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Province of Davao del Norte Municipality of Kapalong SANGGUNIANG BAYAN ————————————— Se EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 32° REGULAR SESSION OF THE 8 SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF KAPALONG, DAVAO DEL NORTE, HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL SB SESSION HALL, 2"? FLOOR, LEGISLATIVE BUILDING, MANIKI, KAPALONG, ON AUGUST 11, 2015, TUESDAY. PRESENT: Hon. Maria Theresa R. Timbol (Mun. Vice Mayor) Regular Presiding Officer Hon. Chichina Faye L. Lim, LL.B. -Councilor Hon. Rowell R. Selim Councilor Hon. Rebecca O. Balinggao -Coundiior Hon, Robert T, Caminero ~Councilor Hon. Dominador S. Cruda II -Coundilor Hon. Freddie E. Pentacase Sr. -Councilor Hon. Porferio C. Tuna -Councilor Hon. Joevin P. Doriman ~Ex-Dfficio/ABC President OFFICIAL BUSINESS: Hon. arturo M. Davao ~Ex-Ofticlo/IPMR ABSENT: Hon. Alan E. Quezon, MPA-GA. -Councilor Municipal Ordinance No. 957 Series of 2015 AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE KAPALONG COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY DEFINING ITS POWERS AND FUNCTIONS, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREOF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, REPEALING FOR THE PURPOSE MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 905 SERIES OF 2014. Sponsor: Hon. Alan E. Quezon, MPA-GA Co - Sponsors: Hon. Lim, Hon. Selim, Hon. Balinggao, Hon. Cruda, Hon. Caminero, Hon. Tuna, Hon. Pentacase and Hon. Doriman EXPLANATORY NOTE Article XIV of the Philippine Constitution states that, “the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quallty education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.” Under the Local Code of 1991, local governments are empowered to provide for the operation of vocational and technical schools and similar post-secondary institutions, the creation and operation of such schools or institutions are subject to the approval of the proper education agencies and to applicable laws, rules and regulations. Section 447, Paragraph (5) (x), Article It of Chapter III of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides the function of the Sangguniang Bayan to approve ordinances and explicitly states that “subject to the availability of funds and to existing laws, rules and regulation, establish and provide for the operation of vocational and technical schools and similar post-secondary Institutions and, with the approval of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, fix and collect reasonable fees and other school charges on sald Institutions, subject to existing laws on tuition fees.” Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act (RA) 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994”, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was created in pursuance of the policy of the State to protect, foster and promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality education covering both public and private institutions of higher education including degree-granting programs in all post-secondary educational institutions. saver: Approved EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 2 Section 8 (h) of RA 7722 stipulates that CHED shall have the power and function to rationalize programs and institutions of higher learning and set policies, standards and guidelines (PSG) for the creation of new ones as well as the conversion or elevation of schools to institutions of higher learning, subject to.budgetary limitations and the number of institution of higher learning in the province or region wherein creation, conversion or elevation is sought to be made. ‘The creation of focal colleges within the local government unit concerned provides access and equitable distribution of opportunities for Filipinos to acquire higher education, there is 8 need to institutionalize the creation or establishment of higher education Institutions to address quality and excellence in the areas of school administration, facilities, library end laboratories, curriculum and instruction, research and community service, and faculty and non- teaching personnel development programs. ‘The Commission in Higher Education (CHED) issued Memorandum Order No. 32, series of 2006, which provided the policies, standards and guidelines (PSG) on the establishment and ‘operation of local colleges and universities. CHED Memorandum Circular No 04, series of 2007, supplied the Implementing Rules and Regulations. Further, the Department of Justice In its Opinion No. 72, serles of 2008 clarified Section 447, Peragreph (5) (x), Article III of Chepter IIT of the Local Government Code of 1991 does not absolutely prohibit LGUs from establishing higher education Institution; however, the same can only be done with the approval of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and subject to the provisions of R.A.7722 Moreover, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) in its Memorandum Circular No. 2009-67 dated May 26, 2009 opined that establishment and operation of local colleges and universities by local governments and offering of higher education programs shall be in accordance with the pertinent policies and standards promulgated by CHED. It is the development thrust of the Local Government Unit of Kapalong, Davao del Norte to provide education and promote employment among its constituents while It always involves the stakeholders in the advocacy on education for all The Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology was established thru Municipal Ordinance No, 423, series of 2005, entitled "Establishing a College Institution in the Municipality of Kapalong, Province of Davao del Norte to be known as Kapaiong College of Arts, Sciences and Technology (KCAST),” primarily aimed to provide quality higher education ‘opportunities specially to those students who are deprived to continue their education in the tertiary level due to financial constraint. ‘As a local college, is therefore mandated to provide quality industry-needed ‘educational programs administered and delivered by highly qualified, well-trained and self- renewing faculty and staff with adequate human and financial resources, and CHED compliant facilities where a vibrant institutional research culture runs across all disciplines and where all stakeholders and members are respected, valued, nurtured, and challenged to lead in the development and implementation of collaborative community extension programs to improve the local communities. It has made series of amendments of Municipal Ordinance No 423: Municipal Ordinance No. 724, series of 2010 renamed the Kepalong College of Arts, Sciences and Technology to Kapatong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology; Municipal Ordinance No. 772 updated the composition of the KCAST governing board and Municipal Ordinance No. 851 renames the position of the College Administrator to President. Municipal Ordinance No. 905 Institutionalized KCAST as one of the departments of the municipal government. Inasmuch as_Municipal Ordinance No. 423, series of 2005, created KCAST prior to the Issuance of CMO 32, series of 2006, and DILG MC 2009-67 stipulating the policies and ‘guidelines in creating and operating a local college, there is therefore a need to institutionalize its provisions to conform with such legal bases issued for the purpose; Approved: a Boa eer EDGARDO L. MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 3 ‘That the earlier approved Municipal Ordinance No. 905 dated April 15, 2014, with public hearing conducted on March 25, 2014, duly confirmed by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan per ‘SP Resolution No. 304 series of 2014, and published in Gold Star Publication on August 4-17, 2014, is hereby repealed upon the enactment of this Ordinance 957 series of 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Sanggunian Bayan in a session duly assembled, that: Section 1 - Title AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE KAPALONG COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY DEFINING ITS POWERS AND FUNCTIONS, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREOF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, REPEALING FOR THE PURPOSE MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 905 SERIES OF 2014. ‘Section 2 - Purpose and Functions of the Local College ‘The Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology (KCAST) shall serve as the learning institution for students from ‘the locality and all other neighboring Local Governments whose intentions shall be to achieve quality professional and educational growth and human resource development. For this purpose, It shall provide and Implement a curriculum for baccalaureate, masters and doctorate degrees Including technical and vocational courses. It shall perform such other functions necessary for the realization of its mandate. Section 3 - Definitions of Terms 3.1, CES Program - refers to the Community Extension Services as a program of KCAST. 3.2. College - is an Institution of higher learning offering academic programs and Usually pre-professional training leading to a bachelor’s/baccalaureate degree. 3.3. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) - the government agency created through Republic Act No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994”, which has jurisdiction over all higher education institutions (HEIs), both public and private in the Philippines. : 3.4, Degree program - refers to a collection of all courses in a discipline or a field of study leading to an undergraduate or graduate degree. This may also be referred to as an academic program. 3.5. Local College/University (LCU) ~ refers to @ public higher education institution established by the concerned local government unit. 3.6. Local Government Units ~ refer to municipalities, cities and provincial governments that created or established the local'college. 3.7. Non-degree program ~ refers to a post-secondary program below the bachelor/baccalaureate degree. 3.8. Ordinance - refers to an enabling act of the Sangguniang Bayan, Panlungsod or Panlalawigan that creates a particular LCU. This serves as the charter of the local college. 3.9, ALCU ~ Association of Local Colleges and Universities 3.10. BOT ~ Board of Trustees 3.11. CMO ~ CHED Memorandum Order 3.12. HEI - Higher Education Institution Approved: _ —_- > EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957, ‘Series of 2015 Page 4 43.13, KCAST - Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology 3:14, LOU - Local Colleges and Universities 3.15. SCP - Search Committee for President Section 4 - Creation of the KCAST Governing Board of Trustees and its composition ‘There shall be created a KCAST Governing Board of Trustees of the college which shall be known 2s the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology ~ Board of Trustees (KCAST-BOT) per CMO 32, series of 2006, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), ‘and per CMO 04, series of 2007, which shall be composed of the following, to wit: 4.1 Local Chief Executive as Chairperson; 4.2 President of the LCU as Vice -Chalrperson; 4.3 President of the duly recognized faculty association of the LCU as member; 4.4 President of the duly recognized student council of the LCU as member; 4.5 President of the alumni association as member; 4.6 Chairperson of the Sangguniang Committee on education as member; 4.7 CHED Regional Director as member; 4.8 District Supervisor of the Department of Education as member; 4.9 Two (2) representatives from the private sector who have distinguished themselves in their profession or field of specialization and are bonafide residents of the community where the LCU is located, as member. One of the two (2) representatives from the private sector shall come from the business or industry sector. They will be appointed by the local chief executive and shall each serve for a term of two (2) years from the date of their respective appointments. ‘The Board shall promulgate policies on education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports, as well as policies, standards and thrust in accordance with the declared state policies on higher education, such as Republic Act no. 7722 or the “Higher Education Act of 1994” and other pertinent laws, as well as the principle of local autonomy enshrined in Republic Act No. 7160 or the “Local Government Code of 1991”. ‘The CHED, in the issuance of academic policies and standards affecting LCUs, shall take into account the different characteristics and the distinct features of the LCUs, their organizational set-up, and their operation; Provided, That the CHED shall, at all times, devise es that will ensure thet LCUs will remain committed to the delivery of quality ‘The Board shall have the following specific powers and duties, in addition to its general powers of administration and the exercise of all the powers granted to the board of directors of @ corporation under Section 36 of Batas Pambansa Big. 68, otherwise known as the Corporation Code of the Philippines: 5.1 To enact rules and regulations not contrary to law as may be necessary to carry ‘out the purposes and functions of the LCU; 5.2 To receive and appropriate all sums, as may be provided, for the support of the college in the manner it may determine, and its discretion, to carry out the Purposes and functions of the LCU; 5.3 To receive in kind and in trust legacies, gifts and donations of real and personal properties of all kinds, to administer and dispose the same when necessary for the benefit of the college, subject to limitations, discretions and instructions of the donors, if any. Such donations shall be except from all taxes and shall be considered as deductible items from the income tax of the donor; Approved: \ ee) EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR -over- Kap. Mun, Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 5 5.4 To fix the tuition fees and other school charges, such as but not limited matriculations fees, graduation fees, and laboratory fees, as the board may deem proper to impose after due consultations with the involved sectors; Provided, that these fees will not be prohibitive or unreasonable as to deviate from the purpose for which the LCUs are created. Such fees and charges, including government subsidies and other income generated by the LCU, shall constitute under the general fund treated as special account and shall be deposited in any authorized government depository bank, and all interest shall accrue therefrom shall form part of the same fund for the use of the LCU. Any provision or existing laws, rules and regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, any income generated by the LCU from tuition fees and other charges, as well as from the operation of auxiliary services and land grants, shall be retained by the LCU, and may be disbursed by the Board for instruction, research, extension services, or other programs/projects of the LCU: Provided, that all fiduciary fees shall be disbursed for the specific purpose for which they are collected. If, for reason of control, the college shall be able to pursue any project for which funds have been appropriated and allocated uncer its approved program of expenditures, the Board may authorize the use of sald funds for any reasonable purpose which, in each discretion, may be necessery and urgent for the attainment of objectives and goals of the LCU; 5.5. To adapt and implement a socialized scheme of tuition and school fees for greater access to poor but deserving students; 5.6 To authorize the construction or repair of its building, machineries, equipment, and other facliities, as well as the purchase and acquisition of real personal properties, including necessary supplies, materials and equipment. Purchase and other transactions entered into by the LCU through the Board shall be exempt from all taxes and duties, subject to applicable BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) rules and regulations; 5.7 To appoint and designate upon the recommendation of the president of the college, vice presidents, deans, directors, heads of departments, faculty members and other officals and employees; 5.8 To fix and adjust salaries of faculty members and administrative officials and employees, subject to the provisions of the revised compensation laws governing hours of service, and such other duties and conditions es it may deem proper; to grant them, at its discretion, leaves of absence under such regulations as it may promulgate, any provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding; end to remove for cause In accordance with the requirements of due process law; 5.9 To approve the curricula, and institutional programs of the institution: Provided, that all conforms to the CHED guidelines. 5.10 To approve rules of discipline for the administrative and academic staff of the college or university to ensure orderly and effective governance thereof; 5.11 To set policies on admission and graduation of students; 5.12 To award honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of outstanding ‘contribution in the field of education, public service, arts, science and technology or any filed of specialization with the academic competence of the college and to authorize the certificates of completion of non-degree and non-traditional courses; Provided, that these conform with the applicable guidelines of the CHED; ~over- Approved: ap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 6 5.13 To establish research and extension canters of the LCU where such will promote the development of the latter; 5.14 To establish chairs in the LCU and to provide fellowships for qualified faculty members and scholarships to deserving students; 5.15 To delegate any of its power and duties for the hereinabove to the president ‘and/or the other officials of the college as it may deem appropriate so as to expedite the administration of the affairs of the college; 5.16 To authorize an external management audit of the institution, to be coordinated with CHED, and to institute reforms, including academic and structural changes, on the basis of the audit results and recommendations; 5.17 To enter into joint ventures with business and industry for the profitable development and management of the economic assets of the college, the proceeds from which to be used for the development and strengthening of the LCU; 5.18 To develop consortia and other forms of linkages with the local government units, Institutions and agencies, both public and private, local and foreign, in furtherance of the purposes and objectives of the institutions; 5.19 To develop academic arrangements for institution capability building with appropriate institutions and agencies, public or private, local or foreign, and to appoint experts/specialists as consultants, or visiting or exchange professors, scholars, researchers, as the case may be; 5.20 To set up the adoption of modern and innovative modes of transmitting knoviledge such as the use of information technology, the dual system, open learning, community laboratory, etc., for the promotion of greater access to ‘education within the institution; 5.21 To establish policy guidelines and procedures for participative decision making and Insparency within the institution; 5.22 To privatize, where most advantageous to the institution, management of non- academic services such as health, food, buliding or grounds or property ‘maintenance and similar such other objectives; and 5.23 To extend the term of the president of the college beyond the age of retirement, but not later than the age of seventy (70), whose performance has been unanimously rated as outstanding and upon unanimous recommendation by the search committee for the president of the institution concerned. ‘Section 6 - Compensation and other Remuneration ‘The members of the KCAST-BOT shall serve without regular compensation, however, except thet the Board of Trustees concemed |s authorized for such reasonable per-diem through a passage of a BOT Resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. The Board shall be reimbursed of necessary expenses incurred in the attendance to meetings, trainings and seminars in connection with the official function implied therewith, -over- Approved: Pees tees MUNICIPAL MAYOR ap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 7 Section 7 - Terms of Office ‘The terms of office of the Chairman, Co-Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and of the following members, namely: CHED Director, DepEd District Supervisor, the Sangguniang Bayan, Chairman of the Committee on Education, and representatives of the Faculty, Student, and Alumni Associations shall be coterminous with the terms of office of their respective positions. ‘Section 8 - Quorum ‘The Board of Trustees shall personally attend the regular and special Board meetings. Regular meetings shall be convened once every month, Special meetings(s) may be held only upon the call of the Chairman or in his absence the Co chairman and or Vice-Chairman provided that the members of the board have been duly notified in writing at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting. A majority of all the members of the governing board holding office at the time of its regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum. ‘The Chairman of the Board or in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside over its regular or special meetings. ‘The Board of Trustees may attend other related functions and may reimbursed of the Incurred expenses subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedures. Section 9 - The Secretary to the KCAST-BOT ‘There shall be a designated Secretary to the KCAST-BOT which shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees through a BOT Resolution. Section 10 - Qualifications ‘The designated Secretary to the KCAST-8OT shall have completed at least two (2) years studies in college with 2 minimum one (1) year relevant experience in secretarial functions, with skills in writing and have acquired at least eight (8) hours of relevant training. ‘Section 11 - Honorarium ‘The designated Secretary to the KCAST-BOT shall receive a reasonable per-diem as authorized by the BOT, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 12 ~ Duties and Functions ‘The designated Secretary shall serve the KCAST-BOT, who shall specifically, perform the following, to wit: 12.1. Prepares the minutes of the meetings of the board of trustees; 12.2 Keeps all the records of the KCAST-BO' 12.3 Coordinates the schedules of the board meetings and takes charge of the release of notices of meetings and other undertakings of the board upon approval of the Chairman and/or Vice Chairman; and 12.4 Performs other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the board and/or by the President of the college. Section 13 - Creation of the Office of the College President (OCP) ‘There shall be created an Office of the College President (OCP) of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology (KCAST) as an integral administrative office/department of the Local Government. over Approved: ss — > EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 3 The Office of the President of KCAST is hereby mandated to oversee the operation, ‘supervision and maintenance of the created Local College to ensure a smooth sailing operation and make it a self-sustaining office. The Office of the President shall be the Official Station of the School President. Section 14 - Creation of the Position of Municipal Government Department Head I (SG 24) ‘There shail be created the position of a Municipal Government Department Head I (SG 24) of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. The Municipal Government Department Head shall be designated as College President who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of KCAST. He/She shall be personally responsible and accountable of the Office and shall render a full-time service to the College for a term of five (5) years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for another term. The Municipal Government Department Head I who shall be designated as College President shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees through a BOT Resolution upon recommendation of a duly constituted search committee and finally, shall be confirmed by the Local Sanggunian. Section 15 ~ Qualifications The Municipal Government Department Head I designated as College President shall hold an appropriate dactoral dagree with at least five (5) years of relevant administrative and management experience in any Government or Private Educational Institutions. Section 16 - The President shall exercise the following powers and functions: 16.1 General supervision over all official transaction and financial operations of the College. 16.2 Within three (2) months following his/her appointment, facilitate the formulation of a five-year Institutional Development Plan for the College to be adopted by the BOT, and confirmed and approved by the Local Sanggunian. 16.3 _ Facilitates the implementation of the approved manuals of operations, to wit: 16.3.1 Administrative manual 16.3.2 Faculty manual 16.3.3 Research and extension manual 16.3.4 Students manual 16.4 All officers, members of the teaching staff, and employees shall be responsible to, and under the direction of the President. 16.5. The President shall carry out the policies laid down by the Board of ‘Trustees, and shall have power to act within the lines of cited general policies, The President alone shall undertake to direct or to assign the details of executive actions 16.6 The President shall have the power to determine and propose the ‘agenda of all meetings of the Board of Trustees and of the College Councils; provided, however, that any member of the Board shall be entitled to have any matter included in the agenda, 16.7 _Presides over at the commencement and other public exercises of the college, and confer such degrees and honors as are granted by the Board of Trustees. All diplomas and certificates shall be signed by him/her and by the Chairman of Board of Trustees. -over~ Approved: cocdaoo Pha beacon Kap, Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 9 16.8 Official center of communication between the faculty, employees and students of the College on the one hand and the Board of Trustees or Board of Visitors on the other hand. 16.9 Recommends to the KCAST - PSB sultable persons upon consultation with the Vice-President for Academic Affairs and College Deans and Heads of Non-Academic Units, as the case may be, to fill vacancies and new positions, and to make such other arrangements as to meet emergencies accruing between the meetings of the Board so thet the work of the College will not be hampered. 16.10 Exercises these specific powers: 16.10.1 Accepts resignation of faculty member/s and ‘employee/s which he/she shall report to the Board of Trustees in its meeting immediately following the resignation. 16.10.2 General supervision and control over extracurricular activities of students and authority to Issue adequate rules for the organization and operation of student organizations. 16.1.3 Authority to renew appointments for not more than one year if the budget permits and the services are necessary. 16.10.4 ‘Authority to transfer faculty and employees from ‘one department, unit of the College to another with the written consent of the faculty member or employes concerned, provided that: There is no demotion in rank and salary; _It is with the consent of the head of the unit and it is for the interest of the Authority to grant or deny permission for members of the faculty to accept training grants, fellowships, 2 scholarships, assistantship, or invitations to conferences sponsored by other agencies or organizations. 16.11 The President shall have the euthority to change the leave status of the faculty from that of teacher's leave to that of cumulative leave or vice versa ‘on the recommendation of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs and respective Program Heads concerned. -over- ‘Approved: 3 pales = MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Bage 10 16.12 The President shall hold officers, teachers, and employees responsible to the full discharge of their duties and, if in his/her judgment the necessity arises, he/she shall, after consultation with the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Program Heads and Administrative Officer, in proper cases, initiate the necessary proceedings for the separation from the service of any of them for cause. He/she shall report to the Board of Trustees the case of the supposed erring employee or faculty member for the Board of Trustees to form a "mediation committee” to hear the case. 16.13 The President shall prepare an annual report on the work of the past year and the needs for the current year and provide hard copy to each of the KCAST ~ Board of Trustees for perusal and reference. He/She shall also Present to the Board of Trustees the annual budget of the College with the estimates of incomes and expenditures based on the confirmed and approved five-year Institution Development Pian. 16.14 The President shall execute and sign in behalf of the College, all contracts, deeds and other instruments necessary for the proper conduct Of the business of the college through an authority from the BOT. 16.15 The President shall have the general responsibility for the enforcement Of discipline and for the maintenance of satisfactory academic standards In all Its units. 16.16 The President shall have the right to modify or disapprove any action or resolution of any college, faculty or administrative body, if in his/her Judgment the larger interest of the college so requires. Should he/she exercise such power, the President shall communicate his/her decision In writing to the body immediately affected, stating the reasons for his/her action, and thereafter shall accordingly inform the Board of Trustees, which may take any action it may deem appropriate in connection therewith. 16.17 The President shall have the power to authorize expenses from miscellaneous funds in the budget for maintenance, repairs, remodeling or ‘modification of buildings and grounds without further action by the Board of Trustees, provided that it is well reported to the SOT, provided further, that it shall follow the regular accounting and auditing rules and procedures. 16.18 |The President may invite, from time to time, scholars of eminence and ‘other persons who have achieved distinction in some learned professions or careers, to deliver a lecture or a series thereof; and for this purpose, he/she may authorize honoraria for such services, to be taken from the miscellaneous fund and at rates prescribed by existing regulations as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, 16.19 powers as are elsewhere provided in this charter or es mey be specally authorized by the Board of Trustees, such as are usually pertaining to the Office of a President of the College. He/She may delegate in writing any of this specific functions to the next second highest ranking officer in the Collese. ‘Section 17 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The Municipal Government Department Head I designated as College President shall receive compensation with Salary Grade 24, In accordance with the provisions provided by law. -over- soproved: EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 11 Section 18 - Search Committee for President of the LCU ‘Sx (6) months before the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent President, the Board shall appoint a Search Committee for President of the LCU. The Search Committee shall have five (5) members to be appointed by the Board. The composition of the Search Committee shall include a representative from the LGU concerned, DepEd representative, the Association of Local Colleges and Universities (ALCU) representative, the KCAST Faculty President , and representative from the business sector duly accredited by the Sangguniang Bayan. They shail elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from among themselves. ‘Section 19 - Compensation and other Remuneration The SCP shail receive a reasonable honorarium as authorized by the BOT through a Resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 20 - Powers and Duties of the SCP ‘The Search Committee for President as created shall devise its own rules and procedure for the search. Within Fifteen (15) days upon its constitution shall cause the publication of the Rotice of vacancy for President in a newspaper of a local or general circulation and by posting ina conspicuous place in the municipality. The publication shall contain provisions for Invitation of applicants and the deadline for submission of applications. Within a period of thirty (30) days after the deadline for submission of applications, the SCP shall screen the applicants and select therefrom the three (3) most qualified candidates for the position of President. The SCP shall submit to the Board of Trustees the ranking of the top three (3) qualified candidates within 24 hours after the selection. As soon as the outgoing President has ended its full-term of office, through a BOT Resolution, the Board of Trustees shall then appoint the New President from the three (3) qualified candidates submitted by the ‘SCP who has been considered to be the best choice of the BOT. ‘Section 21 - Creation of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) ‘There shell be created an Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. This is the Official Station of the designated Academic Affairs of the College. Such designation shall be effected every start of the school Year through a Memorandum from the Office of the College President duly noted/approved by the Board of Trustees through the Appointing Authority. Section 22 - Qualifications ‘The designated Vice President for Academic Affairs shall hold an appropriate master's or doctoral degree with at least three (3) years of relevant academic and administrative experience. Section 23 — Compensation and other remuneration ‘The designated Vice President for Academic Affairs shall receive compensation as authorized by the BOT through resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 24 - Duties and Functions of the Vice President for Academic Affairs 24.1. Supervises and coordinates all academic units and programs of the College; 24.2 Administers the overall execution of the policies on instruction approved by the Board of Trustees as recommended by the Academic Council, and by other higher authorities; epearbo 1. FINO MUNICIPAL MAYOR Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 12 24.3. Recommends to the President academic policies pertaining to curricula, faculty appointments and assignments, and academic programs; 24.4 Coordinates with the research and extension units of the College in Promoting the research and extension activities of the faculty; 24.5 Serves as the ex-officio chairman of all standing and/or ad hoc Committees which shall conduct regular faculty appraisal on performence evaluation, screening of applicants for scholarships, faculty development and other related purposes; 24.6 Coordinates with other educational institutions and/or related agencies to insure inter-program/agency complementation and efficient maximization of available resources; 24.7 Submits a semestral and annual accomplishment report to the President; 24.8 Acts as Vice Chairperson of the Academic Council; and 24.9 Exercises such othér powers and functions as may be delegated by the President. Section 25 - Creation of the Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension (OVPRE) ‘There shall be created an Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension for the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. This Office is the Official Station of the designated Vice President for Research and Extension of the College. This Office in- charge of all matters related to Research and Extension. Section 26- Designation of the Vice President for Research and Extension ‘There shall be a designated Vice President for Research and Extension of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. Such designation shall be effected every start of the school year through a Memorandum from the Office of the College President duly noted/approved by the Board of Trustees through the Appointing Authority. Section 27 - Qualifications The designated Vice President for Research and Extension shall hold an appropriate master’s or doctoral degree with at least three (3) years of relevant experience particularly on research and extension program implementation. Section 28 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The designated Vice President for Research and Extension Program shall receive ‘compensation as authonzed by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 29 - Duties and Functions 29.1 Provides inputs for the development and coordination of programs, systems and standards of the college. -over- Nl oS EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap, Mun, Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 13 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 23.9 29.10 29,11 29.12 29.13 29.14 29.15 Explores the establishment, promotion and maintenance of linkages, extension programs, conferences, training programs on indigenous technologies, research development studies and technology transfers relevant to the needs of the community, Takes charge of the information, collection, information dissemination and publication needs of the college R and E programs Functions as the Research Implementing Arm of the local government. ‘Supervises the Research and Extension Advisory Council. ‘Supervises the Research and Community Extension Service Offices and the Research and Extension Advisory Council. Prepares and implement Research and Extension Strategic, Tactical and Operational Plan ‘Supervises conduct of training on research methodologies and on skills related to research. Produce socially and academically relevant research outputs which will serve as baseline data in developing programs and projects that will benefit the College and the local government. Initiates the development project proposals and supervise the Implementation of the same when funded by institutions either based in the country or abroad. Provides technical assistance to the faculty and staff and students who may undertake Independent researches. Facilitates establishment of linkages with academic and non-academic institutions or network engaged in research and/or development programs. Supervises implementation of the college Community Extension Services program. Coordinates with the academic affairs office of the College in promoting the research and extension activities of the faculty. Submits semestral and annual accomplishment report to the President. Exercises such other powers and functions as may be delegated by the President. Section 30 - Creation of the Office of the Vice President for Administration (OVPA) There shall be created an Office of the Vice President for Administration for the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. This office is the Official Station of the designated Vice president for Administration of the College who shall take charge of all matters related to administrative functions. Such designation shall be effected every start of the school year through a Memorandum from the Office of the College President duly noted/approved by the Board of Trustees through the Appointing Authority. -over- Approved: EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. tun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 14 Section 31 - Designation of the Vice Président for Administration There shall be a designated Vice President for Administration of the Kapaiong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. Such designation shall be effected every start of the school year through a Memorandum from the Office of the College President duly Noted/approved by the Board of Trustees through the Appointing Authority. ‘Section 32 - Qualifications ‘The designated Vice President for Administration shall hold an appropriate master’s or doctoral degree with at least three (3) years of relevant experience. He/She should have knowledge of college strategic planning, internal policy-making processes and resource allocation priorities. Section 33 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The designated Vice President for Administration shall receive compensation as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 34 - Duties and Functions 34.1. Exercises leadership for and executive management of assigned departments and for the professional development of assigned Personnel. 34.2. Plans, designs, develops, and delivers college-programs and services that implement the goals of the College and that support the instructional and student development programs. 34.3. Recommends, develops and implements policies, procedures and practices which foster and promote learning throughout the organization. 34.4, Recommends organizational structures, personnel and resources to ensure a student-centered, leamer-centered environment at all levels, 34.5. Represents the College to various external entities and with outside agencies in matters relating to the College's programs and services. 34.6. Oversees the Implementation of College administrative strategic goals and action plans for campus and facilities operations, business office, human resources and the College athletic programs. 34.7. Leads the management of the College administrative operations and services: physical facilities, grounds, security, business office, information technology, human resources and risk management, food services, student financial aid, resident housing and rental property. 34.8, Provides leadership for and oversees the information technology systems of the College. -over~ Approved: 3 -S-=.D EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 15 34.9. Leads the implementation of the College's safety and emergency plans. 34.10. Assists in formulation of College overall operating budget. 34.11. Reviews budget accounting systems, procedures, reports, and spreadsheet analyses. 34.12, Monitors budget expencitures and creates budget planning/development programs. 34.13, Participates in College overall planning process. 34.14, Recommends new or revised systems, methods, programs and procedures to improve efficiency and effactiveness of college services. 34.15. Maintains confidentiality of information exposed to in the course of business regarding students, supervisors or other employees. 34.16, Contributes to a safe educational and working environment by participating in all drills and training and being prepared to take acton should a health or safety emergency occur. 34.17. Performs all other duties necessary to accomplish the objectives of the College and/or as assigned by the President. Section 35 - Creation of the Office of the Program Head (OPH) ‘There shall be created Office of the Program Heads (OPH) for the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology which shall be under the supervision of the designated Vice President for Academic Affairs. The program heads primarily take cherge of the programs offered by the college. ‘Section 36 - Designation of Program Head There shall be 2 designated Head of each program offering of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology who shail take charge of the academic program assigned to her/him. Such designation shall be effected every start of the school year through a Memorandum from the Office of the College President duly noted/approved by the Board of Trustees through the Appointing Authority. Section 37 - Qualifications ‘The designated Program Heads should have the corresponding academic qualifications 4s required by the Commission on Higher Education per CHED Memorandum Order stipulating the policies and guidelines for each program offering. Section 38 - Compensation ‘The designated Program Head shall receive compensation as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 39 - Duties and Functions 39.1 Coordinates with and assists the Head of the Academic Affairs in the implementation, review and improvement of curricular programs. -over- Approved: . EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kop. Mun, Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 16 39.2 Facilitates faculty and staff development in coordination with the Human Resource Officer and Head of Academic Affairs. 39.3 Monitors and reports attendance of faculty to the Head of Academic ‘Affairs and Human Resource and Development Officer. 39.4 Coordinates and coffers with the Head of Academic Affairs with regards to the result of faculty evaluation of classroom performance. 39.5 Makes available for students with problems in subjects schedule, examination, and ete. 39.6 Promotes appropriate and effective public relations with the members of the community. 39.7 Prepares requirements and necessary documents for program Inspection/assessment in coordination with the Academic Affairs and President's Office. 39.8 Performs such other functions as maybe assigned by the President from time to time, Section 40- Creation of the Office of Student Development and Services (0SDS) ‘There shall be created Office of the Student Development and Services (OSDS) for the Kapatong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology, which shall be the Official Station of the Head of Student Development and Services. The Office of the Student Services is concerned with non-academic experiences of students In the areas of Student Affairs and Services and Institutional Student Programs and Services to facilitate holistic student development. ‘The Office provides services and programs that relate to student welfare and student development such as: 40.1 Information and Orientation Service; 40.2 Guidance and Counseling Services; 40.3 Career and Placement Services; 40.4 Student Handbook Development; 40.5 Leadership Training and Development Programs; 40.6 Student Organizations and Activities Services; 40.7 Student Council/Government; 40.8 Student Discipline; 40.9 Student Pubiication 40.10 Scholarships and Financial Assistance; 40.11 Sports and Cultural Programs; 40.12 Social and Community Involvement Programs; 40,13 Research and Extension; 40.14 Monitoring and Evaluation on Student Affairs and Services Section 41 - Designation of Head of the Office of Student Development Programs and Services (OSDS) There shall be a designated Head of the Oifice of Student Development Programs and Services (OSDPS) of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology who shall take charge of the non-academic programs and activities of students upon recommendation of the College President. Such designation shall be effected every start of the school year through a Memorandum from the Office of the College President duly noted/approved by the Board of ‘Trustees through the Appointing Authority, ~ over Approved: 5 EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ap. Mun, Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 17 Section 42 - Qualifications ‘The designated Head of Student Development Programs and Services should have an ‘appropriate master’s or doctoral degree and at least one (1) year experience in handling student affairs and services. Section 43 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The designated head of Student Development Programs and Services (OSPDS) shall receive compensation as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 44 - Duties and Functions 44.1 Takes charge in setting up plans and policies for the aforementioned student Services and programs and facilitate implementation of same as approved by the President. 44.2 Provides educational environment holistic and contributory to value formation. 44.3. Provides venues for the advanced students and those who excel already to improve their intellectual capabilities and potentials. 44.4 Improves the delivery systern of service and undertake innovations and reforms based on the analysis of the merging needs and demands of the students, 44.5 Defines the present needs of the students and responses appropriate to them. 44.6 Initiates remedial program/educational activities for those who for whatever reason need remedial education. 44.7. Strengthens students spirit of volunteerism. 44.8 Evaluates, improves or revises guidelines and policies in the delivery of the services to the students. 44.9 Develops student's entrepreneurship attitude by conducting activities that will enhance their entrepreneurship skills. 44.10 Enforces student discipline. 44.11 Exercises direct supervision of all non-academic activities of students. 44.12 Assists in seeking solutions to students’ problems. 44.13 Stimulates students’ active participation in the school and community activities. 44.14 Performs other related functions as assigned to him/her by the President. Section 45 - Creation of the Office of the College Registrar (OCR) There shall be created an Oifice of the College Registrar (OCR) for the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Science and Technology. This office is the Official Station of the College Registrar who shall take charge of all matters related to student registration, admission and other related inquiry. Section 46 - Creation of the Positions of Registrar 11 and Registrar I ‘There shall be created positions of Registrar I and Registrar I of the Kapalong College of Agricukure, Sciences and Technology. Both shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees through the appointing authority as recommenced by the KCAST ~ Personnel Selection Board. Section 47 - Qu: fications Both Registrar II and Registrar I shall hold a bachelor’s degree relevant to the jeb and have at least three (3) years of training or experience in the servicing and maintenance of student academic records and related school work. ee Approved: 5 =< =- D> EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ap. Mun, Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 18 ‘Section 48- Compensation and other remuneration The Registrar II shall receive compensation with Salary Grade 15 while the Registrar I shall receive compensation with Salary Grade 11 as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. ‘Section 49- Duties and Functions ‘The Registrar II functions as the Head of the Registrar's Office to be designated as College Registrar while the Registrar I acts as the Assistant College Ragistrar. Both shall take charge of the following functions: 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.7 43.8 49.9 43.10 49.11 49.12 49.13 49.14 49.15 49.16 49.17 49.18 49.19 49.20 49.21 49.22 49.23 49.24 Plans, implements and evaluates policies relative to registration, ‘scheduling of courses, data recording and storage of student records. Implements admission and retention policies. Determines admission course requirements, transfers, graduation and other matters pertaining to student accounting. Orients students on academic policies, rules and regulations. Determines subject load and subject sequences. Ascertains compliance of requirements including removal of incomplete grades. Enforces graduation requirements. Prepares and submits records of candidates for graduation. Issues certificates, grades, records, release transfer credentials, Clearance and diplomas. Receives, processes and dispatches records or transcript of record of both active and inactive students. Controls flow, safety and security of files and records. Keeps files and recotds up-to-date. ‘Attends to correspondence regarding school records and other Information. ‘Supervises accurate recording of data in student's records. Directs reconstruction of lost or missing records. ‘Attends to transactions with government offices or agencies regarding matters related to functions of the office. ‘Assumes responsibility for all documents signed or certified by him/her. Resolves questions on academic policies and regulation and student records, Responds to request for statistical data emanating from government, other external agencies and within the State College. Provides staff support to facilitate the formulation and implementation of strategic and operational planning for the Institution and its accreditation. Maintains linkages with other registrars in connection with student records and registrar's concerns. Designs and revises form needed for the registrar's use and transaction. Assists in the revision of curricula and student handbook, faculty manval, and etc. ‘Acts as the Secretary of the Academic Council, -over- Approved Ss +-~O EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. tun. Ord. Ho. 957 Series of 2015 Page 19 ‘Section 50 - Qualifications The designated Program Head should have the academic qualifications as required by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) per Memorandum Order issued stipulating the policies, standards and guidelines for each program offering, ‘Section 51 ~ Compensation The designated Program Head shall receive compensation as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 52 - Duties and Functions 52.1 Coordinates with and assists the VP of the Academic Affairs in the implementation, review and improvement of curricular programs. 52.2 Facilitates faculty and staff development in coordination with the Human Resource Officer and Head of Academics. 52.3 Monitors and reports attendance of faculty to the Head of Academic Affairs and Human Resource and Development Officer. 52.4 Coordinates and confers with the Head of Academic Affairs with regards to the result of faculty evaluation of classroom performance. 52.5 Makes available for students with problems in.subjects schedule, examination, and etc 52.6 Promotes appropriate and effective public relations with the members of the community, 52.7 Prepares requirements and necessary documents for Inspection/assessment In coordination with the Academic Affairs and President’ Office. 52.8 Performs such other functions as maybe assigned by the President from time to time, Section 53 - Creation of the Office of the College Librarian ‘There shall be created Office of the College Librarian for the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology, as the Official Station of the College Librarian. ‘Section 54 - Creation of the Position of College Librarian II and College Librarian I There shall be created a position of a College Librarian II and College Librarian I of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology, who shall take charge of the Library of the College. The College Librarians shall be responsible of all books and other research materials stationed at the Library as the college property. Both shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees through the appointing authority as recommended by the KCAST-PSB. Section 55 - Qualifications Both the College Librarian II and College Librarian I should be board passers and ‘master’s degree holders. in Library Science, Section 56 - Compensation and other remuneration The College Librarian It shall receive compensation with @ Salary Grade 15 while the College Librarien I shall receive compensation with a Salary Grade 13 as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. covers MRS ro Kop. Mun. Ord. No. 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 20 Section 57 - Duties and Functions ‘The College Librarian II functions as the Head of the Library while the College Librarian Tacts as assistant, Both shall take charge of the following functions: 57.1. Sets-up library system 57.2. Sets-up acquisition records, catalogues, and list of books er subject procedures in processing acquired books and other relevant data & documents, 57.3 Prepares Library Rules & Regulations. 57.4 Disseminates number 1 and 2 functions or conducts orientation. 57.5 Implements and enforces Library materials and controls traffic. 57.6 Contro’s use of Library Materials/ acquisition. 57.7 Implements the Development Program per _—Cllection Development Policy. 57.8 Updates Textbook Selection Criteria. 57.9 Identifies educational materials that are relevant to all program offerings. 57.9.1 CHED required titles. 57.9.2. Teacher/s Request/s 57.9.3 Catalogs, brochures. 57.10 Establishes linkages with suppliers. 57.11 Makes list of books needed for procurement in coordination with the faculty. 57.12 Submits to the Management for approval. 57.13 Processes books (Internal Operation/Mecnanical Processing) after procurement. 57.14 Processes books 57.15 Classifies and performs cataloguing for effective use in the library. 57.16 Provides ready references to the readers. 57.17 Entertains client's request; provides other title/s related to the topics. 57.18 Supervises in the charging and discharging of books. 57.19 Monitors and maintains bulletin boards exhibits o 57.19.1 KCAST Alumni passers. 57.19.2 New Arrivals (books, publications, etc.) 57.19.3 Reminders. 57.194 Mails. 57.20 Assists the Property Custodian in conducting inventory of properties regularly. 57.21 Performs other functions that may be directed by the President. tion of the Office of the College Guidance Counselor (CGC) ‘There shall be created an Office of the College Guidance Counselor (OCGC) for the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology, as the Official Station of the College Guidance Counselor. Section 59 - Creation of the Positions of Guidance Counselor III and Guidance Counselor I There shall be created a position of a Guidance Counselor III and Guidance Counselor IT of the Kapaiong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology, who shall take charge of the Guidance and Counseling Services of the College. Both shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees through the appointing authority “as recommended by the KCAST-PSB. ‘Section 60 - Qualifications Both the Guidance Counselor III and Guidance Counselor If should be board passers and master’s degree holders In Guidance and Counseling. -over Approved: S - > <> EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 21 Section 61 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The Guidance Counselor III shall receive compensation with Salary Grade 12 while the Guidance Counselor II shall receive compensation with Salary Grade 11 as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 62 - Duties and Functions ‘The Guidance Counselor 111 functions as the Head of the Guidance and Counseling Services Office while the Guldence Counselor II acts as assistant of the office. Both shall take charge of the following functions: 62.1 Prepares the Guidance Program of the College. 62.2 Manages the Operation of the Guidance Office. 62.3 Gives orientation to the staff, on the jab function/work instruction. 62.4 Provides staff with copy of work instructions/job Instructions. 62.5 Conducts departmental meeting with the staff. 62.6 Issues memos/circulars for assignments/ Instructions/ reminders & sanctions. 62.7, Evaluates staff performance. 62.8 Gives feedback/ report to the OSDS Head/ Dean of Academics and Office of the President. 62.9 Makes recommendation for staff training end promotions. 62.10 Implements all areas of services of the Guidance Office (refer to Guidance Manual), 62.11 Conducts and interprets qualifying test for entering freshmen. 62.12 Conducts and interprets Psychological test to students. 62.13 Identifies problem areas and conducts consultation with parents. 62.14 Monitors performance of students through progress and monitoring form. 62.15 Performs other related tasks/functions that maybe directed by the OSDS. Head/Dean of Academics from time to time. Section 63 - Creation of the Positions of College Instructor(s)/Professor(s) There shall be created positions of a College Instructor(s)/Professor(s) of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology who shall be appointed by the Board of ‘Trustees through the appointing authority, as recommended by the KCAST - PSB, to wit: 63.1 Five (5) Associate Professor I (Salary Grade 19) 3.2 Six (6) Assistant Professor II (Salary Grade 16) 63.3 Six (6) Assistant Professor I (Salary Grade 15) 63.4 Five (5) Instructor III (Salary Grade 14) 63.5 Twenty Five (25) Instructor IT (Salary Grade 13) ‘Section 64 - Qualifications ‘The qualifications of @ College Instructor(s)/Professor(s) shall be based on the existing policies end guidelines set forth by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for the purpose. Section 65 ~ Compensation and other remuneration ‘The College Instructor(s)/Professor(s) shall receive compensation corresponding to the Salary Grade as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions Provided by law. ‘over Approved: EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR Kap. Mun. Ord. No, 957 ‘Series of 2015 Page 22 Section 66 - Duties and Functions ‘The College Instructor(s) and/or Professor(s) shall be responsible of all classroom instruction and as an Academic and Non-Academic instructor/professor, he/she shall provide Instruction that focuses on facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and skill necessary to achieve analytical and creative thinking of every student which shall result to quality learning outcome. 66.1 Instruction Other specific tasks, duties and functions of an instructor/professor are expected to, as follows, to wit: 66.1.1 Identify learner neéds. 66.1.2 Prepare and follow a course syllabus based ob the needs identified. 66.1.3 Facilitate the learning process through active engagement in classroom tasks and activities. 66.1.4 Develop students’ analytical and creative thinking skills through, urposive activities with focus on higher order thinking skills. 66.1.5 Design alternative and innovative models of teaching for all types of students: regular, gifted and those with special needs. 66.1.6 Make oneself avaliable for consultation, academic advising and other relevant functions that help improve students’ well being. 66.1.7 Manifest a strong commitment to develop highly competent and qualified graduates by constantly Improving one’s craft. 66.1.8 Vary teaching methodologies end techniques in the pursult of effective teaching and learning process; and 66.1.9 Attend College affairs such as academic councils, commencement rites, foundation and college week activities and faculty development programs. 66.2 Research Instructor(s)/Professor(s) need to continually explore areas of inquiry through active participation in research endeavors. They shall be expected to: 66.2.1 Participate in formulating the research agende for the College. 66.2.2 Generate research paradigms to enhance instruction In their field of ‘specialization. 66.2.3 Encourage students to become creative, innovative and productive researchers. 66.2.4 Study recently published news papers on basic and applied researches, materials development, feasibility studies, and others. 66.2.5 Participate actively in local and international conferences, and 66.2.6 Publish articles/monographs in recognized and referred journals and magazines. 66.3 Extension Instructor(s)/Professor(s) shall be encouraged to participate or to render services either college-sponsored community extension projects or in their own community extension projects sectoral and/or professional organizations. Their Participation in these activities shall be regarded as part of their professional and personal commitment to the academic profession, -over~ Approved: = a- -<©O EDGARDO L. TIMBOL ‘MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kop. Mun. Ord, No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 23 To strengthen the College's _institutional__—_linkages, Instructor(s)/Professor(s) shall be encouraged to: 86.3.1. Conduct in-service training programs to the college. Instructor(s)/professor(s); 66.3.2. Contribute in promoting Institutional network with other national and International institutions; 66.3.3. Be involved in activities on literacy, political and environmental ‘education, multicultural and value formation; and 66.3.4. Participate in extension programs aimed at developing and implementing projects that preserve indigenous cultures, 66.4 Production Instructor(s)/Professor(s) at the tertiary level shall be encouraged to produce scholarly outputs that shall showcase their expertise and scholarship. ‘These knowledge-based projects shall generate additional income for the College. They shall be expacted to: 66.4.1 Publish and develop scholarly works, magazines, journals, research articles/monographs, lectures, modules, and effective instructional materials. : 66.4.2 Design, develop and share multi-media courseware and resources such as tapes, videotapes, PowerPoint presentation and other courseware packages, and (66.4.3 Design and produce materials for presentation and production in the Performing arts. Section 67 - The Human Resource and Management Officer ‘The Human Resource and Management Officer of the local government shall act as the Human Resource and Management Officer of the College. The activities and systems pertaining to personnel, human resources development, personnel evaluation system, personnel merit and appraisal of KCAST shall be the responsibility of the HRMO. The officer shall act as the secretariat of the KCAST-PSB. ‘The policies of hiring of KCAST personnel based on the Civil Service Policies and the ‘Commission on Higher Education shall be strictly adhered, He/She shall take charge of keeping and updating of personnel profile and records. Section 68 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The human resource and management officer of the college shall receive a reasonable remuneration as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with provisions provided by law. ‘Section 69 ~ The Municipal Treasurer ‘The Municipal Treasurer of the local government shall act as the Treasurer of the College. All tuition fees, school charges, and all other collections of school accounts shall be the esponsibility of the Treasurer. All income and incurred interests shall be deposited separately In the name of KCAST in any authorized government depository bank, and shall be used solely for the operation of the college. ‘Section 70 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The treasurer of the college shall receive a reasonable remuneration as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with provisions provided by law. -over- Approved: 6S EDGARDO L. MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun, Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 24 Section 71 - The Municipal Accountant The Municipal Accountant of the Local Government shall act as the Accountant of the College. All school expenditures that shall accrue thereof shall be the responsibility of the college accountant which shall be in accordance with the applicable accounting rules and procedures of the Local Government. A monthly statement of income and expenditures shall be provided to the Office of the College President for reference and file. Section 72 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The accountant of the college shall receive a reasonable remuneration as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with provisions provided by law. Section 73 - The Municipal Health Officer ‘The Municipal Health Officer or his qualified and authorized representative shall act as the College Medical Officer /Physician of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. Section 74 ~ Duties and Functions 74.1, The College Physician shall be responsible for all medical services of KCAST personnel and students. The medical officer also supervises the college dentist of his/her dental services and the college nurse of his/her ursing services for KCAST. 74.2. Provides expertise for the provision of school health care to students and staff by performing medical examinations and emergency treatment. 74.3 Provides medical record of each student/staff through the college nurse. ‘Section 75 - Compensation and other remuneration The Health Officer of the college shall receive a reasonable remuneration as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with provisions provided by law. Section 76 - Designation of the College Dentist ‘There shall be a College Dentist of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and ‘Technology, who shall take charge of all dental services for KCAST personnel and students. ‘Section 77 - Qualifications ‘The College Dentist shall be @ holder of a college degree on Doctor of Dental medicine or Dental Surgery and have passed the dental board examination or a holder of @ license on the practice of profession with at least one (1) year of ralevant experience, Section 78 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The College Dentist shall receive remuneration as authorized by the BOT throuch a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. ‘Section 79 - Duties and Functions 79.1. Performs dentel exeininations and emergency treatment to staff and students having dental problems. 79.2 Provides dental record of each student/staff through the college nurse. Section 80-Creation of a Medical and Dental Clinic ‘There shall be a created Medical and Dental Clinic of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology to cater the medical and dental services needs of the students, faculty, staff and administration. -over- sovvets EDGARDO L. TIMBOL MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957 Series of 2015 Page 25 Section 81 - Creation of the position of Nurse 1 There shall be created position of a Nurse 1 of the Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology, who shall be designated as College Nurse. He/She will take charge of the nursing services for the personnel and students of the college. Section 82 - Qualifications The College Nurse should be @ board passer and must have at least one (1) year of ‘experience in assisting medical and dental outreach programs and activities, ‘Section 83 - Compensation and other remuneration ‘The School Nurse shall receive compensation with a Salary Grade 11, as authorized by the BOT through a resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 84 - Duties and Functions ‘84.1 Assist in the performence of the medico-dental examination. 84.2 Administer first aid treatment to all KCAST students and staff in cases like colds, fever, allergy, abdominal pain due to LBM, dysmenorrhesl, nose bleeding and some minor traumas or wound. 84.3. Assists in case of emergency. 84.4 Inform parents, guardian, and teachers for any Iliness or accidents incurred by the students while in school. 84.5 Prepare requisitions of medicines, supplies and others needed by the clinic to be noted by.the Physician. 84.6 Conduct monthly Inventory of medicines and supplies. 84.7. Submit Action Plan of programs and activities for the School Year. ‘84.8 Conduct medical orientation to all KCAST community through daily contact with their respective patients, 84.9 Give prevention health education through lectures or visual sids prepared by a resource person. 84.10 Conduct physical examinations to students most especially at the start of every semester or summer. ‘84.11 Conduct physical examination to faculty, non-teaching personnel and maintenance personnel. 84.12 Implement discipline policies, 84.13 Coordinate with all other agencies regarding the medical assistance program of the College. 84.14 Participate in Community Extension or Programs/Services. 84.15 Perform other tasks assigned by the President from time to time. Section 85 - Hiring or Employing of Permanent and Non-Permanent Administrative and Support Staff/Personnel ‘The Kapaiong College of agriculture, Sciences and Technology may hire or employ non- permanent full-time or part-time administrative and support staff or personnel to perform general administrative and utility functions that is needed in the efficient operation of every offices and administrative sections of the college. ‘These personnel shall be hired depending on the need and exigency of the service through the recommendation of the College President, which shall go through the process of official hiring set forth by the KCAST - PSB, -over- Approve ees sce MUNICIPAL MAYOR ‘Kap. Mun. Ord. No. 957, Series of 2015 Page 26 Section 86 - Qualifications The needed qualifications of the possibly hired Non-permanent Administrative and Support Staff/Personnel of KCAST shall be based on the inherent functional requirements of the job being desired upon for the purpose. The President as the Executive Officer of the College in coordination with the Vice President for Administration shall determine in writing the specific skills and attribute that shall be required in the performance of the job. remuneration ‘Section 87 ~ Compensation and othi ‘These personnel shall be entitled with compensation, as authorized by the Board of ‘Trustees through 2 resolution, in accordance with the provisions provided by law. Section 88 - Duties and Functions ‘The duties and functions of the possibly hired Non-permanent administrative and ‘Support staff/Personnel shall be formulated by the concerned department in coordination with the Office of the College President. Section 89 ~ Plantilla of Positions Basing on the aforementioned position titles in the preceding sections, herewith stipulated is the position titles that would compose the Plantilla of Positions: POSITION SALARY MONTHLY Se TITLE GRADE _SALARY(P) ‘OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE PRESIDENT ____| Municipal Govt Dept Headl [24 44,775 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENTFOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ; SEFICE OF THE VICE PRESENT FOF RESEARCH AND EXTERON ; d ‘OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION. ‘OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE REGISTRAR | Registarit 5 22386 Registrar! " 76,604 GEPEE OF THEPROSRANTEIDS : ‘OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE LIBRARIAN College Librarian I 1% 22,308 College Librarian! 13 19,202 ‘OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE GUIDANCE COUNSELOR = Guidance Counselor ill 12 117,946, Guidance Counselor Il Hi [16,694 OFFICE OF THE STUDENT AFFAIRS AND SERVICES 5 | Designation L I ‘COLLEGE PROFESSORINSTRUCTORS ‘AssoGate Professor! 1g aS | Assocate Professor | 19 30,473 ‘Associate Professor | 19 30.473 ‘Associate Professor! 19 30,473 ‘Associate Professor! ig 30,473 ‘Associate Professor Il 16. 24,190 ‘Associate Professor Il 16 24,190 ‘Associate Professor I 16 24,190 Associate Professor 16 24,190 Associate Professor I 16 24,190 ‘Associate Professor Il 16 24,190 Assistant Professor | 15 22,308 ‘Assistant Professor | 15 22,308 Assistant Professor | 15 22.398 Assistant Professor | 15 22,398 ‘Assistant Professor | 15 22,398 3 ‘Assistant Professor | 15 [22,388 Approved? = - = Q_ EDGARDO L. TIMBOL ‘Municlpel Mayor

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