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Name : ………………………………………………………………….

Institution/Work Place : ………………………………………………………………….……………………
E-mail : ...........................................................................................
Phone/Mobile : ………………………………………………………………….……………………

Please enter your responses by crossing (x) your selection and/or by answering on the blank
spaces/dots for the following questions:
1. What is the field of work you are working on at the moment?
a. Education e. Engineer
b. Research f. Management
c. Process/production g. Other: ……....................
d. Sales/Marketing

2. What do you know about mechatronics, please give your brief explanation?

3. How many subfields/sub-areas do you think covered by mechatronics?

a. 1
b. 2 - 4
c. 5 - 7
d. > 8

In your opinion, what are the important subfields/sub-areas and how deep they
should be studied?

4. What are the other fields/areas outside of mechatronics which can be developed or
improved or highly affected by the development of mechatronics?

5. How important is mechatronics for the development of industry?

a. Very important e. Not important
b. Important
c. Somewhat important

In your opinion, what industries need mechatronics the most?


How much do you think the percentage of mechatronics expert needed in above
industries in comparison with the total number of human resources in the same

6. What skills or capabilities do you think a mechatronics expert should have?

a. Read and implement working drawings
b. Design and implement working drawings
c. Design and implement working drawings and estimate costs
d. Design and implement working drawings, estimate costs, and find available

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