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OFFICE: Business Administration 403 In the College of Arts and Letters

TELEPHONE: (619) 594-6588
FAX: (619) 594-5293

Faculty 101. Elementary/Intensive Portuguese I (5) I

Chair: Kish Five lectures and one hour of laboratory.
Professor: Silverman Prerequisite: Three years of high school Romance language or two
semesters of college romance language.
Offered by the Department of Pronunciation, oral practice, reading on Luso-Brazilian culture and
Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures civilization, essentials of grammar. Not open to students who have
Major in European studies, with emphasis in Portuguese. completed three years of high school Portuguese unless the third
See European Studies. course was completed five or more years ago.
Major in international business, with emphasis in Portuguese.
See International Business. 201. Elementary/Intensive Portuguese II (5) II
Minor in Portuguese. Prerequisite: Portuguese 101.
Continuation of Portuguese 101. Not open to students who have
Portuguese Minor completed four years of high school Portuguese unless the fourth
course was completed five or more years ago.
The minor in Portuguese consists of a minimum of 15-17 units in
Portuguese, six units of which must be in upper division courses. 296. Experimental Topics (1-4)
Recommended: History 552. Selected topics. May be repeated with new content. See Class
Courses in the minor may not be counted toward the major, but Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of
may be used to satisfy preparation for the major and general educa- 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.
tion requirements, if applicable. A minimum of six upper division units 299. Special Study (1-3)
must be completed in residence at San Diego State University. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Individual study. Maximum credit six units.
Foreign Language Requirement for the
B.A. Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences UPPER DIVISION COURSES
(Intended for Undergraduates)
Students electing the study of Portuguese to fulfill the foreign lan-
All upper division courses in Portuguese are taught in
guage requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal arts and
Portuguese unless otherwise stated.
sciences must successfully complete Portuguese 301 or the equiva-
No credit will be given for lower division courses taken after suc-
lent level of achievement. Refer to section of catalog on “Graduation
cessfully completing any upper division Portuguese course.
Requirements” for additional ways to satisfy competency.
301. Intermediate Portuguese Grammar and Composition (3)
High School Equivalents Prerequisites: Portuguese 201; and completion of the General
Education requirement in Foundations II.C., Humanities required for
High school foreign language courses may be used for purposes
of placement in college courses and may be counted toward meeting
Oral and written composition in Portuguese, based on models
the foreign language requirement in various majors. These high
from modern Portuguese and Brazilian texts.
school courses will not count as college credit toward graduation.
Secondary school language courses can be used as follows: 401. Advanced Portuguese Grammar and Composition (3)
1. The first two years of high school level language count as the Prerequisites: Portuguese 301; and completion of the General
equivalent of the first semester of a college level course, although stu- Education requirement in Foundations II.C., Humanities required for
dents with fewer than three years of high school level language may nonmajors.
complete the first semester college course for graduation credit. Oral and written composition in Portuguese, based on models
2. The first three years of high school level language count as the from modern Portuguese and Brazilian texts.
equivalent of the first two college semesters, although students with
443. Contemporary Luso-Brazilian Civilization (3)
fewer than four years of high school level language may complete the
Prerequisite: Portuguese 401.
second semester college course for graduation credit. Students who
Historical, cultural socioeconomic, ethnic, geographic, and politi-
have completed three years of foreign language in high school will not
cal factors of modern Brazil and Portugal.
receive credit for the first semester college course unless at least five
years separate the last high school course and the first college 499. Special Study (1-3) I, II
course. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
3. Four years of high school level language count as the equiva- Individual study. Maximum credit six units.
lent of three college semesters or five college quarters, thus fulfilling
the foreign language requirement. UPPER DIVISION COURSES
(Also Acceptable for Advanced Degrees)
Courses (PORT) 534. Portuguese Literature (3)
LOWER DIVISION COURSES Prerequisite: Portuguese 401.
Native speakers of Portuguese will not receive credit for taking Important movements, authors, and works in the literature of Portu-
lower division courses in Portuguese except with advance approval gal from its beginnings to the present.
from the department. 535. Brazilian Literature (3)
All lower division courses in Portuguese are taught in Portuguese. Prerequisite: Portuguese 401.
No credit will be given for lower division courses taken after suc- Important movements, authors, and works of the literature of Brazil
cessfully completing any upper division Portuguese course. No credit from the colonial period to modern times.
will be given for Portuguese 101, 201, 301 taken out of sequence.


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