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screen shot By John E.


Orbital View of Home

Planet Earth time of day remains constant. Using both
Matt Giger (Lunar Software, P.O. Box 14664, Port- modes makes it easy to notice how the
land, OR 97293).Shareware for MacOS and PowerPC daily lighting changes at different latitudes
processor. $29.95. during the year and why, for example, the
polar areas experience a midnight Sun.

his nifty program shows a What makes Planet Earth exceptional is
three-dimensional globe of the its display of current cloud cover around
Earth with continuously updated the globe as imaged by weather satellites.
daylight and night shading. View the You need only have an Internet connec-
lighting conditions on the Earth now or tion. While you are online conducting
at another time and season, or view the other business, it automatically and quickly
current cloud cover. You can rotate the downloads in the background the latest
globe to see any geographic area, includ- low-resolution cloud images from a Uni-
ing the poles, and even set it spinning. versity of Wisconsin Web site. Images are
Zoom in for a surprisingly realistic view, updated four times a day, so if you are on-
licensed from ARC Science Simulations line frequently, your view of Earth’s clouds
(makers of Dance of the Planets software). is never more than six hours old. During
The geophysical globe shows major topo- the course of today I watched a storm
graphic features in addition to state and move partway across the Midwest while
international boundaries. Cities appear as another approached the West Coast.
red dots during the day and yellow twin- Planet Earth also can be used as a
Advertisement kling lights at night. Put the cursor near screen saver.
a city to display the local time. The program is so cool that I called
Normally the program reads the system other people over to see it. Simple and ele-
clock and displays the Earth’s current light- gant, it accomplishes its mission without
ing conditions. You can also accelerate fuss. If you have a Macintosh, download
time to simulate the quick passage of a day a trial version from Lunar Software’s Web
or a year. In accelerated-day mode, the site (
nighttime shadow moves across the Earth
in 30-minute increments. In accelerated- John Mosley supervises the educational pro-
year mode, the nighttime shadow pro- grams at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.
gresses at two-week intervals while the He can be reached at

The main window of

Planet Earth (left)
shows lighting and
current clouds
mapped from
weather satellites.
The control panels (above) let
you zoom in and out, show or
hide clouds and the night shad-
ow, and set the time (and run in
accelerated time).

74 July 1999 Sky & Telescope ©1999 Sky Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.

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