Halal and Haram Rules

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Ahle Aqal

April 15 at 12:18am

Question: How do we follow Haram and Halal from the Quran?

The labeled Muslims or the traditional Muslims believe that The Book Quran discusses - the 1400 years
old system of rules regarding – What to eat and what not to eat, dress code, Business, interest, Whom
and how many to Marry, Divorce and waiting period, Feeding of infants, Women’s impurity during
menstruation and Sex, Abortion, Beating of wives, keeping slaves, Prayer rituals, Fasting rituals,
Percentage of charity, Haj and Umra rituals, Criminal Laws for thieves murderers, Punishment for
Adultery, Angels and Satan, Reward and Punishment of Hell and Heaven, Miracles, Killing of non
believers if they don’t accept Islam etc, etc, - These are termed as Haram and Halal in “Islam”. – I am not
a part of such type of interpretations of Quran that dictates us to follow the 1400 year ancient tribal
rules and regulations. All the prevalent translations show Islam in bad light. And I don’t have to tell the
plight of those who follow such translations.

To me Quran is a book which deals with the psychological [Nafsiyat] aspect of human behavioral pattern
which is explained through different parables. The basic human psyche or permanent moral values are
same for all irrespective of religion and region but differs in terms of circumstances, consequences,
priorities and emotions.

We all have an inherent compass or indicator that guides us and navigates us towards obtaining inner
Peace. It’s all stored in our inherent program we recognized it as Al-Kitab. And this Quran needs to be
applicable to the entire Human Race in their respective languages, and not only to the followers of the
book of 114 chapters.

The country, state, city, localities we live in already have rules to be followed, the culture or family we
belong to too has a set of rules to be abided by. What rules or guide-book the people of Amazon,
Australian, African and Indian jungles follow? They follow only what is written in their mind.
My understanding of the book Quran is diverse from the main stream Islam and it is hard to understand
if the mind is already filled with preconceived ideas or information about Islam. Peace.

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