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W. V. Quine

A curious thing about the ontological problem is its being able to admit that his opponent disagrees
simplicity. It can be put in three Anglo-Saxon with him.
monosyllables: 'What is there?' It can be answered, This is the old Platonic riddle ofnonbeing. Non-
moreover, in a word 'Everything' and everyone being must in some sense be, otherwise what is it
will accept this answer as true. However, this is that there is not? This tangled doctrine might be
merely to say that there is what there is. There nicknamed Plato's beard; historically it has proved
remains room for disagreement over cases; and tough, frequently dulling the edge of Occam's
the issue has stayed alive down the centuries.
Suppose now that two philosophers, McX and I, It issome such line of thought that leads philo-
differ over ontology. Suppose McX maintains sophers like McX to impute being where they
there is something which I maintain thereis not. might otherwise be quite content to recognize
McX can, quite consistently with his own point of that there is nothing. Thus, take Pegasus. If Pega-
view, describe our difference of opinion by saying sus were not, McX.argues, we should not be talking
that I refuse to recognize certain entities. I should about anything when we use the word; therefore it
protest, of course, that he is wrong in his formula- would be nonsense to say even that Pegasus is not.
tion of our disagreement, for I maintain that there Thinking to show thus that the denial of Pegasus
are no entities, of the kind which he alleges, for
me cannot be coherently maintained, he concludes that
to recognize; but my finding him wrong in his Pegasus is.
formulation of our disagreement is unimportant, McX cannot, indeed, quite persuade himself
for I am committed to considering him that any region of space-time, near or remote,
wrong in
his ontology anyway. con-
tains a flying horse of flesh and blood. Pressed for
When I try to formulate our difference of opin- further details on Pegasus, then, he says that Pega-
ion, on the other hand, I seem to be in a predica-
sus is an idea in men's minds. Here, however, a
ment. I cannot admit that there are some things confusion begins to be apparent. We may for the
which McX countenances and I do not, for in sake of argument concede that there is an entity,
admitting that there are such things I should be and even a unique entity (though this is rather
contradicting my own rejection of them. implausible), which is the mental Pegasus-idea;
It would appear, if this reasoning
were sound, but this mental entity is not what people are talking
that in any ontological dispute the about when they deny Pegasus.
proponent of
the negative side suffers the disadvantage of
not McX never confuses the Parthenon with the
Parthenon-idea. The Parthenon is physical; the
Parthenon-idea is mental (according anyway to
Originally published in the Review of Metaphysics 2/1 McX's version of ideas, and I have no better to
(Sept. 1948), reprinted with permission. offer). The Parthenon is visible; the Parthenon-
On What There Is

idea is invisible. We cannot easily imagine two Wyman's overpopulated universe is in many
things more unlike,and less liable to confusion, ways unlovely. It offends the aesthetic sense of us
than the Parthenon and the Parthenon-idea. But who have a taste for desert landscapes, but this is
when we shift from the Parthenon to Pegasus, the not the worst of it. Wyman's slum of possibles is a
confusion sets in for no other reason than that breeding ground for disorderly elements. Take, for
McX would sooner be deceived by the crudest and instance, the possible fat man in that doorway; and,
most flagrant counterfeit than grant the nonbeing again, the possible bald man in that doorway. Are
of Pegasus. they the same possible man, or two possible men?
The notion that Pegasus must be, because it How do we decide? How many possible men are
would otherwise be nonsense to say even that Pega- there in that doorway? Are there more possible thin
sus is not,
has been seen to lead McX into an ones than fat ones? How many of them are alike? Or
elementary confusion. Subtler minds, taking the would their being alike make them one? Are no two
same precept as their starting point, come out possible things alike? Is this the same as saying that
with theories of Pegasus which are less patently it is impossible for two things to be alike? Or,
misguided than McX's, and correspondingly finally, is the concept of identity simply inapplic-
more difficult to eradicate. One of these subtler able to unactualized possibles? But what sense can
minds is named, let us say, Wyman. Pegasus, be found in talking of entities which cannot mean-
Wyman maintains, has his being as an unactualized ingfully be said to be identical with themselves and
possible. When we say of Pegasus that there is no distinct from one another? These elements are
such thing, we are saying, more precisely, that well-nigh incorrigible. By a Fregean therapy of
Pegasus does not have the special attribute of actu- individual concepts, some effort might be made at
ality. Saying that Pegasus is not actual is on a par, rehabilitation; but I feel we'd do better simply to
logically, with saying that the Parthenon is not red; clear Wyman's slum and be done with it.
in either case we are saying something about an Possibility, along with the other modalities of
entity whose being is unquestioned. necessity and impossibility and contingency, raises
Wyman, by the way, is one of those philosophers problems upon which I do not mean to imply that
who have united in ruining the good old word we should turn our backs. But we can at least limit
'exist'. Despite his espousal of unactualized poss- modalities to whole statements. We may impose
ibles, he limits the word 'existence' to actuality the adverb 'possibly' upon a statement as a whole,
thus preserving an illusion of ontological agree- and we may well worry about the semantical ana-
ment between himself and us who repudiate the lysis of such usage; but little real advance in such
rest of his bloated universe. We have all been prone analysis is to be hoped for in expanding our uni-
to say, in our common-sense usage of 'exist', that verse to include so-called possible entities. I suspect
Pegasus does not exist, meaning simply that there that the main motive for this expansion is simply
is no such entity at all. If Pegasus existed he would the old notion that Pegasus, for example, must be
indeed be in space and time, but only because the because otherwise it would be nonsense to say even
word 'Pegasus' has spatio-temporal connotations, that he is not.
and not because 'exists' has spatio-temporal con- Still, all the rank luxuriance of Wyman's uni-
notations. If spatio-temporal reference is lacking verse of possibles would seem to come to naught
when we affirm the existence of the cube root of when we make a slight change in the example and
27, this is simply because a cube root is not a spatio- speak not of Pegasus but of the round square
temporal kind of thing, and not because we are cupola on Berkeley College. If, unless Pegasus
being ambiguous in our use of 'exist'.1 However, were, it would be nonsense to say that he is not,
Wyman, in an ill-conceived effort to appear agree- then by the same token, unless the round square
able, genially grants us the nonexistence of Pegasus cupola on Berkeley College were, it would be non-
and then, contrary to what we meant by non- sense to say that it is not. But, unlike Pegasus, the
existence of Pegasus, insists that Pegasus is. Exist- round square cupola on Berkeley College cannot be
ence is one thing, he says, and subsistence is admitted even as an unactualized possible. Can we
another. The only way I know of coping with this drive Wyman now to admitting also a realm of
obfuscation of issues is to give Wyman the word unactualizable impossibles? If so, a good many
'exist'. I'll try not to use it again; I still have 'is'. So embarrassing questions could be asked about
much for lexicography; let's get back to Wyman's them. We might hope even to trap Wyman in
ontology. contradicti6ns, by getting him to admit that certain
W. V. quine
of these entities are at once round and square. But keley College and is pink, and nothing else is round
the wily Wyman chooses the other horn of the and square and a cupola on Berkeley College'.
dilemma and concedes that it is nonsense to say The virtue of this analysis is that the seeming
that the round square cupola on Berkeley College is name, a descriptive phrase, is paraphrased in con-
not. He says that the phrase 'round square cupola' text as a so-called incomplete symbol. No unified
is meaningless. expression is offered as an analysis of the descript-
Wyman was not the first to embrace this altern- ive phrase, but the statement as a whole which was
ative. The doctrine of the meaninglessness of con- the context of that phrase still gets its full quota of
tradictions runs away back. The tradition survives, meaning whether true or false.
moreover, in writers who seem to share none of The unanalyzed statement 'The author of
Wyman's motivations. Still, I wonder whether the Waverley was a poet' contains a part, 'the author
first temptation to such a doctrine may not have of Waverley', which is wrongly supposed by McX
been substantially the motivation which we have and Wyman to demand objective reference in order
observed in Wyman. Certainly the doctrine has no to be meaningful at all. But in Russell's translation,
intrinsic appeal; and it has led its devotees to such 'Something wrote Waverley and was a poet and
quixotic extremes as that of challenging the method nothing else wrote Waverley', the burden of object-
of proof by reductio ad absurdum a challenge in ive reference which had been put upon the
which I sense a reductio ad absurdum of the doctrine descriptive phrase is now taken over by words of
itself. the kind that logicians call bound variables, vari-
Moreover, the doctrine of meaninglessness of ables of quantification: namely, words like 'some-
contradictions has the severe methodological draw- thing', 'nothing', 'everything'. These words, far
back that it makes it impossible, in principle, ever from purporting to be names specifically of the
to devise an effective test of what is meaningful and author of Waverley, do not purport to be names at
what is not. It would be forever impossible for us to all; they refer to entities generally, with a kind of
devise systematic ways of deciding whether a string studied ambiguity peculiar to themselves. These
of signs made sense even to us individually, let quantificational words or bound variables are, of
alone other people or not. For it follows from a course a basic part of language, and their mean-
discovery in mathematical logic, due to Church, 2 ingfulness, at least in context, is not to be chal-
that there can be no generally applicable test of lenged. But their meaningfulness in no way
contradictoriness. presupposes there being either the author of Waver-
I have spoken disparagingly of Plato's beard, and ley or the round square cupola on Berkeley College
hinted that it is tangled. I have dwelt at length on or any other specifically preassigned objects.
the inconveniences of putting up with it. It is time Where descriptions are concerned, there is no
to think about taking steps. longer any difficulty in affirming or denying being.
Russell, in his theory of so-called singular 'There is the author of Waverley' is explained by
descriptions, showed clearly how we might mean- Russell as meaning 'Someone (or, more strictly,
ingfully use seeming names without supposing that something) wrote Waverley and nothing else
there be the entities allegedly named. The names to wrote Waverley'. 'The author of Waverley is not'
which Russell's theory directly applies are complex is explained, correspondingly, as the alternation
descriptive names such as 'the author of Waverley', 'Either each thing failed to write Waverley or two
'the present King of France', 'the round square or more things wrote Waverley'. This alternation is
cupola on Berkeley College'. Russell analyzes false, but meaningful; and it contains no expression
such phrases systematically as fragments of the purporting to name the author of Waverley. The
whole sentences in which they occur. The sentence statement 'The round square cupola on Berkeley
'The author of Waverley was a poet', for example, College is not' is analyzed in similar fashion. So the
is explained as a whole as meaning 'Someone (bet- old notion that statements of nonbeing defeat
ter: something) wrote Waverley and was a poet, and themselves goes by the board. When a statement
nothing else wrote Waverley'. (The point of this of being or nonbeing is analyzed by Russell's the-
added clause is to affirm the uniqueness which is ory of descriptions, it ceases to contain any expres-
implicit in the word 'the', in 'the author of Waver- sion which even purports to name the alleged entity
ley'.) The sentence 'The round square cupola on whose being is in question, so that the meaningful-
Berkeley College is pink' is explained as 'Some- ness of the statement no longer can be thought to
thing is round and square and is a cupola on Ber- presuppose that there be such an entity.
On What There Is

Now what of 'Pegasus'? This being a word centaurs; and we commit ourselves to an ontology
rather than a descriptive phrase, Russell's argu- containing Pegasus when we say Pegasus is. But we
ment does not immediately apply to it. However, do not commit ourselves to an ontology containing
it can easily be made to apply. We have only to Pegasus or the author of Waverley or the round
rephrase 'Pegasus' as a description, in any way that square cupola on Berkeley College when we say
seems adequately to single out our idea; say, 'the that Pegasus or the author of Waverley or the
winged horse that was captured by Bellerophon'. cupola in question is not. We need no longer labor
Substituting such a phrase for 'Pegasus', we can under the delusion that the meaningfulness of a
then proceed analyze the statement 'Pegasus is',
to statement containing a singular term presupposes
or 'Pegasus
is precisely on the analogy of an entity named by the term. A singular term need
Russell's analysis of 'The author of Waverley is' not name to be significant.
and 'The author of Waverley is not'. An inkling of this might have dawned on
In order thus to subsume one-word name or
a Wyman and McX even without benefit of Russell
alleged name such
as 'Pegasus'under Russell's if they had only noticed as so few of us do that
theory of description, we must, of course, be able there is a gulf between meaning and naming even in
first to translate the word into a description. But the case of a singular term which is genuinely a
this is no real restriction. If the notion of Pegasus name of an object. The following example from
had been so obscure or so basic a one that no pat Frege will serve. 3 The phrase 'Evening Star'
translation into a descriptive phrase had offered names a certain large physical object of spherical
itself along familiar lines, we could still have availed form, which is hurtling through space some scores
ourselves of the following artificial and trivial- of millions of miles from here. The phrase 'Morn-
seeming device: we could have appealed to the ex ing Star' names the same thing, as was probably
hypothesi unanalyzable, irreducible attribute of first established by some observant Babylonian.
being Pegasus, adopting, for its expression, the But the two phrases cannot be regarded as having
verb 'is-Pegasus', or 'pegasizes'. The noun 'Pega- the same meaning; otherwise that Babylonian could
sus' itself could then be treated as derivative, and have dispensed with his observations and con-
identified after all with a description: 'the thing tented himself with reflecting on the meanings of
that is-Pegasus', 'the thing that pegasizes'. his words. The meanings, then, being different
If the importing of such a predicate as 'pegasizes' from one another, must be other than the named
seems to commit us to recognizing that there is a object, which is one and the same in both cases.
corresponding attribute, pegasizing, in Plato's hea- Confusion of meaning with naming not only
ven or in the minds of men, well and good. Neither made McX think he could not meaningfully
we nor Wyman nor McX have been contending, repudiate Pegasus; a continuing confusion of
thus far, about the being or nonbeing of universals, meaning with naming no doubt helped engender
but rather about that of Pegasus. If in terms of his absurd notion that Pegasus is an idea, a mental
pegasizing we can interpret the noun 'Pegasus' as entity. The structure of his confusion is as follows.
a description subject to Russell's theory of descrip- He confused the alleged named object Pegasus with
tions, then we have disposed of the old notion that the meaning of the word 'Pegasus', therefore con-
Pegasus cannot be said not to be without presup- cluding that Pegasus must be in order that the word
posing that in some sense Pegasus is. have meaning. But what sorts of things are mean-
Our argument is now quite general. McX and ings? This is a moot point; however, one might
Wyman supposed that we could not meaningfully quite plausibly explain meanings as ideas in the
affirm a statement of the form 'So-and-so is not', mind, supposing we can make clear sense in turn
with a simple or descriptive singular noun in place of the idea of ideas in the mind. Therefore Pegasus,
of 'so-and-so', unless so-and-so is. This supposi- initially confused with a meaning, ends up as an
tion is now seen to be quite generally groundless, idea in the mind. It is the more remarkable that
since the singular noun in question can always be Wyman, subject to the same initial motivation as
expanded into a singular description, trivially or McX, should have avoided this particular blunder
otherwise, and then analyzed out d la Russell. and wound up with unactualized possibles instead.
We commit ourselves to an ontology containing Now let us turn to the ontological problem of
numbers when we say there are prime numbers universals: the question whether there are such
larger than a million; we commit ourselves to an entities as attributes, relations, classes, numbers,
ontology containing centaurs when we say there are functions. McX, characteristically enough, thinks
W. V. Quine
there are. Speaking of attributes, he says: 'There all. For have seen that being a name of some-
are red houses, red roses, red sunsets; this much is thing is a much more special feature than being
prephilosophical common sense in which we must meaningful. He cannot even charge us at least not
all agree. These houses, roses, and sunsets, then, by that argument with having posited an attribute
have something in common; and this which they of pegasizing by our adoption of the predicate
have in common is all I mean by the attribute of 'pegasizes'.
redness.' For McX, thus, there being attributes is However, McX hits upon a different strategem.
even more obvious and trivial than the obvious and 'Let us grant,' he says, 'this distinction between
trivial fact of there being red houses, roses, and meaning and naming of which you make so much.
sunsets. This, I think, is characteristic of metaphy- Let us even grant that "is red", "pegasizes", etc.,
sics, or at least of that part of metaphysics called are not names of attributes. Still, you admit they
ontology: one who regards a statement on this have meanings. But these meanings, whether they
subiect as true at all must regard it as trivially are named or not, are still universals, and I venture
true. One's ontology is basic to the conceptual to say that some of them might even be the very
scheme by which he interprets all experiences, things that I call attributes, or something to much
even the most commonplace ones. Judged within the same purpose in the end.'
some particular conceptual scheme and how else For McX, this is an unusually penetrating
is iudgrnent possible? an ontological statement speech; and the only way I know to counter it is
goes without saying, standing in need of no separ- by refusing to admit meanings. However, I feel no
ate iustification at all. Ontological statements fol- reluctance toward refusing to admit meanings, for I
low immediately from all manner of casual do not thereby deny that words and statements are
statements of commonplace fact, iust as from meaningful. McX and I may agree to the letter in
the point of view, anyway, of McX's conceptual
our classification of linguistic forms into the mean-
scheme 'There is an attribute' follows from ingful and the meaningless, even though McX
'There are red houses, red roses, red sunsets'. construes meaningfulness as the having (in some
Judged in another conceptual scheme, an onto- sense of 'having') of some abstract entity which he
logical statement which is axiomatic to McX's calls a meaning, whereas I do not. I remain free to
mind may, with equal immediacy and triviality, maintain that the fact that a given linguistic utter-
be adiudged false. One may admit that there are
ance is meaningful (or significant, as I prefer to say
red houses, roses, and sunsets, but deny, except as
a so as not to invite hypostasis of meanings as enti-
popular and misleading manner of speaking, that ties) is an ultimate and irreducible matter of fact;
they have anything in common. The words or, I may undertake to analyze it in terms directly
'houses', 'roses', and 'sunsets' are true of sundry of what people do in the presence of the linguistic
individual entities which are houses and roses and utterance in question and other utterance similar
sunsets, and the word 'red' or 'red obiect' is true of to it.
each of sundry individual entities which are red The useful ways in which people ordinarily talk
houses, red roses, red sunsets; but there is not, in or seem to talk about meanings boil down to two:
addition, any entity whatever, individual or other- the having of meanings, which is significance, and
wise, which is named by the word 'redness', nor, sameness of meaning, or synonomy. What is called
for that matter, by the word 'househood', 'rose- giving the meaning of an utterance is simply the
hood', 'sunsethood'. That the houses and roses and uttering of a synonym, couched, ordinarily, in
sunsets are all of them red may be taken as ultimate clearer language than the original. If we are allergic
and irreducible, and it may be held that McX is no to meanings as such, we can speak directly of utter-
better off, in point of real explanatory power, for all
ances as significant or insignificant, and as syn-
the occult entities which he posits under such
onymous or heteronymous one with another. The
names 'redness'.
as problem of explaining these adjectives 'significant'
One means by which McX might naturally have and 'synonymous' with some degree of clarity and
tried to impose his ontology of universals on us was rigor- preferably, as I see it, in terms of behavior-
already removed before we turned to the problem is as difficult as it is important. 4 But the explan-
of universals. McX cannot argue that predicates
atory value of special and irreducible intermediary
such as 'red' or 'is-red', which we all entities called meanings is surely illusory.
concur in
using, must be regarded as names each of a single Up to now I have argued that we can use singular
universal entity in order that they be meaningful at terms significantly in sentences without presup-
On What There Is

posing that there are the entities which those terms be true, the things which the bound variable
purport to name. I have argued further that we can 'something' ranges must include some white dogs,
general terms, for example, predicates, without but need not include doghood or whiteness. On the
conceding them to be names of abstract entities. I other hand, when we say that some zoological spe-
have argued further that we can view utterances as cies are cross-fertile, we are committing ourselves
significant, and as synonymous or heteronymous to recognizing as entities the several species them-
with one another, without countenancing a realm selves, abstract though they are. We remain so
of entities called meanings. At this point McX committed at least until we devise some way of
begins to wonder whether there is any limit at all so paraphrasing the statement as to show that
to our
ontological immunity. Does nothing we may the seeming reference to species on the part of
say commit us to the assumption of universals or our bound variable was an avoidable manner of
other entities which we may find unwelcome? speaking, s

I have already suggested a negative answer to Classical mathematics, as the example of primes
this question, in speaking of bound variables, or larger than a million clearly illustrates, is up to its
variables of quantification, in connection with Rus- neck in commitments to an ontology of abstract
sell's theory of descriptions. We can very easily entities. Thus it is that the great medieval contro-
involve ourselves in ontological commitments by versy over universals has flared up anew in the
saying, for example, that there is something (bound modern philosophy of mathematics. The issue is
variable) which red houses and sunsets have in clearer now than of old, because we now have a
common; or that there is something which is a more explicit standard whereby to decide what
prime number larger than a million. But this is, ontology a given theory or form of discourse is
essentially, the only way we can involve ourselves in committed to: a theory is committed to those and
ontological commitments: by our use of bound only those entities to which the bound variables of
variables. The use of alleged names is no criterion, the theory must be capable of referring in order
for we can repudiate their namehood at the drop of that the affirmations made in the theory be true.
a hat unless the assumption of a corresponding Because this standard of ontological presupposi-
entity can be spotted in the things we affirm in tion did not emerge clearly in the philosophical
terms of bound variables. Names are, in fact, alto- tradition, the modern philosophical mathemati-
gether immaterial to the ontological issue, for I cians have not on the whole recognized that they
have shown, in connection with 'Pegasus' and were debating the same old problem of universals
'pegasize', that names can be converted to descrip- in a newly clarified form. But the fundamental
tions, and Russell has shown that descriptions can cleavages among modern points of view on founda-
be eliminated. Whatever we say with the help of tions of mathematics do come down pretty expli-
names can be said in a language which shuns names citly to disagreements as to the range of entities to
altogether. To be assumed as an entity is, purely which the bound variables should be permitted to
and simply, to be reckoned as the value of a vari- refer.
able. In terms of the categories of traditional gram- The three main medieval points of view regard-
mar, this amounts roughly to saying that to be is to ing universals are designated by historians as real-
be in the range of reference of a pronoun. Pronouns ism, conceptualism, and nominalism. Essentially
are the basic media of reference; nouns might bet- these same three doctrines reappear in twentieth-
ter have been named propronouns. The variables of century surveys of the philosophy of mathematics
quantification, 'something', 'nothing', 'every- under the new names logicism, intuitionism, and
thing', range over our whole ontology, whatever it formalism.
may be; and we are convicted of a particular onto- Realism, as the word is used in connection with
logical presupposition if, and only if, the alleged the medieval controversy over universals, is the
presupposition has to be reckoned among the enti- Platonic doctrine that universals or abstract entities
ties over which our variables range in order to have being independently of the mind; the mind
render one of our affirmations true. may discover them but cannot create them. Logi-
We may say, for example, that some dogs are cism, represented by Frege, Russell, Whitehead,
white and not thereby commit ourselves to recog- Church, and Carnap, condones the use of bound
nizing either doghood or whiteness as entities. variables to refer to abstract entities known and
'Some dogs are white' says that some things that unknown, specifiable and unspecifiable, indiscrim-
are dogs are white; and, in order that this statement inately.
W. V. Quine
Conceptualism holds that there are universals but variable'; this formula serves rather, conversely, in
they are mind-made• Intuitionism, espoused in testing the conformity of a given remark or doc-
modern times in one form or another by Poincar•, trine to a prior ontological standard. We look to
Brouwer, Weyl, and others, countenances the use bound variables in connection with ontology not in
of bound variables to refer to abstract entities only order to know what there is, but in order to know
when those entities are capable of being cooked up what a given remark or doctrine, ours or someone
individually from ingredients specified in advance. else's, says there is; and this much is quite properly
As Fraenkel has put it, logicism holds that classes a problem involving language. But what there is is
are discovered while intuitionism holds that they another question.
are invented a fair statement indeed of the old In debating over what there is, there are still
opposition between realism and conceptualism. reasons for operating on a semantical plane. One
This opposition is no mere quibble; it makes an reason is to escape from the predicament noted at
essential difference in the amount of classical the beginning of this essay: the predicament of my
m•thematics to which one is willing to subscribe. not being able to admit that there are things which
Logicists, or realists, are able on their assumptions McX countenances and I do not. So long as I ad-
to get Cantor's ascending orders of infinity; intu- here to my ontology, as opposed to MeX's, I
itionists are compelled to stop with the lowest order cannot allow my bound variables to refer to entities
of infinity, and, as an indirect consequence, to which belong to McX's ontology and not to mine. I
abandon even some of the classical laws of real can, however, consistently describe our disagree-
numbers. The modern controversy between logi- ment by characterizing the statements which McX
cism and intuitionism arose, in fact, from disagree- affirms. Provided merely that my ontology
ments over infinity. countenances linguistic forms, or at least concrete
Formalism, associated with the name of Hilbert, inscriptions and utterances, I can talk about McX's
echoes intuitionism in deploring the logicist's sentences.
unbridled recourse to universals. But formalism Another reason for withdrawing to a semantical
also finds intuitionism unsatisfactory. This could plane is to find common ground on which to argue.
happen for either of two opposite reasons. The Disagreement in ontology involves basic disagree-
formalist might, like the logicist, object to the ment in conceptual schemes; yet McX and I,
crippling of classical mathematics; or he might, despite these basic disagreements, find that our
like the nominalists of old, object to admitting conceptual schemes converge sufficiently in their
abstract entities at all, even in the restrained sense intermediate and upper ramifications to enable us
of mind-made entities. The upshot is the same: the to communicate successfully on such topics as pol-
formalist keeps classical mathematics as a play of ities, weather, and, in particular, language. Insofar
insignificant notations. This play of notations can as our basic controversy over ontology can be trans-
still be of utility whatever utility it has already lated upward into a semantical controversy about
shown itself to have as a crutch for physicists and words and what to do with them, the collapse of
technologists. But utility need not imply signific- the controversy into question-begging may be
ance, in any literal linguistic sense. Nor need the delayed.
marked success of mathematicians in spinning out It is no wonder, then, that ontological contro-
theorems, and in finding objective bases for agree- versy should tend into controversy over language.
ment with one another's results, imply signific- But we must not jump to the conclusion that what
ance.. For an adequate basis for agreement among there is depends on words. Translatability of a
mathematicians can be found simply in the question into semantical terms is no indication
rules which govern the manipulation of the nota- that the question is linguistic. To see Naples is to
tions these syntactical rules being, unlike the bear a name which, when prefixed to the words
notations themselves, quite significant and intel- 'sees Naples', yields a true sentence; still there is
ligible. 6 nothing linguistic about seeing Naples.
I have argued that th• sort of ontology we adopt Our acceptance of an ontology is, I think, similar
can be consequential notably in connection with in principle to our acceptance of a scientific theory,
mathematics, although this is only an example. say a system of physics: we adopt, at least insofar as
Now how are we to adjudicate among rival onto- we are reasonable, the simplest conceptual scheme
logics? Certainlythe answer is not provided bythe into which the disordered fragments of raw experi-
semantical formula 'To be is to be the value of a ence can be fitted and arranged. Our ontology is
On What There Is

determined once we have fixed upon the over-all numbers simplifies laws of arithmetic. From the
conceptual scheme which is to accommodate point of view of the conceptual scheme of the
science in the broadest sense; and the considera- elementary arithmetic of rational numbers alone,
tions which determine a reasonable construction of the broader arithmetic of rational and irrational
any part of that conceptual scheme, for example, numbers would have the status of a convenient
the biological or the physical part, are not different myth, simpler than the literal truth (namely, the
in kind from the considerations which determine a arithmetic of rationals) and yet containing that
reasonable construction of the whole. To whatever literal truth as a scattered part. Similarly, from a
extent the adoption of any system of scientific phenomenalistic point of view, the conceptual
theory may be said to be a matter of language, the scheme of physical objects is a convenient myth,
same but no more may be said of the adoption simpler than the literal truth and yet containing
of an ontology. that literal truth as a scattered part. 7
But simplicity, as a guiding principle in con- Now wh•t of classes or attributes of physical
structing conceptual schemes, is not a clear and objects, in turn? A platonistic ontology of this sort
unambiguous idea; and it is quite capable of pres- is, from the point of view of a strictly physicalistic
enting a double or multiple standard. Imagine, for conceptual scheme, as much a myth as that physi-
example, that we have devised the most economical calistic conceptual scheme itself is for phenomen-
set of concepts adequate to the play-by-play alism. This higher myth is a good and useful one, in
reporting of immediate experience. The entities turn, insofar as it simplifies our account of physics.
under this scheme the values of bound variables Since mathematics is an integral part of this higher
-are, let us suppose, individual subjective events of myth, the utility of this myth for physical science is
sensation or reflection. We should still find, no evident enough. In speaking of it nevertheless as a
doubt, that a physicalistic conceptual scheme, pur- myth, I echo that philosophy of mathematics to
porting to talk about external objects, offers great which I alluded earlier under the name of formal-
advantages in simplifying our over-all reports. By ism. But an attitude of formalism may with equal
bringing together scattered sense events and treat- justice be adopted toward the physical conceptual
ing them as perceptions of one object, we reduce scheme, in turn, by the pure aesthete or phenom-
the complexity of our stream of experience to a enalist.
manageable conceptual simplicity. The rule of sim- The analogy between the myth of mathematics
plicity is indeed our guiding maxim in assigning and the myth of physics is, in some additional and
sense-data to objects: we associate an earlier and a perhaps fortuitous ways, strikingly close. Consider,
later round sensum with the same so-called penny, for example, the crisis which was precipitated in
or with two different so-called pennies, in obedi- the foundations of mathematics, at the turn of the
ence to the demands of maximum simplicity in our century, by the discovery of Russell's paradox and
total world-picture. other antinomies of set theory. These contradic-
Here we have two competing conceptual tions had to be obviated by unintuitive, ad hoc
schemes, a phenomenalistic one and a physicalistic devices; our mathematical myth-making became
one. Which should prevail? Each has its advant- deliberate and evident to all. But what of physics?
ages; each has its special simplicity in its own way. An antinomy arose between the undular and the
Each, I suggest, deserves to be developed. Each corpuscular accounts of light; and if this was not as
may be said, indeed, to be the more fundamental, out-and-out a contradiction as Russell's paradox, I
though in different senses: the one is epistemo- suspect that the reason is that physics is not as out-
logically, the other physically, fundamental. and-out as mathematics. Again, the second great
The physical conceptual scheme simplifies our modern crisis in the foundations of mathematics
account of experience because of the way myriad precipitated in 1931 by G6del's proof that there are
scattered sense events come to be associated with bound to be undecidable statements in arithmetic s
single so-called objects; still there is no likelihood has its companion piece in physics in Heisen-
that each sentence about physical objects can actu- berg's indeterminacy principle.
ally be translated, however deviously and com- In earlier pages I undertook to show that some
plexly, into the phenomenalistic language. common arguments in favor of certain ontologies
Physical objects are postulated entities which are fallacious. Further, I advanced an explicit
round out and simplify our account of the flux of standard whereby to decide what the ontological
experience, just as the introduction of irrational commitments of a theory are. But the question
W. V. Quine
what ontology actually to adopt still stands open, From among the various conceptual schemes
and the obvious counsel is tolerance and an experi- best suited to these various pursuits, one the
mental spirit. Let us by all means see how much of phenomenalistic claims epistemological priority.
the physicalistic conceptual scheme can be reduced Viewed from within the phenomenalistic concep-
to a phenomenalistic one; still, physics also natu- tual scheme, the ontologies of physical objects and
rally demands pursuing, irreducible in toto though mathematical objects are myths. The quality of
it be. Let us see how, or to what degree, natural myth, however, is relative; relative, in this case, to
science may be rendered independent ofplatonistic the epistemological point of view. This point of
mathematics; but let us also pursue mathematics view is one among various, corresponding to one
and delve into its platonistic foundations. among our various interests and purposes.


The impulse to distinguish terminologically between 4 See 'Two dogmas of empiricism' and 'The problem of
existence as applied to objects actualized somewhere in meaning in linguistics', in W. V. Q.uine, From a Logical
space-time and existence (or subsistence or being) as Point of View (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
applied to other entities arises in part, perhaps, from an Press, 1953).
idea that the observation of nature is relevant only to 5 W. V. Q_uine, 'Logic and the reification of universals',
questions of existence of the first kind. But this idea is in From a Logical Point of View.
readily refuted by counter-instances such as 'the ratio 6 See Nelson Goodman and W. V. Q.uine, 'Steps toward
a constructive nominalism', Journal of Symbolic Logic
of the number of centaurs to the number of unicorns'.
If there were such a ratio, it would be an abstract entity, 12 (1947), pp. 105-22.
viz., a number. Yet it is only by studying nature that we 7 The arithmetical analogy is due to Philip Frank, Mod-
em Science and its Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass.: Har-
conclude that the number of centaurs and the number
of unicorns are both 0 and hence that there is no such vard University Press, 1949), pp. 108£
ratio. 8 Kurt G6del, 'l]ber formal unertscheidbare S•itze der
2 Alonzo Church, 'A note on the Entscheidungsproblem', Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme',
Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936), pp. 40-1, 101-2. Monatshefte fiir Mathematik und Physik 38 (1931), pp.
3 Gottlob Frege, 'On sense and nominatum', in Herbert 173-98.
Feigl and Wilfrid Sellars (eds), Readings in Philo-
sophical Analysis (New York: Appleton-Century-
Crofts, 1949), pp. 85-102.

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