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NCCOM TCM questions

Which of the following differentiates exterior def from exterior excess? Sweating

Patient has sinus infection which reoccurs every spring, antibiotics didn’t work, work
long hours nasal discharge is yellow and sticky, she has reddish cheeks, thirst dry lips,
impaired sense of smell, frontal headache, heavy head, feeling of heaviness in chest
P slippery What is the tongue? Sticky yellow coating in the center

Patient has dull epigastric pain feels oppression in the chest, dry mouth, no desire to drink
sticky taste in the mouth, nausea,occassional vomiting T red, yellow greasy coat
P slippery, fast TP :harmonize the St clear heat, resolve dampness

What is mostly likely the cause of thirst without desire to drink, only wants to rinse
mouth and not swallow? DH

43 yr female whose main complaint is SOB worse with emotional stress, she had this
problem with exhalation for 3 yrs other SS are thirst, bitter taste, palp, insomnia,
headaches in temporal area, T red sides and tip are redder shallow crack in the center
P wiry What is DX? LV fire insulting the Lu’s and H fire

69 yr male with back pain and frequent urination has acute asthma attack trigger by cold
weather, the symptoms include wheezing SOB, tight chest no sweat pale face, feels cold
sneezing cough stiff shoulders and neck P tight What is current acute DX?
WC invades the Lu’s

70 yr man has insomnia ever since his wife died it is difficult to fall asleep, wakes up
frequently, blurry vision, poor memory, dry throat, T dry with very little coat
P is floating and weak little wiry on the left. What is DX? LV yin def with ethereal soul,
the Hun not rooted

36 yr female has menorrhagia, she overworks, she has no growths in the uterus,
menstrual bleeding is sometimes scanty and other times abundant, blood is sticky with no
clots yellowish discharge before bleeding starts, there is burning pain in the ab, joint pain
and stifling sensation in the chest, urine is dark, hot sensations during urination, she is
irritable, dull rib pain, lately she has fatigue, palp, insomia, poor memory T sticky yellow
coat P slippery left cun weak What is Dx for the menorrhagia? DH in the uterus

Patient has headache thirst, red face, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, constipation,
which of the pulses best fits the patient? Wiry and fast pulse

Which of the following Western diseases is not related to Wei Syndrome? Secondary
trigeminal neuralgia, but the following are related to Wei Syndrome: MS, Myasthenia
gravis, and polio myelitis
Patient has severe headache on top of head, symptoms are head pain which is worse in
the afternoon, poor memory, insomnia, poor concentration P thin T pale, what is DX?
Blood def

Patient has lots of sweating, hot skin, dry mouth, thirst, retention of urine, restlessness
T red peeled P fast what is DX? Yin collapse

23 yr woman has rheumatoid arthritis, when it started, when it started she had a fever,
joints in the hands became hot swollen and painful, currently her joints are swollen heavy
and painful worse in humid weather, she has regular periods with scanty blood flow,
tingling in the legs, eye floaters, complexion is pale T pale P weak What is DX?
Damp Bi def Qi and blood

25yr male has sweating at night , insomnia, feels increased body temperature at night, dry
eyes, has T reddish P thin weak, slightly fast What is DX? Def Yin

45 yr man has had diarrhea for 5 years, stools are always loose and watery and mixed
with mucous and blood, strong urge for BM in morning, he says his body temperature is
normal, he has had an operation for bleeding hemorrhoids T slightly red with thin yellow
coat P slightly slippery What is the DX? DH in the I’s

which of the following is not a yin/yang pair? Solid and interior

but contracting/expansive, structure/function, chronic/acute are

22 yr woman has dizziness, poor concentration, feeling of heaviness in the chest and
head, loose stools T pale with greasy coat P thin and a little slippery What is DX?
Def Sp Qi with accumulation of phlegm

Which organ distribute Yuan Qi throughout the body? SJ

20 yr woman has had cystitis for 3 mons, urination is frequent and painful with distention
in the hypogastrium, there is no burning sensation, she has PMS with irritablilty, breast
distention, depression, she also has low back pain, dizziness tinnitus T normal except for
redness on the sides P wiry on the left and weak in the rear positions, What is DX?
Stag of LV Qi with Def K Qi

47 yr man has had headaches for 20 yrs, headaches are located in the forehead and are
dull, other SS are tiredness, low sex drive, when he has a headache, he also has dizziness
and a heavy,cloudy head T pale with swollen sides very thick yellow coat
P is deep and slippery? What is DX? Turbid phlegm obstructing clear yang from rising

Fever chills, no sweating, stiff neck, irritability, thirst, agitation,indicate? Cold in the
exterior, heat in the interior

Man has recurrent vertex headache only when he is overworked with no other symptoms
What is the most likely DX? LV blood def
Patient has bouts of coughing from emotional stress, expectoration of scanty phlegm,
bitter taste T red with dry yellow moss What is your DX? LV fire insulting the Lu’s

33 yr woman complains of SOB and hayfever she has difficulty with inhalation, she has
low back pain, tinnitus, dry throat , occasional night sweats T little red and dry coating is
not rooted P floating and weak, the right front position is also weak
What is DX? Lu and K yin def

Patient has painful burning urination, blood in the urine, fullness in the hypogastrium
P full fast What is TP? Clear heat, cool blood,stop bleeding, open the water passages

65 yr man has dry cough with little sputum, low grade fever, hot sensations in the
evening, night sweats, red cheeks, dryness T red peeled with cracks P floating, empty
and fast What is TP? tonify Lu yin, nourish body fluids, clear heat

47 yr man has fresh blood in his BM also has ab distention, loose stools, he is frustrated
the symptoms are not getting better T pale and swollen P weak and fast in the right guan
position what is DX? SP Qi def

37 yr woman has had asthma since her teens, asthma started after her mother died, she
uses Ventolin everyday she has frequent nasal discharge with sticky yellow mucous when
under stress her muscles become very tight, she feels weak and gets cold hands, she has
PMS with hypochondrial and breast distention T red especially on the sides coat is yellow
P wiry on the left side What is TP? Move LV Qi, clear LV fire, restore descending of Lu
Qi, calm the mind

You have treated a patient in the Shao Yang stage, 2 days later the patient has ab fullness,
poor appetite, diarrhea, no thirst T pale P deep What is DX? Tai Yin

Patient has slow pulse with irregular missed beats, what is the pulse? Knotted

Timidity, sighing, lack of courage and intitiative is a pattern of ? def GB

Which of the following types of foods cause phlegm? Greasy foods

In treating a case of St and Sp yin def it is very important to ask about diet and eating

26yr patient has dysmenorrhea with hypogastric pain before the period, burning
sensations, feeling of heat, red menstrual blood with small clots, scanty dark urine and
vaginal discharge, what tongue do you expect to see? Red with sticky yellow coat

What pulse position can the prostate gland be assessed? Rolling finger proximally on the
left rear position
The most difficult type of cough to treat is due to? Def Lu yin

Man has history of frequent sexual activity and develops headaches in the temples, dry
eyes and brittle nails, what is the DX? Water not generating wood

Past 3 days 34yr patient has had sneezing, runny nose with white watery discharge, itchy
red eyes, itchy throat, slight thirst, what is TP? Expel wind, clear heat, restore dispersing
and descending of Lu Qi

Which of the symptoms differentiates the Yang Ming organ pattern from the Yang Ming
channel pattern? Deep full pulse

Patient has strong left guan and weak right guan pulses, what is the most likely DX?
Wood overacting on earth

Patient coughs in short bursts, the cough is dry with no phlegm, the saliva has blood,
wants to open the windows in the evening, thin body and night sweats , what tongue and
pulse would you expect? T red no coat P fast and floating

Patient has edema more pronounced in the legs and ankles, cold feelings, fullness and
distention in the ab, sore lower back, scanty and clear urination, palp ,breathlessness,
Cold hands T pale swollen with white coat P deep and weak slow what is TP?
Tonify and warm the K’s, transform water, warm and tonify Sp yang, warm and tonify H

Patient has dribbling after urination and dreamless nocturnal emissions, what is the most
accurate DX? K Qi not firm

Patient has deep full pulse, cold limbs and a chest that feels hot has? True heat, false cold

75 yr frail patient who you have been treating for fatigue has chills, fever, aversion to
heat, sore swollen throat P floating fast What is treatment method? Reducing method

Burning sensations in the epigastrium, thirst with desire for cold drinks T red thick
yellow dry coat P full deep fast are SS of ? St fire

Patient has edema, thin and shiny skin, thirst without desire to drink, scanty dark urine
P slippery ,what tongue do you expect? Sticky yellow coat

42 yr man has headaches which are worse in the morning, sometimes the headaches
involve the whole head and at other times just the forehead, he has sinusitis, poor
appetite, feeling of fullness in the chest and epigatrium T thick greasy coat P weak and
what is TP? Resolve dampness ,stimulate ascending of clear yang, tonify St and Sp

37 yr woman has scanty and dark urination, low grade fever, nausea, burning anus
T greasy yellow coat, What is DX? DH invading the Sp

32 yr woman has ab distention, belching nausea, rib pain, constipation, periods are
painful, with menstrual blood being dark with some clots she has premenstrual irritability
with craving of chocolat, feels anxious and has tightness in the chest , a few years ago she
experience great sadness over ending a long term relationship, she catches colds easily,
complexion is pale T normal color with teethmarks P thin and weak on the right and
wiry on the left What is DX? Def Lu Qi not controlling LV and leading to stag LV Qi

43 yr patient has thirst, bitter taste, headaches, dark urine, blood shot eyes, P wiry
what is treatment method? Reducing method

34 yr female has history of dysmenorrhea with dark blood and clots, after not being
treated for a year she now has tiredness, ab distention, loose stools, cough for the past 3
mons with profuse white sputum that is easy to expectorate, feeling of oppression in the
chest, SOB, does not like to lay down T thick coat P slippery and weak
What is the 5 element assessment? Earth not generating metal

An itchy anus which is worse in the evening can be an indication of what type of worms
in the SI? Pinworms

25 yr man has insomnia and anxiety, depression, poor concentration, a few years ago he
was shocked to learn his brother was murdered, at night his hands get numb, palp, dry
mouth, feelings of heat T red with a crack, little coat P fast and moving
What is TP? Nourish the H, tonify the Yin, open the orifices, calm the mind

42 yr man has tinnitus for 10 yrs, dry mouth, back pain, dizziness, slight hearing loss,
impotence, slight mucous discharge from the penis , diarrhea mixed with mucous, has
poor sleep, wakes up frequently with dry throat, soft nodules under the skin, mucous in
the Lu’s T slightly red, swollen sides, coating is without root, some areas are peeled
P thin on the right a little slippery, full in the left, weak in the left rear position
What is DX? Def Sp Qi with phlegm accumulating, def K yin

According to the 4 stages which of the following symptoms differentiates the Ying stage?
Delirium and mental restlessness

45 yr man has sinusitis, sticky yellow nasal discharge, maxillary sinuses are tender to
touch, he has thirst, flushed face, feelings of heat, headache T red with sticky yellow coat
P slippery and full What is DX? Lu Phlegm heat

Which of the following differentiates between H blood def and H yin def? choppy pulse
But these do not differentiate: dream disturbed sleep, palp, poor memory

Patient who expectorates very profuse phlegm that is thick white and sticky, and has no
appetite, no thirst, feels oppression in the chest has? Damp Phlegm
19 yr woman has SOB since 3 yrs old, she has a problem with inhalation and has been
DX with allergic rhinitis and constantly has a runny nose with clear white discharge, she
is allergic to dust, gets tired easily, has daytime sweat, her stools are unformed, she has a
history of myomas in the uterus T pale with swollen edges, dirty coat covering the whole
tongue, transverse cracks in the front part of the tongue P weak
what is DX? Lu, Sp, K yang def

43 yr patient has scanty periods, tiredness, dull, pale face P choppy, what is the 8
principles pattern? Internal, empty, yin

after an all night party, a 43 yr old patient has distention in the epigastrium, foul breath
nausea, acid reflux, insomnia, what tongue is expected? Thick coat

21 yr man has dizziness for a year, he has been DX with Meniere’s disease, he also has
tinnitus and deafness in the left ear, he has very low energy and sometimes night sweats,
he has throbbing headaches with flickery eyes T red with very thin coat
P is weak on the deep level , wiry in the rear positions
What is TP? Nourish K yin, subdue LV yang

Common symptoms for the stages of Wei, Qi, Ying, Xue? Redness of the tongue, rapid
pulse, fever

Child has continuous whooping cough with SOB, tiredness, thick and profuse yellow
phlegm, thick tongue coat P weak fast slippery
What is treatment strategy? Treat the PH and cough symptoms together

What differentiates the pattern of SI Qi tied from the pattern of SI Qi pain?

SI Qi tied is always an acute condition

43 yr woman has headaches on the lateral side of the head, irritability, dizziness, scanty
menses, feelings of tiredness, blurred vision T pale with red spots on the sides
What pulse do you expect to find? Wiry and choppy

27 yr man has anxiety, palp, insomnia, tiredness, timidity, lack of initiative and
assertiveness, dizziness, pale face T pale P empty
What is treatment? Tonify H and GB, calm the mind

Facial Dx of red nose can denote? Sp heat

Patient has thirst, loose stools, irritability, mouth ulcers ,borborygmus, copious clear
urine, what is your assessment? Heat above, cold below

70 yr man has been DX with manic depression he is on meds, when he is manic his
symptoms include over excitement, insomnia, incessant fast talking and inappropriate
laughter when he is depressed his symptoms include excluding himself and avoiding
people, inability to work, tiredness, fear of failure T red with thick greasy coat
P forceful and full What is DX? Phlegm fire harassing the H

54 yr patient has had a stroke the symptoms include deviation of eyes and mouth,
difficult speech, dizziness T red , peeled, deviated P wiry thin and fast
What is TP? Nourish LV yin , Subdue LV yang, subdue wind

24 yr patient has sudden lower ab pain which is cramping in nature, he said it started after
he ate too much icecream, what type of pulse do you expect to find? Firm pulse

27 yr woman has hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in the mouth, yellowish tinge to the
eyes, T redder with thick greasy yellow coat P slippery wiry and fast
What is DX? Dampness obstructing the Sp with LV/GB DH

To help prevent the pattern of painful urination symdrome a patient should be advised to
avoid? Spicy foods and alcohol

Clinical significance of the middle pulse position is associated with blood

44 yr woman has dizziness, easily startled, dream disturbed sleep, poor memory, scanty
menses, what type of tongue do you expect to see? Pale thin and dry

35 yr man has history of back pain, tinnitus, frequent urination, for the past 2 days he has
had a temperature of 101o with feeling of heaviness in the body and head, itchy skin,
scanty dark urine,and headache T pale with thick yellow moss P weak slippery and fast
what is TP? Release the exterior, clear heat, resolve dampness

34 yr woman has irritability, SOB, distention in the hypogastrium, nausea, weak voice,
painful menses, which improves with blood flow, fatigue with sweating after exertion
T pale P wiry What is DX? Metal not controlling wood

Constant low grade temperature indicates? Damp heat

42 yr man has chronic asthma with difficult inhalation, he has a weak voice, sweats
easily, and has profuse urination, what is your assessment? Directing vessel dis Ren

Which of the following is an example of substantial phlegm? Phlegm in the Lu’s

A miscarriage before 3 mons can indicate? K def

54 yr patient has chronic dry skin, thirst, dry mouth, hoarse voice dry cough,
T pale and dry P empty What is treatment? Moisten Lu’s and nourish fluids

Thirst with desire to sip liquids slowly can indicate ? def yin

Patient has ab pain, fever with sweating, which does not decrease the fever, diarrhea,
stools with mucous and blood, what is your assessment? DH in the LI
4 yr old boy has dry mouth without desire to drink , feels feverish at night and has
agitation T deep red P thin and fast what is DX? Ying stage

gathering Qi or Zong Qi is transformed into true Qi (Zheng Qi) by the action of original
Yuan Qi

Which yang organ is the uterus most closely assoc with? St

Patient has flu-like symptoms for the past week, he has continuous fever which improves
with sweating which shortly returns again, he has a sticky taste in the mouth,
T has sticky yellow coat, what is your assessment? St and Sp DH

27 yr man is fatigued for the past 3 yrs, additional symptoms are the whole body tension,
he catches colds, has a history of mono and coughing, he says he feels cold and has low
sexual energy, he has feelings of frustration and despair T normal and swollen on the
right side P wiry on the right side and weak on the right front side what is TP?
disperse LV, soothe Qi, tonify Lu Qi

72 yr patient has difficulty staying awake, lethargy tiredness, lack of initiative, chilliness,
he is depressed about his condition T pale P deep and weak What is the TP?
tonify K yang, nourish the sea of marrow, stimulate the rising of Qi

37 yr woman has had epigastric pain for several mons, the pain is dull and improves with
pressure and heat, she has a poor appetite and easily gets tired and cold
T very pale and swollen P deep and weak What is TP?
Warm the center and strengthen the St and SP

Which of the following conditions does not show on the root of the tongue?
Stag of Qi in the I’s
But retention of food, def of Qi and yin of the St and I’s, DH in the I’s do

Touching a patient’s skin and feeling heat and by further maintaining pressure the heat is
no longer felt indicates? WH

87yr patient has a cough with white very watery and frothy sputum, breathlessness and
splashing sounds in the chest T pale with sticky white coat P thin and slippery
What is DX? Phlegm fluids obstructing the Lu’s

The late stage of multiple sclerosis is characterized by ? LV wind

45 yr patient is having an acute asthma attack with wheezing, breathlessness, feeling of

tightness in the chest, little chilliness, sweating, pale face P slow and tight
What is TP? Release the exterior, harmonize nutritive and defensive Qi, stop asthma
32 yr has tiredness, pale complexion, depression, sweating with exertion
T pale P weak in left front position What is TP? Strengthen the H and tonify Qi

Which point is located in the depression below the spinous process of L5?
Extra point: Shi Qi Zhui Xia

Patient has stabbing pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, dark blood, What is the TP?
Remove stasis, invigorate the blood, stimulate the St descending function

What point is located 2 cun inferior to St 30 (Qi Chong) on the anterior border of the
Muscle adductor longus? LV11 (Yin Lian)

Which cranial nerve is involved in sensing taste? CN 1X

What dosage can be used with Ren Shen in an emergency such as hemorrhagic shock?
Up to 30g

Which pulse is not assoc with a slow quality? Tight pulse

But empty and knotted pulses are assoc with a slow quality

Dry heat sterilization is for? 2 hr at 338 F

Question of the day:

The most important and reliable aspect of tongue diagnosis is?
The color of the tongue body

The most important point in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome is?

Which of the following is the influential point for Qi? Ren 17

If the teeth are dry and grayish like bones it indicates? Empty heat from def

After inserting the needle, what does plucking the handle of the needle gently causing it
to tremble used for? To strengthen the stimulation to obtain Qi

The umbilical region reflects the state of all the following except? LI
It does reflect the state of Ren Mai, K’s, Chong Mai

Which of the following is the most reliable indicator of total body iron status? Ferritin

Which of the following is not an empty fire symptom? Bitter mouth taste
But night thirst, floating fast pulse, restlessness at night are signs of empty fire

The Yin Linking vessel (Yin Wei Mai) influences the? Chest and H
Excessive weight lifting exercises can stagnate the Qi in which part of the body?
Lower back

Ridged nails can indicate? LV blood def

Redness in the outer canthus may indicate? H fire

St 12 is nearest the? Transverse cervical artery

Psoriasis is best described as? Red skin patches covered by silvery scales

Excess eating of sweet foods and sugar give rise to? Dampness

A patient has abnormal uterine bleeding with a sudden onset of profuse and continuous
blood, which is deep red, insomnia and restlessness, red eyes, and chest distention.
T red with yellow coating P fast what is prescription? Ren3 (Zhong Ji), Sp10 (xue hai)
LV8 (qu quan), SP1 (yin bai) , LV3 (Tai Chong)

Which cranial nerves are involved with the movement of the eye? CN 111, 1V, V1

27 yr male complains of limited ROM of the neck, weakness verging on paralysis in the
legs, positive Babinski sign, loss of sensation and vibration sense in the legs, the neck
pain is mild. What is the most probable cause? Herniated disc and/or trauma

a patient has facial paralysis, dribbling saliva and impaired speck, which Chinese scalp
acupuncture area would you treat? Lower 2/5 of motor area line

which point treats epilepsy with daytime seizures ? UB 62 (Shen Mai)

Birth indicates the entry of the Corporeal Soul which resides in the? Lung

A patient has red cheeks, mental restlessness, and throat dryness at night, hot sensations
in the afternoon T red peeled What is TP? Nourish K Yin, clear empty fire, calm the

Bell’s palsy is usually assoc with? Peripheral lesion of CN V11

In examining your patient, you flex the left thigh against the chest and notice that the
right hip does not allow full leg extension, what does this tell you?
Right hip flexion deformity

The differentiation of exterior and interior is made on the basis of? The location of the

A patient has rash behavior, uncontrollable emotions, incoherent speech

T red with sticky yellow coat, what is DX? Phlegm fire harassing the H
Which of the following sets of points has one point which is not a X cleft point?
Lu6 (kong zui), UB63 (jin men), SI7 (zhi Zheng), H6 (yin xi)

A patient has edema more pronounced in the legs and ankles, cold feelings, fullness and
distention in the ab, sore lower back and scanty and clear urination,
T pale swollen with white coat P deep weak, slow What is best treatment?
Ren4, UB23, Ren9, Sp6, K7

A patient has burning sensations in the epigastrium, thirst with desire for cold drinks
T red with thick yellow and greasy coat, what is DX? St phlegm fire

Blood spills should be cleaned with? Household bleach and water

A patient has mental restlessness, palp, bitter taste, insomnia, sleep with disturbing
dreams, mental confusion, incoherent speech, inappropriate laughter or crying and mental
depression, what pulse is expected? Full fast slippery pulse

A patient has tongue ulcers, thirst, palp T red What is TP? Clear the H, pacify the mind

A patient has cough, itchy throat, nasal obstruction, thin sputum, he complains of fever
and aversion to cold T thin white coat P floating What is prescription?
UB13 (fei shu), Lu7 (lie Que), LI4 (he gu), Du14 (da zhui), SJ (wai guan)

What point is located on the dorsum of the hand, 2 points located between the 2nd and 3rd
and 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, in depressions immediately distal to the bases of the
metacarpals? Extra point yao tong xue

The points Du26 (ren zhong) and extra point Shi Xuan symptomatically treat? Fainting

Which of the following types of asthma can take a long time to treat? Allergic asthma
Not WH, WC, or phlegm obstructing the Lu’s

What is the clinical significance of a flooding pulse (hong mai)

Excess heat injuring body fluids

A patient has dry stools, which are difficult to pass and dryness in the throat and mouth,
what is the DX? Dry LI

In the governing of water of K’s affect the functioning of? UB, LI, Lu’s, Sp

The Lu’s descend the Qi and the K’s? receive and hold Qi

Which of the following extra points is located at the apex of the ear when the ear is
folded? Er Jian
During delivery, a baby’s position with head up and legs extended upwards is called?
Frank breech

What point is located between the 4th and 5th toe, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the
web? GB 43 (xia xi)

Patient has chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, prolapsed anus, cold limbs, poor appetite, and
desires warm drinks, what tongue is expected? Pale tongue

Which of the following points treats retention of urine, enuresis, hernia, irregular menses,
leucorrhea, pruritus vulvae, weakness and atrophy of the leg? LV5 (ligou)

In older patients, benign essential tremors of the head is often confused with Parkinsons’s
disease. Clinically how would you distinguish benign tremors from Parkinson’s disease?
Tremors are slightly faster and disappear at rest

Dysthalamic disorder involved a person with major depression that lasts at least? 2 yrs

From the 5 element perspective, the teenager and young adults correspond to?
Fire element

What point is located directly below the pupil and level with the lower border of the ala
nasi on the lateral side of the naso-labial groove? St3 (ju liao)

Which dermatome innervates the anterior ankle and foot? L4

A 6 yr child is awakened every night between 3AM and 5AM with wheezing, SOB, weak
voice, sweating and tight chest. T pale with thin white moss P weak
Which are the best points? UB13 (fei shu), Lu9 (tai yuan), St36 (zu san li)

At what angle and depth should Ren22 (tian tu) be needled?

First puncture pp 0.2 cun and then needle obliquely 0.5-1.0 cun towards the posterior
inferior past of the sternum

The etiology for “phlegm heat obstructing Lu’s” may include any of the following
Excess consumption of black tea
It includes: smoking, exterior WH, excess consumption of greasy and hot foods such as
fried meats, alcohol, and geasy pungent foods

A patient has SOB during exertion, sweating and clear urine, what is the TP?
Tonify and warm the K’s, stimulate K function of receiving Qi, stimulate Lu descending

What does profuse cold sweating during a severe illness tend to signify?
Collapse of yang
Which of the following extra points treats prolapse of uterus and irregular menses?
Extra point zi gong xue

Which cranial nerve is involved with smell? CN1

A patient has ab pain, tongue ulcers, and dark scanty and painful urination, what is the
TP? Clear heat and SI fire

In ear acupuncture the spine is located in the? Antihelix

What point combination helps in the treatment of bone-bi syndrome?

UB11 (da zhu), GB39 (xuan zhong)

Which point combination helps in the treatment of heat bi-syndrome?

Du14 (da zhui), LI11 (qu chi)

Extra point Luo Zhen, SI3 (hou xi), GB39 (xuan shong) is a prescription for?
Stiff neck

Whereas the Corporeal Soul resides in the Lung and Ethereal Soul resides in the?
LV yin

The 6 extraordinary organs include all but? Male genitals

It includes: GB, uterus, bones, brain

Headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, epistaxis, and mania are all treated by which
point? UB66 (zutonggu)

All of the following ROM maneuvers is possible for the wrist except? Rotation
ROM for wrist are: flexion, extension, ulnar deviation, right radial deviation

What yang organ is considered the root of post heaven Qi? St

Which of the following statement is not correct about the tongue? Shape indicates the
state of yang organs
What is correct about the tongue? Body color indicates condition of blood, nutritive Qi,
yin organs; the shape indicates state of blood and nutritive Qi; coating indicates state of
the yang organs; moisture indicates the state of the body fluids

What might cause a pubescent girl to have menses problems later in life?
Excess exercise or early sexual activity

The Yin Linking Vessel meets with all of the following points except? LV13
Yin Linking Vessel meet with? Sp16, Ren23, K9, Ren22
Which cranial nerve passes along the left and right side of the pituitary gland? CN11

Upon inspection and palp of the face, approximately one inch anterior to external
auditory meatus, you find swelling, tenderness and decreased ROM, this suggests?
Inflamed tempomandibular joint

Which of the following points is not located with the mouth open? SJ17
Located with the mouth open are? SI19, GB2, SJ21

Thirst, loose stools, irritability, sour regurgitation, profuse, pale urine, bitter taste, mouth
ulcers, and borborygmi indicate? Heat above, cold below

Which of the following statement is not accurate about PC4? Between the tendons
palmaria longus and flexor carpi ulnaris
True statements about PC4? It is 5 cun above the wrist creases, Xi cleft point, treats

Patient has irritability, red face, red eyes, and T red with yellow coating, what is the
LV fire blazing upwards

Which point combination best treats coughing blood? Lu6 (kong zui), UB17 (ge shu)

Which of the following is not a hot energy food? Peanuts

Hot energy foods are? Lamb, beef, deep fired foods

A patient has palp, insomnia, poor memory and T pale, what is the TP?
Tonify blood, tonify the H, pacify the mind

What point is located in the depression on the supraorbital ridge at the lateral end of the
eyebrow? SJ23 (si zhu kong)

What point is located directly below the pupil and level with the lower border of the ala
nasi on the lateral side of the naso-labial groove? St3 (ju liao)

What carpal bone articulates with the radius, trapezium, trapezoid and capate? Scaphoid

Du14 (da zhui), LI11 (qu chi), Sp6 (san yin jiao), H7 (shen men), Sp10 (xue hai) is a
prescription for? Eczema

The points LI4 (he gu), K7 (fu liu) symptomatically treat? Spontaneous sweating

A patient has a dry cough with scanty phlegm, dry nose and throat and T red, she has
noticed blood in her spit. T red with thin coating P thin and fast, what is prescription?
K6 (zhao hai), Lu7 (lie que), UB13 (fei shu), Lu1 (zhong fu), Lu6 (kong zui)
A 49 yr male has a headache on the right side with trigeminal neuralgia and swelling of
the right eye. Which extra point is indicated? Tai Yang
A bluish purplish tongue indicates? Internal cold with stag blood

When the position of the fetus is not established head down and is found to vary from
week to week, after week 36 it is called? Transverse and unstable lie

Which point combination best treats eversion of the foot? K6 (zhao hai), K3 (tai xi)

Which point best treats excess alcohol intake with vomiting? GB8 (shuai gu)

Which point best treats itching in the vulva? LV5 (li gou)

What point is located in the 2nd ICS and 2 cun lateral to the midline? K25 (shen cang)

Which of the following meridians does not meet at Ren12? Sp meridian

SJ, SI, St meridian meet at Ren12

What point is located 4 cun superior to umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to the midline? St21

In needling LI13 (shou wu li) one needs to avoid injuring the? Radial collateral artery

What is the distance between the Xi cleft point and the Luo connecting point of the foot
jue yin meridian? 2 cun

What is the distance between the Xi cleft point and the He sea point of the foot tai yin
meridian? 3 cun

LV5 (li gou) primarily targets? Urinary system

According to “A Manual of Acupuncture” how is Ren 6 (qi hai) needled? Pp .8-1.5 cun

Which of the following points treats all of the following SS? Neck pain and rigidity,
malaria, febrile diseases, epilepsy, afternoon fever, cough, asthma, common cold, and
back stiffness? Du14 (dazhui)

Which thought process is observed most frequently in manic episodes? Flight of ideas

What point is located in the 1st ICS and 6 cun lateral to the midline? Lu1

What point is located 7 cun above the umbilicus? Ren15 (jiu wei)

The H &K relationship is exemplified in all but? K yin def causing water insult to the H
It is exemplified by: H yang descends to warm the K; K yin ascends to nourish H yang;
K yin def causing insomnia and hyperactivity; K yang def causing water insult to the H
According to “A Manual of Acupuncture” which of the following is not an action of
LU10 (yuji)? Tonifies the Lu and transforms phlegm
Its actions are: benefits the throat;, clears the Lu heat; descends rebellious Qi,
harmonizes the St and H

According to “A Manual of Acupuncture” how is LI18 (futu) needled? Pp .3-.5 cun

In “A Manual of Acupuncture” the recommended needling for GB24 (riyue) is?

Transverse insertion .5-1.0 cun

When asking a patient to say “ah” and watching the movement of the soft palette and
the pharynx, what Cranial nerve are you testing? CN 1X, X

What point combination best treats fever and aversion to cold? Du14 (da zhui),
SJ5 (wai guan)

Which of the following animal products has cold properties? Pork

Not beef , chicken, lamb

Chestnuts, cinnamon, cloves, lobster, pistachio nuts, raspberries and strawberries can be
used as? Yang tonics

A patient has red cheeks, mental restlessness, throat dryness at night, hot sensations in
the afternoon, T red peeled, what is TP? Nourish K yin, clear empty fire, calm the mind

A patient has stabbing pain in the epi, vomiting dark blood, what is the TP?
Remove stasis, invigorate blood, stimulate St descending function

Which parameters are used primarily by the western pediatricians interpreting a child’s
adequacy of diet? Height and weight plotted on growth curves according to sex and age
of the child

The scalp area that is a line parallel and 1.5 cm posterior to the motor line is the?
Sensory area

A patient has low back pain, which Chinese scalp acupuncture area would you treat?
Upper 1/5 of sensory area line

A patient with Wind Bi syndromes should be advised to avoid eating excess?

Irritant foods such as shrimp, lobster, crab, spinach, rhubarb, mushrooms

Not getting enough warming foods such as meat and grains can lead to? Blood def.
What is the most probable DX of low back pain with the following symptoms: local
tenderness, muscle spasm, pain on the movement of the back, loss of lumbar lordosis
with no motor or sensory loss or reflex abnormalities? Mechanical low back pain
The dorsal web space of the thumb and index finger is innervated by? Radial nerve

A patient has blurred vision, scanty periods, dull and pale complexion and T pale, what
is DX?
Def LV blood

A patient has constipation, ab pain, fever T thick dry yellow coat P big what is
treatment plan?
Clear heat in the St and LI, promote BM

Which of the following conditions need early DX and immediate treatment?

Dupuytren’s contraction

What point is located in the depression below the spinous process of L5?
Extra Shi Qi Zhui Xia

A patient has a bearing down sensation, prolapses P weak, what is DX? Sp Qi sinking
Which point combination best treats eversion of the foot? K6, K3

Which point combination helps in the treatment of fixed Bi? St36 (zu san li),Sp5 (shang

The sensory dermatome over the nipples is? Thoracic 4

What point is located at the wrist joint, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris, in the
depression at the proximal border of the pisiform bone? H7 (Shen Men

In Bell’s palsy the eye? Does not close

Patient has SOB during exertion, sweating and clear urine, what is the DX? K’s fail to
receive Qi

Patient has dizziness, nervousness, timidity, lack of initiative, startles easy and sighing,
what pulse is expected? Weak pulse

The decision to treat the manifestation (biao) or the root (ben) depends on? Severity of
clinical manifestations

In manic depression due to phlegm fire which factor is responsible for the depressive
stage? Phlegm

A thin and wiry pulse most likely indicates? Def LV blood

If during a severe illness there is collapse of Yang you will see ? profuse cold sweat

A patient has joint pain, which is worse in cold weather, what dietary advice would you
Lamb with ginger

What is the TP for wind stroke of the tense type? Rescue yin

A soggy pulse (ru mai) is a combination of ? thin , empty and floating pulses

A child has continuous whooping cough with SOB, tiredness, thick and profuse yellow
T thick coat P weak, fast, slippery, what is treatment strategy? Treat the PH and cough
symptoms together

A patient has sudden and violent ab pain , constipation, vomiting P deep, wiry, what is
the TP?
Remove LB obstruction, move the SI

A patient has loose and foul smelling stools, low grade fever and greasy yellow tongue
coat, what is TP?
Resolve dampness, clear heat

What point is located in the medial end of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of
M. semitendinosis and m. semimembranosis? K10 (yin gu)

What point is located on the midline of the back, in a depression below the spinous
process of T6?
Du10 (ling tai)

What point is located in a depression proximal to the head of the 2nd metacarpal bone?
LI3 (san jian)

What point is located below the nipple in the 5th ICS? St18 (rug en)

What point is located at the wrist joint on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris in the
depression at the proximal border of the pisiform bone? H7 (Shen Men)

A patient has erysipelas with red, hot, burning pain, the color changes from bright red to
dull red in several days following by healing with desquamation. Other symptoms
include chills, fever, headache
T red with thin and yellow coat P floating and fast, what is DX? WH

The Simple Question says “the 5 yin organs all derive Qi from the? St
The uterus depends on the health of the blood and is therefore related to which organs?
LV, Sp, H

Which of the following is not a function of the K’s? house the ethereal soul
Functions of K’s: govern water; control the 2 lower orifices; control the reception of Qi

The Lu’s function of governing Qi and respiration include which 2 aspects? Inhaling Qi
and forming Qi

What point is located 2 cun inferior to St30 (qi chong) on the anterior border of m.
adductor longus?
LV11 (yin lian)

What point is located 4 cun superior and 2 cun lateral to umbilicus? St21 (liang men)

What point is located on the transverse cubital crease, in the depression immediately to
the ulnar side of the aponeurosis of the biceps brachii muscle? PC3 (qu ze)

what is front Mu of H? Ren14 (jue que)

the ying spring points are indicated for? Heat in the body

which is the best point for treating excess phlegm? St40 (feng long)

which treatment method is best for acute sore throat with high fever? Bloodletting

according to Deadman how would you needle Du20 (Bai Hui)? .5-1.0 cun transverse

45 yr man has a dark complexion, stabbing epigastric pain that is worse at night. T
normal except for a purplish tinge in the center, what is the TP? Move blood, eliminate
stasis, harmonize St, stop pain

chills, aversion to cold, lethargy, cold limbs, desire to drink warm liquids, clear
abundant urine, loose stools T pale P deep thin What is pattern? Shao Yin

in a patient with a bleeding problem which of the following is not a step in harmonizing
blood? Warm blood
which is a step in harmonizing the blood? Eliminate stasis; calm blood; nourish blood

H5 (tong li), Ren22 (tian tu), Ren15 (ya men),K6 (zhao hai) is a prescription for?
Impaired speech following a stroke

Ab masses that move under the fingers indicate? Stag of Qi

A patient is being treated for depression with irritability, rib pain, constricted throat,
nausea, belching and loose stools. The point prescription is PC6 (nei guan), H7 (Shen
Men), Yin Tang, An Mian, St36 (zu san li)
And K3 (tai xi), which points would you add? LV2 (xing jian), Ren12 (zhong wan),
UB18 (gan shu)
UB20 (pi shu)

UB40 (wei zhong), UB60 (kun lun), UB23 (shen shu) and yao yan is a prescription for?
Chronic low back pain

A patient has irregular menses that is early one month and late the next with breast
distention, irritability and P wiry She is being treated with Ren4 (guan yuan), Sp6 (san
yin jiao), which points would you add to the prescription? PC6 (nei guan), LV3 (tai

Patient has acute case of urticaria with a bright red rash and fever, the prescription used is
LI11 (qu chi), Sp10 (xue hai), Sp6 (san Yin jiao), St36 (zu san li), which points should be
added? Du14 (da zhui)

A patient with irregular menses with scanty and pale blood, emaciation, dusty
complexion, lumbar pain, pale tongue and weak pulse is being treated with Ren4 (guan
yuan), Sp6 (san yin jiao), what point would you add? Ren4 (ming men)

What artery should be avoided in puncturing SJ22? Superficial temporal artery

Which artery should be avoided in puncturing St5? Facial artery

In thin subjects which of the following points will deep needling may penetrate the
peritoneal cavity?
GB25, GB26

According to the classic, which of the following apply to the point H2? Needling is CI at
this point

Which of the following cautions apply to the points Sp17 to Sp21? Pp insertion carries a
substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax

What point is located in the depression anterior to the supratragic notch and slightly
superior to the condyloid process of the mandible? SJ21 (er men)

What point is located about 1 fingerbreath anterior and superior to the angle of the jaw at
the prominence of the masseter muscle? St6 (jia che)

What point is located 1.5 cun inferior to the depression palpated between the prominence
of the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon? UB61 (pu can)
What point is located anterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus, in the
depression on the medial side of the tendon of m. tibialis anterior? LV4 (zhong feng)

The common location for rheumatoid arthritis is all of the following except? Hips
It is located in : knees, wrist, elbows, hands

In an infant, finger veins extending from the 1st joint to the 3rd joint of the index finger
Strong disease

A patient has no warmth in the hands and feet, cold pain of the small ab after menses,
clear thin menses and green-blue face. The amount of menses expected would be?

What caution is associated with the extra point Qiu Hou? Puncture without movements of
lifting thrusting and rotating

What would you expect the monthly cycle to be in a patient who has dull small ab pain
after menses, night sweating, thin rapid pulse and fresh red but some what scanty
menses? Advanced

A femal patient has spotting or flooding between periods, she has a weak voice, fatigue
and pale tender tongue, what type of bleeding would you expect? Profuse,unceasing
dripping and pale red and clear blood

What point is located in the depression posterior and inferior to the head of the 5th
metatarsal bone?
UB65 (shu gu)

The symptoms of obstetric cholestasis are? Severe itching in the 3rd trimester

Antepartum hemorrhage is a complication that involves? Bleeding after 24 weeks

Little bright red blood that is of short duration 8-10 days after fertilization is likely?
Implantation bleeding

A patient has a dry cough, hot sensations in the afternoon and a peeled red tongue, what
is the treatment plan? Tonify Lu yin, nourish body fluids, clear empty heat

A patient has high temp, convulsions and stiff tongue, what is TP? Clear heat, disperse
LV, subdue wind

Patient has palp, tiredness and an empty pulse, what is TP? Tonify H Qi

The upper part of the ab just below the xyphoid process should be relatively? Soft
Post natal depression is usually due to? Blood def leading the H blood def

What point is located lateral to the sartorius muscle , directly below the anterior superior
iliac spine and level with the lower border of the pubic symphysis? St 31 (bi guan)

Which 8 principle pathological factor can give a combination K def/excess type? DH

If a patient upon inspection of the tongue within the floor of the mouth, has atrophy and
asphyxiations what cranial nerve would you suspect is involved? CNX11

Which of the following cautions apply to the point SI13? Too medial an insertion or deep
medial oblique needling may puncture the Lus

The caution at PC6 is that? The median nerve lies directly under this point

Deep insertion is not advised for K21 as it could lead to? Injury to the LV

Which artery should be avoided in puncturing St9? Common carotid artery

How is Lu10 (yu ji)needled? Puncture pp 0.5-0.8 inch

Which of the following is not an action of LV14 (qimen)? Resolves DH

A patient has pneumonia with strong thirst, deep yellow urine and red tongue with yellow
coat, what is you assessment? Qi stage

Which primary channel meets with the Conception vessel (Ren Mai) at Ren13
(Shangwan), Ren12 (Zhongwan) and Ren24 (Chengjiang)? St

Which divergent channel starts at the lateral thigh, enters the pubic hairline, converges
ascends and passes through the LV, GB, H and esophagus, disperses in the face and
connects with the eyes? GB

The LV primary channel has a connection with the H via the? GB divergent channel

The LV divergent channel separates from its primary channel? at the dorsum of the foot

The Luo connecting channels are distributed? Superficially over the body

If the pulsation of the area over the left ventricle apex of the H is regular and not tight or
rapid it indicates good? Gathering Qi

Empty heat from Yin def will cause the menstrual blood to be? Fresh red

A patient has sudden ab pain, diarrhea with pain, cold feelings and cold sensation in the
ab, what tongue is expected? Thick white coat
A patient has low voice, advanced monthly cycle, pale white facial color, small ab pain
and bearing down sensation, and bodily fatigue. The amount of menses one might expect
is? Profuse

Scanty menses with depletion of body fluids is associated with? Yellow or dusky

Which point combination best treats sudden loss of voice? H5 (tong lli), Ren23 (lian

What point is located 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T1?
SI14 (jian wai shu)

What point is located on the medial side of the big toe, in the depression distal and
inferior to the
1st metatarso-phalangeal joint, in the depression found at the junction of the red and white
Sp2 (dadu)

Which of the following is not an action of Du20 (baihui)? Benefits the tongue and treats
Actions of Du20 are? Pacifies wind and subdues yang; benefits the head and sense
organs; raises yang and counters prolapse; nourishes the sea of marrow

The differentiation of exterior and interior is made on the basis of? The location of the

This method of identification first introduced in “Discussion on Cold-Induced Diseases”

is used not only for the DX and treatment of diseases from exterior cold but also for hot,
internal conditions as many of its recommended herbal prescriptions can treat interior
conditions: according to the 6 stages

Formulated at different times in Chinese history and useful in different situations the
various modes of identifying patterns include all of the following except? According to
the weather systems
The various modes of identifying patterns are? According to Qi, Blood, body fluids;
according to the 8 principles, according to the internal organs; according to the
pathogenic factors

Identifying patterns also follows the typical way of Chinese natural philosophy which
instead of looking for causes looks for? Relationships

Which of the following are not correct about the tongue? Shape indicates state of yang
Correct about the tongue? Body color indicates condition of blood, nutritive Qi, Yin
Shape indicates state of blood and nutritive Qi,; coating indicates state of the yang
Moisture indicates the state of the body fluids

Nutritive Qi is different from defensive Qi in that? Nutritive Qi is more dense and

nourishes whereas Defensive Qi is on the exterior and protects

Qi condensed into material substance is called? Xing

A patient with a bleeding problem regardless of the type should avoid excess eating of?
Not foods

Patients with any type of Bi Syndrome should avoid eating excess? Sour foods

Patient has the clinical manifestation of barking cough, profuse yellow or green or dark
sputum which is foul smelling, SOB, asthma, stuffiness of the chest, red body, thick
slippery yellow coat on the tongue with slippery rapid full pulse is best to treat? Phlegm
heat obstructing the Lus

The key symptoms for damp phlegm obstructing the Lus include all of the following
except? Empty pulse in the right front position
The key symptoms for damp phlegm obstructing the Lus are? Chronic cough; chronic
cough with profuse white sputum; white, pasty complexion; thick, sticky white coat on

Patient has dark and clotted menstrual blood and purple tongue, what is the treatment
plan? Disperse LV, regulate blood

Patient has SOB during exertion, sweating and clear urine, what is the TP? Tonify and
warm the Ks, stimulate K function of receiving Qi, stimulate Lu descending function

Patient with Damp Bi syndrome should be advised to avoid eating excess? Dairy or
greasy foods

Which of the following cautions apply to the extra point Shi Qi Zhui Xia? The spinal
canal lies between
1.25 and 1.75 cun deep to the skin surface, varying according to body build

the “Miraculous Pivot” says that if stagnation of blood in vessels cannot be treated with
moxa then?
It cannot be treated with acupuncture

Which of the following points requires the shallowest pp insertion? St2 (si bai)
Which of the following is not an action of K10 (yingu)? Regulates urination and benefits
What is action of K10? Activates the channel and alleviates pain, benefits the Ks; clears
DH from the LJ

The actions for GB15 (toulinqi) is to benefit the nose and eyes and to? Eliminate wind,
benefits the head and alleviates pain

Which of the following is not an action of UB10 (tianzhu)? Treats malaria

What is action of UB10? Regulates Qi and pacifies wind, benefits the head and sensory
orifices, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain

The actions of Du8 (jinsuo) is to soothe the LV, pacify wind and relieve spasm and to
also? Calm the spirit

A numb tongue is always attributable to? Failure of nutritive Qi and blood nourishing the

Which of the following pulses does not have a floating quality? Knotted pulse (jie mai)
Which pulses do have floating quality? Soggy pulse (ru mai), flooding pulse (hong mai),
Floating pulse (fu mai)

The 5 emotions can turn into fire due to? Stagnation of Qi

Yin Chai Hu enters the? LV and St

Which point is located on the midline 2 cun posterior to the midpoint of the anterior
Du22 (xin hui)

The book “Miraculous Pivot” lists how many needling methods? Nine

How may cun are between the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia to the tip of
the medial malleolus? 13 cun

The Luo connecting point of the foot Tai Yang channel travels to? The K channel

Patient with cold Bi syndrome should be advised to avoid eating excess? Raw foods

The dosage for Bo He is? 1.5-6g

A 23 year old mother complains of excessive anxiety and worry which the person finds
hard to control, there is no specific traumatic event or focus for her concern, she has a
feeling of restlessness or keyed up and is on edge. She is easily fatigued and complains
that her mind is going blank. She has difficulty in falling or staying asleep along with
muscle tension. Your patient has? Generalized anxiety disorder

What point is located in the depression anterior and inferior to the tuberosity of the 5th
metatarsal bone?
UB64 (jing gu)

H5 (tong li), Ren22 (tian tu), Du15 (ya men), K6 (zhao hai) is a prescription for: impaired
speech following a stroke

Patient has palp, tiredness and an empty pulse, what is the DX? H Qi def

How often should testicular self examination be performed? Monthly

The combination of bie jia, Huang Qi and Long Gu treats? Chronic non healing sores and

According to ancient texts, needling this acupuncture point on the mother can block
adverse hereditary patterns and produce a child who will sleep through the night? K9

Which primary channel meets with the Conception vessel (Ren Mai) at Ren13
Ren12 (zhongwan) and Ren24 (chengjiang)? St

Which of the following is not recommended to swab the area with before acupuncture
90% isopropyl alcohol
recommended to swab area are? Iodophor, benzylconium, 70% isopropyl alcohol

patient has irritability, red face, bloodshot and burning eyes and red tongue with a
yellowing coat, what is the DX? LV fire blazing upwards

a patient has ulceration with a boil on the anterior tibia, which of the following should
you do?
Moxa with garlic

Du 15 (ya men) and Du16 (feng fu) are located hear? Medullary bulb

From what age does the risk for prostate cancer increase? As men approach 50 yrs

The daily recommended allowance for sodium is? 2400mg per day

Electroencephalography is a graphic recording of the electrical activity of the? Brain

Which of the following herb enters the LI, LV, H, St channels? Huang Lian
Which point combination helps in the treatment of heat Bi? Du14 (da zhui) and LI11 (qu
Page 70
The Ks are the origin of?

Qi condensed into material substance is called?

Jing is translated as essence and the Chinese character depicts?

Flexion of the hip tests which muscle group?

Which of the methods of identifying patterns is the oldest and is referred to it in the
Spiritual Axis?

Which point combination best treats night sweating?

Which of the following is not an action of UB25 (dachangshu)?

The yin divergent channels intersect first with?

Chuan Bei Mu is?

The 12 sinew channels follow the course of the primary channels except they are?

The LV primary channel has a connection to the H via the?

Which of the following extraordinary channels connect with Ren22 (tiantu) and Ren23

Which of the following channels is the most superficial?

If during a severe illness there is a collapse of yang you will see a ?

Mu Tong, Huang Qi and Dang Gui treat?

Patient has chronic diarrhea and prolapsed anus, what is the TP?

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