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Does Singularity Exist Or/And Is Primal Cosmological Aberration is the cause of all


Garv Lodha

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai 400076, India

(for STAR Collaboration)

Endeavor is to explore whether there is:
1. ’underlying’ or ’global’
2. ’uniform’ or ’homogeneous’
are there some specks of:
1. ’localized’ asymmetry or local ’non-uniformity’
in an overall uniform fabric.

Considering the conditions produced in high-energy collisions to be analogous to the pri-

mordial state of the universe, we investigate symmetry by measuring the sphericity of the

events and asymmetry by computing the particle-correlations in Au+Au collisions at sN N =
200GeV in STAR.

Keywords: symmetry, topological defects, quantum fluctuations, spiral cosmos

Electronic address:

A What we intend to probe 4
A.1 Singularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A.2 Cosmological Aberration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A.3 Singularity and Cosmological Aberration - Both . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

B In search of The Truth 7

B.1 ’Symmerty’ analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
B.2 ’Asymmetry’ analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

C Conclusion 14

Acknowledgement 15

A Graphical Representation 22

B Event Selection 23

C Experimental Set-Up 24

D Results 25

E Mémoire 59

List of Figures
1 Sphericity of the events for ’Hard’ Processes and ’Soft’ Processes’. . . . . . . 8
2 Sphericity of the events containing ’Anti-He’ and ’He’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Transphericity of the events for ’Hard’ Processes and ’Soft’ Processes. . . . . 10
4 Transphericity of the events containing ’Anti-He’ and ’He’. . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5 Two-Particle Event-Correlation for ”All Events” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 Two-Particle Event-Correlation for ”Selected He/Anti-He Events” . . . . . . 13

A What we intend to probe
In the following subsections, we try to give objective interpretations of the terms, the ’Sin-
gularity’ and an ’Aberration’, and reason out how this aberration can be the condicio sine
qua non for the sustenance of the optical existence. Furthermore, effort is made to connect
the dots between already existing ideas and to present the theoretical basis for the physics
analysis undertaken in the subsequent section.

A.1 Singularity
Notion of everything emerges from nothing[1, 2] and converges to nothing has been proposed
earlier [3, 4, 5, 6]. Gel Mann said once, most profound equation of physics must also be most
elegant , simplistic and beautiful. It seems that most profound equation is governed by an
idea of singularity, which has the ability to explain many phenomenon and address many
This is very much inspired from the quantum notion of singularity, acoording to which if
subject(’observer’) merges with an object(’electron’), double-slit phenomenon ceases. More
simplistically, this perception of singularity can be viewed as writing Mandarin(’phonetic’)
in English(’script’) or Japanese in French or Arabic in Sanskrit.
Singularity can also be contemplated as ’effects’ being nullified by its ’cause’(classical )
or in some cases, even effects cancelling out each other to give an impression of causeless
existence(quantum). This mesmerizing and ubiquitious law of nature to nullify, may have
local violations, but globally, it seems cosmos finds some ways to gratify it. This may be
termed as ’global fairness’.
For this purpose, phenomenons such as lamb-shift and black-hole radiation are quite
exemplary[7, 8], which give us the view of a cosmic system wherein if it takes something, it
has to give another thing. Some work has already be done to corroborate the fact that the
zero-point quantum fluctuations underlying these phenomenons, exert significant influence
on the experimental measurements[9, 10]. Casimir force, consequence of the depletion in the
zero-point energy density between the two juxtaposed metallic surfaces due to reduction in
the particle-antiparticle pairs[11, 12], is the most cited example of the quantum fluctuations,
and can be empirically testified[13].
Here, singularity can also be interpreted as fountain head of the emergence of the optical
existence. Conclusions and models like merging of elementary-particle forces at high temper-
ature conditions[14], holographic view of the universe[15, 16] offer synonymous interpertation
of the singularity.

(S)Impli(fi)cations: Considering above connotations of the singularity, idea of a cyclic(or a

oscillating) universe need not be much digressive[17, 5]. Based on above notion of singularity,
model of the cosmos can be speculated to be governed by the two postulates:

1. Net Entropy = 0
Spiral Cosmos: Inspired by the global fairness and to satiate the above condition, the only
geometry which nature seems to favour and is in consistent with quantum laws is ’spiral’
structure, in which universes are arranged transversally along the spiral curve, wherein
each universe is to be viewed as asymptotically flat space.
If we consider such structure of the cosmos, validity of this postulate can be elucidated
by considering the cosmos in which each universe exhibits different degrees of order or
’specialness’ [18], s.t., overall probability at every instant, approaches unity, propelling
Scosmos [= kB ln(Ω)] towards zero. Also this viewpoint can be further reinforced by con-
sidering the universes, along the spiral in a radially outward direction, to be entangled,
such that,
Su1 + Su2 + ... + Sun < Su1+u2+...+un ,
where, Sui denotes the entropy of each universe.
This typical property is exhibited by entangled systems, wherein, entropy of the com-
posite of the constituent factor systems can be less than the sum of the entropies of the
individual factor system.
2. Net Mass-Energy = 0
Although, there has been speculations that net negative gravitational potential energy
should be equal to the net positive energy contributed by contents of the universe, but
they have not been theoretically verified.
Also, other experimental evidences as measurement of antiparticle-to-particle ratio in
relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments(hereafter, referred as RHICE), suggesting
the decrease in the magnitude of this ratio as we move towards the heavier- mass
particle[19], observation of no anisotropy in the positron-electron ratio by AMS[20],
rare observation of anti-nuclei of heavier elements as helium, lithium etc. in RHICE[21]
may own their explaination to this second postulate.
Certainly, we need to have more lucid understanding of overall connectedness of this
asymptotically flat universe and dark matter and dark energy contained in it, to venerate the
above postulates.

A.2 Cosmological Aberration

Idea of large-scale structure formations such as galaxies, quasars etc. is theorized to be the
resultant of these perturbations occuring at regular intervals[22]. These perturbations in the
the overall homogeneous symmetric fabric, generally leads to the topological defects which
seem to arise wherever local symmetry is violated[23]. Here, these topological defects can be
thought of as a anomalous behaviour displayed by otherwise normal scalar fields leading to
the formation of complex structures. Technically, this anomalous behaviour is also referred
as a ’frustrated’ behaviour.

Effects such as separation of opposite charges in the heavy-ion collisions, complex structure
formation of crystal lattices are usually attributed to these local topological defects.
It is these perturbations that we refer herein as aberration, which is considered to be the
reason for the observed local imperfections or asymmetry.

A.3 Singularity and Cosmological Aberration - Both

Space and time being the manifestations of mind and the relative terms, ’present’ for the life
on the earth is the ’past’ for the life on other distant planets and view of the different stars
in the night sky, is the past state of the universe.
Considering different stars in space as different time zones, since them being located at
different light years away, if one happens to visit a particular star, it will be equivalent to
visiting different time units in future.
For example, travelling to Proxima Centaury at the ’present’ moment would be like trav-
elling 4.2 years in the future from ’now’. Or travelling to Sirius A at the ’present’ moment
would be like travelling 8.6 years in the future from ’now’. Or more closely, travelling to ’Sun’
at the ’present’ moment would be like visiting 500 seconds(8.34 minutes) in the future from
From above viewpoint, it may be deduced that, time has local relevance, but when refer-
ring at cosmic level, its meaning gets sublimated.
Above ideas are very much the basis of the gauge theories, where gauge is chosen selec-
tively, such that, locally variant quantities remain globally invariant[24]. Or to refer to system
thermodynamics, in which overall path integral of the work cycle is zero, though there may
be energy dissipation along the curve of a cycle.
To be specific, there can be localized energy violations(’quantum-fluctuations’) or non-
negative process entropies, but globally these quantities must be conserved.

B In search of The Truth
Bearing the above notions in mind, herein, we present the experimental analysis undertaken
to bring forth the reasonable distinction between the above two elucidated concepts.

B.1 ’Symmerty’ analysis

Symmetry, an artifact of the singularity, can be examined by measuring the isotropy of the
Here, we present the event-shape analysis by sphericity method. Sphericity of the events
containing helium( or anti-helium) is measured to analyse the isotropy. This ’selective’ anal-
ysis is based on intuitive reasoning that any anomaly in the isotropy is reflected more promi-
nently in those collisions in which heavier nuclei is produced.

The Sphericity[25] is defined in terms of the eigen values, λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ λ3 (with λ1 +λ2 +λ3 =
1), of the sphericity tensor:
P α β
α,β p p
S = Pi i 2i , (1)
i |pi |

where α,β = 1,2,3 corresponds to the x, y and z projections of ith -particle momentum. The
sphericity of the event is then defined as:
S= (λ2 + λ3 ), (2)
so that, 0 ≤ S ≤ 1. A 2-jet event corresponds to S ≈ 0 and an isotropic event corresponds
to S ≈ 1.

’Sphericity’ Results:

Figure 1: Sphericity of the events for ’Hard’ Processes and ’Soft’ Processes’.

Figure 2: Sphericity of the events containing ’Anti-He’ and ’He’.

Tran(sverse)Sphericity: To avoid bias from the boost along the beam axis, transverse
analysis of event shapes is considered to be the more preferred choice[26, 27]. For this purpose,
we also measure the Transverse Sphericity, defined as,
ST = , (3)
(λ2 + λ1 )

such that, λ2 > λ1 [28].

’Transphericity’ Results:

Figure 3: Transphericity of the events for ’Hard’ Processes and ’Soft’ Processes.

Figure 4: Transphericity of the events containing ’Anti-He’ and ’He’.

Results and Discussion: Above results display higher centrality events are more isotropic
than lower centrality events which is as anticipated.

B.2 ’Asymmetry’ analysis
Asymmetry, the consequence of an aberration, can be investigated by studying the flow-
coefficients of the particle-azimuthal distribution [29, 30, 31, 32]. The particle-correlation
measurements are expected to reflect the local mirror symmetry in the high-energy collision
experiments[41, 42]. Here, we present the two-particle correlation measurements. For two-
particle correlations, it is theoretically expected that:

hcos(φα − φβ )iSameCharge = −hcos(φα − φβ )iOppositeCharge (4)

where φα , φβ are the azimuthal-angle of the particle-pair chosen for the correlation cal-
culation and angle-brackets denotes the average over the events[33, 34, 43].

Two-Particle Correlation Results:

Figure 5: Two-Particle Event-Correlation for ”All Events”

Figure 6: Two-Particle Event-Correlation for ”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

Results and Discussion: Above results are obtained by using the TPC detector for
He/AntiHe identification. However, if detector effects are also taken into consideration[35],
we believe results can approximate the theoretically expected values.

C Conclusion
Though there being many critics of the anthropic principle, considering it to be purely philo-
sophical reflection, but it seems this principle renders science a fair framework to comprehend
and solve the mystries of nature.
May be this local breaking of overall symmetric fabric is unalterable feature of the cos-
mos for us to exist, learn, admire, and eventually merge into. May be an aberration in
the singularity is an inevitability to counter-balance the quintessence side of the absolute
However, it will be interesting to examine, if this being not the case.

Author wishes to express his gratitude to Raghava Varma for the stimulating discussions.
This work was supported by Department of Science and Technology, India.

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A Graphical Representation

singularity symmetry absolute

(leading to topological defect)

duality asymmetry ethereal optical


B Event Selection
• Events segregated into ’Soft’ and ’Hard’.
• Soft Events 1 [28] are defined as events that do not have a track above
2 GeV/c while Hard Events are all others.
• The aggregate of both classes is called ’All’.

http: // arxiv. org/ abs/ 1205. 3963v1

C Experimental Set-Up

• Analysis for Au-Au collisions at sN N = 200GeV .
• Triggered by MinBias and Central.
• Track Selection:
– nHits ≥ 20
– 0.1 ≤ pT ≤ 12.0
– Abs(η) ≤ 0.50
– DCA < 1.0
nHitsF it
– 0.52 ≤ ratio[= nHitsP oss ] ≤ 1.05
– For He-3 Selection:
Abs(nSigmaHe3) < 2.0
nDeDx > 15

D Results
”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”All Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

”Selected He/Anti-He Events”

E Mémoire
There was neither non-existence nor existence then.
There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond.
What stirred?
In whose protection?
Was there water, bottlemlessly deep?

There was neither death nor immortality then.

There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day.
That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse.
Other than that there was nothing beyond.

Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning,

with no distinguishing sign, all this was water.
The life force that was covered with emptiness,
that One arose through the power of heat.

Desire came upon that One in the beginning,

that was the first seed of mind.
Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom
found the bond of existence and non-existence.

Their cord was extended across.

Was there below?
Was there above?
There were seed-placers, there were powers.
There was impulse beneath, there was giving forth above.

Who really knows?

Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced?
Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?

Whence this creation has arisen

- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not -
the One who looks down on it,
in the highest heaven, only He knows
or perhaps He does not know


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