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Published November 24, 2014


Mechanism of growth hormone stimulation of skeletal muscle growth in cattle1
H. Jiang*2 and X. Ge*
*Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg 24060

ABSTRACT: Growth hormone, also called somato- effect of GH during the last 15 yr. It is in this context
tropin (ST), is a polypeptide hormone produced by the that we have conducted studies to further understand
anterior pituitary. The major functions of GH include how GH stimulates skeletal muscle growth in cattle. Our
stimulating bone and skeletal muscle growth, lipolysis, results do not support a role of skeletal muscle-derived
milk production, and expression of the IGF-I gene in the IGF-I in GH-stimulated skeletal muscle growth in cattle.
liver. Based on these functions, recombinant bovine ST Our results indicate that GH stimulates skeletal muscle
(bST) and recombinant porcine ST (pST) have been used growth in cattle, in part, by stimulating protein synthesis
to improve milk production in dairy cows and lean tis- in muscle through a GH receptor-mediated, IGF-I-inde-
sue growth in pigs, respectively. However, despite these pendent mechanism. In this review, besides discussing
applications, the mechanisms of action of GH are not ful- these results, we also argue that liver-derived circulating
ly understood. Indeed, there has been a lot of controversy IGF-I should be still considered as the major mechanism
over the role of liver-derived circulating IGF-I and local- that mediates the growth-stimulatory effect of GH on
ly produced IGF-I in mediating the growth-stimulatory skeletal muscle in cattle and other domestic animals.

Key words: growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor I, cattle, skeletal muscle, liver, satellite cells

© 2014 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2014.92:21–29
INTRODUCTION ADG in cattle (Early et al., 1990; Enright et al., 1990;
Dalke et al., 1992; Moseley et al., 1992; Rumsey et al.,
Growth hormone, also called somatotropin (ST), 1996; Samber et al., 1996; Elsasser et al., 1998; Tripp
is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary. The et al., 1998; Vann et al., 1998; Schlegel et al., 2006) al-
best characterized function of GH is stimulating bone though this increase is generally lesser than that in pigs
and skeletal muscle growth. The presence of GH in (Etherton and Bauman, 1998). Besides stimulating
the body was first indicated by the observation that growth, GH stimulates lipolysis, milk production, and
chronic injection of a crude extract from bovine pitu- expression of the IGF-I gene. Based on these functions,
itaries resulted in gigantism in rats (Evans and Simp- recombinant human GH has been used to promote
son, 1931). It is now known that GH is essential for growth in GH-deficient children (Dattani and Preece,
postnatal growth (Cannata et al., 2010). Mice lacking 2004); recombinant bovine ST (bST) and porcine ST
GH (Beamer and Eicher, 1976) or its receptor (GHR; (pST) have been used to increase milk production in
Zhou et al., 1997) are 50% smaller than their wild- dairy cows (Bauman, 1999) and lean growth in pigs
type littermates. Deficiency of GH causes dwarfism in (Foster, 1999), respectively. However, despite these
children (Dattani and Preece, 2004). Administration applications, the mechanisms of action of GH are not
of GH to growing pigs increases ADG by 10 to 20% fully understood. Indeed, there has been much contro-
(Etherton, 2001). Administration of GH also increases versy over the role of liver-derived circulating IGF-I
and locally produced IGF-I in mediating the growth-
1A symposium held at the Joint Annual Meeting, July 8–12, 2013,
stimulatory effect of GH. It is in this context that we
Indianapolis, IN, with publication sponsored by the Journal of Animal
have conducted studies to further understand how GH
Science and the American Society of Animal Science. stimulates skeletal muscle growth in cattle. The pur-
2Corresponding author: hojiang@vt.edu
pose of this review is, therefore, to discuss the results
Received August 30, 2013. from these and related studies.
Accepted October 7, 2013.
22 Jiang and Ge



At the cellular level, GH exerts its action by first

binding to the GHR, a single transmembrane domain-
containing protein (Fig. 1). The GHR mRNA is ex-
pressed in many tissues in cattle, including liver, skel-
etal muscle, fat, and mammary gland, with the greatest
level in liver (Lucy et al., 1998; Jiang et al., 1999; Jiang
and Lucy, 2001b). Transcription of the GHR gene is
initiated from multiple transcription start sites, gener-
Figure 1. Molecular biology of the bovine growth hormone receptor
ating GHR1A, 1B, and 1C mRNA that differ in the 5′ (GHR). The bovine GHR gene contains 9 coding exons, exons 2 to 10.
untranslated region but still encode the same amino acid Transcription is initiated from multiple exon 1s, generating GHR mRNA
sequence (Jiang and Lucy, 2001b). Major bovine GHR with various 5′ untranslated regions. These GHR mRNA variants differ in
tissue specificity and expression levels but encode the same GHR protein,
mRNA variants are GHR1A, 1B, and 1C mRNA (Fig. 1). which has a single transmembrane domain. Expression of the liver-specific
The GHR1A mRNA is only expressed in the liver (Lucy GHR1A mRNA is controlled by the transcription factors hepatocyte nuclear
et al., 1998). The GHR1B and 1C mRNA are expressed factor 4α (HNF-4α), HNF-4γ, and chicken ovalbumin upstream promot-
er-transcription factor II (COUP-TF II), which bind to the same response
in a wide array of tissues (Jiang et al., 1999; Jiang and element, and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5)
Lucy, 2001b). Liver-specific expression of GHR1A and zinc finger binding protein 89 (ZBP-89). Expression of the ubiquitous
mRNA is controlled by liver-enriched transcription fac- GHR1B and GHR1C mRNA is regulated in part by the transcription factor
tors hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF-4α; Jiang and Specificity protein 1 (Sp1). See online version for figure in color.

Lucy, 2001a), HNF-4γ, and chicken ovalbumin up-

stream promoter-transcription factor II (COUP-TFII), BASIC MECHANISM OF IGF-I ACTION:
also known as NR2F2 (nuclear receptor subfamily 2, IGF-I RECEPTOR AND SIGNALING
group F, member 2; Xu et al., 2004). Ubiquitous ex-
pression of the GHR1B and 1C mRNA is controlled, in Insulin-like growth factor-I is important for both pre-
part, by the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor natal and postnatal growth (Stewart and Rotwein, 1996).
Specificity protein 1 (Jiang et al., 2000). Transcription In cattle, the IGF-I gene is expressed in many tissues, ex-
of the GHR1A mRNA is also controlled by zinc finger pression being most abundant in the liver. Like the GHR
binding protein 89 (ZBP-89; Xu et al., 2006) and sig- gene, transcription of the IGF-I gene generates multiple
nal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5; mRNA variants: class 1 and class 2 IGF-I mRNA. Class
Jiang et al., 2007). In humans and rodents, there exists 1 IGF-I mRNA contain exon 1 as the lead exon, and class
a GH binding protein (GHBP), which lacks the trans- 2 IGF-I mRNA contain exon 2 as the lead exon (Wang et
membrane domain compared with the GHR and, there- al., 2003b). The 2 classes of IGF-I mRNA encode the same
fore, binds GH in the circulation (Baumann, 2002). The mature IGF-I polypeptide but differ in translational effi-
GHBP is generated from the same gene encoding the ciency (Wang et al., 2003b). Serum IGF-I concentrations
GHR through either alternative splicing or proteolysis, are high, ranging from 50 to 500 ng/mL in cattle (Nikolic
depending on the species (Baumann, 2002). A GHBP et al., 2001). Based on liver-specific IGF-I knockout mouse
seems to be present in cattle although its identity has not models, 75% of serum IGF-I is produced by the liver (Sjo-
been fully characterized (Davis et al., 1992; Devolder et gren et al., 1999; Yakar et al., 1999). Liver IGF-I mRNA
al., 1993). expression and serum IGF-I concentration are stimulated
The GHR is present in the form of homodimer in the by GH (Stewart and Rotwein, 1996) and inhibited by feed
cell membrane (Brown et al., 2005). Binding of GH to the restriction (McGuire et al., 1992; Thissen et al., 1994;
GHR activates the tyrosine kinase, Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). Wang et al., 2003a). In the circulation, more than 80% of
Activated JAK2 phosphorylates several cytoplasmic the IGF-I is estimated to be present in ternary complexes
substrates, including STAT1, 3, and 5, insulin receptor with IGFBP-3 or IGFBP-5 and acid-labile subunit, which
substrate (IRS), and Src homologous and collagen-like serve to prolong the half-life of IGF-I in blood (Boisclair
protein (SHC), each leading to a signal transduction path- et al., 2001). Some circulating IGF-I is present in a bina-
way that results in changes in gene expression or protein ry complex with 1 of the 6 IGFBP, IGFBP-1 to IGFBP-6.
modification (Herrington et al., 2000; Piwien-Pilipuk et Only a small percentage (i.e., 5%) of blood IGF-I is present
al., 2002). Of these pathways, the JAK2-STAT5 signal- in the free, biologically active form (Conover et al., 1990;
ing appears to be the primary pathway that mediates GH Rajaram et al., 1997; Boisclair et al., 2001).
regulation of gene transcription (Waxman and O’Connor, There are 3 types of receptors to which IGF-I may
2006). bind: type 1 IGF receptors (IGF-IR), type 2 IGF or
Growth hormone regulation of muscle growth 23

Figure 3. Molecular basis of the GH-IGF-I link. Growth hormone

stimulates IGF-I gene transcription in liver by both direct and indirect mecha-
nisms. In the direct mechanism, GH action activates Janus kinase 2 (JAK2),
which phosphorylates the growth hormone receptor (GHR), itself, and the
transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5).
Phosphorylated STAT5 forms homodimers, which enter the nucleus and bind
to multiple intronic and 5′ distal STAT5 binding sites in the IGF-I gene. Note
Figure 2. Insulin-like growth factor-I signaling pathways in bovine that the IGF-I promoter does not contain a STAT5 binding site. In the indi-
muscle cells. Both the PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK pathways are involved in rect mechanism, GH directly stimulates the transcription of the hepatocyte
the stimulatory effects of IGF-I on cell proliferation and protein synthesis nuclear factor 3γ (HNF-3γ) gene through STAT5, and HNF-3γ in turn binds
in bovine skeletal muscle cells. The PI3K/AKT pathway also mediates the to the IGF-I promoter and stimulates its transcription. See online version for
inhibitory effect of IGF-I on protein degradation through the transcription figure in color.
factor FOXO3A. Solid lines indicate direct links while dashed lines depict
indirect connections. Adapted from Ge et al. (2013). IGF-IR, IGF-I receptor;
mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-kinase; muscle hypertrophy will be discussed in more detail in
AKT, protein kinase B; MEK, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase; ERK,
a subsequent section.
extracellular signal-regulated kinase; FOXO3A, forkhead box protein O3;
p70S6K, 70 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1.

mannose-6 phosphate receptors, and insulin receptors. Although IGF-I was linked to GH more than a half
Insulin-like growth factor-I binds to the IGF-IR with century ago as the “sulfation factor” to mediate the
much greater affinity than to the other 2 types of recep- growth-stimulatory effect of GH (Salmon and Daughaday,
tors (Stewart and Rotwein, 1996; Denley et al., 2005). 1957), the molecular basis of this link was not clear until
The IGF-IR is a transmembrane glycoprotein consist- recently. The effort to dissect the molecular relationship
ing of 2 alpha subunits, which contain binding sites between GH and IGF-I was hampered by the lack of GH-
for IGF-I, and 2 beta subunits, which possess intrinsic responsive, IGF-I-expressing cell lines and the complex-
tyrosine kinase activity (Jacobs et al., 1983; Ullrich ity of the relationship. It is now known that GH stimulates
et al., 1986). Binding to the IGF-IR, IGF-I activates IGF-I production from the liver by stimulating IGF-I gene
multiple signaling pathways, of which the MEK/ERK transcription primarily through the JAK2-STAT5 signal-
(mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase–extracellular ing pathway (Fig. 3). The GH-activated STAT5 enhances
signal-regulated kinase) pathway and the PI3K/AKT IGF-I gene transcription through multiple STAT5 binding
(phosphoinositide-3-kinase–protein kinase B) pathway sites located in introns or 5′ flanking regions distant from
mediate most of the action of IGF-I on cell growth and the transcription start site (Woelfle et al., 2003; Wang and
metabolism (Adams and McCue, 1998; Menetrey et Jiang, 2005; Chia et al., 2006; Eleswarapu et al., 2008;
al., 2000; Fernandez et al., 2002; Sato et al., 2003). In Laz et al., 2009; Rotwein, 2012). In addition to direct
bovine muscle cells (Fig. 2), both the MEK/ERK and action, GH-activated STAT5 indirectly stimulates IGF-I
PI3K/AKT pathways are involved in the stimulatory gene transcription through the transcription factor HNF-
effect of IGF-I on cell proliferation and protein syn- 3γ (Eleswarapu et al., 2009). Growth hormone-activated
thesis (Ge et al., 2013). The inhibitory effect of IGF-I STAT5 directly induces HNF-3γ expression in the liver
on protein degradation in bovine muscle cells appears by binding to the HNF-3γ promoter, and the increased
to be solely mediated by the PI3K/AKT pathway (Ge HNF-3γ enhances IGF-I gene transcription by binding
et al., 2013). The role of these pathways in skeletal to the IGF-I promoter (Eleswarapu et al., 2009). Because
24 Jiang and Ge

HNF-3γ is a liver-enriched transcription factor, it may

be one of the reasons why IGF-I is expressed at a much
greater level in liver than in other tissues.



Skeletal muscle is composed of multinucleated cells

Figure 4. Contribution of satellite cells to postnatal skeletal muscle
called myofibers. Each myofiber is formed from fusion growth. In response to undefined environmental cues, quiescent satellite cells,
of mononuclear cells called myoblasts. Because the total which express the transcription factor Pax7 (Pax7+), are activated to prolifer-
number of myofibers is determined prenatally for most ate as myoblasts. Myoblasts express the myogenic regulatory factors Myf5
and MyoD in addition to Pax7. At a certain stage, myoblasts exit the cell
species, skeletal muscle growth in postnatal animals re- cycle and differentiate into myocytes, which fuse with each other to form new
sults primarily from myofiber hypertrophy (Oksbjerg et al., myotubes or with existing myotubes to form larger myotubes. The myogenic
2004). Postnatal myofiber hypertrophy is the result of in- regulatory factors myogenin (MyoG) and MRF4 play an important role in the
terminal differentiation of myoblasts. New myotubes mature into functional
creased protein mass and increased number of nuclei (Dha-
myofibers through hypertrophy. Pax7, paired box 7; Myf5, myogenic factor
wan and Rando, 2005; Bi and Kuang, 2012). Increased 5; MyoD, myogenic differentiation 1; MRF4, myogenic regulatory factor 4.
protein mass comes from increased protein synthesis or
reduced protein degradation. New nuclei are provided by
satellite cells (Fig. 4), which are myogenic precursor cells
in adult skeletal muscle and are originally derived from p70S6K, a translation stimulator, and inhibiting 4EBP1,
the central dermomyotome during embryonic develop- a translation repressor (Glass, 2010). Phosphorylated
ment (Gros et al., 2005). These cells, characterized by the mTOR also stimulates translation by inhibiting the gly-
expression of Pax7 (paired box 7; Cornelison and Wold, cogen synthase kinase 3 β (GSK3β), which inhibits the
1997), are normally quiescent in postnatal skeletal muscle. translation initiation factor eukaryotic initiation factor
However, in response to muscle injury or other ill-defined 2B (eIF-2B; Bodine, 2006; Glass, 2010). The PI3K/
environmental stimuli (Dhawan and Rando, 2005; Bi and AKT pathway also controls protein degradation in skel-
Kuang, 2012), satellite cells are activated to proliferate, etal muscle by phosphorylating the forkhead box protein
differentiate as myoblasts, and fuse with each other to (FOXO) transcription factors, FOXO1 and FOXO3A.
generate new myofibers or fuse with existing myofibers These transcription factors activate the expression of
to provide additional DNA that increases the capacity of muscle atrophy-related genes known as atrogenes, in-
myofibers to synthesize protein during hypertrophy (Fig. cluding atrogen-1 (also known as muscle atrophy F-box
4). Recent work indicates that muscle hypertrophy in adult (MAFbx) and muscle RING finger protein 1 (MuRF1)
animals could occur without the activation of satellite cells in the nucleus (Sandri et al., 2004; Glass, 2010). How-
(Blaauw et al., 2009; McCarthy et al., 2011). This is per- ever, when phosphorylated by AKT, FOXO1 and
haps because other cell types, such as pericytes, could also FOXO3A cannot translocate to the nucleus to activate
provide nuclei for postnatal skeletal muscle growth (Del- the expression of these atrogenes. Atrogen-1 and MuRF1
lavalle et al., 2011). Formation of myofibers from satel- encode ubiquitin ligases, which target myofibrillar pro-
lite cells in postnatal animals appears to be controlled by teins for degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome
the same set of myogenic regulatory factors (MRF; myo- system (Sandri et al., 2004; Sandri, 2008). The tran-
genic factor 5 [Myf5], myogenic differentiation 1 [MyoD], scription factor FOXO3A also controls the expression
myogenin [MyoG]), and MRF4 that control embryonic of autophagy-related genes, such as BCL2/adenovirus
myogenesis. The factors Myf5 and MyoD determine the E1B 19 kDa interacting protein 3 (BNIP3), which can
myogenic lineage of satellite cells, whereas MyoG and mediate protein degradation through the autophagic-
MRF4 drive the terminal differentiation of satellite cells lysosomal system (Mammucari et al., 2007).
into myofibers (Bentzinger et al., 2012).
The protein content in a myofiber is determined by MECHANISM OF GH STIMULATION
the balance between protein synthesis and protein deg- OF SKELETAL MUSCLE GROWTH:
radation. The PI3K/AKT pathway is the most important LESSONS FROM KNOCKOUT MICE
pathway regulating protein synthesis in skeletal muscle
(Guttridge, 2004; Bodine, 2006). Signaling from this Early studies on how GH stimulates somatic growth
pathway stimulates protein synthesis by phosphorylating focused on the effect of GH on bone growth (Daugha-
the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR; Bodine et day, 2000). These studies led to the landmark discovery
al., 2001; Bodine, 2006; Sandri, 2008). Upon phosphor- that a GH-dependent serum factor mediates GH stimu-
ylation, mTOR enhances protein synthesis by activating lation of bone growth (Salmon and Daughaday, 1957).
Growth hormone regulation of muscle growth 25

The serum factor was later identified to be IGF-I from

the liver (Daughaday, 2000). These discoveries led to
the hypothesis that GH stimulate somatic growth via
circulating IGF-I secreted from the liver, that is, the so-
matomedin hypothesis (Daughaday et al., 1972). Sub-
sequently, research with rodents in the 1980s found that
IGF-I was expressed in many tissues besides liver and
that IGF-I expression in many extrahepatic tissues was
also regulated by GH (D’Ercole et al., 1980; Roberts et
al., 1987; Lowe et al., 1988). These findings led to a
modification to the original somatomedin hypothesis to Figure 5. Ribonuclease protection assays of the growth hormone recep-
tor (GHR) and IGF-I mRNA in bovine tissues. In panel A, all RNA except
emphasize the role of locally produced IGF-I (i.e., para- mammary RNA was pooled from 2 bulls. Mammary RNA was pooled from
crine or autocrine IGF-I) in addition to liver-derived cir- 2 nonlactating and nonpregnant cows. In panel B, liver and LM were from
culating IGF-I (i.e., endocrine IGF-I) in mediating the 4 steers. Yeast (Y) RNA served as a negative control. The GHR and IGF-I
probes used in these assays detected all known bovine GHR and IGF-I mRNA
effect of GH (Nilsson et al., 1986; Isaksson et al., 1987). variants and were described in detail in a previous study (Wang et al., 2003b).
Recent research using tissue-specific gene deletion The glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA served as
approaches has indicated considerable more complexity a loading control.
of the functional relationship between GH and IGF-I. In
2 studies published in 1999, liver-specific deletion of the
IGF-I gene through the Cre-loxP system in mice caused a the number of myofibers (Ono et al., 1996; Etherton and
75% reduction in circulating IGF-I concentration but no Bauman, 1998; Vann et al., 1998, 2001). Growth hor-
significant changes in body or organ weight (Sjogren et mone has no effect on the proliferation or differentiation
al., 1999; Yakar et al., 1999). These data led LeRoith and of bovine satellite cells in vitro (Ge et al., 2012). Growth
colleagues to propose that the effect of GH on growth is hormone stimulates protein synthesis without affecting
mediated solely by locally produced IGF-I (LeRoith et protein degradation in bovine myotubes in vitro (Ge et
al., 2001). This view proved to be hasty by subsequent al., 2012). Therefore, stimulating protein synthesis ap-
knockout mouse studies. Reintroduction of the IGF-I pears to be one of the mechanisms by which GH stimu-
gene to the liver of mice on an IGF-I null background lates myofiber hypertrophy in cattle.
caused a 30% increase in body weight (Stratikopoulos et What is the role of IGF-I in GH stimulation of skel-
al., 2008). Similarly, overexpression of rat IGF-I in the etal muscle hypertrophy in cattle? Whereas we may never
liver of IGF-I knockout mice caused a 2.5-fold increase know definitively whether liver-derived circulating IGF-I
in serum IGF-I concentration and restored normal body contributes to GH stimulation of skeletal muscle growth
growth (Wu et al., 2009). These data demonstrated that in cattle (because we cannot make liver-specific knock-
circulating IGF-I from liver can undisputedly contribute out cattle, at least not now), multiple lines of evidence
to somatic growth. Double knockout of the IGF-I gene argue against a role of skeletal muscle-derived IGF-I in
and the acid-labile subunit gene in the liver resulted in GH-stimulated muscle hypertrophy in cattle. The first line
an 85% reduction in circulating IGF-I concentration ac- of evidence is that skeletal muscle expresses little IGF-
companied by a 30% reduction in body weight (Yakar I compared with other tissues in cattle (Fig. 5). Skeletal
et al., 2002). Considering all these data from different muscle IGF-I mRNA expression in some cattle is so low
knockout mouse models and the technical limitations of that it is not detectable by ribonuclease protection as-
generating tissue-specific knockouts (e.g., incomplete or say (Moloney et al., 1998), whose sensitivity is between
inconsistent deletion of the gene), we believe that liver- northern blotting and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR.
derived circulating IGF-I mediates at least part of the Using RT-PCR, Pfaffl and colleagues (2002) estimated
effect of GH on tissue growth. Locally produced IGF-I that the abundance of skeletal muscle IGF-I mRNA is
and IGF-I-independent mechanism are the other possi- only 3 to 5% that of liver IGF-I mRNA in growing cattle.
ble mechanisms by which GH stimulates tissue growth. The second line of evidence against a role of skel-
etal muscle-derived IGF-I in GH stimulation of skeletal
MECHANISM OF GH STIMULATION muscle hypertrophy in cattle is that GH does not appear
OF SKELETAL MUSCLE IN CATTLE: to regulate IGF-I gene expression in skeletal muscle of
ROLE OF LOCAL IGF-I cattle. Growth hormone treatment of cattle had no effect
on skeletal muscle IGF-I mRNA expression while mark-
Studies in cattle and other domestic animals have edly increasing liver IGF-I mRNA expression and serum
indicated that GH stimulates postnatal muscle growth in IGF-I concentration (Ge et al., 2012). The same study
these animals by increasing the size, not by increasing also demonstrated that GH had no effect on IGF-I mRNA
26 Jiang and Ge

Table 1. Differential effects of GH and IGF-I on bovine general correlated with growth rates and nutritional status.
muscle cells Therefore, liver-derived circulating IGF-I should still be
Myoblast My.oblast Protein Protein considered as a potential mediator of GH stimulation of
proliferation fusion synthesis degradation skeletal muscle growth in cattle and other animals. De-
GH –1 – ↑2 – spite the fact that recombinant GH has been used to im-
IGF-I ↑↑3 – ↑↑ ↓↓4
prove milk production and lean tissue growth for decades,
1Indicates no effect. a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms may
2Indicates a moderate stimulatory effect. help promote more rational and more effective use of GH
3Indicates a strong stimulatory effect.
in animal industry. Because GH is a major regulator of
4Indicates a strong inhibitory effect.
growth and metabolism, a better understanding of the
mechanism of its action could also unveil novel targets for
expression in bovine myoblasts or myotubes in culture genetic selection of breeds with superior production traits.
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