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Semantic Analogies

Fatty and unctuous are synonyms for greasy and oily.

Jaundiced and prejudiced ae synonyms for describing something or someone hostile

Erudite and scholarly are synonyms, refer someone highly educated

Mundane and pedestrian ae synonyms for ordinary or plain

Patriot has strong allegiance to their country; Expatriate has denounced their country
Immigrant chooses to leave a country; Refugee is forced to flee the country

Sanguine is to be intensely optimistic

Mendacious is to be intensely dishonest

Island is larger than islet

Squall is more powerful than breeze

Elegy and Threnody are synonyms for song or poem of lament

Eulogy and Panegyric are synonyms describing a speech full of praise for something

Enervate and Demoralize are synonyms that mean weak mentality

Expedite and Quicken are synonyms that mean to speed up a process

Crooked line is bend; Plumb line is perfectly vertical

Convex curves out; Concave curves in

Apocryphal story is false; Veracious is true

Candid is truthful; Disingenuous is dishonest
Trans- is a prefix that means ‘”across” as in to move across something (eg. transcend)
Tract- is prefix that means “to drag” as in tractor

Object is opposite of Acquiesce (to agree)

Obviate is to prevent something from happening; Instigate is to cause something happen

Abject is a worse condition than Poor and represents the most improvised condition possible
Incipient is to have just come into existence and is most extreme version of New

Bifurcate is to split into two; Coalesce is to fuse together

Languish is to weaken; Flourish is to gain full strength

Pardon is to excuse or forgive; Castigate is to criticize harshly

Imprison means to place in jail; Parole is a release from jail

Cornucopia refers to excessive abundance; Dearth refers to extreme scarcity

Pluvial is extreme rain; Drought is shortage of rain or water

Concise is short and clear; Discursive is confusing and long

Byzantine is to be extraordinarily complicated; Simple is to be easily understood

Demur (raise objections or show reluctance) is the opposite of accept

Convalesce is to improve in health or condition; Deteriorate is to get worse in health or

Din and Cacophony are synonyms that describe loud, discordant noise
Flood and Deluge are synonyms that describe the rapid covering of land by water

Enact is to formally bring about something; Abrogate is to formally revoke something

Cleave is to join together; opposite of Separate

Glut and surfeit are synonyms that mean to supply with excess or abundance
Quell or Suppress are synonyms for forcibly bringing something to an end

Impertinent is to be excessively rudely, Forward

Vainglorious is to be excessively proud of oneself

Prudent and Circumspect are synonyms for someone who is thoughtful or careful
Circuitous and Tortuous are synonyms that describe something roundabout or indirect

Decimate is to Reduce greatly

Inveigh is to object greatly to someone or something

Abstruse is difficult to understand; Elementary is easily is comprehended

Obtuse is to be dull witted; Trenchant is to have a sharp mind or intelligence

Prefix Dis- means “apart” as in to spread apart, like in Dissect or Disperse

Prefix Dys- means abnormal as in Dysfunctional

Tease is to Mock; Malign is to mock or criticize in the extreme

Venerate is to show respect; Kowtow is to show excessive respect, to the point of appearing
Vacuous and Empty are synonyms for lacking substance
Irresolute and Vacillant are synonyms for lacking decisiveness

Bi- is a prefix for two

Duode- is a prefix for twelve

Carve or Incise is to cut something into a surface

Incite or Foment is to cause an action

Incorrigible is to be disobedient beyond correction

Ineluctable is beyond probable, it is unavoidable

Chimerical is to be beyond Fanciful, something that exist only in imagination

Implacable is to be so Displeased that condition can’t be improved

Dolorous and Dismal are synonyms for Sorrow or depression

Wan and Pallid are synonyms that describe a lack of color or a pale appearance

Harbinger and Herald are synonyms that mean to forewarn, as in an omen or a messenger
Harbor and Shelter and synonyms that mean to provide refuge

Deride something is to Belittle or Lower it; Exalt is to give praise or to Elevate

Prioritize is to increase in importance; Relegate is to assign to lower in importance

Centi- is a prefix for hundredth; Kilo- is prefix for thousand

Penta- is prefix for five; Quint- is also a prefix for five

Adopt is opposite to Discard
Unite is to bring together; Disperse is to separate

Mitigate is to lessen something; Preclude is to stop something entirely

Stoic is to be extremely Calm such that one cannot be perturbed

Bucolic and Rural are synonyms for natural country setting

Obsequious and Servile are synonyms that describe someone who is excessively Obedient or

Euphoria is intense happiness

Dysphoria is intense discontent

Facile and Superficial are synonyms when describing things done without effort or care
Restive and Recalcitrant are synonyms that describe people or things which resist authority or

Bitter and Acrid are synonyms for a sharp, unpleasant taste

Spartan and Ascetic are synonyms, describe a lack of luxury, they may also describe extreme

Ornate is to be extremely Ornamented

Effusive is to be extremely Emotional

Consonance refers to harmony in sound; Dissonance refers to disorder in sound

Protrusion projects Outwards; Depression projects Inwards
Insipid things are boring; Sensuous things excite senses
Intrepid is fearless; Craven is cowardly

Credulous is extremely Amenable (open to suggestion)

Mortified (feel very embarrassed) is extremely Embarrassed

Monolithic is incredibly Uniform

Infinitesimal is incredibly or incalculably Small

Classification Analogies
Noun and Determiner are both parts of Speech
Independent and Dependent are both types of Clauses

English language uses Roman alphabet; Russian uses Cyrllic

Scurvy is a type of disease; Tetanus is type of infection

Stallion is a male horse, belongs to Equus family; Boar is a male bear, belongs to Ursidae family

Off the Charts is an English idiom, as is Toe the line

Schooner is a type of Boat; Dirigible is a type of Aerostat

Girth and Stirrup are both parts of a horse’s Saddle; Fender and a Wheel are parts of a Car
Barrister is common to Britain as opposed to Lawyer ; Constable is common to Britain as
oppose to police officer

Quark is type of Elementary particle; Pewter is a type of Metal Alloy

Free verse is style of poetry; Stream of consciousness is style of writing

Polar is a type of Desert; Alpine is a type of Tundra

Type of Monarchy is constitutional; Type of Democracy is Direct

Helium and Krypton are both noble gases; Steel and Brass are both alloys

Olfactory and Gustatory both refers to senses (Smell and Taste); Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic are subdivisions of automatic nervous system

Radar and Scuba are both little known acronyms; Goggles and Flippers are both common gear
for use in water

Ontology is branch of philosophy; Oncology is branch of medicine

Allegro and Adagio are both Tempos at which music can be played; Soprano and Baritone are
both vocal ranges

Both Peck and Bushel are dry measures; Gill and hogshead are liquid measure

Obtuse is type of angle; Square is type of rectangle

Kingdoms are subdivisions of domains in biology; Division is a subdivision of Arithmetic in

Archilles and Perseus are both Greek Heroes; Thalia and Terpsichore are both Greek Muses

Meter and Yard are measure of length; Ampere and Joules are both measure of energy or
current etc

Giraffes are a type of Ruminant behavior; Horses are type of Monogastric behavior

Neoclassical is a major type of Architecture; Cubism is a major type of Painting

British Useum and Guggenheim are both famous Museums; Kline and Kandinsky are both
famous abstract Painters

Basalt is a type of Igneous Rock; Shale is a type of Sedimentary Rock

Ionosphere and Troposphere are both layers of earth’s atmosphere; Canopy and Understory
are both layers of Vegetation in Forest

Pincer and Phallanx are both old world military tactics; Blitzkrieg and peaceful penetration are
modern tactics

Goethe was a famous writer; Foucalt is a famous philosopher

Behavioral is a type of psychology; Geriatric is a type of medicine

Cedar is type of Conifer Tree; Birch is a type of Deciduous Tree

Bushel is unit of measure in Imperial system; Pound is a unit of measure in Avoirdupois system

Kodiak and Panda are types of Bears; Lions and Tigers are both large Cats

Epistemology and Metaphysics are both branches of philosophy; Abstract and Impressionist are
both art movements

Milkyway and Andomeda are both Galaxies; Polaris and Sirius are both Stars

Association Analogies
Crop is an Implement use by a Jokey; Stone is used by a Curler

Food provides nutrition; Water provide hydration

One use of Hammer is to Drive one object through another; One use of a Vice is to hold an
object in Place

Salivation is biological process and occurs in mouth; Peristalsis is a process that occurs in

Doctor is to health as teacher is to education

Excessive rain leads to flood; Excessive heat can lead to Erosion

Corpora is plural of corpus; Faunae is plural of fauna

Excessive activity leads to Exhaustion; Excessive use of something leads to depletion

Pariah lacks community; Apostate lacks religion

Drummer uses Sticks to play drums; Cellist uses a Bow to play Cello

Fox will build a Den; Robin will build a Nest

Impudent ( ) lacks restraint; Servile ( ) lacks dignity

Proteins are Amino-acid chains; Collagen is a key component of Bones

Legislators provide Laws; Judges provide Adjudication

Wedge is use to split something; Knife is used to cut something

Scimitar is Blade used for Slashing; Dirk is a short Dagger use for Piercing

Avian relates to Birds which are known for their Vision; Canine relates to Dogs which are known
for their sense of smell

Locusts can cause Famine; Mice can spread Plagues

Weft is the Crossthread used in making a Tapestry; Parchment was typically made from animal

Suit is made by Tailor; Barrel is made by Cooper

Nod shows agreement; Salute shows respect

Animal Horn is made of Keratin; Trumpet is made of Brass

Plumb is weighted line use to measure verticality; Audiometer is used to measure sound

Guarantee allows one to claim reimbursement under certain conditions; Postage allows mail to
be delivered by covering the cost

Stimulus results in a reaction; An input results in an output

Hero lacks cowardice; Slave lacks freedom

Rupee is an Indian currency; Ruble is a Russian currency

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