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Andrew Jacobs

Eric Ratica

Computer Apps

October 20, 2017

The History and the Development of the Second Amendment

“There’s a lot of things I believe in this world. I believe in God, I believe in the United States of

America, and I support and believe in the Second Amendment” (Engvall). The United States

Constitution is the longest current standing constitution in the world. With many amendments

and clauses making it a functional, this constitution is a model throughout the world. The Second

Amendment is one of those working parts in the constitution. It has a long history dating back to

James Madison in 1791. “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,

the right of the people to bear and keep arms, shall not be infringed” (Second Amendment- With this long history, changes have been inevitable. In today’s world,

the Second Amendment has a different meaning. The Second Amendment has had a long history

involving our founding fathers, many attempted changes in Supreme Court cases, and in today’s

interpreted meaning.

The Second Amendment came around when our founding fathers were creating our

constitution. Just becoming a free country, it was a difficult task. The constitution was a uniform

guide to run this new country. The Second Amendment in 1791 was meant for domestic defense.

This was for the militia who fought in the war of independence. The second amendment was for

citizens to have the right to defend themselves. “…provided they do not interfere with the

constitution and laws of the United States, or with the civil or natural rights of the people”
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(L.L.D, T.F.). The “they” being discussed in that quote are the states. The Second Amendment

became a law of the people. There have been attempts, however, to change it.

There have been multiple court cases that have changed the outlook of the Second

Amendment. For example, in 2008 the court case District of Columbia v. Heller a handgun ban

was argued for the District of Columbia. The side of Heller argued that the ban was

unconstitutional. The court, “proclaimed that the Second Amendment established an individual

right for U.S. citizens to firearms and struck down the D.C. handgun ban as a violation of that

right” (Second Other cases like McDonald v. City of Chicago

are challenges of the constitutionality of a state’s ban or a city’s ban. Many cases have provided

new interpretations of the Second Amendment.

Today’s world has caused for new meanings of the Second amendment. It no longer

applies to a militia. This militia has become anyone. All citizens of this great country are

constitutionalized by these laws. The Second Amendment is used by farmers, lawyers, and others

alike. The Second Amendment has opened up discussions on concealed carry permits. Concealed

carry permits are always discussed when mass shootings are present. Our country’s founding

fathers, however, have intended for the Second Amendment and other laws to hold true for as

long as our country functions.

The Second Amendment is one of the oldest working functions of our country. Though it

has been tried in court, legislatures, and on a national level, it has remained steady. The Second

Amendment has a long history. It has worked since 1791. It will continued to be altered to fit

today’s society, but it will continue to remain in our legislature. Through years of changes and a

long history, the 1791 version of the Second Amendment has shifted to fit the current day

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Works Cited

Engvall, B. (2017, October 10). Bill Engvall Quotes. Retrieved from

L.L.D, T. F. (1869). Security of Liberty. In T. F. L.L.D, Manual of the Constitution of the United

States of America (p. 145). Cambridge, England: Little, Brown, and Company.

Rutland, R. A. (1955). The Birth of the Bill of Rights. In R. A. Rutland, The Birth of the Bill of

Rights (p. 218). Durham, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press.

Second Amendment. (2017, October 6). Retrieved from

Second Amendment. (2017, October 6). Retrieved from

Winkler, N. L. (2017, October 10). The Second Amendment. Retrieved from


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