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DATE: 12-06-2017

1.) Name of the student : TIRTHANKAR MAJUMDER

2.) Roll no. : 12/CE/41
3.) University Roll no. : 12018009048
4.) Father’s Name : TAPAS MAJUMDER
5.) D.O.B : 21-03-1994
6.) Nationality, Religion : INDIAN - HINDU
8.) Date of Admission : 18-08-2012
9.) Class and course of
Study to which admitted : 1 YEAR B.TECH (CE)
10.) Duration of course : FOUR YEARS
11.) Semester completed : EIGHT SEMESTER CIVIL ENGG.
12.) Whether qualified to proceed to the next class : Refer statement of Marks to be issued
by the D.C.R.U.S.T University.
13.) Whether he/she has completed the course : YES
14.) Whether the student has paid all the dues : YES
15.) Whether the student was in receipt
of any scholarship : NO
16.) Date of leaving the college : JUNE 2016
17.) Date on which application for TC was made : 08-06-2017
18.) Date of the Transfer Certificate : 12-06-2017


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