Jared Hunter Resignation

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Whom it may Concern,

Early Sunday morning, I was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence after being involved in a two-
car accident off campus in a highly student-populated area of Tuscaloosa. Thankfully, everyone involved in the
accident is safe.

There are no words to express how remorseful I am about my actions. I am sincerely sorry, and the choice I made
to drive while intoxicated is inexcusable. What I did was careless and completely irresponsible. I apologize to the
victims that I directly affected, as well as to my family, friends, and the entire student body. Additionally, I
apologize to the campus administration and everyone who comprises The University of Alabama community. What
I have done reflects poorly on myself, the UA Student Government Association, and The University of Alabama.

I understand my choices not only put myself in danger but also risked the lives of countless others. There is no way
to justify drunk driving as there were infinite ways to put people’s lives in danger when you choose to get behind
the wheel while intoxicated.

This choice is not who I am and is not a reflection of the man I was raised to be. Again, I am truly sorry for what I
have done. The guilt I feel is insurmountable, and I will take every step necessary to rectify my wrong doings.

To bring healing to the University community, I am hereby resigning as president of The University of Alabama
Student Government Association effective immediately. It is in the best interest of those who I care so much for
and for the University that I love so much that I remove myself from office. I am heartbroken to have disappointed
so many, but in order to promote ethical behavior, this is the action that must be taken.

I am seeking the guidance of my family, friends, and the UA administration to do everything I can to better myself
and attend to the consequences of my actions. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have
done despite how I have let you down. Lastly, I would like to thank those who have helped me and provided their
emotional support in my darkest hour. I would also like to thank the SGA Executive Council for providing me with
an opportunity to serve with you. It was the opportunity of a lifetime to be your SGA President and something I
will cherish forever.


2617 Ferguson Center
Box 870298
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0298
(205) 348-2742
FAX (205) 348-0755

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