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Aklanon people

The Aklanon people are part of the wider Visayan ethnolinguistic group, who constitute the
largest Filipino ethnolinguistic group.

Location of Aklan, home of the Aklanons


 1Area
 2History
o 2.1Minuro it Akean
o 2.2Spanish Era
o 2.3Present
 3Demographics
o 3.1Languages
o 3.2Religion
 4Culture
o 4.1Literature
o 4.2Mythology
 5See also
 6References
 7External links

Aklanon form the majority in the province of Aklan in Panay. They are also found in other Panay
provinces such as Iloilo, Antique, and Capiz, as well as Romblon. Like the other Visayans, Aklanons
have also found their way to Metro Manila, Mindanao, and even the United States.

The Aklanons are descendants of the Austronesian-speaking immigrants who came to the
Philippines during the Iron Age. They got their name from the river Akean, which means where there
is boiling or frothing.
Minuro it Akean[edit]
Aklan, originally known as Minuro it Akean, is considered to be the 2nd oldest province in the
country and is believed to have been established as early as 1213 by settlers from Borneo.
According to the tales of the Maragtas, Aklan once enjoyed primacy among the realms carved out in
Panay by the 10 Bornean datus. These datus, after fleeing the tyranny of Rajah Makatunaw of
Borneo, purchased the island from the Ati King Marikudo. They then established the sakup (states)
of Hamtik, Akean (which includes the Capiz area), and Irong-irong, cultivated the land, and renamed
the new nation as the Confederation of Madya-as (Madjaas). The datus supposedly landed in
Malandog, Hamtik, where a marker commemorates the event which is reenacted in the Binirayan
(literally, "place where the boats landed") Festival.
Tradition holds that the first ruler of Aklan was Datu Dinagandan who was dethroned in 1399,
by Kalantiaw. In 1433, Kalantiaw III formulated a set of laws that is known today as the Code of
Kalantiaw. William Henry Scott, a well-known American historian, later debunked the Code of
Kalantiaw as a fraud.[1][2] However, many Filipinos, including Aklanons and other Visayans continue
to believe this legend as true.
The capital of Akean changed several times. Towards the end of the 14th century, Datu Dinagandan
moved the capital from the present Batan, which was captured in 1399 by Chinese adventurers
under Kalantiaw. Kalantiaw established then a dynasty but it prematurely ended when his successor,
Kalantiaw III, was slain in a duel with Datu Manduyog, the legitimate successor to Datu Dinagandan.
When Manduyog became the new ruler, he moved the capital back to Bakan (ancient name of
Banga) in 1437. Several datus succeeded Manduyog and when Miguel Lopez de Legaspi landed in
Batan in 1565, Datu Kabanyag was ruling Aklan from what is now the town of Libacao.
(These historical vignettes have no historical record as credible basis, but have been manufactured
in such a way as to acquire a hint of historical veracity and reinforced among school children
primarily through yearly programs or shows supposedly commemorating those historical events.
Nonetheless, these vignettes have found no support among the established and respected
historians of the Philippines, and are thus relegated as folklore of no historical provenance or
Spanish Era[edit]
During the Spanish era, Aklanons were generally peaceful and did not revolt against Spanish rule in
the area. However, the situation changed when two Aklanons, Francisco del Castillo and Candido
Iban, joined the Katipunan with the intention of regaining the independence of Aklan along with the
rest of the Philippines. Both were successful in ridding the area of Spaniards.
Currently, Aklanons enjoy some form of self-reliance since Aklan is now a province of the
Philippines. Some Aklanons have also been active in Philippine politics, which includes [[Jose M.
Hontiveros from Tangalan, Aklan became Senator representing district of Iloilo, Capiz, and Romblon
from 1922-1928 and was appointed Justice of the Peace, Capiz, Capiz (1913-1916); Provincial
Governor of Capiz (1916-1919); Auxiliary Judge, Court of First Instance (1929-1931); Judge of the
Court of first Instance, 19th judicial district (1931-1933); and of the 22nd judicial district (1933-1934)
and a Delegate representing 3rd District of Capiz in the July 10, 1934 Constitutional Convention]] Dr.
Rafael S. Tumbokon, Former Undersecretary of Healh[[Godofredo P. Ramos, Father of Aklan,
Conressman, Governor, delegate to the 1971 Constitutional Convention and Justice of the Court of
Appeals and was appointed Foreign Affairs Secretary by President Marcos replacing Carlos P.
Romulo but did not materialized whe died of cancer before his appointment is approved]](Incumbent
Senator Risa Hontiveros, the Grand niece of Sen. Jose M. Hontiveros Alejandro Melchor, Victorino
Mapa, and Cardinal Jaime Sin, who was active in the two People PowerRevolutions.
Senator Jose M. Hontiveros was never mentioned among the Prominent Aklanons who has been
active in politics because during his time as Senator Aklan was just the 3rd Congressional District of
Capiz and so he was known to be a Capiznon. But his Birthplace is Tangalan, Aklan (CApiz) to Leon
Hontiveros and Genoviva Miraflores on March 19, 1899.
Aklanons are also known throughout the Philippines due to the location of Boracay, one of the major
tourist destinations in the country.

Aklanons number about 500,000. They are culturally close to the Karay-a and Hiligaynons. This
similarity has been shown by customs, traditions, and language.
Aklanons speak the Aklan languages, which includes Aklanon and Malaynon. Ati and Kinaray-a are
also spoken to some extent. Meanwhile, Hiligaynon is used as a regional language. Aklanon and
Hiligaynon are spoken by Aklanons in Metro Manila, while the official languages of the
Philippines, Filipino and English are taught at school.
Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, the Aklanons likely practised the "worship" of Anitos. However,
after Spanish colonization, the majority of Aklanons have become devout Roman Catholics. They
are known by their devotion to the Santo Niño or Child Jesus, as shown in the Ati-atihan festival.But
originally the Ati-atihan festival is called "Viva Kay Sr. Sto. Nino" and this festival has been
celebrated by our forefathers according to my grandmother who was from Lezo, Aklan and during
our childhood we sill celebrate this as "Viva Kay Sr. Sto. Nino".It was just in 1960 when the name of
the fiesta was change to "Kalibo Ati-atihan Festival" when the then Mayor Federico Icamina was
elected in 1959 as Mayor and started Inviting Visitors to witness the Sto. Nino Festival and from
there "Kalibo ati-atihan was born and became World Famous Festival in every 3rd Sunday of
This celebration is much more different from they had in Iloilo. Antique, Capiz and Negros. Theres
were Choreograph Presentations, The "Viva Kay Senyor Santo Nino" is purely merry making like
"mardi gras" in praise of the "Sto. Nino". Anyone can join any group dancing on the streets, no one
will prohibit you from dancing with their group and in fact they, members of the group welcomes your
joining them and too proud of it. You can see the difference and from there you can make your own
imagination "why there is merry making dancing on the streets in honor of the "Sto. Nino". What was
the event for..? And as far as I can remember, Dinagyang of Iloilo, Halaran of Capiz, Binirayan of
Antique and Maskara of Negros was organized during Martial Law period Already. More than A
Century behind the "Viva Kay Sr. Sto. Nino" Festivals of Kalibo, Makato, Ibajay and Altavas all of the
Province of Aklan. So this is not just kalibo, but Almost a Province wide Celebration in honor of the
Sto. Nino and almost all this celebration are one and the same, Street dancing and Merry making
and no Choreographic Presentations.
The Celebration of the Sto. Nino is not just in Kalibo, it is also being celebrated in Makato, Aklan in
every January 15 of each Year; and January 21 in Ibajay, aklan and January 26 in Alatavas, Aklan.
Aklanons also practice processions during religious holidays such as the Salubong.


A group of dancers performing in the 2007 Ati-Atihan Festival

Most Aklanons engage in agriculture while those in the coastal areas engage in fishing. They also
make handicrafts. Music, such as courtship songs or kundiman, wedding hymns, and funeral
recitals, are well-developed, as it is with dance.
There are still a lot of Cultural Dances that has never been mentioned by some historians and these
dances are the ethnic dance of the Minority groups in the hinterlands of Libacao, Aklan, the
barangay Rosal bounding Tapaz, Capiz and this minority group is called the "Pan-ayanon". These
dances are the following: Binanog, Panagaytay, Inagong, Sotes, Pahid, Patadyong Dance, and Nigo
Dance. Those were the real culutral/Ethnic dance that historians are unaware of.
AS to the name given by the Indigenous People's Satff from Iloilo who went to Libacao and
organized it is not acceptable to Libacaonons, "The Tribu Bukidnon"..this Tribu bukidnon never exist
in the history of Libacao or Aklan in general. As far as I can remember the Minority group in the
hinterlands of libacao is the "Pan-ayanon" who are ethnic Libacaonon and Pan-ay, Tapaz because
formerly Pan-ay, Tapaz and Libacao are both part of the Province of Capiz and these are the places
where their Tribe used to Live. They have what we called the Minuro as their seat of govt and they
have their Chieftains. These Tribe are warlike people having Talibong, Bankaw, Esi, Tara-tara as
their weapons and Taming(shield made of wood as their Shield.These people are so artistic. They
made their own Silver jewelries like earings, necklaces as long as 5–6 ft made from US coin silvers
and some silver ornaments to the handles of Talibong and Bankaw and they have learned the art of
a good Silversmith and those necklaces are being used when they have celebrations and performing
the ethnic dances.
The other tribe is the Tag-ilaya who were from the barangays of Oyang and Dalagsaan. The Tag-
ilayas has no much culture to tell but only their being warlike and using the same weapons as the
Pan-ayanon. These 2 Tribes of the hinterlands of Libacao are clanish people and their main
livelihood since time immemorial is the Abaca Fibers. Aklan is one of the producers of Abaca in
Region VI and Libacao has almost 90% of it.
Historically, Aklanons practised tattooing, sometimes including henna, but abandoned the practice
during the Spanish era. Recently, however, there has been a revival of it in Boracay island, which is
caused primarily by its popularity with tourists.
They are among the Filipino ancestries that are tolerant to the Negritos, such as the Ati.
The Aklanons have a long tradition in literature with Marikudo as the most notable. Currently, many
writers of Aklanon origin, including Melchor F. Cichon, have been trying to introduce Aklanon
literature into the mainstream.
Like other Western Visayans, Aklanons are known to believe in the aswang. Tales about these
creatures are common among Aklanons and superstitions are practised to ward against the danger
brought by the aswang. AS to this Aswang, which means witch or maybe cannibals are maybe true
or not.

See also[edit]
 Aklanon language
 Aklan
 Visayan people
 Visayan languages

1. Jump up^ Morrow, Paul (2003-01-30). "The Fraudulent Code of Kalantiáw". Archived from the
original on 12 November 2006. Retrieved 2006-11-09.
2. Jump up^ Augusto V. de Viana (2006-06-
17). "". The Sunday
Times. Archived from the original on 2007-03-10. Retrieved 2006-11-09.

External links[edit]
 Aklanon
 Aklanon Literature (Archived 2009-10-24)
 Precolonial Period (of the Philippines) (Archived 2009-10-24)
 - Bisaya Expat Forum

Visayan-speaking peoples


* - Not an official ethnic group

 Visayans

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