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Why Take the Time to Provide
Sponsor Reports

•Another opportunity to say thank you

•Provides credibility with sponsor
•Written documentation of what was delivered
•Sponsors see them as very valuable
•Begin discussions for renewal
•Increase renewal rates
Key Elements of a Report
(Borrowed from IEG)

•Introduction/Executive Summary
•Participant/Spectator Information
•Advertising and Editorial Media Exposure
•Off-site Exposure
•On-site Exposure
•Charitable Organizations
•Additional Outcomes
7th AnnualUkr
April 1, 2006

Post-Event Sponsorship Report
Executive Summary

The 2006 Ukrop’ s M onument Avenue 10k was a tremendous success on so many levels breaking
records in participation, fundraising and impacting the lives of so many people. The event reached
capacity of 20,000 registered participants three weeks prior to the event and broke last year’
s all time
high of 16,511. The First M arket M ile Kids Run saw a new record number of participants with 1,223
kids taking part. The YM CA 10k Training Team also had its largest number of participants with
2,888 people as part of the official training program for the 10k.

The Sports Backers produced an aggressive and comprehensive marketing plan that was both organic
through a grass roots approach as well as national through advertising outside the Richmond market.
This year’s event received more media and news coverage than any other previous Ukrop’ s
M onument Avenue 10k. An unprecedented two-hour live television show on CBS 6 was the number
2 program in that time period with a 4.1 household rating/9share.

The Ukrop’ s M onument Avenue 10k was also a financial success for the two event charities. VCU
M assey Cancer Center raised more then $140,000 through online contributions and a pledge program
while the Sports Backers Fit For Life youth running program raised $9,500 from contributions.

While it is difficult to quantify, the 2006 event had an immeasurable impact on the lives of so many
Richmond area residents. Through unsolicited emails, we heard from so many participants how the
Ukrop’ s M onument Avenue 10k changed their lives both emotionally and physically. Our online
survey showed that 98.4% would recommend the Ukrop’ s Monument Avenue 10k to a friend.
Osco Dr ug/
s( “Osco”)paid $1,
200 to sponsora waterstation for the 2006
com Gr een BayMarathon (“CGBM”). Thi
swasOsco’ ssixt
h yearas a water station
The CGBM celebrated its sixth year with over 4,000 runners crossing the finish lines of
the marathon, half marathon, 5K Family Run, and Wisconsin Public Ser viceKi ds’Power
Run. While a rainy forecast held back registrations (down 6% from a year earlier), the
number of people crossing the finish lines increased (up 8% from a year earlier) for the
second year in a row.
Osco was acknowledged as a sponsor on the marathon website, at the Sponsor
Luncheon, in the Weekend Event Guides, in the finish line audio announcements, on a
finish line banner, and through its own water station.
The 2005 CGBM was regarded as a success by the community and the participants.
Of 1,095 participants responding to an online survey following the race, 95% said that
they would participate in this event again.
The event was also a financial success for local charities. In July 2005, marathon
organizers delivered checks totaling $24,000 ($8,000 each) to three local charities –
the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and the New Community Homeless
Shelter, in recognition of their vital assistance with the 2005 event.
Participant Information

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

10k Participants 6,531 9,242 14,203 16,511 20,119
Kids Run 669 1,001 1,070 1,223

Male 47.3% 40.1% 43.4% 42.0% 41.4%

Female 52.7% 59.9% 56.6% 58.0% 58.6%

Average Age 35.8 36.8 36.6 36.4 36.8

Richmonders 82.0% 87.3% 83.5% 83.9% 84.2%

Virginians 95.7% 96.7% 96.1% 96.0% 95.2%

States Represented 28 28 32 36 36

Online Survey Results

43.5% of participants indicated that this was their first time competing in a 10k event.
93.2% of participants indicated that they plan to participate in 2007 event.
98.5% of respondents suggested they would recommend the event to a friend.
The figures on the following pages provide information regarding the participants of
the 2005 Cellcom Green Bay Marathon.
Total registrations for the CGBM were down slightly (6%) from a year earlier with 4,506
registrations as compared with 4,787 in 2004. It is important to note that 2004
registrations were up 33% from the previous year with the return of Lambeau Field to
the course. A rainy forecast in 2005 held back registrations, most notably for the 5K
Family Fun Run/Walk which receives the bulk of its registrations during the final week
of the event.
Totalpar ticipat
ion inthe weekend’ sf ourevent s was up 8% f rom a year earlier with
the growt h comi ng i
nt he Wisconsi
n Publ ic Service Ki ds’Run,t he half marathon and
the full marathon relay team event. Favorable weather conditions on Sunday, May
22nd, enabled 90% of those who had registered to start and finish the events.
On average for the last three years, 60% of the participants in the CGBM are local
(within 60 miles) and 80% are from Wisconsin. The 2005 CGBM attracted participants
from 44 different states. Across all of the events, the event was balanced in terms of
gender – 52% male and 48% female. See E XHIBIT 1 and EXHIBIT 2 for more
demographic information.
EVENT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
FULL MARATHON 1,284 1,310 1,063 1,265 1,207
HALF MARATHON 1,136 1,405 1,495 1,806 1,767
5K RUN/WALK 525 585 567 1,292 1,042
DS’RUN 209 343 483 425 490
TOTALS 3,154 3,643 3,608 4,788 4,506




EVENT 2004 2005 CHANG %
- 6%
MARATHON RELAY 93 186 + 93 + 100%
HALF MARATHON 1,464 1,605 + 141 + 10%
5K RUN/WALK 901 898 -3 0%
DS’RUN 347 490 + 143 + 41%

TOTAL 3,777 4,090 + 313 + 8%

*M arathon Relay Teams 18 39 + 21 + 117%
Advertising and
Editorial Media
Media Overview

The Sports Backers engaged in an aggressive and comprehensive promotions campaign, utilizing television,
printa ndr adi
o,t oi
ncrea sepubl ica
wa renes soft heUkrop’sMonument Avenue 10k. Relationships were
established with CBS 6, the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Clear Channel Radio.

Print Highlights

The Richmond Times-Dispatch placed twenty-two promotional ads in the newspaper to support the event.

January 4 Training Team Promo, 4x5 color Balance

January 8 Training Team Promo, 4x5 color Sports
January 12 Training Team Promo, 4x5 b&w M etro
January 15 Training Team Promo, 4x5 b&w Sports
January 18 Training Team Promo, 4x5 color Balance
January 22 Training Team Promo, 4x5 b&w Sports
January 26 Registration Promo, 4x5 b&w M etro
January 30 Registration Promo, 4x5 color M etro
February 1 Registration Promo, 4x5 b&w Balance
February 5 Registration Promo, 4x5 b&w Sports
February 6 Registration Promo, 4x5 color Sports
February 8 Registration Promo, 4x5 color M etro
M arch 22 Dress Up & Run Promo, 3x10.5 color Balance
M arch 23 Dress Up & Run Promo, 3x10.5 color Weekend
M arch 24 Party Stop Promotion, 4x5 color Flair
M arch 25 Party Stop Promotion, 4x5 b&w Sports
M arch 26 Dress Up & Run Promo, 3x10.5 color M ain
Media Overview

M arch 29 Dress Up & Run Promo, 3x10.5 color Business

M arch 29 Party Stop Promo, 4x5 b&w Flair
M arch 29 Section Promo, 6x3 color Balance
M arch 31 Section Promo, 6x3 color Weekend
April 1 Section Promo, 6x3 color Home & Garden

Total Print Value = $68,062

In addition to promotional ads, several stories appeared in the Richmond Times Dispatch that profiled individual
runners and provided training tips to registrants.

M arch 16 “RecordCr owdf orMonume ntAvenue10k” M ain

“EmotionsRunni ngHigha sRacersReadyf or10k” Flair
M arch 30 “AMonume ntalRunIn–OnYourMa rkforthe10k” Weekend
M arch 31 “RunofHe rLife” M etro
April 1 “Last-MinuteCr ammingforRa ce” M ain
April 1 “OddsAr e
,Eve nFiel
dsWi l
tyi nRaces
” Sports
April 2 “RoadWa rri
ors” Special Section
April 3 “Bush’sDa ughterswereSec r
etRunnersinRac e” Sports
April 4 “NoBus hLe a
gueRunne rs,TheseTwo” Flair
Media Overview


Media Outlets S pecs Date

Running Times ½ page color M arch

Runne r’
sWor ldSpot l
ight ¼ page color February
Runne r’
sWor ld(Calenda r
) Listing January-April
Blue Ridge Outdoors Full Page Color December –M arch
Washington Running Report Standard Race Color Jan/Feb –M arch/April
M etroSports Washington Full Page Color December, February, M arch

stheRace of the Month in the April 2006 edition of
Media Overview

Television Highlights

CBS 6 aired a total of 622 Ids (:04/:09) and promotional spots (:30/:15/:10) to ensure that all
viewers were aware of the opportunity to cheer or participate on April 1.

Race S pot Analysis

YMCA Training Team Promotions:

ID’s (:04/:09) 89
Commercials (:30/:15/:10) 202
Total Spots 291

Registration Promotions
ID’s (:04/:09) 82
Commercials (:30/:15/:10) 111
Total Spots 193

A&S Party S top Promotions

ID’s (:04/:09) 45
Commercials (:30/:15/:10) 93
Total Spots 138

Total Television Value = $111,192

Media Overview


In addition to promotional spots, CBS 6 aired a series of stories involving the YM CA Training Team program and
broadcast several special interest stories.

February 9 Ella Saunders: 81ye arol dc ancers urvivorwhowoul dn’tlethe r

age or her disease stop her.
M arch 1 Doretha Pair: Suffers from asthma and diabetes and since
participating in the race, she has been able to control both diseases
better and shed 30 pounds.
M arch 1 John Rolfe YMCA: One month until the big race.
M arch 6 Sports Backers: TheUkr op’sMonume ntAve nue10ki sn’ttheonl y
event the Sports Backers bring to the River City.
M arch 6 Shady Grove YMCA
M arch 9 Nancy Fabian: Cingular Dash for the Cash runner picked at random
to get a head start to race the best of the best.
M arch 15 20,000 Capacity Reached
M arch 17 Circuit City: M ore than 100 Circuit City employees participating to
raise money for their colleagues who perished in a plane crash.
M arch 23 Tuckahoe YMCA: Participants complete six miles for the first time.

Live Race Day Coverage

M arch 30 Live shots from the Dasani Health & Fitness Expo
April 1 Two hours (8:00 –10:00 a.m.) of live television coverage.
4.1 Household Rating/9 share (#2 program in the time period)
Media Overview


The Sports Backers partnered with Clear Channel Richmond (Lite 98, WRVA 1140, 102.1 X, Q 94) in order to
supplement the print and television promotion campaigns.

Radio Commercial S chedule

M arch 16-18 Registration Promotion 20 :15 commercials

M arch 30- April 1 Party Stop/Spectator Promo. 20 :30 commercials

Reach 295,100 Adults 18-64 4.7 Times

Radio Promotional S chedule

Station at each Anderson & Strudwick Party Stop –2 hour onsite live appearance.

15 promotional mentions on each radio station the week prior to the 10k.

Linksone ac hs t
swe bsit

On-air live interview with Tracey Russell on Lite 98 and WRVA 1140.
2003 Sponsorship Value Analysis

Number Unit Value ($) Total Value ($) Total Gross Impressions Methodology
Media Partnerships

Boston Phoenix (cir = 107,000) 3,329,250 (per the Phoeni x)

* Paid advertising: Boston Phoenix 2.00 5,500.00 11,000.00 Cas h val ue
* Paid advertising: Stuff at Night 4.00 4,500.00 18,000.00 Cas h val ue
* Complimentary advertising 4.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 Cas h val ue
* Official Program 107,000.00 0.50 53,500.00 Per Phoenix
Mix 98.5 (avg audience 58,000) - 23,465,000 (per Mi x 98)
* Promotional spots 30.00 150.00 4,500.00 Cas h val ue
* Paid advertising 45.00 250.00 11,250.00 Per Mix
* NE Lifes tyle Interview w/Dave McGillivray 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Per Mix
* Web promotion 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Per Mix
* Talent on-air mentions 100.00 50.00 5,000.00 Per Mix
* Mobile marketing support 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Per Mix
NESN - 23,516,283 (per NESN/Salmini)
* Promotional spots 20.00 250.00 5,000.00 Per Salmini
* Five (5) race broadcasts 5.00 18,375.00 91,875.00 Per Salmini
- Including Advertisements, billboards, etc .
New England Runner - 243,800 (per NE Runner)
* Paid advertising 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 Cas h val ue
* Editorial 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Equivalenc y
Metro Sports (Bos circ - 50,000;NY circ - 100,000) - 1,265,000 (per MetroSports )
* Paid advertising: Boston and NYC editions 5.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 Cas h val ue
* Editorial coverage 1.00 6,800.00 6,800.00 Per Weber
* Augus t Race Cover 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Per MetroSports
2003 Sponsorship Value Analysis

Number Unit Value ($) Total Value ($) Total Gross Impressions M ethodology
Public Relations (Circulation) (Equivalency) 19,315,152 Per Weber et. Al.
* Boston Globe 6.00 565,000.00 61,776.00
* Boston Herald 1.00 265,000.00 712.00
* Community News 1.00 125,000.00 3,125.00
* BAC Newsletter 2.00 10,000.00 500.00
* Belmont Citizen Herald 1.00 4,971.00 124.28
* WROR interview with Loren and Wally 1.00 45,000.00 1,125.00
* Telegraph 1.00 125,000.00 3,125.00
* Triathete M agaz ine 3.00 83,000.00 6,225.00
* MetroWest Daily News 1.00 36,504.00 735.00
* Inside Triathlon 3.00 32,500.00 2,437.50
* Tri Digest 1.00 1,000.00 25.00
* New England Runner 1.00 28,000.00 700.00
* Channel 4 3.00 341,200.00 8,530.00
* Channel 5 4.00 457,300.00 11,432.50
* Channel 38 1.00 24,203.00 605.08
* Channel 56 1.00 84,914.00 2,122.85
* Runners Web 3.00 35,000.00 2,625.00
* Cool 1.00 56,000.00 1,400.00
* Triathlete's Web 1.00 25,000.00 625.00
* AAC Newsletter 2.00 30,000.00 1,500.00
* WHYN Interview 1.00 35,000.00 875.00
* WEEI Interview with Dennis & Callahan 1.00 80,000.00 2,000.00
* Improper Bos tonian 1.00 82,000.00 238.00
* Fox Reno TV online 1.00 38,000.00 950.00
* Transition Tim es 1.00 35,000.00 875.00
* Metro (Bos/NYC) 1.00 110,000.00 2,750.00
* KTVU TV online 1.00 72,000.00 1,800.00
* Channel 9 1.00 25,000.00 625.00
* Foster's Daily Democrat 1.00 12,000.00 528.00
* Channel 5 website 1.00 150,000.00 3,750.00
* US Olym pic Com mittee Pressbox 1.00 100,000.00 2,500.00
2003 Sponsorship Value Analysis

Number Unit Value ($) Total Value ($) Total Gross Impressions Methodology

Visibility Program - 22,907,500 Standard Industry Calculati on

* Billboard (8,500 impressions/day * 60 days) 1.00 14,662.50 14,662.50 Per City of Bos ton
* Pos ters 3,500.00 3.00 10,500.00 Cash value
* Applications 30,000.00 1.00 30,000.00 Cash value
* MC W ebsite 1.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Per DMSE
* Street Banners (276,000 impressions/day * 75 days) 42.00 6,160.71 258,750.00 Per City of Bos ton/MDC
* T Shirts 1,500.00 10.00 15,000.00 Cash value
* Bibs 1,000.00 2.00 2,000.00 Cash value
* In-event signage 72.00 20.00 1,440.00 Per DMSE
* Caps 1,000.00 2.00 2,000.00 Cash value

2003 Sponsorship Value Analysis

Number Unit Value ($) Total Value ($) Total Gross Impressions Methodology
Other - 26,000
* Rac e day audience on-site 5,500.00 2.00 11,000.00 Per Mass State Polic e/DMSE
* Rac e day audience on-course 10,500.00 2.00 21,000.00 Per Mass State Polic e/DMSE
* Clinics 3.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 Per DMSE
* Awareness efforts at other events 5.00 500.00 2,500.00 Per DMSE
* s ite 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Per DMSE
TOT AL $ 817,318.70 90,738,734.90
Off-site Exposure
Event Promotions and Marketing

A coordinated marketing effort was a vital part of the promotional

campaign for the regional market. The following tools were utilized:

Race brochures


First M arket M ile posters


Holiday postcards

YM CA Training Team brochures


Collateral Distribution

Holiday Postcards 25,000

10k Brochures (CapTech logo/promotion) 120,000
Training Team Brochures (CapTech logo) 50,000
Second 10k M ailing 75,000
Race Poster (CapTech logo) 1,000
YM CA Training Team Poster (CapTech logo) 300
Participant Information Booklet (CapTech logo/promotion) 20,000
E-newsletters (CapTech sponsor highlight on 3/29/06) 16

r s
ngtheUkrop’sMonume ntAvenue10k:

Highlights are:

Total visitors (12/26/05- 4/15/06) 375,515

Average visitors per day 3,383

Features of the website include:

•Event information
•Course map
•Entry confirmation
•Opportunity to purchase race merchandise
•CapTech logo, with link to company website, included on
sponsors page
•CapTech promoted as Official Technology Provider on race
Information page
Osco was listed as a water station sponsor on the marathon websit e. Osco’
logo was placed on the website along with a hyperlink to the Osco website.

A luncheon was held on Wednesday, May 4, at the Resch Center for all of the
sponsors of the 2005 CGBM. Representatives from over 30 local businesses
attended the event. Osco was acknowledged as a water station sponsor.

An estimated 8,000 runners and spectators at the May 21, 2005 Health &
Fitness Expo received the Weekend Event Guide, which listed Osco as a

Enzymatic Therapy inserted promotional items into over 4,000 participant
goodie bags.
On-site Exposure
On-Site Exposure

CapTech was provided the opportunity to interact with thousands of participants and
spectators during the Dasani Health & Fitness Expo and during the day of the event.

Complimentary booth at the Dasani Health & Fitness Expo on M arch 30-31.

CapTe chCl assicflyerpl acedi nr unne r’sg oodi ebag s.

CapTech logo on finish line structure.

Public address recognition at the start and finish lines.

Logoi nclusioni nOf ficialUkr op’ sMonume ntAve nue10kRa
de (qty= 25,000).

Two3’x6’coroplast signs with CapTech logo placed along finish line chute.
The Osco water station was located at mile 16 of the marathon courses along
the Fox River Trail at Voyageur Park. Employees, family and friends from Osco
staffed this location, providing water to over 1,000 runners during the day.


Osco was acknowledged by the race announcer as a sponsor every hour during
the eight hour event.


A large Osco banner was hung in the finish line area in direct view of the
participants approaching the finish line and the spectators observing them.
Based on survey responses, the estimated crowd attendance at the event was
over 8,000 including participants, volunteers and spectators.

Osco received a free expo booth to promote its products at the May 21, 2006
Prevea Health & Fitness Expo which was attended by an estimated 8,000
people including participants, family and volunteers.
Event Beneficiaries

The2006Ukr op’ sMonume ntAve nue10khe lpedr ai

s eval uablef undsfor the two race
beneficiaries, the VCU M assey Cancer Center and Fit for Life. Participants were granted the
opportunity to contribute to either program when registering. In addition, individuals and
companies raised money through the Pledge Program for the M assey Cancer Center.

The VCU M assey Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institute designated cancer center, is on the
forefront of research and discoveries to help and cure and control cancer. Its cutting-edge research
is conducted right here in Richmond, making clinical trials and new treatment options readily
available to cancer patients in our community.

The Fit for Life Program is designed to promote the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle to
elementary and middle school-aged students. The Sports Backers have developed this free
incentive-based exercise program that motivates youth to become more physically active and
allows them to build their self-confidence.

Funds Raised

Massey Cancer Center $140,000

Fit for Life $9,500

The 2005 Cellcom Green Bay Marathon was a financial success, raising
$24,000 for local charities. The charity partners for this year’
• American Red Cross (Lakeland Chapter)
• Habitat for Humanity (Greater Green Bay chapter)
• New Community Homeless Shelter

Each of the charities received a check for $8,000. The charities play a crucial
role in the set up, execution, and clean up of the event. On average, each
charity provided more than 500 hours of volunteer time.

The charities are on staggered three-year terms, allowing for a balance of

continuity and rotation. Applications for charity partner status are accepted by
the marathon office in August and September with Cellcom selecting the
winning applicant in October. Since two charities started their terms
simultaneously in 2004, there will not be an open slot until 2006.

Over the last six years, the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon has raised more than
$120,000 for local charities.
Additional Outcomes
An online participant survey was created and distributed electronically to
all participants within 3 days following the 2005 event. Within the first 10
days following distribution, exactly 1,095 responses were received, a
response rate of nearly 30%.


•The marathon scored very high on every aspect of the event, averaging
more than 4 points out of 5.

•Participants cited good organization, lots of course support,

a friendly community, and a great finish passing through Lambeau Field
as the chief reasons for their appreciation of the event.

•Approximately 95% of those surveyed said that they would participate

again in this event. A list of comments from the participants is
attached as EXHIBIT 3.

Ask sponsor for


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