Component Repair Using Laser Direct Metal Deposition

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Component repair using laser direct metal deposition

A J Pinkerton*, W Wang, and L Li
The School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

The manuscript was received on 14 September 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 20 March 2008.

DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM1008

Abstract: Recent studies have indicated that laser direct metal deposition can be used for
repairing deep or internal cracks and defects in metallic components. In order to implement
the method, it is necessary to machine a groove or slot to the depth of the defect and refill it.
This work investigates advantages and potential problems with the technique and compares
the results from using two different slot geometries: one rectangular and one triangular in
cross-section. H13 hot-work tool steel components are used and H13 powder is deposited using
a 1.5 kW diode laser and lateral nozzle. Different combinations of deposition parameters are
tested and each sample is analysed in terms of mass deposition rate, deposition microstructure,
evidence of porosity, size of the heat-affected zone, and microhardness. Results are evaluated
using statistical techniques and the important parameters that control each variable are identi-
fied. The work provides evidence that the method can produce high-quality repairs, but poros-
ity at the boundaries between the original part and the added material is a problem.

Keywords: laser, direct metal deposition, H13 steel, statistical analysis, repair

1 INTRODUCTION resulting in distortion and heat-related effects in the

base metal [5]. Plasma transferred arc (PTA) welding
During the life of a component it may be subject to [6] and electron beam (EB) welding [7] are alternative
local impacts, corrosion, variable or regular thermal processes requiring lower heat input but needing
cycles and stresses, or other testing conditions with more complex and expensive apparatus. EB welding,
the potential to cause local defects or cracking. For in particular, gives a very precise heat flux, but it
example, cracks can be initiated in welds by mis- needs a vacuum environment so is more expensive
matched creep properties, at geometric discontinu- and difficult to apply to larger parts [8]. The high-
ities in foundry goods on account of residual velocity oxyfuel (HVOF) thermal spraying technique
thermal stresses, and in turbine shafts and blades [9] is a procedure that has found use in many indus-
owing to high-cycle fatigue and corrosion [1]. Fatigue tries. There is less component distortion than
and stress cracks are common initiators of failures with TIG welding and it has many advantages over
that cause high-performance and high-value compo- plasma spraying, including deposition of a thicker
nents to be discarded as useless [2]. The development and lower-porosity coating. However, tight control
of ultrasonic techniques means that internal cracks of depth and spread of deposited material is not
can now be detected before failure occurs [3], but possible, meaning an extensive secondary machining
there is no established method to repair them. stage is usually required.
Historically, fusion welding has been used for The process of laser direct metal deposition
repair of surface cracks. One of the first methods (LDMD) [10, 11] is well suited to surface repair appli-
was tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding [4]. However, cations. LDMD involves creating a moving melt pool
while relatively easy to apply, this method produces on a metal surface using a laser and blowing metal
a lot of heat and can cause high residual stresses, powder of the same or a different type into it using
an inert gas stream. The added material increases
*Corresponding author: School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and the size of the pool, which rapidly solidifies into a
Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, PO Box 88, raised track when the laser moves on. The deposition
Sackville Street, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. email: andrew. area can thus be precisely controlled. Residual stres- ses are formed but are lower than from TIG welding

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828 A J Pinkerton, W Wang, and L Li

and can be compressive at the surface [12, 13]. The deep, was machined along the mid-line of the upper
physical and corrosion properties of the final mate- surface (24 · 16) of one set of blocks, parallel with
rial can be difficult to predict because it undergoes the longer side. A slot of triangular cross-section,
a repeated heating–cooling cycle [14], but they can 6.0 mm deep and with 60 included angle, was
in many cases exceed those of the parent material machined along the mid-line of the upper surface of
[15]. The application of the repair process has been a second set of blocks. The same volume of material
researched by several authors [16, 17]. Wang et al. was thus removed from every block. After machining,
[18] used a dual-beam laser arrangement for repairing the upper surfaces of the blocks were grit blasted.
surface cracks in Ni-based superalloy components; the Predried H13 powder with a particle size of
method was designed for cracks of 0.1–0.3 mm width. 53–150 mm was used to replace the machined-away
The repair of internal cracks is more difficult than volume using laser direct metal deposition (LDMD).
the repair of surface cracks because it is necessary An FST PF-2/2 disc-type powder feeder manufactured
first to mill a slot down to the affected area to remove by Flame Spray Technologies Ltd was used to deliver
the crack and surrounding material and then refill the the powder. Argon was used as the conveyance gas,
volume with the same metal. Grum and Slabe [19] and an additional 0.67 L/s flow of argon from a lateral
reported a study on the repair of narrow surface nozzle with an internal diameter of 30 mm acted as a
cracks in 12 per cent Ni hot-working maraging tool shield gas to reduce surface oxidation during deposi-
steel by a laser surface melting method. Song et al. tion. Power was supplied by a Laserline LDL 160–1500
[20] studied the rebuilding of a V-slot of up to 20 mm diode laser with a maximum power of 1.5 kW and a
in depth in medium-carbon steel with stainless steel, dual-wavelength output of 808 and 940 nm (infrared).
using multilayer deposition with a CO2 laser. However, The beam was directed onto the surface using a lens
as different materials were used, that could not strictly with a focal length of 300 mm, such that the upper
be classed as a like-for-like repair technique. Han et al. surface of the block lay in the imaging plane. The laser
[21] used thermal imaging techniques, to study the fill- beam in that plane was rectangular with a size equal to
ing of rectangular slots with stainless steel and mod- 3.5 mm (slow axis) · 2.5 mm (fast axis). During the
elled the process. These authors found the process to experiment, the diode laser beam was kept stationary
be unstable, which was attributable to the powder and the workpiece was moved with a CNC x–y table
injection process. parallel to both the slow axis of the beam and the
Repair methods have found wide application in a groove. Prior to each experiment and between tracks,
number of industries, including the aerospace and the height of a sample was adjusted in the z direction
turbine industries [16, 22–26]. Demand for them is using a manual adjustment mechanism on the workta-
likely to continue, and increased concern about the ble. The experimental apparatus and base samples
environment is also encouraging the use of repair or used are illustrated in Fig. 1.
similar methods [27] for the repair of components After an experiment, the repair quality was initially
or for the remanufacture of complete assemblies in evaluated by visual observation. The samples were
other industries [27]. LDMD can play a role in this; then sectioned in a transverse plane, and ground
however, no attempt has yet been made to consoli- and polished using standard metallographic techni-
date the results from studies of LDMD for internal ques. The polished specimen surfaces were etched
crack repair using rectangular and triangular (V) with 3% Nital (10 mL nitric acid, 90 mL methanol),
cross-section slots by assessing if the same para-
metric relationships hold for each. In this paper,
potential problems with the application of LDMD to
repair damaged components are investigated, and
the effects of process parameters and slot geometry
on the process are analysed.


2.1 Methods and materials

The base metal used in the investigation was the
chromium hot-work tool steel H13, with composition
(wt %): 0.4C, 5.3Cr, 1Si, 0.3Mn, 1.4Mo, 1V, 0.005S,
balance Fe [28]. This steel is widely used in the die
casting industry. All base blocks were rectangular,
with exterior dimensions of 24 · 16 · 12 mm. A slot
of rectangular cross-section, 3.3 mm wide and 6.0 mm Fig. 1 Laser deposition with slotted base blocks (schematic)

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and the morphology and microstructures were exam- The significance of relationships between the
ined using optical microscopy and a Philips XL32 dependent variables (the number of tracks to fill a
ESEM-FG. The degree of porosity in a rebuilt area slot, the porosity, the size of the heat-affected zone,
was quantified by analysis of the optical micrographs and the mean hardness of the deposited material)
using the Photoshop 8.0 software package to quantify and the independent variables was assessed in this
the number of pixels representing porosity and the way by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the
overall rebuilt area and dividing accordingly to obtain Design-Expert and SPSS software (http://www.spss.
the average porosity ratio. com/spss/) packages. ANOVA analysis was per-
A cross-section through each sample was tested for formed with a level of significance of 0.05 (i.e. a
hardness using a Buehler MicroMet digital microin- 95 per cent confidence level) throughout and initially
dentation hardness tester. The mean hardness was included product terms to assess simple interactions
assessed by taking the average of five hardness mea- between the process variables.
surements at points within the original slot. Three
points were evenly spaced on the centre-line of the
slot and two points were at the width of the slot at
2 mm below the original substrate surface.
3.1 Mass deposition rate
Some repair deposits were performed specifically
for tensile strength testing by using wider substrate It took between 1 and 24 separate tracks to fill a slot
pieces (24 · 200 mm). After repair, the start and end completely. Because it is the deposition rate rather
of the filled groove were ground away, and the under- than the number of tracks required to fill a slot that
side of the specimen was ground to give a total depth is expected to be physically related to the independent
of 7.7 mm (slot depth plus 1.2 mm). Any defects in the process parameters, an initial inverse transformation
base of the slot were thus preserved, but the analysis was applied to the experimental data. ANOVA analy-
mainly tested the strength of the repair in the middle sis, including all main and product terms was found
of the block rather than the substrate. A gauge length to give only a moderate fit for the square slots and
of 25 mm was evaluated at a strain rate of 3 mm/min an insignificant relationship for the V-slots. Model
using an Instron 4507 tensile/compressive test rig. reduction to assess only main effects resulted in the
satisfactory identification of significant parameters
2.2 Plan of experiments shown in Tables 2 and 3. The significance of each
relationship is shown by the standard F-test; the final
Two experiments were performed, one for the
column aids the interpretation of the value by giving
square-slot specimens and one for the V-slot speci-
the probability of it occurring if the null hypothesis is
mens. A 33 factorial design method was used [29]; the
true (i.e. there is no factor effect).
Design-Expert (Stat-Ease Inc., http://www.statease.
Table 2 indicates a highly significant model. Speed
com/) software package was used to assist with
and powder flow are very important factors in the
experiment planning. The same three levels of power,
deposition rate within a square groove. Laser power
P, powder mass flowrate, F, and traverse speed, V,
as an independent term has little or no significance.
were used in each experiment, and as many deposi-
This is in agreement with results by Paul et al. [30]
tion runs as necessary for complete filling of a
for deposition of Inconel 718 on a plane surface, who
machined slot were made at each parameter combi-
found power to be the least significant main indepen-
nation. This meant in most cases that there was
dent process variable. It is also an indication that, at
some additional material deposited above the origi-
the parameters tested, the deposition rate is mass
nal surface of the base block, but this could, in a
rather than power limited [31] and that there is
practical repair situation, be easily machined away.
sufficient power available to assimilate all power
The number of tracks taken to fill a slot was taken
as a quantitative indicator of the deposition rate.
The levels used in the experiments are shown in Table 2 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the number of
Table 1 [29]. tracks to fill a square slot

Sum of Mean
Table 1 Assignment of levels to the independent process Source squares DOF* square F-value Prob > F
variables tested
Model 0.668 3 0.222 39.808 <0.0001
Power 0.008 1 0.008 1.529 0.2265
Delivered laser Powder mass Traverse speed Powder flow 0.064 1 0.064 11.533 0.0021
Level power (kW) flowrate (g/s) (mm/s) Speed 0.595 1 0.595 106.3637 <0.0001
Lack of fit 0.156 23 0.006
1 0.9 0.237 1 Total 0.824 26
0 1.2 0.472 3
1 1.5 0.710 6 *DOF ¼ degrees of freedom.

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Table 3 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the number of

tracks to fill a V-slot
Source Sum of DOF* Mean F-value Prob > F
squares square

Model 1.508 3 0.310 6.027 0.0005

Power 0.380 1 0.380 7.406 0.0117
Powder flow 0.629 1 0.629 12.248 0.0018
Speed 0.498 1 0.499 9.714 0.0046
Lack of fit 1.633 23 0.071
Total 3.141 26

*DOF ¼ degrees of freedom.

reaching the melt zone. This could at least in part be

due to the upper parts of the slots shielding the melt
pool from incoming powder. Table 3 shows a similar
pattern, with powder flow again appearing to have
most significance, although power appears more
important than for deposition in a square groove,
possibly owing to reduced powder shielding in this
case. These relationships are shown via scatter plots
in Fig. 2; the commonly used term of specific energy
(power/(speed · beam diameter) ) is used in Fig. 2(b).
If Nsquare and NV are the number of tracks taken to
fill the square and V-slots respectively, and P, F, and
V are the coded factors representing the laser power,
powder mass flowrate, and traverse speed respec-
tively, then regression analysis gives the predictive
equations (1) and (2). As expected, the equations
indicate that the number of tracks required decreases
with powder flow and increases with speed. Surpris-
ingly, they also indicate that the number increases
with power, which appears to contradict established
relationships between power, or specific energy and
LDMD deposition rates on a surface [31, 32]. How-
ever, in a mass- rather than power-limited deposition
regime, ‘meltdown’ may have occurred in this case,
assisted by overall substrate heating owing to the
multiple passes required to fill most of the slots. Fig. 2 Number of runs required to fill the machined slots
The consequential reduction in the height of the versus (a) line mass and (b) specific energy
tracks would then have reduced the rate at which
the slot was filled, at least vertically
adjacent tracks [34]. Intralayer porosity is often sphe-
¼ 0:24  0:022P þ 0:06F  0:18V ð1Þ rical areas of porosity within a layer – its cause is not
Nsquare always clear but is thought to be related to gas
dissolved or entrapped within the melt [35]. Factors
1 that can lead to porosity include inconsistent specific
¼ 0:37  0:15P þ 0:19F  0:17V ð2Þ
NV energy, misplaced tracks, an oxide layer preventing
or hindering fusion, and initial porosity in the
3.2 Porosity
Pore and void formation is a problem that has been ANOVA analysis was performed in the same way as
identified in LDMD on a plane surface and can be for the number of layers; in this case it was not neces-
divided into three categories. Interrun porosity [33] sary to eliminate interactions to identify significant
is caused by the horizontally aligned or offset tracks relationships. The analysis results are shown in
of incompatible aspect ratios and forms near the Tables 4 and 5.
base of deposited tracks. Interlayer lack of fusion For the square slots, no one factor dominates; all
porosity is caused by incomplete bonding between main factors and tested interactions are significant,

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Table 4 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for porosity in a

filled square slot

Sum of Mean Prob

Source squares DOF* square F-value >F

Model 0.351 6 0.058 16.05 <0.0001

Power 0.088 1 0.088 24.09 <0.0001
Powder flow 0.117 1 0.117 32.18 <0.0001
Speed 0.072 1 0.072 19.88 0.0002
Power · powder flow 0.019 1 0.019 5.202 0.0313
Power · speed 0.026 1 0.026 7.018 0.0138
Powder flow · speed 0.029 1 0.029 7.905 0.0094
Lack of fit 0.091 20 0.005
Total 0.442 26

*DOF ¼ degrees of freedom.

Table 5 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for porosity in a

filled V-slot

Sum of Mean Prob

Source squares DOF* square F-value >F

Model 0.023 6 0.004 14.60 <0.0001

Power 0.004 1 0.004 15.36 0.0006
Powder flow 0.018 1 0.018 68.01 <0.0001
Speed 0.000 1 0.000 1.011 0.3244
Power · powder flow 0.001 1 0.001 2.141 0.1559
Power · speed 0.000 1 0.000 0.026 0.8737
Powder flow · speed 0.000 1 0.000 1.035 0.3188
Lack of fit 0.007 20 0.000
Total 0.029 26

*DOF ¼ degrees of freedom. Fig. 3 Microstructure in a transverse plane of the sample

prepared at a line energy of 1200 J/mm and or line
mass of 0.237 g/mm: (a) optical micrograph of
although the main factors have higher F-values than fusion zone; (b) SEM of deposited material
the interactions. Conversely, for a V-slot, power and
powder flow are the dominant factors, with speed
and all interactions having insignificant effects on assimilation and therefore individual track height or
the level of porosity. Examination of some of the slots its contribution to overall substrate heating and
with higher levels of porosity indicated that large hence formation of ‘stray’ molten areas
areas of interrun-type porosity were responsible.
The voids were irregular and generally longer verti- Csquare ¼ 0:118 þ 0:070P þ 0:081F  0:63V
cally than horizontally, which would not have been þ 0:040PF  0:46PV  0:049FV ð3Þ
the case if they were entirely due to interlayer lack
of fusion. The micrographs showed that porosity CV ¼ 0:053 þ 0:015P þ 0:031F þ 0:007PF ð4Þ
was particularly evident near corners of the slots.
3.3 Microstructure and the heat-affected
The porosity expected in a square and a V-shaped
zone (HAZ)
slot can be predicted using the interpolated equa-
tions (3) and (4), which show that porosity increases The original substrate material was H13 in an unhar-
with both identified main parameters – powder flow dened condition. Metallurgical examination identi-
and power. Powder flow has the most notable effect fied it as ferritic with a homogeneous distribution of
on track height and therefore reduces the aspect carbides. Figure 3 shows a higher-magnification opti-
ratio (track width/track height). This process would cal micrograph (a) and an SEM image (b) of the
probably increase interrun porosity – Steen et al. deposition area and fusion zone respectively from a
[33] recommended an aspect ratio of greater than typical sample.
5 for a 50 per cent (horizontal) track overlap for The microstructure in the rebuilt zone in most sam-
porosity-free volume deposition. For increases in ples is fine, free of microporosity and cracks. Grain
laser power to increase porosity is counterintuitive direction on moving outwards is radial and the grains
and may be due to its secondary effect on mass are highly elongated, indicating directional cooling.

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Fig. 4 Micrographs of cross-sections through selected samples prepared at a speed of 3 mm/s and a line
mass of 0.237 g/mm: (a) V-type 1500 J/mm; (b) V-type 200 J/mm; (c) V-type 900 J/mm; (d) square
1500 J/mm; (e) square 200 J/mm; (f) square 900 J/mm

This reflects the ‘self-quenching’ nature of the LDMD melt pool size decrease as the translational speed of
process and the fact that the majority of the absorbed the beam increase. Conversely, when filling a V-slot,
heat from the laser is rapidly conducted to the sub- powder flow is very significant and any relationship
strate. There is a distinct fusion bonding interface between HAZ size and speed has over a 10 per cent
between the added material and the substrate. chance of being pure chance.
Figure 4 compares micrographs of cross-sections Equations (5) and (6) predict HAZ size from the
through selected square and V-slots. The central dark coded input variables. In both cases the area is pre-
region seen in Figs 4(a) and (c) and 5(b) is tempered dicted to decrease with power, powder flow, and
martensite. The cooling rates typically experienced in speed. This unusual result is a combination of the nor-
LDMD are rapid and in normal heat treatment the mal reduction in melt zone with speed that is seen
H13 steel can be fully hardened by an air cool [36]. when there is no mass addition and the fact that power
Additionally, previous work has shown that surface and powder flow lead to a greater amount of material
deposition of H13 produces martensitic structures being deposited. This moves the source of the heat
[32]. Some primary carbides are also visible. The sur- higher in the slot for subsequent passes of the laser,
rounding light regions are untempered martensite, reducing any further heating effect near the base of
which is light etching, and represent areas that have the slot. The stronger relationship between HAZ size
been heated above the critical temperature only once. and power for V-slots could be because deposition at
The area of the HAZ was quantified from the pro- the narrow bottom part of the slot moves the heat
duct of its width at the upper surface and the depth source upwards more quickly than deposition in the
at the centre-line of the slot minus the cross-sectional broad bottom part of a square slot
area of the slot (19.2 mm2). Taking a more complex
HAZsquare ¼ 39:2  6:67P  8:10F  11:5V  0:98PF
geometry for the zones would not have affected the
þ 1:70PV þ 7:54FV
ANOVA that follows. The strengths of the relationships
of the size of the HAZ with the primary input variables ð5Þ
and interactions between them were tested, and the
analysis is shown in Tables 6 and 7. HAZV ¼ 41:5  3:14P  11:5F  6:12V þ 5:44PF
The most significant parameter for size of the HAZ þ 4:49PV þ 7:18FV
when filling a square slot is traverse speed, although ð6Þ
powder flow and, to a lesser extent, power are also
3.4 Hardness
important. This is in agreement with the work of
Rostami and Raisi [37], who showed that, for a laser The hardness in the rebuilt zone and the tensile
heat source moving over a semi-infinite substrate strength of the rebuilt area were tested as an indication
with no mass addition, the heat-affected zone and of the cooling rates during formation [38] and the

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Table 6 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the size of the

HAZ formed filling a square slot

Sum of Mean
Source squares DOF* square F - value Prob >F

Model 5092 6 848.8 7.361 0.0001

Power 800.4 1 800.4 6.942 0.0142
Powder flow 1182 1 1182 10.25 0.0037
Speed 2381 1 2381 20.65 0.0001
Power · powder flow 11.53 1 11.53 0.100 0.7545
Power · speed 34.85 1 34.85 0.302 0.5874
Powder flow · speed 682.4 1 682.4 5.918 0.0225
Lack of fit 2882 20 144.129
Total 7975 26

*DOF ¼ degrees of freedom.

Table 7 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the size of the

HAZ formed filling a V-slot

Sum of Mean
Source squares DOF* square F-value Prob >F

Model 4438 6 739.7 2.947 0.0258

Power 177.4 1 177.4 0.707 0.4085
Powder flow 2372 1 2372 9.448 0.0051
Speed 673.2 1 673.2 2.682 0.1140
Power · powder flow 355.5 1 355.5 1.416 0.2452
Power · speed 242.2 1 242.2 0.965 0.3354
Powder flow · speed 618.2 1 618.2 2.463 0.1291
Lack of fit 6276 20 313.8
Total 10713 26

*DOF ¼ degrees of freedom.

integrity of the bonding. Figure 5 shows microhardness

profiles in transverse cross-sections through four sam-
ples after multipass deposition. These profiles are typi-
cal of all the samples. Microhardness varies from
approximately HV 200 in the original substrate to
over HV 700 within the redeposited area. This exceeds
the normal working hardness of the material, which is
HV 400–600 [39, p. 146] and provides further evidence
for the martensitic nature of the deposit. Comparison
with Fig. 5 indicates that the limit of the hardened
zones in both horizontal and vertical directions
matches the HAZs identified visually.
ANOVA analysis of the effects of input parameters
and interactions on the mean deposit hardness
required the models to be reduced to linear terms
to obtain significant relationships. The results were
then clear and indicated that, for both square and
V-slots, powder mass flowrate was the most signifi-
cant parameter (F-values of 0.032 and 0.050 respec-
tively). Laser power was insignificant in both cases,
and traverse speed had a weaker effect for the
square slot only (F-value 4.28, Prob > F 0.0479).
Hardness increased with increasing powder flow,
which is not what would be expected for surface
Fig. 5 Microhardness distributions along the rebuilt clad- deposition, as an increased deposition rate implies
ding layers of samples at a line energy of (a,b) a larger melt pool, reduced cooling rate [40], and
1200 J/s and (c,d) 400 J/s. therefore coarser microstructure and lower final

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Table 8 Failure parameters for V-slot and square-slot


Line energy Line mass stress Failure
Slot type (J/mm) (g/mm) (MPa) strain

V 250 0.0395 483 0.33

Square 250 0.0395 427 0.18
V 1200 0.237 340 0.13
Square 1200 0.237 309 0.13

than even the yield stress of the heat-affected mate-

rial in and surrounding the original slot [36, 41].
Examination of the specimens indicated that in
both cases the V-slots had failed in the middle of
the redeposited area, while the square slots had failed
in the fusion zone, near the original slot wall. The
square slots appeared to have incompletely fused
planes corresponding to the initial sides of the
machined slot. It is likely that this is because, when
depositing material in a square slot, the laser beam
did not impinge directly onto the side walls, so crea-
tion of a fusion bond would have relied solely on the
heat conducted from the molten zone. When the slot
was V-shaped the laser beam could impinge directly
on the side walls and hence directly provide sufficient
energy for a good fusion bond.
The micrographs shown in Fig. 4 show another
possible reason for the premature failure of samples.
Small cracks can be seen around the fusion area in
Fig. 4(d), and these were generally present in samples
Fig. 6 Stress–extension curves for LDMD samples: (a) prepared at higher line energy. They were most likely
1200 W, 0.237 g/s, 6 mm/s; (b) 1200 W, 0.237 g/s, caused by stresses around the repair zone as a result
1 mm/s of thermal contraction during the rapid cooling
phase. Stress relief is normally recommended for
hardness [38]. However, in this case the high powder H13 after hardening [39].
feed rate acted to reduce the number of passes
required to fill a slot and therefore the number of 4 CONCLUSIONS
reheat cycles experienced, and this meant there
was less remelting and probably therefore coarsen- The use of diode laser direct metal deposition as a
ing of the original deposited microstructure. Addi- means of repairing internal cracks in metallic compo-
tionally, the smaller the number of passes required nents has been assessed by repairing slots with rectan-
to fill a slot, the lower is the degree of overall sub- gular and triangular cross-sections in H13 steel and
strate heating and thus the higher is the cooling statistically analysing the results. In all cases, the final
rate for deposition of the final tracks. state of the deposited material was tempered marten-
site with high hardness surrounded by a heat-affected
zone of untempered martensite. A solid deposit with
3.5 Tensile strength
fine microstructure and good fusion bond to the base
Transverse tensile testing was carried out on two can be formed, but the formation of porosity is a pro-
square and two triangular slot samples, and the results blem with a slot of either shape. The vertical side walls
are shown in Fig. 6 and quantified in Table 8. of a square slot are a problem, as they shield powder
The stresses are in all cases considerably lower and do not have direct laser irradiation to aid the for-
than the ultimate tensile strengths of soft annealed mation of a fusion bond with incoming powder, and
H13 (670 MPa) and tempered H13 (1.7 GPa) [36]. In sharp angles within a slot, such as the lowest point of
fact, although some plastic deformation of the base a V-slot, are also prone to porosity. Porosity tends to
material may have occurred, failure stresses are lower increase with laser power and powder flow for both

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types of slot and has a detrimental effect on the multilayer laser deposited Waspaloy parts measured
strength of the repaired area. using neutron diffraction. In Proceedings of 26th Inter-
national Congress on Applications of Lasers and Elec-
tro-optics (ICALEO), Orlando, California, 2007, CD.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 14 Pinkerton, A. J., Karadge, M., Syed, W. U. H., and Li, L.
Thermal and microstructural aspects of the laser direct
The authors are grateful to technical staff at the Uni- metal deposition of Waspaloy. J. Laser Applic., 2006,
versity of Manchester for their assistance, particularly 18(3), 216–226.
Arthur Sumner and Dave Mortimer for machining/ 15 Majumdar, J. D., Pinkerton, A., Liu, Z., Manna, I., and
grinding and tensile testing of samples respectively. Li, L. Mechanical and electrochemical properties of
multiple-layer diode laser cladding of 316L stainless
Thanks also to Dr Lee Mein Wee for early help with
steel. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2005, 247(1–4), 373–377.
statistical analysis methods. This work is partially
16 Islam, M. U., Xue, L., and McGregor, G. Process for
funded by The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences manufacturing or repairing turbine engine or compres-
Research Council (EPSRC) via grant EP/C00194X/1. sor components. US Pat. 6,269,540, 2001.
17 Krause, S. An advanced repair technique: laser powder
build-up welding. Sulzer Tech. Rev., 2001, 83(4), 4–6.
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