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# Holds all the information needed for a single player during a game.

class Player:
# Initiate all the class variables.
# player_number: Which player they are within the current game (Player 1, Player 2...)
# amount_of_playable_numbers: The base of a players strategy. How many numbers, out off all the numbers they have
# open to play, on the left most side they would consider playing. (A 2 says that a player will only consider
# their two leftmost open numbers in any column.)
# open_numbers: All the numbers the player has open to play based on game rules. (no strategy involved)
# crossed_out_numbers: Numbers crossed out in their respective colors.
# amount_of_penalties: The number of penalties a player has taken over a game.
def __init__(self, player_number, amount_of_playable_numbers):
self.player_number = player_number
self.amount_of_playable_numbers = amount_of_playable_numbers
self.open_numbers = {'red': [i for i in range(2, 12)], 'yellow': [i for i in range(2, 12)],
'green': [12 - i for i in range(10)], 'blue': [12 - i for i in range(10)]}
self.crossed_out_numbers = {'red': [], 'yellow': [], 'green': [], 'blue': []}
self.amount_of_penalties = 0

# The string value to be returned when player object is represented.

def __repr__(self):
return str('Player({},{})'.format(str(self.player_number), str(self.amount_of_playable_numbers)))

# The playable numbers of each row for the player based on player strategy and game rules.
def playable_numbers(self):
return {'red': self.get_playable_numbers('red'), 'yellow': self.get_playable_numbers('yellow'),
'green': self.get_playable_numbers('green'), 'blue': self.get_playable_numbers('blue')}

# Select which numbers the player will consider for a color based on strategy. For a basic player only the
# amount_of_playable_numbers is taken into consideration for strategy.
def get_playable_numbers(self, color):
return self.open_numbers[color][0:self.amount_of_playable_numbers]

# The points the player has in each color based on the amount of crossed out numbers and lock out bonus.
def color_points(self):
return {'red': self.get_score('red'), 'yellow': self.get_score('yellow'), 'green': self.get_score('green'),
'blue': self.get_score('blue')}

# Count the number of crossed out numbers and lock out bonus for a color for the player and return the score
# associated.
def get_score(self, color):
if self.crossed_out_numbers[color] == []:
number_of_crosses = 0
number_of_crosses = len(self.crossed_out_numbers[color])
score_list = (0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78)
return score_list[number_of_crosses]

# The total points the player has by adding all color points and deducting penalties.
def total_points(self):
return self.color_points['red'] + self.color_points['yellow'] + self.color_points['blue'] + self.color_points[
'green'] - 5 * self.amount_of_penalties

# Print out all the information held of a player.

def print_player_info(self):
print('Information on Player {}'.format(self.player_number))
print("\tPlayer's Strategy")
print('\t\tBasic {} Playable Numbers'.format(self.amount_of_playable_numbers))
print("\tPlayer's Open Numbers")
print('\t\tRed:', self.open_numbers['red'])
print('\t\tYellow:', self.open_numbers['yellow'])
print('\t\tGreen:', self.open_numbers['green'])
print('\t\tBlue:', self.open_numbers['blue'])
print("\tPlayer's Playable Numbers")
print('\t\tRed:', self.playable_numbers['red'])
print('\t\tYellow:', self.playable_numbers['yellow'])
print('\t\tGreen:', self.playable_numbers['green'])
print('\t\tBlue:', self.playable_numbers['blue'])
print("\tPlayer's Crossed Out Numbers and Locked Rows")
print('\t\tRed:', self.crossed_out_numbers['red'])
print('\t\tYellow:', self.crossed_out_numbers['yellow'])
print('\t\tGreen:', self.crossed_out_numbers['green'])
print('\t\tBlue:', self.crossed_out_numbers['blue'])
print("\tPlayer's Number of Penalties")
print('\t\t', self.amount_of_penalties)
print("\tPlayer's Points")
print('\t\tRed:', self.color_points['red'])
print('\t\tYellow:', self.color_points['yellow'])
print('\t\tGreen:', self.color_points['green'])
print('\t\tBlue:', self.color_points['blue'])
print('\t\tPenalties:', -5 * self.amount_of_penalties)
print('\t\tTotal Points:', self.total_points, '\n')

# Print out a player's score pad.

def print_player_sheet(self):
print('{:-^80}'.format("Player {}'s Score Pad".format(self.player_number)))
print('{:<8}'.format('Red'), end='')
for i in self.row_in_player_sheet('red'):
print('[{:^4}]'.format(i), end='')
print('{:<8}'.format('Yellow'), end='')
for i in self.row_in_player_sheet('yellow'):
print('[{:^4}]'.format(i), end='')
print('{:<8}'.format('Green'), end='')
for i in self.row_in_player_sheet('green'):
print('[{:^4}]'.format(i), end='')
print('{:<8}'.format('Blue'), end='')
for i in self.row_in_player_sheet('blue'):
print('[{:^4}]'.format(i), end='')
penalties_string = 'Penalties [{}]'.format(self.amount_of_penalties)
print('\t\t{:^9} {:^9} {:^9} {:^9} {:^9} {:^9}'.format('Red', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Penalties', 'Total'))
print('{:^8} [{:^5}] + [{:^5}] + [{:^5}] + [{:^5}] - [{:^5}] = [{:^5}]'.format('Totals',
5 * self.amount_of_penalties,

# Finds the characters used to print a color's rows in player's score card.
def row_in_player_sheet(self, color):
colors_crossed_out_numbers = self.crossed_out_numbers[color]
row = []
if color == 'red' or color == 'yellow':
for i in range(2, 14):
if i in colors_crossed_out_numbers:
elif i == 13 and 'locked' not in colors_crossed_out_numbers:
elif i == 13 and 'locked' in colors_crossed_out_numbers:
elif color == 'green' or color == 'blue':
for i in range(12, 0, -1):
if i in colors_crossed_out_numbers:
elif i == 1 and 'locked' not in colors_crossed_out_numbers:
elif i == 1 and 'locked' in colors_crossed_out_numbers:
return row

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