude of the alle-
and scare-mongering, probably be- uninsured. than $50,000. It’s no wonder that the law’s inequities. gations, we have suspended the per-
cause the penalty is so difficult to The ACA’s guarantee of afford- Barack Obama opposed this funding sonal bank accounts of those
justify on the merits. able insurance to low-income indi- mechanism during the 2008 prima- Mr. Pope is a senior fellow at the charged. But we have taken steps to
In most insurance markets, people viduals and those with pre-existing ries. “If a mandate was the solution,” Manhattan Institute. ensure that the companies they own
seek coverage in proportion to the continue to operate normally, and
risk they expect to face, and insurers investors will remain unaffected by
receive payment in proportion to the
cost they expect to cover. This ap-
proach prevailed for nongroup
Football Needs Some Real Drama these actions. Normal commercial
activity continues.
As we diversify our economy be-
health insurance in most states prior By Lou Weiss especially creative displays? throwing down the Ten Command- yond oil, we are looking to invest in

to ObamaCare. It produced stable The standard game of dice ments in the world’s first recorded our people and invest our assets so
markets with premiums of less than he National Football League might not be worth an extra point, spike. that we can support this process of
half what currently prevails on the has lately been a cause of but a more sophisticated thespian Want to involve the kids? Odell change. Opportunity must become
exchanges, but often failed to ensure rancor and division. Most Beckham Jr.’s fake naps could be- available to all in the kingdom.
affordable coverage for individuals blame the anthem protests and come an homage to “Goodnight Our young people, men and
with major chronic conditions. concussions, but the elaborate cho- Antonio Brown posing Moon.” That urinating shtick he women, deserve and demand to
The ACA has reversed this situa- reography, mimes, games and skits does might reference Clifford the live in a nation truly built for the
tion, providing affordable coverage displayed after every touchdown, with the football like Big Red Dog. One point each. 21st century. This is not about
to individuals with pre-existing con- sack, interception and fumble may Hamlet holding Yorick’s Historical events related to the Saudi Arabia catching up; this is
ditions, but yielding plans that are also have something to do with it. team’s hometown would work. about Saudi Arabia shifting to the
priced well above the needs of most The NFL apparently feels that this skull? Two points. Think of the Patriots doing the forefront of development, in part-
Americans. The average annual pre- goofiness makes good television Boston Tea Party, the 49ers making nership and collaboration with the
mium was $5,712 in 2016, while me- and has given the players latitude. tech elevator pitches, or the international community of na-
dian health-care spending was only Why not go all the way and have adventure could be. Antonio Brown Browns re-enacting the burning of tions, investors and people. For too
$709 in 2014. the referees award style points for posing with the football like Ham- the Cuyahoga River. long Saudi Arabia has been behind
let holding Yorick’s skull? Two We all know the Statue of Liberty the curve. Now we are determined
points. A trio of offensive linemen play. How about Le’Veon Bell posing not just to catch up, but move
emulating Macbeth’s witches stir- as Rodin’s Thinker? Two points. ahead of it.
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY ring their cauldron ought to be The theatrical celebrations This is a watershed moment. The
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson worth a field goal. Who wouldn’t would attract a whole new breed of old ways have ceased to be sustain-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp buy a ticket to watch dreadlocked sideline coach. Teams would hire able long ago and must be replaced.
Gerard Baker William Lewis Marshawn Lynch as Lady Macbeth Frenchmen in whiteface to school The new way will offer a predictable
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher washing the blood off of her hands running backs in pantomime. Many long-term approach and transparent
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: after the killing of Duncan? Out wide receivers are already accom- business environment for investors,
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; damn spot! plished actors feigning interference who will be surprised by the bur-
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
Dez Bryant, meet Desdemona. to draw penalties. Rex Reed would geoning talent and potential of our
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President Modern idioms would work just join Terry Bradshaw and Jimmy young people. There is no going
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: as well. Imagine T.J. Watt as Stan- Johnson for postgame recaps. back.
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; ley Kowalski, dropping to his knees And imagine the Monday morning Saudi Arabia is changing. The
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; after a sack and yowling, “Flacco!” water-cooler conversations. “Hey, message is clear and the goals are
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; One point. During kickoffs the did you see Aaron Rodgers’s inter- defined. We are serious, and we are
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; Packers could stage “The Icemen pretation of Ibsen last night?” committed to this process, in letter
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International Cometh.” Picture Tom Brady and “I preferred Dak Prescott’s take and spirit. We will not avoid the dif-
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: Rob Gronkowski in an end-zone in- last year.” ficult short-term decisions if they
Almar Latour, Publisher; terpretation of “Waiting for Good- These creative displays would be mean delivering the essential long-
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: ell.” Four points. the perfect melding of sport and term goals of a thriving economy, a
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; The more points at stake, the culture. Stanislavsky—isn’t he a vibrant society and a responsible
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head more creative the players would linebacker for the Bears? nation.
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: get. Bible stories offer a rich source
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 of material: the parting of the Red Mr. Weiss is a Pittsburgh carpet Mr. Qasabi is the Saudi minister
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
Sea, the Plagues of Egypt, or Moses salesman. of commerce and investment.
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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | B1

Last Week: S&P 2582.30 g 0.21% S&P FIN g 2.65% S&P IT À 0.002% DJ TRANS g 2.60% WSJ $ IDX g 0.43% LIBOR 3M 1.413 NIKKEI 22681.42 À 0.63% See more at WSJMarkets.com

Brookfield Bids for Rest of GGP

BY DANA MATTIOLI each exceeding $7.4 billion. Brookfield-affiliated GGP billion under management, in- While its properties have
Higher Online
A recent sampling of product
pricing at Walmart.com (n)
compared with in-store prices (n)
On Friday, GGP shares shareholders. cluding about $150 billion in held up better than lower-end Knorr Alfredo pasta side dish (4.4 oz)
Brookfield Property Part- closed at $22.20, having GGP owns around 125 high- real estate. Its portfolio in- malls, it has made some
ners LP has made a $14.8 bil- surged on reports earlier in end retail centers around the cludes London’s Canary Wharf changes to adapt to shifting
lion offer to acquire the shares the week of a potential deal U.S., including Tysons Galleria and Brookfield Place in lower consumer behavior. $0.94
of mall owner GGP Inc. that it between the companies. near Washington, D.C., Glen- Manhattan. Like other mall operators,
doesn’t already own, according Brookfield owns about 34% dale Galleria outside Los Ange- If a deal is reached, it would GGP has taken back spaces Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper
to people familiar with the of Chicago-based GGP, for- les and Chicago’s Water Tower come at a tough time for mall from dozens of department
matter. merly known as General Place. The company emerged operators, which are strug- stores that no longer draw the $3.30
Brookfield has offered to Growth Properties, which has from bankruptcy in 2010 with gling to adapt to the migration heavy foot traffic they once $2.50
pay $23 a share for the re- a market value of about $21 backing from Brookfield and of shoppers to the web. Before did, replacing them with gyms,
maining 66% of GGP, half in billion. other investors. GGP shares rallied earlier in high-end grocery stores or Kraft Thick n’ Creamy
cash and half in equity, some of There is no guarantee that Brookfield Property owns or the week, they were down fast-fashion retailers. Macaroni & Cheese (1 box)
the people said. GGP investors GGP will agree to the offer, operates office properties, re- about 25% so far this year. Part of the rationale of the $1.48
could choose either cash or which Brookfield submitted to tail centers, multifamily hous- GGP operates “A malls,” proposed deal would be to
0.9656 of a limited-partnership the company’s board Saturday, ing units among about $68 bil- premium properties that house help the mall operator add fea-
unit of Brookfield Property for according to a person familiar lion in total assets. The firm is movie theaters, restaurants, tures to its properties, such as Colgate 360 Optic White
each share, subject to prora- with the matter. Any deal part of Brookfield Asset Man- ice-skating rinks and other en- office space, entertainment toothbrushes (2 count)
tion that keeps the consider- would also be subject to ap- agement, an alternative-asset tertainment venues alongside and apartment blocks, one of
ation of cash and units from proval from a majority of non- manager with more than $265 traditional retailers. the people said.
Sources: Walmart.com; WSJ reporting

Long Rally Amber Waves of Grain? Nyet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Appears Wal-Mart
A Bit Worn Lifts Web
A rally that has sent stock
indexes around the world to
Prices to
records showed signs of stall-
ing this past week, highlight- Aid Stores
By Corrie Driebusch,
Sam Goldfarb Wal-Mart Stores Inc. wants
and Ben Eisen to charge more to buy some
products online than in stores,
ing fears that buoyant markets part of the company’s efforts
could be poised for a pullback. to boost profits and drive
The Dow Jones Industrial store traffic as it competes
Average posted its worst week with Amazon.com Inc.
since September after inves- The world’s biggest retailer
tors grew nervous about the has quietly raised prices for
chances for a sweeping U.S. some food and household
tax overhaul. Adding to the items sold on its U.S. website,
concern: A drop in the junk- including boxes of Kraft Maca-

bond market, often viewed as roni & Cheese, Colgate tooth-

an early warning sign of brushes and bags of Purina
broader market stress, capped dog food, according to people
by the cancellation of two sep- familiar with the matter and
arate debt sales. comparisons between online
Many money managers and in-store prices.
have been watching for Some big-box retailers
months for signs of cracks in charge more for online pur-
the market’s steady gains. In- chases, including Costco Whole-
stead, major stock indexes AGAINST THE GRAIN: Large investments and a weaker ruble helped Russia surpass the U.S. as the world’s top wheat exporter. B10 sale Corp., but the move is un-
have embarked on a remark- usual for Wal-Mart, which has
Please see MARKETS page B2 long honed an “everyday low
price” message and has worked
to keep online prices at least as

INSIDE KEYWORDS | By Christopher Mims low as shoppers find in its 4,700

U.S. stores.
Wal-Mart previously aimed

AI Still Needs a Human Touch to keep online and in-store

prices equal for many of its
most popular products—unless
If you want view, it would be too easy to and the ads it linked to 470 competition drove them lower.
to understand exploit Facebook’s antire- “inauthentic” Russian-backed But the company is experiment-
the limitations venge-porn service to take accounts—can lead to disas- ing with a new system, which
of the algo- down legitimate images. Arti- trous outcomes, as actual hu- has at times resulted in higher
rithms that ficial intelligence, it turns out, man brains figure out how to web prices for goods that
control what has a hard time telling the exploit them. would otherwise be unprofit-
we see and hear—and base difference between your na- Whether it’s winning at able to ship, the people familiar
many of our decisions upon— ked body and a nude by Ti- games like Go or keeping with the situation said.
take a look at Facebook Inc.’s tian. watch for Russian influence In some cases, product list-
experimental remedy for re- The internet giants that operations, the best AI-pow- ings on walmart.com show an
venge porn. tout their AI bona fides have ered systems require humans “online” and “in the store”
To stop an ex from sharing tried to make their algorithms to play an active role in their price. Often the online price
nude pictures of you, you as human-free as possible, creation, tending and opera- matches Amazon.
LET THE SALES BEGIN: have to share nudes with
Facebook itself. Not uncom-
and that’s been a problem. It
has become increasingly ap-
tion. Far from displacing
workers, this combination is
“We always work to offer
the best price online relative
SWIFT’S ALBUM SCORES BIG fortable enough? Facebook
also says a real live human
parent over the past year that
building systems without hu-
spawning new nonengineer
jobs every day, and the pre-
to other sites,” a Wal-Mart
spokeswoman said. “It simply
will have to check them out. mans “in the loop”—espe- ponderance of evidence sug- costs less to sell some items in
MARKETING, B5 Without that human re- cially in the case of Facebook Please see MIMS page B4 Please see PRICE page B2


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B2 | Monday, November 13, 2017 NY * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Activision Blizzard....B11
Advance Publications.B5
Crown Castle
Dunkin' Brands Group B2
NRG Energy.................B2
Orbital ATK.................B3
Coffee Makers Go Ready to Drink
Alibaba Group.............B4 Electronic Arts..........B11 R-S Industry rolls out
Alphabet......................B4 Emirates Airline ......... B2
Rusagro Group..........B10
SBA Communications
bottled or canned
Amazon.com ............... B1
American Tower REIT Facebook......................B1 ...................................B10
Solaris Commodities B10
frappés, iced mochas
...................................B10 FireEye......................A10
Apple...........................B5 Fitbit..........................R10 Sotheby's..................A11 and cold brews
AT&T..........................B11 Fyzical Therapy & Starbucks....................B2
Balance Center.......R10 Stryker ........................ R6
B Sub Zero Ice Cream..R11 BY JULIE JARGON
GE Capital...................A2
Baker Hughes.............A2 GE Healthcare.............A2 T-U-V
Big Machine Records..B5 General Electric..........A1
Blue Bottle Coffee......B2 Techstars.....................B4 The hottest thing in coffee
Gentle Transitions......R4 Telefonica..................B11
Boeing ......................... B2 GGP..............................B1 now is the supermarket cold
Boomtown Accelerator Time ............................ B5 case.
Glu Mobile.................B11 Trian Fund Management
Bowie Resource
Good Buy Gear............B4 .....................................A2 Every major coffee maker
Partners....................B2 H-J Twitter ........................ B4 from McDonald’s Corp. to
Brookfield Asset Hangzhou HIK Vision 21st Century Fox........B5 Blue Bottle Coffee Co. is pil-
Management.............B1 Digital Technology....A1 Uber Technologies ...... B3
ing onto the refrigerated


Brookfield Property Huawei Tech.............A10 United Income.............R3
Partners....................B1 J.C. Penney..................B2 Vanguard Group..........R3 shelves of grocery stores with
C L-M Viacom.........................B5 bottled or canned frappés, iced
Caring Transitions ...... R4 Lannett......................B11 W-Y-Z mochas and cold brew, a drink
Charles Schwab .......... R3 Let’s Move .................. R4 Wal-Mart Stores.........B1 made from steeping coffee
China Electronics Liberty Global ........... B11 Walt Disney................B5 grinds in cool water for sev-
Technology Group...A10 Macerich....................B10 Wright Medical...........R6
Christie's...................A11 McDonald's..................B2 Y Combinator..............B4
eral hours.
Comcast.....................B11 Murray Energy............B2 Zimmer Biomet .......... R6 U.S. retail sales of refriger-
Condé Nast..................B5 Mylan.........................B11 Zynga.........................B11 ated ready-to-drink coffee rose
29% in the 52 weeks ended

INDEX TO PEOPLE Sept. 10 to more than $289

million, according to market
researcher IRI. The broader Younger consumers say they view cold coffee as a healthier alternative to energy drinks and soda.
A-B Hu Yangzhong...........A10 Pu Shiliang................A10 category of ready-to-drink cof-
Acheson, Leo...............B6 Immelt, Jeff................A2 Pynoos, Jon...............R10 fee, which also includes bever- Cold coffee is the beverage serve cold brew.
Austin, Rob.................B6 Irving, Paul..................R1 R-S-T ages sold at room temperature of choice among 18- to 35- Making and distributing
Bensema, Dave...........R1 L-M Racz, Pierre...............A10 but intended to be chilled after year-olds, the demographic bottled coffee to grocery
Bluck, Susan ............... R5 Lefkowitz, David.........B2 Ramsey, Doug.............B2 opening, is valued at nearly group driving coffee consump- stores is a much more costly
Bornstein, Jeff ........... A2 Lok, Anna S ................ R6 Ramthun, Roy.............B6 $2.7 billion, according to esti- tion in the U.S., according to proposition than grinding
Brown, Neil.................R1 Loomba, Rohit ............ R6 Searfoss, Jason .......... B4 mates from Mintel, which pre- industry analysts. Mintel found beans and brewing coffee in a
C-D McAdams, Dan............R5 Simpson, Terry............B2 dicts sales will reach more that 53% of millennials sur- coffee shop, however.
Carter, Graydon...........B5 McMillon, Doug...........B2 Smyth, Joshua............R5
Meirowitz, Ben...........R4 Sperling, Bert ............. R1 than $4.4 billion in the next veyed last month said they Dave Burwick, chief execu-
Coughlin, Joseph.........R2 five years. drank iced coffee in the last tive of Peet’s Coffee, said cold-
Deems, Daniel...........R10 Miller, Jamie...............A2 Stokes, Kathy ............. R4
Drahi, Patrick............B11 N-O-P Stokes, Russell...........A2 Ready-to-drink coffee in three months, up from 46% a brewed coffee is particularly
Swift, Taylor...............B5 both cold and shelf-stable form year ago. challenging and expensive to
F-G Newes, Mike...............R1
Tapper, Elliot...............R6
Nickelson, Chris........A10 is a bright spot in an industry Nigel Travis, chief executive produce because it requires
Flannery, John............A1 U-W-Z
Fonarow, Gregg...........B6
Oakley, Garret.............R3 that is facing slowing growth, of Dunkin Brands Group Inc., twice the amount of coffee
O'Brien, Fran...............R4 Umar, Tarik ............... B11 and coffee-company executives said he is happy to be making than regular iced coffee to ex-
Golant, Stephen..........R2
Pavlos, Carlene.........R10 West, Rob.................R11
Graziano, Chuck........R11 see improving their market inroads in a category that he tract flavor.
Pennebaker, James W. Whitbourne, Susan
H-I .....................................R5 Krauss.......................R5 share in supermarkets and said Starbucks has long domi- There are also multiple
Hale, Danielle ............. R2 Phelan, Elizabeth......R10 Wortman, Paul............R5 convenience stores as crucial. nated with its bottled Frappuc- companies involved in the sup-
Horwitz, Leora............B6 Porter, Andrew ........... R3 Zheng Yibo................A10 Several factors are working cino drinks. Getting its bottled ply chain, each taking a cut of
in favor of the cold stuff. coffee in cities where Dunkin the profits, from the co-pack-
Younger consumers say doesn’t yet operate coffee ers that make the concentrate
they view cold coffee as a shops allows it to introduce to the bottling companies that
healthier alternative to energy of cold brew concentrate that new consumers to the brand, package it to the refrigerated
drinks and soda. It is often she buys from Whole Foods for he said, adding that the chain’s trucks that ship the cans or
cheaper than a cup of specialty $10.99 in her refrigerator and bottled cold coffee has ex- bottles to stores. Peet’s, how-
coffee at a coffee shop. And pours herself a cup every ceeded $100 million in retail ever, operates its own direct-
people are increasingly con- morning to drink during her sales since being rolled out in to-store chilled delivery net-
suming on-the-go and have drive to work. She said one supermarkets and convenience work. Despite the cost, major
less patience to wait, as evi- bottle lasts her about a week stores early this year. coffee retailers say they need
denced by the rise of e-com- and a half. Starbucks said it plans next to capture sales wherever cof-
merce and mobile order apps. “It’s easier than waiting for year to roll out new bottled fee drinkers are and offer
Kris Hardaway, a 24-year- my coffee maker to start,” she Frappuccinos and coffee-and- more cold alternatives for
old receptionist in Little Rock, said, and faster than waiting in fruit smoothies made with al- younger consumers who es-

Ark., keeps a 32-ounce bottle line at a coffee shop. mond milk and bottled single- chew hot coffee.

A Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner on display in mid-June near Paris.

MARKETS ment. Despite the calm climb
higher, Mr. Lefkowitz said in
recent months he has been
fort. NRG offered a 5.75% yield
for new bonds due 2028, but
that was at least a quarter-
ing. “At the end of the day, we
are still in a sustained eco-
nomic expansion that could
consistently asked about percentage point too low for continue into next year.”

Emirates Air, Boeing Continued from the prior page

able rally. The Dow industrials
have climbed 19% in 2017,
whether markets are due for a
On Friday, coal company
investors, according to people
familiar with the deal.
Spokesmen for Bowie and
The stock market owes its
previous two months of
weekly gains in large part to

In $15.1 Billion Deal notching 59 records in the

process, the most in a calen-
dar year since 1995.
Bowie Resource Partners LLC
pulled a $375 million bond of-
fering that would have helped
NRG didn’t immediately return
requests for comment.
Meanwhile, stocks declined
strong quarterly results from
companies across all sectors,
according to traders.
BY ROBERT WALL were waiting in the hallways Along the way, investors fund its takeover by a group of after the Senate bill con- Investors haven’t entirely
AND NICOLAS PARASIE at the air show for their own overcame rising tensions be- investors led by Murray En- trasted with the House version curtailed their risk taking. In a
deal announcement, only to tween the U.S. and North Ko- ergy Corp. and the formation in key areas, including in its sign that it doesn’t take much
DUBAI—Emirates Airline be snubbed. rea, legislative setbacks in of a partnership, leaving fi- plan to delay the corporate to lift stocks, shares of bat-
renewed its aircraft-buying An Airbus spokesman said Washington, D.C., disruptive nancing for the deal uncertain. tax-rate cut until 2019. tered retail companies rallied
spree, committing to pur- the carrier wouldn’t comment hurricanes and the indictment A spokesperson for Murray Smaller companies fell Friday, even as the broader
chase $15.1 billion worth of on the status of talks with of a presidential campaign of- Energy confirmed the bond more than their large-com- market declined. J.C. Penney
Boeing Co. 787 Dreamliners. customers. ficial. Instead, they have fo- was pulled but didn’t provide pany counterparts, with the Co. gained 15% after better-
Boeing bested Airbus in The Boeing deal is a bet by cused on higher corporate further comment. small-cap benchmark Russell than-expected earnings for the
the competition to sell Emir- Emirates Airline that its busi- earnings, a steadily expanding Bowie had raised the pro- 2000 down 1.3% in the past July to September period. The
ates Airline, the world’s larg- ness model of shuttling pas- U.S. economy and hopes for a posed yield on the notes to week compared with the SPDR S&P Retail exchange-
est carrier by international sengers between North Amer- cut in the corporate tax rate. around 11%, but potential buy- Dow’s 0.5% weekly decline. In- traded fund rose 1.6%
traffic, new twin-engine long- ica and Europe to Asia via “The reason volatility has ers were wary about investing vestors view smaller compa- Similarly, despite the pull-
haul planes. Dubai will persist. been so low this year is that in a debt-laden company in a nies as bigger beneficiaries of back in the junk-bond market,
Emirates will buy 40 of It comes as Emirates is economic data around the challenged sector, investors a tax overhaul than their many investors believe it is
Boeing’s new 787-10, the larg- grappling with changes in its world has been so strong,” said. large-company counterparts still in generally good condi-
est model in the family of core market. Three years of said David Lefkowitz, senior On Thursday, merchant because small firms tend to tion. Recent selling has come
Dreamliner composite airlin- relatively low oil prices have equity strategist of the Ameri- power company NRG Energy pay a higher median effective after the extra yield to hold
ers, with deliveries planned weighed on business-class de- cas at UBS Wealth Manage- Inc. canceled a refinancing ef- tax rate. junk bonds relative to ultrasafe
to start in 2022. mand. Other victims of the down- Treasury bonds was on the
The deal, announced Sun- Bookings this year also turn: Shares of this year’s verge of reaching its lowest
day by Emirates Airline on were hit by U.S. travel bans Signs of Jitters best-performing companies, as level since the financial crisis.
home turf at the Dubai Air against passengers from some U.S. stocks and junk bonds declined in the past week, reflecting some investors took the op- At least five companies with
Show, is a painful loss for Middle East countries, which investors' concern about markets that have been up this year. portunity to secure profits. low credit ratings successfully
Airbus, which once had sold were set aside by U.S. courts, Technology companies in the sold bonds on Thursday and
the carrier 70 of its rival and after American authori- S&P 500 fell 0.9% over the last Friday, with borrowing total-
A350 before the carrier can- ties temporarily imposed re- two days of the week but re- ing around $2 billion, accord-
Dow Jones Industrial Average
celed the deal three years ago strictions on the use of lap- main up 37% in 2017. ing to LCD, a unit of S&P
after the European plane tops and similar electronic iShares iBoxx $ High Still, investors stopped Global Market Intelligence.
maker redesigned the plane. devices on U.S.-bound flights Yield Corporate Bond ETF short of predicting a pro- As of Thursday, the average
Emirates Airline Chairman over terrorism concerns. longed selloff. junk-bond yield was 5.74%, up
Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al The airline last week re- “We’re looking past this from 5.31% on Oct. 24, accord-
Maktoum said the 787 was ported half-year net profit two-day turmoil in the mar- ing to Bloomberg Barclays data.
“the better option” for the more than doubled amid ket,” said Terry Simpson, mul- Yields rise when prices fall.
airline. signs travel demand was re- tiasset investment strategist “The cracks are still so few
Sheikh Ahmed earlier this covering and was bolstered for BlackRock’s global invest- and far between that the bull
month signaled he was also in by favorable exchange rates. ment strategy team, noting deserves the benefit of the
talks with Airbus about plac- The carrier warned, though, that corporate earnings re- doubt,” said Doug Ramsey,
ing another order for A380 that margins remain under J F M A M J J A S O N main strong and economies chief investment officer of
superjumbos. Airbus officials pressure. Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. around the world are grow- Leuthold Group in Minneapolis.

stores as well as raise its e- profits. proving existing stores and in- But Amazon continues to OF SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL
commerce margins by offset- Marc Lore, head of Wal- vesting in e-commerce. In grab market share. Amazon is CENTER FOR SUPPLY AND
ting the cost to ship orders to Mart’s U.S. e-commerce unit, 2015 it closed more than 150 expected to earn 43.5% of U.S. AND AMMUNITION - (CSM/AM)
homes. told investors in October that U.S. stores, and it plans to online sales this year, up from THE CSM/AM FROM MILITARY POLICE
Continued from the prior page A $1.28 box of Kraft Maca- “this year should be the larg- build just two dozen stores 38.1% last year, according to OF STATE OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL,
stores. Customers can access roni & Cheese could cost a big est loss in e-commerce, and next fiscal year. eMarketer, a research firm. Wal- COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR ACQUISITION
those store prices online when retailer around $10 to ship we’ll see slight improvement Without new stores, Wal- Mart will grow to 3.6%, from OF FIREARMS, TO BE USED BY
they choose to pick up the from Chicago to Atlanta, de- next year.” Mart executives say they will 2.8% last year, said the firm. OF THE STATE, ACCORDING THE
item in store.” pending on how remote the Overall, Wal-Mart expects boost sales by bringing more Wal-Mart e-commerce FOLLOWING ORDER: PROCEDURE Nº
On Friday, a box of Kraft buyer’s address is, according to profit margins to be slightly shoppers to existing locations workers responsible for prod- 5.000 (FIVE THOUSAND) SEMI-AUTOMATIC
Thick n’ Creamy Macaroni & a cost analysis by consultants down this year. Wal-Mart’s net and driving online sales. Wal- uct sales have been instructed PISTOLS, CALIBER S&W.40, WITH
Cheese Dinner was $1.48 on Spend Management Experts. A income has declined the past Mart has raised starting wages to boost profits along with THE PROCEDURE WILL BE PERFORMED
walmart.com, the same as Ama- smaller retailer would likely two fiscal years, down 7.2% to for store employees, refur- sales, according to the people AT THE HEADQUARTERS OF CSM/AM,
zon’s price but more than Wal- pay about double. A twin pack $13.6 billion in the last fiscal bished stores and bought familiar with the situation, LOCATED AT RUA ALFREDO MAIA, 106
Mart’s $1.28 store price (listed of Hamburger Helper could cost year ended Jan. 31, 2017. The smaller online retailer startups. and are “no longer obligated CODE 01106-010. OPENING: DECEMBER
online). A similar comparison around $10 to ship between company is scheduled to re- So far, the bet is working. to follow store pricing,” one of 15TH, 2017. AT 9:30 AM (LOCAL TIME).
for a twin-pack of Betty Crocker Minneapolis and Atlanta, esti- port third-quarter earnings on Wal-Mart has increased sales them said. AS PRESENTIAL TRADING SESSION IN
Hamburger Helper showed the mates the firm. Thursday. in existing stores for 12 con- The company is also asking WILL BE CHOSEN BASED ON THE LOWEST
price as $3.30 online, but $2.50 Wal-Mart is investing bil- Since Wal-Mart’s current secutive quarters, boosted by suppliers to sell more of their PRICE.THE INTERESTED PROPOSER MAY
if purchased at a Wal-Mart lions to boost e-commerce chief executive, Doug McMil- more shoppers coming to merchandise in bulk ver- CONCERNING BY MEANS, UNTIL 48
store in Illinois. sales, which rose 60% in the lon, took the job in 2014, the stores at a time when many sions—instead of single PROCEDURE THROUGH THE WEBSITE
The higher online prices are U.S. in the most recent quar- retailer shifted its growth traditional retailers face slug- boxes—to increase order sizes csmam@policiamilitar.sp.gov.br.

part of Wal-Mart’s efforts to ter, but some shareholders strategy from building more gish sales. Its stock closed at a and make them more profit- TAKEN OFF BY E-MAIL OR CALL PHONE
TO +55-11-3228-6055/3228-6449.
nudge more customers into worry the effort could drag on cavernous supercenters to im- high Friday at $90.92. able, the people said.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, November 13, 2017 | B3


Successful Launch
For Antares Rocket
BY ANDY PASZTOR company’s rebound from a cat- tude orbits.
astrophic 2014 rocket explo- Commercial space-trans-
Orbital ATK Inc. launched a sion at the start of a mission portation companies Space
civilian cargo capsule into orbit for the National Aeronautics Exploration Technologies


Sunday, marking the second suc- and Space Administration. In- Corp., led by billionaire Elon
cessful flight of the redesigned vestigators said the explo- Musk, and Blue Origin LLC,
Antares rocket and raising the sion—which destroyed a cargo founded by Amazon.com Inc.
company’s hopes of develop- capsule it was carrying and all Chairman Jeff Bezos, also are
ing a more powerful booster its contents—was caused by a looking to snare such future
for Defense Department mis- malfunctioning, 1970s-era Rus- Pentagon business. So is
sions in the next decade. sian-built engine. United Launch Alliance, a
During the flawless liftoff An Antares rocket with the rocket-making joint venture
from coastal Virginia at 7:20 a.m. same revamped propulsion between Boeing Co. and Lock-
local time, both rocket stages system as Sunday’s craft deliv- heed Martin Corp., which cur-
functioned as intended, propel- ered an unmanned capsule to rently is the primary heavy-
ling a Cygnus spacecraft into a the orbiting international lab- lift launch provider for the
planned trajectory to reach the oratory last year as part of a U.S. military.
international space station. The NASA contract. Next year, Air Force pro-
Cygnus, an automated cargo Sunday morning’s launch curement officials are ex- Orbital ATK’s redesigned Antares rocket, with a civilian cargo capsule, at Sunday’s liftoff in Virginia.
spacecraft, was crammed with also is likely to increase mo- pected to pick three contrac-
nearly four tons of food, exper- mentum for Orbital ATK’s ef- tor teams to provide based Orbital ATK’s argument the latest launch, the company Sunday’s mission also
iments and supplies, including forts to eventually compete prototype rockets intended to for its next-generation launch announced it cleared an im- comes as Northrop Grumman
cameras, computer hardware with a trio of other companies meet military needs through system and potentially per- portant milestone testing the Corp. seeks to complete its
and more than a dozen small vying for Pentagon approval to the next decades. suade Pentagon brass on the structural strength of the proposed acquisition of Or-
experimental satellites. transport future national-secu- A well-functioning Antares company’s resilience and ex- composite case for future solid bital ATK in a transaction val-
The launch continued the rity satellites into high-alti- could help buttress Virginia- pertise. Just four days before rocket motors. ued at more than $9 billion.

Uber Fare Adjustments Found to Have No Effect on Drivers’ Pay

BY GREG BENSINGER professor, that found that no reached after about eight Those payments are one of tious relationship with drivers, from June 2014 to January
matter which direction fares weeks, and drivers’ average the chief reasons Uber has some of whom have bemoaned 2017, the researchers analyzed
Hours before Uber Tech- go, drivers inevitably take pay comes out the same. been a money-losing opera- the lack of benefits and con- the base fare, or the rates tied
nologies Inc.’s chief executive home about the same earnings “The overwhelming story is tion—along with expenses like tend that they should be to distance and time. They as-
resigned in June, the ride-hail- over time. That is because of that it doesn’t seem to matter opening new markets and treated as employees. On Fri- sessed the effects of the fare
ing company announced a six- how easy it is for drivers and what Uber does with fares” building out projects like pre- day, a British court ruled San changes for its main UberX ser-
month goodwill effort to ease riders to jump on and off the when it comes to driver earn- pared-food delivery—recording Francisco-based Uber must vice between cities, and then
its strained relationship with ings, said John Horton, an NYU over $4 billion in losses over grant its drivers employee within cities compared UberX
drivers, who have long sought assistant professor of informa- the past six quarters through rights that could significantly with the UberBlack luxury ser-
better work conditions and tion, operations and manage- the first half of this year. The boost labor costs there. vice, for which fares have gen-
higher pay.
The ride-hailing firm ment sciences, and a co-author predicament may make it diffi- As contractors, drivers pay erally remained steady.
Since then, Uber has un- must rely on pricey of the study, called “Labor cult for Uber’s new CEO, Dara for expenses like fuel, vehicle The results of the study
leashed a host of goodies, in- Market Equilibration: Evidence Khosrowshahi, to tame those insurance and maintenance, and stand in contrast to Uber’s
cluding extra payments for
incentive payments to from Uber.” His co-authors are losses before it goes public as some say they feel powerless to longstanding argument to driv-
lengthy wait times, routing im- bring earnings up. two Uber executives, Jonathan expected, as soon as 2019. combat sudden fare changes or ers that price cuts ultimately
provements and in-app tipping. Hall, the company’s chief econ- A pathway for Uber to re- Uber’s rules on driving. lead to more driver earnings.
The incentives are vital to omist, and Daniel Knoepfle, a ceive a multibillion-dollar in- Uber does have the power Uber’s chief economist, Mr.
keeping its contract drivers senior economist. vestment led by SoftBank Group to lower fixed fees and the Hall, said Uber generally
happy, especially as executives system, according to the study. All of this means Uber, and Ltd., and a powerful new ally in 25% commission it charges pushes for lower fares because
have come to an inconvenient When there is a fare cut, other ride-sharing services, the Japanese investor, was most drivers to put more it means more riders can use
realization: Uber effectively drivers’ pay per trip falls but must lean heavily on pricey in- cleared Sunday after former money in drivers’ pockets, said the service, but he said the
has no way to raise drivers’ riders flood the service, offer- centive payments—cash for CEO Travis Kalanick and a ma- Ryan Price, executive director study’s conclusions mean Uber
hourly wages. ing more business. A price rise completing a certain number jor investor, Benchmark, of the Independent Drivers has freedom to adjust fares in
The dilemma is laid bare in a eventually lures more drivers of rides a week, say—to bring reached agreement over control Guild, which represents some either direction to achieve cer-
recent study by Uber, con- than Uber needs and scares driver earnings above what of board seats, according to drivers in New York. tain ridership benchmarks,
ducted in cooperation with a away riders. The changes are typically amounts to around people familiar with the matter. Using Uber trip data from without fear of broadly dam-
New York University assistant short-lived as an equilibrium is minimum wage. Uber has long had a conten- 43 of the largest U.S. cities aging drivers’ earnings.

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B4 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Build a Business—and Learn the Finances

Incubators now teach vice on a case-by-case basis.
“We make sure that founders
young entrepreneurs understand that if they raise
about the numbers money, it’s not their money.
They’re being trusted to create
behind their startups a business,” Ms. Nathoo said.
After its Boomtown experi-
BY KIMBERLY S. JOHNSON ence earlier this year, Good
Buy Gear wanted to raise about
When Kristen Langenfeld $300,000 in convertible notes.
and her co-founder began a It ended up with $325,000
white glove service for selling from two angel investors and
preowned children’s gear, they Relay Ventures, a Silicon Valley
used Excel spreadsheets and venture-capital firm.
QuickBooks to keep track of “We didn’t know any of this
sales and expenses. language before starting here,”
After a few weeks at the Ms. Langenfield said.
Boomtown Accelerator pro- Boomtown companies have
gram in Boulder, raised more than $50 million


CFO Colo., the Good but are generating annual reve-
JOURNAL Buy Gear Inc. nue in excess of that amount,
team realized said executive director and co-
they had more founder Toby Krout. “We work
work to do. to focus on the entrepreneur
“We had to figure out the and the core business and to
drivers of our business,” said raise only the amount of capital
Ms. Langenfeld. The company actually needed to support the
wasn’t tying selling, general business and no more,” he said.
and administrative expenses While investors often have
to revenue-related milestones, the upper hand on tech-ori-
she said. ented startups when it comes to
Incubator programs designed Jason Searfoss, second from right, finance chief of Boomtown Accelerator, which offers a program on financial and legal issues. finances, most still want to see
to help young entrepreneurs get that young companies are in-
their products and services off panies including Contently Inc., nies are developing their that join the program. vides no formal finance pro- formed.
the ground are popular proving which connects writers with business models, estimating The first time Bitsbox co- gram, as the incubator works to “Most entrepreneurs don’t
grounds for startups. Techstars paid marketing assignments. granular-level expenses and fig- founder Aidan Chopra had to bring in mentors of “the highest see finance as a core function,”
and Y Combinator have had Now, a new generation of uring out “the underlying as- create a forward-looking in- quality,” said Nicole Glaros, said Robert Okabe, a former
thousands of entrepreneurs programs is placing more em- sumptions that drive those ex- come statement, he “didn’t chief innovation officer at Tech- CFO and angel investor who is
flow through their accelerator phasis on the financial aspects penses,” said Jason Searfoss, know where to get those num- stars. Instead, it touts the now leading commercialization
and mentoring programs over of launching a successful busi- finance chief for Boomtown Ac- bers from.” The company, which strength of its mentoring pro- efforts at Polsky Center for En-
the years, with most of the ness. celerator. teaches children how to code gram and the one-on-one atten- trepreneurship and Innovation
work focused on the technology Nearly 80 teams have com- “We found that our teams apps through colorful printed tion its teams receive. at the University of Chicago.
behind the product. pleted Boomtown’s 12-week were starving for this kind of kits delivered each month, had Y Combinator also expects “It’s good for me as an inves-
Y Combinator has invested in program since it was founded in curriculum, one that’s focused a “crappy, little piece of paper” founders in its program to have tor to have a reasonably in-
more than 1,400 companies 2014. In addition to technical on finance and legal pitfalls to describing the business when it a “basic understanding of num- formed entrepreneur on the
since 2005, including Airbnb resources, the curriculum pro- avoid,” said Mr. Searfoss, who went through the Boomtown bers,” said CFO Kirsty Nathoo. other end of the table,” he said.
Inc. and Instacart Inc. Techstars vides legal and financial train- also leads the finance and fund- program in 2014. The mentorship is specific to —Rheaa Rao contributed
has mentored over 1,000 com- ing. By the third week, compa- raising curricula for startups Techstars, by contrast, pro- each group, which receives ad- to this article.

Singles Day Is Hit for Alibaba

BY LIZA LIN Ms. Zhang, who said she gets, an $8 jar of pecans came


bought 3,000 yuan ($451) with a second jar for free.
SHANGHAI—To see China’s worth of clothing, snacks and Alibaba also uses Singles Day
consumer clout in action, look shampoo online. to roll out new ideas. In a mall
no further than Alibaba Group This year’s variety telecast near Shanghai’s Bund district,
Holding Ltd.’s Singles Day. plugging the sales event fea- women could try out lipstick
The e-commerce giant said tured celebrities including Ni- colors from Japanese cosmetics
it racked up more than $25.3 cole Kidman and Pharrell Wil- brand Shiseido using a virtual
billion in sales in the 24 hour- liams, and the catchphrase “buy- mirror in the store. The mirror
period that began at 12 a.m. buy-buy.” Two Victoria Secret made it appear as though they
Saturday—helped along by a models led the gala’s hosts in a were wearing lipsticks in vari-
gala TV show, a marketing fitness routine to promote the ous colors.
campaign that pushed advance brand’s latest athletic apparel. Not every innovation is an
orders, and the usual dis- Entertainment is key to instant hit, however. At the
counts on everything from reaching China’s younger con- store, there was a long line to
cosmetics to cars. Last year, sumers, who are passionate claim a free skin-care sample,
the company logged sales of online buyers coveted by re- but few takers to try the mirror. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk system outsources individual computer microtasks to a global workforce.
$17.8 billion. That number was tailers for their impulsive Singles Day—it falls on Nov.
exceeded by 1 p.m. this year.
Smartphones and appli-
ances were among the top-
selling items. Among the most
shopping habits and their dis-
cretionary spending power,
said Kitty Fok, China’s manag-
ing director for research firm
11, or 11/11—was started as a
day to celebrate unattach-
ment. Alibaba turned it into an
online shopping festival in
MIMS Ipeirotis.
A machine-learning-based
AI system is a piece of soft-
ware that learns, almost like a
for these sorts of tasks. By his
calculations, the number of
tasks posted to crowdsourced
online labor platforms, which
expensive: An Aston Martin International Data Corp. 2009, setting new sales re- Continued from page B1 primitive insect. That means includes this kind of work, is
racing yacht purchased for 17 “Many of them are from cords each year. gests the boom will continue that it can’t be programmed— up 40% in the past year alone.
million yuan ($2.56 million). single-child families, who Some consumers say they for the foreseeable future. it must be taught. Systems at risk of being
Zhang Yi Fan, a 21-year-old don’t have to fight with other have gotten weary of the bar- Facebook, of course, is now To teach them, humans gamed by swindlers also re-
college student in Shanghai, siblings for pocket money,” rage of advertisements and a prime example of this trend. feed these systems examples, quire constant human atten-
said she stayed up late to snag Ms. Fok said. complicated promotions that The company recently an- and they need truckloads. To tion, says Dr. Ipeirotis. AIs,
deals as soon as the sales be- Deals are at the heart of the come with the event. nounced it would add 10,000 build an AI filter to identify once trained, are inexhaust-
gan in the wee hours of Satur- holiday. Big-screen Sharp TVs But all the marketing mus- content moderators to the extremist content on You- ible, but this is a curse as
day morning. that list for $1,500 could be had cle—including a heavy push 10,000 it already employs—a Tube, humans at Google man- much as a blessing: People
“I refrained from buying for about $520. A $1,000 tread- for consumers to preorder hiring surge that will affect ually reviewed over a million who outsmart the algorithm
anything over the last month mill was offered for $500. For items ahead of the sale—did its future profitability, said videos to flag qualifying ex- can multiply their results a
in anticipation of this,” said those with more modest bud- the trick once again. Chief Executive Mark Zucker- amples, says a Google spokes- millionfold.
berg. woman. Humans, on the other

nd Facebook is hardly An algorithm can only be hand, are slower than AI, but
Legal Notice alone. Alphabet Inc.’s as good as “the quantity and can identify patterns based
Google has long em- quality of the training data to on very little information.
ployed humans alongside AI get [it] going,” says Robin Any time a system must deal
If You Owned a U.S. Dollar LIBOR-Based to eliminate ads that violate Bordoli, CEO of CrowdFlower with bad actors—like when an
Instrument Between August 2007 and May 2010 its terms of service, ferret out Inc., which provides human entity posing as an American
fake news and take down ex- labor to companies that need on Twitter is actually a Rus-
You May Be Eligible for a Payment from tremist YouTube videos. people to train and maintain sian agent—there is no re-
Google doesn’t disclose how AI algorithms, from auto mak- placement for live staffers.
a $130 Million Settlement many people are looped into ers to internet giants to fi- Some of this labor happens
There is a Settlement with Citibank that impacts What does the Settlement provide? its content moderation, nancial institutions. through outsourced systems
individuals and institutions that entered into over- search optimization and other Even when an AI has been like CrowdFlower and Me-
The Settlement will create a $130 million Settlement
the-counter financial derivative and non-derivative algorithms, but a company trained, its judgment is never chanical Turk, Amazon.com
Fund that will be used to pay eligible Class Members
instruments directly with Citibank, Barclays, or a
spokeswoman says the figure perfect. Human oversight is Inc.’s system for outsourcing
who submit valid claims. Additionally, Citibank
is in the thousands—and still needed, especially with individual computer micro-
Non-Settling Defendant that received payments will cooperate with the Plaintiffs in their ongoing
growing. material in which context tasks to a global workforce of
tied to U.S. Dollar LIBOR. Citibank, Barclays, litigation against the Non-Settling Defendants.
Twitter has its own teams matters, such as those ex- more than 500,000 people.
and the Non-Settling Defendants (Credit Suisse,
How can I get a payment? to moderate content, though tremist YouTube posts. While Across the globe, between
Bank of America, JPMorgan, HSBC, Lloyds,
You must submit a Proof of Claim to get a payment. the company is largely silent AI can take down 83% before 10,000 and 20,000 people a
WestLB, UBS, RBS, Deutsche Bank, Rabobank, about how it accomplishes a single human flags them, week pick up online piece-
Norinchukin, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, You can submit a Proof of Claim online or by mail.
The deadline to submit a Proof of Claim is March this, other than touting its says Google, the remaining work, flagging porn in online
HBOS, SocGen, and RBC) are U.S. Dollar LIBOR system’s ability to automati- 17% needs humans. But this forums, teaching self-driving
Panel Banks. The instruments include certain 29, 2018. You are entitled to receive a payment if
you have a qualifying transaction with Citibank, cally delete 95% of terrorists’ serves as further training: systems to identify pedestri-
interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, accounts. This data can then be fed ans and training facial-recog-
Barclays or a Non-Settling Defendant. At this
asset swaps, collateralized debt obligations, credit Almost every big company back into the algorithm to im- nition algorithms, Dr. Lehdon-
time, it is unknown how much each Class Member
default swaps, inflation swaps, total return swaps, using AI to automate pro- prove it. virta estimates. When you

who submits a valid claim will receive.
options, and floating rate notes. cesses has a need for humans elying on AI can lead to include companies’ own inter-
What are my rights? as a part of that AI, says Pa- false positives, as when nal teams, there are probably
The litigation claims that the banks manipulated Even if you do nothing, you will lose your right nos Ipeirotis, a professor at the company pulls hundreds of thousands of hu-
the U.S. Dollar LIBOR rate during the financial to sue Citibank for the alleged conduct and will New York University’s Stern down legitimate content that mans, world-wide, whose
crisis, artificially lowering the rate for their own School of Business. America’s its algorithms think might be work is sold as AI, he says.

be bound by the Court’s decisions concerning the
profit, which resulted in purchasers receiving less Settlement. This Settlement will not result in a five largest financial institu- offensive. r. Lehdonvirta’s esti-
interest payments for their U.S. Dollar LIBOR- release of your claims against any Non-Settling tions employ teams of nonen- There are many cases mates don’t include
based instruments from the banks as they should Defendant, and the litigation against Non-Settling gineers as part of their AI when AI can barely perform a the world’s biggest hu-
have. Plaintiffs assert antitrust, breach of contract, Defendants is ongoing. If you want to keep your systems, says Dr. Ipeirotis, task at all, as in the case of man-AI workforce: China’s
and unjust enrichment claims. Citibank denies all right to sue Citibank, you must exclude yourself who consults with banks. Facebook’s nude pic filter. censors. Estimates for the
claims of wrongdoing. from the Settlement Class by January 2, 2018. If AI’s constant hunger for Transcribing receipts and Chinese government’s opera-
you stay in the Settlement Class, you may object to human brains is based on our business cards, tagging videos tion alone range from 100,000
Am I included? the Settlement by January 2, 2018. increasing demand for ser- and moderating adult content to one million. In addition, ev-
You are included in the Settlement if you vices. The more we ask for, are all tasks that “should be ery Chinese internet company
The Court will hold a hearing on January 23, 2018 the less likely a computer al- easy for machine learning, that distributes or hosts con-
(individual or entity): Directly purchased to consider whether to approve the Settlement and
certain U.S. Dollar LIBOR-based instruments gorithm can go it alone— but in practice are too un- tent must have its own cen-
approve Class Counsel’s request of attorneys’
from Citibank, Barclays, or any Non-Settling while the combination can be structured,” says Vili Lehdon- sors, typically one per
fees of up to one-third of the Settlement Fund,
Defendant (or their subsidiaries or affiliates) in more effective and efficient. virta, a senior research fellow 100,000 users.
plus reimbursement of costs and expenses. You
the United States; and owned the instruments at For example, bank workers at the Oxford Internet Insti- Facebook isn’t in China.
or your own lawyer may appear and speak at the
any time between August 2007 and May 2010. hearing at your own expense. who previously read every tute in the U.K. One China internet executive
email in search of fraud now Dr. Lehdonvirta maintains told The Wall Street Journal
make better use of their time the Online Labor Index, a that if it were, it would need
1-888-568-7640 www.USDollarLiborSettlement.com investigating emails the AI real-time estimate of the 20,000 content moderators—
flags as suspicious, says Dr. number of people employed for video alone.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | B5

MEDIA This announcement is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell Shares (as defined below). The Offer (as defined below) is made solely pursuant to the Offer to Purchase, dated November 13,
2017, and the related Letter of Transmittal, and any amendments or supplements to such Offer to Purchase or Letter of Transmittal. Purchaser is not aware of any state where the making of the
Offer is prohibited by any administrative or judicial action pursuant to any valid state statute. If Purchaser becomes aware of any valid state statute prohibiting the making of the Offer or the

First-Day Sales Hot

acceptance of the Shares pursuant thereto, Purchaser will make a good faith effort to comply with that state statute or seek to have such statute declared inapplicable to the Offer. If, after
a good faith effort, Purchaser cannot do so, Purchaser will not make the Offer to, nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of, the holders of Shares in that state. Except as set
forth above, the Offer is being made to all holders of Shares. In any jurisdiction where the securities, “ blue sky” or other laws require the Offer to be made by a licensed broker
or dealer, the Offer will be deemed to be made on behalf of Purchaser by one or more registered brokers or dealers that are licensed under the laws of such jurisdiction.

For Swift’s Album Notice of Offer to Purchase

All Outstanding Shares of Common Stock and Series A Preferred Stock
BY ANNE STEELE ous album, “1989,” which did of
1.29 million in its first week in
Taylor Swift’s newest album
sold more than 717,000 copies
2014, according to Nielsen
Planet Payment, Inc.
in the U.S. in its first day of “The first-day numbers at
release, according to Buzzan- have ‘Reputation’ poised for
gle Music, putting the pop star the highest debut since Adele’s $4.50 Per Share of Common Stock, Net in Cash,
on pace to potentially beat out opening week and should rank
week-one sales for her previ- amongst the highest first- and $13.725 Per Share of Series A Preferred Stock, Net in Cash,
ous blockbuster. week openings of all time,” by
Ms. Swift on Friday re- said Nielsen Music analyst Da-
leased “Reputation,” her
sixth studio effort, for sale
vid Bakula.
If so, “Reputation” would Fintrax US Acquisition Subsidiary, Inc.,
only; it wasn’t made avail- be Ms. Swift’s fourth consecu- an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
able on streaming services, tive album to sell more than
such as Spotify AB or Apple one million copies in its first
Inc.’s Apple Music. The al-
bum may be held from
week. She is already the only
artist to have three albums hit
Franklin UK Bidco Limited
streaming for a week or lon- that mark. Fintrax US Acquisition Subsidiary, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Purchaser”) and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Franklin UK Bidco Limited,
ger, according to people fa- Big Machine Records, her a private limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales (“Parent”), is offering to purchase all outstanding shares of (i) common stock,
miliar with the matter. label, declined to comment. par value $0.01 per share (“Company Common Stock”), of Planet Payment, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), at a price per share of $4.50 (such
The move appears to have Ms. Swift waited the better price as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the Merger Agreement, the “Common Stock Offer Price”), net to the seller in cash, without
any interest, but subject to any required withholding of taxes, and (ii) Series A Preferred Stock, par value $0.01 per share (“Company Series A Preferred
worked, leading to strong part of a year before allowing Stock” and together with the Company Common Stock, the “Shares”) of the Company, at a price per share of $13.725, equal to the Common Stock Offer
sales, and setting her up for any streaming services to Price multiplied by the conversion ratio set forth in the Company’s Restated Certificate of Incorporation rounded to the nearest one-hundredth, which is
what could be her biggest carry “1989.” 3.05 (such price as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the Merger Agreement, the “Preferred Stock Offer Price”), net to the seller in
first-week sales. Three years later, however, cash, without any interest, but subject to any required withholding of taxes, in each case upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Offer
Ms. Swift’s day-one log for streaming has overtaken to Purchase (together with any amendments or supplements hereto, the “Offer to Purchase”) and in the related Letter of Transmittal (together with any
amendments or supplements thereto, the “Letter of Transmittal ” and, together with the Offer to Purchase, the “Offer”). If your Shares are registered in your
“Reputation” is shy of the re- download sales and CDs as the name and you tender directly to Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (the “Depositary”), you will not be obligated to pay brokerage fees or commissions
cord—Adele’s “25” made its most popular way to listen to or, subject to Instruction 6 of the Letter of Transmittal, transfer taxes on the purchase of Shares by Purchaser. If you hold your Shares through a broker,
debut with 1.5 million copies music, and it is unclear dealer, commercial bank, trust company or other nominee you should check with such institution as to whether they charge any service fees.
sold on its first day in 2015. whether it will be feasible to The Offer is being made pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 26, 2017 (together with any amendments or supplements
But it could nonetheless set keep the new album off thereto, the “Merger Agreement”), among Parent, Purchaser and the Company, pursuant to which, after the completion of the Offer and the satisfaction
up Ms. Swift to top her previ- streaming services for as long. or waiver of certain conditions, Purchaser will be merged with and into the Company, with the Company continuing as the surviving corporation (the
“Merger”). The Merger Agreement is more fully described in the Offer to Purchase.


The Offer is not subject to any financing condition. The Offer is, however, subject to the following conditions, among others:
• there being validly tendered and not validly withdrawn shares of Company Common Stock and Company Series A Preferred Stock that, considered
together with all other shares of Company Common Stock and Company Series A Preferred Stock (if any) beneficially owned by Parent and its
controlled affiliates (excluding any shares of Company Common Stock and Company Series A Preferred Stock tendered pursuant to guaranteed
delivery procedures that have not yet been received), represent one more share than 50% of the sum of (x) the total number of shares of Company
Common Stock outstanding at the time of the expiration of the Offer, plus (y) solely with respect to any shares of Company Series A Preferred
Stock that remain outstanding as of immediately prior to the acceptance for payment by Purchaser of the shares tendered into the Offer (but, for
the avoidance of doubt, without duplication with respect to Company Series A Preferred Stock that have converted into the right to receive shares
of Company Common Stock), the total number of shares of Company Common Stock into which such outstanding shares of Company Series A
Preferred Stock are convertible, plus (z) the total number of shares of Company Common Stock that the Company would be required to issue upon
conversion, settlement, exchange or exercise of all options, warrants, rights or securities outstanding at the time of the expiration of the Offer that are
convertible, exchangeable or exercisable into share of Company Common Stock (whether then outstanding or for which the conversion, settlement,
exchange or exercise date has already occurred, but in any event without duplication) (such condition, the “Common Stock Minimum Condition”);
• there being validly tendered and not validly withdrawn shares of Company Series A Preferred Stock that, considered together with all other shares
From left, Mel Gibson, Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell and John of Company Series A Preferred Stock (if any) beneficially owned by Parent and its controlled affiliates (excluding any shares of Company Series A
Lithgow star in ‘Daddy’s Home 2,’ from Paramount Pictures. Preferred Stock tendered pursuant to guaranteed delivery procedures that have not yet been received), represent one more share than 50% of the sum
of the total number of shares of Company Series A Preferred Stock that remain outstanding as of immediately prior to the acceptance for payment
by Purchaser of the shares tendered into the Offer (but, for the avoidance of doubt, without duplication with respect to Company Series A Preferred
Stock that have converted into the right to receive shares of Company Common Stock) (such condition, the “Preferred Stock Minimum Condition,”
Estimated Box-Office Figures, Through Sunday and together with the Common Stock Minimum Condition, the “Minimum Tender Condition”);
• the applicable waiting period (and any extension thereof) under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, including
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, having expired or been terminated;
FILM DISTRIBUTOR WEEKEND* CUMULATIVE % CHANGE • the Company having performed in all material respects its obligations required to be performed prior to the expiration time of the Offer under the
Merger Agreement, and any failure to perform having been cured prior to the expiration time of the Offer;
1. Thor: Ragnarok Disney $56.6 $211.6 -54 • there not being in effect any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree (whether temporary, preliminary or permanent) by a court of competent
jurisdiction restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting consummation of the Offer; and
2. Daddy’s Home 2 Paramount $30 $30 -- • other customary conditions.
3. Murder on the Twentieth $28.2 $28.2 -- A more detailed discussion of the conditions to consummation of the Offer is contained in the Offer to Purchase.
Orient Express Century Fox
4. A Bad Moms STX $11.5 $39.9 -31
5. Jigsaw Lionsgate $3.4 $34.4 -48 After careful consideration, the Company’s board of directors (the “Company Board ”) unanimously (a) determined that the Merger Agreement, the
*Friday, Saturday and Sunday Source: comScore
Offer, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, are advisable and in the best interests of the Company and the
Company’s stockholders; (b) elected that the Merger Agreement and the Merger contemplated thereby be expressly governed by and effected under
Section 251(h) of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”), and that the Merger be consummated as soon as practicable following the
consummation of the Offer; (c) approved and declared advisable the Merger Agreement, the Offer, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated

Mel Gibson Comedy by the Merger Agreement in accordance with the requirements of the DGCL; and (d) resolved to recommend that the Company’s stockholders accept the
Offer and tender their Shares to Purchaser pursuant to the Offer.
The purpose of the Offer and the Merger is for Parent and its affiliates, through Purchaser, to acquire control of, and the entire equity interest in, the
Company. Following the consummation of the Offer, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement, Purchaser

Enjoys Solid Opening intends to effect the Merger.

No appraisal rights are available to holders of Shares in connection with the Offer. However, if the Merger takes place, stockholders who have not
tendered their Shares in the Offer and who comply with applicable legal requirements will have appraisal rights under the DGCL.
BY BEN FRITZ and $28.2 million, respectively. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Merger Agreement, in the event that Purchaser acquires more than 50% of the then outstanding
The first “Daddy’s Home” Shares pursuant to the Offer, the parties have agreed to take all necessary and appropriate action to cause the Merger to become effective, in accordance
Americans welcomed Mel opened to $38 million in 2015, with Section 251(h) of the DGCL, as promptly as reasonably practicable after such acquisition, without a meeting of the stockholders of the Company.
Subject to the terms of the Merger Agreement and to the extent permitted by applicable law, Purchaser expressly reserves the right to waive any
Gibson back to the big screen but that was over the Christ- conditions to the Offer (provided that the Minimum Tender Condition described above may be waived only with the prior written consent of the
as his comedy “Daddy’s Home mas holiday weekend. The new Company), or modify the terms of the Offer.
2” scored a solid opening at film is well positioned to draw Subject to the provisions of the Merger Agreement and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Purchaser
the box office. Along with a family audiences through reserves the right, and under certain circumstances Purchaser may be required, to extend the Offer, as described in Section 1 of the Offer to Purchase.
new version of “Murder on Thanksgiving weekend. Any extension, waiver or amendment of the Offer, or delay in acceptance for payment or payment, or termination of the Offer will be followed, as
promptly as practicable, by public announcement thereof, such announcement in the case of an extension to be issued not later than 9:00 a.m., New York
the Orient Express,” it con- It is a much-needed hit for
City time, on the next business day after the previously scheduled expiration time of the Offer in accordance with the public announcement requirements
tributed to a robust weekend Paramount, which is ranked of Rules 14d-4(d), 14d-6(c) and l4e-1(d) under the Exchange Act.
for Hollywood. last among Hollywood’s major For purposes of the Offer, Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted for payment, and thereby purchased, Shares validly tendered, and not properly
“Thor: Ragnarok,” from studios in box office for the withdrawn, prior to the expiration time of the Offer if and when Purchaser gives oral or written notice to the Depositary of Purchaser’s acceptance for
Walt Disney Co.’s Marvel Stu- sixth straight year and has payment of such Shares pursuant to the Offer. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Offer, payment for Shares accepted for payment
dios, was No. 1 at the box of- suffered from a series of dis- pursuant to the Offer will be made by deposit of the purchase price therefor with the Depositary, which will act as agent for the tendering stockholders for
the purpose of receiving payments from Purchaser and transmitting such payments to the tendering stockholders. Under no circumstances will interest
fice in the U.S. and Canada, appointments including “Sub- be paid on the Common Stock Offer Price or the Preferred Stock Offer Price for Shares, regardless of any extension of the Offer or any delay in
with an estimated $56.6 mil- urbicon” and “Transformers: making payment for Shares.
lion in the U.S. and Canada. The Last Knight.” In all cases, payment for Shares tendered and accepted for payment pursuant to the Offer will be made only after timely receipt by the Depositary of
After playing for two weeks The healthy start for the (a) certificates for such Shares or timely confirmation of the book-entry transfer of such Shares into the Depositary’s account at The Depository Trust
domestically and three over- film indicates many Americans Company (“DTC”) pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 3 of the Offer to Purchase, (b) a Letter of Transmittal (or facsimile thereof), properly
completed and duly executed, with any required signature guarantees (or, in the case of a book-entry transfer, an Agent’s Message (as defined in Section 3
seas, the third film featuring are willing to embrace Mel of the Offer to Purchase) in lieu of the Letter of Transmittal), and (c) any other documents required by the Letter of Transmittal.
Chris Hemsworth as the comic Gibson as the star of a family Shares tendered pursuant to the Offer may be withdrawn at any time prior to the expiration time of the Offer. Further, if Purchaser has not accepted
book god of thunder has comedy, albeit playing a can- Shares for payment by January 12, 2018, they may be withdrawn at any time prior to Purchaser’s acceptance for payment after that date. For a withdrawal
grossed $650.1 million world- tankerous grandfather. of Shares to be effective, a written or facsimile transmission notice of withdrawal must be timely received by the Depositary at one of its addresses set forth
wide, making it another major “Daddy’s Home 2” marks Mr. on the back cover of the Offer to Purchase. Any notice of withdrawal must specify the name of the person having tendered the Shares to be withdrawn, the
hit for Marvel. Gibson’s first starring role in a number of Shares to be withdrawn and the name of the registered holder of the Shares to be withdrawn, if different from that of the person who tendered
such Shares. The signature(s) on the notice of withdrawal must be guaranteed by an Eligible Institution (as defined in the Offer to Purchase), unless such
“Daddy’s Home 2,” from Via- studio-financed film in 15 Shares have been tendered for the account of any Eligible Institution. If Shares have been tendered pursuant to the procedures for book-entry transfer as
com Inc.’s Paramount Pictures, years, after he was virtually set forth in Section 3 of the Offer to Purchase any notice of withdrawal must specify the name and number of the account at DTC to be credited with the
and “Murder” from 21st Cen- exiled for anti-Semitic, racist withdrawn Shares. If certificates representing the Shares have been delivered or otherwise identified to the Depositary, the name of the registered owner
tury Fox Inc.’s Twentieth Cen- and misogynistic remarks. and the serial numbers shown on such certificates must also be furnished to the Depositary prior to the physical release of such certificates.
tury Fox, both performed better Mr. Gibson plays Mark All questions as to the form and validity (including time of receipt) of any notice of withdrawal will be determined by Purchaser or Parent, in its
sole discretion, which determination will be final and binding. No withdrawal of Shares will be deemed to have been properly made until all defects
than studios had been expect- Wahlberg’s father and a comic and irregularities have been cured or waived. None of Purchaser, Parent or any of their respective affiliates or assigns, the Depositary, the Information
ing based on prerelease sur- foil to John Lithgow as Will Agent (listed below) or any other person will be under any duty to give notification of any defects or irregularities in any notice of withdrawal or incur
veys, debuting to $30 million Ferrell’s father. any liability for failure to give such notification. Withdrawals of tenders of Shares may not be rescinded, and any Shares properly withdrawn will be
deemed not to have been validly tendered for purposes of the Offer. However, withdrawn Shares may be retendered by following one of the procedures
for tendering Shares described in Section 3 of the Offer to Purchase at any time prior to the expiration time of the Offer.
The information required to be disclosed by paragraph (d)(1) of Rule 14d-6 under the Exchange Act is contained in the Offer to Purchase and is
Radhika Jones to Succeed incorporated herein by reference.
The Company has provided Purchaser with the Company’s stockholder list and security position listings for the purpose of disseminating the
Offer to holders of Shares. The Offer to Purchase and related Letter of Transmittal will be mailed to record holders of Shares whose names appear on
Graydon Carter at Vanity Fair the Company’s stockholder list and will be furnished for subsequent transmittal to beneficial owners of Shares, to brokers, dealers, commercial banks,
trust companies and similar persons whose names, or the names of whose nominees, appear on the stockholder list or, if applicable, who are listed as
BY JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG make Vanity Fair one of Condé participants in a clearing agency’s security position listing.
The receipt of cash for Shares in the Offer or the Merger will be a taxable transaction for United States federal income tax purposes. Stockholders
Nast’s top titles, has served as should consult their own tax advisors as to the particular tax consequences of the Offer and the Merger to them. For a more complete description of
Radhika Jones is expected to editor for 25 years. certain material U.S. federal income tax consequences of the Offer and the Merger, see Section 5 of the Offer to Purchase.
be named editor in chief of In an interview in Septem- The Offer to Purchase, the related Letter of Transmittal and the Company’s Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9
Condé Nast’s Vanity Fair maga- ber, when he disclosed his contain important information and should be read carefully and in their entirety before any decision is made with respect to the Offer.
zine this week, succeeding Gray- plans to leave Vanity Fair, Mr. Questions and requests for assistance may be directed to the Information Agent at its address and telephone number set forth below. Requests for
copies of the Offer to Purchase and the related Letter of Transmittal may be directed to the Information Agent or to brokers, dealers, commercial banks
don Carter, according to a per- Carter said, “I’ve been think- or trust companies. Such copies will be furnished promptly at Purchaser’s expense. Purchaser will not pay any fees or commissions to any broker or dealer
son familiar with the matter. ing about taking a break over or any other person (other than the Information Agent) for soliciting tenders of Shares pursuant to the Offer.
Ms. Jones, currently the edi- the last year. I love my job,
torial director of the books de- this company, and my staff, The Information Agent for the Offer is:
partment at the New York Times but I want to see if there is a
and formerly a deputy managing third act in my life.”
editor at Time Inc.’s Time maga- News of Ms. Jones’s expected
zine, is expected to bring a appointment was first reported
strong journalistic and cultural by Recode. Efforts to reach Ms.
background to Vanity Fair. Jones were unsuccessful. 1290 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
Vanity Fair is one of the Condé Nast, a unit of New York, NY 10104
country’s pop-culture taste closely held Advance Publica- Shareholders Call Toll-Free: (866) 431-2096
makers and has been playing a tions Inc., recently laid off an
role in shaping the national estimated 80 staffers as part November 13, 2017
political conversation. of a restructuring of the or-
Mr. Carter, who helped ganization.
B6 | Monday, November 13, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Bankers See Shift in Tone Study Finds Penalty

Raised Heart Patient
Trump’s new financial
regulation team takes
friendlier stance ‘Changing the tenor of Mortality Rates
toward the industry supervision will BY MELANIE EVANS passed. That dropped to 18.4%
after the penalties. Mortality
probably actually be the The Affordable Care Act re- rates increased from 7.2% before
AND CHRISTINA REXRODE biggest part of what it quired Medicare to penalize hos- the ACA to 8.6% after the penal-
pitals with high numbers of ties, or about 5,400 additional
The Trump administration
is that I do’ heart-failure patients who re- deaths a year for Medicare ben-
has a strong message for the turned for treatment shortly af- eficiaries not in managed care
country’s bankers: You are not Randal Quarles ter discharge. New research plans.
the villain anymore. shows that penalty was associ- “CMS continuously monitors
President Donald Trump’s ated with fewer readmissions, the impact of the measures used
newly minted financial regula- but also higher rates of death in our programs, including input
tory team—growing in size among that patient group. from peer reviewed research
with recent confirmations—is The researchers said the and other sources,” said a
sounding a friendlier tone study results, being published in spokesman for the Centers for
than its predecessor, which re- JAMA Cardiology, can’t show Medicare and Medicaid Services,

stricted the industry following cause and effect, but “support or CMS. “Studies like this are
the 2008 bank bailouts. the possibility that the [penalty] important inputs as we continu-
“Changing the tenor of su- has had the unintended conse- ously assess our programs.”
pervision will probably actu- quence of increased mortality in One author of the paper, Dr.
ally be the biggest part of what patients hospitalized with heart Gregg Fonarow, co-chief of the
it is that I do,” said Randal failure.” University of California, Los An-
Quarles, the Federal Reserve’s Few studies have looked at geles cardiology division, said he
regulatory chief, in maiden the possible unintended conse- would like to see CMS suspend
public remarks last week be- quences under the penalty, and review the heart failure
fore bankers in New York. which went into effect in Octo- penalty program.
After the financial crisis, for being too quick to impose of the shift in tone. James Di- million bonuses after America ber 2012 under a broad push by Others disagreed, citing re-
the credibility of financial harsh sanctions on banks mon, chief executive of J.P. went through the worst eco- Medicare to pay hospitals based search that has reached less
firms took a big hit among viewed as not meeting the le- Morgan Chase & Co., wrote in nomic year that it’s gone on how well they care for pa- worrying conclusions about the
regulators and lawmakers of gal requirements to lend in April that “it is an understate- through in—in decades.” tients, not strictly on the volume penalty. “I am not worried about
both parties, leading to poor communities. ment to say improvements The two presidents also as- of care they provide. Lowering it right now,” said Dr. Leora Hor-
stricter rules for the industry “My kid—[if] I told her that could be made. The regulatory sembled different financial readmission rates was seen as a witz, an associate professor of
and less influence over Wash- she had to study for her sci- environment is unnecessarily teams. Mr. Trump’s Treasury worthy goal for improving pa- population health and medicine
ington’s decisions about how ence test, but she always complex, costly and some- Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, at New York University.
the firms ran their businesses. failed, I don’t think she would times confusing.” worked on Wall Street and ran She co-wrote a study pub-
Mr. Quarles and other new study for her science test,” he In October, after a Treasury OneWest Bank, now part of lished in July in JAMA which
regulators have begun re-eval- said, explaining his approach. Department report recom- CIT Group Inc.
Rates are compared she said found “little to no” cor-
uating the resulting Wall “The same goes for a bank: mended rethinking rules that Among other Trump-ap- before the ACA relation between changes in how
Street rule book, but rewriting You want to incentivize them.” he and other bankers have pointed regulators, Mr. Quar- often heart failure patients were
rules takes time. In the near Mr. Noreika could be re- criticized, Mr. Dimon said: “I les gave banks legal advice
passed and after readmitted and how often they
term, one thing they can do is placed as soon as this week by think the Treasury did an ex- and invested in them, Mr. Nor- penalties took effect. died. The study used data for 2.9
change the posture the govern- Joseph Otting, a former ceptional job.” eika is a career banking lawyer million Medicare heart failure
ment takes in day-to-day inter- banker who is Mr. Trump’s “The amount of regulatory and Mr. Otting is a longtime patients hospitalized between
actions with financial firms. permanent nominee for the reform has been limited, but banker who worked alongside 2008 and 2014 and analyzed re-
One day after Mr. Quarles’s comptroller position. The Sen- the way that people are think- Mr. Mnuchin at OneWest. tient care during initial admis- admission rates for each individ-
remark, Keith Noreika, who ate is expected to hold a final ing about and interpreting it is By contrast, Mr. Obama’s sions and during follow-up care. ual hospital.
since May has served as acting vote on Mr. Otting’s nomina- better,” Terry Dolan, chief fi- comptroller, Thomas Curry, The new study analyzed data Dr. Horwitz said a few things
comptroller of the currency, tion in the coming days. nancial officer of U.S. Bancorp, was a longtime bank regulator. for 115,245 Medicare patients may explain the difference in re-
criticized Obama-era officials Bankers have taken notice said in a recent interview. His Fed regulatory chief, Dan- hospitalized for heart failure at sults from the latest work.
Mr. Trump set a new tone iel Tarullo, was a law profes- 416 hospitals between 2006 and Her study looked at readmis-
from the start. At a White sor. Treasury secretaries Tim- 2014. Hospitals chosen for the sion and mortality rates for each
ADVERTISEMENT House event with chief execu- othy Geithner and Jacob Lew study were part of a separate individual hospital, whereas the
tives days after taking office, spent much of their prior ca- American Heart Association ef- new study pooled patients at all

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he pointed to Mr. Dimon and
said “there is nobody better”
to give him regulatory advice.
reers in government.
Mr. Mnuchin’s banking ex-
perience helped him realize
fort to reduce heart-failure read-
mission rates.
Researchers compared hospi-
participating hospitals into one
group and calculated the total
rate changes for the group.
In the early years of the early on that a change in regu- tal readmission and mortality She added that the new study
Obama administration, ten- latory personnel could have an rates before the Affordable Care may reflect a rise in the overall
BANKRUPTCIES sions between banks and the impact. In March, he promised Act passed in 2010 and after U.S. death rate for heart failure
@1=A- ,A, B1O @C '@  president were far higher. In a a group of community bankers penalties took effect in late in recent years. That may be be-
+' 9A DA,A 1 -=, = '+ 1' 9  ':=1    - %  
2009 interview, President Ba- visiting the White House that 2012. cause hospitals increasingly ad-
= 2
'  = =11'D='1, =1   1   1  7()> rack Obama rebuked “fat cat the administration intended to One in five heart failure pa- mit only the sickest patients
-  1 3      
bankers on Wall Street” who help them by “changing the tients returned to the hospital who are at a higher risk of dy-



 were “drawing down $10, $20 tone,” according to attendees. within 30 days before the ACA ing, she said.

#78(%3  8 (( 5#2 ;  "!%2 !8 #4 #&   2"%"#"   %&8! '
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RETIREMENT | By Anne Tergesen
       E"      E"  "   6    B /"

How to Get Tax-Free Retirement Income

   @, FF 5()6   8B /"
     "   G  %(
    %  8-     %  #     
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6 > "$ % & #  D    -   
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= " 

    "  C   +   " %  
      When it every additional dollar I
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  %   "   
Increasing Interest $60 billion
B    $"    "   
  B      "   %     #  comes to sav- earn from taxation forever,
 %   "        B         B   *.. (4 (,
5#"2"$ #! "4   54 . =.)+   8D  -     "   #  %  ing for retire- More workers have been putting assuming I use that for med-
 "  " #   B     E"    " B    " %     
> A%" !   2#  B /"
  "       54 . =.)+ # *.. (4 ment, I now their health-savings account funds ical bills.
(5#"2"$ #! "4           4   %      4  use two ac- into HSA investments as awareness
      8  '  -         "     #     

 B /"
 "   :   "            
  counts: My grows of the accounts’ potential to ue to the HSA’s extra
   "   "      =   " A     # 
401(k) and a health-savings 40 tax advantages, each

   4      deliver tax-free retirement income.
# "  % "      4   
  " # 
   %  #  
B /"
  "  %     "   %         '  -  
account. dollar I put into my
2   3   !  3  "  B   B   A , / " 
 < -"   667 D Many people overlook account will turn into $2.19
  ,   ,"  655    1 6G656 $

'      -  === !   
D  /    ,   O<: &  :: 6> 1   ,      1 6G656 $

HSAs as a retirement-savings Investments Cash after 20 years, assuming a

'   '4   @, B /"
      >56 D   ,    655
   1 6G656 )* + ! 
 ($'   % 3     vehicle because they are typ- 4% annual inflation-adjusted
: " ," !   !: "  O - < D  :: 5  / % 1# C / 1C ically used to pay current 20 return, according to Van-
57G $

!! -
       4      8 4  9   #   ( medical bills. But these ac- guard Group. By contrast, the
  %4 + =.)+ # C. #4 (5#"2"$ #! "4  @  ,  B /"

 "    D  -     1           >5 D   ,    "   (> counts, which Congress au- same dollar will be worth
   1 6G656
; 2#! D%82(#"  #& A8%"  #$8#$ "  2#   

     thorized in 2003, come with just $1.64 after I take it out
more tax advantages than of a traditional 401(k) in two
  >    >          401(k)s and individual retire- 0 decades and pay income
@   0 >    :
7 E8""!  ,     /              %    ment accounts when used to 2006 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17* ’18* ’19* taxes on the withdrawal.
    2 /#1 /"1 #%%!!"$  &4""!#"5 $F! 9!" #
999 4"4$% 4? #" 5#" !G /""1 !84""$ # E8! " 9""$  #"  5#" !
cover medical costs— *Projections (The example assumes a 25%
% ? 8! 4" *C**   58 8" )..  &2#& "22!  C)H+G  /"""1 3 %#22"$ whether now or in retire- Source: Devenir Group LLC THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. federal income-tax rate and
I)I,C.H,I.. 9""    ##&#  /1 ;  # ; 5"#  # (!??%;%98!% 8!
$ 5 +  9      =        %  #  # E"     ment. And there are ways to ignores state tax.)

 "  E"     %  

       %  %  "  use them to create tax-free both an HSA and a 401(k) ductible, my company Even if I decide to tap my

 -                 #         "       income in retirement. kick in the maximum to deposited $500 into my HSA to cover current medi-

 % $
  4  "   # 
 2    = %  = *)*> 
   = %  9    
 )  -    65;   #   B "( Saving for medical costs both. HSA. I put in the $1,300 I cal bills, it is still worthwhile
%  ,"  655    1       6G67)

 G  " "  #  4      %          
makes sense given that they saved on premiums by using to contribute, said Roy

  are a major expense in re- or a 401(k), the cur- the high-deductible plan in- Ramthun, a consultant who
tirement. A 65-year-old cou- rent annual limit is stead of the conventional specializes in high-deduct-
ple who retires today and $18,000 for people un- plan. Eventually, I added ible plans and HSAs. The
  '#( )* has no reason to expect an der age 50 and $24,000 for $2,050 more because I reason: The upfront tax de-

        #!   )+,)-)-. /01
 ! " #  "$  %&"$ /0 "23 &4""!&1 early death will need about older investors—numbers wanted to make the maxi- duction allows me to keep

      $265,000 to have a 90% that will rise to $18,500 and mum annual contribution al- the 39 cents a dollar I would
               chance of having enough for $24,500 in 2018. The annual lowed, which, for individu- otherwise have had to pay in

 ! ""


& %

Medicare premiums and the caps for HSAs are $3,400 for als, was $3,350 in 2016. In taxes.

'#( )* #!! 
% # 
 !   38% of medical costs Medi- individuals and $6,750 for 2017, I contributed the To withdraw money tax-

' (%
   " %


" % # + )
"   *

 , -  # *
 ! . & 

#78(%3 #9 "" 
 care doesn’t cover, according families in 2017 and $3,450 $3,400 individual limit. free from an HSA, you must
/ 0
% 0  # 

#6"2"#  8
 % " %

 "$  %&"$ 4  
to the nonprofit Employee and $6,900 in 2018—plus The biggest payoff with use it for qualified expenses.
" %

 "" ! 
& # 
  5-1-0- 66  Benefit Research Institute. those 55 or older can kick-in an HSA comes when the Those include not just medi-

#78(%3  &     

 % $""  : " - (That amount doesn’t in- an extra $1,000. money set aside isn’t used cal bills but also dental and
+8 "%! 0   %


 - : ! 2 - 
 ; # 
 +8 "%! 0  # 
 < % # 
, = 8 3
+,  clude dental and long-term- Those who can’t afford to for current medical bills and vision-care expenses, premi-

, = 8 
, = 8 /  <

   > - - "

""   # 



care expenses.) put the maximum in both instead compounds over ums for all types of Medi-

 % $""  #"$- B 

% 9
0  !  

  #  The HSA “is the most tax- should first allocate enough time for use in retirement, care plans except Medigap,

% 9

   ,% ,

#!- favored savings vehicle in to their 401(k) to get the says Rob Austin, director of and a portion of long-term-
            !  "    4     
#    "    " C       4        #   $

 %   the tax code,” says Leo Ache- company match and then research at 401(k) record- care insurance premiums.
&  ' !()**    " C  "    +   ,    D 4   - " 
! ?
% % 

 - : ! 2 - 5

son, a senior analyst at switch to the HSA (and later keeper Alight Solutions LLC. If you use your HSA for
+8 "%! 2

 "  <  @ 8 E F ,
@ /& 
' B

, = 8 Morningstar Inc. who wrote return to the 401(k) if they “The longer you let HSA nonmedical expenses, you
=  B> 
: %)  ?  2- .
% # 

    $ 4   +   
 %  /     G     a recent report about HSAs. can save more), experts say. money grow, the more valu- will owe income tax on your
& 0

# % 

   0  ! 
% %
! #!   #%8#223 %"5& 3 #%' ; '4  2#
As with a traditional To open an HSA, you able it becomes.” distributions—and a 20%
'# <.. (4 /(5#"2"$ #! "41  %4 ) =.)+- # 
! 401(k) or IRA, an HSA allows must be covered by an HSA- To see why, consider my penalty if you are younger
4  %   "          !  #  " "       

  " #   %   you to set aside money with- qualified health-insurance approach: For the sake of a than 65.
!  %%
+8 "%! 0 0 ?
% % 0
*  1!
 ,% %


+8 "%! 0 0 ,

%#-! -% -  @B0?   ",  

 out paying federal or state plan. Among other things, simple, round number, let’s If you stockpile receipts


   %  ?  F  
-, I " 8-%  J 
income taxes on it. Money in the plan must have a de- assume I have a $75,000 sal- for past medical costs you
7 %

- 1
HSAs grows tax-free and, if ductible of at least $1,300 ary. That means that after paid out of pocket since es-


" # 

,"    *))   1  ' K  &L ,      4    used now—or later—for for individuals and $2,600 paying federal income tax at tablishing the HSA, you can

! "  # ! ##
  %%  " % ##

medical expenses, can be for a family, thresholds that a 25% rate, New York state file for reimbursement in re-
      #     C $  4    
" 2 ' K  &L , 134!+2 5G5*564555(7 8 3

% 3 E withdrawn tax-free. In con- rise to $1,350 and $2,700 in income tax at a 6.45% rate tirement. Doing this will al-
&  &9 1  +1))6G  8 4 ' '  ,%  :  1   (;G* 8
' '  < &  +   :   1  !(6GG57* 8  ( ! , 33: 33: : 9  trast, with a traditional 2018. and FICA tax (which fi- low you to supplement your
 2&"$ ""! ' -   1  D===4=M :  1  !(6>GGG 8 >?@

% <   
? : 9 - * /;  > 3

% <   

401(k) or IRA, income tax is I signed up for such a nances Social Security and retirement income tax-free
: 9 - * //  @  ( ! , 3< .H?  3< . 
=.=) ""! paid on withdrawals. plan in 2016. To help build a Medicare) at 7.65%, I get to in years in which tapping
' '  -   +   :  1  !(677GG* 8 '-1 = &9 1  +1 )655G$
  ' -   1  , $ &9 1  +1)>776G 8 >  3< 7! . : 9 - Because of the HSA’s tri- buffer against my plan’s keep 61 cents of each addi- other accounts would push
* &&.'  #3 >  ( ! , 33<* 3<   3< . 
=.== ""!N 

9  ?
( !

  8(  ple tax advantage, experts $6,800 out-of-pocket spend- tional dollar I earn—not you into a higher tax bracket
 !- 7

& 0

  4      !   %     :  G; 4 5  56 ,    
recommend that those who ing cap for in-network ser- great. By saving in an HSA, or expose you to higher

  2 + ) - can afford to contribute to vices, including a $2,800 de- I can shelter all 100 cents of Medicare premiums.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | B7

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Business Travel Service

The Wall Street Journal Business Travel Service is operated independently of the Journal's news department.
All international and domestic travel must start in the U.S. and all buyers must be U.S.-based.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B8 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index New to the Market
23422.21 t 116.98, or 0.50% last week Trailing P/E ratio 21.17
Last Year ago
20.08 2582.30 t 5.54, or 0.21% last week Trailing P/E ratio 24.42 23.99
Last Year ago
Public Offerings of Stock
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 19.22 17.66 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 19.37 18.05
Dividend yield 2.17 2.52 Dividend yield 1.92 2.17
IPOs in the U.S. Market
the past 52 weeks the past 52 weeks
All-time high 23563.36, 11/08/17 All-time high: 2594.38, 11/08/17 Initial public offerings of stock expected this week; might include some
offerings, U.S. and foreign, open to institutional investors only via the
Current divisor 0.14523396877348
Rule 144a market; deal amounts are for the U.S. market only
24000 2575 Symbol/ Pricing
Week's high Expected primary Shares Range($)
pricing date Filed Issuer/business exchange (mil.) Low/High Bookrunner(s)
DOWN UP 23000 65-day moving average 2500 11/13 10/16 Workspace Property Trust WSPT 39.0 12.00/ GS, JPM, BofA ML,

Monday's open Friday's close

Real estate investment N 15.00 KeyBanc,
trust. Barclays, Citi,
Friday's close Monday's open BMO Cptl Mkts,

22000 2425 Capital One Fincl,

Week's low 11/14 10/18 SendGrid SEND 7.7 13.50/ MS, JPM
21000 2350 Operator of a cloud based N 15.50
customer communication
20000 2275 11/15 10/20 Arsanis ASNS 3.1 15.00/ Citi, Cowen & Co,
Provider of healthcare Nq 17.00 Piper Jaffray
65-day moving average services.
200-day moving average 2200 11/15 10/20 Jianpu Technology JT 9.0 8.50/ GS, MS, JPM
Operator of a website for N 10.50
200-day moving average discovery &
recommendation of
financial products.
18000 2125
11/16 10/23 Bluegreen Vacations BXG 6.5 16.00/ Stifel, Credit Suisse, ,
Bars measure the point change from Monday's open Acquires, develops, N 18.00 BofA ML,
markets & sells SunTrust
17000 2050 recreational land,
N D J F M A M J J A S O N residential land & vacation
N D J F M A M J J A S O N ownership resorts.
Primary 11/16 9/11 Molino Canuelas SACIFIA MOLC 58.5 14.00/ JPM, UBS, HSBC,
NYSE weekly volume, in billions of shares market Composite

Flour, premixes, oil, pasta, N 17.00 Itau BBA

Financial Flashback crackers and biscuits
producer, wholesaler and
20 The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 13, 2009 exporter.

10 11/16 10/20 Sailpoint Technologies SAIL 20.0 9.00/ MS, Citi, Jefferies,
Germany, the biggest economy in Europe, says quarterly Developer of enterprise N 11.00 RBC Cptl Mkts
0 growth was 0.7%, helping to pull the entire eurozone out software focusing on
identity and access
N D J F M A M J J A S O N of its two-year-old recession. management.
Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc. 11/16 10/23 scPharmaceuticals SCPH 6.4 14.00/ Jefferies, Leerink Prtnrs,
Developer of Nq 16.00 BMO Cptl Mkts
pharmaceutical products
Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Nasdaq Composite for subcutaneous delivery.

Latest Week 52-Week % chg t 13.50, or -0.20% 11/16 10/19 Stitch Fix SFIX 10.0 18.00/ GS, JPM, Barclays,
High Low Close Net chg % chg Low Close (l) High % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. Software-E-Commerce Nq 20.00 RBC Cptl Mkts,
Dow Jones
last week company operating a Piper Jaffray,
personal shopping Stifel, W. Blair
Industrial Average 23602.12 23310.02 23422.21 -116.98 -0.50 18847.66 l 23563.36 24.3 18.5 10.0
Transportation Avg 9766.80 9484.91 9501.36 -253.64 -2.60 8578.65 l 10038.13 10.8 5.1 1.6 Lockup Expirations
Utility Average 761.54 747.75 756.95 3.52 0.47 625.44 l 759.59 20.6 14.8 7.7
Below, companies whose officers and other insiders will become eligible
Total Stock Market 26882.68 26532.64 26704.08 -84.92 -0.32 22440.45 l 26830.6 19.0 14.7 8.0
to sell shares in their newly public companies for the first time. Such
Barron's 400 687.98 672.91 678.94 -7.27 -1.06 566.59 l 691.56 19.8 12.9 7.9 sales can move the stock’s price.
Nasdaq Stock Market Lockup Offer Offer amt Through Lockup
Nasdaq Composite 6795.52 6687.28 6750.94 -13.50 -0.20 5218.40 l 6789.12 28.9 25.4 13.2 expiration Issue date Issuer Symbol price($) ($ mil.) Friday (%) provision

Nasdaq 100 6346.98 6248.29 6309.07 13.48 0.21 4702.04 l 6345.81 32.8 29.7 14.7 Nov. 13 May 17, ’17 Bright Scholar Education Hldgs BEDU 10.50 181.1 103.7 180 days
6660 Nov. 19 May 23, ’17 SMART Global Hldgs SGH 11.00 67.1 168.6 180 days
Standard & Poor's 3 6 7 8 9 10
Sources: Dealogic; WSJ Market Data Group
500 Index 2597.02 2566.33 2582.30 -5.54 -0.21 2164.20 l 2594.38 19.3 15.3 8.2 November
MidCap 400 1845.20 1814.98 1825.75 -10.23 -0.56 1562.99 l 1843.36 16.8 9.9 8.4 DJ US TSM
905.83 886.07 893.77 -7.11 -0.79 781.84 l 918.72 14.3 6.7 9.5
IPO Scorecard
SmallCap 600 t 84.92, or -0.32% Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
Other Indexes last week
% Chg From % Chg From
Russell 2000 1501.49 1463.49 1475.27 -19.64 -1.31 1282.39 l 1512.09 15.0 8.7 7.7 Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day
NYSE Composite 12415.96 12268.07 12322.60 -50.46 -0.41 10652.24 l 12430.52 15.7 11.4 4.2 IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
Value Line 542.54 534.66 537.99 -2.14 -0.40 484.80 l 545.98 11.0 6.3 2.7 26800 Bandwidth 21.19 6.0 ... CBTX 29.12 12.0 1.4
BAND Nov. 10/$20.00 CBTX Nov. 8/$26.00
NYSE Arca Biotech 4206.13 4058.16 4088.06 -119.16 -2.83 3075.02 l 4304.77 21.0 32.9 7.2
Erytech 24.75 6.4 ... Four Seasons Edu 10.00 ... 5.3
NYSE Arca Pharma 539.92 529.99 533.09 -4.02 -0.75 463.78 l 560.52 8.1 10.7 0.03 26700 ERYP Nov. 10/$23.26 FEDU Nov. 8/$10.00
KBW Bank 102.23 97.05 97.59 -4.53 -4.44 82.67 l 102.31 18.1 6.3 10.0 PPDAI Grp 13.08 0.6 ... InflaRx 15.00 ... 0.1
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 82.95 80.55 80.60 -0.12 -0.15 73.03 l 96.72 3.3 2.2 7.4 PPDF Nov. 10/$13.00 IFRX Nov. 8/$15.00
PHLX§ Oil Service 142.86 135.37 140.98 6.09 4.52 117.79 l 192.66 -10.0 -23.3 -16.9 Apellis Pharmaceuticals 14.00 ... –0.2 Metropolitan Bank 36.99 5.7 –0.6
0.24 l APLS Nov. 9/$14.00 MCB Nov. 8/$35.00
PHLX§ Semiconductor 1321.90 1278.69 1303.06 3.09 832.08 1321.13 55.6 43.8 26.6
l 26500 Sogou 13.85 6.5 2.6 Meridian Bank 18.25 7.4 ...
CBOE Volatility 12.19 9.29 11.29 2.15 23.52 9.14 16.04 -20.3 -19.6 -3.8 SOGO Nov. 9/$13.00 MRBK Nov. 7/$17.00
3 6 7 8 9 10
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group November
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet Research Systems

International Stock Indexes Commodities and Other Stock Offerings

Latest Week 52-Week Range YTD
Currencies Secondaries and follow-ons expected this week in the U.S. market
Last Week YTD
Region/Country Index Close % chg Low Close High % chg
Close Net chg %Chg % chg Symbol/
World The Global Dow 2963.38 –0.43 2428.04 • 2984.71 17.1
DJ Commodity 615.94 9.43 1.56 8.58
Primary Amount Friday’s
DJ Global Index 384.68 –0.30 315.49 • 386.89 18.0
TR/CC CRB Index 191.65 2.27 1.20 -0.45
Expected Issuer/Business
Nov. 13 Senestech
exchange ($mil.)
SENS 10.8
price ($) Bookrunner(s)
2.65 Roth Cptl Ptnrs
DJ Global ex U.S. 259.14 –0.35 206.73 • 260.93 21.1
Crude oil, $ per barrel 56.74 1.10 1.98 5.62 Chemicals Nq
Americas DJ Americas 620.55 –0.21 520.49 • 623.60 14.8
Natural gas, $/MMBtu 3.213 0.23 7.67 -13.72 Nov. 15 MPM Holdings MPMH 350.0 n.a. JPM, GS
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 72165.64 –2.37 57110.99 • 76989.79 19.8
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1272.40 5.90 0.47 10.64
Chemicals N
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 16039.26 0.12 14555.41 • 16131.79 4.9
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 48028.30 –1.04 44364.17 • 51713.38 5.2 U.S. Dollar Index 94.39 -0.55 -0.58 -7.65
Off the Shelf
Chile Santiago IPSA 4091.58 –1.71 3137.71 • 4255.93 26.9 WSJ Dollar Index 87.58 -0.38 -0.43 -5.77
“Shelf registrations” allow a company to prepare a stock or bond for
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 388.69 –1.86 337.50 • 396.77 7.5 Euro, per dollar 0.8573 -0.0041 -0.47 -9.82
sale, without selling the whole issue at once. Corporations sell as
Stoxx Europe 50 3177.52 –1.84 2810.21 • 3276.11 5.5 Yen, per dollar 113.54 -0.53 -0.46 -2.96
conditions become favorable. Here are the shelf sales, or takedowns,
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 390.90 –2.28 323.64 • 400.44 11.6 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.32 0.0116 0.89 6.85 over the last week:
Euro Stoxx 50 3593.76 –2.61 3015.13 • 3697.40 9.2
52-Week Takedown date/ Deal value Registration
Austria ATX 3393.23 –0.50 2480.75 • 3445.23 29.6 Low Close(l) High % Chg Issuer/Industry Registration date ($ mil.) (mil.) Bookrunner(s)
Belgium Bel-20 4026.26 –2.10 3426.21 • 4118.51 11.6
DJ Commodity 532.01 616.46 15.54 Atento Nov. 9 $110.7 $200.0 MS, Credit Suisse, Itau BBA,
France CAC 40 5380.72 –2.49 4489.27 • 5517.97 10.7 l
Professional Services Aug. 21,317 RW Baird & Co,
Germany DAX 13127.47 –2.61 10513.35 • 13478.86 14.3 TR/CC CRB Index 166.50 l 195.14 6.04 Barrington Research, GS
Greece Athex Composite 734.12 –3.86 578.17 • 858.08 14.1 Crude oil, $ per barrel 42.53 l 57.35 30.71 SRC Energy
Oil & Gas
Nov. 8
May 11,315
$280.0 ... Credit Suisse, JPM,
SunTrust, Citi
Israel Tel Aviv 1417.35 –0.72 1363.50 • 1478.96 –3.6 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.56 l 3.93 22.68
Italy FTSE MIB 22560.79 –1.97 16217 • 23046 17.3
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1127.80 l 1346.00 4.00
Taylor Morrison Home
Nov. 8
March 22,317
$231.0 ... Citi, MS
Netherlands AEX 547.32 –1.41 445.41 • 555.22 13.3
Portugal PSI 20 5301.70 –1.25 4370.84 • 5475.67 13.3 U.S. Dollar Index 91.35 l 103.25 -4.65 Arbor Realty Trust
Real Estate/Property
Nov. 8
July 15,316
$125.0 $500.0 JPM, JMP Sec,
Russia RTS Index 1156.74 4.27 960.32 • 1195.61 0.4 WSJ Dollar Index 84.49 l 93.56 -2.31
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 59776.12 0.23 48935.90 • 60182.60 18.0
Euro, per dollar 0.83 l 0.96 -6.93
James River Group HoldingsNov. 8
Insurance Jan. 7,316
$117.0 $715.8 MS
Spain IBEX 35 10092.70 –2.56 8607.1 • 11135.4 7.9
Yen, per dollar 106.68 l 118.18 6.43
Sweden SX All Share 582.08 –3.02 504.44 • 600.20 8.9 Allegheny Technologies
Metal & Steel
Nov. 7
May 15,315
$408.0 ... GS
Switzerland Swiss Market 9134.16 –2.02 7741.82 • 9322.05 11.1 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.20 l 1.36 4.75
U.K. FTSE 100 7432.99 –1.68 6730.43 • 7562.28 4.1 AAM
Nov. 7
March 30,317
$263.3 ... DB

Asia-Pacific Real-time U.S. stock

WSJ quotes are available on OneMain Holdings Nov. 7 $260.0 ... MS

Australia S&P/ASX 200 6029.40 1.17 5326.2 • 6049.4 6.4 Finance Nov. 7,317
China Shanghai Composite 3432.67 1.81 3052.79 • 3432.67 10.6 WSJ.com. Track most-
.COM Voyager Therapeutics Nov. 7 $54.0 $250.0 MS, Cowen & Co
Hong Kong Hang Seng 29120.92 1.81 21574.76 • 29136.57 32.4 active stocks, new Healthcare Dec. 1,316
India S&P BSE Sensex 33314.56 –1.10 25765.14 • 33731.19 25.1 highs/lows, mutual
Redhill Biopharma Nov. 7 $22.5 $120.0 Cantor Fitzgerald & Co,
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 22681.42 0.63 17374.79 • 22937.60 18.7 funds and ETFs. Healthcare Feb. 25,316 Nomura
Malaysia FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI 1742.28 0.08 1616.64 • 1792.35 6.1 Plus, get deeper money-flows data and Apollo Commercial Real Estate FinanceNov. 6 $115.6 ... MS, BofA ML,
Singapore Straits Times 3420.10 1.12 2787.27 • 3423.91 18.7 email delivery of key stock-market Real Estate/Property May 7,315 Citi, JPM
South Korea Kospi 2542.95 –0.59 1963.36 • 2557.97 25.5 data. Chatham Lodging Trust Nov. 6 $109.5 ... Barclays
Taiwan Weighted 10732.67 –0.63 8931.03 • 10840.34 16.0
All are available free at Real Estate/Property Jan. 4,317
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group WSJMarkets.com KNOT Offshore Partners Nov. 6 $65.7 $943.2 BofA ML
Transportation May 26,317

Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark Yields and Rates Public and Private Borrowing
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates Treasury yield curve Forex Race Treasurys
A consumer rate against its 5-year CDs Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs.
major U.S. trading partners Monday, November 13 Tuesday, November 14
benchmark over the past year notes and bonds
Bankrate.com avg†: 1.49% Auction of 13 and 26 week bills; Auction of 4 week bill;
Barclays 2.35% 3.75% 10% announced on November 9; settles on November 16announced on November 13; settles on November 16
Five-year CD yields 1.50%
t Wilmington, DE 888-720-8756 Thursday, November 16
3.00 5 WSJ Dollar index
EverBank 2.35%
s s
1.00 Euro Auction of 10 year TIPS;
t Jacksonville, FL 855-228-6755 2.25 0 announced on November 9; settles on November 30
Federal-funds 0.50 Home Savings Bank 2.35% Friday

target rate 1.50 –5

Salt Lake City, UT 801-487-0811 Public and Municipal Finance
0.00 Synchrony Bank 2.35% 0.75 –10 s Yen
Deals of $ 150 million or more expected this week
One year ago

Morristown, NJ 800-903-8154 Final Total Rating Bookrunner/

–0.50 0.00 –15 Sale maturity Issuer ($mil.) Fitch Moody’s S&P Bond Counsel(s)
D J FMAM J J A S O N Goldman Sachs Bank USA 2.40% 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30
New York, NY 2017
2017 855-730-7283 month(s) years Nov. 14 Aug. 1, 2034 Washington 506.4 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
K&L Gates LLP
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg maturity
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts) Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; Thomson Reuters; WSJ Market Data Group
Nov. 14 May 1, 2038 Wisconsin 277.7 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
Federal-funds rate target 1.00-1.25 1.00-1.25 0.25 l 1.25 1.00 Foley & Lardner
Prime rate* 4.25 4.25 3.50 l 4.25 1.00
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields
Nov. 17 prelim. NYC Municipal 400.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Barclays/
Libor, 3-month 1.41 1.39 0.91 l 1.41 1.18 Spread +/- Treasurys, Water Fin Auth Orrick H & S
Yield (%) in basis pts, 52-wk Range Total Return
Money market, annual yield 0.32 0.33 0.26 l 0.36 -0.10 Bond total return index Last Wk ago Last Low High 52-wk 3-yr
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.49 1.47 1.19 l 1.49 -0.06 Nov. 17 prelim. New Jersey 183.9 N.R. N.R. N.R. M. Stanley/—
10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 2.397 2.343 -0.36 1.78 Educational
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.88 3.92 3.73 l 4.33 -0.14 Facs Au
DJ Corporate 3.172 3.059 3.49 3.75
15-year mortgage, fixed† 3.25 3.24 2.99 l 3.50 0.05
Aggregate, Barclays Capital 2.670 2.600 38 35 47 2.01 2.36 Nov. 17 prelim. Ohio Air 210.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. BoA Merrill/—
Jumbo mortgages, $424,100-plus† 4.23 4.29 4.21 l 4.88 -0.07
High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 5.572 5.240 350 307 477 7.974 3.787 Quality Dev
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.48 3.46 3.20 l 4.03 -0.13 Authority
Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2.910 2.840 25 11 34 1.13 2.06
New-car loan, 48-month 3.01 3.01 2.85 l 3.36 -0.23
Muni Master, Merrill 2.000 1.984 10 -4 18 2.876 2.768
HELOC, $30,000 4.48 5.19 4.48 l 5.30 0.12 Nov. 17 prelim. South Jersey 255.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Citi/—
Bankrate.com rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 5.662 5.532 324 303 407 7.147 5.485 Port
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Source:Thomson Reuters/Ipreo
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group; Bankrate.com Sources: J.P. Morgan; Ryan ALM; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Barclays Capital; Merrill Lynch
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, November 13, 2017 | B9


SEC Watchdog Faces Complaints For Bankers

The watchdog for the Se-

Counsel’s Agency the office declined to comment.
Mr. Hoecker, 60 years old,
The whistleblowers’ con-
cerns focus on how Mr. Hoe-
cker handled their complaints.
On Upswing
curities and Exchange Com- Probes Allegations was appointed as the SEC Inspectors general are meant BY TELIS DEMOS
mission, who encourages watchdog in 2013. He also serves to encourage whistleblowing.
staff at the top securities as chairman of the investigations The whistleblowers allege they Banker bonuses may fol-
regulator to blow the whistle The Office of Special Counsel, committee of the Council of the instead suffered retaliation low stock prices higher this
on misconduct and fraud, is whose mission is to protect Inspectors General on Integrity and that the internal investi- year.
himself the subject of com- federal whistleblowers, is and Efficiency, which represents gation wasn’t sufficiently in- For the first time in four
plaints by several whistle- investigating the allegations from more than 70 inspectors general dependent to be fair. years, year-end bonuses for

blowers. at least two employees working across the federal government. The SEC Office of Inspector bankers in 2017 are set to
Carl Hoecker, the SEC in- for SEC Inspector General Carl The council earlier this year General internal probe was grow over the prior year, ac-
spector general, is tasked with Hoecker , according to people said it had reviewed the initially jointly led by two se- cording to consulting firm
rooting out malpractice at the familiar with the matter. whistleblowers’ allegations of nior officials in the office, in- Johnson Associates Inc.
agency. His team investigates The office has the power to retaliation by Mr. Hoecker and cluding a senior investigator Overall, incentive pay is ex-
alleged misconduct by SEC of- prosecute cases before an decided not to take any action, who hired and supervised the pected to rise 5% to 10%,
ficials, ranging from insider independent board, which can according to documents seen by two employees at the center of Johnson’s survey found.
trading to expenses fraud. The order agencies to pay The Wall Street Journal. A the complaints, the people fa- While bankers still tend to
office’s website highlights pro- compensation to harmed spokesman for the council miliar with the matter said. outearn the average Ameri-
tections for SEC employees employees. A spokeswoman for declined to comment. The investigator helped inter- can by many times, their bo-
who disclose evidence of Inspector General Carl Hoecker view the complainants and re- nuses have been under pres-
waste, fraud or abuse. fer the issue to prosecutors, sure since the financial
At least two employees request for comment. The allegations center on had an inappropriate relation- according to documents ob- crisis, thanks both to new
working for Mr. Hoecker have The whistleblowers also re- potential time and atten- ship, but noted that “the su- tained under public-records compensation guidelines by
filed complaints to a different ported the allegations to Sen. dance fraud by a supervisor pervisor created the appear- requests. regulators and banks’
federal whistleblower-protec- Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), in the inspector general’s of- ance” of such a relationship, Mr. Hoecker also appointed broader drop in profitability.
tion agency, alleging that he chairman of the bipartisan fice and a junior subordinate. according to a public report one of the two employees un- The jump this year in part
and his senior staff retaliated Senate Whistleblower Protec- The complainants said the earlier this year that didn’t der investigation to help coor- reflects how banks are trying
against them for calling out tion Caucus, which focuses on two employees regularly dis- dinate a review of procedures to evolve. In addition to
misconduct within the inspec- laws and other issues affecting appeared together for several in the inspector general’s of- slashing costs like pay, they
tor general’s office, according whistleblowers. A spokesman hours during workdays and fice, according to documents are also aiming to get bigger
to people familiar with the for Mr. Grassley said he is engaged in inappropriate
The allegations reviewed by the Journal. The in the steadier, more tradi-
matter and documents re- “looking into the matter, and conduct in the office. Neither center on potential review, overseen by the in- tional parts of the business,
viewed by The Wall Street his office intends to reach out of the two employees re- spector general, removed lan- like advising on mergers and
Journal. to the whistleblowers in ques- sponded to requests for com-
time and attendance guage designed to prevent arranging loans to people
Raphael Kozolchyk, a tion to see what can and ment. fraud. conflicts of interest affecting and businesses. Bankers who
spokesman for the SEC Of- should be done.” The SEC Office of Inspector internal investigations, such as work in those units are ex-
fice of Inspector General, The whistleblower-retalia- General referred the com- allegedly happened in this pected to see the biggest
said “a number of the claims tion allegations stem from plaints to a federal prosecutor, case, according to the docu- jumps in bonuses. Bankers
contain significant factual in- complaints made to Mr. who declined to pursue the name the individuals con- ments. who work on companies’
accuracies, while others are Hoecker last year by at least case, according to documents cerned. The complaints additionally debt and stock offerings are
grossly misleading.” He three officials in his office. reviewed by the Journal. The The report said the conduct allege that Mr. Hoecker, whose likely to get 15% to 20% more
added that the office The complaints allege miscon- office’s own civil internal in- had been addressed by man- office is by law independent in incentive pay, Johnson’s
does “not comment on ongo- duct by two of their fellow vestigation of the complaints agement with the two individ- from the SEC, regularly refers survey found. Commercial
ing personnel matters.” Mr. employees, the people familiar found insufficient evidence to uals through remediation to the commissioners who run and retail bankers will be up
Hoecker didn’t respond to a with the matter said. conclude the two employees plans. the agency as his “bosses.” 5% to 10%.

Closed-End Funds | WSJ.com/funds

Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Closed-end funds sell a limited number of shares and Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
invest the proceeds in securities. Unlike open-end BlackRockDurInco Tr BLW 17.04 15.95 -6.4 7.8 PIMCO Income Opportunity PKO NA 26.02 NA 9.9 Putnam Tr PMM 8.00 7.49 -6.4 5.4
funds, closed-ends generally do not buy their shares CLSeligmn Prem Tech Gr Fd STK 22.46 23.16 +3.1 44.9 Calamos Conv Hi Inco Fd CHY 11.78 11.66 -1.0 29.2 Brookfield Real Assets RA 25.28 23.87 -5.6 NS PIMCO Strat Income Fund RCS NA 8.95 NA 9.7 PutnamMuniOpportunities PMO 13.39 12.57 -6.1 5.2
back from investors who wish to cash in their holdings.
Instead, fund shares trade on a stock exchange.
Duff & Phelps DNP 9.98 11.34 +13.6 22.7 Calamos CHI 11.18 11.37 +1.7 33.0 Credit Suisse High Yld DHY 2.79 2.82 +1.1 9.4 Templeton Emerging TEI 12.94 11.48 -11.3 4.5 Wstrn Asset Mngd Muni MMU NA 14.02 NA 5.4
a-The NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-The Duff&PhelpsGblUtilIncFd DPG 17.78 16.05 -9.7 19.1 World Equity Funds DoubleLine Incm Solutions DSL NA 20.58 NA 8.6 Templeton Global GIM 7.42 6.58 -11.3 6.1 WesternAssetMunTrFund MTT NA 21.59 NA 4.9
NAV is fully diluted. c-NAV is as of Thursday’s close. d- Eaton Vance Eqty Inco Fd EOI 14.68 14.23 -3.1 28.6 Alpine Tot Dyn Div AOD 9.90 9.03 -8.8 35.4 Dreyfus Hi Yd Strat Fd DHF 3.52 3.38 -4.0 8.8 Wstrn Asset Emerg Mkts EMD NA 15.36 NA 7.5 Single State Muni Bond
NAV is as of Wednesday’s close. e-NAV assumes rights Eaton Vance Eqty Inco II EOS 15.42 14.90 -3.4 22.3
offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering in process.
Cdn Genl Inv CGI 32.29 23.14 -28.3 33.9 Fst Tr Hi Inc Lg/Shrt Fd FSD 17.94 16.45 -8.3 8.3 Wstrn Asset Gl Def Opp Fd GDO NA 18.04 NA 7.5 BlackRock CA Municipal Tr BFZ 15.38 14.40-6.4 5.1
g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been EtnVncRskMngd ETJ 9.99 9.19 -8.0 15.5 China Fund CHN 23.79 21.55 -9.4 42.4 Guggenheim Strat Opps Fd GOF 19.81 21.50 +8.5 10.2 National Muni Bond Funds BlkRk MuniHldgs CA Qlty MUC 15.61 14.84 -4.9 5.0
adjusted for rights offering. j-Rights offering has Etn Vnc Tax Mgd Buy-Write ETB 16.24 16.59 +2.2 9.97 Clough Global Opp Fd GLO 12.17 11.65 -4.3 46.4 Ivy High Income Opps Fund IVH 15.98 14.94 -6.5 9.4 AllianceBrnstn NtlMun AFB 14.96 13.55 -9.4 4.6 Blkrck MunHl NJ Qlty MUJ 15.78 14.27 -9.6 5.6
expired, but Lipper data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of Eaton Vance BuyWrite Opp ETV 14.90 15.10 +1.3 12.7 Neuberger Berman HYS NHS 13.23 11.75 -11.2 7.4
previous day. o-Tender offer in process. v-NAV is EtnVncTxAdvGblDiv ETG 18.10 17.26 -4.6 32.7 Blackrock Invest BKN 16.08 14.68 -8.7 5.3 BlRk MuHldg NY Qlty MHN 14.96 13.69 -8.5 5.0
converted at the commercial Rand rate. w-Convertible Eaton Vance Tax-Mng Div ETY 12.08 11.78 -2.5 26.3 EatonVance TxAdv Opport ETO 24.45 24.67 +0.9 32.9 NexPoint Credit Strat Fd NHF 25.20 23.60 -6.3 10.1 BlackRockMun2030Target BTT 24.38 22.49 -7.8 4.1 BlkRk MuniYld CA Fd MYC 15.70 15.21 -3.1 5.1
Note-NAV (not market) conversion value. y-NAV and EatonVanceTax-MngdOpp ETW 11.49 11.82 +2.9 24.3 First Trust Dynamic Eur FDEU 19.27 18.60 -3.5 33.3 Nuveen Credit Opps 2022 JCO 9.93 9.98 +0.6 NS BlackRock Municipal Trust BFK 14.58 14.17 -2.8 5.7 BlkRk MuniYld CA Quality MCA 15.84 14.94 -5.7 5.1
market price are in Canadian dollars. NA signifies that EtnVncTxMngGlDvEqInc EXG 9.35 9.32 -0.3 27.4 Nuveen Gl Hi Incm Fd JGH 18.54 16.68 -10.0 8.2
the information is not available or not applicable. NS Gabelli Glbl Multimedia GGT 9.16 8.77 -4.3 32.4 BlackRockMuni BLE 15.13 14.63 -3.3 6.1 BlkRk MuniYld MI Qlty MIY 15.57 13.98 -10.2 5.5
signifies fund not in existence of entire period. Fiduciary/Clymr Opp Fd FMO 12.23 11.97 -2.1 -12.6 GDL Fund GDL 11.54 9.87 -14.5 10.8 Nuveen High Incm Dec18 JHA 10.08 9.95 -1.3 5.2 BlackRockMuni Tr BYM 15.33 14.31 -6.7 5.3 BlRk Muyld NY Qlty MYN 14.33 12.95 -9.6 5.0
12 month yield is computed by dividing income FT Energy Inc & Growth Fd FEN 22.91 22.62 -1.3 0.3 India Fund IFN 31.25 27.66 -11.5 31.8 Nuveen High Incm Dec19 JHD 10.25 10.08 -1.7 5.8 BlkRk MuniAssets Fd MUA 14.23 15.02 +5.6 4.6 Eaton Vance CA Mun Bd EVM 12.40 11.79 -4.9 4.9
dividends paid (during the previous twelve months for FstTrEnhEqtIncFd FFA 16.38 15.41 -5.9 25.8 Japan Sml Cap JOF 14.74 13.22 -10.3 38.7 Nuveen Hi Incm Nov 2021 JHB 10.11 10.02 -0.9 5.9 BlkRk Munienhanced MEN 12.05 11.95 -0.8 5.7 Invesco CA Value Mun Incm VCV 13.48 12.88-4.5 5.0
periods ending at month-end or during the previous
fifty-two weeks for periods ending at any time other First Tr Engy Infr Fd FIF 18.78 18.08 -3.7 13.0 Korea Fund KF 49.20 43.30 -12.0 35.2 Pioneer High Income Trust PHT 10.79 9.86 -8.6 8.2 BlkRk MuniHldgs Inv MFL 14.84 15.13 +2.0 5.7 Invesco PA Value Mun Incm VPV 14.10 12.05
-14.5 5.1
than month-end) by the latest month-end market price First Tr MLP & Engy Incm FEI 14.25 14.28 +0.2 1.5 Mexico Fund MXF 17.86 15.60 -12.7 11.7 Prud Gl Shrt Dur Hi Yd GHY 16.40 14.59 -11.0 7.8 BlkRk MuniHldgs Qlty II MUE 14.16 13.71 -3.2 5.6 Invesco Inv Grade NY Muni VTN 14.63 13.64-6.8 5.0
adjusted for capital gains distributions. Gabelli Hlthcr & Well GRX 11.01 9.58 -13.0 6.0 Morgan-Stanley Asia-Pac APF 20.61 17.96 -12.9 29.7 Prudentl Sh Dur Hi Yd Fd ISD 16.59 14.96 -9.8 7.7 BlkRk MuniVest MVF 9.72 9.75 +0.3 5.8 Nuveen CA AMT-Free Qual NKX 15.88 15.60 -1.8 5.0
Source: Lipper
Gabelli Utility Tr GUT 5.49 7.05 +28.4 21.5 MS China a Shr Fd CAF 28.60 24.26 -15.2 34.9 Wells Fargo Incm Opps Fd EAD NA 8.50 NA 8.7 BlkRk MuniVest II MVT 15.37 15.60 +1.5 5.9 Nuveen CA Muni Value NCA 10.50 10.53 +0.3 3.9
Friday, November 10, 2017 GAMCOGlblGoldNatRscs&Inc GGN 5.41 5.45 +0.7 13.9 Wstrn Asset Glbl Hi Inco EHI NA 9.99 NA 8.7 Nuveen CA Quality Muni NAC 15.76 14.63 -7.2 5.5
MS Emerging Fund MSF 19.85 17.45 -12.1 30.4 BlkRk MuniYield MYD 14.99 14.32 -4.5 6.0
52 wk GoldmanSachsMLPIncOpp GMZ 8.60 NA 2.9 Wstrn Asset High Inco II HIX NA 6.97 NA 8.7 Nuveen MD Qual Muni NMY 14.62 12.70 -13.1 5.0
Prem Ttl MS India Invest IIF 39.94 35.43 -11.3 39.6 BlkRk MuniYld Quality MQY 15.98 15.51 -2.9 5.6
Goldman Sachs MLPEnergy GER 6.10 NA -3.6 New Germany Fund GF 20.89 18.70 -10.5 49.4 Wstrn Asset Opp Fd HIO NA 4.98 NA 7.2 BlkRk MuniYld Qlty II MQT 14.03 13.02 -7.2 5.6 Nuveen MI Qual Muni NUM 15.46 13.41 -13.3 4.8
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret West Asst HY Def Opp Fd HYI NA 15.17 NA 7.8 Nuveen NJ Qual Muni NXJ 15.92 13.71 -13.9 5.2
John Hancock Finl Opps Fd BTO 34.95 34.70 -0.7 15.1 Swiss Helvetia Fund SWZ 13.62 12.45 -8.6 20.9 BlRkMunyldQltyIII MYI 14.60 14.13 -3.2 5.8
General Equity Funds Macquarie Glbl Infrstrctr MGU 28.29 24.85 -12.2 40.1 Templeton Dragon TDF 24.82 21.91 -11.7 42.9 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds Deutsche Mun Income Tr KTF 12.68 11.87 -6.4 6.6 Nuveen NY AMT-Free NRK 14.51 12.96 -10.7 4.9
Adams Divers Equity Fd ADX 18.20 15.73 -13.6 30.3 NeubergerBermanMLPIncm NML 9.59 8.70 -9.3 5.5 Apollo Tactical Incm Fd AIF 17.51 15.86 -9.4 8.8 Nuveen NY Qual Muni NAN 15.14 13.94 -7.9 5.1
Templeton Emerging EMF 19.31 17.09 -11.5 48.3 Dreyfus Mun Bd Infr Fd DMB 14.28 12.98 -9.1 4.9
Boulder Growth & Income BIF 12.30 10.52 -14.5 29.2 Neubrgr Brm Rl Est Sec Fd NRO 5.87 5.54 -5.6 18.8 Ares Dynamic Credit Alloc ARDC NA 16.29 NA 6.9 Nuveen OH Qual Muni NUO 16.74 14.95 -10.7 4.7
Virtus Total Return Fund ZF 13.38 12.56 -6.1 28.1 Dreyfus Strat Muni Bond DSM 8.40 8.43 +0.4 5.9
Central Securities CET 32.07 26.59 -17.1 31.8 Nuveen Dow 30 Dynamic DIAX 18.46 17.59 -4.7 30.9 Barings Corp Investors MCI NA 15.65 NA 3.7 Nuveen PA Qual Muni NQP 15.30 13.56 -11.4 5.2
Voya Infr Indls & Matls IDE 16.58 16.07 -3.1 29.2 Dreyfus Strategic Munis LEO 8.62 8.78 +1.9 5.9
CohSteer Opprtnty Fd FOF 13.72 13.13 -4.3 24.3 Nuveen Core Eq Alpha JCE 16.15 15.57 -3.6 27.9 BlackRock Multi-Sector IT BIT 19.97 18.36 -8.1 9.5 Nuveen VA Qual Muni NPV 14.50 13.09 -9.7 4.3
Wells Fargo Gl Div Opp EOD 6.15 NA 30.5 Eaton Vance Mun Bd Fd EIM 13.74 12.55 -8.7 5.0
Cornerstone Strategic CLM 13.54 15.11 +11.6 21.5 Nuveen Diversified Div JDD 13.02 12.53 -3.8 24.5 BlackRock Taxable Mun Bd BBN 23.89 23.07 -3.4 6.8 PIMCO California Muni PCQ NA 17.22 NA 5.3
Prem12 Mo Eaton Vance Mun Income EVN 13.40 12.39 -7.5 5.4 PIMCO California Mun II PCK NA 10.04
EtnVnc TaxAdvDiv EVT 23.03 22.52 -2.2 23.6 Nuveen Engy MLP Fd JMF 11.05 10.73 -2.9 -8.1 Doubleline Oppor Credit DBL NA 22.56 NA 8.7 NA 5.6
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld EV National Municipal Opp EOT 22.01 22.01 0.0 4.7
Gabelli Dividend & Incm GDV 23.87 22.32 -6.5 23.7 NuvNASDAQ100DynOver QQQX 22.96 23.88 +4.0 39.4 Duff & Phelps Utl & Cp Bd DUC 9.72 9.06 -6.8 6.5 52 wk
Invesco Adv Mun Incm II VKI 12.21 11.37 -6.9 5.8
Gabelli Equity Trust GAB 6.38 6.01 -5.8 24.8 Nuveen Real Est Incm Fd JRS 11.57 11.16 -3.5 21.9 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds EtnVncLtdFd EVV 15.01 13.74 -8.5 7.1 Prem Ttl
BlackRock Income Trust BKT 6.66 6.22 -6.6 5.1 Franklin Ltd Duration IT FTF NA 11.86 NA 11.4 Invesco Mun Incm Opps Tr OIA 7.62 7.82 +2.6 5.2 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Genl American Investors GAM 39.30 NA NA NA NuvS&P500DynOverwrite SPXX 15.93 NA 25.2
Nuveen Mtg Opp Term Fd JLS 26.64 25.72 -3.5 5.2 GuggenheimTaxableMuni GBAB 23.34 22.51 -3.6 6.8 Invesco Mun Opportunity VMO 13.58 12.41 -8.6 6.1
Guggenheim Enh Fd GPM 8.84 8.46 -4.3 25.9 NuveenS&P500Buy-Write BXMX 14.33 14.06 -1.9 18.6 General Equity Funds
Investment Grade Bond Funds Invesco High Incm 2023 IHIT 10.09 10.10 0.0 NS Invesco Municipal Trust VKQ 13.57 12.34 -9.1 5.9
HnckJohn TxAdv HTD 25.93 25.53 -1.5 27.9 Reaves Utility Fund UTG 33.30 31.10 -6.6 17.4 Specialized Equity Funds
Blackrock Core Bond Tr BHK 14.89 14.15 -5.0 5.5 John Hancock Investors JHI 18.58 17.69 -4.8 7.2 Invesco Qlty Mun Inco IQI 13.70 12.41 -9.4 5.5
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 6.78 6.15 -9.3 33.1 Tekla Hlthcr Investors HQH 24.04 23.08 -4.0 4.1 Griffin Inst Access RE:A 26.96 NA NA 7.5
BlkRk Credit Alloc Incm BTZ 14.85 13.28 -10.6 6.3 KKR Income Opps Fund KIO NA 16.19 NA 9.4 Invesco Inv Grade Muni VGM 14.07 13.02 -7.5 5.8
Royce Micro-Cap RMT 10.27 9.09 -11.5 26.3 Tekla Healthcare Opps Fd THQ 18.94 17.41 -8.1 13.8 Invesco Value Mun Incm Tr IIM 16.35 14.73 -9.9 5.0 Griffin Inst Access RE:C 26.53 NA NA 6.7
Royce Value Trust RVT 17.41 15.79 -9.3 34.6 John Hancock Income Secs JHS 15.49 14.73 -4.9 5.4 MFS Charter MCR 9.28 8.53 -8.1 8.7 Griffin Inst Access RE:I 27.12 NA NA 7.7
Tekla Life Sciences HQL 19.96 19.74 -1.1 14.9 MainStay DefinedTerm MMD 20.17 19.21 -4.8 5.6
Source Capital SOR 44.94 40.26 -10.4 16.1 MFS Inc Tr MIN 4.45 4.17 -6.3 9.2 MFS Multimkt MMT 6.63 6.11 -7.8 8.7 Griffin Inst Access RE:L 26.95 NA NA NS
Tekla World Hlthcr Fd THW 14.41 13.64 -5.3 6.0 MFS Munl Inco MFM 7.40 6.87 -7.2 5.5
Tri-Continental TY 29.16 26.06 -10.6 28.4 WstAstClymr InfLnkd Fd WIW NA 11.23 NA 3.6 Nuveen Build Am Bd Fd NBB 22.21 21.56 -2.9 5.7 Griffin Inst Access RE:M 26.83 NA NA NS
Tortoise Energy TYG 26.62 NA -3.9 Nuveen AMT-Free Quality NEA 15.25 13.80 -9.5 5.4
Specialized Equity Funds WstAssetClymr InflLnk Sec WIA NA 11.51 NA 3.3 PIMCO Corporate & Incm PTY NA 16.81 NA 10.3 NexPointRlEstStrat;A 20.46 NA NA 8.3
Tortoise MLP Fund NTG 16.92 NA -3.8 Nuveen AMT-Free Mun NVG 16.62 15.36 -7.6 5.7
Adams Natural Rscs Fd PEO 23.23 19.92 -14.3 9.3 Loan Participation Funds PIMCO Corporate & Incm PCN NA 16.96 NA 10.4 NexPointRlEstStrat;C 20.41 NA NA 7.5
Voya Gl Equity Div IGD 8.14 7.87 -3.3 26.6 Apollo Sr Fltg Rate Fd AFT 18.07 16.27 -10.0 7.4 Nuveen Mun Credit Incm Fd NZF 16.23 15.14 -6.7 5.9
AllnzGI NFJ Div Interest NFJ 14.60 13.19 -9.7 15.9 PIMCO HiInco PHK NA 7.66 NA 13.1 NexPointRlEstStrat;Z 20.41 NA NA 8.7
Income Preferred Stock Funds BlkRk Debt Strat Fd DSU 12.73 11.69 -8.2 6.9 Nuveen Enhncd Mun Val Fd NEV 15.16 14.38 -5.1 5.7
AlpnGlblPrProp AWP 7.23 6.29 -13.0 37.1 PIMCO Inco Str Fd PFL NA 11.87 NA 8.9 Resource RE Div Inc:A 10.05 NA NA 6.7
Calamos Strat Fd CSQ 12.63 12.14 -3.9 33.4 BlackRock FR Incm Strat FRA 14.98 13.99 -6.6 5.6 Nuveen Intermed Dur Mun NID 13.85 12.99 -6.2 4.9
ASA Gold & Prec Metals ASA 12.74 11.20 -12.1 -3.2 PIMCO Incm Strategy Fd II PFN NA 10.56 NA 8.9 Resource RE Div Inc:C 10.03 NA NA 5.8
Cohen & Steers Dur Pfd LDP 27.43 26.47 -3.5 22.3 Blkrk FltRt InTr BGT 14.46 14.07 -2.7 5.3 NuveenMuniIncoOpp Fd NMZ 13.66 13.64 -0.1 6.0
BlkRk Enh Cap Inco CII 16.69 15.71 -5.9 28.8 Putnam Mas Inco PIM 5.02 4.69 -6.6 6.5 Resource RE Div Inc:D 10.20 NA NA 6.1
Cohen & Strs Sel Prf Inco PSF 27.99 28.26 +1.0 22.3 BlackstoneGSO Strat Cred BGB NA 15.79 NA 8.4 Nuveen Muni Value Fund NUV 10.39 10.18 -2.0 3.8
BlkRk Engy Res Tr BGR 15.50 14.08 -9.2 10.3 Putnam Premier Income Tr PPT 5.57 5.24 -5.9 5.8 Resource RE Div Inc:I 10.47 NA NA 6.6
FT Interm Duration Pfd FPF 24.99 24.59 -1.6 25.3 Blackstone GSO Sr Float BSL NA 17.35 NA 6.7 Wells Fargo Multi-Sector ERC NA 13.05 NA 9.4 Nuveen Qual Mun Incm Fd NAD 15.60 14.02 -10.1 5.6
BlackRock Enh Eq Div Tr BDJ 9.75 9.05 -7.2 23.9 Resource RE Div Inc:L 10.04 NA NA NS
Flaherty & Crumrine Dyn DFP 26.33 26.14 -0.7 24.4 Eagle Point Credit ECC NA 19.21 NA 8.3 Nuveen Sel Tax Free NXP 15.55 14.75 -5.1 3.7
BlackRock Enh Gl Div Tr BOE 14.30 13.39 -6.4 24.7
World Income Funds Resource RE Div Inc:T 10.02 NA NA 5.9
Flaherty & Crumrine Pfd FFC 20.35 20.81 +2.3 16.2 Eaton Vance FR Incm Tr EFT 15.54 14.27 -8.2 5.7 Abeerden Asia-Pacific FAX 5.43 4.98 -8.3 8.3 Nuveen Sel TF NXQ 14.94 14.06 -5.9 3.6
BlkRk Intl Grwth&Inco BGY 6.99 6.57 -6.0 29.1 Resource RE Div Inc:U 10.05 NA NA 6.6
John Hancock Pfd Income HPI 21.13 21.53 +1.9 19.2 EatonVnc SrFltRate EFR 15.20 14.20 -6.6 6.0 Etn Vnc Short Dur Fd EVG NA 14.02 NA 6.9 PIMCO MuniFd PMF NA 13.11 NA 5.9 Resource RE Div Inc:W 10.20 NA NA 6.5
BlkRk Health Sci BME 35.44 35.83 +1.1 9.1 John Hancock Pfd II HPF 20.88 21.36 +2.3 18.3 Eaton Vance Sr Incm Tr EVF 7.14 6.41 -10.2 5.6 Pimco Muni Inc II PML NA 13.22 NA 5.9
Legg Mason BW Glbl Incm BWG NA 13.00 NA 8.3 SharesPost 100 26.32 NA NA -2.5
BlackRck Rscs Comm Str Tr BCX 10.28 8.95 -12.9 21.2 John Hancock Pfd Inc III HPS 18.64 18.25 -2.1 18.3 First Trust Sr FR Fd II FCT 14.05 12.86 -8.5 6.1 PIMCO Muni Inc III PMX NA 11.76 NA 5.9
MS EmMktDomDebt EDD 8.70 7.66 -12.0 8.4 Tot Inc+ RE:A 29.49 NA NA 6.9
BlackRock Science & Tech BST 28.11 26.26 -6.6 52.9 JHancock Pr Div PDT 15.72 16.86 +7.3 37.4 FT Sr Floating Rate 2022 FIV 9.71 9.28 -4.4 NS PIMCO Dynamic Credit PCI NA 22.35 NA 11.4 Pioneer Mun Hi Inc Adv Tr MAV 11.94 11.40 -4.5 5.3 Tot Inc+ RE:C 28.72 NA NA 6.1
BlackRock Utility & Infr BUI 21.44 21.03 -1.9 25.6 LMP Cap & Inco Fd SCD 13.91 NA 20.9 Invesco Credit Opps Fund VTA 13.04 11.45 -12.2 7.1 PIMCODynamicIncomeFund PDI NA 30.27 NA 13.5 Pioneer Mun Hi Incm Tr MHI 12.82 11.71 -8.7 5.1 Tot Inc+ RE:I 29.82 NA NA 7.2
CBREClarionGlblRlEstIncm IGR 8.94 7.91 -11.5 18.4 Nuveen Pfd & Incm Opps Fd JPC 10.77 10.48 -2.7 24.4 Invesco Senior Income Tr VVR 4.87 4.36 -10.5 6.0 Tot Inc+ RE:L 29.45 NA NA NS
Central Fund of Canada CEF 13.59 13.24 -2.6 4.9 Nuveen Pfd & Incm Secs Fd JPS 10.40 10.33 -0.7 27.1 Nuveen Credit Strt Inc Fd JQC 9.12 8.20 -10.1 7.4 USQ Core Real Estate:I USQIX 25.21 NA NA NS
ClearBridge Amer Engy CBA 7.85 NA -0.5 Nuveen Preferred & Incm JPI 25.97 25.25 -2.8 19.1 NuvFloatRteInco Fd JFR 11.59 11.18 -3.5 6.9 USQ Core Real Estate:IS USQSX 25.21 NA NA NS
ClearBridge Engy MLP Fd CEM 13.26 NA -3.7 TCW Strategic Income Fund TSI 5.56 NA 12.3 Nuv Float Rte Opp Fd JRO 11.50 11.00 -4.3 7.3 A Week in the Life of the DJIA Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:F 27.56 NA NA 6.5
Clearbridge Engy MLP Opp EMO 10.93 NA -8.3 Virtus Global Dividend ZTR 12.83 13.38 +4.3 38.6 Nuveen Senior Income Fund NSL 6.87 6.56 -4.5 6.9 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 27.63 NA NA 6.8
Clearbridge Engy MLP TR CTR 11.71 NA 2.5 Convertible Sec's. Funds Pioneer Floating Rate Tr PHD 12.47 11.61 -6.9 6.0 A look at how the Dow Jones Industrial Average component stocks Versus Capital Real Asst VCRRX 25.07 NA NA NS
Cohen & Steers Infr Fd UTF 25.81 23.40 -9.3 30.8 AdvntClymrFd AVK 17.50 15.83 -9.5 26.0 Voya Prime Rate Trust PPR 5.65 5.01 -11.3 6.0 did in the past week and how much each moved the index. The DJIA Wildermuth Endwmnt Str 12.78 NA NA 13.3
C&S MLP Incm & Engy Opp MIE 10.49 9.70 -7.5 5.7 AllianzGI Conv & Incm NCV 6.56 6.97 +6.3 30.8 High Yield Bond Funds Wildermuth Endwmnt S:C 12.61 NA NA 12.4
Cohen & Steers Qual Inc RQI 13.87 12.78 -7.9 18.5 AllianzGI Conv & Incm II NCZ 5.89 6.17 +4.8 30.2 AllianceBernstein Glbl AWF 13.84 12.51 -9.6 6.7
lost 116.98 points, or 0.50%, on the week. A $1 change in the price of Wildermuth Endwmnt S:I 12.84 NA NA NS
CohnStrsPfdInco RNP 23.14 21.18 -8.5 24.9 AllianzGI Div Incm ACV 22.47 21.97 -2.2 37.8 Barings Glbl Short Dur HY BGH 21.08 20.07 -4.8 8.9 any DJIA stock = 6.89-point change in the average. To date, a $1,000 Income Preferred Stock Funds
Cohen & Steers TR RFI 13.64 12.63 -7.4 15.5 AllianzGI Equity & Conv NIE 22.95 20.67 -9.9 23.4 BlackRock Corp Hi Yd Fd HYT 12.21 11.01 -9.8 7.9 investment on Dec. 31 in each current DJIA stock component would MultiStrat Gro & Inc:A 15.30 NA NA 5.3
MultiStrat Gro & Inc:C 14.98 NA NA 4.6
have returned $35,716, or a gain of 19.05%, on the $30,000 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:I 15.50 NA NA 5.6
Borrowing Benchmarks | WSJ.com/bonds investment, including reinvested dividends. MultiStrat Gro & Inc:L 15.09 NA NA 4.9
The Relative Value:CIA VFLEX 25.38 NA NA NS
The Week’s Action Convertible Sec's. Funds
Money Rates November 10, 2017 Pct Stock price Point chg
chg (%) change in average* Company Symbol Close
$1,000 Invested(year-end '16)
Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD 20.75 20.27 -2.3 18.6
World Equity Funds
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a 6.22 6.14 42.28 Walt Disney DIS $104.78 $1,013 BMO LGM Front ME 10.26 NA NA 14.2
1.90 2.19 15.08 Chevron CVX 117.18 1,026 CalamosGlbTotRet CGO 13.31 14.06 +5.6 24.9
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
1.82 1.58 10.88 Procter & Gamble PG 88.16 1,081 Prem12 Mo
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low 1.74 0.35 2.41 General Electric GE 20.49 666 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
Sept. index Chg From (%) 1.67 2.22 15.29 Travelers TRV 135.54 1,127 Vertical Capital Income 12.61 NA NA 3.2
level Aug. '17 Sept. '16 Treasury bill auction Six month 1.61461 1.59017 1.61461 1.26211
One year 1.88150 1.86289 1.88178 1.58789 Loan Participation Funds
1.38 1.24 8.54 Wal-Mart Stores WMT 90.92 1,342 9.78 NA NA 3.7
4 weeks 1.035 1.020 1.300 0.270 504 Fund
U.S. consumer price index 13 weeks 1.185 1.130 1.185 0.420 Euro Libor 1.26 2.17 14.94 Apple AAPL 174.67 1,532 FedProj&TrFinanceTender 10.06 NA NA NS
All items 246.819 0.53 2.2 26 weeks 1.300 1.260 1.300 0.535 1.24 0.57 3.92 Coca-Cola KO 46.54 1,151 Highland Flt Rt Opp 14.96 NA NA 4.3
One month -0.399 -0.400 -0.376 -0.405
Core 252.941 0.19 1.7 Invesco Sr Loan A 6.65 NA NA 4.2
Three month -0.378 -0.378 -0.325 -0.381 0.68 0.38 2.62 Nike NKE 56.09 1,115
Secondary market Invesco Sr Loan B 6.65 NA NA 4.2
Six month -0.314 -0.316 -0.214 -0.322
International rates 0.47 0.52 3.58 Visa V 111.88 1,442 Invesco Sr Loan C 6.66 NA NA 3.5
One year -0.247 -0.234 -0.075 -0.247 Invesco Sr Loan IB 6.65 NA NA 4.4
Fannie Mae
Week 52-Week –0.11 –0.15 –1.03 Caterpillar CAT 136.48 1,516 Invesco Sr Loan IC 6.65 NA NA 4.3
30-year mortgage yields Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor) 6.65 NA NA 4.4
Latest ago High Low –0.17 –0.28 –1.93 Home Depot HD 164.11 1,246 Invesco Sr Loan Y
30 days 3.481 3.462 3.865 3.253 One month -0.371 -0.372 -0.366 -0.375 RiverNorth MP Lending RMPLX NA NA NA 6.6
60 days 3.500 3.483 3.899 3.281 Three month -0.329 -0.329 -0.311 -0.332 –0.29 –0.24 –1.65 Exxon Mobil XOM 82.94 954 Sierra Total Return:T SRNTX 25.14 NA NA NS
Prime rates
Six month -0.275 -0.276 -0.210 -0.276 –0.32 –0.27 –1.86 Microsoft MSFT 83.87 1,373 Voya Senior Income:A 12.54 NA NA 5.3
U.S. 4.25 4.25 4.25 3.50
Other short-term rates One year -0.191 -0.191 -0.069 -0.191 –0.34 –0.90 –6.20 Boeing BA 260.85 1,723 Voya Senior Income:C 12.51 NA NA 4.8
Canada 3.20 3.20 3.20 2.70 Voya Senior Income:I 12.50 NA NA 5.6
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Week 52-Week
Value 52-Week
–0.37 –0.52 –3.58 Johnson & Johnson JNJ 139.56 1,235 Voya Senior Income:W 12.54 NA NA 5.6
Latest Traded High Low
Latest ago high low High Yield Bond Funds
Policy Rates –0.85 –1.80 –12.39 UnitedHealth Group UNH 211.07 1,334
DTCC GCF Repo Index Griffin Inst Access Cd:A NA NA NA NS
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Call money –1.03 –0.58 –3.99 Merck MRK 55.48 963 Griffin Inst Access Cd:C NA NA NA NS
Treasury 1.200 38.700 1.366 0.244
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 –1.04 –0.37 –2.55 Pfizer PFE 35.18 1,126 Griffin Inst Access Cd:F NA NA NA NS
3.00 3.00 3.00 2.25 MBS 1.213 103.502 1.506 0.257
Britain 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 Griffin Inst Access Cd:I NA NA NA NS
–1.39 –0.48 –3.31 Cisco Systems CSCO 33.99 1,165 Griffin Inst Access Cd:L NA NA NA NS
Australia 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Commercial paper (AA financial) Open Implied
Settle Change Interest Rate PIMCO Flexible Cr I;Inst NA NA NA NS
90 days 1.32 1.31 1.32 0.62 –1.60 –2.42 –16.66 IBM IBM 149.16 934
Overnight repurchase PionrILSInterval 9.65 NA NA 10.5
DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures –1.64 –0.76 –5.23 Intel INTC 45.58 1,292 WA Middle Mkt Dbt NA NA NA 11.2
U.S. 1.15 1.21 1.38 0.15 Libor Treasury Nov 98.830 unch. 8834 1.170 –1.67 –1.19 –8.19 DowDuPont DWDP 69.97 1,249 WA Middle Mkt Inc WMF NA NA NA 11.2
U.S. government rates One month 1.24606 1.24322 1.24606 0.53817 Treasury Dec 98.690 0.005 2043 1.310 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
–1.74 –4.25 –29.26 Goldman Sachs GS 240.15 1,012
Three month 1.41289 1.39194 1.41289 0.90567 Treasury Jan 98.585 -0.010 450 1.415 Capstone Church Capital 11.43 NA NA 1.5
Discount –1.81 –3.06 –21.07 McDonald’s MCD 165.59 1,387 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;A NA NA NA NS
CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;C NA NA NA NS
1.75 1.75 1.75 1.00 Notes on data:
–2.05 –4.77 –32.84 3M MMM 227.45 1,297 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;I NA NA NA NS
U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks, –2.44 –2.96 –20.38 United Technologies UTX 118.11 1,096 CNR Select Strategies 7.87 NA NA NS
Federal funds GL Beyond Income 3.68 NA NA NE
and is effective June 15, 2017. Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary –3.02 –2.91 –20.04 American Express AXP 93.52 1,283
Effective rate 1.1800 1.1800 1.2000 0.3500 widely by location; Discount rate is effective June 15, 2017. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Palmer Square Opp Income NA NA NA 5.0
Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in –3.85 –3.90 –26.85 J.P. Morgan Chase JPM 97.51 1,156 Resource Credit Inc:A NA NA NA 6.4
High 1.3125 1.3125 1.3125 0.5625
1.0500 1.1600 0.2500
billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET. Futures on the –5.36 –2.54 –17.49 Verizon VZ 44.88 882 Resource Credit Inc:C NA NA NA 5.7
Low 1.0000 DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on NYSE Liffe US. Resource Credit Inc:I NA NA NA 6.7
Bid 1.1600 1.1600 1.1700 0.3000 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information; *Based on Composite price. DJIA is calculated on primary-market price. Resource Credit Inc:L NA NA NA NS
Offer 1.1800 1.1800 1.1900 0.3200 General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Source: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet. Resource Credit Inc:W NA NA NA 6.3
B10 | Monday, November 13, 2017 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The gain for real-estate stocks in the S&P
500 last week, the biggest advance for the
sector since September.

Sector Makes It for Real

Real-state stocks had dividends, well behind the 15%
themselves quite a week. advance for the broader S&P 500.
With a 3.2% gain, they were Last week showed that
the best performers among the fundamental factors are critical,
11 sectors in the S&P 500 last too. Mall REIT Macerich Co. shot
week. It was the biggest weekly up 18% on expectations of
gain for real-estate stocks since activism or a potential deal.

September. Three cell-tower operators were
The sector’s recent run is winners after Sprint Corp. called
off its pursuit of T-Mobile US
MONEYBEAT Inc. SBA Communications Corp.,
American Tower Corp. and
more impressive considering that Crown Castle International
all the gains accrued in the first Corp. jumped between 6% and
three sessions of last week, its 9% last week since the deal’s U.S. dominance in wheat is being eroded by farmers in Russia, Europe and India. A tractor piles wheat grain in a village near Siberia.
best three-day stretch in nearly breakup means greater

In Russia, Wheat Abounds

a year. competition among wireless
Of particular note to carriers and will likely boost
investors: Real estate logged demand for wireless
those big gains despite a rise in infrastructure.
Treasury yields. Dividend-paying Frank Cappelleri, a technical
real estate investment trusts, analyst at Nomura Instinet, said BY JESSE NEWMAN season snowstorm. U.S. wheat
the bulk of the group, tend to be higher interest rates are still a AND BENJAMIN PARKIN output is expected to fall by a Grain Drain
at odds with interest rates, since threat to real estate. But after quarter from the previous sea- A surge in Russian wheat production is hitting
owning them becomes less last week, “the breakout is clear,“ U.S. wheat farmers are los- son. the market share of U.S. farmers.
attractive when the return on he wrote, ”and we shouldn’t ing out to an old rival: Russia. Other countries are also
Wheat production Share of global wheat exports
safer assets increases. shrug it off.” —Chris Dieterich The 83 million tons of chipping away at U.S. domi-
The threat of rising rates has wheat Russian farmers are nance in wheat. Farmers are Russia U.S. Russia U.S.
hindered REITs all year, since ONLINE forecast to have reaped this growing more grain in Europe 80 million metric tons 20%
investors expect the Federal season has cemented the coun- and India. The U.S. Depart-
Reserve to boost its key For more try’s resur- ment of Agriculture expects
borrowing rate in December and
at least twice more in 2018. The
S&P 500’s real-estate sector is up
MoneyBeat blog
posts, go to
gence as an
tural super-
American wheat to make up
15% of global exports this year,
down from half in the
60 15

9.6% so far in 2017, excluding MoneyBeat power and ratcheted up the mid-1970s. 40 10
pressure on U.S. farmers, who A main reason has been
sowed fewer acres of wheat in Russia’s resurgence. Russia
2017 than ever before. Wheat was a giant of world grain 20 5
Currencies prices at the Chicago Board of markets in the early 19th cen-
Trade hit $4.19 a bushel this tury, shipping wheat from
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading week, down almost 25% since vast, fertile fields to mills 0 0
US$vs, US$vs,
Fri YTDchg Fri YTDchg Russia began a record wheat across Europe. That domi- 2012 ’13- ’14- ’15- ’16- ’17- 2012 ’13- ’14- ’15- ’16- ’17-
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) harvest in July. nance slipped as industrial ag- -’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18* -’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18*
Americas Vietnam dong .00004403 22713 –0.3 Large investments and a riculture spread across the *Data for 2017-18 are projections.
Argentina peso .0571 17.4900 10.2 Europe weaker ruble have helped Rus- U.S. in the early 20th century. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Brazil real .3075 3.2779 0.7 Czech Rep. koruna .04565 21.907 –14.7 sia surpass the U.S. as the The Soviet Union’s collectiv-
Canada dollar .7885 1.2682 –5.7 Denmark krone .1568 6.3795 –9.8 world’s top wheat exporter. A ized farming system broke Russian wheat yields have tion bottlenecks depress prices
Chile peso .001586 631.70 –5.7 Euro area euro 1.1665 .8573 –9.8 decade ago, for instance, U.S. down, and Russia in the 1970s increased 70% in the past five domestically. This season has
Colombia peso .0003322 3008.00 0.2 Hungary forint .003740 267.40 –9.1
1 1 .009657 103.55 –8.3
farmers supplied a large por- began importing huge quanti- years. The USDA expects out- been less profitable for many
Ecuador US dollar unch Iceland krona
Mexico peso .0525 19.1125 –7.8 Norway krone .1229 8.1345 –5.9 tion of North Africa’s grain. ties of wheat and other foods. put from Russian farms Russian farmers than 2016,
Peru new sol .3086 3.243 –3.3 Poland zloty .2759 3.6239 –13.4 The U.S. Wheat Associates But since the late 1990s, stretching outward from the they say.
Uruguay peso .03426 29.2150 –0.5 Russia ruble .01690 59.187 –3.4 trade group said it would close Russian agriculture has re- Black Sea to nearly double that But for now, many farmers
Venezuela b. fuerte .100125 9.9875 –0.1 Sweden krona .1197 8.3564 –8.2 its office in Egypt, the world’s bounded. Backed by govern- of American farms this season. are reaping the rewards of
Asia-Pacific Switzerland franc 1.0042 .9958 –2.3 largest wheat importer, in De- ment support and private in- “Yields are growing every their record haul. Analysts re-
Turkey lira .2588 3.8636 9.7
Australian dollar .7662 1.3051 –6.0
Ukraine hryvnia .0377 26.5100 –2.1
cember. vestors, Russian farmers year and Russia still has a lot port seeing newly purchased
China yuan .1506 6.6415 –4.4 “We literally can’t compete bought machinery and in- to do,” said Maxim Basov, luxury vehicles on the road in
UK pound 1.3191 .7581 –6.4
Hong Kong dollar .1282 7.8011 0.6
Middle East/Africa on the price of wheat in those vested in supplies and land. A chief executive of Rusagro many Russian farming commu-
India rupee .01539 65.190 –4.1
Indonesia rupiah .0000740 13533 0.06 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 .3771 –0.03 markets compared to Russia,” weaker ruble and bans on im- Group LLC. The agricultural nities.
Japan yen .008813 113.54 –3.0 Egypt pound .0567 17.6500 –2.7 said Steve Mercer, the trade ported food have given farm- conglomerate, one of the coun- “Everyone is making
Kazakhstan tenge .003002 332.80 –0.3 Israel shekel .2818 3.5485 –7.8 group’s spokesman. ers an added boost. try’s largest, harvested 40% money,” said Swithun Still, di-
Macau pataca .1242 8.0465 1.6 Kuwait dinar 3.3055 .3025 –1.0 Poor weather this year “The highly inefficient So- more winter wheat this season rector at Switzerland-based
Malaysia ringgit .2377 4.1915 –6.6 Oman sul rial 2.5967 .3851 0.04 added to the trouble facing viet crop-growing industry has than a year earlier. Solaris Commodities SA
New Zealand dollar .6930 1.4431 –0.1 Qatar rial .2596 3.853 5.8
Pakistan rupee .00952 104.950 0.6 Saudi Arabia riyal .2667 3.7502 –0.01
American farmers. Russia en- transformed into a market- Some analysts warn that which trades Russian grain.
Philippines peso .0195 51.238 3.3 South Africa rand .0696 14.3704 4.9 joyed a cool, wet growing sea- driven one,” said Andrey Sizov Russia’s bounty could also “Producers are making money,
Singapore dollar .7358 1.3604 –6.0 son, while the U.S. Great Plains Jr., managing director of agri- backfire for some farmers if a traders are making money. It’s
South Korea won .0008942 1120.97 –7.2 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg were hit by drought and a late- cultural consultancy SovEcon. glut in storage and transporta- happy days.”
Sri Lanka rupee .0065104 153.60 3.5 WSJ Dollar Index 87.58 –0.03–0.04 –5.77
Taiwan dollar .03311 30.170 –7.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data
Thailand baht .03020 33.125 –7.5 Group, Thomson Reuters
| Market events coming this week
Gold Drops
Treasury budget
On Large
Oct. 2016, $44.2 bil.
Sell Order
Oct. 2017, exp. $60 .0 bil.
Earnings expected*
Estimate/Year Ago($)
Gold prices tumbled to a
&! '
&  4  .!

NYSE Symbol “” AECOM 0.73/0.65 one-week low on Friday, after
NYSE Rights Symbol “ RT” Tyson Foods 1.35/0.96 a large seller shook up quiet
Record date " 
, 2017
trading ahead of the weekend.
Last trading day for rights is 

1, 2017* Gold for December delivery
Tuesday settled down 1% at $1,274.20 a


 Producer price index troy ounce on the Comex divi-
All items, Sept. up 0.4% sion of the New York Mercan-
Oct., expected up 0.2% tile Exchange, the lowest set-

 Core, Sept. up 0.4% tle value since Nov. 3.
Oct., expected up 0.2% The precious metal edged
lower on Friday morning, but
Call Toll-Free: +1-866-- Earnings expected* losses accelerated shortly
Estimate/Year Ago($) after 11 a.m. as volume rose on
Advance Auto Parts a sale of about 40,000 con-

1.22/1.73 tracts, or four million ounces

Aramark 0.57/0.49 of gold, which led prices down
Cheniere Energy $8 in a span of about 15
(0.18)/(0.41) minutes.
Home Depot 1.82/1.60 Traders said the move
TJX Cos. 1.00/0.91 looked like the liquidation of

, 2017 a large position in the gold
Wednesday Home Depot is scheduled to report quarterly results on Tuesday. market, but with an unclear


 management investment company, is subject to catalyst.
Mort. bankers indexes
investment risk, including the possible loss of the entire principal Nov., expected 26.0 Expected 235,000 Nov., expected 25.0 Some noted that it coin-
Purch., previous up 1%
amount invested. Investment return and the 
 " cided with a sharp intraday
$ %!
&! '
&   (
 ) including Refinan., prev. down 1%
Retail sales EIA report: natural gas Earnings expected* move higher in the dollar, with
economic dilution and voting dilution.   !

& "
* !
+   !
Sept., previous up 1.6% Previous change in stocks in Estimate/Year Ago($) the ICE Dollar Index jumping
EIA status report

 &!$ %!
Previous change in stocks in Oct., expected up 0.1%
billions of cubic feet
Applied Materials from 94.30 to roughly 94.44.

   &  !
-./  & !
millions of barrels up 15 “The seller probably had a
0 !"


!   )
Crude oil up 2.2 long position and got nervous
&! " 

$ Retail sales (ex autos) Best Buy 0.78/0.62
Gasoline down 3.3 Capacity utilization Gap 0.54/0.60 as the dollar rose,” said Peter
Sept., previous up 1.0% Sept., previous 76% Hug, global trading director at
Investors should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives and Distillates down 3.4 J.M. Smucker 1.90/2.05
policies, risks, and charges and expenses before investing. The Fund’s Oct., expected up 0.2% Oct., expected 76.4% Kitco Metals.
    which contain this Ross Stores 0.67/0.62
and other information about the Fund  available by calling  phone number
Business inventories Wal-Mart 0.97/0.98 A stronger dollar tends to
listed above. An investor should carefully read the Fund’s prospectus  
  Aug., previous up 0.7% Earnings expected* weigh on gold, which is priced
    before investing  information in this
Import price index
Sept., expected up 0.1% Estimate/Year Ago($) in the U.S. currency and be-

     This communication is Sept., previous up 0.7%
Cisco Systems 0.60/0.61 comes less affordable to for-
not an              
                 L Brands 0.30/0.42
Oct., expected up 0.4% Friday
Consumer price index eign buyers when the dollar
All items, Sept. up 0.5% NetApp 0.69/0.60 Building permits appreciates. Others pointed to
Oct., expected up 0.1% Target 0.85/1.04 Industrial production Sept., previous 1.215 mil. an uptick in short-term bond
12. .
 334  &  

&! '
&$  !

" &  &  )
  56 Sept., core up 0.1% Sept., previous up 0.3% Oct., expected 1.25 mil. yields.
 * 12. .


Oct., expected up 0.5%
!   "!* "
   *  12. 8 


" - ) .) Oct., expected up 0.2% “There was no real trigger

Thursday Housing starts for it,” said Tai Wong, head of
: 12. ;<$  &!

Empire manufacturing Initial jobless claims Philadelphia Fed survey Sept., previous 1.13 mil. metals trading at BMO Capital
Oct., previous 30.2 Previous 239,000 Oct., previous 27.9 Oct., expected 1.18 mil. Markets. “It would usually
move like this on a substantial
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | B11

THE DAILY SHOT By Lev Borodovsky

Tax Plans Tweak the American Dream U.S. homeownership has been trending upward after years of decline,
but possible changes in tax law could threaten a revival
The Republican tax plans Homeownership rate, quarterly Rental-vacancy rate, quarterly
in Congress add a volatile
new element to the swirling U.S. recessions
75% 15%
dynamics in the U.S. housing
markets. The postcrisis
pressure on homeownership
levels and rental vacancies
finally has subsided, a
hopeful sign for the home-
building and real estate
70 South
But GOP plans threaten Midwest
that progress, at least in Midwest
some high-income, high-tax 10
areas, by sharply curtailing
state and local tax deduc-
tions that help to keep home U.S.
purchases within reach for South
many buyers. Those markets
appear vulnerable thanks to
large recent gains. A U.S.
national housing downturn
doesn’t seem to be at hand, Postcrisis
given the solid performance low
of the economy. But nowa- Postcrisis 5
days, it seems, even taxes are Northeast low Northeast
hardly certain.

subscribers can get
The Daily Shot—
a chart-by-chart briefing West West
on markets and economics—
sent to their email
each morning. Subscribe at
wsj.com/newsletters 55 0
1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’17 1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’17

The number of renter-occupied homes in Nationally, rent increases are Household formation
the U.S. has declined from a recent peak. now outpacing wage growth. remains sluggish.
Renter-occupied housing units Index of rental costs vs. wages (October 1997=100) U.S. households, percentage change from a year earlier
Rental costs
45 million 175 2%

40 150 Wages 1

35 125 0

30 100 –1
2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’17 1997 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’17 2006 ’10 ’15 ’17

Source: U.S. Census Bureau via Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (ownership, vacancy, renter-occupied units, formation); Bureau of Labor Statistics via Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (rent, wages) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Email: heard@wsj.com

How Mobile
Games Keep
Generics Makers Face Legal Risks OVERHEARD
Generic drugmakers and found that a basket of more There are headlines that

Aging Well their investors have so far

shrugged off a state lawsuit
and federal investigation into
Under Pressure
Higher U.S. generic drug approvals have caused prices to fall
than 1,400 established drugs
fell in price by more than 20%
from 2010 through 2015. How-
work and there are headlines
that don’t work. The ones that
don’t work can work to compa-
Nearly anyone can make a possible price collusion. That 800 ever, industry profits as a nies’ advantage.
mobile game these days. may be the right bet, but there whole grew rapidly over that Reporters know that stories
Crafting one with staying are a few things that investors time frame. with short punchy headlines
power is the real trick. should watch closely. That investigation is also a get read. A randomized analysis
Recent quarterly results Attorneys general in 45 live issue: ANI Pharmaceuti- by economist Tarik Umar of
from companies like Activi- states are seeking to expand an 400 cals, a generics company that posts on crowdsourced invest-
sion Blizzard, Electronic existing collusion lawsuit to 18 sells about three dozen prod- ment research site Seeking Al-
Arts, Zynga and Glu Mobile companies from six and name ucts, said in a securities filing pha proved that is true: Short
show why. All showed sharp high-ranking executives from 200 this month that the govern- headlines, especially short neg-
year-over-year increases in target companies as defen- ment served the company and ative headlines, draw more
mobile-game revenue for the dants. The expanded complaint its employees with search war- readers.
period. All were mostly driven alleges the companies involved 0 rants, ordered them to produce If investors pay less atten-
by games that have been conspired to fix the price of 15 FY2013 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 documents and possibly testify tion to articles with long head-
around for years, which offer generic drugs over a number of Note: Fiscal year ends September 30 back in September. lines, then what about corpo-
plentiful opportunities for in- years. Source: Food and Drug Administration THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Then, there is the risk that rate earnings releases. The Rice
game sales as well as large While share prices have any fallout from the regulators University economist found
player audiences for in-game been weak, the declines have While it is true that none of will further expand into new could crimp any future ability that, on average, the initial re-
advertising. mostly been due to poor per- the 15 drugs mentioned in the drugs. to raise prices. And years of sponse to releases with long
Internet analytics firm formance and not the legal is- expanded complaint is an espe- If those drugs are big sell- splashy mergers and acquisi- headlines was less trading and
Statista counts nearly 800,000 sues. Companies that have ad- cially big seller, the govern- ers, that would be a risk for in- tions, often at fancy valuations, less price movement than for
games in Apple’s App Store dressed the issue, including ment is unlikely to stop at mi- vestors. The deflationary na- have weakened balance sheets releases with short headlines.
alone, so mobile gamers have Mylan and Lannett, have said nor products. ture of the industry means that across the sector. That means But over the next month, the
plenty of choices about where their own investigations have Connecticut Attorney Gen- companies tend to earn a large financial settlements could stock prices of the companies
to spend their time. But where found no wrongdoing. eral George Jepsen said in an share of profits from relatively sting stockholders more than with long headlines adjusted—
they spend their money Investors who don’t want to interview that the publicly small parts of the portfolio. they otherwise would. up if the release was good,
doesn’t shift much. get sideswiped need to watch available allegations are the A 2016 study of Medicare This is a drug pricing drama down if it was bad. Eventually,
The growing mobile game for several possible develop- “tip of the iceberg” and pre- claims data from the U.S. Gov- that investors shouldn’t ignore. the news catches up with you.
market has been particularly ments. dicted that his investigation ernment Accountability Office —Charley Grant
good for Zynga, which has
spent the past few years re-
covering from the sharp de-
clines of its once popular so-
cial game business. The
Plunging Cable Giant Altice Is Bargain for Brave Investors
company’s mobile revenue Cable group Altice has lost tial capital investment in fi- The shares have since fallen like AT&T in the U.S., Or-
jumped 33% year over year to its Midas touch: That is the Altice Way Down ber broadband and exclusive by a third, valuing the com- ange—formerly France Télé-
$194 million in the third quar- dour message from stock Enterprise value to Ebitda* media content into revenue pany at a discount to Charter, com—is busy rolling out fiber
ter. markets on both sides of the since Altice USA's IPO growth. Exclude the market despite fairly solid results. that competes with Altice’s
Much of that can be cred- Atlantic. It might not be a Charter capitalization of listed U.S. Investors seem to fear Al- cable offer.
ited to Zynga Poker, the mo- bad entry point for contrar- 12 times Altice USA subsidiary Altice USA, and Al- tice’s problems in France However, the low share
bile version of the game Zynga ian investors comfortable Comcast tice NV is valued at roughly could spread across the At- price probably gives investors
launched for social networks a with extreme leverage and a six times earnings before in- lantic. Mr. Drahi has been a buffer against further bad
decade ago. Zynga uses events buccaneering management 8 terest, taxes, depreciation and quick to ascribe his success to news in France and the re-
like challenges and league play style. amortization. That is a big the “Altice Way,” an approach sults in the U.S. are still de-
to drive in-game revenue. As a Amid sweeping boardroom 6 discount to John Malone’s to reviving cable companies cent.
result, Zynga Poker’s third- changes, billionaire founder J A S O N Liberty Global, the other Eu- based on cutting costs and Investors need a stomach
quarter mobile bookings Patrick Drahi took back the *Earnings before interest, taxes, ropean cable operator, on 10 plowing cash flows into new for volatility and the gover-
surged 81% year over year. reins Thursday from former depreciation and amortization times, and in line with infrastructure. So it is hardly nance problems associated
Of course, nothing lasts for- Chief Executive Michel growth-challenged former surprising investors see the with playing second fiddle to
ever in the videogame busi- Combes, who resigned. The its equity value—so small telecom monopolies like Or- company’s woes in France, a single controlling share-
ness. The quick fade-out of ti- Amsterdam-listed stock of changes in earnings have a ange and Telefónica. where Mr. Drahi made his holder. But the flip side of
tles like “Super Mario Run” parent group Altice NV has big impact on earnings per Altice USA, too, has lost its fortune buying up small cable those problems is that Mr.
show that even wildly popular fallen 36% in the wake of share. Even so, the selloff exceptionalism. Manage- operators abandoned by Lib- Drahi, with 59% of Altice NV
franchises don’t always stick weak third-quarter results looks harsh, taking the stock ment’s record of boosting erty Global and others, as shares as well as stock op-
in mobile. But when it comes and cautious guidance last back to 2015 lows. margins following acquisi- systemic rather than local. tions potentially worth more
to where they spend money, week. Investors have lost pa- tions allowed bankers to It won’t be easy for Mr. than €1 billion, has every mo-
mobile gamers have proved to The company carries €56.3 tience with Altice’s core price its June IPO at a chunky Drahi to fix problems that tivation to mount a turn-
like familiar ground. billion ($65.67 billion) in French operation, which has premium to larger cable com- stymied Mr. Combes. French around.
—Dan Gallagher debt—more than three times failed to transform substan- panies Comcast and Charter. competition is intense. Just —Stephen Wilmot
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Where Should You 1.What do you want to do?

OK, it’s a basic question, but it’s one surprisingly
few people ask themselves. They may have some su-
he sells the same homes to the same kinds of people
every five or six years: retirees who want to stare at
the ocean and have a place on the beach for family to
perficial sense about where they want to live, without visit. But after a few years, they discover that they

Live in Retirement? thinking first about what kind of life they want.
“One of the great things about being in older age,”
says Paul Irving, chairman of the Milken Institute Cen-
don’t need to look at the ocean every day and their
families are busy and don’t visit as often as they
thought they would.

First, Ask Yourself

ter for the Future of Aging, “is the opportunity to be So before deciding on that first move, ask yourself:
truly honest with ourselves about what’s truly impor- How likely is your family to stay put? People change
tant to us. Not what you saw in a television commer- jobs much more quickly today, and it isn’t uncommon
cial or a newspaper ad, but to think about what really for people to move to be near their children and

These Questions matters to you and to your family and how you want
to live the rest of your life.”
Yet that honesty isn’t easy, in part because of those
television commercials and in part because what some-
grandchildren—only to have the children pack up their
families shortly afterward. In other words: Are you
willing to be the trailing grandparents?

It’s one of the most basic questions people ask them-

body wants in retirement may be totally different from
what they believed they wanted when they were youn-
3.Are you open to renting?
Financial advisers say it can be hard for retirees
who have spent their lives building equity in their
selves when they start planning for retirement: Where am Mike Newes, a real-estate agent in Fort Myers, Fla., homes—and being taught about the virtues of home-
I going to live? says he often sees couples start their retirements buy- ownership—to become renters. It feels like throwing
ing a home in one location. Then, two or three years money away. But renting a home in a city before buy-
It’s also one of the most crucial questions, and one later, they move somewhere else: closer to their chil- ing can give retirees a chance to really know if it’s the
dren, closer to friends, a smaller house—something place they want to spend retirement.
that, surprisingly, many people don’t give a lot of thought that supports the lifestyle they want in retirement. Dave Bensema, a wealth-planning consultant at
They waste a lot of time, and a lot of expense. BMO Private Bank in Chicago, says it’s especially com-
to. Sure, they ask themselves some cursory People really don’t think about what they want to mon for people to retire somewhere they’ve been
CHRIS questions—especially about the weather and do with their retirement, he says. They think: “ ‘I want while on vacation. He cautions that the two experi-
to not do this.’ But what do you want to do?” ences are completely different. Renting a home for a
KORNELIS affordability. But they rarely delve very year lets you get to know the area in all its seasons—in
deeply, even though making the right choice 2.Isgrandchildren?
Skype close enough to your terms of weather, culture, politics.
“What you’ll put up with on vacation for a week,”
can offer a greater chance of having a more fulfilling life. These days, thanks to technology, people thinking Mr. Bensema says, “is different than something you’d
about retirement dismiss proximity: We can always Fa- put up with every day.”
“People really need to figure out what they’re looking ceTime every day, they figure. Renting can also give people a chance to see the
But they quickly discover that it doesn’t work out area from the perspective of a residential neighbor-
for,” says Dorian Mintzer, a Boston psychologist and co- that way. Family, and especially children, aren’t as ea- hood, not a hotel. Even if they don’t want to spend an
author of “The Couple’s Retirement Puzzle.” “Often peo- ger to tell the grandparents about their day, even if entire year as a renter, Mr. Sperling says, people can
they can see them on their phones. stay in an actual neighborhood for a few weeks or
ple don’t think about what kind of life they want. Do they As a result, says Neil Brown, a certified financial months thanks to Airbnb. They can then get the feeling
planner at Burkett Financial Services in West Colum- of the part of town they’re likely to live in, as opposed
want to do volunteer work? An encore career? Is that a bia, S.C., people often misjudge the distance they’re to going to bed at night by the beach or downtown.
putting between themselves and their families. They
factor in terms of where they live?”
With that in mind, here are nine questions people
think that between Skype, text messaging and “just
jumping on an airplane,” they will remain close, he
4.Will your doctor accept Medicare?
When planning for retirement, health care is of-
ten not even on the list of considerations. After all,
should ask themselves before they answer the big ques- Bert Sperling, the founder of BestPlaces.net—a web- people in their 40s, 50s and even 60s find it hard to
site that studies and provides research on cities and anticipate the physical ailments ahead.
tion about where. places—says a real-estate agent recently told him that Please turn to the next page


The Best Way to Find Protecting the Nest Egg Dementia’s Tragic Toll
Meaningful Volunteer Work In Case of Disaster On Families
Also: Answering readers’ questions Steps to take to safeguard your It often pits siblings against one
on 401(k)s and Social Security home and your savings another, but it doesn’t have to
R2 R4 R8

Robo Advisers Turn To Retirees The Psychological Benefits The Best Books of 2017
We took four services for a test Of Writing a Memoir On Healthy Aging
drive. Here’s how they compared. Even if nobody reads the book, it Great reads for nurturing minds,
R3 can help make sense of your life bodies and pocketbooks
R5 R9
Ready to Downsize?
There’s Plenty of Help The Hidden Disease That The Older I Get,
There’s good money in helping Affects the Middle-Aged The Less I Seem to Know
boomers and parents relocate Ailments of the liver are on the They say wisdom comes with age.
R4 rise, but many aren’t aware Not the kind I always cared about.
R6 R12
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
R2 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



The Best Way to Find Meaningful Volunteer Work

Also: Answering readers’ questions on 401(k) accounts and Social Security
I would like to spend more i i i
time volunteering when I re-
tire, but I know that finding I recently turned 62. I am employed but plan
meaningful work isn’t always to change jobs. My problem is that I will need
easy. Any suggestions how to to support myself without a paycheck for at
go about this? least six months while I make the transition
to a new field. Can I receive Social Security
To start, and as counterintuitive as this for six to eight months, then go back to
might sound, put yourself first. work, stop receiving Social Security and have
Yes, volunteering invariably begins with the my earnings from my new job count toward
notion of sacrifice. But a big incentive for my earnings record when I eventually retire?
many people—and what keeps them coming Or is the decision to receive Social Security
back—is what they get from the work, benefits irrevocable? Essentially, I am asking
whether it’s friendships with fellow volunteers, whether I can use Social Security to fund a
or pats on the back. sabbatical before I move on to a new career.
Put another way, seek out work where you
might benefit. It’s certainly an interesting thought. And
Volunteers at first “tend to focus very heav- you are able to stop benefits after you begin
ily on the idealism of giving back,” says Marc collecting them. But this plan probably won’t
Freedman, CEO of Encore.org, a nonprofit that work—at least not in the way you imagine.
promotes encore careers. But there are also Once you begin collecting Social Security,

“more immediate aspects that appeal to them: you have 12 months in which to change your
being part of a group or a team, giving them- mind and ask the Social Security Administra-
selves a reason to get up in the morning, or a tion to stop payments. This is what’s known
place to go, or a schedule to live by.” He adds: as a “withdrawal of application”; in the eyes of
“The relationships and a sense of purpose are Sierra Club volunteers have nice work environments; in the Idaho panhandle, for example. the agency, you are withdrawing your original
just as important as some of the more lofty application for benefits.
ideals in getting a satisfying experience.” So, in that sense, Social Security is not an
Learning opportunities are a good example Volunteers: By the Numbers irrevocable decision. But there are several
of this. Many people donate their time to mu- In 2015, almost 63 million adults in the U.S. volunteered through an organization. catches here.
seums, gardens and the like. The work is fre- In the 65-plus demographic: First, you can take this step of starting and
quently its own reward. But these same volun- stopping benefits only once in your lifetime.
teers, in many cases, also enjoy perks: lectures Pct. who volunteered Adults age 65-plus volunteered most frequently with these groups: Second, if you withdraw your application for
by curators, an early look at new exhibits, invi- 23.5% benefits, you must pay back to the Social Se-
tations to functions. Again, when sizing up curity program all of the money you have re-
nonprofit opportunities, there’s nothing wrong Number of volunteers Social/ 8.9% | Education/youth service ceived to date. What’s more, the mechanics of
with considering how you might, well, profit. 11 million service
doing this (you fill out a one-page request)
Along these same lines, look for a place or 7.9% | Hospital/health aren’t as easy as they appear, says Mike Piper,
organization that’s “volunteer-centric.” Hours of service 18.6% author of “Social Security Made Simple.”
All nonprofit groups and social-service 1.9 billion “Many Social Security Administration em-
agencies are structured differently. A library 7.1% | Civic/political/professional ployees aren’t particularly familiar with the
may have a small number of volunteers to as- Service contributed Religious process,” he says. And “there can be tax rami-
sist visitors and shelve books. But it isn’t set $45.4 billion 4.4% | Sport/hobby/cultural/arts fications resulting from the repayment of ben-
up to offer frequent orientation, training, field 43.9% efits that you received in a prior year.”
trips and seminars solely for its volunteers. Median hours Finally, let’s say you start Social Security
9.3% | Other
In contrast, groups organized to train and 90 during your break and simply let benefits con-
put volunteers to work tend to offer more— tinue once you return to work. You might not
more educational opportunities, more chances Numbers don’t total 100% due to rounding. be happy with this approach, either. First,
to mingle with fellow recruits and more recog- Source: Corporation for National and Community Service, “Volunteering and Civic Life in America” THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. starting payments at age 62 or 63 reduces
nition—all of which may grow in importance your monthly check considerably (and perma-
when volunteer work replaces a career. to a Roth 401(k). However, the company ad- closing in on retirement beef up their nest nently) from what it would be at your “full re-
One retiree told us about the recognition ministrator advises me that catch-up contri- eggs. Note: The limit on catch-up contribu- tirement age,” as defined by Social Security.
she received through the Court Appointed butions can only be directed to a traditional, tions for 2018 remains unchanged at $6,000. Second, the wages from your new job, if they
Special Advocate program, known in some pretax account, based on the company’s cur- What to do? “I would get [this restriction] exceed a certain level, could run up against So-
communities as the guardian ad litem pro- rent plan rules. Is there a reason in the tax in writing from the plan administrator,” sug- cial Security’s “earnings test”; that, in turn,
gram, in which volunteers speak up for abused code that catch-up contributions cannot be gests Ed Slott, an expert on retirement-sav- could reduce, or even eliminate, your monthly
and neglected children in the courts. After 40 directed to a Roth account? ings accounts in Rockville Centre, N.Y. “That check until you reach full retirement age.
hours of training, she and her colleagues were will at least force someone [at the plan] to All of which argues for considering other
sworn in by a judge. Actually, the tax code allows for catch-up check if this is actually true.” ways to fund your sabbatical, even if it’s a bit
“The judge thanks you in court, and you contributions to be made to a Roth 401(k). I Another possibility: There could be confu- of a temporary stretch.
feel like you’re a professional,” she says. don’t know why your plan has this limitation. sion about catch-up contributions vs. employer
Most people, in 2017, can contribute a max- matching contributions, which can’t go to a Mr. Ruffenach is a former reporter and editor
i i i
imum of $18,000 to their 401(k). (That figure Roth 401(k). “Employer matching contributions for The Wall Street Journal. His column exam-
I am currently maximizing regular and catch- jumps to $18,500 in 2018.) But employees can go only to the pretax 401(k) side of the ines financial issues for those planning and liv-
up contributions in my company’s 401(k) pro- age 50 and older can contribute an additional plan, so maybe that’s where the disconnect ing their retirement. Send questions and com-
gram. The regular contributions are directed $6,000. This rule is designed to help people is,” Mr. Slott says. “It’s worth asking about.” ments to askencore@wsj.com.

Where Should
Mr. Brown, the certified financial planner, tirement planning, what are those little mo- says. ““But isolation may be as bad or worse
says one client just told him that he moved to ments, those little things that only you, not than both of them.”
a place where he had to go to three different even your spouse, know that will make you

You Live in
medical practices to find someone who would
accept new Medicare patients.
smile? And from a transportation point of
view: Do you have access to it?” 8.How busy is this place going
to get?
Another way to think about this question is: If

Retirement? 5. 6.
How are you going to get an How are you going to change you are thinking about moving to a place, it’s
ice-cream cone? your lightbulbs? likely others are, too. And because people are
This is one of three retirement destination Mr. Coughlin says people often make the mis- living so long, it is worth thinking about what
Continued from the prior page questions that Joseph Coughlin, director of take of planning for themselves today, not the a community will look like in, say, 20 years.
But Stephen Golant, a gerontologist and ge- MIT’s AgeLab, addresses in his new book, “The people they will become later in retirement. At Mr. Newes, the Florida real-estate agent,
ographer at the University of Florida, says Longevity Economy.” He says the question is 65, changing a lightbulb, fixing an appliance says people consider how much an area will
finding a health-care provider in retirement about knowing what makes you happy, and and taking out the trash might not be some- grow and whether it can support the new de-
should be a major point of discussion. It’s diffi- making sure you know you’ll be able to access thing people struggle with. But they may need velopment. He obviously knows this too well:
cult, he says, to find a doctor that you’re com- it even if you can’t drive, even if you can’t ar- help with those tasks when they’re 85. He says that people moved to Florida’s east
patible with when you move to a new city and range a van to pick you up, and even if you “Having money is great,” he says, “but un- coast thinking it would be 30 minutes between
have a half-dozen prescriptions. can’t ask a child or friend to give you a lift. less you have those additional services to en- X and Y, and now it takes 60 or 90 minutes.
“It’s very hard to find new, reliable doc- “Life is made of these little moments—not able you to live well, then that’s not necessar-
tors,” he says. “Older people, despite the hype
they hear, have to be prepared for their bodies
to experience some decline that needs to be
punctuation points like Christmas dinner and
a trip to Italy—but the little moments: getting
a newspaper, getting a cup of coffee,” he says.
ily a good retirement. That’s a subsistence
retirement.” 9.What’s wrong with where I
live now?
This is perhaps the most important question
responded to and treated.” “You have to understand when you’re doing re-
7. Who are you going to have
lunch with?
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of
people should ask. A lot of people assume that
they will move in retirement. But the fact is
most people don’t. In fact, Danielle Hale, chief
Decisions, Decisions ... picking the right place to retire is the social economist for Realtor.com, says that 85% of re-
How people think about relocating in retirement, based on a survey of adults 18 or older, from March 2017 one. Who are you going to see on a daily ba- tirees stay in the area where they raised their
sis? Who will be in your social circle? Who are families.
Would you consider moving Those who identified the following to be one of the most important you going to have lunch with? There’s a reason for that. Mr. Irving says
to another city or state when or a very important factor in deciding if a place is good for retirement “Isolation is perhaps the greatest pandemic people have often spent their entire lives
you retire? facing an aging society,” Mr. Coughlin says. building a community in one location. Moving
Men Women Aged 50-64 All respondents
“Because you’ve spent an entire life, generally to, say, a warmer climate, may sound appeal-
80% speaking, where things come to you, people ing, but he cautions that people should think
NO 41% 60 come to you, you’re in the flow that work and about what they’ll be leaving behind, and if
43% 54% 54% society and volunteering and church and ev- they would trade a lifetime of friends, family,
40 erything gives you. And as you age, you’re cultural institutions and familiar roads for
20 likely to do less, get out less. As a result, fewer more days of sun a year.
Men Women people are coming to you.” “Aging well is about more than warm
It’s therefore crucial, he says, that part of weather,” Mr. Irving says. “It’s about more
Cost of Health- Crime Culture Weather Taxes Lots of preparing for retirement “is to make sure you than leisure. It’s about ongoing opportunities
YES YES living care rate and other put yourself in the flow of constant chance col- for engagement and connection and lifelong
43% quality activities retirees
54% 49% 47% lisions of new friends and relationships.” learning.”
Note: Answers based on those who would consider moving Mr. Irving of the Milken Institute echoes
Source: Bankrate Inc.; Princeton Survey Research Associates International that warning. “We talk a lot about the fact that Mr. Kornelis is a writer in Seattle.
Aged 50-64 All respondents THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. sitting may be as bad for you as smoking,” he Email him at reports@wsj.com.

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Robo Advisers Turn Toward Retirees

We took four services for a test drive. Here’s how they compared.
tain quotes for long-term-care insur-
ance, and set up an emergency fund
to cover three to six months of ex-
ROBO-ADVISORY SERVICES that penses, tasks the other advisers ad-
pair algorithms with human help dressed as well. Mr. Porter raised El-
have long been popular with millen- len’s life expectancy to age 96 from
nials because of their low fees. But the program’s default age for women
as baby boomers increasingly em- of 93, due to her family’s longevity.
brace the trend, too, many compa- Schwab gave our couple a 45%
nies are adding features for retirees. chance of having enough to buy the
These services used to focus apartment and maintain their spend-
mainly on helping clients save for fi- ing in retirement through age 91 for
nancial goals such as retirement. Greg and age 96 for Ellen. The prob-
Now, they also offer tax-efficient lem, Mr. Porter said, is that after
strategies for turning nest eggs into selling their $1.5 million home to pay
steady streams of retirement in- for a $1.75 million apartment, they
come, as well as recommendations will have to withdraw $600,000 from
on Social Security, Medicare and their savings to cover the price dif-
long-term-care insurance. ference, plus capital-gains taxes and
Client demographics explain the transaction fees on the home sale.
shift. Industry leader Vanguard To boost their odds of success, El-
Group says 85% of those enrolled in len and Greg should reduce their
its $93 billion Personal Advisor Ser- budget by $1,700 a month or buy a
vices are over age 50. Among partic- cheaper apartment, Mr. Porter said.
ipants in Charles Schwab Corp.’s In- Mr. Porter recommended a port-
telligent Advisory service, 53% are folio of bonds, dividend-paying
older than 55. stocks, real-estate investment trusts
“Eighty percent of investible as- and other income-producing invest-
sets are held by people 50 and over,” ments from firms including Van-
says Matt Fellowes, chief executive guard, Schwab and BlackRock Inc.

of United Income Inc., a new service Pro: The program is easy to use. It
backed by investors including Morn- lets users drag-and-drop pictures of
ingstar Inc. that focuses on people goals (“new home,” “travel”) into
ages 50 to 70. their financial plan and assess the
To see what people in or near re-
tirement can get from a robo-type
investment portfolio.
While we were impressed with
Our guinea pigs: A in stocks and 70% in bonds over
impact of reducing spending, work-
ing longer or saving more. It also of-
service, we test drove offerings from much of the advice overall, we found hypothetical suburban Pro: The program includes tools fers a choice between a 10-minute
Vanguard, Schwab, United Income
and Betterment LLC—with the firms’
some important differences between
the services.
New York couple who that estimate expenses based on a
client’s ZIP Code and income and can
“express” sign up and a more de-
tailed 45-minute version.
knowledge and support—using data Here are our reviews: are about to retire. link to a client’s Social Security ben- Users don’t have to decide
from “Ellen and Greg,” a hypotheti- efits statement. whether to become a client until the
cal 65-year-old couple in suburban BETTERMENT PREMIUM We appreciated the guidance with financial-planning process is com-
New York who are about to retire. long-term-care insurance, Mr. Oakley Medicare. plete.
We answered questions about the Price: 0.4% (with no fees on bal- advised Ellen and Greg to purchase a Con: Betterment’s default is to as- Con: Schwab recommended a 12%
couple’s annual income ($300,000), ances above $2 million), plus invest- slightly cheaper apartment. sume clients claim Social Security allocation to cash—which was much
after-tax spending ($126,000), sav- ment fees of 0.07% to 0.16%. For new Medicare enrollees, Bet- when they retire rather than recom- higher than what the other services
ings ($2 million), and desire to sell Minimum investment: $100,000 terment often recommends tradi- mending claiming dates that are advised and could be a drag on re-
their $1.5 million home to buy a Review: Our adviser, Garrett Oakley, tional Medicare plus a Part D pre- likely to produce the highest cumu- turns in a rising market. (Its other
$1.75 million Manhattan apartment. said Ellen and Greg have a 97% scription-drug plan and a lative lifetime benefits. recommendations: 54% in stocks,
The process took from 10 to 45 chance of being able to maintain supplemental “Medigap” plan. Al- 29% in bonds, 5% in commodities.)
minutes, depending on whether we their desired spending until age 90— though the alternative, private Medi- A Schwab spokesman said “cash is
let the services estimate the couple’s Betterment’s default life expec- care Advantage—which operates like SCHWAB INTELLIGENT an important asset class in a diversi-
spending or took the time to manu- tancy—even after using the proceeds a health-maintenance or preferred- ADVISORY fied portfolio” and is something
ally enter details including their from selling their $1.5 million home, provider organization—often has “most investors care about,” espe-
budget. plus $400,000 in savings, to pur- lower premiums, it can expose par- Price: 0.28% (with payments capped cially when in or near retirement.
Using screen-sharing technology, chase a $1.75 million apartment. ticipants to higher out-of-pocket at $3,600 a year), plus investment Mr. Porter instructed Greg and El-
we spent about an hour with advis- (The $400,000 would cover the dif- costs if they go outside a plan’s net- fees of 0.07% to 0.22%. len to enroll in Medicare as soon as
ers at each firm. We got answers to ference in price, plus capital-gains work, Mr. Oakley said. Minimum investment: $25,000 possible. We were hoping for more
key questions, including whether the taxes and transaction fees on the Betterment recommended that El- Review: Our adviser, Andrew Porter, detailed guidance on navigating the
couple can afford to retire, when home sale.) len and Greg invest 56% in stocks ran through a checklist of questions choice between Medicare Advantage
they should claim Social Security, Still, to minimize the drain on and 44% in bonds at the beginning and told Greg and Ellen to review and traditional Medicare—guidance
and how they should allocate their savings and find a way to pay for of retirement and scale back to 30% their will and monthly budget, ob- Please see ROBOT page R4

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R4 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Ready to Downsize? There’s Plenty of Help

Entrepreneurs are finding there’s good money in perienced 15% growth a year
over the past three years,
helping boomers and their parents relocate serving roughly 1,000 seniors a
year, with the average move
costing $3,000 to $5,000. Em-
senior relocation and transi- The stressful emotions can ployees sort through every-
tion services, was founded in be another reason why many thing and use a magnetic
2006 and now has 178 franchi- people turn to professionals for floor-planning board to deter-
DOWNSIZING IS becoming big sees—17 of which opened this help. The pitch by the compa- mine what the client’s new
business. year, according to the com- nies is that they offer a trusted space will be able to accommo-
It’s all about demographics: pany. Its franchises have intermediary that can help date. They contract out for the
Entrepreneurs have found a served 19,000 clients so far, families avoid friction at a sen- physical move, but at the other
lucrative niche in helping the says Tiffiny Vanjohnson-Lutz, sitive time, says Carol Bradley end they unpack everything,
growing number of baby the company’s director of mar- Bursack, a consultant on care- and even make the bed and
boomers, and their aging par- keting, who adds that business giving and aging issues. These connect the electronics. Half of
ents, downsize and move. has “rapidly expanded over services can provide their cus- Mr. Gunderson’s business now
Consider Kimberly McMa- the past five years.” tomers with “emotional empa- comes from retirement com-
hon, who in 2006 co-founded thy,” Ms. Bursack says. munities that pay for part or
Let’s Move, which helps se- ‘It’s draining’ Some retirement communi- all of his company’s services
niors in Baltimore and Wash- Demographics are the key ties help cover downsizing and for new residents, he says.
ington, D.C., downsize and re- driver of growth, says Mary relocation services as an en- Rita Coulter, 87, of Alta-
locate, often to residences in Kay Buysse, executive director ticement to new residents, Ms. dena, Calif., hired Gentle Tran-
retirement communities. Her of the Senior Move Managers Buysse says. Or they may pro- sitions to help her move from
business reduces, packs up association. Baby boomers vide a list of recommended se- her 2,000-square-foot condo

and moves households, and nior moving companies. Poten- to a 1,275-square-foot home in
makes its clients comfortable tial clients should not blindly a retirement community. Her
in their new homes, hanging The stress of accept such help, or hire a ser- daughters had helped her with
pictures, for example, and downsizing is one vice independently, without Companies that help people downsize and relocate are thriving. an earlier move, she says, and
even making beds. first doing some checking on she didn’t want to burden
“There is more business reason people turn the contractor providing that themselves is key, Ms. Bursack hourly rate. Costs tend to range them again.
than we can handle,” says Ms. to professionals. service. adds. Ask yourself, “Do they from $40 to $125 an hour, de- Employees worked with her
McMahon, a former sales di- When dealing with vulnera- love what they’re doing pending on the region, accord- to determine what could be
rector at Lucent Technologies. ble seniors and their valu- enough to do this well, or are ing to Ms. Buysse. Ms. McMa- accommodated at her new lo-
She says her company has ables, it’s essential to hire a they just in it for the money?” hon says her company typically cation—down to the number
served 5,500 clients so far and want to help their parents trustworthy company, Ms. A good service will stand back charges $65 to $75 an hour for of pots and pans—and helped
has grown an average of 50% a downsize and relocate, she Buysse says. Companies that and let the elder reminisce as its services, which include ar- her donate or dispose of what
year for the past decade. says, but are often busy jug- belong to her association, for objects are packaged, Ms. Bur- ranging for the sale or removal she wasn’t taking.
“This industry is booming,” gling work and family. A third- instance, must undergo a four- sack says. They’ll sympathize, of unwanted items. Total costs They unpacked everything
she says. party professional is often the course training program with but not dissolve into tears, as for each job typically are in her new home while she left
The National Association of best option to do this kind of testing, she says. The group family members might. $5,000 to $10,000, she says. for a few hours. When she re-
Senior Move Managers, a work, she says, especially also has a peer-review com- Demand is expected to turned, she says, her paintings
trade group based in Hinsdale, when a relocation becomes mission if a customer has a grow even more, Ms. Buysse Move-in ready were hung and crystal was
Ill., has seen membership necessary due to a crisis. Even complaint. says, as boomers themselves Many companies in this displayed as it had been in her
grow steadily since its launch under the best of circum- Ms. Bursack, the consultant, continue to age in the coming business provide a compre- prior condo.
in 2002. Its roughly 950 mem- stances, it’s a difficult task. says any company needs to be years. hensive service: first deciding “When I walked in, they
ber companies reported $225 “Going through a lifetime of bonded and insured. Ask for “We’re still five to seven what to throw away, donate or had the lights on softly and
million in total revenue in possessions and taking a references, she says, and check years away from critical sell, followed by packing and they had music playing,” Ms.
2016, the first year the associ- house that’s 2,500 square feet with the Better Business Bu- mass,” she says. Right now, moving, holding estate sales Coulter says. “My daughters
ation requested the data. This and moving to a 400-square- reau to see whether it has she says, the oldest of the 79 and preparing houses for sale. thought it was terrific.”
year, it says its membership foot assisted-living commu- been the subject of a com- million boomers are just 71. Greg Gunderson, who
has grown to nearly 1,000. nity, it’s not easy work,” says plaint. Reading online reviews The service isn’t cheap. started Gentle Transitions in Ms. Halpert is a writer in
Caring Transitions Inc., a Ms. Buysse. “It’s draining for also is helpful. Some companies will charge a Manhattan Beach, Calif., in Michigan. She can be reached
Cincinnati-based franchiser of everybody.” Interviewing the movers set fee in advance, others an 1994, says his company has ex- at reports@wsj.com.

takes on such tedious tasks
as filing for Social Security
and Medicare, something the
Continued from page R3 other services don’t offer.
Schwab says its advisers are The company assigns cli-
able to provide. ents willing to pay 0.8% a
Schwab’s default assump- year to a specific adviser.
tion is that investors will You can create and update
claim Social Security at full a financial plan and talk to
retirement age. The com- an adviser up to four times
pany, however, says its ad- without becoming a client.
visers can identify claiming Con: Unlike the other ser-
dates designed to produce vices, United Income doesn’t
the highest cumulative life- allow clients to link their
time benefits. bank and other financial ac-
counts to its software, so ei-
ther the adviser or the client
UNITED INCOME must periodically update
those values manually.
Price: 0.5% to 0.8% (with
discounts for accounts val-
ued at more than $500,000), VANGUARD PERSONAL
plus investment fees of 0.1% ADVISOR SERVICES

to 0.25%.
Minimum investment: Fi- Price: 0.3%, plus investment
nancial plans and Social Se- fees that range from 0.04%
curity advice are free; to 0.12%
$10,000 for those services Minimum investment:
plus investment manage- $50,000
ment; $300,000 for every- Review: Our adviser, who
thing in the lower tiers plus identified himself only as
a dedicated adviser. Bryan, gave Greg and Ellen a
Chimneys were all that remained of some of the many homes destroyed by fire in Santa Rosa, Calif., last month. Review: Ellen and Greg’s ad- 94% chance of success, as-
viser, Ben Meirowitz, gave suming both live to 100.

If Natural Disaster Strikes, Be Ready

them a 99% chance of having That’s premised on the idea
enough to last until Greg is that Ellen and Greg can
97 and Ellen is 102, even if spend slightly more than the
they buy the $1.75 million annual amount they will
Three steps people should take ahead of time, just in case. apartment. To maximize
their odds, Mr. Meirowitz
need from their portfolio to
supplement Social Security
If you live in an earthquake-prone gency Management Agency, or FEMA, told them to delay claiming when the markets do well,
area, consider having a licensed contrac- suggests setting aside emergency cash in Social Security until 70 and but will have to cut back a
tor check your chimneys, roof and foun- small bills to buy food, fuel or water in live on IRA withdrawals in bit when stocks decline.
WHEN A NATURAL DISASTER strikes, it dation for stability, and identify where case ATMs aren’t available. the meantime. Vanguard recommended
can wreak havoc on victims’ lives in ways your gas, electrical and water main shut- If you receive federal benefits by pa- United Income recom- 60% in stocks and 40% in
they might not have expected. These off valves are located. These lines can per check, request direct deposit mended that the couple in- bonds. The adviser suggested
threats are even greater for older people separate from their connection points (www.godirect.gov) so you can continue vest the money they will replacing non-Vanguard with
living on a fixed income who may not during an earthquake, raising the risk of to receive payments if mail service and need for essentials, such as Vanguard funds in tax-de-
have the resources to recover from such fire, says Fran O’Brien, division presi- banks are shut down, Ms. Stokes says. food and housing, more con- ferred accounts, but main-
hardships. dent, North America personal-risk ser- Walk around your home and video all servatively than the money taining the status quo in tax-
In light of recent natural disasters, se- vices group at Chubb Ltd. Some home- of your items of value. Narrate as you go, they will need for luxuries able accounts to avoid
niors may want to act now to protect owners may want to consider automatic stating the brand, when you bought the and health care. triggering capital-gains tax
themselves against possible future losses. seismic gas shut-off valves that can stop item and how much you paid, she says. If To project the couple’s fu- bills. (Vanguard says clients
Here are few simple steps to consider: the flow of gas when there is an issue. your phone doesn’t have this capability, ture spending, the company who want to retain existing
Good home maintenance also can help write down this information and keep it used results from a national funds can do so.)

1. Understand Your Insurance

Before a disaster hits, check your
protect your property in the event of a
disaster, she says. Some 75% of trees that
in your disaster-proof box. study that finds, for exam-
ple, that higher-income cli-
To maximize the couple’s
lifetime Social Security bene-
homeowners- or renters-insurance policy
to see if you’re covered for “replacement
cost” or “actual cash value” for your pos-
fall during weather events suffer from
pre-existing and often correctable condi-
tions, she says.
3. Create a Kit, Tell Your Family
A guide created by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accoun-
ents face smaller annual in-
creases in health-care costs.
United Income avoids
fits, Bryan advised the lower
earner, Greg, to file at 66, so
Ellen can claim a spousal
sessions, says Kathy Stokes, senior ad- Trimming tree limbs to 15 feet off the tants, the American Red Cross and the long-term-care insurance be- benefit while delaying her
viser, financial resilience at AARP. ground or one-third of the total crown National Endowment for Financial Educa- cause it believes the market own benefit until age 70.
If you’re covered for replacement cost, height (whichever is less) can help pro- tion suggests creating an easily portable, is unstable. To cover those Pro: Users don’t have to de-
your insurer will pay the full cost of re- tect a home in a wildfire, she says. disaster-supplies kit to meet your needs costs, Mr. Meirowitz sug- cide whether to become a
placing an item with one just like it. If
you’re covered for actual cash value, the
insurer will take into account the loss in
2. Protect Paperwork, Valuables
You don’t want to have to scramble
to gather important paperwork after a
for at least three days and up to two
weeks. Items in this kit should include
water, nonperishable foods, batteries and
gested Ellen and Greg invest
money earmarked for health
care more heavily in stocks,
client until after they review
the financial plan.
Vanguard assigns clients
an item’s value over time. That means an disaster hits, AARP’s Ms. Stokes says, so emergency-contact information. which have higher potential with $500,000 or more to a
$800 sofa that is four years old may have scan financial, medical and identifying Meet with family and friends to create returns. dedicated adviser
no cash value, according to the insurer’s documents now, so they’re available in a disaster plan that includes if and how When designing portfo- Con: None that were imme-
calculations, she says. Seniors with this electronic form. Scan bank statements, you plan to evacuate. Ask about emer- lios, United Income esti- diately apparent.
type of coverage may want to set aside insurance policies and cards, your gency plans in your community, and if mates the lifetime value of It’s important to note that
added funds. driver’s license, passport and Social Se- you receive home care, speak with your clients’ Social Security bene- robo-advisory services aren’t
Be aware that homeowners and rent- curity card. case manager to see how he or she might fits and—because those ben- for everyone. People with
ers policies don’t cover damage from Save this information on an external be able to help, the Red Cross says. efits are guaranteed—adds complicated needs or who
flood or earthquakes. You may be able to hard drive or flash drive that you can Finally, make a plan for your pets as them to the bond side of the need or want a lot of hand-
purchase earthquake coverage as an add- keep safe in a disaster-proof box, she they usually aren’t permitted in emer- portfolio. To balance out that holding may be better off
on to a standard policy or as a separate says. Be sure to password-protect the in- gency shelters. higher bond allocation, with independent advisers.
policy. Flood insurance generally is avail- formation. United Income advised the
able only through the federal govern- Write a list of your doctors, their con- Ms. Dagher is a Wall Street Journal re- couple to put 65% of their in- Ms. Tergesen is a reporter
ment’s National Flood Insurance Pro- tact information and your prescriptions porter in New York and host of the Se- vestment portfolio in stocks. for The Wall Street Journal
gram for those living in certain and keep it in this box, as well. crets of Wealthy Women podcast. Pro: For clients who pay in New York. Email her at
communities. A spokeswoman for the Federal Emer- Email veronica.dagher@wsj.com. 0.8% a year, United Income anne.tergesen@wsj.com.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | R5


The Psychological Benefits of Writing a Memoir

Even if nobody ever reads the says, the message stayed the
same, but some of the details
book, it can help people make were left out.
Making changes based on
sense of their lives who will read the finished
product reveals another truth
about memoirs: There is a
barrier island near Venice, huge difference between writ-
Fla., Ms. Huneke raised her ing a memoir for yourself and
five daughters alone after her writing it for an audience. By
IS IT WORTH writing a mem- husband left. writing for others, the author
oir if no one will ever read it? Her memoir describes the may be tempted to omit de-
Millions dream about spin- “blur of misery” she felt in the tails or even change the story,
ning their life story into a early days of their rupture. But compromising the process for


best-seller. Most never get her story, Ms. Huneke now the final product. Also, it may
past the dreaming part, much says, ultimately puts the expe- be disappointing if very few
less the first chapter. rience in a positive light: She people take the time to read
But there are potential re- made close friends, enrolled in the memoir.
wards other than riches and a financial-management course Still, sharing a memoir in
fame for those who try. Ac- and met the “love of her life.” limited circles can be thera-
cording to psychologists and She also forgave her ex. peutic, especially if there is a
researchers, writing a mem- “He and I have actually be- receptive audience. Sharing
oir—even just for personal come friends. How lucky for all can strengthen social ties and
consumption—can help the au- of us,” she wrote. help friends and family mem-
thor review and make sense of The act of writing about bers understand who the
his or her life, come to terms traumatic or difficult events writer is and how he or she
with traumatic events and fos- can reduce stress, lessen de- Pencie Huneke refers to her memoir as ‘an exercise of self-affirmation.’ came to be that way.
ter personal growth. pression and improve cogni- The process can also help
In fact, some of the thera- tive functioning, according to 1941, Ms. Mayall’s father, an children on a meager income tive experience, they are prob- validate the writer’s experi-
peutic benefits may be lost if researchers. Several studies interpreter in the Royal Navy, in wartime conditions. ably feeling bad much of the ences and even break ageist
the writer thinks about too have even shown such writing died at sea, but her mother When writing about past time. The writing helps to get stereotypes, says Susan Bluck,
large an audience—or even a to improve the function of the never spoke of his death to the traumas, the people who gain them out of that cycle.” a psychology professor at the
readership greater than one. immune system. children or otherwise acknowl- the most from the experience Writing a memoir can also University of Florida. A child
The story can become less au- Psychologists believe that edged it until the war ended. are those who tend to ac- help authors re-evaluate how or grandchildren may be sur-
thentic. And there are other by converting emotions and Ms. Mayall shared early knowledge their own problems they want to live, says Susan prised to learn their grandpar-
potential pitfalls to writing images into words, the author drafts of her memoir with her but can also see other people’s Krauss Whitbourne, professor ent hitchhiked across the
your life story. Writers can be starts to organize and struc- brothers, who objected to her points of view. Over the course emerita of psychological and country, Dr. Bluck says, adding,
thrown into despair if they ture memories, particularly harsh evaluation of her of writing, their general per- brain sciences at the Univer- “It feels good when someone
have trouble reconciling past memories that may be difficult mother. “I struggled all my life spectives evolve, says James sity of Massachusetts Am- is excited about your story.”
failures or placing traumatic to comprehend and accept. to understand my mother’s re- W. Pennebaker, a psychology herst. The exercise will some- Ms. Huneke, in the intro-
events into a larger context. “You can’t simply dump an actions,” Ms. Mayall says. professor at the University of times reveal to the writer duction to her memoir, dis-
“It really depends on the entire experience on a piece of What finally put things in Texas at Austin. Making new patterns of behavior that cusses why she chose to leave
type of stories people tell to paper,” says Joshua Smyth, perspective, she says, was connections between events in were—or are—harmful. a written legacy for her imme-
make sense of their lives,” says distinguished professor of writing about the moment her the writer’s life is key, he says. diate family. Her memoir, be-
Dan McAdams, a psychology biobehavioral health and med- mother read the letter from There are risks. Writing to Past battles yond a few excerpts, hasn’t
professor at Northwestern Uni- icine at Pennsylvania State the Royal Navy about her hus- uncover a deeper meaning in When Paul Wortman, pro- been shared with anyone else:
versity. People who can con- University. Through writing, band’s death. one’s life often requires brutal fessor emeritus of psychology “Perhaps this is an exercise
struct cohesive life narra- he says, the memory of the ex- Ms. Mayall in her memoir honesty or authenticity, a sort at Stony Brook University in of self-affirmation, that one’s
tives—where there are perience can be broken down describes seeing the letter, of self-disclosure that could ei- New York, started analyzing existence has been worthwhile
common threads and one event into small parts, allowing the without explicitly knowing at ther be hurtful to other people and writing about his life and and possibly even memorable,”
leads to the next—are likely to event to be more easily pro- the time what it said, and wit- or cast the author in a nega- career, he says he discovered she wrote. “Or does it have a
benefit from writing a memoir, cessed and then laid to rest. nessing her mother’s reaction: tive light. If a writer starts re- that he had a problem with au- higher purpose, to fill in gaps
he says, while those who view “She tears [the letter] open, peating the same topic inces- thority figures. His short tem- for future generations who, one
their lives as a series of ran- A hidden death and starts to read. Then she santly or becomes increasingly per and past battles with de- hopes, might care and even en-
dom, unrelated events are not. Susan Mayall, now 84 and leans forwards and her hands angry and bitter, it is best to partment chairs, he says, were joy it? Then again, maybe it is
His research has found that life living in Livermore, Calif., says go up over her face. She’s stop, Dr. Pennebaker says. the product of his relationship only a desire to explain to one’s
narratives are especially bene- she tried for years to write shaking—I can feel her.” Some such feelings can’t be with his father. Dr. Wortman children just why one is the
ficial if they focus on redemp- about her childhood in Britain Ms. Mayall says she devel- helped. “Writing about upset- swore to change his ways. way one is. It might even be in-
tion and overcoming adversity. during World War II, years oped more empathy for her ting experiences can provoke He ended up revising his teresting for them to identify
that included frequent German mother as she continued to negative emotions,” says Dr. memoir at his wife’s request, characteristics in themselves
Positive light bombing raids on her neigh- work on the memoir over the Pennebaker. “It’s much like go- after she read it and became they may have inherited!”
In a memoir by Pencie borhood. Much of her struggle, years. In the final version, she ing to a sad movie. Most peo- uncomfortable with his idea of
Huneke, two key themes are she says, involved coming to acknowledges her mother’s ple report getting back to nor- sharing it with an extended Ms. Ward is a writer in
resilience and gratitude. Now terms with her mother’s be- bravery and describes in detail mal in an hour or so. If a group of friends. Through Mendham, N.J. She can be
84 years old and living on a havior. Early in the war, in what it was like to raise four person is living with a nega- careful editing, Dr. Wortman reached at reports@wsj.com.

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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
R6 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Hidden Disease That Affects the Middle-Aged

Ailments of the liver are on the rise, but many people aren’t even aware they’re at risk
cure hepatitis C, and a number adults. The disease can lead to
of treatments are in develop- a progressive form known as
ment for advanced fatty-liver nonalcoholic steatohepatitis,
LIVER DISEASE IS on the rise disease. Getting and staying or NASH, which can cause
among middle-aged Ameri- sober can reverse liver dam- scarring that leads to cirrhosis
cans, but many don’t know age caused by alcohol, and los- and increases the risk of heart
they have it—or that they ing weight can reverse damage disease, Dr. Tapper says. Ge-
could develop it. caused by nonalcoholic liver netic variations may make
The liver performs critical disease. some people more vulnerable.
jobs, including cleaning toxins “The liver is very forgiving While liver biopsies are still
from the blood, storing energy and can bounce back even in used to definitively diagnose
and nutrients, digesting fats early stages of cirrhosis,” says liver diseases and determine
and processing medications, Dr. Lok. Once cirrhosis is ad- their stage, noninvasive tests
alcohol and food. But a host of vanced, however, the only op- using different types of scans
ills and abuses can wreak tion is a liver transplant, and imaging technology such
havoc on the liver, from heavy which can be hard to come by. as MRI are becoming more
drinking and infection with There are new treatments for widely used. A 2015 study of
hepatitis B or C to a scourge liver cancer if diagnosed early, 100 patients, using such tech-
known as fatty-liver disease so screening cirrhosis patients nology, showed that almost

linked to diabetes and obesity. for liver cancer is important, two-thirds with Type 2 diabe-
Over time, the liver can be- she says. tes have evidence of nonalco-
come fibrous and scarred, holic fatty-liver disease, while
eventually developing cirrho- Testing barriers more than 7% have advanced
sis, the replacement of normal According to a study pub- fibrosis. Study author Rohit
tissue with hard tissue. The lished last month in JAMA On- Loomba, director of hepatol-
damage that occurs increases cology, the rise in liver cancer history, and patients may ei- zymes in a blood test. Elliot ogy and a research center de-
the risk for liver cancer. in the U.S. is partially due to ther be unaware of possible Liver Check Tapper, an assistant professor voted to nonalcoholic fatty-
A September report by the hepatitis C infection in baby medical exposures or be hesi- at University of Michigan who liver disease at the University
Centers for Disease Control boomers. An estimated 1 in 30 tant to mention risky behavior One in 30 treats patients at its clinics of California, San Diego, says
and Prevention found that have been infected with the vi- such as intravenous-drug use. Baby boomers has been and at the Ann Arbor VA hos- follow-up studies aim to deter-
death rates for chronic liver rus, the second-leading cause To eliminate such barriers, infected with hepatitis C, pital, says issues related to al- mine whether such technology
disease and cirrhosis rose 31% of cirrhosis. Hepatitis C was Dr. Lok and colleagues have and most don’t know it. cohol, obesity and diabetes are is cost-effective for wide use.
among those age 45 to 64 be- often transmitted during med- designed an electronic-health- the most likely cause, followed Until such screening meth-
tween 2000 and 2015. And ical treatment before infec- record alert that prompts pri- by hepatitis B or C. Tests for ods are better established, he
cases of liver cancer rose more tion-control procedures were mary-care physicians to per- 20% such conditions should be says, doctors should assess
than 20% in the U.S. between widely adopted, or from blood form such screenings if of liver cancer in the U.S. used first, including an ultra- their patients with classic risk
1990 and 2015. transfusions before 1992, patients who are baby boom- is caused by hepatitis C. sound of the liver to look for factors for fatty-liver dis-
Yet liver diseases often when screening for the virus ers haven’t yet been diagnosed Having hepatitis B fatty-liver disease. If patients ease—those in their 40s and
have no symptoms until they virtually eliminated such risks. or tested. In a study published also raises the disclose they drink excessively 50s at high risk of heart dis-
are far advanced, making it all It also is spread among intra- in the journal Hepatology in risk for liver cancer. or use intravenous drugs, or ease because of obesity and
the more important to identify venous-drug users, even with September, the team said hep- are taking a drug or dietary diabetes.
and test those at risk. just one use, and from unster- atitis C testing rates increased supplement that can cause “If you are overweight or
“With baby boomers, we ile tools at tattoo parlors. fivefold, to 72% among those About 100 million liver damage, the need for obese and have Type 2 diabe-
may focus on heart disease, In 2012, the Centers for born between 1945 and 1965, individuals are estimated more invasive tests falls tes and are 50 or older, you
dementia and cancer, and Disease Control and Preven- in the year after the electronic to have nonalcoholic sharply, Dr. Tapper says. need to ask your primary-care
don’t always think about the tion recommended a one-time alerts were launched. Of 53 fatty liver disease, which doctor if you might have fatty-
liver,” says Anna S. Lok, direc- hepatitis C test for all adults newly diagnosed patients, 11 can lead to inflammation, Fatty livers liver disease,” Dr. Loomba ad-
tor of hepatology at the Uni- born between 1945 and 1965. had advanced fibrosis or cir- scarring and cirrhosis. Fatty-liver disease, a vises.
versity of Michigan and presi- But fewer than 30% have actu- rhosis, 20 started treatment buildup of fat in the liver, af-
dent of the American ally been tested, according to and so far nine have been Sources: Centers for Disease Control and fects as many as 100 million Ms. Landro is a former Wall
Prevention, PLOS One, U.S. National Health
Association for the Study of estimates. Doctors may fail to cured. and Nutrition Examination Survey, Robert Americans, especially those in Street Journal assistant
Liver Diseases. ask patients about past medi- The first sign of liver dis- Wood Johnson Foundation their 40s and 50s, but also managing editor. Email her
There are new drugs that cal procedures or drug-use ease may be elevated liver en- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. strikes children and young at reports@wsj.com.

Ankle Replacements Take Off, SECOND ACTS


As Devices Appear to Be Durable NOT ORGANIZATIONS
A new study offers encouragement, but questions remain
Randy Simon
Hometown: Montclair, N.J.
ANKLE REPLACEMENTS, a new kid Primary career: Executive coach,
on the block compared with knee and organization development expert
hip replacements, used to be deemed Current path: Clinical psycholo-

a risky bet for patients under 65. gist

But as doctors steadily gain confi- Why this path: “It was hard for
dence that the replacements will me to make organizational needs
last, Carrie Kvitko, 60, from Colum- be the primary driver and not
bus, Ohio, is one of a growing group meet the individual’s needs.”
of younger patients to sport a new
ankle, made of metal and plastic and
bending nearly as well as the origi-
nal. In September, a year after her BY JULIE HALPERT
surgery, Mrs. Kvitko went on vaca-
tion to Magic Kingdom Park in Or- Fifteen years ago, Randy Simon had a realization that caused her to
lando and climbed 116 steps to the give up one successful career and start another.
top of the Swiss Family Tree House. Dr. Simon, formerly an executive coach and organization-development
“I’m young,” she says. “I want to expert, had just helped a nerve-wracked executive overcome some per-
be able to do things. I don’t want to formance issues, and thus keep her job. But afterward, something kept
give that up.” nagging Dr. Simon, until it finally hit her. As an executive coach, she
says, she was helping the woman stay in a job that made her unhappy.

Fast Growth If, instead, she had been the woman’s therapist, she would have urged
Nearly 10,000 total-ankle-replace- Data showing the durability of the Star ankle replacement, above, from her to find a different job.
ments will take place this year in the Stryker Corp., has helped spur more ankle-replacement surgeries. That, Dr. Simon says, is what finally caused her to decide, after years
U.S., about double the level in 2011, of toying with the idea, to become a clinical psychologist. She realized
according to estimates from Smart- geons in implanting the Star. “You wants to know how long does it last? that her heart lay in helping individuals, not organizations.
TRAK, an online market-data system have to have it serviced on a regular You have to look them straight in Dr. Simon, 61 years old, now sees patients in Montclair and Summit,
from BioMedGPS LLC of Irvine, Calif. basis.” the face and say, ‘We have no idea,’ ” N.J. She doesn’t regret her first career. She was always “fascinated by
That growth is due in part to While ankle replacements typi- says Christopher E. Gross, assistant figuring out human behavior and how to make changes.”
mounting evidence over the past cally occur later in life, the cause professor of orthopedics at the Med- The problem-solving skills she developed along the way, and her ex-
several years that a particular device isn’t usually arthritis from simple ical University of South Carolina in pertise in group dynamics, have proved essential in leading therapy
is long-lasting. Most recently, at a wear and tear, as it is for hip and Charleston and co-author of the pa- groups, she says.
scientific meeting in September in knee replacement. Ankle arthritis is per on repeat surgeries that was She earned her M.B.A. in 1979, a time when few women took such a
Lisbon, Duke University researcher usually the result of past trauma, presented in Toronto. path. During the 20-some years that followed, she had several executive
James A. Nunley presented data on such as a broken ankle, says Gregory Dr. Gross has no link to any com- positions in human resources at Fortune 500 companies, including Via-
Stryker Corp.’s Star ankle. The find- C. Berlet, a surgeon in Westerville, pany, but says he uses mostly com. She left Viacom after it merged with CBS in 2000. She then
ing: For a group of patients who Ohio, and design consultant to Dutch Wright’s Infinity, because inserting it started her own consulting business as an organization development
took part in a trial before the device medical-device company Wright requires less bone removal than the specialist and executive coach.
hit the U.S. market in 2009, 88% of Medical Group NV, which sells three company’s older model, the Inbone. It was during this period she had her epiphany about wanting to help
58 devices were still in place 10 to 19 replacement ankles in the U.S. As a ballpark estimate, he tells pa- people more than organizations. A career in psychology was something
years after implantation. Patients often live with ankle pain tients that 75% of them will probably she had thought about since graduating from college with a double ma-
There are limits to how much an- for decades, until the cartilage layer still have their new ankle in 10 years jor in psychology and art therapy.
kle replacements can replicate fully wears down, and medication or and be happy with it. So, flush with savings and master of her own schedule, she first com-
healthy ankles. They aren’t meant to rest no longer offer relief. The stan- pleted a post-master’s certificate program in art therapy. Then, in 2006,
take running or jumping, says Lew dard treatment has long been fusion, Replacing replacements she enrolled in a full-time Ph.D. program, and in 2011 received her doc-
Schon, an associate professor at or screwing the ankle bones to- When an ankle replacement fails, torate in clinical psychology.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine gether. That surgery typically lasts a it is often because it loosens from “After years of organizational work, I wanted to find ways to improve
and co-designer of a replacement an- lifetime, but the loss of motion puts the bone, causing gradually in- quality of life for individuals,” Dr. Simon says.
kle from Zimmer Biomet Inc., in strain on other joints in the foot— creased pain, surgeons say. The pa- Many of her patients now are teens suffering from depression. This
Warsaw, Ind. You can run and jump, often making them arthritic, says tient is in for a more difficult opera- work, she says, is one of the most gratifying parts of her new career.
but the unit will wear out faster. It is Razi Zaidi a researcher at the Insti- tion with a longer recovery than the “The teenage years are tumultuous, but they are also a time of figur-
possible to ski, though, Dr. Schon tute of Orthopaedics and Musculo- first go-round because bone was re- ing out personal values and what is important,” she says.
says, since skiing has less impact on skeletal Science at Royal National moved during the original surgery “It’s disheartening to see what it’s like for someone in high school to-
an ankle than, say, jumping. Orthopedic Hospital in London. and it is often necessary to graft day,” Dr. Simon adds. Success for teens is often defined as the caliber of
Recipients also could need follow- The cost of total ankle replace- new bone to replace it. the college that accepts them, she says, and this has created an epi-
up surgery. A study presented last ments varies widely, from $19,000 to Options for patients with failed demic of anxiety and depression among both teens and their parents.
year at the American Orthopedic $30,000 or more. Insurers generally implants are growing. In July, When Dr. Simon started her clinical training, “it was uncomfortable at
Foot & Ankle Society meeting in To- cover the procedure, minus deduct- Wright came out with Invision, a de- times to be in this trainee position,” she says.
ronto found that 25% of 761 patients ibles, says Thomas Loring, senior di- vice intended for revision surgeries. But ultimately, she says, her life experience, especially being a par-
needed some type of repeat surgery rector of research and development Zimmer Biomet offers revision de- ent—her children are now 21 and 24—has made her a better therapist,
during a 15-year period, such as re- at Stryker, in Kalamazoo, Mich. vices custom-made to patient speci- while working with adolescents has helped to make her a better parent.
placing the plastic parts of the de- As more newly minted ankles are fications, says Brad Quick, general Though she found corporate work rewarding, Dr. Simon says, “I didn’t
vice, which tend to wear out faster implanted, surgeons caution that manager of the company’s foot-and- love what I do. What I’m doing now, I really love.”
than the metal components. popular new products, such as Zim- ankle unit. Stryker is working on a
“Getting a total ankle [replace- mer Biomet’s, and Wright’s Infinity, revision product, Mr. Loring says. Second Acts looks at the varied paths people are taking in their 50s and
ment] is like getting keys to a car,” both of which hit the U.S. market in beyond. The profiles are by Julie Halpert, a writer in Michigan. You can
says Gregory Lundeen, a Reno, Nev., 2014, don’t yet have long-term data. Miss Johannes is a writer in reach her, and let us know how you’re staring over, at reports@wsj.com.
orthopedic surgeon who trains sur- “A younger patient, 50, early 60s, Boston. Email: reports@wsj.com.
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R8 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dementia’s Tragic Toll on Families

The disease often pits siblings against each other. But it doesn’t have to.
mentia, and regular monitoring by
both medical and behavioral special-
ists. This information enables every-
WHEN A FAMILY member suffers one to have the same understanding
from dementia, we tend to view it as of the big picture. It puts everybody
an individual tragedy. But too often on the same page as far as knowing
this wrecking ball of a disease takes what exactly is going on.
a toll on the entire family. Second, the caregiving family
Even under the best circum- needs to meet early on and establish
stances—with state-of-the-art care, basic goals and ground rules. What
well-intentioned caregivers, and suf- sort of care do they envision over
ficient social and financial re- time, and what can they afford? How
sources—the trajectory of most will they divide responsibilities now,
forms of dementia is difficult to con- and what are contingency plans if
trol. It’s often a chronic disease with someone can’t sustain their role?
symptoms that will only get worse. Too often, families plunge into care-
Discontinuities in care are common giving with differing perspectives on
in a health-care system that is exces- their parent’s diagnosis, and they
sively siloed and lacks sufficient ge- never coordinate a common plan for
riatric specialists. the type of care and the logical roles
In the face of these challenges, that each could play.
the families of individuals with de- A third and crucial step is to as-
mentia struggle to maintain emo- sign a point person for coordinating
tional equilibrium along the way. daily care and decision making.
That’s especially true when the Sometimes, a third party such as an
spouse of the afflicted has already aging-life-care professional needs to
died, leaving decisions about care in be included when family members

the hands of the children. That’s do not live near the afflicted person,
when this disease of one damages or when differing perspectives
the well-being of many, sometimes would benefit from both an indepen-
turning close and loving siblings into dent guide and a mediator for dis-
estranged and shattered combatants. putes. In extreme cases, this person
The tragedy here is that it doesn’t can be court-appointed.
have to be this way. If families un- when siblings critique their caregiv- much longer than we can preserve Throughout this entire process,
derstand the perils, they can navi- ing approach. Spillover Effects the mind. the children must try their best to
gate them without imploding. Meanwhile, some children become The effects that unpaid caregiving can Gone are the family doctors who share the burden of care and commit
enraged and depressed as they have on the caregiver's other job* are know the whole family across gener- themselves to subjugating personal
Economic and emotional toll watch their parents go through greater when the person under care has ations and manage all health care. needs and agendas to the overall
Those perils, of course, are many. changes that they struggle to believe Alzheimer's or other dementias, They’ve been replaced by competing care needs of the affected person.
Families of persons with dementia are true. They might even reject the compared with cases in which the systems of care with multiple clini- This goal is easier said than done
spend billions of dollars—thousands dementia diagnosis and medical in- person under care has other issues cians who each manage their own when there are longstanding ethical,
a month per household—on health terventions. piece of the person. financial or other disagreements
care, supplies and paid caregivers. Until a parent’s illness, siblings For people with Alzheimer's and Gone, too, for the most part are that become amplified by the loss of
The average unpaid caregiver, the with different personalities rarely, if other dementias multigenerational households with parental authority.
Alzheimer’s Association says, works ever, have to work on a common For other people strictly defined roles and a sur- Such strategies are critical, since
almost 22 hours a week on the per- project. The family dynamics often rounding family or community in- caregiving is a long journey—eight
son’s behalf. And, in terms of total are stabilized by a history of respect Went in late, left early or took time off vested in care. to 10 years on average—and requires
cost, none of this takes into account and even admiration for one an- 57% There is simply no way to remedy constant learning, renewal and rein-
lost wages, lessened productivity other—from afar. In addition, each these missing pieces for caregiving vention to survive. Alzheimer’s dis-
and decreased spending on other child has his or her own private con- 47% families who are, more often than ease and every other form of demen-
household needs and luxuries. nection with a parent. not, spread across the country. tia bring heartbreaking situations,
Yet the economic toll often pales These dynamics—among siblings Went from full to part time or but also the opportunity to bring
next to the emotional one. and between siblings and parent— cut back hours Navigating the journey families together in a common pur-
I have seen people, for instance, are at risk of breaking down in the 18% So, all that is the bad news. And pose, and to fulfill an endless debt to
who were simply not in a position to face of dementia. There is no leader- it’s bad, indeed: This is a terrible a parent that most children want to
take care of a parent with dementia. ship or intermediary to gratify indi- 13% disease that can wreak havoc on all accomplish.
Maybe they had a young family, or vidual needs or resolve conflicts. It those who must deal with it. The key is for families to under-
were just starting a career. They is each man or woman for himself or Took a leave of absence Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be stand that core emotional need and
simply lacked the time and emo- herself. 16% as bad as it often is. There are sev- to realize that a win-win approach is
tional energy to care for an aging This emotional quagmire isn’t al- eral important strategies that, when possible, resulting in relationships
parent. So, perhaps after trying for a ways helped by the full congress of 14% implemented early and consistently, that are closer, healthier and more
while, they send the parent to an- specialists, advisers, care managers can vastly improve the well-being of resilient—not in spite of their par-
other sibling. They are relieved of and in-the-trench aides needed to Gave up working entirely caregivers individually and as a fam- ent’s illness, but because of it.
the burden, but they are racked with care for an aging person with de- 9% ily unit.
guilt. mentia today. As we live longer and First, the most basic need for Dr. Agronin is a geriatric psychia-
Other children often relish the op- healthier lives than previous genera- 5% families is to know what they are trist at Miami Jewish Health, and
portunity to organize a parent’s care, tions, we also accumulate a larger dealing with in terms of the diagno- the author of the forthcoming book
*Changes at their other work at any time since they
finding meaning in filial duties. But and more complex array of physical began caregiving sis and any associated conditions. “The End of Old Age: Living a Lon-
they can also find themselves in- and mental ailments that need atten- Source: Euromonitor This requires a comprehensive base- ger, More Purposeful Life.” He can
creasingly frustrated and resentful tion. We can preserve the body for THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. line assessment by an expert in de- be reached at reports@wsj.com.

From the Frozen, Costly North to the Warmth of Brazil

The author always wanted to cue. We’ve made many friends
through the local church.
live in a place that wasn’t cold. Sometimes I miss my family
in Canada—my father is too
He and his wife have done that. old to travel this far and my
sisters haven’t visited here
yet. But we talk regularly, and
Brasilia we got used to being sepa-
100 km rated physically during my 37
EVEN AS A teenager in Can- years as a sailor. My wife has
ada in the 1970s, my objective BRAZIL family here, so she is more
was to retire early in a warm closely connected, and her
country. Canada is just too family has embraced me.
cold and too expensive. Being active, eating well,
After decades of working living a stress-free life is the
mostly as a merchant ship’s goal. There is a free medical
engineer on the brutally cold Sao Paulo Atlantic clinic in town or, for those who
North Atlantic Ocean, I Rio de Janeiro Ocean can afford it, cash-pay access
achieved my goal last year. Re- to most medical facilities. The
tirement in Brazil began for free service is slow, the cash-
me at the age of 56. Affordable homes pay is very fast and reasonably

My initial reaction to life in Becoming a Brasileiro by priced. An annual blood test

Brazil, long before I moved marriage was easy. But there costs about $30. Analysis of
here for good, was mixed. Al- are other ways to become a the results by a doctor costs
though I had a leg up on oth- permanent legal resident. Buy- the same amount. Surgery to
ers, because my wife is a Bra- ing a home is just one possi- Nanuque features a large stone hill that locals refer to as “Pedra do Bueno,” or “Stone of Good.” remove some moles from my
zilian national, I experienced bility. Homes in Nanuque are chest cost about $275. My wife
real culture shock. While ev- reasonably priced, very afford- temperatures averaging about clude in my classic Canadian Out and about has a medical plan that covers
erything in Canada appears to able for the average North 86 degrees during the day and beef stew and the sour cream The climate offers constant the majority of her needs. For
be in order, Brazil is very American ready to retire. 68 degrees at night. Only dur- I love on baked potatoes.) opportunities for outdoor ac- $100 a month she has limitless
much the opposite; it’s a little Our home, near the center ing the rainy seasons do we Balancing a budget is much tivity. My morning begins with access to immediate, good
chaotic at times. of town in a pleasant, safe consider wearing jackets and easier in Brazil than in Can- yoga on the backyard deck, health care. I haven’t had the
For example, in the small neighborhood, cost about warmer clothes. For the most ada. We live very well here on under the mango tree. By 7:30 need for a plan.
city where we live, the streets $100,000. We have three bed- part, it’s shorts and T-shirts. about $1,550 a month. Our the sunshine reaches the deck, We get around town by
are crammed with all sorts of rooms and two full bathrooms, And if gets too hot, we head to electricity costs average less warming and refreshing. On bus—they are slow but reli-
vehicles, everyone making a room to receive guests at the the beaches of Bahia, less than than $60 a month. We spend days with nothing else to do, able—or in our car. But high-
their own rules regarding nav- front door, a living room, din- two hours away by car. just over $300 a month on we might go to the local coun- way travel by car in Brazil is
igation and road signals. We’re ing room and a large kitchen. groceries, less than half of try club, where we use the very dangerous; the roads are
in cowboy country, with big Our property is about 50 feet Cheap eats what we spent in Canada. We sauna and pool; the club costs narrow, with many commercial
cattle ranches in the area. Lots by 130 feet, a large lot by local Nanuque is in the highlands buy eggs from a local delivery about $30 a month. Or we trucks. So we tend to avoid
of farmers, too. So it’s com- standards. Property taxes also of the Brazilian state of Minas truck, 30 for about $3. Since might pay a visit to the public traveling by car for fun, and
mon to see a few cowboys on are a fraction of what we paid Gerais, divided by a river and this is beef country, we have exercise track. just limit our road trips to
horseback around town, or a in Canada—about $80 a year surrounded by a mix of forest, access to fresh beef every day. We enjoy gardening in our what is required.
donkey-powered wagon full of here, compared with 20 times rolling hills and plains dotted We tend to buy fillet mignon backyard. I’m expecting a nice Every day I wake up here I
watermelon driven by a few as much in Canada. with sugar-cane farms and cuts, for about a quarter of crop of spicy peppers in a few feel successful. I made it to
farm children. Lots of forms and certified cattle ranches. what they cost us in Canada. weeks. We are avid members paradise, just like I wanted to
It took a while to assimi- copies were required for immi- The city has the hustle and We often have barbecues with of the radio-controlled model- as a teenager. After all those
late. But soon the good far gration. But with the help of bustle of business at its cen- neighbors on Friday nights. airplane club, and enjoy flying years of hard work on a freez-
outweighed the bad. I became the Brazilian Embassy in Can- ter. Very small shops make up The local grocery stores are from a hilltop overlooking the ing cold ocean, I’m happy in
hooked on Brazil. ada, I got my Registro Nacio- the bulk of commerce. My full of fresh vegetables and city where the view is breath- my simple—and warm—life.
We rented an apartment for nal de Estrangeiros, or RNE, cooking hobby brings me to fruits year round. Most home- taking. We also enjoy brisk
a few years, while traveling the equivalent of a permanent the grocery stores daily, my owners have some sort of fruit evening walks through the city. Mr. Corkum is a writer in
back and forth to Canada. But resident visa. Most of the pro- carpentry hobby to the hard- trees and gardens. Plant It has been easy to make Nanuque, Brazil. He can be
in 2014, we purchased our cess was simple. Traveling to ware stores. The variety of ev- growth here is amazing—fast friends. Having a routine for reached at reports@wsj.com.
modest home in Nanuque, a the government offices was erything is limited, by North and consistent. Between Au- social activities has helped. If you have retired abroad
city of some 40,000 people the biggest challenge; driving American standards, but we gust and March, we get a The flying club meets on Sun- and are interested in writing
about 400 miles north of Rio is dangerous here. find most everything we need. bucket full of tasty fresh man- day. I go to the sauna Friday a column about your
de Janeiro. Now we are here Where we live, the climate is (Among the exceptions: the goes from our tree in the night with a regular group, experience, write to us at
permanently. exceptionally comfortable, with turnips I always used to in- backyard every day. usually followed by a barbe- reports@wsj.com as well.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, November 13, 2017 | R9


The Best Books of 2017 About Healthy Aging

Great reads for keeping the mind, body and spirit engaged.
And maybe making a little money as well.
go and how to get there. Browse
with Post-it Notes at hand.

THE BEST PRESCRIPTION for Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Jour-

healthy aging: Keep on moving. That ney Toward Meaning and Joy
message runs through this year’s By Thomas Moore; St. Martin’s Press
best books for the years ahead, with For psychotherapist and best-sell-
recommended pathways that ac- ing author Thomas Moore, aging
tively engage mind, body, spirit or isn’t just a biological process but a
any combination thereof. spiritual passage. To him, aging pos-
itively means allowing yourself to be
AgeProof: Living Longer With- affected by even the most melan-
out Running Out of Money or choly losses. “You have to have re-
Breaking a Hip flected on life, including its down-
By Jean Chatzky, Michael F. Roizen, side, before you can start crafting a
M.D., and Ted Spiker; Grand Central life that is subtle and wise,” he
Publishing writes. He includes lessons learned
In a style both chatty and accessi- from his patients over a 40-year ca-
ble, financial journalist Jean reer, and cites a wide range of writ-
Chatzky, physician-author Michael F. ers and philosophers as he leads
Roizen and co-author Ted Spiker ex- readers through what he sees as five
plore strategies to maintain your phases of aging: “feeling immortal;
health and boost your wealth. Re- first taste of aging; settling into ma-
gardless of your age, the authors turity; shifting toward old age; and
emphasize the importance of regular letting things take their course.”
medical and financial checkups to Though his tone will strike some as

assess where you are and what you touchy-feely, Mr. Moore’s message is
may need to change. They suggest resonant.
metrics for your wallet and physical
fitness; and rather than fear those Witness Tree: Seasons of Change
numbers, the authors say, welcome a ing with the infirmities of old age,” temporary digs leased from other National Parks of Europe with a Century-Old Oak
signal that it’s time to switch to a he writes. He urges readers to set re- strangers. Deftly combining travel- Lonely Planet By Lynda V. Mapes; Bloomsbury
healthier lifestyle or make financial alistic goals that focus on functional ogue with how-to practicalities, Ms. This sumptuously illustrated vol- Forest trees reveal much about the
course corrections. They advise fitness: the mobility, strength, bal- Jacobs chronicles each stage of their ume profiles 60 parks ranging from passage of time, writes Seattle Times
building personal and professional ance and flexibility to comfortably journey, starting with repairing and the bucolic to the rugged, including environmental reporter Lynda V.
teams to help in good times and bad, go about your daily life. He provides decluttering their own home to make England’s Lake District, coastal It- Mapes. The trick is to decode the sto-
and counsel how to make sure your tips for starting a fitness routine it attractive to tenants. She walks aly’s Cinque Terre, the French Pyre- ries in their roots, buds, leaves and
home is both a secure investment that suits your needs and abilities, readers through the nitty-gritty of nees, Sicily’s Mount Etna and the ring cores, the tales told by the birds,
and a safe environment. It is never checklists for finding personal train- websites for short-term stays, tips Swiss Alps. Other destinations are bugs, mice and mushrooms who
too late to recover from setbacks, ers, and clear instructions and illus- on vetting renters of your home, and lesser known but no less inviting: make their homes in the surrounding
say the authors, who offer specific trations for exercises that he sug- how to evaluate advertisements for The Italian Dolomites sport monu- area. The red oak at the center of the
help for troubles ranging from post- gests become core parts of your places you might wish to rent. She mental peaks, charming lakeside vil- book, part of the Harvard Forest of
divorce finances to addictions. fitness program. candidly describes how she learned lages, rare flowers and trails that Massachusetts, is “a living timeline
the hard way, after booking a rental range from easy strolls to strenuous of cultural and economic change,”
Just Move! A New Approach to Four Seasons in a Day: Travel, that looked ideal in the ad but climbs. In Brecon Beacons National Ms. Mapes writes. It has survived
Fitness After 50 Transitions and Letting Go of turned out to be an alarmingly Park in Wales, the moors and hills storms, fires, birds nipping at its
By James P. Owen; National the Place We Call Home musty dud. Ms. Jacobs and her are dotted with ancient stone circles, buds, insects attacking its bark, and
Geographic By Deborah L. Jacobs; DJWorking spouse found a quirky yet pleasing castle ruins and historic forts; there tree-cutting humans in search of
By the time he turned 70, former Unlimited Inc. alternative, also through the inter- are caves ready to be explored, and cordwood. The author makes a
Wall Street executive and admitted Whether enticed by the lure of net. For Ms. Jacobs, the pleasures of trails for mountain-biking and hik- strong case for why the future de-
couch potato James P. Owen was suf- adventure, or the possibility and food markets, out-of-the-way vil- ing. Iceland’s Snaefellsjokull teems pends on the health of the tree’s in-
fering from severe lower back pain, sometimes the necessity of lower- lages, enduring friendships and ab- with fiords, sea cliffs, volcanic peaks, tricate ecological system. She incor-
two bum knees, a faulty rotator cuff cost living, many couples on the sorbing French customs outweighed lava fields, glaciers and waterfalls; porates conversations with scientists
and a shuffling walk that made him cusp of retirement dream of living all of the frustrations—even discov- outdoor activities from bird- and and woodland specialists and ably
look like a “poster child for looming abroad. All of these motivations led ering the crayoned walls, furniture seal-watching to horseback riding weaves their research into her larger
old age.” Rather than feel defeated, financial journalist and lawyer Debo- tears, and chips and cracks her ten- and hot-spring bathing are available, chronicle of change and adaptation.
though, he set about getting fit. In rah L. Jacobs and her husband to ants left behind in Brooklyn. This too. Each park profile suggests
this direct, practical and inspiring rent out their Brooklyn townhouse book is invaluable preparation for where to stay, plots itineraries with Ms. Cole is a writer in New York
book, he shares his lessons. “Getting to strangers for three months while anyone thinking about long-term must-do activities and must-see City. She can be reached at
fit is nowhere near as hard as deal- they decamped to France to live in travel options. places, and gives advice on when to reports@wsj.com.

You were looking to retire by the water.

Better yet, above it.
Captain of your own floating home.
That would be retiring like a boss.
That would also be tough without a plan.




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R10 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Falling Is Dangerous—and Often Preventable

Falls can be reduced with
balance training, physical
therapy and safer homes
sulted in medical treatment,
costing an estimated $31 bil-
lion in annual Medicare costs,
ONE OF THE biggest health according to the CDC.
threats facing Americans age With large numbers of baby
65 and older is also one many boomers turning 65 each year,


of them don’t like to talk falling is likely to become an
about: falling. even more serious medical is-
At least half of senior sue in years ahead, experts
Americans who fall don’t tell say.
anyone, according to a report The good news is that there
from the Centers for Disease are steps the elderly can take
Control and Prevention. to reduce their risk. Medical
Whether it’s a spouse declin- experts increasingly believe
ing to tell a partner, or an el- that strength and mobility, not
derly parent hiding it from the age, are the biggest factors in
children, many seniors keep determining whether a person
quiet because they are embar- will fall. To help prevent falls, many doctors recommend Tai Chi exercises. A class in Lacey, Wash., above, bases its program on Tai Chi.
rassed and fear losing their in- “With balance training and
dependence. physical therapy, some mus- at any age and compensate for that home environments be adults be screened for fall risk on how to reduce falls and the
By remaining silent, how- cles and nerves can regenerate the atrophy often seen in ag- assessed and modified as peo- at least once a year, and after health-care costs associated
ever, many of these patients ing, thus reducing the risk of ple age. Good lighting is es- any fall occurs. with them. The state’s Depart-
become more afraid and more falling,” says Daniel Deems, an sential, she says, while hand- Checking a patient’s medi- ment of Public Health, mean-
sedentary, medical experts say. Falling Fast otolaryngologist and chief rails along staircases can cations and dosages is a good while, works with community
That increases their risk for Statistics on falling for U.S. medical officer of Fyzical enhance balance and steadi- idea, he says, since many partnerships to make strength
additional falls and injuries, adults aged 65 or older, in 2014 Therapy & Balance Center, a ness, and stairs with clearly drugs can cause dizziness, training and balance programs
which can lead to fatal compli- physical-therapy franchise in marked edges can help im- confusion, balance problems available to older adults at
cations such as intracranial 29 million 39 states. Falls can be re- prove visibility. In the bath- and a drop in blood pressure, risk of falling. (Seniors should
bleeding, flail chest and respi- Number of falls duced, he says, by working room, grab bars by tubs and all of which contribute to falls. check to see what resources
ratory failure. Indeed, falls are with trained physical thera- showers and around com- Eyeglass prescriptions should their state has to offer.)
the leading cause of injuries pists to increase balance func- modes are useful. Toilet seats be kept up-to-date, and peri- “Falling is an expensive
and death from injuries in
1 tion in the brain and improve can be raised and tub-transfer odic eye exams (every one to problem with huge ramifica-
older Americans, according to Each second, 1 adult fell; core muscle strength for sta- benches added, she says. two years) also should be con- tions that can affect the qual-
the CDC. less than half informed their bility. Showers that are flush with ducted, he says. ity of life of an entire family,”
While falls can occur at any doctor Dr. Elizabeth Phelan, a geri- the floor help, as well. (The Dr. Phelan believes that says Carlene Pavlos, director
age, the elderly are most at atrician and associate profes- CDC has a list of health and communities and state offi- of the Bureau of Community
risk. The CDC says that in 1 in 4 sor of medicine at the Univer- home practices to reduce fall cials could do more to make Health and Prevention in Mas-
2014, almost one-third of Adults reported a fall sity of Washington School of risk and help seniors continue public spaces safer for the el- sachusetts.
adults 65 or older reported Medicine in Seattle, agrees, to live independently.) derly. She recommends mak- “With solid strategies,”
falling at least once in the pre- 7 million + saying, “The single most effec- Jon Pynoos, co-director of ing sidewalks even, adding however, “falls don’t have to
ceding year, representing an tive prevention strategy is the the Fall Prevention Center of lighting, lowering curbs and be inevitable and can be pre-
Falls required medical treatment
estimated 29 million falls and practice of strength-balance Excellence and professor of adding benches. vented,” she says.
or restricted the person’s activity
seven million injuries. Of those exercises like Tai Chi and the gerontology at the University In Massachusetts, a com-
for at least a day
who fell, 37.5% reported at development of muscle of Southern California’s Leon- mission examines data and Ms. Sadick is a writer in
least one fall that either re- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strength.” ard Davis School of Gerontol- makes recommendations to New York. Email her at
stricted their activity or re- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Dr. Phelan also recommends ogy, recommends that older the governor and Legislature reports@wsj.com.


Insights on Rates, Charity
The Experts are an online group of industry, academic and cultural thinkers
SITTING, A RETIREMENT who blog about topical issues in their fields of expertise. Edited excerpts
follow. For more, go to WSJ.com/Reports.
Higher Rates Pose Threat, financially fragile, defined as say- Get the Most Out of
Barbara Grutter Especially to Elderly ing they cannot (or probably can- Calling Your Doctor
not) come up with $2,000 within a
Age: 64 The Federal Reserve’s decade of month in the event of an unex- For most people, it can take
Hometown: Dearborn, Mich. “quantitative easing” will soon pected emergency. weeks to book an appointment
Primary career: Manager and end. With this change in policy, we One proactive response would with a doctor, and hours to get to
consultant, health-care information should expect not one but several be for people to tighten their and from the doctor’s office.
technology interest-rate increases over the belts, consume less and pay back So getting your doctor on the
Current path: Indoor-sport and next few years. their obligations quickly. While phone can be a solution, but it’s
rock climbing These higher interest rates will this may not be easy, it would be also an undertaking. Your doctor
Why this path: “I was deter- come as an unpleasant shock to less expensive than the alternative. may not return calls today, and

mined to take steps to get fit and those who hold far more debt than Another option would be to work when they do, it’s easy to bungle
healthy.” in the past, especially adjustable- longer, which would ease the bur- the call and miss the opportunity
rate debt. One group particularly den of paying back expensive debt. to get all your questions answered.
vulnerable to Fed policy changes: To some extent this is already hap- Most doctors can’t (or won’t)
Until she was 61, Barbara Grutter’s only exercise was an occasional older Americans. pening, as our recent paper bill for these calls, so it’s basically
walk or bike ride. People ages 50 to 80 saw their showed that older women already free care. But people tend not to
Now, at age 64, she lifts weights and does floor exercises, puts in 10 debt rise 60% from 2003 to 2015, are seeking and holding on to jobs realize that it takes away from the
laps on four flights of stairs two to three times a week, and she logs at whereas leverage for younger bor- longer than ever before, due to doctor’s time with other patients,
least 8,000 steps a day on her Fitbit. rowers dropped over the same time their lack of a financial cushion. which in turn reduces income for
It’s all part of the conditioning she endures to pursue her new pas- frame, according to the Federal Re- So higher interest rates will be the practice, which means even
sion: climbing. serve Bank of New York. Baby bad news for many older people. more patients have to be seen per
As she tells it, what led her to rock climbing was lethargy. The sit- boomers have racked up mountains By contrast, those who have saved hour to cover costs. In the end, it
ting-in-front-of-a-computer kind. Near the end of her 30 years in health- of unpaid credit-card bills, student for old age will benefit from the only bites us back when we are the
care IT, she says, she was working 12 to 14 hours a day nearly every day loans for themselves and their chil- interest-rate rise via higher re- patient sitting in the office.
of the week as head of her own consulting company. dren, and payday loans. turns on their investments. So here are a few suggestions to
“It was a lot of sitting for a lot of hours, high stress and not a lot of Another reason today’s older —Olivia S. Mitchell, professor, the help you and your doctor achieve
sleep,” Ms. Grutter says. A lot unhealthy food, too. Americans are deeper in debt is Wharton School, University of the same mission of providing
She retired to occasional contract work in 2013, “determined to take that they bought far more expen- Pennsylvania good medical care in the most effi-
steps to get fit and healthy,” she says. This included eating healthier and sive homes, and paid for them cient manner and at minimal cost:
i i i
stretching every day. She lost 10 pounds within the first year. with smaller down payments, com- 1. Before any phone calls can be
Then, in 2015, some friends introduced her to indoor sport climbing. pared with the past. made, you must have an initial
She liked it so much, she found a climbing gym close to her home in Dear- I vividly remember Archie Bun- A More Tax-Efficient Way visit to establish a good doctor-pa-
born, Mich. On her first visit, Ms. Grutter met Ron Wiggle, an 80-year-old ker’s mortgage-burning party on To Give to Charities tient relationship and enable him
man with 40 years of climbing experience. He became her mentor. the television show “All in the As the end of the year ap- or her to learn about your medical
“He got me hooked,” she says. Family,” which conformed to my proaches, many investors may still and psychiatric history and cur-
Mr. Wiggle quickly persuaded Ms. Grutter to give outdoor climbing a parents’ expectation of paying off need to take their required mini- rent state of health. It’s also criti-
shot. She joined him in Moab, Utah, the following spring for her first at- the house before retirement. Now- mum distributions from an IRA for cal to get to know the office staff.
tempt—a beginner’s route of roughly 100 feet up part of a popular for- adays, by contrast, few people re- 2017. And these same investors They perform multiple tasks and
mation there known as Wall Street, for its sheer, towering rock faces. tire owning their homes free and also may be completing their char- are the gatekeepers to the doctor.
“I’m really pushing my limits,” she says. “I never would have believed I clear, meaning they will carry debt itable giving for the year. 2. At the initial visit, ask about
could have done it.” for years, perhaps even for the What many don’t know is they the policy on phone calls, includ-
Her second outdoor climb, this past May, also in Utah, was a 400- rest of their lives. can take advantage of a strategy ing whom to call, how long to wait
foot ascent up the spine of Looking Glass Rock, a rounded ridge with a Our recent study on three gen- that allows them to combine those for a callback, and what issues the
steep drop-off on each side. Before starting, she says she took one look erations of older participants in two needs and reduce their taxes. doctor will or won’t handle. There
and immediately doubted herself. the Health and Retirement Study For most taxpayers age 70½ and are often physician assistants or
“My stomach clenched. My heart dropped. I thought, ‘All of this prep (a longitudinal project sponsored older, making a qualified charita- nurse practitioners who can also
and I simply can’t do it,’ ” Ms. Grutter says. But her climbing partner— by the National Institute on Aging ble distribution from an individual step in for many questions.
who she would be attached to, and who would catch her if she fell—told and the Social Security Adminis- retirement account is a more tax- 3. Phone calls aren’t appropriate
her, “You can do this. You’ve done it before. I’ve got you!” tration) showed that almost one- efficient method of making philan- for urgent, complex or new issues
She not only completed the climb, but returned to the bottom by quarter of those in their mid-50s thropic contributions than with- that are producing excessive pain,
means of a 115-foot free-air rappel and a midair rope swing. hold debt that exceeds half their drawing the money from an IRA worry or other symptoms.
Ms. Grutter has met climbers ranging from their 20s to their 80s, “all assets, compared with fewer than and then donating that money. 4. Phone calls are appropriate
of them cheering each other on and giving each other tips.” one-tenth in the early 1990s. A qualified charitable distribu- for concerns about medication side
She also sees benefits spilling over to all aspects of her life. Moreover, almost one-quarter of tion of up to $100,000 can be effects and refills, test results, and
“I think a lot of people look at these years as a time of decline,” she that age group has less than made annually from a traditional recurrent or lingering issues that
says. “Having been involved in this now, I see this as a period of real op- $25,000 in savings vs. 17% in the IRA directly to a qualified charity. were addressed in recent appoint-
portunity to accomplish things. I think we can make a difference in what previous cohort. You also can roll funds from a ments (e.g., the ointment only
that experience of aging is by what we engage in.” Against this backdrop, what will 401(k) to an IRA and then make worked a little—now what?).
Ms. Grutter says that while her husband is proud of her climbing ac- rising interest rates mean for the qualified charitable distribu- 5. Organize your thoughts and
complishments and keeps a photo of her climbing as a screen saver on many older Americans? tion, but you can’t make a distri- questions ahead of time by writing
his computer, her mother is less supportive. She continually asks, “Now I would not be surprised to see bution directly from a 401(k). them down. If there is a secure
that you’ve done this, can you please quit?” them experiencing more financial Qualified charitable distributions email or electronic portal set up
Ms. Grutter hopes to continue climbing for the next several years. She stress and potentially more risk of also count toward your required by the office that conforms to pri-
recently returned from another trip to Utah which included “six days of bankruptcy. In fact, borrowers 65 minimum distributions (RMDs) for vacy laws about electronic trans-
scrambling” and “a couple impromptu short beginner climbs.” She plans and older are already defaulting the year, but they can’t be claimed mission of medical information
to continue her indoor climbs in the winter and in summer as well. twice as often as their younger as a charitable deduction on your (i.e., HIPAA regulations), send in-
“I just want to keep challenging myself and progressing,” Ms. Grutter counterparts, and this rate is likely tax returns. formation and questions to the
says. “I will continue to do this until I break or I’m bored.” to grow as the Fed tightens. More- —William Reichenstein, professor, doctor for review before your call.
—Julie Halpert over, more than one-quarter of Baylor University; research head, —Marc Agronin, geriatric
people ages 56 to 66 are already Socialsecuritysolutions.com psychiatrist, Miami Jewish Health
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Monday, November 13, 2017 | R11


Forget Triathlons. It’s Time for Aquabike.

For triathletes who hate the running part, ing hills, unlike Miami.

there’s a new sport that offers a path to glory Race day

By race day, I was emotion-
ally done. The alarm went off
tional Triathlon Union’s multi- Bottom half. at 4 a.m., and I drove my
sport world championships in Two things were becoming group of equally wired team-
Penticton, British Columbia. clear: I needed a coach to help mates to the site in the dark.
WHEN I PROUDLY told friends That elevation of aquabike me get faster. And I really The starting gun went off at
that I had qualified for the gave me—a distinctly below- wanted the Team USA outfit 6:55 a.m., beginning a 3-kilo-
world championships in aqua- average triathlete and a slow with my name on the butt. meter swim around Okanagan
bike this past August, at age runner—a new loophole to Mostly, I wanted the outfit. Lake. I was eighth coming out
60, I faced blank stares and qualify for Team USA and at- I hired a coach and began to of the water—out of 15 in my
concerned questions. tend the world championship, train upwards of 12 hours a age division.
“How does the bike move in a goal that had eluded me de- week, made easier by the fact After being stripped of my
the water?” spite a great deal of effort. that I had put aside my free- wetsuit by volunteers, I set
“Do you practice on a sta- As I detailed in an earlier lance writing to focus on this out on the bike, and began the
tionary bike in the pool?” my article about taking up triath- one goal. I began to get faster, three challenging, if highly
brother-in-law asked. lons in my late 50s, it seemed but my run times were lagging. scenic, loops that made up the
The answer is that aquabike like a quick path to glory. I Then, in the summer of 120-kilometer bike course.
is a relatively new sport in tri- could land on the podium in 2016, my coach emailed, say- It was hot. A Japanese ath-
athlon, a race that normally small, local races—simply be- ing aquabike had just been in- lete was walking her bike up a
includes a swim, bike and run. cause so few women in my age cluded in the national champi- steep hill. New Zealand, Can-
In aquabike, you get to skip division showed up. onships, scheduled for Miami ada and South Africa riders all
the run. I quickly became addicted. in November. Here was my zoomed past me.
While races vary, the most But when the smaller races chance to qualify for Team “Go Hughes! Go U.S.A.!” by-
common distance is a 1.2-mile qualified me for national USA, wear the uniform, and le- standers screamed. (How
swim and a 56-mile bike ride. championships—where the top gitimately compete at the could they know my name, I
“Swim, bike, done,” enthusi- 18 qualify for Team USA—I world championships in Brit- wondered, momentarily for-
asts say. made an unwelcome discov- ish Columbia, she wrote. getting that outfit I was so

While the number of partic- ery: Lots of women in the At first, I was insulted. proud of.)
ipants in triathlons has de- 60-64 division showed up Aquabike is a weird name. Tri- I finished 11th out of 15—
clined in the past few years, from all over the country. athlon conjures up Ironman although two in my age divi-
aquabike is growing rapidly, And they’re fast. races and the uber-fit. Aquabike sion had a dreaded “DNF”—
partly by appealing to older Case in point: When I went conjures up…a bike underwater. The author, at the world championships in British Columbia. did not finish.
athletes with running injuries. to the national championships It also seemed like a triathlon So it could have been
“It’s growing like a weed,” in Milwaukee in 2015, I was for people who can’t run. ric with red, white and blue But the training assign- worse.
says Chuck Graziano, a direc- 59th out of 70 in the Olympic But as I studied the sign- stripes on the sides and stars ments were now harder. The After racking my bike, I ran
tor of USA Triathlon who has distance triathlon, with a time ups, I realized she was right. on the legs. Best of all, they course at the world champion- across the finish line for my
a titanium knee and competes of 3:23:41. Many of my com- The top 18 in each age group were emblazoned with my ships was a third-again longer photo, smiling broadly.
in aquabike. “It doesn’t in- petitors sailed past me in the would qualify for Team USA, name, right on the butt. than the race in Miami, with a But, of course, that wasn’t
clude the pounding of running. run—wearing sleek Team USA and just a few had signed up so It took me a while to grasp swim of 3 kilometers and a the end. I now own a major
It can be age-related, injury- triathlon suits with their far. I realized, incredibly, it that the British Columbia bike course of 120 kilometers. collection of Team USA triath-
related, or people who just names on their butts. might be possible to get the world championships meant My days were now dominated lon suits, swimsuits and a pa-
prefer not to run.” And when I qualified for the Team USA outfit and be at a there would be athletes from by four-hour bike rides and rade outfit, inspiring me to
Indeed, the number of national championships in world championship by default. 38 countries competing over 3,000-yard swims. sign up, once again, to com-
aquabike races sanctioned by Omaha the next year: same I signed up, and after swim- 11 days in a long series of My coach thought I was pete at the national champion-
USA Triathlon, the sport’s gov- thing. I moved up just one ming the 1.2 miles in a lake races. I would be among those ready. ships in Miami—which took
erning body, has more than notch, to 58th place out of 68 and biking the 56 flat miles representing the United States Arriving in British Columbia, place yesterday.
doubled in five years to 562 in my division, with an even through farmland, I came in of America in aquabike. I soon found a support group More women signed up in
races with 5,160 aquabikers slower time of 3:41:15. 7th of 12 in my division with a If you’re prone to anxiety, it of six women who had mostly my age group this year and I
last year. time of 3:59:55. can be alarming to realize that qualified the way I did. “I just nervously tracked the totals
Speed hurts I didn’t make the podium, you have qualified for a world don’t know if I’m going to fin- right up until the night before
Other hybrids It all seemed hopeless, par- but no matter: All 12 of us had championship—thanks to a ish the bike,” was the refrain. the race. Next year’s world
Its creation follows other ticularly the run. I have arthri- qualified for Team USA, and statistical quirk. Also, having That was a stark contrast to championship is in Denmark.
race variations with equally tis in my knees, and when I we shared a collective joy at an age-division ranking of 300 the international athletes In the end, I finished 11th of
weird names: Duathlon is a took up speed intervals, trying our statistical good fortune. out of 449 doesn’t inspire con- pouring into the place, includ- 16, with a time of 4:07:05.
run, bike, run competition, to become faster, I tore my We were in. fidence. It’s like landing on the ing the ultrabuff set from Pending official results, it looks
and aquathlon is usually a hamstring, broke my foot and U.S. Olympics pole-vaulting places like New Zealand. They like I’m going to Denmark. But
swim, run contest. But aqua- developed plantar fasciitis, in I’ll take two team by mistake. looked like a different species. either way, I have the outfit.
bike, the first hybrid to nix that order. As soon as the team outfits While I sometimes wavered, Our newly formed support
running, gained status this Last year, USA Triathlon became available, I ordered I also knew, at age 61, this group prepared by driving the Ms. Hughes is a writer living
past August when it was in- ranked me 300th out of 449 in two. They were spectacular in would likely be my one shot at bike course, commenting that in California and New York.
cluded in the 2017 Interna- my age division, female 60-64. a sleek blue compressive fab- a world championship. Ever. it seemed long, with intimidat- Email: reports@wsj.com.




clicked. Customers chose their own unique

Rob West mix of ingredients, the type of cream, the
flavors and add-ins. The order was then
Age: 61 dipped in liquid nitrogen, creating instant ice
Hometown: Simi Valley, Calif. cream in a burst of frigid fog.
Primary career: Corporate finance The shop was part of a franchise called
Current path: Ice-cream franchisee Sub Zero Ice Cream, and Mr. West immedi-
Why this path: Mr. West says of his cus- ately wanted one for himself. This was in
tomers, “They come in happy and leave 2010, and the company wasn’t yet registered
happier.” to sell franchises in California. So Mr. West
spent the next two years working with the
company to register the business in Califor-
Ice cream has always held pleasant mem- nia, and negotiating issues with city officials
ories for Rob West. “I can’t remember many in Simi Valley, where he wanted to open.
years growing up when my mom didn’t He often works 12-hour days now. Still,
serve an ice-cream dessert,” he says. “When he relishes it. With three stores now, he su-
ice cream was being passed around, it was pervises young employees, keeps the books,
always the happy times.” takes inventory and caters. His experience in
Now 61 and living in Simi Valley, Calif., marketing, sales, financing and accounting
Mr. West is having his dessert once again. have helped, and he’s still learning about ad-
After a 30-plus-year career in corporate fi- vertising, inventory and construction.
nance, first with two consulting giants, then One of his favorite tasks, he says, is the
an insurer, Mr. West has found a way to re- science presentations he gives at schools in
live the joys of his childhood—as a propri- which he demonstrates the unique properties
etor of several ice-cream shops. of nitrogen. He’ll dip a rose in liquid nitrogen
Mr. West started out as an entrepreneur for five seconds, then crush it with his hand.
at 12, selling lightbulbs door to door. To earn It breaks into “a million pieces,” he says.
money for college, he bought 11 used movie For the grand finale, he pours water into
projectors and drove around Salt Lake City a bucket of nitrogen. “It makes this huge
selling them to audio-video dealers. cloud of fog blow up 20 feet. There are
When it came time for a career, however, times when if I do it just right, I’m lost in
he chose corporate finance. He found it re- this cloud and nobody can see me.”
warding. But continuously looking for ways Mr. West says he’s gained 20 pounds.
to reduce costs was stressful, he says. Still, he sees his product as a bridge to hap-
He increasingly longed to do something piness. His customers are often celebrating
on his own terms, to be his own boss as an occasion, whether it’s a sports team or
head of his own company. families commemorating a milestone.
Then, on a visit to Boise, Idaho, he “I just feel I’m lucky to be part of that,”
stepped into an ice-cream parlor with a dif- he says.
ferent kind of concept—and something —Julie Halpert
R11A | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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R12 | Monday, November 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Older I Get, the Less I Seem to Know

They say wisdom comes with age. Maybe, but not the kind of wisdom I always cared about.
I mentioned a few of the notables I
could put her in touch with. She re-
sponded to every name I listed with
OLDER BUT WISER. a blank stare. Well, maybe some of
How many times a day do we them had moved on. I dug out my
older people hide behind that chest- vaunted Rolodex, and as I went
nut? Or that wisdom comes with through it I realized many of the
age? Or if only I knew then what I people in it had worked at jobs that
know now? don’t exist anymore. Many of the
Well, I don’t mean to sound too people, in fact, don’t exist anymore.
curmudgeonly, and I’m not really Technology is yet another realm
that old (just having turned 70), but where my ignorance shines through.
I want to throw at least some cold This was an area I knew. I worked on
water on the older-but-wiser con- websites. I was always in tune with
ceit. In many of the ways I long used advances in technology. But just the
to keep score, I don’t feel nearly as other day I had a phone conversa-
wise as I used to. tion with a tech-support guy. Mostly,
Sure, I can probably tell you it was incomprehensible. It seems
things I’ve seen and done and tech-speak has outgrown me. As I
learned along the way. I can probably threw out terms like Unix, baud rate
tell you the mistakes I’ve made and and Xywrite, I must have sounded
what you can learn from them (not like that friend of the family when I
that anybody will ask or learn). And was a child who would ask, “So you
I know plenty of facts: I can quote like that go-man-go rock ’n’ roll,
Wordsworth and can grasp the dif- huh? Hot-cha!”
ference between hot and cold fusion.
Still, what about the day-to-day Plenty smart
things that I’ve long used to define I don’t want to sound like a com-

my wisdom? Unfortunately, those plete curmudgeon. (Too late, I
are things that I no longer know, or know.) As I said, I am plenty smart
can no longer do. about lots of things (see Words-
Older but wiser? More like older worth and cold fusion). Not only
but dumber. that, I am smarter in a few key ways.
dicament. years. Watching the movement of his The most valuable thing I’ve learned
Not a clue Yes, with my smartphone, I can
The most valuable hand with the charcoal across the is that the stress I felt for way too
Let’s start with crossword puz- google clues. So at least I am spared thing I’ve learned is big pad, I perceived that, after draw- long really sucks.
zles. I am not ashamed to say that the public ridicule my uncle had to ing all this time, his gesture was as Take away stress and you lose
my lifelong thirst for knowledge was endure. But while googling the an-
that the stress I felt much art as the image itself. He was weight and get happy. It feels like
in service of a toxic crossword de- swer makes it possible to continue, for way too long sucks. poetry in motion. He had achieved the teams you root for win more of-
pendence. When my uncle (who getting external help has trans- his expertise through long experi- ten. Or, more important, when they
solved crosswords like the wind) formed my crossword habit into a ence. Certainly my skills have taken lose, it simply doesn’t matter as
started calling me for answers some moral and ethical cesspool—and books, which have morphed into a hit, but wasn’t there something I much.
years ago, I took great pride in being made it a lot less fun. two-hour-plus movie epics. There used to do that I did artfully or at And maybe, just maybe, I can learn
able to tell him. Harrumph. are superheroes as specialized as least well? Something where my ex- to be smart enough to know that it
“Are you sure you want me to tell dermatologists. And they fight with perience, my wisdom, could shine doesn’t really matter that I can’t keep
you?” I would ask him. He answered Who is that? each other…on teams! I went to see through? Then I remember the up with the pace of change. Maybe
with an unpleasant noise from his What’s more, it’s clear that my ig- “Ant Man” with a friend and her son, Jazzercise leader who stopped the the crossword puzzle is just some-
vocabulary of unpleasant noises. I’d norance—for crossword puzzles and and when other superheroes showed class to say to me, “You are very thing I used to do more easily. Maybe
give him the answer and he’d vocal- otherwise—extends well beyond the up on-screen, I whispered a request clumsy, yes?” I’m not missing anything by not
ize an even more unpleasant noise. music scene. On line in the super- to the son to tell me what was going knowing pop culture or comic-book
Finally, he gave up the puzzles, market not long ago, I picked up a on. Without taking his eyes off the People who matter movies or the movers and shakers.
though he continued growling and People magazine and paged through screen he said, “It’s too compli- Like so many people, much of my Maybe I don’t need to know how the
harrumphing until he died. it. Amazingly, I didn’t recognize even cated.” Comic books? wisdom revolved around work, and latest technology works.
Poor old guy has lost his cross- one of the celebs inside. Not a single I concede that part of the prob- especially my list of contacts that I In other words, maybe I don’t
word-puzzle edge, I thought. one. As my children grew up, they lem is that I never really acquired a could pull out at any moment, help- have to feel so dumb, if I just change
Now who’s the poor old guy? kept me somewhat current in terms hobby. I can blame that on being too ing the younger, not-so-wise, young- my definition of wisdom. If I can do
These days, I find that so much of of pop culture, videogames and hip busy working. But it probably was ster starting his or her way up the that, I just may be smarter than
the knowledge I acquired in the past vernacular. But now they’re adults more laziness. career ladder. After all, “it’s who you ever.
is dated at best, obsolete at worst. living in another city. And they don’t I now see what I missed. I once know,” and I knew them all.
With rap artists increasingly being have time for a regular pop-culture took a figure-drawing class taught In that spirit, I recently offered Mr. Buskin is retired and lives in
the answers to puzzle clues, I find tutorial (no pun intended). by an older man who’d been drawing my daughter-in-law, who is working upstate New York. He can be
myself sliding into my uncle’s pre- Then there are the humble comic the human form for more than 60 in my field, the benefit of my “juice.” reached at reports@wsj.com.

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