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Sebert Trillingstechniek B.V.

Report M13.001-P13.001 rev.01

Date 26 august 2013

Vibration tests on a TNAML Luminaire

Technor Benelux B.V.
Veersteeg 15
4212 LR Spijk
The Netherlands

Contact Person
Mr. J. Geluk

Order conformation
Technor Benelux B.V. Purchase Order Number T13.2.0307

Present at the tests

Mr. E. Geluk of Technor Benelux B.V.

S2T Quotation
E-mail 02 July 2013

Author / Tester
Mr. K. Smits

No of pages

Revision of report Date Changes

M13.001-P13.001 23 August 2013 Content changed

Report M13.001-P13.001 rev.01 Page 2/13 Date 26 August 2013

Table of contents
1. Introduction 4
2. Test procedure and equipment 4
2.1. General 4
2.2. Vibration requirements 5
2.3 Mounting and orientation of the test items 5
2.4. Description of the used apparatus and instrumentation 5
2.5. Sketch of the test configuration 6
2.6. Measurement uncertainty and tolerances 6
3. Vibration and shock tests 7
3.1. General 7
3.1.1. Test A: Vibration test setup 7
3.2. Test A: Vibration test result 8
3.3. Laboratory ambient (during test) 8
4. Conclusion and remarks 9
Figures 10
Abbreviations 12
Distribution 13

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1. Introduction

Under contract of Technor Benelux B.V. at Spijk in The Netherlands, vibration tests have been
carried out on a TNAML Luminaire. The vibration test was carried out on 21 August 2013. All
dynamic tests have been carried out under ISO 17025 accreditation. Technor Benelux B.V. will
carry out the final inspection after the complete test sequence. Purpose of this test is to
determine if the test item meets the vibration requirements. In accordance with Technor Benelux
B.V. an acceptation criteria was defined. No (pre)conditioning was carried out. The test results
in this report will be related to the tested test item only.

2. Test procedure and equipment

2.1. General
One test item has been used for the vibration tests, see Table 1 for the details of the test item.
During the test the test item was not operational. The test item which arrived on 15 August 2013
was checked before starting the test and no deviations were found.

Table 1A: Test item #1

Type designation Lighting luminaire
Product number TNAML 2x36 E
Serial number T13.00255
Weight +/- 15 kg
Figure #1

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2.2. Vibration requirements
The following table (Test A) present the test specifications. See Table 2 for the test plan.

Test A: Sine vibration test specifications

IEC 60068-2-6:2008 Environmental testing - Part 2-6 Tests – Test
Normative document
Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
Test standard IEC 60068-3-3:1991
4,9 to 50,1Hz 0,75g acceleration (vertical)
Sine vibration profile
4,9 to 50,1Hz 1,5g acceleration (horizontal)
Sweep rate 1 oct/min
Sweep cycles 2 sweeps (1 up and 1 down per direction)
Direction in three mutually perpendicular directions
Operational during test No, after the test the functionality needs to be tested

Table 2: Test plan

Step Test Direction
1 A Vertical (Z)
2 A Horizontal longitudinal (Y)
3 A Horizontal transversal (X)

2.3 Mounting and orientation of the test items

The test item was mounted on the vibration table through its normal points of attachment and in
normal orientation with respect to the vertical. The test were carried out in three mutually
perpendicular directions, see Figure #2 for de vertical (Z) direction, see Figure #3 for the
horizontal longitudinal (Y) direction and see Figure #4 for the horizontal transversal (X) direction.

2.4. Description of the used apparatus and instrumentation

Last / Next date of
Apparatus and/or Model Serial
Supplier Calibration, Verification
instrumentation Number Number
and/or Inspection
Electric-dynamic shaker Tira 440 TGT 036/07 25-10-12 25-10-13
ICP Accelerometer PCB
356B21 90931XYZ 05-09-12 05-09-13
(check/cross axis point) Piezotronics
ICP Accelerometer PCB
353B34 106991 24-01-13 24-01-14
(reference point) Piezotronics
Shaker control system Dactron Laser 4637789 08-11-12 08-11-13
Signal Conditioner 482C16 428 30-05-13 30-05-14
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Monitoring of the
environmental Novasina ClimaLog 30 1206059 20-11-12 20-11-14

2.5. Sketch of the test configuration

Amplifier Accelerometer
Reference point
Accelerometer Signal conditioner Analyser
Shaker Check point

Response point

2.6. Measurement uncertainty and tolerances

All the measurements were carried out with a signal tolerance includes instrumentation errors
lower than 5% according to the standards. The combined standard uncertainly (k=2) and the
expanded uncertainty (k=2) is lower than 10%. For lower vibration frequency (>1 <10Hz), large
size and high mass the signal tolerance is lower than 10%. Temperature and relative humidity
are not operational factors.

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3. Vibration and shock tests

3.1. General
The sine sweep vibration tests were carried out in three mutually perpendicular directions on a

3.1.1. Test A: Vibration test setup

The vibration acceleration tolerance at the reference point is ≤1dB and the check point ≤2dB.
The maximum vibration amplitude at the check points in any axis perpendicular to the specified
axis does not exceed 50% of the specified amplitude up to 500 Hz (as described in IEC 60068-
2-6:2008 paragraph See Table 3 for the used vibration parameters.

Table 3: Vibration control parameters

System Parameters
Controller Closed loop – Automatic Equalization
Max. Test Frequency: 150.00 Hz
Sweep Type: Logarithmic
Sweep Rate: 1.000000 Oct/Min
Measurement Strategy: Single Channel
Filter Type: Proportional
Band Width: 25%
Drive Limit: 10.00 Volts
Abort Latency: 0.30 seconds
Compression Speed Type: Adaptive
Compression Speed: Fast

3.1.2 Accelerometers location and orientation

See Table 4 for the location and orientation of the used accelerometers during the tests.

Table 4: Used accelerometers

Test Input Accelerometer
Direction Location Figure
item channel Serial number
#1 X, Y, Z 1 106991 On the vibration table -
#1 X, Y, Z 2,3,4 90931 (XYZ) On the vibration table -

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3.2. Test A: Vibration test result
A vibration test in the three mutually perpendicular directions has been carried out, see Table 5
for the summary. See Figure #5 for a typical vibration plot. During the vibration test in Y
direction 2 connection bolts came loose see Figure #6, in accordance with Technor Benelux
B.V. the bolts have been tightened and further testing continued. No visual damage or
functional errors have been found on the test item after the complete test sequence.

Table 5: Vibration test result summary

Test item Direction Test time [min] Remarks
#1 Vertical (Z) 7 Pass
Pass, connection bolts
#1 Horizontal longitudinal (Y) 7
came loose.
#1 Horizontal transversal (X) 7 Pass

3.3. Laboratory ambient (during test)

See Figure #7 for the environmental measurements during the test sequence.

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4. Conclusion and remarks

One test item has been subjected to vibration tests according to the normative document:
 IEC 60068-2-6:2008 Environmental testing - Part 2-6 Tests – Test Fc: Vibration.

See the following table for the summary of the test results:
Test A: During the vibration test in Y direction 2 connection bolts came
Vibration test loose, in accordance with Technor Benelux B.V. the bolts have
been tightened and further testing continued. No visual damage or
functional errors have been found on the test item after the
complete test sequence.

Technor Benelux B.V. carried out the final inspection on the test item after the completed test
sequence, the TL and LED lighting were still functional.

Approved by Test is carried out by

M.J.H. Magendans K. Smits

Director / Test Specialist Test Engineer

Mechanical Simulations Mechanical Simulations

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Figure 1: Test item Figure 2: Test setup Z direction

Figure 3: Test setup Y direction Figure 4: Test setup X direction

Figure 5: Test A vibration plot Figure 6: Test A test result

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Figure 7: Environmental measurement

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Acc Acceleration
ASD Acceleration Spectral Density
AvC Average Control
dB decibel, sound level
DOF Degrees of Freedom
Drive Voltage output of the controller used to drive the shaker
DUT Device under test
Dwell Endurance test on ‘fixed’ frequency
Fn Natural frequency
g Acceleration due to gravity (equal to 9,81 m/s2)
Hz Hertz
kg Kilogram
Manuf Manufacturer
ms Milliseconds, nominal duration
N Newton (force)
Oct/min. Sweep rate
Oper Operational
OS Operational Shock
Pa Pressure
PK Peak
PK-PK Peak to Peak
PSD Power Spectral Density
Q Quality, Sharpness measure of a resonance
Res Resonance
RS Resonance Survey
RMS Root Mean Square
Seq Sequence
S/N Serial Number
SRS Shock Response Spectrum
Sweep One sweep up or down
Sweep cycle One sweep up and down
TS Test Sequence
V Voltage

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Report M13.001-P13.001 rev.01

Title Vibration tests on a TNAML Luminaire
Institute Sebert Trillingstechniek B.V at Bergschenhoek in The Netherlands

Company: Number of copies

Technor Benelux B.V.
Mr. E. Geluk

Sebert Trillingstechniek B.V.

Mr. M.J.H. Magendans

All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, microfilm or any other means without
the previous written permission from Sebert Trillingstechniek B.V. All information which is classified according to Dutch regulations
shall be treated by the recipient in the same way as classified information corresponding value in his own country.
No part of this information will be disclosed to any third party.

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