Bloat in The Academy Policy Report FINAL (Goldwater Institute)

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Goldwater Institute
No. 239 I August 17, 2010

Administrative Bloat at American Universities: The Real Reason for High Costs
in Higher Education
By Jay P. Greene, Senior Fellow, Goldwater Institute and head of the Department of Education Reform at the
University of Arkansas; Brian Kisida, research associate, Department of Education Reform at the University of
Arkansas; Jonathan Mills, research associate, Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas


Enrollment at America’s leading universities has been increasing dramatically, rising nearly 15 percent
between 1993 and 2007. But unlike almost every other growing industry, higher education has not become
more efficient. Instead, universities now have more administrative employees and spend more on administration
to educate each student. In short, universities are suffering from “administrative bloat,” expanding the resources
devoted to administration significantly faster than spending on instruction, research and service.

Between 1993 and 2007, the number of full-time administrators per 100 students at America’s leading
universities grew by 39 percent, while the number of employees engaged in teaching, research or service only
grew by 18 percent. Inflation-adjusted spending on administration per student increased by 61 percent during
the same period, while instructional spending per student rose 39 percent. Arizona State University, for example,
increased the number of administrators per 100 students by 94 percent during this period while actually reducing
the number of employees engaged in instruction, research and service by 2 percent. Nearly half of all full-time
employees at Arizona State University are administrators.

A significant reason for the administrative bloat is that students pay only a small portion of administrative
costs. The lion’s share of university resources comes from the federal and state governments, as well as private gifts
and fees for non-educational services. The large and increasing rate of government subsidy for higher education
facilitates administrative bloat by insulating students from the costs. Reducing government subsidies would do
much to make universities more efficient.

We base our conclusions on data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), which
is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Higher education institutions report basic information about
enrollment, employment and spending in various categories to IPEDS, which then makes this systematically
collected information publicly available. In this report, we focus on the 198 leading universities in the United
States. They are the ones in IPEDS identified as four year colleges that also grant doctorates and engage in a high or
very high level of research. This set includes all state flagship public universities as well as elite private institutions.

Administrative Bloat at American Universities: The Real Reason

for High Costs in Higher Education
By Jay P. Greene, Senior Fellow, Goldwater Institute and head of the Department of Education
Reform at the University of Arkansas; Brian Kisida, research associate, Department of Education
Reform at the University of Arkansas; Jonathan Mills, research associate, Department of
Education Reform at the University of Arkansas


Most organizations achieve economies derive most of their money from gifts,
of scale over time. As the enterprise serves government subsidies and fees for non-
In U.S. higher more customers or produces more goods, educational services - as opposed to
education, there it becomes more efficient, requiring fewer student-paid tuition - the amount of
have actually been people and less money for each customer competition among universities is muted
diseconomies of scale. served or good produced. Achieving and distorted. The fact that higher
Universities employ larger scale, often with the assistance education has high barriers to entry and
more people and spend of technology, has been central to competes on decades (or centuries) of
more money to educate
productivity increases and improvements accumulated status rather than price gives
each student even
in human welfare for centuries. universities little incentive to economize.
as those universities
increase their
However, the exact opposite is The cost of higher education has been
enrollment. Instead
of being marked by happening in American universities. In rising at a remarkable pace over the last
productivity increases, U.S. higher education, there have actually several decades. Between 1993 and 2007,
academia suffers from been diseconomies of scale. Universities inflation-adjusted tuition has increased
bloat, particularly employ more people and spend more by 66.7 percent at the nation’s 198
administrative bloat. money to educate each student even leading public and private universities
as those universities increase their (see Figure 1). During the same period,
enrollment. Instead of being marked by the number of students enrolled in these
productivity increases, academia suffers leading institutions has increased by
from bloat, particularly administrative 14.5 percent, from 3.64 million to 4.17
bloat. It now takes more employees million (see Figure 2).
- especially more administrators - in
higher education despite innovations in Despite this significant increase in
technology and increases in scale. scale, with more students and more
resources, higher education has become
Competitive markets are a central significantly less efficient. It takes more
cause of greater efficiency through employees and more dollars to educate
technological innovations and economies each student even as these leading
of scale. But because universities universities grow larger.1

August 17, 2010

Figure 1: In-State Undergraduate Tuition and Fees, 1993 and 2007

Note: 1993 values have been converted to 2007 dollars.

Figure 2: Student Enrollment, 1993 and 2007


The increase in university employment the United States. These universities are
and spending per student is especially identified in IPEDS as four-year colleges
severe in administrative categories. that also grant doctorates and engage
That is, universities are not using their in a high or very high level of research.
greater size and resources primarily This set includes all state flagship public
to increase instructional employment universities as well as elite private
or expenditures, which could be institutions.
interpreted as an improvement in quality
rather than a decline in efficiency. The “Administration” column in the
Instead, most leading universities following employment figures consists of
It appears that
are increasing their administrative the IPEDS categories of “Administration/
increased governmental
employment and expenditures much Executive” and “Other Professionals,”
subsidies are not
causing a reduction in faster than instructional employment or defined by IPEDS as “persons employed
cost to students, since expenditures. for the primary purpose of performing
inflation-adjusted academic support, student service, and
tuition has increased by Unfortunately, it appears that institutional support…. Included in this
66.7 percent. Nor are increased governmental subsidies are category are all employees holding titles
government subsidies not causing a reduction in cost to such as business operations specialists;
primarily leading to students, since inflation-adjusted tuition buyers and purchasing agents; human
an improvement in has increased by 66.7 percent. Nor are resources, training, and labor relations
instructional quality, government subsidies primarily leading specialists; management analysts; meeting
since instructional to an improvement in instructional and convention planners; miscellaneous
employment and quality, since instructional employment business operations specialists; financial
spending increases have and spending increases have trailed specialists; accountants and auditors;
trailed administrative administrative increases. The net effect of budget analysts; financial analysts and
increases. The net growing government subsidies has been advisors; financial examiners; loan
effect of growing to facilitate administrative bloat in higher counselors and officers; [etc.].” Under any
government subsidies education. reasonable definition, these employees
has been to facilitate are engaged in administrative functions
administrative bloat in We base our conclusions on data but clearly they are not directly engaged
higher education. drawn from the Integrated Postsecondary in teaching, research or service.
Education Data System (IPEDS), which
is sponsored by the U.S. Department of In this report, we have done little more
Education. Higher education institutions than download, organize and highlight
report basic information about information that is readily available from
enrollment, employment and spending a Department of Education data set. But
in various categories to IPEDS, which our minimal processing of the data has
then makes this systematically collected its virtues. The credibility and accuracy of
information publicly available. Our our findings do not rely upon us or any
focus is on the 198 leading universities in opaque statistical analysis. Readers only

August 17, 2010

need trust information reported to the between 1993 and 2007 (see Figure 3
Department of Education by universities and Table A1). In 1993, these leading
themselves to believe our results. For universities had a total of 31.4 employees
additional information on our data per 100 students (22.4 full-time
and analyses, as well as recommended employees and 9.0 part-time employees).
research, please see Appendix A. By 2007, there were a total of 35.5
employees for every 100 students (24.3
All tables referenced throughout full-time and 11.2 part-time). In 2007,
this report can be found online at it took 13.1 percent more employees to educate the same number of students
than it did in 1993 (8.2 percent more
full-time and 25.1 percent more Universities have
Results part-time). significantly increased
their employment,
Employment The rate of increase in the number adjusted for the
of total university employees per student increase in student
Universities have significantly has been much higher among private enrollment, between
increased their employment, adjusted universities. In 2007, private universities 1993 and 2007. In
for the increase in student enrollment, had 53.6 total employees for every 100 1993, these leading
universities had a total
of 31.4 employees per
100 students. By 2007,
Figure 3: University Employees per 100 Students, 1993 and 2007 there were a total of
35.5 employees for
every 100 students.
In 2007, it took 13.1
percent more employees
to educate the same
number of students
than it did in 1993.


students, fewer than two students per It is more illuminating to look at full-
employee. That was an increase of 19.4 time employment broken out by category
percent from the 44.9 total employees (see Figure 4 and Table A1). Notably,
per 100 students reported by private universities actually have more full-time
universities in 1993. The number of employees devoted to administration
full-time employees per 100 students at than to instruction, research and
private universities grew from 35.1 to service combined. Even in 1993, these
40.4, an increase of 14.9 percent. leading universities were flush with
administrators, employing 6.8 full-time
Universities actually While the increase of total employees administrators for every 100 students
have more full-time relative to students at public institutions compared with 6.0 full-time employees
employees devoted to has not been as great, they still experienced engaged in instruction, research or
administration than a 10.8 percent increase between 1993 service. By 2007, the preponderance of
to instruction, research and 2007. At public universities, there administrators relative to educators grew
and service combined. was a much smaller increase in full-time even larger at these leading universities,
In 1993, these leading employees of 5.5 percent, from 19.4 as there were 9.4 full-time administrators
universities were flush to 20.5 full-time employees per 100 per 100 students compared with 7.0 full-
with administrators, students between 1993 and 2007. time instructors, researchers and service
employing 6.8 full-
time administrators
for every 100 students
compared with 6 full- Figure 4: University Employees per 100 Students by Type, 1993 and 2007
time employees engaged
in instruction, research
or service. By 2007,
there were 9.4 full-time
administrators per 100
students compared with
7 full-time instructors,
researchers and service

August 17, 2010

Figure 5: Private University Employees per 100 Students by Type, 1993 and 2007

Leading public
universities were also
already administrative-
heavy in 1993, but
the rate of growth
in administrative
employment was even
higher than the growth
in educators, leaving
these institutions even
providers. In terms of growth, the number six students at private universities for more administrator-
of full-time administrators per 100 every full-time administrator. heavy in 2007.
students at America’s leading universities It now takes 39
increased by 39.3 percent between 1993 In terms of growth, private universities percent more full-
and 2007, while the number of employees increased their full-time staff involved time administrators
engaged in teaching, research or service in instruction, research and service by to manage the same
only increased by 17.6 percent. almost the same rate as they increased number of students
administration, a 39.8 percent increase than it did in 1993.
At private institutions in 1993, compared with a 40.1 percent increase.
there were 11.3 full-time administrators
for every 100 students compared with Leading public universities were also
8.2 full-time employees engaged in already administrative-heavy in 1993,
teaching, research or service. At these but the rate of growth in administrative
same institutions in 2007, there were employment was even higher than
15.8 full-time administrators for every the growth in educators, leaving these
100 students compared with 11.5 full- institutions even more administrator-
time instructors, researchers and service heavy in 2007 (see Figure 6 and Table
providers (see Figure 5 and Table A1). A1). Full-time employment in the
Put another way, today there are about instructional, research and service


category grew by 9.8 percent between the number of clerical and other basic
1993 and 2007, but the number of support employees between 1993 and
full-time administrators grew at nearly 2007. But the declines in these basic
four times that rate - 39.0 percent. It support categories are nowhere near as
now takes 39.0 percent more full-time large as the increase in administrative
administrators to manage the same employment. Universities are reducing
number of students than it did in 1993. the number of low-paid secretaries and
Put another way, there are now fewer maintenance workers while adding
than 13 students for every full-time an even larger number of higher-paid
administrator at public institutions. administrators.
Apparently, public universities are trying
Universities are also
to keep up with private institutions in Universities are also showing
showing some signs
of economizing by administrative bloat even if they cannot some signs of economizing by greatly
greatly increasing compete in the areas of teaching, research increasing their employment of part-
their employment of and service. time instructors, which include
part-time instructors, graduate assistants and adjuncts. At
which include Universities are showing some signs private universities, we see an 82.7
graduate assistants of economizing, given the reductions in percent increase in part-time instructors
and adjuncts. The
significant shift toward
part-time instructors
undermines claims that Figure 6: Public University Employees per 100 Students by Type, 1993 and 2007
increased employment
in this category
is a sign of these
institutions striving
to increase quality
with their increases in

August 17, 2010

Figure 7: Percentage Increase in spending per Student by Category, from 1993 to 2007

Broken out by category,

there has been a
39.3 percent increase
in expenditures per
student for instruction,
a 37.8 percent increase
for expenditures in
research and service,
and a 14 percent
increase in other
spending. While these
increases are large, they
between 1993 and 2007, while at public maintenance workers, and graduate pale in comparison
institutions the increase was 31.5 percent. students, the spending data still show a to the whopping
But even in light of this increasing large increase in total expenditures per 61.2 percent increase
reliance on part-time instructors, there student, especially in the administrative in expenditures
was still a 17.6 percent increase in full- category. Total spending per student per student for
time employees per student engaged (adjusted for inflation) rose 34.5 administration that has
in instruction, research and service. In percent between 1993 and 2007 (see occurred between 1993
addition, the significant shift toward part- Figure 7 and Table A2). Broken out by and 2007.
time instructors undermines claims that category, there has been a 39.3 percent
increased employment in this category increase in expenditures per student for
is a sign of these institutions striving to instruction, a 37.8 percent increase for
increase quality with their increases in expenditures in research and service, and
employment. a 14 percent increase in other spending.
While these increases are large, they
Spending pale in comparison to the whopping
61.2 percent increase in expenditures
While economizing is occurring per student for administration that has
with the employment of secretaries, occurred between 1993 and 2007.


The most striking point here is On the other hand, some universities
that university spending per student is with declines in administrative employees
increasing in real terms, most rapidly in per student ended with relatively low levels
the area of administration. It is not clear of administrative bloat. For example,
why it has cost nearly two-thirds more Virginia Commonwealth University
to administer each student over this 15- (VCU) experienced a 75 percent decline
year period. We know that universities in administrative employees per student
are hiring many more administrators per (see Tables A3 and A4). In 1993, the
student and that they must also be paying university had an above-average rate of
those administrators higher salaries and 12.0 full-time administrators per 100
providing them with larger operating students, but by 2007 that number had
budgets. dropped to 3.0 (see Table A5). This
decline was achieved in part because
Employment Leaders and Laggards VCU increased its enrollment by 45.1
percent between 1993 and 2007, much
It is striking that While administrative bloat is a faster than the average enrollment
among universities widespread problem in higher education, increase of 14.5 percent. But unlike
with very high rates some institutions seem to be less afflicted other institutions, VCU spread its fixed
of growth in full-time by it. Twenty of the universities we cost of administration over a larger base
administrators, some
examined actually experienced a decline as it gained more students.
have had relatively
in the number of administrators per 100
little growth (or even
students between 1993 and 2007 (see It is striking that among universities
declines) in their
Table A4). Many of these institutions with very high rates of growth in full-
full-time instructors,
researchers and service with declining administration, however, time administrators, some have had
providers. remain very administration-heavy. relatively little growth (or even declines)
in their full-time instructors, researchers
For example, the Massachusetts and service providers. For example, the
Institute of Technology (MIT) had a University of California-Davis increased
44.7 percent decline in the number of the number of full-time administrators it
full-time administrators per student employed by 318.8 percent between 1993
between 1993 and 2007. But even after and 2007. But during that same period,
that decline, MIT still has 23.5 full-time the university actually reduced its full-
administrators for every 100 students, time instructional, research, and service
significantly higher than the average 9.4 staff by 4.5 percent (see Tables A3 and
for all institutions, and even higher than A4). Similarly, Jackson State University,
the average of 15.8 for private universities Kansas State University, and University
(see Table A5). The decline was only of Albany-SUNY (State University of
possible because it began in 1993 with the New York) more than doubled their
already astronomically high rate of 42.4 administrative employment per student
administrators for every 100 students. ratios while reducing their instructional

August 17, 2010

staff per student ratios. All of these students for any particular institution
institutions increased their enrollment can look in Table A3, which organizes
and, as a result, increased the direct the universities alphabetically. To find
and indirect government subsidies that the universities with the highest and
higher enrollment provides. They also all lowest rate of increase in administrative
significantly increased the tuition they employment, see Table A4. To see the
charge their students. And what taxpayers number of employees in each category
and students received in return was more for each university in 1993 and 2007, see
administrators and fewer teachers - Table A5.
probably not what they had in mind.
Spending Leaders and Laggards The cost of
Some universities increased the administration
number of employees engaged in The cost of administration for for each student,
instruction, research and service even each student, like the number of like the number of
faster than the number of administrators administrators per student, has been administrators per
per 100 students between 1993 and increasing dramatically. Two dozen of student, has been
2007, but these cases were not the norm. the leading universities we examined increasing dramatically.
For example, the University of Colorado- more than doubled their spending on Two dozen of the
Denver increased its full-time number of administration for each student enrolled, leading universities we
examined more than
administrators by more than 200 percent, adjusted for inflation. For example, at
doubled their spending
but it increased the number of employees Wake Forest University, administrative
on administration
in instruction, research and service by spending per student has increased by
for each student
more than 400 percent. more than 600 percent in real terms. At
enrolled, adjusted for
Harvard, administrative spending per inflation. At Harvard,
Among the three dozen other schools student has increased more than 300 administrative
that increased administrative employment percent between 1993 and 2007, adjusted spending per student
at a slower rate than employment in for inflation (see Tables A6 and A7). has increased more
instruction, research and service were than 300 percent
many of the elite private universities, At all but one of these 24 universities between 1993
such as Harvard, California Institute that have more than doubled their and 2007.
of Technology, Rice, Emory, Cornell, administrative spending per student,
Chicago, and Princeton. Some highly the increase in instructional spending
respected public universities were also has lagged far behind. And, with the
more likely to give priority to increasing exception of the University of Alabama
instruction over administration, such at Birmingham, all of these universities
as the University of Michigan and are private institutions.
University of Virginia.
There are only 13 universities that
Readers wishing to find information have actually reduced administrative
on the increase in employment per 100 spending per student in real dollars


between 1993 and 2007. The rate of At only one institution in 2007,
decrease, however, is small compared the University of North Texas, did the
with the rate of increase at the two dozen university spend less than $10,000 per
institutions that more than doubled student. At the extreme other end of
administrative spending. In addition, 6 the spectrum, Wake Forest, Yale, MIT,
of the 13 universities with a decline in Harvard, and Dartmouth spend more
real administrative spending per student solely on administration per student
also reduced real instructional spending than the average university spends on
per student. everything per student. The nearly
If there are any
$75,000 at Wake Forest and the nearly
universities realizing
It is possible that these universities $60,000 at Yale per student spent on
economies of scale
were simply suffering financial difficulties administration must buy some truly
to reduce their costs
per student as their that limited spending across the board. excellent administration. By comparison,
enrollments grow, But financial distress is clearly not the average expenditure for a K–12
there is no sign of it the norm. As mentioned earlier, total public school student in 2006–2007
among these leading spending per student at the universities was $11,257. Relative to our leading
universities. In 2007, we examined has increased by 34.5 universities, our public school system
these universities were percent. Spending increased by 61.2 may seem to be a model of efficiency.
spending an average of percent on administration per student,
$41,337 per student adjusted for inflation, compared with Readers wishing to find information
while charging an 39.3 percent for instruction, and 37.8 on the increase in spending per student
average tuition for percent for research and service. At the for any particular institution can look in
in-state undergraduate vast majority of leading universities, Table A6, which organizes the universities
students of $10,929. spending per student in almost every we examined alphabetically. To find
The difference between reported category increased in real terms the universities with the highest and
spending and tuition between 1993 and 2007. lowest rate of increase in administrative
per student is obtained spending, see Table A7. To see the
from some combination If there are any universities realizing spending per student in each category
of gifts, direct economies of scale to reduce their costs for each university in 1993 and 2007, see
government subsidies, per student as their enrollments grow, Table A8.
and fees for services there is no sign of it among these leading
universities. As of 2007, these universities
were spending an average of $41,337 per Spotlight on Arizona
student (see Table A8) while charging an
average tuition for in-state undergraduate Three of the institutions profiled
students of $10,929. The difference in this report are public universities in
between spending and tuition per student Arizona: Arizona State University (ASU),
is obtained from some combination of Northern Arizona University (NAU),
gifts, direct government subsidies, and and University of Arizona (UA). All three
fees for services provided. show the symptoms of administrative

August 17, 2010

bloat. At Arizona State University, the Per pupil spending increased at ASU,
number of full-time administrators per NAU, and UA along with the growth
100 students increased 94.0 percent in employees. The spending increases
between 1993 and 2007. This increase at all three Arizona public universities
at ASU is greater than 167 other were greater in administration than
universities we examined. At NAU, the instruction. At ASU, administrative
employment of full-time administrators spending per student increased by 46.3
per student increased by 36.5 percent percent between 1993 and 2007 after
during the same period. And at UA, the adjusting for inflation. At NAU, the
rate of increase was 45.8 percent (see increase was 36.5 percent, and at UA, the
Table A3). increase was 28.8 percent (see Table 6).

At all three Arizona public universities, Total spending per student at these
the number of administrators grew Arizona public universities far exceeded
much more rapidly than the number the average tuition charged to in-state
of instructors, researchers and service undergraduates. In 2007, tuition fell At Arizona State
providers. At ASU, the employment of within a tight range with UA at $4,766, University, the
teachers and researchers actually declined ASU at $4,688, and NAU at $4,596. But number of full-time
by 2.4 percent between 1993 and 2007 total spending per student was $30,965 administrators per
100 students increased
while administrative jobs increased at UA, $18,323 at ASU, and $14,041 at
94.0 percent between
by 94.0 percent. At NAU, the rate of NAU. As with all universities, the lion’s
1993 and 2007.
increase was 15.8 percent, less than the share of resources comes from sources
This increase at ASU
36.5 percent increase for administrators. other than student tuition. The state and
is greater than 167
And at UA, the number of instructors, federal governments along with private other universities we
researchers, and service providers only donors and some fees for non-education examined.
increased by 3.1 percent, compared services makes up the difference between
with a 45.8 percent increase among what students pay and what universities
administrators. spend. Administrative bloat in Arizona,
as in the rest of the country, is possible
At the University of Arizona, a because the bill is largely paid for by
majority of full-time employees were someone other than the consumer.
administrators. In 2007, UA had 13.3
administrators per 100 students out
of a total of 25.7 full-time employees. Spotlight on the
At ASU, there were 6.3 full-time University of Michigan
administrators per 100 students out of
12.9 full-time employees. And NAU If Arizona’s public universities are
had 4.6 full-time administrators per models of administrative bloat, the
100 students in 2007 out of a total 11.2 University of Michigan (UM) provides a
employees (see Table A5). model for how to stem bloat. According


to Vicki Murray’s 2005 report for the to that task, but financial independence
Goldwater Institute, state funding from the state seems to be moving
constitutes a much larger portion of the university in the right direction.
general revenues at ASU and UA than Reducing government subsidies may
at UM.2 State funding was 38 percent be just the remedy for rapidly growing
of general revenue at UA and 41 percent university administration.
at ASU, while at UM, state funding
dropped to less than 10 percent by 2003.
UM has a relatively low and declining Conclusion
level of government subsidy at the same
The University of time that it has shown a significant Universities are suffering from
Michigan provides reduction in administrative bloat. administrative bloat. Higher education
a model for how to has been adding more administrative
stem bloat. Between Between 1993 and 2007, the employees and spending more on
1993 and 2007, the University of Michigan was one of the administration per student, and
University of Michigan few leading universities that actually increases in administrative employment
was one of the few reduced the number of administrators. and spending far exceed those in
leading universities There were 5.5 percent fewer full-time instruction, research and service. This
that actually reduced administrators at UM in 2007 than trend is especially egregious because as
the number of
in 1993. During that same period, universities increase their enrollments,
administrators. There
the number of full-time instructional, one would expect that administrative
were 5.5 percent
research and service employees increased costs per student would go down. The
fewer full-time
by 68.0 percent. Spending shows a relatively fixed cost of administering a
administrators at UM
in 2007 than in 1993. similar pattern. Administrative spending university should be spread over a larger
During that same per student (adjusted for inflation) base of students.
period, the number of increased by only 7.5 percent between
full-time instructional, 1993 and 2007. Of the universities This report simply documents this
research, and service we examined, this was the 23rd lowest administrative bloat, using data reported
employees increased by increase in administrative spending. And by universities to the U.S. Department of
68 percent. yet during those same years, instructional Education. The facts regarding growth in
spending went up by a much larger administrative employment and spending
29.2 percent. are clear and indisputable.

Relatively low government subsidies Why this administrative bloat is

have encouraged the University of occurring and what should be done
Michigan to focus fewer employees and to address it are questions on which
resources on administration and devote this report does not provide systematic
more to instruction. To be sure, UM still analysis to answer. We do examine the
employs quite a lot of administrators and illustrative cases of administrative bloat
devotes a considerable sum of money at the heavily state-subsidized Arizona

August 17, 2010

public universities compared with the necessary administration for those core
reduction in bloat at the more financially responsibilities.
independent University of Michigan.
These cases suggest that government Growth in enrollments and higher
subsidies for higher education play rates of government subsidy have made
a central role in facilitating excessive universities flush with extra funds.
growth in administration. But our Being nonprofits, they do not return
primary purpose here is to document and excess profits to shareholders; instead,
highlight the nature of the problem, not they return excess profits to their de
to explain its causes or solutions. facto shareholders, the administrators It is more likely that
who manage the institutions. These higher enrollments and
That being said, we can offer some administrators are paid dividends in the higher levels of subsidy
ideas for future research to explore why form of higher compensation and more actually contributed to
universities suffer from disproportionate fellow administrators who can reduce administrative bloat.
growth in administration and what can their own workload or expand their Universities have an
be done about it. First, it should be clear empires. ever-larger army of
that much of what universities advocate administrators because
for is unlikely to fix the problem of The growth in government subsidy they can afford it. If
administrative bloat. Universities for higher education means that there is funds were tighter,
it might be the case
frequently claim they need greater direct more government regulation and more
that universities
or indirect government subsidies as well government bureaucracy that universities
would focus more of
as more students in higher education. must handle. Compliance with and
their resources on the
Yet during the period we examined, management of government bureaucracy
core responsibilities
both government subsidies for higher also contributes to administrative growth of teaching and
education and enrollments increased in universities because of the additional conducting research
significantly. Neither development people it takes to navigate red tape. while striving for
prevented disproportionate increases in greater efficiency in
administrative employment or spending. The increasing government role in providing the necessary
universities also means that universities administration
It is more likely that higher have to consider more political issues for those core
enrollments and higher levels of subsidy in their operations. To please political responsibilities.
actually contributed to administrative constituencies, universities need more
bloat. Universities have an ever-larger diversity administrators, sustainability
army of administrators because they administrators, or anyone who might
can afford it. If funds were tighter, improve the prospects for subsidies from
it might be the case that universities politicians.
would focus more of their resources
on the core responsibilities of teaching In addition, because universities
and conducting research while striving derive most of their money from gifts,
for greater efficiency in providing the government subsidies, and fees for


The primary solution services rather than student-paid tuition, bloat, which raises costs, which creates
to administrative bloat the amount of competition among demand for higher subsidies.
and generally rising universities is muted and distorted.
costs is to reduce the Since higher education has high barriers If public demand for subsidies
rate of government to entry and competes on decades (or and greater access is unavoidable, it is
subsidies. We need centuries) of accumulated status rather possible to structure those subsidies in a
to stop feeding the than price, there are more excess profits way that encourages greater cost control,
beast. Politicians and
available for administrative bloat. which in turn will facilitate less need for
the public genuinely
subsidies and improve access. Of course,
want to improve the
affordability of higher If these hypotheses are correct, the designing these subsidies properly would
education and expand primary solution to administrative bloat be difficult, practically and politically.
access, but they are just and generally rising costs is to reduce the
facilitating a vicious rate of government subsidies. We need Until we can further explore the
cycle. Subsidies produce to stop feeding the beast. Politicians and causes and solutions to administrative
more bloat, which the public genuinely want to improve bloat in higher education, we should at
raises costs, which the affordability of higher education and least be clear about the existence of the
creates demand for expand access, but they are just facilitating problem and the necessity to address it.
higher subsidies. a vicious cycle. Subsidies produce more

August 17, 2010

Appendix A: Data, Analysis, and Recommended Research

We base our conclusions on data specialists; management analysts; meeting

drawn from the Integrated Postsecondary and convention planners; miscellaneous
Education Data System (IPEDS), which business operations specialists; financial
is sponsored by the U.S. Department specialists; accountants and auditors;
of Education. Higher education budget analysts; financial analysts and
institutions report basic information advisors; financial examiners; loan
about enrollment, employment, and counselors and officers; [etc.].” Under any
spending in various categories to IPEDS, reasonable definition, these employees are
which then makes this systematically engaged in administrative functions but
collected information publicly available. clearly not directly engaged in teaching,
In this report, we have done little more research or service.
than download, organize and highlight
information that is readily available from The “Instruction, Research, and
a Department of Education data set. But Service” column is identical to the
our minimal processing of the data has category reported in IPEDS. The only
its virtues. The credibility and accuracy of change we make is to include the
our findings do not rely upon us or any “Graduate Assistants” category for part-
opaque statistical analysis. Readers only time workers in “Instruction, Research,
need trust information reported to the and Service.” The “Clerical” category
Department of Education by universities is also identical to the one reported
themselves to believe our results. in IPEDS. We did not combine this
into “Administration” only because it
For ease of interpretation, we have clearly contains a lower-skilled-and-
combined some of the categories. In the compensated set of employees associated
employment tables in this report, the with work of “a secretarial nature” rather
“Administration” column consists of the than the administrative management of
IPEDS categories of “Administration/ the institution.
Executive” and “Other Professionals.”
Other Professionals clearly fall within an “Other Employees” consists of the
administrative category because they are “Technical/Paraprofessional,” “Skilled
defined by IPEDS as “persons employed Crafts” and “Maintenance” categories
for the primary purpose of performing in IPEDS. Like those in the Clerical
academic support, student service, and category, these employees are primarily
institutional support…. Included in this engaged in providing basic support for
category are all employees holding titles the operations of universities rather than
such as business operations specialists; engaging in administrative management,
buyers and purchasing agents; human and so we report them as a separate
resources, training, and labor relations category.


Unfortunately, the spending We have reported results broken

categories in IPEDS are not identical to out by institution as well as the
the employment categories, but we have student-weighted average across all 198
done our best to map them into similar universities. (Because of missing data for
groupings. For the expenditure tables two different sets of institutions, there
in this report, the “Administration” are actually only 196 universities in the
spending consists of the “Academic employment and expenditure tables.) We
Support,” “Institutional Support,” and also ranked the universities so that readers
“Student Services” categories in IPEDS. can see where any particular institution
stands in its administrative bloat relative
The “Instruction” spending category is to other institutions.
identical to the one found in IPEDS. The
“Research and Service” column consists The information in this report is
of the “Research,” “Public Service” and taken from two snapshots, one from
“Independent Operations” categories in 1993 and the other from 2007. These
IPEDS. The “Other Expenses” column are the earliest and most recent years for
consists of the “Auxiliary Expenses,” which we can provide nearly complete
“Operation and Maintenance of Plant” information on our variables of interest.
and “Hospitals” categories. The change over this 15-year period
should give us a clear picture of the trends
We believe that this consolidation in higher education.
of categories paints a more accessible
and accurate picture, but readers are free Readers interested in previous
to access the original data and combine and related research on this topic are
categories in other ways if they prefer. encouraged to consult Going Broke by
Degree: Why College Costs Too Much, by
In this report, we focus on the 198 Richard Vedder (AEI Press, 2004). For
leading universities in the United States. additional analysis of the trends in college
These are identified in IPEDS as four- spending, readers should consult Trends
year colleges that also grant doctorates in College Spending, by Jane Wellman
and engage in a high or very high level (Delta Cost Project, 2009).
of research. This would include all state
flagship public universities as well as elite
private institutions.

All tables referenced throughout this report may be found online at

August 17, 2010


1. A potential explanation for

the increase in the number of college
employees and the rise in costs could be
that the quality of a college education
has increased over time. Average
composite scores on the Graduate Record
Examination (GRE), however, have
actually declined since 1990. National
Center for Education Statistics, Digest
of Education Statistics, 2009, http://nces.
2. Vicki Murray, The Privately
Financed Public University: A Case Study
of the University of Michigan (Goldwater
Institute Policy Report #206, 2005).

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PERMIT NO. 04759
P H O E N I X , A Z 85004

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