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1. Order the sentences.


2➡️any/bananas/isn't/There Commented [MJFC1]:



2. Traslate.
-No hay leche.

-Hay cuatro huevos.

-Hay alguna mantequilla.

-Hay tres botes de harina.

-No hay zumo de naranja.

3. Draw a cupboard and describe the food in it.

4. Complete.
Is there flour?

Is there milk?

There is flour.

There isn’t milk.

Is there packet of flour?

Is there bottle of milk?

There is packet of flour?

There isn’t bottle of milk.

Are there packets of flour?

Are there bottles of milk?

There two packets of flour.

There aren’t bottles of milk.

5. Traslate the questions and answer them.

1. ¿Hay alguna harina?

2. ¿Hay leche?

3. ¿Hay algunos paquetes de harina?

4. ¿Hay alguna lata de refresco?

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