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Symbol Name of the The action can The action can

of the action Action description be blocked by: block:

Actions to perform without influence cards:

USA Take 1 000 000 $.

Local Take 2 000 000 $.

Pay 7 000 000 $ and then select a player who have to lose (reveal) one influence
Scandal! card.
Actions to perform with influence cards:

Russia (Rosja) Take 3 000 000 $.

Pay 3 000 000 $ and then select a player who have to lose (reveal) one influence
Protest card.

Take two cards from the influence deck and then choose to:
Media  exchange equal number of cards with your hand,
 not to do so.
Choose one of two:
UN (ONZ)  take one card from the influence deck and exchange it with your hand if
you wish,
 look at another player card and decide whether he has to exchange it or

Police (Policja) Take up to 2 000 000 $ from another player.

UE [no action]

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