Froebel Council Professor Jane Broadbent

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Prof Jane Broadbent

Job Title: Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
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Role and Qualifications

Professor of Accounting
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost

- BA Sociology (York)
- MSc Accounting (Sheffield)
- PhD "The Values underlying Accounting: An Exploration of their Gendered Nature and the Implications for the Extension
of the use of Accounting and 'Accounting Logic' in the Public Sector" (Sheffield)
- Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Contact Information
Phone 020 8392 3899

Research Interests and responsibilities

Jane Broadbent’s research interests focus on the use of accounting in organisations, particularly those involved in the
provision of public services. She is interested in the use of accounting as a tool of change particularly within
organisations that are not usually oriented to financial issues. Her research, often undertaken in association with
Professor Richard Laughlin, has generally looked at Schools, Health and Universities. She takes a contextual, critical,
and interdisciplinary approach that develops the theoretical frameworks of Jurgen Habermas. Her research approach,
‘middle range thinking’, sees the need for reflexivity between the theory and the empirical situation studied. Theory is
seen as providing a language with which to explore the empirical situation rather than as something to be tested and the
understanding of the empirical situation may change the theory.
Jane has over 100 publications and has presented papers at Universities and Conferences across the world. She is
Deputy Editor of Public Money and Management , Associate Editor of Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal ,
Associate Editor of British Accounting Review , and Associate Editor of Journal of Accounting and Organisational
Change. She is also on the Editorial Board of Critical Perspectives on Accounting.

Selected recent publications

Joint with R. Laughlin ‘The Role of PFI in the UK Government’s Modernisation Agenda’, Financial Accountability and
Management, Vol.21 No. 1, pp.75-97 (2005)

Joint with R. Laughlin, ‘Striving for Excellence in Public Service Delivery: Experiences from an Analysis of the Private
Finance Initiative’, Public Policy and Administration , Vol.19, No.4. pp.82-99. (2005)

Joint with R. Laughlin, “Organisational and Accounting Change: Theoretical and Empirical Reflections and Thoughts on a
Future Research Agenda”, The Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Organizational Change , Vol.1 No.1 pp.7-26

Joint with R. Laughlin, ‘Government Concerns And Tensions In Accounting Standard Setting: The Case Of Accounting For
The Private Finance Initiative In The UK’, Accounting and Business Research , Vol 35, No.3 pp.183-205, (2005)

Joint with A. Ball and T. Jarvis, ‘Waste Management, the Challenges of PFI and ‘Sustainability Reporting’, Business
Strategy and the Environment’, 15 pp.258-274 (2006)

Sole Author, ‘If you can’t measure it, how can you manage it? Management and Governance in Higher Educational
Institutions’, Public Money and Management , Vol. 27, No.3, pp.193-198 (2007)

Joint with J. Gill and R. Laughlin, ‘Identifying And Controlling Risk: The Problem Of Uncertainty In The Private Finance
Initiative In The UK’s National Health Service’, Critical Perspectives in Accounting , Vol. 19, No.1, pp.40-78 (2008)

Joint with J. Guthrie, ‘Public Sector to Public Services: 20 years of ‘Contextual’ Accounting Research’, Accounting,
Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol.21, No.2, pp.129-169 (2008)

Joint with Linda Kirkham, ‘Glass Ceilings, Glass Cliffs or New Worlds? Revisiting Gender and Accounting’, Accounting,
Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol.21, No.4, pp.465-473. (2008)

Joint with Richard Laughlin, ‘Performance Management Systems: A conceptual model’, Management Accounting
Research, (20) pp.283-295 DOI 10.1016/j.mar.2009.07.004 (2009)

Joint with David Ashton , Vivien Beattie, Chris Brooks , Paul Draper ,
Mahmoud Ezzamel, David Gwilliam, Robert Hodgkinson, Keith Hoskin,
Peter Pope, Andrew Stark ‘British research in accounting and finance (2001–2007):
The 2008 research assessment exercise’, British Accounting Review , 41(4) pp.199-207 (2009)

Sole Author, ‘The UK Research Assessment Exercise: Performance Measurement and Resource Allocation’, Australian
Accounting Review, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 14-23(2010)
Joint with Richard Laughlin and Carolyn Gallop, ‘Analysing Societal Regulatory Control Systems with Specific Reference
to Higher Education in England’, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal , Vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 506-531 (2010)

Joint with L. English, J. Guthrie and R. Laughlin,

‘Performance Audit of the Operational Stage of Long Term Partnerships for the Private Sector Provision of Public
Services’, Australian Accounting Review Vol. 1 , pp.64-75 (2010).

Joint with Richard Laughlin and Ghazwa Alwani-Starr

‘Steering for Sustainability: Higher Education in England’, Public Management Review, 12 (4) pp.461-463, (2010)

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