Criminal Procedure Case Digest 1

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Chuaquico Jett I.

stating the the court has original jurisdiction In all

criminal cases in which the penalty provided by law
Criminal Jurisdiction is imprisonment for more than six months, or a fine
People vs. Mariano of more than two hundred pesos

FACTS: On December 18, 1974, the office of the The offense of estafa charged against respondent
Provincial Fiscal of Bulacan filed an Information Mariano is penalized with arresto mayor in its
charging Mariano for the crime of Estafa for failure maximum period to prision correccional in its
to deliver the amount of P4,797 upon repeated minimum period, or imprisonment from four (4)
demand. months and one (1) day to two (2) years and four (4)
months. By reason of the penalty imposed which
On February 19, 1975, Hermogenes Mariano thru exceeds six (6) months imprisonment, the offense
his counsel Filed a motion to quash the Information alleged to have been committed by the accused, now
on the following grounds: respondent, Mariano, falls under the original
jurisdiction of courts of first instance.
That the court trying the cause has no
jurisdiction of the offense charged or of the In People vs. Fontanilla, this Court speaking through
person of the defendant; then Justice now Chief Justice Fred Ruiz Castro,
categorically reiterated the settled rule that the
In his motion to quash, Mariano claimed that the
jurisdiction of a court is determined by the statute in
items which were the subject matter of the
force at the time of the commencement of the action.
Information against him were the same items for
8 In the case at bar, it is rightly contended by the
which Mayor Constantino A. Nolasco of San Jose
Solicitor General that at the time Criminal Case No.
del Monte, province of Bulacan, was indicted before
SM-649 was filed with the Court of First Instance of
a Military Commission under a charge of
Bulacan, that was December 18, 1974, the law in
malversation of public property, and for which
force vesting jurisdiction upon said court was the
Mayor Nolasco had been found guilty and sentenced
Judiciary Act of 1948, the particular provision of
to imprisonment at hard labor for ten (10) years and
which was not affected one way or the other by any
one (1) day to fourteen (14) years and eight (8)
Presidential issuances under Martial Law. General
months with perpetual disqualification plus a fine of
Order No. 49 dated October 4, 1974, which repeals
P19,646.15 (see pp. 23-24, rollo), and that inasmuch
General Order No. 12 and the latter's amendments
as the case against Mayor Nolasco had already been
and related General Orders inconsistent with the
decided by the Military Tribunal, the Court of First
former, redefines the jurisdiction of military
Instance of Bulacan had lost jurisdiction over the
tribunals over certain offense, and estafa and
case against him.
malversation are not among those enumerated
On March 14, 1975 respondent Judge issued an therein. 9 In other words the Military Commission is
Order granting the motion to quash on the ground of not vested with jurisdiction over the crime of estafa
lack of jurisdiction
Respondent court therefore gravely erred when it
ISSUE: W/N the court has jurisdiction to try the ruled that it lost jurisdiction over the estafa case
case against respondent Mariano with the filing of the
malversation charge against Mayor Nolasco before
RULING: YES, the court has jurisdiction over the Military Commission. Estafa and malversation
the case despite the military tribunal having are two separate and distinct offenses and in the case
acquired it first now before Us the accused in one is different from
the accused in the other. But more fundamental is
"Criminal Jurisdiction" is necessarily the authority
the fact that We do not have here a situation
to hear and try a particular offense and impose the
involving two tribunals vested with concurrent
punishment for it.
jurisdiction over a particular crime so as to apply the
The conferment of jurisdiction upon courts or rule that the court or tribunal which first takes
judicial tribunals is derived exclusively from the cognizance of the case acquires jurisdiction thereof
constitution and statutes of the forum. Thus, the exclusive of the other. The Military Commission as
question of jurisdiction of respondent Court of First stated earlier is without power or authority to hear
Instance over the case filed before it is to be resolved and determine the particular offense charged against
on the basis of the law or statute providing for or respondent Mariano, hence, there is no concurrent
defining its jurisdiction. That, We find in the jurisdiction between it and respondent court to speak
Judiciary Act of 1948 where in its Section 44 (f) of. Estafa as described in the Information filed in
Criminal Case No. SM-649 falls within the sole RULING: NO, the case can still be filed because
exclusive jurisdiction of civil courts prescription is still tolled

Prosecution of Offenses It is not disputed that the filing of the Complaint with
the OCP effectively interrupted the running of the
Prescriptive Period 60-day prescriptive period for instituting the
People vs. Bautista criminal action for slight physical injuries.
However, the sole issue for resolution in this case is
FACTS: On August 16, 1999, private complainant whether the prescriptive period began to run anew
filed with the Office of the City Prosecutor (OCP) a after the investigating prosecutor’s recommendation
Complaint for slight physical injuries against herein to file the proper criminal information against
respondent and his co-accused. After conducting the respondent was approved by the City Prosecutor.
preliminary investigation, Prosecutor Jessica
Junsay-Ong issued a Joint Resolution dated Art. 91. Computation of prescription of offenses. -
November 8, 1999 recommending the filing of an The period of prescription shall commence to run
Information against herein respondent. Such from the day on which the crime is discovered by the
recommendation was approved by the City offended party, the authorities, or their agents, and
Prosecutor, represented by First Assistant City shall be interrupted by the filing of the complaint or
Prosecutor Eufrocino A. Sulla, but the date of such information, and shall commence to run again when
approval cannot be found in the records. The such proceedings terminate without the accused
Information was, however, filed with the being convicted or acquitted, or are unjustifiably
Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Manila, Branch stopped for any reason not imputable to him.
28 only on June 20, 2000. The term of prescription shall not run when the
Respondent sought the dismissal of the case against offender is absent from the Philipppine Archipelago.
him on the ground that by the time the Information (Emphasis supplied)
was filed, the 60-day period of prescription from the The CA and respondent are of the view that upon
date of the commission of the crime, that is, on June approval of the investigating prosecutor's
12, 1999 had already elapsed. The MeTC ruled that recommendation for the filing of an information
the offense had not yet prescribed. against respondent, the period of prescription began
Respondent then filed a Petition for Certiorari with to run again. The Court does not agree. It is a well-
the CA. On June 22, 2005, the CA rendered its settled rule that the filing of the complaint with the
Decision wherein it held that, indeed, the 60-day fiscal’s office suspends the running of the
prescriptive period was interrupted when the prescriptive period.
offended party filed a Complaint with the OCP of The proceedings against respondent was not
Manila on August 16, 1999. Nevertheless, the CA terminated upon the City Prosecutor's approval of
concluded that the offense had prescribed by the the investigating prosecutor's recommendation that
time the Information was filed with the MeTC an information be filed with the court. The
In the case on hand, although the approval of the prescriptive period remains tolled from the time the
Joint Resolution of ACP Junsay-Ong bears no date, complaint was filed with the Office of the
it effectively terminated the proceedings at the OCP. Prosecutor until such time that respondent is either
Hence, even if the 10-day period for the CP or ACP convicted or acquitted by the proper court.
Sulla, his designated alter ego, to act on the The Office of the Prosecutor miserably incurred
resolution is extended up to the utmost limit, it ought some delay in filing the information but such
not have been taken as late as the last day of the year mistake or negligence should not unduly prejudice
1999. Yet, the information was filed with the MeTC the interests of the State and the offended party.
only on June 20, 2000, or already nearly six (6)
months into the next year. To use once again the The Office of the Solicitor General does not offer
language of Article 91 of the RPC, the proceedings any explanation as to the delay in the filing of the
at the CPO was "unjustifiably stopped for any reason information. The Court will not be made as an
not imputable to him (the accused)" for a time very unwitting tool in the deprivation of the right of the
much more than the prescriptive period of only two offended party to vindicate a wrong purportedly
(2) months. inflicted on him by the mere expediency of a
prosecutor not filing the proper information in due
ISSUE: W/N the criminal case can no longer be time.
filed because it is already prescribed
Zaldivia vs. Reyes (Already abandoned doctrine) "judicial proceedings," contrary to the submission of
the Solicitor General that they include
FACTS: The petitioner is charged with quarrying administrative proceedings. His contention is that
for commercial purposes without a mayor's permit we must not distinguish as the law does not
in violation of Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1988, of distinguish. As a matter of fact, it does.
the Municipality of Rodriguez, in the Province of
Rizal. At any rate, the Court feels that if there be a conflict
between the Rule on Summary Procedure and
The offense was allegedly committed on May 11, Section 1 of Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal
1990. The referral-complaint of the police was Procedure, the former should prevail as the special
received by the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor law. And if there be a conflict between Act. No.
of Rizal on May 30, 1990. The corresponding 3326 and Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal
information was filed with the Municipal Trial Court Procedure, the latter must again yield because this
of Rodriguez on October 2, 1990. Court, in the exercise of its rule-making power, is
The petitioner moved to quash the information on not allowed to "diminish, increase or modify
the ground that the crime had prescribed, but the substantive rights" under Article VIII, Section 5(5)
motion was denied. On appeal to the Regional Trial of the Constitution. Prescription in criminal cases is
Court of Rizal, the denial was sustained by the a substantive right.
respondent judge. Sanrio Co. Ltd. vs. Lim
She then invokes Act. No. 3326, as amended, FACTS: Petitioner Sanrio Company Limited, a
entitled "An Act to Establish Periods of Prescription Japanese corporation, owns the copyright of various
for Violations Penalized by Special Acts and animated characters while it is not engaged in
Municipal Ordinances and to Provide When business in the Philippines, its products are sold
Prescription Shall Begin to Run," reading as locally by its exclusive distributor, Gift Gate
follows: Incorporated (GGI).
Sec. 1. Violations penalized by special acts shall, As such exclusive distributor, GGI entered into
unless provided in such acts, prescribe in accordance licensing agreements with JC Lucas Creative
with the following rules: . . . Violations penalized by Products, Inc., Paper Line Graphics, Inc. and
municipal ordinances shall prescribe after two Melawares Manufacturing Corporation, allowing
months. them to manufacture products
Sec. 2. Prescription shall begin to run from the day After conducting several test-buys in various
of the commission of the violation of the law, and if commercial areas, IPMA confirmed that
the same be not known at the time, from the respondent's Orignamura Trading in Tutuban
discovery thereof and the institution of judicial Center, Manila was selling imitations of petitioner's
proceedings for its investigation and punishment. products.
The prescription shall be interrupted when On April 4, 2002, petitioner, through its attorney-in-
proceedings are instituted against the guilty person, fact Teodoro Y. Kalaw IV of the Quisumbing Torres
and shall begin to run again if the proceedings are law firm, filed a complaint-affidavit with the Task-
dismissed for reasons not constituting jeopardy. Force on Anti-Intellectual Property Piracy (TAPP)
For its part, the prosecution contends that the Respondent asserted in his counter-affidavit that he
prescriptive period was suspended upon the filing of committed no violation of the provisions of the IPC
the complaint against her with the Office of the because he was only a retailer. Respondent neither
Provincial Prosecutor. reproduced nor manufactured any of petitioner's
ISSUE: W/N the crime is already prescribed copyrighted item; thus, he did not transgress the
economic rights of petitioner. Moreover, he
RULING: YES, it already prescribed pursuant to obtained his merchandise from authorized
the Act No. 3326 manufacturers of petitioner's products.
This interpretation is in consonance with the afore- The investigation dismissed the complaint for
quoted Act No. 3326 which says that the period of insufficiency of evidence because respondent was
prescription shall be suspended "when proceedings able to show that he brought the products to a
are instituted against the guilty party." The legitimate manufacturer
proceedings referred to in Section 2 thereof are
Petitioner then appealed the case at RTC which patent and gross enough to amount to an evasion of
confirmed the finding of the agency and CA a positive duty or virtual refusal to perform a duty
affirmed the finding of the RTC and argued that it enjoined by law.
already prescribed
The prosecutors in this case consistently found that
According to the CA, because no complaint was no probable cause existed against respondent for
filed in court within two years after the commission violation of the IPC. They were in the best position
of the alleged violation, the offense had already to determine whether or not there was probable
prescribed. cause. We find that they arrived at their findings
after carefully evaluating the respective evidence of
ISSUE: W/N the crime already prescribed petitioner and respondent. Their conclusion was not
RULING: NO, the crime did not prescribed tainted with grave abuse of discretion.
because it was tolled upon filing with the proper Luis Panaguiton vs. DOJ
officers for preliminary investigation however
the crime can no longer be pursued for the FACTS: In 1992, Rodrigo Cawili (Cawili)
factual findings of DOJ that no crime was borrowed various sums of money amounting to
committed was not tainted with grave abuse of P1,979,459.00 from petitioner. On 8 January 1993,
discretion Cawili and his business associate, Ramon C.
Tongson (Tongson), jointly issued in favor of
In the recent case of Brillantes v. Court of Appeals, petitioner three (3) checks in payment of the said
we affirmed that the filing of the complaint for loans. Significantly, all three (3) checks bore the
purposes of preliminary investigation interrupts the signatures of both Cawili and Tongson. Upon
period of prescription of criminal responsibility. presentment for payment on 18 March 1993, the
Thus, the prescriptive period for the prosecution of checks were dishonored, either for insufficiency of
the alleged violation of the IPC was tolled by funds or by the closure of the account. Petitioner
petitioner's timely filing of the complaint-affidavit made formal demands to pay the amounts of the
before the TAPP. checks upon Cawili on 23 May 1995 and upon
In a preliminary investigation, a public prosecutor Tongson on 26 June 1995, but to no avail.
determines whether a crime has been committed and On 24 August 1995, petitioner filed a complaint
whether there is probable cause that the accused is against Cawili and Tongson for violating Batas
guilty thereof. Probable cause is defined as such Pambansa Bilang 22 (B.P. Blg. 22)
facts and circumstances that will engender a well-
founded belief that a crime has been committed and Tongson denied that he had issued the bounced
that the respondent is probably guilty thereof and checks and pointed out that his signatures on the said
should be held for trial. Because a public prosecutor checks had been falsified.
is the one conducting a preliminary investigation, he
determines the existence of probable cause. City Prosecutor III Eliodoro V. Lara found probable
Consequently, the decision to file a criminal cause only against Cawili and dismissed the charges
information in court or to dismiss a complaint against Tongson, 6 December 1995
depends on his sound discretion. While the case was pending, after finding that it was
As a general rule, a public prosecutor is afforded a possible for Tongson to co-sign the bounced checks
wide latitude of discretion in the conduct of a and that he had deliberately altered his signature in
preliminary investigation. For this reason, courts the pleadings submitted during the preliminary
generally do not interfere with the results of such investigation, Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito R.
proceedings. A prosecutor alone determines the Zuño directed the City Prosecutor of Quezon City to
sufficiency of evidence that will establish probable conduct a reinvestigation of the case against
cause justifying the filing of a criminal information Tongson and to refer the questioned signatures to the
against the respondent. By way of exception, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
however, judicial review is allowed where On 15 March 1999, Assistant City Prosecutor Ma.
respondent has clearly established that the Lelibet S. Sampaga (ACP Sampaga) dismissed the
prosecutor committed grave abuse of discretion.38 complaint against Tongson without referring the
Otherwise stated, such review is appropriate only matter to the NBI per the Chief State Prosecutor's
when the prosecutor has exercised his discretion in resolution.
an arbitrary, capricious, whimsical or despotic
manner by reason of passion or personal hostility,
ACP Sampaga held that the case had already responsibility, even if the court where the complaint
prescribed pursuant to Act No. 3326, as amended, or information is filed cannot try the case on the
which provides that violations penalized by B.P. merits. In addition, even if the court where the
Blg. 22 shall prescribe after four (4) years. In this complaint or information is filed may only proceed
case, the four (4)-year period started on the date the to investigate the case, its actuations already
checks were dishonored, or on 20 January 1993 and represent the initial step of the proceedings against
18 March 1993. The filing of the complaint before the offender, and hence, the prescriptive period
the Quezon City Prosecutor on 24 August 1995 did should be interrupted.
not interrupt the running of the prescriptive period,
as the law contemplates judicial, and not In Ingco v. Sandiganbayan and Sanrio Company
administrative proceedings. Thus, considering that Limited v. Lim, which involved violations of the
from 1993 to 1998, more than four (4) years had Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (R.A. No.
already elapsed and no information had as yet been 3019) and the Intellectual Property Code (R.A. No.
filed against Tongson, the alleged violation of B.P. 8293), which are both special laws, the Court ruled
Blg. 22 imputed to him had already prescribed that the

Petitioner appealed to the DOJ. But the DOJ, Prescriptive period is interrupted by the institution
through Undersecretary Manuel A.J. Teehankee, of proceedings for preliminary investigation against
dismissed the same, stating that the offense had the accused. In the more recent case of Securities
already prescribed pursuant to Act No. 3326. and Exchange Commission v. Interport Resources
Corporation, et al. the Court ruled that the nature and
CA dismissed the appeal of petitioner because of purpose of the investigation conducted by the
formality and patently without merit and the Securities and Exchange Commission on violations
questions raised therein are too unsubstantial to of the Revised Securities Act, another special law, is
require consideration. equivalent to the preliminary investigation
conducted by the DOJ in criminal cases, and thus
ISSUE: W/N the crime has already prescribed effectively interrupts the prescriptive period.
RULING: NO, it did not prescribe, the ruling of While it may be observed that the term "judicial
Zaldiva vs. Reyes is already abandoned proceedings" in Sec. 2 of Act No. 3326 appears
It must be pointed out that when Act No. 3326 was before "investigation and punishment" in the old
passed on 4 December 1926, preliminary law, with the subsequent change in set-up whereby
investigation of criminal offenses was conducted by the investigation of the charge for purposes of
justices of the peace, thus, the phraseology in the prosecution has become the exclusive function of
law, "institution of judicial proceedings for its the executive branch, the term "proceedings" should
investigation and punishment," and the prevailing now be understood either executive or judicial in
rule at the time was that once a complaint is filed character: executive when it involves the
with the justice of the peace for preliminary investigation phase and judicial when it refers to the
investigation, the prescription of the offense is trial and judgment stage. With this clarification, any
halted. kind of investigative proceeding instituted against
the guilty person which may ultimately lead to his
Act No. 3226 was approved on 4 December 1926 at prosecution should be sufficient to toll prescription.
a time when the function of conducting the
preliminary investigation of criminal offenses was Tongson. He went through the proper channels,
vested in the justices of the peace. Thus, the within the prescribed periods. However, from the
prevailing rule at the time, as shown in the cases. time petitioner filed his complaint-affidavit with the
Office of the City Prosecutor (24 August 1995) up
These cases were followed by our declaration in to the time the DOJ issued the assailed resolution, an
People v. Parao and Parao that the first step taken in aggregate period of nine (9) years had elapsed.
the investigation or examination of offenses Clearly, the delay was beyond petitioner's control.
partakes the nature of a judicial proceeding which After all, he had already initiated the active
suspends the prescription of the offense. prosecution of the case as early as 24 August 1995,
Subsequently, in People v. Olarte, we held that the only to suffer setbacks because of the DOJ's flip-
filing of the complaint in the Municipal Court, even flopping resolutions and its misapplication of Act
if it be merely for purposes of preliminary No. 3326. Aggrieved parties, especially those who
examination or investigation, should, and does, do not sleep on their rights and actively pursue their
interrupt the period of prescription of the criminal causes, should not be allowed to suffer
unnecessarily further simply because of transactions involving IRC shares in violation of
circumstances beyond their control, like the Section 30, in relation to Section 36, of the Revised
accused's delaying tactics or the delay and Securities Act.
inefficiency of the investigating agencies.
No formal hearings were conducted in connection
We rule and so hold that the offense has not yet with the aforementioned motions, but on 25 January
prescribed. Petitioner's filing of his complaint- 1995, the SEC issued an Omnibus Order which thus
affidavit before the Office of the City Prosecutor on disposed of the same in this wise which created a
24 August 1995 signified the commencement of the prosecution Respondents filed an Omnibus Motion
proceedings for the prosecution of the accused and for Partial Reconsideration, questioning the creation
thus effectively interrupted the prescriptive period of the special investigating panel to hear the case and
for the offenses they had been charged under B.P. the denial of the Motion for Continuance. The SEC
Blg. 22. Moreover, since there is a definite finding denied reconsideration in its Omnibus Order dated
of probable cause, with the debunking of the claim 30 March 1995.
of prescription there is no longer any impediment to
the filing of the information against petitioner. On 5 May 1995, the Court of Appeals granted their
motion and issued a writ of preliminary injunction,
SEC vs. IRC which effectively enjoined the SEC from filing any
criminal, civil or administrative case against the
FACTS: On 6 August 1994, the Board of Directors respondents herein.
of IRC approved a Memorandum of Agreement with
Ganda Holdings Berhad (GHB). Under the The Court of Appeals further decided that the Rules
Memorandum of Agreement, IRC acquired 100% or of Practice and Procedure Before the PED, which
the entire capital stock of Ganda Energy Holdings, took effect on 14 April 1990, did not comply with
Inc. (GEHI), which would own and operate a 102 the statutory requirements contained in the
megawatt (MW) gas turbine power-generating Administrative Code of 1997. Section 8, Rule V of
barge. The agreement also stipulates that GEHI the Rules of Practice and Procedure Before the PED
would assume a five-year power purchase contract affords a party the right to be present but without the
with National Power Corporation. At that time, right to cross-examine witnesses presented against
GEHI's power-generating barge was 97% complete him
and would go on-line by mid-September of 1994. In
exchange, IRC will issue to GHB 55% of the ISSUE: W/N the case has already prescribed
expanded capital stock of IRC amounting to 40.88 RULING: NO, the prescription was tolled when
billion shares which had a total par value of P488.44 an investigation was conducted by SEC
It is an established doctrine that a preliminary
The SEC averred that it received reports that IRC investigation interrupts the prescription period. A
failed to make timely public disclosures of its preliminary investigation is essentially a
negotiations with GHB and that some of its determination whether an offense has been
directors, respondents herein, heavily traded IRC committed, and whether there is probable cause for
shares utilizing this material insider information. On the accused to have committed an offense.
16 August 1994, the SEC Chairman issued a
directive requiring IRC to submit to the SEC a copy Under Section 45 of the Revised Securities Act,
of its aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement with which is entitled Investigations, Injunctions and
GHB. The SEC Chairman further directed all Prosecution of Offenses, the Securities Exchange
principal officers of IRC to appear at a hearing Commission (SEC) has the authority to "make such
before the Brokers and Exchanges Department investigations as it deems necessary to determine
(BED) of the SEC to explain IRC's failure to whether any person has violated or is about to
immediately disclose the information as required by violate any provision of this Act XXX." After a
the Rules on Disclosure of Material Facts. finding that a person has violated the Revised
Securities Act, the SEC may refer the case to the
On 19 September 1994, the SEC Chairman issued an DOJ for preliminary investigation and prosecution.
Order finding that IRC violated the Rules on
Disclosure of Material Facts, in connection with the While the SEC investigation serves the same
Old Securities Act of 1936, when it failed to make purpose and entails substantially similar duties as
timely disclosure of its negotiations with GHB. In the preliminary investigation conducted by the DOJ,
addition, the SEC pronounced that some of the this process cannot simply be disregarded. In
officers and directors of IRC entered into Baviera v. Paglinawan, this Court enunciated that a
criminal complaint is first filed with the SEC, which standstill, and neither the SEC nor the DOJ can
determines the existence of probable cause, before a conduct any investigation against the respondents,
preliminary investigation can be commenced by the who, in the first place, sought the injunction to
DOJ. In the aforecited case, the complaint filed prevent their prosecution. All that the SEC could do
directly with the DOJ was dismissed on the ground in order to break the impasse was to have the
that it should have been filed first with the SEC. Decision of the Court of Appeals overturned, as it
Similarly, the offense was a violation of the had done at the earliest opportunity in this case.
Securities Regulations Code, wherein the procedure Therefore, the period during which the SEC was
for criminal prosecution was reproduced from prevented from continuing with its investigation
Section 45 of the Revised Securities Act. should not be counted against it. The law on the
prescription period was never intended to put the
The Court of Appeals held that under the above prosecuting bodies in an impossible bind in which
provision, a criminal complaint for violation of any the prosecution of a case would be placed way
law or rule administered by the SEC must first be beyond their control; for even if they avail
filed with the latter. If the Commission finds that themselves of the proper remedy, they would still be
there is probable cause, then it should refer the case barred from investigating and prosecuting the case.
to the DOJ. Since petitioner failed to comply with
the foregoing procedural requirement, the DOJ did Indubitably, the prescription period is interrupted by
not gravely abuse its discretion in dismissing his commencing the proceedings for the prosecution of
complaint in I.S. No. 2004-229. the accused. In criminal cases, this is accomplished
by initiating the preliminary investigation. The
A criminal charge for violation of the Securities prosecution of offenses punishable under the
Regulation Code is a specialized dispute. Hence, it Revised Securities Act and the Securities
must first be referred to an administrative agency of Regulations Code is initiated by the filing of a
special competence, i.e., the SEC. Under the complaint with the SEC or by an investigation
doctrine of primary jurisdiction, courts will not conducted by the SEC motu proprio. Only after a
determine a controversy involving a question within finding of probable cause is made by the SEC can
the jurisdiction of the administrative tribunal, where the DOJ instigate a preliminary investigation. Thus,
the question demands the exercise of sound the investigation that was commenced by the SEC in
administrative discretion requiring the specialized 1995, soon after it discovered the questionable acts
knowledge and expertise of said administrative of the respondents, effectively interrupted the
tribunal to determine technical and intricate matters prescription period. Given the nature and purpose of
of fact. The Securities Regulation Code is a special the investigation conducted by the SEC, which is
law. Its enforcement is particularly vested in the equivalent to the preliminary investigation
SEC. Hence, all complaints for any violation of the conducted by the DOJ in criminal cases, such
Code and its implementing rules and regulations investigation would surely interrupt the prescription
should be filed with the SEC. Where the complaint period.
is criminal in nature, the SEC shall indorse the
complaint to the DOJ for preliminary investigation Control of Prosecution
and prosecution as provided in Section 53.1 earlier
quoted. Chua vs. Padillo

We thus agree with the Court of Appeals that FACTS: Rodrigo Padillo and Marietta Padillo,
petitioner committed a fatal procedural lapse when respondents, are the owners of Padillo Lending
he filed his criminal complaint directly with the Investor engaged in the money lending business in
DOJ. Verily, no grave abuse of discretion can be Lucena City. Their niece, Marissa Padillo-Chua,
ascribed to the DOJ in dismissing petitioner's served as the firm’s manager.
complaint. One of Marissa’s functions was to evaluate and
To reiterate, the SEC must first conduct its recommend loan applications for approval by
investigations and make a finding of probable cause respondents. Once a loan application had been
in accordance with the doctrine pronounced in approved, respondents would authorize the release
Baviera v. Paglinawan.81 In this case, the DOJ was of a check signed by them or their authorized
precluded from initiating a preliminary investigation signatory, a certain Mila Manalo.
since the SEC was halted by the Court of Appeals Sometime in September 1999, a post-audit was
from continuing with its investigation. Such a conducted. It was found that Marissa was engaged
situation leaves the prosecution of the case at a in illegal activities. Some of the borrowers whose
loan applications she recommended for approval of the law, the twofold aim of which is that guilt
were fictitious and their signatures on the checks shall not escape or innocence suffer.
were spurious. Marissa’s modus operandi was to
alter the name of the payee appearing on the check Having been vested by law with the control of the
by adding another name as an alternative payee. This prosecution of criminal cases, the public prosecutor,
alternative payee would then personally encash the in the exercise of his functions, has the power and
check with the drawee bank. discretion to: (a) determine whether a prima facie
case exists; (b) decide which of the conflicting
Forthwith, the City Prosecutor filed an Information testimonies should be believed free from the
for estafa against Marissa, Wilson, and Renita with interference or control of the offended party; and (c)
the Regional Trial Court of Lucena City, docketed subject only to the right against self-incrimination,
therein as Criminal Cse No. 99-182. determine which witnesses to present in court.
Given his discretionary powers, a public prosecutor
Believing that a more serious offense should have cannot be compelled to file an Information where he
been charged against petitioners, respondents is not convinced that the evidence before him would
interposed an appeal to the Secretary of Justice who warrant the filing of an action in court. For while he
issued a Resolution dated January 3, 2000, the is bound by his oath of office to prosecute persons
dispositive portion charged them with the complex who, according to complainant’s evidence, are
crime of estafa through falsification of commericial shown to be guilty of a crime, he is likewise duty-
documents bound to protect innocent persons from groundless,
The Secretary of Justice found that the participation false, or malicious prosecution.
of Wilson Chua in the commission of the crime was First, the resolution of the investigating prosecutor
not clearly established by the evidence. There was is subject to appeal to the Secretary of Justice who,
no showing that he abused the trust and confidence under the Administrative Code of 1987, as amended,
of respondents when two (2) of the questioned exercises control and supervision over the
checks were deposited in his bank account. As to investigating prosecutor. Thus, the Secretary of
Renita Chua, the Secretary of Justice found no proof Justice may affirm, nullify, reverse, or modify the
of conspiracy between her and Marissa. ruling of said prosecutor." In special cases, the
They alleged that in issuing the Resolution dated public prosecutor’s decision may even be reversed
January 3, 2000 directing the Prosecutor’s Office of or modified by the Office of the President.
Lucena City to file the corresponding Information Second, the Court of Appeals may review the
only against Marissa, the Secretary of Justice resolution of the Secretary of Justice on a petition
committed grave abuse of discretion. They prayed for certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of
that the Court of Appeals order the Lucena City Civil Procedure, as amended, on the ground that he
Prosecutor to withdraw the Information in Criminal committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to
Case No. 99-182 and instead, file several excess or lack of jurisdiction.
Informations against petitioners.
Here, we note that the Court of Appeals, on motion
CA denied such petition, Hence, the instant petition. for reconsideration by respondents, ruled that the
Petitioners contend that the Court of Appeals erred Secretary of Justice committed grave abuse of
in compelling the Secretary of Justice to include in discretion in resolving that only Marissa should be
the Information Wilson and Renita. charged.
ISSUE: W/N the court can compel the prosecutor in We have carefully examined the Resolution of the
the control of the trial Secretary of Justice dated January 3, 2000 wherein
RULING: NO, the court cannot compel he ruled that there was no probable cause to hold
prosecutor on the flow of trial, unless grave abuse Wilson Chua and Renita Chua for estafa through
of discretion is found like in the case at bar falsification of commercial documents. As found by
the Court of Appeals, the Secretary of Justice either
[T]he representative not of an ordinary party to a overlooked or patently ignored the following
controversy, but of a sovereignty whose obligation circumstances: (1) Marissa’s practice of depositing
to govern impartially is as compelling as its checks, with altered names of payees, in the
obligation to govern at all; and whose interest, respective accounts of Wilson and Renita Chua; (2)
therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall the fact that Wilson and Marissa are husband and
win a case, but that justice shall be done. As such, wife makes it difficult to believe that one has no idea
he is in a peculiar and very definite sense a servant of the transactions entered into by the other; and (3)
the affidavit of Ernesto Alcantara dated November Department of Justice; the "Motion for
26, 1998 confirming that Wilson had knowledge of Reconsideration of the Resolution dated 3
Marissa’s illegal activities. September 2009" filed on September 22, 2009 by
Atty. Christopher F.C. Bolastig of the Bureau of
Indeed, as we ruled in Sanchez v. Demetriou,12 not Customs is NOTED, without action.
even the Supreme Court can order the prosecution
of a person against whom the prosecutor does not ISSUE: W/N the CTA committed grave abuse of
find sufficient evidence to support at least a prima discretion when it only noted the motion
facie case. The only possible exception to this rule
is where there is an unmistakable showing of grave RULING: NO, they did not commit any grave
abuse of discretion on the part of the prosecutor, as abuse of discretion
in this case. It is well-settled that prosecution of crimes pertains
Verily, the Court of Appeals did not err in directing to the executive department of the government
the City Prosecutor of Lucena City to include whose principal power and responsibility is to insure
Wilson and Renita Chua in the Information for the that laws are faithfully executed. Corollary to this
complex crime of estafa through falsification of power is the right to prosecute violators.
commercial documents. In the prosecution of special laws, the exigencies of
BOC vs. Sherman public service sometimes require the designation of
special prosecutors from different government
FACTS: Mark Sensing Philippines, Inc. (MSPI) agencies to assist the public prosecutor. The
caused the importation of 255, 870,000 pieces of designation does not, however, detract from the
finished bet slips and 205, 200 rolls of finished public prosecutor having control and supervision
thermal papers from June 2005 to January 2007. over the case.
MSPI facilitated the release of the shipment from the
Clark Special Economic Zone (CSEZ), where it was As stated in the above-quoted ratio of the October
brought, to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes 14, 2009 Resolution of the CTA, it noted without
Office (PCSO) for its lotto operations in Luzon. action petitioner’s motion for reconsideration, entry
MSPI did not pay duties or taxes, however, of judgment having been made as no Motion for
prompting the Bureau of Customs (petitioner) to Execution was filed by the State Prosecutor.
file, under its Run After The Smugglers (RATS) By merely noting without action petitioner’s motion
Program, a criminal complaint before the for reconsideration, the CTA did not gravely abuse
Department of Justice against herein respondents its discretion. For, as stated earlier, a public
MSPI Chairman Peter Sherman, Managing Director prosecutor has control and supervision over the
Michael Whelan, Country Manager Atty. Ofelia B. cases. The participation in the case of a private
Cajigal and Finance Manager and Corporate complainant, like petitioner, is limited to that of a
Secretary Teodoro B. Lingan, along with Erick B. witness, both in the criminal and civil aspect of the
Ariarte and Ricardo J. Ebuna and Eugenio Pasco, case.
licensed customs broker who acted as agents of
MSPI, for violation of Section 3601 Complaint and Information

Prosecutor found probable cause, Respondents filed People vs. Cinco

a petition for review, Secretary of Justice reversed
FACTS: accused was charged with 1 count of
the State Prosecutor’s Resolution and accordingly
sexual assault and 2 counts of rape
directed the withdrawal of the Information.
On 1 November 1998, at around 6:00 p.m., AAA,
In the meantime, Prosecutor Lao-Tamano filed
then 14 years old, was inside the house watching
before the CTA a Motion to Withdraw Information
television. Appellant entered the house and
with Leave of Court to which petitioner filed an
proceeded to the kitchen. He took a knife therefrom
Opposition. Respondents, on their part, moved for
and poked it at AAA. He told her not to shout or he
the dismissal of the Information.
would kill her. He tied her two hands at the back of
Considering that an Entry of Judgment was already her head and removed her skirt and panty. She began
issued in this case on September 23, 2009, no to cry, but he told her to stop doing so. He went on
Motion for Reconsideration of the Resolution dated top of her, spread her thighs, and inserted his penis
September 3, 2009 having been filed by State into her vagina. He then made push and pull
Prosecutor Rohairah Lao-Tamano of the movements. As she felt pain in her vagina, she tried
to push him away but to no avail. He pinched her prosecutor and filed with the court. To be considered
breast which was very painful. After satisfying his as valid and sufficient, an information must state the
lust, he untied her hands, put on his shorts and left name of the accused; the designation of the offense
her. She then stood up and put on her clothes. She given by the statute; the acts or omissions
went to the comfort room and saw her panty stained complained of as constituting the offense; the name
with blood. of the offended party; the approximate date of the
commission of the offense; and the place where the
In the latter part of November 1998, at about 4:00 offense was committed. The purpose of the
p.m., AAA was inside the house while appellant was requirement for the information’s validity and
drinking with friends outside. Later, appellant, then sufficiency is to enable the accused to suitably
armed with a knife, entered AAA’s room and prepare for his defense, since he is presumed to have
approached AAA. He pointed the knife at her neck no independent knowledge of the facts that
and told her not to make noise. He covered her constitute the offense.
mouth with a handkerchief and tied her hands with
a nylon rope. He then removed his pants and brief, With respect to the date of the commission of the
stripped her of her shorts and panty, and went on top offense, Section 11, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules
of her. He inserted his penis into her vagina and of Criminal Procedure specifically provides that it is
made up and down movements. Before leaving her, not necessary to state in the information the precise
he warned her not to tell anyone of the incidents or date the offense was committed except when it is a
he would kill her. material ingredient of the offense, and that the
offense may be alleged to have been committed on
Appellant claimed that he was not in the house when a date as near as possible to the actual date of its
the alleged incidents occurred. He testified that from commission.
8:00 a.m. to midnight of 1 November 1998, he sold
ice cream in Cubao, Quezon City. He went home in In rape cases, failure to specify the exact dates or
the morning of the following day, 2 November 1998. times when the rapes occurred does not ipso facto
Also, during the latter part of November 1998, he make the information defective on its face. The
sold ice cream for the whole day in the same place reason is obvious. The date or time of the
and went home in the morning of the following day. commission of rape is not a material ingredient of
He alleged that AAA had ill motive to fabricate the the said crime because the gravamen of rape is
rape charges, because he caught her several times carnal knowledge of a woman through force and
stealing money from his box inside the house. intimidation. The precise time when the rape took
place has no substantial bearing on its commission.
After trial, the RTC rendered a Decision convicting As such, the date or time need not be stated with
appellant of two counts of rape absolute accuracy. It is sufficient that the complaint
With respect to Criminal Case No. Q-98-79944 for or information states that the crime has been
acts of lasciviousness, appellant was acquitted committed at any time as near as possible to the date
therein for failure of the prosecution to establish said of its actual commission
charge. This Court has upheld complaints and informations
ISSUE: W/N that the informations are fatally in prosecutions for rape which merely alleged the
defective; that the times and dates of the alleged month and year of its commission. There is no
rapes are so indefinite, thereby depriving appellant cogent reason to deviate from these precedents,
of the opportunity to prepare for his defense; that especially so when the prosecution has established
appellant’s constitutional right to be informed of the the fact that the rape under Criminal Case No. Q-99-
nature and cause of the accusation against him was 89097 was committed prior to the date of the filing
violated; and that by reason of the foregoing, of the information in the said case. Hence, the
appellant is entitled to an acquittal. allegation in the information under Criminal Case
No. Q-99-89097, which states that the rape was
RULING: NO, time and date are not an essential committed on or about November 1998, is sufficient
element for the crime of rape, as long as the to affirm the conviction of appellant in the said case.
information state the time and or date
approximately to the actual commission, such Appellant’s allegation of variance between the date
information is valid of the commission of rape in Criminal Case No. Q-
99-89098 and that established by the evidence
An information is an accusation in writing charging during the trial is erroneous. AAA categorically
a person with an offense, subscribed by the testified that she was raped by appellant on 1
November 1998. This is consistent with the "incorporating the formalities called for under Rule
allegation in the information under Criminal Case 112, Section 4 and the circular of its department
No. Q-99-89098 that appellant raped AAA on 1 implementing the pertinent laws on the matter,
November 1998. within ten (10) days from notice hereof."

Estodillo vs. Baluma The prosecution, in a motion for reconsideration,

explained that what is required to be under oath is a
FACTS: In a verified complaint dated December complaint, not an information where the Rules
26, 2002, Jovelyn Estudillo (Jovelyn) assisted by her merely require that it be subscribed. Respondent
mother, Visitacion L. Estodillo, charges Judge granted the motion and revived the case without
Teofilo D. Baluma with Gross and Inexcusable requiring the filing of a new information.
Ignorance of the Law.
Court Administrator Presbitero J. Velasco, Jr.
Complainant alleges that her administrative recommends that: 1) this case be re-docketed as a
complaint arose from the dismissal of Criminal Case regular administrative matter; and 2) respondent be
No. 11627 for Other Acts of Child Abuse reprimanded with a stern warning that a repetition of
The criminal case was originally filed for the offense will merit a more drastic action of the
preliminary investigation with the 2nd Municipal Court.
Circuit Trial Court of Tubigon-Clarin, Bohol. After ISSUE: W/N the information needs to be subscribed
the requisite preliminary investigation, Judge James
Stewart E. Himalaloan found that there was RULING: NO, it does not need to be subscribed
sufficient ground to hold the herein accused for trial
for the offense of Other Acts of Child Abuse defined There is no requirement that the information be
in Sec. 10 (1), Article VI of Republic Act No. 7610.2 sworn to. Otherwise, the rules would have so
The record of the case was transmitted to the Office provided as it does in a complaint which is defined
of the Provincial Prosecutor where, after a review by as a "sworn written statement charging a person with
Third Assistant Provincial Prosecutor, Macario I. an offense, subscribed by the offended party, any
Delusa, he failed an Information dated October 28, peace officer, or other public officer charged with
2002 the enforcement of the law violated". In a case, we
ruled that the information need not be under oath,
Respondent dismissed the Information because A the reason therefore being principally that the
CAREFUL EXAMINATION on the four corners of prosecuting officer filing it is charged with the
the Information will readily show that the special duty in regard thereto and is acting under the
information had not been subscribed by the special responsibility of his oath of office. Clearly,
prosecutor and this will militate against the validity respondent had confused an information from a
of the information and towards nullity and total complaint.
worthlessness of the same. Since the Information is
defective, the Court is left without any alternative A perusal of the subject Information shows that it
except to dismiss this case. Any other act by the was subscribed or signed by Prosecutor Macario I.
Court will tantamount to validating the defective Delusa. It is thus clear that respondent erred in
information. The Court can act in this case only dismissing the subject Information on the ground
when a correct information is filed, which is beyond that it was not under oath.
procedure for the Court to order. It is clear that respondent erred in dismissing the
The prosecution through Prosecutor Delusa filed a information filed by Prosecutor Eric M. Ucat on the
Motion for Reconsideration and Revival5 on ground that it was not sworn to. The Rules of
December 12, 2002 alleging that there was no Criminal Procedure clearly defines an information
necessity for the Information to be under oath since as "an accusation in writing charging a person with
he merely concurred with the resolution of the an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor and filed
investigating judge and that he "has properly with the court" (Section 4, Rule 110). The Rules do
subscribed and signed the Information with the not require that it be under oath for otherwise, it
approval of the Provincial Prosecutor". would have provided so. On the other hand, a
complaint is defined as "a sworn statement charging
On January 10, 2003, respondent issued an Order6 a person with an offense, subscribed by the offended
granting the motion for reconsideration, reinstating party, any peace officer, or other public officer
and reviving the case but at the same time requiring charged with the enforcement of the law violated"
the public prosecutor to file a new information (Section 5, Rule 110).
Evidently, respondent was of the belief, albeit informations for the same offense had been filed
erroneous, that both a complaint and an information against petitioner. The latter filed his opposition to
need to be under oath. But the oath is not required the motion, but the trial court nonetheless, granted
when it is a public prosecutor who files the said motion to dismiss in its order dated April 3,
information because he does so under the oath he 1990.
took when he qualified for his position. The position
of the public prosecutor was that the preliminary On May 21, 1990, petitioner filed a Motion to Quash
investigation had been conducted by the municipal Criminal Case No. 11987 on the ground that his
circuit trial judge of Tubigon-Clarin and the latter's continued prosecution for the offense of illegal
resolution was concurred in by the prosecutors. possession of firearms and ammunition for which he
had been arraigned in Criminal Case No. 11542, and
Sufficiency of Complaint or Information which had been dismissed despite his opposition
would violate his right not to be put twice in
Cudia vs. CA jeopardy of punishment for the same offense.
FACTS: On June 28, 1989, petitioner was arrested The trial court denied the motion to quash; hence,
in Purok 6, Barangay Santa Inez, Mabalacat, petitioner raised the issue to the Court of Appeals.
Pampanga, by members of the then 174th PC The appellate court, stating that there was no double
Company, allegedly for possessing an unlicensed jeopardy, dismissed the same on the ground that the
revolver. He was brought to Camp Pepito, Sto. petitioner could not have been convicted under the
Domingo, Angeles City, where he was detained. A first information as the same was defective.
preliminary investigation was thereafter conducted Petitioners motion for reconsideration was denied;
by an investigating panel of prosecutors. As a result hence, this appeal.
thereof, the City Prosecutor of Angeles City filed an
information against him for illegal possession of ISSUE: W/N Double Jeopardy attached in the first
firearms and ammunition, docketed as Criminal criminal complaint filled
Case No. 11542
RULING: NO, it was not attached in the first
During the ensuing pre-trial, the court called the information
attention of the parties to the fact that, contrary to
the information, petitioner had committed the In order to successfully invoke the defense of double
offense in Mabalacat, and not in Angeles City. jeopardy, the following requisites must be present:
Inasmuch as there was an existing arrangement (1) a first jeopardy must have attached prior to the
among the judges of the Angeles City RTCs as to second; (2) the first jeopardy must have been validly
who would handle cases involving crimes terminated; and (3) the second jeopardy must be for
committed outside of Angeles City, the judge the same offense or the second offense includes or is
ordered the re-raffling of the case to a branch necessarily included in the offense charged in the
assigned to criminal cases involving crimes first information, or is an attempt to commit the
committed outside of the city. same or a frustration thereof.

On October 31, 1989 however, the provincial It is undisputed that petitioner was arraigned in
prosecutor of Pampanga also filed an information Criminal Case No. 11542, that he pleaded not guilty
charging petitioner with the same crime of illegal therein, and that the same was dismissed without his
possession of firearms and ammunition, docketed as express consent, nay, over his opposition even. We
Criminal Case No. 11987. The case was likewise may thus limit the discussion to determining
raffled to Branch 56 of the Angeles City RTC. This whether the first two requisites have been met.
prompted the prosecutor in Criminal Case No. As to the first requisite, it is necessary that there be
11542 to file a Motion to Dismiss/Withdraw the a court of competent jurisdiction, for jurisdiction to
Information, stating that thru inadvertence and try the case is essential to place an accused in
oversight, the Investigating Panel was misled into jeopardy. The Court of Appeals and the Solicitor
hastily filing the Information in this case, it General agreed that Branch 60, which originally had
appearing that the apprehension of the accused in cognizance of Criminal Case No. 11542, had no
connection with the illegal possession of unlicensed jurisdiction over the case. In the words of the
firearm and ammunition was made in Bgy. Sta. Inez, Solicitor General:
Mabalacat, Pampanga, within the jurisdiction of the
Provincial Prosecutor of Pampanga[4] and that the The first jeopardy did not also attach because
Provincial Prosecutor had filed its own information Branch 60 of the Regional Trial Court of Angeles
against the accused, as a result of which two separate City was not the proper venue for hearing the case.
Venue in criminal cases is jurisdictional, being an In light of the foregoing principles, there is thus no
essential element of jurisdiction (Agbayani vs. Sayo, breach of the constitutional prohibition against twice
89 SCRA 699). In all criminal prosecutions, the putting an accused in jeopardy of punishment for the
action shall be instituted and tried in the court of the same offense for the simple reason that the absence
municipality or territory wherein the offense was of authority of the City Prosecutor to file the first
committed or any one of the essential ingredients information meant that petitioner could never have
thereof took place (People vs. Tomio, 202 SCRA been convicted on the strength thereof.
77). Although both Branches 60 and 56 are sitting in
Angeles City, it is Branch 56 which has jurisdiction As the first information was fatally defective for
to try offenses committed in Mabalacat, Pampanga. lack of authority of the officer filing it, the instant
Petitioner was arraigned before Branch 60, not petition must fail for failure to comply with all the
Branch 56. requisites necessary to invoke double jeopardy.

It is thus the Provincial Prosecutor of Pampanga, not Quisay vs. People

the City Prosecutor, who should prepare FACTS: On December 28, 2012, the Office of the
informations for offenses committed within City Prosecutor of Makati City (OCP-Makati)
Pampanga but outside of Angeles City. An issued a Pasiya or Resolution finding probable cause
information, when required to be filed by a public against petitioner for violation of Section 10 of
prosecuting officer, cannot be filed by another. It Republic Act No. (RA) 7610, otherwise known as
must be exhibited or presented by the prosecuting the "Special Protection of Children Against Abuse
attorney or someone authorized by law. If not, the Exploitation and Discrimination Act."
court does not acquire jurisdiction. Consequently, a Pabatid Sakdal or Information was
Petitioner, however, insists that his failure to assert filed before the RTC on January 11, 2013 charging
the lack of authority of the City Prosecutor in filing petitioner of such crime.
the information in question is deemed a waiver On April 12, 2013, petitioner moved for the quashal
thereof. As correctly pointed out by the Court of of the Information against her on the ground of lack
Appeals, petitioners plea to an information before he of authority of the person who filed the same before
filed a motion to quash may be a waiver of all the RTC. In support of her motion, petitioner
objections to it insofar as formal objections to the pointed out that the Pasiya issued by the OCP-
pleadings are concerned. But by clear implication, if Makati was penned by Assistant City Prosecutor
not by express provision of the Rules of Court, and Estefano H. De La Cruz (ACP De La Cruz) and
by a long line of uniform decisions, questions approved by Senior Assistant City Prosecutor
relating to want of jurisdiction may be raised at any Edgardo G. Hirang (SACP Hirang), while the
stage of the proceeding. It is a valid information Pabatid Sakdal was penned by ACP De La Cruz,
signed by a competent officer which, among other without any approval from any higher authority,
requisites, confers jurisdiction on the court over the albeit with a Certification claiming that ACP De La
person of the accused (herein petitioner) and the Cruz has prior written authority or approval from the
subject matter of the accusation. In consonance with City Prosecutor in filing the said Information.
this view, an infirmity in the information, such as
lack of authority of the officer signing it, cannot be RTC denied petitioner's motion to quash for lack of
cured by silence, acquiescence, or even by express merit. It found the Certification attached to the
consent. Pabatid Sakdal to have sufficiently complied with
Section 4, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court which
In fine, there must have been a valid and sufficient requires the prior written authority or approval by,
complaint or information in the former prosecution. among others, the City Prosecutor, in the filing of
If, therefore, the complaint or information was Informations.
insufficient because it was so defective in form or
substance that the conviction upon it could not have the CA affirmed the RTC ruling. It held that
been sustained, its dismissal without the consent of pursuant to Section 9 of RA 10071,17 otherwise
the accused cannot be pleaded. As the fiscal had no known as the "Prosecution Service Act of 201 O," as
authority to file the information, the dismissal of the well as OCP-Makati Office Order No. 32, the City
first information would not be a bar to petitioners Prosecutor of Makati authorized SACP Hirang to
subsequent prosecution. Jeopardy does not attach approve the issuance of, inter alia, resolutions
where a defendant pleads guilty to a defective finding probable cause and the filing of Informations
indictment that is voluntarily dismissed by the before the courts. As such, SACP Hirang may, on
prosecution. behalf of the City Prosecutor, approve the Pasiya
which found probable cause to indict petitioner of Assistant City Prosecutor William Celestino T. Uy
violation of Section 10 of RA 7610. as review prosecutors for the OCP-Makati.

ISSUE: W/N CA correctly upheld the finding of In this light, the Pasiya or Resolution finding
RTC in denying the quashal probable cause to indict petitioner of the crime
charged, was validly made as it bore the approval of
RULING: YES, the CA did erred because the one of the designated review prosecutors for OCP-
information filed wants authority from the Makati, SACP Hirang, as evidenced by his signature
proper authorities therein.
No complaint or information may be filed or Unfortunately, the same could not be said of the
dismissed by an investigating prosecutor without the Pabatid Sakdal or Information filed before the RTC,
prior written authority or approval of the provincial as there was no showing that it was approved by
or city prosecutor or chief state prosecutor or the either the City Prosecutor of Makati or any of the
Ombudsman or his deputy. OCPMakati' s division chiefs or review prosecutors.
Thus, as a general rule, complaints or informations All it contained was a Certification from ACP De La
filed before the courts without the prior written Cruz which stated, among others, that "DAGDAG
authority or approval of the foregoing authorized KO PANG PINATUTUNAYAN na ang paghahain
officers renders the same defective and, therefore, ng sakdal na ito ay may nakasulat na naunang
subject to quashal pursuant to Section 3 (d), Rule 11 pahintulot o pagpapatibay ng Panlunsod na Taga-
7 of the same Rules Usig" - which translates to "and that the filing of the
Information is with the prior authority and approval
In the case at bar, the CA affirmed the denial of of the City Prosecutor."
petitioner's motion to quash on the grounds that: (a)
the City Prosecutor ofMakati may delegate its the Court had already rejected similarly-worded
authority to approve the filing of the Pabatid Sakdal certifications, uniformly holding that despite such
pursuant to Section 9 of RA 10071, as well as OCP- certifications, the Informations were defective as it
Makati Office Order No. 32; and (b) the Pabatid was shown that the officers filing the same in court
Sakdal contained a Certification stating that its filing either lacked the authority to do so or failed to show
before the RTC was with the prior written authority that they obtained prior written authority from any
or approval from the City Prosecutor. of those authorized officers enumerated in Section
4, Rule 112 of the 2000 Revised Rules of Criminal
The CA correctly held that based on the wordings of Procedure.
Section 9 of RA 10071, which gave the City
Prosecutor the power to "[i]nvestigate and/or cause Here, aside from the bare and self-serving
to be investigated all charges of crimes, Certification, there was no proof that ACP De La
misdemeanors and violations of penal laws and Cruz was authorized to file the Pabatid Sakdal or
ordinances within their respective jurisdictions, and Information before the RTC by himself. Records are
have the necessary information or complaint bereft of any showing that the City Prosecutor of
prepared or made and filed against the persons Makati had authorized ACP De La Cruz to do so by
accused," he may indeed delegate his power to his giving him prior written authority or by designating
subordinates as he may deem necessary in the him as a division chief or review prosecutor of OCP-
interest of the prosecution service. Makati. There is likewise nothing that would
indicate that ACP De La Cruz sought the approval
The CA also correctly stressed that it is under the of either the City Prosecutor or any of those
auspice of this provision that the City Prosecutor of authorized pursuant to OCP-Makati Office Order
Makati issued OCP-Makati Office Order No. 32, No. 32 in filing the Pabatid Sakdal. Quite frankly, it
which gave division chiefs or review prosecutors is simply baffling how ACP De La Cruz was able to
"authority to approve or act on any resolution, order, have the Pasiya approved by designated review
issuance, other action, and any information prosecutor SACP Hirang but failed to have the
recommended by any prosecutor for approval," Pabatid Sakdal approved by the same person or any
without necessarily diminishing the City other authorized officer in the OCP-Makati.
Prosecutor's authority to act directly in appropriate
cases. By virtue of the foregoing issuances, the City In conclusion, the CA erred in affirming the RTC's
Prosecutor validly designated SACP Hirang, Deputy dismissal of petitioner's motion to quash as the
City Prosecutor Emmanuel D. Medina, and Senior Pabatid Sakdal or Information suffers from an
incurable infirmity - that the officer who filed the
same before the RTC had no authority to do so.
Hence, the Pabatid Sakdal must be quashed, The case against Benedict Guerrero was ordered
resulting in the dismissal of the criminal case against archived by the court until his apprehension.
On December 26, 2010, the Court of Appeals, in a
People vs. Feliciano Special First Division of Five, affirmed

FACTS: It is undisputed that on December 8, 1994, ISSUE: W/N accused-appellants' constitutional

at around 12:30 to 1:00 in the afternoon, seven (7) rights were violated when the information against
members of the Sigma Rho fraternity were eating them contained the aggravating circumstance of the
lunch at the Beach House Canteen, near the Main use of masks despite the prosecution presenting
Library of the University of the Philippines, witnesses to prove that the masks fell off
Diliman, when they were attacked by several
masked men carrying baseball bats and lead pipes. RULING:
Some of them sustained injuries that required The test of sufficiency of Information is whether it
hospitalization. One of them, Dennis Venturina, enables a person of common understanding to know
died from his injuries. the charge against him, and the court to render
An information for murder, docketed as Criminal judgment properly. x x x The purpose is to allow the
Case No. Q95-6113 3, was filed against several accused to fully prepare for his defense, precluding
members of the Scintilla Juris fraternity, namely, surprises during the trial.
Danilo Feliciano, Jr., Julius Victor L. Medalla, Contrary to the arguments of the appellants, the
Warren L. Zingapan, Robert Michael Beltran Alvir, inclusion of the phrase "wearing masks and/or other
Christopher L. Soliva, Reynaldo G. Ablanida, Carlo forms of disguise" in the information does not
Jolette Fajardo, George Morano, Raymund E. violate their constitutional rights.
Narag, Gilbert Merle Magpantay, Benedict
Guerrero, and Rodolfo Penalosa, Jr. with the It should be remembered that every aggravating
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 219. circumstance being alleged must be stated in the
information. Failure to state an aggravating
Separate informations were also filed against them circumstance, even if duly proven at trial, will not be
for the attempted murder of Sigma Rho fraternity appreciated as such. It was, therefore, incumbent on
members Cesar Mangrobang, Jr., Cristobal Gaston, the prosecution to state the aggravating
Jr., and Leandro Lachica, and the frustrated murder circumstance of "wearing masks and/or other forms
of Sigma Rho fraternity members Mervin Natalicio of disguise" in the information in order for all the
and Amel Fortes. Only 11 of the accused stood trial evidence, introduced to that effect, to be admissible
since one of the accused, Benedict Guerrero, by the trial court.
remained at large.
In criminal cases, disguise is an aggravating
Ten (10) men charging toward them.10 The men circumstance because, like nighttime, it allows the
were armed with baseball bats and lead pipes, and accused to remain anonymous and unidentifiable as
their heads were covered with either handkerchiefs he carries out his crimes.
or shirts.
The introduction of the prosecution of testimonial
On December 12, 1994, Lachica, Natalicio, evidence that tends to prove that the accused were
Mangrobang, Fortes, and Gaston executed their masked but the masks fell off does not prevent them
respective affidavits before the National Bureau of from including disguise as an aggravating
Investigation and underwent medico-legal circumstance. What is important in alleging disguise
examinations as an aggravating circumstance is that there was a
On February 28, 2002, the trial court rendered its concealment of identity by the accused. The
decision100 with the finding that Robert Michael inclusion of disguise in the information was,
Alvir, Danilo Feliciano, Jr., Christopher Soliva, therefore, enough to sufficiently apprise the accused
Julius Victor Medalla, and Warren Zingapan were that in the commission of the offense they were
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder and being charged with, they tried to conceal their
attempted murder and were sentenced to, among identity.
other penalties, the penalty of reclusion The introduction of evidence which shows that some
perpetua.101 The trial court, however, acquitted of the accused were not wearing masks is also not
Reynaldo Ablanida, Carlo Jolette Fajardo, Gilbert violative of their right to be informed of their
Magpantay, George Morano, and Raymund Narag. offenses.
shouted for help. BBB – AAA’s aunt – came to her
rescue and hit Canares on the head with a flower
The information charges conspiracy among the vase.
accused. Conspiracy presupposes that "the act of one
is the act of all." This would mean all the accused He claimed that the charges were filed against him
had been one in their plan to conceal their identity at the instance of AAA’s grandmother and uncle
even if there was evidence later on to prove that because of the nonpayment of his salary as a farm
some of them might not have done so. hand and as a tricycle driver. AAA’s uncle also
allegedly failed to pay him a previous loan of
In any case, the accused were being charged with the ₱10,000. He also claimed that it was impossible for
crime of murder, frustrated murder, and attempted him to rape AAA because she came to live at her
murder. All that is needed for the information to be grandmother’s house only in 1997. He argued that
sufficient is that the elements of the crime have been the rape could not have possibly occurred
alleged and that there are sufficient details as to the considering the number of people staying in the
time, place, and persons involved in the offense. house; a shout from someone being assaulted could
People vs. Canares easily be heard in the house.

FACTS: Canares was charged in two separate The RTC gave greater credence to the prosecution’s
Informations for rape and attempted rape in relation evidence, particularly, the testimony of AAA which
with Republic Act No. 7610 (the Child Abuse Law). it found to be straightforward, truthful, and
convincing. The trial court observed that AAA’s
Canares, with the assistance of counsel de oficio, young age and gender rendered it unlikely that she
pleaded not guilty to both charges. The trial court would concoct a story of defloration that would
ordered a joint trial since the same parties and subject her to public trial and ridicule.
similar subject matters and antecedent events were
involved. At pre-trial, the parties made no admission The RTC acquitted Canares of the crime of
or stipulation of facts. attempted rape for the prosecution’s failure to
establish his guilt beyond reasonable doubt
AAA was born on September 8, 1982 and was only
about 9 or 10 years old when Canares, a helper in The CA affirmed with modification Canares’ rape
AAA’s grandmother’s house at Barangay Sabutan, conviction
Silang, Cavite, allegedly first sexually abused her. ISSUE: W/N the information is defective for failure
Living with AAA and her grandmother in the house to allege the exact date and time of the commission
were her uncle and 7 younger cousins. The sexual of rape
intercourse took place at around midnight sometime
in 1992; AAA could no longer recall the exact date. RULING: NO, exact date and time is not an
AAA and her cousins were then the only occupants essential element of rape hence proximity is
in their grandmother’s house and were in bed sufficient
sleeping. AAA awoke and found Canares lying
beside them. Canares undressed her, removed her An information, under Section 6, Rule 110 of the
shorts and panty, and then had sexual intercourse 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, is
with her by inserting his penis into her genital organ. deemed sufficient if it states the name of the
AAA felt pain and bled but kept the incident to accused; the designation of the offense given by the
herself because Canares threatened to kill her. statute; the acts or omissions complained of as
constituting the offense; the name of the offended
Canares allegedly repeated the sexual abuse more party; the approximate date of the commission of the
than ten times between the first incident in 1992 and offense; and the place where the offense was
1995. He stopped from 1996-1999. committed. Section 11 of the same Rule also
provides that it is not necessary to state in the
The last incident that immediately gave rise to the complaint or information the precise date the offense
present charges occurred on March 25, 1999. AAA was committed except when the date of commission
met Canares at the stairs of her grandmother’s house is a material element of the offense. The offense may
as Canares was on his way to the bodega of the thus be alleged to have been committed on a date as
house which he used as his sleeping quarters. He near as possible to the actual date of its commission.
told AAA that he had something to tell her and At the minimum, an indictment must contain all the
pulled her towards the bodega. Inside, Canares essential elements of the offense charged to enable
embraced her and pulled down her shorts. AAA
resisted and pushed against Canares as she also
the accused to properly meet the charge and duly because she was scared. (AAA would have been 9
prepare for his defense. years old if the rape occurred before September 8,
1992.) At the trial, on the other hand, AAA was firm
We stated that an information for rape is not and categorical about the fact of rape and of
rendered defective for failure to specify the exact Canares’ identity as the perpetrator. Thus, AAA
date when the rape was committed. The reason for clearly referred to the first incident of rape that
this is plain: the precise date of the commission of happened around midnight in 1992. Following
the rape is not an essential element of the crime. The People v. Gianan that the Office of the Solicitor
gravamen of the crime of rape is carnal knowledge General cited, her testimony substantially cured any
of the woman under any of the circumstances defect posed by the date stated in the Information. In
provided by law. Gianan, we held:
The situation in the present case can be directly In any event, even if the information failed to allege
compared with People v. Bugayong where the with certainty the time of the commission of the
information charged that the accused committed rapes, the defect, if any, was cured by the evidence
multiple rapes "before and until October 15, 1994." presented during the trial and any objection based on
We found this allegation sufficient to convict the this ground must be deemed waived as a result of
accused of rape committed in 1993 on account of the accused-appellant’s failure to object before
categorical statement in the private complainant’s arraignment.
sworn affidavit of the year when the rape was
committed. The Court found that this allegation People vs. Garcia
substantially cured the perceived vagueness in the
criminal charge and ruled that the accused has been FACTS: On January 2, 1996, an internal spot-audit
sufficiently informed under the circumstances. team headed by Prudential Bank’s senior audit
examiner Virgilio Frias ("Frias"), inventoried the
In this regard, AAA unequivocally and repeatedly cash accountabilities of the said branch by manually
stated that the first sexual intercourse Canares had counting the money in each of the tellers’ cash
with her occurred sometime in 1992. Following boxes. While the books of the branch showed that
Bugayong, this statement removes from Canares any appellant had a cash accountability of $15,040.52,
reason to complain that he was not adequately the money in her cash box was only $5,040.52.
informed of the charge against him before he was
arraigned. The Information referred to a rape that Asked about the shortage of $10,000.00, appellant
started in 1992 and this first incident was explained that there was a withdrawal of $10,000.00
sufficiently narrated in AAA’s statements before on December 29, 1995 after the cut-off time which
and after arraignment. Canares never raised this would be treated as a withdrawal on January 2, 1996.
argument in any motion filed with the trial court Appellant then presented to Frias a withdrawal
before his arraignment. He likewise fully memo dated January 2, 1996 showing a withdrawal
participated in the trial on the merits without raising of $10,000.00 from Dollar Savings Account No.
this argument; he cross-examined the prosecution FX-836 ("FX-836") of Adoracion Tayag and her co-
witnesses and formally objected to the prosecution’s signatory, Apolinario Tayag.
offer of evidence. Raised for the first time in this On January 3, 1996, appellant showed the aforesaid
appeal, we can only label the argument as a withdrawal memo to the branch cashier, Noel
desperation move that is too late in the day for the Cunanan ("Cunanan"). Noticing that the said
defense to make. withdrawal memo did not contain the required
We add that while AAA testified that Canares had signatures of two bank officers, Cunanan asked
raped her more than 10 times, Canares was not appellant what the nature of the transaction was.
charged for all ten rapes. The Information only Appellant replied that the depositor, Apolinario
sought to hold him liable for a single count of rape Tayag, had instructed her to withdraw $10,000.00
committed "sometime between 1992 to 1995." The from his account on January 3, 1996, through his
Information is very specific, too, that the victim was driver whom he had sent to the bank. Cunanan,
then nine (9) years old so that the rape referred to however, did not notice that while the withdrawal
was the incident on or about 1992, given that AAA was supposed to have been made on January 3,
was born in September 1982. In her Sinumpaang 1996, the withdrawal memo was dated January 2,
Salaysay that became the basis for the Information, 1996. Cunanan then instructed appellant to have the
AAA clearly stated that Canares raped her when she withdrawal posted in the corresponding ledger and
was 9 years old, but did not report it to her parents to bring the withdrawal memo back to him so he and
the branch manager, Edgardo Panlilio, could affix RULING: NO, the information is sufficient and
their signatures. valid

From the account ledger, Frias also discovered that The petitioner submits that the information charged
a deposit of $10,000.00 was made on January 2, her with qualified theft that allegedly transpired on
1996. He found the deposit memo on file. December 29, 1995, but the evidence at trial could
Thereafter, Frias compared the signature on the not be the basis of her conviction because it actually
withdrawal memo with the specimen signatures of proved that the taking had transpired on January 2,
the depositors in their signature card. Finding a "big 1996; and that the discrepancy would unduly
difference" in the signatures, he referred the matter prejudice her rights as an accused to be informed of
to the branch manager, Edgardo Panlilio the charges as to enable her to prepare for her
("Panlilio"). defense. To bolster her submission, she cites the
testimony of Virgilio Frias to the effect that she was
Asked by Panlilio to explain, appellant reiterated cleared of her accountability upon her turning her
that the withdrawal was made after the cut-off time cash box over to the bank cashier on December 29,
on December 29, 1995. Doubting her explanation, 1995, thereby negating the accusation that she had
Frias conducted another cash count. At that time, taken the money on December 29, 1995.
appellant’s accountability based on the books of the
bank was $21,778.86, but the money in her cash box The main purpose of requiring the various elements
was only $11,778.86, thus, short of US$10,000.00. of a crime to be set forth in the information is to
When Panlilio again asked appellant to explain, the enable the accused to adequately prepare her
latter started to cry and said she would explain to the defense.
bank president.
Section 11. Time of the commission of the offense.
The next day, January 4, 1996, appellant told – It is not necessary to state in the complaint or
Panlilio that she gave the $10,000.00 to a person on information the precise time at which the offense
December 29, 1995 because her family was being was committed except when time is a material
threatened. ingredient of the offense, but the act may be alleged
to have been committed at any time as near to the
Apolinario Tayag denied withdrawing $10,000.00 actual date at which the offense was committed as
from FX-836 either on December 29, 1995 or on the information or complaint will permit.
January 2, 1996 when he was in Baguio City. He
said he was not familiar with the withdrawal and Conformably with these rules, the information was
deposit memos showing the withdrawal of sufficient because it stated the approximate time of
$10,000.00 from the said account and the the commission of the offense through the words "on
subsequent deposit of the same amount therein. He or about the 2nd of January, 1996," and the accused
also denied the signatures thereon as his or his could reasonably deduce the nature of the criminal
mother’s. act with which she was charged from a reading of its
contents as well as gather by such reading whatever
Upon the State resting its case against the accused, she needed to know about the charge to enable her
her counsel filed a Demurrer to Evidence and to prepare her defense.
Motion to Defer Defense Evidence, praying for the
dismissal of the charge on the ground that the The information herein did not have to state the
evidence of the State did not suffice to establish her precise date when the offense was committed,
guilt beyond reasonable doubt. considering that the date was not a material
ingredient of the offense. As such, the offense of
However, the RTC denied the Demurrer to Evidence qualified theft could be alleged to be committed on
and Motion to Defer Defense Evidence and deemed a date as near as possible to the actual date of its
the case submitted for decision on the basis that her commission. Verily, December 29, 1995 and
filing her demurrer to evidence without express January 2, 1996 were dates only four days apart.
leave of court as required by Section 15, Rule 119,
of the Rules of Court had waived her right to present Lazarte Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan
FACTS: In June 1990, the National Housing
RTC and CA found her guilty Authority (NHA) awarded the original contract for
the infrastructure works on the Pahanocoy Sites and
ISSUE: W/N the information is fatally defective Services Project, Phase 1 in Bacolod City to A.C.
Cruz Construction. The project, with a contract cost
of ₱7,666,507.55, was funded by the World Bank defective workmanship. Laboratory tests confirmed
under the Project Loan Agreement forged on 10 the irregularities.
June 1983 between the Philippine Government and
the IBRD-World Bank. Further, according to the COA, while it is true that
the fourth billing of A.C. Cruz Construction had not
A Variation/Extra Work Order No. 1 was approved been paid its accomplishments after the August 1991
for the excavation of unsuitable materials and road inventory found acceptable by NHA amounting to
filling works. As a consequence, Arceo Cruz of A.C. ₱896,177.08 were paid directly by Triad.
Cruz Construction submitted the fourth billing and Effectively, A.C. Cruz Construction had been
Report of Physical Accomplishments on 6 May overpaid by as much as ₱232,628.35, which amount
1991. Fajutag, Jr., however, discovered certain is more than the net payment due per the
deficiencies. As a result, he issued Work Instruction computation of the unpaid fourth billing
No. 1 requiring some supporting documents, such
as: (1) copy of approved concrete pouring; (2) A case was filed for graft and corruption, On 2
survey results of original ground and finished leaks; October 2006, petitioner filed a motion to quash the
(3) volume calculation of earth fill actually rendered Information raising the following grounds: (1) the
on site; (4) test results as to the quality of materials facts charged in the information do not constitute an
and compaction; and (5) copy of work instructions offense; (2) the information does not conform
attesting to the demolished concrete structures. substantially to the prescribed form; (3) the
constitutional rights of the accused to be informed
The contractor failed to comply with the work of the nature and cause of the accusations against
instruction. Upon Fajutag, Jr.’s further verification, them have been violated by the inadequacy of the
it was established that there was no actual information; and (4) the prosecution failed to
excavation and road filling works undertaken by determine the individual participation of all the
A.C. Cruz Construction. accused in the information in disobedience with the
Resolution dated 27 March 2005.
In a Memorandum dated 27 June 1991, the Project
Office recommended the termination of the Nonetheless, after a careful review of the same, the
infrastructure contract with A.C. Construction. Court still finds no cogent reason to disturb the
finding of probable cause of the Office of the
The NHA General Manager through a letter dated 29 Ombudsman to indict accused Lazarte, Jr.,
August 1991 informed the contractor of the Espinosa, Lobrido and Cruz of the offense charged.
rescission of his contract for the development of the In its Memorandum dated July 27, 2004 and May 30,
said project upon his receipt thereof without 2006, the prosecution was able to show with
prejudice to NHA’s enforcing its right under the sufficient particularity the respective participation of
contract in view of the contractor’s unilateral and the aforementioned accused in the commission of
unauthorized suspension of the contract works the offense charged. The rest of the factual issues by
amounting to abandonment of the project. Despite accused Lazarte, Jr. would require the presentation
the rescission notice issued by the NHA per letter of evidence in the course of the trial of this case.
dated 29 August 1991, the contractor continued
working intermittently with very minimal workforce ISSUE: W/N the information filed before the
until such time as the award of remaining Sandiganbayan is insufficient because it fails to aver
infrastructure works is effected by NHA to another the essential elements of the crime charged as it
contractor. failed to specify the individual participation of all
the accused.
In March 1992, the NHA Board of Directors, per
Resolution No. 2453, approved the mutual RULING:
termination of the A.C. Cruz Construction contract
and awarded the remaining work to Triad At the outset, it should be stressed that the denial of
Construction and Development Corporation (Triad). a motion to quash is not correctible by certiorari.
The contract amount for the remaining work was Well-established is the rule that when a motion to
₱9,554,837.32. quash in a criminal case is denied, the remedy is not
a petition for certiorari but for petitioners to go to
After its special audit investigation, the COA trial without prejudice to reiterating the special
uncovered some anomalies, among which, are ghost defenses invoked in their motion to quash. Remedial
activities, specifically the excavation of unsuitable measures as regards interlocutory orders, such as a
materials and road filling works and substandard, motion to quash, are frowned upon and often
dismissed. The evident reason for this rule is to When conspiracy is charged as a crime, the act of
avoid multiplicity of appeals in a single court. conspiring and all the elements of said crime must
be set forth in the complaint or information. But
This general rule, however, is subject to certain when conspiracy is not charged as a crime in itself
exceptions. If the court, in denying the motion to but only as the mode of committing the crime as in
dismiss or motion to quash acts without or in excess the case at bar, there is less necessity of reciting its
of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion, then particularities in the Information because conspiracy
certiorari or prohibition lies. And in the case at bar, is not the gravamen of the offense charged. The
the Court does not find the Sandiganbayan to have conspiracy is significant only because it changes the
committed grave abuse of discretion. criminal liability of all the accused in the conspiracy
The test is whether the crime is described in and makes them answerable as co-principals
intelligible terms with such particularity as to regardless of the degree of their participation in the
apprise the accused, with reasonable certainty, of the crime. The liability of the conspirators is collective
offense charged. The raison d’etre of the rule is to and each participant will be equally responsible for
enable the accused to suitably prepare his defense. the acts of others, for the act of one is the act of all.
Another purpose is to enable accused, if found A conspiracy indictment need not, of course, aver all
guilty, to plead his conviction in a subsequent the components of conspiracy or allege all the
prosecution for the same offense. The use of details thereof, like the part that each of the parties
derivatives or synonyms or allegations of basic facts therein have performed, the evidence proving the
constituting the offense charged is sufficient. common design or the facts connecting all the
The Court finds that the Information in this case accused with one another in the web of the
alleges the essential elements of violation of Section conspiracy. Neither is it necessary to describe
3(e) of R.A. No. 3019. The Information specifically conspiracy with the same degree of particularity
alleges that petitioner, Espinosa and Lobrido are required in describing a substantive offense. It is
public officers being then the Department Manager, enough that the indictment contains a statement of
Project Management Officer A and Supervising facts relied upon to be constitutive of the offense in
Engineer of the NHA respectively; in such capacity ordinary and concise language, with as much
and committing the offense in relation to the office certainty as the nature of the case will admit, in a
and while in the performance of their official manner that can enable a person of common
functions, connived, confederated and mutually understanding to know what is intended, and with
helped each other and with accused Arceo C. Cruz, such precision that the accused may plead his
with deliberate intent through manifest partiality and acquittal or conviction to a subsequent indictment
evident bad faith gave unwarranted benefits to the based on the same facts. It is said, generally, that an
latter, A.C. Cruz Construction and to themselves, to indictment may be held sufficient "if it follows the
the damage and prejudice of the government. The words of the statute and reasonably informs the
felonious act consisted of causing to be paid to A.C. accused of the character of the offense he is charged
Cruz Construction public funds in the amount of with conspiring to commit, or, following the
₱232,628.35 supposedly for excavation and road language of the statute, contains a sufficient
filling works on the Pahanocoy Sites and Services statement of an overt act to effect the object of the
Project in Bacolod City despite the fact that no such conspiracy, or alleges both the conspiracy and the
works were undertaken by said construction contemplated crime in the language of the respective
company as revealed by the Special Audit conducted statutes defining them
by COA. Verily, the information must state that the accused
On the contention that the Information did not detail have confederated to commit the crime or that there
the individual participation of the accused in the has been a community of design, a unity of purpose
allegation of conspiracy in the Information, the or an agreement to commit the felony among the
Court underscores the fact that under Philippine law, accused. Such an allegation, in the absence of the
conspiracy should be understood on two levels. usual usage of the words "conspired" or
Conspiracy can be a mode of committing a crime or "confederated" or the phrase "acting in conspiracy,"
it may be constitutive of the crime itself. Generally, must aptly appear in the information in the form of
conspiracy is not a crime in our jurisdiction. It is definitive acts constituting conspiracy. In fine, the
punished as a crime only when the law fixes a agreement to commit the crime, the unity of purpose
penalty for its commission such as in conspiracy to or the community of design among the accused must
commit treason, rebellion and sedition. be conveyed such as either by the use of the term
"conspire" or its derivatives and synonyms or by
allegations of basic facts constituting the conspiracy. threatened to kill AAA if she told her parents about
Conspiracy must be alleged, not just inferred, in the the incident. Afterwards, the appellant left.
information on which basis an accused can aptly
enter his plea, a matter that is not to be confused with AAA likewise recalled that during the first week of
or likened to the adequacy of evidence that may be July 1995, the appellant again "raped" her in the
required to prove it. In establishing conspiracy when bathroom. According to AAA, the appellant first
properly alleged, the evidence to support it need not removed her shirt and pants, but she cried and
necessarily be shown by direct proof but may be pushed him. The appellant inserted his penis into her
inferred from shown acts and conduct of the vagina after removing her panty. The appellant
accused. threatened to kill her if she reported the incident to
her parents. Thereafter, the appellant went to the
In addition, the allegation of conspiracy in the field.
Information should not be confused with the
adequacy of evidence that may be required to prove AAA further testified that at around 10:00 p.m. of
it. A conspiracy is proved by evidence of actual March 30, 1996, while her parents were asleep, the
cooperation; of acts indicative of an agreement, a appellant dragged her to the bathroom. She
common purpose or design, a concerted action or repeatedly struck the appellant with her hand, but the
concurrence of sentiments to commit the felony and appellant succeeded in bringing her to the bathroom.
actually pursue it. A statement of the evidence on the The appellant removed AAA’s shorts and panty,
conspiracy is not necessary in the Information. and, while they were in a standing position, inserted
his penis into her vagina. AAA’s brother saw the
The other details cited by petitioner, such as the incident and reported it to their mother.
absence of any damage or injury caused to any party
or the government, likewise are matters of evidence The appellant presented a different version of the
best raised during trial. events and claimed that AAA had been his
sweetheart since June 22, 1996. He denied using
As to the contention that the residual averments in force on AAA and claimed that the sexual
the Information have been rendered unintelligible by intercourse between them on March 30, 1996 was
the dismissal of the charges against some of his co- consensual. He recalled that on March 30, 1996,
accused, the Court finds that the Information while he was lying beside AAA’s brother at the sala,
sufficiently makes out a case against petitioner and AAA gave him a signal to follow her to the
the remaining accused. bathroom. The appellant followed AAA to the
bathroom, where they had sex.
Date of the Commission of the Offense
RTC and CA found him guilty for the crime charged
People vs. Teodoro
The CA dismissed the appellant’s argument that the
FACTS: 3 informations was filed against the Information in Criminal Case No. 8539 was vague
accused: statutory rape and insufficient because the exact date of the crime
Dr. Mendoza stated that she conducted a physical was not stated. The CA reasoned out that Section 6,
examination of AAA at the request of the police, and Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure merely
that the healed laceration on AAA’s private part was requires that the Information contain the
the result of previous sexual intercourse. approximate time, and not the exact time, of the
commission of the offense.
Donna, a medical technologist at the Bauan
Pathology Center, testified that Dr. Mendoza ISSUE: W/N the information is defective for failure
requested her to conduct a laboratory examination to state the exact date of the crime
on the vaginal smear taken from AAA. She found RULING: NO, information is not defective
the vaginal smear positive for the presence of sperm
cells. An information, under Section 6, Rule 110 of the
2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, is
AA recalled that on June 18, 1995, while her parents deemed sufficient if it states the name of the
were at the sugarcane plantation, the appellant went accused; the designation of the offense given by the
to the bathroom and kissed her on the face and neck. statute; the acts or omissions complained of as
The appellant then removed her clothes, pants and constituting the offense; the name of the offended
panty. Thereafter, the appellant took off his pants party; the approximate date of the commission of the
and inserted his penis into her vagina. AAA offense; and the place where the offense was
struggled and pushed the appellant; the latter committed. Section 11 of the same Rule also
provides that it is not necessary to state in the with the murder of Emilio before the Regional Trial
complaint or information the precise date the offense Court (RTC) of Malabon.
was committed, except when the date of commission
is a material element of the offense. The offense may Joan is an eyewitness tothe gunning of Emilio. She
thus be alleged to have been committed on a date as is also the live-in partner of the victim. The
near as possible to the actual date of its commission. substance of her testimony is as follows:
At the minimum, an indictment must contain all the 1. At about 10:45 p.m. of 27 September 2000, Joan
essential elements of the offense charged to enable was standing outside Emilio’s house at R. Domingo
the accused to properly meet the charge and duly St., Tangos, Navotas City. From there, Joan was able
prepare for his defense. to see Emilio talking over the telephone at a store
In the present case, the Information in Criminal Case just across his house. Also at the store during that
No. 8539 states that the offense was committed "in time was the appellant who was seated on a bench to
the first week of July 1995"; it likewise alleged that the left of Emilio.
the victim was "below 12 years old" at the time of 2. Joan then went inside Emilio’s house. Almost
the incident. These allegations sufficiently informed immediately after going inside the house, Joan heard
the appellant that he was being charged of rape of a the sound of a gunshot. Joan rushed outside of the
child who was below 12 years of age. Afforded house and saw Emilio shot in the head and sprawled
adequate opportunity to prepare his defense, he on the ground. Joan then saw the appellant, now
cannot now complain that he was deprived of his holding a gun, firing another shot at Emilio.
right to be informed of the nature of the accusation
against him. 3. Joan said that she was not aware of any previous
misunderstanding between Emilio and the appellant;
We have repeatedly held that the date of the neither did she observe any altercation brewing nor
commission of rape is not an essential element of the hear any word spoken between Emilio and appellant
crime. It is not necessary to state the precise time prior to the shooting.
when the offense was committed except when time
is a material ingredient of the offense. In statutory He issued Medico-Legal Report No. M-608-00,
rape, time is not an essential element except to prove which revealed that Emilio died as a consequence of
that the victim was a minor below twelve years of two (2) gunshotwounds: one that penetrated the left
age at the time of the commission of the offense. side of his head and another that penetrated his chest.
Given the victim’s established date of birth, she was Dr. Marquez testified to affirm the contents of his
definitely short of 12 years under the allegations of report.
the Information and on the basis of the evidence
Appellant offered the alibithat he was fishing on the
seas of Bataan on the date and time of the supposed
Moreover, objections relating to the form of the shooting. According to the appellant, he left for the
complaint or information cannot be made for the seas at about 3:00 p.m. of 27 September 2000 and
first time on appeal. If the appellant had found the only returned at around 4:00 a.m. of the next day.
Information insufficient, he should have moved Appellant also testified that he was accompanied on
before arraignment either for a bill of particulars, for this fishing trip by three (3) other individuals—one
him to be properly informed of the exact date of the of which was Rene.
alleged rape, or for the quashal of the Information,
Rene initially corroborated on all points the
on the ground that it did not conform with the
testimony of appellant.
prescribed form. Failing to pursue either remedy, he
is deemed to have waived objection to any formal RTC found him guilty for the crime charged
defect in the Information. affirmed by CA
People vs. Delfin ISSUE: W/N the information is valid and sufficient
FACTS: On the night of 27 September 2000, one RULING: YES, the information is valid and
Emilio Enriquez (Emilio)—a 51-year-old fisherman sufficient
from Navotas City—was killed after being gunned
down at a store just across his home. In crimes where the date of commission is not a
material element, like murder, it is not necessary to
Suspected of killing Emilio was the appellant. On 13 allege such date with absolute specificity or
March 2001, the appellant was formally charged certainty in the information. The Rules of Court
merely requires, for the sake of properly informing
an accused, that the date of commission be Moreover, they cannot be convicted of an offense
approximated. with which they are not charged.

Since the date of commission of the offense is not "It is also a cardinal rule in criminal procedure that
required with exactitude, the allegation in an after the Defendant has entered his plea, the
information of a date of commission different from information or complaint may be amended only as
the one eventually established during the trial would to all matters of form when the same can be done
not, as a rule, be considered as an error fatal to without prejudice to the rights of the Defendant
prosecution. In such cases, the erroneous allegation (Rule 196, section 13). An amendment that would
in the information is just deemed supplanted by the change the date of the commission of the offense
evidence presented during the trial or may even be from 1947 to 1952 is certainly not a matter of form.
corrected by a formal amendment of the The difference in date could not be attributed to a
information. clerical error, because the possibility of such an error
is ruled out by the fact that the difference is not only
The foregoing rule, however, is concededly not in the year, but also in the month and in the last two
absolute. Variance in the date of commission of the digits of the year. It is apparent that the proposed
offense as alleged in the information and as amendment concerns with material facts
established in evidence becomes fatal when such constituting the offense, and consequently it would
discrepancy is so great that it induces the perception be prejudicial to the substantial rights of the
that the information and the evidence are no longer Defendants."
pertaining to one and the same offense. In this event,
the defective allegation in the information is not Despite their disparity as to the date of the alleged
deemed supplanted by the evidence nor can it be murder, we believe that there is no mistaking that
amended but must be struck down for being both the information and the evidence of the
violative of the right of the accused to be informed prosecution but pertain to one and the same offense
of the specific charge against him. Such was this i.e., the murder of Emilio. We find implausible the
Court’s ruling in the case of People v. Opemia. likelihood that the accused may have been caught
off-guard or surprised by the introduction of
"It is a cardinal rule in criminal procedure that the evidence pointing to commission of the murder on
precise time at which an offense was committed 27 September 2000, considering that all
need not be alleged in the complaint or information, documentary attachments to the information (such
but it is required that the act be alleged to have been as the Resolution of the Office of the City Prosecutor
committed at any time as near to the actual date at of Malabon-Navotas sub-station and the Sworn
which the offense was committed as the information Statement of Joan) all referred to the murder as
or complaint would permit (Rule 106, section 10). having been committed on that date. Indeed,
The reason for this rule is obvious. It is to apprise appellant never objected to such evidence during the
the accused of the approximate date when the trial and was even able to concoct an intelligent alibi
offense charged was committed in order to enable in direct refutation thereof.
him to prepare his defense and thus avoid a surprise.
In the case at bar, the proof shows that the carabao What clearly appears to this Court, on the other
was lost on July 25, 1947 and not on June 18, 1952 hand, is that the inaccurate allegation in the
as alleged in the information. The period of almost information is simply the product of a mere clerical
five years between 1947 and 1952 covers such a error. This is obvious from the fact that, while all its
long stretch of time that one cannot help but be led supporting documents point to the murder ashaving
to believe that another theft different from that been committed on the 27th of September2000, the
committed by the Defendants in 1952 was also information’s mistake is limited only to the month
perpetrated by them in 1947. Under this impression when the crime was committed.
the accused, who came to court prepared to face a
charge of theft of large cattle allegedly committed Designation of Offense
by them in 1952, were certainly caught by sudden People vs. Anguac
surprise upon being confronted by evidence tending
to prove a similar offense committed in 1947. The FACTS: Accused-appellant Anguac is the
variance is certainly unfair to them, for it violates common-law spouse of BBB, the mother of AAA.1
their constitutional right to be informed before the They reside in a hut in Palauig, Zambales. At around
trial of the specific charge against them and deprives 9:00 p.m. of March 28, 1998, AAA, then 17 years
them of the opportunity to defend themselves. old, while asleep with her siblings in a room at their
residence, found herself suddenly awakened by
Anguac who poked a knife at her with the threat, consent and against her will, to her damage and
"Huwag kang maingay kundi papatayin ko kayong prejudice.
lahat (Do not make any noise or else, I will kill you
all)." Thereafter, Anguac succeeded in removing the (b) Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse
underwear of the struggling AAA and then sexually or lascivious conduct with a child exploited in
forced himself on AAA while pointing the knife just prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse:
below her ear. After satisfying his lust, Anguac Provided, That when the victim is under twelve (12)
again threatened AAA with bodily harm should she years of age, the perpetrators shall be prosecuted
disclose what had just occurred. The sexual assault under Article 335, paragraph 3, for rape and Article
on AAA was to be repeated five (5) more times 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal
Code, for rape or lascivious conduct, as the case may
On November 26, 1999, two (2) separate be: Provided, That the penalty for lascivious conduct
informations were filed charging Anguac with rape when the victim is under twelve (12) years of age
and violation of RA 7610 shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period

When arraigned, Anguac pleaded not guilty to both As the Court has previously held, the character of
charges. In the ensuing trial, he denied committing the crime is determined neither by the caption or
the crimes imputed to him, claiming that AAA was preamble of the information nor by the specification
away staying and working with her aunt during the of the provision of law alleged to have been violated,
months the alleged molestation took place. He they being conclusions of law, but by the recital of
described AAA to be a problem child, often cutting the ultimate facts and circumstances in the
classes, and was always in the company of boys. information. Consequently, even if the designation
BBB, AAA’s mother, corroborated his testimony of the crime in the information of Criminal Case No.
about AAA being away with her aunt from March RTC 2757-I was defective, what is controlling is the
22, 1998 to March 1999. She also testified that allegation of the facts in the information that
Anguac treated AAA like his very own daughter. comprises a crime and adequately describes the
nature and cause of the accusation against the
Found guilty by RTC and affirmed by CA with accused.
modification as to the crime charged in Criminal
Case 2757-l from violation of Sec. 5(a) to Sec. 5(b) Sec. 5(a) of RA 7610 refers to engaging in or
promoting, facilitating, or inducing child
ISSUE: W/N CA erred in modifying the crime prostitution. Sec. 5(b), on the other hand, relates to
charged offenders who commit the act of sexual intercourse
RULING: NO, CA did not erred or lascivious conduct with a child exploited in
prostitution or subject to other sexual abuse. The
The Court affirms the CA’s modification of the informations charged accused-appellant with having
crime charged in Criminal Case No. RTC 2757-I. sexual congress with AAA through force, threats,
The RTC erroneously convicted accused-appellant and intimidation. These allegations more properly
based on the crime designated in the information for fall under a charge under Sec. 5(b). The appellate
that criminal case. While the Information pertaining court was, thus, correct in modifying the RTC’s
to that criminal case charged accused-appellant with disposition of the case with regard to the violation
violation of Sec. 5(a) of RA 7610, the facts alleged under RA 7610.
in it constitute elements of a violation of Sec. 5(b) of
the same law People vs. Quemeggen

That in or about the period from April 1998 to FACTS: On October 31, 1996, at around 11:00 in
February 1999, in Brgy. [XXX], municipality of the evening, Noel Tabernilla (Tabernilla) was
Palauig, province of Zambales, Philippines, and driving his passenger jeep to Navotas, Metro
within the jurisdiction of [the RTC], the said Manila. Along Road 10 in Navotas, four of the
accused, actuated by lust, and due to said accused’s passengers announced a hold-up. One of the robbers
coercion and/or influence and by means of force and poked a balisong on Tabernilla’s nape, while the
intimidation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully other three divested the passengers of their
and feloniously have sexual intercourse with and valuables. Then, the hold-uppers alighted from the
carnal knowledge of [AAA], a minor 17 years old, jeep in a place called "Puting Bato."
with said accused being then the common-law The policemen were able to arrest three suspects,
spouse of [AAA’s] mother, without the latter’s including Janito de Luna (de Luna), but Leo
Quemeggen (Quemeggen) was able to escape. The
three suspects were left under the care of a police We reiterate, at this point, the relevant factual
officer, Emelito Suing (Suing), while the other circumstances. Appellants, together with the other
police officers pursued Quemeggen. Taking suspects, boarded Tabernilla’s passenger jeep.
advantage of the situation, the three suspects ganged Suddenly, they announced a hold-up. One of them
up on Suing; de Luna held his hand, while the other poked a balisong at the neck of Tabernilla, while the
suspect known as "Weng-Weng" shot him on the others divested the passengers of their valuables.
head. The suspects thereafter escaped. Obviously, in boarding the passenger jeep,
announcing a hold-up, and eventually taking the
Appellants Quemeggen and de Luna were personal belongings of the passengers, appellants
eventually arrested through follow-up operations had the intent to gain. Thus, the first three elements
undertaken by the Navotas Police. of the crime were adequately proven.
On November 5, 1996, appellants were charged in The only question is whether the fourth element was
an Information for Robbery with Homicide present, i.e., that by reason or on the occasion of the
During the trial, Tabernilla and Kagalingan testified robbery, homicide was committed.
for the prosecution. Dr. Cosidon’s testimony as an Given the circumstances surrounding the instant
expert witness was dispensed with in view of the case, we agree with the CA that appellants cannot be
appellants’ admission of her qualification and convicted of Robbery with Homicide. Indeed, the
competence killing may occur before, during, or after the
Appellants, on the other hand, interposed the robbery. And it is immaterial that death would
defense of alibi. They maintained that they were supervene by mere accident, or that the victim of
elsewhere when the robbery and shooting incident homicide is other than the victim of robbery, or that
took place. They claimed that they were in their two or more persons are killed.30 However,
respective houses: Quemeggen was helping his essential for conviction of robbery with homicide is
grandmother cut pieces of cloth used in making rugs, proof of a direct relation, an intimate connection
while de Luna was sleeping with his wife. between the robbery and the killing, whether the
latter be prior or subsequent to the former or whether
RTC found the accused guilty of the crime charged both crimes are committed at the same time.
by CA modified the RTC Decision by convicting
Quemeggen of Robbery, and de Luna of the separate From the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses,
crimes of Robbery and Homicide. we cannot see the connection between the robbery
and the homicide. It must be recalled that after
The CA concluded that appellants could not be taking the passengers’ personal belongings,
convicted of the special complex crime of Robbery appellants (and two other suspects) alighted from the
with Homicide. It noted that Suing was not killed by jeepney. At that moment, robbery was
reason or on the occasion of the robbery. Hence, two consummated. Some of the passengers, however,
separate crimes of robbery and homicide were decided to report the incident to the proper
committed. As the appellants were in conspiracy to authorities; hence, they went to the nearest police
commit robbery, both were convicted of such station. There, they narrated what happened. The
offense. However, as to the death of Suing, police eventually decided to go back to the place
considering that at the time of the killing, where the robbery took place. Initially, they saw no
Quemeggen was being chased by the police officers one; then finally, Kagalingan saw the suspects on
and there was no evidence showing that there was board a pedicab. De Luna and two other suspects
conspiracy, only de Luna was convicted of homicide were caught and left under the care of Suing. It was
then that Suing was killed. Clearly, the killing was
ISSUE: W/N the information is defective
distinct from the robbery. There may be a
RULING: YES, the information was defective connection between the two crimes, but surely, there
because it charge the accused to separate crimes was no "direct connection."
however due to failure of accused to move for
Though appellants were charged with Robbery with
quashal of information, it is deemed waived
Homicide, we find Quemeggen guilty of robbery,
Now, on the nature of the crime or crimes and de Luna of two separate crimes of robbery and
committed. The Information shows that appellants homicide. It is axiomatic that the nature and
were charged with Robbery with Homicide under character of the crime charged are determined not by
Article 294 of the Revised Penal Code the designation of the specific crime, but by the facts
alleged in the information. Controlling in an
information should not be the title of the complaint copies of which bear the signature of petitioner and
or the designation of the offense charged or the reflect a difference of ₱18,000.
particular law or part thereof allegedly violated,
these being, by and large, mere conclusions of law On private complainant’s investigation, petitioner
made by the prosecutor, but the description of the was found to have failed to remit payments received
crime charged and the particular facts therein from its clients, prompting it to file various
recited. There should also be no problem in complaints, one of which is a Complaint-Affidavit
convicting an accused of two or more crimes of September 21, 2000 for estafa
erroneously charged in one information or City Prosecution Office of Makati dismissed the
complaint, but later proven to be independent Complaint for estafa for insufficiency of evidence
crimes, as if they were made the subject of separate but found probable cause to indict petitioner for
complaints or informations. qualified theft under an Information
As worded, the Information sufficiently alleged all RTC and CA found the accused guilty for the crime
the elements of both felonies. charged
That on or about the 31st day of October 1996, in ISSUE: W/N her right to be informed of the nature
Navotas, Metro Manila, and within the jurisdiction and cause of the accusation is violated becauase
of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, prosecution was able to prove her guilt for the crime
conspiring together and mutually helping one of qualified theft though prosecuting for the crime
another, with intent to gain and by means of force, of estafa
violence and intimidation employed upon the person
of one SOCRATES KAGALINGAN Y ROXAS, RULING: NO, her right to information was not
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and violate
feloniously take, rob and carry away the following
The object of this written accusation was – First. To
articles belonging to said complainant, to the
furnish the accused with such a description of the
damage and prejudice of the latter in the total
charge against him as will enable him to make his
amount of ₱4,300.00; that on the occasion of the said
defense; and second, to avail himself of his
Robbery one of the arrested suspect[s] dr[e]w a
conviction or acquittal for protection against a
handgun and shot one PO2 SUING, thereby
further prosecution for the same cause; and third, to
inflicting upon the said PO2 Suing, serious physical
inform the court of the facts alleged, so that it may
injuries, which directly caused his death.
decide whether they are sufficient in law to support
Needless to state, appellants failed, before their a conviction, if one should be had. In order that this
arraignment, to move for the quashal of the requirement may be satisfied, facts must be stated,
Information, which appeared to charge more than not conclusions of law. Every crime is made up of
one offense. They have thereby waived any certain acts and intent; these must be set forth in the
objection thereto, and may thus be found guilty of as complaint with reasonable particularity of time,
many offenses as those charged in the Information place, names (plaintiff and defendant), and
and proven during the trial circumstances. In short, the complaint must contain
a specific allegation of every fact and circumstances
Matrido vs. People necessary to constitute the crime charged.
FACTS:As a credit and collection assistant of It is fundamental that every element constituting the
private complainant Empire East Land Holdings, offense must be alleged in the information. The main
Inc., petitioner was tasked to collect payments from purpose of requiring the various elements of a crime
buyers of real estate properties such as Laguna Bel- to be set out in the information is to enable the
Air developed by private complainant, issue receipts accused to suitably prepare his defense because he
therefor, and remit the payments to private is presumed to have no independent knowledge of
complainant in Makati City. the facts that constitute the offense. The allegations
On June 10, 1999, petitioner received amortization of facts constituting the offense charged are
payment from one Amante dela Torre in the amount substantial matters and an accused’s right to
of ₱22,470.66 as evidenced by the owner’s copy of question his conviction based on facts not alleged in
Official Receipt No. 36547, but petitioner remitted the information cannot be waived. No matter how
only ₱4,470.66 to private complainant as reflected conclusive and convincing the evidence of guilt may
in the treasury department’s copy of Official Receipt be, an accused cannot be convicted of any offense
No. 36547 submitted to private complainant, both unless it is charged in the information on which he
is tried or is necessarily included therein. To convict amply established to have been gravely abused when
him of a ground not alleged while he is she failed to remit the entrusted amount of collection
concentrating his defense against the ground alleged to private complainant.
would plainly be unfair and underhanded. The rule
is that a variance between the allegation in the The principal distinction between the two crimes is
information and proof adduced during trial shall be that in theft the thing is taken while in estafa the
fatal to the criminal case if it is material and accused receives the property and converts it to his
prejudicial to the accused so much so that it affects own use or benefit. However, there may be theft
his substantial rights. even if the accused has possession of the property.
If he was entrusted only with the material or physical
It is settled that it is the allegations in the (natural) or de facto possession of the thing, his
Information that determine the nature of the offense, misappropriation of the same constitutes theft, but if
not the technical name given by the public he has the juridical possession of the thing, his
prosecutor in the preamble of the Information. From conversion of the same constitutes embezzlement or
a legal point of view, and in a very real sense, it is of estafa.
no concern to the accused what is the technical name
of the crime of which he stands charged. It in no way That petitioner did not have juridical possession
aids him in a defense on the merits. That to which over the amount or, in other words, she did not have
his attention should be directed, and in which he, a right over the thing which she may set up even
above all things else, should be most interested, are against private complainant is clear. In fact,
the facts alleged. The real question is not did he petitioner never asserted any such right, hence,
commit a crime given in the law some technical and juridical possession was lodged with private
specific name, but did he perform the acts alleged in complainant and, therefore, estafa was not
the body of the information in the manner therein set committed.
forth Petitioner’s view that there could be no element of
As alleged in the Information, petitioner took, taking since private complainant had no actual
intending to gain therefrom and without the use of possession of the money fails. The argument
force upon things or violence against or intimidation proceeds from the flawed premise that there could
of persons, a personal property consisting of money be no theft if the accused has possession of the
in the amount ₱18,000 belonging to private property. The taking away of the thing physically
complainant, without its knowledge and consent, from the offended party is not elemental, as qualified
thereby gravely abusing the confidence reposed on theft may be committed when the personal property
her as credit and collection assistant who had access is in the lawful possession of the accused prior to the
to payments from private complainant’s clients, commission of the alleged felony.
specifically from one Amante Dela Torre. A sum of money received by an employee in behalf
In the present case, both the trial court and the of an employer is considered to be only in the
appellate court noted petitioner’s testimonial material possession of the employee. The material
admission of unlawfully taking the fund belonging possession of an employee is adjunct, by reason of
to private complainant and of paying a certain sum his employment, to a recognition of the juridical
to exculpate herself from liability. That the money, possession of the employer. So long as the juridical
taken by petitioner without authority and consent, possession of the thing appropriated did not pass to
belongs to private complainant, and that the taking the employee-perpetrator, the offense committed
was accomplished without the use of violence or remains to be theft, qualified or otherwise
intimidation against persons, nor force upon things, When the money, goods, or any other personal
there is no issue. property is received by the offender from the
The taking was also clearly done with grave abuse offended party (1) in trust or (2) on commission or
of confidence. As a credit and collection assistant of (3) for administration, the offender acquires both
private complainant, petitioner made use of her material or physical possession and juridical
position to obtain the amount due to private possession of the thing received. Juridical
complainant. As gathered from the nature of her possession means a possession which gives the
functions, her position entailed a high degree of transferee a right over the thing which the transferee
confidence reposed by private complainant as she may set up even against the owner. In this case,
had been granted access to funds collectible from petitioner was a cash custodian who was primarily
clients. Such relation of trust and confidence was responsible for the cash-in-vault. Her possession of
the cash belonging to the bank is akin to that of a was disappointed when he found out there was
bank teller, both being mere bank employees. neither a video cassette player (on which he could
play his video tapes) nor an x-rated show on the
Malto vs. People closed-circuit television. He suggested that they just
FACTS: Petitioner was originally charged in an cuddle up together. AAA and her friends ignored
information which read: VIOLATION OF him but he pulled each of them towards him to lie
SECTION 5(b), ARTICLE III, REPUBLIC ACT with him in bed. They resisted until he relented.
7610, AS AMENDED AAA and her friends regretted having accepted
That on or about and sometime during the month of petitioner’s invitation. For fear of embarrassment in
November 1997 up to 1998, in Pasay City, Metro case their classmates got wind of what happened,
Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of they agreed to keep things a secret. Meanwhile,
this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, petitioner apologized for his actuations.
Michael John. Z. Malto, a professor, did then and When semestral break came, his calls and messages
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously induce became more frequent. Their conversation always
and/or seduce his student at Assumption College, started innocently but he had a way of veering the
complainant, AAA, a minor of 17 years old, to subject to sex. Young, naive and coming from a
indulge in sexual intercourse for several times with broken family, AAA was soon overwhelmed by
him as in fact said accused had carnal knowledge. petitioner’s persistence and slowly got attracted to
This was subsequently amended as follows: him. He was the first person to court her. Soon, they
VIOLATION OF SECTION 5(a), ARTICLE III, had a "mutual understanding" and became
REPUBLIC ACT 7610, AS AMENDED sweethearts.

That on or about and sometime during the month of On November 26, 1997, petitioner asked AAA to
November 1997 up to 1998, in Pasay City, Metro come with him so that they could talk in private. He
Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of again brought her to Queensland Lodge. She was
this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, relentless at first to having sex but due to the fear of
Michael John. Z. Malto, a professor, did then and ending the relationship she succumbed and have
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take sexual intercourse
advantage and exert influence, relationship and In July 1999, AAA ended her relationship with
moral ascendancy and induce and/or seduce his petitioner. She learned that he was either intimately
student at Assumption College, complainant, AAA, involved with or was sexually harassing his students
a minor of 17 years old, to indulge in sexual in Assumption College and in other colleges where
intercourse and lascivious conduct for several times he taught. In particular, he was dismissed from the
with him as in fact said accused has carnal De La Salle University-Aguinaldo for having sexual
knowledge. relations with a student and sexually harassing three
Petitioner did not make a plea when arraigned; other students. His employment was also terminated
hence, the trial court entered for him a plea of "not by Assumption College for sexually harassing two
guilty." After the mandatory pre-trial, trial on the of his students. It was then that AAA realized that
merits proceeded. she was actually abused by petitioner. Depressed
and distressed, she confided all that happened
On October 3, 1997, while AAA and her friends between her and petitioner to her mother, BBB.
were discussing the movie Kama Sutra, petitioner
butted in and bragged that it was nothing compared On learning what her daughter underwent in the
to his collection of xxx-rated films. To the shock of hands of petitioner, BBB filed an administrative
AAA’s group, he lectured on and demonstrated complaint in Assumption College against him. She
sexual acts he had already experienced. He then also lodged a complaint in the Office of the City
invited the group to view his collection. Prosecutor of Pasay City which led to the filing of
Criminal Case No. 00-0691.
On October 10, 1997, petitioner reiterated his
invitation to AAA and her friends to watch his In his defense, petitioner proffered denial and alibi.
collection of pornographic films. Afraid of He claimed that the alleged incidents on October 3,
offending petitioner, AAA and two of her friends 1997 and October 10, 1997 did not happen. He spent
went with him. They rode in his car and he brought October 3, 1997 with his colleagues Joseph Hipolito
them to the Anito Lodge on Harrison St. in Pasay and AJ Lagaso while he was busy checking papers
City. They checked in at a "calesa room." Petitioner and computing grades on October 10, 1997. The last
time he saw AAA during the first semester was or influence, engages in sexual intercourse or
when she submitted her final paper on October 18, lascivious conduct.
The information against petitioner did not allege
On November 19, 1997, between 10:30 a.m. and anything pertaining to or connected with child
1:00 p.m., he sorted out conflicts of class schedules prostitution. It did not aver that AAA was abused for
for the second semester at the Assumption College. profit. What it charged was that petitioner had carnal
On November 26, 1997, he was at St. Scholastica’s knowledge or committed sexual intercourse and
College (where he was also teaching) preparing a lascivious conduct with AAA; AAA was induced
faculty concert slated on December 12, 1997. At and/or seduced by petitioner who was her professor
lunch time, he attended the birthday treat of a to indulge in sexual intercourse and lascivious
colleague, Evelyn Bancoro. conduct and AAA was a 17-year old minor. These
allegations support a charge for violation of
On November 29, 1997, he attended AAA’s 18th paragraph (b), not paragraph (a), of Section 5,
birthday party. That was the last time he saw her. Article III, RA 7610.
In view of the foregoing, the Court finds the accused The facts stated in the amended information against
Michael John Malto y Zarsadias guilty beyond petitioner correctly made out a charge for violation
reasonable doubt for violation of Article III, Section of Section 5(b), Article III, RA 7610. Thus, even if
5(a) paragraph 3 of RA 7610 the trial and appellate courts followed the wrong
The appellate court affirmed his conviction even if designation of the offense, petitioner could be
it found that his acts were not covered by paragraph convicted of the offense on the basis of the facts
(a) but by paragraph (b) of Section 5, Article III of recited in the information and duly proven during
RA 7610. trial.

ISSUE: W/N CA erred in modifying the offense Petitioner was charged and convicted for violation
charged of Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, not rape. The
offense for which he was convicted is punished by a
RULING: NO, CA did not erred because the special law while rape is a felony under the Revised
allegations of the information is sufficient in Penal Code. They have different elements. The two
charging the accused of the crime despite the title are separate and distinct crimes. Thus, petitioner can
be held liable for violation of Section 5(b), Article
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused is entitled
III of RA 7610 despite a finding that he did not
to be informed of the nature and cause of the
commit rape.
accusation against him. Pursuant thereto, the
complaint or information against him should be People vs. Pareja
sufficient in form and substance. A complaint or
information is sufficient if it states the name of the FACTS: On May 5, 2004, Pareja was charged with
accused; the designation of the offense by the two counts of Rape and one Attempted Rape
statute; the acts or omissions complained of as That on or about and sometime in the month of
constituting the offense; the name of the offended February, 2004, in Pasay City, Metro Manila,
party; the approximate date of the commission of the Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
offense and the place where the offense was Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
committed. Bernabe Pareja y Cruz, being the common law
Paragraph (a) essentially punishes acts pertaining to spouse of the minor victim’s mother, through force,
or connected with child prostitution. It contemplates threats and intimidation, did then and there willfully,
sexual abuse of a child exploited in prostitution. In unlawfully and feloniously commit an act of sexual
other words, under paragraph (a), the child is abused assault upon the person of [AAA], a minor 13 years
primarily for profit. of age, by then and there mashing her breast and
inserting his finger inside her vagina against her
On the other hand, paragraph (b) punishes sexual will.
intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a
child exploited in prostitution but also with a child That on or about and sometime in the month of
subjected to other sexual abuse. It covers not only a December, 2003, in Pasay City, Metro Manila,
situation where a child is abused for profit but also Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
one in which a child, through coercion, intimidation Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
Bernabe Pareja y Cruz, being the stepfather of
[AAA], a minor 13 years of age, through force, incident], she had again been molested by [Pareja].
threats and intimidation, did then and there willfully, Under the same circumstances as the [December
unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge 2003 incident], with her mother not around while
of said minor against her will. she and her half-siblings were asleep, [Pareja] again
laid on top of her and started to suck her breasts. But
That on or about the 27th day of March, 2004, in this time, [Pareja] caressed [her] and held her vagina
Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines and within and inserted his finger [i]n it.
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
named accused, BERNABE PAREJA Y CRUZ, With regard to the last incident, on March 27, 2004
being the common law spouse of minor victim’s [the March 2004 incident], it was AAA’s mother
mother by means of force, threats and intimidation, who saw [Pareja] in the act of lifting the skirt of her
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and daughter AAA while the latter was asleep. Outraged,
feloniously commence the commission of the crime AAA’s mother immediately brought AAA to the
of Rape against the person of minor, [AAA], a13 barangay officers to report the said incident. AAA
years old minor by then and there crawling towards then narrated to the barangay officials that she had
her direction where she was sleeping, putting off her been sexually abused by [Pareja] x x x many times
skirt, but did not perform all the acts of execution
which would have produce[d] the crime of rape for To exculpate himself from liability, [Pareja] offered
the reason other than his own spontaneous both denial and ill motive of AAA against him as his
desistance, that is the timely arrival of minor defense. He denied raping [AAA] but admitted that
victim’s mother who confronted the accused, and he knew her as she is the daughter of his live-in
which acts of child abuse debased, degraded and partner and that they all stay in the same house.
demeaned the intrinsic worth and dignity of said Contrary to AAA’s allegations, [Pareja] averred that
minor complainant as a human being. it would have been impossible that the alleged
AAA was thirteen (13) years of age when the alleged incidents happened. To justify the same, [Pareja]
acts of lasciviousness and sexual abuse took place described the layout of their house and argued that
on three (3) different dates, particularly [in there was no way that the alleged sexual abuses
December 2003], February 2004, and March 27, could have happened.
2004. According to [Pareja], the house was made of wood,
At the time of the commission of the aforementioned only about four (4) meters wide by ten (10) meters,
crimes, AAA was living with her mother and with and was so small that they all have to sit to be able
herein accused-appellant Bernabe Pareja who, by to fit inside the house. Further, the vicinity where
then, was cohabiting with her mother, together with their house is located was thickly populated with
three (3) of their children houses constructed side by side. Allegedly, AAA
also had no choice but to sleep beside her siblings.
The first incident took place [i]n December 2003
[the December 2003 incident]. AAA’s mother was All taken into account, [Pareja] asseverated that it
not in the house and was with her relatives in was hard to imagine how he could possibly still go
Laguna. Taking advantage of the situation, [Pareja], about with his plan without AAA’s siblings nor their
while AAA was asleep, placed himself on top of neighbors noticing the same.
[her]. Then, [Pareja], who was already naked, begun Verily, [Pareja] was adamant and claimed innocence
to undress AAA. [Pareja] then started to suck the as to the imputations hurled against him by AAA.
breasts of [AAA]. Not satisfied, [Pareja] likewise He contended that AAA filed these charges against
inserted his penis into AAA’s anus. Because of the him only as an act of revenge because AAA was mad
excruciating pain that she felt, AAA immediately at [him] for being the reason behind her parents’
stood up and rushed outside of their house. separation.
Despite such traumatic experience, AAA never told On January 16, 2009, the RTC acquitted Pareja from
anyone about the [December 2003] incident for fear the charge of attempted rape but convicted him of
that [Pareja] might kill her. [Pareja] threatened to the crimes of rape and acts of lasciviousness in the
kill AAA in the event that she would expose the December 2003 and February 2004 incidents
incident to anyone.
The RTC, in convicting Pareja of the crime of Rape
AAA further narrated that the [December 2003] and Acts of Lasciviousness, gave more weight to the
incident had happened more than once. According prosecution’s evidence as against Pareja’s baseless
to AAA, in February 2004 [the February 2004 denial and imputation of ill motive. However, due to
the failure of the prosecution to present AAA’s the allegation that he raped the victim in that house
mother to testify about what she had witnessed in in 1992.
March 2004, the RTC had to acquit Pareja of the
crime of Attempted Rape in the March 2004 incident AAA positively and consistently stated that Pareja,
for lack of evidence. The RTC could not convict in December 2003, inserted his penis into her anus.
Pareja on the basis of AAA’s testimony for being While she may not have been certain about the
hearsay evidence as she had no personal knowledge details of the February 2004 incident, she was
of what happened on March 27, 2004 because she positive that Pareja had anal sex with her in
was sleeping at that time. December 2003, thus, clearly establishing the
occurrence of rape by sexual assault. In other words,
CA affirmed the ruling of RTC her testimony on this account was, as the Court of
Appeals found, clear, positive, and probable.
ISSUE: W/N he is actually guilty for the crime
charged However, since the charge in the Information for the
December 2003 incident is rape through carnal
RULING: NO, he is only guilty for the crime of knowledge, Pareja cannot be found guilty of rape by
acts of lasciviousness for both crimes though the sexual assault even though it was proven during
information charges him for the crime of rape trial. This is due to the material differences and
through carnal knowledge but on trial it was substantial distinctions between the two modes of
proven it was through sexual assault rape; thus, the first mode is not necessarily included
In Ladrillo doctrine: The peculiar designation of in the second, and vice-versa. Consequently, to
time in the Information clearly violates Sec. 11, Rule convict Pareja of rape by sexual assault when what
110, of the Rules Court which requires that the time he was charged with was rape through carnal
of the commission of the offense must be alleged as knowledge, would be to violate his constitutional
near to the actual date as the information or right to be informed of the nature and cause of the
complaint will permit. More importantly, it runs accusation against him.
afoul of the constitutionally protected right of the Nevertheless, Pareja may be convicted of the lesser
accused to be informed of the nature and cause of crime of acts of lasciviousness under the variance
the accusation against him. The Information is not doctrine embodied in Section 4, in relation to
sufficiently explicit and certain as to time to inform Section 5, Rule 120 of the Rules of Criminal
accused-appellant of the date on which the criminal Procedure
act is alleged to have been committed.
Clearly, the above-mentioned elements are present
The phrase "on or about the year 1992" encompasses in the December 2003 incident, and were
not only the twelve (12) months of 1992 but includes sufficiently established during trial. Thus, even
the years prior and subsequent to 1992, e.g., 1991 though the crime charged against Pareja was for rape
and 1993, for which accused-appellant has to through carnal knowledge, he can be convicted of
virtually account for his whereabouts. Hence, the the crime of acts of lasciviousness without violating
failure of the prosecution to allege with particularity any of his constitutional rights because said crime is
the date of the commission of the offense and, included in the crime of rape.
worse, its failure to prove during the trial the date of
the commission of the offense as alleged in the It is manifest that the RTC carefully weighed all the
Information, deprived accused-appellant of his right evidence presented by the prosecution against
to intelligently prepare for his defense and Pareja, especially AAA’s testimony. In its scrutiny,
convincingly refute the charges against him. At the RTC found AAA’s declaration on the rape in the
most, accused-appellant could only establish his December 2003 incident credible enough to result in
place of residence in the year indicated in the a conviction, albeit this Court had to modify it as
Information and not for the particular time he explained above. However, it did not find that the
supposedly committed the rape. same level of proof, i.e., beyond reasonable doubt,
was fully satisfied by the prosecution in its charge of
In this case, although the dates of the December attempted rape and a second count of rape against
2003 and February 2004 incidents were not Pareja. In Criminal Case No. 04-1556-CFM, or the
specified, the period of time Pareja had to account February 2004 incident, the RTC considered AAA’s
for was fairly short, unlike "on or about the year confusion as to whether or not she was actually
1992." Moreover, Ladrillo was able to prove that he penetrated by Pareja, and eventually resolved the
had only moved in the house where the rape matter in Pareja’s favor.
supposedly happened, in 1993, therefore negating
This Court agrees with such findings. AAA, in her degrade the intrinsic worth and dignity of said
Sinumpaang Salaysay,56 stated that aside from "AAA" as a human being.
sucking her breasts, Pareja also inserted his finger in
her vagina. However, she was not able to give a clear AAA was born on September 15, 1985 to BBB by
and convincing account of such insertion during her her first husband. She was about eight (8) years old
testimony. Despite being repeatedly asked by the at the time Lomaque started abusing/molesting her.
prosecutor as to what followed after her breasts were The first act of molestation happened on May 8,
sucked, AAA failed to testify, in open court, that 1993 when Lomaque asked AAA to remove his
Pareja also inserted his finger in her vagina. growing mustache and take out white hair from his
Moreover, later on, she added that Pareja inserted head. Lomaque, while lying on AAA’s lap, started
his penis in her vagina during that incident. Thus, to smell and sniff her private parts, and thereafter
because of the material omissions and inserted his finger inside her vagina.
inconsistencies, Pareja cannot be convicted of rape
in the February 2004 incident. Nonetheless, Pareja’s At that time, she did not understand what Lomaque
acts of placing himself on top of AAA and sucking did to her. But to avert any further incident, she
her breasts, fall under the crime of acts of decided to sleep more often in the house of her aunt
lasciviousness, which, as we have discussed above, DDD. When her mother, BBB, inquired why she
is included in the crime of rape. often slept in her Aunt’s house, AAA told her
mother that accused-appellant touched her private
Verily, AAA was again positive and consistent in parts. BBB confronted Lomaque and they quarreled.
her account of how Pareja sucked both her breasts in For a while, Lomaque stopped molesting her so
the February 2004 incident. Thus, Pareja was AAA returned to their house to sleep there again. In
correctly convicted by the courts a quo of the crime the evening of September 16, 1996, while almost
of acts of lasciviousness. everybody was asleep, AAA was awakened by
People vs. Lomaque Lomaque who embraced her and slowly removed
her shorts, and immediately inserted his penis into
FACTS: Appellant was charged under separate her vagina. She was then only 11 years old.
Informations for 13 counts of Rape by Sexual
Intercourse allegedly committed against his AAA’s harrowing experience with Lomaque
stepdaughter "AAA" continued and she eventually became pregnant. It
was during the last week of November 1999, when
That on or about the 5th day of June 1999 in Quezon Lomaque asked BBB to bring AAA to the doctor for
City, Philippines, the above-named accused with medical check-up, that BBB discovered that AAA
force and intimidation did then and there willfully, was pregnant.
unlawfully and feloniously commit acts of sexual
assault upon the person of one "AAA" his own After giving birth, AAA returned to their house.
stepdaughter a minor 14 years of age by then and There she saw Lomaque kissing her younger sister,
there removing her shorts and inserting his penis CCC. Afraid that CCC might suffer the same fate
inside her vagina and thereafter had carnal she had, she decided to file a complaint against
knowledge of her against her will and without her Lomaque with the help of Bantay-Bata 163.
consent. He denied that he sexually abused AAA, claiming
In addition, appellant was also charged with Acts of that he could not have committed the crimes charged
Lasciviousness in relation to Section 5 of Republic because as a bio-medical technician, he was
Act (RA) No. 7610 deployed all over the country to repair hospital
equipment. He offered several plane tickets in
That on or about the 8th day of May 1993 in Quezon support of this allegation
City, Philippines, the above-named accused with
force and intimidation did then and there willfully, October 23, 2007 which declared appellant guilty of
unlawfully and feloniously commit acts of lewdness seven counts of rape by sexual intercourse (Criminal
upon the person of one "AAA" his own stepdaughter Case Nos. Q-00-96390, Q-00-96394, Q-00-96395,
a minor 8 years of age by then and there caressing Q-00-96397, Q-00-96398, Q-00-96399 and Q-00-
her breast, and her vagina, smelling her private parts 96401), one count of rape by sexual assault
and inserting his finger inside her vagina, which are (Criminal Case No. Q-00-96392) and one count of
acts prejudicial to the child’s psychological and Acts of Lasciviousness (Criminal Case No. Q-00-
emotional development, debase, demean and 96402). Accordingly, the RTC sentenced appellant
to imprisonment and ordered him to pay damages, where the proper penalty for the same under Article
Affirmed by CA. 266-B of the RPC is reclusion perpetua.

ISSUE: W/N the prosecution has proven beyond There is variance in the mode of the commission of
reasonable doubt the guilt of appellant for the crimes the crime of rape in Criminal Case No. Q-00- 96392
of rape and acts of lasciviousness. as alleged in the Information and as proven during
trial. Nevertheless, appellant’s conviction for rape
RULING: NO, the prosecution was only able to by sexual assault stands.
prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt for the
crime of simple rape in the following cases However, in Criminal Case No. Q-00-96392, we
observe that the courts below overlooked a glaring
However, the rapes committed in Criminal Case variance between what was alleged in the
Nos. Q-00-96390, Q-00-96394, Q-00-96395, Q-00- Information and what was proven during trial
96397, Q-00-96398, Q-00-96399 and Q-00-96401 respecting the mode of committing the offense.
are simple and not qualified since the relationship While the Information in this case clearly states that
between appellant and the victim was not proven. the crime was committed by appellant’s insertion of
Based on our meticulous review, we find that the his penis inside "AAA’s" vagina, the latter solemnly
courts below erred in finding appellant guilty of rape testified on the witness stand that appellant merely
in its qualified form. Indeed, the subject put his penis in her mouth. Nevertheless, appellant
Informations clearly aver the special qualifying failed to register any objection that the Information
circumstances of minority of "AAA" and her alleged a different mode of the commission of the
filiation (stepdaughter) to the appellant. While the crime of rape. As ruled in People v. Abello and
prosecution was able to sufficiently prove "AAA’s" People v. Corpuz, a variance in the mode of
minority through the latter’s testimony during the commission of the offense is binding upon the
trial and by the presentation of her Certificate of accused if he fails to object to evidence showing that
Live Birth showing that she was born on September the crime was committed in a different manner than
15, 1985, it however, failed to prove the fact of what was alleged. Thus, appellant’s conviction for
relationship between her and the appellant rape by sexual assault must be sustained, the
(stepfather-stepdaughter). Notably, said alleged variance notwithstanding.
relationship was not even made the subject of Name of the Accused
stipulation of facts during the pre-trial.
People vs. Amodia
The allegation that "AAA" is the stepdaughter of
appellant requires competent proof and should not FACTS: Pablo was indicted, together with three
be easily accepted as factually true. The bare other accused, under the following Information:
testimony of appellant that he was married to "BBB"
("AAA’s" mother) is not enough. Neither does That on or about the 26th day of November 1996, in
"AAA’s" reference to appellant as her stepfather the City of Makati, Philippines, a place within the
during her testimony would suffice. As ruled in jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
People v. Agustin, "the relationship of the accused named accused, conspiring and confederating
to the victim cannot be established by mere together and mutually helping and aiding one
testimony or even by the accused’s very own another, while armed with a piece of wood and
admission of such relationship." In this case, save bladed weapon, taking advantage of their superior
for the testimony of appellant that he was married to strength [sic] and employing means to weaken the
"BBB," the record is bereft of any evidence to show defense, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully
that appellant and "BBB" were indeed legally and feloniously attack, assault and employ personal
married. The prosecution could have presented the violence upon one FELIX OLANDRIA y
marriage contract, the best evidence to prove the fact BERGAÑO, by beating him on the head with a piece
of marriage but it did not of wood and stabbing him repeatedly on the
different parts of his body, thereby inflicting upon
Following Abello, "AAA" cannot be considered as him mortal/fatal stab wounds which directly caused
appellant’s stepdaughter and conversely, appellant his death.
as "AAA’s" stepfather. Appellant, therefore, should
only be convicted of simple rape in Criminal Case When Romildo was about three arms-length away
Nos. Q-00-96390, Q-00-96394, Q-00-96395, Q-00- from the place of the commotion, then illuminated
96397, Q-00-96398, Q-00-96399 and Q-00-96401 by light coming from a Meralco post located some
five (5) to six (6) meters from the scene, he saw the
victim being held on his right hand by Pablo, while WHEREFORE, the Court finds accused Pablo guilty
the other hand was held by Arnold. George was of having committed the crime of murder as
positioned at the victim’s back and clubbed the principal by conspiracy. Considering that there are
victim on the head; Damaso was in front of the no aggravating or mitigating circumstances
victim and stabbed him three times attendant to the commission of the crime, pursuant
to Article 64 (1) of the Revised Penal Code, accused
Luther Caberte (Luther), who happened to be is sentenced to suffer imprisonment of reclusion
passing by the C-5 Bridge at the time, also saw what perpetua. He is further sentence to pay the heirs of
happened. He testified that he saw men fighting the deceased Felix Olandria the amount of
under the C-5 Bridge which was illuminated by a ₱50,000.00 as moral damages and to reimburse said
light coming from a lamppost located some ten (10) heirs of the amount of ₱23,568.00 for expenses
meters away. From his vantage point (about 15 incurred for the funeral service, burial and incidental
meters away from the fight), he saw Pablo, Damaso, expenses.
George and Arnold ganging up (pinagtulung-
tulungan) on the victim. He saw Pablo holding the On appeal, the CA agreed with the RTC’s findings
victim’s hand while Damaso was stabbing him. He and affirmed Pablo’s conviction.
also confirmed that George was positioned behind
the victim. He personally knew both Pablo and the ISSUE: W/N Pablo’s guilt is established beyond
victim; they have been neighbors since 1986. reasonable doubt

SPO2 Romeo Ubana (SPO2 Ubana), a police RULING: YES, his guilt is established beyond
investigator assigned to the CID Homicide, and a reasonable doubt
police photographer went to the place and saw the We state in this regard that positive identification
body of a dead male person with three stab wounds pertains essentially to proof of identity and not
whom they subsequently identified as the victim. necessarily to the name of the assailant. A mistake
Both eyewitnesses left the scene after the stabbing; in the name of the accused is not equivalent, and
Romildo was chased away by George and Damaso, does not necessarily amount to, a mistake in the
while Luther went home immediately. Both were identity of the accused especially when sufficient
shaken and shocked with what they had seen. evidence is adduced to show that the accused is
pointed to as one of the perpetrators of the crime. In
Pablo averred that his name is Pablito Amodia and this case, the defense’s line of argument is negated
stated that at the time of the incident, he lived in the by the undisputed fact that the accused’s identity
house of Elma Amodia Romero (Elma), his sister, was known to both the eyewitnesses. On the one
located at Zone 13, Ilocos Street, Barangay Rizal, hand, we have Romildo’s testimony stating that
Makati City. He has lived there since 1994. He Pablo lived across Scorpion Street from where he
claimed that he was at home in the evening of lived. He also stated that he had known Pablo for
November 25, 1996, until the early morning of the more than a year. On the other hand, Luther testified
next day. At around 10:00 of that evening, his that he had known Pablo since 1986 because they
brother – Elias Amodia (Elias) – who lived next were neighbors and that he even played basketball
door, awakened him and told him that his (Elias’) with him. We stress that Pablo never denied these
wife, then pregnant, had started having labor pains. allegations.
He went back to sleep only to be awakened by Elias
at past 12:00 midnight. Elias then requested him to In People v. Ducabo, we took notice of the human
take care of his house. trait that once a person knows another through
association, identification becomes an easy task
The RTC convicted Pablo of murder after finding even from a considerable distance; most often, the
sufficient evidence of his identity, role in the crime face and body movements of the person identified
as principal by direct participation, and conspiracy has created a lasting impression on the identifier’s
between him and the other accused who used their mind that cannot easily be erased.
superior strength to weaken the victim. The RTC
relied on the testimonies of eyewitnesses Romildo The association the eyewitnesses cited –
and Luther, the autopsy results conducted on the specifically, being neighbors and even basketball
body of the victim, and the lack of physical game mates – rendered them familiar with Pablo,
impossibility on the part of Pablo to be at the crime making it highly unlikely that they could have
scene. The dispositive portion of the RTC decision committed a mistake in identifying him as one of the
reads: assailants. Their identification came at the first
opportunity (i.e., when they revealed) what they
knew of the killing, and culminated with their Without much ado, appellant pulled her, going into
courtroom identification of Pablo as among those the thickest part of the plantation. She struggled and
who assaulted the victim. pleaded with him, but the more she struggled, the
more he persisted, until he finally hurt her by
Two reasons settle the argument about Pablo’s name pressing her wrist so hard. The two reached a
against his favor. It strikes us that this argument is a clearing, several meters away from the road.
line of defense that came only as the defense’s turn
to present evidence neared. We have on record that "At the time, Michelle was wearing shorts and T-
prior to the defense’s presentation of evidence, shirt. Appellant forcefully divested her of her shorts
Pablo referred to himself as Pablo Amodia when the and panty so much so that the middle portion of her
court asked him his name. We likewise find no shorts (pundilyo) got torn and the garter of her panty
competent evidence, other than his assertion and got damaged. Appellant was able to pin her down as
those of his siblings, showing that his true name is he proceeded to take off his lower garments. All the
really Pablito Amodia. We therefore conclude that time, appellant threatened her with a bolo that he
any uncertainty on the name by which the accused is was then carrying. The bolo, however, was placed
or should be known is an extraneous matter that in aside when appellant proceeded to rape Michelle by
no way renders his identification as a participant in inserting his sex organ into her vagina. And though
the stabbing uncertain. Michelle hollered for help, nobody came to succor
her because the place was far and isolated. After he
We find nothing irregular, unusual, or inherently was through, appellant warned her against telling
unbelievable, in the eyewitnesses’ testimonies that anyone about her ordeal.
would affect their credibility. Their narratives are
remarkably compatible with the physical evidence "The incident was repeated x x x on August 11,
on hand; likewise, their accounts are also consistent 1995. Just like before, the rape occurred inside Ben
with each other. More importantly, the narration of Salazar's coffee plantation. As before, appellant
these eyewitnesses are in full accord with the human intimidated and threatened Michelle with the use of
experience of individuals who are exposed to a his bolo.
startling event and their initial reluctance to involve
themselves in the criminal matters especially those "Maria Gumban testified that she is a preacher in the
involving violent crimes committed by individuals Jesus Miracle Crusade (JMC) and accused Marcelo
known to them. Mendoza is their member.

Qualifying and Aggravating Circumstance "She recalls that on June 25, 1995, they had the Last
Holy Supper Service held at Rodriguez Sports
People vs. Mendoza Complex in Marikina, Metro Manila from 8:00
o'clock in the morning to 9:00 o'clock in the evening.
FACTS: Two informations were filled Together with the accused, they were 24 persons
The above-named accused, with lewd designs, by who went to the place riding a ten-sitter passenger
means of force, violence and intimidation, and jeep. She could not miss the accused inasmuch as he
taking advantage of his superior strength, did, then played the guitar and sung, too. His name appeared
and there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, have in the list of members who attended the ceremony.
carnal knowledge of one Michelle G. Tolentino After the celebration, they went home. Accused and
against her will and consent, to her damage and wife stayed in their home. They practiced singing
prejudice. and playing guitar all through the whole night up to
the next morning, without sleeping.
the above-named accused, with lewd designs, by
means of force, violence and intimidation and taking "She also testified that every Friday the Crusade also
advantage of his superior strength over the person of has a ceremony called 'overnight' which starts 5:00
Michelle G. Tolentino who is only thirteen (13) o'clock in the afternoon up to 8:00 o'clock of the
years old, did, then and there, wilfully, unlawfully following morning. August 11, 1995 was a Friday.
and feloniously, have carnal knowledge of said They hold the 'overnight' ceremony at the Marikina
Michelle G. Tolentino, against her wilt and consent, Sports Complex. Accused attended the ceremony,
to her damage and prejudice. his name was included in the list of attendance.

"Michelle then went on her way, passing through the Joel Garcia testified that complainant Michelle
coffee plantation of Ben Salazar. When she Tolentino is his sister-in-law, her sister is his wife
approached a curve on the road, she saw appellant Rosalie. August 11, 1995, was the birthday of his
Marcelo Mendoza standing there, watching her. wife. Complainant and her parents came to their
house at Lalaan St., Silang Cavite in the morning of the use of a deadly weapon and not just the overt act
said date and left at about 6:00 o'clock in the of 'being armed with a weapon."
We also affirm the positions of both appellant and
The court a quo believed the testimony of the OSG that the aggravating circumstance of
complainant, because it was straightforward, "uninhabited place" cannot be appreciated to
convincing and credible. The RTC further found that increase to death the penalty of reclusion perpetua
he "was armed with a bolo x x x which he used to which is a single indivisible penalty.
cause private complainant Michelle Tolentino to
submit to his carnal desires" on June 25, 1995 and People vs. Tampus
August 11, 1995. Hence, it convicted him of rape FACTS: The present appeal stems from two
qualified by the use of a deadly weapon. criminal cases: (1) Criminal Case No. 013324-L
ISSUE: W/N the accused is properly convicted for charging Bartolome Tampus (Tampus) and Ida as
qualified rape when the information charges him conspirators in the rape of ABC on April 1, 1995 at
only of simple rape 4:30 p.m.; and (2) Criminal Case No. 013325-L
charging Tampus of raping ABC on April 4, 1995 at
RULING: NO, he is not properly convicted 1:00 a.m.

Both Informations in the present case charged That on the 1st day of April 1995, at about 4:30
appellant with simple rape which, under Article 335 o’clock [sic] in the afternoon, in Looc, Lapulapu
of the Revised Penal Code, is punishable with City, Philippines, within the jurisdiction of this
reclusion perpetua. Neither one of these alleged that Honorable Court, accused Bartolome Tampus,
the rapes were committed with the use of a deadly taking advantage that [ABC] was in deep slumber
weapon. due to drunkenness, did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge
It would be a denial of the right of the accused to be with [sic] the latter, who was at that time thirteen
informed of the charges against him, and (13) years old, against her will, in conspiracy with
consequently, a denial of due process, if he is the accused Ida Montesclaros who gave permission
charged with simple rape, on which he was to Bartolome Tampus to rape [ABC].
arraigned, and be convicted of qualified rape
punishable by death. That on the 3rd day of April, 1995,8 at about 1:00
o’clock [sic] dawn, in Looc, Lapulapu City,
Aggravating and qualifying circumstances must be Philippines, within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
categorically alleged in the Information; otherwise, Court, the above-named accused, armed with a
they cannot be appreciated. wooden club (poras), by means of threat and
In this case, as contended by both the defense intimidation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully
counsel and the OSG, appellant cannot be convicted and feloniously have carnal knowledge with [sic]
of rape qualified by the use of a deadly weapon, [ABC], who was at that time thirteen (13) years old,
since that circumstance was not alleged in the against her will.
Informations. He cannot be punished for an offense The offended party, ABC, is the daughter of
graver than that for which he was charged. appellant Ida, and was 13 years old at the time of the
Moreover, the records and Michelle's own incident. Ida worked as a waitress in Bayanihan Beer
categorical statement under questioning indicate that House in Mabini, Cebu City. On February 19, 1995,
appellant had merely kept the bolo by his side and Ida and ABC started to rent a room in a house owned
held it only when he undressed himself -- naturally, by Tampus, a barangay tanod. On April 1, 1995,
so that he could remove it from his body. about 4:30 p.m., ABC testified that she was in the
house with Ida and Tampus9 who were both
"The crime of rape is not qualified by the use of a drinking beer at that time. They forced her to drink
deadly weapon where, even as the accused carried a beer and after consuming three and one-half (3 ½)
bolo in his waist, as he usually did, he never used the glasses of beer, she became intoxicated and very
same to threaten the victim." sleepy. While ABC was lying on the floor of their
room, she overheard Tampus requesting her mother,
"What can qualify the offense under Republic Act
Ida that he be allowed to "remedyo" or have sexual
7659 so as to warrant the imposition of the death
intercourse with her. Appellant Ida agreed and
penalty would be when the rape is committed with
instructed Tampus to leave as soon as he finished
having sexual intercourse with ABC. Ida then went
to work, leaving Tampus alone with ABC. ABC fell April 3, 199528 and that his actual duty time shift
asleep and when she woke up, she noticed that the was from midnight to 5:00 a.m. of April 4, 1995.
garter of her panties was loose and rolled down to Guillermo Berdin (Berdin), a defense witness,
her knees. She suffered pain in her head, thighs, testified that on April 3, 1995, Tampus reported for
buttocks, groin and vagina, and noticed that her duty at the police outpost at 8:00 p.m. and left at 5:00
panties and short pants were stained with blood a.m. of April 4, 1995, as reflected in the attendance
which was coming from her vagina. When her logbook.
mother arrived home from work the following
morning, she kept on crying but appellant Ida WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing
ignored her. considerations, the Court finds accused Bartolome
Tampus went inside their room and threatened to kill DOUBT of two counts of rape, as principals [sic], in
her if she would report the previous sexual assault to Criminal Case No. 013324-L and Criminal Case No.
anyone. He then forcibly removed her panties. ABC 013325-L and he is hereby sentenced to suffer the
shouted but Tampus covered her mouth and again penalty of Reclusion Perpetua in each of the
threatened to kill her if she shouted. He undressed aforementioned cases.
himself, spread ABC’s legs, put saliva on his right
hand and he applied this to her vagina; he then The Court also finds accused Ida Montesclaros
inserted his penis into ABC’s vagina and made a GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT as an
push and pull movement. After consummating the accomplice in Criminal Case No. 013324-L, and she
sexual act, he left the house. When ABC told is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of twelve
appellant Ida about the incident, the latter again (12) years and one (1) day to fourteen (14) years, and
ignored her. eight (8) months of Reclusion Temporal.

On September 22, 1995, ABC filed two Complaints. CA affirmed the decision of the RTC but modifying
She accused Tampus of taking advantage of her by the guilt of Ida from principal to accomplice
having carnal knowledge of her, against her will, ISSUE: W/N the relationship of Ida with the victim
while she was intoxicated and sleeping on April 1, can be used against her
1995 at 4:30 p.m. She declared in her Complaint that
this was done in conspiracy with accused Ida who RULING: NO, the information only stated the
gave permission to Tampus to rape her. And again, minority and not the relationship with her
she stated that on April 3, 1995, she was threatened
We note that in the case at bar, the undisputed fact
with a wooden club by Tampus, who then succeeded
that Ida is the mother of ABC—who was 13 years
in having sexual intercourse with her, against her
old at the time of the incident—could have been
considered as a special qualifying circumstance
Tampus denied raping ABC on April 1, 1995. He which would have increased the imposable penalty
claimed that at 4:00 p.m. of April 1, 1995, he left the to death, under Article 266-B of the Revised Penal
house to go to the public market of Lapu-lapu City. Code
When he arrived home at 6:00 p.m., ABC and Ida
Both the circumstances of the minority and the
were not there as they usually go to the beer house
relationship of the offender to the victim, either as
at 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m.23 He denied forcing ABC
the victim’s parent, ascendant, step-parent,
to drink beer. He also denied asking Ida to allow him
guardian, relative by consanguinity or affinity
to have sexual intercourse with ABC. Appellant Ida
within the third civil degree, or the common-law
also testified that she and ABC left for the beer
spouse of the parent of the victim, must be alleged
house at 4:00 p.m. of April 1, 1995 and they came
in the information and proved during the trial in
back at 6:00 a.m. the following day. She said that
order for them to serve as qualifying circumstances
she always brought her daughter to the beer house
under Article 266-B of the Revised Penal Code.
with her and there was never an instance when she
left her daughter alone in the house. She denied In the case at bar, although the victim's minority was
forcing ABC to drink beer at 4:30 p.m. of April 1, alleged and established, her relationship with the
1995, and she denied giving permission to Tampus accused as the latter's daughter was not properly
to have sexual intercourse with ABC. alleged in the Information, and even though this was
proven during trial and not refuted by the accused, it
Tampus also denied raping ABC on April 4, 1995.
cannot be considered as a special qualifying
He testified that he arrived at the Barangay Tanod
circumstance that would serve to increase the
Headquarters between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. of
penalty of the offender. Under the 2000 Rules of
Criminal Procedure, which should be given appellant boxed her thighs. Accused-appellant then
retroactive effect following the rule that statutes bent down and spread open AAA’s legs. After
governing court proceedings will be construed as directing the beam of the flashlight on AAA’s naked
applicable to actions pending and undetermined at body, accused-appellant removed his pants, lowered
the time of their passage, every Information must his brief to his knees, went on top of her, and
state the qualifying and the aggravating inserted his penis into her vagina. Accused-appellant
circumstances attending the commission of the threatened to box her if she moves.
crime for them to be considered in the imposition of
the penalty. Since in the case at bar, the Information Ten minutes later, accused-appellant went on top of
in Criminal Case No. 013324-L did not state that Ida AAA again and inserted his penis into her vagina
is the mother of ABC, this circumstance could not and moved his buttocks up and down. After being
be appreciated as a special qualifying circumstance. satisfied, accused-appellant stood up and lit a
Ida may only be convicted as an accomplice in the cigarette.
crime of simple rape, which is punishable by Afterwards, accused-appellant went on top of AAA
reclusion perpetua. In any event, Republic Act No. again and tried to insert his penis in the latter’s
9346, entitled an "An Act Prohibiting the Imposition vagina. His penis, however, has already softened.
of Death Penalty in the Philippines," which was Frustrated, accused-appellant knelt and inserted his
signed into law on June 24, 2006 prohibits the fingers in her vagina. After removing his fingers,
imposition of the death penalty. accused-appellant held a twig about 10 inches long
People vs. Alfredo and the size of a small finger in diameter which he
used to pierce her vagina. Dissatisfied, accused-
FACTS: Accused-appellant was charged in two (2) appellant removed the twig and inserted the
separate Informations flashlight in her vagina.

the above-named accused, by means of force, Since she was too weak to walk, AAA rested for
intimidation and threats, did then and there willfully, about 15 minutes before she got up and went back to
unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge the shack where she immediately woke her son up.
with one [AAA] Thereafter, they proceeded to the highway and
boarded a jeep to Camp 30, Atok, Benguet. She also
the above-named accused, by means of force, went to Sayangan, Atok, Benguet the following day
intimidation and threats, did then and there willfully, to report the incident to the police authorities.
unlawfully and feloniously commit an act of sexual
assault by inserting a flashlight into the vagina of He supposedly left after five o’clock in the afternoon
one [AAA], a thirty six (36) year old woman, against and arrived at their house at around seven o’clock in
her will and consent, to her damage and prejudice. the evening. During this time, all his family
members were watching television on Channel 3.
In the middle of the night, AAA was awakened by a Accused-appellant joined them in watching a
beam of light coming from the gaps in the walls of Tagalog movie. He then allegedly went to bed at 10
the shack directly illuminating her face. She then o’clock in the evening, while his parents continued
inquired who the person was, but nobody answered. to watch television until 11 o’clock in the evening.
Instead, the light was switched off. After a few
minutes, the light was switched on again. The following morning, on April 29, 2001, accused-
appellant woke up between six to seven o’clock in
Anxious that the person outside would kill her and the morning. After having breakfast, he helped his
her son, AAA lit the gas lamp placed on top of the mother clean the sayote farm. At around eight
table, and opened the door while her son stood o’clock in the morning, he saw AAA by the road
beside it. As the door opened, she saw accused- waiting for a ride with a baggage placed in a carton
appellant directly in front of her holding a flashlight. box. His mother then went down the road and talked
AAA did not immediately recognize accused- to AAA, leaving accused-appellant behind. He
appellant, as his hair was long and was covering his claimed to pity AAA upon seeing her but could not
face. She invited him to come inside the shack, but do anything.
the latter immediately held her hair and ordered her
to walk uphill. RTC found the accused guilty for the crimes charged
affirmed by CA
Upon reaching a grassy portion and a stump about
one foot high, accused-appellant ordered AAA to ISSUE: W/N the award for damages is correct
stop and lie on top of the stump, after accused-
RULING: NO, the award of damages must be only if an aggravating circumstance has both been
modified to pattern over the existence of alleged and proven following the Revised Rules.
aggravating circumstance
Amendment and Substitution
The decision of the CA as to the damages awarded
must be modified. For rape under Art. 266-A, par. Matalam vs. Sandiganbayan
1(d) of the Revised Penal Code, the CA was correct FACTS: An information dated 15 November 2004
in awarding PhP 50,000 as civil indemnity and PhP was filed before the Sandiganbayan charging
50,000 as moral damages. However, for rape petitioner Datu Guimid Matalam, Habib A.
through sexual assault under Art. 266-A, par. 2 of Bajunaid, Ansari M. Lawi, Muslimin Unga and
the Code, the award of damages should be PhP Naimah Unte with violation of Section 3(e) of
30,000 as civil indemnity and PhP 30,000 as moral Republic Act No. 3019, as amended
the accused ARMM Vice-Governor and Regional
We explained in People v. Cristobal that "for Secretary, DAR, DATU GUIMID MATALAM, a
sexually assaulting a pregnant married woman, the high ranking public official, HABIB A.
accused has shown moral corruption, perversity, and BAJUNAID, ANSARI M. LAWI, MUSLIMIN
wickedness. He has grievously wronged the UNGA and NAIMAH UNTE, all low-ranking
institution of marriage. The imposition then of public officials, committing the offense while in the
exemplary damages by way of example to deter performance of their official duties and taking
others from committing similar acts or for correction advantage of their public position, conspiring,
for the public good is warranted." confederating and mutually aiding one another, did
Prior to the effectivity of the Revised Rules of there and then, willfully, unlawfully and criminally,
Criminal Procedure, courts generally awarded cause undue injury to several employees of the
exemplary damages in criminal cases when an Department of Agrarian Reform, cotabato City, thru
aggravating circumstance, whether ordinary or evident bad faith in the performance of their official
qualifying, had been proven to have attended the duties to wit: by illegally and unjustifiably refusing
commission of the crime, even if the same was not to pay the monetary claims of the complaining DAR
alleged in the information. This is in accordance employees namely
with the aforesaid Article 2230. However, with the After the reinvestigation, the public prosecutor filed
promulgation of the Revised Rules, courts no longer a Manifestation and Motion to Admit Amended
consider the aggravating circumstances not alleged Information Deleting the Names of Other Accused
and proven in the determination of the penalty and Except Datu Guimid Matalam to which petitioner
in the award of damages. Thus, even if an filed a Motion to Dismiss and Opposition to the
aggravating circumstance has been proven, but was Motion to Admit the Alleged Amended Information
not alleged, courts will not award exemplary Against the Accused Guimid P. Matalam.
The amended information are read as follows:
Nevertheless, People v. Catubig laid down the
principle that courts may still award exemplary That on December 16, 1997 and for sometime prior
damages based on the aforementioned Article 2230, or subsequent thereto, in cotabato City, and within
even if the aggravating circumstance has not been the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above
alleged, so long as it has been proven, in criminal named accused a public officer being then the
cases instituted before the effectivity of the Revised ARMM Vice-Governor and Regional Secretary
Rules which remained pending thereafter. Catubig DAR, committing the offense while in the
reasoned that the retroactive application of the performance of his official duties and thru evident
Revised Rules should not adversely affect the vested bad faith and manifest partiality did there and then,
rights of the private offended party. willfully, unlawfully and criminally, cause undue
injury by illegally dismissing from the service
Thus, we find, in our body of jurisprudence, criminal complaining DAR-Maguindanao employees,
cases, especially those involving rape, cotabato City
dichotomized: one awarding exemplary damages,
even if an aggravating circumstance attending the In his Motion to Dismiss, petitioner alleged that the
commission of the crime had not been sufficiently amended information charges an entirely new cause
alleged but was consequently proven in the light of of action. The corpus delicti of the amended
Catubig; and another awarding exemplary damages information is no longer his alleged refusal to pay
the backwages ordered by the Civil Service
Commission, but the alleged willful, unlawful and available to bail him out in the Amended
illegal dismissal from the service of the complaining Information anymore. And further, although the
witnesses. He insists that the amended information nature of the offense charged has not changed, the
charging a separate and entirely different offense theory of the case as against accused Matalam is
cannot be admitted because there would be a serious now deemed to have been changed because the
violation of due process of law. He claims he is cause of action now varies and therefore, he would
entitled to a preliminary investigation since he was have to formulate another defense again.
not informed that he is being charged for the alleged
dismissal of the complaining witnesses and that he However, after making a meticulous and
was not given the opportunity to explain. independent assessment on the evidence obtaining
on record, this Court agrees with the findings and
On 12 January 2004, the Sandiganbayan granted the recommendation of the Public Prosecutor that the
Manifestation and Motion to Admit Amended real and exact issue in this case is actually the
Information Deleting the Names of Other Accused alleged illegal dismissal of the complaining
Except Datu Guimid P. Matalam. It admitted the witnesses. The issue of non-payment of their
Amended Information charging solely petitioner for backwages is merely incidental because had it not
Violation of Section 3(e) of Rep. Act No. 3019. The been for the alleged illegal dismissal, their demand
court a quo ruled: for monetary claims should have not arisen. Put in
another perspective, the surrounding circumstances
What seems to be more crucial here is, whether the that brought about the issue of the alleged illegal
amendments made are not prejudicial to the rights of dismissal were actually the ones that spewed the
the accused and are considered as a matter of form issue of unpaid backwages.
only, so that, if the Amended Information is
admitted, there would be no need to require the Furthermore, as correctly observed by the Public
Public Prosecutor to conduct another preliminary Prosecutor, the change in the recital of the cause of
investigation in the observance of the rights of the action does not conceivably come as a surprise to the
accused to due process. On the other hand, if the accused. In fact, in his counter-affidavit submitted
amendment would be substantial, necessarily, before the Public Prosecutor, accused Matalam
another preliminary investigation should be already took the occasion to elaborate his version on
accorded to the accused. Distinction of the two is the surrounding circumstances that brought about
thus imperative. the alleged illegal dismissal of the complaining
witnesses. And these chain of circumstances,
Interestingly, however, the change in the recital of actually, were the very preceding circumstances as
cause of action in the Amended Information is very to why the complaining witnesses had suffered their
much noticeable. As correctly pointed out by alleged injury. The need for another preliminary
accused Matalam, the corpus delicti in the original investigation is therefore not necessary.
Information was the alleged willful and
confederated refusal of the accused to pay the Given the foregoing factual milieu, the rights of
backwages of the complaining witnesses. The accused Matalam are not, after all, in any way
corpus delicti in the Amended Information is now prejudiced because an inquiry to the allegations in
altered into the alleged illegal dismissal of the the original cause of action would certainly and
complainants from their service by accused necessarily elicit substantially the same facts to the
Matalam. Certainly, the two causes of action differ inquiry of the allegations in the new cause of action
differently from each other. contained in the Amended Information.

Following the aforementioned principles laid down Sandiganbayan denied the motion for
by the Supreme Court, the amendments seem to be reconsideration
substantial considering that the main defense of all
the accused in the original information the lack of a While it is true that accused-movants defense in the
corresponding appropriation for the payment of the original information could not by itself stand alone
monetary claims of the complaining witnesses as his defense to the amended one, however, the
would not, in itself alone, stands [sic] as a defense same would still be available for the latter because
for accused Matalam in the Amended Information although the two questioned causes of action
anymore. In the same manner, the evidence that literally varied, they are nonetheless interrelated
accused Matalam would have to present in the with each other. The essential ingredients of the
original Information, had it not been found to be amended information are actually identical with
without prima facie evidence, will not be equally those constituting the original, such that, the inquiry
into one would elicit substantially the same facts that
an inquiry into the other would reveal. And since RULING: YES, the amendment is substantial in
these two causes of action had emanated from the nature hence the accused can be given
same set of factual settings, the evidence that preliminary investigation as a rule
accused-movant might have under the original
information would still be available and applicable The following have been held to be merely formal
to the amended one. amendments: (1) new allegations which relate only
to the range of the penalty that the court might
Be it noted that the private complainants lodged impose in the event of conviction; (2) an amendment
their complaint due to the alleged injury they which does not charge another offense different or
suffered as a consequence of the alleged refusal of distinct from that charged in the original one; (3)
the accused-movant to pay them of their backwages. additional allegations which do not alter the
And notably, based on the affidavit that the accused- prosecutions theory of the case so as to cause
movant had submitted, his defense to this was due to surprise to the accused and affect the form of
the lack of funds appropriated for the said purpose. defense he has or will assume; (4) an amendment
But why was there no appropriation? Because, which does not adversely affect any substantial right
allegedly, the private complainants were illegally of the accused; (5) an amendment that merely adds
dismissed from their service and as a result thereof, specifications to eliminate vagueness in the
their names were subsequently stricken off from the information and not to introduce new and material
roster of employees in the government agency where facts, and merely states with additional precision
they were connected. something which is already contained in the original
information and which adds nothing essential for
Culled from these factual settings, the root cause of conviction for the crime charged.
the alleged injury suffered by the private
complainants would therefore be their alleged illegal The test as to whether a defendant is prejudiced by
dismissal from the service. Otherwise, their names the amendment has been said to be whether a
would not have been stricken off from the roster of defense under the information as it originally stood
employees in the agency which they were connected would be available after the amendment is made,
with and the appropriation for the payment of their and whether any evidence defendant might have
salaries would have been continuously made. would be equally applicable to the information in the
one form as in the other. An amendment to an
Thus, from the foregoing, although there was a information which does not change the nature of the
change in the recital of the cause of action (from crime alleged therein does not affect the essence of
non-payment of backwages into illegal dismissal), the offense or cause surprise or deprive the accused
the amendment of the information did not however of an opportunity to meet the new averment had each
affect or alter the nature of the offense that was been held to be one of form and not of substance.
originally charged. Neither did it change the basic
theory of the prosecution since this remained to be a In the case at bar, the amendment was indeed
violation of Sec. 3(e) of R.A. 3019 on account of the substantial. The recital of facts constituting the
alleged injury caused to the private complainants. offense charged was definitely altered. In the
And even if the prosecutions theory would now be original information, the prohibited act allegedly
premised on the new cause of action (illegal committed by petitioner was the illegal and
dismissal), this would not however cause surprise to unjustifiable refusal to pay the monetary claims of
the accused-movant nor would require him to the private complainants, while in the amended
undergo a material change or modification in his information, it is the illegal dismissal from the
defense because in presenting his defense, he still service of the private complainants. However, it
has to commence from the very same set of factual cannot be denied that the alleged illegal and
settings that preceded the original cause of action. unjustifiable refusal to pay monetary claims is
And evidently, this is the reason why in the affidavit related to, and arose from, the alleged illegal
he submitted during the reinvestigation, his dismissal from the service of the private
discussions therein consisted not only of his defense complainants.
to the original information but also included an
extensive discussion regarding his defense to the Thus, the rule is: Before or after a plea, a substantial
amended one. amendment in an information entitles an accused to
another preliminary investigation. However, if the
ISSUE: W/N the amendment in the information is a amended information contains a charge related to or
substantial amendment and not merely formal is included in the original information, a new
preliminary investigation is not required.
As above-stated, the rule is that a new preliminary ground to believe that the accused is guilty of the
investigation is needed if there is a substantial offense charged and should be subjected to the
amendment. The exception, i.e., charge is related or expense, rigors and embarrassment of trial, is the
included in the original information, should not be function of the prosecution.
applied automatically. The circumstances in every
case must be taken into consideration before the Ricarze vs. CA
accused is deprived of another preliminary FACTS: Petitioner Eduardo G. Ricarze was
investigation. employed as a collector-messenger by City Service
The third element of the offense states that the public Corporation, a domestic corporation engaged in
officer acted with manifest partiality, evident bad messengerial services. He was assigned to the main
faith or gross inexcusable negligence in committing office of Caltex Philippines, Inc. (Caltex) in Makati
the prohibited act. Admittedly, the alleged illegal City. His primary task was to collect checks payable
dismissal contained in the amended charge gave rise to Caltex and deliver them to the cashier. He also
to the original charge of failure to pay the monetary delivered invoices to Caltex’s customers.
claims of private complainants. It cannot be disputed On November 6, 1997, Caltex, through its Banking
that petitioner already discussed circumstances and Insurance Department Manager Ramon
surrounding the termination of services of the Romano, filed a criminal complaint against
private complainants in his counter-affidavit. petitioner before the Office of the City Prosecutor of
However, we find nothing therein that would show Makati City for estafa through falsification of
that he had already touched the issue of evident bad commercial documents. Romano alleged that, on
faith or manifest partiality. As can be gathered from October 16, 1997, while his department was
the counter-affidavit, there were arguments tending conducting a daily electronic report from Philippine
to counter the presence of evident bad faith, manifest Commercial & Industrial Bank (PCIB) Dela Rosa,
partiality or gross inexcusable negligence, but the Makati Branch, one of its depositary banks, it was
same refer to the allegation of failure to pay the discovered that unknown to the department, a
monetary claims and not to the alleged illegal company check, Check No. 74001 dated October 13,
dismissal. Although one allegation stemmed from 1997 in the amount of ₱5,790,570.25 payable to
the other, the court a quo and the public prosecutor Dante R. Gutierrez, had been cleared through PCIB
cannot say the element of evident bad faith, manifest on October 15, 1997. An investigation also revealed
partiality or gross inexcusable negligence is the that two other checks (Check Nos. 73999 and
same in both. This being an element of the offense 74000) were also missing and that in Check No.
charged, petitioner should be given the opportunity 74001, his signature and that of another signatory,
to thoroughly adduce evidence on the matter. Victor S. Goquinco, were forgeries. Another check,
If petitioner is not to be given a new preliminary Check No. 72922 dated September 15, 1997 in the
investigation for the amended charge, his right will amount of ₱1,790,757.25 likewise payable to Dante
definitely be prejudiced because he will be denied R. Gutierrez, was also cleared through the same
his right to present evidence to show or rebut bank on September 24, 1997; this check was
evidence regarding the element of evident bad faith likewise not issued by Caltex, and the signatures
and manifest partiality on the alleged dismissal. He appearing thereon had also been forged. Upon
will be denied due process. verification, it was uncovered that Check Nos.
74001 and 72922 were deposited at the Banco de
In the case of petitioner herein, although the charge Oro’s SM Makati Branch under Savings Account
remained the same (Violation of Section 3(e), Rep. No. S/A 2004-0047245-7, in the name of a regular
Act No. 3019, as amended), the prohibited act customer of Caltex, Dante R. Gutierrez.
allegedly committed changed, that is, failure to pay
monetary claims to illegal dismissal, and he was not Gutierrez, however, disowned the savings account
given the opportunity to submit his evidence on the as well as his signatures on the dorsal portions
absence or presence of evident bad faith and thereof. He also denied having withdrawn any
manifest partiality as to the illegal dismissal. amount from said savings account. Further
Petitioner has not waived his right to a new investigation revealed that said savings account had
preliminary investigation and, instead, is asking for actually been opened by petitioner; the forged
one. checks were deposited and endorsed by him under
Gutierrez’s name. A bank teller from the Banco de
It is settled that the preliminary investigation proper, Oro, Winnie P. Donable Dela Cruz, positively
i.e., the determination of whether there is reasonable
identified petitioner as the person who opened the information as it originally stood would be available
savings account using Gutierrez’s name. after the amendment is made, and whether any
evidence defendant might have would be equally
Petitioner was arraigned on August 18, 1998, and applicable to the information in the one form as in
pleaded not guilty to both charges. the other. An amendment to an information which
Petitioner further averred that unless the does not change the nature of the crime alleged
Informations were amended to change the private therein does not affect the essence of the offense or
complainant to PCIB, his right as accused would be cause surprise or deprive the accused of an
prejudiced. He pointed out, however, that the opportunity to meet the new averment had each been
Informations can no longer be amended because he held to be one of form and not of substance.
had already been arraigned under the original In the case at bar, the substitution of Caltex by PCIB
Informations. as private complaint is not a substantial amendment.
In response, the PCIB, through SRMO, averred that The substitution did not alter the basis of the charge
as provided in Section 2, Rule 110 of the Revised in both Informations, nor did it result in any
Rules of Criminal Procedure, the erroneous prejudice to petitioner. The documentary evidence
designation of the name of the offended party is a in the form of the forged checks remained the same,
mere formal defect which can be cured by inserting and all such evidence was available to petitioner
the name of the offended party in the Information. well before the trial. Thus, he cannot claim any
To support its claim, PCIB cited the ruling of this surprise by virtue of the substitution.
Court in Sayson v. People. Petitioner’s gripe that the charges against him
On July 18, 2001, the RTC issued an Order granting should be dismissed because the allegations in both
the motion of the private prosecutor for the Informations failed to name PCIB as true offended
substitution of PCIB as private complainant for party does not hold water.
Caltex. Affirmed by CA The rules on criminal procedure require the
ISSUE: W/N the amendment via substitution of complaint or information to state the name and
Caltex to PCIB as the private complainant would surname of the person against whom or against
violate the right of the accused to be informed whose property the offense was committed or any
appellation or nickname by which such person has
RULING: NO, it is only a formal amendment been or is known and if there is no better way of
Identifying him, he must be described under a
A substantial amendment consists of the recital of
fictitious name (Rule 110, Section 11, Revised Rules
facts constituting the offense charged and
of Court; now Rule 110, Section 12 of the 1985
determinative of the jurisdiction of the court. All
Rules on Criminal Procedure.] In case of offenses
other matters are merely of form. The following
against property, the designation of the name of the
have been held to be mere formal amendments: (1)
offended party is not absolutely indispensable for as
new allegations which relate only to the range of the
long as the criminal act charged in the complaint or
penalty that the court might impose in the event of
information can be properly identified. Thus, Rule
conviction; (2) an amendment which does not
110, Section 11 of the Rules of Court
charge another offense different or distinct from that
charged in the original one; (3) additional In the instant suit for estafa which is a crime against
allegations which do not alter the prosecution’s property under the Revised Penal Code, since the
theory of the case so as to cause surprise to the check, which was the subject-matter of the offense,
accused and affect the form of defense he has or will was described with such particularity as to properly
assume; (4) an amendment which does not adversely identify the offense charged, it becomes immaterial,
affect any substantial right of the accused; and (5) an for purposes of convicting the accused,
amendment that merely adds specifications to
eliminate vagueness in the information and not to Pacoy vs. Cajigal
introduce new and material facts, and merely states FACTS: On July 4, 2002, an Information for
with additional precision something which is Homicide was filed in the RTC
already contained in the original information and
which adds nothing essential for conviction for the That on or about the 18th day of March 2002, in the
crime charged. Municipality of Mayantoc, Province of Tarlac,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
The test as to whether a defendant is prejudiced by Honorable Court, the said accused with intent to kill,
the amendment is whether a defense under the
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and unless judgment was rendered acquitting or
feloniously shot his commanding officer 2Lt. convicting the defendant in the former prosecution;
Frederick Esquita with his armalite rifle hitting and that petitioner was never acquitted or convicted of
sustaining upon 2Lt. Frederick Esquita multiple Homicide, since the Information for Homicide was
gunshot wounds on his body which caused his merely corrected/or amended before trial
instantaneous death. commenced and did not terminate the same; that the
Information for Homicide was patently insufficient
On September 12, 2002, upon arraignment, in substance, so no valid proceedings could be taken
petitioner, duly assisted by counsel de parte, pleaded thereon; and that with the allegation of aggravating
not guilty to the charge of Homicide. Respondent circumstance of "disregard of rank," the crime of
Judge set the pre-trial conference and trial on Homicide is qualified to Murder.
October 8, 2002.
Petitioner filed a Motion to Inhibit with attached
However, on the same day and after the arraignment, Motion for Reconsideration. In his Motion to
the respondent judge issued another Order, likewise Inhibit, he alleged that the respondent judge
dated September 12, 2002, directing the trial exercised jurisdiction in an arbitrary, capricious and
prosecutor to correct and amend the Information to partial manner in mandating the amendment of the
Murder in view of the aggravating circumstance of charge from Homicide to Murder in disregard of the
disregard of rank alleged in the Information which provisions of the law and existing jurisprudence.
public respondent registered as having qualified the
crime to Murder. In his Motion for Reconsideration, petitioner
reiterated that the case against him was dismissed or
Acting upon such Order, the prosecutor entered his otherwise terminated without his express consent,
amendment by crossing out the word "Homicide" which constitutes a ground to quash the information
and instead wrote the word "Murder" in the caption for murder; and that to try him again for the same
and in the opening paragraph of the Information. offense constitutes double jeopardy. Petitioner
The accusatory portion remained exactly the same stated that contrary to respondent judge's conclusion
as that of the original Information for Homicide, that disregard of rank qualifies the killing to Murder,
with the correction of the spelling of the victim’s it is a generic aggravating circumstance which only
name from "Escuita" to "Escueta." serves to affect the imposition of the period of the
On October 8, 2002, the date scheduled for pre-trial penalty. Petitioner also argued that the amendment
conference and trial, petitioner was to be re- and/or correction ordered by the respondent judge
arraigned for the crime of Murder. Counsel for was substantial; and under Section 14, Rule 110 of
petitioner objected on the ground that the latter the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, this
would be placed in double jeopardy, considering cannot be done, since petitioner had already been
that his Homicide case had been terminated without arraigned and he would be placed in double
his express consent, resulting in the dismissal of the jeopardy.
case. As petitioner refused to enter his plea on the WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Motion
amended Information for Murder, the public to Inhibit is hereby DENIED while the Motion for
respondent entered for him a plea of not guilty. Reconsideration is hereby GRANTED.
On October 28, 2002, petitioner filed a Motion to In granting the Motion for Reconsideration,
Quash with Motion to Suspend Proceedings Pending respondent judge found that a close scrutiny of
the Resolution of the Instant Motion on the ground Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code shows that
of double jeopardy. Petitioner alleged that in the "disregard of rank" is merely a generic mitigating
Information for Homicide, he was validly indicted circumstance which should not elevate the
and arraigned before a competent court, and the case classification of the crime of homicide to murder.
was terminated without his express consent; that
when the case for Homicide was terminated without ISSUE: W/N the amendment of the original
his express consent, the subsequent filing of the information for homicide to murder is substantial
Information for Murder in lieu of Homicide placed
him in double jeopardy. RULING: NO, the amendment is merely formal

In an Order dated October 25, 2002, the respondent We find no merit in petitioner's contention that the
judge denied the Motion to Quash. He ruled that a respondent judge committed grave abuse of
claim of former acquittal or conviction does not discretion in amending the Information after
constitute double jeopardy and cannot be sustained
petitioner had already pleaded not guilty to the includes or is necessarily included in, the offense
charge in the Information for Homicide. charged in the first information. In this connection,
an offense may be said to necessarily include
Petitioner confuses the procedure and effects of another when some of the essential elements or
amendment or substitution under Section 14, Rule ingredients of the former, as this is alleged in the
110 of the Rules of Court information, constitute the latter. And, vice-versa,
SEC. 14. Amendment or substitution. — A an offense may be said to be necessarily included in
complaint or information may be amended, in form another when the essential ingredients of the former
or in substance, without leave of court, at any time constitute or form a part of those constituting the
before the accused enters his plea. After the plea and latter.
during the trial, a formal amendment may only be In the present case, the change of the offense
made with leave of court and when it can be done charged from Homicide to Murder is merely a
without causing prejudice to the rights of the formal amendment and not a substantial amendment
accused. or a substitution as defined in Teehankee.
If it appears at any time before judgment that a While the amended Information was for Murder, a
mistake has been made in charging the proper reading of the Information shows that the only
offense, the court shall dismiss the original change made was in the caption of the case; and in
complaint or information upon the filing of a new the opening paragraph or preamble of the
one charging the proper offense in accordance with Information, with the crossing out of word
Rule 119, Section 11, provided the accused would "Homicide" and its replacement by the word
not be placed thereby in double jeopardy, and may "Murder." There was no change in the recital of facts
also require the witnesses to give bail for their constituting the offense charged or in the
appearance at the trial. determination of the jurisdiction of the court. The
With Section 19, Rule 119 of which provides: averments in the amended Information for Murder
are exactly the same as those already alleged in the
SEC. 19. When mistake has been made in charging original Information for Homicide, as there was not
the proper offense. - When it becomes manifest at at all any change in the act imputed to petitioner, i.e.,
any time before judgment that a mistake has been the killing of 2Lt. Escueta without any qualifying
made in charging the proper offense and the accused circumstance. Thus, we find that the amendment
cannot be convicted of the offense charged or any made in the caption and preamble from "Homicide"
other offense necessarily included therein, the to "Murder" as purely formal.
accused shall not be discharged if there appears
good cause to detain him. In such case, the court Section 14, Rule 110 also provides that in allowing
shall commit the accused to answer for the proper formal amendments in cases in which the accused
offense and dismiss the original case upon the filing has already pleaded, it is necessary that the
of the proper information. amendments do not prejudice the rights of the
accused. The test of whether the rights of an accused
In determining, therefore, whether there should be are prejudiced by the amendment of a complaint or
an amendment under the first paragraph of Section information is whether a defense under the
14, Rule 110, or a substitution of information under complaint or information, as it originally stood,
the second paragraph thereof, the rule is that where would no longer be available after the amendment is
the second information involves the same offense, or made; and when any evidence the accused might
an offense which necessarily includes or is have would be inapplicable to the complaint or
necessarily included in the first information, an information. Since the facts alleged in the
amendment of the information is sufficient; accusatory portion of the amended Information are
otherwise, where the new information charges an identical with those of the original Information for
offense which is distinct and different from that Homicide, there could not be any effect on the
initially charged, a substitution is in order. prosecution's theory of the case; neither would there
be any possible prejudice to the rights or defense of
There is identity between the two offenses when the
evidence to support a conviction for one offense
would be sufficient to warrant a conviction for the Next, we determine whether petitioner was placed in
other, or when the second offense is exactly the same double jeopardy by the change of the charge from
as the first, or when the second offense is an attempt Homicide to Murder; and subsequently, from
to commit or a frustration of, or when it necessarily Murder back to Homicide. Petitioner's claim that the
respondent judge committed grave abuse of one charging the proper offense in accordance with
discretion in denying his Motion to Quash the section 19, Rule 119, provided the accused shall not
Amended Information for Murder on the ground of be placed in double jeopardy. The court may require
double jeopardy is not meritorious. the witnesses to give bail for their appearance at the
SEC. 7. Former conviction or acquittal; double
jeopardy. — When an accused has been convicted Evidently, the last paragraph of Section 14, Rule
or acquitted, or the case against him dismissed or 110, applies only when the offense charged is
otherwise terminated without his express consent by wholly different from the offense proved, i.e., the
a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a valid accused cannot be convicted of a crime with which
complaint or information or other formal charge he was not charged in the information even if it be
sufficient in form and substance to sustain a proven, in which case, there must be a dismissal of
conviction and after the accused had pleaded to the the charge and a substitution of a new information
charge, the conviction or acquittal of the accused or charging the proper offense. Section 14 does not
the dismissal of the case shall be a bar to another apply to a second information, which involves the
prosecution for the offense charged, or for any same offense or an offense which necessarily
attempt to commit the same or frustration thereof, or includes or is necessarily included in the first
for any offense which necessarily includes or is information. In this connection, the offense charged
necessarily included in the offense charged in the necessarily includes the offense proved when some
former complaint or information. of the essential elements or ingredients of the
former, as alleged in the complaint or information,
Thus, there is double jeopardy when the following constitute the latter. And an offense charged is
requisites are present: (1) a first jeopardy attached necessarily included in the offense proved when the
prior to the second; (2) the first jeopardy has been essential ingredients of the former constitute or form
validly terminated; and (3) a second jeopardy is for a part of those constituting the latter.
the same offense as in the first.
Homicide is necessarily included in the crime of
It is the conviction or acquittal of the accused or the murder; thus, the respondent judge merely ordered
dismissal or termination of the case that bars further the amendment of the Information and not the
prosecution for the same offense or any attempt to dismissal of the original Information. To repeat, it
commit the same or the frustration thereof; or was the same original information that was amended
prosecution for any offense which necessarily by merely crossing out the word "Homicide" and
includes or is necessarily included in the offense writing the word "Murder," instead, which showed
charged in the former complaint or information that there was no dismissal of the homicide case.
Petitioner's insistence that the respondent judge Duplicity of the Offense
dismissed or terminated his case for homicide
without his express consent, which is tantamount to People vs. Chingh
an acquittal, is misplaced.
FACTS: On March 19, 2005, an Information for
Dismissal of the first case contemplated by Section Rape was filed against Armando for inserting his
presupposes a definite or unconditional dismissal fingers and afterwards his penis into the private part
which terminates the case. And for the dismissal to of his minor victim, VVV
be a bar under the jeopardy clause, it must have the
effect of acquittal. That on or before March 11, 2004 in the City of
Manila, Philippines, [Armando], with lewd design
The respondent judge's Order dated September 12, and by means of force, violence and intimidation did
2002 was for the trial prosecutor to correct and then and there willfully, unlawfully and knowingly
amend the Information but not to dismiss the same commit sexual abuse and lascivious conduct upon a
upon the filing of a new Information charging the ten (10) year old minor child, [VVV], by then and
proper offense as contemplated under the last there pulling her in a dark place then mashing her
paragraph of Section 14, Rule 110 of the Rules of breast and inserting his fingers in her vagina and
Court -- which, for convenience, we quote again -- afterwards his penis, against her will and consent,
thereby causing serious danger to the normal growth
If it appears at anytime before judgment that a and development of the child [VVV], to her damage
mistake has been made in charging the proper and prejudice.
offense, the court shall dismiss the original
complaint or information upon the filing of a new
Born on 16 September 1993, VVV was only 10 RULING: NO, it did not commit any error, any
years old at the time of the incident. On 11 March defect in the information was already waive for
2004 at around 8:00 p.m., along with five other failure of the accused to question it
playmates, VVV proceeded to a store to buy food.
While she was beckoning the storekeeper, who was From the Information, it is clear that Armando was
not then at her station, Armando approached and being charged with two offenses, Rape under
pulled her hand and threatened not to shout for help paragraph 1 (d), Article 266-A of the Revised Penal
or talk. Armando brought her to a vacant lot at Code, and rape as an act of sexual assault under
Tindalo Street, about 400 meters from the store. paragraph 2, Article 266-A. Armando was charged
While in a standing position beside an unoccupied with having carnal knowledge of VVV, who was
passenger jeepney, Armando mashed her breast and under twelve years of age at the time, under
inserted his right hand index finger into her private paragraph 1 (d) of Article 266-A, and he was also
part. Despite VVV’s pleas for him to stop, Armando charged with committing an act of sexual assault by
unzipped his pants, lifted VVV and rammed his inserting his finger into the genital of VVV under
phallus inside her vagina, causing her to feel the second paragraph of Article 266-A. Indeed, two
excruciating pain. instances of rape were proven at the trial. First, it
was established that Armando inserted his penis into
Armando denied that he raped VVV. Under his the private part of his victim, VVV. Second, through
version, in (sic) the night of 11 March 2004, he and the testimony of VVV, it was proven that Armando
his granddaughter were on their way to his cousin’s also inserted his finger in VVV’s private part.
house at Payumo St., Tondo, Manila. As it was
already late, he told his granddaughter to just go The Information has sufficiently informed accused-
home ahead of him while he decided to go to appellant that he is being charged with two counts of
Blumentritt market to buy food. While passing by a rape. Although two offenses were charged, which is
small alley on his way thereto, he saw VVV along a violation of Section 13, Rule 110 of the Revised
with some companions, peeling "dalanghita." VVV Rules of Criminal Procedure, which states that "[a]
approached him and asked if she could go with him complaint or information must charge only one
to the market because she will buy "dalanghita" or offense, except when the law prescribes a single
sunkist. He refused her request and told VVV punishment for various offenses." Nonetheless,
instead to go home. He then proceeded towards Section 3, Rule 120 of the Revised Rules of
Blumentritt, but before he could reach the market, Criminal Procedure also states that "[w]hen two or
he experienced rheumatic pains that prompted him more offenses are charged in a single complaint or
to return home. Upon arriving home, at about 8:30 information but the accused fails to object to it
o’clock in the evening, he watched television with before trial, the court may convict the appellant of
his wife and children. Shortly thereafter, three (3) as many as are charged and proved, and impose on
barangay officials arrived, arrested him, and brought him the penalty for each offense, setting out
him to a police precinct where he was informed of separately the findings of fact and law in each
VVV’s accusation against him. offense." Consequently, since Armando failed to file
a motion to quash the Information, he can be
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court convicted with two counts of rape.
beyond reasonable doubt as principal of the crime of Venue for Criminal Actions
Statutory Rape defined and penalized under Article Foz Jr. vs. People
266-A, paragraph 1 (d) of the Revised Penal Code
as amended by RA 8353 and is hereby sentenced to FACTS: In an Information3 dated October 17, 1994
suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua and to filed before the RTC of Iloilo City, petitioners
indemnify private complainant [VVV] the amount Vicente Foz, Jr. and Danny G. Fajardo were charged
of fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000) as moral damages with the crime of libel committed as follows:
and to pay the costs.
That on or about the 5th day of July, 1994 in the City
CA affirmed the decision of RTC and finding him of Iloilo, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of
also guilty for the crime of sexual assault this court, both the accused as columnist and Editor-
Publisher, respectively, of Panay News, a daily
ISSUE: W/N CA did not commit any error when it publication with a considerable circulation in the
found the accused guilty of sexual assault along with City of Iloilo and throughout the region, did then and
the crime of statutory rape there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously with
malicious intent of impeaching the virtue, honesty,
integrity and reputation of Dr. Edgar Portigo, a allegedly committed therein by the accused. Thus, it
physician and medical practitioner in Iloilo City, and cannot take jurisdiction over a person charged with
with the malicious intent of injuring and exposing an offense allegedly committed outside of that
said Dr. Edgar Portigo to public hatred, contempt limited territory. Furthermore, the jurisdiction of a
and ridicule, write and publish in the regular issue of court over the criminal case is determined by the
said daily publication on July 5, 1994, a certain allegations in the complaint or information. And
article entitled "MEET DR. PORTIGO, once it is so shown, the court may validly take
COMPANY PHYSICIAN," cognizance of the case.

The article is all about how Dr. Portigo treats The criminal action and civil action for damages in
patients for profit instead of helping the patient cases of written defamations, as provided for in this
under their sworn duty chapter shall be filed simultaneously or separately
with the court of first instance of the province or city
WHEREFORE, in the light of the facts obtaining where the libelous article is printed and first
and the jurisprudence aforecited, JUDGMENT is published or where any of the offended parties
hereby rendered finding both accused Danny actually resides at the time of the commission of the
Fajardo and Vicente Foz, Jr. GUILTY BEYOND offense: Provided, however, That where one of the
REASONABLE DOUBT for the crime of Libel offended parties is a public officer whose office is in
This was affirmed by CA the City of Manila at the time of the commission of
the offense, the action shall be filed in the Court of
ISSUE: W/N the RTC of Iloilo City, Branch 23, had First Instance of the City of Manila or of the city or
jurisdiction over the offense of libel as charged in province where the libelous article is printed and
the Information dated October 17, 1994 first published, and in case such public officer does
not hold office in the City of Manila, the action shall
RULING: NO, Iloilo has no jurisdiction to hear be filed in the Court of First Instance of the province
the case
or city where he held office at the time of the
The Court notes that petitioners raised for the first commission of the offense or where the libelous
time the issue of the RTC's jurisdiction over the article is printed and first published and in case one
offense charged only in their Reply filed before this of the offended parties is a private individual, the
Court and finds that petitioners are not precluded action shall be filed in the Court of First Instance of
from doing so. the province or city where he actually resides at the
time of the commission of the offense or where the
Nonetheless, the rule is settled that an objection libelous matter is printed and first published
based on the ground that the court lacks jurisdiction
over the offense charged may be raised or Applying the foregoing law to this case, since Dr.
considered motu proprio by the court at any stage of Portigo is a private individual at the time of the
the proceedings or on appeal. Moreover, jurisdiction publication of the alleged libelous article, the venue
over the subject matter in a criminal case cannot be of the libel case may be in the province or city where
conferred upon the court by the accused, by express the libelous article was printed and first published,
waiver or otherwise, since such jurisdiction is or in the province where Dr. Portigo actually resided
conferred by the sovereign authority which at the time of the commission of the offense.
organized the court, and is given only by law in the
The allegations in the Information that "Panay
manner and form prescribed by law. While an
News, a daily publication with a considerable
exception to this rule was recognized by this Court
circulation in the City of Iloilo and throughout the
beginning with the landmark case of Tijam vs.
region" only showed that Iloilo was the place where
Sibonghanoy, wherein the defense of lack of
Panay News was in considerable circulation but did
jurisdiction by the court which rendered the
not establish that the said publication was printed
questioned ruling was considered to be barred by
and first published in Iloilo City.
Article 360 of the Revised Penal Code as amended
It is a fundamental rule that for jurisdiction to be
provides that a private individual may also file the
acquired by courts in criminal cases the offense
libel case in the RTC of the province where he
should have been committed or any one of its
actually resided at the time of the commission of the
essential ingredients took place within the territorial
offense. The Information filed against petitioners
jurisdiction of the court. Territorial jurisdiction in
failed to allege the residence of Dr. Portigo. While
criminal cases is the territory where the court has
the Information alleges that "Dr. Edgar Portigo is a
jurisdiction to take cognizance or to try the offense
physician and medical practitioner in Iloilo City," and reset the hearing on June 27, 2012, thereby,
such allegation did not clearly and positively delaying the process by five (5) months; that the
indicate that he was actually residing in Iloilo City delay violated her constitutional right to a speedy
at the time of the commission of the offense. It is trial; and that in his Comment7 filed before the
possible that Dr. Portigo was actually residing in MeTC, Villena opposed the motion to quash and
another place. contended that "the court had already determined
probable cause when it issued the warrant of arrest,
The residence of a person is his personal, actual or thus, it has effectively mooted the resolution of any
physical habitation or his actual residence or place issue concerning jurisdiction, venue and sufficiency
of abode provided he resides therein with continuity of evidence against the complainant."
and consistency; no particular length of time of
residence is required. However, the residence must De Dios, the investigating prosecutor, averred that
be more than temporary. The term residence the information for libel against complainant was
involves the idea of something beyond a transient filed before the MeTC due to inadvertence and that
stay in the place; and to be a resident, one must abide no malice or gross ignorance of the law attended it.
in a place where he had a house therein. To create a He added that the information was later on filed with
residence in a particular place, two fundamental the RTC-Pasig, Branch 266, docketed as Criminal
elements are essential: The actual bodily presence in Case No. 149408, after the case filed before the
the place, combined with a freely exercised intention MeTC was quashed.
of remaining there permanently or for an indefinite
time The trial prosecutor, Villena, in his Comment,
countered that the filing of the information was not
Considering that the Information failed to allege the within his discretion as he was not the investigating
venue requirements for a libel case under Article prosecutor and that it was not his duty to review the
360, the Court finds that the RTC of Iloilo City had resolution of the investigating prosecutor as he had
no jurisdiction to hear this case. Thus, its decision no authority to approve or disapprove an
convicting petitioners of the crime of libel should be information or its filing in court. His participation
set aside for want of jurisdiction without prejudice commenced only after it was filed with the MeTC.
to its filing with the court of competent jurisdiction. He averred that the "Supreme Court had been very
clear that once the information was filed in court,
Mary Rose Boto vs. Villena what to do with it is solely the court's prerogative
FACTS: Boto charged respondents Villena, and discretion. No one else can impose on the court,
Manabat and De Dios with gross ignorance of the not even the Secretary of Justice much more this
law for filing the information for libel before the respondent." Thus, he could not be expected to call
MeTC and for opposing the motion to quash despite the court's attention that it erred in taking cognizance
the knowledge that the said first level court had no of the case. He could not be charged with gross
jurisdiction over the case. ignorance of the law since he was not the person
whose judgment was called on to decide on whether
Boto alleged that on January 13, 2012, the or not the court had jurisdiction.
Information2 charging her with libel was filed
before the MeTC; that on the same day, the MeTC ISSUE: W/N MeTC has jurisdiction over the case
issued a warrant for her arrest;3 that on January 25, RULING: NO, the court has no jurisdiction
2012, she posted bail4 and was informed that the
arraignment and trial were scheduled on February Article 360 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC)
13, 2012; that before the scheduled arraignment, she explicitly provides that jurisdiction over libel cases
filed the Motion to Quash5 the information on the are lodged with the RTC. The criminal and civil
ground of lack of jurisdiction as the crime of libel action for damages in cases of written defamations
falls within, the exclusive jurisdiction of the shall be filed simultaneously or separately with the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) and not with the MeTC RTC of the province or city where the libelous
and that there was no crime as internet libel; that article is printed and first published or where any of
acting thereon, the MeTC, instead of dismissing the the offended parties actually resides at the time of
case, issued the Order6 requiring the trial prosecutor the commission of the offense. Jurisprudence is
to file his comment within ten (10) days and replete with decisions on the exclusive jurisdiction
resetting the arraignment to April 13, 2012; that of the RTC to hear and try libel cases. In fact, the
despite the lapse of the period granted, Villena failed language of the law cannot be any clearer; its
to file the required comment within the period meaning is free from doubt. All that is required is
prompting the MeTC to extend the filing of the same application.
De Dios candidly admitted that inadvertence of prudence, if not his incompetence, in the
attended the filing of the information for libel with performance of his duties.
the MeTC. He did not, however, proffer any
justification or explanation for the error. He did not Moreover, by not immediately filing a comment, he
claim that the mistake was either typographical or cannot blame the complainant for claiming that her
was a result of the application of a default form or right to a speedy trial was violated. It cannot be
template. In the Court's view, it was plain argued that no prejudice was caused against her
carelessness. As no malice can be attributed, he because the error was immediately corrected and the
merely deserves a reprimand. information was properly filed with the RTC. Boto
was adversely affected not because the MeTC
Manabat, on the other hand, should have been more immediately issued a warrant for her arrest, but
cautious and careful in reviewing the report and because the prosecution of the case, meritorious or
recommendation of his subordinate. He should not not, was considerably delayed. The Court takes
have approved the information and its filing in the judicial notice that proceedings at the first level
wrong court considering that his office was very courts, especially in cities and capital towns, are
knowledgeable of the law that jurisdiction in libel relatively slower than those at the RTC because of
cases lies with the RTC. In fact, he cited several libel its more numerous pending cases.
cases which his office filed with the proper court. As
the head of office, he should be admonished to be Trenas vs. People
more careful as his office is in the forefront in the FACTS: Sometime in December 1999, Margarita
administration of criminal justice. Alocilja (Margarita) wanted to buy a house-and-lot
While De Dios and Manabat can validly claim in Iloilo City covered by TCT No. 109266. It was
inadvertence, Villena cannot invoke the same then mortgaged with Maybank. The bank manager
defense in his handling of the case. Indeed, he did Joselito Palma recommended the appellant Hector
not file the information with the MeTC as he was not Treñas (Hector) to private complainant Elizabeth,
the investigating prosecutor, but merely the trial who was an employee and niece of Margarita, for
prosecutor. He, however, mishandled the case which advice regarding the transfer of the title in the
prejudiced the complainant. latter’s name. Hector informed Elizabeth that for the
titling of the property in the name of her aunt
When the motion to quash was filed by Boto for lack Margarita, expenses will be occurred.
of jurisdiction, Villena should have immediately
acted on it by not opposing the dismissal of the case. Thereafter, Elizabeth gave P150,000.00 to Hector
who issued a corresponding receipt dated December
Patently, this responsive pleading of Villena 22, 1999 and prepared [a] Deed of Sale with
demonstrates that he did not know the elementary Assumption of Mortgage. Subsequently, Hector
rules on jurisdiction. Fundamental is the rule that gave Elizabeth Revenue Official Receipt Nos.
jurisdiction is conferred by law and is not within the 00084370 for P96,000.00 and 00084369 for
courts, let alone the parties themselves, to determine P24,000.00. However, when she consulted with the
or conveniently set aside.18 It cannot be waived BIR, she was informed that the receipts were fake.
except for those judicially recognizable grounds like When confronted, Hector admitted to her that the
estoppel. And it is not mooted by an action of a court receipts were fake and that he used the P120,000.00
in an erroneously filed case. It has been held in a for his other transactions. Elizabeth demanded the
plethora of cases that when the law or procedure is return of the money.
so elementary, not to know, or to act as if one does
not know it, constitutes gross ignorance of the law, To settle his accounts, appellant Hector issued in
even without the complainant having to prove favor of Elizabeth a Bank of Commerce check No.
malice or bad faith.19cralawlibrary 0042856 dated November 10, 2000 in the amount of
P120,000.00, deducting from P150,000.00 the
Villena should have even initiated the move for the P30,000.00 as attorney’s fees. When the check was
dismissal of the case on the ground of lack of deposited with the PCIBank, Makati Branch, the
jurisdiction. Instead of taking the initiative, he even same was dishonored for the reason that the account
opposed the motion to quash the information. At any was closed. Notwithstanding repeated formal and
rate, respondents are not barred from refiling the verbal demands, appellant failed to pay. Thus, the
case before the proper court if probable cause to hold instant case of Estafa was filed against him.
the complainant liable really exists. His dismal
failure to apply the basic rule on jurisdiction That on or about the 23rd day of December, 1999, in
amounts to ignorance of the law and reflects his lack the City of Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the The place where the crime was committed
above-named accused, received in trust from determines not only the venue of the action but is an
ELIZABETH LUCIAJA the amount of P150,000.00 essential element of jurisdiction. It is a fundamental
which money was given to her by her aunt Margarita rule that for jurisdiction to be acquired by courts in
Alocilja, with the express obligation on the part of criminal cases, the offense should have been
the accused to use the said amount for expenses and committed or any one of its essential ingredients
fees in connection with the purchase of a parcel of should have taken place within the territorial
land covered by TCT No. T-109266, but the said jurisdiction of the court. Territorial jurisdiction in
accused, once in possession of the said amount, with criminal cases is the territory where the court has
the intent to gain and abuse of confidence, did then jurisdiction to take cognizance or to try the offense
and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously allegedly committed therein by the accused. Thus, it
misappropriate, misapply and convert to his own cannot take jurisdiction over a person charged with
personal use and benefit the amount of P130,000.00 an offense allegedly committed outside of that
less attorney’s fees and the said accused failed and limited territory. Furthermore, the jurisdiction of a
refused and still fails and refuses to do so, to the court over the criminal case is determined by the
damage and prejudice of complainant Elizabeth allegations in the complaint or information. And
Luciaja and Margarita Alocilja in the once it is so shown, the court may validly take
aforementioned amount of P130,000.00. cognizance of the case. However, if the evidence
adduced during the trial shows that the offense was
In his Motion for Reconsideration before the RTC, committed somewhere else, the court should dismiss
petitioner raised the argument that it had no the action for want of jurisdiction
jurisdiction over the offense charged. The trial court
denied the motion, without citing any specific In a criminal case, the prosecution must not only
evidence upon which its findings were based, and by prove that the offense was committed, it must also
relying on conjecture prove the identity of the accused and the fact that the
offense was committed within the jurisdiction of the
RTC held him guilty for the crime charged and court.
affirmed by CA
In this case, the prosecution failed to show that the
ISSUE: W/N Makati Court has jurisdiction over the offense of estafa under Section 1, paragraph (b) of
case Article 315 of the RPC was committed within the
RULING: NO, it has no jurisdiction over the said jurisdiction of the RTC of Makati City.
case Ordinarily, this statement would have been
Besides, if this Court were to seriously assay his sufficient to vest jurisdiction in the RTC of Makati.
assertions, the same would still not warrant a However, the Affidavit of Complaint executed by
reversal of the assailed judgment. Even if the Deed Elizabeth does not contain any allegation as to
of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage was executed where the offense was committed. It provides in
on 22 December 999 in Iloilo City, it cannot part:
preclude the fact that the P150,000.00 was delivered 4. THAT on 23 December 1999, [Elizabeth]
to him by private complainant Luciaja in Makati personally entrusted to ATTY. HECTOR TREÑAS
City the following day. His reasoning the money the sum of P150,000.00 to be expended as agreed
must have been delivered to him in Iloilo City and ATTY. HECTOR TREÑAS issued to me a
because it was to be used for paying the taxes with receipt, a photo copy of which is hereto attached as
the BIR office in that city does not inspire Annex "B",
concurrence. The records show that he did not even
pay the taxes because the BIR receipts he gave to 5. THAT despite my several follow-ups with ATTY.
private complainant were fake documents. Thus, his HECTOR TREÑAS, the latter failed to transfer the
argumentation in this regard is too specious to title of aforesaid property to MRS. MARGARITA
consider favorably. ALOCILJA. He also failed to pay the capital gains
tax, documentary stamps and BIR-related expenses.
The overarching consideration in this case is the What ATTY. HECTOR TREÑAS accomplished
principle that, in criminal cases, venue is was only the preparation of the Deed of Sale
jurisdictional. A court cannot exercise jurisdiction covering aforesaid property. A copy of said Deed of
over a person charged with an offense committed Sale is hereto attached as Annex "C",
outside its limited territory.
6. THAT in view of my persistent follow-ups, inconvenience in looking for his witnesses and other
ATTY. HECTOR TREÑAS issued to me a check for evidence in another place.
refund of the sum given to him less the attorney’s
fee of P20,000.00 and the sum of P10,000.00 Intervention of Offended Party
allegedly paid to BIR or in the net sum of Pue Liong vs. Chin Lee
P120,000.00. x x x
FACTS: On July 19, 1999, petitioner’s siblings
7. THAT when said check was deposited at including respondent and some unidentified persons
EQUITABLE PCI BANK dela Rosa-Rada Branch took over and barricaded themselves inside the
at Makati City, the same was dishonored by the premises of a factory owned by CKC. Petitioner and
drawee bank for the reason: ACCOUNT CLOSED. other factory employees were unable to enter the
x x x21 factory premises.
Aside from the lone allegation in the Information, no On June 14, 1999, petitioner on behalf of CHI
other evidence was presented by the prosecution to caused the filing of a verified Petition for the
prove that the offense or any of its elements was Issuance of an Owner’s Duplicate Copy of Transfer
committed in Makati City. Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 232238 which covers
There is nothing in the documentary evidence a property owned by CHI.
offered by the prosecution that points to where the by virtue of his position as President of CHI, he had
offense, or any of its elements, was committed. A in his custody and possession the owner’s duplicate
review of the testimony of Elizabeth also shows that copy of TCT No. 232238 issued by the Register of
there was no mention of the place where the offense Deeds for Manila; (2) that said owner’s copy of TCT
was allegedly committed No. 232238 was inadvertently lost or misplaced
Although the prosecution alleged that the check from his files and he discovered such loss in May
issued by petitioner was dishonored in a bank in 1999; (3) he exerted diligent efforts in locating the
Makati, such dishonor is not an element of the said title but it had not been found and is already
offense of estafa under Article 315, par. 1 (b) of the beyond recovery; and (4) said title had not been the
RPC. subject of mortgage or used as collateral for the
payment of any obligation with any person, credit or
Indeed, other than the lone allegation in the banking institution. Petitioner likewise testified in
information, there is nothing in the prosecution support of the foregoing averments during an ex-
evidence which even mentions that any of the parte proceeding.
elements of the offense were committed in Makati.
The rule is settled that an objection may be raised Respondent, joined by her brother Nixon Lee, filed
based on the ground that the court lacks jurisdiction an Omnibus Motion praying, among others, that the
over the offense charged, or it may be considered September 17, 1999 Order be set aside claiming that
motu proprio by the court at any stage of the petitioner knew fully well that respondent was in
proceedings or on appeal.25 Moreover, jurisdiction possession of the said Owner’s Duplicate Copy, the
over the subject matter in a criminal case cannot be latter being the Corporate Treasurer and custodian
conferred upon the court by the accused, by express of vital documents of CHI.
waiver or otherwise. That jurisdiction is conferred On June 7, 2000, respondent executed a
by the sovereign authority that organized the court Supplemental Affidavit to clarify that she was
and is given only by law in the manner and form accusing petitioner of perjury allegedly committed
prescribed by law. on the following occasions: (1) by declaring in the
Section 15 (a) of Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on VERIFICATION the veracity of the contents in his
Criminal Procedure of 2000 provides that "[s]ubject petition filed with the RTC of Manila concerning his
to existing laws, the criminal action shall be claim that TCT No. 232238 was in his possession
instituted and tried in the court of the municipality but was lost; (2) by declaring under oath in his
or territory where the offense was committed or affidavit of loss that said TCT was lost; and (3) by
where any of its essential ingredients occurred." testifying under oath that the said TCT was
This fundamental principle is to ensure that the inadvertently lost from his files.
defendant is not compelled to move to, and appear The Investigating Prosecutor recommended the
in, a different court from that of the province where dismissal of the case. However, in the Review
the crime was committed as it would cause him great Resolution dated December 1, 2000 issued by First
Assistant City Prosecutor Eufrosino A. Sulla, the
recommendation to dismiss the case was set aside. RULING: YES, there can be a private prosecutor
Thereafter, said City Prosecutor filed the that can intervene
Informations docketed as Criminal Case Nos.
352270-71 CR for perjury, punishable under Article Generally, the basis of civil liability arising from
183 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, against crime is the fundamental postulate of our law that
petitioner before the MeTC of Manila, Branch 28. "[e]very person criminally liable x x x is also civilly
liable." Underlying this legal principle is the
Complying with the MeTC’s directive, petitioner traditional theory that when a person commits a
filed the aforementioned Omnibus Motion asserting crime, he offends two entities, namely (1) the
that in the crime of perjury punishable under Article society in which he lives in or the political entity,
183 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, there is called the State, whose law he has violated; and (2)
no mention of any private offended party. As such, the individual member of that society whose person,
a private prosecutor cannot intervene for the right, honor, chastity or property was actually or
prosecution in this case. directly injured or damaged by the same punishable
act or omission.
The MeTC denied the Omnibus Motion in the Order
Section 12, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of
[W]hile criminal actions, as a rule, are prosecuted Criminal Procedure, as amended, defines an
under the direction and control of the public offended party as "the person against whom or
prosecutor, however, an offended party may against whose property the offense was committed."
intervene in the proceeding, personally or by
attorney, especially in cases of offenses which Under Section 16, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of
cannot be prosecuted except at the instance of the Criminal Procedure, the offended party may also be
offended party. The only exception to this rule is a private individual whose person, right, house,
when the offended party waives his right to [file the] liberty or property was actually or directly injured
civil action or expressly reserves his right to institute by the same punishable act or omission of the
it after the termination of the case, in which case he accused, or that corporate entity which is damaged
loses his right to intervene upon the theory that he is or injured by the delictual acts complained of. Such
deemed to have lost his interest in its prosecution. party must be one who has a legal right; a substantial
And, in any event, whenever an offended party interest in the subject matter of the action as will
intervenes in the prosecution of a criminal action, his entitle him to recourse under the substantive law, to
intervention must always be subject to the direction recourse if the evidence is sufficient or that he has
and control of the public prosecutor. the legal right to the demand and the accused will be
protected by the satisfaction of his civil liabilities.
Apparently, the law makes no distinction between Such interest must not be a mere expectancy,
cases that are public in nature and those that can only subordinate or inconsequential. The interest of the
be prosecuted at the instance of the offended party. party must be personal; and not one based on a desire
In either case, the law gives to the offended party the to vindicate the constitutional right of some third
right to intervene, personally or by counsel, and he and unrelated party.
is deprived of such right only when he waives the
civil action or reserves his right to institute one. In this case, the statement of petitioner regarding his
Such is not the situation in this case. The case at bar custody of TCT No. 232238 covering CHI’s
involves a public crime and the private prosecution property and its loss through inadvertence, if found
has asserted its right to intervene in the proceedings, to be perjured is, without doubt, injurious to
subject to the direction and control of the public respondent’s personal credibility and reputation
prosecutor. insofar as her faithful performance of the duties and
responsibilities of a Board Member and Treasurer of
The CA ruled in favor of respondent, holding that CHI. The potential injury to the corporation itself is
the presence of the private prosecutor who was likewise undeniable as the court-ordered issuance of
under the control and supervision of the public a new owner’s duplicate of TCT No. 232238 was
prosecutor during the criminal proceedings of the only averted by respondent’s timely discovery of the
two perjury cases is not proscribed by the rules. The case filed by petitioner in the RTC.
CA ratiocinated that respondent is no stranger to the
perjury cases as she is the private complainant Thus, where the private prosecution has asserted its
therein, hence, an aggrieved party. right to intervene in the proceedings, that right must
be respected. The right reserved by the Rules to the
ISSUE: W/N there can be a private prosecutor to the offended party is that of intervening for the sole
case at bar purpose of enforcing the civil liability born of the
criminal act and not of demanding punishment of the
accused. Such intervention, moreover, is always
subject to the direction and control of the public

Under the Rules, where the civil action for recovery

of civil liability is instituted in the criminal action
pursuant to Rule 111, the offended party may
intervene by counsel in the prosecution of the
offense. Rule 111(a) of the Rules of Criminal
Procedure provides that, "[w]hen a criminal action
is instituted, the civil action arising from the offense
charged shall be deemed instituted with the criminal
action unless the offended party waives the civil
action, reserves the right to institute it separately, or
institutes the civil action prior to the criminal

Private respondent did not waive the civil action, nor

did she reserve the right to institute it separately, nor
institute the civil action for damages arising from the
offense charged. Thus, we find that the private
prosecutors can intervene in the trial of the criminal

When the civil action is instituted with the criminal

action, evidence should be taken of the damages
claimed and the court should determine who are the
persons entitled to such indemnity. The civil liability
arising from the crime may be determined in the
criminal proceedings if the offended party does not
waive to have it adjudged or does not reserve the
right to institute a separate civil action against the
defendant. Accordingly, if there is no waiver or
reservation of civil liability, evidence should be
allowed to establish the extent of injuries suffered.

In the case before us, there was neither a waiver nor

a reservation made; nor did the offended party
institute a separate civil action. It follows that
evidence should be allowed in the criminal
proceedings to establish the civil liability arising
from the offense committed, and the private
offended party has the right to intervene through the
private prosecutors.

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