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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English – IV

I. Objectives:

After a series of discussion, the Grade-IV pupils will be able to attain at least 85%
level of accuracy:

1. Analyze a narrative in terms of its characters.

2. Read aloud grade level texts with accuracy and proper expression.
3. Use context clues/synonyms to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
4. Write two to three sentences about the characters in a story read.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: A cake for Kate

B. References: Textbook in English IV, Learners Materials in English IV
C. Materials: Picture, Manila paper, Marker

III. Procedure:

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Priming/Oral Language Activity

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am

How is your day? We are all fine.

Class, I have sentences on the 1. Ana saw a rake on the gate.

board. Read the sentences 2. She used the rake to clean the lane.
correctly altogether. 3. She cleaned the cage, on the
window pane.
4. Mara came and they played a
B. Pre-reading
1. Unlocking of difficulties

Class I have here a picture. Do

you know what this picture is? Yes ma’am. It is a rice cake or bibingka.
a. rice cakes

Mother makes rice cakes. They are

our favorite delicacy made of
ground rice and coconut milk.

Class, are rice cake Filipino food? Yes ma’am.

Where can we buy a rice cake? We can buy rice cakes at the store.

Very good.

Class I have here another picture.

What is this? Ma’am, it is a bench.

b. benches

In the park there are many

benches. People sit on them. Some
benches are long. Others are
enough for two persons.

Class where else can find benches? At the park, house, school, etc.

What material can be used to make Wood, tools.


c. wristwatch

Class, what can you observes Ma’am it is wristwatch.

about this picture?

Who among you here has a Ana, Rhian and Tony.


This is a wristwatch. I wear it

around my wrist so that I can easily
check the time.

For you class, how does a Ma’am, it helps me a lot because I was
wristwatch help you? able to manage my time by using my
Very good.
d. Surprise

Nena did not expect that her father

would come home today from
Dubai. She was surprised when she
saw him.

Class, what does one feel when

surprised? Ma’am happy.

Very good.

2. Motive Question

Class, are we celebrating our

birthday every year? Yes ma’am.
What do you usually have when you
are celebrating your birthday? Varied answers.
Do you have a cake? Yes ma’am.
Who gives you the cake? My mother.

C. During Reading

Class I have here a story. I will

share to you a story entitled “A
Cake for Kate”. But before I read 1. Please keep quiet.
the story what must be the 2. Sit properly.
important things to remember when 3. Listen to the story.
someone is reading the story?

Afterwards, I will ask seven pupils

to read the story by paragraph and after
your classmates read the story, altogether
will read the story with proper intonation
and expression.
Are you ready class? Yes ma’am.

A Cake for Kate

Kate was turning ten. But she

was not happy. Birthdays were
ordinary days for her. She never
had a birthday party. She never
had a cake on her birthday. But
she wished she could have one.
After school, she would stand
near the gate to sell rice cakes
that her mother made.
One late afternoon, Kate saw a
big box on one of the benches.
She picked it up and opened it.
There were glasses, spoons, and
forks. There were also boxes and
wristwatches, a bag of marbles,
chocolates, comb, and some
dresses. She closed the big box.
She brought it to the principal’s
The next day, Mr. Basa, the
school principal and a lady come
to Kate’s class. The lady was
Mrs. Salas, the owner of the box.
Mr. Basa looked for Kate and he
told Mrs. Salas how Kate found
the big box. Mrs. Salas thanked
I just arrived from Cebu and
the things inside the box are my
“pasalubong” for my family”, she
said. “I was on your school
because I had to fetch my
nephew. Then, I forgot that box,
she added.
Sunday came. It was Kate’s
birthday. After attending the
mass, Kate and her mother went
home. They were surprised to
see Mrs. Salas waiting for them.
“Happy birthday, Kate”, Mrs.
Salas said. “I brought you a gift. I
asked your teacher about you
and I am happy to know that you
are not only a helpful daughter
but an honest girl, too. She gave
Kate a red box tied with ribbon.
Kate opened the box. What a
surprise! It was a cake for her
Since we are all done reading the story, I
have seven questions to test your
understanding about the story that has
been read.

1. What did Kate sell after her Kate sells rice cakes.

2. Why do you think did Kate sell rice Varied answers.


3. What did Kate see one afternoon? Kate saw a big box on one of the benches.

4. What did she do with the box? She picked it up and opened it.

5. If you were Kate, what would you Varied answers.

do with the box?

6. How did Mrs. Salas thank Kate for Mrs. Salas give a gift to Kate for her
returning her box of pasalubong? birthday.

7. How do you think did Mrs. Salas Mrs. Salas learn Kate’s birthday because
learn about Kate’s birthday? she asked Kate’s teacher.

Very good class.

D. Post Reading

Class, I will group you into three. Each

group will be given an envelope that
contains the instructions and materials
for the activity. You will choose your
leader that will present your output.
You will be rated based on the
performance of your leader, timeliness
and cooperation of the group.

Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

Time starts.
Group 1

Draw Kate’s cake. Show it to the class and

say something about your drawing.

Group 2

Write a short message to Kate. Be ready

to it before the class.

Group 3

Prepare a song that you will sing for Kate’s

birthday. Share it to the class.

(Presentation of every group)

Very good.

IV. Evaluation

Write at least two to three short sentences

about the following:

a. Kate

b. Mrs. Salas

V. Assignment

Select a story in any reading materials

and make three (3) sentences based on
the characteristics of every character in
the story. Share it to the class tomorrow.

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