Milk Adulteration System Using Capacitor

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Milk adulteration system using capacitor

This is the instrument which measure many parameters of

circuit elements in this project we measured four parameters
of our capacitor which are
I. INTRODUCTION 2.impedance
There is very serious problem in today’s milk . some 4.resistance
dairy owner’s and business man of milk industries are
playing with the health of common people and child by Foe a given sample these device collect data sets for the
adulterating commonly use milk for earning some extra different frequency, with the help of obtain data we will
amount of money. In this research paper we are going to distinguish pure and adulterated milk
detect adulteration in milk for this purpose we have used
a parallel plate capacitor .The instrument that we have
used here it is impedance analyser. we are going to
describe our project in following mention title.


A. Block Diagram of the implemented System IV. CONCLUSION

Generally for the detection of pure milk we have costly
instrument for example we are detecting the milk through PH
sensor, lactometer and various other costly methods. but here
our aim was to detect adulteration of milk in very cheap that owner’s of small dairies, housewife and
common people can use it .

We are thank full to debanjan sir.


B. Instruement and component 1.AnwarSadat,PervezMustajabIqbal A.Khan

1.Parallel plate capacitor-our capacitor is made of two 5*5
cm^2 plates and they are connected by flexible plastic in their 2. ,KarabiBiswascBhaswatiGoswamid
base, similarly other two sides of plates which are connected
with the base is attached with the same flexible plastic the design of our capacitor looks like square match 3. Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti a,⇑, Nushin
box. we will connect these capacitor by impedance analyser Ghatreh-Samani a, Mojtaba Naderi-Boldaji a,
through wires which are soiled at the plates Michele Forina b,c,
Mojtaba Bonyadian
2.impedance analyser-

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