Design of A Sliding Mode Controller For Trajectory Tracking Problem of Marine Vessels

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Design of a sliding mode controller for trajectory

tracking problem of marine vessels

J. Cheng, J. Yi and D. Zhao

Abstract: Trajectory tracking is an issue of vital practical importance for manoeuvreing of marine
vessels. Because of the nonlinearities of kinematics and dynamics of motion, conventional control
designs, based on the assumption that the kinematics and dynamics can be linearised, are not com-
petent for tracking application of marine vessels. A multivariable sliding mode control law is pro-
posed for the trajectory tracking problem on the basis of nonlinear horizontal motion dynamics of a
class of marine vessels, in which three degrees of freedom are concerned. Ship positions and yaw
angle are simultaneously tracked. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the proposed
control law. Simulation results show the validity of this method for ship trajectory tracking

1 Introduction This paper proposes a nonlinear SMC law for the trajec-
tory tracking problem on the basis of the dynamic model of
The trajectory tracking problem is a field of high interest in marine vessels for horizontal motion, in which three DOF
the manoeuvreing of marine vessels. Although dynamics of are concerned. The stability analysis based on Lyapunov
marine vessels is accurately described by complex non- stability theory proves that the proposed control system is
linear hydrodynamic models, the models for control pur- globally stable and realises the simultaneous tracking of
poses are still simple linear models developed decades positions and heading angle. The proposed control law is
ago. Examples are the linear steering model of Davidson simulated on a supply vessel.
and Schiff [1] or the course-keeping models of Nomoto
et al. [2]. The contribution of Holzhuter [3] exploits the
simplicity in practical applications. 2 Ship model
Most conventional ship control systems are designed
under the assumption that the kinematics and dynamic The nonlinear dynamics and kinematics model of marine
equations of motion can be linearised such that vessels are derived from the robot model, which was
gain-scheduling techniques and optimal control theory can modified by Fossen [13, 14] and written in a compact
be applied [4]. This is not a good assumption for tracking vector form. Fossen introduced a parallel reference
applications where the surge and sway positions and yaw frame to eliminate the nonlinearities associated with the
angle must be controlled simultaneously. The main reason kinematical transformation between body- and Earth-
is that the rotation matrix for coordinate transformation fixed velocities, which high simplifies the model [15].
between the Earth-fixed space and the body-fixed space is The six DOF marine vessel equations of motion are
practically impossible to be linearised with adequate written as
accuracy. In addition, assumptions like linear damping
and negligible Coriolis and centripetal forces are only M n_ þ CðnÞn þ DðnÞn þ gðhÞ ¼ t þ tb h_ ¼ J ðhÞn ð1Þ
good for low-speed applications that are station-keeping
and dynamic positioning [5]. where v [ R n1, h [ R n2, n1 ¼ n2 ¼ 6. The vector n
These limitations clearly motivate a nonlinear design for denotes the linear velocities in surge, sway and heave, and
ship trajectory tracking problem, and the developments in the angular velocities in roll, pitch and yaw, decomposed
the last decade in nonlinear control theory greatly extends in the body-fixed frame. The vector h denotes the position
the possibilities [6 – 9]. Zhang et al. [10], Encarnacao and orientation decomposed in the Earth-fixed frame.
et al. [11] and Pettersen and Lefeber [12] address the t [ R m is the vector of control inputs, which denotes the
problem of following straight lines, which is a system control forces and moments decomposed in the body-fixed
with relative two degrees of freedom (DOF) controlled by frame, and m (.2) is the number of the control inputs
input– output linearisation and robustly by sliding mode that depends on the configuration of the marine vessel. tb
control (SMC). However, the authors use a very simplified is accounting for the unmodelled external forces and
dynamic model. moment mainly imposed by wind and second-order wave
[16]. M is a rigid-body inertia matrix including added
# The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2006 mass, which is constant, non-singular and positive definite.
doi:10.1049/iet-cta:20050357 C(n) is a skew-symmetric parameterisation of the rigid-
Paper first received 21st September 2005 and in revised form 24th April 2006
body Coriolis and centripetal matrix including added
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of Complex Systems and Intelligence
mass. The total hydrodynamic damping matrix D(n) is sym-
Science, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing metric and positive definite. The coordinate transformation
100080, People’s Republic of China matrix J(h) has full rank. g(h) is the vector of gravitational
E-mail: and buoyant forces and moments.
IET Control Theory Appl., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2007 233
As the trajectory tracking problem for marine vessels is to linear velocities in surge and sway, and the angular velocity
find a control law that asymptotically stabilises both the in yaw. t ¼ [t1 , t2 , t3]T denotes the control inputs, respect-
positions and the orientation, shown in Fig. 1, which are ively, the surge force, the sway force, and the yaw moment.
mainly associated with the horizontal motions, we will tb is an unknown bias term which is slowly varying depend-
restrict the six-dimensional dynamics to the horizontal ing on the sea state [17]. The estimation of tb is presented in
plane by making the following assumptions. detail by Perez [16] and is omitted here.
System defined by (2) –(7) satisfies the following
Assumption 1: The dynamics associated with the motion properties:
in heave, roll and pitch is negligible.
This is a well known assumption used in all industrial 1. M is positive, that is xTMx . 0, 8x = 0.
ship control systems because the magnitude of the heave, 2. C(n) is skew-symmetric, that is C(n) ¼ 2CT(n)
roll and pitch variables are very small (second-order xTC(n)x ¼ 0, 8x.
damped oscillators), and therefore their influence on the 3. D(n) is positive, that is xTD(n)x ¼ (1/2)xT(D(n) þ
motion in horizontal plane can be neglected. DT(n))x . 0, 8x = 0.
4. J(h) is non-singular, and satisfies
2 J 21(h) 3
¼ JT(h), 8h,
Assumption 2: The vector of restoring forces g (h) 0 ċ 0
(gravitation and buoyancy) is equal to zero. J_ (h) ¼ J(h)S, 8h, where S ¼ 4 ċ 0 0 5 ¼ S T :
As the direction of the gravity and buoyancy is perpen- 0 0 0
dicular to horizontal plane, the forces of gravitation and
buoyancy have no effect on the dynamics in the horizontal
3 SMC design
motion of marine vessels.
Under these assumptions, the dynamic model of marine The control objective is to find a nonlinear control law that
vessels for motion in horizontal plane is given by the makes the ship asymptotically tracking a designed trajec-
following 3 DOF model tory. In this section, an SMC law will be developed.
M n_ þ CðnÞn þ DðnÞn ¼ t þ tb ð2Þ The SMC method is developed to design systems that
have the desired dynamic behaviour and are robust with
h_ ¼ J ðhÞn ð3Þ respect to perturbations. As a nonlinear control approach,
where SMC method has been successfully applied to the systema-
tic control design for the advantage of the reduction of the
2 3
m  Xu_ 0 0 system order. The most intriguing aspect of SMC is the
6 discontinuous nature of the control action. Otherwise, it
M¼4 0 m  Yv_ mxg  Yr_ 7
5 ð4Þ
behaves with some important advantages such as insensitiv-
0 mxg  Nv_ Iz  Nr_ ity to parameter variations, and complete rejection of
2 3 disturbances, which makes SMC approach effective in
0 0 c13 control under conditions of uncertainty.
6 7
CðnÞ ¼ 4 0 0 c23 5 ð5Þ For the bias term tb can be dealt as uncertain disturbances
c31 c32 0 of extra states, it is not concerned in SMC design. Suppose
the desired position and orientation in the Earth-fixed
with c13 ¼ 2(m 2 Yv̇)v 2 (mxg 2 Yṙ)r, c23 ¼ (m 2 Xu̇)u, coordinate system are described by a time-varying reference
c31 ¼ (m 2 Yv̇)v þ (mxg 2 Yṙ)r, c32 ¼ 2(m 2 Xu̇)u and trajectory, that is defined by vector hd ¼ [xd , yd , cd]T.
2 3 Without any loss of generality, it is assumed that the
Xu 0 0 reference trajectory hd , ḣd , ḧd is smooth and bounded.
6 7
DðnÞ ¼ 4 0 Yv Yr 5 ð6Þ
Definition 1: The measure of tracking is defined as
0 Nv Nr
2 3 s ¼ h_~ þ Lh~ ð8Þ
cos c  sin c 0
6 7
J ðhÞ ¼ 4 sin c cos c 0 5 ð7Þ where h̃ ¼ h 2 hd is the Earth-fixed tracking error and L is
0 0 1 a diagonal positive design matrix.
It can be seen from (8) that the convergence of s to zero
where Iz , Xu , Xu̇ , Yv , Yv̇ , Yr , Yṙ , Nr , Nṙ , Nv , Nv̇ are hydrodyn- implies that the tracking error h̃ converges to zero. Hence s
amic parameters of a ship. The vector h ¼ [x, y, c]T denotes is defined as the sliding mode in the designed control
the position and orientation of the ship in the Earth-fixed system.
coordinate system. The vector n ¼ [u, v, r]T denotes the
Definition 2: The virtual reference trajectory and virtual
ψ /r reference velocities vector in body-fixed and Earth-fixed

X/u coordinates are defined as

h_ r ¼ h_ d  Lh~ ð9Þ
O nr ¼ J ðhÞh_ r ð10Þ
Y /v
According to (8) and (9), s can be rewritten as

s ¼ h_~ þ Lh~ ¼ h_  h_ r ð11Þ

On the basis of this definition, the design of the SMC law is
Fig. 1 Horizontal motion of marine vessels developed by the following steps.
234 IET Control Theory Appl., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2007
Step 1: In order to construct the sliding mode s, the differ- Define the control input as
ential equation of the dynamics containing h should be
derived first. t ¼ teq þ tsw ð24Þ
From (3) and (7), we have where tsw is the switch control part of the SMC input.
n¼J 1
ðhÞh_ ð12Þ To guarantee that the sliding mode s tends to zero in finite
time and also with desired convergence rate, the dynamics
and of the sliding mode is required to have the following form

@J 1 ðhÞ @J T ðhÞ s_ ¼ Ws  K sgnðsÞ ð25Þ

¼ ¼ ðJ_ ðhÞÞT ¼ ðJ ðhÞSÞT
@t @t where W [ diagfwig, K [ diagfkig, wi . 0, ki . 0, i ¼ 1,
¼ S J ðhÞ ¼ SJ ðhÞ T 2, 3. Substituting (25) into the left section of (22) and
(24) into the right section of (22) yield
¼ J 1 ðhÞJ ðhÞSJ 1 ðhÞ tsw ¼ M h ðhÞ½Ws þ K sgnðsÞ ð26Þ
¼ J 1
ðhÞJ_ ðhÞJ 1 ðhÞ ð13Þ So the control law is designed as
Substituting (13) into (12) yields t ¼ M n_ r þ CðnÞnr þ DðnÞnr þ ½C h ðn; hÞ þ Dh ðn; hÞs
@Jðh Þ  M h ðhÞ½Ws þ K sgnðsÞ ð27Þ
n_ ¼ h_ þ J 1 ðhÞh€
¼ J 1 ðhÞJ_ ðhÞJ 1 ðhÞh_ þ J 1 ðhÞh€ ð14Þ 4 Stability analysis
Substituting (14) into (2), then the differential equation con- The SMC method provides an effective nonlinear control
taining h is achieved as approach for systems difficult to be linearised. When the
system reaches the sliding mode, it has very good adaptive-
MJ 1 ðhÞh€  MJ 1 ðhÞJ_ ðhÞJ 1 ðhÞh_ ness, that is robustness to disturbances and parameter
þ CðnÞJ 1 ðhÞh_ þ DðnÞJ 1 ðhÞh_ variations. In this section, the stability of the control
system will be analysed.
¼ MJ 1 ðhÞh€ þ ½CðnÞ  MJ 1 ðhÞJ_ ðhÞJ 1 ðhÞ
Theorem 1: Consider the system defined by (2) and (3)
 J 1 ðhÞh_ þ DðnÞJ 1 ðhÞh_ ¼ t ð15Þ and construct the sliding mode as (8). If the control law is
designed as (27), then the sliding mode is asymptotically
Define stable.
Mh ðhÞ ¼ MJ 1 ðhÞ ð16Þ Proof: To investigate stability of this control system,
C h ðn; hÞ ¼ ½CðnÞ  MJ 1
ðhÞJ_ ðhÞJ 1 ðhÞ ð17Þ consider the Lyapunov function candidate
Dh ðn; hÞ ¼ DðnÞJ 1 ðhÞ ð18Þ V ¼ sT s ð28Þ
then (15) can be rewritten as For M is positive and according to (16), Mh(h) is invertible.
Then the derivative of V along the trajectory of system
M h ðhÞh€ þ C h ðn; hÞh_ þ Dh ðn; hÞh_ ¼ t ð19Þ (20) is

Step 2: The differential equation of the sliding mode is V_ ¼ sT s_

derived at this step. Equations (11) and (19) yield
¼ sT M 1
h ðhÞfC h ðn; hÞs  Dh ðn; hÞs
M h ðhÞ_s ¼ C h ðn; hÞs  Dh ðn; hÞs þ t  Mh ðhÞh€ r
þ ½t  Mnr  CðnÞnr  DðnÞnr g ð29Þ
 C h ðn; hÞh_ r  Dh ðn; hÞh_ r ð20Þ
Substituting the control input t given in (27) into (29) yields
From (10) and (14), we can also obtain
V_ ¼ sT Ws  sT K sgnðsÞ  0 ð30Þ
@J ðh Þ
n_ r ¼ h_ r þ J 1 ðhÞh€ r because W and K are both positive matrix.
@t On the basis of Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle’s
¼ J 1 ðhÞJ_ ðhÞJ 1 ðhÞh_ r þ J 1 ðhÞh€ r ð21Þ principle about invariance set [18], the control system is
asymptotically stable therefore it guarantees that the
With (16) – (18) and (21), (20) can be rewritten as sliding mode can be reached and converge to zero in
finite time. A
M h ðhÞ_s ¼ C h ðn; hÞs  Dh ðn; hÞs
Remark 1: The dynamic characteristics of the sliding mode
þ ½t  M n_ r  CðnÞnr  DðnÞnr  ð22Þ are only dependent on the matrix W and K. According to
Let s_ ¼ 0, then the equivalent control can be obtained from (25), for any si [ s and si (t0) = 0, it satisfies
(22) as s_i ¼ wi s  ki sgnðsi Þ ð31Þ
teq ¼ M n_ r þ CðnÞnr þ DðnÞnr þ ½C h ðn; hÞ and its solution is
þ Dh ðn; hÞs ð23Þ si ðtÞ ¼ ½jsi ðt0 Þj þ w1
i ki e
wi ðtt0 Þ
i ki ð32Þ

IET Control Theory Appl., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2007 235

hence, when Table 1: Hydrodynamic parameters

ki =ðki þ wi jsi ðt0 ÞjÞ Parameter Value SI unit

t ¼ t0  ln ð33Þ
Iz 2.0903  109 kgm2
it satisfies si (t) ¼ 0. When Xu 20.05138  10 kg/s
Xu_ 20.5096  106 kg
k =ðk þ wi jsi ðt0 ÞjÞ
t  t0  ln i i Yv 20.1698  10 6
Yv_ 23.5608  106 kg
the sliding mode will be reached. Yr 1.5081  106 kgm/s
According to (32), short time to reach sliding mode can Yr_ 20.02268  109 kgm
be obtained by proper selection of large positive value for Nv 1.5081  10 6
wi . The value of ki is the key factor of determining the
Nv_ 20.02268  109 kgm
robust stability of the SMC law. In order to have balance
property of the sliding control law between the anti- Nr 20.2530  109 kgm2/s
jamming and high frequency chattering, the value of ki Nr_ 20.8780  10 kgm2
should also be chosen carefully.

Remark 2: According to (3), (9) and (10), the following The initial state of the reference trajectory and ship
equation is satisfied at stable tracking stage h̃ ¼ 0 course is defined as
n ¼ J 1 ðhÞh_ ¼ J 1 ðhÞh_ d ¼ J 1 ðhÞh_ r ¼ nr ð34Þ hd0 ¼ 0ðmÞ 0ðmÞ 0ðdegÞ
Hence the velocities of the ship in horizontal plane are h0 ¼ 100ðmÞ 800ðmÞ 90ðdegÞ
determined by the velocities of reference trajectory. By pro- The SMC law is simulated with L ¼ diagf1, 1, 1g, W ¼
gramming the reference trajectory, the SMC law can also diagf1, 2, 8g  1023, K ¼ diagf1, 1, 1g  1023. Simulation
control the ship with desired velocities in surge, sway and results are shown in the following figures.
the heading angular velocity. Fig. 2 displays the course of ship trajectory tracking
under the proposed SMC law. It is clearly seen that the
5 Numerical simulation ship follows the reference trajectory with high accuracy
and has fast tracking speed.
Numerical simulation is performed to show the effective- Fig. 3 shows the ship position and heading tracking errors
ness of the presented control law. Consider a supply in Earth-fixed coordinate. It is shown that the tracking errors
marine vessel with mass m ¼ 4  106 kg and length are simultaneously convergent to zero with fast
L ¼ 76.2 m (assuming xg ¼ 0). The ship is assumed to be
equipped with a single screw propeller, a rudder and a
tunnel thruster mounted at the bow. 600
The dynamical model parameters of the supply ship
has been identified by Fossen et al. [19], which are 400
derived from sea trials performed in calm water. The 200
North (m)

hydrodynamic parameters needed for simulation are

listed in Table 1. Applying values from Table 1 to 0
(4)– (6) yields -200
2 3
4:5096 0 0 -400
6 7
M ¼ 106  4 0 7:5608 22:68 5 -600
0 22:68 2968:3
0 500 1000 1500
2 3 East (m)
0 0 c13
6 7
CðnÞ ¼ 4 0 0 c23 5 with Fig. 2 Tracking course of marine vessel
c31 c32 0
c13 ¼ 7:5608v þ 22:68r; c23 ¼ 4:5096u; 800
x (m)
y (m)
c31 ¼ 7:5608v  22:68r; c32 ¼ 4:5096u ψ (deg)
tracking error

2 3 400
0:05138 0 0
D ¼ 106  4 0 0:1698 1:5081 5
0 1:5081 253
Define the reference trajectory as (35) with ud ¼ 8 m/s, 0
rd ¼ 0.0033p rad/s, which is a circle
2 3 2 3 -200
cosðcd Þ 0 0 ud 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
h_ d ¼ 4 0 sinðcd Þ 0 5  4 ud 5 ð35Þ
0 0 1 rd Fig. 3 Heading tracking error
236 IET Control Theory Appl., Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2007
10 6 Conclusions
5 The paper proposes an SMC law for trajectory tracking
problem of marine vessels. As it is desired to control both
0 the North and East positions together with the orientation
of the ship, the nonlinear dynamic model for ship horizontal
u, v

-5 motion with three DOF is constructed first. Design of the

SMC law as a nonlinear control method is presented in
detail. To prove the effectiveness of the SMC law, the
Lyapunov stability analysis has been applied. The proposed
u (m/s) control law is simulated on a supply vessel, and simulation
v (m/s) results demonstrate that it exhibits an excellent tracking
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 performance.
time (s)
Future work will be to add actuator dynamics, to consider
the estimation of the environmental disturbances because of
Fig. 4 Ship velocities in surge and sway
wind, waves and currents in the analysis of the design, and
to get a robust control design. Moreover, most work lies in
0.04 designing a practical guidance system for marine vessels.
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