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Jessica Bowlby

15 January 2018


Dr. Smith-Shank

Artist Statement

I am interested in multiple subject matters including nature and the environment, identity

and emotions, and utilitarian objects. I enjoy creating art that reflects my own environment. I like

to focus on areas near my home town and all its natural beauty. I appreciate being able to explore

the parks and caves and capture small details and quiet moments. I showcase aspects of nature

that are entirely beautiful but are often overlooked. I like to create moments of peace and calm in

my artwork. I show this through photography, painting, and ceramics. I am also interested in

creating artworks that reflect my identity, emotions, and mental health. This focus for my

artwork allows me to express my personality, but also my shifting mental states. This allows

viewers to see inside my thoughts and access more personal topics. I use sculpture and painting

as my primary media. I also enjoy creating utilitarian objects from clay. I enjoy creating

something useful that is also aesthetically pleasing. I like to make cups, mugs, vases, plant pots,

and other ceramic objects and put interesting designs and details on them. I like being able to

make pottery for other people and then see it being put to use in their homes. I love being able to

make something that is useful but also beautiful.

I am influenced greatly by artists such as Judi Tavill, Vanessa Hogge, Luo Li Rong,

Norman Rockwell, Claude Monet, and Ansel Adams. I admire their styles as well as content.

From coral to floral designs, Judi Tavill and Vanessa Hogge make extremely unique, detailed,
and repetitive ceramic objects. Their creations inspire my exploration of utilitarian, yet beautiful

ceramic objects. I am also inspired by the amount of detail and emotion that is seen in the

artworks of Luo Li Rong and Norman Rockwell. These artists showcase emotions and create

stories using diverse techniques and materials. Lastly, Claude Monet and Ansel Adams each

showcase the delicacy of nature and differing environments. They have each inspired me to

focus my art on my hometown through both photography and painting.

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