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Vibration of Spiral Spring

Vibration of Spiral Spring Apparatus

Vibration of Spiral Spring Apparatus


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is accurate;
however no liability is accepted for errors. Should an error be discovered please inform the
company in writing, giving full details. Any experimental results given are for guidance only and
are not guaranteed as exact answers that can be obtained for a given apparatus; due to the
complex variables applicable to most experiments.

The basic principles set out in the following make no claim to completeness. For further
theoretical explanations, refer to the specialist literature.

The selection of experiments makes no claims of completeness but is intended to be used as a

stimulus for your own experiments.

Vibration of Spiral Spring Apparatus

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 2

2.1 Unit Assembly ............................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Specification ............................................................................................................... 3

3. SUMMARY OF THEORY ............................................................................................ 4

3.1 Theoretical Principle................................................................................................... 4

4. EXPERIMENT ............................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Procedure ................................................................................................................... 6

Vibration of spiral Spring


Vibration theory is a particularly difficult area for trainees. It places high demands on
the mathematical and physics knowledge of the trainees. On the other hand,
knowledge of vibration is indispensable in technical professions.
To ease the understanding of this area of physics for the student, clear experiments are

The EES® Vibration of Spiral Spring Apparatus unit consists of specially

developed for this demanding subject area, enables numerous vibration topics to be
addressed experimentally. The range of experiments includes Determination of spring
Determination of natural frequency
The influence of mass
The influence of the position of the mass

All experiments are suitable both for demonstrations and as practical hands-on
experiments. The relationship between theory and experiment is described in detail.

Vibration of spiral Spring


2.1 Unit Assembly:

Figure: Vibration of spiral spring

3. Shaft mounting in 4. Spiral Spring,

1. Base Plate 2. Bearing Block
ball bearings Rectangular cross-section
5. Rectangular Cross- 6. Graduated Disk. 10 8. weight 0.5 kg,
7. Lever Arm
section division continuously adjustable

Vibration of spiral Spring

2.2 Specification:

Technical Data:

Primary Dimensions
Length x Width x Depth 250x200x360mm
Weight 12kg

Spiral Spring
Cross-Section 10x1 mm
Length Approx. 800 mm
Radius, inner 10 mm
Radius, outer 50 mm
Winding Separation 8.5mm
E-Modulus 190000 N/mm2
σbperm 1100 N/mm2

Lever Arm r 36…150 mm

Weights 2 off 0.5 kg/each
Max. Moment of Inertia 0.0225 kgm2

Vibration of spiral Spring


3.1 Theoretical Principles:

Spiral springs are mostly manufactured from cold rolled steel strip and wound
like an Archimedes spiral. These spirals have an even separation between the
windings. All springs are clamped inside and out. However, due to their form,
the windings do not all pull together evenly when placed under tension. The
individual windings should also not touch each other in use, so that it is
possible to ignore the effects of friction. Spring action and loading are similar
to that for torsion springs. Spiral springs are predominantly used as return
springs in measuring instruments, as energy stores for clock mechanisms, and
in larger sizes for elastic rotary couplings.
The calculations on the system are performed using the following formulae:
Mass moment of inertia calculation:

J  m.r 2
Spring stiffness calculation:
C  J . 2
Moment calculation:
M  C .
Natural frequency calculation:
0  C
Period calculation:
Frequency calculation:
f 
Degree to radian conversion:
1 deg = 0.01745 rad

Angular Frequency:
 =2πf

Vibration of spiral Spring

J: Mass Moment of Inertia in kgm2

m: Mass in kg
r: Separation of the Weights from the Axis of Rotation in m
Cφ: Spring Stiffness in Nm/rad
: Angular Frequency in s-1
M: Moment in Nm
φ: Angle of Rotation in rad
T: Period in s
f: Frequency in s-1

Vibration of spiral Spring

4 Experiment

4.1 Procedure:

Figure 4.1· Separation of the masses

Figure 4.2: Undo Grub Screws

Figure 4.3: Align the Lever Arms

Vibration of spiral Spring

Figure 4.4: Remove Weights

Figure 4.5: Lever Arms Vertical

Once the unit has been fixed to the wall, the experiment can be started. The
two weights are clamped in place on the lever arms at the same distance from
the shaft. The separation from the centre of the shaft to the centre of gravity of
the weights is measured and noted for the calculation (Figure 4.1).

The lever arms should be horizontal for this experiment. The lever arms can be
rotated on the shaft (Figure 4.3) by undoing the two grub screws (Figure 4.2).
Following alignment, re-tighten the grub screws.

The shaft is then deflected by hand to any angle (max. 360o) and released. The
angle is read off on the graduated scale.

The time T20 is measured (measure 20 vibrations) and from it the period of
the vibration calculated.

The experiment should be repeated several times with the weights in different
The natural frequency of the system can then be determined as follows:

In this experiment the weights are removed from the lever arms
(Figure 4.4). The lever arms are then rotated so that they are vertical (Figure
4.5) (undo grub screws). When the lever arms are vertical their weight does
not have any effect. The period of the vibration is determined as described

NOTE: During this experiment, use deflections as small as possible


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