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TUE 29/04/2014

2A Theme : World of knowledge

08:10AM- 09:10AM Topic : Caring and sharing
English Language Focus : Reading
Standard : 2.3
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.
Standards : 2.3.1
Able to read simple texts with guidance
(a) fiction (b) non-fiction

Activities i. Teacher does shared reading with pupils.

ii. Teacher pauses in between to give
iii. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce words
with correct pronunciation and stress.
iv. Pupils repeat the word individually and in
values : awareness, solidarity, thriftiness
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
12:00PM-01:00PM Topic : I see colours fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Reading
Content : 2.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able toModerate
apply knowledge of
sounds of letters to recognizeWeak
words in linear
and non-linear texts.
Learning : 2.1.1
Standards Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the
letters in the alphabets.

Activities i. Teacher asks about sounds of letters of

the alphabets. Pupils answer.
ii. Teacher displays the picture cards of
letters of the alphabets and pupils say
the letters and sounds.
iii. Teacher reads the letters and combines
them into words. Pupils listen and read
the words.
iv. Teacher gives exercises in activity
values : kindness, courage
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book
Wed 30/04/2014

1A Theme : World of knowledge

07:40AM- 08:40AM Topic : I see colours Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Standard : 3.1 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form
letters and words in neatWeak
legible print including
cursive writing.
Standards : 3.1.2
Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences
Activities i. Teacher reads out loudly and shows
pictures to pupils. Pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher explains the meaning of the
sentences to pupils.
iii. Teacher calls out pupils at random and
asks about the characters in the story.
iv. Teacher gives some exercises in pupils’
activity book.
values : awareness, cleanliness, courage
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

9:10AM-10:10AM Topic Teaching & learning was
: caring and sharing
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Content : 3.1
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply Moderate
knowledge to form
letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing. Weak

Learning : 3.1.2
Standards Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences

Activities i. Teacher asks pupils about the good

characters in the story.
ii. Pupils answer and teacher writes on the
whiteboard clearly.
iii. Teacher asks pupils to copy phrases on
the whiteboard into their exercise book.
values : politeness, self-confidence, thriftiness,
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.
Fri 02/05/2014

2A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

07:40AM - 08:40AM Topic : Caring and sharing fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Language Arts
Content : 4.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate
rhymes, poems and songs through Weak
Standards : 4.1.2
Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants
with correct pronunciation, rhythm and
Activities i. Teacher recites the rhymes from
textbook and pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher asks pupils to recite nursery
rhymes with actions and gestures.
iii. Pupils do exercises in activity book.
values : kindness, helpful, responsibility
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

09:10AM - 10:10AM Topic : I see colours fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Language Arts
Content : 4.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate Moderate
rhymes, poems and songs through performance. Weak
: 4.1.2
Learning Able to listen to and enjoy nursery rhymes and
Standards action songs with correct pronunciation and

Activities i. Teacher distributes worksheets of

nursery rhymes to each pupil.
ii. Teacher recites the rhymes and pupils
iii. Teacher asks pupils to chant nursery
rhymes with actions and gestures.
iv. Pupils do tracing and colouring activity
on the given worksheet.

Moral : tolerance, courage, solidarity, hardworking

Teaching : whiteboard, textbook, activity book
Mon 05/05/2014

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

08:40AM - 09.40AM Topic : Say it nicely fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : listening & speaking
Content Excellent
Standard : 1.2
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to listen and respond Weak
appropriately in formal and informal situations
for a variety of purposes.
Learning : 1.2.2
Standards Able to listen and follow simple instructions.

Activities i. Teacher asks several questions based

on the pictures in the textbook.
ii. Say and show the actions according to
instructions given. Pupils follow
iii. Call a pupil at random to say and do the
actions. The other pupils follow.
iv. Repeat with other actions.
values : happiness, courage, obedience
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
11:30AM – 12:30AM Topic : caring and sharing
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Listening & speaking
Content : 1.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
Pupils will be able to pronounce words and Moderate
speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation in accordance to Weak
Standard British English (SBE)
Learning : 1.1.2 , 1.1.3
Standards i) able to listen to and enjoy simple stories
ii) giving true / false replies.

Activities i. Teacher divides pupils into groups.

ii. Teacher gives instructions on stimulus
to each group.
iii. Teacher explains fun activities at
iv. Teacher asks ‘wh’ questions to pupils
pertaining to the topic.

values : thriftiness, responsibility
TUE 06/05/2014
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

2A Theme : World of knowledge

08:10AM- 09:10AM Topic Teaching & learning was
: Caring and sharing
English Language Focus : Reading fulfilled at the level of:
Standard : 2.3 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.Weak
Standards : 2.3.1
Able to read simple texts with guidance
(b) fiction (b) non-fiction

Activities i. Teacher does shared reading with

ii. Teacher pauses in between to give
iii. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce
words with correct pronunciation and
iv. Pupils repeat the word individually and
in groups.
values : awareness, solidarity, thriftiness
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
12:00PM-01:00PM Topic : Say it nicely fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Reading
Content : 2.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able toModerate
apply knowledge of
sounds of letters to recognizeWeak
words in linear
and non-linear texts.
Learning : 2.1.1
Standards Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the
letters in the alphabets.

Activities i. Teacher asks about sounds of letters of

the alphabets. Pupils answer.
ii. Teacher displays the picture cards of
letters of the alphabets and pupils say
the letters and sounds.
iii. Teacher reads the letters and combines
them into words. Pupils listen and read
the words.
iv. Teacher gives exercises in activity book.
values : kindness, courage
Wed 07/05/2014 aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

07:40AM- 08:40AM Topic : say it nicely Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Standard : 3.1 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form
letters and words in neat legible print including Weak
cursive writing.
Standards : 3.1.2
Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences
Activities i. Teacher reads out loudly and shows
pictures to pupils. Pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher explains the meaning of the
sentences to pupils.
iii. Teacher calls out pupils at random and
asks about the characters in the story.
iv. Teacher gives some exercises in pupils’
activity book.
values : awareness, cleanliness, courage
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

9:10AM-10:10AM Topic : Caring and sharing Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Content : 3.1
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form Moderate
letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing. Weak

Learning : 3.1.2
Standards Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences

Activities i. Teacher asks pupils about the good

characters in the story.
ii. Pupils answer and teacher writes on the
whiteboard clearly.
iii. Teacher asks pupils to copy phrases on
the whiteboard into their exercise book.
values : politeness, self-confidence, thriftiness,
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

Thurs 08/05/2014

2A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

07:40AM - 08:40AM Topic : Caring and sharing fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Language Arts
Content : 4.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate
rhymes, poems and songs through Weak
Standards : 4.1.2
Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants
with correct pronunciation, rhythm and
Activities i. Teacher recites the rhymes from
textbook and pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher asks pupils to recite nursery
rhymes with actions and gestures.
iii. Pupils do exercises in activity book.
values : kindness, helpful, responsibility
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

09:10AM - 10:10AM Topic : Say it nicely fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Language Arts
Content : 4.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate Moderate
rhymes, poems and songs through Weak
Learning : 4.1.2
Standards Able to listen to and enjoy nursery rhymes and
action songs with correct pronunciation and
i. Teacher distributes worksheets of
nursery rhymes to each pupil.
ii. Teacher recites the rhymes and pupils
iii. Teacher asks pupils to chant nursery
rhymes with actions and gestures.
iv. Pupils do tracing and colouring activity
on the given worksheet.
values : tolerance, courage, solidarity, hardworking
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book
Fri 09/05/2014

1A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
07:40AM- 08:40AM Topic : I see colours.
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Writing
Content Excellent
Standard : 3.1
By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form
letters and words in neat legible print including Weak
cursive writing.
Standards : 3.1.2
Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences
Activities i. Teacher reads out loudly and shows
pictures to pupils. Pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher explains the meaning of the
sentences to pupils.
iii. Teacher calls out pupils at random and
asks about the characters in the story.
iv. Teacher gives some exercises in pupils’
activity book.
values : awareness, cleanliness, courage
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

9:10AM-10:10AM Topic : When I grow up Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Content : 3.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form Moderate
letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing. Weak

Learning : 3.1.2
Standards Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences

Activities i. Teacher asks pupils about their favourite

character in the story and describes the
ii. Pupils answer and teacher write on the
whiteboard clearly.
iii. Teacher asks pupils to copy phrases on
the whiteboard into their exercise book.
values : politeness, self-confidence, thriftiness,
Mon 12/05/2014 aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

08:40AM - 09.40AM Topic : My favourite toys fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : listening & speaking
Content Excellent
Standard : 1.2
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to listen and respond Weak
appropriately in formal and informal situations
for a variety of purposes.
Learning : 1.2.2
Standards Able to listen and follow simple instructions.

Activities i. Teacher asks several questions based

on the pictures in the textbook.
ii. Say and show the actions according to
instructions given. Pupils follow
iii. Call a pupil at random to say and do the
actions. The other pupils follow.
iv. Repeat with other actions.
values : happiness, courage, obedience
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
11:30AM – 12:30AM Topic : clothing
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Listening & speaking
Content : 1.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
Pupils will be able to pronounce words and Moderate
speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation in accordance to Weak
Standard British English (SBE)
Learning : 1.1.2 , 1.1.3
Standards i) able to listen to and enjoy simple stories
ii) giving true / false replies.

Activities i. Teacher divides pupils into groups.

ii. Teacher gives instructions on stimulus
to each group.
iii. Teacher explains fun activities at
iv. Teacher asks ‘wh’ questions to pupils
pertaining to the topic.

values : thriftiness, responsibility
wed 14/05/2014 Teaching
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

2A Theme : World of knowledge

08:10AM- 09:10AM Topic : Clothing Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Reading fulfilled at the level of:
Standard : 2.3 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.Weak
Standards : 2.3.1
Able to read simple texts with guidance
(c) fiction (b) non-fiction

Activities i. Teacher does shared reading with

ii. Teacher pauses in between to give
iii. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce
words with correct pronunciation and
iv. Pupils repeat the word individually and
in groups.
values : awareness, solidarity, thriftiness
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
12:00PM-01:00PM Topic : My favourite toysfulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Reading
Content : 2.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able toModerate apply knowledge of
sounds of letters to recognize Weak
words in linear
and non-linear texts.
Learning : 2.1.1
Standards Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the
letters in the alphabets.

Activities i. Teacher asks about sounds of letters of

the alphabets. Pupils answer.
ii. Teacher displays the picture cards of
letters of the alphabets and pupils say
the letters and sounds.
iii. Teacher reads the letters and combines
them into words. Pupils listen and read
the words.
iv. Teacher gives exercises in activity book.
values : kindness, courage
Thurs 15/05/2014 aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

07:40AM- 08:40AM Topic : say it nicely Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Standard : 3.1 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form
letters and words in neat legible print including Weak
cursive writing.
Standards : 3.1.2
Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences
Activities v. Teacher reads out loudly and shows
pictures to pupils. Pupils repeat.
vi. Teacher explains the meaning of the
sentences to pupils.
vii. Teacher calls out pupils at random and
asks about the characters in the story.
viii. Teacher gives some exercises in pupils’
activity book.
values : awareness, cleanliness, courage
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

9:10AM-10:10AM Topic : Caring and sharing Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Content : 3.1
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form Moderate
letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing. Weak

Learning : 3.1.2
Standards Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences

Activities i. Teacher asks pupils about the good

characters in the story.
ii. Pupils answer and teacher writes on the
whiteboard clearly.
iii. Teacher asks pupils to copy phrases on
the whiteboard into their exercise book.
values : politeness, self-confidence, thriftiness,
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.
Mon 19/05/2014

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

08:40AM - 09.40AM Topic : What is in my classroom? fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : listening & speaking
Content Excellent
Standard : 1.2
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to listen and respond Weak
appropriately in formal and informal situations
for a variety of purposes.
Learning : 1.2.2
Standards Able to listen and follow simple instructions.

Activities i. Teacher asks several questions based

on the pictures in the textbook.
ii. Say and show the actions according to
instructions given. Pupils follow
iii. Call a pupil at random to say and do the
actions. The other pupils follow.
iv. Repeat with other actions.
values : happiness, courage, obedience
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
11:30AM – 12:30AM Topic : On the farm
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Listening & speaking
Content : 1.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
Pupils will be able to pronounce words and Moderate
speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation in accordance to Weak
Standard British English (SBE)
Learning : 1.1.2 , 1.1.3
Standards i) able to listen to and enjoy simple stories
ii) giving true / false replies.

Activities i. Teacher divides pupils into groups.

ii. Teacher gives instructions on stimulus
to each group.
iii. Teacher explains fun activities at
iv. Teacher asks ‘wh’ questions to pupils
pertaining to the topic.
values : thriftiness, responsibility
TUE 20/05/2014 Teaching
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

2A Theme : World of knowledge

08:10AM- 09:10AM Topic : On the farm Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Reading fulfilled at the level of:
Standard : 2.3 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.Weak
Standards : 2.3.1
Able to read simple texts with guidance
(d) fiction (b) non-fiction

Activities i. Teacher does shared reading with pupils.

ii. Teacher pauses in between to give
iii. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce words
with correct pronunciation and stress.
iv. Pupils repeat the word individually and in
values : awareness, solidarity, thriftiness
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
12:00PM-01:00PM Topic : what is in my classroom?
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Reading
Content : 2.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able toModerate apply knowledge of
sounds of letters to recognize Weak
words in linear
and non-linear texts.
Learning : 2.1.1
Standards Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the
letters in the alphabets.

Activities i. Teacher asks about sounds of letters of

the alphabets. Pupils answer.
ii. Teacher displays the picture cards of
letters of the alphabets and pupils say
the letters and sounds.
iii. Teacher reads the letters and combines
them into words. Pupils listen and read
the words.
iv. Teacher gives exercises in activity
values : kindness, courage
Wed 21/05/2014 aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

07:40AM- 08:40AM Topic : What is in my classroom? Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Standard : 3.1 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form
letters and words in neat legible print including Weak
cursive writing.
Standards : 3.1.2
Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences
Activities i. Teacher reads out loudly and shows
pictures to pupils. Pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher explains the meaning of the
sentences to pupils.
iii. Teacher calls out pupils at random and
asks about the characters in the story.
iv. Teacher gives some exercises in pupils’
activity book.
values : awareness, cleanliness, courage
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

9:10AM-10:10AM Topic : On the farm Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Content : 3.1
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form Moderate
letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing. Weak

Learning : 3.1.2
Standards Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences

Activities i. Teacher asks pupils about the good

characters in the story.
ii. Pupils answer and teacher writes on the
whiteboard clearly.
iii. Teacher asks pupils to copy phrases on
the whiteboard into their exercise book.
values : politeness, self-confidence, thriftiness,
Thurs 22/05/2014 aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

1A Theme : World of knowledge

07:40AM- 08:40AM Topic : What is in my classroom? Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Standard : 3.1 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form
letters and words in neat legible print including Weak
cursive writing.
Standards : 3.1.2
Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences
Activities i. Teacher reads out loudly and shows
pictures to pupils. Pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher explains the meaning of the
sentences to pupils.
iii. Teacher calls out pupils at random and
asks about the characters in the story.
iv. Teacher gives some exercises in pupils’
activity book.
values : awareness, cleanliness, courage
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

9:10AM-10:10AM Topic : On the farm Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Writing fulfilled at the level of :
Content : 3.1
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge to form Moderate
letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing. Weak

Learning : 3.1.2
Standards Able to copy and write in neat legible print.
(f) simple sentences

Activities i. Teacher asks pupils about the good

characters in the story.
ii. Pupils answer and teacher writes on the
whiteboard clearly.
iii. Teacher asks pupils to copy phrases on
the whiteboard into their exercise book.
values : politeness, self-confidence, thriftiness,
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

Fri 23/05/2014

2A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

07:40AM - 08:40AM Topic : On the farm fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Language Arts
Content : 4.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling, Moderate
pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate
rhymes, poems and songs through Weak
Standards : 4.1.2
Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants
with correct pronunciation, rhythm and
Activities i. Teacher recites the rhymes from
textbook and pupils repeat.
ii. Teacher asks pupils to recite nursery
rhymes with actions and gestures.
iii. Pupils do exercises in activity book.
values : kindness, helpful, responsibility
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

09:10AM - 10:10AM Topic : What is in my classroom? fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Language Arts
Content : 4.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate Moderate
rhymes, poems and songs through performance. Weak
: 4.1.2
Learning Able to listen to and enjoy nursery rhymes and
Standards action songs with correct pronunciation and

Activities i. Teacher distributes worksheets of

nursery rhymes to each pupil.
ii. Teacher recites the rhymes and pupils
iii. Teacher asks pupils to chant nursery
rhymes with actions and gestures.
iv. Pupils do tracing and colouring activity
on the given worksheet.

Moral : tolerance, courage, solidarity, hardworking

Teaching : whiteboard, textbook, activity book
Mon 26/05/2014

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

08:40AM - 09.40AM Topic : Show me the way. fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : listening & speaking
Content Excellent
Standard : 1.2
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to listen and respond Weak
appropriately in formal and informal situations
for a variety of purposes.
Learning : 1.2.2
Standards Able to listen and follow simple instructions.

Activities i. Teacher asks several questions based

on the pictures in the textbook.
ii. Say and show the actions according to
instructions given. Pupils follow
iii. Call a pupil at random to say and do the
actions. The other pupils follow.
iv. Repeat with other actions.
values : happiness, courage, obedience
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
11:30AM – 12:30AM Topic : Good deeds
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Listening & speaking
Content : 1.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
Pupils will be able to pronounce words and Moderate
speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation in accordance to Weak
Standard British English (SBE)
Learning : 1.1.2 , 1.1.3
Standards i) able to listen to and enjoy simple stories
ii) giving true / false replies.

Activities i. Teacher divides pupils into groups.

ii. Teacher gives instructions on stimulus
to each group.
iii. Teacher explains fun activities at
iv. Teacher asks ‘wh’ questions to pupils
pertaining to the topic.

values : thriftiness, responsibility
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.
TUE 27/05/2014

2A Theme : World of knowledge

08:10AM- 09:10AM Topic : Good deeds Teaching & learning was
English Language Focus : Reading fulfilled at the level of:
Standard : 2.3 Excellent
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.Weak
Standards : 2.3.1
Able to read simple texts with guidance
(e) fiction (b) non-fiction

Activities i. Teacher does shared reading with pupils.

ii. Teacher pauses in between to give
iii. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce words
with correct pronunciation and stress.
iv. Pupils repeat the word individually and in
values : awareness, solidarity, thriftiness
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
12:00PM-01:00PM Topic : Show me the way fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Reading
Content : 2.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils should be able toModerate apply knowledge of
sounds of letters to recognize Weak
words in linear
and non-linear texts.
Learning : 2.1.1
Standards Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the
letters in the alphabets.

Activities i. Teacher asks about sounds of letters of

the alphabets. Pupils answer.
ii. Teacher displays the picture cards of
letters of the alphabets and pupils say
the letters and sounds.
iii. Teacher reads the letters and combines
them into words. Pupils listen and read
the words.
iv. Teacher gives exercises in activity
values : kindness, courage
Mon 16/06/2014 Teaching
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book

1A Theme : World of knowledge Teaching & learning was

08:40AM - 09.40AM Topic : Let’s eat fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : listening & speaking
Content Excellent
Standard : 1.2
By the end of the six year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to listen and respond Weak
appropriately in formal and informal situations
for a variety of purposes.
Learning : 1.2.2
Standards Able to listen and follow simple instructions.

Activities i. Teacher asks several questions based

on the pictures in the textbook.
ii. Say and show the actions according to
instructions given. Pupils follow
iii. Call a pupil at random to say and do the
actions. The other pupils follow.
iv. Repeat with other actions.
values : happiness, courage, obedience
aids : whiteboard, textbook, activity book

2A Theme : World of knowledge

Teaching & learning was
11:30AM – 12:30AM Topic : Precious drops (water)
fulfilled at the level of :
English Language Focus : Listening & speaking
Content : 1.1 Excellent
Standard By the end of the six year primary schooling,
Pupils will be able to pronounce words and Moderate
speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation in accordance to Weak
Standard British English (SBE)
Learning : 1.1.2 , 1.1.3
Standards i) able to listen to and enjoy simple stories
ii) giving true / false replies.

Activities i. Teacher divides pupils into groups.

ii. Teacher gives instructions on stimulus
to each group.
iii. Teacher explains fun activities at
iv. Teacher asks ‘wh’ questions to pupils
pertaining to the topic.

values : thriftiness, responsibility
aids : Whiteboard, textbook and activity book.

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