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Contract Management and


Oracle Service Contracts (OKS)

Training Guide
January 2013
Table of Contents

Oracle Overview Pg. 2

Contract Management and Billing Process Overview Pg. 2

What is Oracle Pg. 3
Manual Objective Pg. 3
Fundamentals Pg. 3
Log In Pg. 3
Responsibilities Pg. 4
Txt File Pg. 5
OKS Folder Path Pg. 5
How to map the R Drive Pg. 5
Navigation Pg. 7
Functions Tab Pg. 7
Navigator Buttons Pg. 8
List of Values Pg. 8
Format Pg. 8
Field Colors Pg. 8
Menu Bar Pg. 9
Tool Bar Pg. 10
Query VS Find Pg. 11
Wild Card Pg. 11
Short Curt Keys Pg. 12
Finding a Customer Number Pg. 13
Opening a Customer Contract Pg. 17
Oracle Service Contracts Pg. 19
Manual Process Pg. 19
Copy a Contract Pg. 36
Contract Billing Pg. 38

Billing Sequence / Line Level Pg. 38

Billing Sequence / Header Level Pg. 41
Auto Invoice Pg. 42
Invoice Printing Pg. 42
Contract History Pg. 45
Contract Maintenance Pg. 46
Contract Renewal Pg. 46
Contract Extension Pg. 48
Manual Contract Renewal Or Extension Pg. 51
Terminations Pg. 53
Contract Termination Pg. 53
Line Termination Pg. 55
Subline Termination Pg. 56
Contract Loaders Pg. 58
Line Loader Pg. 58
Subline Loader Pg. 60
Terminations [Contract, Line or Subline] Pg. 61
Running The Service Contracts Loader Program(S) Pg. 62

Contract Management and Billing Process Overview


Oracle E-Business Suite is a complete set of business applications for managing and automating processes
across your enterprise.

Oracle is a client-server software solution used for customer account creation, account management and
invoice generation. Employees can run this application on their computers to work with information stored in a
central database (server).


The purpose of this Manual is to provide training for Employees and New Hires to learn, understand and
manage Oracle System to comply with all the necessary Billing requirements. At the end, all employees should
fully understand the system to guarantee accuracy.



Log in to the Application using your Username and Password.

Enter the following URL in the address bar in Internet Explorer



A responsibility is a predefined set of data, menus, and forms that define your particular level of authority
while using the system.
• Each Responsibility provides you access to an application, menus and a set of functions through
online screens.
• The Oracle Application menus present only the functions for which your Responsibility is given
• Each user has at least one responsibility and several users can share the same responsibility

Oracle Applications use a multiple-document interface (MDI).

All windows are displayed inside a single container window, with a single toolbar and menu.


Certain template loaders require information to be saved in a Txt File in order to run, below are instructions on
creating a Txt File.

Start Menu
• Control Panel
Regional and Language Options
 Click Customize
 Change List Separator to a pipe (|)
 Click <OK> to exit Customize, click <OK> again to exit Regional and Language Settings
 Click <OK> to exit Regional and Language settings
 Exit Control Panel


You will need to map the OKS folder path in order to save files for template loaders.

R: \\sp099nas01r\applications\Unix\Applications\Pfin\OKS


a. Click on your computer icon; click on Map a Network drive

b. Change the drive from Z to R


c. In the folder input \\sp099nas01r\applications\Unix\Applications\Pfin\OKS

d. Click Finish



The Navigator Window is a Navigation window (Navigator) that appears after signing on to Oracle Applications
an choosing a Responsibility


The Functions tab is used to navigate to the forms. You can access the Navigator anytime from the View - Show
Navigator menu or press the Show Navigator button on the toolbar.

 You navigate to the sub-menus and forms displayed in the left-hand side of the window. The buttons
below expand or collapse the hierarchical list of menus.
 At the top of the navigation window are two fields that help identify a selection. The top field displays
the name of the currently selected item. The lower field displays the description of current selection.
 To change responsibility within an application select File>Switch Responsibility from the menu bar.



Expands the currently selected menu item. Same as double-clicking or choosing the Open button.

Expands all sublevels of the currently selected item.

Expands all sublevels of the navigation list.

Collapses the selected item. Same as double-clicking.

Collapses all items of the navigation list.


Using the List of Values simplifies data entry. There are multiple ways to search through a List of Values.

 Type the first few character(s) of a value to reduce the list.

 Enter the search criteria; then click FIND.
 Scroll through the list and select the value.


Date format: DD-MON-YYYY [01-JAN-2013]


White - Allow data entry

White with Green text - Indicate drill down capability
Yellow - Data entry is required
Gray with Black text - Display only
Blue - Indicates fields to use in Query Mode



File Folder
• New  New: Create a new folder definition
• Open  Open: Open an existing folder definition
• Save: Saves any pending changes in current form  Save: Save changes to the current folder definition
• Save and Proceed: Saves any pending changes and returns form to  Save As: Save current folder definition to a new name
state where next transaction can be started'  Delete: Delete an existing folder definition
• Next Step  Show Field: Display a field that is currently hidden
• Export: Export information in folder form to a file  Hide Field: Hide the current field
• Place on Navigator: Place the document in the Navigator window  Move Right: Move the current field to the right
under the documents tab  Move Left: Move the current field to the left
• Log on as o different User: Display the sign on window  Move Up: Move the current field up
• Switch Responsibility: Change your responsibility  Move Down: Move the current field down
• Print: Print the current win<low  Widen Field: Increase the width of the current field
• Close Form: Close current window  Shrink Field: Decrease the width of the current field
• Exit Oracle Applications: Quit Oracle Applications  Change Prompt: Change the prompt for the current field
 Autosize All: Adjust all field widths to completely show the data
 Sort Data: Toggle the display of the Order By Buttons so you can
specify the sort order for the first three fields
 View Query: Display the query criteria for the current folder definition
 Undo Typing
 Reset Query: Erase the current query criteria
 Cut: Cut the current selection to the clipboard
 Folder Tools: Display the folder tool palette
 Copy: Copy the current selection to clipboard
 Paste: Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current field
 Duplicate: -Record Above: Copy value from prior row
-Field Above: Copy value from prior field Tools
 Clear: -Record: Erase current field from window Product specific entries, or may be disabled if no entries exist
-Field: Erase data from current field
-Block: Erase all records from the current field
-Form: Erase any pending changes from the current form Window
 Delete Record: Delete current record from database
 Cascade Display any open windows in a “cascaded" or stair stepped
 Select All: Select all records (for blocks with multi-select)
 Deselect All: Deselect all selected records except for the current
 Tile Horizontally: Display any open windows in a tiled horizontal (non-
record (for blocks with multi-select)
overlapping) fashion
 Edit Field: Display Editor for current field
 Tile vertically: Display any open windows in a vertical (non-
 Preferences: -Change password
overlapping) fashion
 Forms: Currently Open in Oracle Applications: Each form open in
Oracle Applications will be listed numerically
 Show Navigator
 Zoom Help
 Find: Display the Find window to retrieve records • Window Help: Display help for the current window
 Find All: Retrieve all records • Oracle Applications Library: Display a window that list all available
 Query by Example Oracle Applications help text
 Enter: Invoke “Enter Query” mode to enter search criteria • Keyboard Help: Display the current key mappings of specific functions
 Run: Execute the query-by-example and menu options
 Cancel: Cancel the query-by-example by exiting from “Enter • Diagnostics:
Query” mode  -Display Database Error: .Display the last database error
 Show Last Criteria: Recover the search criteria used in the previous  -Examine: used for debugging
query-by-example  -Test Web Agent
 Count Matching Records: Count the number of records that  -Trace (on of off)
would be retrieve if you ran the current Query-by- example  -Debug
 Record: -First: Move the cursor to the first record  -Properties: Item/Folder
-Last: Move the cursor to the last record  -Custom Code: Norma/Off
 Transaction: Display tile Transactions window • Record history: Display information about the current record, such as
 Attachment: Display the Attachments window who created or updated it
 Summary/Detail: Switch between the summary and detail views of all • About Oracle Applications: Display information about the current
combination block window and application, including version information
 Requests: Show the status of your Concurrent Requests

Note: Some pull-down menu functions will not be active in certain forms, depending upon the functionality in
the forms.

Tools > Close Other Forms: Use this check box on the pull-down menu bar to specify whether multiple windows
will be opened at the same time as you proceed from form to form within the application.
If you uncheck this box, each window you open consumes additional memory of your computer.
As you continue to open new windows, you may run out of memory.


The toolbar provides the most commonly used actions on the menu with icon buttons.

New - Create a new record

Find - Display the Find window to retrieve records

Show Navigator - Display the Navigator window

Save - Save any pending changes in the current form

Next Step - Updates the process workflow in the Navigator by advancing to the next step in the process.
It also saves any pending changes in the active form

Print - Print the current screen or in special cases, display a list of reports to print

Close Form – Close all windows of the current form

Cut- Cuts current selection to the clipboard

Copy - Copies the current selection to the clipboard

Paste - Pastes from the clipboard into the current field

Clear Record - Erases the current record from the window

Delete - Deletes the current record from the database

Edit Field- Displays the Editor window for the current field

Zoom - invokes Zoom

Translations - Opens the Translations window if multiple languages are installed

Attachments - Opens the Attachments window. If one or more attachments already exist, the icon
changes to a paper clip on a piece of paper

Folder Tools - Displays the folder tool palette

Window Help- Displays help for the current window



Query Mode Find Mode

Menu bar, <F11> Menu bar, Tool bar
Existing Window Find Window
Wildcards List of Values
Query Count No Find Count

Query Mode - Searches the Database

• Set search parameters for the query in the existing window to narrow the search.
• When using wildcards, use any query operators to narrow the search.
• Check to see how many records match the criteria before retrieving the matching data.

Find Mode - Searches the List of Values

• Set search parameters in the find window.
• A List of Values is available of many fields in Find mode.


• Use a percent symbol (%) at the beginning, end. or beginning and end of a word. The % character
represents a number of a character.
• Use an underscore (_) at the beginning, end or beginning and end of a word. The underscore
represents a single character



Function Keys
Block Menu Ctrl + B
Clear Field F5
Clear Block F7
Clear Form F8
Clear Record F6
Save Ctrl + S
Count Query F12
Delete Record Ctrl + Up
Display Error Shift + Ctrl + E
Down Down
Duplicate Field Shift + F5
Duplicate Record Shift + F6
Edit Ctrl + E
Enter Query F11
Execute Query Ctrl + F11
Exit F4
Help Ctrl + H
Insert Record Ctrl + Down
List of Value Ctrl + L
List Tab Pages F2
Next Block Shift + PageDown
Next Field Tab
Next Primary Key Shift + F7
Next Record Down
Next Set of Records Shift + F8
Previous Block Shift + PageUp
Previous Field Shift + Tab
Previous Record Up
Print Ctrl + P
Return Return
Scroll Down PageDown
Scroll Up PageUp
Show Keys Ctrl + K
Up Up
Update Record Ctrl + U



1. In the area of responsibility click on CMPC US CONTRACT ADMIN

2. Under CMPC US CONTRACT ADMIN click on Customer - Standard

(Note Java will have to load at this time so the system will automatically pull up a couple of screen and
then move onto the next screen)

3. This is the customer standard screen that you should see, input Corp ID in the Customer Number Field and
to filter the number of address that are pulled you can also input the City or zip code
4. Click Find

5. The next screen is not really used for anything

6. Click OK

7. The addresses on this screen will be both bill to and ship to and sort in alpha-numerical order

8. Click on the line that you wish to review and click Open

The first address is a ship to. Every address both ship to and bill to has a Location number and a Site
number (two different numbers). The location number is the same number that is in Clarify except it no
longer has the Bxxxxxxxx or the S10825654

I don’t know why Oracle has a location number and a site number and yes this could be very confusing
but there are only two places where the site number is used. Everything else used the locations number
(same as Clarify number without the B or the S)
The 2nd address is a bill to address, once again the bill to has a location number and a site number, the
Clarify bill to number would be B10899361

 If there are a lot of addresses, it is better to use:
1. Under CMPC US CONTRACT ADMIN click on Customer – Customer Search

2. Or Navigator – Customers – Customer Search

3. Press F11

4. This open the customer number box so that a number can be entered,

5. Input the customer number (Corp. ID) and press control F11

This view separates the Bill to form the Ship to and the Location number and the Site number are in
different columns.

 To export this information:

6. click on menu File
7. Click on export

The export will begin, click on export to end if asked and once file is downloaded click save

This will save file as a TSV File

Access Excel, find the TSV file and use the Text Import Wizard to change to an excel file.


Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

1. CMPC xx Contracts Administrator > Launch Contracts

2. The Launch pad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.

3. From here you can search for the contract requested by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts

4. Or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon toolbar.

5. Once the contract has been identified, click on the contract line to open.

Oracle Service Contracts

The Service Contracts are the documents which provide the adequate service coverage to a customer's items.
You can create a new Contract by selecting the Manual process or by using another contract (copy a



Login to the Application using your Username and Password.

Enter the following URL in the address bar in IE.


Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

 CMPC xx Contracts Administrator > Launch Contracts

Note: Use the appropriate Responsibility in the case of United States or Canada (CMPC US Contracts
Administrator or CMPC CAD Contracts Administrator).

 The launch contracts form is displayed

Oracle Service Contracts
 Navigate to the Launch Contracts Module
 Use the Menu Option "New" from the Tools Menu to bring the create New Contract screen.

 Select “Create a New Contract Manually”. Select the appropriate category and press the <CREATE>

Capture the information that is required every time a new contract is created. This requires a balanced
amount of information. Too much detail can be too obtrusive for new customer. Too few details will require
more time to finish the basics of the new contracts.

Oracle Service Contracts
1. Make the necessary changes to the “Known As” and “Short Description” fields according to the
2. The “Known As” field should reference the Sims or Clarify contract number or the DPS Number. This is a
required field for contract loader data
3. In the “Short Description” field, enter Customer name and the Corp ID. enter a description that can help
identify the type of contract and the customer's name. (i.e. US CFS: SHELL OIL COMPANY) Keep in mind,
this description will print on all invoices associated with this contract.
4. Input the Start Date
5. Input the End date
6. Input required information at in the ( ) (called a beer mug)

a. Context Value is default OKS CONTRACTS

b. Geo Code if program account input GEO here and this will populate the subline
c. Invoice Print Language In USA it’s ENGLISH
d. Contract Analyst click on the LOV (…) and input % to obtain list, this is your login
7. When done click <OK>


The Contracts form is divided in Tabs; there are two main tabs, the Summary and the Lines Tab. The
Summary Tab contains information specific to the whole contract and the Lines Tab contains information
specific to every line of the contract.

Oracle Service Contracts



The Parties Tab contains information about the Seller. The Party Roles will contain Sales Credit specific

1. Enter sales credits information, click in Party/Role field to open new window

2. Enter the Sales Credit and Profit Margin Information.

3. When the user selects a new Party Role in the Contracts Summary Tab, the application will
automatically open the Sales Credit and Profit Margin Form. Additionally, this form cab be called by
selecting from the Top Menu: Actions > Sales Credit.
4. On the Sales Credit form enter the following information: For Sales credit
a. In the Sales Person Field, select the appropriate resource.
b. In the Sales Group select the resource’s group in any.
c. In the Credit Type select ‘Quota Sales Credit’.
d. Enter the Percent Quota percent assigned to the resource.
e. Add the Profit Margin information
f. In the Sales Person Field, select the same resource as step 9.d.i.
g. In the Sales Group select the resource’s group in any.
h. In the Credit Type select ‘Proforma Margin’.
i. Enter the Profit Margin percent assigned to the resource.
5. When done click <OK>

Note: If entered in the Contract Header, the values will automatically default to the contract lines.
However, if added or changed after the lines have been entered, you will need to cascade attributes the
line. Actions > Cascade Attributes > Select Sales Credits > Submit

Oracle Service Contracts

The Vendor Contact Tab contains information about the Sales Agent. The Vendor Contacts Roles will
contain Sales Agent specific information.

1. The Contacts area information depends on the Type of Party Selected.

2. The “Vendor” role will automatically populate with the Operating Unit you are logged into (US, CANADA
or MEXICO) based on the responsibility.
3. Adding Vendor Contacts.
4. To create a new Vendor Contact, make sure the Party Role line for the Vendor is selected. You can
verify this by the blue rectangle on the left of the Vendor word. Note: The contact/salespersons have
to be pre-defined in Oracle.
5. Position the cursor on the first Contacts > Role row.

6. From the LOV, select the respective Role.

7. After selecting the correct Role, select the Person Name which will obtain credit.

Note: The Contact record for Vendor Contact Role of ‘Salesperson’ is the only place that Service Contracts
will look for a Salesperson to send to Receivables and ultimately appear on an Invoice.

Any other reference to a Salesperson entered anywhere else on the Contract, Customer record in
Receivables, etc. will not result in the Salesperson appearing on the Invoice.


The Customer Contact Tab contains information about the Customer. The Customer Contacts Roles will
contain customer specific information.

1. Enter the Customer Information.

2. Under the Party Area of the Parties Sub-Tab, select a new row to enter the customer’s information (click
in the row under Vendor)
3. Enter the Role under the Parties Roles, select CUSTOMER.
4. Enter the customer’s name from the LOV.

Oracle Service Contracts
5. Enter the Contact Information.
6. Under the Contact’s Area, select a Role from the LOV.
7. Select the name of the Customer’s contact from the LOV.

Note: Contact Information must already exist on the customer master before it will show up in the List of
Values (LOV) on the contract.


1. In the Bill To area, select the appropriate addresses that will fulfill the roles for this location.
2. In the Bill To, select the first row under Account / Party LOV.
3. Search for an account holder using the standard searching procedures. The only values in the LOV at
the Bill to or Ship To are addresses that are associated or related to the customer selected in the Party
section of the contract header.
4. From the List of Values, select the appropriate Account Holder information.
5. Click <OK>.
6. Once you have selected a value the account number for this customer will default in the account field.
7. In the Location Area, select the LOV.
8. The application will open the related locations for the Account Holder and only those addresses that
can fulfill the role of Bill To.
9. Select the appropriate location.
10. Click <OK>.

Oracle Service Contracts

1. In the Ship To area, select the appropriate addresses that will fulfill the roles for this location.
2. In the Ship To, select the first row under Account / Party LOV.
3. Search for an account holder using the standard searching procedures.
4. From the List of Values, select the appropriate Account Holder information.
5. Click <OK>.
6. In the Location Area, select the LOV.
7. The application will open the related locations for the Account Holder and only those addresses that
can fulfill the role of Ship To.
8. Select the appropriate location.
9. Click <OK>.

10. Save the changes by selecting:

o Menu Bar / File / Save

o Or, yellow disk icon in the top right icon toolbar


Verify that the following information is accurate:

1. Price List – Support Programs (USD)
3. Payment Terms – Select the Payment terms as per AR (This should be modified according to the
customer’s Credit Term (NET 30)

Oracle Service Contracts
4. Invoicing Rule – Advance Invoice if the customer should be billed before the period or Arrears if the
customer should be billed after the Service Period has finished.
5. Review the Transaction Type OKS_INV_US
6. Review the AR Interface checkbox is enabled.
7. Capture the PO Number if needed in the appropriate field.
8. Save the changes


Not used at this time


1. Review the Quality Assurance Checklist field. Select from the LOV the ‘CMPC Service Contracts Check
List’ value. This list contains a list of all the fields that are verified before submitting the contract for its

2. Enter the appropriate Contract Groups by inputting the Contract Owner’s name
3. Select the Group for this contract from the Pop up window
4. Enable the Public checkbox at the end of the row.
5. Select the approval process for this Contract. The approval process is a workflow that requires
“signatures” to turn this contract as active.
6. Do not select the Submit button at this time. To activate this contract, select the <SUBMIT> button. This will
be performed AFTER the Contract Lines have been entered in the contract.
7. Save the changes

Oracle Service Contracts


1. Security / Type Information, this is not changed leave as default Group Read Only
2. In the Description field, enter any text you want to be printed in the Customer’s invoice.
3. In the Comments enter any text as internal notes for the rest of the team / other teams.
4. Save the changes


1. Select the Accounts Sub Tab

2. In the Lines area, enter the following information.
3. Line Type – Service.
4. Select the Name of the contract from the LOV. This is where we capture the related contracts from the
Legacy Systems for their identification.

Oracle Service Contracts
5. Search for the Contract Types by using the standard search procedure
6. The Line Ref field is used to capture the Reference Line from a customer’s document such as a
Purchase Order.
7. The Account / Location under the Bill To / Ship To areas are where the related addresses are captured.
They are identified by their numbers and are linked to their roles as a Bill To or Ship To addresses at the
time of their set up.
8. By default, the Header’s information is passed to every line captured regarding these Roles, but you can
specify other addresses to fulfill these Roles by line.


Input required information at in the ( ) (called a beer mug)

1. Capture the DFF values that apply at the LINE level:

2. Select the Invoice Printing Options, the LOV contains different values for the Summary and Detail
3. Add any line notes needed in the Invoice at the line Level.
4. Capture the Custom Sorting Field
5. Capture the Line Schedule Type

Note: There are 5 more DFFs labeled Sub Line xxx: - These are for capture information at the Sub Line
level and should not be entered at this level (Line Level).

6. Close the DFF window by selecting the <OK> button after the needed values have been captured.


1. Enter the Customer Contact’s information for this line (Optional)
2. In the Customer Contact’s open the LOV and select the type of role the contact will have.
3. In the Name field, select the Contact’s name from the LOV.
4. Save the changes

Oracle Service Contracts

Review that the following information is correct:

1. For every line entered, the Line Type and Name should be consistent with what was entered in the
2. The Start and End Dates should reflect a duration equal to the one entered in the Header of the
contract. The End Date can be modified to reflect the actual length of the contract for a particular line.
3. The Duration / Period fields should also reflect the time period length of the Start / End dates.
4. The Price List should reflect the option chosen in the Header of the Contract.
5. The coverage is attached to the type of contract type per Line. All these fields may be reviewed at a
Line by Line basis to ensure consistency.
6. Save any changes.


The Pricing / Products tab have the current information for the Contract’s Type, Name and duration
entered in the Header area of the Contract.
The Effectivities Sub-Tab contains the level of coverage the contract will cover per line. Every Line should
reflect at what level this specific line will be effective.

Oracle Service Contracts

1. In the effectivity Sub-Sub-Tab, select the Level of coverage for this specific contract line by opening the
LOV. From the LOV, select the appropriate level to be covered.
2. Enter the Name of the Level (Site OR Product). In the Search pop up form, Search for the name, using
the appropriate field. You can use the standard search procedure.
3. Once the name of the level has been identified, select from the Navigation Tree the appropriate name.
I.e. Site Name, Item Name, Product (IB) name.
4. Select the <OK> button to confirm the selection.
5. The Start Date, End Date, Duration and Period should default from the original Header section. This can
also be overridden by the user.


1. Capture the required DFF information by selecting the grey area at the end of the Line.
2. Open the Subline DFF window by selecting the grey rectangle box at the end of the Subline.
3. Transaction type will default to Subline
4. The Subline Geo Code will be automatically entered based in the customer address.


1. In The Pricing Sub-Sub-Tab we can review the price of the coverage for the specific product/site. This is
calculated based on the current rules set at the different price lists.
2. Review the sub-lines associated, the level, the name, quantity, UOM.
3. The application will calculate the correct price for the current level of coverage (Site, Product, etc.).
4. If the Sub Line is to cover a Site, then the price needs to be manually entered.

Oracle Service Contracts
5. To adjust the existing price choose Tools > Pricing Adjustment (Menu Bar)

a. To adjust a price choose a modifier from the List of Values:

b. Enter the New Price for the line.
c. Click SAVE and REPRICE to update the price on the line


In order to generate periodic billing cycles for this contract (Line) select the <BILLING> button.

This will open the Billing Schedule Form.

Oracle Service Contracts
Billing Schedule Form

1. In the Stream Level area, type a sequential number for this Billing Schedule.
2. In the Number of Periods, type the recurring periods the customer will receive an invoice. The
application will divide the total amount of the line by the number of periods specified in this field.
3. The Duration field is the length of the period. This, together with the UOM creates the definition of the
invoice period. I.e. a Duration of 1 and UOM of ‘MONTH’ means the customer will receive an invoice
every month.
4. Putting together the line with the Number of periods, will create the whole time-period and periodicity
of the Invoicing.
5. The end Date will automatically populate as a result of the calculation of the number of periods and
the periodicity.
6. In the Offset Area, you can specify any offset days you want to create / interface the invoice. A minus
sign before the days means the invoice will be created before the anniversary date. If a plus/minus sign
is not specified, the application will delay the creation / interface of the invoice that amount of days.
7. To apply these changes and to automatically calculate the amount due each billing cycle, select the
<SCHEDULE> button.
8. You can create composite periods not exceeding the total duration of the Contract.
9. Save your changes (Ctrl S or click on the yellow disk in the toolbar)


1. From the Billing window, you can define a billing level for the billing schedule. There are three levels, but
not all levels are available to each line type, nor are all levels available at the header level.

Oracle Service Contracts
2. Equal Amount: allows you to bill for equal amounts over the billing period and have control over the
amount to be billed as well as the billing periods. You can also use the Prorate button to spread the
amount across billing periods. The start and end dates of all top lines and their sublines must be the
same. You cannot modify the schedule form after it is generated. Equal Amount can be set at the
header, service line, or subscription line level.
3. Top Level: allows you to define the billing periods. The billing engine calculates the bill amounts, so the
amount fields and Prorate button are disabled. With Top Level, line level start and end dates can differ
from the sublines. When creating billing schedules at this level, the total stream level amounts from the
sublines roll-up to the line levels. Also, once a line level billing schedule exists, all new sublines added will
automatically update the billing amount per period without needing to revisit the line level and click
Schedule again. Whenever the duration of the line is increased, an additional billing stream is created. If
the contract has a later end date, the unit of measure of the billing stream is taken from the previous
stream. If the duration is reduced, billing streams may be automatically removed, as long as those
streams are entirely outside of the new contract duration. If these changes are cascaded to the
sublines, those billing schedules will be updated when the cascade is initiated. If the changes are not
cascaded, only the line level billing schedule will be automatically updated. Top Level can be set at
the header, service line, or usage line level.
4. Covered Level: when the covered level effective dates are not the same as the service line effective
dates, you have the option to create a covered level specific billing schedule. As a prerequisite, the
service line billing schedule level must first be set to the Covered Level. By default, all the covered level
lines inherit the service line billing schedule. If required, the billing schedule can be modified and
updated for a given covered level. Amounts can be entered for every period and the Prorate button
may be used. Covered Level can be set at the service line level.


1. Once the contract has been authored and the revisions done, an approval process is needed in order
to pass the QA and put into effect.
2. After saving all the changes, Navigate back to the Summary (Header) Tab and into the Administration
Sub-Tab, at the bottom of the form the Approval Workflow area contains which process will be
triggered to Approve the contract and mark it as an Active Contract.
3. Select the appropriate workflow from the LOV in the Name field.
4. Press the <SUBMIT> button to trigger the selected workflow.
5. If the QA module detects an error, a pop up screen will display at what line and sub-line the error

Oracle Service Contracts
6. Select the <CLOSE> button to close this screen and proceed to fix the errors.
7. After fixing the errors, re-submit the Check QA Process, and then submit Contract for its approval.
8. If there are no errors, the QA Module will return a form indicating the Approval Process can continue

9. Select the <CLOSE> button to close this screen and proceed to fix the errors.
10. After fixing the errors, re-submit the Check QA Process, and then submit Contract for its approval.
11. If there are no errors, the QA Module will return a form indicating the Approval Process can continue.

Oracle Service Contracts

1. Launch Contracts  Inbox  Click on the notification and choose the Respond button.
2. If the notification doesn’t appear in the inbox, right click on mouse and choose ‘Refresh’
3. A web page will open which displays the notification ‘Contract xxx requires your signature’.
4. Click on the ‘Yes’ button to sign the contract.
5. Once the approval is complete, your contract will now be in an ‘Active Status’
6. A contract will require 1 approval step before it is active: 1) Signing the contract
7. Once the Contract has been signed, it will become active – if the start date is a future date the status
will = ‘Signed’ until the effective start date and then it will become ‘Active’

Oracle Service Contracts

Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

6. CMPC xx Contracts Administrator > Launch Contracts

7. The Launch pad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
8. From here you can search for the contract to be copied by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon toolbar.
9. Once the contract has been identified, click on the contract
10. Select Tool and click on copy

11. A new window will pop up. Change Existing Contract to “New contract” Select the Contract
components that you wish to copy and click on the top arrow going to the right

Oracle Service Contracts
12. If I only wanted to copy the Summary tab and not copy the lines or sublines then I would only select the
Parties, Contract Terms, Conditions, click on Create and a new contract would be created copy only
the Summary tab, Parties tab, Pricing/Billing tab, Administration, and Security tab. The contract would
have no lines, subline, or billing schedule and would be in an entered status.

13. Make any changes that you want to make to the header and then this contract could be used with the
line loader to load multiply lines and sublines.

14. Using the same instructions adding the contact line components would copy the entire contract to a
new contract number.

Contract Billing



1. Open an existing contract by any of the known methods, selecting from the Launchpad, selecting from
the Contract navigator screen or by searching and opening from the Search Contracts form.
2. The application will open the Service Contract selected.
3. If the contract is in an ACTIVE status, select the button <OPEN FOR UPDATE> in the Summary / Parties
Tab. If the Status is ENTERED status, skip to step 4. The application will pop up the Confirmation screen for
updates and changes.

4. Select OK. The application will "unlock" the contract and will also change the Contract Status to "QA


1. Navigate to the Lines/Pricing Tab.

2. Select a Line to edit the Billing Sequences.
3. Select the <BILLING> button. This will open the Bill Sequence creation form.

4. The application will open the Billing Sequence Form.

Contract Billing

5. Create a new Billing Sequence to pro-rate the Invoice amount when the first period does not start on
the beginning of the Natural Month.

In the figure above, the Contract duration is 13 months beginning on December 1st 2012 and ending on
December 3lst 2013. A normal Monthly billing period would begin on December 1st and end on
December 31st. The next would be from January 1st to January 31st and so on.

In this case (Regular Billing Periods) starting at the beginning of the Contract Start Date, the application
will divide the total invoicing amount by the number of periods. This will result, in the figure above, in
thirteen equal-length periods (1 month each) and the Invoice Amount for every one of them will be

Contract Billing
 Pro-rating billing sequence

In the figure above, the Contract duration is 56 weeks beginning on December 5th 2012 and ending on
December 31st 2013. A normal Monthly billing period would begin on December 1st and end on
December 31st. The next would be from January 1st to January 31st and so on.

In order to pro-rate the first month (December 2012) as an irregular month and from that point start
billing on the first day of the following Month, we would create a sequence covering the initial 27 days
of the contract (from December 5th to December 31st).

The application will create these sequences to cover the duration of the contract and also calculate
the appropriate Invoice Amount for each period / sequence.

Since we have Monthly periods and a once-per-contract Billing Sequence for days, the application will
divide the total amount ($257.40) by the total number of days of the contract and then multiply the
result by the number of days of the first Billing Sequence.

Note: The application will use DAYS first as it is the initial Billing sequence.

The calculation will be something like this: $239.68 / 365 days (January 1st to December 31st) = $19.97 per
month and $0.656 day * 27 days (First Billing Sequence) = $17.72
In this case, the application is truncating the cents, so the final month will bill $20.01

Select the <SCHEDULE> button to populate the lines. The application will perform the amount
calculations and pass them to the corresponding sequences 1 cycle. Select <OK> to save these

Contract Billing
The BELOW Billing Sequences were created at the Line Level for only one line. We can apply this same
principle at the Header level. To create a Billing Sequence and apply it to all the Lines I Sub-Lines follow
these steps:
1. Navigate to Summary / Pricing tab.
2. Click the Billing button.

3. The application will display the Billing Sequence page information.

4. Erase any previous Billing Sequence schedules by selecting every sequence and using the Delete
button from the icon menu bar, marked with a red X.
Create the new Billing Sequence as in the previous steps. At the end and after selecting the <SCHEDULE>
button, the application will copy these sequences to the lines and any previous Line Level Sequence will be
replaced by the ones created here.
The amount won't be displayed as we need to review these at the Line 1 Sub-Line level.

5. Select <OK> to close the screen.

Contract Billing
There Is a concurrent program called "Service Contracts Main Billing" that is run from Service Contracts
and this program interfaces eligible lines for invoicing over to Receivables for invoice processing via
Autolnvoice. Once, Service Contracts is live In Production, this program will be set up to run every night
and will only need to be run manually when a contract billing needs to be Interfaced immediately.

1. To print/re-print existing invoices, navigate to> CMPC XX CONTRACTS ADMIN > View/Print Invoices > Print
Invoices, click <OPEN>

2. SUBMIT A NEW REQUEST window will pop up, select <SINGLE REQUEST> and click <OK>

3. PRINT INVOICES window is now available

Contract Billing
4. Select the LOV in the >NAME> field to select the best option to print invoice.

Options mostly used: - CPMC Print OKS Invoices – Detail

- CPMC Print OKS Invoices – Summary

5. Fill information in PARAMETERS window

o In field titled Transaction Number Low input lowest Invoice number
o In field titled Transaction Number High input highest invoice number (if none, let it default to
previous number)

6. Click OK

7. Information will be input, click <SUBMIT>

Contract Billing
8. if this is the only one Select click <NO>
If you are submitted different invoice request on different select CLICK <Yes>, and repeat the steps
since c.

9. Go to Menu Bar
Select View  Request  Find

10. Refresh Data until green box turns Red (error) Yellow (warning) Gray (Normal)

11. When the request is normal click on View Output to access and print invoice

Contract Billing


When the "Fetch Receivables" info for Billing Program is run, you can see the invoice Information from
Service Contracts Billing Schedule that was created during the Autolnvoice process.

To view the billing history of a contract navigate to> Launch Contracts> find the contract number and
OPEN. Click on
Lines> Pricing/Products > Billing Button> History Tab

Contract Maintenance
1. Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

a. CMPC xx Service Contracts Manager > Launch Contracts

b. The Launchpad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
c. From here you can search for the contract to renew by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon
d. Once the contract has been identified, open contract.
e. Go to Renewal Tab, make sure type is in “Active Contract”

f. Also you have to check the Security/Text tab, if the contract should be terminated or have
something special you can find that information there.

g. This contract does not show any special instruction so we can go and renew it
h. Close the contract

Contract Maintenance
i. Select the contract and right click mouse, a menu will be display and select <RENEW>

j. A new window will pop up. The renewal option will create a new contract, with the new Start and
End dates; the old contract will remain in Expired status.

k. The renewed contract will have the same contract number as the expired contact.
Insert new Start and End Date, the Duration and Period will auto-populate, click <RENEW>

l. Click <YES> to save changes

Contract Maintenance
m. The renewed contract has been created, and the expired contract will remain, both contracts have
same contract number.

1. Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

a. CMPC xx Service Contracts Manager > Launch Contracts

b. The Launchpad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
c. From here you can search for the contract to extend by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon
d. Once the contract has been identified, open contract.
e. Go to Renewal Tab, make sure type is in “Active Contract”

Contract Maintenance
f. Also you have to check the Security/Text tab, if the contract should be terminated or have
something special you can find that information there.

g. This contract does not show any special instruction so we can go and extend it
h. Close the contract
i. Select the contract and right click mouse, a menu will be display and select <EXTEND>

j. A new window will pop up. The extend option will not create a new contract, this option will extend
the End Date; the same contract will update to Active status.

Contract Maintenance
k. Insert New End Date, the Duration and Period will auto-populate, click <EXTEND>

l. Click <YES> to save changes

m. Open the contract to check the changes. The Extend contract now shows a new End Date and the
status has change to Active.

Contract Maintenance


1. Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

a. CMPC xx Service Contracts Manager > Launch Contracts

b. The Launchpad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
c. From here you can search for the contract to extend by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon
d. Once the contract has been identified, open contract.
e. Go to Renewal Tab, make sure type is in “Active Contract”

f. Also you have to check the Security/Text tab, if the contract should be terminated or have
something special you can find that information there.

g. This contract does not show any special instruction so we can go and extend it
Do not forget to update with date, action taken and your initials.

Contract Maintenance
h. Open contract for updates, click <Open for Update> to set contract in QA Hold status

i. At contract header in End Date field, manually update new end date.

j. Save changes and click check QA to set contract back to active status.

Contract Maintenance
This process explains how a Termination works in Oracle for Contracts, Lines and Sublines, and how to issue a
credit if a billing period is not used.

1. Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

a. CMPC xx Service Contracts Manager > Launch Contracts

b. The Launchpad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
c. From here you can search for the contract to terminate by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon
d. Once the contract has been identified, you can use the Tools Menu or the Context Menu to select
the appropriate function. Select TERMINATE from either menu.

2. Terminate the contract by entering the details of the termination.

a. The application will show the Termination Details form.

b. Enter the date of Termination. This date has to be within the contract Start and End Dates.
c. Enter the Termination reason from the LOV.

d. Select the <REVIEW> button.

e. The application will “unfreeze” the Amount fields for their review.
f. The AMOUNT field will show the calculated credit due to the customer based on the last billing
period and the remaining time for that period.

g. Credit Issue options: You have the following options to manage that credit.

This will leave the amount As-Is and issue the customer a Credit Memo
Direct Credit:
for the amount shown.

This field allows you to enter a different amount for the Credit Memo.
Override Credit: This amount CAN’T be a greater amount that the shown in the
AMOUNT field.

This option allows the user to issue a Credit Memo for the TOTAL BILLING
Full Credit:
PERIOD AMOUNT and not only the unused part.

Suppress Credit: This will remove any credit amount and no Memo will be created.

Contract Maintenance
h. Finish the process by selecting the <TERMINATE> button. If the contract was successfully terminated,
the application will show the SAVE confirmation pop up screen.
i. Select OK to close the window.

3. Review the Credit issued to the customer.

a. From the Contract Navigator or the Search Form, find again the contract that was just Terminated.
From the Context Menu or the Tools Menu select OPEN.
b. The application will open the contract.
c. Navigate to Summary / Pricing – Billing Tab.
d. In the upper right part of the header you can see the Contract Total amount, tax and terminated.

e. From the Summary/Pricing - Billing Tab, select the <BILLING> button located in the middle of the
f. The Billing schedule window is displayed.
g. From there, you can review what the actual credit amount was issued to the customer, what was
billed during the life of the contract and what was terminated in the case of billing periods

3 1. Total value of the

4 2. Total Amount Billed.
3. Amount Credited to
5 the customer (From
the billed amount).
1 4. Total amount Unbilled
(Including the credit
2 issued to the
5. Final amount billed
6. Overridden amount

Contract Maintenance

4. Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

a. CMPC xx Service Contracts Manager > Launch Contracts

b. The Launchpad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
c. From here you can search for the contract to terminate by browsing the Contract Groups and their
associated contracts or you can search the contract using the Flashlight icon from the top icon
d. Once the contract has been identified, you can use the Tools Menu or the Context Menu to select
the appropriate function. Select EXECUTION from either menu. The Contract Execution form is

5. Terminate the Contract Line.

a. From the Execution module you can review different data details for the current contract.
b. From the Overview TAB select the Line to be Terminated.
c. You can use the Context Menu or the Tools menu to terminate the Line. Select Terminate
Line from either menu.
d. The application will show the Termination Details form.
e. Enter the date of Termination. This date has to be within the Line Start and End Dates.
f. Enter the Termination reason from the LOV.
g. Select the <REVIEW> button.
h. The application will “unfreeze” the Amount fields for their review.
i. The AMOUNT field will show the calculated credit due to the customer based on the last
billing period and the remaining time for that period for the specific line to terminate.

Contract Maintenance
j. Credit Issue options: You have the following options to manage that credit.

This will leave the amount As-Is and issue the customer a Credit Memo
Direct Credit:
for the amount shown.

This field allows you to enter a different amount for the Credit Memo.
Override Credit: This amount CAN’T be a greater amount that the shown in the
AMOUNT field.

This option allows the user to issue a Credit Memo for the TOTAL BILLING
Full Credit:
PERIOD AMOUNT and not only the unused part.

Suppress Credit: This will remove any credit amount and no Memo will be created.

k. Finish the process by selecting the <TERMINATE> button. If the contract line was successfully
terminated, the application will show the SAVE confirmation pop up screen.
l. Select OK to close the window.


1. Navigate to the Following Responsibility / Function

a. CMPC xx Service Contracts Manager > Launch Contracts

b. The Launchpad is displayed. Select the Contract Navigator Tab.
c. Once the contract has been identified, you can use the Tools Menu or the Context Menu to
select the appropriate function. Select OPEN from either menu.
d. Once the Contract has been opened, navigate to Lines / Pricing – Products Tab.
e. Select the Sub-Line to be terminated.
f. From the Context Menu or the Tools menu, select TERMINATE SUB-LINE.

Contract Maintenance
2. Terminate the contract sub-line by entering the details of the termination.

a. The application will show the Termination Details form.

b. Enter the date of Termination. This date has to be within the Line Start and End Dates.
c. Enter the Termination reason from the LOV.
d. Select the <REVIEW> button.
e. The application will “unfreeze” the Amount fields for their review.
f. The AMOUNT field will show the calculated credit due to the customer based on the last billing
period and the remaining time for that period for the specific line to terminate.

g. Credit Issue options: You have the following options to manage that credit.

This will leave the amount As-Is and issue the customer a Credit Memo
Direct Credit:
for the amount shown.

This field allows you to enter a different amount for the Credit Memo.
Override Credit: This amount CAN’T be a greater amount that the shown in the
AMOUNT field.

This option allows the user to issue a Credit Memo for the TOTAL BILLING
Full Credit:
PERIOD AMOUNT and not only the unused part.

Suppress Credit: This will remove any credit amount and no Memo will be created.

h. Finish the process by selecting the <TERMINATE> button. If the contract line was successfully
terminated, the application will show the SAVE confirmation pop up screen.
i. Select OK to close the window.

Contract Maintenance
We have review how to add Lines manually [Oracle Service Contracts/10. LINES] and sublines manually
[Oracle Service Contracts / 11. LINES  PRICING/PRODUCTS TAB (Covered Items)], now we going to review
how to add Lines and Sublines using a Loader.

A loader is used to entry a large amount of data into a Contract.

Loader is to be completed with the lines and sub-lines to be added to the contract.


1. Instructions for using the Service Contract Line Loader

Service Contract line Loader can be found at:

\\sp099nas01t.compucom.local\departments\Finance\Service Finance\Billing\ORACLE training

INSTRUCTONS\Line_Loader template with instructions.xlsx

As: Line_Loader template with instructions

2. Change contract(s) from Active Status to QA Hold Status or Entered Status

3. Complete Template as follows:

1 CONTRACT_NUMBER Contract number of OKS contract
2 MODIFIER not used
4 LINE_BILL_LOC_ID Bill to location number
5 LINE_SHIP_LOC_ID Ship to location numbers
6 LINE_START_DATE Start date
7 LINE_END_DATE End date
8 LINE_NOTES_ATTR Internal line number located at end of line under the beer mug ( )
9 LINE_TRX_TYPE_ATTR Transaction type: New Business, Prepaid Services , Project, Renewal
This is the printing option required


11 LINE_SCHED_NAME_ATTR Currently not used

12 LINE_REBILL_ATTR Currently not used
13 LINE_ENTITL_CODE_ATTR Currently not used

Contract Maintenance
14 LINE_REF Line reference text Optional
15 LINE_PO_NUMBER Enter customer PO number
If you print options are detail or summary by support program input
Invoice text, if not leave blank
17 BILLING_SCHED_LEVEL default is Top Level
18 BILLING_SEQ_NUM This is the sequence number of your line

This the period for billing (MO, YR, WK, DAY, QTR) (ex: If you want to bill
every month, you will enter MO)

22 BILLING_PERIODS Number of Billing Periods (ex: 12 if you want to bill over 12 months)
23 BILLING_UOM_PER_PERIOD Number of Periods (ex: 1 if you want to bill every month)


24 COVERED_LEVEL Site or Product

If Covered Level = Product > Enter Instance Number > If Covered Level
= Site > Enter Location Number

26 COVERED_UOM_CODE Enter the UOM for the Covered Level (EA)

27 COVERED_PRICE Enter unit price for 'EA'
28 COVERED_QTY Enter the quantity
29 COV_START_DATE Start Date of Coverage
30 COV_END_DATE End Date of Coverage
31 COV_LINE_REF subline reference (option)
If you print options are summary detail by locations input your invoice
test here
33 COV_ATTR_CATEGORY Default is Subline

Enter specific GEOCODE, if left blank Oracle will determine based on

the location where the product is installed/serviced.

35 COV_CUSTOM_SORT not used


4. Once all template data has been entered. The file must be saved in a pipe '|' delimited file
5. Copy concatenated text in column <AK> and paste to Notepad.
6. Save notepad to R drive for PFIN [R:\UNIX\Applications\PFIN\OKS]
7. Name file an easy name to remember and save as a text file. [XXXXXX.txt]

Contract Maintenance

1. Instructions for using the Service Contract Subline Loader

Service Contract line Loader can be found at:

\\sp099nas01t.compucom.local\departments\Finance\Service Finance\Billing\ORACLE training


As: Subline_Loader_07_2012

2. Change contract(s) from Active Status to QA Hold Status or Entered Status

3. Complete Template as follows:

1 CONTRACT_NUMBER Contract Number is a required field for the Sub-Lines Loader
This field will be required only when a renewal or a modifier exists on the
2 MODIFIER original contract, making the original number a duplicate, this further
identifies unique header contract information.
This is a required field. A line number is required before a sub-line can
3 Line Number
be added.
4 COVERED_LEVEL Site or Product
If Covered Level = Product > Enter Instance Number > If Covered Level
= Site > Enter Location Number
6 COVERED_UOM_CODE Enter the UOM for the Covered Level
7 COVERED_PRICE Enter unit price
8 COVERED_QTY Enter the quantity
9 COV_START_DATE Start Date of Coverage
10 COV_END_DATE End Date of Coverage
11 COVERED_LINE_REF Add a customer reference if needed
12 COV_INVOICE_TEXT This is the description that will print on the invoice
13 COV_ATTR_CATEGORY Default is Subline
Enter specific GEOCODE, if left blank Oracle will determine based on
the location where the product is installed/serviced.
17 ORG_ID enter 2 for US

4. Once all template data has been entered. The file must be saved in a pipe '|' delimited file.
5. Copy concatenated text in column <S> and paste to Notepad.
6. Save notepad to R drive for PFIN [R:\UNIX\Applications\PFIN\OKS]
7. Name file an easy name to remember and save as a text file. [XXXXXX.txt]

Contract Maintenance

1. Instructions for using the Service Contracts Terminations Loader

Service Contract line Loader can be found at:

\\sp099nas01t.compucom.local\departments\Finance\Service Finance\Billing\ORACLE training

INSTRUCTONS\Terminations_Loader l(3).xlsx

As: Terminations_Loader l(3)

2. Change contract(s) from Active Status to QA Hold Status or Entered Status

3. Complete Template as follows:

This is the type of termination: Terminate_Contract,
1 Action Code: Terminate_Line or Terminate_Sub_line (You must choose an
Action Code for every terminated line).
2 Contract Number:
This is also a required field for the Terminations Loader

This field will be used when there are Renewals or Modifiers to

3 Contract Modifier:
the existing contract number, if not used could result in
duplicates and the program would error.
4 Line Number: When terminating at a Line Level, a line number must be
5 Sub-Line Number: When terminating at a sub-line level both the line and sub-line
number are required.
6 Term Date: This is the date of the termination. This is also the date that will
drive credits if applicable.
7 Termination Reason: A valid termination reason is required on all terminations. The
valid reasons are included in the list on the template.
If you want to override the amount the system has calculated
8 Override Amount: for the credit amount you may enter a value in this column. If
you wish to let the system calculate based on what has been
billed up to the termination date then leave this column blank.
9 Suppress Credit: This is a 'Y' or 'N' field. If you do not want the system to issue
credit enter a 'Y'. Otherwise, leave as 'N' a value is required.
This is a 'Y' or 'N' field. If you want to issue credit to the customer
10 Full Credit:
leave this checked to 'Y', if you do not want to issue full credit set
to 'N' and enter the override amount in the field above.

4. Once all template data has been entered. The file must be saved in a pipe '|' delimited file.
5. Copy concatenated text in column <L> and paste to Notepad.
6. Save notepad to R drive for PFIN [R:\UNIX\Applications\PFIN\OKS]
7. Name file an easy name to remember and save as a text file. [XXXXXX.txt]
Contract Maintenance
1. Step to consider prior running loaders:
a. Contract must be in QA or Entered Status
b. Once you have a file saved in a Pipe Delimited Format save to the following directory: using PFIN set up
c. Give the file a name you will remember.

2. To run Service Contracts Loader Program[s], navigate to> CMPC XX CONTRACTS ADMIN > Requests :
Requests > Run > Request Set > OK

3. SUBMIT REQUEST SET window is now available

4. Select the LOV in the >REQUEST SET> field to select the best option to run the loader.

Contract Maintenance
a. The options most used are:
 CMPC OKS SC Sub-Lines Load – for sublines
 CMPC OKS SC Lines Load – for Lines
 CMPC OKS SC Terminate – for Line Or Subline Termination

When you have selected the correct option click <OK>

5. Fill information in PARAMETERS window

In field titled Data File Name input Loader Name [xxxxxx.txt]
It is important to fill the two fields of PARAMETERS with same Loader Name.

6. Click OK

7. Information will be input, click <SUBMIT>

8. The Requests window will be displayed. Click on Refresh Data button until your request is either red (errors)
yellow (warnings) or gray (normal)

Contract Maintenance
a. If the program completes with Warning or Error --> click on the view log button and review the error
messages in the file. You may need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the file for error details.
You will then need to fix your template data and reload the file to the directory above. Repeat
Step b until the program runs - and completes with a 'Normal' status.
b. View the contract created to make sure all of your data looks correct.


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