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Portugal’s Exploration

By Colin Cantella

It is crazy to think that the same pepper we buy from Giant eagle, back in the 1500s
when spice prices were at their highest, pepper was worth a whole year’s rent. By the 1400s,
Portugal was so advanced that they could expand to Muslim North Africa. The first explorer
was Prince Henry, where he started in Northern Africa and head South. Because of Prince
Henry, a lot of explorers were inspired by him and wanted to go beyond England. I argue that
Portugal led the way of exploration. I will prove this by using the knowledge I have collect
about the exploration of Portugal. Also, I will prove this by using the infinite amount of credible
resources on the internet. Finally, I will prove that Portugal led the way of exploration by, using
the notes we took in class.
Portugal led the way for exploration because they were the first to have someone
interested on what was beyond England. Prince Henry was that explorer, he wanted to go farther
than just England. His goal was to spread Christianity and find the source of African gold.
Bartholomeus Dias continued Prince Henry’s work after he died in 1490, Dias was able to round
the tip of Africa. The tip of Africa became known as the Cape of Good Hope. 9 years later
Vasco de Gama led four ships around the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco de Gama profited 3,000%
because of the voyage to the spice islands. Christopher Columbus persuaded King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella to finance his quest, Queen Isabella could not wait because she wanted to
spread Christianity. 1519, Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain, Magellan died on the way
around the world, but is credited to being the first person to circumnavigate the world.
In conclusion, Portugal led the way of the age of exploration. Portugal was the first
country to take interest in exploring beyond there borders. Prince Henry was the first, he wanted
to spread Christianity and find the source of African gold. Then, Bartholomeus Dias was next,
he continued Henry’s work and was able to round the tip of Africa or The Cape of Good Hope.
After that was Vasco de Gama, de Gama led 4 ships around the Cape of Good Hope and ended
up profiting 3,000% because of his voyage. Then came Christopher Columbus, Columbus
wanted to find the Indies but he ended up finding modern day Caribbean. His goal was to spread
Christianity just like Prince Henry, because Queen Isabella would only finance his trip if he
spread Christianity. Finally, Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the
globe even though he sadly died while at sea.

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