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Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Department of Industrial Engineering

Assistant Prof. Abed Schokry

Integrated Production Systems

First Semester 2011- 2012

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Operations Management For Competitive



McGraw Hill Higher Education, ninth edition

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Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Chapter 1

Introduction to Operations Management

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Chapter 1: Learning Outcomes
• You should be able to:
– Define the term operations management
– Compare and contrast service and manufacturing operations
– Describe the operations function and the nature of the
operations manager’s job
– Identify the two major aspects of process management
– Describe the key aspects of operations management decision
– Briefly describe the historical evolution of operations
– Identify current trends in business that impact operations

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Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Overview: Introduction to the Field

• Operations Management
• Why Study Operations Management?
• Production System Defined
• Operations as a Service
• Plan of This Book
• Historical Development of OM
• Current Issues in OM

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

What is Operations Management?

Operations management (OM) is defined as the design,

operation, and improvement of the systems that create and

deliver the firm’s primary products and services.

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What is Operations Management? (Cont.)

What is operation?
– The part of a business organization that is responsible for
producing goods or services

• How can we define operations management?

– The management of systems or processes that create goods
and/or provide services

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Role of the Operations Manager

The Operations Function consists of all activities directly related to

producing goods or providing services.

A primary function of the operations manager is to guide the

system by decision making.
– System Design Decisions
– System Operation Decisions

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Why Study Operations Management?

Systematic Approach
to Org. Processes

Business Education Operations Career Opportunities



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What is a Production System?

A production system is defined as a user of resources to

transform inputs into some desired outputs.

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• Physical--manufacturing

• Locational--transportation

• Exchange--retailing

• Storage--warehousing

• Physiological--health care

• Informational--telecommunications

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Good or Service?

Goods are physical items that include raw materials, parts,

subassemblies, and final products.

• Automobile, Computer, Oven, Shampoo

Services are activities that provide some combination of

time, location, form or psychological value.

• Air travel, Education, Haircut, Legal counsel

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What is a Service and What is a Good?

• “If you drop it on your foot, it won’t hurt you.” (Good or


• “Services never include goods and goods never include

services.” (True or false?)

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Core Services Definition

Core services are basic things that customers want from

products they purchase.

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Core Services Performance Objectives


Operations Speed

Price (or cost


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Value-Added Services

Value-added services differentiate the organization from

competitors and build relationships that bind customers to
the firm in a positive way.

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Value-Added Service Categories

Problem Solving

Operations Sales Support

Field Support

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

I. Operations Strategy 1. Introduction
and Managing Change to OM

2. Operations 3. Project
Strategy and Managemen
Competitiveness t

II. Product Design

and Process III. Supply 8. Supply
Selection Chain Design Chain Strategy

9. Strategic 10. Just-in-Time

4. Understanding Capacity Outsourcing and Lean
Processes Management Systems
Plan of This Book

5. 6. Service
Manufacturing Products and IV. Planning and 11. Forecasting
Product & Process Design Controlling the
Process Des. Supply Chain
12. Aggregate
V. Revising
7. Quality the System
Managemen 13. Inventory 14. Materials
t Control Requirements
16. Consulting and 17.
Reengineering Synchronous
& Theory of

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Historical Development of OM

• JIT and TQC.

• Manufacturing Strategy Paradigm.

• Service Quality and Productivity.

• Total Quality Management and Quality Certification.

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Historical Development of OM (cont’d)

• Business Process Reengineering.

• Supply Chain Management.

• Electronic Commerce.

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Current Issues in OM

• Effectively consolidating the operations resulting from


• Developing flexible supply chains to enable mass

customization of products and services.

• Managing global supplier, production and distribution


• Increased “commiditization” of suppliers.

• Achieving the “Service Factory”.

• Achieving good service from service firms.

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Scope of Operations Management

MIS: Management
Information System

HRM: Human

QA: Quality

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Why Manufacturing Matters

• Over 18 million workers in manufacturing jobs

• Accounts for over 70% of value of U.S. exports
• Average full-time compensation about 20% higher than average
for all workers
• Manufacturing workers more likely to have benefits
• Productivity growth in manufacturing in the last 5 years is more
than double that of the U.S. economy

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

Why Study OM?

• Every aspect of business revolves around operations

• Many service jobs are closely related to operations

– Financial services
– Marketing services
– Accounting services
– Information services

• There is a significant amount of interaction and collaboration

amongst the functional areas

• It provides an excellent vehicle for understanding the world in

which we live

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Career Opportunities in OM

• Industrial engineer
• Operations manager
• Production manager
• Inventory manager
• Quality analyst and or Quality manager
• Production analyst
• And others

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OM-Related Professional Societies in USA

• APICS - The Association for Operations Management

• American Society for Quality (ASQ)
• Institute for Supply Management (ISM)
• Institute for Operations Research and Management Science
• The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
• The Project Management Institute (PMI)
• Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)

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Decision Making

• Most operations decisions involve many alternatives that can

have quite different impacts on costs or profits
• Typical operations decisions include:
– What: What resources are needed, and in what amounts?
– When: When will each resource be needed? When should the work
be scheduled? When should materials and other supplies be
– Where: Where will the work be done?
– How: How will he product or service be designed? How will the
work be done? How will resources be allocated?
– Who: Who will do the work?

Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

End of Chapter 1


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