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Generator Testing Programs

Industrial applications
Siemens offers a variety of testing
programs for your generators. These
programs are designed to provide vital
information that will help predict the
future performance and reliability of your
equipment. This knowledge allows for
proactive maintenance and outage plan-
ning and will help to avoid major shut-
Each of the following tests are directed
toward detecting particular types of issues
or follow long-term trends. Not all tests are
required at every inspection period.

Insulation resistance test

The insulation resistance test measures
the resistance of the electrical insulation
to ground to determine the current condi-
tion of the insulation. This test is typically
performed with a MEGGER® or other brand
of megohmmeters. Test voltages are com-
monly 500, 1,000, 2,500 or 5,000 volts.
The insulation resistance is typically in
the thousand or tens of thousands of It provides insight into how the insulation
megohms. This test can be used on both is absorbing charge or polarizing, and is
generator rotors and stators, as well as used as a rough indication of the condition
motor armatures and stators. of the insulation. As with the insulation
resistance test, this can be used on
generator rotors and stators and on
Polarization index (DC MEGGER)
motor armatures and stators.
Dielectric absorption (polarization index)
tests provide information concerning Winding resistance
the relative condition of the insulation
with respect to moisture and other Winding resistance tests on direct
contaminants. The polarization index takes current detect loose connections and
the ratio of the values of an insulation open-circuited windings. The winding
resistance test at one minute and at 10 resistance of generator or motor windings,
minutes. on both rotors and stators, can be mea-
sured with the use of a digital low-resis-
tance ohmmeter (DLRO) or a Kelvin Bridge.

Answers for energy.

Generator Testing Programs.indd 1 2/23/09 1:50:16 PM

Test name Description Minor Major Destructive Voltage Components tested
Insulation resistance test Insulation quality and performance Yes Yes No Low Rotor and stator
Polarization index Insulation quality and performance Yes Yes No Low Rotor and stator
Winding resistance Winding quality and performance Yes Yes No Low Rotor and stator
AC impedance Winding impedance No Yes No Low Rotor and stator
Pole balance Measures shorted turns Yes Yes No Low Rotor
Other tests offered by Siemens
Over potential (Hipot) test Pass/ fail test Rarely recommended Yes High Stator
Dielectric absorption test Determines condition of insulation No Yes Yes High Rotor and stator
RTD insulation resistance test Insulation quality and performance No Yes No Low Stator and bearings
RTD winding resistance test Winding quality and performance No Yes No Low Stator
ELCID test Test stator core Specialized No Low Stator
Loop test Test stator core Specialized Possibly N/A Stator

Typically these instruments are intended Pole balance Dielectric absorption test
to measure very low resistance ranges and
The pole balance test is used to determine Dielectric over-voltage tests establish that
are capable of measuring from 0.000001
if there are shorted turns in the generator the winding is capable of withstanding
Ohms (1 microOhm) to 59.99 Ohms. It is
rotor winding. A voltage of 120 volts AC the applied voltage. Such tests may be
important to compare the existing resis-
or less is applied to the field winding, and destructive to a greater or lesser extent.
tance to historical measurements taken
voltage measurements are taken at the Both AC and DC tests have been widely
during previous outages. If the resistance
pole-to-pole connections between poles. used for maintenance over-voltage testing.
has increased compared to previous tests,
This test relies on the fact that rotor wind-
it could indicate that a joint or connection
has broken or begun to separate. If the
ings need to be symmetrical, both electri- Mechanical considerations
cally and physically, in order to operate
resistance has decreased, then there could The operation and maintenance of
smoothly. The voltage reading at those
be a short between layers of the winding. turbine-driven generators require a
points should be very similar, with no
thorough knowledge of their construction,
more than two percent difference. If there
AC impedance test as well as the ability to recognize
is more than a two percent difference,
the symptoms of impending failure.
The AC impedance test is performed on then there could be shorted turns in the
Mechanical issues may be detected or
generator rotors to determine the winding generator rotor winding. This is the most
avoided with a comprehensive generator
impedance at various voltages between accurate shorted turn test that can be per-
testing strategy. The electrical tests de-
zero and 120 volts AC, or the changes in formed on a generator rotor at standstill.
scribed in this brochure are typical of those
winding impedance at a set voltage at
required during a maintenance outage.
various speeds from zero up to the unit’s
However, Siemens can complete a variety
rated speed. It is possible to detect shorted
of additional electrical tests, depending
turns or changes in the number of shorted
upon the initial test results or customer
turns by tracking changes in impedance
requirements. The above chart briefly
over time. This test is useful as a compara- For more information, please contact
explains further test options for the
tive test where AC impedance data has your local Siemens representative.
various generator components. Most
been taken and recorded in the past.
of these procedures can be performed
either on site or at one of our service
centers across North America.

Published by and copyright © 2009: Siemens Demag Oil & Gas and Industrial Applications Service All rights reserved.
Siemens AG Delaval Turbomachinery, Inc. Order No. E50001-F510-A131-X-4A00 Trademarks mentioned in this document are
the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or
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their respective owners.
Freyeslebenstrasse 1 Hamilton, NJ 08638, USA
91058 Erlangen, Germany Subject to change without prior notice.
The information in this document contains
Industrial Applications general descriptions of the technical options
available, which may not apply in all cases.
The required technical options should therefore
47053 Duisburg, Germany be specified in the contract.

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