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Word Meaning

cacophony harsh sound

cadence rhythm, rise and fall of sounds
cajol to persuade deceptively
callow immature
candor sincere honesty; truthfullness
capitalism free enterprise
capitulate to surrender, to give up
re-capitulate to summarize
capricious un-predictable
caricature distorted portrait
castigate to criticize severly
catalyst it makes things happen
categorical un-conditional; absolute
catharsis purification that brings
emotional relief
catholic universal,
embracing everything
celibacy abstinence from sex
censure to condemn severly

cerebral pertainening to brain

chagrin humiliation
charisma magical attractiveness
charlatan fraud; quack
chasm gaping hole, deep, a gorge
chastise to punish
chicanery trickery, decietfulness,
chimera illusion
chronic lasting a long time
chronicle record of events in order
of time
circuitous roundabout
circumlocation indirect expression,
use of wordy/evasive language
circumscribe to draw a lin around
circumspect cautious
circumvent to frustrate
civil polite, courteous
clemency mercy, mildness,
cliché over used saying or idea
clique an exclusive group, bound
together by some shared interest
clement mild weather
inclement bad weather
coalesce to unite
coerce to force someone to do
cogent powerfully convinicing
cognitive knowing through senses
cognizant aware, conscious
cognizance knowledge
coherent holding together
colloquial conversational,
informal in language
collusion c onspiracy,
commensurate equal, in propotionate
compelling forceful
compendium summary, an abridgment
complacent self-satisfied
complement to complete or fill up
complicity partner in crime
comprehensive including every thing
comprise consists of
concilatory making peace
concise brief and to the point, succinct
concord harmony, in agreement
discord inharmony
concurrent occuring at same time
condone to overlook, to permit to happen
conducive promoting
confluence flowing together
congenial agreebly suitable, pleasant
congenital existing at birth
conjecture to gues, to deduce, to infer
connoisure an expert,
consecrate to make o r declare sacred
consensus unanimity
consonant harmonious, in agreement
construe interpret
consummate perfect, complete
contentious argumentative, quarelsome
contigous side by side, adjoining
contingent dependant, possible
contrite admitting guilty
contrived artifice,
conventional common, customery
convivial festive, gay, joyous
copious plentiful, abundant
corollary natural consequence
corroboration to confirm, to back up with
the evidance
countenance face, facial expression
coup brilliant victory
covenant agreement, contract,
covert hidden, secret
overt open to view
covet to wish for enviously
credulous eager to believe, gullible
criterion standard, basis for judgment
cryptic mysterious
culinary pertaining to coocking
culminate to climax, to reach full effort
cupable deserving blame,
cursory hasty, superarifice
curtail shorten, deduce
cynic person who distrusts humanx
exculpate free from blame

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