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Secy, and Treas. U. S. Naval Institute.

Secv. and Treas. U. S. Naval Institute.

Secy, and Treas. U. S. Naval Institute.

Sccv. and Treas. U. S. Naval Institute.


This book, prepared at the Naval Observatory and Naval Academy, is designed
to become the service compass manual and to replace Diehl s Practical Problems
and the Compensation of the Compass, which will not be republished.

It originally compiled by Lieutenant Commander Harris Laning, Head oi

the Department of Navigation at the Naval Academy, as a text-book for mid

Later, however, a revision of Diehl having been undertaken by the Naval Obser

vatory, it was decided to use this book and to add two chapters to it, one on the

gyro-compass and the other a description of the instruments supplied to the service
in connection with compass work. These two chapters, as well as Chapter VI,
and a revision of Chapter X, were prepared at the Naval Observatory by Lieu
tenant Commander C. T. Owens, in charge of the Compass Office. Acknowledg
ments are due to Commanders D. W. Blamer and Geprge C. Day, and to Lieutenant
Commander C. R. Miller, for notes on compass material and compass work which
were used in connection with chapters prepared at the Naval Observatory.
was further enlarged (1916) by the addition of the chapters on Compass


Corrections by the Azimuth Method," by Commander J. B. Patton, U. S. Navy,

and on the by Captain L. M. Nulton,

Principles of the Gyroscopic Compass,"

U. S. Navy.
This book is a compilation from various sources, which brings together the best

practical material on the subject and puts in one volume what would otherwise have
to be taken from several books and many pamphlets. The complex mathematical
theory of the deviation of the compass and the derivation of formulae have been

entirely omitted, but a sufficient explanation of causes and effects is given to enable
the student to understandany ordinary problem that
may arise.

For a more complete course on the subject of the Deviation of the Compass, the
following books are recommended :

British Admiralty Manual of Deviations.

Navigation and Compass Deviations, Muir.

Deviation of the Compass in Iron Ships, Creak.
Chief of Bureau of Navigation.



to apply the error 9-16

)efinition of error.-Methods of determining the error.-How


causes of deviation a qualitative analysis of the forces

description of fundamental

acting on the compass needle


causes and effect, qualitative in character, leading into 25-27

^rts. 43-48, a review of
now take definite form in a quantitative sense
Arts. 49-6s,which


of the principles of correction 37-45

Description, in a qualitative sense,

Detailed and definite instructions for correction

A standard method of compensation :

and a new manner of computing the Flinders
Compass correction by the azimuth method, ^

bar correction

7 72
A special method of compensation at sea

a navy yard 73-8?
A special method of compensation before leaving

Notes on service work : duties, records, reports, etc


Description of service instruments


the magnetic com
The necessity for a gyro-compass and points of superiority over
passThe Sperry gyro-compass
the Sperry gyro-
Some notes on the principles of the gyroscopic compass, particularly
scopic compass


Products of arcs multiplied by the sines of 15 rhumbs M4-M6




(Taken from the American Practical Navigator (Bowditch).)

CAUSES OF THE ERROR. ent in different localities, but, as it has been

1. When two magnets are near enough to found that the earth magnetic poles are in

constant motion, it undergoes certain changes

gether to exert a mutual influence, their prop
erties are such as to cause those poles which
from year to year. In taking account of the
error it produces, the navigator must therefore
possess similarmagnetism to repel, and those
which possess magnetism of opposite sorts to be sure that the variation used is correct not

one another.
attract only for the place, but also for the time under
The earth is an immense natural magnet, consideration. The variation is subject to a
small diurnal fluctuation, but this is not a
having in each hemisphere a pole lying in the
material consideration with the mariner.
neighborhood of the geographical pole, though
not exactly coincident therewith consequently,
3. Besides the error thus produced in the
when a magnet, such as that of a compass, is indications of the compass, a further one, due

allowed to revolve freely in a horizontal plane, to local attraction, may arise from extraneous
it will so place itself as to be parallel to the lines influences due to natural magnetic attraction
of magnetic force in that plane created by the the vicinity of the vessel. Instances of this are
earth s magnetic poles, the end which we name quite common when a ship is in port, as she

north pointing to the north, and the south end may be in close proximity to vessels, docks,
in the opposite direction. The north end of machinery, or other masses of iron or steel.
It is also encountered at sea in localities where
the needle north-seeking, as it is sometimes
for clearness will be that end the mineral substances in the earth itself
which has opposite polarity to the earth s north possess magnetic qualities for example, at

magnetic pole, this latter possessing the same certain places in Lake Superior and at others
sort of magnetism as the so-called south pole off the coast of Australia. When due to the
of the compass. last-named cause, it may be a source of great
2. By reason of the fact that the magnetic danger to the mariner, but, fortunately, the

pole differs in position from the geographical number of localities subject to local attraction

pole, the compass needle will not indicate true is limited. The amount of this error can sel

directions, but each compass point will differ dom, ever, be determined if known, it might
if ;

from the corresponding true point by an properly be included with the variation
amount dependent upon the angle between the treated as a part thereof.
geographical and the magnetic pole at the posi 4. In addition to the variation, the compass

tion of the observer. The amount of this dif ordinarily has a still further error in its indi
ference, expressed in angular measure, is the cations, which arises from the effect exerted
variation of the compass (sometimes also the upon it by masses of magnetic metal within the
declination, though this term is seldom em ship itself. This is known as the deviation of
ployed by navigators). the compass. For reasons that will be ex
The variation not only changes as one travels plained later, it differs in amount for each
from point to point on the earth, being differ heading of the ship, and, further, the character

of the deviations undergoes modification as a error to amount to 10, it will be seen that if a

vessel proceeds from one geographical locality direction of 350 is indicated by the compass,
to another. the correct direction should be north, or 10
farther to the right. If the compass indicates
APPLYING THE COMPASS ERROR. north, the correct bearing is 10 that is, still ;

From what has been explained, 10 to the right. If we follow around the
5. it may
be seen that there are three methods by which whole card, the same relation will be found in

bearings or courses may be expressed: (a) every case, the corrected bearing being always
when they refer to the angular distance 10 to the right of the compass bearing. Con
from the earth versely, if we regard Fig. 2, assuming the same
s geographical meridian; (b)
when they refer to the angular dis amount of westerly error, a compass bearing of
tance from the earth s magnetic meridian, and
must be corrected for variation to be converted
into true and (c) by compass, when they refer

to the angular distance from the north indi

cated by the compass on a given heading of the
ship, and must be corrected for the deviation
on that heading for conversion to magnetic,
and for both deviation and variation for con
version to true bearings or courses. The proc
ess of applying the errors under all circum
stances one of which the navigator must

make himself a thorough master; the various

problems of conversion are constantly arising ;

no course can be set nor bearing plotted with

out involving the application of this problem,
and a mistake in its solution may produce
serious consequences. The student is therefore

urged to give it his most careful attention.

6. "When the effect of a compass error,

whether arising from variation or from devia

tion, is to draw the north end of the compass
needle to the right, or eastward, the error is

named east, or is marked + when its effect ;


to draw the north end of the needle to the left

or westward, it is named west, or marked .

Figs, and 2 represent, respectively, ex


amples of easterly and westerly errors. In

both cases consider that the circles represent FIG. 2.

the observer s horizon, and N

being the cor 5"

rect north and south points in each case. If N 10 the equivalent of a correct bearing of

and S represent the corresponding points indi north, which is 10 to the left and this rule is ;

cated by a compass whose needle is deflected general throughout the circle, the corrected
by a compass error, then, in the first case, the direction being always to the left of that shown
north end of the needle being drawn to the by the compass.
right or east, the error will be easterly or posi 7. Having once satisfied himself that the
tive,and in the second case, the north end of general rule holds, the navigator may save the
the needle being drawn to the left or west, the necessity of reasoning out in each case the
compass error will be westerly or negative. direction in which the error must be applied,

Considering Fig. i, if we assume the easterly and need only charge his mind with some single

formula which will cover all cases. Such a one it to true. Whichever of these operations is
is the following :
undertaken, and whichever of the errors is
When the CORRECT direction is to the RIGHT, considered, the process of correction remains
the error is EAST. the same the correct direction
is always to the
The words correct right east, in such a right, when the error is east, by the amount of
case, would be the key to all of his solutions. that error.
If he had a compass course to change to a cor Careful study of the following examples will

rected one with easterly deviation, he would aid in making the subject clear:
know that to obtain the result the error must
be applied to the right if it were desired to ;

change a correct course to the one indicated by
A bearing taken by a compass free from
compass, the error being westerly, the converse
deviation is 76 variation, 5 W. required the
presents itself the correct must be to the left
; ;

true bearing. Ans. 71.

the uncorrected will therefore be to the
if a correct bearing is to be compared
A bearing taken by a similar compass is NW.
with a to find the compass by W. i W. ; variation, 1 pt. W. ; required the
compass bearing
error, when the correct is to the right the error
true bearing. Ans. by W. f W. NW.
is east, or the reverse.
vessel steers 153 by compass; deviation
on that heading, 3 W. variation in the locality,
8. It must be remembered that the word east

com 12 E. required the true course.

equivalent to right in dealing with the
Ans. 162.
pass error, and west to left, even though they
involve an apparent departure from the usual
A vessel steers S. by W. ^ W. ; deviation, ^
pt. W. variation, I
pt. E. required the true
45 by compass with
; ;
rules. If a vessel steers
10 easterly error, her corrected course is 55
course. Ans. SSW. W.

It is desired to steer the magnetic course

and if she steers 135, the corrected course is
A caution be necessary to avoid 322 ; deviation, 4 E. required the course by ;

145. may
compass. Ans. 318.
confusion ;
the navigator should always regard
himself as facing the point under consideration
The true course between two points is found
when he applies an error; 10 westerly error to be W. $ N. ;
variation i$ pt. E. no devia ;

on South (180) tion required the compass course. W. f S.

will bring a corrected direc
but we True course to be made, 55 deviation, 7
tion to 170 applied 10 to the left
: if

of South while looking at the compass card in

E. variation, 14

required the course by W .


compass. Ans. 62.

the usual way north end up 190 would be
the point arrived at, and a mistake of 20 would A vessel passing a range whose direction is

be the result. known be 200, magnetic, observes the bear


In the ing by compass to be 178 required the devia ;

foregoing explanation reference
tion. Ans. 22 E.
has been made to


directions and
" The sun s observed bearing by compass is
compass errors without specifying

mag it is found by calculation to be 84 (true)

" "

and true or variation and devia

" " " "
91 ; ;

tion." This has been done in order to make variation, 8 Wr

; required the deviation.
Ans. i E.
the statements apply to all cases and to enable
the student to grasp the subject in its general

bearing without confusion of details. FINDING THE COMPASS ERROR.

Actually, as has already been pointed out, 10. The variation of the compass for any
directions given may be true, magnetic, or by
given locality is found from the charts. A
compass. By applying variation to a magnetic nautical chart always contains information
bearing we correct it and make it true, by ap from which the navigator is enabled to ascer
plying deviation to a compass bearing we cor tain the variation for any place within the
rect it to magnetic, and by
applying to it the region embraced and for any year. Beside the
combined deviation and variation we correct information thus to be acquired from local

charts, special charts are published showing the standard ; applying the deviation, as ascer
the variation at all points on the earth s surface. tained, to the heading by standard, gives the
11. The deviation of the compass, varying magnetic heads, with which the direction of the
as does for every ship, for every heading, and
it ship s head by each other compass may be com

for every geographical locality, must be deter pared, and the deviation thus obtained. Then
a complete table of deviations may be con
mined by the navigator, for which purpose
structed as explained in Art. 22.
various methods are available.
14. There are four methods for ascertaining
Whatever method is used, the ship must be
the deviations from swinging namely, by re
swung in azimuth and an observation made on ;

each of the headings upon which the deviation ciprocal bearings, by bearings of the sun, by

If a new iron or
ranges, and by a distant object.
is required to be known.
15. Reciprocal Bearings. One observer is
steel ship isbeing swung for the first time, ob
stationed on shore with a spare compass placed
servations should be made on each of the thirty-
in a position free from disturbing magnetic in
two points or for each 15. At later swings, a second observer at the standard
fluences ;

especially after correctors

have been applied, when
compass on board ship. At the instant
or in the case of wooden ships, sixteen points
ready for observation a signal is made, and
will suffice or, indeed, only eight, or with a each notes the bearing of the other. The bear
reading to on each 30. In case
compass 360 ing by the shore compass, reversed, is the mag
it not practicable to make observations on
is netic bearing of the shore station from the

points, they should be made

the exact 15 as and the difference between this and the
near thereto as practicable and plotted on the bearing by the ship s standard compass repre
Napier diagram (to be explained hereafter), sents the deviation of the latter.
whence the deviations on exact 15 points may In determining the deviations of compasses
be found. placed on the fore-and-aft amidship line, when
In swinging ship for deviations the vessel
12. the distribution of magnetic metal to starboard
should be on an even keel and all movable and port is symmetrical, the shore compass
masses of iron in the vicinity of the compas? may be replaced by a dumb compass, or

secured as for sea. The vessel, upon being pelorus, or by a theodolite in which, for con
placed on any heading, should be steadied there venience, the zero of the horizontal graduated
for three to four minutes before the observa circle may be termed north ;
the reading of the

tion is made compass card may

in order that the shore instrument will, of course, not represent

come to rest and the magnetic conditions as magnetic directions, but by assuming that they
sume a settled state. To assure the greatest do we obtain a series of fictitious deviations,
be swung to star the mean value of which is the error common
accuracy the ship should first

Upon this error from each

board, then to port, and the mean of the two
to all. deducting
deviations on each course taken. Ships may be of the fictitious deviations, we obtain the cor

own steam, or with the as rect values.

swung under their
sistance of a tug, or at anchor,where the action If ship and shore observers are provided witl

of the tide tends to turn them in azimuth watches which have been compared with one

(though in this case it is difficult to get them another, the times may be noted at each obser
steadied for the requisite time on each head vation, and thus afford a means of locating

means of springs and hawsers. errors due to misunderstanding of signals.

ing), by
13. The deviation of ail compasses on the 16. Bearings of the Sun. In this method
be obtained from the same swing, it it is required that on each heading a bearing
ship may
being required to make observations with the of the sun be observed by compass and the time
standard only. To accomplish this it is neces noted at the same moment by a chronometer 01

sary to record the ship s head by all compasses watch. By a method that is explained ir

at the time of steadying on each even point of Chapter XIV, American Practical Navigator

the true bearing of the sun may be ascertained parallax (the tangent of which may be con
from the known compared with
data, and this, sidered equal to half the diameter of swing
the compass bearing, gives the total compass ing divided by the distance) shall not exceed
error; deducting from the compass error the about 30 .

variation, there remains the deviation. The 19. In all of the methods described it will
variation used may be that given by the chart, be found convenient to arrange the results in
or, in the case of acompass affected only by tabular form. In one column record the ship s

symmetrically placed iron or steel, may be

con head by standard compass, and abreast it in
sidered equal to the mean of all the total errors. successive columns the observations from
Other celestial bodies may be observed for this which the deviation is determined on that
purpose in the same manner as the sun. heading, and finally write the deviation itself.
This method is important as being the only When the result of the swing has been worked
one available for determining the compass up another table is constructed
showing simply
error at sea. the headings and the corresponding deviations.
17. Ranges. In many localities there are This is known as the Deviation Table of the
to be found natural or range marks
artificial compass. If compensation is to be attempted,
which are clearly distinguishable, and which this table is the basis of the operation ;
if not,
when in line lie on a known magnetic bearing. the deviation tables of the standard and steer

By steaming about on different headings and ing compass should be posted in such place as
noting the compass bearing of the ranges each to be accessible to all persons concerned with
time of crossing the line that they mark, a the navigation of the ship.
series of deviations may be obtained, the devia 20. Let it be assumed that a deviation table
tion of eachheading being equal to the differ has been found and that the values are as
ence between the compass and the magnetic shown in Form No. 12 (a) on following page.

bearing. We have from the table the amount of devia

18. Distant Object. A conspicuous object tion on
each compass heading; therefore,
is selected which must be at a considerable knowing the ship s head by compass, it is easy
distance from the ship and upon which there to pick out the
corresponding deviation and
should be some clearly defined point for taking thus to obtain the magnetic heading. But if

bearings. The direction of this object by com we are given the magnetic direction in which
pass is observed on successive headings. Its it is desired to steer, and have to find the corre
true or magnetic bearing is then found and sponding compass course, the problem is not
compared with the compass bearings, whence so simple, for we
are not given deviations on
the deviation is obtained. magnetic heads, and where errors are large it
true or the magnetic bearing may be may not be assumed that they are the same as
taken from the chart. The magnetic bearing on the corresponding compass headings. For
may also be found by setting up a compass example, with the deviation table given above,
ashore, free from foreign magnetic disturb suppose it is required to determine the compass
ance, in range with the object and the ship, and heading corresponding to 285 magnetic.
observing the bearing of the object; or the The deviation corresponding to 285, per
is + 12 oo If we apply this to 285
magnetic bearing may be assumed to be the compass .

mean of the compass bearings. magnetic, we have 273 as the compass course.
In choosing an object for use in this method But consulting the table, it
may be seen that the
care must be taken that it is at such a distance deviation corresponding to 273 is +i6oo ,

that itsbearing from the ship does not prac and therefore if we steer that course the mag
tically differ as the vessel swings in azimuth. netic direction will be 289 and not 285 as
If the ship is swung at anchor, the distance desired.
should be not less than 6 miles. If swung Away of arriving at the correct result is to
under way, the object must be so far that the make a series of trials until a course is arrived
- : ;
a course 4"
farther to the left than the trial


- - Si ; .

~- -,.

: -~
Dcr. 00269* -M7 C
. ; - ,

: -

This assumption still carries the course too


:: -::.- -.zr-. :; :
-5 .

.:-;:;: . :- :. -
, .".. -::
Trial compass course .................... 267
OCT. 00267 ............................ -M8 15*
I li-- :.--;- ~.--- - - ................ ->5
: 5

This is as close to the required course as the

ship may be steered.

21. A
much more expeditious method for
the solution of the above problem is afforded
by the Napier diagram; and as that diagram
also facilitates a number of other operations
connected with compass work, it should be
clearly understood by the navigator.
device admits of a graphic representation of
the table of deviations of the compass by means
of a curve, besides furnishing a ready means
of converting compass into magnetic courses
and the reverse. One of its chief merits is that
if the deviation has been determined on a cer
tain number of headings, it enables one to ob
tain the most probable value of the deviation on
any other course that the ship may head. The
last-named feature renders it useful in making
a table of deviations of compasses other than
the standard, when their errors are found as de
scribed in Art. 13.
22. The Napier diagram (Fig. 3) represents
U. S. Navy, Navigator.
, <

tignton **,


Steering," etc.
the margin of a compass card cut at the north
point and straightened into a vertical line for ;

convenience, it is usually divided into two sec

onditiorr,. hus, in the tions, representing respectively the eastern and
, ln<[. fulfil-, tli I

western semicircles. The vertical line is of a

convenient length and divided into three hun
dred and sixty equal parts corresponding to
MaK, coure required ......................... 285 each degree, beginning at the top with north
don on 285* p. c ................... 4-i2
and continuing around to the right, with each

compftfi courte 273 fifth degree appropriately marked.
Dtv, on 73* P. c + 16 The vertical line is intersected at each
fifteenth degree by two lines inclined to it at
M;tj </,ur*r ma/I*- good 280
an angle of 60, that line which is inclined up
, m .
(In-; .,
inn), IK. n

.11 i if, tli<- <

Minse 4"
ward to the right being drawn plain and the
too far lo flu- M^hf, av.mne m-xl ;i deviation on oilier dotted.

if. 1

r -

To plot a curve on a Napier s diagram, if From a given compass course to find the
the deviation has been observed with the ship s corresponding magnetic course. Through the
head on the 15 courses (as is usually the case point of the vertical line representing the given
with the standard compass), measure off on the compass course, draw a line parallel to the
vertical scale the number of degrees corre dotted lines until the curve is intersected, and
sponding to the deviation and lay it down to from the point of intersection draw another
the right if easterly, and to the left if westerly line parallel to the plain lines ;
the point on the
on the dotted line passing through the point scale where this last line cuts the vertical line

representing the ship s head or, if the observa

is the magnetic course sought The correct
tion was not made on an even 15 point, then ness of this solution will be apparent when we

lay the deviation down on a line drawn parallel consider that the 60 triangles are equilateral,
io the dotted ones through that division of the and therefore the distance measured along the
vertical line which represents the compass vertical side will equal the distance measured

heading; if the deviation has been observed along the inclined sides that is, the deviation ;

with the ship on given magnetic courses (as and the direction will be correct, for the con
when deviations by steering compass are ob struction is such that magnetic directions will
tained by noting a ship s head during a swing be to the right of compass directions when the

on even 15 points of the standard), proceed deviation easterly and to the left if westerly.

in thesame way, excepting that the deviation From a given magnetic course to find the
must be laid down on a plain line or a line corresponding compass course. The process is
Mark each point thus ob the same, excepting that the first line drawn
parallel thereto.
tained with a dot or small circle, and draw a should follow, or be parallel to, the plain lines,
curve as and the second, or return line, should be parallel
free passing, as nearly possible,
all the points. to the dotted and a proof similar to that pre
To obtain a complete curve, a sufficient num viously employed will show the correctness of
ber of observations should be taken while the the result. As an example, the problem given

Gen in Art. 20 may be solved by the diagram, and

ship swings through an entire circle.
mark the result will be found to accord with the solu
erally, observations on every alternate 15
tion previously given.
are enough to establish a good curve, but in "

The rules for the use of a Curve


Napier s
cases where the maximum deviation reaches
are given in the following easily remembered
40 it is preferable to observe on every 15
on Fig. 3
If you wish to steer the course allotted,
The curve shown in the full line
Depart by plain, return by dotted ;

corresponds to the table of deviations given From compass course, magnetic to gain,
Art. 20. Depart by dotted, return by plain.



23. Introductory. These notes are not a 27. Polarity Represented by Colors. It is

complete treatise on the deviation of the com convenient to represent the character of the
pass, but are an attempt to explain, by simple end of a magnet, i. e., its polarity, by colors.
laws of magnets, how deviation is produced by In these notes, the character of the magnetism
the iron of a ship, and, by the same laws, how of the north-seeking end of a suspended magnet
the deviation may be corrected. It is an expla is represented by red, and the other end by blue.
nation of principles involved, based upon the 28.Permanent and Temporary Magnets
physical laws of the attraction and repulsion Hard and Soft Iron. With reference to its
of magnets. power to iron is of two
retain magnetism,
Natural Magnets or Lodestones. The
24. kinds, hard and soft. Hard iron when once
name magnet, or lodestone, was given by the magnetized remains so permanently. Such a
ancients to certain hard, black stones which magnet is said to be a permanent magnet. Soft
possessed the property of attracting to them iron is iron which possesses the characteristic
small pieces of iron or steel. of losing its magnetism upon the magnetizing
25. Artificial Magnets. If a piece of iron, source being removed or discontinued. Soft
or better a piece of hard steel, be rubbed
still iron has another magnetic characteristic to
with a lodestone, it will be found to have also which reference will be made later.
acquired the properties characteristic of the 29. Induced Magnetism. If one pole of a
magnet it will attract light bits of iron, and,
magnet be brought near a mass of iron which
if hung up by a thread, it will point north and isnot already magnetic, it will induce, in this
south. mass, magnetism, the character of which is of
26. First Laws of Magnets. If two mag the opposite kind from the pole which is pre
nets be suspended as above and brought near sented to the mass. For example, if the red
each other, it will be found that the north- end of a magnet be presented to a
seeking end of either magnet will repel the netic mass of iron, it will induce magnetism in
north-seeking end of the other magnet simi ; it, and the mass will itself become a magnet,
larly, if the south-seeking end of one magnet with blue magnetism opposite the red pole pre
be brought near the south-seeking end of the sented to it, and red magnetism on the opposite
other magnet, they will repel each other if, ; side of the mass. This presents another im
however, the north-seeking end of one magnet portant law of magnetism, which is as follows :

be brought near the south-seeking end of the Induced magnetism is of the opposite polarity
other magnet, these ends will attract each to the kind inducing it. See Figs. 4 and 43.
other. The ends of the magnets are called its 30. Earth a Magnet. The earth is a large
poles. This brings to notice the fact that the magnet the poles of which nearly coincide with
character of the magnetism of one pole of a the geographical poles. There is also similarly
magnet is different from that of the other pole, a magnetic equator, the belt of change from
and the important law of magnets, that like one magnetism to the other, or a belt of no
poles repel each other, and unlike poles attract magnetism. This belt exists in all magnets and
each other. The
is at right angles to the poles. poles of the

earth attract, or repel, suspended magnets. meridian. The angle between this plane and
The magnetism of the earth has also the power the plane of the magnetic meridian is called the
to induce magnetism. The direction of the line deviation of the compass. If the north point
of action of the earth s magnetism is in the of the compass is drawn to the right of the

plane of the great circle passing through the magnetic meridian (facing the north magnetic
magnet poles, i. e., in the magnetic meridian. pole of the
earth) the deviation is called
Color of North Pole of Earth. In
31. easterly and
considered positive; if the north

accordance with the law of attraction existing pole of the needle is drawn to the left of a
between unlike poles, if we color the north- magnetic north, the deviation is named west
seeking end of the magnetic needle red, the erly andconsidered as being negative. From

north pole of the earth possesses blue mag the above definitionsit will be seen that (hav

netism. ing a compass heading and knowing the devia

The com tion for that heading) easterly deviation must
32. Compass Needle a Magnet.
pass needle is a small permanent magnet, or a
be applied to the right hand, and westerly
collection of needles acting as one small perma deviation to the left hand, of the compass head
nent magnet. ing in order to obtain the reading of the correct
33. Dip, and Horizontal and Vertical magnetic heading. See Fig. 7.
Components of the Earth s Force. At the 35. Different Parts of Deviation. For all

north magnetic pole of the earth, the north- practical purposes, the total deviation of the

seeking end of the needle will point directly compass is composed of three parts the semi :

downward and the needle will be vertical. At circular, quadrantal, and constant deviations.
the magnetic equator the needle will rest hori 36. Semicircular Deviation. The semicir

zontally. At points of the earth s surface be cular deviation is so called because it is easterly
tween the magnetic pole and equator, the in one semicircle, as the ship s head swings in

needle points at some angle to the horizontal. azimuth, and westerly in the other semicircle.
The angle between the horizontal and the direc The points of change from easterly to westerly
tion in which the needle points is called the dip. deviation, or points of no deviation, are oppo
This is shown in Fig. 5, where the mag site each other, and in iron- and steel-built
netism of the earth represented by the large
is ships generally occur on those headings upon
magnet, the position of the small needle being which the ship rested in building.

shown at different positions corresponding to Semicircular deviation is fairly regular,

different points on the earth s surface. reaching a maximum
on points about 90
For a position such as b in Fig. 5, we have from the direction of the head of the ship in
an analysis of the force of the earth as shown building. A ship built head North, for ex
in Fig. 6. ample, with reference to its semicircular devia
The earth s total force, and its horizontal, tion, would have approximately o deviation
or its vertical, component, are each capable of on North, increasing to a maximum on East
inducing magnetism. or West and decreasing to o on South. If
34. Deviation Defined. Under the influ the head is North in building, the deviation

ence of the earth magnetism acting alone, the

s will, rule, be westerly for all
as a general
needle of the compass is drawn to point directly courses between North, East, and South, and
to the magnetic poles of the earth, and lies in easterly for all courses between North, West,
the plane of the magnetic meridian. Under and South.
the influence of other forces opposing the Remembering the following, one is in a posi
action of the force of the earth alone, such as tion to investigate the forces producing devia
the action of the iron of a ship, or an artificial tion:

magnet of either hard or soft iron, the compass (i) Permanent magnets always act with
needle is caused to deviate from the vertical the same force.
plane of the magnetic meridian and to lie in (2} Soft iron, or temporary, magnets vary
some other plane inclined to the magnetic in the force exerted.

FIG. 4. FIG. 4a.

a, a = inducing pole.
b,b = result of induction by a.

FIG. 5. FIG. 6.

Jiorth J/OT*

FIG. 7.

= easterly deviation. = westerly deviation.


action of the hard iron in the ship, this iron

(3) Like poles repel, and unlike poles attract
each other. having acquired a permanent magnetic char
(4) Induced magnetism is of the opposite acter while the ship was building. The re
kind to the inducing magnetism. maining portion of the semicircular deviation
(5) The hard iron in the ship becomes per
is produced by vertical soft iron as follows :

manently magnetized while building. 38. Portion of Semicircular Due to Ver

(6) The soft iron in the ship has temporary tical Soft Iron. In Fig. 10, let the direction
magnetism induced by the earth s magnetism. of the total force of the earth be in the line T,

(7) We
may investigate separately the effect being the angle of dip. Resolve this into its

of each kind upon the needle. components, the vertical one Z, and the hori
37. Forces Producing Semicircular Devi zontal one H. Let AB
be a soft iron bar. The
ation Permanent Magnetism of Ship. Let. effect of the action of the vertical component
the heavy lines in Fig. 8 represent a ship head of the earth force will be to induce magnetism

in this bar of opposite polarity to the inducing

ing North while building, so that it has as
sumed the character of a permanent magnet, force, as shown by the color and ends of the
the poles of the ship being of the same kind of bar. The such a bar on the compass
effect of

magnetism as the poles of the needle, as indi needle is to produce a deviation which is o
cated by the coloring. As the action of the when the bar is in the line of the axis of the
poles of the magnet and of the ship obeys the needle, and a maximum when at right angles,
same laws that like poles repel and unlike poles or nearly so, to the axis of the needle the ;

attract, the north or red end of the needle need deviation produced being westerly or easterly

only be considered, the action of the forces on in the eastern semicircle, depending upon

the south poles being entirely in harmony with whether the arrangement is that of Fig. n
that of the north pole. In Fig. 8, heavy lines, or that of Fig. 12. Study the figures, and note
the north pole of the ship repels that of the the effect of AB
as it moves around the circle.
needle but, acting through the center of, and
39. Changes with Change in Latitude.
in line with the axis of the needle, it has no From the foregoing, it is seen that vertical soft
deflecting power, and consequently produces iron acts exactly in a like manner to the per
no deviation but ;
does oppose the attracting
it manent magnet of Figs. 8 and 9, and produces
force of the earth, thus weakening the directive a semicircular deviation. As this portion of
force of the needle. In Fig. 8, suppose the ship the semicircular deviation is produced by in
to have swung to a NE. heading. The north duction due to the vertical force of the earth,
pole of the ship repels the north end of the and as the value of this vertical force depends
needle and now, not acting in the line of the upon the angle of dip, and as the dip changes
axis of the needle, has a deflecting power, with a change in latitude, it follows that this
causing a deviation which increases until the portion of the force causing semicircular dev-
repulsion due to the ship s pole and the attrac ation will change with a change of latitude.
tion due to the earth s force bring the north Summarizing, we may say:
end of the compass needle to rest in a line co Semicircular deviation is produced by the
inciding with the resultant of these two forces. horizontal component of the settled, permanent
This is indicated in the dotted position of the magnetism of the ship, and by the earth s in
needle.The deviation produced in this case is duction in vertical soft iron of the ship. The
x W. on the course NE. first portion of the force causing semicircular
From the foregoing, it is seen that as the deviation is practically constant, the second
ship swings in azimuth from North through portion changes with a change in latitude.
East to South, the deviation increases from o, 40. Quadrantal Deviation. Quadrantal
reaches a maximum near East, and finally be deviation is a deviation which is easterly in one
comes o on South the opposite effect obtain
; quadrant and westerly in the next quadrant.
ing in the other semicircle. This portion of the It is regular in character and is almost in

semicircular deviation is produced by the variably easterly in the NE. and SW. quad-

FIG. 9.


FIG. 10. FIG. 13.

T= force of the earth

total s magnetism.
f/ = the horizontal component of T.
Z = the vertical component of T.
angle of dip.

FIG. ii. FIG. 12.


rants, and westerly in SE. and NW. quadrants. the bar will attract the needle to keep it in the
It arises from induction in horizontal soft iron, meridian, and will thus assist the earth s force.
as will be seen by the study of the following : In such a condition the directive force of the

Resuming the demonstration of Fig. 10, let T, needle is said to be increased.

Fig. 13, be the direction of the lines of action At the bar will not be magnetized so
of the earth s magnetism and, as before, Z its strongly, but will now act upon the pole of the
vertical component and H
its horizontal com needle with some leverage the blue of the C

ponent. Let CD
be a bar of soft iron, lying in end will attract the pole of the needle, draw
the magnetic meridian, subject to the inductive ing it to the right, and an easterly deviation
action of the horizontal component f/. Then will be produced.
CD, while lying parallel to H, i. e., in the mag At 3 the bar is at right angles to the magnetic
netic meridian, will assume induced magnet meridian and not magnetized hence, while
is ;

ism, as shown by its colored ends. Now refer the leverage on the needle is greatest, there is
to Fig. 14. Let NOS be the magnetic meridian no deviation because the bar possesses no mag
or the line of action of the horizontal com netic force to act with this leverage. Hence,
ponent of the earth s force, i\ e., the H of Fig. in passing from i to 3 (North to East) the

13, and let CD be the bar of Fig. 13. If this horizontal soft iron bar, under the induction of
bar be swung around through 180 either way, the earth s magnetism, has produced an
in the horizontal plane, that is, from the first easterly deviation attaining a maximum and
to the third position, the magnetism of the ends returning to o.
C and D will be found to have changed places ; Passing from 3, the ends of the bar begin to
that is, the red of the D end will be found to take up their new character, and at 4 the red
have changed to blue magnetism of opposite magnetism of the C end will attract the blue
polarity. See position 3. There is evidently pole of the needle, pulling it towards it, thus
one position between i and 3, the point of just throwing the north point of the needle to the
changing from one kind of magnetism to the west, producing westerly deviation. At 5,
other, at which the magnetism of the bar is the bar will not produce deviation because of
neither red nor blue, that is, zero. This posi its magnetic force acting through the axis of

tion is half way between the ist and 3d posi the needle and thus having no leverage. It

tions, or at 2d and 4th; in other words, a bar will be seen that in this position the directive
held at right angles to the magnetic meridian, force of the needle is increased. So, from 3 to
or to the line of action of a magnetic force, is 5, there has been produced a westerly deviation
not magnetized. For positions intermediate starting at o, attaining a maximum and re
between that parallel to the meridian and that turning to o.
at right angles to it, the amount of magnetism The same method of analysis shows an
induced in the bar is proportional to the cosine easterly deviation from 5 to 7, and a westerly
made by the bar with
of the angle the meridian. deviation from 7 to i. It may be easily seen

Remembering now that unlike poles attract that the maximum deviation occurs near 2, 4, 6
each other, that each other, and
like poles repel and 8. See now the definition of quadrantal
that the nearest poles together are the most deviation. See Fig. 153 and note to Figs. 14

powerful in effect, we are in a position to un and 15.

derstand the action of CD when it is swung 41. Why Quadrantal Does not Change
around a compass. with a Change in Latitude. The force which
Referring to Fig. 15, the bar at i, in the produces quadrantal deviation is directly de
magnetic meridian, most strongly magnet
is pendent upon the value of the earth s hori
ized, but will produce no deviation because it zontal force and directly proportional to it.

acts through the axis of the needle and in this The force which acts on the needle to keep it

position has no leverage to pull or push the in the magnetic meridian is the earth s hori
needle aside and cause deviation. On the con zontal force. Hence, as a change occurs in the

trary, the sketch shows that the magnetism of value of H, the force tending to cause quad-

easterly deviation,
westerly deviation.

FIG. 14. FIG. 15.


If CD were to extend through the needle as

shown the sketch Fig. I5a,
in instead of being
ahead of the needle or abaft it as at i, or at

5 in Fig. 15, the effect on the needle will be

opposite from that produced in Fig. 15, i. e., the
quadrantal deviation will be westerly from to N
E, easterly from E to westerly from S to
and easterly from W
to N. This is easily seen by
a study of Fig. 150.

rantal deviation and the force tending to keep / (H cos )

magnetism induced, i. e., deflect
the compass true vary in exactly the same pro ing force.
portion. This brings us to the important fact
that the quadrantal deviation does not change
/. Ratio Pf.
fl ect in

Directive /
g orce

JH H c s
=/ cos C.

in value with H, and consequently does not This shows that the ratio is independent of
change with a change in latitude. For a par the value of H, and depends upon / and cos .

ticular heading, of a particular ship, the quad For the iron of a particular ship f is a con
rantal deviation is the same in all parts of the
stant, and for a particular heading is constant.

world. 42. Constant Deviation. The constant de

This may also be proved as follows :
viation, as its name implies, is constant for all

H = horizontal component of earth s mag headings. For all compasses symmetrically

netism. situated with reference to the center line of a
= magnetic azimuth of a bar of soft iron.
ship, the constant deviation is imaginary rather
(See OX, Fig. 14.)
line than real and arises from instrumental errors,
/ = coefficient of induction for this bar. incorrect readings, misplaced lubber s line, etc.

We then have the following: It is always small, and in most cases, for com
f Force directing needle. passes situated as above, it is nearly zero.
H= J Also the force inducing magnetism in Cases where there is a real value of the con
iron lying in the magnetic meridian. stant deviation may be found where compasses
H cos component of H
acting to mag are not situated in the central fore-and-aft line
netize iron lying at an angle but to one side of this line, such as a steering
with the magnetic meridian. compass on each side of a hand-wheel aft.



(Taken from the American Practical Navigator (Bowditch).)

43. Features of the Earth s Magnetism. 44. Induction Hard and Soft Iron.
Ithas already been stated that the earth is an When a piece of unmagnetized iron or steel is
immense natural magnet, with a pole in each brought within the influence of a magnet, cer
tain magnetic properties are immediately im
hemisphere which is not coincident with the
geographical pole; it has also a magnetic parted to the former, which itself becomes
equator which lies close to, but not coincident magnetic and continues to remain so as long
with, the geographical equator. as it is within the sphere of influence of the
Amagnetic needle freely suspended at a permanent magnet. The magnetism that it
point on the earth s surface, and undisturbed acquires under these circumstances is said to
by any other than the earth s magnetic in be induced, and the properties of induction are
fluence, will lie in the plane of the magnetic
meridian and at an angle with the horizon de
pending upon the geographical position.
The magnetic elements of the earth which
must be considered are shown in Fig. 16. The
earth s total force is represented in direction
and intensity by the line AB. Since compass
needles are mechanically arranged to move
only in a horizontal plane, it becomes neces

sary, when investigating the effect of the

earth magnetism upon them, to resolve the

total force into two components, which in the

figure are represented by AC and AD. These
are known, respectively, as the horizontal and
verticalcomponents of the earth s total force,
and are usually designated as and Z. The H FIG. 16.

angle CAB, which the line of direction makes

with the plane of the horizon, is called the mag such that that end or region which is nearest
netic inclination or dip, and is denoted by 6. the pole of the influencing magnet will take up
It is clear that the horizontal component will a polarity opposite thereto. If the magnet is
reduce to zero at the magnetic poles, where the withdrawn, the induced magnetism is soon dis
needle points directly downward, and that it sipated. If the magnet is brought into prox
will reach a maximum at the magnetic equator, imity again, but with its opposite pole nearer,
where the free needle hangs in a horizontal magnetism will again be induced, but this time
direction. The reverse is true of the vertical its polarity will be reversed. further prop A
component and of the angle of dip. erty is, that if a piece of iron or steel, while

Values representing these different terms temporarily possessed of magnetic qualities

may be found from special charts. through induction, be subjected to blows, twist-

ing, ormechanical violence of any sort, the dition prevails. The whole takes up a mag
magnetism is thus made to acquire a perma netic character there
is a magnetic axis in the

nent nature. direction of the line of total force, with poles

The from a physical point
softer the metal, at its extremitiesand a zone of no magnetism
of view, the more quickly and thoroughly will perpendicular to it. The distribution of mag
induced magnetism be dissipated when the netism will depend upon the horizontal and
source of influence is withdrawn hard metal, ;
vertical components of the earth s force in the

on the contrary, is slow to lose the effect of localityand upon the direction of the keel in
magnetism imparted to it in any way. Hence, building; its permanency will depend upon the
in regarding the different features which affect amount of mechanical violence to which the
deviation, it is usual to denominate as hard metal has been subjected by the riveting and
iron that which possesses retained magnetism other incidents of construction, and upon the
of a stable nature, and as soft iron that which nature of the metal employed.

rapidly acquires and parts with its magnetic 46. Causes that Produce Deviation.
qualities under the varying influences to which There are three influences that operate to pro
it is subjected. duce deviation; namely, (a) sub permanent
45. Magnetic Properties Acquired by an magnetism, (b) transient magnetism induced
Iron or Steel Vessel in Building. The in in vertical soft iron, and (c) transient mag
ductive action of the earth s magnetism affects netism induced in horizontal soft iron. Their
all iron or steel within its influence, and the effect will be explained.
amount and permanency of the magnetism so Subpermanent magnetism is the name given
induced depend upon the position of the metal magnetic force which originates in the
to that
with reference to the earth s total force, upon ship while building, through the process ex
its character, and upon the degree of hammer plained in the preceding article after the vessel

ing,, bending, and twisting is launched and has an opportunity to swing in

that it undergoes.
An iron bar held in the line of the earth s azimuth, the magnetism thus induced will
total force instantly becomes magnetic ;
if held suffer material diminution until, after the
at an angle thereto, would acquire magnetic
it lapse of a certain time, it will settle down to a
properties dependent for their amount upon its condition that continues practically unchanged ;

inclination to the line of total force when held ; the magnetism that remains is denominated
at right angles to the line, there would be no subpermanent. The vessel will then approxi
effect, as each extremity would be equally near mate to a permanent magnet, in which the
the poles of the earth and all influence would north polarity will lie in that region which was
be neutralized. If, while such a bar is in a north in building, and the south polarity (that
magnetic state
through inductive
action, it which exerts an attracting influence on the
should be hammered or twisted, a certain mag north pole of the compass needle), in the
netism of a permanent character is impressed region which was south in building.
upon it, which is never entirely lost unless the Transient magnetism induced in vertical soft
bar is subjected to causes equal and opposite iron is that developed in the soft iron of a
to those that produced the first effect. vessel through the inductive action of the
A affected by induction in a
sheet of iron is vertical component only of the earth s total
similar way, the magnetism induced by the force,and is transient in nature. Its value or
earth diffusing itself over the entire plate and force in any given mass varies with and de
separating itself into regions of opposite po pends upon the value of the vertical component
larity divided by a neutral area at right angles at the place, and is proportional to the sine of
to the earth s line of total force. If the plate the dip, being a maximum at the magnetic pole
is hammered or bent, this magnetism takes up and zero at the magnetic equator.
a permanent character. Transient magnetism induced in horizontal
If the magnetic mass has a third dimension, soft iron is that developed in the soft iron of a
and assumes the form oi a ship, a similar con vessel through the inductive action of the hori-
the pole will be in a position diametrically op
zontal component only of the earth s total
force, and is transient in nature. Its value or posite to that from which it started, and will
force in any given mass varies with and de again exert no influence that tends to produce
pends upon the value of the horizontal com Continuing the swing, throughout
the next semicircle the direction of the devia
ponent at the place, and is proportional to the
cosine of the dip, being a maximum at the mag tion produced will be always to the westward,
netic equator and reducing to zero at the mag until the circle is completed and the ship re
netic pole. turns to her original neutral position. From
The needle of a compass in any position on the fact that this disturbing cause acts in the

board ship will therefore be acted upon by the two semicircles with equal and opposite effect,

earth s total force, together with the three it is given the name of semicircular deviation.
The poles of these In Fig. 3, Chapter I, a curve is depicted
forces just described.
forces do not usually lie in the horizontal plane which shows the deviations of a semicircular
of the compass needle, but as this needle is con nature separated from those due to other dis
strained to act in a horizontal plane, its move turbing causes, and from this the reason for
ments will be affected solely by the horizontal the name will be apparent.

components of these forces and its direction 49.Returning to the two distinct sources
will be determined by the resultant of those from which the semicircular deviation arises,
it may be seen that the force due to subperma
The earth s force operates to retain the com nent magnetism remains constant, regardless
pass needle in the plane of the magnetic merid of the geographical position of the vessel but ;

ian, but the resultant of the three remaining since the horizontal force of the earth, which
forces, when without this plane, deflects the tends to hold the needle in the magnetic merid

needle, and the amount of such deflection con ian, varies with the magnetic latitude, the de
stitutes the deviation. viation due to subpermanent magnetism varies

47. Classes of Deviation. Investigation

inversely as the horizontal force, or as .

has developed the fact that the deviation pro ri

duced as described is made up of three parts, This may be readily understood if it is con
which are known respectively as semicircular, sidered that the stronger the tendency to cling
quadrantal, and constant deviation, the latter to the direction of the magnetic meridian, the
being the least important. A
clear understand less willbe the deflection due to a given dis
ing of the nature of each of these classes is turbing force. On the other hand, that part
essential for a comprehension of the methods of the semicircular force due to magnetism in
of compensation. duced in vertical soft iron varies as the earth s
48. Semicircular deviation is that due to vertical force, which is proportional to the sine
the combined
influence, exerted in a horizontal of the dip ;
its effect in producing deviation,
plane, of the subpermanent magnetism of a as in the preceding case, varies inversely as the

ship and of the magnetism induced in soft iron earth s horizontal force that is, inversely as
by the vertical component of the earth s force. the cosine of the dip; hence, the ratio repre
If we regard the effect of these two forces as senting the change of deviation arising from
concentrated in a single resultant pole exert
this cause on change of latitude is ,
ing an attracting influence upon the north end cos Q
of the compass needle, it may be seen that there tan 6.

will be some heading of the ship whereon that If, then, we

consider the change in the semi
pole will lie due north of the needle and there circular deviation due to a change of magnetic
fore produce no deviation now consider that,
; latitude, it will be necessary to separate the two
from this position, the ship s head swings in factors of the deviation and to remember that
azimuth to the right ; throughout all of the the portion produced by subpermanent mag
semicircle first described an easterly deviation
netism varies as and that due to vertical
will be produced, and, after completing 180, njj ,

induction as tan 6. But for any consideration this case, instead of being represented by a
of the effect of this class of deviation in one single magnet with its south pole in the star

two parts may be joined

latitude only, the to board angle, the semicircular forces will be
gether and regarded as having a single re represented by two magnets, one fore-and-aft
sultant. and the other athwartship, and compensation
50. If we now resume our former assump may be made by two separate magnets lying
tion, that the forces tending to produce
all respectively in the directions stated, but with
semicircular deviation are concentrated in a their north or repelling poles in the position oc

single pole exerting an attracting influence cupied by the south or attracting poles of the
upon the north pole of the compass, we may ship s force.
consider a line to be drawn joining that theo Figure 17 represents the conditions that have
retical polewith the center of the compass, been described. If be the center of the com
then the angle made by this line with the keel pass,XX and YY respectively, the fore-and-

lineof the vessel, measured from right ahead, aft and athwartship lines of the ship, and OS
around to the right, is called the starboard the direction in which the attracting pole of
angle. From this it follows that the disturbing the disturbing force is exerted, then XOS is

force producing semicircular deviation may be the starboard

angle, usually designated a.

considered to have the same effect as a single Now, if OP

be laid off on the line OS, repre
senting the amount of the disturbing force
according to some convenient scale, then Ob
and Oc respectively represent, on the same
scale, the resolved directions of that force in
the keel line and in the transverse line of the
ship. Each of these resolved forces will exert
a maximum effect when acting at right angles
to the needle, the athwartship one when the
ship heads North or South by compass, and the
longitudinal one when the heading is East or
West. On
any other heading than those
FIG. 17. named, the deviation produced by each force
will be a fraction of its maximum, whose mag
nitude will depend upon the azimuth of the
magnet whose center is in the vertical axis of
the compass, and whose south pole (attracting ship s head. The maximum deviation pro
to the north pole of the compass) is in the duced, therefore, forms in each case a basis
direction given by the starboard angle for reckoning all of the various effects of the
; if,"

therefore, a magnet be placed with its center in disturbing force, and is called a coefficient.
the vertical axis of the compass, its north (or The coefficient of semicircular deviation pro
duced by the force in the fore-and-aft line is
repelling) pole in the direction of the starboard
called B, and is reckoned as positive when it
angle, and its distance so regulated that it
attracts a north pole toward the bow, negative
exertsupon the compass a force equal to that
of the ships combined subpermanent magnet
when toward the stern ;
that produced by the
ism and vertical induced magnetism, the dis athwartship force is C, and is reckoned as
turbing effect of these t^vo forces will be positive to starboard and negative to port.
These coefficients are expressed in degrees.*
counterbalanced, and, so far as they are con
cerned, the compass deviations will be cor *It should be remarked that in a mathematical
rected, provided that the ship does not change analysis of the deviations, it would be necessary to
her magnetic latitude. distinguish between the approximate coefficients, B
and C, here described, as also A, D, and E, to be
51. It evident that the force of the single
mentioned later, and the exact coefficients denoted by
magnet may be resolved into two components the corresponding capital letters of the German
one fore-and-aft, and one athwartship; in alphabet.

Referring again to Fig. 17, it will be seen induction in soft iron can be corrected by a
that piece of vertical soft iron placed in such a posi
- ^ tion near the compass as to produce an equal
~Ob> but opposite force to the ship s vertical soft
or (what may be shown to be the same thing) iron. This last corrector is called a Flinders

Having thus opposed to each of the com

and when the maximum deviations are small, ponent forces a corrector of magnetic char
this becomes acter identical with its own, a change of lati
c tude will make no difference in the effective
tan a =
B ness of the compensation, for in every case the
Since the starboard angle is always meas modified conditions will produce identical re
ured to the right, it will be seen that, for posi
sults in the disturbing and in the correcting

tive values of B and C, a will be between o and force.

90 for a negative B and a positive C, be

54. Quadrantal deviation is that which
tween 90 and 180 for negative values of
arises from horizontal induction in the soft
both B and C, between 180 and 270 and for ;
iron of the vessel through the action of the
a positive B and a negative C, between 270
and 360.
52. The coefficient B is approximately equal
to the deviation on East, or to the deviation on
West with reversed sign, or to the mean of
these two. Thus, in the ship having the table
of deviations previously given (Art. 20,
Chapter I) ,
B is equal to 19 30 or to , 17
30 or to
, H ~ 19 30 - i? 30 )
= - 18 30 .

The coefficient C
approximately equal to

the deviation on North, or

to the deviation on
South with reversed sign, or to the mean of
these two. In the example given, C is equal to
-o oo .
FIG. 18.
53. The value of the subpermanent magnet
ism remaining practically constant under all horizontal component of the earth s total force.
conditions, it will not alter when the ship Let us consider, in Fig. 18, the effect of any
changes her latitude ;
but that due to induction piece of soft iron which is symmetrical with
in vertical soft
iron undergoes a change when, that which
respect to the compass is, lies

by change of geographical position, the vertical wholly within a plane passing through the
component of the earth s force assumes a dif center of the needle in either a fore-and-aft
ferent value, and in such case the correction or an athwartship direction. It may be seen (a)
by means of one permanent magnet or a pair that such iron produces no deviation on the
of permanent magnets will not remain effect cardinal points (for on North and South head
ive. If, however, by series of observations in ings the fore-and-aft iron, though strongly
two magnetic latitudes, the values of the coeffi
magnetized, has no tendency to draw the needle
cients can be determined under the from a north-and-south line, while the athwart
circumstances, it is possible, by solving equa ship iron, being at right angles to the merid
tion, to determine what effect each force has in ian, receives no magnetic induction, and
producing the semicircular deviation; having therefore exerts no force ;
and on East and
done which, the subpermanent magnetism can West headings similar conditions prevail, the
be corrected by permanent
magnets after the athwartship and the fore-and-aft iron having
method previously described, and the vertical simply exchanged positions) and (b) the

direction of the deviation produced opposite is magnetic latitude ; being due to induction in

in successive quadrants. The action of un- horizontal soft iron, the magnetic force ex

symmetrical soft iron is not quite so readily erted to produce it is proportional to the hori

apparent, but investigation shows that part of zontal component of the earth s magnetism;
its effect is to produce a deviation which be but the directive force of the needle likewise
comes zero at the inter-cardinal points and is depends upon that same component ;
of opposite name in successive quadrants. quently, as the disturbing force exerted upon
From the fact that deviations of this class the needle increases, so does the power that

change sign every 90 throughout the circle, holds it in the magnetic meridian, with the

they gain the name of quadrantal deviations. result that on any given heading the deflection
One of the curves laid down in the Napier dia due to soft iron is always the same.
gram (Fig. 3, Chapter I) is that of quadrantal 58. Quadrantal deviation is corrected by
deviations, whence the nature of this disturb placing masses of soft iron (usually two hollow
ance of the needle may be observed. spheres in the athwartship line, at equal dis
55. All deviations produced by soft iron may tances on each side of the compass), with the
be considered as fractions of the maximum center of mass in the horizontal plane of the
deviation due to that disturbing influence and ;
needle. The distance is made such that the
consequently the maximum is regarded as a force exerted exactly counteracts that of the
coefficient, as in the case of semicircular devia ship s iron. As the correcting effect of this
tions. The coefficient due to symmetrical soft iron will, like the directive force and the quad
iron is designated as D, and is considered posi rantal disturbing force, vary directly with the
tive when
produces easterly deviations in the
it earth s horizontal component, the compensa

quadrant between North and East the coeffi ;

tion once properly made will be effective in all

cient of deviations arising from unsymmetrical latitudes, provided the compass needles are
soft iron is called E, and is reckoned as positive short and, consequently, exercise little or no

when induction on the quadrantal correctors.

produces easterly deviations in the

With compasses such the U.

quadrant between NW. and NE. this latter
as S. Navy

attains importance only when there is some standard 7^-inch liquid compass, the needles

marked inequality in the distribution of metal of which are long and powerful, it will usually

to starboard and to port, as in the case of a be found that the position of the spheres must
be changed with change of latitude. This may
compass placed off the midship line.

D be accounted for by the magnetism induced in

56. is approximately equal to the mean of
the deviations on NE. and SW. or to the the spheres by the compass needles at the same

mean of those on SE. and NW., with sign re time and in the same manner as the earth s

versed or to the mean of those means. In the force. In this case the quadrantal correcting

table of deviations given in Art. 20, force is the resultant of the constant force due
Chapter I,

D is + 2i oo ) = +9 oo
equal to $ (-3 oo ;
to the induction of the needles in the spheres

or to (+24 3o -2oo )
= + ii 15 or to ;
and the variable force (the earth s horizontal
(+9 oo +ii 15 ) + 10 07 By reason . force, H, varying with change in magnetic lati
of the nature of the arrangement of iron in a tude) due to the induction of the earth in the
ship, D is almost invariably positive. spheres. This resultant of these two forces is a
E approximately equal to the mean of the
is variable force, and, after a given quadrantal
deviations on North and South, or to the mean deviation is corrected in one latitude by this
of those on East and West with sign reversed, force, the balance will be changed upon going
or to the mean of those means. In the ex into another latitude and the correction will

ample, E is equal to ^ ( oo o oo )
= hold good.
fail to

o oo or to ( + 19 30 - 17 30 ) = +
1 oo ,
In practice, the quadrantal deviation due to
or to $ (-ooo +i oo ) = +o 30 .
unsymmetrical iron is seldom corrected the ;

Quadrantal deviation does not, like semi

57. correction maybe accomplished, however, by
circular, undergo a change upon change of placing the soft iron masses on a line which

makes an angle to the athwartship line through where d is the deviation, and s the ship s head
the center of the card. ing by compass, measured from compass
59. Constant deviation is due to induction North.
in horizontal soft iron unsymmetrically placed 63. Mean Directive Force. The effect of
about the compass. It has already been ex the disturbing forces is not confined to caus
plained that one effect of such iron is to pro ing deviations it is only those components act

duce a quadrantal deviation, represented by the ing at right angles to the needle which operate
coefficient E; another effect is the constant de to produce deflection the effect of those acting

viation, so called because it is uniform in in the direction of the needle is exerted either
amount and direction on every heading of the in increasing or in diminishing the directive
ship. If plotted on a Napier diagram, it would force of the compass, according as the resolved
appear as a straight line parallel with the initial component is northerly or southerly.
line of the diagram. with the usual arrangement of iron
It occurs,
60. Like other classes of deviation, the effect in a vessel, that the mean effect of this action
of the disturbing force is represented by a throughout a complete swing of the ship upon
coefficient ; designated as A,
this coefficient is all headings is to reduce the directive force ;

and is considered plus for easterly and minus that is, while it varies with the heading, the
for westerly errors. It is approximately equal azimuths minus or
average value upon all is
to the mean of the deviations on any number southerly. The result of such a condition is
of equidistant headings. In the case previously unfavorable from the fact that the compass is

given, it might be found from the four head thus made more "

sluggish," is easily disturbed

ings,North, East, South, and West, and would and does not return quickly to rest, and a given
then be equal to ( o oo 19 30 oo
deflecting force produces a greater deviation
+ 17 30 ) = -o 30 or from all of the ;
when the directive force is reduced. The usual
twenty-four headings, when it would equal
methods of compensation largely correct this
+ 56 .

fault, but do not entirely do so. It is there

For the same reason as in the case of E, the
fore the case that the mean combined hori
value of A is usually so small that it may be zontal force of earth and ship to north is gen
neglected ;
it only attains a material size when
erally less than the horizontal force of the
the compass is placed off the midship line, or
earth alone ;
but it is
only in extreme cases that
for some similar cause.
this deficiency is serious.
61. Like quadrantal deviation, since its force
varies with the earth s horizontal
64. Heeling Error. This is an additional
force, the
constant deviation wilt remain uniform in
cause of deviation that arises when the vessel

amount in all latitudes. heels to one side or the other.

Heretofore only
No is made to this class
those forces have been considered which act
attempt compensate
of error. when the vessel is on an even keel but ;
if there
62. Coefficients. The chief value of coeffi is an inclination from the vertical, certain new
cients mathematical analyses of the devia
is in forces arise, and others previously inoperative
tions and their causes. It may, however, b e a become effective. These forces are (a) the
convenience to the practical navigator to find vertical component of the subpermanent mag
their approximate values by the methods that netism acquired in building; (b) the vertical
have been given, in order that he may gain an component of the induced magnetism in verti
idea of the various sources of the and (c) the magnetism induced
error, with a cal soft iron,
view to ameliorating the conditions, when by the vertical component of the earth s total
necessary, by moving the binnacle or altering force in iron which, on an even keel, was hori
the surrounding iron. The The first two
following relation zontal. of these disturbing causes
exists between the coefficients and the devia are always present, but, when the ship is up
tion :

right,have no tendency to produce deviation,

d = A + B sin z -f C cos s + D sin 2z -\- E cos 2s , simply exerting a downward pull on one of the

the last is a new force that induced magnetism in vertical soft iron acting
poles of the needle ;

in the athwartship line; D, for the deviation

arises when the vessel heels.
in hori
The maximum disturbance due to heel produced by the induced magnetism
zontal soft iron symmetrically placed with ref
occurs when the ship heads North or South.
erence to the compass and E, for the devia
When heading East or West there will be no ;

the directive tion produced by the induced magnetism in

deviation produced, although
horizontal soft iron unsymmetrically placed
force of the needle will be increased or dimin
with reference to the compass. These approxi
ished. The error will increase with the amount
mate coefficients are always expressed in de
of inclination from the vertical.
and seconds.
65. For the same reason as was explained grees, minutes,

connection with semicircular deviations, that Though any one of the various deviations
error due to subpermanent named above is caused by the combination of
part of the heeling
as several magnetic forces, each acting from a
magnetism will vary, on change of latitude,
different point, these several forces may be
- while that due to vertical induction will
considered as concentrated in a single mag
latitude the which exerts on the compass needle
vary as tan 6. In south magnetic netic pole

effect of vertical induction will be opposite in a push or pull equal to the combined push or
If the force con
direction to what it is in north. pull of the several forces.
66. The error is corrected by a centrated in the single pole be measured, its
permanent magnet placed
in a vertical position measured value, or strength, is called the exact
under the center of the compass. Such coefficient. Exact coefficients are designated
when by the letters of the German alphabet that cor
a magnet has no effect upon the compass
the ship is upright ;
but since its force acts in respond to the English letters that represent (in
degrees, minutes, and seconds) the
an opposite direction to the force of the ship errors they
which causes heeling error, is equal to the latter produce. Thus the force represented by
in amount, and is exerted under the same
con exact coefficient 31 produces the deviation ex
ditions, it affords an effective compensation. pressed by the approximate coefficient A;
For similar reasons to those affecting the com force represented by the exact coefficient 93
the correction by means
pensation of B and C, produces the deviation expressed by the ap
of a permanent magnet is not general, proximate coefficient B; the force represented

must be rectified upon change of latitude.

by the exact coefficient & produces the devia
tion expressed by the approximate coefficient
C; the force represented by the exact coeffi
BY LIEUT.-COMMANDER HARRIS LANING, cient 3) produces the deviation expressed by
U. S. N.
the approximate coefficient D; and the force
67. In Chapter II, Commander L. M. Nulton
has shown us the causes that produce each of represented by the exact coefficient (S produces
to make up the
the deviation expressed by approximate coeffi
the various deviations that go
cient E.
total deviation.In Arts. 50-55 (inclusive), in
maxi The unit of measure for these exact coeffi
this chapter, we have learned that the
cients not a fixed unit, but is expressed in the
mum value of each one of the various devia is

when expressed minutes, in degrees, terms of the mean force of the earth and ship
tions is
to north. be seen that if the force be
It will
and seconds designated by a letter of the
measured in
any of the ordinary fixed units of
alphabet, and is known
as the approximate
the values of all the exact coefficients
coefficient. A is the approximate coefficient work,
will with the magnetic latitude, since the
for the constant deviation; B, for the devia vary
induced magnetism varies with the latitude.
tion produced by the combined force of the
we measure the force represented
subpermanent magnetism and the induced If, however,
vertical soft iron acting in the by the exact coefficients with a unit that varies
magnetism in
fore-and-aft line; C, for the deviation pro with the magnetic latitude, we find that the
duced by the subpermanent magnetism and the value of the exact coefficients that measure in-

duced magnetism will remain constant, because Iii the above formula, 8 is the deviation on the
the relation between the induced magnetism magnetic course, z the azimuth of the ship s
and the cause of it remains constant. The head measured eastward from the correct mag
coefficients 23 and ( will not, however, remain netic north. H is the horizontal
component of
constant, since each is partly made up of sub- the total force of earth and ship to north. H
permanent magnetism. Having found the is the horizontal component of the earth to
values of the exact coefficients in terms of // T-2
north. -=j- 2
in which T is the time of

mean force to north," these values, with the ti 1

n vibrations of a small horizontal magnetic
exception of 23 and (, remain constant, since
needle on shore, in a place free from local mag
they are in reality only the ratio between the
force producing the error and the mean force netic disturbances, and T the time of the same
to north, both of which change in the same number of vibrations of the same needle with
its center in the exact
ratio with a change ot magnetic latitude. place occupied by the
68. The values oi both the exact and the center of compass needle when the compass

approximate coefficients can be calculated by is in place, the

ship being on magnetic heading
certain methods and formulae which are de z, on which the deviation is 8.

duced and may be studied in

Navigation Muir s The exact coefficients are found from the
and Compass Deviation and in other complete T%
analysis, while 8 and z are known. jLj must be
works on the mathematical theory of the devia
A obtained in a special way. To obtain the value
tion of the compass. knowledge of this
of T and of T , an instrument known as the

theory is perhaps desirable, but it is not essen

tial to the practical navigator. The determina horizontal force instrument is supplied to all

tion and use of the coefficients, and of other ships. It consists of a cylindrical brass case,

terms and symbols used in compass work, are, with a removable glass cover, mounted on a

however, a part of a navigator s regular duties, rectangular base which is provided with spirit
and a knowledge of what they are and of how levels and has levelling screws underneath.
to determine their values Inside the brass case is a horizontal circle,
is necessary for any
naval officer intrusted with navigating a ship. graduated to degrees,in the center of which is

The value of A, B, C, D, and E, for any a pivot that supports a small lozenge-shaped

compass on any ship, may be obtained by what magnetic needle on which is carried an adjust
is known as an able sliding weight that is used to counteract
analysis of the compass devia
tions. For this work, special forms are sup the dip. The needle is capable of vibrating
in the horizontal plane.
plied to each ship by the Navy Department. freely
This form (a copy of which is shown in To find T
(the time of n vibrations on
this is shore), select on shore a from level spot free
chapter) self-explanatory. Having
used the first page of the form to determine local attraction, level the instrument,and orient
the approximate coefficients, we use the second it (that is, turn the instrument in azimuth until

page to determine the value of the exact coeffi the needle, when not vibrating, points to o on
cients and the value of A. the graduated scale). By means of a small
In addition to the exact coefficients, there is magnet draw the needle aside about 20, and
also a coefficient that expresses the proportion then remove the magnet to such a distance that
of the mean horizontal force northward of the it will not further affect the needle. The
earth and ship to the earth s horizontal force needle will then be vibrating. As the needle
(that is, the force on shore unaffected by out passes the o line the first time mark the " "

side influences). This coefficient is called A time or start the stop watch. As the needle
passes the o line the second time count one
" "

and, once known for a ship, will often aid ;


at the next passage count and so on


materially in compass work. It may be com ;

puted by the formula till the count of ten," when


the time is noted

or the watch is stopped. The interval of time

A = JC_
H x
. cos_*
i + 93 cos & sin z-\- 5) cos 2Z 6 sin 22 will be the time required to ten vibra-
Analysis of Deviations of the Compass

Place of Observation, ; Latitude,.

N. Eq. 10.
Table I. Computation of Coefficients B and C.

on board the U. S. S

Longitude, Date of Observation , 19

Table III. Computation of Exact Coefficients 21, S3, G, 2), (S.

A f O
t Of
D Of

* * * * * *
^__ s n j ^ .

3? = sin B [i 4- J sin D+^ versin B ^ versin C]+ 4 sin C sin E

6 =sin C [i 4 sin D -\- TV versin C \ versin 5]4~ i sin B sin E

3)=rsin D [i 4-4 versin D]=
@ = sin E sin A sin D=
For Computation of Lambda.

Ship s Head Mgtc. By Compass. T$ T % -)J^^^ cos

1 4- S3 cos s sin 2+ cos 22 d sin

(Note what correctors, if any, were in place when deviations were obtained. If compensation is changed, give details
of new compensation.)

Deviations observed by , ship swung with helm


U. S. N., Navigator

, U. S. N., Commanding.
4583 t T and T must be obtained in the same general locality.

tions, and is known as T. To insure an accu position, level the instrument, and then take
rate value of T, customary to take for its
it is the time of ten vibrations as on shore. If it is
value the average time of ten sets of ten found that the needle comes to rest before
vibrations. making ten vibrations, or so nearly so as to
To obtain T ,
similar observations are taken make the time uncertain, take five vibrations
on board the ship. The horizontal force in and double the resulting time. Do not pull the
strument up so that the center of the
is set needle over to 60 or 90 to get vibrations.
needle will occupy the exact place usually occu Having found the values of T and T as de
pied by the center of the compass, which, with scribed above, we substitute them in the for-
all correctors, has been removed to a safe dis H = T 2 and
mula -j-f, get the value of n , to
tance. Each
ship is supplied with a brass
table, ti 1

the spindle of which is set in the central substitute in the equation given above for A.

vertical tube of the compass binnacle, where Having completed all the work laid out in the
it easily adjusted for height to bring the
is form, we have all the information we can get
needle of the horizontal force instrument to its from an analysis.
correct place when placed on the table. To An analysis not absolutely necessary in

get the exact position of the horizontal force compensating compasses, as compasses can be
needle, the use of a centering batten is neces compensated without an analysis but if we ;

sary. The centering batten is a rectangular can get an opportunity to analyse we should
bar of hard wood, perfectly straight, I2f in. do so, for the data so obtained may be of great
service in future compensations. For instance,
long by f in. wide and in. thick, having a tri

angular tenon at each end in. long, to fit in a ship laid up for repairs and afterwards re-
the wyes in the compass chamber of the U. S. commissioned can compensate her compasses
Navy Type VI and having vertically
binnacle, before leaving a navy yard, provided A and the

through its center a brass pointer, -J in. in exact coefficients are known, as they would be
diameter and pointed at its end, projecting f if the location of the compass had not been

in. below the under face of the batten, the changed and the iron around it was the same
pointer having a screw head and a threaded as before. Also, by an analysis of compass
shank, by which it is screwed flush into the deviations on similar ships we are frequently
batten. Place the tenons of the batten in the able to get data from which we may partially
wyes of the binnacle, and by raising or lower compensate the compasses of a new ship before
ing the brass table and moving the horizontal leaving the navy yard. In any event the Navy
force instrument bring the point of the pivot of Regulations require that an analysis of devia
the instrument up to the point of the brass tions for each compass on board ship be made
at regular intervals.
pointer on the batten. Secure the table in this



69. Preliminary. If the compass needle is the permanent magnetism of the hard iron in

pushed or pulled aside from the correct posi the ship is made by permanent magnets, and
tion by certain magnetic forces, the effect of that part produced by soft iron is corrected by
these forces may be overcome by applying soft iron correctors.
other magnetic forces which push or pull in 72. Correction of Portion of Semicircular
opposition, and thus bring the needle back to Due to Permanent Magnetism. As intro
itsplace as fast as those forces which produce ductory to this correction, it
may be well to

deviation tend to push or pull it out of place. consider the expressions the poles of the
" "

Or, to better express it, if the magnetic forces ship the poles of the permanent mag
producing deviation are opposed by equal but netism of the ship."

opposite magnetic forces, the forces tending In Fig. let the coloring represent the
to produce deviation are neutralized, and the magnetic character of a particular ship. All
needle swings in its correct position under the red magnetism will act together, as a whole,
the influence of the earth alone. at one point, its resultant or center of magnet
As has been shown in the preceding pages, ism, and this point we will call the pole of the
the forces causing deviation are those of the red magnetism. The blue will act similarly as
magnetism existing permanently, or tempo if concentrated at one point, and this point will

rarily, in the ship s iron or steel. The neu be the blue pole of the ship. These two points
tralizing forces are produced by special mag are called the poles of the ship. For a ship
nets, permanent and temporary, placed in built under the condition shown in Fig. 19, the

positions from which they oppose the forces red pole may be indicated as at P, and the blue
of the ship and thus leave the compass needle pole as at P In Fig. 19, the magnetism indi

free to point correctly. cated is that of the entire set of forces of the
Generally speaking, the permanent magnet ship, i. e., of the permanent and transient mag
ism of the ship is opposed, or neutralized, by netism combined. We may, however, separate
permanent magnets, and the induced,
artificial these and investigate either, so that for pur
temporary, or transient magnetism is neutral poses of illustration Fig. 19 may be used to
ized by soft iron correctors, so placed that the represent only the permanent magnetism of
induction of the earth s magnetism in these the ship while we study that portion. In this
correctors is opposite in kind or effect upon case, P
and P would represent the poles of the
the compass from that of the soft iron of the permanent magnetism of the ship. In Figs. 20
ship itself. to 25 are indicated the poles of the permanent
70. Elements of Correction Considered magnetism of ships built with their heads in
Separately. Just as the effect of each kind the following directions: North, Northeast,
of iron on the compass was considered sepa East, Southeast, South, and Northwest.
rately, so the correction of each element of the Suppose it is desired to correct that portion
deviation may be separately considered. of the deviation arising from the permanent
71. Semicircular.
Remembering that the magnetism in a ship built, for example, with
semicircular deviation is composed of two her head Northwest. Fig. 25 indicates the loca
parts, the correction of that part produced by tion of the poles of the element of the mag-

FIG. 19.

FIG. 20. FIG. 22.

FIG. 24. FIG. 25.

FIG. 26. FIG. 27. FIG. 28.


FIG. 29. FIG. 30.

FIG. 31.

FIG. 32.


3 Head - -North

FIG. 34. FIG. 33-


netism it is desired to correct, and it is easily representing the magnetism of the ship s

seen that they may be neutralized by one arti vertical soft iron, while CD is an actual bar
ficial magnet placed as in Fig. 26, or by two used as a corrector, and is actually placed by
such magnets placed as in Fig. 27. the compass. To put it over AB would bring
In Fig. 26, known as the starboard angle it in an awkward place above the compass card,
method, one magnet corrects the entire force and cause considerable inconvenience in taking
PP ,
while in Fig. 27 PP is considered as re bearings, fitting the binnacle cover, etc.
solved into its components in the fore-and-aft, The resultant of the forces which the
and the athwartship lines, and each artificial Flinders bar is used to correct is generally in

magnet corrects one of these components. the center line of the ship, so that nearly all
This is known as the rectangular method. compasses using this bar have it placed in the
Had the ship s head been Northeast in build central fore-and-aft line of the ship, either

ing (Fig. 21 ), the correction would have been forward or abaft the compass forward, to cor ;

as indicated in Fig. 28. rect a condition represented by Fig. 1 1 abaft, ;

The magnets used for correction of this por to correct the condition represented by Fig. 12.

tion of the semicircular deviation may be solid, See, again, Figs. 29 and 30.
round, or bar magnets, or bundles of small
flat In many ships this bar is not used, the entire

magnets bound together to act as one magnet. semicircular deviation being corrected by the
In some cases they are placed in specially con permanent magnets of Figs. 26 and 27. It is

structed holders, or trays, in the binnacles in ; easily seen that such a correction perfect for is

other cases, they are tacked down to the deck, one latitude only, that in which the correction
or secured overhead near the compass. In each was made, and that the deviation will change
and every case, the principles explained in the with a change in latitude, because the entire
foregoing are strictly followed, and this ele semicircular corrected by the one set of mag
ment of the magnetic forces of the ship cor nets is, as before stated, composed of two ele

rected. ments one which changes with a change of


73. Correction of that Portion of the latitude, and another which does not change
Semicircular Deviation Due to Vertical Soft with the latitude.
Iron. Referring to Fig. n, it is evident that 74. Correction of the Quadrantal Devia
the effect of AB would be neutralized by plac tion. The quadrantal deviation may be cor

ing a similar soft iron bar, as at CD, Fig. 29. rected by any arrangement of soft iron which,
And that the bar AB
of Fig. 12 may be cor under the influence of the earth s magnetism,
rected by a soft iron bar placed at CD, as in produces a result opposite to that produced by
Fig. 30. the bar CD of Figs. 14 and 15. This correction
The results obtained by the arrangement of is made by the use of soft iron
Fig. 30 may be made a little clearer by looking spheres, and the action of these spheres will
at the needle and bars in a horizontal plane be investigated before proceeding farther.
through the needle, as in Fig. 31. Here the Let the bar CD of Fig. 14 be replaced by a
blue dots represent the end of on one side, AB sphere CD, as in Fig. 32, and let this sphere be
and CD on the opposite side, of the diameter revolved through 360, taking the successive
of the circle. Suppose, in Fig. 31, that one positions I, 2, 3, etc., to 8, Fig. 33.
position of AB and DC be chosen. It is easily As the diameter CD
swings around, the
seen that as AB, in moving around the circle, character of the magnetism at C or will D
attracts or repels the needles, CD acts equally change, and at 5, Fig. 33, will have become re
in the opposite manner. versed just as was that of the bar CD of Fig.
Such a bar as CD, of Figs. 29-31, is called 14. The shape of the sphere is, however, such

a Flinders bar. that no matter in which direction the diameter

AB, in Fig. 30, could be neutralized
by put CD, Fig. 33, may be, the effect is that of a ball

ting CD end to end but it is to

directly over it ;
of soft iron, always maintaining the character
be remembered that AB is an imaginary bar istic of having its northern half of red magnet-

ism and its southern half of blue magnetism. and one abaft the binnacle. Such conditions
In other words, the northern and southern are not usually found on board ships of present

hemispheres are always of the same magnetic construction, so that the quadrantal correctors
character, with their poles north and south, re are usually found one to starboard and one to

gardless of how the sphere is revolved. The port of the compass, and their effect on the
effect is the same as moving around in a circle, compass needle varied by moving them toward
parallel to itself, a magnet of the character or away from the compass.
shown in Fig. 33. In compasses which have large and powerful
This magnet is produced by the induction of needles, these needles, when close to the

the earth magnetism, and,

s if
properly placed, spheres, will induce magnetism in the spheres

force be used to oppose the effect upon at the same time and in the same manner as the
its may
the compass of other induced magnetism of earth s force. In this case, the quadrantal cor
the soft iron of the ship, i. e., it may be used to recting force is the resultant of the permanent
counteract the effect of the bar CD, of Fig. 14, force due to the induction of the needles in the
in producing deviation. spheres and the variable force due to the in
For this purpose, two spheres, one on each duction of the earth in the spheres. The re
side of the compass needle, as shown in Fig. sultant of these two forces is a variable force,
34, are used. Their action may be illustrated and when a given quadrantal deviation is cor
as follows: rected in one latitude by this force, the balance
Take the which the will be disturbed and the correction fail to hold
position 2 of Fig. 15, in
ship is heading northeast, and place the spheres good upon going to another latitude. If, how
in position as they would ordinarily be mounted ever, the needles are so small, and so far from
on board See Fig. 35. As in Fig. 15, the
the spheres as to not appreciably affect them,
result of CD
acting alone would be to pull the the quadrantal deviation once corrected should
needle to the position e, thus producing an remain corrected, practically, for all latitudes.
easterly deviation. The result of the spheres 75. Heeling Error. If a ship whose com
acting by themselves would be to pull the pass has been corrected be heeled to one side,
needle to the position w, and produce a west and while so heeled be swung in azimuth, it
The action of the spheres is will be found that the equilibrium of compensa
erly deviation.
thus opposed to the action of the bar CD, and tion (correction) has been disturbed, and that
if the spheres are large enough and pfaced close there now exists on some headings deviations

enough they may be made to entirely correct which did not exist when the ship was upright.
the action upon the needle of the bar CD or its Furthermore, it will be found that if the ship
equivalent. be brought to an upright position and again
So explanation has applied to the
far, this swung in azimuth these deviations will have
particular case represented in Fig. 35 but a ;
disappeared. The deviation brought into ex
clear conception of the principles involved, istence during heeling is called the heeling de

applied to the study of Fig. 36, will show that viation, or heeling error.
the spheres oppose, neutralize, or correct CD In all of the preceding discussion of the
of the ship s head.
in all positions causes of deviation, the ship has been con
The spheres
to correct quadrantal deviation, sidered as in an upright position and the dis
such as would be produced by conditions rep cussion has proceeded on the following as
resented by CD of Fig. 15, the conditions or sumptions: (i) That such bars as CD of
dinarily existing on board ship, are placed one Figs. 14, 15, and I5a have been in a horizontal
to starboard and one to port on the thwartship plane (2) that the effect of vertical induction

line, passing through the center of the compass in vertical soft iron, such as AB, Figs. 1 1 and
needle. 12, has acted at points other than directly under
If conditions represented
by Fig. I5a ex the center of the compass needle and (3) that ;

isted,the spheres would be placed on the fore- the permanent magnetism of the ship has acted
and-aft center line of the ship, one forward only in a horizontal plane.

Induction in Quadr antal Cowettavs

\rorv o^ship as
tt\e bar CD

Effect of vertical component of permanent magnetism, ship heading North and

heeled to port and to starboard.

t r

FIG. 38. FIG. 373. FIG. 39.

Heeled to port. Upright. Heeled to starboard.

FIG. 40.
On even keel.

5 FIG. 41.
Heeled to port.

FIG. 42.
Heeled ,
to starboard.

Effect of vertical component of permanent magnetism, ship heading East and

heeled to port and to starboard.

As a matter of fact, that portion of the ducing on north or south courses its maximum
permanent magnetism which has been con effect.
sidered as acting only in the horizontal plane, Referring now to Fig. 40, let the ship be
has been merely the horizontal component of headed East on an even keel, and from this
the permanent magnetism of the ship, and position be heeled first to port and then to star
there yet to be considered that vertical com
is board, as in Figs. 41 and 42.
ponent of the ship s permanent magnetism An inspection of these figures shows that
which acts directly under the center of the while heeled EF
may increase or decrease the
compass. directive force of the needle, but it acts in the
When the ship is upright, this force has no same plane as the axis of the needle and
effect in producing deviation. When tfye ship through its center, thus possessing no power
heels, this force no longer acts vertically be to deflect it horizontally. On easterly and
neath the center of the compass, but to one westerly courses, EF produces no deviation.
side of the compass needle, and consequently, This element then produces a deviation semi
in certain positions, willproduce deviations as circular in character, being a maximum on

long as the ship remains heeled. North and South, and zero on East and West.
This may be illustrated as follows In Figs. : 76. Vertical Induction in Vertical Soft
37 and 373, let EF represent a vertical com Iron. If we endow EF with the character
ponent of permanent magnetism acting directly istics of soft iron instead of hard iron, Figs.
under the center of the compass, the ship being 37-42 also illustrate the effect (in north lati
in an upright position heading North. In this tude) of vertical induction in vertical soft iron
position EF is ineffective in producing devia immediately below the compass.
tion. The two forces just considered are, at any
Now let the ship be heeled to port. The one geographical position, so mixed as to make
compass bowl will move from K t to K 2 and ,
it impossible to separate them.
EF will move to E F The situation is pro
. With reference to the coloring of EF, Fig.
jected horizontally in Fig. 38. It is evident 37, as permanent magnetism, the upper end
from an inspection of Fig. 38, that EF, now in may be blue or red, depending upon where the
the position E F , is at right angles to the axis ship was built, how she was heading when built,
of the compass needle and exerts a pull on it and in which part of the ship the compass is
producing, as shown, a deviation of the needle located.
to the high, or windward, side of the ship. With reference to its coloring as represent
Aninspection of Fig. 39 shows a similar ing vertical induction in vertical soft iron, the
result when the ship is heeled to starboard, the upper end is blue in north magnetic latitudes
deviation of the needle again being toward the and red south magnetic latitudes.

high side of the ship, although now of an op 77. Vertical Induction in Transverse Soft

posite sign from that in Fig. 38. Iron. The two forces just considered com
In heeling from one side to the other the bine with a third force to produce what is

deviation has changed from easterly to west known as the principal heeling error. This
erly, and if the swing in azimuth, of the needle, third force arises from vertical induction in

synchronizes with the rolling, i. e., heeling, of a transverse iron as, for example, the deck
ship, violent oscillations of the compass card beams.
may be produced. Suppose Fig. 43 to be an end view of a ship
This is one test of the presence of a heeling heading North (in North magnetic latitude),
error, or force producing heeling deviation. and CD a soft iron deck beam in a horizontal
Referring again to Figs. 38 and 39, note that plane immediately below the compass. This
with the ship heading north EF, when the ship beam is, with the ship heading North, mag
is heeled, swings to the side of the needle at netic, at right angles to the magnetic meridian,
right angles to its axis, and is capable of pro and is not magnetized (see Figs. 14 and 153).

and consequently produces no effect on the beams not continuous, i.

e., beams in wake of
compass needle which is shown end on at L. hatches. This force thus produces a deviation
Let the ship be heeled to port, as in Fig. 44. which is zero on East and West, and a maxi
This beam now ceases to be horizontal, becomes mum on North and South.
magnetized, and has a vertical component DZ, 78. Principal Heeling Error. The com
which is the result of induction in CD by the bined action of the three forces just discussed
vertical component of the earth s force. This causes the principal heeling error.
force now acts at one side of the compass It is to be noted that they are all a maximum
needle, at right angles to its axis, and produces on North and South, are zero on East and
a deviation. West, and are all due to vertical forces. Being

FIG. 43. FIG. 44. FIG. 45.

Ship heading North. Effect of vertical induction (in North latitude in transverse soft iron.

FIG. 46. FIG. 47. FIG. 48.

Ship heading East. Effect of induction in transverse soft iron. North latitude.
In connection with Figs. 43-46, study Figs. 10, 13, 14, and I5a.

Consider, again, this ship, in Fig. 46, as being due to vertical forces, they are corrected by a
upright and heading East magnetic. CD now vertical magnet placed directly under the
lies in the center of the compass needle while the ship rs
magnetic meridian, is parallel to the
compass needle, and is in the same vertical upright. They are usually, in a practical sense,
plane with it. be magnetized both in an
It will considered as one force and corrected by one
upright position and while heeled but lying in ;
permanent magnet, so arranged that it may be
the same vertical plane, it will not tend to move raised, lowered, or it ends reversed, to meet
the needle out of that
plane, and hence pro the necessities arising in going from one mag
duces no deviation. Figs. 45 and 48 represent netic hemisphere to the other.



(Taken from the American Practical Navigator (Bowditch).)

79. In the course of explanation of the dif athwartship component of the semicircular
ferent classes of deviation, occasion has been force, whose by the coeffi
effect is represented
taken to state generally the various methods cient C. If East or West, the only deflecting
of compensating the errors that are produced. force will be the fore-and-aft component of the
The practical methods of applying the cor semicircular force, whose effect is represented
rectors will now
be explained. by the coefficient B. This will be apparent
80. Order of Correction. The following is from a consideration of the direction of the
the order of steps to be followed in each case. forces producing deviation, and is also shown
It is assumed that the vessel is on an even keel, by the equation connecting the terms (where
that surrounding masses of iron or steel are
all A and E are zero) :

in their normal positions, all correctors re d = B sins + Ccosz +D sin 22 .

moved, and the binnacle is one which the

in If the ship headed North or South, 2

semicircular deviation is corrected by two sets being equal to o or 180, the equation becomes
of permanent magnets at right angles to each d= C. If on East or West, z being 90 or
other. 270, we have d=B.
1. Place quadrantal correctors by estimate. This statement is exact if we regard only
2. Place the heeling magnet in its tube, the forces that have been considered in the
North end up in North magnetic lati problem, but experience has demonstrated that
tudes, and lower it to the bottom. the various correctors, when in place, create

3. Correct the semicircular deviations certain additional forces by their mutual action,
4. Correct the quadrantal deviation. and in order to correct the disturbances thus
5. Swing ship for residual deviations. accidentally produced, as well as those due to
Flinders bar can be put in place perma regular causes, it is necessary that the magnetic
nently only after observations in two latitudes. conditions during correction shall approximate
In cases of excessive deviation due to vertical as closely as possible to those that exist when
induction in soft iron, when no data for placing the compensation is completed therefore the ;

the Flinders bar are available, it will be pre quadrantal correctors should first be placed on
ferable to correct all but about ten degrees by their arms at the positions which it is estimated
Flinders bar and the remainder by the semi that they will occupy later when exactly located.
circular magnets, rather than to correct all by An error in the estimate will have but slight
the magnets. The compensation may not be effectunder ordinary conditions. It should be
accurate in this case, but it is more nearly so understood that the placing of these correctors
than it would be by not using the Flinders bar, has no corrective effect while the ship is on a
and it
may be accurately completed whenever cardinal point. Its object is to create at once
the necessary observations are made. the magnetic field with which we shall have to
81. The ship is first placed on some magnetic deal when compensation is perfected.
cardinal point. If North or South, the only This having been done, proceed to correct
force (theoretically speaking) which tends to the semicircular deviation. If the ship heads
produce deflection of the needle will be the North or South, the force producing deflec-

don is, as has been stated, the athwartship com ing the corresponding headings by some other
ponent of the semicircular force, which is to compass and when it is desired to head on the

be corrected by permanent magnets placed various magnetic azimuths during the process
athwartships therefore enter in the binnacle
of correction, the ship may be steadied upon
one or more such magnets, and so adjust their them by the auxiliary compass. Variations of
height that the heading of the ship by compass this method will suggest themselves, and cir
shall agree with the magnetic heading. When cumstances may render their adoption con
this is done, all the deviation on that azimuth venient. The compass courses corresponding
will be corrected. to the magnetic directions may be obtained
Similarly, the ship heads East or West,
if from observations made with the auxiliary
the force producing deviation is the fore-and- compass itself, or while making observations
aft component of the semicircular force, and with another compass the headings by the
be corrected by entering fore-and-aft
this is to auxiliary may be noted and a curve for the
permanent magnets in the binnacle and adjust latter constructed, as explained in Art. 22, and

ing the height so that the deviation on that the required headings thus deduced.
heading disappears. (b) By the methods explained in the Ameri
With the deviation on two adjacent cardinal can Practical Navigator, ascertain in advance
points corrected, the semicircular force has the true bearing of the sun at frequent intervals
been completely compensated. Next correct during the period which is to be devoted to the
the quadrantal deviation. Head the ship NE., compensation of the compasses apply to these ;

SE., SW., or NW. The coefficients B and C the variation and obtain the magnetic bearings ;

having been reduced to zero by compensation, record the times and bearings in a convenient
and 2z on the azimuths named, being equal
, tabular form set the watch accurately for the

to 90 or the equation
270, becomes d= -D. local apparent time ;
then when it is required to
The soft-iron correctors are moved in or out steerany given magnetic course, set that point
from the positions in which they were placed of the pelorus for the ship s head and set the
by estimate until the deviation on the heading sight vanes for the magnetic bearing of the sun
(all of which is due to quadrantal force) dis corresponding to the time by watch. Maneu
appears. The quadrantal disturbing force is ver the ship with the helm until the sun comes
then compensated. on the sight vanes, when the azimuth of the
Determination of Magnetic Headings.
ship s head will be that which is required. The
To determine when the ship is heading on any sight vanes must be altered at intervals to ac
given magnetic course, and thus to know when cord with the table of times and bearings.
the deviation has been corrected and the cor
(c) Construct a table showing times and
rectors are in proper position, four methods 1

corresponding magnetic bearings of the sun,

are available: and also set the watch, as explained for the
(a)Swing the ship and obtain by the best previous method. Then place the sight vanes
available method the deviations on a sufficient of the azimuth circle of the compass at the
number of compass courses to construct a
proper angular distance to the right or left of
curve on the Napier diagram for one quadrant,
the required azimuth of the ship s head leave ;

and thus find the compass headings corre

them so set and maneuver the ship with the
sponding to two adjacent magnetic cardinal helm until the image of the sun comes on with
points and the intermediate intercardinal point, the vanes. The course will then be the re
as North, NE., and East, magnetic.* Then
quired one. As an example, suppose that the
put the ship successively on these courses not- ;
table shows that the magnetic azimuth of the
sun at the time given by the watch is 87, and
This is all that isrequired for the purposes of let it be required to head magnetic North;
compensation, but if there is opportunity it is always
well to make
when placed upon this heading, therefore, the
a complete swing and obtain a full table
of deviations, which may give interesting information sun must bear 87 to the right, or east, of the
of the existing magnetic conditions. direction of the ship s head ;
when steady on

any course, turn the sight vane to the required Fourth :

Steady the ship on an intercardinal
bearing relative to the keel. If on 349, for point (magnetic) and move the quadrantal cor
example, turn the circle to 76 leave the vane ;
rectors away from or toward the compass,
undisturbed and alter course until the sun keeping them at equal distances therefrom,
comes on. The magnetic heading is then until the compass and magnetic headings
North, and adjustment may be made accord coincide.

ingly. 84. The compensation being complete, the

(d) When ranges are available, they
may navigator should proceed immediately to swing
be utilized for determining magnetic headings. ship and make a table of the residual devia
tions. Thoughthe remaining errors will be
83. Summary of Ordinary Corrections.
To summarize, the following is the process of small, seldom that they will be reduced to
it is

zero, and it must never be assumed that the

correcting a compass for a single latitude,
where magnets at right angles are employed compass may be relied upon without taking the
for compensating the semicircular deviation deviation into account. Observations on eight

and where the disturbances due to unsymmet- equidistant points will ordinarily suffice for
small enough to be neglected
rical soft iron are :
this purpose.

First All
: correctors being clear of the com 85. To Correct Semicircular Deviation

pass, place the quadrantal correctors in the

with a Single Magnet. In certain binnacles

position which it is estimated that they will provision is made

for correcting the semi

occupy when adjustment complete. is The circular deviationby a single magnet (or series
navigator experience will serve in making
s of magnets) in the starboard angle, the magnet
the estimate, or, if there seems to be no other tray having motion in azimuth as well as verti
means of arriving at the
probable position, they cally. In this case the process of correcting

may be placed at the middle points of their semicircular deviation is somewhat different

from that described for correction by rectan

Second Steady the ship on magnetic North,

: gular magnets. Either of the two following
East, South, or West, and hold on that heading
methods may be employed :

by such method as seems best. By means of (a) By computation determine the star
board angle. An approximate method for do
permanent magnets alter the indications of the
compass until the heading coincides with the ing this is given in Chapter III, Art. 51, and a
magnetic course. In heading North, magnets
more exact one may be found in works treating
must be entered N. ends to starboard to correct this subject mathematically. Head the ship on
a cardinal point (magnetic) enter the magnets
easterly deviation, and to port to correct west ;

in the tray and revolve it until their N. ends

erly, and the reverse if heading South. If
enter N. ends forward for lie at an angular distance from ahead (meas
heading East,
ured to the right) equal to the starboard angle
easterly deviations and aft for westerly, and

the reverse heading West. (Binnacles differ

if raise or lower the tray until the deviation dis

so widely in the methods of carrying magnets appears.

that details on this point are omitted. It may (b) Head the ship on a cardinal point (mag
be said, however, that the magnetic intensity netic), enter the magnets, and turn the tray to
of the correctors may be varied by altering an East-and-West position, the N. ends in such
either their number or their distance from the direction as will tend to reduce the deviation ;

compass generally speaking, several magnets

raise or lower the tray until the deviation dis

at a distance are to be preferred to a small appears. Alter course 90 and head on an

number close to the compass.) adjacent magnetic cardinal point observe the ;

Third Steady the ship on an adjacent mag

amount of deviation that the compass shows;
netic cardinal point and correct the compass correct half of this by altering the starboard

heading by permanent magnets to accord there angle and the other half by raising or lowering
with, in the same manner as described for the the tray. Return to first course, note deviation,
first heading. and correct one-half in each way, as before.
Continue the operation, making a series of the semicircular deviation due to vertical in
trialsuntil the deviations disappear on both duction disappears, and that the whole of the
headings, when the compensation will be cor existing semicircular deviation arises from
rect. This operation may be considerably subpermanent magnetism. If, then, when on
hastened by finding the first position of the the magnetic equator, the compass be
magnets from a rough calculation of the star compensated, the effect of the subpermanent
board angle (Chapter III, Art. 51). magnetism will be exactly opposed by that of
86. Correcting the Heeling Error. The the semicircular correcting
magnets. Later,
heeling error be corrected by a
may method in as the ship departs from the
magnetic equator,
volving computation, together with certain ob the semicircular deviation will
gradually ac
servations on shore. A more practical method, quire a material value, which will be known to
however, is usually followed, though its results be due entirely to vertical induction, and if the
may be less precise. The heeling corrector is Flinders bar be so placed as to correct it, the
placed in its vertical tube, N. end uppermost in compensation of the compass will be general
north latitudes, as this is almost invariably the for all latitudes.

required direction. The ship being on a course In following this method it may
usually be
near North or South and assumed that the soft iron of the vessel is sym
rolling, observe the
vibrations of the card, which, if the error is metrical with respect to the fore-and-aft line
material, will be in excess of those due to the and that the Flinders bar may be placed directly
ship s real motion in azimuth slowly raise or
forward of the compass or directly abaft it,
lower the corrector until the abnormal vibra disregarding the effect of components to star
tions disappear, when the correction will be board or port. It is therefore merely
made for that latitude; but it must be re to observe whether a vertical soft iron rod must

adjusted upon any considerable change of geo be placed forward or abaft the compass to re
graphical position. duce the deviation, and, having ascertained this
In making this observation care must be fact, to find by experiment the exact distance at
taken to distinguish the vessel s "

yawing in completely corrects the deviation.

a seaway, from the apparent motion due to The Flinders bar frequently consists of a
heeling error for this reason it may be well to
; bundle of soft iron rods contained in a case,
have an assistant to watch the ship s head and which secured in a vertical position near the

keep the adjuster informed of the real change compass, its upper end level with the plane of
in azimuth, by which means the latter may the needles; in this method, the distance re
better judge the effect of the heeling error. maining fixed, the intensity of the force that it
In the case of a sailing-vessel, or one which exerts is varied by increasing or decreasing the
for any reason maintains a number of rods this arrangement is more con
nearly steady heel ;

for a continuous period, the amount of the venient and satisfactory than the
heeling error may be exactly ascertained by of a single rod at a variable distance.
observing the azimuth of the sun, and cor 88. When it is not possible to correct the
rected with greater accuracy than at the
is possible compass magnetic equator there is no
with a vessel which is
constantly rolling. ready practical method by which the Flinders
87. Flinders Bar. The simplest method bar may be placed. The operation will then
that presents itself for the placing of the depend entirely upon computation, and as a
Flinders bar is one which is available mathematical analysis of deviations is beyond
only for
a vessel crossing the magnetic the scope laid out for this work, the details of
equator. Mag
netic charts of theworld show the geographical procedure will not be gone into the general;

positions atwhich the dip becomes zero that ; principles involved are indicated, and students
is, where a freely suspended needle is
exactly seeking more must consult the various works
horizontal and where there exists no vertical hat treat the subject fully.
component of the earth s total magnetic force. It has been explained that each coefficient of
In such localities it is evident that the factor of semicircular deviation (B and C) is made up

ive in all latitudes ;* but unless a Flinders bar is

of a subpermanent factor varying as -
and of
used, a correction of the semicircular deviation
a vertical induction factor varying as tan 6. made in one latitude will not remain accurate
If we indicate by the subscripts s and v, re when the vessel has materially changed her
spectively, the parts due to each force, we may
position on the earth s surface. With this in
write the equations of the coefficients :
mind the navigator must make frequent ob
servations of the compass error during a pass
age and must expect that the table of residual
and deviations obtained in the magnetic latitude of

j compensation will undergo considerable change

ti The new
as that latitude is departed from.
Now we
distinguish by the subscripts i
if deviations may become so large that it will be
and 2 the values in the first and in the second found convenient to readjust the semicircular
position of observation, respectively, of correcting magnets. This process is very
quantities that vary with the magnetic latitude, simple.
we have :
When correctors at right angles are used,
provide for steadying the ship, by an auxiliary
compass or by the pelorus, upon two adjacent
=B X S , -+B v xtan6 2 ;
magnetic cardinal points. ( See Art. 82, above.)
"a Put the ship on heading North or South (mag
netic), and raise or lower the athwartship

C.ssCX-i + C,,xtan0 1 , magnets, or alter their number, until the de

i viation disappears then steady on East or

C = Cs X
2 +CV X tan 6 2.
West (magnetic) and similarly adjust the fore-
and-aft magnets. Swing ship for a new table
The values of the coefficients in both lati
of residual deviations.
tudes are found from the observations made
When correctors in the starboard angle are
for deviations; the values of the horizontal
used, arrange as before for heading on two
force and of the dip at each place are known
adjacent cardinal magnetic courses. Steady on
from magnetic charts. Hence we may solve
one of these ;
observe amount of compass
the first pair of equations for B s and B v and ,
error correct half by changing the starboard

the second pair for Cs and C v ; and having

angle and half by raising or lowering magnets.
found the values of these various coefficients,
Steady on the adjacent cardinal point and re
we may and C 8 by
correct the effects of B 8
Continue until adjustment
peat the operation.
permanent magnets in the usual way, and cor is made on both headings then swing for

rect the remainder that due to B v and Cv by

residual deviations.
the Flinders bar.

Strictly, the Flinders bar should be so placed * This is true only when the quadrantal correctors
that its repelling pole is at an angular distance are far enough from the powerful magnets of the
" "

from ahead equal to the starboard angle of compass to prevent the magnets of the compass itself
the attracting pole of the vertical induced force, from inducing magnetism in the correctors. If the
correctors are sufficiently near the needles to cause
this angle depending upon the coefficients B v
mutual induction to be set up, a disturbing force will
and Cv ;
but since, as before stated, horizontal be introduced that is constant for all latitudes, de
soft iron may usually be regarded as sym pending as it does upon the amount of magnetism in
metrical, Cv is assumed as zero and the bar is the compass needles. But since it is resisted by a
quadrantal correcting force which depends on the
placed in the midship line.
earth s magnetic induction, and which, therefore,
89. To Correct Adjustment on Change of
varies with the magnetic latitude, the compensation
Latitude. The compensation of quadrantal will in this case be disturbed by change in magnetic
deviation, once properly made, remains effect latitude and will not be universal.
(Copy of circular issued by the Navy Department.)

90. A compass mounted in a binnacle of the uncorrected compass at sea, to correspond with
above type may be corrected for deviations by any magnetic point, is as follows :

following the instructions given below. i.Select beforehand the locality and date
91. The vessel should be on an even keel. on which the compass is to be corrected, and
Secure all movable local masses in the vicinity choose certain intervals of local apparent time
of the compass in the positions they will in to cover the operation.

variably occupy when at sea. 2.. With the selected latitude and declination,
92. All binnacles should be exactly on the pick out from the azimuth tables, or the azi
midship line and should be so solidly secured muth diagram, the sun s true bearing for the
as to avoid any chance of movement. The local apparent times selected. Apply the varia
compasses should be in the center of the bin tion for the locality to the true bearings and
nacles. To
center a compass in its binnacle, obtain the magnetic bearings of the sun, ob
with ship heading north or south, or nearly so serving the rule that easterly variation must be
put compass in place and adjust its position by applied to the left and westerly variation to the
the screws at the ends of the outer gimbal ring right of the true to obtain magnetic bearing.
knife edges, until no change of heading by Make a curve on cross-section paper in which
compass is observed as the heeling magnet is the ordinates are minutes of local apparent
raised and lowered, the vessel being on an even time and the abscissae degrees of magnetic azi
keel. Secure the compass in this position by muth. Cross-section paper for this purpose
setting in on the screws to prevent any sliding may be found in the back of the Compass
back and forth athwartships. Record Book.
93. The lubber of the compass should
s line 3. On the date of observation proceed to the
be exactly in the fore-and-aft plane, and that it locality previously decided upon and set the
is so should be
carefully verified. This is best watch to local apparent time. Suppose it is

done by sighting with the azimuth circle on desired to head the ship North, magnetic.
straight edges erected on the midship line at Knowing the magnetic bearing of the sun at
some distance forward and abaft the compass. any watch time, as taken from the curve, turn
94. The lubber of each pelorus should
s line the azimuth circle until the angle between the
also be checked up, either by comparison of reflecting prism opposite the mirror and the
simultaneous bearings of a distant object taken lubber of the compass equals the angle
s line

from compass and pelorus, or by computing between the sun s magnetic bearing and mag
from known dimensions taken from the ship s netic North. Turn the ship to bring the sun s

plans the angle which the flagstaff or jackstaff reflection exactly in the vertical slit opposite
should bear from the fore-and-aft line through the mirror, and hold it there by the helm. At
the pelorus and verifying this by observation. the instant of time selected, the ship s head will
be North, magnetic. A
mark should be given
TO PLACE THE SHIP S HEAD UPON ANY to the helmsman at the instant when the ship is
MAGNETIC POINT OF THE on magnetic North, in order that he may note
COMPASS AT SEA. the heading by steering compass and steady on
95. A convenient method of finding the it. The angle at which the azimuth circle is
proper direction to lay the ship s head by an set may be read from the scale of degrees


marked on its inner beveled edge, noting that 3. Place the heeling magnet in its tube,
the lubber s line is continued as a score on the North end up in North magnetic latitude, un
rim of the compass bowl. In a similar manner less some foreknowledge demands the
the ship may be headed on any other magnetic and lower it to the bottom.
course, as the following example will illustrate :
97. Semicircular Deviation. To correct
To Head 45 Magnetic. Having decided semicircular deviation: i. Head the vessel
upon correcting the compass between the hours North magnetic, by any compass whose devia
of 7 a. m. and 10 a. m., local apparent time, and tion is known or by the method described
having a curve prepared covering these times above.
and the locality selected, we will suppose that If the compass shows easterly deviation,
the ship arrives at this locality, and that it is enter one or more athwartship magnets, North
desired to head 45, magnetic, at 7 a. m., local or red ends to starboard. Move the
apparent time. An inspection of the curve up or down until the compass points North.
gives the sun s magnetic bearing for this time Ifthe compass shows westerly deviation,
as, say, 99 15 ,
or 54
15 to the right of 45. enter the athwartship magnets with North or
Turn the azimuth circle until the reflecting red ends to port. Raise or lower them until
prism opposite the mirror is 54 15 to the right the compass points North.
of the score on the rim of the compass bowl Or, head the vessel South, magnetic; enter
forward. Turn the ship until the reflection of the athwartship magnets North or red ends to
the sun is thrown exactly into the vertical slit
port to correct easterly deviation, or to star
and hold it there by the helm until 7 a. m. by board to correct westerly deviation.
watch time, at which instant the ship will be 2. Next head the vessel East, magnetic. If
heading 45 magnetic. easterly deviation is
shown, enter the fore-and-
4. The
pelorus may also be used for this aft magnets with North or red ends forward ;

purpose, by setting the dial to the magnetic if westerly deviation is shown, enter the fore-
heading selected, setting the sight vanes to and-aft magnets with North ends aft. Raise
correspond with the magnetic bearing of the or lower the magnets until the compass
sun for the selected local apparent time, and East.
then turning the ship to bring the sight vanes Or, head the vessel West, magnetic enter ;

on the sun. It is better, however, to take bear the fore-and-aft magnets North ends aft to
ings of the sun from the compass when correct easterly deviation, or North ends for
possible. ward to correct westerly deviation.
TO COMPENSATE. 3. As the ship is steadied on each magnetic
96. Approximate Preliminary Compensa course, a mark is given to an assistant at each
tion. i. The first step in
compensation of the compass, and the compasses should all be
compass is to correct approximately the quad- brought to thesame reading, the change to the
rantal deviation and the heeling next course not being made until each assistant
error, in the
order named. This is necessary because a reports ready.
material factor in the deviation may be, caused 4. In using semicircular corrector magnets,

by the induction in quadrantal spheres set up divide them equally on each side of the vertical

by the magnet correctors, and it is essential axis of the binnacle. It is better to use a

that the semicircular correction, which is the greater number of magnets at a distance than
largest and most important one, should be
a smaller number near the compass.
made when the magnetic conditions approxi 98. Quadrantal Deviation. To correct
mate as nearly as possible to those when the quadrantal deviation: i.
Having corrected
compensation is complete. the semicircular deviation by the foregoing
2. Place the quadrantal spheres on the arms methods, next head the vessel on a magnetic
and secure them at the middle position; or if intercardinal point and if deviation is shown,

the proper position is

approximately known, move the spheres in or out until the compass
secure them more accurately. points correctly.

Steady on each course as before, long

2. is compensated on one heading for an apparent
enough for all compasses to be corrected. deviation which does not really exist, an ap
3. when placed
If the spheres over-correct parent deviation of double this amount being
at theouter limits of the arms, smaller spheres thereby caused on the opposite heading.
should be used. Note that one sphere will 4. It is therefore advisable, after compen
correct half as much as two of the same size. sating on three headings as described above,
If the spheres under-correct when close in, to check up on the opposite headings, removing
larger ones are needed. one-half of any apparent deviation remaining
4. Quadrantal spheres should from time to on each heading. The result will be that the
time be tested for polarity. Select a time when real constant deviation, if any, and the apparent
the ship s head is steady, preferably alongside deviation, previously taken out on the first

the dock. Run the spheres in on the arms as headings, will now be left uncompensated as
far as possible and note the headings by com they should be.
pass. Then turn one sphere at a time suc 100. Another Method of Compensation.
cessively through 90 on its own axis until it i.
Regardless of magnetic bearing, if a dis

has been completely rotated, noting after each tant object can be brought to bear the same by
turn of 90 if any deflection of the compass compass for all headings, that compass will be
has been produced. Should a deflection of accurately compensated. This fact forms the
more than 45 be apparent during the rotation basis for a method of compensation proposed
of a sphere, that sphere should be reannealed by Lieutenant R. A. Koch, U. S. Navy, which
by heating to a dark heat only, covering with eliminates the errors mentioned in Art. 99,
ashes and allowing to cool slowly. above. By this method a bearing of a distant
(It should be noted that a compass from object is first taken by the compass to be cor
which bearings of the sun can be taken may rected, with the ship steadied on North by
be corrected by raising or lowering the mag The ship is then headed South by
nets, or moving the spheres, until the sun bears compass and a bearing of the same object is
as should, in which case the compensation is
it taken. The athwartship magnets are raised
correct, even if the ship s head is one or two and lowered until the bearing of the distant
degrees on either side of the desired magnetic object is half-way between the two
heading. With an azimuth circle mounted on observed on North and South, respectively.
the steering compass, it may be corrected by There should then remain no deviation on
having the helmsman keep on heading North, South except the real constant deviation, which
by the compass in front of him, or whatever it is desired to leave uncompensated. Com
heading is desired, regardless of the work of pensation is completed on East or West, and
correcting,and bringing the sun to bear as it then on one of the intercardinal points, by
should by raising or lowering the magnets, or
causing the distant object to bear the same as
moving the spheres.) on South. The sun may be used as the dis
99. Errors in Compensation. i. In com tant object, making allowance for its change
pensating by the method described, certain of bearing between observations, for which
errors are possible, and they should be guarded
purpose a curve of change of bearings on
against by the navigator. cross-section paper is used. (A full descrip
2. By removing all deviation on one method
heading, tion of this is given in Chapter VIII
a real constant deviation, if there is any, al of this book.)
though removed on this heading, will be 101. Swinging for Residuals. i. Swing
doubled on the opposite heading. ship for re^ dual deviations, taking observa
3. The curve
.of magnetic bearings may be tion on at eight points. Either readjust
in error, due to errors of calculation or in the the correctors, oroceeding as above, or use the
assumed variation. The azimuth circle may be residual deviate ns to run on.
inaccurate. In either of these two cases an The vessel sh. aid invariably be swung -for a
error is caused, due to the fact that the compass final table of de:>itions at the earliest oppor-

tunity after compensation. Check all courses ings of a distant object as the vessel rolls, and
steered by frequent azimuths. not by watching the lubber s line. In case
102. i. The heeling mag
Heeling Error. there is no distant object to observe as the
net be approximately placed, at any time vessel rolls, it is a very good plan to have an
when shore observations are available, by the intelligent assistant standing close to the ob

following method: Hang the heeling magnet server at the compass, the duty of this assist
to the chain and lower it to the bottom of the ant being to watch the ship s head (not the
" "

tube, North end up (in North magnetic lati compass) and to call out starboard or

tudes). Place the heeling adjuster* in the port,"indicating the direction of yawing.
binnacle, in the position of the compass needle, With such an assistant there is no difficulty for
with the movable weight at Aa. a is the read the man at the compass to distinguish between
ing of the scale when the needle was level on motions of the card due to heeling error and
shore. If A is not known, it may be assumed at those due to change of azimuth of the ship s
.8 for ordinarily well-placed compasses. Pull head. In correcting by this method, it is best
the magnet up until the needle comes hori to leave a slight amplitude of vibration to
zontal ;
then lower about two inches and avoid over-correction.
secure it. 3. The
heeling magnet will be at the proper
2. When a vessel at sea rolls moderately, height in the tube when no sensible disturbance
the presence of heeling error will be shown by of the card occurs as the vessel changes her
a marked vibration of the compass card of inclination while maintaining a steady course.

more or less amplitude, depending upon the The following method of correcting the heel
amount of force producing the heeling error. ing error at sea can be used as convenience
North or South by compass is the most favor affords Choose a time when the vessel heels

able course to steer to observe this effect. steadily when on a northerly or southerly
To correct the heeling error, under these course (notmore than 45 from North or
South) Take an azimuth of sun, moon or star
circumstances, the heeling magnet being North

end up (in North magnetic latitudes) in the and find the deviation due to heel, knowing
the deviation on the same course when the
central vertical tube and at the bottom, steer
vessel upright. is Correct the error due to heel
North or South by compass and observe the
vibrations of the card as the vessel rolls from by moving the magnet up or down in its tube,

with proper pole uppermost.

side to side. Raise the heeling magnet until
the vibrations The amount of 4. If raising the heeling magnet from the
bottom of the tube aggravates the heeling
vibration should be determined by taking bear-
error, either the wrong pole is uppermost or

*The heeling adjuster is a small brass box pro the heeling error is so small that the maximum
vided with levels and levelling screws, mounting on effect of the heeling magnet constitutes an
a horizontal axis a needle which is free to vibrate in over-correction.
the vertical plane, its tendency to dip being counter If the heeling is raised close to
5. magnet
acted by a small sliding platinum weight whose dis
the top of the tube after the compensation of
tance from the axis of suspension may be measured
the semicircular and quadrantal deviation is
by a scale on the glass cover. There is a small glass
window in each end provided with an index line to made, it will probably induce magnetism in the
mark the horizontal plane. Without the small
quadrantal spheres which will require further
weight, the needlebeing magnetized was
compensation by the magnets.
exactly balanced, so the weight is intended to balance
103. Flinders Correction. i. After a ship
the vertical magnetic force ashore or on board. If

a denotes the distance between the movable weight has assumed her permanent magnetic char
and the center of the needle when the needle is acter, the compensation may be completed, if
exactly balanced on shore, then when the instrument desired, by placing a Flinders bar, at those
is set up on board, in the magnetic meridian, and in
compass stations where the influence of mag
the place occupied by the center of the compass
netism induced in vertical soft iron, such as a
needle, the movable weight should be at that reading
of the scale = Xo. mast, or smokepipe, is excessive.

2. Owing to the fact that the resultant of 6 inches, one length of 3 inches, one length of
the forces which this bar is used to correct is i inches, two lengths of f inch. The bar as
generally in the center line of the ship, it is installed can therefore be varied in length to

customary to install it in a holder attached to produce the desired effect. About one-twelfth
the binnacle in the vertical midship fore-and- of the length of the bar used should project
aft plane of the vessel, and on the side of the above the compass needles, this being arranged
binnacle opposite the vertical soft iron causing by replacing the missing lengths by wooden
deviation. Should this bring the bar in front blocks of the same dimensions.
7. The Type I Flinders bar consists of a
of the binnacle door, the binnacle may be
turned around with its door in the opposite number of soft-iron rods each inch in diam
direction. eter and 40 inches long. Any number of rods
In the absence of data, all but about ten
3. from one to seven may be used, provided they
degrees deviation on magnetic East or West are arranged symmetrically with reference to
should be corrected by the Flinders bar, the the midship fore-and-aft line of the vessel.
balance by the permanent semicircular cor The holder is so designed as to allow the great
rector magnets.Where semicircular deviation est number of symmetrical combinations to be
on magnetic East or West does not greatly made.
exceed 10, a Flinders bar is not seriously 8. A Flinders bar, once installed, may be
needed. regarded as part of the permanent structure of
4. When a vessel is on the magnetic equator, the ship, provided it is made of perfectly soft
no deviation can be caused by the ship s vertical iron. It is recommended, however, that in all
soft iron, as the Earth s vertical force is zero. cases it be carefully watched to see that it does
not take up magnetism from the shock of gun
All semicircular deviation is therefore due to
the ship permanent magnetism and may be
s vibration, etc. and it would be well during
fire, ;

corrected by the semicircular corrector mag target practice to remove the bar to some point
nets. Any deviation that arises on the East as far as possible from the shock of gun fire,
and West points thereafter, on change of mag being careful to lay it on its side.
netic latitude, is due to the effects of induction 9. Should a Flinders bar be found to have
in the ship s vertical soft iron and may be cor
picked up magnetism, it should be reannealed,
rected by the Flinders bar. or the magnetism may be removed, or much
5. To first remove the heeling
compensate, reduced, by holding the bar in a. direction at
magnet, noting correct position then com
its ; right angles to the lines of force East and
pensate, using the Flinders bar. Then replace West magnetic and hammering it with a
the heeling magnet in its correct position, and piece of wood.
complete the compensation with the permanent 104. Continuous Correction. I. Every ef
semicircular magnets. It is to be noted that fort should be made
keep to at least the stand
the Flinders bar is parallel to the ard maneuvering and steering compasses mag
heeling mag
net and close to it, so that the heeling magnet netic. This is especially necessary when work
will introduce induced but
magnetism in the ing in the fleet at maneuvers, etc., it is

Flinders bar. If the position of the heeling always easier to keep the compass correct than
magnet subsequently changed, it will be
is to keep the deviation table at hand and apply
necessary to correct the compensation with the the correction.
semicircular magnets; and it should be noted The following method was originally pro
that although the heeling error is compensated posed by Captain Roy C. Smith, U. S. Navy.
on North or South, the error caused in the It has been somewhat added to by Commander

compensation by shifting the heeling magnet George C. Day, U. S. Navy, and has been used
would be a maximum on East or West. successfully in the Atlantic Fleet.
6. The Type II Flinders bar is 2 inches in After the first compensation, steady the ship
diameter, and its total length of 24 inches is on North (or South) and move the athwart-
cut into one length of 12 inches, one up exactly one
length of ship magnets inch, noting, by

the bearing of a distant object or of the sun, Every opportunity should, of course, be
the amount and direction of the effect on the taken to check up the deviation, and it is not
After the compass has settled down intended that the use of this method should
and the observation been made, return the cause any change in this regard.
Whenever the position of any corrector is
magnets to the correct position and note if the
to the correct heading. Then changed, the new position, together with the
compass returns
lower the needles exactly one inch and record date, latitude and longitude, and values of H
and 6, should be noted on one of the blank
the effect as before. Then head the ship East
same observations
and take the
sheets of the Compass Record.
(or West)
For the position of the quadrantal spheres, it
with the fore-and-aft magnets. Then head an

will probably be found practical to construct a

intercardinal point and observe the effect of
curve, using the distance from the center of
moving the spheres in and out one inch from the needle and the value of as coordinates, H
their correct position.
that will suffice to keep the quadrantal devia
It isthen advisable to check the results by
tion approximately zero.*
repeating the observations on the opposite Onboard the Connecticut, for instance, the
headings, but, if carefully taken under good
position of the one sphere on the standard com
conditions, there should be no difference except
pass varied from about 10" at the magnetic
in the direction of the effect produced. equator to about 12" at Rockland, Me., and by
The record would take this form
keeping it on the position called for by the

curve the quadrantal deviation was kept at

Date. Lat. Long
On N. : Raising C magnets (6) i in. (from 9.85 to A curve should also be made, showing the
makes 12 deviation; .1 in.
8.85) 30 easterly
proper position of the heeling magnet for
makes i 15 easterly. Lowering C magnets (6)
changes in Z, and the magnet changed ac
I in. (from 9.85 to 10.85) makes 10 15 westerly
deviation; .1 in. makes i 2 westerly.
On E.: Raising B magnets (2) I in. (from 10.45 to In the course of a cruise, the positions of all
9.45) makes 8 15 westerly deviation; .1 in. correctors will gradually become known for
makes o 50 westerly. Lowering B magnets (2) each magnetic latitude, or approximately for
i in. (from 10.45 to 11.45) makes 6 30 easterly
each latitude, and may be so plotted in a smooth
deviation; .1 in. makes o 40 easterly.
curve. It is advisable to make the corrections
On NE. Moving spheres in i in. (from 10.6 to 9.6)

makes 4 15 westerly deviation; .1 in. makes o by curve on change of latitude, in order


25 westerly. Moving spheres out i in. (from

10.6 to carry out the principle of continuous cor
to 1 1.6) makes 3 20 easterly deviation; .1 in.
rection,checking the resulting deviations as
makes o 20 easterly.
opportunity offers. This involves less prob
found able error than if the correctors should be left
If now, after a change of latitude, it is

that there is i 45 easterly deviation on East,

in their old position until a new swing could be

it isevident that raising the B magnets .2 will made.

exactly correct it, and three careful observa * The necessity for changing the positions of the
tions on two adjacent cardinal points and an spheres for a change of magnetic latitude may be
intercardinal point are enough to make an Due to mutual induction"

explained as follows :

between the compass needles and the quadrantal

accurate recompensation. Opportunity for
spheres, a quadrantal deviation is caused. The
this is usually found during fleet tactics, with
amount of the disturbing force causing this deviation
no loss of time and with little trouble. will be constant in
all magnetic latitudes, depending

It of course, better to get observations

is, as does upon the amount of magnetism in the

both on N. and S. and on E. and W. and take compass needles but since it is resisted by a quad

rantal force which depends upon the

the mean result; and this is necessary if the
earth magnetic induction, and which therefore
value of the variation is uncertain, as is too
varies with the magnetic latitude, the compensation
often the case. will not be universal."



105. The following method

of correcting paper, plot a curve of times and magnetic
compasses has been used by the writer during azimuths. Reference to this curve will show
four or five years of sea experience in charge the sun s magnetic azimuth at any moment. A
of compasses. It applies to compasses so situ table showing the magnetic azimuth for each
ated that bearings can be taken with the azimuth ten minutes will do as well as the curve.
circle. The variation from chart may be i or 2
The "

azimuth method
of getting a ship on

in error. This will not affect the compass

the desired magnetic heading is simpler and correction, but to obtain the correct residual
more practical than the lubber s point
" "

deviations, the variation should be known more

method generally used in the navy. Being exactly.
simpler, promotes accuracy by enabling the
it 3. See that all preparations are made and
observer to concentrate on the most important assistants properly instructed, so that you will

point, which is to get correct azimuth observa have nothing to delay you when the time comes
tions. We all know the delay and confusion to correct. See that the mechanism of the bin
caused by trying to make the helmsman keep nacle is in
good order, moving parts working
the vanes of a distant pelorus pointed at the freely and not blocked with paint. Put a little
sun. oil under the azimuth circle, and see that the

The most common errors are due to an un latter fits snugly on the bowl. See that awn
steady compass card. In such cases the mean ings, etc., are clear, and that iron masses near
of several observations should be taken. compass are in their usual sea condition, and
106. To Correct B, C, and D, with Perma ship is on an even keel.
nent Magnets and Quadrantal Spheres. 4. Place heeling corrector at bottom of tube,
Preparation: Select time and placa, using and North (red) end up in North latitude. If
method of azimuths of the sun. Select a time you have any previous information as to its
when the magnetic bearing of the sun is one or proper location, place it
accordingly. It is best
two points from magnetic East or West, other to set it by means of the heeling adjuster, see
wise the mast or smoke-pipe may prevent your paragraph 25.
getting observations on those headings. On this 5. Place quadrantal correctors at middle of
coast, where the variation is westerly, the slot. If you have any previous information as

proper time, in winter, would be in the morn to their proper location, place them accordingly.
ing; in the summer, late in the morning, or 6. Give watch and curve to an assistant and
late in the afternoon. Do not use the pelorus tell him to keep you informed
in correcting. without your having to ask him, as to the mag
2. Set watch to local apparent time. Get netic azimuth of the sun as shown by curve.
from chart or tide book, or by observation on Station a quartermaster at the compass
shore, the variation of the compass. From the being corrected and tell him to conn the helms
sun s azimuth tables obtain the sun s true azi man.
muth during the hours selected.
at intervals To Correct C: Tell quartermaster
107. 8.
Apply the variation and obtain the correspond to head North (or South) by the compass being
ing magnetic azimuths. Then, on cross-section corrected. (All courses refer to the compass

being corrected.) When the ship is within (If you cannot get bearings of sun on both
about 5 of North note the sun s azimuth by East and West on account of smoke-pipe being
in the way, assume E to be zero and adjust on
compass roughly, apply magnetic azimuth
With one of these headings, leaving an apparent
mentally, and obtain rough deviation.
deviation (+2) as on South.)
athwartship tray near bottom of binnacle, put
in athwartship magnets to reduce deviation, 109. 12. To Correct D: Now head NE. (or i

remembering that the blue end of magnet will NW., SE. or SW.) and move spheres so as to

attract the North point of compass. One mag reduce deviation to zero. It is best to use quad-
net for each five degrees deviation will be an j
rantal correctors large enough to correct from
the middle or outer end of slot. It is better to
Caution the quartermaster to keep the ship over-correct than under-correct. (See discus

headed North (the magnets, of course, will sion below under Interference of Correct
have moved the compass off the North head ors.")

ing). When again headed

about North note 13. Then change course eight points (say to
the deviation roughly and by adding more NW.) and note deviation carefully. Reduce it

magnets, or by moving the tray, reduce it to

one-half by moving the spheres. (It is usually
nearly zero. sufficient to correct on only one intercardinal

Nowtake very careful observations and by point and leave a residual equal to the mean
moving the tray reduce the deviation to zero. residual on North, East, South and West.)
Do not delay until the quartermaster gets ex This residual deviation is due to error in
actly on North, and do
not allow him to bother variation, plus A. The residual deviation on
NE. and NW. mathematically, is a mean of


not quite on," etc.

you by saying on,"

The value of this method is that you do not those on N., S., E. and W. The compass is
point until you have
look at the lubber s re now corrected for B, C, and D, in spite of the
the deviation, and then you note the
moved fact that the variation used may have been
all in
about North The apparent residuals on North and
heading, and if the ship is heading error.
there is no South should be equal, those East and West
(say N. 2 E.), you can safely say
deviation on North. Of course, a moment equal, and those on all intercardinal points
later, you can check it when you come on North equal, when the correctors are properly set.

// you had to move the spheres materially,


quartermaster to head
South (or recorrect on N. and S.
9. Tell
After being on that heading about 110. Residuals. You have now re
North). 14.
ten minutes, note the deviation very carefully corded the apparent residual deviations on
(say it is +4). Move athwartship magnets South,*West, and Northwest. Put the ship on
so as to reduce one-half (to +2). Check
it the other five cardinal and intercardinal points
carefully. (If you should
head North
this very and note and record the apparent residual devi
again, a deviation of +2
should appear.)
ations carefully. Remember that it is impor
Look out for lost motion in the magnet trays. tant to get a correct azimuth of the sun, but
This constant deviation is the sum of the not important to have the ship headed on pre
error in variation used, plus A, plus E. A that time.
cisely the desired point at
includes instrumental errors in the azimuth the ship must be accurately
Of course,
not involved
circle. (Lubber s point errors are headed if are noting the deviations of other
when correcting by this method.)
compasses by comparison.
108. 10. To Correct B: Now head East (or
15. Table of Residual
Deviations: (a) If
West) and as at North, putting in fore-
to the variation used was obtained by accurate
and-aft magnets to reduce the deviation
observation on shore, then the apparent resid
to zero.
and note uals obtained in paragraph 14 are the correct
ii. Then head West (or East)
Move mag deviations, and are due to the effect of A and
deviation carefully. fore-and-aft
nets so as to reduce This residual
it one-half. E, where A includes constant errors in the azi

is due to error in variation, plus A, minus E. muth circle.


(b) If there is any doubt about the accu tion on a Ship. 19. Prepare binnacle and cor
racy of the variation, then assume A to be zero, rectors as mentioned before, pars.
3, 4 and 5.
and all the apparent residuals must be corrected 20. Note on chart some well-defined distant

by a constant quantity. To do this, add alge object (d. o.) a mile or more away, and note
braically to each deviation a quantity that will carefully its magnetic bearing from the ship s
make the deviation curve symmetrical with dock, using parallel rulers. Note from the
regard to the North and South line. In other chart the line of bearing of the face of the dock.
words, subtract the mean residual from each This gives you the ship s heading
residual. say it is about WNW. Note roughly the
16. The Coefficient A: If the coefficient A general direction of North (magnetic) and
is deduced from a set of deviations it will con West (magnetic) and NW. (magnetic).
any error made in the variation assumed 21. At the proper stage of tide
tain you can slack
when swinging ship. Ifno variation is as lines and can point the ship about West. With
sumed, but the ship is swung by the method of azimuth circle, note bearing of distant object
steaming on a magnetic range, the error of (d. o.) by compass, and apply the magnetic
that magnetic range will be included. If swung bearing mentally and obtain roughly the devia
by the method of reciprocal bearings, the results tion. Put in fore-and-aft magnets to reduce it.

will be too inexact to be of value. I doubt if Repeat the operation until deviation is zero and
in recent times any ship has been swung
by ship s head is about West by compass. (See
such a method. With a well located compass pars. 8 and 10.)
the value of A ismuch less than the probable 22. At slack water get a tug to pull the bow
variation error when the latter is taken from or stern out ship head points about North
till s

the chart. (magnetic). Observe azimuth of distant object

17. Therefore, if you use variation from (d. o.) and compare it mentally with the mag
chart (unchecked) in correcting and swinging netic bearing taken from chart and obtain
for residuals, consider A
zero, and correct
deviation. Put in athwartship magnets, and
residuals as described in paragraph I5(b). proceed to reduce it to zero, keeping the ship s
But you have a reliable coast head about North by compass. (See par. 8.)
survey record
of the local variation, or if you have checked 23. By use of lines or tugs now head NW.,
the chart by setting up a compass on shore and note deviation and correct with the
taking an azimuth of the sun for variation, correctors untilit is zero and
ship heads about
then accept the results as described in para NW. by compass. The above method was used
on a ship having deviations up to 60 and the
graph 14 for your residual deviation table.
111. Compasses With Large Deviations.
residual deviation was less than 3. Total time
of operation about two hours.
18. If you start with a compass with large
113. Remarks. The residuals obtained
deviations, say over 10, proceed as follows to
while compensating are usually more exact
make an approximate correction before pro
than those taken by a hurried
ceeding with Head on any
final correction. swinging ship
cardinal point and correct approximately to
The compass cannot be trusted to remain cor
less than 5. Change course eight points and rect and must be checked by daily azimuths.
correct again. Then change to an intercardinal
When deviations appear it is often better to
point and correct with the quadrantal spheres
readjust than to swing ship.
approximately. (See paragraphs 8, i o and 12). The first adjustment should be on North and
If deviation on East or West is over
45 the South, as there is less interference by smoke
directive force on North or South may be
stack, etc., than on East and West.
reversed. Therefore correct on East or West
The use of the pelorus or many assistants is
not recommended.
112. Correction Alongside Dock. Approx Observations of the sun by the mirror on
imate Correction of Compass of New
Ship or the azimuth circle aremuch more accurate than
of Compass That Has Been Changed in Posi observation of terrestrial objects by the azi-

muth Bear in mind the effect of

circle vanes. the remaining vertical force should be the same
hot smoke-pipes and stray electric currents. at the binnacle as it is on shore.

Do not use a single quadrantal sphere as it This may be done by means of the heeling
is subject to induction from the heeling magnet adjuster, as described in the text-books. Bal
and horizontal magnets, causing semicircular ance the heeling adjuster on shore, then set it
deviation. up on the binnacle, and move the heeling mag
In correcting take plenty of time, say ten net until the vertical force is the same as on
minutes on each heading, in order to let the shore, the quadrantal deviation having been
induced magnetism establish itself. firstcompletely corrected.
114. Correction of the Heeling Error. an average
If the heeling error is corrected in

The heeling error is greatest on North and North latitude, should

itbe fairly satisfactory

South, and is zero on East and West courses. for all usual latitudes without moving the
It is usually greatest in high North latitudes, magnet.
and usually draws the North point of needle to The above rules are satisfactory and con
windward (that is, "uphill"). It decreases venient for practical use. The method of
gradually to zero at some place south of the using the heeling adjuster to make the vertical
Farther south it changes sign and force at the compass the same as the vertical
draws the North point of needle to leeward. force on shore, is used by professional com
The quadrantal deviation being corrected, pass adjusters in New York.
the heeling error is caused by the vertical sub- For those who wish more exact, it ma\
to be

permanent magnetism represented by R and be stated that there a third cause of heeling

an induced force kZ, which varies with Z. error. When the ship is headed North or
These usually act together north of the mag South, and heeled over, the upper edge of the
netic equator, and opposed south of the equa deck and upper end of deck beams have blue
tor. At some point not far south of the equator magnetism induced in them by the earth s ver
tical force, which tends to draw the North
they neutralize each other, and farther south
the effect of kZ predominates. The error is point of compass to windward. It happens

therefore greater in North latitude than South that this force corrected partially (or possi

latitude. bly entirely) by the quadrantal spheres.

It is corrected by a vertical magnet under the The text-book method of correcting exactly,
is to balance the heeling adjuster needle on
compass, red end up in the North latitude, and
blue end up in the far South latitude. Its posi shore. Then calling the distance of the balance
tion must be changed for different latitudes weight a, the heeling adjuster is placed on the
and it disturbs the Flinders correction, so that binnacle, and the weight is shifted to a new
after shipping it or moving it the deviation on distance a x A, and the heeling magnet is raised
East and West should be recorrected. until the needle balances (the quadrantal devi

24. To Correct Heeling Error: When the ation having been corrected). The value of A
on a northerly or southerly course and
is used should be deduced from data obtained
and during the rolls the North point of after the spheres are in place and after the
needle is observed to go to windward, the heel Flinders bar is shipped.
ing magnet is raised in the tube to correct it, Quadrantal Correctors. The fore-and-aft
care being taken not to over-correct. (Use it dimension of the sphere is detrimental. Discs
other cor or rings set athwartships would be better than
sparingly, as it interferes with
rectors.) spheres. The ideal correctors would be iron
Then head East and West and correct with and athwartships. The
crosses, set vertically
the fore-and-aft magnets any deviation that horizontal arms would correct the quadrantal

may have been caused by the heeling magnet deviation (D) and would tend to correct the
heeling error due to tilted deck beams.
inducing magnetism in the Flinders bar.
25. The general effect of the heeling magnet vertical arms, if of suitable length, would
is to neutralize the vertical subpermanent force correct (kZ} the force causing heeling error

R, and the variable vertical force kZ, that is, due to vertical soft iron. If. then, the vertical

force (R) due to hard iron be corrected with the correct diagonal distance, and the computed
the heeling magnet in the usual way, the total c? 3 must be translated back into the vertical scale

heeling error would possibly be correct for all distance. This law was tested on the navy
latitudes. binnacle and found very exact.
115. To Correct the Semi-Circular Devia The half length of the magnet
is two inches

tion on East and West by Means of Perma and the half length of the needles is three
nent fore-and-aft Magnets and the Flinders inches, so that the corrected diagonal distance
Bar. 26. With the ship on the magnetic is -V "d* + 4 + 9 = V d + 1 3. 2

equator, correct on East and West with per The following table may be used in correct-
manent fore-and-aft magnets. ins: d:
27. Then leave the equator and any devia
may appear on those headings, correct
tion that
with a Flinders bar (heeling magnet out).
Then put in the heeling magnet if required, and
recorrect with fore-and-aft magnets any devia
tion on East or West that was caused by the
introduction of the heeling magnet. Then
correct any quadrantal deviation caused by the
The vertical scale distance may be used
Flinders bar. (See pars. 44 and 45.)
directly in the formula and give good results
28. To Compute the Correction for P: As
if the latitudes are separated over 20.
ships may not often go to the magnetic equator,
30. Case I. U. S. S. Alpha: Corrected
the equatorial correction can be computed as
compass on East and West in New York and
from simple observations taken in
Vera Cruz, and recorded d l = g inches, and
two latitudes, say New York and Vera Cruz
d 2 = io inches.

Obtain from chart portfolio No. i the verti

cal force (Z) chart No. in, B. A. 3613.
New York Z = x
55 ^= 9"

di ( corrected) =
not available, get horizontal force and magnetic 9.7"

Vera Cruz Z, = .3 5 =
(Z = H tan 6.)
d., io"

dip charts and compute Z.)

d 2 (corrected) = 10.63"
At the high latitude :

Substitute in formula (i)

Let Z t
=vertical force (chart).
d v = distance in inches of fore-and-
aft magnets from compass
needles after correcting on
d *
= (-55 35)913 X 1202 =26
East and West. 9i3X.55-iao2X.35
At the low latitude :
eL (corrected) "^2691
= 13.9.
Z 2 =vertical force (chart). d.,
(vertical scale) = 13.9 .48= 13.42.
d 2 =distance of fore-and-aft magnets Now set fore-and-aft magnet tray at 13.42
after recorrecting on East and inches (the computed equatorial distance) and
West. correct the remaining deviation on East and
Let d 3 equal the distance the fore-and-aft West with the Flinders bar (heeling magnet
magnets would have to be placed if ship were being out). Then put in heeling magnet, and
on the equator. recorrect on East and West with fore-and-aft
29. The formula is based on the law that the magnets any deviation caused by induction of
correcting effect of the magnet is proportional, heeling magnet in the Flinders bar. Then cor
inversely, to the cube of its distance from the rect with the spheres any quadrantal deviation
needles. The distance being the diagonal dis caused by the Flinders bar. If the spheres
tance from the end of the magnet to the end of were moved materially, recorrect on North and
the needles. The vertical scale on the central South. (See pars. 44 and 45.)
column of the binnacle gives the vertical dis 31. Case II. U. S. S. Beta: If, when yon
tance, and this distance must be translated into substitute in formula (i), the denominator

yields a negative quantity your computed value allchange, but the change can be reduced to
of d 3 will be negative. This means that the one or two degrees, which is a great con
fore-and-aft magnet must be reversed end for venience.
end. Then set the tray at the computed dis There is an unaccountable prejudice against
tance, and proceed as in Case I. this corrector. It reminds one that not very

32. Case III. U. S. S. Beta: If, when long ago there was a prejudice against doc

second latitude, the fore-and-

correcting in the toring

a compass with magnets of any kind,

aft magnet must be reversed end for end to the compass have

preferring to let its natural

what it was in the first latitude, proceed as in deviation."
Case I, except the formula is changed slightly ; The fore-and-aft force semi
that both terms in the denominator are posi
is, circular deviation is in absolute units : \HB =
tive and must be added. Compute d z and set P + cZ. (a)
the tray at d z with the poles of the fore-and-aft
Prepresents the force due to subpermanent
magnets in the same direction as at the low
magnetism, and when corrected by a permanent
latitude. Then proceed as in Case I.
fore-and-aft magnet, is permanently neutral
Z is always taken as positive, unless second ized for all latitudes.
latitude is across the magnetic equator in that
represents that part due to induction in
case call Z 2 negative.
vertical iron (for instance, a smoke-pipe) by
33. If the two latitudes are not far separated,
the vertical component (Z) of the earth s
the Flinders correction be only an approxi
mation. In that case consider the bar a perma
Z is zero at the magnetic equator and
nent part of the ship, and on the next voyage
increases to .6 near the magnetic poles.
obtain new values for d lt d 2 and d 3 care being
On crossing the magnetic equator Z changes

taken to have the heeling magnet in the same

sign and causes the second term (cZ) in equa
place for each set of observations.
tion (a) to become subtractive. In other words,
34. The binnacle scale for d extends from 7
the smoke-pipe had blue magnetism induced at
inches to 18 inches. If, after final adjustment,
the top while in North latitude, and has red
the fore-and-aft tray is too close to the needles
magnetism at the top in South latitude. If cZ
(say less than 10 inches) then add more mag
nets and recorrect with the tray lower down. acts with P on one hemisphere, it will be op
posed in the other hemisphere.
If the value obtained for d is greater than 18 ;!

inches, remove half the magnets and set tray at

The problem is to ascertain the magnitude
X /
remove two-thirds of the mag and sign of these two parts of the fore-and-aft
! v i/2, or
nets and set tray at d3 X 7 force, and to correct the force P with a fore-
"v 1/3.
This rule will not be exact, unless all the and-aft permanent magnet, and to correct the
force cZ with a vertical rod of iron (Flinders
magnets have the same strength, which is
unusual. bar) placed on the opposite side of the com
There is usually lost motion in the screw of pass form the disturbing vertical iron (c).
the tray, and in its final position it should be The rod will have magnetism induced in it,
forced down by hand. which will vary as Z, and if of proper size will
The magnets should be grouped symmetri neutralize the variable force cZ in all latitudes.

cally about the scale index pointer on the tray. 36. The same reasoning will apply to the

116. The Flinders Bar Correction. 35.

force XHC =Q + fZ acting in an athwartship

The Flinders bar should be fitted on the com line. An athwartship Flinders bar may be

pass to prevent the large change in the semi fitted, or the bar may be placed in the resultant
circular deviation (principally on East and angle of cZ and /Z. But this is not recom
West) due to a change in magnetic latitude. mended, as the athwartship force is fairly
In practice we cannot realize the full theo constant and the Flinders bar is best on the
retical value of the Flinders bar, and prevent center line.

7. On the Culgoa the following results were Recorrect at a low latitude (L,) and note
distance of magnets from needles (d 2 ).
ohiined (Flinders bar unshipped). (Record
beig incomplete,
table is partly computed.) At L! let Z^ vertical force (chart).

d^ distance of magnets (ob

At L, let Z = vertical force (chart).
d., = distance of magnets (ob
Let d 3 = distance of magnets to cor
rect if ship were at equator (compute).
The formulas are easily deduced from the
his shows and cZ were actingthat P fundamental formula \HB = P + cZ, and the
law that the correcting effect of the magnet is
tocther in North latitude, and opposed in
inversely proportional to the cube of
Magellan Straits they were
Soth latitude. At
each other. from the needles.
oposed and almost neutralizing
A lelbourne cZ predominated, causing east-
40. Cases I and II:
er deviation.
in the
P _ dS __
P + cZ,
_ df .

ships have these forces opposed


nrr.ern latitude, and if no Flinders bar is hence,

use, willhave to reverse the direction of the
for-and-aft magnets on arriving at a high
Nr.h latitude. 41. Case III: P and cZ opposed, and in one

in the Culgoa, the fore-and-aft magnets latitude, cZ>P.

wo? set at 11.4",

blue end forward, and the P _ d,
P _ d,

reidnder of the deviation corrected with a P-cZ,~ d~S cZ^-P d^

Fliders bar. The change in deviation on East hence,
vvhc going from South to North latitude was
les :han 3.
42. To obtain the magnetic latitude where
1 The following is quoted from the valu-
P cZ and deviation is zero :

abl compass reports made by Commander

W.J. Cole, U. S. N., navigator of the Kansas, Z
in ;o8 :
d d -f
a ;!

These Forces can be Shown Graphically

lii compass (standard) shows normal conditions,
amue compensation has been made practically uni- (see sketch) :

ven.. The change in the residual deviation between Let EE represent magnetic equator.
Puia Arenas and Magdalena Bay (before target LetMM represent magnetic meridian.
prazce) being so small that the error on any point Graduate MM from O at equator to .6 near
dia exceed i. Athwartship, as well as fore-and-

poles to represent the earth s

vertical magnetic
aft linders bars were used in this compensation,
force, or magnetic latitude (Z).
thot a the former was small size.

believed that when the Flinders bar is of

Graduate OA to some convenient scale to
of fore-and-
suable material, there is small chance of magnetism represent, in inches, the distance
of av great
strength. The advantages derived from aft magnets from needles (d).
a \ril-placed Flinders bar are so important that they In two latitudes, observe d and d and com
greay overbalance the possibility of magnetization d,.
Using the corresponding value of Z (chart),
IE bar.

The relation of these forces is shown by- plot the points d^, d 2
and J 3 .

lowing formulae :
Compute from formula (3) the value of Z 8
- a high latitude correct on East with for no deviation, and draw line BB.
(L l ) ,

Draw curve d d and d^ and tan

for-and-aft magnets and note distance in through lf
of magnets from compass needles (d^. gent to BB and MM.

Other points on the curve may be computed the spheres, so that the situation is improved
by the formulae. by the Flinders bar, and we need not worry
The curve should be repeated symmetrically about the quadrantal deviation caused by this
on the other side ofline BB. bar.
Diagram of Forces: Draw OG at some con 45. Heeling Magnet: The heeling magnet
venient angle with meridian (about 30). causes a serious induction in the Flinders bar,
Where it intersects BB, draw line KK parallel
causing semi-circular deviation of the P type,
to meridian. Then OP will represent the force which should be corrected by the fore-and-aft
P in all latitudes, and the abcissae oi OG will
represent cZ. If the position of the heeling
magnet were
Continuous Correction Without the
never changed, would not be objectionable.
Use of Flinders Bar. 43. For any magnetic If the position of the heeling
magnet is
latitude, or value of Z, the abcissse of this curve
changed, then recorrect on East and West.
(d) will give the proper setting of the fore- 119. 46. Remarks: The popular objection to
and-aft magnets.
a Flinders bar is that it may become perma
In any latitude Z, the shaded portion shows
the algebraic sum of P and cZ, and the distance nently magnetized. The objection is not valid,

to the d curve shows setting of magnets to except with the light Mark I rods. As long as

correct it.
they stay in their case they are not apt to have
118. Interference of Correctors. 44. In
any sudden change. It is almost impossible to

duction of Compass Needles: Adjacent soft

hammer any magnetism in the heavy Mark II

iron will attract the nearest end of the compass

bar. The Mark rods will pick up magnetism

and cause quadrantal deviation. The if held in the meridian and struck. They can
needle is a magnet, either end of which would be tested as follows for polarity :

attract and pick up a soft iron slug. It induces The ship being on a steady heading, stand
the rod on deck vertically with the top end near
magnetism of opposite polarity in the soft iron
and thereby attracts it. the East point of compass and note bearing of
The Quadrantal Spheres: If these are nearer distant object.
than 13 inches (center to needles) from the Reverse rod end for end, and again note

needles, they will be affected, causing a D. bearing of distant object. The end that at
The quadrantal deviation is usually due to a tracted the North end of needle most has blue
+ D, and the induction would therefore assist magnetism in it. It can be taken out by point
in correcting it, but
not desired, as such a
it is
ing that end North and rapping it a little.
correction would not hold for all latitudes, nor
47. The writer has noted, but has not veri
would it assist in correcting the heeling error.
fied,that on approaching the equator the
The spheres should therefore be large enough induced magnetism in the Flinders bar would
to correct from a distance of 13 or more inches.

appear to leave promptly, while that in the

The athwartship subpermanent force Q and
smoke-pipe would leave tardily. If this is true,
the athwartship magnets placed to correct it
itwould argue that the Flinders bar should be
both act together to set up an induced magnet
made of the same material as the smoke-pipe.
ism in the spheres, causing (possibly 5) semi
All bars should be machined as the surface scale
circular deviation on North and South. That
is magnetic.
is why in making the final correction on North
During the cruise of the fleet around the
and South, the spheres must be in approxi
world, many of the navigators fitted Flinders
mately their final position.
bars and made most favorable reports about
Flinders Bar: This bar, if full sized, and in
the designed position, will receive needle induc
tion and will give several degrees quadrantal 120. Summary. 48. The following is rec
deviation. ommended for a new ship :

The effect is due to a +D, which is opposed i. Make approximate correction of B, C and

to the D, caused by the needles induction in D at the dock.





_ (Zi-Zz)d




2. It is best to use spheres Inge enough to 6. (a) Compute </,.

correct at a distance of 13 inches or more. (b) Take out heeling magnet.

Procure a Flinders bar, Mark II. If conve
(c) Set fore-and-aft magnet tray at d,.
nient; set IM*B^> HUpil l by means of heeling (d) Ship Flinders bar (or change the bar
adjuster. (See par. 25.) as required if already shipped), and correct
3. When underway, make careful correction
remaining deviation on East and West,
of B, C and D (without Flinders bar), and
(e) Replace heeling magnet.
make record of the distance of fore-and-

(f) Recorrect on East and West with

aft "jpfflft
from needles. (See pars. 10 and fore-and-aft magnets.
(g) Recorrect the quadrantal deviation,
4. Place heeling fT >

?CIM^ if it has not been

done, and if is rolling. (h) Recorrect on North and South.
(See par. 24.) ship
On on East In making all corrections, follow the methods
5. change of latitude, recorrect
and West with fore-and-aft and ob described in pars. I to 13.

tain (rf) the distance of fore-and-aft magnets The writer desires to acknowledge the cour
from liftiP** After the first target practice, tesy and ^MtJf^ of Lieut. Commander C. T.
x and <f, should be obtained again. (See pars. Owens, U. S. N., in charge of the Compass
10, 1 1 and 33.)



121. The method which is here to be de

scribed has worked successfully for two yean
with the compasses of the Casting and all the
submarine flotilla. The German and Greek
letters,ordinarily used, are here done away
with, and thus the biggest bugbear of compass
work is eliminated, the constant A
being the
only coefficient given real consideration in this
Using cross-section paper, taking ordinates
as times, and abscissae as degrees unnum
We consider that any compass is properly
bered as yet now draw in the curve ABC (see
corrected when a distant object can be made to
Fig. A).
have the same compass bearings for all head
3. Xow head the ship Xorth. Using the azi
ings of the ship.
muth take a very accurate bearing of
122. To Compensate the Compass. Xote
sun; in this case it equals 246 30 at 5 .__
the change of bearing of the sun for every Put the helm over and swing to Sooth. Plot
twenty minutes, using the azimuth tables, the on Fig. A, close to the
point X, with this data,
approximate local apparent time, the latitude
change-of-bearing curve, now marking the de
(correct to a degree), and the date of the
month as arguments. A curve of the sun s gree line at A as 246, and also giving values to
the abscissae.
change of bearing is then plotted on cross-
4. Steady on South. Bearing of the stin is
section paper. A reference to the azimuth
found to be 245 30 at 3.29. Plot this as point
tables shows that an error of a few minutes in
time, of a degree in latitude, or even of a day or
Y. Draw XX parallel to ABC. X 1

, therefore,

so in date, makes practically no change in the represents the sun s bearing if headed on Xorth
rate of change of bearing of the sun. though
at 3.29. Xow draw a curve parallel to ABC
of course, with such erroneous data, there is a and through the point Z. which is half-way
decided error in the actual bearing of the sun :
between Y and X .

but with the actual bearing we are not now con 5. Xow, using watch and curve, raise or

cerned. lower the athwartship magnets until the sun

Problem. Correct all compasses of a vessel, bears as it should. Then there will be no devia
and swing for residuals in latitude 40 20 X., tion, and South by <

ijmpjus will be correct

\ 70 \V.. about 3.00 p. m. on April 27. south. All the other compasses are then made
Procedure. I. Set watch to local
apparent to read south in the usual manner.
time approximately. For example, if watch 6. Correct on East, and then on Xorthoast.
had been keeping /5th meridian mean time, as in the same manner.
would be probable, set it ahead twenty minutes, 7. Now
head the ship Xorth and take a
thus making /oth meridian mean time, and
bearing. If this bearing differs from that given
then apply the equation of time.
by the curve, one half of the difference has been
2. Pick out from the azimuth tables, caused by over compensation on South and tin s
40 as latitude, and the column nearest the dav should be corrected at once by raising or Icwer-


ing the athwartship magnets until the differ MATHEMATICAL NOTE ON THE ABOVE BY COMMANDEJ
ence is reduced one-half. G. R. MARVELL. U. S. N.

Now take a new bearing and plot the differ A smz-\-C cos z -f- D sin 2.z -f- E cos 2c
tan g __ -\-B
ence between and the curve. Next swing the
it i-\-B cos z C smz-\-D cos 22 E sin 2s

ship on every fourth point and take bearings on The above is the strict mathematical formula foi
each, plotting the difference between these bear the deviation, z being ship s head magnetic. If th<

ings and those shown by the curve. Draw a deviations are less than 20, this formula can be re

curve through the mean of the points thus duced to (see Muir, p. 121) :

plotted. This curve is the curve of zero resid b=A-}-B mz s -\-C sin 22 + coszz ,

ual deviations. When swinging for residuals where z is the ship s head per compass.
if observed bearing is greater than the
Let z o, then 8 = A + C + E.
bearing given by the curve the deviation is = =A
Let z 1 80, then ir

Westerly, and if less the deviation is Easterly.

Residuals may be due to a real constant error
or to errors in the instruments. To find if the 90, then b,/ t = A -\-B-E.
azimuth circle (the only instrument used) has 270, then 8 3Jr/ , = A B E.
an error take a bearing of the sun say at 7.00 W 2 + Wit _ (2
a. m., and another about three or four hours
later, say at 10.30 a. m., the ship being on the
Let the compass be compensated on N., S., ., am
same heading for each. If the errors found are W., and the coefficients B and C have been reducec
to zero. Therefore,
the same it is safe to assume that the instru
ment is accurate and we may use the residuals 8 =A +D sin 2z + E cos 2z.
found above to determine the constant error. Let 8= 45- 6^4 =^ + >.


If the errors found are not the same, it shows

Let 8 135. b 3n/i =AD. (4:
Let 8 = 225. 8 57r/4 = A + D. (si
that the mirror does not record accurately for
Let 8 = 315. Sin/ 4 =AD. (6]
all headings and another and correct azimuth
circle should be used. It is advisable to test the
An inspection of these last show that to compel
sate for D, (3) and (4), (3) and (6), (4) and (5)
circle before compensating rather than after in
or (5) and (6), are the combinations.
order that the results of the work of compensat
ing will be more accurate. 123. To Swing for Residuals. If devia
Whencorrecting a compass in the usual tions are small, say not over one-half point
method by a calculated bearing of the sun, an then the lag of the compass will be constant
" "

instrumental error and all errors in calculations ifthe swing of the ship is constant. Note the
tend to give a false constant A. During the change in bearing of sun during ten minutes,
short time required for compensating in the Plot curve of the change of bearing of sun foi
method just described less than one hour this time. Start vessel swinging and, after il
the angle of change of the mirror, or change of has swung through eight points, consider the
itserror, should be very little, and, even if the swing constant.
mirror were in error ten degrees, the compass Example. i. With data, as in first case, w<

would be correct, because the distant object find the change of bearing from 3.50 to 4.00
has been made to bear the same all the way to be 2. Plot curve AB (see Fig. B), and
around; whereas we know that in the usual without designating values for ordinates or
method the compass would be corrected to abscissae.
take out the whole error (true constant A, in 2. Head East and put helm hard to star
strumental and magnetic) on one heading, and board. Follow the sun with the azimuth circle.
on the opposite heading the instrumental error When passing North, take azimuth and time
plus true constant A error which should not i. e., 268^ at 3.51. Now, in Fig. B, mark 268
have been taken out will be doubled. for abscissa at point A and 3.51 for ordinate,
It frequently occurs that an azimuth circle and plot N.
is in error
by 2 after it has knocked about 3. Take bearings every fourth point and
ship for a few years. plot NW., W., SW. f S., SE., E., and NE.



3WI-L J.N3ilWddW 1WD(


From the mean of the means between N. and Thus, in the above method, we did not need
S., E. and W., NW. and SW., SE. and NE., to knowthe magnetic bearing of the sun (any
establish the point X and through X draw the distant object could have been used), because
curve XY parallel to AB. The curve XY may the bearing used was the magnetic plus the
be drawn by establishing the point X from the lag plus the constant.

FIG. B. Curve Swinging for Residuals Hard Over Helm.

Ordinates, Approximate Local Apparent Times. Abscissas, Azimuths in Degrees.

mean between N. and S. and still be approxi The above method has been proved by trial
mately correct. on various ships with corrected compasses,
4. The amount the points vary from this using uniform speed and helm. The bearing
line is the deviation, plus any known constant of the sun remained constant, or only varied an
the compass may have. The result is shown amount equal to the change of sun bearing due
in Fig. B. to time, the bearing being in error the lag.

NOTE ON "LAG" OF COMPASS BY COMMANDER G. R. creasing or decreasing, and approximate rate.

MARVELL, U. S. N. In this case it is noted that the bearing is in
The mean directive force of earth and ship in terms
creasing between i and 2 every ten minutes.
of -earth s horizontal force as unit
represented by is
Call it about i for every seven minutes. If
X, which depends for its value upon the effect
horizontal soft iron, symmetrically arranged about
no watch isavailable, note approximately the
the compass. number of revolutions for i change in bear
Therefore, for any particular heading of the ship ing. All that is some very rough
necessary is
there is a certain pull or force on the needle, tending method of measuring and even this is
to draw it away from the magnetic meridian, and to
hardly necessary for accurate work.
bring it to rest at compass North. On another head
ing there is a similar force, but of different value.
~~2. Procedure. Head the ship North by
If a ship is swung with a constant change of magnetic compass and note bearing of sun by compass,
azimuth, the compass needle will be acted upon by a say 270. Then head South by compass and
varying force, so that at any particular magnetic head after steadying there two or three minutes
the deviation will be different from what it would
have been if the ship had been steadied on that mag again note bearing of sun by compass, say
netic head. This difference in deviation may be 276. The time interval between the bearings
called lag.If the force acting on the compass needle has been say six minutes, during which time
was constant, and the angular velocity of the swing the sun actually changed bearing i. At the
was constant, then the lag would be constant. But time of the first bearing (that taken on North
in an uncompensated compass the force is variable,
therefore the lag is variable. heading), had the ship been headed South by
By the method of compensating described above, compass, the bearing of the sun by compass
the compensation on N. and S. gets rid of C, but would have been 275. The mean of the bear
leaves Aand E; the compensation on E. and W. gets
ings on North and South at that instant would
rid of B, but leaves A and E; that on NE. and SE.
have been 272^. Six minutes later, at the
gets rid of D, but leaves A. The value of the force
time the ship was headed South, the mean of
of earth and ship to magnetic north is given by the
formula. the bearing would have been 273^, and as the
observed bearing at that instant was 276 there
F=7. (i-\-B r
cos s C sinz +D cos 22 E sin 25).

This in terms of earth s horizontal force as unit. is on South 2^ Westerly deviation which must
Assume that B , C and D have been eliminated by be taken out. To do this raise or lower the
compensation, and the value of X -f- with cor
thwartship magnets until the sun bears be
rectors in place has been found then the formula ;
tween 273^ and 274 by compass and the
reduces to
deviation on South will be removed. The sun
F=K (i E sin 22).

should be made to bear nearer 274 by com
If very small, as it is in all centrally located
pass than 273^, since a little time will be con
compasses, then the value of F practically remains
constant, and therefore the lag is constant. sumed in the adjustment, and allowance should
If the compass is out of the midship s line, and the be made for the change of bearing of the sun
rods d and b have effect, then the method of compen in this time. Next head the ship East and
sation,and of finding residual deviations given above
West and following the same procedure find
is faulty and should not be depended upon.
if the deviation has not been entirely
the deviation and correct it with the fore and
removed, the lag will not be constant, for there will aftmagnets. Next head the ship Northwest
remain values for B , C , D and E which, when sub and Southwest (or on any two adjacent inter-
stituted in the formula for force, will give varying cardinal points) and following the same pro
values of that force.
The amount of cedure find the deviation and compensate it
difference in the lag cannot be
stated ;
it may, or it may not, affect the finding of the
with the spheres.
correct deviation. On Southwest or Northeast the natural de
124. To Correct Compasses No Instru viation is east if it is found to be west the com

ments Except Azimuth Circle. No Tables pass is overcorrected and it is necessary to

of Information of any Kind. I. Steady move balls out. On
Northwest and Southeast
ship on one course note bearing of sun, and ; natural deviation is west if found to be east,

again about ten minutes later from these two ; then compass is overcorrected and we must
bearings one can tell whether the bearing is in move the balls out. If the above cannot be

remembered, simply move the balls and find out the north end of the compass needle to the
what happens. right and therefore on the forward side. Hav
Now put the helm hard over and, after ing secured the holder on the forward side of
swinging through eight points, take bearings the binnacle insert rods until a deviation of

every fourth point, and proceed as in the 2 E. has been produced. The Flinders bar
method of swinging for residuals, with hard- correction will then have been made.
over helm. If the work was accurately per The above method is correct since the pull

formed, it will be found that the bearing all causing deviation in latitude 30, sine is twice ,

around will be the same, or about | more by as much as the pull causing deviation in latitude
the end of the swing, due to change of bearing 14 31 ,
sine $; therefore the deviation caused
of sun in the time interval. by the magnetism in vertical soft iron is twice

125. Flinders Bar Correction. Flinders as much in latitude 30 as it is in latitude

bar corrections are best made after 14 31 Since the difference between the two
have been on the deviations is 2, the actual total deviation at
compensated magnetic
latitude is 4, while at latitude 14 31 it
equator and the additional deviation found on 30
a change of latitude taken out by using the bar. was 2. But the 2 was taken out by magnets
The compensation may also be made from at latitude 1431 and the compass was there
observations of the error in some other latitude fore over compensated by 2 in that latitude.

than the one compensated in even though the Hence the Flinders bar must be so placed as to
compensation was not made at the magnetic compensate 4 W. deviation which will leave

The two methods will be explained. 2 E. deviation which must be taken out by
i. If when in magnetic equator the
the changing the magnets. The amount the mag
nets will be changed will be the amount of over
compass is compensated and on going North a
deviation found on East or West, a Flinders
is compensation in latitude 14 31 The two .

bar may be used to take out this deviation and latitudes here assumed were taken to make the

the semicircular deviation will then be correct explanation simple, but any two latitudes could
for all latitudes. The Flinders bar should be have been used using tables to get the correct
value of the sines.
placed either forward or abaft the compass, as
determined by trial, to correct the deviation 126. Notes. When first beginning compass
and work, the author started with a carefully
produced by the change of latitude, this

bar will usually be that worked out magnetic curve, but nearly always
required, though
all is

it is sometimes necessary to put a very weak

found that, after compensating on North, the
bar on the side in addition. sun s bearing on South was not according to
2.. When the compass has not been com the curve. So, judging this due to mathe
matical, instrumental variation, or a constant
pensated on the magnetic equator, the follow
ing method of placing the Flinders bar, though magnetic error, a curve was drawn half-way
not proved by trial, is believed to be correct :
between the worked out curve and the South
The vertical magnetic force varies as the compass bearing, and it was found that this
curve could be followed all the way around.
sine of the latitude, or to express it
the vertical magnetic force varies
Then a curve of proper shape only was found
to be all sufficient.
as the sine of the dip. Suppose a compass
has been compensated without using a Flinders compass tray is immovable, wires can
If the

bar in a certain magnetic latitude, say 14 31 ,

be added, but do not do so by the bundle. Mag
nets can even be nailed to the deck. It has
and that there was no deviation remaining on
East. The magnetic latitude where
sine of the been found beneficial to have the compass balls
the compensation was made equals \. Suppose annealed by heating to a dull red and cooling
the ship then went to some other magnetic lati slowly over night, about every six months, as
tude, say 30, and that it was there found that they collect a little permanent magnetism.
on East there was a deviation of 2 W. The The above methods are certainly simple
sine of the new magnetic latitude equals -J.
We easily taught, form a practical method of com
see that the Flinders bar must be placed on pass correction, and eliminate the difficulties

that side of the compass where it will draw ordinarilv met with in this work.


(Copy of pamphlet issued by Navy Department.)

Compensation on Two Headings

127. By construction* (Plate I), draw OC l

Alongside the Dock. This can be done with the direction of the deviation ( 23 oo )

OC = Hj = T
considerable accuracy by observations for di 2
heading, and lay off
the first -
rective force on two headings, the only assump T

tions being that 2[ and are zero, which is gen = .838. Draw OC in the direction of the de

erally true. viation (+33 oo ) on the second heading, and

Twoheadings are available :

(a) When a vessel is in a dry dock or in a


OC1 = I34= W1 =.7I.
/~\ /"*
-fi Q J-

dock slip, and, before or afterward, when she

is moored along the water front outside the
Through C^ and C 2 draw the lines C\M and
uC 2 in the directions of the magnetic headings
dock or slip.
Z ) and
(163 Z 2 (70 oo 15 ), respectively,
(b) When moored alongside of a
a vessel is

extending them to intersect in u, and at C x

dock or sea wall and afterward winded and
C2 erect perpendiculars to these lines intersect
moored on the opposite heading.
The vessel must not, in either be near ing in v.
Draw uw,
bisecting the supplement of the
another iron or steel vessel or in the immediate
angle between the magnetic courses C\M and
vicinity of iron or steel structures on shore.
uC 2 and draw vw perpendicular to uw. Pro
The necessary data are as follows :

duce these lines, if necessary, to intersect ON

T, the mean of ten sets of times of ten vibra
in D and D Bisect DD at the point P. With

tions of the horizontal force needle on shore

ina place free from local magnetic influences,
P as a center and a radius PD = PD describe ,

a circle, and through D draw the line DB

and not greatly distant from the ship.
parallel to the second course uC 2 intersecting
T\ and T 2 means of ten sets of times ,
M. Around M draw the figure of
the circle in
of ten vibrations of the same needle on board
a ship with her bow in the direction of the
ship in the exact position of the compass
second heading uC 2 Draw MP and MC 2 . .

needle, taken on each of the two headings of

the ship.

Z\ and Z2 the two headings of the ship by


the uncompensated compass.

Zj and Z,, the two corresponding magnetic
headings. These can be obtained from a map 937
of the dockyard, or from an azimuth observa . .93= +.222,
tion, or from reciprocal bearings.
Example, Case a. PM is the direction in which the quadrantal
T =17:4, Zl =i63ao ,
force S) is pushing on the compass needle and
T\=i 9 .o, Z = 7oi 5
2 ,
producing the deviation POM= +6 oo .

r, = 2o .65, 8 = 23oo
1 W., * For a mathematical demonstration of the correct
Z\=i86oo S = 33oo E.
, 2 ness of this method, see Admiralty Manual for the
Deziations of the Compass, 1901, p. 154, Problem 3.


MB is the direction in which the semicircular so many that the compass card will swing more
component pulling on the needle and pro
33 is than 11 to the left; then raise the tray until

ducing the deviation MOB

+ 11 oo . the card has swung just 11 to the left, or to
BC 2 is the direction in which the semicircular 64 15 Record the distances of the trays

component G is pulling on the needle and pro below the compass needles, the number of E
ducing the deviation BOC 2 + 16 oo . and C corrector magnets, and the directions oi
MC 2 is the
direction in which the total semi their red ends close and lock the chamber door

circular force V33 2 +pulling on the needle

is Thenplace the quadrantal corrector spheres
and producing the deviation 2 27 oo MOC = + . at the outer limits on their arms and move then:

OC 2 is the direction taken by the compass inward until the compass card has swung 6 tc
needle under the combined influence of the the left, or to 70 15 which is the magnetic

various forces ;
i. e., the needle has deviated heading. Secure the spheres and record theii
through the angle POC = +33 2 oo from mag distance from the compass pivot.
netic North. When compensating the semicircular forces
In two heading methods it is generally desir it must be borne in mind that accurate compen
able to compensate the semicircular deviation sation is not possiblethe corrector magnet!

first, because the quadrantal deviation cannot lie nearly in the vertical plane through the com

be accurately compensated on some headings

pass needle, for in such a case it would take i
against the pull of the uncompensated semi movement of the magnets to pro
large vertical
circular forces. duce an appreciable effect upon the compas!
It should be remembered to compensate the card. Therefore the directions of the 23 and G
heeling error on that heading of the two which forces and of the compass needle, i. e., th<

is most nearly East or West. While doing so, OCZ am

directions of the lines MB, BC 2 ,
and ,

the spheres should be placed temporarily at the

the angles which they make with each other
middle of the arms.
must be carefully studied on the dygogram be
128. To Compensate. Join OB as well as
fore deciding which semicircular componen
OM and produce OB, necessary, to intersect
should be compensated first. Sometimes thi
the graduated arc of the dygogram. The devia
to be
compensation of one component will product
tion due to (, which is compensated by
an undesirable condition for the compensatioi
athwartship magnets, is the angle Z sub BOC
of the other, and sometimes it will improve thi
tended by the line BC 2 and in this case it is
condition for the other. An illustration of thi

positive, or +16. The deviation due to 23,

will be given later.
which to be compensated by fore-and-aft

is the angle MOB

subtended by the The dygogram construction is simplifie<
line MB, and in this case it is positive, or 11. + when the two magnetic headings are diamet
as when
rically opposite, or practically so,

The quadrantal deviation is, as already stated,

moored dock front is winded
the angle POM=+6. ship along a an<

With the athwartship magnet tray at the remoored in the opposite direction, provide*

bottom of the chamber, place the C corrector these headings do not lie in the magnetii
in their tubes, so that, when athwart meridian or at right angles to it. Should tb
ship, their red ends will be, in this case, to star headings lack one or two degrees of beinj
that the assumed to be on tb
opposite, they should be
board, taking care not to use so many
compass card will swing more than 16 to the diameter which halves this difference.
left. Secure the tray with the magnets
Example, Case b.
athwartship and raise it until the card has
swung just 16 to the left, or to 53 15 . T =I7 4, 8^12 15 E.,
T ^15 S = 7oo W.,
With the fore-and-aft magnet tray at the 4, 2

bottom of the chamber, place the B corrector

in their tubes so that, in this case, their 45 00.
magnets ,

red ends are forward, taking care not to use oo ,


By construction (Plate II), draw OC t

in the direction of the athwartship magnets BC and

direction of the deviation ( + 12 15 ) on the the direction of the compass needle OC is 2

OC- = A
T 2
= small, but would be increased by compensating
first heading, and lay off i -rj
i z
the 23 force first. This should therefore be
1.28. Draw OC 2 in the direction of the devia done.
tion (7 oo )
on the second heading, and lay When we have compensated the force

H = T r- = .c i.
OC =j^ 2
23 with fore-and-aft magnets, the line will MB
2 2 >

have shortened up to zero the line BC 2 will ;

Join C C and
X 2 bisect the point M.
it in have moved parallel to itself to 3 and the MC ,

Through M draw MD parallel to the keel line compass needle will have taken up the position
(238 oo ), intersecting ON in D, and draw OC 3 ;
i. e., it will have swung to the right
MD perpendicular to MD, intersecting ON through the angle C 2 OC ? or +25. Hence, ,,

inD*. with the fore-and-aft magnet tray at the bot

Bisect DD at P, and from C2 let fall the per tom of the chamber, place the B corrector mag
pendicular C 2 B on MD, produced if necessary. nets in their tubes, red ends, in this case, for
Since C 2 was obtained with the ship on the ward, using as many as possible without swing
magnetic heading 238 oo draw the outline , ing the compass card more than 25 to the
of a ship around M heading in the direction right then raise the tray until the card has

MD. Then: swung exactly that much, or from 245 to

OP = X =.92, 220.
It will be noted that the athwartship magnet
correctors, if now placed in their tubes, will
be much more nearly at right angles to the
direction of the disturbed needle 3 than they OC
would have been had they been used first when
the needle s direction was OC 2 .

When the force & has been compensated

with athwartship magnets, the line a will MC
have shortened up to zero and the compass
needle will have taken up the position OM;
i. c., it will have swung to the left through the

.92 angle C OM,S or 11. Hence:

PM shows the direction of the quadrantal With the athwartship magnet tray at the
force pushing the compass needle to the right bottom of the chamber, place the C corrector
and producing the deviation POM=-\-y. magnets in their tubes (using a precaution as
MB shows the direction of the fore-and-aft to their number similar to that used for B

component of the semicircular force pulling magnets), red ends, in this case, to port; then

the needle to the left and producing the devia compass card has swung
raise the tray until the
tion MOB= -22. 11 from 220 to 231.
to the left, or
shows the direction of the athwartship
2 Record the number of B and C corrector
component of the semicircular force pulling magnets, the direction of their red poles and
the needle to the right and producing the devia the distances of the trays below the compass
tion BOC =+8. 2 needles ;
close and lock the chamber door.
2 shows the direction taken by the com Place the spheres upon their arms and move
pass needle under the combined effort of all them in or out until the compass card has
these forces, producing a deviation of POC = 2
~ swung 7 to the left, or from 231 to 238,

which the ship s magnetic heading.

is Then
Compensation is effected as already ex secure the spheres, reading and recording their
plained, except that in this case a study of the distance from the compass pivot.
dygogram shows that the angle between the The foregoing method would cover a case


where either the 33 force or the (S force was By construction (Plate IV) it will be seen
acting in the direction of the disturbed needle thatwe can proceed as usual as far as draw
and producing no apparent deviation, i. e., ing the line uw which determines the point D ;
when either MB
or BC 2 was coincident in but the line vw will lie in the meridian, making
direction with OC 2 ;
for by compensating the the points D and P indeterminate, and conse
other force first, the needle will be made to take quently the values of A, A and A33 are un
up a new position and the coincidence will be obtainable.

destroyed. By drawing DB perpendicular to C 2 v, how

Compensation on opposite headings becomes and joining OB, we have the deviation
indeterminate if the two headings happen to BOCZ due to the force 6 and can compensate
lie in the magnetic meridian or at right angles it with athwartship magnets. Further pro
to it.These conditions are represented in cedure would have to be as follows :

Plate III, the forces A33 and A being the same From records of a compass station similarly
as previously used. situated in a similar ship, which may be ob
The actual values of A and 2) cannot be ob tained from the Bureau of Navigation, values
tained either by construction or by computa of A and 2) may be assumed such that A( I )

tion. On magnetic East or West the semicir = OD. In the absence of data A may be as
cular deviation can be compensated as already sumed as 0.8 in ordinarily well-placed com

explained. On magnetic North or South there passes. Lay off equal to the A found and OP
is no apparent deviation due to 33. If, however, describe a circle around with as a radius P PD
33 were compensated, the line would BM cutting DB Join in, OM. Then MOB
shorten up to zero BC 2 would take up the posi
; approximately, the deviation due to 53, and
tion MCz, and the total deviation would change POM is, approximately, the deviation due to S),

from MOC 2 to MOC 3, or, with the data given, and they can be compensated as such in the

from 9 30 to 12 30 .
Hence, compen usual manner.
sate in this case with B correctors until the By two-heading methods, if the magnetic
total deviation becomes 12 30 ;
then com headings are not on or near opposite cardinal
pensate with C correctors until the deviation points or adjacent intercardinal points, careful
becomes zero. work should produce a compensation leaving
This is all that can be done with any cer less than 4 maximum error.

tainty. The values of 33, &, 2), and A can be ob

The quadrantal spheres should be placed in tained from the original data by computation,
position by estimate based upon records of the using the following formulas :

placing of spheres at a compass station simi

larly situated in a similar ship, which records Z
j~, 2
COS x 7^ COS Z (0
may be obtained from the Bureau of Naviga i 4- a= -1 2

cosZj cosZ 2
tion. The navigator s experience will often
"J~2 fZ
serve in making the estimate, or, if there seems p/~~2
sin Z j fv~ 2 sin Z 2
to be no other means of arriving at the prob
able position, they may be placed at the middle
position. (3)
Compensation on two headings is also in
determinate when these headings happen to be (4)
on adjacent magnetic intercardinal points. / 7 2
T 2
= + ir \f *
] I

COS Z + v-rt


Example. 2A L \TV ^T7>

r, >fv-o
/ /-\
15 J
= 3i5 oo ,
Z = 45
2 oo , (i + o) (cos Zj + cos Z ) 2

= 316 45 ,
Z =i 5
2 3o ,
i f f T
T 2

St =i45 W., So = 29 30 E. c {
-r,^ sm i + 7- sm


i \i, ; 2 -/
r =i 7 8 .6,
T =i .
(i+<?) (sinZ 1 + sinZ.,) >.

Computation should be used whenever con angle BOC is the deviation due to C, and the
struction gives very acute angles of intersec angle POC is the deviation due to V23 + (P. 2

tion, rendering measurements uncertain. The numerical values of 93 and ( can be ob

129. Compensation on One Heading tained, if desired, by measuring PB and BC,
Alongside the Dock. Should it not be pos respectively, by the vertical scale of the dygo
sible to take observations for directive force on gram.
two headings, the compasses can be compen The angles POB and BOC may be measured
sated with tolerable accuracy from observations on the graduated arc of the dygogram. Com
on one heading only. ,In this event the quad- pensation can be effected with these data as
rantal spheres must be placed by estimate and already described for two-heading methods.
values of A. and assumed as described above
for certain cases of compensation on two Example.
headings. U. S. S. Mayflower, Washington, D. C.
Center the compass accurately, place the Standard compass on forward bridge. Height
spheres by estimate, and then compensate the above main deck 20 ft. Distance from stern
heeling error regardless of the fact that the 180 ft. Compensate on magnetic heading
ship may not be heading near East or West. 64 30 .

Next, record the compass heading of the From data for standard compass of U. S. S.
ship (Z ) by the compass to be compensated, Scorpion, assumed :

and observe and record the magnetic heading

(Z) and the deviation, obtainable by means of A=-95>

a chart, or an azimuth of the sun, or of a dis $=.105,

tant object of known magnetic bearing, or by
and estimated that the spheres should be
a single set of reciprocal bearings. Obtain T

placed at 12% inches.

and T with the spheres in place, by methods
Place and secure the spheres. Compensate
already described. Then, by dygogram con the heeling error and carefully center the com
struction (Plate V) :

pass. It is then found that


From the point P

lay off the angle
equal to the magnetic heading (Z) of the ship, ^ = 38 45 ,

and draw the line PB, representing the keel 8 =25 45 E.,
line of the ship, extending it some little dis
T=ig .6,
tance in both directions and marking it with an r = 2i .9.
arrow-head and feathers, or in some other con
ventional way which will indicate its character. In Plate V, draw PB making the angle
From lay off the angle POC
equal to the
NPB = 64 30 with PN, and mark it as an

observed deviation (8), to the right of if ON arrow to indicate the magnetic heading of the
easterly, to the left if westerly; draw and OC ship.

on it lay off the distance

Draw OC making the angle POC = 8 +25
45 ,
and lay off

OC is the force of the ship and

direction of the disturbed needle, in terms of
earth in the
OC= AiH =J

= .846.

\H, or the mean force to North, as unit that ;

Draw CB perpendicular to PB and join OB.
it is the directive force on the compass
Then, by measurement :


needle for the magnetic heading of the ship.

From C let fall a perpendicular CB on PB
and join CP and OB. Then PB = %, marked POB = deviation due to 23 =+ 1 1 oo ,

+ if ahead of P or if astern of it, and BOC= deviation due to (5= + 14 45 .

BC = (Sj marked + to starboard and to port. 130. To Compensate. Use C correctors, as

The angle POB is the deviation due to 33 ; the described for two-heading compensation, to

make the compass card swing to the left and (S, or of PB and BC, if these were laid

through the angle 45 COB = 14 ,

so that the along the graduated circumference described
ship s head, per compass, will be 53 30 Then .
by OP, would be 93 X r and ( x r, or S3 X 57.3
use B correctors to make the card swing still and SX57-3 But 93 and . S are chords, not
farther to the left, through the angle B OP arcs, and actually subtend a little more than the
= 11, so that the ship s head, per compass, angles 93 X 57-3 and 6 x 57-3 ;
hence these ex
will be 64 30 .
pressions are a little lessnumerically than B and
The directions of the 23 and & forces and of C. Consequently the computed sum of the parts
the compass needle, i. e., of the lines PB, BC, of semicircular deviation, or 93 sin Z

OB, and OC, and the angles which they make X57-3+@ cos Z x 57.3, may differ appre
with each other, should be carefully studied on ciably from the total deviation shown by the
the dygogram before deciding which semi compass card. If this be the case, the portions

circular component should be compensated of the total deviation to be compensated by B

first, as explained for two-heading compensa correctors and C correctors, respectively, will
tion on page 66. Should this lead us to com be proportional to, instead of equal to, the com
pensate 23 first, we must bear in mind that the puted values of these portions.
amount of S deviation to be compensated after 131. Cases Apparently Indeterminate.

compensating for 23 will not be the angle BOC ; Compensation from observations on one head
for, when SQ=PB is reduced to zero, j5C=( ing appears to be indeterminate when, with
takes up the position PC lf and the deviation to spheres in place, that heading proves to be one
be compensated by C correctors will be the on which there is no deviation (Plate VI).
angle POC 15 instead of the angle BOC. These In such a case the two components of semi
angles will sometimes differ greatly. In the circular force, PB and BC, are neutralizing

present example they differ by i 15 . each other, and the compass needle lies in the
The preceding results may be obtained with meridian OPC.
fair approximation by computation, without If, S were compen
however, the component
the aid of a dygogram, using the following sated, BC
would shorten up to zero and the
formulae (Admiralty Manual, 1901, page 129) : needle would take up the position OB, due to
the remaining force 23 = PS. If, therefore, we
23= + ^ .
II cosZ -(i+)cosZ,
A 1 place athwartship correctors at such a height
as to produce a deviation FOB, we have com
* - sinZ.
pensated ( and if we then place fore-and-aft

To compensate from computations only, it correctors so as to reduce the deviation again

will be necessary to know the portions of the to zero, we will have compensated 93 also, and
total deviation due to 23 and S, respectively. the compensation will be complete. Compen
Assuming that, approximately, sation, in this case, is therefore simple.
= 93x57-3 and C=ex57-3, Special procedures for compensation on one
we can obtain values of B and C. Then we heading will be necessary in the following
cases :

have, approximately:
B sin Z = amount of deviation to be cor 1. On
magnetic North or South, where 93
magnets = 93 Z x magnetic meridian
rected by fore-and-aft sin will lie in the plane of the

57-3. and will appear by the dygogram to be pro

C cos Z = amount of deviation to be cor ducing no deviation.
2. On compass East or West, where & will
rected by athwartship magnets = cos Z x
lie in the vertical plane through the compass
Referring to the dygogram construction, needle, and the corresponding correctors would
Plate V, 93 and (
(PB and BC) are fractions have no apparent effect on the needle.
of the radius OP. Since 27^=360 and In the first case, Plate VII, if 93= PS were
360 compensated, the line PB would be shortened
r = =57.3, the angular measure of 93
2-rr up to zero, and the line BC would assume the

position PC, the deviation then becoming In the second case, Plate VIII, if % = PB
POC, due to alone. Consequently, place the were compensated, the line PB would shorten
tore-and-aft magnets so as to change the de up to zero, and the line BC would take up the
viation from POC
to POC, then place the position PC, producing a deviation POC, due
athwartship magnets to reduce the deviation to & alone ; consequently, place fore-and-aft
from POC to zero; compensation has then magnets so as to change the deviation from
been effected. The sub-lettered diagram shows FOB to POC, then place athwartship mag
the corresponding condition on the opposite nets so as to change the deviation from POC
magnetic heading. to zero. Compensation is then effected.


132. In the U. S. Navy Regulations, Chapter "(6)

shall frequently examine all the

14, Naval Instructions (Art. 1603), we find the compasses of the ship and see that they are in

following instructions, with respect to com good order and ready for use, and that the
passes, laid down for the navigating officer of a spare compasses are properly stored."
ship: In the U. S. Navy Regulations, Chapter 43,
The navigating officer shall
prepare Naval Instructions, we find (Art 5222) :

the compass reports in accordance with the in

"(2) Reports by the Navigating Officer:
structions as laid down in the prescribed forms
At the first opportunity after commis
or issued from time to time. He shall keep the and when crossing magnetic equator
sioning ; ;

Compass Record, which be a complete

compass reports for all compasses installed,
history of the compasses while on board ship
both with all correctors removed and after
and shall contain copies of all compass reports.
compensation to Bureau of Navigation,
report shall be signed by him on
The compass
direct Forms 7 and 10.
the last day of every quarter, and shall be sub

mitted to the commanding officer for his ap "(h>)

When extensive alterations have taken

place in the vicinity of any compass, causing

a change in the magnetic surroundings com
When the ship is under way and the ;

weather permits, he shall each day ascertain pass report for the compass affected, both with
com all correctors removed and after compensa
by observation the error of the standard
tion to Bureau of Navigation, direct Forms
pass and report the result to the commanding ; ;

officer in writing. 7 and 10.

He prepare and keep corrected
shall Annually, June 30, inventory of com

tables of deviations of the standard, battle, passes and instruments to Bureau of Naviga ;

maneuvering, and auxiliary battle compasses, tion, direct; Form 9.

copies of which shall be kept posted near those Annually, June 30, deviation tables;

compasses in such positions as to be accessible to Bureau of Navigation, direct Form 12. ;

to the officer of the deck and other officers con

"(e) Going out of commission, Compass
cerned in the navigation of the ship. Record Book to Compass Office, Naval Ob

All courses and bearings that are en Form
servatory, direct; 14.
tered in the log-book, as well as bearings for
Quarterly, report of condition of gyro

computation, shall be marked to show whether

compass set, and its action during the quarter ;

they are true, magnetic, or by the standard to the Bureau of Navigation via the Com-
compass, and in the last case the ship s head mander-in-Chief or Division Commander, in
per standard compass must be stated.
a letter. This report is required from all
He shall not move the standard com
vessels equipped with gyro-compasses."
pass, or any of its attachments or compen
133. The Compass Record referred to above
sating magnets or appurtenances, from the
is a book made up of the blank forms issued by
position in which they were placed and secured
when the
ship was commissioned, unless theNavy Department for compass work. This
authorized by the commanding officer. book contains the following instructions:

DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. removed second,

; after compensation. A com
BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. plete analysis of the deviations of all compasses
Form No. installed shall be made, both before and after
compensation, and a complete report for
warded, on Forms No. 7 and No. 10, to the
The following instructions relative to com Bureau of Navigation.
pass observations and records under cogni 5. Similar observations and reports shall be
zance of the Bureau of Navigation are issued made when on or near the magnetic equator,
for the information and guidance of the com and data for the installation of Flinders bars
manding officers and navigators of the service. obtained.
1. Forms for compass work issued by the 6. Similar observations and reports shall be
Bureau :
made when extensive alterations have taken
(a) Compass Record Book. place in the vicinity of any compass, causing
(b) Form No. 7. Record of observations a change in the magnetic
surroundings, such
and results obtained from swinging ship. reports to cover the compass affected.
(c) Form No. 8. Napier diagram for curve 7. All compasses shall be kept as closely
of deviations. compensated as effort
practicable. Every
(d) Form No. 9. Inventory of the com should be made to swing ship for residual
passes and instruments. deviations of all compasses at least once in
(e) Form No. 10. Analysis of deviations. three months. The results, properly recorded
(f) Form No. ii. The dygogram. on Forms No. 7 and 8, shall be entered in the
(g) Form No 12. Deviation tables for ail Compass Record. Deviation tables on Form
compasses. No. I2a, for the standard, battle,
(h) Form No. I2a. Deviation table for one and auxiliary battle compasses, shall be pre
compass. (This form for ship s use only.) pared and kept posted near those compasses in
The "

such positions as to be accessible to the officer

Compass Record com

2. shall be a

plete history of the

of the deck and other officers concerned in the
compasses while on board
ship, and shall contain copies of all compass navigation of the ship. Deviation tables on
reports. It shall be kept by the navigator, who Form No. 12, for all compasses installed, shall
shall sign it and submit it to the commanding be entered in the Compass Record at the end
officer for his of every quarter.
approval on the last day of every
quarter. It shall be sent to the Compass Office, 8. Annually on June 30 all vessels shall re
U. S. Naval Observatory, when the vessel is port to the Bureau of Navigation, on Form No.
put out of commission. 12, the deviations of all compasses installed,

3. Upon of the outfit

with the details of compensation; and on the
receipt compass it

shallbe carefully inspected. The same form a record of the various dates and
shall,at the first opportunity, be tested on places of swinging ship during the preceding
year, with the variation of the compass ob

shore for sensibility and time of vibra

" "


in accordance with the instructions con tained on each occasion.

tained on the back of Form No. 9. Compass 9. An error in the variation affects the con
material found defective shall be
A by an amount equal to the
stant coefficient

surveyed. An inventory of the compasses and error. Once accurately determined (prefer
instruments, Form No. 9, shall be filled out ably by the method of reciprocal bearings), the
and sent to the Bureau of Navigation on
June A should be used as a constant correction to
30 of each year. the variation as obtained from the mean of the
4. When a vessel is newly commissioned, all errors observed on the equidistant compass
the compasses shall be
approximately compen headings.
sated. At the first opportunity after com PHILIP ANDREWS,
missioning, the ship shall be swung for devia Chief of Bureau of Navigation.
tions as follows:
First, with all correctors Bureau of Navigation, January, 1913.
Designation of Magnetic Compasses.
The following instructions on the back of the


Compass names the

Report," Form 12,
instructions given in the Compass
Record general terms the use of the

various magnetic compasses used on board cover in

naval vessels: various forms supplied, but the following ad

ditional explanation of their use may be of
Compasses on board battleships, armored

cruisers, and protected cruisers shall be desig
135. Form No. 7, Record of observations
nated as follows :

and results obtained from swinging ship

"Standard Compass. The compass on deck,
(a copy of which will be found on pp. 92-93),
well located magnetically, and, if practicable,
isused by navigators in preparing the data to
one that is not required for steering or maneu
be entered in columns (2) and (4) of Form
vering the ship. No. 10,

Analysis of Deviations" (a copy of

Steering Compass. The compass used by

which will be found on pp. 34-35). In pre

the helmsman while cruising at sea, if it be not
paring the data for an analysis, use Form No.
the same as the standard compass.
7 to get the compass headings, by the different
"Maneuvering Compass. The compass on compasses, corresponding to the magnetic head
the upper deck used for taking bearings when ings obtained by observation with the standard
maneuvering in squadron, if it be not the same compass. As the standard compass is the one
as the standard or steering compass. usually used in steadying the ship on each fif
teenth degree, the deviations of that compass for
"Battle Compass. The compass behind
armor or below the protective deck that is best each fifteenth-degree compass heading can be at
once transferred from Form No. 7 to Form
adapted for steering a compass course during
No. 10 for an analysis. But for other com

The compass passes we have not the deviations on each

"Auxiliary Battle Compass.
fifteenth-degree heading by those compasses,
located in or near the steering engine room, if
but have the ship s head by those compasses
it be not the battle compass.
corresponding to each fifteenth-degree heading

Top Compass. The compass located in

by the standard compass. Using Form No. 7,
the top of the cage mast.
we get in column (10) the ship s head (mag
Compasses on board torpedo-boat destroy

netic) for each course she was steadied on.

ers, torpedo-boats, and auxiliaries shall be We have the readings of the other compasses
designated as follows : for the magnetic headings given in column
"Standard Compass. The compass on deck, (10), and can therefore at once find the devia
well located magnetically, that is used for navi tion of those compasses for the magnetic head
gating the ship. ings on which the ship was steadied. But for
an analysis of deviations for any compass, we
"Steering Compass. The compass used by
the helmsman while cruising at sea (if not the require the deviations for each fifteenth-degree
standard compass). compass heading by the compass the deviations
of which we are analyzing. To obtain the

Check Compass. The after-deck compass

deviations corresponding to each fifteenth-
(if installed).
degree compass heading, we construct a curve
If any compass is used for two or more of of deviations for the magnetic headings (using
the above purposes, it shall be given the name, a Napier s diagram, Form No. 8), from which
according to its use, which appears first in the curve we take the deviations for each fifteenth-
above list but all reports, etc., in regard to degree compass heading, which deviations are

shall not only refer to it by its regular name, entered in columns (2) and (4) of Form No.
but shall indicate by a proper note or paren 10, and are then used for analyzing the devia
thesis the other uses to which it is put." tions of the compass concerned.

136. Form 8,Napier diagram for curve of curve of deviations from observations on two
deviations (a copy of which is shown
in headings (or one heading). This method of
Chapter I, Art. 20, of this book), is used as getting deviations is rarely used ;
but if it is,

in the preceding paragraph and as the student is referred to Muir Navigation s

In getting and Compass Deviations, Arts. 112 and 113,
explained in Art. 20 of this book.
the data to be entered in the annual compass

where a full explanation is given.

Form No. 12, it is necessary to use a
140. Form No.
Deviation tables for all

Napier s curve in the same manner as ex compasses (a copy of which will be found on
plained in the preceding paragraph. p. 97), has on the back the following instruc

137. Form No. Inventory of the com

9, tions :

This report, in duplicate, to be sent an


passes and instruments (a copy of which


be found on pp. 94-96), is used as described in nually on June 30 to the Bureau of Navigation
the instructions printed on the back of the by all vessels.
This form to be filled out on the last day of

138. Form No. 10, Analysis of Deviations each quarter, in accordance with the latest Ob

(a copy of which will be found on pp. 34-35) >

servations, and inserted in the Compass
is self-explanatory. The products of arcs by Record.
the multipliers S 1} S 2 ,
S 3, S, and S 5 ,
to be

The upper
pole of heeling magnet, star
placed in columns (7), (8), (13) and (14), may
board pole of C magnets, and forward pole of
be picked out from Table IV in Muir s Navi B magnets, are to be entered thus: N 12",

gation and Compass Deviations (1911), or R 16",

B 13"."

from a similar table given in the back of this 141. Form No.
12(a), Deviation table for
book (see Table I). one compass (a copy of which is shown in
139. Form No. 11, the dygogram (copies Chapter I, Art. 20, of this book), is filled out
of which are shown in Chapter IX of this for each compass on board ship and copies of ;

it are kept near the compass concerned for use

book), is useful when compensating on two
headings, or one heading, before leaving a navy of the captain, navigator, and officer of the

yard. It may also be used for constructing a deck.

of the
FORM No. 7.

4311 U. S. Navy, Commanding.

U. S. Navy, Navigator.


N. Nav. 9. of the U. S. S.. .made

[or Navy Yard.]

4584 .Com
Place of observation,


.day of. 191.


Azimuth circles:

Type III
Other types for 7i-in. compasses

Spare mirrors for azimuth circles.. .

Azimuth instrument for 6|-in. compass. .

Bars and pintles for 7J-in. compasses..

Tripods for 7^-in. compasses

Binnacles, compensating:
Type VII
Type VI
Older types for 7J-in. compasses...

Torpedo-boat standard

Conning-tower with s-in. compass..

Centering battens

Compass readers
Flinders bars
Magnetic instruments:
H. F. instrument |

V In one case
Heeling adjuster )

Magnetic instruments, old types . . .

Supporting tables for magnetic inst.

Illuminated dial

Old type

Spare dials for ill. dial peloruses. . . .


This Inventory will be sent to the Bureau on June 30 of each year. In it is to be entered information relative to every compass
and every instrument belonging to compass outfit, whether fit or unfit for use, and whether complete in all its parts or deficient in
any of them; compasses of same size and type to be grouped together in the Inventory.
To obtain the data for columns (8) and (9) the compasses are to be moved put of the influence of magnetic masses, and each com
pass (while under trial) separated from all the others; compasses aboard ship
must be taken ashore for these observations. Ihe
observations may be made in the following manner: To determine a suitable location, set up a compass and its azimuth circle on a
the positions of staff and com
tripod and a staff about fifty yards distant from it; observe the bearing of the staff; interchange
pass, and observe again repeat these observations on a line nearly transverse to
the first one then the direct and reverse bearings ;

on each line should differ 180 if not, select a place where such difference will be found.

note the instant of o -first passing the keel line, ana again its second passage c ie (.111 me upyusnc uiinu ix C |j<.cn.

line when approaching the

observation, drawing the card one point to the left. Should the o mark of card stop short of the keel
second transit, note the arc it is short of it.
It is essential that both needle and liquid be at absolute rest before each series of observations are begun.
For column (12) information is required as to air bubbles in the compass; liquid turbid; card tilted (dipping to one side); dis
free sticking when the ship rolls,
coloration; keel lines indistinct; bowl leaky; balance of bowl on gimbals imperfect; motion not
is in
a difficulty in fitting the binnacle, etc. Only defects need be noted, otherwise it will be taken for granted that the compass
good condition. ,

The date on the card is the time that the compass was made, or (in case of repairs) when the essential parts magnets, card,
cap, pivot, liquid, etc. were made entirely new. The following is the approximate
time of one vibration of the compass card at the
H. O. Chart No. 1701, Horizontal
corresponding temperature (earth s horizontal magnetic force=4 f.g.s. units=.i8s c.g.s. units; see
Intensity of Earth s Magnetic Force):
TEMPERATURE -8o-9o-ioo

io-2o-3o-40-5o -60-70
7^-in. compass, time (seconds) 26 24 22 20 18 17 16 15 14 13
" " "

24 22 20 18 16 15 14 14 13 I2
5-in. 16 12 ii 10.5 10
17 15 13
4-1 n.
4584 Chief of Bureau.

U. S. S. , Attached to

Date of swinging ship for deviations given in following tables





N. E.


S. E. 135


SOUTH. 180

S. W. 225


WEST. 270


N. VV.


Feet from bow

Feet from keel

Heeling magnet, Dist.

Flinders bar No. or length

B Magnets No.


C Magnets No.

D Balls, Dist.

No. on card.


. ... Captain.

144. General Description. The complete

142. The instruments supplied to the modern
vessels of the United States Navy in connection binnacle includes the stand the hood the cen
; ;

with compass work are as follows :

tral tube for heeling magnet the fore-and-aft

Binnacles :
and athwartship magnet trays and the mechan
ism for operating them the Flinders bar hol-

Type VI.
Type VII.
Torpedo-boat standard.
Magnetic compasses:
/-i-inch navy standard.
7^-inch illuminated card.
6f-inch torpedo-boat.
5-inch conning-tower.
4-inch boat.
Azimuth circle, Type III.

Azimuth instrument.
Supporting table.
Centering batten.
Perolus, illuminated dial.
Horizontal force instrument.
Heeling adjuster.
Bar and pintle.
Compass reader.

Gyro-compass set, including master-compass,

repeaters and accessories. (Chapter XII.)


143. The
binnacle of this type (Fig. 49) is
arranged for the compensation of the devia
tions of the compass by the use of fore-and-aft
and athwartship magnets for the correction of
the semicircular deviation, soft iron spheres for
the correction of the quadrantal deviation, and FIG. 49.

a magnet placed vertically under the compass

for the compensation of the heeling error. Bin der, iffitted; and the correctors, including
nacles of this type may also be fitted with a 9-inch and 7-inch soft-iron spheres, semicircu
Flinders bar for correction of that part of the lar corrector magnets, heeling magnet, and the
semicircular deviation due to vertical induction Flinders bar.
in vertical soft iron. This binnacle carries the 145. Binnacle Stand. This is a single cast
the ped-
U. S. Navy standard 7|-inch compass. ing of composition, including the base,

estal. magnet chamber, compass chamber, and The carrier trays, raised and lowered by
the graduated arms for the quadrantal cor means of a screw moved by beveled gears, may
rectors. be set at any desired distance below the plane
146. Magnet Chamber. This is a conical- of the compass needles, from 7 inches to 21

shaped receptacle between the compass chamber inches. Vertical scales graduated to tenths of
and the top of the cylindrical column which an inch indicate the distance of each tray below
forms the pedestal. It is provided with a door the plane of the compass needles.
to give access to the mechanism within, the door The athwartship magnet carrier tray, which
sliding laterally around the chamber. is fitted to turn in azimuth, graduated in de

Hood. The hood is of brass and has a

147. grees towards the right on the outside verti

hinged glass window in front and a sliding door cal circumference, from o to 360, every fifth
in the back. In those of recent design, the degree being accentuated, and every tenth de
glass window is given a wide flare laterally, to gree marked by figures. The 90 mark and the
provide as large an opening as possible for the 270 mark are on the diameter at right angles
convenience of the helmsman. The latest hoods to the magnet tubes, and the index for this tray

are fitted with sight vanes for taking approxi is in the fore-and-aft line. The locking screw
mate compass bearings. Handles designed to underneath the tray should be securely set up
lower when not in use are fitted for lifting when the tray has been set at the desired angle.
the hood on and off. Either kerosene-oil 150. Tube for Heeling Corrector. Cen
or electric illumination may be used, the lamp trally in the vertical axis of the binnacle there
fitting in a holder in the top of the hood, is a hollow brass tube occupying the entire

and the light being reflected onto the compass depth of the binnacle from the bottom of the
card by the prism which illuminates 15 on compass chamber to the bottom of the binnacle.
each side of the lubber s line.
By removing the compass, the heeling correc
Compass Chamber. This is a cylin
148. tor, a cylindrical magnet with a hook in each
dricalchamber in the top of the binnacle stand end, may be lowered by means of a chain at
in which the compass is suspended in its gimbal tached to one end, and held at the proper height
The knife-edges of the latter rest in in the tube by the chain which passes over a
roller at the top of the tube and secures to a
wyes secured to the inner walls of the chamber, !

and are set at right angles to the fore-and-aft cleat or a drum in the magnet chamber. In
line of the binnacle. Conical-shaped screws binnacles of recent design the central tube is
for adjusting the compass accurately in the slotted, so that the heeling magnet is visible
center of the binnacle pass through the walls through the magnet chamber and the distance
of the chamber and take against the faces of of the top of the magnet below the compass
the knife-edges of the gimbal ring. Fore-and- needles may be read off from the scale on the
aft and athwartship lines are traced on the outside of the tube. When the top of the mag

upper edge of the compass chamber to facili net goes out of sight below the bottom of the
tate placing the binnacle on board ship, in an magnet chamber, a silver link in the chain will
exact fore-and-aft line. be visible near the top of the chamber and may
149. Semicircular Corrector be used for recording any lower positions of
Magnets, Car
riers and Mechanism. The the magnet.
correcting mag
nets are cylindrical in shape, and consist of 151. Quadrantal Correctors These are
bundles of steel wires, magnetized and enclosed spheres made of pure soft cast iron free from
in brass cases, open at each end. They are held retained magnetism, secured by screw bolts to
in horizontal tubes mounted on two carrier slotted supporting arms at each side of the bin-,
trays which can be raised or lowered indepen nacle. The centers of the spheres are in the
dently of each other. Each tray has a group same horizontal plane as the compass needles,
of three tubes on each side of the vertical axis and in the athwartship line passing through the
making six in all. The magnets are held in center of the compass. The length of the slots
their tubes bv a spring closing device. in the supporting arms is such as to allow the

spheres to travel from u

inches to 15 inches The illumination of the compass card from
from the axis of the binnacle, a scale graduated below is provided by an incandescent lamp car
to inches and quarter-inches being cut on the ried in a small chamber in the center of the bin
arms. The latest binnacles of this type are nacle which projects into the upper part of the
fittedwith screw mechanism for operating the magnet chamber and into the lower part of the
quadrantal spheres, by means of a sliding block compass chamber, and is entered from the mag
which a snug fit in the slot and is slightly less
is net chamber. The illumination is regulated by
in depth than the arm, to permit the securing means of a shutter above the light, which is

nut to clamp the sphere. This block is moved

by a long threaded bolt with bearings in the
arm, and is secured by means of a set-screw.
152. Flinders Bar and Holder. The holder
consists of a water-tight inner and outer cylin
drical brass casing with screw tops, the outei

casing supported by strong brackets securely

fastened to the forward side of the binnacle in
the exact fore-and-aft line. The inner case is

removable and with a rubber pad in the

is fitted

bottom. The top of the holder is about two

inches above the plane of the compass needles,
and the distance from the center of the compass
to the center of the holder is nine inches.
The Flinders bars are made of pure soft iron
carefully annealed. The diameter of the bar
is 2. The total length of the bar, 24

inches, cut into the following lengths, viz.

is :

one length of 12 inches, one length of 6 inches,

one length of 3 inches, one length of i^ inches,
and two lengths of f inch each. Hardwood
blocks of the same dimensions as the lengths of
soft iron are supplied with each Flinders bar,
both the soft-iron rods and the wooden blocks
fitting in a transporting case with felt bearings.
153. Binnacle Base. There are twelve
equally spaced holes in the base, two of which
are in the fore-and : aft line. Accurate fore-and-
aft marks are scored on the forward and after

edge of the base, in addition to those on the

rim of the bowl.
operated from the outside of the binnacle by a
COMPENSATING BINNACLE, TYPE VII. lever. This shutter permits of the illumination
of the compass card only in the vicinity of the
154. The
binnacle of this type is designed
lubber s line, for steering, or a general uniform
for use with the U. S. Navy 7^-inch illuminated
illumination of the whole card for taking bear
card compass, and differs from the Type VI
binnacle only in so far as is necessary to pro
vide for the illumination of the compass card COMPENSATING BINNACLE, TORPEDO-BOAT
from below. The hood is exactly the same as STANDARD.
in the Type VI binnacle so that, if necessary.
; 155. The binnacle of this type (Fig. 50)
the same method of illumination may be used. carries the U. S. Navy 6f-inch compass, and is
The U. S. Navy standard 7^-inch compass may supplied to torpedo-boats and submarines. The
be used in this binnacle, if desired. method of compensation is the same as in the

Type VI binnacle, except that no Flinders bar CONNING-TOWER BINNACLE.

is provided. 157. The conning-tower binnacle (Fig. 51) is
156. General Description. The complete a compensating binnacle of small dimensions,
binnacle includes the compass chamber, the and is used in the conning-towers of torpedo-
magnet chamber, the legs, the hood, the central boats, where only a small space is available.
tube for heeling magnet, the fore-and-aft and The compensation of the semicircular devia
athwartship magnet trays and the mechanism tion is effected by the use of rectangular mag
for operating them, and the correctors, includ nets inserted in small tubes on the sides of the
ing 5-inch or 6-inch soft cast-iron spheres, binnacle. To effect the correction of small
semicircular corrector magnets, and heeling deviations and make
the final adjustment, it is
magnet. necessary to break the bundle of wires of which
The compass chamber is supported on three the semicircular magnets are composed, and
gun-metal legs, and is in one casting with the use a few wires in place of the brass-encased
athwartship arms for the quadrantal correc tube.
tors. Within the three supporting legs is a The quadrantal correctors consist of soft
cylindrical brass tube which forms the magnet cast-iron spheres, threaded to screw on a pro-

chamber. The mechanism for the semicircular jection from the side of the binnacle, and are
corrector magnets consists of two magnet car fitted with lock-nuts to prevent disarrange
riers sliding upon a central tube. In this tube ment. A 5-inch compass graduated to quarter-
hangs the heeling magnet, which is raised or points is used. This compass and binnacle were
lowered by a chain clamped inside the magnet
originally designed for use in the conning-tow
chamber. The two carriers hold four magnets ers of large vessels, but experience demon
each, and may be fastened at any height by strated that the directive force was too small
racks and side clamps. The upper for the satisfactory
tray is gen working of the compass.
erally used for the fore-and-aft magnets, and
the lower for the
athwartship magnets. Each
158. The navy standard boat binnacle (Fig.
tray is so arranged that it may be rotated hori
52) is fitted for the use of the 4-inch boat com
zontally about the central tube, and may be
secured with the tubes either fore-and-aft or pass, and is of the general form of the conning-
tower binnacle, except that it is smaller and
athwartship as desired. The magnet chamber
not fitted for compensation.
isclosed by a long door with locks at top and
bottom. The hood has a glass window in the TESTS FOR BINNACLES.
after side, and a hinged door in the forward 159. Before acceptance, U. S. com
side. Two oil lamps fitting in holders, one on pensating binnacles are tested as follows :

each side of the hood, provide illumination for The binnacle having been leveled by
the compass card. means of a spirit level, and the heeling magnet

inserted and lowered to the bottom of the tube, 90 on its own axis until it has been completely

either pole up, put the compass in place and rotated, noting after each turn of 90 if any
center it accurately by means of the side screws. compass from the lubber s line
deflection of the

Turn the binnacle until it heads North by com has been produced. Should a deflection of

pass. Raise the heeling magnet slowly until it more than o 30 for 9-inch spheres, or more
reaches its upper limit ;
no deflection of the than o 15 for /-inch spheres, be apparent dur

compass card should occur. If deflection is ing the rotation of any sphere, that sphere is
shown, the compass may not be exactly cen polarized beyond the acceptance limit and must
tered, which may be corrected by the
side be re-annealed. Within the limits mentioned,
screws. If deflection continues to be shown, the spheres are accepted.

the heeling tube is either not central or not (e) By means of straight-edge and plumb-
vertical. bob, see that the center lines of the slots for

(b) With the binnacle heading North by quadrantal spheres line up with the athwart
compass, move the fore-and-aft magnet tray ship marks traced on the upper edge of the
to its upper limit. Enter four magnets in the compass chamber; also that the fore-and-aft
lines on the base of the binnacle are in the same
vertical plane with the fore-and-aft marks on
the rim of the compass chamber, and that the
latter are exactly 90 from the athwartship
(f) Semicircular corrector magnets and
heeling magnets are tested for strength indi
vidually by observing the deflection produced
on the needle of a horizontal-force instrument
at a standard distance for each class of magnet.
(g) With binnacle heading East by compass
and all correctors removed, put the Flinders

bar in the holder and note the deflection pro

duced. Reverse the Flinders bar in the holder
and note the difference between the deflection
now produced and the former one. If this dif
FIG. 52. ference is greater than 2, the bar should be
tubes, blue ends forward. Move the tray to its
The described above for polarity of
lower limit. No compass card
deflection of the
spheres and Flinders bars should be made from
should occur, otherwise the magnet tray is not time to time on board ship, as opportunity
accurately placed in the fore-and-aft plane. offers, preferably when the vessel is alongside
(c) With the binnacle heading East by com a dock.
pass, move the athwartship magnet tray to
To re-anneal a quadrantal sphere or a Flin-
upper limit. Enter four magnets in this tray, I ders bar, heat to a dark heat only then cover ;

blue ends to port. Clamp tray at 90 mark of with ashes and allow to cool slowly. Magnet
scale and move to its lower limit. No deflection ism up by a Flinders bar may be re
should be produced ;
otherwise the athwartship moved or much reduced by holding the bar in
tray is
inaccurately placed. Repeat this test a direction at right angles to the magnetic lines
with the tray clamped at the 270 mark of scale, of force East and West magnetic and ham
reversing the correctors in the carriers. mering it with a piece of wood.
(d) With the binnacle heading North by
compass and all correctors removed, put the
spheres on the arms and move them as close in 160. All magnetic compasses used in the
towards the compass pivot as possible. Next j
navy are of the liquid type. Liquid compasses
turn one sphere at a time successively through i

were first developed in this country, and came


into general use many years before they were The card is of the curved annular type and
adopted abroad. After many years of trial, is made of tinned brass, convex on the upper
liquid compasses have been found to be better and inner side,and graduated to read to quar
adapted for naval use than the dry card com ter-points and half-degrees from o to 360,
pass, and are now generally used throughout with degree figures every five degrees.
the world on naval vessels and are being grad In the center of the card is a spheroidal air-

ually adopted by the merchant marine. vessel to buoy the weight of the card and mag
The great advantage of their use is the nets, allowing a pressure of between 60 and 90
greater steadiness of the card when subjected grains on the pivot at a temperature of 60 F.
to the shock of gun-fire, and the greater steadi The air-vessel is provided with a conical open
ness in a sea-way. The liquid compass allows ing on the under side, in which is a pivoted cap
the use of more powerful magnets, and there containing a sapphire, to form the bearing of
fore greater directive force and sensibility. the card on the pivot.
The disadvantages claimed are, that with the The magnets consist of four cylindrical bun
more powerful magnets required for liquid dles of highly magnetized steel wires contained

FIG. 53.

compasses, compensation is more difficult, due in sealed cylindrical cases, the magnets placed
to the induction caused
by the magnets in the parallel to the North and South line of the card
soft-iron correctors. The principal effect of Two magnets are 5^ inches long, the ends on
this induction is, to cause the compensation for
the chords (30 apart) of a circle passing
quadrantal deviation to change with change of
through their extremities two magnets are

the earth s horizontal force. This condition is

4 inches long, the ends on the chords (about
found to exist with the navy standard 7^-inch
90 apart) of a circle passing through their
compass, with its long needles.
The navy standard compasses for ship s use extremities. The weight of the card complete
are graduated from o to is about 3060 grains. The plane of the needles
360, but the quarter-
is f inch below top of pivot.
point and cardinal-point graduations are re
tained for use in piloting, where it is convenient The card is mounted in a cast-bronze bowl
to keep the sense of direction
easily. weighted with lead at the bottom. A pivot is
161. 7|-inch Navy Standard fastened to the bottom of the chamber, made of
The 7^-inch compass with card of tinned brass bell-metal and moderately sharp. This pivot
is the one in general use a liquid 4-needle
; it is is fitted with adjusting screws, so that the card
compass with card 7^ inches in diameter. can be accurately centered.

The bowl is entirely filled with liquid, 45 per grees, and only the eight principal points are
cent alcohol and 55 per cent distilled water. lettered.

Beneath the bowl is a self-adjusting expan 162. Tg-inch Illuminated Card Compass.
sion chamber of elastic metal, arranged with This compass is adapted for use in the Type
two small holes to permit circulation of the VII binnacle, being constructed with a glass
liquid between the bowl and expansion cham bottom and a flat card made of mica, in order
ber. This expansion chamber is so designed to permit of illumination from below. It differs
that upon change of temperature the expan from the 7^-inch navy standard compass in the
sion of the bowl is counteracted by the expan
following particulars, the general characteris
sion of the chamber, thus keeping the bowl free tics being the same as for that compass :

from bubbles. The inner surface of the bowl The expansion chamber is of the annu
is painted white with a paint insoluble in the lar type, attached to the bowl.
liquid. Two lubber s lines are drawn on enam The is fastened to a narrow cross
(2) pivot
eled plates inside the bowl. from the lubber and
bar placed 90 s line as
The bowl and compass card are accurately
close to the bottom glass as possible.
balanced with lead weights.
(3) The compass bowl has a glass ^bottom
The construction of the 7^-inch compass is

shown in Fig. 53. The same principles and

general construction apply to all liquid com
passes. The lettering of the drawing is as
follows :

A= knife-edges on gimbal ring.

5 = gimbal ring.
C knife-edges on compass bowl.
D compass bowl.
E = packing ring.
F = glass cover.
G = rubber packing.
H= filling screw.
I bottom of compass bowl.
/ = lead weight. FIG. 54.

K = expansion chamber.
and therefore balanced with lead weights at
L = communicating holes between bowl

the sides of the bowl instead of at the bottom.

and expansion chamber.
(4) The compass card and made of
M = pivot. the best grade of mica.
is flat is

N = sapphire cap.
= magnets or compass The card for this compass is marked as
is shown in Fig. 55.
P = tinned brass card.
163. 6-f-inch Torpedo-boat Compass. The
Q = air-vessel.
navy standard 6^-inch compass of the same
R = centering screw. is

general characteristics as the 7^-inch compass.

The marking
of the 7^-inch navy standard The bowl is of the same construction, but
compass card may be seen in Fig. 54, which smaller. The card is 6f inches in diameter,
shows the compass, with gimbal ring, in its is made
of mica, and is of the flat type as dis
transporting box. Compasses of this type tinguished from the curved annular type of the
manufactured hereafter will have a card larger compass. The card is mounted on a very
marked as shown in Fig. 55. The card is here light skeleton frame attached to the magnets,
marked to degrees instead of to half-degrees ; which in turn are attached to the air-vessel.
the degree figures are larger and are marked The sapphire and pivot are of the same general
at every ten degrees instead of every five de construction as in the 7^-inch compass.

The magnets are four in number and com ning-towers of torpedo-vessels. On board lar
prise two of 4^ inches in length and two of 4 ger vessels the conning-tower compass is being
inches in length. These magnets are made up replaced by compasses below decks, or by the
of small wires enclosed in tinned air-tight gyro-compass.
chambers. 165. 4-inch Boat Compass. This compass
These compasses are graduated in degrees is adapted for use in the boat binnacle. It is of
from o to 360, and are also marked with the curved annular type, with the card of
quarter-points. This compass is adapted for tinned brass, 4 inches in diameter. (Fig. 52.)
use on torpedo-vessels and submarines using It possesses the same general characteristics,
the torpedo-boat standard binnacle. in regard to bowl, pivot, sapphire, air-vessel,
Owing to the increased size of the later tor and expansion chamber, as the 7^-inch compass.
pedo-vessels, they are provided with Type VI The magnets are two in number, 3^ inches
or Type VII binnacles and 7|-inch compasses. in length.

FIG. 55.

164. 5-inch Conning-tower Compass. 166. Submarine Compasses. The subma

The navy standard 5-inch conning-tower com rinecompasses are generally of special design,
pass (Fig. 51) is adapted for use in the furnished under contract by the builders of the
conning-tower binnacle. vessels. The compasses are required to con
It possesses the same general characteristics, form to Navy Department standards where ap
in regard to bowl, pivot, sapphire, air-vessel, and are subjected to the same tests
and expansion chamber, as the 7^-inch com before acceptance as are other compasses for
pass. naval use.
The card is of mica, 5 inches in diameter, Submarines are also supplied with a torpedo-
graduated to quarter-points, and is of the flat boat standard binnacle carrying a 6f-inch com
type. pass for surface work. This is readily un
The magnets are six in number, two of 3f| shipped when preparing to
inches, two of 3^ inches, and two of 2f\ inches. Testing Compasses. The strength of
This compass is adapted for use in the con- the individual magnets is tested by observing

the deviation produced on a horizontal force be made by the navigator annually, as required
instrument at a standard distance for each by general orders, and oftener if he has reason
to suspect his compass of being sluggish.
length of needle.
The card is weighed before assembly, and In the above table the earth s horizontal mag
afterward the pressure of the card on the pivot netic force is assumed to be .185 c. g. s. units
in thestandard liquid is determined. (see Hydrographic No. 1701, giv
Office chart,
After assembly the compass is tested for ing horizontal intensity of earth s magnetic

magnetic moment, sensibility, steadiness, cen force). If observations are made where the
and accuracy of zero point
tering, balance, earth s horizontal magnetic force is less than

168. Accuracy of Zero Point. In a mag above, as in high magnetic latitudes, the time
of vibration should be greater and if made
netic system composed of four magnets the ;

individual magnets must be so assembled that where it is greater, as in low magnetic latitudes,
the resultant of their directive force causes the the time of vibration should be less.

North point of the card to point to magnetic 170. Sensibility. The

inspection test for
North. If the magnets are not parallel or the sensibility consists in drawing the compass card
strength of the magnetism is not balanced, the i aside by means of a magnet and then ob
card will not point to magnetic North. serving, through a telescope with cross-wires,
To test this indication all compasses are com whether the card returns to the same point.
pared to a standard consisting of a single pow An error of over 10 is sufficient to cause
erful magnet accurately centered and balanced, rejection.
the zero marks of this magnet having been 171. Centering. For the compass to give
established by long continued and accurate an accurate indication of the movement of the
magnetic observations. ship head as the ship turns in azimuth, the

Any 7^-inch compass shows an error of

that graduations must be accurate and the center of
over 10 in its indication of magnetic North is the graduations must correspond with the center
rejected. of the pivot. The graduations are made from
a plate carefully tested before manufacture, so
169. Magnetic Moment. This test, which
must be made from that the possibility of error in this respect is
in a place free local mag
netic influence, consists indrawing 1 1 the card very small but an error of centering may read

to one side by means of a magnet and noting ily exist. This is tested by adjusting the cross-
with a stop watch the time of the North point wires of a telescope on the North and South

first passing the lubber s line, and then the sec points of the compass then, with a magnet ;

ond time, which will be in the opposite direction resting on the glass top or attached to an azi
The time of vibration thus obtained should muth circle, the card is turned through 180.
If the centering is out on the North and South
agree approximately with the following table
line, the North and South marks will not
arranged for temperatures :

both on the cross-wires but with one on, the


Temperature (Fahr.). 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80* 90 too"

7J-inch, time (sec.) 26 24 22 20 l8 17 l6 15 14 13 other will be off a distance twice as great as

20 I 2
61-inch, time (sec.). 24 22 l8 l6 15 14 14 13
5-inch, time (sec.)
the error of centering. Similarly, the East and
17 16 15 13 12 it 10 10 9 8
4-inch, time (sec.) $
West points are tested.
If the compass does not complete the second As North and South lubber s points are
passage of the lubber s line, it should be re
marked on all navy compass bowls, this test
jected or surveyed for the indications are that
; may be made by setting up the bowl with the
the jewel is cracked, the pivot blunted, or the North and South points on the lubber s points ;

this test, the com then with magnets swing the card through
magnets weak. In making
pass should be kept in a temperature corre
1 80,
bringing the South point to the North
sponding to the temperature at the time of test ;
lubber s Any error in centering will
for it takes an hour or more for the liquid to appear by the North point not being on the
take up the temperature of the air or of a room. South lubber s point. Similarly, the test may
This is an important test to make and should be made for East and West.

172. Balance. The compass is balanced at per cent distilled water. Then put in the fill
the point of manufacture by a small piece of ing screw and set up gradually to a full due.
lead soldered to the card to counteract the dip. If a large amount of the liquid is allowed to
With a change of dip this balance becomes escape and is then replaced with water instead
inaccurate, the error so produced depending on of the standard mixture, the specific gravity of
the distance the center of gravity of the card is the liquid may be raised to such an extent that
below the point of suspension. In ordinary the compass card will float instead of maintain
cruising latitudes the error produced is negli ing a slight pressure on the pivot. Instances
gible, because with the navy compasses the cen have been reported where the loss of liquid has
ter ofbuoyancy is slightly below the center of been made up with water to such an extent that
suspension, and the center of gravity is far the liquid froze during cold weather and burst
below both about three-quarters of an inch. the glass of the bowl. If distilled water is not
This means that there is a great tendency (a used, the impure water will discolor the paint
mechanical moment) of the card itself to keep on the inside. The standard mixture of alcohol
level. and water will withstand all temperatures ex
The compass bowl is tested for balance after ceeding 10 F. As the temperature de
the compass assembled, using a spirit level.
is creases, the density of the liquid increases, pre
The position of the center of gravity of the senting greater resistance to the movement of
bowl is made to be far below the gimbals by the compass card in the liquid and causing the
the addition of the lead weight in the false bot compass to become sluggish, and finally inac
tom. To allow the compass bowl to move freely tive if thetemperature decreases sufficiently.
in its
gimbals, it is
necessary that the knife-
Should the compass become inactive during
edges be kept clean and that the centering cold weather, the only recourse is to remove it
screws used to center the compass in the bin from the binnacle and warm it up in a hot room
nacle be not set up too tight. If the compass or over a steam-pipe.
fails to maintain its level position, the indica
tions of the compass become unreliable.

173. Steadiness. The test for steadiness 175. This instrument (Fig. 56) consists of a
consists in subjecting the compass to an exag composition ring turned true to fit over the
gerated motion and noting the oscillation of the compass bowl. The inside of the ring is fitted
card. A liquid compass is
greatly superior to
with three raised points, 120 apart. One is in
a dry in this respect, and a small card the form of a compression spring. They are
to a large one. No
trouble has been experienced intended to reduce friction when the ring is

in this regard with the standard

7^-inch com
revolved. Itprovided with two sets of

prisms, vanes, and mirrors for taking observa

tions, fixed at the extremities of two diameters
174. To Expel an Air-bubble from
Liquid at right angles to each other. The first set, in
Compass. Remove the false bottom of the tended for observations of the sun alone, is
compass bowl, exposing to view the expansion
composed of a curved mirror hinged to move
chamber. Place the bowl on its edge with the
around a horizontal axis and facing a prism,
hole up. Bring the bubble immediately
rilling the latter completely inclosed in a brass case. A
underneath the, filling hole. Press the expan narrow slit is in the casing opposite the mirror.
sion chamber,
keeping up a slight pressure ;
The sun s rays reflected by the mirror upon

gradually loosen the filling screw, letting the the the casing of the prism appear as a
slit in
air escape around the threads of the
screw, also thin pencil of light on the card circle of the
a little of the
liquid. Set up the screw tight
compass. A level on the rim assists in adjust
and remove the pressure from the
expansion ing the circle into position.
chamber. If the bubble has not The second
entirely dis set is intended for direct bear
appeared, remove the screw and pour in
filling ings of distant objects, or of a reflected bearing
a mixture of 45 per cent pure alcohol and
55 of the sun when partially obscured, and con-

sists of a plain black mirror, sight vanes, and vanes, protecting the eye with a piece of col
prism. ored glass then, using the curved mirror, take

The vanes
sight directly upon the object, the the bearing of the sun. If the two bearings

mirror reflects the image of the sun directly agree, it may safely be assumed that the instru
to the eye, and the prism reflects the card circle ment is in adjustment. When the sun is higher,
and vane thread to the eye. ,
the bearings of the sun, using the black mirror
176. Tests for Azimuth Circle. Before ac and the curved mirror, should again be com
ceptance the azimuth circles are carefully tested pared, protecting the eye as before with a piece
at the manufacturer s works, but it has been of colored glass. If the observations taken do
found, in service, that through accident the not agree, the instrument should be surveyed

FIG. 56.

vanes or mirrors are liable to be bent and the and replaced at the first opportunity, as without

indication incorrect, the error in some cases a special outfit it is very difficult to locate the

amounting to as much as 4. error and correct it.

With the facilities at hand on board ship, it

is difficult to determine the exact cause of

error. 177. The azimuth instrument (Fig. 57) is

It is recommended that when the ship is at used with the 6f-inch torpedo-boat compass.
the navy yard or when facilities for shore ob It contains the same features as the Type III

servations are available, the azimuth circles and azimuth circle, with the exception that the eye-
the spare compass be taken ashore, the compass vanes are combined with the curved mirror
carefully leveled and observations of the sup arrangement and mounted on a bar centering
taken as follows \Vhen the sun is low, take
: in a hole in the glass top of the compass instead
the direct bearing of the sun with the direct of on a ring.

SUPPORTING TABLE FOR TYPE VI BINNACLE. provided. This batten rests in the Y
s of the

178. To facilitate the taking of magnetic binnacle and has a projection in its center ex
observations in the compass chamber of the tending f inch below the bottom of the Y

binnacle, a supporting table is supplied which is The bottom of this projection indicates the
adapted for holding either the horizontal force position of the center of the needles of the y^-
instrument or the heeling adjuster. It consists inch compass.
of a circular brass table attached to a column
fitting in the heeling magnet tube of the bin
nacle. A clamp is fitted to the column, that pre 181. For taking bearings when the line of
vents the column from projecting into the tube sight from the compass is cut out by the smoke
too great a distance. In the later models the stacks, stanchions, and other obstructions, the
table is fitted with a screw travelling in a thread illuminated dial pelorus (Fig. 58) is provided
in the column, thus allowing the top of the table usually one on each end of the bridge.
to be adjusted to the correct height. The pelorus standard is composed of the

SUPPORTING TABLE FOR TYPE VII BINNACLE. pelorus bowl, supporting column, and base. In
179. A special supporting table is needed for the pelorus bowl is mounted the pelorus card
this type of binnacle owing to the fact that the of clear plate glass, 9 inches in diameter, grad

heeling magnet tube does not extend up to the uated in degrees and quarter-points, the degree
bottom of the compass chamber as it does in graduation conforming to the compass card,
theType VI binnacle. The supporting table running from o to 360.
is made with three legs, which rest
therefore The pelorus card is so fitted that it may be
on the bottom of the compass chamber and revolved and clamped in position, so that the
hold the circular brass plate at the proper reading corresponds to the ship s head by com
or it may be set to the true or magnetic
height. It is suitable for use with the
Type VI pass ;

binnacle also. heading of the ship. In the supporting column

is placed an electric
light, which illuminates the
CENTERING BATTEN. dial at night. To provide access to the light,
180. For use in centering and adjusting the the column is fitted with a door, which is also
height of the horizontal force instrument in the convenient to use at night as a lantern for writ
binnacle, a centering batten of hard wood is
ing down the observed bearings.

For taking bearings, the pelorus is provided ful in taking bearings of distant objects which

with an alidade mounting two vanes, which is cannot be distinguished with the naked eye,
capable of revolution about the center of the and for taking bearings of dim lights. It may
card for taking bow and beam bearings and
also be used for taking azimuths of stars.
similar observations, the alidade may be The illumination of the telescope cross-wires

clamped independently of the clamping of the is provided by dry cells supported on a brass
card. For taking bearings of the sun, the ali plate located in the column underneath the
dade is provided with a black reflecting mirror lamp basket.
attached to the far vane the near or eye vane

183. The magnetic set (Fig. 59) consists of
the horizontal force instrument and heeling
adjuster put up in the same transporting case.


184. This instrument consists of a cylin
drical brass case, mounted upon a rectan
gular base, provided with levels and leveling
screws. The case contains a horizontal circle
graduated to degrees, and a pivot supporting a
small lozenge-shaped magnetic needle. The
needle is fitted with an adjustable sliding
weight to counteract the clip, and admits of
a free vibrating motion in a horizontal plane.
A glass cover excludes all air currents during
observations. When not in use, the needle
should be kept in its leather case.
It should be remembered, in taking observa

tions with the horizontal force instruments,

that the time of vibration depends not only

upon the strength of the magnetic field but also

upon the strength of magnetism in the needle,
the temperature, and the moment of inertia of
the needle, so that, in using the needle for ob

taining the directive force on board ship, the

same instrument should invariably be used or
the observations will be worthless. Using two
standard sets, the time of ten vibrations at the
same place and the same time has been known
to vary as much as two seconds. The tem
FIG. 58. perature at the places of observations should be
approximately the same.
is provided with a slide of adjustable colored
shades, to protect the eyes of the observer.
182. Telescopic Attachment. The latest 185. This instrument consists of a brass box
illuminated dial peloruses are provided with a with a removable glass top mounted upon a
telescopic alidade which is made interchange rectangular base provided with levels and level
able with the ordinary vanes. This telescope ing screws. Within the box a small magnetic
is fitted with cross-lines which may be illum needle is suspended on its horizontal axis, and
inated for night work. This attachment is use is free to vibrate in the vertical plane. The ten-

dency of the needle to dip is counteracted by a composition, and the tripod of hard wood with
small platinum sliding weight, whose distance fittings of brass or composition. The bar is
from the axis of suspension is measured on a U-shaped, and is fitted to carry the 7^-inch
scale on the glass cover of the box. A second navy compass mounted in its gimbal ring. The

scale on the bottom prevents any error due to pintle secures to the top of the tripod and fits
parallax in reading the scale. A
small glass into a hollow conical receptacle in the center

opening in each end contains an index line and underneath the bar. A clamping attach
marking the horizontal plane, and on the latest ment is provided for clamping the bar to the
instruments an index arm attached to the needle pintle. The gimbal supports on the bar have

Fie. 59-

points to the o mark of the glass cover when movable lugs and thumb-screws for securing
the needle is horizontal. A
lifting device, oper them, to prevent a sliding lost motion and to
ated from the side, raises the needle from its hold the gimbals in place.
bearings when not in use.
BAR AND PINTLE, WITH TRIPOD. 187.The compass reader is a magnifying-
186. The bar and pintle with tripod are fur glass mounted on spider legs that rest on the
nished for work on shore where observations glass top of the compass. It is especially used
are taken with the 7^-inch navy standard com for steering compasses, enabling the helmsman
pass. The bar and pintle are made of brass or to steer to degrees.

188. The Necessity for a Gyro-compass be placed or moved anywhere, as long as it has
and Points of Superiority over the Magnetic its cable connected. When steering by gyro
Compass. Reports from battleships and ar compass, much less helm is required owing to
mored cruisers in recent years have repeatedly its inertia and large directive force, with con
emphasized the urgent necessity for an efficient sequent lack of lag, as the helmsman can in
compass for use under battle conditions. The stantly detect the ship s change of head by the
difficulty in properly compensating magnetic compass alone. In maintaining position in for

compasses on such vessels, for various mag mation, the number of orders to the engine-
netic latitudes, has increased greatly with the room for changes in revolutions is reduced
increase in size of the vessels and with the use when steering by gyro-compass, due to the fact
of great masses of moving steel in the turrets that the headway is not deadened so frequently
and guns. Conditions for magnetic compasses by the use of the rudder and ;
it is probable that
are especially bad at steering stations below the a considerable saving in coal consumption
protective deck and in conning-towers, owing results.
to the lack of directive force and in ; many The magnetic surroundings of compasses on
cases a magnetic compass at such a station is submarines have always been bad, especially
practically useless. The gyro-compass, being for those inside the vessels, which must be used
subject to no magnetic influence whatever, has when running submerged. The gyro-compass
solved the problem of obtaining an efficient bat will therefore be a valuable aid to vessels of
tle compass and experience has demonstrated
; this class.
that it is also to be used for navigation purposes The Navy Department is now installing
practically at all times. The magnetic com gyro-compasses on all new battleships and sub
pass will, however, always be retained for a marines ;
and they will be supplied eventually
check on the gyro-compass and for use in case to all battleships, armored cruisers, and sub
of casualty to the latter. marines in the service. The compass now in
The following points of superiority of the use is described in the following section, and
gyro-compass over the magnetic compass may is the invention of an American engineer, Mr.
be cited : Elmer A. Sperry.
not subject to magnetic influence or to
It is

sudden changes in magnetic condition that

result from the training of turrets and boat-
cranes, alternate heating and cooling of the
will be used
" "

funnels, operation of electric generators or 189. In this discussion, gyro

motors, or alteration in the ship s structure. It to denote a spinning or rapidly rotating wheel

always points true North, thereby eliminating suspended so as to have freedom of movement
magnetic variation. The master compass
" "

about three rectangular axes, one of which is

can be mounted below the protective deck, the axis of spin of the wheel. Fig. 60 represents
where it cannot be damaged by the enemy s a gyro suspended with three degrees of free
shells. There is no heeling error, and the gyro dom, the axes being xx yy and zz Only

compass maintains a steady heading while roll such properties of the gyro as are utilized in

ing, and is sensitive only to actual changes in the Sperry Gyro-compass will be considered.
course. The "


are not affected by 190. A gyro tends to maintain its axle point
their position, motion or surroundings one can ; ing in the same direction, unless it is acted on

by an impressed angular force. When acted planes, as indicated by RfRf. Since the wheel
on by such a force, a gyro will resist that force, is free to turn about yy , it will do so, as indi

and doing will move so as to place its axle

in so PP and will include the paths RfRf
cated by , .

parallel to the axis of the impressed force, and Now, PP also has a similar action on the
in such a relation that the direction of its rota wheel, but its tendency to cause the wheel to
tion is the same as that of the impressed force. rotate about xx , as indicated at A and C by
This motion is called precession. In Fig. 60, RP RP, exactly balances FF , and there is there
5" indicates the direction of rotation of the fore no motion about xx Precession will con .

gyro ;
the externally impressed angular
is tinue as long as the force acts, until ss coin
force, acting about a fixed axis initially coinci cides with the axis of force F.
dent with xx ; PP indicates the resultant pre 191. Suppose that such a gyro be mounted
on land at a place, A (Fig. 61), whose latitude
is L. At this place the earth s velocity of rota

tion, v, about its axis, PC, can be resolved into

two components :
one, v cos L, about the pro
jection of the meridian on the horizontal plane,
s n s s ; and another, v sin L, about the vertical
axis of A, AY; i. e., the horizontal plane rotates
about the meridian and the meridian rotates
about the vertical. The gyro, spinning as indi
cated by S, has three degrees of freedom, ex
cept as limited by weight G, which is attached
below and eastward (considering the
at a point
end of axle marked n as being the gyro s
North) of the axle. Whenever the axle of the
gyro is not horizontal, G will exert an angular
force, whose components about axes x c x w and
yy will cause precession about axes yy and
x c x w respectively. The former will be called

asimuthal force, and the latter damping force.

Suppose that the gyro starts with its axle
(North end) pointing West and horizontal.
After a time, the earth will have rotated so that
it will be at A . The hprizontal plane has tilted,
and the meridian has rotated about the vertical
axis. Due to the tilting of the horizontal
the axle of the gyro is pointing downward, for
cession about axis yy. This action is a result
the gyro tends to maintain its axle parallel to
of the operation of Newton s laws of motion
and can be analyzed as follows For this
itself. But G is acting as indicated by a and d,
pose, consider that the mass of the gyro, in causing precessions P a and P a respectively. If ,

is concentrated in the four particles d were not acting to bring the axle horizontal,
Fig. 60,
A, B, C, D. Then the forces and resultant ac the axle would precess toward the meridian,
celerations of these particles are the averages the horizontal plane tilting more and more
of all the forces and accelerations of the wheel. toward it until it had crossed the meridian,
Force FF has no action on A and C, for they when the horizontal plane would tilt away from
the axis about which until the axle was The
lie in it acts. However, it
pointing East. axle
it causes B and D to move in plane yy zz ,
as would then be horizontal and a would cease to
indicated by ff , and, since they already are act. But the horizontal plane continues to tilt
moving in plane xx yy ,
as indicated by ss, their away from the axle the precession commences ;

resultant path lies in a plane between those two in the reverse direction, and the axle precesses

toward the meridian, crosses it, and again re 192. In order that this compass may be used

verses when it is pointing West. This oscilla aboard ship, the following additional forces
tion would continue indefinitely, with undimin- must be considered: (i) Changes of torque
ished amplitude, were it not for force d. But of gyro; (2} meridianal component of ship s
d tends bring the axle horizontal so at each
to ; speed; (3) acceleration forces incident to
swing the amplitude of the oscillation is dimin changes of course and speed and to rolling,

ished, until the axle comes to rest with such pitching and vibration of ship.
angular displacements from the meridian and Changes of torque of gyro occur only when

FIG. 61.

the horizontal as to causeP a and Pa, to just gyro wheel is accelerated or decelerated. When
equal the components of the earth s velocity. the axle of the gyro is horizontal, these torques
We therefore have a gyro-compass which em have no component tending to cause preces
ploys a gyro with three degrees of freedom, sion. However, the normal position of the
two of which are partially destroyed by a pen axle is inclined slightly to the horizontal, ex
dulous weight, and which will seek the meri cept at the equator hence there is a component

dian by a series of damped oscillations. It will of torque tending to cause precession about
have an error on true North which varies with axis x c x w and, through action of the weight,
the latitude. about yy .
By making the center of gravity of

the weight adjustable, however, relative to the Acceleration pressures due to changes of
point of attachment to the gyro, the axle can course and speed, and to rolling, pitching and
be made assume a horizontal resting position
to vibration, can effect the gyro only through the
and same time have the same angular
at the weight, since the suspension with three degrees
displacement from the meridian that it would of freedom prevents any angular forces from
have if it were inclined to the horizontal. This being transmitted to the gyro. The angular
adjustment varies with the latitude. forces that would be transmitted to the weight

Easterly and westerly components of the are reduced to negligible amounts by mounting
ship s speed average with the component of the the whole compass in gimbal rings hung from a

FIG. 62.

earth s rotation, and are so small in proportion There only remain the
spring-supported ring.
that their effect on the directive force of the straight acceleration pressures due to inertia
gyro can .be neglected. However, the merid- of the weight and, by choosing a proper period

ianal component combines with the earth s ve of oscillation for the gyro, the compass is made
locity component to give a resultant at an angle dead-beat for a mean latitude, and the oscilla--
to the earth s
component. The gyro assumes tions at other latitudes are small enough to be
a new resting position to accommodate itself
to this new
velocity. The error on true North 193. Having considered the theory of the
due to this cause varies with the latitude,
speed gyro-compass using a gyro suspended with
and course. three degrees of freedom, let us see how this is

applied practically in the gyro-compass as sup from the binnacle ring T, by spiral tension
plied to the United States Navy by the Sperry springs Y, the suspension ring U, which car

Gyroscope Company. Fig. 62 is a plan view ries the ball-bearings Y lt Y 2 of the gimbal ring
of the master-compass; Fig. 63 is a part sec K, which carries the ball-bearings L 1( L 2 of the
tion, part elevation view as seen from the South main frame /, from which the gyro is hung.
side and Fig. 64 is an elevation of the West
By means of this suspension, angular forces

Fu;. 63.

side as seen from a point a little to Northward due to vibration, rolling and pitching are re
of West. duced to such small proportions that no appre
The master-compass is mounted in a binnacle ciable deviation is produced.
having two covers. The upper one is trans Supported in the main frame by a ball-bear
parent and is provided with a door permitting ing Z at the top of the stem H, is the electric
all necessary adjustments to be made without ally-driven azimuth element consisting of the
removing it. The lower cover or bowl can be phantom-ring G, stem H, azimuth gear wheel
lowered if desired. Thus, when running, the N, compass card 0, cosine-cam P, and slip
compass is shielded from air currents. Hung rings a. The azimuth element is driven through

gear X, by azimuth motor M, controlled by the is given to the azimuth element to keep it in

follow-up system in such a manner that the o a constant relation in azimuth, to the sensitive
mark on card O always indicates the position element and since ring
is suspended from

of the North end of the gyro axle. Vertical the azimuth element by wire E, which is vir

cardan-ring D
is suspended within phantom G tually torsionless on account of the constant
by suspension wire E, and is guided by ball relation of the two elements, the gyro is almost

bearings F, F
Mounted on horizontal ball
perfectly free about its vertical axis. Current
C vacuum case B, which con
is the is carried from the main frame to the azimuth
bearings C,
tains the gyro wheel, mounted on ball-bearings element, through slip rings a, and from the
at A, A and the 3-phase, A. C. induction motor azimuth element to the ring D
by means of very

FIG. 64.

that drives it. The rotor of the induction motor flexible wires running parallel to wire E. From
isa part of the wheel. Ring D, together with D it reaches the caseB by means of spirally-
case B and its contents, is called the sensitive coiled flexible wires near C. Bail R, which cor
element. The azimuth motor, and consequently responds to weight G (Fig. 60), is suspended
the azimuth element, are controlled through a from phantom G by ball-bearings G ,
G . It is

relay r, by duplicate trolleys V lf V* carried on attached to the case B at a point S, a little to

posts attached to vertical ring D and resting on Northeastward of the vertical axis of the gyro.
duplicate contactors W^, W z . Each contactor It will therefore have an orienting and damping

composed of two tungsten-faced silver seg effect on the gyro, varying with the axle s
ments, insulated from each other by mica. One angle of inclination whenever the gyro s axle
segment is in circuit with the ahead-motion is inclined to the position in which the point

field coils of the azimuth motor, and the other of attachment is in the same vertical plane
is in circuit with the reverse-motion field coils. with bearings G , G That this is not when the

By this means the proper motion (depending gyro axle is horizontal, is due to the necessity
on the segment on which the trolley is resting) of having a relative tilt to keep the gyro pre-

cessing and at the same time having the axle Each repeater consists of a case having a glass
horizontal in order to eliminate the effects of cover and containing : a six-pole step-by-step

change of gyro speed. In addition to the North motor geared to a translucent compass card a ;

erly offset, a weight b, whose position can be lamp for illuminating the card a hand-crank ;

shifted to keep the axle horizontal at any lati for setting the card and a magnetic stop,

tude, is attached to the bail. Thus we have a which, when

energized, will lock the card at o.
gyro suspended with three degrees of freedom Secured to the lubber s ring Q of the master-
(about axes FF , CC and its axle AA }, two of compass, and geared to azimuth gear A ,
is a

which are limited by a pendulous weight or transmitter which, by means of a cam and

bail. In addition, its axle will be horizontal at contact finger t for each pair of repeater motor
all latitudes, when
the compass card indicates field coils, controls the energization of the coils

true North; for the center of gravity of the and therefore the position of the armature and
bail can be adjusted for changes of latitude, compass card. Due to its mounting, it can
and thebail, due to its Northerly offset, retains transmit only the corrected readings of the
a working arm when the axle is horizontal. master. The repeaters can be set to agree with
Due to the method of suspension, practically the master-compass by means of the synchro
no angular forces can reach the element, and nizer, which is a hand-operated transmitter
the effects of accelerations that reach it through geared to a dial, indicating degrees. The re
the bail are negligible, due to its offset to the peaters can be connected to this and turned
Eastward and the relation between gyroscopic through 360, when they will have been locked
resistance of the element and the inertia of the at o by the stops. The circuit to the stops can
bail. then be opened, the repeaters brought to the
errors due to the lag of the gyro axle same reading as the master-compass, and con
from the meridian, and to the ship s speed, are nected to it. The synchronizer, double-throw
corrected by a system of cams and levers, which repeater switches, stop and synchronizer
automatically add or subtract the various fac switches are carried on a panel called the re
tors and move the lubber s ring Q the necessary peater panel.
amount to make
the card indicate true geo 195. The gyro-compass outfit also includes

graphical direction. Cosine-cam P applies the the following accessories and spare parts :

meridianal component of the course, and dials (1) A

dynamotor-generator for converting
/ control the cams which apply the latitude and 100 to 125-volt D. C. current into i3O-volt,
speed factors. 3-phase, A. C. current, for operating the 3-
Case B carries two sup
spirit levels, X X
l} 2, phase induction motor, which drives the gyro
ported parallel to the gyro axle by arms ex wheel and into 22-volt D. C. current for oper

tending outside the phantom, near C and C .

ating the follow-up system and the secondary
These levels indicate the angle that the axle is transmission system.
making with the horizontal, and therefore one (2) A
main supply panel on which are
can see at a glance whether or not the compass mounted measuring, controlling and protective
indicating true North. Also, by observing devices for the master-compass circuits.
the rate of travel of the bubble, one can ascer (3) A
2O-volt storage battery, used as an
tain the approximate error of the compass. auxiliary to the 2O-volt generator.
This latter is valuable when the position of the (4) A
6- volt primary battery for supplying

meridian is unknown and it is desired to set the current to the alarm system, which indicates
to the meridian by hand, in order to avoid failure of the various current supplies.
the delay of waiting for it to settle of itself. (5) A
box of spare parts and tools for the
194. Besides the master gyro-compass, there master-compass and repeater compasses.
are repeater compasses located at the various (6) A box of spare parts for the dynamotor-
steering stations about the ship. These are generator and switchboards.
controlled electrically by the master-compass (7) A box containing spare sensitive ele

through the secondary transmission system. ment and casing.




196. "While in command of the U. S. S. is at the same time capable of being rotated
Montana, a Sperry gyroscopic compass was around the axis ZZ. The above construction
installed on board. Being unfamiliar with the permits the axis of spin xx of the gyro wheel
underlying principles of operation of the gyro to turn, or point, in any direction in space.

scopic compass, these notes represent informa The gyro wheel A has some peculiar charac
tion which I, as the captain of the ship, desired teristics. For example, suppose we start it

to have, and which I could not find in print in spinning around its axis, xx, and then, while it

the form I desired. They are merely my own

personal notes in explanation of one point or
another as each point arose. They are qualita
tive, not quantitative, in character, and are
designed to create a conception of principles.
197. In its ordinary definition, a gyroscope
is an instrument for
illustrating the laws of
rotation, and consists
essentially of a heavy ro FIG. 66

tating wheel, the axis of which is free to turn lift it out of its be
spins, mounting, holding it
in any direction, and may be acted upon by tween the thumb and thus
first finger, :
Fig. 66.
external couples or forces.
We may move the wheel in space in any
direction, and so long as the axis, xx, remains
parallel to its original position and the wheel

FIG. 65 FIG. 67

Such an instrument is shown in Fig. 65. is spinning no special results of any kind will
The gyro wheel A capable of spinning on
is be noted.
its axis, .r.r, which axis is supported by the For example, the axis of the wheel while
frame BB. Frame BBsame time
is at the spinning may be moved to the successive posi
capable of rotating around the axis, yy, which tionsi, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 as in Fig. 67, and so long
axis is supported by the frame CC. Frame CC as each movement carries the spinning axis


through space parallel to itself no special phe we apply a couple tending to rotate xx as shown
nomena present themselves. If, however, the by the arrows PP. What is the result? It is
spinning wheel be moved in such a way as to equally astonishing xx will resist rotation by
produce rotation of the spinning axis as in the couple PP, and will at once tilt in the ver
Figs. 68 and 69, instead of mere translation, tical plane in the direction RR at right angles
most curious and striking results occur. to the plane of the couple PP. This effect in
in the spinning gyroscope always follows this

cause, or this cause always produces the above-

noted effect, and it is the application of t]iis
principle which permits the gyroscopic com

FIG. FIG. 69
It is not necessary for the dabbler in applied
There is a definite, positive resist
felt first
science to be able to understand the mathe
ance to this rotating movement of the axis matics of the gyroscope, but he must be able to
accompanied, at the same time, by a curious remember the physical phenomena here pre
wriggle and tilting of the wheel and its axis xx. sented as "cause and effect," if he desires to
This resistance, and its accompanying wriggle, understand the principle of the gyroscopic
follow definite laws and possess the secret of
the gyroscope and the gyroscopic compass. Referring to the conditions represented in
Unless this cause and effect is remembered in
Figs. 70 and 71, the of the axis of
its physical sense, it is useless to attempt to
spin, xx, in a plane perpendicular to that of the
understand the principles of the gyro compass. "

couple applied to it is called a precessional

198. The "

Wriggle "-Precession. Sup motion or precession." The application of

" "

pose (in Fig. 70) while the wheel is spinning the couple is said to cause the spinning wheel

to precess."

It doesn t matter whether the initial position

of the spinning axis in space is horizontal,

vertical or tilted, the relations of the directions
of the precession and its producing couple are
the same.
Again, referring to Fig. 67, it is recalled that

moving the spinning axis, xx, parallel to itself

FIG. 70 in space does not produce precession. Con
in the direction shown by the arrow, a, we put versely, unless the gyroscopic system of Fig.
a light, steady pressure on each end of the axle 65 is acted upon by external forces tending to
of spin, xx, so as to tilt this axis by the couple produce precession the spinning axis always
PP. Theresult is astonishing in that the axis points in the same direction in space, i. e.,
of the spin, xx, will resist being tilted, and will remains parallel to itself in space.
move off in the direction RR
at right angles A gyroscope suspended so as to be able to
to the plane of action of the couple PP, which rotate around three axes as those of xx, YY
and ZZ, of Fig. is said to possess three
is producing the tilting. Suppose in Fig. 71 65,
degrees of freedom. If motion around one
axis is denied by reason of rigid construction,
that motion is said to be suppressed and the

gyroscope is said to possess but two degrees of

199. Effect of Earth s Rotation and of

Gravity on a Gyro Located at the Equator.

In Fig. 72, let AB represent the earth as seen
from above the North Pole. Let G be a gyro

FIG. 71 scope spinning at the celestial equator, at the


end of the radius, NG, with its axis, xx, hori Suppose now Fig. 74, the gyro be moved
zontal and standing east and west, the gyro in towards the earth s center, along the radius.
being so far away, in space, from the earth As it approaches the earth s surface, the force

that it is not affected by gravity. of gravity is caused to act in the gyro compass
to make the axis of spin, xx, take a horizontal

position x x , relative to the earth s surface,

and so doing will cause this axle to tilt

through the angle 0. Recalling the discussion

of Figs. 70 and 71, we see that the rotation
of xx to x x , will cause precession of this
axis so that the gyro finally occupies the posi
tion of G 3 in which the plane of the spinning
wheel coincides with the plane of the equator,
while the axis of spin lies in the vertical plane
through the earth s axis, i. e., the axis of the
spinning wheel lies in a meridian plane and
thus points true north and south.
So long as the force of gravity acts in this
manner to tilt and keep the gyro s spinning
axis horizontal to the earth s surface, just so
FIG. 72
long will the precession caused by the resultant
of this and the earth s rotation cause the gyro s
After a certain length of time, the earth will
have rotated until the gyro is at the position spinning axis to point true north and south,
unless acted upon by some force tending to
G lf Fig. 73, then in the case of the gyro with
three degrees of freedom, i. e., uniformly sus throw it away from the meridian. compass A
card may be so mounted on this axis as to show
pended and free to turn in all directions in
true compass readings.
space, the axis of spin, xx, would no longer
be horizontal as regards the surface of the Oscillation Damping. But the mass of the
earth, but the condition would be as shown gyro wheel possesses inertia, and as the wheel
at G lt Fig. 73, the gyro having kept its spin passes from the position G 2 to G 3 its inertia
will carry the axis, xx, past the horizontal and
meridian planes. When this occurs, a reverse

process will take place and in time the axis,

xx, be brought back to the meridian plane, only
to again swing past This process, unless

retained, will continue for a very long time

before the oscillations finally disappear as the
forces come into final equilibrium.

Practically, in order to use a compass card

on a gyro, mechanical processes are used to
check this oscillation and produce equilibrium
sooner than would otherwise occur. This is

called damping.
In all of the foregoing, the gyro has been
considered as stationary on shore at the equator.
200. The Action of the Gyroscope at

ning axis parallel in space to the original Another Place than the Equator. If the gyro
position which it occupied when at G in Fig. be at some parallel of latitude other than the
72. Under this assumption there would be equator, the force of gravity is caused to keep
no precession. the axis of rotation of the gyro horizontal to

FIG. 74

the earth s surface and turned into the meridian 73, and 74. For illustration : Assume the gyro

line, i. e., pointing to the earth

s poles, in a of three degrees of freedom at A, Fig. 77, to be
manner similar to that discussed in Figs. 72, not acted upon by gravity. Then as the earth

A Pole

FIG. 78

XOTE. Figures 75 and /6 of the original manuscript are combined in figure 88a.
" "

rotates, the spinning axis, xx, under this as continuous precession tending to keep the
sumption would move through space parallel spinning axis in the meridian plane, i. e., point
to itself as indicated in the successive posi ing true north, as shown in Fig. 80.
tions i, 2, 3, 4 of Figs. 77 and 78. 201. Further Latitude Considerations.
However, as a matter of fact, with gravity Suppose the gyro instead of being located at
acting, the gyro would not arrive at 3 in the a place whose latitude was A, as in Fig. 79,

position shown in Fig. 77 for its spinning axis, was located at latitude B or C as shown in

xx, would be held, by gravity, horizontal to Figs. 81 and 82, respectively. A study of the

FIG. 79

the earth s surface so that it would arrive at

position 3 as shown in Fig. 79. In reaching

position 3 from position i (see Fig. 79) the
spinning axis, xx, will have been tilted through
an angle of 83. This tilting will have been
gradual and continuous during the movement
from (i) to (3) and such a tilt would produce

FIG. 81

figures will show that the angle through </>,

which the spinning axis, xx, must tilt in order

to remain horizontal to the earth s surface, is
less for latitude B, and greater for latitude C,
than it was for the place whose
latitude was A.
Furthermore, as the earth rotates around its
own axis once in 24 hours, each gyro has re
quired the same absolute amount of time, /. e.,
12 hours, to move from position (i) to posi
tion (3) regardless of whether its latitude is
that of A, B or C. But in this same length of

FIG. 80 time, one spinning axis has tilted through an


suddenly released. Under the influence of

gravity the weight will fall from (i) towards
its previous position of rest, but
upon arrival
there will not stop but will be carried to position
2. At this point the weight will stop and begin
to travel upwards towards O but again by

L Position of ftsst
0r Zero Position

a 2

FIG. 83 FIG. 84

virtue of its inertia will pass O and continue

to travel towards ( i ) . There will thus be set

up a series of oscillations of G, and, if it so

happens that the mass of G and the length and
character of the spring are just right for it, 6"

FIG. 82 the oscillation of G will continue for a very

long time unless they are checked or
" "

angle <j) i ,
the other through angle of <

2 ,
the damped
third through an angle </> 3 ,
each differing by the application of some outside force.
from the other and dependent upon the latitude. Under the conditions of Fig. 84, the path
Thus the rate of tilting of xx must vary for followed by any point a, of G, would be the
different latitudes, and as precession results vertical straight line of be. Now, in Fig. 85,
from this tilting, it follows that each particular let a slot be cut in G and in this slot one end of
latitude must have its own rate of tilting, and the axis of spin, xx, of a spinning gyro wheel

resulting rate of precession, if the gyro s spin be inserted as at a, position O, Fig. 85. Let
ning axis is to be kept turned into the meridian, G now be started oscillating in the same manner
f. e., kept constantly pointing true north. as described for Fig. 84. As G rises and falls

202. Damping. Suppose, in Fig. 83, G be in the vertical plane, it will cause xx to rise
a weight hanging quietly at rest suspended by and fall (tilt) with it, but recalling the princi

the spring S. Suppose this weight be lifted ple of precession explained by Fig. 70, we see
by hand to the position i, Fig. 84, and then that xx will not onlv rise and fall with G but


FIG. 85

will precess right and left as illustrated at card, since such a card would be constantly
positions (i) and (2), Fig. 71, so that while oscillating (precessing) through a wide range
the end of xx travels in a vertical oscillation on each side of the meridian thus producing
equal to lie of Fig. 84 it has also a horizontal a compass whose error was constantly changing
oscillation equal to de of Fig. 85. The result from one instant to the next.
is that any point on the end of the axis of spin, Hence, before a gyroscope can be used for
xx, is oscillating both vertically and horizon mounting upon it a compass card that will be
tally at the same time and, in consequence, of any practical value whatsoever, mechanical
describes a path which is an ellipse. arrangements, of one kind or another, for
Now a careful study of Figs. 79 to 82, inclu damping oscillations must be incorporated in

sive, with the text relating thereto shows that the design of such a compass.
the gravity couple (force of gravity) is con An undamped gyro s axis when acted upon
stantly tilting the axis of spin, xx, of the gyros by gravity and the earth s rotation will con
therein shown, to keep them in the horizontal travel around the path of Fig. 86, but
plane. Also there exists the fact that the when this compass has a damping force applied
inertia of the mass of the gyro tends to force to it, its and less and the
oscillations get less
xx on past the horizontal plane, just as G of axis finally settles down at some point >S
Fig. 84 was forced past its middle, O, position, tling point) at which it remains practically
and that when forced past gravity tends to constant for the place (the latitude). See
return So, in reality, in a spinning gyro
Fig. 87.
scope there may be the same kind of vertical
oscillations and corresponding precessions as
indicated in Fig. 85 and these will continue

unless checked or damped."

H o^

FIG. 86 FIG. 87

In a gyroscope in which the oscillations

just Explanation of the Principle of the
referred to are allowed to take place unchecked
Application of the Damping Force of Couple.
or undamped, the end of the axis of
spin is con In Fig. 88 let A be a gyroscopic wheel with the
stantly describing a curve similar to that of usual axes YY, ZZ, and axis of spin xx. Let
Fig. 86.* the horizontal and vertical planes through the
In a gyroscope in which such oscillations
meridian be as indicated. Let xx be tilting
are unchecked or undamped, the oscillations
downward under the influence of gravity g.
continue for a very long time and render
Let gi represent the continuation of the down
such a gyro useless for carrying a compass
ward tilt past the horizontal because of the
Try this with a torpedo gyro. wheel A s inertia. The resulting precession

around axis ZZ due to the tilt g + gi would be In the earlier German compass the damping
pg + pi as shown in the figure and the end of force or couple consisted in the action of an
xx would tend to take the position (2). Sup
air blast tending to turn the wheel around the A
pose, however, as xx approaches the meridian axis ZZ Sperry compass a connection
in the

and tends to pass it to go on to (2) we forcibly or bearing eccentric to the axis, ZZ, produces

turn it back around the axis ZZ. by applying a similar effect. But in each compass damping

an external couple or force

must be produced if the compass is to be of
to it d. This rota
tion of A by d around the axis ZZ will cause
any use to the mariner*
The diagrams below show the character of
tilting of xx around
(the YY tilt t amount of
the curves of damped and undamped oscilla
being indicated in the figure), with the result
tions in a gyro compass.
that under the combined action of the gravity
and damping forces the axis of the wheel will * The
following explanation of damping is by Mr.
settle at some point 5 (called the settling H. L. Tanner, of the Sperry Company :

point), very close to the meridian and hori As the connection between the bail and wheel case

is eccentric (see e Fig. 90), the torque applied to the

zontal planes and, in a properly designed, con
wheel case is about a line inclined to the horizontal by
structed and operated machine, will, for all an angle equal to the angle of eccentricity of the above
practical purposes, remain at 5\ Any condi connection. This causes precession about a line in
tion and direction of forces might have been clined the same amount to the vertical, i. c., a line

taken for illustration and passing through the eccentric connection and the
might be either

center of the wheel. This precession may be resolved

above or below the horizontal, or east or west into two components, one in a horizontal plane and
of the meridian, but in any case very small one in a vertical, and it will always be found that the
and component in the vertical plane is in such direction a?
practically constant so long as the gravity
to decrease the angle of tilt of the wheel s axis, thus
and damping couples (forces) act as just
de-energizing it and reducing the amplitude of it-
described. oscillations about the meridian."

FIG. 88a

the Sperry compass a similar result is obtained

Figs. 79, 81 and 82 it is shown that the

spinning axis has tilted through 37, 83

and by different mechanism described later.
1 08,
respectively and that in each case it re The German compasses of 1910 were all ad
quired the same amount of time, 12 hours, justed for a mean latitude of 50 north. In

to do it. going to other latitudes the errors due to

The rate of tilting in each case
is 3.0, 6.9 change in latitude, which error is corrected in
and 9.0 per hour, respectively, and this rate is each case by shifting the lubber s line, are given
in the following table
different for each and every position in lati

tude. Or, to put it in another way, each and FOR A COMPASS ADJUSTED TO BE CORRECT ix LATITUDE
every latitude requires its own particular rate 50 N.
Error required to be corrected by
of tilting, and resulting precession, in order to shifting lubber s lino (German
Latitude of Place Compass)
turn the axis, xx, into the meridian and to keep
60 N o 36 easterly.
the compass pointing true north.
50 N None, compass
this in mind, and referring to the
Bearing designed for
damping force d of Fig. 88, we see that d this latitude.

has to balance a rate of precession that varies

with every change in latitude, and that unless
thisbalance is absolutely exact for each lati
tude the compass will change the position of
its settling point, S, upon a change of latitude

so that while in one latitude it might settle at

204. How the Gravity Couple or Force of
S, in other latitudes settle at vS\, or S.2
might Gravity is Applied in the Gyroscopic Com

relative to the meridian plane. This balance is

pass to Keep Tilting the Spinning Axis, xx,
very difficult to
accomplish in the actual build into the Horizontal Plane. Throughout this
ing of a compass.

paper the expression gravity keeps the spin

In practice, it is customary to mechanically "

ning axis turned into the horizontal plane

construct a material compass which is exactly has been repeatedly used. (Study Figs. 76,
balanced or adjusted for one latitude, then cal 79, 81, 82 and 88.) Gravity is utilized to ac
culate the error of the settling points (relative complish this as follows :

to themeridian) for other latitudes and correct In the German compass of 1910 the casing
for them by moving the lubber s line. In the carrying the gyro wheel is suspended from a
German compass, this is done by loosening a hollow circular ring, rr, floating in a bowl of
couple of set screws and shifting the plate mercury, mm. The gyro wheel casing is rigidly
which has the lubber s line marked on it. In connected to rr bv H
and Z, and as rr floats

horizontally on the surface of the mercury at The flexible pin connection e prevents this and
every latitude, then xx, by the construction, is thus gravity acting by means of B
through e
constrained to remain horizontal at every lati constantly tends to keep the plane of the spin
tude. ning wheel, A, vertical and its spinning axis
205. The Damping Couple. A study of
Fig. 90 will show that when A and B tend to
separate not only is the gyro wheel rotated
around the YY
axis, but if e be set off to one
side of the axis ZZ, A will receive from B
through e rotation around ZZ. This brings
into play the damping force d as
explained in
Fig. 88. In this compass, e, of Fig. 90, is

called the eccentric bearing."

FIG. 89 206. of Preceding Notes.
Summary So
has been written refers entirely to
far, all that
In the Sperry compass, a similar result is
a compass mounted on a stationary base on
obtained by a different construction.
shore. The notes have indicated the following
points :

1. The
axis of the gyroscope, with three de
grees of freedom, tends to remain pointed in
one and the same direction in space unless acted
upon by an external force.
2. That in the gyroscopic compass the ten
dency of paragraph i is constantly overcome
by a mechanical application of the force oi
gravity, which constantly tends to pull the axis
of the spinning wheel into a horizontal position
c relative to the earth s surface.
That the pull of paragraph 2 causes the
axis totilt and this tilt results in
which tends to make the spinning axis of the
gyro always lie in a meridian plane (tends to
set itself parallel to the earth s axis), i. e.,
always point towards the earth s true poles,
In Fig. 90, A is the casing carrying the gyro i.
e., true north.
wheel, xx its spinning axis the horizontal and
; 4. That because of the material gyroscopic
vertical axes, YY and ZZ being shown also. wheel possessing mass and inertia, the fore
Between the ring C and the wheel casing A is a going combined causes produce oscillations
weight B (called the "bail") supported at in thespinning wheel, rendering it useless for
points // outside of the gyroscope proper. Un carrying a compass card unless these oscilla
der the. influence of gravity, this weight hangs tions are checked or damped.
in the vertical plane through // whatever may 5. That damping is an essential feature of
be the latitude of the place. There are slots in every practical gyroscopic compass.
C which allow B to do this. Between the wheel 6. That a compass may be built to read cor

casing A and the weight or bail B there is at c rectly for one latitude but will be in error in
a pin connection or bearing. another latitude.
Now the bail B constantly hangs in the verti That the error in any latitude, other than
cal plane, but the plane of the gyro wheel A that for which the compass was designed, is
tending to keep its position in space as the allowed for by moving the zero point (lubber s
earth revolves will tend to separate, from B. line) to compensate for the error due to differ-

ence in latitude. This correction which is de before one can ascertain the true location of
pendent upon the latitude alone is known as the meridian.

the latitude correction."

Referring to Figs. 81 and 82, suppose we
207. The Compass Mounted on a Moving take the compass at latitude B of Fig. 81,
Ship.* The gyroscopic compass on a moving mount it on board ship and steam true north
at a speed of 10 knots per hour to the
whose latitude is C of Fig. 82.
By so doing we have steamed directly from
a place at which the rate of tilting of xx was
37 in 12 hours to a point at which the rate is
108 in 12 hours. Suppose in starting from
B, we had steamed 20 knots per hour instead of
10 knots. We
would thus arrive at C in one-
half the time would have taken us at 10 knots

and the rate which this change in the tilt

of xx takes place, as due to differences in speed,
would be twice as great in the second case as
in the first case. Thus speed is introduced as
ship does not point exactly to the true north a factor.
but constantly requires the introduction of some Suppose, starting from any point, we steam
three positive, or negative, correction factors true east at either 10 or 20 knots. As we do
not change our latitude, the rate of tilting of xx
The following explanation of the deflection due to
is the same at
the actual movement of the ship north, or south, is every point at which we arrive
due to the courtesy of Mr. Harry L. Tanner, Engineer as it was at any point we left. There is no
of the Sperry Gyroscope Co. :
appreciable disturbance of the compass from
If we assume the ship to be at rest and the earth

this case because the ships speed is

rotating, the compass will assume a position with its
additive to that of the surface of the earth, as
axis in the plane of the earth s axis then if we assume ;
the earth revolves on its axis, and is negligible.
the earth to be standing and the ship to be moving
north over the earth s surface, it will be moving in Suppose we steam NE. true. Then the true
a great circle, the axis of which lies in the plane of northerly component of the ship s speed will
the equator and the end of the compass wheel which have an effect, because it changes the rate of
is normally the north end will point west. It is evi
tilting of xx and as this northerly component
dent that if we combine the movement of the ship and

the rotation of the earth the compass will assume an depends upon the ship s course, the course is
intermediate position, and as the velocity due to the thus introduced as a factor.
rotation of the earth is many times that due to the
movement of the ship, this position will deviate but
slightly from the plane of the earth s axis. The
amount of this deviation may be computed as follows :

In Fig. ab represent the linear velocity of the

i let

compass due to the rotation of the earth (this velocity

of course will vary with the latitude, being propor
tional to the cosine of the latitude) and be the
velocity of the ship with respect to the earth the ofEartk
resultant velocity will then be ac and the deviation
of the compass will be equal to the angle cab.
In Fig. 2 the ship is shown with an easterly velocity
be and as ac coincides with be, no deviation of the
FIG. 91
compass will be produced.
Fig. 3 shows the ship moving northeast and the The relative effects of moving the compass
angle cab is intermediate between that of Figs. I and
in north and south directions, i. e., steaming
2. In practice, line ab is so long with respect to line
be that the easterly component of be may be neglected
on these courses, compared with movement in
and only the northerly component, which is equal to easterly or westerly directions is indicated very
be cosine ship s heading, need be considered. simply in Figs. 91 and 92.

In Fig. 91 let A
be a gyro at the equator, rings K K on the binnacle in the same or simi
the projection in Fig. 92 being on a meridian lar manner as the ordinary magnetic compass
plane. If we steam true north or south from is mounted in its binnacle stand.
A to B, or to C, we do not transport xx parallel Secured rigidly to the stem H of the phantom
to itself in space but by introducing gravity isa large gear wheel, NN, having 360 teeth,
cause it to tilt and this tilting of xx
as shown, one tooth for each degree of azimuth. This
causes precession, the rate of which is affected, gear wheel can only move with the phantom and
not only by the latitude we happen to be in, conversely when the gear wheel, NN, is moved
but by the speed with which we steam from the phantom must move.
A to B, or to C.
Rigidly secured to the frame /, and thus
is a motor, M, whose
fixed relatively to the ship
small spur wheel zv engages with the teeth of
NN. Mounted rigidly on NN is the compass
card CC graduated to 360. Flush with the
surface of the compass card is a flat ring, FF,
on which is engaved the lubber s line. FF
issupported by brackets, QQ, on the frame /.
Rigidly secured to the lubber s ring, FF, is a
transmitter P whose function is to transmit

electrically torepeater compass at the

FIG. 92
helmsman, or to the pelorus repeaters, any
In Fig. 92 we have a projection on the plane movement made by the compass card CC.
of the equator. From A let us steam true east, The wheel A
together with the wheel casing
or west, to B In so doing we have
or to C. B and the ring D
is called the sensitive ele

transported the spinning axis xx of the gyro ment. As a matter of fact, and most impor
scopic wheel parallel to itself in space, in conse tant, the sensitive element is the real gyroscopic
quence of which there is no resulting preces compass, and all the other mechanism is in
sion. See Figs. 66 to 69 and the text thereon. stalled simply toreproduce the exact move
If we steam east or west from any other lati
ment, headings, or readings of the sensitive
tude we do not change the rate of tilting of xx,
element in azimuth without interfering with it.
hence there no change in precession due
is to
Attached to the sensitive element, on the verti
an east or west course alone. two electrical
cal posts, a, a, as shown, are
208. The Sperry Compass. Fig. 93 is a
which make a light elec
trolley contacts, a, a,
diagrammatic sketch of the Sperry compass. trical contact with double stationary contacts
It isonly intended to illustrate certain princi The
bb ,
bb carried by the phantom. object of
ples of construction and operation. make
this mechanism is to the phantom carry
The gyroscope wheel A is mounted to spin

on a horizontal axis, xx, within the casing B, ing the compass card follow exactly every
movement in azimuth of the axis of the gyro
which is pivoted on the horizontal axis YY
wheel and thus register in degrees either the
through its center of gravity and carried by
the frame or vertical ring D. The ring D is heading (course) of the ship or the direction
in which the gyro axis, xx, is pointing relative
suspended by the tortionless strand E and
to the meridian. Furthermore, this movement,
guided by bearings ZZ to allow a free oscilla
tion of limited amount about its vertical axis by means of the repeating transmitter, P, is
ZZ within the frame or .phantom G. sent to every steering compass, bridge pelorus,

The phantom G has a hollow stem H to and repeater compass in the ship. This work-
which the strand E is attached at its upper end, is performed without any interference with the
and the stem forms a journal for rotation in freedom of action of the sensitive element
azimuth with respect to the supporting base except that of the very light touch of the elec
frame /. The frame / is mounted in gimbal trical contacts aa and bb bb .

FIG. 93. Partial diagram of section in an cast and west line illustrating mounting and the
follow up system.
FIG. 94. Wheel Casing and Vertical Supporting Ring, North End.

FIG. 95. Wheel Casing and Vertical FIG. 96. Phantom Card, Azimuth Gear and Cam
Supporting Ring, East Side. for automatic Correction Mechanism.

Illustrations of the sensitive element and As stated previously in these notes, the gyro
phantom are shown in Figs. 94, 95 and 96. scopic compass on moving ships does not point
Compare them with 93. Fig".
north as has been supposed, but constantly re
The method of operation follows : quires the introduction of some three positive,
or negative, correction factors before one can
Referring to Fig. 93, let us assume that the
ascertain the true location of the meridian.
compass has been shut down and stopped for
While on land a gyro compass will point to
several days, that the ship isup to the
the absolute north, yet when mounted upon a
dock and is stationary, heading say SE. and
that the sensitive element has stopped so that moving body, as a ship, which has a northerly
or southerly course, or component of course,
its axis happens to be pointing in the direction
the gyroscope no longer receives simple easterly
of the keel line, SE. and NW., which is perpen
motion (from the earth s rotation) but a mixed
dicular to the plane of the paper upon which
motion, and is accordingly deflected from the
Fig. 93 is drawn. Now
start the up compass. meridian to correspond with the new relative
As the wheel A gathers speed, it will tend to
axis in space. The amount of this deflection
move out of the plane of the paper upon which
depends upon three variables, namely, the
Fig. 93 is drawn and the axis, xx, will tend to course of the ship, the speed upon such course
turn into the meridian to point north and south,
and the latitude. The latitude also introduces
carrying with it the sensitive element. As the a second correction, due to certain character
sensitive element moves in azimuth to seek the
istics of the compass. The formula for the
meridian the contacts aa come in touch with the total deflection is as follows :

contacts bbbb and send current through the

azimuth motor M
which in turn rotates NN Dn aKcoscosLH ,
b tan L.

(and the phantom and compass card) through

exactly thesame number of degrees in azimuth Where D = total correction for the deflection
of the gyro compass from true geographical
through which xx has turned. In other words
the compass card is forced to register exactly north ;
H = ship s heading or direction of travel
the movement in azimuth of the gyroscopic on course figured degrees from the geo

wheel. graphical north; K

speed in knots; L = lati
tude and a and b are constant reduction factors
As NN is revolved by
turns the spur M it

wheel wof the repeater transmitter P. This

for the units employed and certain dimensions
of the instrument.
wheel carries a commutator or contact maker 5"

Heretofore it has been necessary to make

which energizes the motors of the compass
simultaneous readings of these three indepen
cards of each and every repeater compass in
dent factors and compute the total correction,
the ship and makes them, too, register exactly
or else consult elaborate printed tables to deter
as the compass card, CC, of the master com
mine the positive or negative correction neces
passshown in Fig. 93.
sary, in some cases to make various adjust
The conception and construction of this

ments by the addition or removal of weights
low up and repeating system

is very pretty. with changes of latitude. Mr. Sperry has pro

209. The Automatic Correction System. duced an automatic correction apparatus which
Fig. 97 is a diagrammatic sketch of this mech constitutes a simple part of the compass struc
anism. In studying this figure it must be borne ture, by means of which all of the above com
in mind that it is a sketch made
solely for the ponents of deflection are exactly compensated
purpose of illustrating principles and is not for and automatically entered, so that all read
a mechanical drawing of a machine. It merely
ings of the master compass, together with re
illustrates how the operations may be carried
peating compasses and other auxiliary appa
on but does not show the exact mechanical de ratus are always held dead upon the meridian.
tails of the construction.
In Fig. 97 and in The indication of each repeater located at re
Fig- 93 the same parts have the same letters. mote parts of the ship is always held true and

c . , n
obeed uavvee.l\on

FIG. 97. Diagram of Automatic Correction Mechanism.


found to read exactly upon the sun without For any specific course, the amount of cor
any of the troublesome correcting factors men rection introduced by the link work /, m, n, o
tioned above. will be always the same, provided the length

In Fig. 97, the compass card CC, the phan and relative positions of the link work arms
tom G, sensitive element BD, lubber s line ring I, m, n, etc., remain unchanged.
FF, azimuth motor M, repeater transmitter The speed correction dials K, and the lati
Pw etc., are all shown, lettered and indicated tude correction dial L are a complicated series
as in Fig. 93. of disc cams, so constructed that by loosening
Referring to Fig. 97, the lubber s line ring, up the set screws on either dial the proportional
FF, carries a small-toothed rack r, engaging arrangement of the arms of the link work sys
in the teeth of the arm s, the arm j being pivoted tem connected to that dial may be altered with
at i. Rotation of J around i causes the lubber s out changing the relative effect of the link arms
line ring, FF, to slide around in its bearings, attached to the other dial. (The diagram does
QQQQ. not show the mechanical details of this con
An arm / connects s to the latitude correc struction.)
tion dial L, which in turn is connected to the Thus, to set the latitude dial so as to intro
speed correction dial by the arm m, and K K duce its correction, slack up on the latitude
in turn is connected by the arms n and o to a dial set screw, turn the dial L to the proper
roller bearing t which engages in the slot of latitude reading and then clamp the set screw
the cosine cam T. (See also Fig. 93.) The link work system now has the
be seen that this construction is in
It will latitude correction combined with the course
effect a system of link work such that as t To add the speed correction to the
moves in accordance with the guide slot of the
foregoing, slack up the set screw on the speed
cam T, its motion is transmitted through o, n, correction dial, K, turn this dial until it is set
m, I, s and r to the lubber s line ring, FF, and for the speed at which the ship is steaming,
moves it to the right or left by an amount which
then clamp the set screw. The proportion of
is necessary to make the desired correction. The |

the arms of the link work system have now

cosine cam T is designed to correct for the j

been so adjusted that the corrections for speed

course of the ship, i. e., when the ship changes
isautomatically added to that for the latitude
her heading (or course) T automatically intro
and course, and the lubber s line indicates, on
duces that correction referred to where it stated
the master compass card CC, the exact true
introduced as a

thus the course is factor."

course the ship is steering and all other repeater
When FF is moved by s, the repeating trans
mitter wheel w rolls CC which remains
around [
compasses in the ship indicate the same course
as the master compass. ,See Fig. 98.
fixed, and thus each repeater compass in the |

is made to read exactly as the master com Fig. 99 shows a setting for 15 knots speed
pass. For example, if the lubber s line were , in latitude 40 N.
moved 3 to the right of its position of o as As the factor introduced by the cosine cam
shown in Fig. 97, the course by the master com T is constant, this cam is so designed that when

pass would then read N. 3 E. But while FF once installed no further adjustment of the cam
moved would carry the re
to the right 3 it

itself is necessary.
peater wheel w with in and cause w to roll When the compass is running normally and
around on CC and this movement of 3 would the dials are set for the correct latitude and
thus be electrically transmitted to, and simul speed there should be no error and this should
taneously, registered on every repeater compass be shown by the fact that true bearings or
in the ship so that they, too, would read N. 3 azimuths of the sun as observed by an azimuth
E. exactly the same as the master compass. circle on a repeater should be the same as the

The cosine cam T thus regulates the amount true bearing of the sun worked out by the azi
the lubber s line is moved to correct the error muth tables. If these agree exactly there is
introduced by the ship steaming on any course no error in the compass and all bearings taken,
between north and south, east and west. or courses steered, by it are true.

FIG. 98. Portion of Master Compass Card, Showing Exact Meridianal

Course, also the Amount of Correction being Automatically Introduced at
the Moment.

If azimuths of the sun indicate an error in hand, turn FF

through the number of degrees
the compass in spite of the fact that the dials measured on the scale h (Fig. 97) as an azi
are correctly set for the correct speed and lati muth of the sun has shown the compass to be
tude, the presence of such an error indicates in error, then clamp or set up
tightly on ; ; .

one of two things, viz. ( i ) The presence of an

Now if the dials are correctly set for speed and
oscillation, during which the error passes slowly latitude the master compass and all repeaters

FIG. 99 FIG. 99A. Cosine cam engages here.

to a maximum easterly error, then back to a should show no error, by observation of the
corresponding maximum
westerly error, and sun, under all conditions of service.
so continues for some time until the oscillation
210. To Determine if the Compass has an
subsides or (2) The compass may have
Oscillation. The period of the compass, i. t.,
changed settling point so that
its it has a con
the time it takes to make one complete oscilla
stant easterly, or westerly, error.
tion varies from 70 to -80 minutes, hence obser
To Correct a Constant Error. Loosen the
vations of the sun, or Polaris, for azimuth,
small set screws ;; (Fig. 97) found on each
side of the lubber s taken every 10 or 15 minutes apart, extending
line aft. Loosening these
screws allows the lubber turned over a period of 70 to 80 minutes, will show
s line ring to be
independently of the short rack r driven by .y. whether the compass is oscillating and, if so,
By means of the thumb and forefinger of each the amount of such oscillation.

Or if calm and smooth, 10- to 15-

the sea is thiscompass have referred (i) to a compass
minute comparisons of the ship s head per gyro mounted on shore and (2) to a compass
compass with that per standard magnetic com mounted on board a ship moving in a smooth
pass will disclose the oscillation. i calm sea.

Or if the ship is at rest, as at anchor in a When the ship rolls and pitches, new forces
smooth harbor, and no sun is available, the rise and conditions arise. The forces due to the
and fall of the axis due to an oscillation is in rolling and pitching of the ship may be re-
dicated by the travel of the bubble in the spirit i
solved into two components ( i ) the accelerat

levels attached to the compass. ing forces due to reversal of direction, and,
211. A Query. To the reader not quite (2} centrifugal forces due to the fact that
familiar with the principles of operation of I
the parts of the compass have an angular motion
the compass the thought may arise that the lub in addition to the motion of translation.
ber s on FF has been indiscriminately
line In the Sperry compass the effect of the ac
moved around CC and then said to give a celeration forces on the compass is overcome
true reading. How can this be so? The keel
by means of the stabilizer gyro shown in Figs.
of the ship has not changed The lubber s line !
100 and IOOA while the centrifugal forces are
on the steering compass and pelorus dials on overcome by means of the compensating
the bridge are absolutely fixed and installed
weights shown in Figs. looa and loob.
parallel to the keel of the ship and cannot be The Sperry compass in service aboard the
changed, yet you are constantly shifting the Montana gave us great comfort and satisfac
lubber s line on the master compass and say tion and we relied upon it. We considered it
this gives true courses and bearings on the
a wonderful instrument and one of the most
bridge ! How can this be so ?
valuable additions of modern science to the sea
The answer is simply this : The compass In the conning-tower, and below
going world.
cards of each and every repeater compass are
decks, freedom from magnetic influence
its is
controlled and moved by the lubber s line ring
most valuable.
FF. They move with it and not with the com
It requires for its proper functioning the in
pass card CC of the master compass. The com
telligent care and supervision of officers and
pass card of the master compass by virtue of
its association and connection with the sensi
electricians who know how to run it, but it did
not require greater specialization along its par
tive element, serves as a scale upon which to
ticular lines than did guns, torpedoes, chro
indicate the true bearing of the meridian.
we move the lubber s line, FF, around
nometers or any other mechanical devices in
Hence, if

CC to a point reading, say on CC, then stalled in a modern ship.

each repeater compass card will move around I have only praise for it. Like everything
to register 346 by the fixed lubber s (keel) else, though, success with it depends upon in
lineson the bridge compass, and will show the telligent care and operation.
ship to be steaming a true course of 346. If
346 be not the course to be steered to reach APPENDIX.
port, then the keel of the ship is altered by the
213. The following explanation of the devia
rudder to such a course as will bring her to
tions due to accelerating and centrifugal forces
the desired destination.
In other words, in the master compass we
and their correction is by Mr. Harry L. Tanner,
have the lubber s line travel around the master engineer of the Sperry Gyroscope Company,
to whom acknowledgment is here made :

:ompass card, but in the repeater compass the

card travels around under the lubber s line. 214. Compass Deviations Due to Accelera
As the movement in azimuth is identical in tion Forces. The compass wheel, wheel case
each case, each compass will read the same and bail may be represented diagrammatically
number of degrees. |
by a rotating disk A, Fig. 101, rotating on bear
212. Rolling and Pitching. All of the fore ings B in a U-shaped frame C, which is in turn
going notes upon the principle of operation of suspended by means of a flexible cord D.

FIG. 100. Floating Ballistic or Stabilizer.


FIG. IOOA. Master Compass, North West Elevation Showing Stabilizer or


Floating Ballistic B, and compensating weight WW.

FIG. IOOB. Compensator \Yeight and Frame.


The ballistic factor of the

compass is repre therefore add, giving a torque about the ver
sented by the weight of the disk A, multiplied tical axis of the disk which, acting through

by the distance from center of the disk to point a cycle of precessions, will cause a movement
E when flexible cord D is attached to frame C. of the disk in the direction of the torque.
Similarly, it may be shown that alternate
NW. and SE. accelerations will produce a
torque in the opposite direction about the ver
tical axis.
the direction of the acceleration pressures

approaches the EW
line it is evident that the

NS. component of the force F cos a will ap

proach zero and as the acceleration pressures
approach the NS. line, the lever arm of these
forces about the vertical axis will approach
zero, in either case resulting in zero torque
about the vertical axis.
Asexplained, the compass deviations, due
to accelerating forces, are due to the fact that
the force and lever arm reverse at the same
instant, giving a torque in a constant direction
about the vertical axis of the compass. By
P/an reducing either of these components to zero
or making the direction of either constant while
FIG. 101
the other changes, we shall have either zero
Nowsuppose, for instance, that the compass
be accelerated alternately NE. and SW., Fig.
1 02. The whole compass will act as a pendu
lum and will take up a position such that the
cord D will be parallel to the line of the force
F, which is the resultant of the acceleration
force and gravity.
The frame C will respond to the EW. com
ponent of this force, but not to the NS. com
ponent on account of being stabilized in this
direction by the disk A.
Let a, shown
in projection in Fig. 102 as a ,

represent the angle between force F and the

horizontal plane, then the horizontal component
of F will be F cos a. When the acceleration
force is NE. the NS. component of this force
will produce a torque about xy, which lies in
the plane of the disk. This torque may be re
solved into a component about the vertical axis
zy and a component about the horizontal xz.
Similarly, when the acceleration force is SW.
the arrows z y and x z represent components SW
of torque about the vertical and horizontal
axes respectively. It will be seen that the torque about the vertical axis or equal positive
torques about xz and x z are equal and oppo and negative torques, which would give a re
site and therefore cancel, but that the torque sultant zero torque. The latter method is made
about zy and z y are in the same direction and use of in the compass.

As allof the forces acting upon the wheel in The small gyroscope, B, spins upon an EW.
the compass are introduced through the bail, axis and is free to precess about a vertical axis,

it is only necessary to hold the point of connec the bearings being shown at CC.
tion between the bail and wheel case fixed with Due to the stablizing effect of the gyroscope
respect to a vertical line passing through
the B, the frame D
will be held in a fixed relation

center of the wheel. As far as the effect of to a vertical line passing through the center of
the acceleration force goes, it makes no differ the main compass wheel, and the small rollers,

ence what this position is so long as it is fixed, EE, are therefore held a fixed distance from a

FIG. 103

but to secure damping it is nearly one-fourth plane passing through the axis of the main
inch to the east of the center of the wheel. wheel. These rollers run in tracks, F attached

Referring to Figs. 103 and 104 it will be to thewheel case and G attached to the bail.
noted that the stablizer is mounted on the north 215. Compass Deviations Due to Centri
side of the compass wheel case, the bearings fugal Force. Cause of Deviations. If a bar
at point A leaving it free toswing about an A, Fig. 105, be suspended by means of a wire
axis parallel to that about which the main com loop B, and a thread C, and be swung as a
pass wheel spins. pendulum about an axis passing through D

Dash Pot

Rotor <=(- Case

Rotter SuppcrtAssembled .

FIG. 104

it will take up a position such that the bar A, \

pendulum is swung. The arrows represent
and thread C, will lie in a plane perpendicular ;
the direction in which the bar would turn. This


FIG. 105
FIG. 106
7 ^

FIG. 1 06 A

to the axis of swing through D. This is illus has been determined mathematically and later
trated in Figs. 106 and io6a in which repre A verified by actually constructing the apparatus
sents the bar and ab the axis about which the as illustrated and testing.
It will at once be arc of a circle of which the center lies in the
Application to Compass.
seen from Figs. 107 and 108 that the vertical axis ab. Thus
the particle c would move in an
arc of a circle of radius cd and in a plane per
ring, wheel case and stator of the compass,
i. e.,

the entire sensitive element with the exception pendicular to ab. The centrifugal force then
of the rotor (which does not enter in any way would be directed along the line dc. This force
can be resolved, as shown, into components cf
and eg. Then eg can be again resolved into

components eh and ci. It will be seen that all

components such as have no effect other than


to produce tension in the bar A but that all

components such as ch produce a couple tend
ing to rotate the bar toward a position perpen
dicular to ab.
Remedy. From Figs. 106 and io6a it will
be seen that two like bars which are 90 apart
FIG. 107 FIG. 1 08
have equal torques in opposite directions.
on account of being free to turn on its
bearings Therefore, if we should fasten two of these
about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the bars together the forces would exactly neutral
paper and being stabilized about an axis pas ize each other. This would be true when the
sing through the horizontal bearings of the cross placed in any position so long as the

case) may be replaced by a weightless rod H, bars are at right angles to each other, as the
a weightless support / and thread K and two torque proportional to the product of the

weights /, /. sine and cosine of the angle with the axis of

swing so comes up to a maximum at 45 and

drops to zero at o or 90.
It will be evident from Fig no (or Fig.

noa) that the effect of the crossed bars may

be secured in the compass by attaching arms
MM to the north and south sides of the vertical

Front Elevation

FIG. 109


Theory. Fig. 109 shows the apparatus of ring and attaching weights LL to them at points

Fig. 105 swinging about an axis which makes in line with the center of the wheel. These
an angle of about 45 with the bar A. It is weights must be attached to the vertical ring as
evident that any point in the bar will swing in they would have no effect if attached to the
a plane perpendicular to the axis ab and in the stabilized case. See Figs. looa and loob.




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