Dna Answers

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DNA is unwound

2. lagging strand

3. all of these

4. a nitrogen base, sugar, and phosphate

5. DNA

6. DNA was the molecule of heredity

7. bases

8. proteins

9. be exposed to killed capsulated bacteria

10. T T C G G T

1. radioactive phosphorous, radioactive sulfar

2. paired nitrogenous bases

3. antiparallel

4. 10%

5. helicases

6. 2 DNA molecules that each contain a strand of the original

7. polymerase

8. messenger RNA

9. 20

10. gene

11. 1, 1

12. at the start codon

13. a phosphate, a sugar, and a base

14. ribose, deoxyribose

15. uracil

1. transcription, RNA polymerase

2. ligase

3. C C U G A C U A A

4. transfer RNA
5. 20, 4

6. A pairs with T, G pairs with C

7. DNA

8. anticodon

9. lagging strand, ligase

10. 64

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