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Appendix A
Sampling and aliasing
In seismic survey design, the sampling of the wave- The function to be sampled in 3D surface seismic
field to be recorded plays an important role. Therefore, data acquisition is 5D: W(t, xs, ys, xr, yr), as defined in
in this appendix, some basics of sampling theory are Section 1.2. Usually, the time coordinate of this func-
highlighted. More on this subject can be found at online tion is oversampled with an fN that is much larger than
general-information sites and in various geophysical
­ the maximum frequency of the wavefield being recorded.
books (e.g., Vermeer, 1990; Sheriff and Geldart, 1995). The problem is the sampling of the four spatial coordi-
If a continuous function of time W(t) is sampled with a nates, as discussed extensively in the main text. In 3D
constant sampling interval Dt, Dt should be selected such symmetric sampling (Section 2.4), at least two of the four
that W(t) can be reconstructed faithfully from the recorded spatial coordinates are sampled properly, producing well-
samples [for times where W(t) is defined]. In Section 1.2, sampled 3D subsets.
this is called proper sampling. Proper sampling of a time After sampling a function with sampling frequency fs
function with maximum frequency fmax requires that the (= 1/Dt) or ks (= 1/Dx), the spectrum of the original func-
sampling frequency be at least equal to 2 fmax, i.e., there tion is reproduced with periodicity 1/fs or 1/ks. If the maxi­
should be at least two samples per smallest time period mum wavenumber kmax of the original data is larger than
Tmin = 1/fmax. Therefore, the Shannon sampling theorem kN, the sampled data are aliased and the repeated spectra
(also called the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem) can will overlap each other. This produces the so-called wrap-
be formulated as around effect, illustrated in Figure A.2. In Figure A.2b,
the area between the two heavy vertical lines represents
Dt ≤ . (A.1) the aliased f-k spectrum. The noise (green oval) in the
2 fmax ­figure is truncated at k = kN and seems to wrap around to
k = –kN. This aliased noise is wrapped around another time
The maximum frequency that is not aliased (in the time
for the highest frequencies. Where the aliased noise over-
domain) is called the Nyquist frequency fN, defined as
laps with the signal, the apparent velocities of the noise
1 are similar to those of the signal and it is difficult to sepa-
fN ≡ . (A.2)
2Dt rate noise from signal. The aliased noise that reappears
in the negative wavenumber range has negative apparent
A function that is sampled with too large an interval is velocity, as opposed to the original noise that only shows
said to be aliased. Figure A.1 shows two continuous func- positive apparent velocity. This change in apparent dip is
tions sampled at 10 ms. In this case, fN = 50 Hz; therefore, typical for aliased noise and can be observed in Figure
the sampled red 90-Hz function is aliased, and its alias is 1.11a.
the blue 10-Hz function. If the given samples are input to Equations A.1 and A.3 also show an equals sign.
a reconstruction algorithm, the blue 10-Hz function nor- Strictly speaking, this is incorrect because the amplitude
mally will be produced. of functions of frequencies or of wavenumber at f = fN or
Sampling of a function W(x) in space is entirely analo- k = kN cannot be reconstructed from the sampled values.
gous to sampling a time function — period T to be replaced Therefore, the Nyquist frequency or wavenumber should
by wavelength l, and frequency f replaced by wavenum- be chosen somewhat larger than fmax or kmax (Niland,
ber k. So the sampling rule for spatial sampling is 1989). The ambiguity of sampling exactly with kN = kmax is
1 illustrated in Figure A.3. This figure shows a 20-Hz plane
Dx ≤ , (A.3) wave that is well sampled as a function of time but is sam-
2 kmax
pled with only two samples per wavelength in the spatial
with a corresponding Nyquist wavenumber kN. direction. This sampling at k = kN leads to an ambiguity

294 Appendix A Sampling and aliasing

in the interpretation, as indicated by the two purple lines

oriented in opposite directions.
An event with constant apparent velocity Va is
described by a straight line in the f-k domain, where k =
f/Va. Often, the spatial sampling is the limiting factor for
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aliasing. Then the maximum frequency that is not aliased

in the t-x or f-k domain fmax,u is given by

fmax,u = kNVa . (A.4)

Fig. A.1. Illustration of sampling and aliasing. The red
90-Hz curve and the blue 10-Hz curve are sampled with the
same 10-ms sampling interval. The 100-Hz sampling rate is
For instance, for a spatial sampling interval of 25 m and
not sufficient to reconstruct the red curve from its samples apparent velocity of 300 m/s, fmax,u = 6 Hz. This frequency
because there are fewer than two samples per period. The should not be confused with the Nyquist frequency fN, the
blue curve can be reconstructed. maximum frequency that is not aliased in the time domain.

Fig. A.2. Sampling and aliasing in the f-k domain. (a) Representation of a continuous wavefield; yellow triangle is desired
signal, and green oval is low-velocity ground roll. (b) After sampling with a sampling frequency of 2kN, the original f-k spectrum
is repeated with a periodicity of 2kN. The wavenumber range {–kN, kN} shows the f-k spectrum after discarding larger absolute
wavenumbers. The ground roll is aliased and overlaps signal.
Appendix A Sampling and aliasing 295

Sampling an N-dimensional wavefield can often be

carried out more efficiently than just following the Shan-
non sampling theorem for each dimension separately.
This is formulated in the N-dimensional sampling theo-
rem of Petersen and Middleton (1962) (see also Bardan
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[1987, 1996, 2009] and Vermeer [1990]). The theorem

could be applied in Vermeer (1990) to solve the sam-
pling paradox of 2D data that may be properly sampled
in the shot domain and the receiver domain but not in the
midpoint domain and in the offset domain. In 3D data
acquisition, the theorem can be applied successfully for
sampling areal geometry. In areal geometry, a hexago-
nal grid of samples requires fewer samples than a square
grid. Proper sampling with a square grid in (x, y) can be
replaced by proper sampling with a hexagonal grid in
which the spatial sampling intervals are somewhat larger
Fig. A.3. Effect of sampling with kN = kmax. A 20-Hz plane (see Figure 2.23).
wave with an apparent velocity of 250 m/s is sampled with
exactly two samples per wavelength (50-m spatial sampling
interval). The effect is that apparent velocity –250 m/s can be
observed as well.
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