Editorial Policy

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Drops of Ink is a class for credit as well as an extracurricular activity at Libertyville High School for

student journalists, graphic designers, and photographers, as well as any student looking to improve
on or gain experience in journalism, communication and accountability. Students interested in joining
Drops of Ink need to enroll in the course and be accepted through an application process.

PURPOSE: Drops of Ink is a student-written, edited and produced high school publication. Our
publication functions as a service to the school and greater community of Libertyville, first and
foremost delivering news and information that is relevant to our readership. While not our primary
motive, Drops of Ink also looks to provide entertainment to our audience.

CONTENT: Drops of Ink operates under a designated public forum where student editors make all
final content decisions. Therefore, Drops of Ink is not reviewed by anyone in the District 128 or
Libertyville High School administration prior to publication, but it is expected to abide by the school
board’s ​publications policy​. The right to make any editorial changes or operating decisions rests with
the editorial board, and more specifically, the Editor(s)-in-Chief.

All magazine content goes through a story selection process. Staff members come up with ideas to
pitch at an issue meeting at the beginning of the publication cycle. Any ideas verbally proposed in
these meetings are noted and sent to the the editorial board for further review. The board then picks
the ideas that will be published in the magazine, designating other pitches that are not picked for
future issues or online-only publication. All content is proposed and selected by staff members,
though the adviser reviews these selections. Topics that are more controversial in nature will be
discussed with the editorial board to decide how the staff will proceed with the story. Meetings with
administration and department heads will be handled as necessary. A typical magazine issue may
contain 2-3 news pieces, 4-6 features, 3-4 opinion, and 2-4 sports features. Once story assignments
are chosen, any changes will be at the discretion of the adviser and editorial board. Website content
is also proposed by staff but will only need to be approved by the adviser and Editor(s)-in-Chief.

Drops of Ink tries to perform every interview for stories in person in order to get the most authentic
responses. Because sources are not always available to conduct in-person interviews and DOI staff
members have very busy schedules, interviews are occasionally carried out via email, telephone or
text message. In order to maintain transparency with readers, the attribution will include a note
explaining the circumstances of the interview if it was not in-person.

In-person interview: “Having the semester end before break is good for everyone because you get
that closure before break so everyone gets a break. Not only the fact of getting a break, but the fact
that hopefully [students] do better when [they] do not have that two-week gap,” Dr. Scott stated.

Not in-person interview: “I can use [my Chromebook] whenever I need to without going to a resource
center like the MASH or the DIL,” sophomore Kevin Loumeau stated in an interview via email.

Drops of Ink abides by copyright laws for photos both in print and online. This means that pictures
that we did not take or receive with permission from others are used under Creative Commons,
advanced Google search, or Fair Use policy. Should another source desire to use a photo taken by
a Drops of Ink photographer, please contact doi@lhswildcats.org or the photographer directly for
information and usage rights.

Drops of Ink will strive for accurate and balanced reporting, subject to the constraints of deadlines.
Suggestions regarding the paper’s content can be submitted to the Editor(s)-in-Chief or the adviser
via telephone, mail or email.

PRIOR REVIEW: Drops of Ink does not abide by a prior review policy. Only the adviser will look at
the publication prior to distribution. Changes to a publication will rest solely with the editorial board,
unless the material is deemed harmful or libelous by the adviser. Sources will be able to go over
their quotes with a reporter at the time of the interview at the reporter’s initiative, though quotes will
not be changed at the discretion of the interviewee. Sources will not be granted access to a story
prior to publication on any basis, including that of fact-checking. If the source feels that fact-checking
is necessary, the reporter can go over the source’s quotes and the information used in the article.
The full story will not be edited outside of the reporter, editorial board and adviser. Drops of Ink does
this to ensure the integrity of the story is maintained and that staff members’ voices, not the
sources’, are telling the story, honestly and unbiased.

STAFF WRITING: Drops of Ink staffers will attempt to produce the most well-written, accurate,
balanced and informative articles possible. Community members and other readers should be
aware, however, that the high school staff members are learners of the journalistic process and are
journalists in training. The staff members aim to meet professional journalistic standards but cannot
reasonably be expected to do so in all situations.

CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Drops of Ink defines a conflict of interest as a student on staff writing or
photographing a story or event in which they are involved in. This includes but is not limited to:
classes, clubs and teams, especially for staff members who hold a leadership position in their
respective activity. Conflicts of interest can also occur if a student writes or photographs a friend or
family member. In an effort to be as unbiased as possible, in general, students will not be allowed to
work on assignments when they have a conflict of interest. However, the decision whether or not a
student is able to report on a topic will be at the discretion of the Editor(s)-in-Chief and adviser.
Drops of Ink takes the issue of conflict of interest very seriously and in the event that a conflict of
interest is brought up, it will be dealt with accordingly by Editor(s)-in-Chief and adviser.
While Drops of Ink will avoid using staff members as sources, there are some instances in which it is
inevitable. In cases that Drops of Ink reports on something a staff member is a part of, we will be
transparent in doing so, specifying that staff member’s position and affiliation with DOI.

BYLINES AND EDITORIALS: All articles, photographs and page layouts will carry a byline, except in
the case of a staff editorial. Unsigned staff editorials appearing in the commentary section represent
the opinion of the Drops of Ink staff as a whole. The staff is comprised of students from each grade
level and spans a wide range of opinions from two class periods. Each period has a class-wide
discussion, during which all members have an opportunity to express their thoughts on a specified
subject and are encouraged to do so. Individual authors of these pieces do not place their personal
opinions in the story; they merely reflect the staff’s thoughts. However, individual columns and
opinion articles that are signed will be denoted. All opinions in columns are solely the author’s
opinions and do not represent those of the Drops of Ink staff and their advertisers, nor the District
128 staff, school board, student body or community.

ANONYMOUS SOURCES: Drops of Ink will strive for the most accurate reporting possible
throughout the story-writing process. As a result, the publication puts a priority on sources who
agree to have their names published. However, should a source desire to remain anonymous, they
must present their grade level and reason that they want to remain anonymous at the time of the

The matter of anonymity will be discussed between the Editor(s)-in-Chief and the writer, and a
decision will be made as to whether to use anonymous sources for the story; the source will then be
notified of this decision. This decision will be made based on the well-being of the student should
his/her information be published with his/her name. Drops of Ink will endeavor to include the name
and identity of all sources if the reporter and Editor(s)-in-Chief believe that doing so will not result in
endangerment, harassment or any other form of undue physical, mental or emotional anguish for the
source. Anonymous sources will be used if there is no other way for the writer to obtain that
information or if the source or information is vital to the story itself. Should the information given by
an anonymous source be verified by three other named sources, the anonymous source will be
excluded from the article. Quote attributions will include information regarding the source’s age,
reason for anonymity, and other information relevant to the topic of the story.

Sources who remain anonymous enter a confidentiality agreement with the story’s writer. Under no
circumstances will the source be named to the publication adviser for the safety of both parties.
While the Editor-in-Chief(s) will be made aware of the source’s identity, he/she/they will uphold the
same degree of confidentiality as the writer. At the same time, sources will agree to keep their own
identity a secret. Drops of Ink requests that anonymous sources do not reveal themselves to others
before or after their information is published. Should a source reveal himself/herself, the Drops of Ink
editorial board will decide whether to name the person in the article or have the information cut

EDITORIAL BOARD AND ADVISER: The editorial board is comprised solely of student editors; all
of whom have at least one year of experience on staff and must apply for their position at the end of
the school year prior to taking on that role the following school year. The editorial board is in charge
of all content and many of the decisions regarding the publication. As well as fulfilling the role of a
staff member, editors have the added responsibility of reviewing others’ works, making content
decisions and meeting to discuss issues or procedures within the staff. By meeting on a weekly or
regular basis, the editorial board shall interpret and enforce this editorial policy.
The adviser is a paid staff member and/or teacher of District 128 and Libertyville High School; he or
she is in charge of the staff, as Drops of Ink is a class period during the day. The adviser, in his or
her role as a teacher, will educate staff on proper journalism ethics and act as a reference for any
concerns regarding journalism, ethics, legal issues and more.

OTHER RESOURCES: In addition to the adviser, Drops of Ink staff members may reach out to other
organizations such as the Student Press Law Center (SPLC) for legal advice concerning censorship
or other issues. According to their website (splc.org), “the Student Press Law Center is an advocate
for student First Amendment rights, for freedom of online speech, and for open government on
campus. The SPLC provides information, training and legal assistance at no charge to student
journalists and the educators who work with them.” This nonprofit and nonpartisan organization will
be used for a reference for the Drops of Ink staff, editorial board and adviser when needed.

STAFF EXPECTATIONS: Drops of Ink is considered a co-curricular at LHS, meaning that while it’s
an accredited class, it also is part of the Student Activities branch at school. Because of this, those
electing to be staff members are required to meet the school’s ​Code of Conduct​ (which can be found
in your Student Handbook). As the code’s philosophy states, “While involvement in these activities is
voluntary, it is also a privilege, and students choosing to participate take on extended responsibilities
as special representatives of their school and community.” This especially applies to DOI, as staff
members take on a particularly visible role by publishing and distributing their writing to the school
and community at large. Students found to be in violation of the code will face consequences in
accordance with the Student Handbook; these could include, for example, removal from an editor
position or revoking a story assignment or magazine pages. Consequences would not directly
impact a student’s grade in the class.

In addition, Drops of Ink staffers are asked to recognize the following pledge: “Recognizing the
benefits of staff membership for Drops of Ink, and realizing the importance of maintaining the
integrity of our organization, I hereby agree to the following terms: 1. I will honor my commitment by
being drug- and alcohol-free. 2. If I am involved in any conduct or action that negatively impacts
upon my commitment to DOI and its mission, I can be held accountable according to the athletic and
activities Code of Conduct.”
ISSUE DISTRIBUTION: Issues will be distributed in school during second or third periods on
scheduled distribution days (decided by the Editor-in-Chief and adviser). Staff will distribute issues to
individual classrooms based on the number of students on the class roster. Class sizes are obtained
from the student services office. Issues can also be found in resource centers, as well as in the main
office, LSTs, and news stands by the main entrance, studio theatre entrance, auditorium doors and
across from the library. Newsmagazines will be distributed every 3-5 weeks, unless specified
otherwise by the adviser and/or editorial board. Magazines subscriptions are available on the LHS
webstore for $20 per school year (eight issues). Copies of each issue are also sent to Board of
Education members.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letters will be printed as submitted unless any portion of the letter is in
poor taste, libelous or unnecessary to the understanding of the writer’s message. Letters should be
no more than 350 words in length (typed, double-spaced); the staff of Drops of Ink reserves the right
to edit any letters longer than 350 words. Submissions must include the writer’s name and phone
number; unsigned letters will not be printed. Drops of Ink will withhold the writer’s name upon
request only if circumstances warrant its absence, and only at the discretion of the Editor(s)-in-Chief.
Drops of Ink will make every attempt to verify all factual statements in letters to the editor, but will
ultimately expect the author to have authenticated all statements of fact. Opinions expressed in a
letter to the editor do not represent the opinions of the Drops of Ink staff, their advertisers, or District
128. Letters will be printed as space permits.

FREELANCE Work: Freelance writing, photography, layout designs and any other form of work for
Drops of Ink will be accepted, but priority for placement in print is given to those articles assigned to
staff members. Freelance workers and their pieces, as they are not a part of the Drops of Ink staff,
will not reflect the opinions of the staff, editorial board, or D128 members unless otherwise stated.
Each freelance piece byline will be marked as “Guest Writer” on lhsdoi.com and in any printed issue.
Articles and photos will be published at the discretion of the editorial board or the adviser.

DEATHS: The death of a student, faculty/staff member or community member will be treated as a
news item only when the situation is warranted. Due to the limited space in the newspaper, not all
deaths will be covered; however, an online story will be posted when possible. Occasionally, a death
will warrant a feature or editorial coverage, in which case, a news item may or may not appear
alongside the article. This decision is at the editorial board’s discretion.

PROFANITY: Drops of Ink will typically refrain from the use of profanity except in direct quotes and
only when the meaning or connotation of the direct quote warrants its use. Writers are able to use
profanity but at the discretion of the editors. Gratuitous use of profanity is always discouraged.

ERRORS: The Drops of Ink staff regrets all factual errors. Any factual statement requiring a
correction must be brought to the attention of the Editor(s)-in-Chief. Corrections will appear in
following printed issues, if printed, or will be changed directly, if online. Online corrections will be
noted so readers are aware of the change.

ADVERTISING: The student editorial board of Drops of Ink accepts advertisements of varying sizes
(half and full-page) for its print issues and advertisements of a set size for its website. Print ad rates
vary from $75-$170. In-house advertisements will be offered at the reduced rate of $37.50 for
half-page ads and $85 for full-page ads. Online ads are available for $75 per month. Ads are
accepted in a variety of electronic formats and as attachments in email in most cases. Student
editors reserve the right to reject any proposed advertisement for any reason. Students on staff also
reserve the right to make changes to ads in an effort to make the advertisement more consistent
with our magazine’s design policy. Advertisements that will not be accepted may include, but are not
limited to, advertisements for any products or services that would be illegal for minors to possess or
use. The remedy for any cancelled advertisement shall be limited to a refund of any prepaid fees.
Advertising that appears is not necessarily endorsed by District 128, the school board, the
publication or its staff members, editorial board or adviser.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Drops of Ink social media accounts will be used to promote the magazine and
website, publicize recent content and engage followers. Current social media accounts include
Facebook (“Libertyville High School Drops of Ink”), Instagram (@lhsdoi) and Twitter (@lhsdoi).
These accounts can be accessed by the Editor(s)-in-Chief, social media editor, and other designated
staff members. All content will be posted by students promoting staff articles or contests run by the
editorial board. Content published on these accounts are held to the same standards as all other
reporting and will cover the same procedures should errors be published. The accounts will remain
objective and professional when handling content and follower engagements, including, but not
limited to, contests, games and competitions. The editorial board has the right to remove, report, and
block any comments that are deemed to be outside the Drops of Ink purpose.

FUNDING: Funding and the publication budget comes largely from the publication’s student
activities account. Additional funding comes from the sale of advertisements and subscriptions. The
bulk of the publication’s spending is on printing costs for the newsmagazine, in addition to website
hosting and maintenance fees. Funds not used at the end of each school year will be put towards
future issue productions or other staff-related costs.

CONTACT: Send all comments, questions and concerns to the Editors-in-Chief at

hannah.hutchins@lhswildcats.org and maria.thames@lhswildcats,org, adviser at
michael.gluskin@d128.org, or general publication account, doi@lhswildcats.org. If necessary, these
comments will be brought to the attention of the editorial board at the next meeting and handled
within the deadlines of the issue cycle.

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