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How To Play Cups and Downs

This game is best played with a small group.

Place 20 or more cups in the middle of the room, put half of them upside down and the other half
the right way up.
Divide the group into 2 teams and give each team a name (ie ups or downs) - the 'up' team needs
to turn as many cups up the right way as possible, and the 'down' team needs to flip them upside
When the allocated time limit is over, count all the cups and whichever team has the most turned
up their way wins.

How To Play Four Corners

This is one of the simplest games I've known, but it still adds up to fun. Hopefully someone hasn't
already covered it.
1. You'll need to play in a room with four corners, so it can't be circular.
2. Each corner must be labeled with a number, from 1-4.
3. The person who is blindfolded (preferably some type of facilitator) will go into the middle of the
room and begin counting to ten. All of the other players must scramble for one of the four corners.
If anybody cannot make it to a corner in time, they must be eliminated for the round.
4. When the countdown is done, the facilitator will yell out a number between 1 and 4. Anybody in
the corner of that number is eliminated for the round.
5. This pattern goes on until their is only one other person standing. They win!

How To Play Poison Pole

This is a simple and easy game that everyone in our youth loves!!
You have a pole (a broom will suffice) and you place the pole on a stool. Everyone needs to gather
around the pole and hold hands.
The aim is to try and get OTHER people to knock the pole off the stool. You do that by pulling
people around you and trying to have them hit the pole.
If a person knocks the pole off the stool, they are out
If two people let go of each other, they both are out unless one was about to hit the pole and
panicked by letting go, then that person is out.

How To Play Balloon Frenzy

The aim of this balloon game is to knock the opposing teams balloons to the floor whilst keeping
your own in the air.
Basically you have all the balloons for each team blow up their balloons and stand on opposite
ends of the room. When the whistle is blown all the balloons must be launched into the air and
cannot be held but only hit, like volley ball. As soon as a balloon hits the ground that balloon is
eliminated (it is good to have runners to collect the sunken balloons)
The first team to sink all their opponents balloons to the ground is the winner.
We like to do this in rounds like the best of three, its a super fun balloon game!
How To Play Caterpillar Race
Divide your youth group kids into some groups, 4 works well as a relay. Just make sure the groups
aren't too big.
Set them up in 4 lines across the room. Then send half of each team to the opposite side of the
Give each team a bed-sheet. The first player must drop to the group, roll themselves up in the
bed-sheet, then caterpillar crawl across to the other side of the room and unroll themselves. Then
the next team mate does the same until the entire team has finished.

How To Play Tea Towel Face Of

Both teams line up sitting down facing away from each other. Everyone holds hands.
At one end, the 2 players from either team line, face inwards and place their hands by their sides -
ready to grab the tea-towel. A leader holds a tea-towel in between them.
At the other end, 2 players from either team are watching a leader flip a coin. If the coin lands on
heads, the player must squeeze the next persons hand gently. This hand-squeezing continues
down the line until the last person feels his/her hand being squeezed. This person then grabs the
tea-towel before the other team does.
Points are gained for grabbing the tea-towel first on a "heads" round. If the tea-towel is grabbed on
a "tails" round, then points are deducted.
Two teams line up either side. Look at flipped coin. If heads, squeeze hand chain reaction to end
and person grabs tea-towel.

How To Play Pea Pipes

Simple relay structure for this game. 4 teams line up at one end. Place a bowl of peas (or whatever
you are using) at the other end.
The first player from each team has to run to the other end and pick up a pea by sucking it on the
end of the straw. Then they must carry it back to their team. If the pea falls off while they are
returning, they must pick it up again (with the straw) and continue back.
To win, a team must get all of it's players to bring back 1 pea each.

How To Play The Can Can Race

Get 2-4 volunteers. Give each player a can of soft drink, and get them to line up along the starting
area. Using only their head they need to push the can of soft drink along the ground, around a
chair and back to the start. Once they get back to the start zone they need to open their drink and
finish it as quick as they can. First player to have finished their drink wins. It is a good idea to use
tarps, or garbage bags at the end because the soft drink will go everywhere after being rolled
along the floor. It is a good idea to play with older youth as there is the risk of facial carpet burn if
the kids get crazy.

How To Play Don't Step on the Eggs

Firstly blindfold the player and tell them that you have placed whole eggs around the hall.
Their aim is to get to the other end of the hall without stepping on what they think are eggs.
Instead of actually using eggs (because that could get a little messy)! put little piles of cornflakes
all around the hall.
When they walk they'll step on the cornflakes and think that they've cracked an egg! Very funny
facial expressions! ;)

How To Play Matchbox Nose Race

You need an empty matchbox for each person and a hall (preferably carpeted). The matchbox
must be empty, and is 5.2cm x 3.7cm x 1.6cm. In the hall, measure out a 20m track, which is as
straight as possible. If your hall is less than 20m long, then go up one wall and along the adjacent
wall - do not have more than a 90 degree turn in your track.
Contestants line up at the start, with their hands on the floor, and their noses on a matchbox
which is on the floor. On your command they push the matchbox with their nose to the finish line.
They are disqualified if they touch the box with anything other than their nose.

How To Play Everyone's It!

Same rules as chasey... except everyone is it!
Get everyone to put their non-prefered hand on their head. Then, everyone has to run around in
the specified area and get other people out by touching their elbows.
Last one in wins!

How To Play Secret Dancer

A fun group game, sure to provide a whole lot of laughs. Might be suitable for a disco night at your
youth group!
Set up the group to stand in a circle, and choose one player to be the detective. Send the
detective outside.
When the detective has left the room, choose a player to be the "secret dancer". They will need to
pick a dance move and everyone will then start copying them.
When everyone is dancing, the detective is called back into the room and has three guesses to
choose who to original dancer is.
To make things interesting, the secret dancer then needs to change dance move, and everyone
needs to change with them. This allows the detective to discover the secret dancer.

How To Play Bang

Get everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards. The leader running the game will need to stand in
the middle of the circle. The leader points at someone in the circle. That person must duck down
straight away and the two people either side of them must turn to face each other, hold their
hands in the shape of a gun and say/yell "bang". All this needs to happen as quickly as possible.
Whoever ends up getting "shot" is out. So if the person who gets pointed at originally doesn't duck
down quick enough, then they are out. If they do duck down quickly, then whoever says "bang"
first out of the two people either side of them stays in and the other person is out.
When there are only two people left, they stand back to back, and the person who was in the
middle starts counting. With each count the two people take steps away from each other, western
style. The person who was in the middle then yells bang, and the two people turn and say "bang".
The person who is fastest wins, and gets to be in the middle the next round.
How To Play Steal The Keys
Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair.
Everyone makes a wide circle around the chair.
A Person is blindfolded, and Sits in the chair, armed with the Newspaper/Nerf Sword.
The Blind Man must defend the keys, if he connects with someone that person is either out, or
sent back to start again.
The objective is to sneak up and get the keys from the bowl, back to the starting area, without
being hit.
The successful sneaker gets to be the next blind man.
It can be played in turns, or all at once, which makes for fast competitive sneaking.
A Leader can also direct, selecting one or more child to attempt at the same time.
As an adaptation, this game is great in the dark.

1. servetelele din cutie

2. bile in sticle
3. moving in up-pahare
4. vata apa si bol
5. bomboane colorate si pahare de sortat
6. cutii de servetele bile de pingpong legate la spate
7. face the cookie
8. pahare de plastic, balon umflat si suflat de pe masa
9. pahare de plastic, mingi pingpong tiltt-a-cup
10. magic carpet ride
11. cutii de suc, bol cu apa, farfurie, turn
12. cutii de suc, farfurii plate de plastic, turn invers progresiv
13. carti de joc, pepene pe jumate
14. paie cutii de suc, turn din 3
15. sticle de strongbow puse invers, pahar pe ultima minge de pingpong suflata
16. creioane pe masa, puse pe mana, luat mana si prinse adaugat unul
17. 4 pahare de plastic, puse hartii intre ele, tras hartia, cade pahar in pahar
18. chestie ca un arc pe frunte cu bentita
19. plic de ceai cu ata de pus pe sapca
20. 2 linguri una peste alta de pus in pahar
21. cutii de cola turn de daramat cu elastic
22. pahar de plastic asezat prin trantire, minge de pingpong in el
23. 2 farfurii de separat mingi de pp prin suflare
24. cartoane hartie facuta ghem dusa tenis la galeata
25. piultie uriase pe pai de facut turn
26. 9pahare cu apa, mingi pp de aruncat in ele 2 echipe aceleasi pahare
27. obstacle challenge

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