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1. Account for: Give a good reason for

2. Account to: account to the manager for the money he receive
3. Allow for-provide for
4. Absolve from
5. Abound in
6. Accused by/of
7. Accompanied by/with
8. Accord: his views doesnot accord with his conduct
9. Accustomed to
10. Admit of / admit to : he admits of no excuse
11. Alarmed at/ addicted to
12. Agree with ( a person)/ agree to ( a proposal)
13. Alight from- I alighted from my horse. Alight at- we alighted at the gate of the house
14. Annoyed at / annoyed with
15. Appeal to/for / against: appeal to me, for mercy, against the decision
16. Apprise of
17. Appalled
18. Back away-step or move back slowly because of some danger or unpleasant ness
19. Back out
20. Back up: support morally or verbally: I will back you up in the matter


21. Bear away: to win, to carry off. He bore away the first prize in the debate.
22. Bear out: to confirm; your story bears out my truth.
23. Bear up: you should bear up the hardships of life bravely.
24. Bear upon/bear on: pertaining to/ refer to: history does not bear upon the matter under
25. Bear up against: to resist and to endure: he bore up against all his hardships with a smile on his
26. Blow up: to explode: suddenly, the mine blew up.
27. Blow away: to be carried away by wind: my hat was blown away by wind.
28. Blow out: to extinguish: blow out the candle when you go to bed.
29. Blow down: to be thrown down by the force of wind: the storm blew down several large trees.
30. Boil over
31. Break away: to free oneself from restraint. He held the horse by the bridle but it broke away.
32. Break down: his health/ car broke down.
33. Break off: to stop suddenly: he broke off in the middle of his speech.
34. Break in: to tame. He broke in the wild lion in no time.
35. Break into: the thieves broke into
36. Break up: to come to an end: The meeting broke up in a great confusion
37. Break with: to cease to be friendly with: he broke away with his sincere friend without any
38. Break out: Cholera has broken out in the city now-a-days.
39. Bound for: the vessel …bound for Naples
41. Bring about: to cause: His lack of hard work brought about his failure.
42. Bring forward: put forth: He brought forward a strange proposal.
43. Bring in: to earn, to collect; Our shop brings in a large income.
44. Bring forth: to produce: this tree will bring forth fruit soon.
45. Bring over: I could not bring him over to my point of view.
46. Bring up: look after
47. Bring to: taken: The matter was brought to my notice.
48. Bring about: Cause to happen: What brought about the quarrel?
49. Bring one to: the doctor brought the senseless girl to by the smelling salts.
50. Bring something round: to persuade: I brought him round to my point of view
Lecture: 2
51. Carry on:
52. Carry off: carried off every prize
53. Carry through: carried him through the ordeal of the exam
54. Carry to: to carry coals to Newcastle
55. Call on: to pay a short visit; to office/house: I called on you but you were out.
56. Call for: require: this situation calls for a prompt action.
57. Call out: summon: Troops had to be called out during the political disturbance.
58. Call off: to end/cancel. We had to call off the meeting
59. Call up: telephoned: My brother called me up
60. Call forth: also means to produce or use: call forth all your energy.
61. Call something in: to order or request the return of: old coins were called in by the Govt.
62. Call upon: to appeal, to invite, to require: call upon to keep promise, call upon Grey to address
63. Call at: called at his residence
64. Compare to: compare with: compare to different classes. Compare with same things
65. Care for: look after: who will care for the children
66. Caution against
67. Charge a person with a crime
68. Charge to: sum will be charged to his account
69. Coincide with
70. Catch at: catch at any opportunity of practicing his English.
71. Catch up with somebody; he has got to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class.
72. Clear away: take away; to get rid of it: The clouds have cleared away.


1. Keep abreast of
2. Within an ace of: escaping by a hair’s breadth
3. Having a nodding acquaintance with
4. Address oneself to: apply to one self
5. In the air: spreading about On the air: broadcast
6. Give oneself airs/put on airs: behave in an unnatural way
7. All the same to: a matter of no difference: it is all the same whether you stay or go.
8. Allow for: take into consideration
9. Take something amiss: to be offended by a thing
10. Tied to one’s apron: under the control
11. Add fuel to fire/ add insult to injury
12. The apple of one’s eye
13. At a pinch: in an emergency
14. Keep up appearances: to put up outward show
15. As ill luck would have it: unfortunately
16. At a discount/ at a premium: not in demand and highly valued or sought for
17. Be at home in a subject/ a person
18. To be at the beck and call: under one’s perfect control
19. Be at sixes and sevens: is said a person who cannot agree
20. All is grist that comes to his mill: profitable use of everything
21. A big gun: a big and important person: he is a big gun in the world of business.
22. A blue eyed boy: a faourite
23. A broken reed: someone un trust worthy
24. As the crow flies: in a direct, a straight way
25. At cross purposes: two persons having opposite views: He is at cross purposes with his father
26. A cat’s paw: a person used as a tool by another paw: he is cat’s paw in the hands of his wife.
27. Chips of the same block: having the same qualities: Both the father and the son are selfish. They
are chips of the same block.
28. Achilles heel: the weak point in man’s circumstances or character
29. A close fisted person: miser
30. A dark horse: an unexpected winner
31. A dead letter: something no longer in force
32. A dog in the manger: Salma is a real dog in the manger
33. An eye wash: trickery, deception
34. A fair weather friend: a friend who leaves you in trouble
35. A feather in one’s cap: a distinction
36. A far cry: a long distance: London is a far cry from here.
37. A fishy story: doubt full
38. A fly in the ointment: something that spoils a good situation
39. A fool’s errand: useless and unprofitable: the plan came to be a fool’s errand.
40. A Gordian knot: a difficult problem: to build Kalabaghdam is to cut a Gordian knot.
41. A knotty problem: a difficult problem
42. A hard nut to crack: an uphill task
43. A Herculean task: very difficult task
44. A hair breadth escape
45. A house of cards; a plan that is likely to fail
46. A hornet’s nest: do not contest elections they are a hornet’s nest.
47. Hot water: in trouble
48. A live wire
49. At large
50. At logger heads: to be on inimical terms
51. All moonshine: untrue: his declaration….all moonshine.
52. All the rage: in current fashion
53. A man of parts: a man of superior ability
54. A man of straw/letter/spirits
55. A mare’s nest: a hoax, an imaginary plan
56. A moot point: a point or question open to discussion
57. A necessary evil: an evil that cannot be avoided
58. A nail in the coffin
59. An oily tongue
60. At one’s wits ends: utterly confused and desperate
61. Applies pie order: perfectly neat and methodical arrangement
62. A queer fish: a strange person
63. A red rag to the bull: the cause of provocation
64. A ruling passion: Greed has become his a ruling passion
65. A rope of sand: a bond which is easily broken
66. A scape goat
67. At sea: puzzled
68. A Skelton in the cupboards/closer
69. A slip of the tongue
70. A square deal: an honest deal

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