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Departamentul de Limbaje specializate



Denumirea cursului: English in Kinetotherapy

Manual recomandat: Adina Rădulescu – English in Kinetotherapy. A Practical English

Handbook, Ed. Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2004

Prezentarea cursului/Rezumatul cursului: This practical English course is designed as an ESP course
(English for Specific Purposes) and its main purpose is to make students familiar with the basic
specialized vocabulary necessary in the medical field, more precisely in the field of physical therapy
or kinetotherapy. The practical handbook used during the seminars - English in Kinetotherapy. A
Practical English Handbook – is divided into 10 Units, each consisting of specialized texts,
vocabulary exercises (gap filling, multiple choice, matching, derivational exercises), grammar
exercises (multiple choice, gap filling, etc.) and a particular type of therapist-patient discourse. The
grammatical elements that are to be reviewed in this year of study are: verbal tenses, prepositions of
place and position, adjectives and passive modal constructions. The study of specialized vocabulary
is focused on assimilating a considerable number of English medical terms, on fluently translating
English medical texts and, most importantly, on transforming the new specialized vocabulary into a
personal linguistic acquisition. Stimulating students to improve their English will be seen as a means
to acquire scientific information by making use of foreign up-to-date medical bibliography. English
will no longer be seen as a purpose in itself, but as a means to becoming a professional in the field of
interest. It is particularly to this purpose that the students need to make use of English-Romanian
Medical Dictionaries.
Considering the limited period of time allocated to this English course (1 semester), only the first 6
Units of the above mentioned handbook are obligatory for the final exam, the rest of the Units
being optional.

Lista subiectelor posibile

1) Compose your own relaxation exercises, starting from the examples presented in Unit 1.
2) Using your anatomy courses notes, ask your deskmate questions about the skeletal system.
3) Use the new vocabulary in Units 2 and 3 to describe certain elements of the skeletal and
muscular system.
4) Enumerate the major steps that are to be followed in examining a patient for the first time.
5) Give exemples of different types of therapist-patient dialogues that take place during an
examination, as well as during a physical therapy session.
6) Choose a particular type of injury, describe it using your own words and suggest the
corresponding type of rehabilitation program.
7) Express different types of symptoms and complaints about medical problems, using the
expressions in Unit 5.
8) Give examples of the most commonly used therapeutic exercises, explaining their efficiency
for the patient’s rehabilitation program.
Aplicaţii /Teste pentru autoevaluare la temele tratate:

1. Match up the following words with their definitions:

1. wrist a. the thick, fleshy part of the back of the leg, between the ankle and the knee
2. forehead b. large muscle at the front of the upper arm, which bends the elbow
3. hip c. the small depression beneath the arm where it joins the shoulder
4. tongue d. a thin, horny, translucent plate covering part of the dorsal surface of the end joint
of each finger
5. calf e. the part of the face between the natural hairline and the eyes; formed skeletally by
the frontal bone of the skull
6. armpit f. part on either side of the body below the waist where the bone of a person’s leg is
joined to the trunk
7. nostril g. the joint between the forearm and the hand
8. thigh h. the back part of the human foot from the instep to the lower part of the ankle
9. fingernail i. part of the body below de chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach, bowels
and digestive organs
10. heel j. organ of taste that aids the mastication and swallowing of food.
11. abdomen k. either of the two external openings of the nose
12. biceps l. part of the human leg between the knee and the hip

2. Complete the following sentences using the nouns in the box. The first one has been done for you as
an example:

sternum coccyx carpus calcaneus

scapula phalanges cranium joint
tibia metacarpus femur vertebrae

1. The spine is a flexuous column, formed of a series of bones called _vertebrae_.

2. The ____________ is composed of eight bones: the occipital, two parietal, frontal, two temporal,
sphenoid, and ethmoid.
3. The ____________ is a long, flat vertical bone, situated in front of the thorax to which are attached the
collarbone and the first seven parts of ribs.
4. The ____________ is the longest, thickest and heaviest bone in the skeleton, articulating with the pelvis
above and the knee below.
5. The ____________ is the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg, between the knee and ankle.
6. The ____________ is a small triangular bone at the end of the spinal column, articulating by its base with
the apex of the sacrum.
7. The ____________ is a large, flat bone, triangular in shape which forms the back part of each shoulder.
8. The hand is subdivided into three segments: the __________ or wrist, the ____________ or palm and the
____________ or fingers.
9. The ______________ or heel bone is the largest tarsal bone, irregularly cuboidal in form and situated at the
lower back part of the foot.
10. The structures which enter the formation of a ___________ are: bone, cartilage, fibro-cartilage, ligament
and synovial membrane.
3. Form derivational adjectives from the following nouns and verbs, choosing the appropriate suffixes
in the box. Sometimes more than one suffix can be attached to part of the words:

-al -ic -ous -less

-ish -ive -ful -able
-ible -ed -ing

Stern + -al = sternal

thorax comfort
sphere to identify
muscle to contract
abdomen access
stomach memory
anomaly to connect
fibre to digest
fever health

4. Insert the following modal constructions in their corresponding context, choosing the active or
passive form that best completes the sentence:

must be applied should wear must be used should first direct

should be confirmed may be selected must be covered
should not be done should not be rubbed may be

1. Open hand wounds ………………. immediately with a sterile dressing to prevent further
2. If bleeding continues, manual or digital pressure …………… to the wound through the dressing.
3. At times it ………… helpful to elevate the arm with the patient lying supine.
4. Cleaning the wound …………………….. in a hurry.
5. Both the examiner and the patient ………….. masks when the wound is examined.
6. Sterile instruments and gloves ……………………..
7. The examiner …………… his attention to the circulation and skin and then to bones, tendons and
8. The depth of the wound ……………………… with a sponge or a brush.
9. Suspected damage to tendons and nerves …………………. by direct vision.
10. A regional block or general anesthetic …………… depending on the patient’s age and the severity of
the injury.

5. Match the formal term in column A with its corresponding informal term in column B:

1. thyroid cartilage a. dizziness
2. halitosis b. bamboo spine
3. maxilla c. lower jaw
4. alopecia d. palpitations
5. spine e. heart attack
6. tachycardia f. Adam`s apple
7. mandible g. low blood sugar
8. myocardial infarction h. bad breath
9.ankylosing spondylitis i. womb
10. subluxation j. backbone
11. thorax k. flu
12. influenza l. chest
13. hypoglycaemia m. dislocation
14. uterus n. upper jaw
15. vertigo o. baldness

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Tense Simple or Present Perfect:

1. _______ you ever ________ (sprain) your ankle? It`s not so bad but you have to stay in bed for a
2. _______ it _________ (hurt) if I touch your swollen ankle? ______ you _______ (feel) a burning
3. My aunt`s fingers always __________ (tremble) when she ________ (give) me my monthly
4. I am still in hospital. I ________________ (not recover) yet. I always ______ (get) cramps in my
calves in the morning.
5. I ________ already _________ (practise) this stretching exercise three times. Yes, but you still
___________ (not do) it right.

7. Translate into English using the new vocabulary:

1. Este foarte important să-ţi alegi un program de exerciţii care să-ţi fie cu adevărat de ajutor.
2. Exerciţiile de menţinere a greutăţii corporale ar trebui să înceapă cu reînvăţarea schimbării greutăţii
3. Dacă vrei să-ţi corectezi postura corporală defectuoasă ar trebui să începi cu exerciţii de întărire a
musculaturii slăbite.
4. Exerciţiile de întindere sunt recomandate persoanelor în vârstă, indivizilor sedentari şi persoanelor
care se refac după operaţii sau o imobilizare prelungită.
5. Creşterea rezistenţei musculare va duce implicit la îmbunătăţirea tonusului cardiovascular.

Rezolvari si raspunsuri:
1. 1. g; 2. e; 3. f; 4. j; 5. a; 6. c; 7. k; 8. l; 9. d; 10. h; 11. i; 12. b.
2. 1. vertebrae; 2. cranium; 3. sternum; 4. femur; 5. tibia; 6. coccyx; 7. scapula; 8. carpus,
metacarpus, phalanges; 9. calcaneus; 10. joint.
4. 1. must be covered; 2. must be applied; 3. may be; 4. should not be done; 5. should wear; 6. must be used;
7. should first direct; 8. should not be rubbed; 9. should be confirmed; 10. may be selected.
5. 1. f; 2. h; 3. n; 4. o; 5. j; 6. d; 7. c; 8. e; 9. b; 10. m; 11. l; 12. k; 13. g; 14. i; 15. a.
6. 1. Have ......... sprained; 2. Does .... hurt; Do .... feel; 3. tremble; gives; 4. haven’t recovered; get;
5. have....... practised; don’t do.

Final exam - test sample (Blackboard Platform) – Test yourself!

Choose the correct answer (only one answer is possible for all exercises):
1. I can’t move my left hand; I have problems with my ………...
a. fingers
b. armpit
c. wrist
d. fists

2. It is not polite to talk to somebody when you have your ………. in your pockets.
a. fingers
b. hands
c. palms
d. arms

3. He has had this nasty habit of biting his ………. ever since he was a kid.
a. tongue
b. toes
c. fingers
d. nails

4. This old lady can’t hear you very well; she has got an ……… infection.
a. ear
b. throat
c. tooth
d. eye

5. He fell and hurt his ……… really bad, as he was not wearing his knee-pads when roller skating.
a. ankles
b. legs
c. knees
d. toes

6. The underside both of a foot and a shoe is called a …….. .

a. heel
b. sole
c. shin
d. toe

7. I ate an icecream yesterday and now I have a sore ……… .

a. neck
b. eye
c. jaw
d. throat
8. You should not drink so much coffee on an empty ………. .
a. stomach
b. waist
c. abdomen
d. throat

9. Nobody is perfect and carelessness is his Achilles’….... .

a. toe
b. arm
c. heel
d. head

10. He is walking on the tips of his ………… so as not to awake the baby.
a. feet
b. toes
c. fingers
d. sole

11. The part on either side of the body below the waist where the bone of a person’s leg is joined
to the trunk is called ...... .
a. limb
b. thigh
c. hip
d. calf

12. The carpus or the ............ is the joint between the forearm and the hand.
a. tendon
b. wrist
c. elbow
d. forearm

13. The .......... is defined as the back part of the human foot from the instep to the lower part
of the ankle.
a. sole
b. heel
c. leg
d. knee cap

14. The ............... is the part of the body below de chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach,
bowels and digestive organs.
a. waist
b. thorax
c. pelvis
d. abdomen

15. In the sentence: Under conditions of hypokinesia in an active mode of life, the blood flows
metabolic processes are reduced and stasis occurs. the word stasis means:

a. shortness of breath;
b. a stagnation in the normal flow of bodily fluids, such as the blood or urine;
c. loss of power of voluntary movement in a muscle;
d. rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.

16. In the sentence: The system is vulnerable to trauma, peculiarly susceptible to local and systemic
inflammatory disorders. the word trauma means:

a. a sudden lowering of the blood pressure;

b. a severe manifestation of a disease or disorder;
c. any bodily injury or wound;
d. a state of unconsciousness from which a person cannot be aroused.

17. Choose the corresponding half-sentence that best completes the following sentence:
Involuntary movements and tremors …
a. ... are signs of falling into a coma.
b. ... are signs of some neurological disorders.
c. ... are the symptoms of a heart attack.
d. ... are the symptoms of hypoglycaemia.

18. Choose the correct modal construction:

Cleaning the wound …………………….. in a hurry.

a. should not be done

b. should not be made
c. should be done
d. must be done

19. Choose the correct passive construction that corresponds to the following active
The examiner should advise the patient as to the extent of his injuries.
a. The examiner should be advised by the patient as to the extent of his injuries.
b. The patient should be advised by the examiner as to the extent of his injuries.
c. The patient should be advise as to the extent of his injuries by the examiner.
d. The patient should advised by the examiner as to the extent of his injuries.

20. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:
Am adesea crampe durerose în gambe după terminarea meciului de fotbal.
a. I oftenly get painfull cramps in my calves at the end of the football match.
b. I often get painful cramps in my calfs at the end of the football match.
c. I often get painful cramps in my calves at the end of the football match.
d. I am often getting painful cramps in my calves at the end of the football match.

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