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Unit Title: Light, Sound and Force Grade Level: III

Subject : Science Time Frame: 12 sessions

Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results:

1. What enduring understandings are desired?

 Light helps us to see things around us.
 Sound is produced due to vibrations.
 Force helps us to do many things.

2. What will students know and be able to do?

Student will Know

 The terms luminous and non-luminous objects

 Describe how shadow is formed
 Define noise
 Recognize various kinds of sounds
 Define force and friction

Students will be able to do

 Differentiate between luminous and non-luminous objects.

 Analyze how shadows are formed.
 Differentiate between various kinds of sounds.
 Describe force and how it is useful to us.

3. What is worth being familiar with?

The terms- transparent, translucent, opaque
Advantages and disadvantages of friction

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand?

Performance Tasks:

1. Demonstrate with the help of a torch how shadow is formed and how the length of a shadow
2. Group discussion on advantages and disadvantages of friction.(to be assessed for FA-4)
3. DA questions to be discussed.
Other Evidences:

Tests / Worksheets:

Worksheet 1

Based on light and sound FA-4, DA-5


Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction:

What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to develop and
demonstrate the desired understandings?

1. To check previous knowledge by asking questions based on sources of light. Introduce the terms
luminous and non-luminous objects.

2. Discuss with the children how a shadow is formed. Introduce the terms – transparent, translucent and
opaque objects with examples.

3. Demonstrate with the help of a torch how shadow is formed and how the length of a shadow changes.
Ask them to observe their shadows at different times of the day.

4. Discuss with them about various kinds of sounds. Make them understand that sound is produced due
to vibration.

5. Introduce the term ‘noise’. Discuss noise pollution and its adverse effects.

6. Explain to them about force and how does it help us.

7. Explain what is friction and discuss why do we sprinkle talcum powder on a carom board and why do
the soles of the shoes have grooves on them.

8. Group discussion on advantages and disadvantages of friction.(to be assessed for FA-4)

9. Take them to the smart class.

10 & 11. Exercises to be discussed.

12. DA questions will be discussed.

Prepared by Shelmy

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