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In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient location-aware clone detection

protocol in densely deployed WSNs, which can guarantee successful clone attack
detection and maintain satisfactory network lifetime. Specifically, we exploit the
location information of sensors and randomly select witnesses located in a ring
area to verify the legitimacy of sensors and to report detected clone attacks. The
ring structure facilitates energy-efficient data forwarding along the path towards
the witnesses and the sink. We theoretically prove that the proposed protocol can
achieve 100 percent clone detection probability with trustful witnesses. We further
extend the work by studying the clone detection performance with untrustful
witnesses and show that the clone detection probability still approaches 98 percent
when 10 percent of witnesses are compromised. Moreover, in most existing clone
detection protocols with random witness selection scheme, the required buffer
storage of sensors is usually dependent on the node density, i.e., O(n√) , while in
our proposed protocol, the required buffer storage of sensors is independent of nbut
a function of the hop length of the network radius h , i.e., O(h) . Extensive
simulations demonstrate that our proposed protocol can achieve long network
lifetime by effectively distributing the traffic load across the network.


In this paper we study energy conservation in the Internet. We observe that

different traffic volumes on a link can result in different energy consumption; this
is mainly due to such technologies as trunking (IEEE 802.1AX), adaptive link
rates, etc. We design a green Internet routing scheme, where the routing can lead
traffic in a way that is green. We differ from previous studies where they switch
network components, such as line cards and routers, into sleep mode. We do not
prune the Internet topology. We first develop a power model, and validate it using
real commercial routers. Instead of developing a centralized optimization
algorithm, which requires additional protocols such as MPLS to materialize in the
Internet, we choose a hop-by-hop approach. It is thus much easier to integrate our
scheme into the current Internet. We progressively develop three algorithms, which
are loop-free, substantially reduce energy consumption, and jointly consider green
and QoS requirements such as path stretch. We further analyze the power saving
ratio, the routing dynamics, and the relationship between hop-by-hop green routing
and QoS requirements. We comprehensively evaluate our algorithms through
simulations on synthetic, measured, and real topologies, with synthetic and real
traffic traces. We show that the power saving in the line cards can be as much as
50 percent.

Secure data transmission is a critical issue for wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
Clustering is an effective and practical way to enhance the system performance of
WSNs. In this paper, we study a secure data transmission for cluster-based WSNs
(CWSNs), where the clusters are formed dynamically and periodically. We
propose two secure and efficient data transmission (SET) protocols for CWSNs,
called SET-IBS and SET-IBOOS, by using the identity-based digital signature
(IBS) scheme and the identity-based online/offline digital signature (IBOOS)
scheme, respectively. In SET-IBS, security relies on the hardness of the Diffie-
Hellman problem in the pairing domain. SET-IBOOS further reduces the
computational overhead for protocol security, which is crucial for WSNs, while its
security relies on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. We show the
feasibility of the SET-IBS and SET-IBOOS protocols with respect to the security
requirements and security analysis against various attacks. The calculations and
simulations are provided to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed protocols. The
results show that the proposed protocols have better performance than the existing
secure protocols for CWSNs, in terms of security overhead and energy


A peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing system provides a platform that enables users to
share their files. Retrieving files efficiently and trustworthily in such a large and
jumbled system is critically important. In this file sharing system are increasingly
popular and they enable users to share various files with high scalability.Social
networking sites systems are providing file sharing is a critical issue for common
network. The common file sharing system allowed unauthorized users can
download the files. This paper combines the strong characteristics of these two
concepts using the social-network sites to provide access control to available data
and the peer-to-peer system to distribute this available data.In this project
providing a secure file sharing system by using social network site with secure
digital key identity. In this project we are proposed Secure and costless file sharing
system using digital Signature key. In this digital Signature key system are
generating separate key for when the user give request to download the file from
the social network site server. So this file sharing system is allow authorized
person can only download files from the social network site.

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