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The government is undertaking many efforts in improving the waste management

systems in its cities. The waste management industry services individuals, companies, and

governments. The industry itself is segmented into the following: water treatment, pollution

control, remediation and consulting services, and solid waste management. The trends in this

industry are moving toward being more environmentally focused. Services in the solid waste

segment include: recycling, collection, transfer, disposal, and waste-to-energy services.

However, only one firm holds the advantage of waste-to-energy technology, Waste Management.

The industry is highly regulated being subject to such government acts such as, the Clean Air

Act, Clean Water Act, and Solid Waste Disposal Act, to name a few. This system is developed to

manage the waste in the city. The people can login to the system and can submit the complaint

about waste management. On the other hand the compliant is viewed by the admin and they

resolved the problems in the user area. It is web application developed in PHP language and

mysql. The PHP language is used to design the forms of the system whereas the mysql is utilized

to access the database services. The user can login to their application and can access easily.
System Specification

Hardware Specification

System : Intel i3 Processor.

Hard Disk : 40 GB.

Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.

Monitor : 14’ Color Monitor.

Mouse : Optical Mouse.

Ram : 512 Mb.

Software Specification

Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate.

Coding Language : phython

IDE : phython

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