Helping Others To Feel Good

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Lesson Plan

Class Grade 2
Subject: Choose A Subject Teacher’s Name: Grade 2 teachers
Section Click to Choose
Georgian Hijri
Trimester Trimester2 21/01/2018 Click to Choose Week Week 20 Campus ☐ Boys ☒ Girls
Date Date

Number of Periods 2
Unit 1
Lesson Title Helping others to feel good Chapter/Unit 45 min
Lesson 4 Duration

Standard /Benchmark Description

Choose Benchmark/Standard How I can help others to feel good.

Instructional Materials & Resources

☐Camera/s ☒Multimedia (Video/Audio/etc)
☐Computer/ IPad/Tab ☐Illustrative (Pictures/Graphics/etc) ☐Other (Please
Technology ☒Projector ☒Smartboard Specify)
☐DVD/CD Player ☒Teacher-Made Resources ______________
☐ Educational Portal: Ex. Edmodo (Worksheets/Handouts/etc)

Printed ☒ Textbooks ☒Notebooks ☒Workbook ☒Teacher-Made Resources (Worksheets/Handouts/etc)

☒Flashcards ☐Exit Cards ☐Other (Please Specify) ____________________________

Supplies ☒Markers ☒Highlighters ☐Flipcharts ☐Cardboards ☒Other Ancillary (Please Specify) _color
paper, recycling material__________

Lesson Overview

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives (KUD)

As a result of this lesson, students will

 Building awareness and an understanding of the positive and negative feelings of the people around us.
 Recognizing and applying verbal and non-verbal communication.
 Attain the skills to show compassion and offer help.
1. Know the key vocabulary
2. Angry , confused , excited ,compassionate , bored , shy
Understand : As a result of this lesson, students will understand that:
 Every problem has a solution.
 Treat the others the way you like to be treated.
 Sometimes a simple act can turn negative feelings into positive ones.
3. be able to: DO
 play an emotion game
 discuss behavior in a situation (groups)
 Make an agreement with a friend

Lesson Procedures Time

Lead in & Pre-assessment tools and/or methods 1. Discuss the following videos with your students. 3:06 min 10m 1:49 min

2. Before the lesson, prepare cards with pictures showing different

feelings. You can copy the pictures from the Student Book, or draw
your own.

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Lesson Plan

3. Divide the students into mixed ability groups and distribute the cards.
10 m
4. Explain that each picture shows people expressing their feelings
through body language. Body language includes signals such as facial
expression, posture, gestures and reactions.

5. Each group identifies the feeling expressed by the pictures. They

explain to their classmates how they formed their opinions.

*The class may vote to decide which opinions are the most valid.

*Lead the class to see that other people’s body language shows us how they are

Instructional Strategies and Activities:

Activity 1: Listen to the Story (5 minutes)
Read the story of ‘Every Problem Has a Solution’ twice. Read slowly and with
expression. Stop to explain any words that the students do not

Questions for Discussion

Teacher can use the beach ball game to encourage the students to
answer the questions.
Ask the prescribed questions. Allow students time to consider their answers before
sharing. Give a range of students the opportunity to answer.
Ask: If I were in the other person’s shoes, how would I feel? How would I act in this
situation? Through the discussion, lead the students to see the importance of putting
themselves in other people’s shoes. This skill will help them to behave

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Lesson Plan
appropriately with others. Stress the importance of paying equal attention
to everyone. Everyone needs to feel that they are
being listened to and heard.

Let’s Think

1. Read the statement aloud. Independently, students should consider what

the statement means to them. (10 m)
2. Divide the students into mixed ability groups. Each group is required to
discuss the meaning of the statement and link it back to the story.

3. Afterwards, guide students to conclude that there is always a way to solve

a problem. Sometimes a simple act can turn negative feelings into positive

Activity 3
Drawing activity
Read out the instructions.
1. Each student draws two pictures in their book, one reflecting a sad (10 m)
situation and the other reflecting a happy situation.

2. Students can discuss their pictures. Encourage them to use the following
• I feel happy when...
• I feel sad when...
This activity gives students an opportunity to express their feelings using words.

Activity 4
Role play.
• The teacher divides the students into pairs of one beginner and one advanced (15 m)
student, if possible.

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Lesson Plan
• The teacher asks one student from each pair to choose an envelope containing
one of the following statements: Fear and Worry, Pain and
Boredom, Anger and Embarrassment, Exclusion and Sadness. (15 m)

Closure 5min
Students can write in their sticky notes how they can apply this lesson in their real life.

Differentiation Evidence
Learners Having Difficulty  They read the statement and act out the feelings in front of their pair.

On-Level Learners  Give examples of the following:

Of a situation when your friend is:

Advanced Learners
 They put themselves in the other person’s shoes and help them feel better.

Assessment: Formative and summative Description: Specific Example(s) or Supporting evidence

(When Applicable)
☒Classwork ☐Frayer’s Model ☒ Self-Assessment Assessment 1 D.I.G.A is a reflection technique which progresses discussion
from description to interpretation, generalization and, finally,
☒Group work ☐Jigsaw with Experts ☐Open-Ended
☐Exit Tickets ☐Reciprocal ☒Think Pair-Share  Students will identify the feelings in the pictures page 22
☐Numbered Teaching ☒Case Study  Students answer the story questions orally page 24
Heads Together ☐Admit/Exit ☐Quick-Write
☐Portfolio Check ☐Four Corners ☐Three-Minute Assessment 2 Students complete pg. 25
☐Checklist ☒Mini Drop Quiz Review
☐Rubrics ☐ Peer Assessment ☐Presentation

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Lesson Plan
☒D.I.G.A ☒Homework ☐Send A Problem

Assessment 3 Self- reflection: students will talk with their partners

about a time when they felt a particular way. They
must express their feeling and what they wanted to

Connections to United Arab Emirates School Inspection Framework /other areas of learning (Show Evidence)
Students Competence Framework Value Evidence
☒Critical Thinking Connect to the values: care about the others feelings
☒Creativity Treat others the way you want them to treat you.
☒Problem Solving ☒Care Have compassion with your friend and his feelings.
☒Independent Learning ☒Empathy Be honest with your friends and tell them how you feel.
☐Digital Competence ☒Honesty
☐Leadership/Responsibility ☐Integrity
☒Collaboration/Teamwork ☐Resilience
☒Communication ☒Respect
☐Self Confidence ☒Tolerance
☐ Entrepreneurship

My Identity Evidence
☐Arabic Language Accept your friend for whom he is – CULTURE
☐Culture a. even if he is from another country
☐History b. Or if he has a different skin color
☒Citizenship c. Or speak a different language
☒Community d. Take his feelings in consideration

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Lesson Plan
Connection to other areas of learning English and social studies
Choose A Subject

Teacher’s Notes

Al Nahda National Schools In Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates

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